' THE OMAHA DAILY , BEE : TUESDAY , OCTOBER 9. 188a THJ3 DAILY BEB. COUNCIlTBLtrFFS. OPKICI2. NO lil I'KAIUj STIIKRT. Delivered by carrier In Any I'nrt of the City at Twenty Cents Per Week. II , W. T1I/10N . . MAKAOEU. r.ep OITICE No. 13. NKIIIT KniToit , NO. si. MINOK MHNTIOX , N. Y. Plumbing company. C Only $10.Wi at Chapman's art store. Now fall goods just received at Ilel- ter'a , merchant tailor , . ' 110 llroadwny. The Bercan Baptist church , under the pastoral care of Rev. T. F. Tliickstun , now numbers twenty-seven members. Clark's O. N. T. spool cotton and Marshall's linen thread , the ladies of Council Bluffs have fallen in love with for its general excellence in all kinds of Hewing and fancy work. John Bcno & Co. Sunday's boozers were cinched yes terday morning as follows : Henry Wecklund , $ H.10 ; John Turner * S.10 ; Robert Strahn,1t > .lO ; John Landy$7.CO. D. J. Winston was lined $15 and costs for assault. Very successful and interesting re vival services are being hold in the Ovonton Mission. They will bo con tinued every evening tliis week , under the leadership of Miss Hasty. Every body is invited. The bids for the erection of the car riage works of Keyed Bros , were opened yesterday and the award will bo an nounced'today. . The closing details will bo arranged to-day and work will proceed at once. Morohouso & Co. , the bookbinders , yesterday received an inquiry from Quitmnn , Gn. , in regard to the books manufactured by this linn. They have already had orders from Texas , and their trade seems far-reaching indeed. The presiding elders of the DCS Moincs conference will meet in this city to-morrow. Tlio objecttof the meet ing is to apportion the various benevo lent collections to the different dis tricts , and arrange oilier matters pre liminary to the yearly work. Chief Lucas yesterday found an insane girl of lifti'on yours in Bnylihs park. She was taken to her homo on Washington avenue. She was formerly a domestic in the employ of Mrs. Wyrick. but was compelled to give up her situation on account of mental troubles. A train of twenty-Jive palace stock cars came in Sunday evening over the Milw tuikcc , en route from New York to Soda Springs , Idaho. This is the second end train of this kind that lias arrived here. A description of the first was published in Tm : Bin : several weeks ago. ago.Tho The Chnutnuquun Circle held its lirst meeting of the season last evening. There were about thirty members pres ent. Tlio greater part will continue through the entire course , although this is necessary * in order to join. It is hoped to have a much larger member ship than last season. Those who do not drive down Broad way ofti'iior than once u week can hnrdly keep track of the many changes going on. Improvements are on every hand. The prediction is matlo that be fore this time next.year the bottoms will bo pretty well covered with buildings , manufactories , yards , etc. George II. Adams' comedy company delighted a largo audience at Dohtvny's last evening In "He , She , Him , Her. " The singing was very good , and was repeatedly encored. The specialty fea tures were line , and the entire pro gramme much bolter than common. The orchestra did well , and the au dience was thoroughly satisfied. Mrs. Ida Lovojoy , daughter of Mr. Prouty of Garner township , and sister of Prof. 11. M. Prouty. principal of the high school of this city , died yesterday morning at her homo in Omaha of heart disease. Tlio remains will be brought across the river to-day on the 1:45 : dummy , and the funeral will tuko place at 2 o'clock from the Methodist church. The patrol wagon was summoned to the southern part of the city last even ing , and the officers responding were put on track of a lot ot clothing "planted" during the day in a barn on Sixth avenue , down on the bottoms. No trace of the owner could bo discovered , and the property , which was not very valuable , was taken to police headquar ters. It i thought that it belongs to Bomo thief who was unable to dispose of it during the daytime. Esquire