Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 09, 1888, Page 5, Image 5

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    Every large city has , or should have , a portion devoted exclusively to first-class
residences , Such a want has been supplied Omaha , in Dundee Place.
Note some of the advantages ,
First , The location is high , desirable , healthful , and commands a magnificent view.
Second. No business of any kind will be'permitted in the residence districts in Dundee Place
and if you build a home you have the assurance that livery stables or saloons will not be
your neighbors.
Third. No lot oi less than 100 feet frontage will be sold , and no nouso all owed to be built
costing less than $2,500 , and must be at least 25 feet from the street line.
Fourth. The streets will be graded without cost to purchasers. The park-like plan of De
troit sidewalks being adopted.
_ _
" " *
Fifth. The price at present is extremely low. 1 00 feet of ground costing no more than 25 fee *
in any other desirable part ot the city , affording parties an excellent opportunity to secure a
site for a homo , and- those who have not the monay at hand to build , we will make a liberal
These advantages are worth your attention and careful consideration. One must , however ,
see the property to appreciate it ,
We will take pleasure in showing the ground at any time you mav call at our office.
The Patrick Land Company of Omaha ,
Room 25 , Chamber of Commerce , , Omaha , Nebraska.
W , H , CRAIG , President , N , D , ALLEN , Vice president. W. K , KURTZ , General Manager ,
Horrible Fate of a Prominent Oitlzon
of Lincoln.
| ) r. J. li , Kcnso of Tccumsoli Turns Up
AIIIOIIK ttio Mlsslnc Hoard of
Tra importation Matters
General and Personal.
LINCOLN , Got . , 8. I
An electric shock would not have
Btnrtlod Uio citizens of Lincoln moro
'than the news did to-day announcing
that Mr. C. E. Van Pelt , of the firm of
Vnn Poll & Gould , manufacturers of the
I'tillrond remedy , had fallen a victim to
the fatal quicksands of Suit crook.
At an early hour this morning as a
fcontlotnnn was crossing the bridge over
the small creek near the Sharp farm ,
( ilmost east of the penitentiary , he saw
tx poukotbook Heating u ] > on the water ,
( xnd near it other papers , which were
jioving with the course of the stream.
JIo descended the bank , and in
leaning forward to secure them
| iSs eyes fell upon a eight
that Eont a thrill of horror through his
being ; juet beyond his roach the slioul-
flers and a part of the head of an need
man appeared , his gray hir matted with
eand and Bllnio , but cold in death.
> With the dreadful apparition haunting
him ho hastened to the city and told his
discovery. The coroner and other citi
zens hastened to the scene , when the pa
pers wore secured , and an attempt was
made to lift the dead man from the
water when it was found that ho was
tightly imbedded in the quicksand. A
$ tout strap was obtained and fastened
nround the body , which was seized by
willing hands , hut oven then it re
quired n great effort to pull
the body from its place. Six
Strong men found it to bo all they could
flo to pull the unfortunate victim to dry
round. But the sad work was done ,
§ nd before them lay all that was mortal
ot C. E. Van 1'olt , one of the most
lilghty esteemed citizens of the Capital
City An exuminination of the vicinity
tilouo was necessary to tell the story ol
Ilia terrible death. In crossing the
oroek which seemed shallow and possi
ble to wade lie hud reached the mire
tnnt would not loosen its grip , and it
lield him in its vice until death bora his
epirlt to the mansions of the unknown
For some time past ho was in poor
health and was hardly responsible foi
Ids acts. Is is now thought
that ho was on the borders
Of insanity. Last Saturday , while his
wife had gone to the depot , ho went
tuvivy from home , since when no ono
BUW him until his body was ready foi
the undertaker. Wild plums wore
found in his pockets and it is supposed
that he subsisted on those since ho
wont from the euro of his wife. Ono
feature of his Illness is that ho was
very timid and avoided people and es
pocmllystrangers , and this probably
accounts for his not being soon. It is
euppobod that ho mot his death porno
time yesterday , but it may have boei
during Saturday night , when the dark
ness prevented his seeing whither his
footsteps wore leading. Uut this wil
never bo positively known. The core
jury will out to-night on the case
and export testimony may add new
ight to what is now known. But it is
lardly probable.
