Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 09, 1888, Page 8, Image 8

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    < * 3 " . -T j fy
N ig igy .
The KcUormnn public cchool OnVcst
Park street near the city limits , opetied
yesterday with Miss HutuhiiiHon in
Justice Anderson yesterday issued a
large number of attachment : ) against
the grocery store of M. Strumpf , at
Fourth and Walnut streets.
The remains of Robert C. Goodwin
wore shipped to Kcokulc , la. , Sunday
nfternoon , and were attended to the
depot by an escort of the Knights of
The Sams Jewelry company has filed
nrtlcloB of incorporation. The capital
stock IH $ :10 : , < M)0. ) The incorporates are
C. H. HiH-oll , II. S. Howard and J. K.
Owing to the continued illness of Ser
geant Mat/.a the ] > olieo and fire commis
sioners at its hiHt meeting decided to
nsk for the tender of his resignation of
that position ho that a successor may be
The tax sales advertised in Tin : Hr.i :
have hud the elleet of sending a large
number of surjiri'-ed property owners to
the county treasumr to pay Choir taxes.
Some had forgotten and others hud neg
lected to pay before.
The owner of a team stolen at Mitch
ell , Dak.asintho city Sunday. Ho
tracked the thief as far as Ulair. One
of the animals was a two-year-old that
had never been hitched up before , but
the thief drove it seventy miles the lirst
Henry Hornberger. who ruin a saloon
at l.'Wl Douglas street , and who was ar
rested about a month ago for belling
liquor after midnight , conducted his
own case before n jury in police court
yesleiday. Ho had been seen by Olli-
cors Green and Ha/o dealing out liquor
between the hours of li and ! i in the
morning , but the legal ability of the
defendant enabled him to so pu//.lo the
jury that uftnr considering Ihe ease for
an hour and a half they failed to come
to an agreement.
Tom C Jarvls of the Jarvis Dramly com
pany , California , is in town on business for
the linn , lie thinks Omaha the finest city
between San rr.meKco and Chicago.
Mr. Patrick ll.iggcrty. a prominent iner
cnant of O'Neill , is in the city on a brief
visit. H. W. McCtuic , a banker of the same
city , accompanied him. They will return
this morning.
A Counterfeit and Swindle.
C. E. Wheaton , u farmer residing near
Kearney , was at the sjockyards yesterday ,
met a couple of new acquaintances and oblig
ingly changed n 4100 bill for one of them ,
which afterwards proved to bo counterfeit.
The shurpcis have not been arrested.
Dangerously III.
Sergeant Mat/a , of the department of po
lice , is reported to bo a very sick man. The
latest rumors alloat are to the effect that if
a change does not soon occur , he will never
again bo seen at his post of duty His af
fections are of a feverish tendency , and so
badly complicated , that it is said they bailie
the skill of the medical profession.
Stole n. Horse and Iltifjey.
An unknown thief stole a horse , and buggj
belonging to C.A. Mentor , on Capital avenue
last Saturday evening. The horse was tied
nt the corner of Twenty-fifth and Davenport ,
streets , when the thief came up , cut the rein ,
and , getting into the buggy , drove away.
The thief is being hunted in every direction
by deputy sheriffs
Seriously Injured.
It is now claimed thot Oscar J. Martin , a
well-known young railroad man of this city ,
who was injured in the lower Union Pacific
yards on Wednesday of last week , is in amore
moro serious condition than was at first ex
pected. Ho now lies in a critical condition
at his homo in Council Dluffs. He is a mem
ber of the Olivette Circle , and admired by
all bis friends.
A Kleptomaniac.
C. Johnson , residing on Mason street near
Twentieth , is again in custody , this time for
the larceny of some carpenter tools. Johnson
has Just completed a term in the county Jail ,
whither ho was sent on a similar charge. He
lias a mania for appropriating articles to his
own use that belong to some ono clso and for
this reason spends a goodly portion of his
time in Jail. Judge Derka furloughcd him
for thirty days in the county Jail on bread
and water.
Green turtle fcoup to-day at Ed Mau-
ir's restaurant , 11214 Farnam street.Mau
Dentil ofn Mercy Slater.
