Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 09, 1888, Page 7, Image 7

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    * * '
. V , ! , ; ' . . . ' 'V ' ' THE OMAHA DAffitf BEE : TUESDA . OCTOBER * i ) , 1883
Advertisements under thin head 10 .
linn for the first Insertion , 7 rents for each sub-
{ eqiient Insertion , nnd fl.f/On / line per month.
No advertisement taken for le * i than 2. > cent *
Ihe llrst Insertion. Keren words will bo counted
to the line ; they must run consecutively and
must IK * paid in ADVANCI ! . All advertise
ments must iiolinnded lu before 12n : : o'clock p.
111. , and under no circumstances will they betaken
taken or discontinued by telephone.
Parlies advertising In the e columns nnd luxv.
Ing their answers addressed In cnro of TIIK lire
v 111 please ask for a check to enable them to get
llii'lr lettLTH , HH none will be delivered except on
prciriitntlon of check. Alt answers to udver-
tlsi'im ills Hlintilil bo enclosed In envelopes.
All advertl ementn In these columns nre pnb-
llshrd In both morning and evening editions of
TIIK IKK , the circulation ( it which aggregates
tuoro than | nMM , papers dally , nnd gives the ad
vertisers the bcnellt. notonlyofthe cltvclrru-
latlonofTur. IH.K , but nlsoof Connclt IlluiT * * .
Lincoln and other cities nud towns throughout
thin section ot tin * country.
Advertising for these columns will be taken
en the ubovo conditions , at the following bnsl-
I SH houses , who are nuthorlred agents for THE
HRF. purlnl notices , and will quote the same
rales us cull b < * hnd nt tlm main olllco.
" "
OIIN W , W.LI. , Pharmacist,8-iJSouthTcnth
CllASiv ; PIIV ) , Stationers and Printers , 1U
Houth Hlh.street
Sit. 1'AKNSWO KTH , Pharmacist. 2115 Cum-
. Ing Street.
W. .1. liroiir.3 , I'harmaclst , ( SI North lUth
. Street
Gr.o. W. i rAltll , I'harmaclst , 1-UUSt. Jlary'8
A \eiine.
_ _
\\7"ANTii : ) Sllnatlon by bread nnd cake
linker , city or country. Address K. 'M lleo
Olllte. H1-
Steady work bv n good broom
T maker. Address y. 1C , floe. 4rJluj
Il'tATIONB wanted- Lots of Rills forall
. kinds of work w.iltlns pl.icos. StntJlim-
liloymcnt olllce , 1117 rarnam st. , room 11 ,
468" !
QJITIA'IION wanted as coiichmnn ; Swede ;
KJgo od mini , ut 1417 rarnam at. , loom 11.
4158 *
\ , VANTICIHtttinllonlit a first clas , family
by a liri't-class cook with references from
fiouieot thii boot families In Now Vork anil
other eastern cities , Call at CW N. ixth and
California His. 4'I7 *
Alir.r.MI. clothlm ; salesman wants position ;
Hist class rercri'iuo can b < il\cn. Ad-
ilress "I'SI , " lleo olllro. 4' l-3
"IVANTKD Situation as housekeeper by Indv
T > of experlcii'-o. Addres , Mrs I ) . . I'm
Capitol ave. _ _ 4JI-HI
A I. A 111' haMiiK attended toursuof normal
trnlnliiK In an eastern city would like to
board and tench from 0 to H pupils , ages from li
to 10. Itcfddcnce four miles lu the coniltry. Ad-
dresit I' 7 , lieu olllce. 411-10'
\\T A NTIMI Situation as stenographer and
TT mxiwiltor by ludv of experience and good
cdm atlon who can give excellent references.
Address 0. 11. . city. : tTJ 1
\\rANTKI > lly n young lady , good rnd rapid
T > penman , position as copyist. Address r 1 ,
Bcp olllco. _ _ _ JJ74 t
WANTKO Situation as engineer by man of
2U yeara" oxperlmiro. In high or low in us-
Buro. Address K W , ll e. lO'i ti ;
TVUKHSMAKHH rTom the cast win go out by
JL/tha day. 3BO St. Mary's ave. I C ) 8-
< ii * 11. . ) N ) men for city woik , $1 " > per
i T day. Whit o's olllce , 11 ! ) N Kith. 410 h *
\\M Vl'lll AKI nla to canvass for the best
IT a lf-wrlnglni ; mop made , i\clusi\e : tciri-
tciry given to an'tils on nppltriitlon. Nocxpjrl-
3Jn e nei'essaiy Send for descriptive circular
nndtoims. Peifoct Mop und Wringer Co. Cur-
roll , lowu. 471 14 *
\\rANTKll-Coat. vest nud pant makers , un-
T Ion pilces pain. Volz Ilios. , South Omnhn.
455 'J'
BOVS wanted , apply nt 1110 I'tinum bt be' '
foio Ho'i luck , reference requited. 478 8
"t\rANTKD Young man In every we.stein
IT town to collect , etc. , and wrlto for our
Weekly. Small halniy to blurt with If rofeiencc
nudttialls satisfHCtory. Pay Increased as her-
Vices will warrant. Address with one reference
nnd stamp for sample nud particulars. The
Ilomestea-l , Omaha , Nob. 871 " 0
' 'ANTIlD-Two hat salesmen with estab
llshed trade. Imuagemeut to commence
I > ec. 1 State amount of sales the past year ,
nnd what state > our trade Is In. Will pay rea
Bonablt ) salary to the right Kind of men. Tayloi
llrothers A. Co. , 170 Market st. , Chicago. III.
_ 3JV3 *
/ 1LOTIIIN(1 ( salesmen wanted for Ii-vi. 'Ihret
V good ttavellng men with established tiiide ,
Engagement to begin Dec 1st. Will pay the
right kind ol men llbet al salary. State where
your tuuli * Is and amount ol f-ales the post year
Addiess Work Iliothers > V Co. , NWcornerol
Market and Adams sts. , Chicago , 111. ; tU4 b
I WANT a good Iho man In every city In th (
Mate , to topiesent the Aetna Llfo Insuruii' (
Compnni of Hartford , Conn. Will pay goo ( '
commissions Adiliess C. W Johnson , man
nger. Omnha. Neb at-.l 0
JDOYh-Arn. Dbt. Tel. Co. , 1S04 Douui-yT
% V AN'IF.D Man to take the agency of oui
> safis ; Blzo2SxlH\-lH Inches ; wclghtr.OO Ibs
retail price M"i ; oth r sizes In ptoportlon /
rale chance and pcrmannnt business. Thest
afe.s meet a demnnd never Tiefoio supplied b ]
Sther safe companies , as wo aie not govermx
y the safe pool. Alpine Safe Co. Cincinnati. O
r K w ish to employ a few salesmen on salary
' to sell our goods liy sample to the whole
und retail trudo of Omaha , Neb , and rvl
Jftlo states. Wearothelaigest m'l't'g'sof our
Ino In the country Send two cents In stamps fi
fiillpartlciilais. No postals answered. Centen
Alal M'fg Co. . Cincinnati. O. m JJ 89
r ANTED A few men to canvass. A fill
line of household specialties. Quick sell
ng goods. Itlg commissions paid. Salary pali
o good w ringer men. Lovell Mfg Co. , limited
21 N. IJlhbt. 12(1 8
V\7ANTRI-Trncklaycrs for Kansas nt Al
w briglit'.s Labor Aijeucy , ll-'J 1'aruam st ,
\\rANTED-Flrat-class cook to take charga o
Vlicheu ; must understand hla buslnoss , b
sober and have teed references. Addrcs 11 K
J vo olllce. 7bl
\\r ANT11D - Uneigetlc men and women ovoiy
f ' w hero tor n genteel , monoy-muklng busl
TIMS , K weeklyprollt guaranteed easlcrthnnffl
monthly otherwise. Kxporlenco absolutely un
lioctissui-y I'eimauent position and excluslv
territory assured. SJ samples free. Write fo
particular * . Addicos , with stamp , Merrill Mt's
t'bl. II f.l , Chicago. KiloZtt
WANTKD-Oootl lifo insurance solicitor
with bank Jefuroncxs , nro wanted by th
Vnloii Life nt 401 Merchants' national ti.inl
buUdlug , Omaha , Olllie hours S to 10 a , in. ante
to 0 p. ra. H5
WANTED A man to solicit ; salary 1100 pe
month ; must deposit tl'i and glvobcciirlt
"for money collected. Address George S. Cllne
VngntT block , Dei Moluos , lu. 761 0.8
VVANTKD-Mcnforralhoad worlc in Wast
ington teriltory. Teamsters , nick an
Chovel men , nx men and rock men , big wage
Und long , steady Job. At Albngufb Labo
Agency. 11201'ainnm bt 84) )
" \\rANTKl ) A first-class experienced wlndo\ \
> dresser. Inquire at the lair. (83
> \ \ ' - ' srlrls for general housework ,
v TT wattre&sri.D dtshwasuers , I clmmbennali
1 waitress for Kicmont. 1 for Nrola.ln. , I fc
BoulU Omaha , farun paid : cook , hotel , & ) week
Vecoud COOK ; lots of good piaces for Rlrls
Omnhn limp. Hurenii , 119 N. lulli * it. 441 6'
FIKS-CLASa waist lusters wanted , Jin
Mnudt ) Murtl , Jucobs' block. Parlors 1 and :
B. K. cor. 15th nnd Capitol ave. 477 9 *
" \VANTKD A good girl for scneral luiusi
JMw orkx MHjMiut h gist street. 220 li
"I VANTKD-A Ri > od cook and laundress On
i with Kood i reieuce can Uud iteady worl
1KI Cnpltol ave. 43.1-9
WANTED-romputeiitBlrl for general hou i
work , 718Ng ! t t. 377 8
\\rANTKH-lmmedtately , 4 Frat chv
T > waitresses out of city , RJ1 and far * pale
Touue lady for novvg stand , teed wnges ; u nU
elll for good places in the country ; S laum
rvsars in city. 1 for outh Omabu ; c < > od C *
for Council llturtH..I In family ; girl to h-lp I house , and ZScirls for private fain
lie * . Mrs. Hrr-a3UH | bo. 16th st. 419-ti'
\\fANTKn-A plri for Ronrral housewor ,
lusi Cnllfornlu cor 20th t. 81B
\\T AN TKD A cooil clrl to do general noun
IT work lu n small family. Nc. ( KJS. aith s
K St
Two coed wuUt-makers for ot
dr ? . < amaklux Ut > > . tment , ) oed Marias I
rxiorloncrd and rnmpottnt keamMress. Ai
U. A , 1'jler i.U > . , llMUnm Neb ISO d
\\TANTKD-AlJidy to solicit ! must deposit 123
IT nnd giro security for money collected.