The body is now in the undertaker's
muds and it will bo consigned to the
silent grave a day later. Mrs. Van
'clt is grief stricken. Her husband's
lomo-coming was sadder than words
can tell , and the sympathy of friends
.hroughout the entire city goes out to
It bus suddenly become known that
Dr. J. L. Reese , of Tecum oh , is among
ibis missing and no ono seems able to
ioll when or where or why. During the
reign of an epidemic disease in and
about Johnson's county seat , two or
more weeks ago , ho lost a number of
patients , and souio of his friends express
the opinion that ho brooded over the
unsuccessful results of his practice and
skipped to avoid public censure ,
that he felt was coming to
him. Others think that there is
a scandal behind his sudden leave tak
ing. It is believed that his domestic
life has not been the happiest in the
world , as ho separated from his wife two
or three years ago. But his friends
Bay that If his wife has had anything to
do with his strange actions that he lias
gone to her , somewhere in Ohio ,
for a reconciliation has boon brewing
for sometime. But there is an uneasy
lluttor at Tccumsoh over his going and
an investigation will bo mado. These
facts will bo a source of home surprise
hero for ho was quite well known in the
capital city.
The village of Nelson and the Chica
go , Burlington & Quincy railway com
pany got into court again , but this time
on a stipulated agrecmontand the board
of transportation will not be called upon
to settle the old sore. The following
agreement tells the whole story which
was tiled with the board to-day :
In settlement of the matters referred
to in the complaint of the village of
Nelson against the Chicago , Burling
ton & Quincy railway company the par
ties horcto ngrco that said railroad com
pany will construct the sidewalk called
for by the town ordinance on t'lo south
side of Fourth street and east
of the railroad track , making
the eatno on trestle work when
necessary in order to bring the
sidewalk to the proper grade of said
street , and protect the sumo with proper
balustrade ; said walk to extend us fur
eiibt as the real estate extends owned
by the said railroad company.
Thebuid railroad company also agrees
to furnish the material Unit the city
may need for the construction in the
llr&t instance of a guard or balustrade
alone the north edge of the draw that
extends into Fourth street and which
is immediately east of the railroad
tracks and grade that has boon con
structed bv said company across said
draw In Fourth street ; the said city
to build and construct said protection ,
but the said railroad company to furnish
the material ; the idea being to sc
protect the same us to make a safeguard
against accident that might occur by
teams crowding along the edge of said
draw in Fourth street.
In consideration of the foregoing ar
gument the complaint heretofore illod
with the said board of transportation is
hereby dismissed and withdrawn.
The famous G A-yor case will como up
for a final hearing at Omaha next Thurs
day. The state board of transportation
will hoar the case then , to save time
and money. It is said that the evidence
can bo moro conveniently deduced there
thnn hero. The cuso will bo called at
1 o'clock.
John Graves , a thirtoen-year-old lad
was arraigned before Judge Stawurl for
stealing a revolver , this morning. It
scorns that Johnny hud been working
or John M. Fisher , a farmer residing
icar town , and quit during his absence
about 11 week upo. The boy proposed to
Vlrs. Fisher that ho would take her hus-
mnd's revolver and call the deal square ,
, o which she consented , and he came to
.ho city ; but as ho was a minor his
'athor notified Fisher that ho would
hold him for the pay for his boy's work ,
whereupon ho grew wrothy and had
: he boy arrested on the charge of theft.
On arraignment the boy stood "muto , "
and as there wore nouttornoys on either
&ido the judge examined into the case
and discharged the boy on the facts sub
stantially as stated.