A life devoted to acts of charity was
brought to a close yesterday , wncn Sister
Mary Scholostica Cawley passed peacefully
away at St. Mary's convent. Her former
home was in Pittsburgh , Pa. , and she was
transferred to the convent here some time
ago , but for the last nine months consump
tion claimed her for its own , and she was un-
nblo to leave the convent. The funeral will
take place Wednesday morning , when the re
mains will bo interred in the Holy Sepulchre.
Sco Poycko Dro.s for pear cider.
Not n Hotel.
Mr. Joseph Barker , when asked about the
rumor that ho and his brother proposed erect
ing a hotel at Sixteenth and Howard streets ,
said i
"Thoro is no truth ' in the report , nnd I do
not know how it started. Wo own some
ground nt that point , and have said several
times that wo were reiuly to build on it when
ever It looked prolltablo to do so , but it does
not appear that way now. Wo wore negoti
ating at ono time for the erection of an opera
house at Sixteenth and Howard , but the
other paity failed to inako the proper guaran
tees and the project fell through. It may bo
that this gave rho to the rumor of a hotel. "
The best is cheapest. Jarvis 7 7 brandy.
James G. Winstanloy has secured n city
license by means of a writ of replevin issued
"by Justice Holmes. Ho claims that ho was
in partnership with H , C. Virgo , and that ho
pave a city lot to Messsrs. Storz it Her in
payment of the J" > < ) license fee called for by
the city council last spring. The saloon was
situated at the corner of Nineteenth street
nnd St. Mary's avenue , and having some
light misunderstanding with his partner , ho
took down the license with the Intention of
asking Messrs. Storz it Her the moaning of
nn endorsement put on it by his partner askIng -
Ing for n change of location. Mr. Storz
took1 It. and then refused to return it ,
although repeatedly asked to do so. and finally -
ally foreclosed a mortgage , nnd sold the en
tire outfit to ono Krnost Moyors. On making
the necessary affidavit , the writ was granted
nnd Constable Eddy captured the license on
Saturday night. The hearine of the case Is
Bet for October 10.
Six gold medals awarded Jarvis brand v.
I'oor In Dentil.
"I linvo a dead babe and I want a coffin ,
but I'm too poor to buy it , " said a woman to
Mr. Pat Heafy Sunday morning , nnd when
ho asked her where it was she broke down
tmd sobbed out , "Hero. " And it was there ,
lying closely to her brcnst , ut the close of its
snort life of twenty-ono days. Then she
told her story. Her name was Mary Mown ,
nnd two mouths ago her husband died in
South Omaha , leaving her about to become n
mother. From its birth the child was sickly ,
and Sunday morning it died , while she had
no means to procure n burial. Then she
walked in to the city , carryinu the dead child
with her , and In answer to her appeal Mi' .
Heafy furnished gratuitously ono of the
finest caskets and richest robes his stock af
forded. More than that he allowed the heart
broken mother to select the cemetery and the
lot In which the child will bo buried , and
' terday the cniUl wus laid away at his ex-
'pcniu. _ _ ,
brantly'tho best. .
-to * .
Two Scoundrels Try to Work
Omaha's Oldest Inhabitant.
A Dodge Street llooni the lineal Ofllcc
of the Orrrit Hourly Drnwlnj ;
Five Thousand the 1'rUo
Ho Drew.
Two Crookn Strike n
up nbove the gr.ulo on South Six
teenth street mljnuont to the clmmber of
commerce towers the residence of Mr. A. I ) .
Jones , who was Omaha's first postmaster.
Saturday , ns the noon hour hail ] ust Joined
its predecessors in the decade , the monotony
surrounding the Jones household was broken
by an informal caller , who e.imo ostensibly
on a business err.ind , but principally to prop
agate a swindling scheme of no little magni
tude. He represented himself to bo the son of
John Barker and an attache of the of
Commerce. Ho stated that ho In quest
of n residence for rent , and concluded that ,
Inasmuch as Mr. Jones transacted moro or
less of that business , he would grant him
the patronage. Mr. Jones had some miittlv-
iiifr about the existence of a John Harkor.