Address ( leorgo S. Cllue , Wagner block. Uea
Molnes la. 760 o. 6
WANTKD-Two ladles to nollclt In thin nnd
adjoining Mates ; f-nlary 171 per mouth ;
call ou buslo Hurold , room 1U Mlllnrd hotel.
\VRAM'S-Want ! ) finishers nud button-hole
workers. 151'J Howard , M. A. Wallace.
m 10
A GOOD girl wantei Immediately , Inmilre
nt ll5Cnsi : t , 474 8 ?
TxrANI'IMJ-A girl for second work nt 2212
i T I'arnatn st. 404 8
AVANTKn-Lartynncntifor "A" skirt" and
IT bustle combined ; nlso "IJ" hose support
er ) . OurOnlesburg. 111. , ient cleared Illrt in 10
days. Liulici' Supply Co. , 2i7 W. Washington
/1ANADIAN employment olllce. Mrs. Hrepa
V73H ! ' , S 16th. Kefvreuco Onmlui National limit
' - UH O 17 *
\lrAM'ii : I'or our II wt annual baby show
i commencing. Monday , October 11 , and con-
Innes one w eek. 20 babies. Address or enquire
' 01 Mrs. Hunt lit IMeii Musee , mornings Ironi
OtoU. 4'OOJ
JVVPIIKT ArCOfNTANT- Wanted tn adjust
-Jt duplicated books ; pirtnershtp in counts
nil Lomplli atoil urrountini ; of all kinds ; conn-
ry correspondence solicited. Aildruss I II lieu.
. > . " 111 *
VVAN'IT.D-To correspond with parties who
V > desire to locate In business or these KoUii ;
tit ; furnish locations In any linn or ox-
hanue , and ( ash rustonit'rs torp.nllos desiring
osell. 1 , , I' . Klaus , liJ7 ! 1'uni.vm st. , Oninhi.
\\rANTnu The public to make good me of
VT "iho lleo's messace boxes throughout the
uy. ioa
WANTKD If you liavB any landi. lots , or
liousen and lots to sell or cxchanKe for
other propetty , call on me or write. 1 can find
I'ou a customer. C. C. bpotawood.30jViS.lWtn.
\ \ ANTI'D Ho udlm ? plnre for two boys In a
T pruate family , nooblertloii to cuing a
liort illst.tncB out ot city , If near a i-chool. Ad-
Iress. stating price , 'MTJ Center street for one
iv eek. JJ70 * '
OOM for n few more boarders ut } l per week
B at2lHiracust. ) 7MOI
\V 7ANTiO : Tnlilo boarders at 1GW Douglas.
and rooms At i'JI4 1'urnam st.
first-class und pleasant place , A limited
lumber can bo nccommodatud. Apply M > on.
MiiO lu
'ANTi : ! ) October 15 , two'loom * for light
housekeeping near postollice. Co'iple
lermanent In city. Nodilldren. Kefeu-m es
; lvon. II. H , llee. Council Illnlfs. 4S j..t.
WANTK1I Nlcelv furnished room near nigh
school , within 7 or 8 blocks of postollico.
Inferences. Address 13 , IX ) , llee. 127 8 *
\\rANTKD U or 14 room house ; must have
T > all modern conveniences ; will pay liberal
rent If person will built House ; will lense same
for uny term of years. J. I , . Hraudie * . l.ltli und
Howard. Mil
KKNT Mouse * , 4 rooms. 27th nve and
llovvald. 4B7 1011
H OUSi : to rent at . "Ith and Cumlng.
of J. H. Dutnout , room Pi , Contlnontal bldg.
ITtOH HiNT-A : Hat of seven looms In Dug.
JL1 gin s building , lltli and 1'ailtlc sts , rout } . ( "i
per month. Iniiulraat room B. L. Duggiin.
OH HKNT-Cottdgoof Jroom iM.nttcil'i S.
2tth st. 378-1 tt
lll ! largest line of small and largo houses In
JLtho uty ; low rent J. H. 1'nrrotte , lf < ja
Chicago t. _ 4S3-1.J ! _
Foil Hi.NT : Elegant new 9 room house , with
bum ; ) ) lao und jit glas i windows ; nice
cistern , city water ; porcelain bath tub and
range ; convenient to car and cable lines ; } Q
per month ; bain rents now for } j. J II. 1'ai-
rotte , 1WH1 ( . hlcago st. fi7 o' , "
FOH KENT 0-room cottage onTiorso car line ,
* IH u month. Apply M. Ulgutttr luoi , 1'ur-
namst. 418
/'UK IUN : r and furniture for sale ; ten-room
- house ! ' . O. ; looms occupied by genteel
lodgers , \\lllsacrlllce ; cause sickness Address
F2l ; , lleo. 4tMUJ _
FOH HUNT 1 7-room house $ ij , 10 minutes
walk from couit house.
1 5 roim honsuUOni > ar20thnndLeavenworth.
1 0-ioom house , ull modern convonloncc.s , only
IS mn ride ou car from I1. O. . paved St. , rent
reason ible. Lull on A. U. Inghium. Hoom 1 , Dar
ker block M ) U
FOH HUNT S-room new house , rarnam st..r
8 room new Fiirnam st iW
7-room new house. Farnnm st .11
7-room house , bath , fuiuaco and range J.1
U loom house , t.ow 40
4-ioom house , now 12
Bloom house , good location . . 20
J. 11. Cvans , 1J1U 1)0(1 fo st. 3 0 8
FOH HUNT Dwelling ou Mason st between
loth and llth st. In Hue repair.
l > -ioom hi iiiao oii'Joth and Franklin. No. 171- ,
all modo'n linpiovement * .
Small stole loam on llth st , No. Ill ) , near
rnrnani st rent f J ) \ i inontn
Imiulieof John llnmlln , Linton block , room
917 , i.oinerot Mason und l.lth st. 3.1 J 10 ;
"JIOIl KENT House ? looms. 23d st near Cass ,
. II iu o 8 rooms , 2i.'l Cass fct. Innuite Hoom
J , llarker block. 315
1HOII HKNT F.legant cast-front 0-room House
on S. aitli nveil'le.isant st.i , near st. Mary's
ave. O. F. Harrison , 41 3. 15th st. DjO
C H HAT Heats The l.irge t Hat In the city ;
prices down. J. H. I'ariotW , 160t ) Chicago.
15S 014
| 71OH HENT For fi months , modern house elL
-L 8 rooms , completely furnished , barn with
room for two horses , u > nt JIO ; possession given
bept.25th. S2U4N.BW1. 1 block nortli ot Lake.