The Saunders guardianship case btill
Imngs lire. "I have taken a further
continuance on the case , " said the judge
to THIS Bo : rustler , "and will decide us
to the boy's guardian on next Saturday.
I think it best to give the parties to this
case u chance to cool oil before I make
my decision public. I have no doubt
but what the court thinks there are
good grounds for the aupointmont of a
guardian , and that ho will do his duty
when the proper time comes. "
The following Nebraskans wore ap
pointed notaries public to-day by the
governor :
Benjamin J. Franklin , Goring , Chey
enne county ; Mark M. Palmar , Omaha ,
Douglas county ; George E. Cheney ,
Crolghton , Knox county ; George A.
Hagersiick , Lincoln , Lancaster county ;
Jesseo Trumunn , Chapman , Merrick
county ; L. C. Humphrey. Lincoln. Lan
caster county ; A. C. Ward , York , York
Charley Carter is at homo and can bo
found at his desk in the olllco of the
commissioner of public lands and build-
Ings. Ho has has just returned from a
thrco week's visit at Columbus and Cin
cinnati , O.
Sam D. Cox returned from his trip to
St. Louis yesterday evening. Ho in
sists that there is moro natural gas
about his bonny bride than pure gospel
truth. Ho rustles for the Call to-day as
though ho had been married many
The wonderful artesian well only
got ? there now when Ltho pumps
are working , but the veins
are unquestionably Btrong and the
water is pure and swoet. The opinion
deepens that the water commissioner
has solved the problem , and , if so , to
him will belong the glory.
Dr. S. W. McGrow , of 'Auburn , is in
Lincoln to-day. Ho will return homo
via Omaha. lie says that the republi
cans of the county buried Church s and
Tom's little hatchets , and will refuse to
lot them dig 'cm up. But time will toll
the story.
HTlio police court failed to pro
duce a single interesting case
this morning. There was
however , the usual grist of vugs and
plain drunks. Nominal fines and trim
mings , and the whole outfit went tholr
way , probably twittering that the way
of the transgressor is hard.
Miss Etta Tooplo will start for Ed
wards , Miss. . Thursday , whore , on ar
rival , BIO will commence teaching in
the Southern Christian Institute. Word
reached her n day or two ago that the
yellow fever scare had subsided.
THE true American
has a warm place in his
heart for the old Loa
CAIIIN. It's not "Eng
lish you know. " but
from the Log Cabins ol
America have sprung
mon in every respect
greater than any from the grand castles
of Europe. Warner's Log Cabin Sar-
supurillu is , the best in the world.
Instruments Placed on Record Dur
ing y > Hterday.
n Tzaclmck , jr , to TGriuip , lot li , llnrk-
er'asuli , wil . * 2,030
South Oinalm Limit Co to School District
No. 3. South Umulin , lots n uuil 14 , blk
i)17. ) South Onmliii , wil . 1.S10
EAMcCowln and wlfu to M Strutwun ,
lot" ) , Haw ley Terr aco. wa . 450
I'J Harrett undviiroto U II Ilenpur , lot
SI , lilk In , Ilnnscom plnco. w il . 2.COJ
Omalm unil Klorence Loan ami Trust Cote
to A C Cubloy , lot ; iblk il , Florence , w tl 300
J K Smith and wife to U M Hicks , lot ID
blk U. Potter's inlil .