At this Juncture , ho drifted upon another
subject and stated that ho had been In Cal
ifornia and "vhllo there purchased a drawing
on n Chicago house. Ho stated that he had
received notice from the agent in Omaha
that his ticket had drawn two historical
books , which mentioned the name of the
listener ( Jones ) as being one of the pioneer
settlers , and us a friend , ho concluded to do
nate one of them to him , at the same time
inviting him to take a walk to the ofllco
whore he kept his library.
The individuals in question started for the
"ofllco" and a short walk brought them to
the Houscl block , 11513 Dodge street , opposite
the Planters' hotel. At this point they
wended their way up the front steps to the
"olllcc. " Upon entering , the "agent of the
Chicago house" was ran fronted nnd
the latter seated himself by a
table and prepared for "business. "
Marker told him that he had been informed
that his ticket had drawn two historical
books , which he hud coum to obtain. The
"agent" said he had received the books , but
they wore damaged in transportation , and
wete not m condition to bo delivered , but
would soon have more and would deliver
them personally. Ho also informed Uarker
that bcsido the books ho had drawn ? 50 ,
which was turned over to him. He said that
there was some "change" over , but that In
such instances his company always gave
tickets instead of money. Ho informed
Darker that he would have to go to Chicago
to draw on the latter tickets , but Uarker
stated that ho connected with the Hank
of Commerce , and could not spare the time.
The agent then said he could make a special
drawing hero , and Darker consented to it.
Ho then spread out a piece of parchment ,
upon which a aeries of ligures printed in
inks of various shades. A number
of cards with numbers on them
were presented to Uarker , and when
the figures on the back were compounded the
aggregate was thirty-two. This , the agent
stated , entitled Marker to $10 and two moro
tickets , which ho gave him. Another draw
was made , but , in the meantime , Darker
stated that he would give one of the tickets
to his f i lend ( Jones ) , and let him try his
luck. They both drew out four cards each ,
which , when added up , aggregated twenty-
seven. This , the agent stated , entitled the
holders to Jfi.OOO each. The "money" was
counted , and the agent placed the package
of greenbacks in the hand of each patronbut
immediately took back the money , stating
that ho had forgotten part of his duty that
was to enquire into the character and stand
ing of the individuals to whom the money
was paid. Ho .stated that each of his patrons
must show that he had $ t,000 ! in hand in cash ,
and under that consideration only could ho
turn over the money. Darker stated that
he would see his wife and obtain
that amount , and Jones also stated that he
would meet the requirement.
The latter two then left the agent with the
understanding that they would soon return
with the collaterals. Mr. Jones instead went
to the Dank of Commerce and made known
the deal to Mr. Oeorgo Darker , of tnut insti
tution. He was instructed to notify the po
lice , and at once reported the matter at
headquarters. Officers Ormsby and Dcinp-
sey were ordered to work the case up. Jones ,
in some unaccountable manner became con
fused as to the number of the house , and
this resulted In the oflleers that were de
tailed to look up the case being turned off the
proper clue.
Mr. Jones describes "Darker" is being a
well-formed , good-looking individual , with a
beardless face , slight build , and below the
medium height of mankind. Ho was attired
in dark clothes. The individual who man
ipulated the cards is described as being
about five feet ten inches tall , of slight
build , dark moustache , and about thirty-llvo
years of ago. Ho also wore dark attiro.
Mr. Jones stated that they both had the ap
pearance of gentlemen and were "interesting
conversationalists. " Ho is of the opinion
that they are still domiciled within the city
limits. The officers ure still on the case , but
thus far have not been successful in running
down their game.
The house in which this unparalleled piece
of rascality was attempted is kept by Miss C.
A. Hamilton. She rents out u number of
rooms. One of these , the parlor on the first
floor , she rented to "Darker" on Friday last.
He paid her a dollar surety and said he would
not desire to occupy the room for two nights.
Saturday , however , he induced Mr. Jones to
accompany him to the apartment ns above de
scribed. The three remained closeted for about
thirty minutes. While theie , two other
strangers arrived , looking for rooms , and
Miss Hamilton knocked at the parlor door ,
with the Intention of showing thatapartmont
to them , thinking that Darker was not as eli
gible a tenant as she desired. The knock
was responded to by "Darker , " who quickly
, and excitedly through a narrow opening re
marked that ho must not bo disturbed for at
least twenty minutes. It was at that time
the sharpers were endeavoring to fleece Mr.