Biggs' court was occupied yesterday with the case of state against the three young men who are charged with shooting the stock belonging to John Coylo. The testimony will bo continued this morning , and doubtless the case will bo closed to-day. Much interest is manifested , especially among the farmers in that locality , in the out come of the case. Tlio testimony of the defense thus far is very conllicting. In fact their stories do not harmonize at nil. nil.A A lively scrap seemed imminent at the corner of Sixthuvenuo and Eleventh Btrcot yesterday afternoon between the driver of a baker's wagon and the son of one of the residents of that locality. Tlio driver wanted to collect a bill and the lady of the house said she would pay it at the ollicc. This angered John , and ho was getting noisy when the son in terfered. It was getting quite warm when the horses started and bore the excited bread peddler beyond the reach of his angry assailant. Rose Lintio , as Seibel in Faust , next Friday night , at Dohuny's. Twin City Place. Bids wore opened yesterday on the carriage factory which is located in Twin City Place addition , and contracts will bo lot in a day or two. This ib the addition in which the quick money will bo mada ; 20 per cent discount and no cash payment for first twenty-live houses. Ten of these chances tukon yesterday. This offer good for ten days only. & SunriiKiiu. See Forrest Smith's spcciul column. Mrs. U Simmons , dressmaker , nu Broadway - way , over ICiseman's , on electric motor lino. Special advantages to Omulm ladles. Persounl S. T. Walker returned yesterday morning from u three weeks' visit at his old home in Bollofontuino , O. John Lindt Esq. , returned Saturday evening from Pupillion , Nob. , whore ho was called to oltect u settlement in the case of a hardware firm. The amount involved was over $9,000. Rev. W. C. Yancoy , of Crcston , father of Yancoy , of the Bcchtclo hotel , is in the city on n * visit to his son. Mr. Yuncoy is an ox-Methodist minister , having retired from the ministry about ton years ago. Reserve your scats for Emma Juch be fore opera date and save money. Money loaned at L. B. Crafts & Co.'s loan ofllco , on furniture pianos , horses , wagons , personal properly of all kinds , anu all other articles , of value without removal. All business strictly confi dential. 'ARIHGFORTDEWEDDHM Further Arrangements Made For Opening the Now Bridge. A VERY MYSTERIOUS LETTER. The Writer \Vnntn Ills Hotly Found Gcttlnc Uutlier Wnrni For Aldermen - men Tnlbot Shown Mercy- Council muffs News. Tlio WcilillnR of the Cities. The committees of Omaha and Coun cil HhilL ) hnvinir cliargo of the opening of the new bridge held a meeting at the jourd of trade rooms in this city yester day afternoon at 4 o'clock. There wore present Max Meyer , G. M. Nattingor tnd B.Xevcly , directors ; Mayor Rohrcr , P. Lacy , Lucius Wells , G. P. Wright , T. J. Evans , Colonel W. lSapp , S. P. McConnell , William Moore , Captain A. W.CowlcBand J. L. Temletonof | ) Coun cil BhKTs ; John A. Waketiold , Hugh G. Clarke , A. M. Kitchen , Citdot Taylor , Captain J. 15. Smith and Mr. Wilson , of Omaha. Tlio meeting was called to order by Max Meyer , of the Omaha com mittee. The minutes of the last meeting were read by Secretary Xovely , of the board of trade. Secretary Nattingcr , of Omaha , then read his minutes of the previous meeting. The report of the committee on pro gramme was llr.t called for. This con- inilteo consisted of Messrs. Evans of Council BlulTsand Alexander of Omaha , i'lio line of march , as previously re ported in the city papers , was read. It IVIIH stated that the mounted Knights Templar were intended to escort Lho governors of the two states , ibis being the only manner in which they could como out. It was buggcstctl that there should bo no footmen in line during the whole course of the inarch , as it was thought that the proposed line was altogether too long. Manager Kvans , of the bridge com pany , stated that ho would guarantee Lhat the motor cars would carry those taking part