Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 09, 1888, Page 4, Image 4

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. TI-1E DAILY ] 3EE.
I'Uflh,1SfLII ) IV1It MOftNINO.
jR1I7Morfl1flg ) IditIon ) incudlng } StUiY ,
1Ir..Ono Ywr. . . . . . . . lo ( $ )
ror 41 lOntliS ti )
) , rThieMOfltiC ) . . . . . . . . . . .
Titr. ( ) fAlIA iUAY ( ) 1thI , iiinhIed to ny
nkte8. ( nt Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( I )
OMA hA ( ) EFI'INOI.t11I ANII6 ) FAiAM TnT. ;
Niw VOttKOIr1t'I , 1(00M8 14 .N ! ) 1tiftt1IL'I
Jt II.ljlMl. VAIIIfl(1TO ( ( OUICE , liO. (43
I QuItTIir : rI ( Sr1tT. ;
Co II Ii 1PON 1) F.
AU conimiinlcat1uIi r&.IitIfli Ui tIearni 1I
fo ! htI matter thoUId lic alIlre48e4 to thu 1tLTlI
0) Tug
AU bti1iosi 1.tteri itnd rexuittnce t1ou1(1
ftth1red to 'Iit IIF I I'UiittSlI ! fl
OMtlI. 1)ratt , checks and liostofflCo ordcr to
be made payb1o to the order of the compatly.
Thu Bo PuMis h1n Complly , Proprictoi'
E. nosi\v4vrER , Idltor.
T1,1 ; JiIIiY ItII.
$ worn Statetneiltot Cirotalatlon.
ttt.otNpbra3ka ,
County of IougIa. c ;
( Jeorgo II. 'J'zsctatick , ccretAry of the To l'tab.
1Ishtni comrany , doe3 oIcaiaiiIy nvear tlait the
ctuat clrculzttlon of Tii , IAIt.y IIi for 11w
week endtnU October 6. 1S& , was a fotows ) :
fuuday. ept )
Noflht ) , Oct. 1 I 1tJ
! FucsIay ( Oct. 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . )
WedtIe'4'ay , Oct. ; ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
TIaUrMdBy. Oct. 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I $ lIu' )
Frllay. ( OCL.5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sattirthiy. Oct. 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . u 1Is
# Aver8gO . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . 18.U3
0l IOIR : ; i It. I'ZSCII UCIC.
Sworn to before me aai4 atabMeribe4t in iiay
reeaacc tliIi GtIt daiy of Octoher . . I ) 1S5.
' 3 aI. N. 1' . 1IL. Notaty lubllc.
flate of Nehrntka ,
th&OUIItY ot 1)oaagIiu3. ) I L
eorgc It. Tzcntack being flrit ta1y worn de.
WOO 9 ! Riul U ) that he 14 hecrcthry of Iae Ite
countttittag C ompany , that the actual average
, circulation of ' 1ii , 1)Aaix III. for the
" "
nontta , f September. I87. wa I 1.349 cop1o. ; tu.1
October. ft41. ] 4 I copleM ; ( or November.
187. 6 2) c(1p1e14 ; for December. I7 ? Ir.o41 cop.
Ies torJatauary , 1h , 1.icopIe ; for February ,
] ,1rti2 ! Coptes for coptM for
April , IttS , 1,44 eople : for May , PQ $ . 1IS1 ?
copIes ; for Jiitie,1W4 , JtI,241IeupIa ; for .IuIy. I8& ,
15.tjcj : cop1e : for August , 1M. 18,1f13 coptes.
( E0 , H. ' 1'Z4CI1t'Ck.
sworn to before rue attul subseatbed In my
I1reeLace th1 8th ttay of gftpteuhtwr , A I ) . , 1888.
N. 1' . 11.IL Notary i'ubttc.
'I'Iv ! : busobtill putatatiut will be kissed
by the October breezes , but itot III
Ornitlia. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
So ii' nears thitt EttaaarorViIliarn
de1ibttztte1y Sfltlbled Count nitnatfe , the
priano iiilriister of Austria. 'ntis Is a
atL ) ) VCOCh of etiquette in Itttetii'ttional
taffy , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
GENFItAL J3lNii' of I3eraet circular
Ituato might joita liatads with General
brunt of the hattleflag incident , In the
political field ttrniy cheers are not
often a howling sueccec.
CIIIItF JtT8'IlCF F'ULLtlt 11118 taken the
oath of olhlce itiad entered UOU the
active duty of h18 high position. In
itiaportatice the ceremony of ilibtalling
a chief Justice is second cathy to the in-
auguratlon of a president.
Dons the incorporation of the Union
I Pacific , riaao1ai & Colorado railway ,
filed with the secretary of state of
.Cotorado Inst week , for a direct Iliac
frotat Lincoln to 1)envei' , Indicate that
the Union l'aciflc POI)0SC8 ) to parallel
_ _ _ _ its own t'OlLd ?
JohN 1' , ANDIutws , who two years
- ago ran agaInst Governor Ames , of
Massachusetts , has been noaiiinntcd for
COIagres by the democrats of the Third
district of Massachusetts. This , how-
ever. is another rainbow clause , as the
dl8trict is strongly republican.
Titi batik clearlaigs record for Omaha
fet the week just ended shows an increase -
crease of over eighteen per ccitt as
compared vI thi the corresjoIldilag ) week
of last year. Both St. Patti and \Iiniae-
.1)01iH show a slight decrease. It would
Becalm from the clearings of Omaha and
other western cities , however , that the
luovoinent of crops hats not yet fully set
In , as time totals arocoinparutively light.
W i A1tI told that tIme social evil has
leCfl stmtinped out vest of 'I'cntlm street
by Chief SeaveyVliich menus , in
reality , that the keepers mLIad inmates ol
disorderly places in that part of town
have been stnTn1)cded aaad scattered intc
other 1)Ot'tIOIIa of the city , vhiore policc
surveillance is not as likely to hold
thorn In check as they have been kept
heretofore. This is a reform as is ii
reform ,
This prompt action of Chairman Qua
In offering large rewards for Inforina
tion loadliag to the conviction of per
Sons violating the registration laws i
the city of Now York may in a meusur
check the reckless disregard of that
_ _ _ laws by democrats. 11ocatiIag will b
_ _ _ . . dangerous operation with lynx-oycc
etcctlvcs scrutinizing every voter a
the polls. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
TnE nutliclous cartoons of the lkral
which CovernorThmtyer Is represontet
as a broken down old tuna , begging t
be let alone , and McSlmano is portraye
its a heroic champion of the people , I
not Jikely to make votes for the ilemno
oratic candidate for governor. Thu
tlaame has not yet conic iii American pol
Itics when ripe experience in public hf
_ _ _ _ tutU old age arc to bo treated with dci'i
sloe and hold t13) to public ridicule ,
Tuv. RussIan govcrnnient has decide
to admit fereign graiti 8ack hitto Ru
ala without the pitytmicut of duty in orde
to facilitate the exports of cereals in th
ports of the Baltic and the Black soy
It remains to be seen whether this tvil
have any appreciable effect upon ti
American wheat trade. Considerin
thtitt hitherto Russian wheat has bee
shipped lit bulk for time sake of cheni
11085 the npparout otTect would be to Ii
crease the cost by increased handling.
Tiim latest reliable estimate of th
corn COl ) of the loading corn prducIia
Mates exceeds all LrcvlOu caiculatiota
Assu4ning that It Is impossible to gi
an ecnct ostii1rnt , time present yin1
tnay ho approxlarnted near enough h
alt practiciti turposcs. The total crop
Isas is placed at over two million bush
ohs , which is nearly twice the yield a
reported by the department of agricu
turo last year. Under ordinary ci
' cumstanccs tltls enormous crop woul
more than supply the demand , and f
thai reason fetch a how' prlC6. The fail
urn of the wheat supply of the wor
neccsarIIy strengthens the demand f
corn. and the farmers of Nubrasl
tha.ruforo can congratulate themnsolvt
on finding in the near ftmture a rea1
srket for their corn.