Jones. Shortly afterwards , the trio disap
peared. Miss Hamilton is mortified over the
occurrence. She has seen none of the par-
tics since.
Such , however , is not the experience of her
roomers. Notsatisficd with having attempted
to defraud Mr. Jones , the alleged "Darker , "
early Sunday morning , visited Miss Ham
ilton's , walked through the sleeping apart
ments of all the males , and then walked away
and has not since been seen. Ho was last
observed by Mr. A. O. Kobinow , the elocu
tionist , whoso apartment is at the rear of the
main hall. Mr. Kobinow awoke about 8
o'clock nnd found a stranger in his room.
"What arc you doing hero , sir ! " inquired
"Isn't this Deb Smith's room ! " asked the
intruder , at the same time dropping a picco
of Mr. Kobinow's wearing apparel.
"No , sir , it isn't , was the reply. "
"Are there any sleepers up-stairsi" asUcil
the visitor.
Mr. Kobinow said there were , whereupon
the stranger cooly turned to po. but stopped
long enough to ask if Mr. Kobinow would
have a glass of beer. The latter declined on
the ground that ho was going to church.
"Oh , to with church 1" ejaculated the
sneak , as he coolly closed the door behind
The next instant Kobinow heard the front
summer door slam. Ho rushed out in his
rube do nuil , but no trace of the prowler
could bo found. The household occamo
alarmed , and all the roomers made their ap
pearance , three of them , gentlemen mourning -
ing the loss of coins they hail had In their
pockets. The victims wore W. K. Dennett ,
a plumber , who lost J12 ; A. Miller , a
plumber , lost f.1 , and Mr. Hobinow lost t3.5.
When the last mentioned returned to his
room ho found his keys lying on the floor.
They had been taken off his chain , and If
the owner had not awakened at the time ho
did , it is probable his trunk nnd dressing case
would huvo been rilled by the scoundrel.
You can find cool , well furnished
rooms at the Globe hotel , best located
lioubo in Qninlm.
Wyoming oil lands for sale. Claims
of 40 , 80 , to ICO aerea now on the mar
ket. Complete abstracts .to turtno fur
nished. . J. L. LOYKTT , .
20 So. Thirtconth'st.Omaha ; , Neb , '
Enforcement of a. New llulc Hy Com-
inlNBioti Men ,
Yesterday the following resolution , adopt
ed by the local commission men , on Septem
ber 21 , went Into effect :
KoHolvcd , That on and after October 8 ,
18SS , all sales of butter , eggs , game , poultry ,
vegetables , fruits , and produce generally ,
shall be settled for on the first Monday fol
lowing their dnto at the otllco of the seller.
This was signed by the following commis
sion men : 1'cycne Dros. Co. , Dates & Co , , C.
W Dcall St Co. , S. J. Newman & Co. , Klbbel
& Smith , fico. Schroedcr &Co. , Klrschbraun
fc SOIIH , Kyder & Ollck , Wilcox Dros. fc Co. ,
Dranch & Co. . Hiddoll & Klddoll , Win. Slov-
crs , t Co. . K. Dlngham it Son , Martyn Dros.
& Co. , Whitney it Co. , C. Kosso & Co. , Dar
ker it Sampson , W. L. . Harbor. Troxoll it
Williams , Moore it Patterson , J. H. Keilhiiph
it Co. , H. J. Hhupp it Co. , 1' . Kocco , Uro. it
Co. , Kobt. Purvis , W. H. Young it Co. , J. T.
Jackson & Co ,
A number of these ilrms was seen and each
stated that it was heartily in accord with the
resolution and they intended to llvo up to It
Some of them , however , claimed it
would in no manner affect their business be
cause they are now doing a cash trade and
have been for many years. The Pbycko
Drothcrs company stated that thev had con
versed with a largo number of retail dealers
on the subject and that the majority of them
were s itistled with the proposed change.