in the parade , between the bridge and this city. It was voted that the day's programme bo referred buck to the same committee with the mar shals added. It was decided that the exercises of the bridge should be very brief. As the two delegations arrived at cither end , the govenor's of the two states .should shako hands in the center of the bridge , and a largo ring , sixteen feet in diameter and appropriately de corated .should bo presented. On the return to the bridge , the councils of the two cities should stand inside the ring at the west end of the bridge , and the marriage will then take place , fol lowed by the riveting of the ring. The entire ceremonies at the bridge will not require over twenty minutes. Tlio committee on finance was then called. Mr. Lucius Wells , as a member of that committee , referred the report to Mayor Ilohrcr. The committee of this side agreed to raise $1,000 in this city. On motion Messrs. 1 < \ J. Day , II. L , Shepherd , F. Cook , B. Zevcl , George Kudio and E. II. Odoll were added to the BlulTs committee , and Mr. A. M. Kitchen. II. T. Clark , L. II. Korty and Mr. Alexander to the Omaha com mittee. Committees for speakers and invita tions : Mr. Wright stated that the invi tations were in the hands of the litho graphers , but that nothing had been done in regard to speakers. Mr. Lacy reported that ho had visited 220 business houses of this city and all had given liberal encouragement and and would bo represented in the line on the ! ! ( ) th of October. Captain Smytho , of Omaha , stated that he thought that at least five or six companies of the Nebraska National Guards would bo present if the rail roads would give the same rates given to attend the opening of the Nebraska City bridge. Captain Smytho , of the Croighton Guards , was added to the committee on invitation , with instructions to invite military oftlcials and companies through out eastern Nebraska. Captain Cowlcs was appointed to do the same in western Iowa. Mr. Evans stated that negotiations were pending with the passenger pool at Chicago. On motion , the committee on trans portation was empowered to offer pri/.es not to exceed $150 for a competitive drill if the railroads refused to give f rce transportation to the companies of national guards. Mr. Clark reported in favor of pur chasing about three dozen of daylight 11 re works , and of illuminating the bridge at night with colored fire , also of deco rating the bridge. The bridge company was appointed a committee on bridge decorations. Mr. Meyers stated that ho had seen the management of the Guards band and the Omaha Musical union. A commu nication was read from the Wahoo Mu sical Union band ottering their services at reasonable rates. Mr. Taylor reported that the papers of Omaha would send in receipted bills for all work in this line. Mr. Farrell said the papers of Council Bluffs would do as well. Mr. W. II. Moore was appointed in place of Mr. Walsh , wno would not bo in the city. Have our wagon call for your soiled clothes. Cascade Laundry Co. A Word to the Wine. If you are contemplating making an investment why not select a good bar gain instead of being contented with just an ordinary lot , and why not got u perfect title instead of a half title. Buy your property from our list and get something choice , at a low figure and on easy terms. ODKLL Duos & Co. E. n. Sheafe & Co. , make long or short time loans on real estate , in sums to suit , at lowest rate of interest. Oflico Broadway and Main street , upstairs. Tnlliot lict Off Easy. As has been previously stated in THE Dm : , the sentence imposed last Satur day morning by Judge Loofbourow on W. P. Tnl bo t , the forger , was eighteen months at hard labor in the peniten tiary at Ft. Madison. As soon AS the bontcnco was pronounced , all the mem bers of the bar present , and Rev. T. J. Mnckay , rector of St. Paul's , interceded witti the court for a reduction of the Ecntenco. The matter was taken under advisement , and the decision of the judge wus announced yesterday morn ing when court was