. ' .
, .
The Treataury arid tim Money Markot.
By tile clew of the prastnit ceok It l
OXpeCtJd that thit mattUonul treasury will
htLvo lt'0r1(1e1 , by th PttrCllttSO of
bonds , for the rcqtdrcnt nts bf the shah-
lug fund. Fltiaaaclul cIrcles are cotise-
( iuently a good deal Interested Iii
the qust1on of vhimtt Is likely to ho
the future course of the treasury.Vlll
It. contitauo buying bonds , or will It
abaiadon that lOIICY and allow the stat'-
jlus to accumulate ? The purchase of
hiorids since April hans niatoutited to itot
far from eighty million dollars , and
the mohIef titus afforded the aaioaay ,
market hans 1)0011 of 'ery great him-
portance to the business of the
countm'y. It Is hardly questionable that
without It there would hmtve beeti mi very
serious coraunerclal deprcssloii. hut
the understtndhaig haits becia thaamt thu
secretary of the treasury trtts taut favorable -
able to contitatahiag time jt1rchtae of bonds
beyond the shah lug ( cud reiul retaiciats ,
and these boiaag amact there is soamle anxl-
eLy m'cgardiiag the future ,
The No iv York ( 'unlnaercin lJulleta ( , ,
wlmich Is usually well Informed , points
out that while there Is loss urgency now
titan Inst April for buying bonds
by the treasury , owing to the fact
titat ; the circulation is fifteen mmiii-
lions greater hOW than then imiad the
surplus less by nit equal amaiouiat , still
there Is a lre8clmt active demnatad
mnotacy tchichi , so long us It lasts , vihl
justIf. ' the treasury in continuing bond
purchases. ' 1'le view takoim is , that
while art imdeq unto ci rculatioim througla
Octobem' IIasure8 1)luntiftal ioiioy for
several mnontlas following , it is hticuan-
bent tapoit the treasua'y dcpartaaacait to
see that its liberal dishtarseanents are
nut stopped until the full ilcanands haive
hmecu fully , and to maintain coma 11-
deiaco that the imicanas of relief are al-
ivilys available In case the absorption
of Inoaaey Into the public collars becoanes
at ata' tulle too great a dritlim upon
the circulating zaiodiuan.
Titis is obviously souiad from the busi-
iaess poitat of view , aaad nos' that notha-
lug is to be mtcconmphished iii time way of
1)OiitiCal effect by a change lii time treasury -
ury policy , It would eom pretty safe to
conclude tlmmt ? aO change will be mamade ,
attid that the treasury will go on keep-
lug time surlhus down by the purelaitse
of bonds , giving preference , het'hIaPs ,
to those first falling due , time four-naid-
a-half per cent bonds. But should time
secretary of the tm'casury decide to discoam-
tinue bond purchases after time require-
mnetats of the sinking funds arc nact , the
indications are that the amioney inmtrket
will be In a coudltioaa to easily meet all
the demands of time autuaniani aiad Itoh-
day business. The country appears to
be in a very satisfactory siaaIe flaunt-
chilly. and these is uothing In the immi-
mediate outlook to warrant time slightest
itpt cimensiota.
A Uam'-lteacliing l'rtject.
Thieve is a resolution before tlae senate -
ate coamiimiittoo on foreign relations , iii-
troduced by Senator Jones of Nevada ,
requesting the president to aiogotiute tt
treaty with England namd Mexico for the
exclusion of Chimaese haborem's from the
Nom'thi American coiathacnt , and also for
the irovcaation of their entrtnco laito
the United States fromn ( lie territories
or dependencies of either country. It
is well understood that howeve r rigidly
the hew exclusion law may be enforced
it will not be 1)osSiblO ) to kc01) out all
Clainatnen ivito may sock to enter this
Country along time Canadian atad Mcxi-
citli frontiers. In order to do timis it
would. be flCCeSSitm'y to 1)011CC these frontiers -
tiers at every crossing point , and aao-
body hans suggested or would approve of
stick an arm'augoancnt. A renmedy
vould , hiowover , be found ho treaties
with Etaghaamd and Mexico such as are
proPosed by Swaatot Jones.
'rite question is whmother such treaties
could be aacgotiated. So far as Eng-
hatad is concerned there ivould pm'ob-
ably be no serious difficulty. The Camiama-
diata PC0PIO are not favorable to ChinS
ese iananigration , mid if the
iopular sentimeiat of the dominion
should ho consulted by the ianporlah
government such a treaty as this cou ntrS
roquirc3 would be readily negotiated ,
It would encounter opposition
front the Canadian Pacific road , which
r cultivating Chmlmaesc trade as am feeler1
and their corporation is very strong. II
can command the assistance of the besi
political and financial in fluenco lam tlmt do
iaiinion. As to Mexico , it is time declarcu
Policy of the prcscnt admninistraticam ol
that country to cultivate closer coinnicr
cml relations with China. President
L Iiaz , In his last message , stated that
( ho Mexican mnitaister at Washlngtor
had been instructed to ttcitt with the rep
reseatatlves of the ChInese government
located there mind negotiate a treaty o
: friendship , commerce and navigutioma
Any such treaty would undoubtedly utmi
S body vrot'isiotms allowing Chinese labor
01'S to enter Mexican lom'ts at lieaSurc
D So ( lint there is little lLObti)111t3' thu
Mexico would assent to such an arrange
B ancait as Senator Jotaes cotatemaiplates.
- It is OlVIOUS that without tite treatic :
suggeste(1 the exclusion law Citfl flOcOtti
l1ilm its purpose only In hitt't. If Ciii
ci nose laborers are brought into Camimuli
a- anti IIoxico sonic of them will undouht
r cdl ) ' timid their way imato the Umaitca
0 States. As a mattem' of immediate in
tercst it is reported Im'oaii Sati
Francisco , that a case has already arisci
0 under the exclusion law which svihh Lore
g to a decision respecting its constitution
itlity , A vessel load of Chinese laborer
) . arrived in that port Sunday , atad c
1- course were not permitted to land
Those Interested lam the lauding of times
P001)le announced their intention t
0 test the law , and if the federal courts
g San 1'1raaaclsco deity mama application ( ii
. habeas corpus , all of these people has
0 Ing certificates that svoul(1 entitle thea
d to hamad under the old law , thac case wi
) r be carried to the supreme court.
has Suakitmi Fallen 9
is 'rIme BrItish government breaks bat
1- foreIgn news to time public by an adro
r- system of graduated tolegrauts. 1t sri
Id be rinomooreil that the disaster a
) r IhlcI < s Pashma , the taking of Ilanrtoui
1by the mabdi , and the fiasco of Goaacrm
\Voolsoloy in the Soudan wore tempore
) r to the shorn lamba of England In thi
a way , and It begins io look as If them
33 was somno very bad news at Suathia
y which le being gently suggested by Ui
home government. Thur have bc
. :
, , . .
' ' . .
. :
. .
11 COfli Proll 0 nslbl o dis 1tc1mos wht helm
scented written by some one Ignorant of
time situation lit which the llerber of
the outlaaai svere calleti rebels , ad
were described as besieging Sunkhmn In
( ho regular methods of clvthizatlon
They are not rebels , atid Etag
land held on to Sutikimn tinder
Pretetise of preventing thio slave
trade. Suddenly there arrives
front no less a ) et'so1nge ! ( lanai ' .totikhalnr
l'usha , of Constamatinoplo , a telegrant
statimag that Sumikirn imiust fall , and that
tiet suitmni hntcttd to taico dtiloanatle
actioma. Timis scents a forged dispatch ,
as'Ith mao other object tiaati to prepare
the English lUlllc ) fortimo news thantSua-
alan hans fahleiaamad tiant time Etaglishm gait'-
i'isoam has johmied time sTnhttlI's itm'lsoIieI'S
Iii Kiaairtoiun. Suatklimm Is but an hiasig-
tilfli'itnt lmhatcc , but time m'c peated tiefemits
of time English lam time Soudnat will coy-
talnl.y have its effect oat time Mussolanen
of India , to say nothing of the s\rmtbs ,
l'orsiauas and Afgaums , and tImings look
sluahlY for Engiatid.Viaeia the liritisim
robbed the heirs of ItunjeetShaaglm of
the Koh-i-noor the prophets of the ba-
zars foretold time fall of the British ratj ,
for disaster imas always accommipami led
( limit fatal mimaiss of crystallized carbon ,
timid Emma.1mtnd , It scouts , will be no exception -
tion to the rule.