NBIS Nelson et Hi to I1 Illlcr , all rltfht nuil
tltlu couvoyuil In deed in book 114 , pugo
4'tofdeeds ' . "
O M Hicks and wlfo to J H Smith , lotH ,
blk K. South Oniulm. w d . 1,1)30
O 31 Hicks and wlfo to J K Smith , lot 10 ,
blk : . ' . 1'otter'H add , wil . 2,000
1)11 ( loodrlch and wlfo to W 'I' Seam in ,
lot 10 , blki ; , sub. I I Hillocks nail. wil. . . 3,000
S I'ruyn and wife to FV Simpson , lot ( > ,
blk ! ) , I'ruyn Park , w il . 45
J H 1'roston ot nl to A I ) ( ireen , lot 3 , oik
H. 8 K Hosers1 add , w d . 5,000
Otto llauniann and wifa to J Cooler , lots
H nna li. blk If. Omalm view , w d . 2UW
T II Mcl'hersou and wlfo to U li ( iurllchs ,
o 'i ' lot 2. blk HIS , Omaha , wtl . 18,000
O KTImmlo to O Bvenson , w > ' , lot 3 , blK
10 , Isaac A Selden's add , q c d . 300
0 15 Thiusio to O Hvenson , o ' / lot T , blk 1 ,
Isaac * Si'ldon's mid , q o d . 500
1) } , Thomas and wife to A r Tukey , w fill
ft ot e ISO It of n ISK ft blk C , Milan's
add. wet . 2,000
South Omaha I.ami Co to V Jaruxh , lot ' - ' ,
blk K5 , South Omaha , w A . 225
South Omaha Land Co to I'1 Jurosh , lot 1 ,
blk Kfi. South Omaha , w d . 300
J Edwards and wife to J J Shannon , lot 8 ,
blk 10 , Isaac Aj Belden's add , q u d . 2
A W 1'iilleu to A ( } Kdwards. w K lots i
and 0. blk 4 , Kendall's add , w < l . 1,000
li U Holmes and wife to A O Kdwards et
al , unit 1-20 Crelghton heights , w a . 4,000
L A Cochran and husband to J T Dillon ,
lot 2. blk 17. Iledf ord place , w d . 650
Q U Kdwards and wlfo to J T Dlllonu , w
K lots D and . blk 4. Kendall1 * tidd. w d 1,000
Win 8 McClauahan and wlfo to N 11 Kendall -
dall ' middle. H lots 7 and 8 , blk 3 , Ken-
dall's add , q o d . 1
Homo Investmt-ut Goto W II I.aiey , lot 4 ,
blk 0. 1'atrlck's 2d add. w d . 2.500
F I , Smith to U a Smith , lot 13 , blk 1 , Ores-
ton add , wd . 1,800
3 T Dillon and wlfo to J F Capp. Olxli ! ( t
and 1218 f t n of n w cor blk ail , Omaha ,
wd . . . . 2,500
W li Shlbjr to the public , Selby'B sub ,
South Umaha illaro .
J Schiioldorvrlud ami wife to 31 A Arm
strong , lot 13. blk 7. Melrose hill . 310
W .1 \ViiRoiiflr and wlfo to K M Saokott , lot
21. blk 1. Fowler's place ; lot U , blk 4 , 1st
add Fowler's plane , w d . 1,800
J N Peters to ( j Conallln , lot 10 , blk 3d , Al
bright's choice , w d . HO
Thirty-two transfers , aggreuatlng . Ki'.OKl
The following permits to build wore is
sued ypsterday :
J. K. Hazard , ona and one-half story
frame barn , Sixteenth and Ohio .streets 11,200
C. lUShaw. two btory frame cottage In
Momnoutli park . 1.8CO
C. It. bhaw , one story frame cottage , Second
end avenue and Ash . , . 900
Gust Hamel , one &tory and basement
) iou o , Dorcas , between Sixteenth aud
Seventeenth . . . . . . . . .
W. H. llhebaugh , ono story frame cot.
taee , ntlbert aud HouerH.i . 2aO
A. II. ItoRers , one story frame store , Thlr-
ty-i'liilitli ami AntM nVonuo . 600
John Flack , four frame cottages ou'i'weii-
ty-llfth street , near llendett . 4.0CO
W. J. Scott , two story frame duelling ,
Douglas , between U wunty-elghth and
Twenty-ninth . . . . . . . . . 2.400
Minor permits . CM
Total aggregate . ! 12,700
words. Hood's Sarsaparllla will not do
inpossihllitios. its proprietors toll
plainly what it has done , submit proofs
from sources of unquestioned reliabil
ity , and ask you frankly if you are
suffering from tuiv disease or affection
caused or promoted by impure blood or
low state of the system , to try Hood'u
Sarsupurilla. The experience of others
is sutllolont assurance that you will not
bo disappointed in the result.