opened. The sentence - tonco was reduced to f > ix months. Since the matter has been brought especially to the notice of the public , it is best that the entire facts of the case are given. It is claimed thai Talbot was driven to his criminal act to prevent his wife and child from suffering , and that it was hio llrst deed of the kind. He also claims that money was due him from Uuubur & Co. , at tUo.tlmo bo forged their name. It is very prob.ibjo that the public has placed its where u is un deserved. Mr. Dun bur claims to have in his possession no less than twelve fraudulent contracts made out by Talbot while canvassing this city for a now di rectory , upon nil of which he roccivcd a commission. They are all forgeries of the names of a do/.en business firms and private citizens of Council Bluffs. They can be seen upon application to Mr. Dunbar. TIIK BKI : does not desire to prosecute an unfortuntite man who is deserving of sympathy , but publishes these state ments as the true facts in the case. Sheriff O'Neill states that ho is one of the many deceived by the prisoner Talbot. When first incarcerated the sheriff thought his prisoner deserving of pity and extended him many favors. Wlmt was his surprise one day to find a dozen of the finest steel saws in Talbot's cell , with which ho was endeavoring to curve his way to freedom. As his wife was the only ono who had an oppor tunity to get these tools to him , the sheriff could do no less than to suspect her and shut off her former privileges. Since the prisoner has been in jail , his wife has made some very condemnatory statements , according to a reliable au thority. He f-ays that she stated in his presence that her husband had been in trouble fecvoral times , and that she had never had over half an hour to get out of town before bho came here , but this time she Had a half a day. Talbot's connection with the Canning swindling case is not forgotten by the o who knew intimately concerning it , and it is openly hinted that the prosecution wan bought off at that time. Tlio cir cumstances in the case and the previous career of the fellow Talbot give rise to well founded doubts as to the wisdom of the course pursued by his friends hero. His wife and child deserve sympathy and charity , but it is u question whether or not the return to them of a husband and father will result as hoped for. Ten lots sold to builders yesterday in Twin City Place. & SiuriuitD. : E. II. Shcafo loans money on chattel security of every description. Private consulting rooms. All business strictly conlideiitil. ; Olllco MM Broadway , cor ner Main street , up-stairs. See Forrest Smith's special column. J. G. Tipton has bargains in real estate. Twin City Place. Hear the second act ( the garden scene ) from Faust , at Dohuny's , Friday night , by the Emma Juch company. Loans made on city business and resi dence property. Notes bought. Kirn- ball-Champ Investment company. Hot After the Council. The statement that has appeared in the city papers regarding the impeach ment of Alderman Waterman have been in error so far as the impeachment is concerned. Tlio action taken is to re cover $257.0" ) paid to Waterman for work done for the city. It is alleged that he , as chairman of the fire committee , let contracts to himself contrary to the laws of the state of Iowa , and it is demanded that the money for this work bo re funded. It is proposed to institute legal proceedings against several other of the aldermen and the mayor for mysterious performances of the past few monthsand the firm having the matter in charge , Messrs. Mynstor & Limit , promise some sensational developments. It scorns there is considerable backing behind these suits , and there will bo fun for somebody before it is through. The other members of the executive body say that Waterman has been going "a little fast , " but it is claimed that their gait has also been rattier rapid. The public will eagerly watch developments in the case , whiclrwill bo given inTiiK 13KB as they transpire. Benson & Shepherd , solo agents