Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 09, 1888, Page 3, Image 3

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An Easier Pooling Manifested In the
Whont Pit.
Ilcmnrknhlc Incrcnso In tlic Con
sumptive Dcninnil Pnlr Activity
in Corn OatH Dull I'rov talons
IlenrlHli Cattle Slow.
CnifAOO , Oct. 8. ( Special Telegram to
TIIH Hin 1 Wheat markets all over the
country wrro easier to-day. The day of rest
gave operators time to think , and the conclu
sion most generally uriivcd at seems to bo
that wheat naa had a pretty good advance ,
and that the present is a favorable moment
to cool off and await developments. Wheat
sold Saturday and curly this morning WXjJO'Jc
per bushel higher than it did n
year ago , On the basis of first
prices for casli wheat this morning Chicago
Is about 2Sc above the export level , New
York and Baltimore about 18o above , Toledo
and St. Louis about 'JOo above and Minneapo
lis and Duluth about 40c above. However ,
While- the conditions now seen continue to
exist the American wheat markets will re
main Independent of the old world. The
millers have been driven by the urgency of
the homo consumptive demand to get wheat
at whatever price sellciH asked to
fill orders , and this demand as yet shows no
Hlgn of abatement. It is u mistake that mil
lers are l.iylng up a supply. They are driven
todeath to keep their trade going. Neither is
It the wholesaler nor yet the retailer that is
stocking up. It is the consumer. The great
masses of consumers have abandoned the
nlovenly method they had fallen
Into of buying flour hand to
mouth. They arc Instead providing
ngalnst the proverbial rainy day. Those In
the habit of buying sticks arc taking barrels ,
those who bought by the single banelaio
buying a half do7en barrels , and so on
through the list. Consumcitt arc in a semi-
panic , Just as the chronic beais und short
sellers liuvn been at the mighty revolution in
prices they have been witnessing during the
past thirty or forty dajs. Mhey are aniictcd
With visions of u famine and $ ir > Hour ,
und faimc'is , Influenced by the same senti
ment , are lightening up on their supplies. If
this consumptive demand keeps up millers
Will have nothing else to do but to continue
to pav wllcis their prices for wheat , and if it
Bhould last the year through products will in
n single season get almost even for their
Josses of the last live je.irs.
There is danger , however , that consumeis
may bo tilled up neforo fanners succeed in
marketing their \vhcat and when raiseis arc
most anxious to sell. This is what the be.iis
uro now figuring on. They look upon this
unprecedented advance In wheat as un
natural , unhealthy and without
adequate cx ( use , and insist that
the piesent pi ices rannot bo sustained.
December wheat started iu at $1 22 , .md May
ntl'JJ' ' . This pi ovcd the top for Decem.
bcr , but May touched Sl.'Ji' briefly. Hutch-
ItiHon llguied as a seller from the start , and
\vithin an hour and a half the market
worked down about 5o per bushel ,
December going to $1.17 and May $1.18.
Part of the time the months were
together , but May generally commanded , a
premium of ? < (3lc. ( At the inside Hutchln-
son turned bujer and chocked what seemed
to bo u serious break. There was also other
peed bujlng , and scalpers , quick to catch
the UiniiL'e , turned their influence to
the steadying of prices. December
advanced to about $1 19 and May to
$1.0 % . Thereafter the active months
fluctuated within about le of the range
reached on the iccovcry and the tone sccuici :
to bo ono of firmness. Closing quotations
were about 3o below those of Saturday ,
Some of the trade \\as rather larger than on
the last two or three business dajs , but it i'
as yet hardlv normal. Commission merchants
are not as a rule encouraging now
speculation at this juncture. The nervous
ness and timidity is wearing away to some
extent , however , und trade is lapiuly getting
back into its normal state.
The opening of thcmaiket for corn showec
considerable activity in trading , with a Root
deal of selling prcssuio. Opening quotation ;
showed a decline in near fututes of about
J c , while those further icmoved wen
oft about ' < c. A prominent operator wh (
was the mam support of the market a week
ago was soiling openly at the start and this
bud a weakening effect upon local specula
tors and also on the course of prices , seeltif
that dealing is to a largo extent local in Hi
character , The receipts were about us an
ticlpatcd , but they are expected to show con
eiderablo increase in the week , though onli
4S8.COO increase in the visible , where consid
able moic had been lookedlfor , firmed tin
market in the last hour and brought closinf
prices back to within \c for November unc
i/c on May from the latest quotations 01
Oats averaged dull and easy with near ! fu
tures exhibiting 'sJ4c ( ! decline , and tradini
chiefly confined to * May , which was ncarlj
steady. Too many oats are iu sight to cal
out much speculative demand and trading ii
the three remaining months of this year wa
to duy unimportant. Receipts and estimate
for to-morrow arc both heavy and the visibl <
supply exhibits an increase of 4bSlOJbushel
compared with a week upo. Car lots of No
U to go to store were ' 4e lower at ! Mc if re
colptsero dated to day , while No. " rogula
sold at \.1J < .
In provisions the interest was a little beat
Ish in its tendency. Larger iccoipts of hog
than the trade expected encouraged th
opinion that the run of the same dm ing th
balance of the year was likely to bo quit
lair , and under freerjselling and somowhn
restricted buying an easier feeling was de
vclojiod. The product sold somewhat lowe
than Saturday all around , and wit
the exception of October pork closings wer
at u decline. To-day the loss in Novembu
jiork was SUk'c , in October lard 15o , in Oct (
ber short libs ! i5c , in Noveuioor and Jnnuar
lord 7 > < c , In jear lard lOc anil in Javiir
pork and short ribs ! % c. October pork sol
off 45o but was bid up to Saturday's prices n
the close. Year pork closed lOo higher.