MA'OIl IInwi'i'i' intends to hold hits
irround as time candidate of time county
democracy of New York for re-election ,
amid having nmadc UI ) his mniimd in the
mamatter Ito ordimaury argument will
change It. It is tact at all stmm'pm'ishiig
that tIme effut'ts of Colonel Lataimotat timid
Secretary \rImLtiae. with htimmi were un-
avatihitag , fom' time reason that Mr. Hewitt -
itt Is time very Last imiami wlmo
srilh do anytiming to platY Into
tlae hands of Ir. Clovolniad.
lie hans immul aim amuiic ) ex1orhonco of time
president's Ingratitude , and lie Is not
time somt of a amman to imi vito a repetition
of such 0X3R3L'IeliCO. ] 3osides , ho will
do imothmlaag wimiclm could have time ap-
Iettrztticc , of it bam'galrm witlm or conces-
siola to 'rattaitimuimy , which lie imas puili-
ly denounced ItS a corrupt orgaamiztitioim ,
bout emily on seizing time 81)OilS. Time
detcrmnirmmition of Mayor hewitt to make
time run greatly Increases time Interest-
hag olmmtracter of time political situation
ill NOW York. That he will get a very
large vote , if ho simaill miot be elected ,
is not doubted. Ho has given time city
a stratgimtforward , honest , business-like
adnmiimistratlon , and while it is not possible -
sible to coamunemmd all ( limit Ito has done ,
It is unquestioiiaile that none of his
acts wcm'e prompted by other than time
best mamotivos. He line the m'espcct amad
con tideitcu of the bitsimmess community ,
amid Ito will get the votes of
mmuniy m'CIUlilCan busimmess meat. But
his attitude is of eslecmal iimterost to ro-
itLihi1ttils ) from the fatet ( hint it iimcreases
time eomnimlicat'tomms atmid difficulties of time
dcIiiocL iitie situnitloim imm New Xork , amid
timereby immaterially stremagthemas the re-
lUbhicamm chaiice of cami'm's'iiig ( hint state.
Doc'roits diffem' as to time aisoase which
proved fatal to ( lao famous ustroiaonaer ,
Pm'of. Proctor. The New York doctom's
declare that ho died of yellow fevom' ,
anti the Florida sons of Gulen insist uponi
it that it was otaly mnalam'ial lmemom'm'haamge.
'ro time unahtmitiated time latter ammalady
sounds aanuzingi.v hike yellow fever.
Timero is no use 1mm splitting straws iam
time 1101)0 to cotmviico , time world of val-
etudinmrinmas : who chase sumnniet' arouiad
the Utmited States that Florida is a desirable -
sirable 1)111CC for winter m'csidonce.
The vaietudinam'iami is tianid timid selfish ,
or Ito would hot be a s'ahetudhimnrian ,
and he will macver ugamim be seen In , Taek-
sonvilio or F'orimaimdimia , but trill wend
his deviow way to Los Angeles amid time
dcl I ghtftmh San ta l3um'bara resor Is.
There imo will have bib orange groves
bmtskimag 1mm the suam in the niontims of Jaum-
uary timid February , wimilst blizzards mtm'c
cats'om'tiug around the rest of his native
lanti , timid lie ivill be as idle , timid as useless -
less , ammal as self-indulgent , and self-
pitylaag as Ito htms been jim time past.
CII1c'Aoo is about to Imavo the same
cxperieiace through ss'hmlch New Yorhm
city iassed seine years ago witim it
street railroads. Iii this instance as lii
the other the othicinis of tue m'oad preeipi
tatcd a contest by arrogant and bump
; blocs conduct toward their mon. Pow
mmidued , are time cases upon record whorc
. Incas resorted to timeir last aI'gunnemmt , ii
L strike , without having time iaaost soriout
r causes of comimplmminit. Time mimmilim suitor
cr5 tire iamvariably the 1)UthiC , becaust
local systems of living are neccssam'1h3
based upon street railroad accoaimnmodu
tions , amad when that is svithdi'tiwim hun
dreds , hCm'hmtP8 thotasamadsof indlvldualm
b find a gm'emit gap letweefl timeir hornet
r timid their places of iUSlUCSs. Nor hurt
state amihlroad commissioners been o
any cotimpetonco to nrm'mtmmgo matters
for while the nieui nm'e wiihing , time coin
iRtilies refused to accept tlmeir arbitra
L tioma or to obey their mnaindates.
Tint wannest political center 1mm thma
S country at this time is irobmibiY ) Saim
- 1m'ancisco , The local conmtests iii ( hail
city are always of a s'ery lively char
: t nctcr , but timis yemir's battle appears ti
- be exceptionally heated atmd acritimoiai
ous , if we may judge fromim time demmiamma
- of somame of the mmOWspapOt's for time om'ga
t nizattion of a vigilmance comnimmittee. N
It otimer city tim time country , with time ox
Li coptiomm , ICm'lmaI)5 , of Now York , ha
- mote political bosses tlann Saiti F'm'utn
cisco , and generally they arc of tim
af most desperate sort , It Is a fight to
suprotiutcy among time bosses which I
0 t'CsiOtlSIble ) tam' the political raiacor alt' '
0 excitement just now prevailing in Sa
if Francisco , and whicim lies already 1)00
'r ' nmarlced by time shedding of blood ama
. - by mitaniorous immatmincos of brutality
'l'tmo people slmoumd rise iii their might
LI m'ogardiess of pirty , and ovox'tlmrow al
the bosses.
how does it come that the superin
d tendont of the poor farmim is pormnitto
It to expend thousammds of dollars of count
LI funds every year without keeping a m'c
) f cord of imls transactions ammd mr.klng a
in official report of every dollar expemided
ml No other business InstItution woul
d allow an omployo to py out large sumim
Is without onforehnag a strict accountabil
' 0 hty. Is It not imigim ( Lute for the corn
n mlssloners to order the suporintendon
e of trio poor farm to open a sot of book
a and report monthly uiid quarterly who
. . , : : ' . . . .
_ . .
siajr 1EuI.iit1 : wI1J1rfpr..T
purchases he has miando , the ntmrnber ittid
pay of oanployes ott the county fatcisi ,
the qumimatity' ' 1uf' ttiiI1cs ) ott immind , and
dlsbursemmiotmts mmmdc.
WIatTlm1n : LeUn1onPacIfic depot tm
built tmoxt year or temm years hence , the
flmayor atad council simotmid tithe proimiPt
stC1is to protect the hives of lcolle who
81'C Commi1)CllCd to cross time Temmth street
tracks , The npproachcs to ( Ito depot
should be niade safe at ummy cost. If timis
enma be done omml3 by buildinga viaduct cam
'I'cntim stm'cet timbla let It be built. The
charter confers 151111)10 ) iOiVU upon time
anatyor mind council to have vinducts
built at the expense of time rtdlromtds
over every sti'eet crossing tlmnt titay ho
foutad damagct'ous to imimbhic safety , Any
opositlonm Oh time part of ) roperty owam-
CL'S to ti viaduct on Tenth street bhoutd
ho overruled 1mm the intem'cst of time hub-
lie. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Taut legal imrofesslomi In Iowa lmas site-
ceeded , after waiting , In britmging
itiOUt a reform 1mm time tnmtttcr of admit-
tlng nphhcnumts to lractlce. ) Sprigs of
time iasv must study at least two year ! ,
amid thou mimi exatuninattloim before
time tmtmpt'emaic court. If successful , time
aimphlm'mmmmt Is admitted to practice to all
courts of the state. Nebraska could
fohiow tue example of time hlawkeyo
stmtte with great advamitmmge. 'J2)mero ) ate
too Imimimmy fledglings ammiomig us who have
been admitted , In immany cases , upotm an
oxamnlnattomi timat dlii not exmumilame ,
WHAT does our democratic con-
teinpom'ary , time llcralil , maacamm by cmtllimag
Patrick Ford a biatiierskite titad living
boommmerang. l'erimaps time Preselit emit-
( or of tiao Jfcruld does not know timait time
formiior editor of time Jkrtld , Dr. Miller ,
imirod Boyd's oicra house at his own cx-
1)CliSO ) only three years ago for time solo
hmurposo of culogizimag l'utrick Fom'd timid
comimmneimdinmg hint to time esteem
and confidence of demnoci'mtts in geim-
oral 811(1 cItizens of Oammmthmt in par-
It Cnaampalgmm of' Intellect.