There were some , however , who claimed the
new order would be oppressive , because they
had dilllcillty in collecting from their cus
tomers. These were told , however , that
there would bo no exception made Iti their
case. The linn further stated that some of
their patrons wore so pleased with the plan
that tnoy hoped it would bo followed by the
wholesale grocers. The retail grocers in
the heart of the city , who , as a rule , nave
been buying for cash , are satisfied with the
change , feeling that some of the smaller
men will have to retire and let their trade
como to them. Thcro are about three hun
dred and seventy-live grocers in the city , but
these are not the only ones who arc referred
to by the resolution. It strikes at bakers ,
restaurants , hotels , nnd In fact every class of
people who are purchasing from commission
men. The association of these men has the
following oftlcois : J. Williams , president ;
George Schroeder , vice president and Julius
Pcycke , secretary.
They Will Call oil Superintendent
DIckctiHoii to KedroHq Them.
Ttie grievance committee of the Union Pa
cific locomotive engineers waited upon Gen
eral Superintendent Uickenson yesterday.
Up to October 1 the engines employed in
the bridge service \vero classed as road en
gines and wore worked ten hours a day , the
engineers and firemen being pulihro.ul wages ,
or&'i.tsi and $ i.2. " > per day , * espootively. On
that diitc , however , the bridge service was
abolished and the engineers transferred to
the yard and placed in charge of the yard
master. This necessitates their doing switchIng -
Ing and other work when called upon1 , and
working eleven hours per day ; instead of ten ,
and yet , as they are now classed as nwitchini ;
engines , the pay of the engineer is. reduced
33 cents and that of the , fireman 35 cents per
day. In the meantime , tlte conductors and
brakemen get paid "extra for the extra time
they uro employed , nnd „ the churigo leaves
the engineers and firemen to do extra work for
less poy , while the rest r.f the crew
get an advahen for the same thing. The en
gineers claim that one of the rules laid down
by President Adams is that no employe shall
have his pay reduced , while retaining his
situation , but that , if ho leaves it , a cheaper
man may bo employed to do the same work ,
until he becomes accustomed to it , nnd this
rule they claim is being violated. No change
has been made in the work or pay of the en
gineers on the Iowa side of the river , nnd
those employed hero think they arc entitled
to the same privileges.
Consolidating Severn ! Mo.-uls.
The Union Pacific , Lincoln & Coloradq
railway has filed articles of incorporation in
Denver , nnd is the result of the consolidation
of several minor roads with the Union Pacl-
lie. In the first place the Lincoln ft Color
ado was consolidated with the Saltna , Lin
coln & Western , and the Union Pacific ,
under the name of the Union Pacific , Lin
coln it Colorado line in Kansas , nnd that
in turn was consolidated with the Lin
coln , Denver & Colorado , and also with the
the Oaklei' and Colby road. This System
will be known as the Union Pacific , Lincoln
and Colorado , and will be controlled by the
Union Pacific , although the work of consoli
dation was left in the hands of Mr. A. K.
Williams , president of the Lincoln & Colorado
rado , nt Topeka , Kas. At nresent , the Oak-
loy and Colby line is operated its 'entire '
length of twenty-two miles , and the Salina ,
Lincoln & Western , from Salina to tho- west
line of i'lamvillo township , a distance of 107
miles. From Plainvilio west to Colby , on
the Lincoln & Colorado branch , rails ; have
been laid the entire distance , ninety-five and
one-half miles , nnd the road will bo completed
in about ten days , when it will commence to
do duty as a feeder to the main line of the
Union Pacific.
Railroad Notes.
Boon Station , on the Union Pacific twenty-
seven miles west of Oconec , has been opened
for business.
Avery Station , between Albright and Gilmore -
more on the Union Pacific , will bo opened
lor tranic on the 10th.
Two of the new switching engines have
reached the yards , and the boys are taking
notes of Nos. 1103 and licit.
Jerry Fltzmaurico will take charge of the
now half-extension Pittsburg engine ( > DO , in
stead of transfer engine 1)09 ) , as heretofore.
No. 2 on the Union Pacific came in late
Sunday afternoon. First there was a delay
near Choycnno and then the steam chest
blow out at Kearney. From there the dust
flew and the run of 10i ( miles was made in
live and one-half hours , Including numerous
Changes of station agents are reported as
follows at Union Pacific headquarters : H.
C. ClarK , Lookout Station , vlco C. H. Tay
lor , absent with leave ; C. E. Chrisman ,
Kawlins , vice Thoo. Wandcll , assigned ; K.