'Want oT Collaterals in Mexico.
A City of Mexico paper says : "Tho
organization of the Mexican Mortgage
bank , which is viewed with hostility
In some quarters and with frlondlinoas
in others , is likely to go on without hin
drance. The Now York syndicate is
understood to control HO largo a block
HJuirea as to ho certain of the confirma
tion of the recently made contract. If
the bank , under the now management
and with its largely increased capital ,
advances money freely on real estate
mortgaged , it will help the other banks
here by putting on the market mortgage.
bonds which will nerve as collateral on
which to olTcct loans. The absence of
good collaterals hero is ono of the chief
ob'slicleb to banking enterprise in this
country ; bankers arc censured for iniiin-
tuining a high rate of discount when
they would pe glad to lower the rate if
they had collaterals to loud upon.
Singlo-namo payer in the basis of com
paratively largo banking transactions ,
but it is not sufllcient , however good
the firms or individuals may bo , to jus
tify a low rate of discount. "
All the world and his wife moro
particularly his wife , for she makes the
puddings , pics and custards that delight
his majesty's palate use Van Duy.or's
Flavoring Extracts obtained from
hound , ripe fruit , incomparable in flavor ,
absolutely free from chemicals , highly
concentrated and therefore economic ,
prepared by a process which docs not
admit of their contact with Lany sub-
htancc which might contaminate them ,
and a time-honored standard article
that wins approbation in every house
LOVEJO * ' . Mrs. Ida M. , wife of E. Jb.
Lovojoy , of this city , Sunday at 8 p. m.
Funeral Tuesday , October U , at 2 o'clock p.
in. , nt first M. K. church , Council Bluffs ,
la. Leave residence In Omaha , 1114 Chicago
street , at 13 in.
If you need a perfect tonic or a blood
purifier , take Dr. Jones' Rod Clover
Tonic. It speedily cures all troubles of
the stomach , kidneys and liver. Can
bo taken by the most delicate. Price
60 cents. Uoodman Drug Co. Agent.
Ono William Grimes , who lives over
a blacksmith shop near the Sixteenth
street viaduct , was yesterday arrested
on the charge of wife boating. The
cliargo was made by the blacksmith
who occupies the lower floor of the
building , and who was witness to the
outrage. _
Its superior excellence proven In millions ot
homes for more than a quarter of u century. It
Is used by the United States ( iovernmtnt. Kn-
dorwed by the heads of the great UnlYtTHltleK ai
the Mrongest. purest and most healthful. lr.
Price's Urcain Ilaklng I'owder dueH not contain
ammonlu. llmo or alum. Sold only In cans.
rincR HAKINO rownun co.
Now 1'ork. . Chicago. Bt. Louis
Electro-Magnetio Belts !
The Grandest Triumph ot Electric Science
Crt rVltttllfl ScIenlinM"y Mttda Bnd P'nclleally Appliid.
" "
lr i prodoe , contlnaotu current i COBTHI eleotricllr through tbe bodon the nurrai. It ouroi iU oa e
" 7 ffenertlnf a oontlnaoua camnt of lefitrlaltr (1O or 19 lioura out nf mi ihr.iuvhout the human lyitt'nii
[ fa foree * the blood. Im-
Tb uurlt * ol UiU tcieo-
Epps 's Cocoa.