FOH HENT 3 loom modem Improved house
Al locality at moderate prlco. Applv M ,
lilgutter , 1001 , Farnam. b-7
" | 7HH HENT- Largo 2-story 7-room house foi
J- the winter. ilil.Od'j per month. C. F. liar-
rlson , I1SS. 15th st. OW
SEVEHAL houses foi lent. fa. T. Pcter.scn. s ,
e. cor. 15th and DourlAi. s > J
FOll HENT New fc-room house on Cu
st. near Lowe ave Teims reasonable. Ap
ply quick Spotswood , WVi S Ibth. bil
" 1710H HENT At \ ery low rates. 10 nnd 14 new
- Iresidences. . 24'H ' and 24H , Cass street , Clarku
Place. One block south of Crelghton college , on
Farnam nud 21th street car line. All modern
Improvements. Apply , H. T. Chirk Union Trust
Co. , or nt'UJ Ca js street. UN )
"ITIOH HENT Elegant 10-rootn modem house
i1 near High school. * 50. G K. Thomuson ,
Sheely block , 15th and Howard. 824
37IOU HENT-Dwellligr Capital ave. oppo
1 site Trinity cathcdial. Address H. L. Hall
1223 Faruani st. 401
TTIOK HENT A furnished B-room cottage
.V nunlttire now. Would bo old if desired
Call before noon. 2215 Sevvaril st.
O FlOUSES for rent cheap. Utu and Vinton
John L. Hill , yJO-Vt
T710H HENT-Hoasonable lo right parties n
A1 16-roomed hotel In tlrst-cUss eider lu South
Omaha. Inquire KU1 Howard t. an 10
FOH HENT fl-room house , 2113. 7-room housa
242.1 Poppletou ave. Geo. 1. Gilbert , With
nell b'l'g. ) ! 10
H OUSE for rent ; furniture for sale or trade
Ibl5 IKxlKQ. 0 .9
TT1OH HUNT 1 ootlnfie. North Mth. on cabli
J- Hue , f-M. Le.ivltt Huruhuiu , CrelgUlou block
4 > 5
Foil HKNT-Houso No. 8S7 S. 17th nv e. ren
MO per month. Inqulra of H. Malcheln , 10.
Howard gt. SoO
F < (11 ( KKNT R-room noune , sewer , gas , ho
anil cold water , bath room , new and coin
plete. Mi per month. Apply at once. 0 F Har
ruon. 413 b. ISthst tss
FOK HKXT-.1 cottages , 2Ith and Caldwell
oacJi tM. 1 North 3)th cable line. ti ) .
Leavltt Ilurnuam , Crelghton block. < K
F OR ltiNT"llouie510N. : 18th street. Appl' '
utSt. A. U. llnlcoinbt ! , : I U California st.YJ
1I1OII HUNT One T-room cottRpe. 24ii I'rank
JL1 Un U ; Inqulie at COS Paxton block. P. J
CreeJou. 311
"I7HH HUNT 2 rott ces of 3 rooms and BOO (
-L1 cellar each. In Arbor Plac ? : rent It and t
prr month. Kuqulro of Mrs C. Weljj , tSJeS. ltli
, as 10
FOH HKNT 4-room cottage , convenient fo
railroad uiou , 2a Mead A Jamiesou , 311 S
15th bt. 8iQ
TjlOll Hl'.NTroom hou a on 8. IGth St. , tw <
JU1 bloclu south of Vinton st. : will rant for 111
per month or boll ou terms to suit purchaser
Geo. J. Sternsdoiff , room a , opposite 1' . 0. "li
TOTOH HUNT When you winh to rent a bouse
JL' more or office call on us. H. E. Cole , roou
B. Ooutmiintal Uoelc. HM
irniUNlSHKU. one Ur e and oao small rooni
-L1 } 613 Chicago It , irx ig *
very plensant front rooms , furnished ,
itnee or on .suite , gas , bftth and lipat. N , II ,
Cor. llth and Capitol avenue. 4.W 8 *
furnished rooms f3 per tnonth. 1519
llurney. 4'i)10J
ITIOH HKNT 3 rooms $7 , S rooms M. 10.18 S.
-L1 isth near Plereo 43 9 OJ
Foil HUNT Hooms , private family , hnnd-
Homely situated In modem new residence ,
will take few delect boarders , desirable lionie ,
tlvo minuter to business center. ' - ' ! ! > llurnoy.
iriOIl HKNT Warm , dowu-town slcepltlg
-L rooms for winter weather , nt IS nnd up.
wards , jmynbli * weekly or monthly : wlllwnnn
rooms for n cent an hour. SOU Howard. l li !
171OH HKXT-Two furnished rooms for
J hou ekeeplnK , froutlnj } tvvo ntreet .
llownrd t. 4UU v > *
LA HGK pleasnnt room , furnished , brick Hat.
HltUhlcacost. H.j
Foil HKNT-Nlcely furnished room for single
Kontleman. 11)17 ) fans st. 476 n
ONK South luom , stoaiu heat 1013 Douijlas.
< 47 1U >
_ _ _
II OH UKNT llntidsomely f in ulslud. desira
ble room , locatlou best In city 1707 Dodge.
If UK KKNT 1 urnislied bed room with use o.
pallor , board if defiled. 'MW DoticlHH tf
iflOK ItlJNT A warm , well furnlMied south
fiont room , uveiv convenience , suitable for
one gentleman , 1.- ! 1 aruam st. , lsO
Fl'HNISIir.I ) or unfurnlshcMl room tor light
housekeeping. Call at Woolw orth und -Uh.
J _ dsl u
iri'.liV furnished room for 2 Rontlemen ; In-
l > cjulre A. Hospc , 1M.I Douglas st iW-lJ
AUTII'S wishing neatly furnlshod looms for
the winter at moderate priced may und them
nt 110 So. 1'ith , St. , loom 2. ra-'ij '
Foil HTNT-riirnTslieurhoii'-e. ] 10 rooms , win
lease for any term of jeais. Lingo barn ,
tuiulre at 171S Cass Bt. 422-s *
J7X1H KKNT A largo front room , newly fur
nished. Konth front , cheap , corner 17th and
" innings .sts , northeast corner. Ilys
FOH HKNT Pleasint room for gentlemen ,
all modern conveniences , lulok residence ,
or St. Marj ' ave and 'Juth , or U'JO S'JOth. ail 8
ijioil Itr.Nl' One largo room , with alcovo.
1 Infmlie 11R S. aithst.
'I O HKN T I'urnlshed or unfurnlsned rooms.
_ L 710 S Itth. , ' )47 ) 8
KOoMS Tlrst-class home board , 171S Dodgo.
M 11 *
front room for lent with bo.ird
'y ' I' ' * " ' Chicaijo t. 2-JI 8
"IT'OH ' HUNT Nlcelv fiiinlshod loom , 5 mln-
-C utes troni P. O. . Slfl N. I'Jtn M. & ! 7
FOlt HKNT riiiulshed fiont room , south
flout , nnd gas. lilli ) Callfotnlu st.
2il 10
FOH HKNT Large furnished front room , also
barn , 170 $ California st. 270 11 *
fjlOH HKNT Vnrnlsheil rooms , board If ile-
J xlred , good location , private family. X'U-'l
Howard .st. S8J1U
ONK largo front room , sultablu for two gentle
men. Apply l-cst turnani st. lir >
T71OH HRNT 2 fiont rooms furnished for
X1 housekeeping. 1131 N. iUHi , on cable line.
YlIAS rooms w Ith board. No. 802 .8.21st.
ASlM'lEof rooms furnished for housekeep
ing , centrally located , 214 S. Ibth. IttJ l
IJhKASANT furnished"rooms convenient to
buslm ss , SI I S. 18th.
Ijiril.N'ISIIKl ) loom with beat , gas nniHmtli ,
-JU board ut reasonable rates , ai-1 Seward.
TT1011 I HKNT Furnished rooms at ISO I Varnam
r bt. I'll A-
Foil HKNT rooms with or without board , on
i-ulte or single. 1703 ledge ) st. 11(1 ( fc
FOH HKNT Nlcelv furnished rooms , single
or on suite , 1811 Cnmlngs st. IVT
fiU'KNlSHKI ) rooms. 1701 Capitol ave.
JL1 158 8 *
I710H HKNT Furnished rooms in Oreanlg blk
JL1 cor. l.Hh and Dodge sts. Inquire of Oeo. H. .
DaTic. Mlllard hotel billiard room. KiO
NI'.WLY furnished warm rooms for families
for winter. Suite ot pallors bav windows ,
1 block Irom p. o. , private house , lUlJ-ltllr > Cnpl-
tolftve O-.Vll *
fJirilNlSHKI ) room , with or without board ,
L' 1010 and 1620 Davenport st. Inqulro-tGlO.
TJOOMS nnd board. 181J Chicago st. 801o'3f
I > IjKA8ANT furnished rooms , steam heat ,
gas , bath and board In private family , an B
24th. 570 o 2-J
ELEGANT fiont rooms , cheap. 031 8.11th.