D. Guilfoylc , vice J. W. Hey , assigned.
All druggists soil Jurvia medical
Determined to Prosecute.
C. W. Stockton , on behalf of the Wells
Fargo Express company , has sworn out an
other complaint against Ed , Harrison , the
forger wanted nt Tuckson , Ara. Ho is
charged with obtaining money at San Fran
cisco , Cal. , by forging drafts on the above
express company. Chief Seavey is in receipt
of u telegram from the coast requesting him
to hold Harrison until the officer from that
point arrives.
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never varies. A marvel of purl
ty.btrength and wholesomeneas. More econom
ical than the ordinary kinds , and cannot bo told
in competition with the multitude of low cost ,
short weight alum or ptaogpoato powders. Sold
only In cans. Koyal UtJuoff I'owdw Co .W
Wall strut , New York.
l for . ! , $
Sauta Abie : and : Cat-R-Cure
For Snle by
Goodman Drug Co.
. nffiml bodily protection "In jour
mlml , " but something mure sub'tnn-
tlnlnlll bo necessary iilicmm | ( , us
w''nr ' ' 'H ' rnplilly niiprnnthlng , In
If n l/TT
VbL VE1 nil'lllloii to hcnvy cIothltiK , their who
im * iinulont will | iro\ldc u supply of
llr.\-us M l'i.viri u In Hiitlclpntlnn < il
. Colds Clu" > t I'ftliiM , lllioiiiiiu.
PHI I AD "H'n. ' Mlutlcii nuil ( ilhur ullmciitn
UULLHn w hlili arc "lire to prevail ilurltiK' the
Full niontli' . Thl plaMcr IH well
kiKinn u < < H tinllormly reliable remedy
_ . * * In such trouMt" j Is ulna's ready for
ftU YnllK tmmcitlntc upjilkiitlon nnd It * elicit
Ull I UU II i * prompt mill permtinent. Astluru
nro ninny spurious iiulliUloii" In tin )
ninrket. < nrelnl buyers will HWI | ) *
I Iliril n k for nt.N"i\.s ) iinU rcfu"U all oilier
LI 11 til JiurmnplnstBM.
tJfScml two rent ftnmp to Sen-
liury V Jonn"on,2l 1'l.iti Mreet , N. V. ,
nilrtTrn for " copy of I
ImNIrK . T"K DUL-IOU , u taluiible liousebulil
uww i 1.11 took.
a man fort groaning when lie has
Hliemnntism or Neuralgia. The pain
is simply nwful. No torture in the
ancient times wax more painful than
these twiif diseases. Hutoiightn't
a man tohobhmicd if , having Khim-
tnatism orJ euralgiii , he wont use
Ath-lo-pUo-roi , when it has cured
thousand-Kwho have suffered in the
same wuy 7 It has cured hundreds
after physicians have pronounced
them incurable.
"Tho eldll of five phjrsicljnn could not
cum me of HJp umatiim * hlch ha < i Milled
ID the hips.tintk and RUouldprB. 80 intense
wnw thepun'thtt Bleep wai almost fmpo -
Hibln. TnAifertt doftn of Athlonhnroe Rave
me relief , il the third cinlilttl mo to ilrep
four and half houra without wakinc.
contlnueAltik we. and am now well. "
REV,5ltt'TBOYA.n , New Albany , Ind.
O-ScndGocntj-forthu bemitlftil colored pic
ture , " Moorish Maiden. "
Vemarkable for powerful iTmp
thetlc tone , pliable action and > b-
Solan durability. 9J yeara' rccor <
the best guarantee of the t c
lence ot tneaa Inntrumento.
Send for rVlnnufs Catalog
GF , Foster Son 5 Co
* 172 Madlnon-at. Chicago.
Our now rATAI.OeUE OP CAM-
C PAION OUTFITS , with conetltution ,
drill tactlci and full Information about
organttlnc and drilling Marching.Clutja. .
A. 6. SPALDINQ ft BROS , ,
Why Have the Baby
Peevish nnil fretful lion quietness atnlghtand
poy in the household by rtiiy h nssurnl by
None Rcnuluo without \Voouiicn & Co. on label
Civil KnKlneerlnp. Classics , ftuslness ,
ItT. ItKV. I' . I ) . iH'NTINOTON. President.