CnicHOO , Oct. 8. [ Special Telegram to TH
BKE. ] Cmi.E. Trade was rather slo' '
from opening to close. Receipts were hcav
as compared with Monday a week ago , and
is certain that receipts for the week will c :
cccd those of last week ; hence buyers wer
in no hurry to make offers unless they calci
lated on potting stock at their pi ices. Ot
of 14,000 fresh cattle on sale there wcro aboi
4,000 Texans and rangers , and scarcely lift
loads of Rood natives. Hangers and Tcxui
generally sold lower than at the close i
last week , some salesmen quoting their Tc :
nns 10@15u lower on account of the lari
number of rangers. Medium natives wei
hard to sell with buyers generally lOc lowe
A big run of Texans about two hundn
cars had the effect of lowcilng prices c
cows , heifers and other common natives , a
selling considerably lower than last Frlda
The stockcr and feeder trade wi
quiet und prices are low , but tin
fact does not seem to stlmula
the demand. The receipts 14.000 includi
7,600 Texans und western oattlo. Choice
extra beeves , KJ.000rt.H5 ; 1200 to 1350 Ib
H.OO < as.OO ; l r > 0 to 1200 lb , ta.25@ 1,00 ; Bloc
era and feeder * . j.00j ( 2.40 ; cows , bulls ai
mixed , | l.a5cr.3 ( 00 ; bulk , $2.10@2I > 0 : Tcxi
cattle a shade lower ; steers , J,10@3.1
cows , tl.55gi3.SO ; western runners , hteud ;
natives and half breeds , fJ.2r > ( g4 1 * > ; cow
| 2.25@2.1H ) ; wintered Texuns. t-.5 < ) (33 ( 50.
Hoes Trade was rather uctlvo and prle
only slightly lower than the close on Satu
day , but lOQISo lower than the close i
Fiiday. The receipts weio estimated dal
at ! M 000 to 25,000 , but the late trains we
largely cattle. The actual number In slg
at other points was not as great
expected ; hence our market closed stem
with the stock well sold out. A few fain
assorted heavy sold at fO,45(36.o5 ( , and a fc
lots of fancy selected butchers' weights , i
barrows , sold at | tl.4UQO 45. Uest mixed ai
packing sorts sold largely at | 0.20@0 35 , ai
common mixed at I5.SOX30.10 ; light soi
wer * slow at | 5.bOC.OQ for Common a
teKK30,14 f r choice assorted.
Nr.w Yoni : , Oct. S. [ Special Telegram
to Tin : Jlr.K.1 STOCKS There was some
appearance of strength at the opening to-day ,
first prices being slightly better than Satur-
daj's close. From London there were mod
erate bujing onlcrs , and local commission
houses wcro purchasers also. After a small
appreciation the list soon weakened and
values went below the opening llguics , the
market becoming dull. It was more active
after 11 o'clock , but the Increased animation
was accompanied by renewed weakness , and
again prices sagged off so mew at. At noon
the market was quiet and steady at small frac
tions under opening flcures. Later in the
day values firmed up a little , but it was
without any special significance. The mar
ket as a whole was uninteresting. Closing
flu'ures wcro generally near the opening or at
a small advance.
The following wcro the closing quotations !
MOVET oCui , Hasy at 2rtl per cent ;
last loan ty per cent ; closed offered itt 3 per
cent.PKIMB MEHCANTILB PATEII lj4 < uG > f per
STKUUXO EXCIUNGE Dull but firm at
. bills and . for de
fl.bljf for sixty-day , $4.b3
Citir no , Oct. 8. Wheat Firm ; cash ,
$1 IX ; November , il 17 > < , Decemuer$1.Ib9 < ,
Mav , ? 1 20.
Corn Strong ; cash , 45c ; November , -15c ;
December , II',0 , ; May. SiU c.
Oats Easy ; cash , 24c , November , 24c ;
December , 24 , ' c ; May , 2'J' c.
U\e OOc.
Jianoy Nominal.
1'ilme Timothy $1.53.
Flnx-Jl.S'J f.
Whisky 1 20.
I'oik Steady ; cash , Jl'j.SO ' ; November ,
$11 7J' ; December , $11.00.
Lard Firm ; cash , $10.00 ; November ,
$ 'J.17'i ; December , Ss.42 > .
riour In fair demand and steady ; pat
ents , $72"750 ; bakers , in sacks , S-l.MKft
5 00 ; choice , $5 lOrn.'i 80 ; winter , M.T.VnC 00 ;
lie , in barrels , $1 oJf < .t.7r > ; sucks , 8fl 2..1 50.
Dry Salt Meats Shoulders , J8 S'J fe'J CO ;
short clear , $9.75@10.00 ; short ribs , JU.15r i
Hutter Steady ; creamery , 10 ( < l23c ;
dairy , 14J/a20c. (
Cheese rirm ; full cream Cheddars , 10 ®
10'jc ; Hats and Young Americas , lO' Qlle ,
Kggs Steady ; IS lOe.
Hides I'nchanged ; heavy green salted , 7@
T e ; light green salted , "j-jc ; salted
bull , 5c ; dry flint , He ; damaged , 7c ; dry
calf , 7@ . ° c ; branded hides in per cent off ;
deacons , 25q.0o ( ! each ; dry salted. 7o.
Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 , solid packed ,
5c ; No. 2 , 4c ; cake , 5c.
Hoeeipts. Shipments.
Flour , bbls 21,000 2ti,000
Wheat bu 4:1.000 : 28,000
Corn , bu 275,000 2il,000 (
Oats , bu 244,000 219,000 ,
Kje , bu . . . .
Hurley , bu . . . .
Now Vork. Oct. 8. Wheat Hccelots.
152,200 ; exports , 10,000 ; spot market dull
und unsettled and lVi ( < (2c ( lower on winter ,
firm on spring ; No. 2 led. S1.15n ( l.l. ' > K
in elevator. Jl.lTfcrl.lTJtf atloat , fl.l'XOJ
l.lh'4 f. o. b ; No. It ted , nominal ; No.
4 red , nominal ; uncradcd red , $ l.U7u$1.13K ( ;
options advancedSQfR' c , but afterwauls fell
off S' Qri'ijC , closing unsettled and heavy ,
wholly on manipulation Irom Chicago ;
November closing tl.lSjf.
Corn Kcceipts , 133,050 , ; exports , 16,450 ;
spot lower and easy but moderately active ;
No. 2r,3K < ar > 4c in clevotor.M C'i fcanoat ;
ungiadcd mixed , 52l4@54J.fc' ; options dull
and ( inltoovfor \ , closing steady ; Novem
ber closing at 543so.