192-O , 15 *
KOOMS including board In the Young Wo
men's homo 1'JlO Dodge st. Kefereuccs ra-
quired. U40
T71OH HKNT A handsome room with alcove at
JL ? 2.--U-J St. Mary's ave. WJ
"TJiOH HKNT r.lcgantly furnished rooms with
J- ? boar . Inquire KWJ Douglas.
I A KG K room with nlcovo and Closet ; on cable
Jiuul car line : terms low ; 112 S. ' 'Ith. 350
IflOK HKNT Hoom with board for two gen
tlemen. 1723 Davunport.
ROOM and board. 201 S 2uth ava.
. ' 33 12
171 LMlNIbllKL ) rooms for rent , Is 18 Chicago.
Jj X17 1. "
FT UN 1S H Kl ) rooms single or ensiilte. modern
' onveniences , un N , l-tli ! st. U71 12f
. furnished looms and room
with ulcovo for man and vvlte , ut Mi1 ; N.
Ibth ttieet. ail y
"VK'Il.Y ! furnished rooms , * ! per week or3.3C
1 > per mouth , DO. , WJl nnd 5JO b. ISth st.
FOH HKNT : i unfurnished rooms cheap. 2213
lllli-UBOSt. 444 tj
" OH KKNT-iTlen room Hats , 410-ll2"NTl ith
tt. , Kmiulro 40N. . 14th st. a-H-ia-
IjlOH HKNTf'lat of 5 rooms cheap to right
paity. Ililck. house , 25th aud Pierce.
410 9'
lTNrrHNlSHKI-SuitablefornousokeeptnK. )
L Tliree ciirooms. loniN. 20th st . . . Ilffl
Three til ) rooms , 101S N. 2Ut st ISM
Tn r CD i.D looms , coiItt aud Nicholas Bt , U nO
Two ( i ) roo-n , | s4 | Hoivard st . . 10 00
Throe ill looms , 1410 I'lercn st BOO
Three ( ! D rooms , 707 Pai-ltlo ht 10 00
Three 11) ) rooms , 70H. Paclllo it 9 {
Apply to Judge Heating Agency , Herald
building , a W. corner ot 15th and Hanievst.
Vt )
"IjlI.AT sultRbla for offices for dentist , doctor
X'or dressmaking ; central location. I.eilla
i. Leslie , lath and Dodge sts. 45213
" "
FOK KEXT-U stores on Ifith und Leaven"
worth , apply Hank of Omaha. 2-VJ
FOll HEST-Storeroom , No.iiH S. HtH st. Ap.
plr at 1110 Hovtardst. ( Ol
FOll KENT Office sulto B5 month. 3 single
ollices } r > each , all frontlnn Irtth St. , llnsh
man bloc'x , N. E. Cor. Ibth ana Douglas. W. M.
Ilunhman , 1311 Leavenworth. Ml
FOH HKNT fl good stores , heated by steam
on S 13th t , corner of Mason , Linton block.
Inqulro of John Hamlln , J.luton block. H 17.
tVi 8 *
FOK KKNT Nicely furnished office. Krount
floor , half of Hoas Ifith st , opposite. Chambot
of Commerce , M , A' I'pton Company &O
STOKU for Kent 1210 1'arnam. Apply Chaa
ChllUd , N , W. Corner Ibth und Leavonworth
FOH KEN'l more-room under Omaha Dank
Inu To. , cor. lith and Harney. suitable
money loaning or real estate biuttuess. Paulson
& Co. , No. Ull , room 8 , Furnam st , WU
STOIti : for rent , llli Farnam street , inqulra
of Nathan bheltou , at 160) Karnam street
n WO choice store rooms m the Her oulldinc
JL between Howard andjacksou ala. AppT
Haymer > V Her htore. M4 S 10th st. 47J sl.i
riiWO stores , 22x10. just completed , with Ilata
JL of seven rooms above , wltn water and sas
Crst-tla 3 nnlsh , Oth and Pacino sts. . low rent.
Apply to Ettinger Uro * . , OU ti. 10th at. , Omaha
to !
1/10K ItKNT-rina retail store room wltl
JL'larc > basement , KK ) per inontn. U. y. Har
tison. 4UB. 15tU St , 623
FOll HKNT-OnCuminggt. store and llvlns
aiurtuionts , ulao livery stable. Enquire o
Harris K. K. i UCo. , Koom 111 , l t Nat. bank ,
DA1HY farm to rent with 40 cowu- for par
tlculars call on or inquire of Henry Pendle
ton.t uitlessoutU of Nebraska City , Neb.
'SICOUOK ' ii 8tBRN8lScFF ( ( ,
JTo. , will tieroafter gp i speclnl attention to
cntliiK houes , storon and llaU. If you want
our property rented without delay and to reli
able tenants , do not firti to list the same w Itu
ilm A KM
i'i linWAIin will bo pild for the return of an
1'estray jet black umre , twelve jears old ,
\eUht about ten hundred or ten hundred and
Ifty pound" , shod nil around , collar ( team on
mint of left houlder , smooth and handsome ;
strayed awav October Sd. 'H.SS , and Is the prop
erty of Dr. O , L. Nichols , of Omaha , Should
t-ald nuiro have been driven away or concealed
by anyone , such person will bo prosecuted ac
cording to law , and If convicted of horse-steal-
tin , the person uhliiK Information leading to
lie llndliiKof said mare , nnd the arrest and
conviction of the thief , will be p.ild an addl-
lonal reward of VVni. > . Coburii , Shcrlll of
) ouilns county , Nebraska ,
Omaha. Oct ft , liWH. K l
FOl'ND A coach dOB. Haturday , Oct. C.
Owner cnn lm\n some by c.illlui ; nt Can *
leld's bam and pay chaigus , cor , tth and Kai-
i.un. 47.1 Bt
H A IT. > our wall paper cleaned "made good
as new. Ajiplj C. 1. . \ VllcoCunlleld house.
* * I1T 'It
\VAHHP.N 1'ATTISOX wllll earn i-ometlilmj
to his nd\anta by coire-.pondltiK with
Itltby box-1 : 4" , llee olllco. 1W-S (
T > KUSONAIj If you hare a personal Item , or
X any communl' atlon , drop it lu ono of The
Iloo's message boxes. 106
. . . SALT. Wiought-lion range , n ed two
months , will s > ell cheap ; 2jJ7 Plcrco st.
4M Wt
" | ? Olt SAIi : One of the best paying (1 ( room
-L1 furnished flats In tlio city. 1'ajlng 111 above
lent. Mu t be sold nt once Imjiilru 'CM N. F.
cor. ICth and Hartley st. Kiuet Kramer.
F I ( lit SAI.i ; l''ancy Mift coal heating steve
cheap. Inquire lliri 1'nclllc st. 451 SJ
: - Kuriiltinenndleasoofan 11-room
house * , luinlturu nearly new , hou-e contain
ing all modern conveniences , 1707 Dodge st.
41J 9t
71OK SAM' Hoarding house and saloon lu
good town near Omaha. H. Maannweller ,
414 SI Ith st. 4UOUJ
71OH SALK Hull terrier puppies ; " dond
- game. " W. O. Ingiam , Caulleld II
Omaha. 14118
FOlt SATdi-In desirable locality , lease of
Hat , with elegant furniture , at reusonablo
price. One-half of purchase price will to taken
out In boaid and room. Address I ) II , lleo
olHce. avi
FOH 8ALK Set double harness and Hue
buggy pole. Call on It. K Fierce , S I ! , cor ,
I < enven\vorth nnd 28tn.
175will buy furnlturo complete of R-ioom
S honse. House for rent if wanted. Addre-
i. lleo. | K4 12
TTIOIt SALE New seccfcd hand base burner
JU steve und folding bed. Selby , 1621 Knrnam.
710U SALE or trado- New two seated car-
rlage nnd single tRu ibuegy. belby. r > 21
Farnani , H n J75
TJIOH SAIjK Or rent , , * i < e warehouse sulta-
J-1 bio for mauufacturliipbuslness , warehoiiso
cor. I'lth and lard. Imiulre Oberne , lloslck &
Co. , fin s. i ith st. ry : . ' > 't ' n
FOH SAIjK A good family homo , buggy und
harness for $150. Address E 8 , lloo olllce. 710
TT1OH SALE Two now base-burner , hard coal.
J-1 heating stoes , elegahOfloslgn. nt half price ;
nlso billiard table complyto. C. U. lllbbins , l too
Doilglas st. | 107 U"
TT1OH SALE Soamnn Hwngons and carriages ,
JL'Omaha's largest varttAy , enst Hide 10th st ,
north of Nicholas. The best atrd the clmpest.
TJJ o 2 < 1
FOH BALK A now 8 seat Ilockaway carriage
at Lee * Nichols' HVerr barn. Twenty-eighth
and Leuvenworth. Telephone 840. 417
FOH SALK Good heavy horsa very cheap.
fir. ( ialbralth. 14th und Douglas fits. J52 8
FOH SALK A family or for general
use , price $150. Inquire No. 310 S. 10th. City.