I.T. Cor , . W. VR11UECIC. Superintendent.
l'cekBkill-on-lludsonN. Y. Sund forcutu-
logno. JNO M.TII.UUN.M. IM. A. , Principal.
_ . . . _ . ' clin * anil Function * ! < liwr
ia fUrftareduftAoufKtom&ch Mt-ili' III B.
STRONG SaalcdfrrfttlifMDtrrf nnftppllcailon.
STRONGW.J. CO.l r.rkH . . : uwT k.
Surgeon and Physician ,
OfficeN.W Cuinentth an.l lioiiylnsSt. Ofllcs
telephone , 4U3 ; Hoslduuco telephone. 543.
Advertising lias always proven
Bucoesiful. Before placing any
Newrpnpor Advertising consutt
41 H t ttufelffc SUtiU CHICAGO.
. . , ,
Ono of the Most Successful
In the treatment of DISEASES of the TIIHOAT ,
] , ur > r.R , HKUIT , I.IVEII , KniNF.rti , Uvt : anil BAH.
Dlseasiia of tlio liii.uN and NKHVOUS SVHTUJI ,
amlCiVAium. fin iviij. : Diseases of the Ili.u *
IIKH and RECTUM , all DUoulers of the SK.XUAN
A cure GUARANTEED In all caseaof PIUVATB
under Ills form of treatment.
The tloctor'u theory U that no disease should
bo regarded an incurable until the diseased
oicanls destroyed faster than It can bo repaired.
( Tom his yrara of experience in HOHIMTAI. and
PRIVATE I'IIACTICI : , the doctor la classed among
Treatment by correspondence. Send stamp
for reply. '
Office Bushman Block16th and
Dounlas Sts.i Omaha , eb ,
Is being rapidly pushed to completion nnd we hope to open the same by the 15th hist.
The changes and improvements which we are also making in the old store extend to
every floor and department. Wo propose to have not only the largest , but also the boat
arranged and best lighted Clothing Establishment.
Wo have to apologize to our patrons for the present condition of our store , but it
is unavoidable ; we are not only crowded with goods but crowded with buyers at all
times , and customers may find it a little inconvenient but they will find themselves
amply repaid by the low prices we are making throughout our entire stock and the
many bargains wo are offering.
Our stock of Overcoats is enormous and the change in the weather has created
quite a demand for them. We have everything imaginable , or at least desirable , and
among our stock will bo found many lots which are marked in price far below their in
trinsic value.
The Mens' Suit stock is the heaviest ever shown and ils variety warrants the as
sertion that whoever buys a Winter Suit without at least looking hero , fails to consult
his own interest. There is not an establishment in the west that oflora the selection or
names the prices we do.
Boys and Children are as amply provided for we still have some of the special
bargain Knee Pant Suits at $2.50 a suit , which would be cheap at $5.00. We want every
mother to look at this suit. In long Pant Suits and Boys' and hildren' s Overcoats wo
offer great inducements.
Underwear you can buy of us at lower prices than the regular retailers pay fop
Gloves , Hosiery , Neckwear and all other Glens' furnishings at lowest possible-
Hats are almost given away , at least you would think so if you look at the con
stant rush in our Hat Department. The quantities we handle of these goods , and the
way we buy them puts all competition out of the question.
Nebraska Clothing Company
Cor. i4th and Douglas Streets , Omaha.
Burlinglon Burlinglon
Route Route <
, The Burlington takes the lead.
It was in advance of all lines in developing
It was in advance of all lines in establishing dining-car
service between Missouri river points and Chicago.
" K *
It was in advance of all lines in giving the people of
Omaha and the West a fast mail service.
It was in advance of all lines in running its trains from
the East into Omaha proper.
It was in advance of all lines in reducing the time of
passenger trains between Omaha and Chicago.
It was in advance , and is the only line by which you can
feave Omaha in the morning and arrive in Denver the
evening of the same day.
It has been progressive in the past.
It will lead in the future.
Travel and ship via the Burlington.
Ticket Office , 1223 Farnam Street. Telephone 250.
Depot on Tenth Street.