for Twin City Place. Liszt's favorite piano pupil , Atlelo Aus Dor Oho , at Dohuny's , next Friday night. The finish on our collars , cuffs and shirts cannot bo equalled. Cascade Laundry Co. Boots , shoes. Kinnohan's , 320 B'way. Notice the beautiful finish given col lars , cuffs and shirts by Cascade Laundry company. See Forrest Smith's special column. Emma Juch , the principal soprano of the National Opera company , as Mar guerite in Faust , at Dohuny's , next Fri day evening , October 12. A Mysterious Letter. TIIK BKE is in receipt of a letter signed Edward McKibbon , in which ho narrates his family troubles , and inti mates that ho is just about to make away with himself. Ho gives directions for the disposition of his body , when found , but does not state where or when that maybe. From the fact that the letter ' is 'dated September 1(1 ( , and was not mailed until yesterday , it scorns that Edward changed his mind after writing the letter , but kept it to save writing another ono. The fact that it was mailed yesterday might lend ono to con clude that ho had again had a mental veer around to solf-dcstruction again. Tlio letter is apparently too sincere for any ghastly joke , but btill it may bo that the writer of it thinks to play some prank on the susceptible reporters. Pos sibly ho wants to terrify his family by a mysterious disappearance and probable su'icido. The readers can take their chance of thcso numerous conjecture's. S. B. Wadsworth & Co. loan money. Money loaned on furniture , pianos , diamonds , horses , buggies , or anything of value at low rates of interest. No publicity ; fair and honorable dealing. A. A. Clark & Co. , ofllco cor. Broadway and Main , over American express. Wo have no cpmpotitors in finishing collars , cuffs and shirts. Cascade Laun dry Co. Benson & Shepherd , solo agents for Twin City Place. Crossing Broadway Bridge. The first carriage to cross the now bridge was that of T. J. Evans. Yester day morning Mr. Evans , accompanied by George P. Wright , esq. , drove over to Omaha and back. They wore fol lowed by construction teams , which passed buck and forth during the day. Respecting the toll rates , Manager Evans says the committee having that matter in hand has had no mooting yet , EO that all statements as to what the rates will be are pure surmises , for no rates have boon fixed. The committee will meet before many days , when this matter will bo settled , and then a list as agreed upon will bo published. New mince meats and suur kraut just received at Tibbitts' . At Dohany'a Friday Kvenlng. Miss Emma Juch , the distinguished young primu donna who was with the National opera company last Beabon , will BUHKE'S ADDITION. * > ' * / ' * / 6 < f tt .9 to II /J / * - 10 12. 3 13 \ Tto to 0 & ' ยง 41 5 The Choicest Ground for Residence in the Western Part of the City , Is now platted into Beautiful , Lurgo Lota. About ten minutes ritlo on the inotcr to Douglas street , Omaha. They lie on a level butolevatctl strip of ground. About 800 yards from the new motor line to Omaha. .Lets than 1 } miles from the Council BlulTs postolllee. Neiirly twice as largo in si/o in size as most of the newly platted lot . Good public schools near by. The proposed Boulevard bounds it on the north. TJTLKS Perfect. ABSTRACT Printed Abstract and Warranty Deed with cacli Lot. GRADE Examine the.se lots with reference to the grade before buying a lot. The ordinary price of n lot is saved on grade alone , if you buy one of these lots. TERMS To a good class of purehtibers a limited number of lots will be sold for one-tenth down : balance in monthly payments , without interest. Apply to FINLEY BURKE , J. J. Brown building , 113 Pearl-St. , Council BlulTa , Iowa. POST OFFICE IYIEAT MARKET. Manufacturer * anilVliolciule Do lers In Senasetge of .A.11 KirLds. Onlcrs Promptly Filled and Delivered. NO. 35 IIKOAIMVAV. TEl.HPHOXi : XO. A HOME ON SEVEN YEARS WITHOUT INTEREST. Nice 5-room cottages , brick foamdation , and all necessary out-buildings. Only ten minutes walk from the new motor line. Near