FUKN1TUHK , sewing machine nnd organ for
sale. Will be sold at half price for cash oren
on time. Also 1 llemlngtou typewriter and 1 " 1C.
IV" cult , all new. Bnqulre at 1417 Farnani st.
mom9 and 10 , upstairs U'l
M US. E. ri'HMAN. dressmaking , cutting nnd
Qttiug. Southeast cor. ICtli and Webster st.
4C2 14J
TNO. Ml'LDOON & Co.'JI. S. 10th st. ; 10 stone-
o cutters , 12c lineal toot , Colorado sandstone ,
CAIU'ET weaving TheOmnhn , carpet nnd
rug mills , 21st and Cumlng sts. nre weaving
rac carpets , rugs , etc. Dion us a card and we
will call for your rags. Mall orders solicited.
2 ! bt
D1VOHCI1S Cheaply , quietly ; desertion ;
blank applications and circulars giving ill-
vorcolawsof every state free. I. Gillist,2CO
Clai k St. , Chicago , 111. lot ) UI
rilllE banjo taught ai nn art by Geo.F. Gellen.
X beck , ( KM Hartley st , 182
S1 OTcash for old and new books , furniture ,
btoves and carpets. Orff & Co. , 117 N. Ibtl. .
HOMH for Destltuta Women and Children.
2718 Hurt st. 40
MUSIC A. Holirs * Son nre now urepnred to
furnish the best nnd latest music for iccep-
tlons , , weddings , sociables , pnrtles balls , etc.
Ilrass and string ijuartottes furnished , especial
ly for serenades , concerts , funerals , etc. Ollico
401 South Utlibt. . A. K. Merris' JIuslc Storo.
; ; oi o iv
WOMAN'S Exchange , 1617 Farnani st. Lunc.U
dally , supper Saturday nights. U1U
MHS. E. M , Post , nurse specialties , massage
treatment , naths and treatment of the
scalp und hair , 811 b. 24 st. , Omuha. Olllce
hours [ j to p. m. Monday from U u. in. to 7 p. m.
37i ! b *
\\THY pay rent when you can buy a beautl-
1 ful rottagu homo In Hanscmn Plm e , Just
completed , with city nud cistein water , both
hot and cold , bath room , electile bells gas ,
mantel und all modern Improvements , Lot H
sodded , graded and terraced. Small cash pay
ment and balance on monthlv installments. Call
und see us before It is sold. Mutual Investment
Co. , Hoom 1 llarker lllock , 15th and 1'uinam.
IJAHTIES having how * , marcs nnd colts to
wlutor will tliiil gdfid7 htulls nnd yards nt
Major Crofts' place , ltr t > barn north of fair
grounds. Terms moderate , 217 17 ?
"W " HAHHEIl-CeWfiools A w ntcr closcta
TI clennedwoikguuWttteed.WJ8S.lth.Tein21 !
G E.THOMPSON , norfm'112 Sbeely block.
" \fIDLANr ) Guarantee Tind Trust Co. . 1505 far
XTJ-nam-Complete absti rjs furnished , & titles
to real estate examined , ijHr/cctutl It guaranteed.
BENSON 4 CAnMICIlXRfrj furnish complete
and guaranteed ubnrocts of title ito any
real estate In Omaha andJJouglas county upon
short notice. Tlio most ccmrnlete set of obstruct
boots in the city. No. 1MJ3 rarnam st. b7'J
CTOKAGK At low rates at 1121 Farnam street ,
kJOmaha Auction k Storage Co. 770 o3
milACKAGE , storage. lowest ratei. W. W
JL lluthmnn , 1JU I aTejiworth. 878
WANTF.IV-Newfoundland pup. Call or ap
dress , A. M. Hock , Cabla power house , cor
30th nnd Harney. _ 7S 8 *
WANTED-To buy an eatabllslied bank In o
live town ithin 100 miles of Omaha. Ad
dress F 10. llee olllce. 845 o
TWANTKD A second-hand sausage rocke
TT and block. Infjuire Joe Woordtn. Cth um
Herco. _ ISiiB
WANTED Furnltura nd household goods
otall kinds. Omalia Auction ifcbtorngeCo.
1121 Fm-num Bt. 775 o9
HH. IHBY-J.-ioo.000 to loan on city property
and improved farm land. Frenzer block ;
, _ B08
M ONE Yu > loan cn-t raltnro , hones , wagons
etc. , or on any approved security. J. W.ltob-
P\0 YOU want toxrro v money ? If you have
J-AlInmonds , wntchea or Jewelry nnd deslro to
elTtxM n loan on favorable term * in ft strictly
irtrato and confidential manner , or should you
rant n loan on furniture , horses , carriage * ,
and contracts or personal property of nny do-
crlptlon , you can have money advanced nt
owest raws of Interest nnd nmpln time to pay
ly calling ou -lending jxistal card to the
Omaha Mortgngn lontiCo.
W e loan out our own money , make out our
own papers nnd pny no commission , thus gtv-
UB the beneilt to the borrow er.
our facilities nro .ouch that wo can nccomnio-
late yon in n prompt nnd confidential man
ner , giving you fair , hotiorablo nnd courteous
All loans renewed nt original rates.
We will pay oil nny mortgage you now have
nnd give you long tlmo nnd low rates ; will loan
any sum from Mi to ittwo.
Commercial and l t mortgage paper bought.
Omaha Mortgage Loan Co. , loom ( , Pnxtou
block. 44S
aiilE Omilm Financial Exchange , Hoom fi ,
Darker lllock , southwest corner of Furnam
and nthsts.
Make * < x specialty of short-time collateral
nud b'al estate loans.
Money always on hand In sumsof } 100 and
ipwuras to nny amount , to loan on approved
Secured notes bought , sola or exchanged ,
deal real estate and cash to oxchntigo for
; oed first or second mortgages.
lAiuns inaila upon land contracts , stocks ,
bonds , trust deeds , first or second mortgage se
curity , without publicity , delay or red tup"
Financial business of any kind trans acted
'romptly , imletlv nnd fairly. Hoom 15 , llarker
Jlock , Corbett , Manager. bsl
MONEY To "Loan-lly the undersigned , who
has the onlv properly organlred loan agency
n Omaha Loans of ilOto il.iHA ) madn on furni-
ttiro , pianos , orguns.horsos.wagous , machinery ,
etc. , without removal. Node-lays All business
strictly Loans so made that any
mrtcanbo paid nt anv time , eachpavment
educlngtho co tproiata. Advuin os made on
Hie wnlches and diamonds. Persons should
carefully consider who thcv are dealing with ,
is many now conceinsare daily coming lute ex-
steuce. Miould you need money call and see
ne. W. H. Croft , room 4 , Wlthnell building.
15th nnd Hnrney. iV2
MONEY to'loan on houinhold furniture , pi
anos , hoises. wagons nnd other pcisonal
iropertv ; also on mortgage paper and contracts
is collateral security : cush nlways on hand : lib
eral extensions manted : business transacted
falrly.iiuletly nnd promptly The Fairbanks In
vestment to. , S W cor 15th A. Douglas , upstalts ,
t\TE keep on hand money to oan on Inside
ii propertv In Omaha and South Omaha in
sums from i'lOJ to $5OjO , and as we do our own
valuing , make all papers , etc. , we can complete
n loan nuy dav you wish nnd juy you the money.
Hates , Smith \ Co. , Hoom JO I , Hanige building.
MONEY to loan : large aud small sums at low
rates , forshoit time , on real estate or chat-
lei secuilty ; second notes bought ; nil financial
business strictly confidential People's Finan
cial Exchange , O Hoiiboaron , manager , room
jfi'i llarker block , llth andj'aruam. 834
MONEY to loan on Improved pioperty ut flrst
hands. No applications sent uway for ap
proval. Securlly and titles examined tieo of
charge o borrow eis. Lombard Investment
compa.ny iWJ S. IJlh st. 1H4
GW. PECK loans money for non-residents
ou gilt-edge real estate , securities , guaran
teed ; reference , Commercial National Hank ,
Omaha. G. W , Peck. Hoom 4 , I'rcnrer block.
H'.I4 o 11 *
MONEY to loan un tnrnlture , wagon" , "tc. ,
without removal , or on collateral security ,
lluslness strictly confidential. A. E. Greenwood
i Co. , H 1 Cunningham blk , cor. 13th Je Jackson.