Burlington Burlington
C.B.&Q .R.
Our customers will tnko not
ice , that notwithstanding the
confusion incident to the im
provements being made in our
place of business , wo are In
continual receipt of new goods ,
and ore ready to servo our' '
friends to the best of our ability.1
The temporary disorder is only1
a matter of a few days , after ]
which we are confident ourj
fresh attractions and increased
facilities must speak for them
Timber Claims ,
Tree Seeds and Seedlings for Timber Claims ,
Fruit Trees , bmall 1'rultu , Ornamentals , U\er-
tirBccd'forCprlco lUt-I'llKKI Address ,
D. .S. I-AKI ) , Prop. ,
Shenandoah. Iowa.
wfor cltculMi aUUress U. JJOOTiV CnlcaEO , 111
Heal is Wealth !
Dii. B. 0. WEST'S Nrnvr. AND TlrtAm T A >
KENT , a guaranteed poltlc for Hysteria , Ulzzb
ness. CouTiiblons , ; 'lt.i , N'ervoua Neuralgia ,
Henoacue. Nsrvons Prostration , caused by the
use of alcohol or tobacco. Wnkofulness. Mental
Depression. Hoftcnlng of the Hraln , resulting la
Insanity , and leading to misery , decay and
death. Premature Old Age. Jlnrrennem , Loss *
Tower in either BCT , , Involuntary I.osaei and
Bpermatorho1 * caused tir over-exertion of the
brain. elf-alni e or over-Indulgence. Kaon box
contains one month's treatment. 11.00 a box , of
ilx boxes for I5.0C , i nt by malt prepaid on r
eelp of prio .
To cure aar oua. With * acb or4 r racilved try
ns for six boxen , accompanied with 16.00 , vr
will pend in * purchaser our written vnarante *
to refund the money It the treatment dees not
effect a cure. Guarantors Issued only by C. If.
QOODMAN. Dru&Rlst , Solo Agent , lllfl Farnan
Mrr"t Omaha. N l
al eatuftctlon la the
cure of GoacrrLtca end
Cloot. I prescribe ItanO
feel sate In recommend'
Inc It to all sufferer * .
i. J. STONCU , M.R. ,
Dccctur , III. :
Tr.d. Bold by Druggist : .
Nos. 3O3-4O4-I7O-6O4.
\ miceeaafully Ukixl monthly by OUT 10,000
vLadlca. An Safe , ttfectuulawl 1'leatant
( I per box hymail.orntdniKRlsU. Staled
Particulars S poataRn stamps. Addrcua
JFVr aa(0 and by mail by Goodman
Drug Co , , Omuna , Yetr.
N. W. Cor. 13th A Dodge 8t
Best facilities , uppantuc and remedies for lig
rcuful treatment of every form of duease rcqun |
Ing Medical or burgicil Treatment ,
Hoard and attendance , best hospital accoranfji
datioiuin trie west.
WHITE > cm Cucciias on Deformities tfi
llracca , Truue > , Cluti Feet , Curvature of lha
Spine , Piles , Tumorf , Coucer , Catarrh , Utouclilll * .
Inhalation , JJlectricity , raralysU , Itplltpiy , kldi
ney. nUcl'ter , Kye , Kar , bUiu and lilood , oed U
hurulcal Operations.
DlaeaaoB of Women a Specialty *
IlqoK ox DiiiACis or WOMEN Km .
VIKINO A enciiiTT or
All nlood Diseases lucceisfully treated. Syph
ilitic rolson removed from the oyKeui without
mercury New restorative treatment fur lots ol
Vital Tower. 1'etsous unable Co visit ns may be
treated at home by correspondence. All commu
nication ! confidential. Medicine * or luUntminta
sent liy mail or exprcsi , arcurrly packed , no
marks to indicate contents or render One pef <
souM interview preferred Call and consult ui 08
send hUtory of your case , aud we will tend In
Vlaln wrapper , our
Upon Private. Special or Nervoua Diseases , Inu
vitency , Syphilis , C.leet and Variccctle , witk
tpcttlun list. Address
Omaha iltilical and turgteal InitltuttCt
1 Cor. 13th ni Ootfi * Sit. , . . OUAHA.HEt./ /