the NEW POWER HOUSE , COUNCIL BLUFFS. A FEWONLYlEFT FOR SALE ON THESE TERMS. APPLY AT ONCE TO O. 0" . MASONIC TEMPLE , COUNCIL BLUFFS. TELEPHONE NO. 112. appear in one grand concert at Dolmiiy's on Friday evening , the house having been specially engaged for the occasion by the P. E. O. .society , under * whobo auspices the concert will bo given. After her brilliant faucccss at the St. Louis 6u > ngorbund last Juno Miss Juch sailed for Europe for a short pleasure trip among the old world capitals. She has just returned and is entering upon n brief concert season. Her wonderful soprano voice is said to bo improved in quality since last season , when she de lighted theater-goers with her beautiful rendition of Marguerite in "Faust. " Speaking of Miss Juch and her com pany , Prof. L. Methudy , ot St. Louis , president of the national sangerbund , faaid to the reporter : "At the national Bsengorburid held at St. Louis last Juno bho bcored triumphs that have been awarded no singer since the great suc cess attained by Pauline Lucca. Miss Juch's charming manners and her wil lingness to respond to repeated encores made her n prime favorite. Miss Juch and Aus dor Oho appeared before an audience of 11,000 and fairly electrilied them with the brilliancy of their per formance. Victor Herbert , of Miss Juch's company , is ono of the iincbt of living 'ccllibts , and has that reputation nil over the world.3' Tlio ClRiirmnkerp. The members of the Cigarmakcrs Union No. 177 , ot Council BlulTs , elected at their last meeting the following ollicors : President , G. A. Weber ; vice president , A. iVUonko ; treasurer , F. W. Lamb ; financial and corresponding secretary. G. Madison ; recording secre tary , I. Hus. In Love's Harness. Most women naturally look forward to matrimony as their proper sphere in lifn , but they should constantly bear in mind that a fair , rosy face , bright eyes , and a healthy , well-developed form , are the best passports to a happy marriage. All those wasting disorders , weakness , dragging-down" sensation , and func tional irregularities peculiar to their BOX , have an unfailing specific in Dr. Piorco's Favorits Prescription. It is the only medicine for women , sold by druggists , under a positive guarantee from the manufacturers , that it will give satisfaction in every cas > oor money will bo refunded. This guarantee has been printed on the bottle-wrapper , und faithfully carried out for many years. PEERLESS DYES FORREST SMITH'S SPECIAL WANT COLUMN. FOH SALE House of 5 rooms ; closets nnd cellar. Large lot. coml barn , well and cis tern. Fruit tree * . A KOO < I home. dO 13. Pierce st.'i blk to st. cars. ,1UO ; easy terms. 8AM * Si-foot lot on the corner of Foil anil Wcl at. , only J410 If taken boon. 1J1OH BAI < K (4-foot ( lot on Ilrouilway In the -13 tlrst block this enil of the ucw bridge to Omaha ; If Eoldnt once only } 175. FOlt BALK An elepiant B-room cottacovlth lot fi'lxlffl , on Harrison ft : this property Is worth from lU.OOO to iMr.UO , but If bold soon will bell fori'i.WJ ; good terms. FOR HUNT Nice 4-room cottage on 8tU nvo. and 10th Bt. , only til per month. rpo LOAN Money to loan on hordes , cattle , X furniture , pianos , Jewelry , etc. ; see me be fore borrowing elsewhere. "IJ1OH SAI.K Lot 44x130 on 1st nvo , near N. W. J ? It. It. depot , on N. W. track ; cheap at HIK ) . FOH SALK Lots , houses anil lots , and acre property In all parts of the city ; cheaper by 20 per < * nt than It can be bought BO duys from now. Call anil examine my list before buying , SALK 18 ncreson both sides of U. I' . It. FOll track , Y mile w est of union depot ; w ould make a line addition to Council mulls or Omulm. Only KWJ per ac e. FORREST SMITH , Room 4 , 3rd Floor , Brown Uuildlng. FRIDAY , OCTOBER 12 , Uuilcr the auspices of the P. . O. The Emma Juch Grand Opera Co , , ) CONSI8TII < O OK ( MISS EMMA JUCH , MISS ItOSA LINDU , The Celohrated Contralto MISS ADELIJ AUS DEH OIIK , Llzts' Favorite I'lano 1'npll , ami otheri , In ono ( iriind Concert with one entire uct of ( IN COSTUME , ) Tickets bought previous to concert date , with reserved scat. H and 75 tents ; day of concert , ticketsI.W ) and tl. Seats on saloMonday aftel- noon at Camp A : Kills' Drug fatoro. OFFICER & POSEY , BANKERS. CCOBroatlway Council Hltiffa , Iowa. JSil NEW COTTAGES ! Neat and comoclious Five Boom Cottages witlt closets , etc. , are now offered FOR On very liberal terms of payment , thus enabling mei'lmnlco , clerks and InboHiif men to secure a homo by paying a binall pavmont down and monthly payments to apply upon the purchase price. instead of paying rent. These houses are located bolwuu BROADWAY AND AVENUE "A" And immediately between the electric power house and the car shops. WiUl electric cars passing every ten minutes to Omaha , with only fi cent fares. Kor full particularb tuldre&s mo and 1 will call upon you. .A. . P. O. HOX1HH , OMAHA , NEB. BABBITT TRACT JUST PLATTED AND NOW OFFERED FOR SALE Largo lots ; easy of access , with splendid -sewerage opportunity. Close proximity to business portion of city , vicinity of good churches and schools. Jtibt oil Broadway. Electric motor for all points in city and Omaha every seven mlu utes. Easy terms. Perfect title. ) FOR SALE BY ( F. J. DAY , No. 39 Pearl Street. A. A. CLARK it CO. , Broadway ami Main J. G. TIPTON , 527 Broadway , FRANK COOK , No. 5 Pearl Street. JOHNSTON & VAN PATTEN , 33 Main Street , AND ALL OTHER REAL ESTATE BROKERS COUNCIL. BLUFFS , IOWA. UfiXVUUilSHIDD 1842. INCORPORATED 1879 CO. , VASSILLON , OHIO , MANUFACTURERS. SIZES FROM Especially Adapted tyl 25 TO 300 ELECTRIC HORSE LIGHTING , HORSEPOWER POWER , Mills and Elevators , ' AUTOMATIC CUT-OFF - : - ENGINES , Specifications nnrt estimates fiirnlslieil for complete steam plants. Regulation. Durability au&r autccd. Cuii thow lutturs from liters v.lieio fuel Economy Is equal nltli Corliss Ncm-Couiloublug , 1SRANCI1 UOUfeC , COUNCIL IIMJI'FS , IOWA. Send for Catalogue. E. C. HARRIS , Manager. CASCADE LAUNDRY COMPANY MAKE CALLS AND DELIVERIES PROMPTLY. NO. 330 BROADWAY. TELEPHONE NO. 260 SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. SPECIAL advertisements , such as Lost , round , To Loan. Tor Sale. To Kent , Wants , Hoard ing , etc. , will lie Inserted In this column at the low rate of TI.'N UP.NTS I'KIl LINI3 for the first Insertion and Hive cent * 1'cr Line for cac.li sub sequent Insertion. Leave advertisements at our office. .No. K 1'carl Street , near llroadway , Council Jlluirs Iowa. WANTS- "IjlOH HKNT or for sale on long time -The Jj new house on Craham avenue , being tlio next hou o above Dr. Cordon's ; 4 rooms with basement. Horace 13verett. TCK for sale In car load lots. JIulholland & Co. FOIl HUNT Good house and stable. Just out side of city. Apply to Horace Ilverett Foil KENT I'urnlshed front room , for gen- tlemen. iSI N Second street WANTKD-IIvcrybody to know that I will not bo undersold In cither furniture or stoves. H' your patronaue I want , and Jiidito for yourself. I also buy all tlrst class nouso- holdgoods. No rubbish wanted , A.J. Mandel , 8 1 and > llroudway. F UltNlSIIKO room for rent. 117 4th st. Oll HUNT Seven-room cottai-e. on the cor- nerof JJd nvo. and 9th ct. W. C. James. 11KNT A largo number of good dwell- FOR . Call and einmlno list. 13. II. Sheaf e & Co. , llroadway and Main at. , up stairs. HOUSES for rent. Johnston Ic Van Patten , aiMalimt. _ DANCING CLASSES. TUKSDAV I SATUUIMV AT 4:3J : p. M AT 3 Itl. . ANU b f. M. I ANII 8 P. M. Royal Arcanum Hall , Beno Block , D , H , McDANELO & CO , , Hides. Tallow. Pelts , Wool and Furs. Highest Market Prices. Prompt Returns. (20 and 822 Main Street. Council IlluffH.Iovrx THE MORRIS TYPE WRITER. PHICE $15. Is equal la ny High Priced Machine. Ttie Kdl fm Mlrneoeraph , ( be bet apparutiii lot UHiilroMlntt , aut ifr phlo auil trpo writing waikt ! iWl copies can bo taken. The EscoHor Ce. . Council Bluffs , la , S , STEWART , M , D , , D , V , M , VETERINARY HOSPITAL 45 FOUHTH STREET. Telephone ! No.05. . COUNCIL OLiUFFU , i I IUW FINE , CHOICE IMPORTED MILLINER 1G11 DouglM Bt. , OiuaUn , Neb , , /