FIHST mortgages , loans on city , business or
residence property at lowest rates. Call and
see us before placing jour loan. Remington A
IVye , room 1 , N. W. cor Pith und Karnani. 7UO OS
MONI3Y to loan in any amount , olthor for
building or otherwise , at lowest rates of
Interest and on short notice. D. V. Sholes , room
210 KirHt Nufl bank , oor. l.ltli and Farnnm. 8 %
$ ir > .OUD to loan on lusuia property. Sonr * . flrst
mortgages for sal * . Nathan Shelton , 150i
Karniun Htieet. 805
MONKY toToun ; cash on hand : no delay , i)7 )
W. Squire. 1211) Farnani st. 1'lrst National
bank building. 8si )
DON'T borrow money on furniture , horses ,
wagons , etc. , until you liaro seen C. H. Ja
cobs , room 410 , 1'lrst National bank building ,
cor. l.ith and rarnam U04
$100,000 to loanton improved city and conn-
try property. Cosh on hand. I'irst mortgage
notes bought by Cuaranty Loan ana Invest
ment Co. . 10th and Cnlcago sts , 721 iW
A&OQ.DOO 0 per cent. Money to loan on 1m-
qjproved farms or city property. James A.
Woodman , at the old Ore insurance office ot
Sturphy If Lovett , SM 8. lath it. 8'Jl
CASH on hand $500,033 to loan on city and
farm property , lowest rates of Interest ;
bulldliiK loans a specialty. Q. \ \ . I' ck , Frenzer
block. 8)5 ! o 11 >
_ _
EASTEHN money cheap. City nnd country.
Ofllce Philadelphia Mortgage nnd Trust Co. ,
Koom 1J , Board of Trade. Oeo. W. P. Coates.
MONEY to Loan City and cou/itry ; cneap
rates , no delay. L. V , Hammond , 4tW I'ax-
ton building. 703
T OANS made on real estate nnd mortgages
J-i bougnt. Lewis S. lleed i Co. , 1621 Faruani.
8 7
M 'ONr.Y to loan on Improvad real estate.
Leavltt lliiruham , Crelghtou block. 679
[ ONEY to loan nt G. II. Peterson , real eg.
L tate nnd loan agent , 1412 3 l.ttli st. 504 Hi !
GOOD city and farm loans wanted by A. K.
Hlley , IBIU i'arnom. KSJ
61'EH CENT money to loan Cash on hand
W. } I. Harris , room 30 , I'reuzer block , opp.
I1.0. h&
/"IHATrELandcollatoral loans. M.K.Davis
V lll S Mtll St. . room 27. KI2I
, to loan nt 0 per cent. Llnahan & Mahoney -
$ honey , room 504 , I'axton block. 'JOJ
MONEY to loan ; long tlmo. George J. Paul' '
MfJ Furnauist. WJ
B UILD1NG loans , Lluahan & Mahoney.
HAL estate loans , lowest rates. Odell Pros.
lc Co. , 313 S. llith St. S9J
MONEY to loan. O. F. DavH Co. , real estate
and loan agent ? , ir/0" Fnruam st. 90J
MONEY to loan on Omaha nnd South Omaha
property. C. F. Harrison. 41HS. I6th st. 61U
FOH SALE Ho-staurnnt complete. 01 th Jl.a ,
within I block of I' . O. , at your oivn jirlco
nearly , for 'I flays only Wundell A : Wnltei-s ,
tW N , llith , 2d lloor , lelophono 1 J3. ) 10J
"IJ OH SALE A confectloneiy and cigar store
JL1 nt n bargain , no one locution , N W. cor.
17th and Nicholas. 453 11"
AXrANTED-Apaitner to take a half interest
i * lu the best weeKly puper woit of Chicago ;
must bo nbli * to tnko full charge of olllco and
books ; Jl.ftjOwill buy It ; a salary ot flu. ) per
month guaranteed. Address r W , Hoe , 41,1 bj
1 > AHTNiit : Wanted A good piotltubln business -
inoss but small capital rcMjulred. Call from
10 to U , Koom 24 , llarker block , and investigate.
353 W
171011 SALK-C'Igar store , rent KB. imloco
-L about 4iW ; two good restaurnnU nnd short
order honses. news depot , rent WO price
nccoiding to involai ; one good saloon. Co-Op-
or.vtlvo Land and Lot Co. , 205 N. IBtn st.
3tis 8
fpllK bakery at 618 N lull is offered for sale
X cheap , on account of sickness ; make us an
Olfer. MS N 16th st. 330 8
iriOH SALE Hotel and meat market at n bar
gain In u thriving town in western Neb. Address -
dress It , McNalr , Cravvford. Xeb. 2fi U *
FOH BALE $ JOUO , well selectea block general
incrchnndlie , w Ith good business. In the fu
ture city of the sunny Sun Luis Valley ; has U
stores. 3 banks , roller llourlug mill , JjO.WU ho
tel , public library ; coolest summers , spring
winter days , best adaptation for consumstlves
nnd asthmatics , enormous crops , good mines ,
line mineral springs , residences and energetic
people. Good opening for tnnnnry , creamery ,
oat-meal , oil and pa ) > er mills and potato starch
factory. H. H , ilursh , Monte Vista , Colorado.
238 Ot
CHEAT bargain Waterworks In operation
In ono ot the boat towns lu Ncbrusku , over
four miles of main * , brick engine house , over
810.UOO worth of machinery , large reservoir , 11
full-hot of plumber'd tools and material , 1U
years franc ise , hydrant rental nearly II,0 < JO
per year.
Valuation $75.000
Uonded indebtedness 45,000
Net 1.00U
Will take stock otcooda and store building
In ) ( ve town or city , ratty to take bonds and
assumeIndebtodneis ; good reasons tor wantIng -
Ing to trade. M. A. Upton Company. 203
FOU KALE-Salt Luke lots KU each , at .110 B.
15that. _ 42j
TTtOll SALK or Kxcliange-An old estubllshod
Jgood paving Livery business in Council . li ? N Main st. Wm. Btndleman. 63" )
fTIOIl SALE A block of general mercnaudlse.
JJ Addreu lock boi 355 , Atkinson , Neb.
, | _ 234 01
T71OII BALI ! The furniture nnd lease of one ol
-1 the best paying and best located hotels to
the city , Apdlyntonco to Green & Williams ,
first Nat ; bank building. 275
MEDICAL man , well posted , single , woo can
pay $100 cavh bonus , can secure spleurld lo
cation and morn thin living uroctlen iinmndu
ateljr , uttimp for reply , li TO Bee olhce ,
60 8 * d
FOH 8ALI5 A good lumhor.coal.nerlculturM
Implejiiont nnd livestock business. Address
Hedge Uroi. , Yutnu , Neb. Hftl olO
\\rANTKU To exchange Inslda cltyprop-
_ erty for unprovoil fauus uesr clty. llox
IHAVi : real nnd personal property of all
kinds for trade. Call nnd see mo , George J ,
Sternsdorff , room 0. opp , P. 0. 825
Hot siTs nnd Tots to trade fo"r "ncant"pt oi > -
ertv nud sumo cni > h. full nnd see us ,
Mutual Investment Co , Uooin 1 , Itarker Itlock.
, i2S 3
ITMMtNm'ltK , Oxturos , etc , of aSI-toomed
1- hotel near U. P. hotel , prlco f-oO > , will trade
for good omahn or Ninth Omanu pioperty. CoOperative -
Operative Land & t.ot Co. , 205 N. Itlth street.
_ _ _ _
rpo EXl'HANli-A : llrsU-lass roller mill or
J- half Intel est for Improved laud , nlso a small
lively btoik for residence lot. l > ell HIseley ,
Shenundonh , In. 45tl lit
t ( MIOCKIIY stork to exchange for land , will
l numo incumbrance If nny , piefei land In
northvestern Nebraska ; 2 grocery stocks , Invoice -
voice of each about H..VJO , want li cash and bal
ance In good property ; ! millinery stork of
about f 1,500 , want clear hind or Incuinbranco
with cuih to amount of IncumbraiKo ; } 4U )
worth of mllllneiy , want her o , cattle or tlist
mortgage notes ; nouses nnd lot" , vacant lot' * ,
land" , etc. See exchange book. Co-Opeiatlvo
Land and Lot Co. , 205 N Ulthst. 307 S
r P ( ) H\'Cl77\NYlT-M ( > equity In 1 * . P. rallioad
J- lands for good horse und buggy. Address
lL Loomls. nth and I'acltlc. HI. h'
rpHK o'maha llusliless Exchange. It. ft , s. w cor.
-L nth ami Douglas , makes u specialty of selling
nud exchanging ull classes of merchandise , etc
_ _ _ "
rill ) EXCHANGE- sell , houses"nnd lots.
JL f ittnior iiierihnndlse see Omaha Dullness
llxchange , room 5 , s. w. cor. 15th and Douglas.
_ _ 191 OJ2 _
"XyANI'lSD-Good lands and city property ,
horses , cattle , etc. , to oxchungo for liter-
chaudlst * In all lines. L. P Kraus , 1W7 ( I'arnam
st , Omaha , N'eb. 4M ( ) - ' !
D Stocks of morchandlseiu auvand
< ' all lines to exchange for good fauu lands ,
Omaha teal estate , horses , cattle , etc L. P.