Oats Heceipts , 180,000 ; exports 81 ; spot
market easier out moderately active ; options
dull and J o lower ; November closing 31c ;
spot No. 2 white , H4c : mixed western , 25@
82c ; white western , 2S4ic. :
Coffee Options opened firm and nOJlE (
points higher , but closed baiely steady and
40@70 points above Saturday ; crop reports
unfavorable and conflicting ; sales IK'v
cargoes , $10.00.
Petroleum Steady and quiet ; UniteO
closed at U2 e.
Epgs firm , light demand ; western ,
Pork Dull ; mess , $10 50@17.00.
Lard Spot , scarce and steady ; bales , west
crn Rteam , $10.50 ; options lower and closing
steadier ; October , $10.00 ; November closei
at $9.44 bid.
Hutter Steady ; western dairy , 12@15c
western creamery , 13@.23J o ; Elgin , 24c.
Cheese Higher but quiet ; western , SjJ ;
@ 10c.
10c.Mlniinapolls , Oct. 8. Wheat The loca
receipts for two days were 81 cars and 12
were sent out. Scarcely any trading wa !
done until late in the day. Uuyers were bid
ding about 5 cents below Saturday's figure :
and sellei s refused to come down. Closing
No 1 hard , October and November $1.30
December 51.31 , on track $1.80 ; No. 1 north
ern , October $1.24 : November $1.24 ; Decem
bcr $1.22 ; on track $1.24 ; No 2 northern , Oc
tobcr $1.20 ; November $1.20 ; Deccmbe
$1.20on tiack$1.20.
Milwaukee , Oct. 8. Wheat Dull
cash , $1.U } { ; December , $1.13 ; Januar ;
Corn Lower ; No. 3 , 44c.
Oats-Easier ; No. 3 white , 2SJ-fc.
live -Quiet ; No. 1 , WJ-Jc ,
Harley Dull ; No. 2 , 7ic. (
Provisions Finn ; Pork Cash $15.25.
Kaiihas City , Oct. 8. Wheat Steady
No. 2 led , cash , $1.03 asked ; Novembei
$1,03 asked ; December sales $1. OSJ c ; No.
red , cash DOeaskcd. ; No. 2 soft , cash , $1,10) )
asked ; December si 03o bid.
Corn Quiet ; No. 2 , cash , no bids , m
offerings ; do year. 2b/o ; May sales , 31'jc.
Oats-No. 2 , cash , 20)o bid ; May sale'
Sc. Ijotilfl , Oct. S. Wheat Lower ; cash
$1.12 ; November , $1.13.
Corn Virni ; cash , 3'Jc ; October , 40c ; Nc
vembcr , 37'i.c.
Outs Higher ; cash , 23) ) c ; Novembei
PorK Firm at $10.03.
Lard Steady at $9.67tf.
Whisky $1.14. _
Chicago , Oct. 8. The Drovers' Joui
nal reports as follows :
Cattle Heceipts , 14.C03 ; market slow ; m
tives lOo lower ; beeves , $000(3(535 ( ( ; steen
$3.25@0 00 ; stockcrs and feeders , $ J 003.4 (
cows , bulls and mixed , $1.35@300 ; Texii
cattle , $1,55@3.10 ; western rangers , $2.25 (
4.15.Hogs Receipts , 19,000 ; market slow and 1 (
lower ; mixed , $5 W@t ) ) 80 ; heavy , $0 00@0.4 !
llcht , $3.C5@5.W ) ; skips. $ , J.50@5 35.
Sheep Hccolpts. 8,000 , ; market stcaih
natives , $ . ! 003 0 ; westerns , $ J 003.0 (
Texans , $2.75Q3.50 ; lambs , $4.00@550.
KJIIISOB City , Oct. 8. Cattle Receipt
GOX , > ; shipments , Saturday , 3t > 4. Over stocke
with common half fed stuff and the market di
moralized. [ .Good to choice corn fei
M.UOiJ ( 5.35 ; common to medium , $ . ) ,00@4.X (
stookers and ( ceding steers , $1.UO3.CO ; grut
range steers , $1.COV3290 ; cows , $1,25 ( 27
Hotrs Receipts , 5,000 ; shipments , Satu
day .5,353 ; market weak , fully 1020c lowei
good to choice , $5tt5 ( 6.05 ; common to m
dium , $5.0035,80 ; skips and pigs , tS.OOQ- } , ?
National Stook Yardu. Ease 8
l.oul . , Oct. 8. Cattle Receipts , l.OCX
shipments , 2,135 ; market steady jchoice henv
native steers , | 5.1005 CO ; fair to good nath
steers , $4 30(45,15 ( ; butchers' steers , med
ura to choice , $ .1.30(34 ( 40 ; stockers an
feeders , fair to good , $ J.OO(33.10j ( ranger
grass-fed , $2.00@3.10.
Hogs Hcceipts. 4,165 ; shipments , 1,001
market lower ; choice heavy and butcher
selections , M.2030.3.V packing , medium i
prime , $ < J.OO@0.25 ; light grades , ordinary i
best , $5.bO@0.00.
Monday , Oct. 8,18SS.
The market on beef cattle was very quit
There wcro not many peed westerns but
there was n bunch of good heavy corn-fed
rattle for which $ > M was offered. The feel
ing on the market was easier. Hatchers
stock was in fair request and a good many
cows changed hands. A lew feeders were
sold at about stcudj prices.
The receipts were \ cry llcht and the mar
ket slow und dull. The price * paid were 10 ®
15c lower thau Saturday.
The demand was good but there were none
on the market.
Ciittlo . 1,200
Hoits . 1,700
Horses . 32
Pri'vnllini ; Prices.
The following is a table of prices paid in
this mantel for the grades of stock men
Pnmestccrs. 1300 to 1500 Ibs..l4 50 O5.50
Prime steers , 1100 to 1300 Ibs. 4.00 ra.1.00
Native feeders 250 (513.30 (
Western feeders 2.30 ( n3 15
"lance steers , com'on to choice 2 50 ( cf.1.50
Common to good cows. . . . . . . . . 1.50 ( ii2.15
: iioice to fancy cows 2.25 ( 2.i0 !