Terre haute Esres8.
We arc always ready to azassvcr any quec-
tions ivialcim may be asked us concerning po-
hitical issues , hut when mm man 'vrites to know
whether a reduction of the wool tariff intl
affect time irlce of flamatmol cakes , lie exhibiba
a levity totally out of laee iii a "camiiatgn of
lutciloct , "
Time Last Resort.
Ci ? frtm , TrfZiume.
Chairman Brice ( amixiousmy , to proPrietor
of machine simop-llow ) soon canyou furnish
mae 10.000 hittie.boxes , cheat' , hut strong ,
with iroier nicctinmmisum 0i ! the inside , mind
labeled 1mm frotmb "Droll a mmickel him time slot
and receive a finely-printed card of ( hunks
from time Clmmmirmnamm of the Democratic Na.
tionul Committee" I
The JIcwhtt'm Slrcngtlm.
The strength of the ammovemcimt to nominate
Mr. hewitt as , thu cmtizemm's candidate for
uimuyor of New k at time coining electiou ,
Is a gratifyimag evidence of municipal iro-
gmcss. If Mr. hewitt itad done am other service -
vice to the city titan to denionstrato tlmat a
niami aught , irrqIectlvo of jiarty , commend
himmisehf to the suilport of its peolilo for time
Place of chief magistrate , he would have mle
served an enduring mneed of fame.
Time Itepublicamm TarifT.
Bcifom Jnirnal ,
The republican iart' has revised the
tariff In years Past mmmnl reduced such duties
as it believed could be touched without in
jury to time Aimmerican producers , it ivhhi re
vise tue tariff him title way miraimm whenever it
has the opportunity amid ( Iceuns it ssise to dose
so Blat 1mm hucim revmsion amid reduction it
never hoses sight of the iwotcctive prauiclimle ,
Tariff revision mms time republican party' inter.
Irets , it is tariff strengtimetming amid iiaipros'o
nient : 'tariff reform' as time democratic hmarty
Interprets It Is tariff destruction.
mmaexamtIot , .
Neut' ] urk Crnnnaerclat JIatItetfm.
Fifty years mmgo or so there was an Amer !
camm craze tom' Canadian minamexatlomi all alone
the border , wlmiclm at came time threatened to
enmibroll time two cotmntries lum war : st'imich was
imappiy ! averted by time prommipt action of timc
mmilhitmmry authorities , and ( iota that day to
timis time craze haisnover been rovis'ed. It time
question is again to commie iii ) , let us hmoie timal
It ivihl be witim no timotmgiitof conquest , eimtaul.
liir a commiiict wlttm the mnotlmer country , but
ummder the firm commvictiorm that time material
interests of botim mmd all mmartie concerned
are to ho promimotcd , not abated nor retarded
by the result.
_ _ _ _
Tlao Hedel Porgcrlos.
11eiy , GCOrUC.
Agaiimst the everyday criminal society ba
learned to guard 1tolf. Time burglar I ,
femiced out by massive doors ammO curloum
electrical coimtrlvaimces. The actuar.y has up
ihied himself to time study of etnbezzletmmcnts
) and insurummee coimipanles guarantee agaitmel
r loss by brcaclm of trust as freely as against
loss by flood or fire. Even charity has organ
ized itself against imposture , amid rcducci
aimmis giving to a science. But ngaitmst crLrn
a limais of tne typo of Foster mind l4cdelI whmmml
3 securIty rain be tmmkemml To denmand It is 111cc
) asking for immsurammco on an insurmmtmce cent
f pany. IIumm % caumnot live distrustftml amid sits
1)ICIOUS of mmli his fellow men. lie must trus
- somebody. or socimmi life becoimmes immmpossibhe.
A Vindication.
Clifcaoo 'Jribunr ,
\Vatterhotmes , " called limo night emlitol
iiowmm the tube timis editorial
: m speaking , , V
1ascat Unveiled , ' must have been is'rittm
under mm ammistmmken idea. It chuirges Colette
l3ihlts with imavimag commnitted gross fraud ii
stufling the ballot b5x amid lmmtimmmidatiimg sOot
0 ors iii liourbota county , Colonel Bilks is tia
chairmummu of our congressional cotmmrnittee ii
that district. You've got hint mnixcd up witi .
semite other mmiii. "
0 ' 'ha ! " ext'lmmitned the editor , thut ivil
never dot Add to the amtlcie , 'this , of courseS
ttme fuinous cammipaign lie ( lint imium becim ( qr
cuiateti for political effect b3 time vomaomou
and mcoutmdrciiy emi'm1es of that incorrupimbi
0 patrIot , Colonel Bilks , ' mud cimamige the head
r Itig to 'Another Ie ! Nmtlleci I' "
Scott Lie Over.
lArmroln Cull.
As October gemt1 glades along , this groa
U political discussion draws nearer to a eiosc
it The tariff trobiem until time 0th of Novena
. her nuti doubtless ummtit the tnllienlum , is' ! !
ho discussed with the same ebccruinos mimi
vigor ; time teumperanco , luostiomm mill still re
ammln umm'molved time Clmineso mill contimmue ti
be time baumo of the Meiiican mann's existence
. and the world will swhtig tnerrliy on and on
L. But there will be a lull soon. Porhap
ml two svceks ivill witnesq tiioro exeltetnont an
S nioro Interest than there is but tin
mocks from that tinmo and then comes a cain
mm for many mnoons. .nd at is svoll. These wit
are statesmen , and those who have dIscussc
d the issues , will fall back into the dull lines o
5 other things ,
The good people of Lincoln may for a brief
ssvcot season discuss the ivater question
I- they may talk about cedar blocks awhile
t and then comes the legislature and time 1obb
S and the crowd.
t S'bfh. tbi titUs attraction of mm presldec
: ' ' " : .
, :
( lath election , how vested oil the bimlioting
board of tlmr , will soon be ovcr , pthcr th1ng
tmmdst coin ; and the Call sincerely hopes
that while dccii sorrows brood over all the
land , there natty yet , bopeaco cmiii plenty.
Curl Schurz has been npilied to by hIougim
ton , Mlflhimm & Co. to invite mm life of Abraitaum
hitucolia for their Aimiericaim Stuitesmnen series ,
timmil mill lrobabl comply.
lvery real estate agent in Atagtmth , ( imi ,
hue offttt'eml a building site to Aimmehto lItres I
site trill tmmmmko her ss'itmter iaoitie dowmm theme.
tier literature scouts to mmpmcmml to real estate
ngetmts ,
Dr. Morell Mackenzie imats chosen for his
flrtimcoumlng book time ptmimgemmt motto from
Slimikespoure a " \S'tmmit tricK , ivitat device ,
ivimmit stmmrtlamg hiole catlms't timotm mtoss' timid to
imt(1C tile , ) fromn thy open mud nmparcmmt
sliaumc I"
Senator fleck k not regalnitmg id hmcaltim at
I"ortress Monroe mt rapidly as his friends
could wish. lie i uniter time charge of three
doctors. lie goes otat for exercIse every hue
day , and ( toes not chltmmb stairs or 1mm any way
accelerate thu nettoim of imls Imeart.