Kraus , 1007 Furnam t > t. , Oninhn , Neb. ill OJ1
A1TP.NTION The gifted destiny render can
bo consulted dally for two weeks In nil nf-
fair.sof life or death ; tells your life from the
cradle to the giitvoj reuultes the separated with
the wonderful Egyptian charm ; locates disease
nnd henls them with Mussnge and electric tieat-
ment Olllco 417 S. llth bt. , up-stalis , iooms2
nnd 3. 4b2-10J
ItNANN' . Wnrrcu. clairvovnnt. Med
ical und business medium. Female diseases
n specialty. 110 , N. IMh st , Hooms2 A3. 255
FOll SALT. Lot 50x150 , wllll good 2-Mory
house nicely furnished , nil modern conven
iences , within 1 blk paved st. , ! i blk from Park
school nnd M E. church , Hanscom place This
Isomtof lh best proportles In the city , ai.d
can be had at a bargain by addressing the
owner , F 14 , lleo olllco , 448
CHOICE land for sain or trade Quaitcr sec
tion In Hrown county , quarter section In
Holt county , timber claim In Sioux county , half
section school land In Daw es county : eighty
acres thereof line heavy pine timuor. Tnese
places were all picked out by H land valuator
nnd are A 1. Apply at loym 601 , 1'lrst National
Hunk building. 404 8'
FOH 8ALK Nice east front lot S5il27l { , one
block off st. cnr line running regularly , near
church ami schools. Price H76 ; Hi cash , bal
ance tlO monthly. Inquire ut residence. 401 N.
15th st. 4 9 it
Foil SALE One of the most desirable homes
in Omnhn nt Just cost price. Will sell fur-
nltuie If party desires. Object , leaving town.
No real estate agent to deal ! wilt or commis
sion to pay. Addiess D 57 , lice olllce' . 321-8
( US1NBSS Kith street , corner , 4 blocks from
H'arnam , for S less than It Is worth. GCxl ! 2
on Capitol uvc , between lutli and IGth , at loss
than value. M , A Upton Company. 579
FOH SALE Choice east front lot with an ex
tra well built 8 room house nnJ burn , on cor.
30th and Mason. M. A. Upton Company 670
FOH SALR-Lot 11. b. 20 , Hanscom place , IS50
oil what It is worth , C.r. Harrison , 418 S 15th
71OU BALE Very best South. Ouiuha bar-
-gains. M.A. Upton Co. 870
FO H S ALE-tflxlOO foetnear corner Woolworth
avo. and 28th st. ; hou H ot b rooms.tmtnrooin ,
gas , cistern , hot and cold wnter , sewer connec
tion , furnace , 2 cellars , location all that can ba
desired , school , church and 2 lines of horse curs
wlthlng2 blocks , cable in project ; $1,500 ; $ UX)0 )
cash balance easy , 8 per cent interest. C. K
Harrison. 418 S 15th st.
33x1000 feet cor. Woolworth nro. nnd 25th St. ,
house and improvements materially the same
na above , 15,0 < 0 , tl.OUj cash , balancu ousy , 8 per
cent Interest. C. F. Harrison , 418 S 15th st. i..W
0800 buys a full lot and good 4-rootu cottage
Veasy terms and good location. D V. Sholos ,
room 210 , First Nafl bank , cor. Uth and Far-
nam. W9
T71O11 SALK Or xchange. We have some
-L good Omaha leal estate and Nebraska
farms , which we will sell cheap or trade for
stock ot clothinc , furnishing goods , dry poods ,
boots and shoes , groceries or hard ware , Schlei-
Ingcr UroJ. . 014 S. loth st. 910
HKHl'I Here Here Is what you have been
'ooMng ' for. Now 8 room house , city , cistern
and well water , cast front , lotVWxlUM nt grade In
Windsor place : owner going west , will tell
for n few days for H.5UO , easy terms. M. A. Up
ton Company. UTU
SOUTH OMAHLot 14. block 77. S. K. corner
2Clh uud M a rects , 0-room house , { 10,000i <
Lot 14. block78 , S E.corner25thnnd Matrects ,
19.000. ! cash. llou. on this rents 115.
If these corners wocon N street they would
sell for tW.OOO each. M will be a better street
tuan N in a year fron to-day. Each ono of
these corners w ill make seven business lots. M.
A. Upton * Co. WS
T71OH BALE-Frank Wn-ssermon , at the Bank
-L of Omaha , bus Home of the choicest rosl *
donee nnd business pioperty in tlie city for ful
cheap. 40tl
LOOK at this 44 feet on 23d st Just south of
California , corner on an alley , for W.200 3
room house. M. A. Upton Company. 870
171011 SALE-10,000 acies land III Nebraska nt
J- ' low rates on long tlmo ; good farm lauds ,
G. H. Peterson , 1412 s. 13th st. 501 0.2.J
FOH SALE Or exclmiigo for Omaha proper
ty , 80 acres , suitable for platting ; will make
4D01ots ; nil clear : big money In It for some one
who can push this ; located juit ouUUlu of the
city limits ot Council Hlutfa. Inuuire Geo. J.
Sternsdorll , opp. postollico. HOi
POH SALE Host business propcity In
Omuliu. M. A. Upton Co. 870
LAND Seekers , Attention For full par.
tlculars about free nnd cheap lands In west
ern Nebraska address Thos. C. 1'atten.on , Heal
Estate Agent. North Platto. Neb. _ IQlOli )
FOH BALK -New 7-rooni house. Mil lot , east
front , ISO feet from cable car , 10 m limit ! walk
from no * > tolll(8 , furnace , bath , etc. . I5.0JO ; f 1,6 JO
cash , balance to suit.
New 9 room house , nil modern improvements.
15 mlnuteV ride on < nr fiom P. O. , paved street ,
n corner. 01 feet frontage , S , 15. trout , will take
vacant lot as part payment.
New s-room house in Hanscom Place.nll mod
ern Improvements. J7.WO ; 11,000 cuuu , balancs
to suit.
The best east trent lot on Virginia ave. only
( PvtvXjT *
1'or bargains In Hanscom Place , Improved or
rncant , you should se mo , ns 1 liavo the cream
of the addition for sale.
100 acres , Improved. Smiles from the crowing
town of Chadrou. Nob. , a town of 3.00J people.
will trade the land for stoci ot clothing or
boots and shoes.
bOJucresof Itoone county land to trade for
A. G. Inghram , Hoom 1 , Darker Ulock.
UiJ3 0
_ _ _ _ _ _
" 171011 SALE and exchange-
. .1W.OOO stock of drugs and groceries in good
Nebiaska town for clear land und cash.
I2.0HU stock of general merchandise , part cash
nnd leal estate.
I3.50J stock of dry goods and groceries , wel
established business , in ceptrnl Nebraska.
> ,5 < 0 stock of Jewelry for live stock ,
JJ."U > ) worth of hotel furniture mm lease for
sale , good opening for enterprising man.
- > .m ) stoc < of millinery , part caih nnd rea
estate ; best location In city.
MUO stock of hardware for zale , good oprn
Ing.fciOOl stock of drugs , good town , doing paylne
biihinei , ! ) . for real estate and part cabh.
* Hoe < i stock farm , 24' ) ncres , 1 miles from
peed It , H. town in Nebra&ica , exclmnge toi
liorscs , cattle orvheop.
Want stock of genuial merchandlso or grocar
les from Ifl.OX ) to 110.000 , will pay L to ft cnsn
balance in food Improved farms.
\\nnt M.UiO stock of general merchandise foi
H section Neti. Innd clear and VX1 caxli.
Want good stock ot grocerta * In lurgo towi
vvlth established trade , wilt pay ca.h on reason
ttOO commission business for sale among the
best locations In this city
( 6.000 butlness block to exchange for n good
stock ranch , runt * for per month.
140,000 bublnttou block to uxchaugo tor good
rosldonce property , routs for H10 per month ,
For Bale Furnlturo and lease of two'-roow
flats , centrally located.
Coirespondence solicited from parties doulr
Ing to MBll , exchange or located in tiuslneM. L
P. Kraus. ICOT Farnum St. . Omaha , Mob , itll | |
EDWAUI ) v . , . ,
several farm * tor sale In I'liuta county at
IU W PJ pr acri , OlCOZi *
Foil SALK-Nollung but nrsl-cUss proper >
ties. M. A. Upton Co. C70
FMl ALK fi bv'nutlfnriioutn front" lots "Tit
llrlgg's Plitce on IKniRlas .it. , Just north ot
the Mnplo drove. II.WO each , * rush K.iMO for
the t > . M. A , Upton Company. 611
TOH SALK finest residence property In thi
J.'mniket. M.A Upton Co 870
ipAH.MS We hnvo some of the Ilnestltnproveil
forms In Missouri , Krnsns , Iowa and Ne
braska for sale , M. A. I'pton Company. oTU
FAKMINd In eastern Nebraska pays now.