Common to choice bulls 1.25 fdl.75
alrtocnoicetlghthogs 5.bO ( Ktl 00
'air to choice heavy hoes 5.90 ( ltd 10
'air to choice mixed hogs C bO ( aO.OO
Produce , Ki ults , Ktc.
i Fancy , solkl-packeil cicamcrv , IS
@ 2c ! : choice country , 17iJ19c ( ; common
lades , lOtrtl'ic.
KLOUK Nebraska jiatcnts , $0.0S0.75 ( ( ;
innesota patents , ft ! 25(38 ( 00 ; stnilht (
grades , f4.25ii5.25 ( ; bakcis'llour , i5.00ji5 ( 50
icr barrel.
CAMEi.orrs 40rt75c ( per dozen.
PLUMS 50 ( < i)75c ) per ou.
POTATOIIS 2i ( iuc per bushel.
SWCIT POIATOI s l > irOOc per bu.
PoULTHT No dressed fowl in the market ;
ive chlc'ccns ' , $ .1 OOW3 5J per do . j spring
chickens , $2 .j'Ktf ' ' .OJ.
TOMATOES 5(1 ( © ' Oo per bu.
PrAits California $ J,00U3.50 ( per bu uox ;
Southern. 75 per K bu
j.Oos ; Strictlv ircsh , lS@19ccandled.
CAi.irousi\Ouvris : SI 25Uil.50 ( per casa.
COVCOHU GIUI-KS yOJ5.40c ( per 10 Ib
PKACHI.S California , ? 1. 00 1 1.50 per box ;
iclncAii , C0c@$1.00 per basket ; Delaware ,
4 ( ) ( < w Oc per 10 lit basket.
UANANAS Common , $1.50@i.25 per bunch ;
choice , $2 50(2)3.50. ( )
LEMONS * 4 00i5 ( CO per case.
OuvMirs * 7 OOWS I'O per box.
CEi.riiT 25giOc ; ucr uo en.
Eoo PUST 75iiJ1.00 ( per dozen.
ONIONS voice uer bu.
APPLES 12 001Z4.00jer - bbl.
CRAiurrLEs -jer-busticl. .
CIUBH Miehican , * 4 5000.50 per bbl 33
gals ; California pear cider , $15 00 per bbl.
POP Cons Hicq. SCttla- common , 2@Jc.
C.IRKOTS SOcpcr bushel.
BEANS Choice eastern handplckod navies ,
$2.00 per bushel ; westem hand pickeil
navies , $1.75i21.SO ( ; meaiums , $1.LO@1.40.
Lima beans 5o per pound.
HAT f. o. D. cars. No. 1 jplaud , S'J.OOj No.
2 upland , $5.00.
CnorrED FKED $14 fiO@15 00 per ton.
VINEOAU Cider , 10@18c per L'al. White
wine , 10@20c per cal.
CiiASiihiiiiiKS $7.00j0 ( 00 per bbl.
PuovibtoNB Hums , No. 1 , 12) ) c ; No. 2 ,
j c ; shoulders , SJi'c ; rib bacon. mVfc :
clear bacon , 12Kc ; picnic hams , ll' c ; uncc
beef hams , 9Mc ; dry salted clcais , short
lie ; extra short , lO o ; short ribs , lOc
pickled pies feet , 15 Ib kits , 80o ; laril , lOWc
smoked sausage , 0bc per Ib ; hog cas
ings , '
Grocer * List.
Kevlsed prices are as follows !
BAaoiso Stark A , seamless , 22c ; Amos-
kcag , seamless.17lu ; l cwiston A , seamless.
19o ; American , seamless 17c ; burlaps ,
to5bn , Ill4o ; tjur.nlcs , smcle , lUc ; gun
nies , double , 20c ; wool sacks , 35c. Twines-
Flax , 33c ; extra sail , 2021o sail B , I0@20c
cotton. 21c ; lute. 10 .
DRIED TRUITS Fics , in boxes , per Ib , 13ji
lOc ; dates , in boxes , 7@10c ; London Malagi
layer raisins , per box , $ . )50ii3.75 ) ( ; Malat , ' .
loose raisins. $ J.30@2.50 ; new Valen
cia raisins , Per Ib , 7 } < c ; Call
forma loose muscatels. Per box. $ l.kl (
pitted cherries , per Ib. 20g21c ( ; Califor
nla pitted puiins , ] ) Ib , 12 < aiac
dried blackberries , Per Ib , SVlffi0" ; dnei
raspberries , per Ib."iCrfl4c ; evaporated a\i \
pies , 8i ( ( ? 14c ; California sun dnci
peaches , iio ! ; California unpared evnporatei
pcaciies , ISGSlio ; evaporated Callforni.
apricots , ltc ) ; Zantee currants , OKC7o ( ; Turk
ish prunes , 4'4W-i" * ' . citron. 222ic ; orantr
peel. 15c ; lemon peel. lOc ; California Frencl
prunes , 11@ tl"
25c : Hio , tancy , 10uU > e ; toantos and Mara
caibo. 17(2100 : Ai buckles , 21\c , MuL.iugh
lin H X \ \ \ . 21 ' 4c.
SCOAR Granulated , 8'iJi'4c ' ; conf. A , 7 ?
B < - . white extra C , 7o ; extra C , 7c ; jello\
C , 7c ; jwwdered. PC ; cubes , DC.
HONET KJQl'-c for one pound frames
trained honey. 0Sc ( per pound.
BEESWAX Choice yellow , 20@22Ko ; darl
colored. 13 140.
CHEESE Vouns America , lull cream
10@tle ; full cream Cheddars , 9 } @ 10c ; ful
cream Hats , UUc ; peed to choice sklmino
Cheddars , 7 < " . skimmed flats , tijtfe.
PICKLES Medium , in 5j ; do inhal
bbls , $ .1.00 ; small , in bbls , $0 50 ; do in hnl
bbls , $ .1.75 ; gherkins , in bbls , $3.0 > , do inhal
bbls $4.5u
TonAcro Plug , 26\3C5o ; smokins , 10(300 ( <
OELI.IES $1.25 per 30-lb pail.
SALT $1.30 ® 1.35 per bbl.
Horn MO. U iC.