Citristtmae Nilscoii Imims kept a diary of every
l'crforrnatmco fri which she ever took part ,
11roua her debut in lb7 to her retirement last
Jul.i' alto Imus sting iii opera thousammds of
timnos so that imer mimems must anako quite a
lIthe library.
Judge Timurmmimin gave It out cold after hits
mmomimimmation thumt Ito would hiush time lroecti-
tiomm of time Coitmimabus elcc'tiotm sis'iumilIcrs.
Yet we mmotico titimt Alien 0. Myers is nmakiuug
denmocritic speeches tat Oimmo , upm'aretmtiy ' uam-
tcrritlcLl by Mr. Ttmtmrnmamm'a timrcat.
Mr. Wililaum I. Slngcriy , editer of tue
l'imuiadclphta Uccord , hiss heemi by turns
nmerchmutt , railroad mama , theater mumanagcr
mad journalist. lie is exceedingly feud of
sportM , particularly racing. lie hue a hue
stmitiio of fast Itorses , Jimtothmer of his fovea' .
Ito recreations me ymiclittiag and lie owita a
lute steel vessel , wimicim is Icept for lrivate
'I'lto Indignity offered to Scmmator Blair at a
town in Virgimmia the other day only Indicates
titmt. ) iii nil comnnumutmitics titero are semite ar-
soils into ccciii to be bent to keep time limtmnama
race hutmiblo by simowing tue meanness of
wlalchm it Is capable. 1mm time highly clvlifzcd ,
eniighmteuaed timid educated city of Umilesburg ,
1mm thu proud state of Illiumols , there svmis once
found a tumuum mneamt enough to throw a rotteum
egg at Gemmemi Grunt ,
Cimrmries Stewart Ptrneli itats long refused
to have his l'ottrait painted. lie cmmmtmmot cmi-
tIumu thmo tctmlumn of "sittings. ' ' He is mmow ,
Imowever , 1mm the itands of Mr. II. .1 , Tumid-
deus , the young hitmuiter ss'hosc portraits of
Mr. ( iiadstouio amid the ioumo have lately attracted -
tracted a good deal of attentioma. Mr. 'l'had-
deus is obliged to keep a close watch on Mr.
l'tmrmmell , isIto oftcmm grows rebellious under
the restraint Placed tmpomm hahn atmd threatens
to desert the artist altogether.
Nebraska Jotttiags.
A new hotel trill beopened at Harvard timis
rrlmo citizens of Blue 11111 are organizIng a
library associamtion.
Time iohhco imdgc of hastings collected $ lSO
1mm fInes last tumontit.
There are five htrisoners in time Clay county
jail awaiting the action of time district court.
Rev. D. S. Iavis , of York , si'lil be a catidl.
ditto for cltmmpiaimi of the house of representa.
tives this winter.
Atm Arapaimoc horse walked oft svithm 1.000
lOUumt1S ) of sackeil sand attached to a &OO foot
101)0 Oil U bet of the other day.
FmammkVoir , mIme shot , lolnm 0 , Suhilvamm at
Gotimetiburg about a niomith ago , is'mms let off
last svcck svitii a fine of $10 for assault.
Mrs. George Graves , who witim her hus
hammd was ommo of thu earliemt settlers of the
Elkimormm valley , tiieth at Oukdale Friday.
'rutree nunt imas'e been arrested at Alma
ciumtgetl with sehhimig liquor svithout a licomtso ,
iuicluding Dr. J. A. Vem hiryck , tIme lcmmdimmg
druggist. 'l'ime.v mill have a trial cmi time l'th.
C , hhlidreth retired fronm the editorsutip of
time I iiooammiumgton Echo lust week until took
udvnmmtago of time occuiomi to extend time
olive brunch to mill of whmoum ho had said hard
timimmgs in his Paper ,
r. Gattomi , a bacimcior lIvIng at Congdon ,
advertised for a info sonic time ago ummd me.
coined an mmnsw'er fromim Emily Jltttner of
Streator , ill. Time correspondemmee tlaeum begun
resulted in their marriage last week at Plummi
- F'iommtier coummty was m'cccntly canvassed by
mm itmimui su'imo had a large amount of eouimtcu'-
felt tamoutcy to soil. Ito would s'isit macmm at
their imoues or at work , eximlbit. m'olls of
spurious immoutey , telling at what price lte
would soil it , saying It ss'as mnmido frommi plates
stolen fromam time govcrtmmncmmt. It is titoughmt
ho solil a large amnoumtt of teat amid twenty
dollar bills , Ommu immami has rumm ass'ay , lcaviumg
a very sick ivife , antI ( remit hits lmat'lumg cxlmib-
ited a large roil of time stuff , is supposed to
have gone bite the business of "simovitmg time
queer. " The first miamned Party stated that
the fraternity w'ouid hold a meeting 1mm Clii-
cage emi the litlm of tlmis niouttlm. Settlers tried
to secure tile arrest , lumt coulu not get a war-
mmml. Ho then left secretly.
Time mnlmmlstcrs of Cedar lapids have Issued
atm uilletiI ) to time Cit' coutmcil to cnfom'ce the
prohibitory law.
A socIety girl In Iowa Fails created a
sensatioli by tmmasijumeradimmg as a decrepit mmd
needy old ss'omnmmn.
A stimulI boy at Mmlford devoured the colt-
L tents of a box of sals'o tim otttom' day. Of
course it mmmdc imitim sick. but it cured luau of
hIs ahliletatu for such delicacies ,
James V. ' . Wier has bought all time lamail
which time Muiscatlmmo faIr ground utah
association had for sale. The association
still holds about 1,000 acres besides time lair
L. .1. Moss , of Osage , recently chosen
gramad ciianeelior of time Kmmights of Pythias ,
Is imut twemmty-six years of age , mmtmd enjoys
time distInction of beIng time youngest gr.mnd
cltautcellor itt the world.
About two weeks ago Lincoln Jacobs and
Miss Alice Seumsley , of Dubumiuo , were
married and started cmi their ivedeing tour.
Thmc bride was taken side ssiUm Immmeuunotmla
and ( lied last Fm'ldamy wimile visiting relatives
at Ochmvelu.
Mr. George Davis offlubuque , wlmoso sue-
cee's Itt ) tmotographitug a llaslm of lightnIng hums
a boon umoted by thu Scientlile Atmmericamm , re
ceumtly visited aslur cave below the city amid
jmiiutogrmpimod time imiterior of it by tIme light
of a torcim.
A iart fm-onm Mmutamma was In Indepeumd-
etmce last week buying yearling and two year
olmI craft ( lilies. lie shipped one car load
ft ommi Immdepommdemice amid otto from Oehui'cin ,
buying mmiost of time colts for both loads in
r that county , The imriees rammged from $125 to
t2ut ) for c.mclm colt.
Dia. ;
Time Northern I'aclhlc dyico at Mnuidan is
macany t'omlietod. , It mill cost $1,500.
- It Is estImated that mmot onc-tcmtttm of the
. wheat jam llrookings county Is threshed at time
.m lresommt , tmtmmc ,
.m j A. 1)anlortii , of Yanhtott , Pm'OmuibCs to
erect a 3lOtX ) , ) opera house if lie can Procure
ml suitable site.
Arrangements are micam'hy lierfeeted for a
. : ruco mumeotmtig mit Vlmitetvood , to occur some
tiimitm timt. mitormth.
S Time influx of lIus'tlmmnm to time Gcrmmiamn.Unss
U colomay In mlcPimersoa county 1111(1 the mmortim-
ormm part of Eduiuutmls county stIll continues
to be largo.