To these wanting to BO on n farm wo can
toll hovr to get good land w 1th wry little money.
The clay that this can bo done will soon b *
passed , M A. t'pton Company. WS
KErflDKNCK for Sato Nlco fi-room house , flu.
IMied In oak , barn , well , cistern , full east
front lot , lu Windsor Place , ft..Ml ; easy terms ;
n lovely little homo at v ery moderate prlco M ,
A , I'pton Compiny. IH >
171OK SALifcxlK : ! , ! ! on llrlsiol street between
J Sannder.s and Slnte. .MaVe us nil orfer on
this. 20 per cent less will huv U tills week limn
It will over nguln be oiroivd foi. .M. A. I'litoa
Company. M.I
' KIIKASIvA farms We have 01110 gooJ 1ft )
J- > acre furms up the KlUiuru vallev with flO. . )
nnd J * J long time moitK.iges against them
that from J.VX ) to J.soOcash will liny Ihe equities ,
Now Is the time to Invest In Nobiasku farm
lands , nlthonuh selling chenp they are valuable
nnd more productive thnn custom land viihnnl
nt four or live times out pilco M A. I'pton Co
FOK SALf.-Ht M lot In Ilunscom placo. ole
gnnt east fiout , to exehnngo for home lit
norm part of town , Ubsnmo dlllorenco C. I" .
MairlHon , 4s | s r.tli * t. 421
YOlt SALi : llest stork farm InSuipj county ,
JL 'X acres nil fenced , M ucies In crops , 100
IICKS mo.ulovv. 100 ai'ies tlmtier , 7-ioiim house ,
stable for twelve hoi-M's , sheds foi .SHI cuttle ,
lev el lund , black loam soil , $ .11 per acre. I1.MX ) lit
; iytius balance o.ish. won tirade. 'Ihis farm Is
worthHimi , Hlckneis canso of selling M A
I'pton Company 27,1
COr.MMIi 111.1 ITfco have some lota nt
the east end of tlio new bildgo that can bo
bought at a tlnure that will muko puichaser
money. M.A I'pton Company. 679
1 | Ult i-Not fii Trade. riH7nacresoflm.
proved land - miles fiolit Manjuette In ,
lamlltou Co. , Nebiaska. Kramn house , frnnu )
Dtnulo , miO act CM under a k'tmil 4 barb-ulru fence ,
round tedar posts and - Majs : llvlnRvatvr ,
Kooil corial , " wells , wind mill , DJiVbai rel tank ,
elf-feedertroui'hs , etc. ; 75 ucros clover ; inodol
'aim. '
rice ( about 1 12 per ncre ) . J1&f
Cash . H.5CO
I years time nt ti per tent . . 8XXJ (
do and look ovci tlir land and uddrrsH the
owner , 1' . 1C. Atkins. ! " > * ! I.nrlmer St. , Denver ,
Colo. 214
poll SALU-llutintiful homed In Kouutzo
'place. ' M A. Upton Company. 870
IJIOH SAIiK Nice homes In Windsor place.
P M. A. Upton Co. au
W cornermh nnd
Kainam , fionlinn thien streets , nicely
graded , Js.ouO ; > , cash. The next l > 4 feet to this ,
nntilng throiiKh from rarnam to Ivos streets ,
M. A. Upton A Co. 203
Wo have two extra bargains for
BAItOAINS One at * 7&M and the ether at
M. A.'ptoiU'omp.iny . _ fi7U
FOH SAI.K Kasy terms , new houne 11 rooms ,
carpets aud pau furniture , stalilo. largo lot ,
, ia\ed street , horse'dirs. Kuijulro of owner ,
Nathan Sheltf.u 1505 rarnam st. 841
171011 SAliE Hue residences In Ilnncom place
JH and vicinity. M. A , Upton Company.
TWO blocks from cable line , lot WtlllHoallar
Nlco iVroom cottage , small barn , lot fenced ,
everything nlco , f Aiu , one-foitrlh cash , bal
ance easy. M A. Upton company. _ 141
FOR HAI.K-Very nice new house and stghtl
lot ou California stiee , directly south of
Sacred Heart M. A , I'pton Company. 870
"T71OH SAhK Nowfcroom house , Prlco $ 1,05 .
-E Apply toSHil Decatni street. 784 O
JOIuutluii I'rooliiinntlon.
Under and bylrtne ot the authority vested
In me by section eleven ( Hi of chariter twenty-
six iliil of the ( .omplled statutes of Nebraska ,
entitled "Elections. " I , John M. Tlmyer , KOV-
ernor of the state of Nebraska , do hereby IHHIIO
my proclamation , that on Tuesday , tno sixth
day of November , A D. 188 . there will ba uu
election held at the usual places of voting In
hald state , for the put pose of electing the follow
ing olllcers. to-wit :
I'lvo electors of president and vice president
of the United States.
Ono member of congt ess from the Vlrst con *
Ono member of congress from the Second con-
Br-slonal district.
One member of congress fioiu tlio Third GOOc
gresslonal district ,
( loveiuor.
Ueutonant governor.
Secretary of st.ito
State treasurer.
Auditor public accounts.
Attorney geneial.
Commissioner of nubile lands and buildings.
Superintendent of public Instruction.
State senator for each senatorial district , and
Hopieientatlves for oacu reprosontatlv *
district , as proMi d by law.
In witness wheicof. 1 ha\o heiouiuoset tny
baud and caused to be alllxod the great seal ot
the state Done nt Lincoln thH
2d day ot October , in the year ot
our Lord ono thousand eight hun.
[ Seal ] dred und eighty eight , the twen
ty-second year of the stnto , and
of the Independence of the United
SUUcs the ono hundred and tlilc *
By the ( iorctnor. JOHN M. THAYKIU
O. S. LAWS , Secretary Stato.
VI nU C V nml n" UI Inary troubles easily , quick-
MUllC I ly und safely cured by DOCUTA Calf
Milm.Saverestcnsas cured lu t > oven davu. Solil
J1.5Unerbot , all druggNts , or by mall fiom Da.
cuta Mfg.Co. , 11. \ \ hlUsbt.N. Y. Tull DUectlonJ.
Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'f ,
The Best Route from Omaba and Council
BlufTn to
THE EAST- . : i -
Chicago , snirraukce.
St. Paul , Minneapolis , Cedar
llock Island , Frccport , Hockford ,
Cllutoa , Dubuque ,
Elgin , Mndlsou ,
Beloit , WInona , La Crosse
Ana all other Important point ! UMt NorthcuttiS
For through tickets cull on the ticket tcintatUOI
Fnniarn itreut , la Darker lllock , or at Uuloo I'aeUd
Pullman Sleepen ana tlie flntit ninlnR CAM In thfe
norM Kit ruu ou the mean Una uf Uu Cblcujo. Mil
wnukco It ut. l' uJ lUtUsr , una every tteatloiFll
paid to yiucugert bf courlcoul floplo/kf Ol Ul
lc M1LLKR , Otneral Utaneer.
J.V.I UOKHU , AKiinUut ciouar&l Mmaetif.
AV. . R. IJXllrBMTKB , Utncttl rfk | r tofl
Ticket Aseot.
J. rni.itg1 f cltnitnl Supctintecdcak
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago ,
Tlio only ro il to Uko for Dei Molncj. Maribiltowa
CeiJ f ; llapldi , Clluton , Dlxon , Olilctgo , Mllwnoteu ,
Mul all points KaiU To tlia people of Nebrwk * ( ; . - -
rado. WromtuK , UUh , [ Uabu , NoTadt , Oregon , Wi offon upcTior taraoli
AmonKa few of tb numerouipolnti of lupf rlorttr
rnlojed br the iialrnot of tlilt rou4 between Oinikhi
nud Clileaao. ara 111 three tr lnt a d r of LIAV
COAOIll'-H. which are thu finest that human art and
Inuenultr n create. Hi I'At.ACK. HI.KKI'INO UAIH
Iho U'jiinl otvblcli cannot be found eliowbero. At
Couucll UlutTi , tb * trains of tlie Union 1'aclnolUll )
way connect la union depot with tuo > of the Cm *
cazo 4 Norlliwoteru Jly. InCblcavo the tr lnio (
this line rnak * cli cenoticUoa wTlb tbol * of all
other Kuitorn linns.
for Detroit , Columbui. IndlaDapolli , ClnclnDatlt
Maeara Kalli , HuOalo. Pittibury , Toroutp , Mvotrcati
jlo.Top. Now fork , 1'bllHdehibTa , liatllrfloro , W U <
tuiiion , and allpolutt In th Eaiv , Atk for tlcketi tl
" *
If you wlih tbe. b n ccomiuooStI a. All tlokek
ayenli dell llrkau via toll line.
W. N. BA. . K Of n , <
o. KI WEST , cur ram-ni
UOl I'arnftm SUeti .Omaua.