MAPLI SUOAR uricks , ilit2o ( per IB
penny cakes , 12@l3o per Ib ; pure mapl
syrup , $1.00 per cal.
TSAB i ounc Hyson , common to fair , 18 (
25o ; Young Hyson , good to fancy , 30&55c
Gunpowder , common to good , 22c(25o ( ; GUI
powder , choice to fancy , 40C t05o ; Japan , con
nion to medium , 15(3- ( & Japan , choica t
fancy , 80@45c : Oolong , common to good , 25 (
85o ; OoloiK ; , choice to fanov , 50@70c ; Impel
ial , common to medium , SSfflSoo : Imperia
rood to fancv. 40CS50C.
NUTS Almonds , I5@17o ; lllberts , ll@12c
Brazil , 9oilOo ( ; walnuts , 12oj j > ecans , lO llc
peanuts , 57o.
CHACKEUS 5@10c per Ibj assorted cakes ,
< 325o perlb , as per list.
FISH. Holland Herrincr , S5c@POc. per keg
White Fish , K bbls. . No. 1 , $0 00 , Fftmllj
K1.75 ; Trout. No. 1. $550 : Mackerel , K bbl
No. 1 Shore , $15.00. Largo Family , $10.5 (
Labrador Herring. $4.60 ; Columbia Hlvt
Salmon , $17.00 per bbl.
CODFISH Per Ib , whole , Co ; Uricks an
strips , 7@Sc.
CINDT Mixed. 6C13o ; stick , 8 Q9 > (
reck candy , lOKC lSc ; fancy cauiiy. 7@25i
Dry Goods.
COTTON i"i.ANSEi.s 10 per cent dls.s LI
5Kp ; CC , OJfu ; SS. 7 o ; Nameless , 5 (
UX , 18o : K , 20o ; No. 10 , i aNo. \ . 40 , 10 > < (
No. 00. l3Ko ; No. 60 , 13)ie ) ; No. 30. colored , tf (
No. 60 , colored , 12e ; No. 70 , colored. 12K <
BrUwl , 12 > icj Union Pacific , 17o
\VAtt r Bib White , 19o ; colored ,
H Standard , Sc ; Gem. 10c ; Beauty ,
12Uc ; Boone , 14o ; U , cased , W 5u
PuivTs Solid colors Atlantic , Oc ; Slater
6)nc ) ; Berlin oil , 0sc } ; Gnrneroil , 0gti- ( .
CoiC'ET JK < NS AndroscOKitln , T' c ; Koar-
sarco , 7i < 'j Hockport , 014'C ! Conestoga , C' t1 ,
Tii K - York , 30 in , 12 < c ! York. 2 in.
IJUjC ; Swift Klvcr. Sc , Thormllko OO , S
Thorndlko KF , fci c ; Thorndike 120 , O
Thorndiko XX , lOcj Cordis No.
Cordis No. 4. lie.
iieaver v rfu v \ , i v.
lie ; Beaver Creek CC.Mouiorial
Mouiorial , 15c ; D.ikot.i
ISc ; Durham , S'Kc ; Hercules , isci Learning.
inpton , SJHo , Cottswold , 27ljC.
CHASIIStevens' B , Gc ; btovens' B
bleached , 7c ; Stevens' A , 7' " Slovens A'
plain , JUtfc ; Dado Holland , I2'c.
Urown sheeting Atlantic A , 4-4 , 74c'i " * " "
Inntic H , 4-J , 7'4ct Atlantic I ) . 4-1. OVi At
lantic P , 4-1. fie ; Aurora LL , 4-1. Oc ; Aurora
C , 4-4 , 4V ; Crown XXX , 1-4 , ( , sc ; Hoosicr
i-u , * - , ue , iiuinin nuiui , 11 , i > ? i *
rcnco LL , 4-4 , Go ! O'.d Dominion , 4-4 ,
Pcpperell U , 4-4 , 7c ; Pcpperell O , 4-4 , . .
Peppercll. 8-4 , Ib c ; PopperelU ) 4 , 21c , Pep-
perell , 10-4,23e ; Utlc.iC , 1-4. l\c ; Wncliusett ,
44,7i 11 4-4 7c Aurora U 4-4 ,
, e ; Aurora , - , , ,
' jjicit U'cst Point "J in , 8 or , lOVJe ;
West Point 23 in. 10 07 , nc ; West Point
9 in , 12 o ? , 15e ; West Point 40 in , U o ? , lOc.
FLASsit.s-Ucd , C ' 4in , 15 ; K , 24 in ,
2k" , G G , 24 in , Ibc ; 11 A rf , 25o- R F , Jf ,
PIIISTS Pink and Holies Uiclimonu , O' ' c ,
\llen , Oc ; Klvernomt. ftc ; Stool Uiver , O o ;
{ lohmond , O' c , Piu1 He. ( ' ) tfo.
PRINTS Uiess Ctuutor Oak , 5'4e ' ;
iumnpo , 4t c ; Lodl , 5'4c , Allen , lie ; Kick-
nonil , tic ; Windsor , C > \ Eddjbtone \ , GJ e ;
Bi rM urn Siirr.Tiso Heikoley cambric
" " 'o. 00 Ov.c ; Hest Yet , 1-4 , O e , butter cloth
Oo , ( ijc : Cabo' , Tic ; Tarn-ell hair bleached
" rruit of Loom , 9'4u ' : Gieene
V.c ; Hope , 7if ; King Philip C.U11-
iric , lie. Loiisdalo iMinbrlc , HU i
.otibilnle , ' 'AJ ; New lork mills lO'se ' ;
. 'cppeiell , 42-in , lie ; Peppurell , 40 In , 1J- ;
'eppciell , 0 I , lOc ; peppeiell , 8-4 , 21c ; Pep-
nell , 04 , 'ile ; Pepperoll. 10-4 , 25c ; Canton
4 , b'4c ; Triumph , Oc ; Wamsutta , lie ; Val-
, .