Eli liuested , a young man into lost both
legs during tue January blhzi'ti , wIll hobble
about mum the future omm artificial ilamits fur-
t ulsimod by thuc llrowmm coutaty comnmlisiomters ,
L 'limo cotitmty coimiuimiasmormors of limttteimahma
county nrc quite uneasy about time commditiomm
1' of time geimeral futul of time toUtmty. 'l'hero is
only 'J lsYJ available for thus lurid , out of
whIch time court exlwnse' mmmust be paid ,
'riioy think timmi sum svIhl be exhausted ( mm thiC
0 prosecutIon of liquor cases alone. 1'Lmemm
there ivill be nothing loft to 1a3' other cx-
Euinmmi Stnythe , who had brett amm hummnato of
a Deadwood hoitsa of ihi-fumamo for two years
Li under thmo naimme of Frmunkio hiamniltemu , died mit
Hot Smritags October 4 of quIck coneUtlmhltmoum.
her Iareuts live lit Des Moitmca , In , , her
a father being aim extetmalvo contractor 1mm the
erection of brick buildings ,
f Time Great t'orthii'est.
'rho first snow of the season at Limrarnie ,
Wyo. , foil October 5.
Charles Trotter , an Idaho vloneer ujed
fifty , died In Montana last ivcQiz. lie lmmmd
a , lived in Cassma coulaty and Shoshone for
r twenty-seven years.
'Fiie Post Porchororm imorse asocIatlou of
Wyoming is usgoUatIng for the purchase of
thuc ilk1mora farm near Stanton , Neb , , svhmero
timey mill break anti tralum imorsOs ,
Time cnrrlson of L'ort Lyon , Cole , , marehel
mmlnetv.thmrco nailes to ta ii feamture of time
l'ueblo famif' , 'ruicy were old tltmds oum ( lie
trip , sctmduuag their acm umimiforuns by roll.
lloughtomm's factory on Pine
itidge , Frcsauo , Cal. , sva burned Simunlay
nIght and 100,000 ralua trays onauauamed in
( lie haute , , Thu loss Is estlimmmmted at 115UO ) .
Thuc reccuat ice crealmm poIsoning at Moummtaln
View , Cmii. , ii'n caused by a prei'aratlomm of
zitme mituil mnurlatic acid itseil by the tiumamimitlis
lam sohtlcrlmtg , time freezer beluig used for time
first tiumme.
'I'imc citizens of 'rrtaeicco , Ca ! . , have lmtmr.
chased time fraimmo btmmhthlngs owmmed by the
Cimiumeso svlmo ivero ordered froumm town a week
ago Suumdtiy antI Imaive torum theta dowam. No
Ctmtutummmcmm ss'ere Immjtmred. Five of tIme Momigo.
hlaima left Monmdmiy , thic other three staylmmg
ovem. a day to finally disposcof their lroimcrt.
Order lmlmM 1revnlkd , aammommg thu people but
they trill enforce tim sottlcmmietmt voted umm-
day ( html ChInese mmmust not remmmaltm 1mm Tm'uckee.
l'OT A OItEhIIiA1) .
Brewster Ienies Certain Cimairges
Imtln , % gnl mist. II ina * ,
UuEWSTEI1 ! , Nub , , Oct. 8.-To the Editor of
Time lbu : : My attemmtIon has beemi called to aim
article In your journal of tini 20th , under tIme
lmeadlumg , "llmewstcr's liull , " in ss'imkhm your
corrospondoumt , charges me , after
mmms' abbot as a candidmmto for rcprcscmatatlvo
for time 1'ot'ty.umLnth district , svlthm coutmtmmemmc-
lag mu tirmulo agaimmet. Mr. hlaumimmm , the fortunate -
nate camididate , becaimsc I wmis an old vutoramm
soldier amid Imo was semite twenty years
yotimager timan miuysolf , ehaitmmiuig timat. time con-
i'oimtiomm ' 'imail mme right to tmomtmimmato mmnyot'e '
except timysclf , us I svmms time only old soldier
In time race. " I lresumno , I shmotmid uot notice
stmcim infammmotms iyimmg scoutmdrols , lIly m'cquest
of friemids ss'hio ' iii time
, ss'cro proscmmt commvntm-
tiomm , I dcciii it only just to say that the
staitemmieuits were false , and thtit every i'et-
orama mmreseumt was Immdlgmmant , over the action
of limo hrauimles tutob ss'imo tmtturcd the taumult.
imag cries of 'Hmmts t" amid svotmld have pltcimcd
time .s'oimmig cotvmmrds out of the eommvctition had
the tamsumit leen repeated.
Prior to mmms' , rcmnmmrlcs on thmmtt occaioim I see-
oumded time motion ummakimug lr. limimtmmu's umoumm.
iumatlon ummmnntnmous , amid stmmted timut I ivoumhi
support imis mtoumitimatloim Personally and witlm
mmmy PamPer , mmd that I had mio words of censure
for aumy of the rival cammdkhatca , who were
frotn tivummts' to tsvcnty.hive years ynuutccr
thmmmm mmmysehf , and possibly immoro competent to
represent time Forty-tmftuthm dtstrictthamm I ivas ,
amid to bo titus tmiallguied by such ama luifuimmious ,
lying libel omm tmuumtanity is more than umumy
gentiemmman feels willing to beamr without correction -
rection in tIme colimmams of time salute jotmrnui.
It is inanity just to compel mcmi of homier amid
wcll.knous'n citizens of a state , ivhmo are
kumowmi to have too ammucim sense to make such
atatemmmnuits as I mini chmargeil ivhthm to go into
tito Public imress to deny tIme tnallmnmmnmt and
hlenuish charges of simehm worthless vtmga.
bonds as "Veritmis" must. be.
GEommoc W. Bmmnwsrn.
A hebrew Hohoal.
Time orthodox hebrews opened a school
yesterday tim the old Oornmumm church , omm
time corner of Tus'elfthm and Jackson streets.
'rhere are sixty children on time role , a large
imumuiber of whomum attummd class from U in time
mnormmlng to 4 o'clock in time uifternoomi. They
tire tlavum dismissed. After 4 o'clck ammother
class as opemied for time mnceomn.odation of lIe-
brew oimlhhren wimo attetmd thu public schools.
'ntis cotmtimmtmes until 7 o'clock in time evcn-
jag. This school is in cimarge of Me'srs.
\'einlerg and Sili'erunaum , ss'hmo lmavtt been
elected by time association.
They au-c All IIam'ummomaiomma.
To time Editor of 'rtue Hmum : I saw , last
cvemmiumg , for time firmt ( line , time article In
your editlomm of the id lust , headed 'Local
l'ohmtles ' ' Itt mulch timaice -
, you inc a pamrtiel-
lammt tim mu counversatiomi si'itlm other democrats ,
and , assumninag to quote a remark frommm time ,
say a "rate carumestumess ivith wimictm Imo spoke
was themomistrative of a stromag slmirmt of mis.
satisfaction exlstiumg in tlm rammles of time fore-
ZutOst leaders of the bourbomm clemflmt.
1 desire to ( nice thIs first possible oppor.
( unity to say that the stmitenmenmts of time ar-
tide mire ivimoily mmd emmtireiy erroneous ; that
time renmark attributed to nie was never
mnaido ; ( hut mme such comiversatiotm with time , or
itt my imreeuice , over occurred : mior imavo I
over heard time "dlsstmtcftcttomt" ! rcferm'cd to
expressed even by mndlrcctiomm.
J _ \v. PAmmmocx.
The Date Cimamiged.
A change imus Dccii made in the daito of time
meeting of the relambhicarm county eeumtrah
commimuittec , as appears 1mm time folloss'immg :
OuAmt t , Oct. 8.-lit deference to a laper
sigimed by aixtecum tuemnbers of time ropubhicamum
coummty ceumtrai commmnmittee , I hereby change
time date of time mmmeetitmg of said comunmittee
fromu Saturday. October 13 , to Wednesday ,
October 10 , at o'clock p. in.
JoaN hWsmr , Chairman.