"lir n thorough knowledge of the natural | HH
wlilch Kovoni the operation ! of dlgoitlon nnd nutri
tion , nnd l > y n rnref ul application < > t Ilio Hn iiropcr *
tlci of woll-sclectoJ Cucon , Mr. Uppi tins provided our
bri'altfuUtuulu with it dullcatmy tlUTored buvumue
vrblcli niBT.iiiT8 in ninny heavy doctor' bill * . His
bjrtlie JuJIcloususo of nueli urtlclut of delttlmtit
conxtltmliin innir bo Knulimlly built up until Btrnnx
rnoiiuli to reslnl ovorj tendency to df e sc. Hun-
droili of aubtlu maladies are ( touting around u < ready
to attack wherever them Is a wc'iik point. Wo mar
escnno IIIBIIT a fatal nbuft by keeping ournelTOH well
fiirtllluil with pure blond and a properly noiiiUlKxl
frames" Civil txrvku ( Jazotto.
Mule alinply with uollInK water or milk. Bold only
n tinlf pound tint by ( irooorM labeled thuit
Hoiua'ojmtlne chemists.
-if OR SALE *
jU4 IbM
ltot ot
ItaWllKH 8 , ClV-
" ' .I1 * ' ? * cur nlt '
ltrdlncU/ , Urouh all . . .k ptrU.rtitor.
l r lulu. W'nt rt i pr >
thVaVBdaUMVl 'Ca . ieBL8iJ'lc ( Jchl a
Itootn 03 Traders
n rer -Jlotrojiolltan National nanlc.
It. O , IMD IL Co. Thn Ilraditroet Co ,
( Successors to John G. Jacobii. )
Undertakers and Embalmers
At the old stand. HJ7 Farnnm fit. Orders by
telegraph solicited nnti promptly attended.
Telepliono to No. } .
lit IXarboru 8t.t riilcava ; advice free ; tl yeari
expertencej buslnvst quietly od l ( illf U4uiaot 4
These fluures are iiiorurloijurut tlmn volumes
v lilcli nilglit he written In pruUu of the peculiar
UiurltH possassed by the Miitcco Hoods.
'I tiso the Mauea Itance conxtnntly I" my
Schools and I'rlvuUi Kitchen ; It fullllloi every
reiiulriiinont for tlio nioNt onactlng work ; I
would not oxcImtiKu It for any runua iimdu. "
Send for our I'lirnnca C'lrciilar and rpud what
pU > 'BlcJun irote.ssordiclenthts ) , mrclmniCH nnd
iiiHrclmntHHity ( ftlioJIntiuw rurnucus they bare
InUbe. Jiiiu't put In Hteum or Hot Water Ap-
pnratiiH , till you KNOW wlmt K KIIIST-CI.ASS Hot
v\ir I'urnncu will do for Imlf the cost.
our aceuU , nnd we warrant each one to ( ilv
perfect satUfoctlon to the Vuyi-r. MAOUU
VI'UNACT. ( , ( ) . , M TO 3 L'MONHr. , llostotl. b8
A germ Umaha , Nul ) .
Or Iho Liquor Hflblt , Posltlrely Cured bj
Administering Dr. Haliice' Golden 'i f
6l > ccino. |
It ran bs given In a cup of coffee or tea wltJn
put toe Knowledge ot the person talcing It : abso
lutely harmlew. and will ellect a permanent and
petdy cure , whether the patient Is a raoderata
drinker or uu alcoholic wreck. Thousands ol
arunkardf haTe been mode temperate tnen who
bave taken Uoldeu Specific- their coffee with
out their knowledge and to-day belters they
ault drinking of their own free will. It never
ftvlU. The system once Impregnated With thu
Bpeclflo , It bacoines un utt r impoailblllty for
the liquor appetite to exist. For sale by Kuhf >
fi Co. . 15th and Douglas MS. , and Itfth and Cuui <
Ingsta. . Om h , Neb.j A. U. .Kotter It
Viunoll Ulntrk.
Ot < 0 I'KN niVKN AVTAV. I'orttcularifraV
HoucaTKAU , " Oiaaliu. Nab.