FLANNELS. -Kaftsmen,20c ; Gosiicn ,
J'.c ; Clear Lake , 3liHc ; lion Mountain ,
° l'it\NM.t.'t-Whito G HNo.2 , * j , 2i > c ; Q
I , No 1 , , 2 'he ' ; B H , No. 2 , , UJ 'c ; U
1. No. 1 , " ! Jc ; Queehef No. 1. . 42i- .
.OIHM I'luniccttciieelcs , 7'jo ' ; VVlnttcn-
on , 7J c ; Yoik , 7J < io ; Noiiu.inci ; dross ,
' : Calcutta di ess , b'e : Wluttcntou dre s ,
0liciifrow ; dioss , 8l4t'i12Jo. ' |
CAMIIUKS Sinter , 5'4i' ; WooiH , 5'4c ;
Standard , ft c ; Peacock , 5'4o. '
PHINTS Isnioo Hi.ui : Ainolii , O' c ; Aincr-
IMII , ti'fc ' ; Gloucester , OV" ! Ainokt C Ions
loth , ! ) : Arnold 15 loiif ? cloth. 10'i ' ; Arnold
> oldSeal , 10K : Stiefel A , 12 ; Windsor Gold
-Ticket. 10W.
Hemlock sole , lv-iJ7o ( per Ib : oak solo , fll@
I'c ptr Ib ; oak liainess , : ! 0d § 2c per Ib ; scleu-
cd oak and trace , J e per Ib ; oalc anil hem-
oen upper , 20cu2.ii' per foot. iiuinloclc calf
slcin , No. 1 , bOirMo ( ) per Ib , according to
volRht ; oak calf skin , No. 1 , Odci6f ( 1 00 per
b , Philadelphia calf skin , extra , JUMQI 10
icrlb ; hemlock kip skin. No. 1 , 00 ( < J70c ) > er
b ; oik kip skin , No1 1 , 70 i Mlo per Ib ; Phila-
lelphia kipskmextra , HVif'jOc ' ierlb. i iench
calfskins , ( according to weight and quality ) ,
I 1SJ1 ( iauer Ib1 Fiench kip skins do. bUci ( §
1 10 per 11) . ConidMin itissett , l > > i' , satin
ii.Uh , 20o per foot ; nclt lc.ither , Kt . " 0 ifl00 \
cr side ; 111010 cos , ( p"bblo fjo.U ) , 20it0is ( ! !
ier foot ; moroccos , boot lev , 25wiUe : per
oot ; Rlovo calf sltins , 20 ( ! iOc per foot ;
) otiglas kid , HOfttlOc per foot ; kangaroo
skins , 40il")0i' jor foot , according to nuality.
ToppuiKs , jf80ilalOOJ ( par do7di ; lliunirs
500a9 ( ( )0 ) oer dozen ; apron skins , ? 10.0U@
" 2.00 per do en.
1)nm < 4 and
MISCCI.I\vrots Sulph aeid , U o ; citric
icid , ( iOe ; tartanc 50c ; bal. cojiavi.i , I'r c ;
lorax , lOc ; chloioform , 47o ; glyccrino , 20o ;
gum Aiabic , select , $1,00 , gum camphor , : ic ( ) ;
rum opium , $ .125 ; snlpli. morphia , J2.BD ;
iromide potassium , 42c.
Oils Caibon , liiOo lOc ; headliBht , 175 =
IJfc ; p.i oiiiie , 74 ° IS c ; West Virginia
summer , lie ; ? cio , 17e ; No. 1 frolden ma
chine , Ibc ; exti.i W. S. lard , Me ; No. I lard ,
7e ; turpentine , 51c ; linseed mw , C5c ;
joiiod , 5-c.
Qi'iMXi : P. & W- . per oz , 55c ; Gcuuan ,
) cr oz , 4Ce.
Metals ana Tinners' Stock.
Hock tin. small pig § .23
Block tin , bar 29
Copper , planished boiler sues ! 14
Hopper , cold lulled HI
Jopper , sheathing ! U )
Copper , pitts 3J
Jojipur , Hats .11
Galvanized sheet iron , juni.Ua 50 , 10
and 5 per cent discount
Patent planishi-d it on , No , 21 to 27 , A .10 }
Patent planished iron , No. 24 to 27 , U ,0'l
Keening , 1C , 14\20 5 15
Keening , IX , 14x20 09 , )
Kooflliif. , 1C , 20\2S 10 21
Koonint ; , IX , 20\2S 1H.73
Sheet iron , No 20 y.40
Sheet iron , No. 27 ii 50
Solder , best 17
Solder , No. 1 1"
Tin plate , 1C , 10x14 G.75
Tin plate , IX , 10tU 8.75
Steel nails , base , per keK 2.IJ5
Steel wire nails , base , per keg 2 > 5
JUNK Machine castings , S12.00@1300 ;
steve plates , $7.X)518 ( 00 ; wi ought iron , 00iJ (
10 00 ; bones , drv , 55 00 ; steel , $5 00 per ton ;
copper , $ sOO ( < t9 00 ; brass , * 4 00 ( S.OO ; zinc
$ . : OOdili 00 ; solid lead , ? JOO@aOO ; tea lead
f2 OOra > 2.iO ! ; rubber , $2ft06iaoO ; mixed rags ,
$1.10 ( 1.15 percwt.
First and second clear , 2 m $49 00(251 ( 0 (
Pit stand bccoiid clear , 1'jCflJa
in 47 00@X > ( X
Third clea-1,1' iTl } In 4'1 OOC 40 01
A select , 1 ' 4 ( n 1' . in 117 00VCI9 ( ! ( X
15 select , l 4 ? l 4in I5 ! 00(1(37 ( ( K
A stock boaidw , 12 ( ( K ! fcit. 12 in 4(1 ( Ot
H stock bom ds , 12 ® 1(1 ( feet , 12 in 41 0 !
C stock boards , ISialll feet , 12 in HO W
13 stock boards , 12a ( 10 feet , 12 in 23 0 <
Flooring , litst common , 0 in 31 0 <
riooriiiK , second common , 0 m U.J 01
Select fencing flooring 19 0 (
Siding , first and second , 14 ( < flO ft 25 0. .