\\'imcn asked his reasons for calling the
county commmniittcu togetlmer at so late a damto
as mmcxt Saturdmty , Chmairmnamm Joinmi hush ,
saul :
"it was done at time rehuostof a niajorityof
tlme commitimittee. It inns immmnxmateriul to ammo
ivimetimer ( ito county coumventioa should be
imeid eamly or lute. I eouimmmuumicated with each
mncuniber of time eommummiltteo separately , arid iii
deference to tiitt s'iesvs of tIme ummijority , imelmi
tHy otvtm oldnIOltmm 1mm abeyance. I know this
unctioum mis beemm criticised , but. there is uao oc-
easiomm for it ivimeim timufacts are lcmiosvn. ' '
A Scmatou'itnI Nonmaimuce ,
lieu , M. D. Poke , of Cams couumty , roccmmtiy
nmouiainmmted for stmmto senator by time mcpubhi.
calms of that district , is a guest of Assistant
City Attorney Smmmith. Ho reports every-
tbiuag in time political circles in Imma locality
ioimmting s'ery dotimmitoly towards a m'oimubileamm
victoi' , % ' of an universal tenor.
Oilier Meetings.
'rIme republican county central comntumlttco
mill mmmci at the Millard , October 13 , next
Sattmrday at 2 l. in.
Tlmo Irish Anmericaum Republican club will
imohd its regular ntmeetiimg on next Wednesday
night iii time iharher to tmmalce urranmgcmuments
( or time pam'ade. A large attend'umiee Is ox-
; , ecteti , 'rho mmew limits ordered by time club ,
iamrge white felt otmos of the Aiphime order ,
will be distributed. Time chub expects to
turn out about otto hmtmmmdt'ed umd fifty mien ,
itopresontatlon ( iii the Transportation
Jtoattl Itskcd Fom' ,
At time mectimag of time board of trade last
evenIng a counmummicatiomm was rend frommm Mr.
Fred Frmmiey , l'rcsmdenmt of time uiattoimai imoard
of trade , ashciuug tlmu Omaha board to scnmd a
representative to the ainnual mneetimmg of timat
body to be imeld at Chicago Novi'unber 14.
A motion was ( bent made mind carried that
tlmo heart of directors tuki' stole toward
nmalcln ( the Ommmauia board of trade a imart of
the mamitiomml board of trade.
Time foliosi'lmmg resolutions were Preseulted
by Mr. W' . A. L. Gibbon and carried :
Whereas , Time state board of traimsporta-
( Ion ss'iil ummdergo semite cimammgcs hum time coin-
Position of its umomnberalmip Jammuury 1 , next ,
Whereas , Omzmahms is umot only the mmmetrop-
oils of the state of Nebraska but time great
distributinmg center Ion' time vmist territory
coammjmrmbed in time upper Mmssout'i iftvcr val-
hey mmmd the couumtry svct , therefore be It
flesoivad , That it is the stuumso of time mom-
berm of time hoard of trade of time clti' of
Omaha that our city stmouuid Itmuvo a rojmro.
sontathomm upon time state board of transpom-ta-
( ion mmd svo do respectfully potitiomm thmo iaoum-
orabho Incomnmumg imienubors of tlto state board
of trmimusportatiomm to amq'oinut ' W. F' . Grifiltts
one of the three secretarie of said board.
, Positively cured by
timeso Little iills.
C ARTE r S They aLso relieve IMs.
trr.s from DhspeimSia , In'
I E digestion andToO hieirt
I D Eating , A perfect rem
E eiy for DizzIness , Nausea.
I , I LLS p Prowaines" . mind
Ia the Mouth. Coated
I'onuu. I'alu In tita bide ,
'tOItl'ID i.mVRmm. They
regulate the floiieis. I'urely Vegetable.
' .
- - - - - -
THE clis : FiRES.
A Remarkable Decrease in the Amount
of Fires1
Tue L'ffloietmey or tim , I'iro lopart.
mont-Tim Flovator Fire ut lIlt.
Antimony's 1'rk-Tlmo Union
E I a yam totS ,
" 1)0 YOU know flint our city Ii very firttmnet
Iti tIme mmmmttur of times , " stud aim old i'uttiramm vol.
mutiteer ftremnsmm to mmmc , soamrn ( tub ago. "We have
not loud a buuil tire hero for a very hong time ,
ii tmtie other cities of our sire Imave been imavitag
lam ge cmii etl' ulyts fr'lamcmatI3' , our city lag ,
oc.pem , I tiomm t kmmow to whit to attribiht this ,
ltmt t gimesi it Is good luck rumpled with the
t'fit'ieumry of immmr ulte depsntamemmt. , ami3 to tim
good care takeut of nun large bumililmags mmmi
i'orkshomm imy times wutchmnm'tm. , I remnemtmbnr
lit the imaome than ii year ago of a flre tbt uCcurr1
ut St. .tmmtimommy's l'ark , b,11ve'ti , , MinneapoliS
mint St , l'ammi ihImin. , thmrt'c large lei'tmtcmr , wit
their rommtenl'u. timouaui of bushels of Whes ,
ivere burticul to thmt grommimfi It iims a subiimmme
sremmo , lilsinl3 visibiti in both cities , and was
vituiesseil Ii ) ' timousmunds of Ppo. % Si'u hiyj
slevators hiir utah plenty of oilier hmiilditum5
bitt Ui' enirofmmlmmes we hmmtvo miocontiagratlouis. j
% vius owmm to time Uniomi iovatnrq tIme othmer
( ha ) ' . ' comitiiimtei time oil "vu , I" " iumiti imitit a looi (
over time strmmctimre , and I himmul it is SllpIlflt , ivitli
stmnilpipes miiitt haoe uiul over time ummtldtng , , mimit
If a file ahmoiuil iutmtrt thieve it iimiuid isvo s
little cimatmee to get miumy hleadwil ) ' , becumso the
could niehiuge tue w imoic btmiiLiimmg mat a s'ery fum
moments , I met
I ? ,
/ /
sill. u'r.rEn HOf.T
. . . ,
Ume watchman at the oheystorim , and asked it
about time etumimmees for a tire breskinig out
"NO , " sail Mr. hloit. "tim , , cimmmmmcei for a Are
here mire very sunail , we are extremnohy uarofuh
1nhi always on ttm'm lookout , mmmii there In ito
cimanc , , bcarccly Ut tilt , At alight ivimomi C nilu 0mm
ulut y I visit svury macok ammi crummy in time mmtI rs
bmmililiug at least every itour , mmmii I hunks a main-
tie inMpcction , ivery time , and should discover
any time it would be mu timuitter of a very few amc
ofltt to give mint alirmia 5151) to Imai'e ivater on tmmo
mitme , as yuiim iiaie no doubt suemm that there i
wmiter over time i'ntire bimtmuiiumg. "
"Yes , I agree with you , oum' city is very fortmm.
nato 1mm regard to tIres. ammul If we ute imave a tire
tims tire iaddIe vemy snout imnuve It ummder controL
We can bu very proud o ( omit departmmmunt for it
is onme of tiim vemy iait. "
"I tiiimmk from tilt , sotinil of your voice that
Ydu liii i ii tii a citati it , limy frlemui , ' ' Cent tmmm , el
M r. I I nit , "mind I calm tell yom , that you mire very
( imohisim to suareim' ivitla timat when you taint very
tinsilt' have It ctireil 1 muyself Iiavui imaC tern
b'.e ' timume wIth thumut dis"asu. bitt tiammks ) to omna of
our iiiysicimtns I aiim itmreil of It.
"oaiie six or , .eiezm ycimi's mig ) I comitraital a
Severe coil , uimmd tint tithmmkitmg it immmytitlmmu son.
uuis , 1 lId not m'y munich itttemmtlont to It , It Comm.
timmtmed to grm' % ' uvors , , imnUl soon I itini it bat
cisc of catairli. Ny head i mis slopped mum' atmut
continually achiiumg ; 1 w oiihti imttitm time muo.'t
Severe haulS over my eyes. mind any tyes woului
water sail bt'conmt Inlmamimeut ; nay mmoso ivouiui
stop mit , , lirt omit , sub thou the otimer , ammut imimuno-
t I uiio'u lion ii stde ivtimmhi be stoiped luhm , ram.