Siding , first common , 1C feet 2-i ( K
Siding , second common 19 ( M
Common boards 10 Oi
No. 2 boards , all lengths 14 51
Fencing No 1,12 ( 20 feet 1(5 ( ft *
Fencing No. 2 , 12 , 14 and 18 feet 15 51
Joists and scantling , 2x4 , HfiilO feet . . .10 ( K
Timber , 4x1 , 6x8 , 12iM ( feet 17 ( K
Pickets , first rough , good 15 Or(518 ( ! W
Pickets , fancy head and dressedselcctcU.25 Oi
Shingles , extra A 28
Shingles , standard A 20
Shingles , No. 1 . . .
PlttHlmrg Iron Market.
In itb weekly review of the local muli
in pig iron the Pittsburg Commorcisi
Gix/utto buys : Thorn has been iv lull fo
ft couple of weeks or more , and the pros
pcct for ( in immediate improvement i
noj , very encouraging1. CoiiMimers generally
orally are pretty well stocked , many u
them having contracted for enough t
hist the in until the oloso of the prosen
year , and , moreover , fts the upward ten
dency in price lias been arrested buyer
are less disposed to make additiona
purchases. Brokers nearly all report ;
sailing off in demaniU.und furnace 11101
make u similar statement , but the latter
tor are pretty well fcold up , bunco ther
is not much offering , and while th
market is easier prices are still main
toined , so far at least as pertains t
standard brands. The general belie
appears to bo that the market will rul
steady during the remainder of tho.yea
with but little change in prices oithe
An Alisoluto Cure ) .
is only put up in largo two ounce tin boxo
and is an absaluto euro for old sores , burn ;
wounds , chapped hands , and all skin eru |
tlons. Will positively care all kinds of pllei
MENT. Sold by Goodman Drug Co. , at i
cents per box by mail 30 cents.
An Old Veteran Gone.
David Friedlander , a veteran of th
civil war , died , yesterday at his son
house , at 107 East One Hundred an
Seventh street , from the ellecta Oi
mralyttc stroke received several months
igo. Colonel rVledliuulor was born in
ho province of Poson , 1'russtn , nml en-
croil the Prussian army. He came to
his country in tMO and ettl''il in AI-
iiinv. Ho entered the Union army in
Mil as major in the Twenty-fifth New
York regiment , and served until 1M55.
Since then ho has been colonel of that
egiment in Albany. Ho wa * a inoin-
> er of Low Benuilict po-it No. 69 , G. A.
I , Ilo loaves several children.
Those who tiiko Dr. Jones' Rod Clover
L1onie never have dyspepsia. costi\o-
less , bad breath , piles , pimples , ague
iml malaria , poor appetite , low s-pirlt ! > ,
icadache , or kidney troubles. Pi ice 60
cents. Goodman Drug Co. Agent.
Grain , Provisions , Stocks and Bonds.
MnrRln Transactions a Specialty.
JOMNMJ.N & cmtlM'IAX , Malingers.
in IJOA.IU > or THADI : , - OMAHA.
Mombprsof t no Chicago Itoiiid of Tinde 1'ilv-
ate W lies to Ihkugo uiul New Vork
Who Is WEAK.
TKD. who In hit FOLL
hiu TRITLKD away hU Vinuit of IlOnY ,
drains upon the FOVNVA1NH of L.IFC ,
Urenm.1. WEA.KNEWM nf Memnrr , UA.SII.
FUI.NF.foM la tMtCIETY. 1'IMPI.EH upon
Iho VACE. and all the KI'FKCIS leHjlnc lo
EAIIL.Y K < 1Ar Mid perhapi i'O.MHIlMV.
YEOR or KNNANITY. ihouUl coniull at once
tbn CKI.inBATF. : : > lr Clarke , Ktlabllshrd
> R51 rr Clarke ho * inado NERTOTN 1 > E-
UII.ITY. 'MHOIC and all Dlccasci of
He UK.VITO 1TBIKAHY Organs a 1 Ifo
fndy. It m lttu NO diflcrenre WHAT you
USTC taken of WHO haa failed to cure you.
9FKNA LEN lUfTarlne from dlieatci pecu.
liar to their > ex can consult with the assurance
Of ipaedjr relief and euro Sena 2 cents poitags
tor worn on your dlsef ccs.
* B Pcnd i cents postage for Olcbrntprt
WorltB on Chronic , Nervou * and Uell
co"e Diseases. Consultation , penonal'y or by
Vuter , free. Consult the old liortor.
Vtionanndn cnrrrt. Offlrr * and pnrlora
private. 4Thoso contemplating Murrlago
tentl for Dr. Clnrke'a celebrated guide
Mule and Femiilr. encli )0c ) , both c.
wtampi ) . Hofore coiiflrtlng your case , consult
Dr. CI.AHKE. A friendly letter or call may
mre future suOerlnganil shnme , and add golden
years to life. 49-Book " I.lfe'n ( SrcreO F.r.
rora , " 50c. ( stamps ) . Medicine and writings
rent everywhere , secure from oxpoiiure.
Hours , S to ft : aundnys , 9 lo 12. Address ,
. D. CLA.aKE. M. D.
Your Left Liver
A Proprietary Mcdiciuo thut uceiV *
to rnovo Its worth.
Dr5 Calender's ' left Liver Bitters ,
The only nistllled Hitters In tka United
States. The only Dittera recognized by tin
United States Internal revenue laws as a Pro
prietary Medicine. Lawfully Patented. No. ot
Patent 149,573. Contains no fusil
essential oils , no foreign substance or ilnmag.
Ins ; drugs. A perfectly pure medicine , com
pounded from Pure Koot Herbs and Old Peach ;
pleasant to tun taste , quiet and decisive In Itl
effect. Cures Dyspepsia or Yellow Janndlc * la
Hredays. Heeulatea the Bowels. Invleoratea
Inactive Liver , Cures Diseased Mver , Revives
Ui Kidneys , JmproTes the Appetite Quickly ,
R iruUte the \rnole system. New Lit * to to *
wkoU system.
fol.eft Liver Hitters nre oM In Omaha , Neb , by the
llunlnK clruunislB. lllchnrilsiui Drue Co , hpeelnl
Wliolui-iiU' . lur tiio druu lntore t ot Nebraska. lie-
llerM n tollowB
linodinan Druir Co , W. J. Wiittehoiuo. T. W.ep f-
fard , Nim 11. Farninorlli. Scliroter s I'liiiriiuicy
Kiitin , t Co , Jolin ( ilndlsli , M Pair , J. A. rullcr A , Co.