P01111mg 1110 to lreumt lie a ii rough sit y timotit ii. I huh
a coimttmmimai ii lomipilig froiim IIi ) miose I mite the
back aimi it of amy tim ruat , i It mcii calms , ! mmio t i . lie
hmauvklng immiul spit i mmmg till time Il tit , . 1 % ' hilio on
ditty at mitgtmt It a cull be a conttimimal tlgint for
mimi , to keep awake , mv eyes wire weak. aimS
timere was ithivays immcim a imeuts'y feeling over
thetta timiut I irits nitsumys sloemi ) . Ny stouimarmm
% .as lfl it tenlibie coamulltioum , I commid suirceiy
keel , mummy fioul Oh it ; Iii ) ' appetite was verb' ror
mmiii ivimuit I till mnumnugo to cat I wolmiti often
i'omiiit. 1y sleep did mmmc mm good ; I would get
up reeling a.s tlrei ni I diii omm goiuig to ietl
I had no immuittlomt , no emiergy , lam fact , i felt
immot Of tile tlmmme its though ills tiuts not wottlm
llvlimg , I tried to got cimmed of this tnoubme. aimS
after trymug aimy ammmouiuit of Pmntemit mmmcdlclnmes , I
greti' ilisgusteti with mimy futile olrorts iimlui tmleul
several 111m Sictens , immt nfl ) ' with a sinumhliur re.
stilt , tiommte three or four mmiimntiis ago I % i4i
speaktimg to a frIend about iiiy trommlio , and hi ,
auivi"ed lii , , , Just its I am utuhu'isiumg you ito , , ' , to
cmli oim hr. ( ttai1e .51. Jordimmn , tam time Ilaumige
Iulocic , coiner 1tmm aumul Jitirmit'y atmeots , I coil
.slilereul a he matter amad commeiiutieim I hint I would
take hay friend'im advu'e. mind I called on the doctor -
tor ammd I mmmii thankful to timat friend , for t aiim IL
mciv tttttml. ii'Imy I domm't fei'h it lilt liici mny culul
self ; umi' heal iimtul muo are always clear , mumy
eyes are mmli night iuiad mimv stoummneti Is in good
order , amy atomemito Is excellent cmiii I emma Cut
of youo , I get tip miow tufter a refr.isimimmg sleep ,
multi feel like going about niy work , mmmiii I limivo
ani trouble to kt'oi ) awake when on duty. My
Inienils are smmrlmriu.od at ttio clmauige In ins. timmi
mioume more so than mmmyaelt. ' .I ) iuiviu.'u to uum'-
one sulierlimg with caturrlm is to gIve ir. Jordan
a intl aimS Ito ran nimid ivill ( 'mire It , "
Mr. 11011 re3ldes am ; No , 2rt8 Castellumr m.trt'et ,
anul Is omimphoysd its uilgimt Wuttciimmiamn at time
ummton Ei vmiturs and will orroluirate tite abot'
testimmiouy to antyone doubting It ,
110w Catarrlm Is Produced ,
Although taking coLt I onto of the COIuliflOn
eat until nust famimlhiitr ( mf vlmemmoniemms , ) et Liiui
dauigrsot Its mmeglect In treatmur mtmiii Its uhti-
mate result are mmot appreciated. tim nimbi Is to
let It usoar itself out or seenmltigly to. In mm very
large majority of cases , catching cold doyiopi
in an attacut of acute hmmllamnatiomi of solute lIon.
tion oftlie numper air iai.sagr , us betmig a tIolum ;
of least roslstammce , mutt. fmmrtlter , as these , attacks
mecmir ivttlm jmmtreasod froijiteney anut gravity , 'vi ,
tinS the uumoniiti irocss ) localizes Itself further
down and nearer to time vital ceutters. as regards
the m.o.called liability to take cohui , It imimomili be
timmd + 'rstiioul that timiM IS iltie to au existing
chronic catarnimiti Inmllamimmnmatlon of perhaps Si
jul15 a type as to give rise to but very trivial
syimiltoIlts , 01' OVOI1 iasseul uumnotlced ; bitt still
an eximUng catarhm , limo re'iilt probably of ii
nt'gmecteIcoid cud timeremmeaeul attacks to wlmlctu
thu immdivldiuai heroines so mialile , coumsists in tli
lighting imp of tim 01,1 troubmo.
AS each frehn muttuick , , imbsliles , tim chronic
tiontluiti inak.'s In 4Plt kItOVi Ii by umnore t1ecluled
, iunimit Oiim $ , fre'sln cohulu , oucu a s'Itii great un fm e-
Ilu , 'uuy : mtuu.t Iii en Is II its liy establislmeul a chmroiimc
cmttumrnli of mite mmne mmii throat , ylttt it. ' , nmzumuy
itumimoyitne.s ( Jt i0iP4iit I1) 11051' , limtni , of imIticUS
Iii time throat. hmssrktumg utuul spltttlmg , lmahtm over
( ' ) 't'i4 ii liii briulge of mmo. . , nmnm'lmmg or bmmzzlug mit
ears , imackimig comimjlt , later on iad oiler seuibs ,
uimismmai , drynme.s of nmou'v smut tlirutt and thnmaily
graver tronublo lower down Itt tIme air p.isugvs.
It In. very macit to be .leprt'rated tlmat lie a rule
aim omuhnmiary tout lu utllowed to take us owmm
coimr.e isitimout trettintamit. I r mm mutrt hints uncut
1 ) ec'mmmi' iiithuimim'ii 1 t Is i'ft , iii a % , 'otlzemmeui : Coimd I.
ttoml whielu Invites uemiewed attacks tromim a very -
slheimt csuue.
'lIme couuitry Is hlooled with vatemmt mtiemllctnes
for I he ruIn , , of cmmtitrriu , whb'tm a no rommcoctt'ul
unit mmmdc attractive for thtu' , 'xmircss 1mimrmoo of
iimuklmmg mmmummey , It Is uttormy tutmposlblo mo are-
pare a slngin rommmed ) ' to Imicet the difreromit
unmases of cutarrim A rmmmu'uly for one sttgo amuty
be lumiurinus to another. It Is just nuiiim iruPara'
nit louts. i'il im tlu'lm ' gimmtrauit e cit no Ii bel ott.
that lmtve , wptkenei thu etimfllemle , , of time great
mimajonity otsumtru'rs of tItus loutuhisomime treimlile.
or havIng their dli.Citime imkliltimlly treated by is
Him i'SIia Ii i'Imui ii uts muindo it ci mm dy of I lie uliseimsut
lii Its even con.iltlomm , ham mtevinted reimmedles ,
mud itijs of atuillmng thcna anti w Ith I lie large
eximoniemiro of havlmmg treated thmouummds of cases
before 'otar case comae , lieforo him 'lime ojd ii-
gTiui that "irocrttstitittlit is timu , 'i'tmif of
'l'imima" can lie ito b'ttem exemimphitied luau In a
ease of iitgietted catarnin.
I'eniaanenlly Saooatetl ,
IrJ. Crosat. MrCoy , late of lhiii"vio , 1103111-
hal , Now \rk , aucceeuicil by lit , ( imarlouu
11. Jordanm. late of ( Ito Univer-
uilty ( If New York City. also of iVnshiiulg.
loin , I ) , C. , have located iermntimmetmtiy him LIme
Itaimmgu 1lio'k , ( Inimmuha , Nob. , in hmer. , all cmmrabhnj
cases are treated skillfully. Communmmziptioii
lmnlgimt's Disease , iyspepsla , lilmeiimimauiszti , msmmd
mill nervous ulisesSes , All dlsea'mm's InocuiLr to
sex a specialty.
Consmmltation at ottice or by mail , II. Offlcs
hoturs U to U it. am. . to 4 I ) , in. , 7 to S p. am ,
hIlunday hours , rrnnnm 0 as , in , , II ) I p. ta.
Corespondence receives pronipt attention
Noirtts'rs ansisre4 uliless eccomupamated byE.
Cents itt wtaump ,
. .
- , s' ! . _ . , ; ' -
- - -