W. J. llnnlim , John II Contp , ( . J. Wlci' , M.J. I'owell
> . ll.f.enfich.John 1' llutrsky , Murrell s riiBrnmey
.lamps 1-oriytli , 11 C Hell , lr I. J. bitTllle. C M.lrls-
ccr , I . ( "Iiimtllpr. IlKhn's rinirnmcj , tiurney , t Day
J.C Khik'.J.W. Clarke , I. II. Schmidt , Mux llctht.1
! - Clirl-K n on. W. K , Uimboriiin , 11. S. Cor , .Max
Connid , IrunkV. . I'ngg , II Kii miiH ou , ( leo , llncclpr
IlnjiM I'haniiapy , C. A. Mplclicr , Howard Meyers ,
hriiiik Dcllonu .V Cu. , nhulexule deitlers i" C > Kurs and
l.Ut Uvcr lllltcra.
' " " "
( laivtt nauuiuii mum ,
Paid Up Capital $100,000
Surplus 50,000
II. W. YATBS. President.
LMMS S. Itn I ) , Vice President.
A. K. Tout VI.IN , 2nd Vii e President.
W. H. S. Iluuiins , Cashier.
W. V. Mousr , .loiiv g. COM.INS ,
II.V. . VArts. Lhw is S. HI.I.U ,
Hanking Olllco
Corner 12th and Fainnm St8.
A Oeneral Hanking Ituslness Transacted.
The Kansas Cilj Investment Co ,
30 Chamber of Commerce ,
Nodelnjs.Ml business done at thlsofllcc.
Incomoarablv tht > Bast.
Sealed proposals will uo n celvcd at the onici
of the county clerk , of Douglas county. Noli ,
until2 p.m. Saturday , October Uth , It * * ' , foi
removing 4,000 cubic jurds , more or less , carlli
on county road. In buctlon M , Tp. 15 , north It. Ii
K , the same being known as Center Street , Ii
Klkhorn Station. Certified check of tiO to ac
company each bid.
The board reserves the right to reject any am
all bide.
Profile and specifications In County Surveyor' ]
odlce. Uy order of county commissioners.
M. 1) . KOCH K , County Clerk.
oidlSteom to 11
Liye Stock Commission Merchants ,
Ofllou Hoom 31. Opposite Kichnnca IluUdlng , Uuloi
V anil , KoulU Um lia , Ntb. _
Live Stock Commission ,
Uoom U , HUchange Hulldlng , llnloa Stock Tardi
_ bouth Umaha. Neb. _
Commision Dealers in Live
Oppnilto Rxchango Hulldtne , Union Stoei
> unl , fioutn Ooiauu , Keo ,
Of Omaha , Limited ,
AgrlculturnnmplombntB. " _
Dealer in Agricultural Implements , Wagons ,
' "nrrtmci and nuiBlft Jimv * Slrrpt.bctitctuVthand
Knu , Omaha , Nelnaita ,
AgricultnralImplemcntsWapnsCarriages , )
llu iilc , tic. Wholeialc , Omaha , Nebraska
VTtiol iMi > lUalrro ID
AgTicultnral Implements , Wagons & Buggies
ftl ) , C , tt6 and t < 7 Jonr Slrtcl. Omaha.
P. P. MAST & , CO. ,
Manufacturers of Buckeye Drills , Seeders ,
Cultlralnrd , Ilaf Uokoi. Odr Mllll and l.uhan 1'ul-
Ttrlieri. Lor Ulh andNUhola ; fclrccll.
hoksalo -
Agricnltural Implements , Wagons & Buggies
f rticr l h TnJ Mchlft Strrplg
Akron , Ohio ,
Harvesting Machinery and Binder Twine ,
W r Mend , Manaser 13111 oiwenworth t , Omnha
M < iiiiucturer > atulJobbir9 111
Wagons , Bijggies , Rakes , Plows Etc ,
Cor. Vlh nn 1 I'nclHc WlrcoU , Omaha , Mi b.
Artists' Matorlnls.
A HospEi Jr f
Artists1 Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1SU Douclan Street , Omaha , Nebrnoka.
_ Booksollora and Stationers-
H. M , sTs. W. JONEsT
Succeior to A. T. Kinyun A Co. , Wbolciulc & Hetull
Booksellers and Stationers ,
rlno WtdrtliiR C tloner' , Commi rilal Stationery
\tri Douiiliit Rtrvct Ouiuliu. .Stti.
_ Boots and She * .m _
( Hucre8ors lo H"eil , Jones & lo )
Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots and Shoes
Aueulifor Ilo lon Hublior Shoe Co lll , 1IU A 1106
llarncj M. . Omaha. Nebriuka.
W. V. MORSE A. CO. .
Johhers of Boots and Shoes ,
1101,1103-1105 Uougls : Sl.Omalia VanutaUory , Summer
mer st liuitun
_ Coffees , Sploos , Etc- _
' "
Omaha Coffee and Spko Mill * .
Teas , Coffees , Spices , Baking Powder ,
Flavoring Kilrncla , I.xundrr Dlue. Inks , Ktc. lilt
Ulfillarner Slroul Ouiaha. Nchrutt
Crockery and _
Agent for thn Mtuuficturcrs nnd Impnrtcio of
Glassware Lamps Chimneys
Crockery , , , ,
me 1 101 ic' , < ! 7h 1'lh it . Omaha. Xcbraita.
Imuorlert and Joliben of
Crcckery , Glassware , Lamps , Silyerware
Eli1M4 Kurnnin Ft. , ew Paiti n IlullJIng.
Commission and Storage- _ _
* "
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
CCluHl' " n"ttt > r Krp n ( * p < * I'onllry , Gnree ,
ni-'llovrard Strs it. < ) m h .
Bucccmori to Mcfchano , \ ychrotdf r )
Produce Commission and Cold Storage ,
Ouinhn. Nebraska.
Flonr , Feed , Grain and General Commision
Merchant. CorrespondenceBollrltcd. 1011 North 1CIU
Mlrott.Oni iha.Neb.
Coal , Coke and Lime.
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal ,
209 South lllh Blreet , Omaha , Nebratka.
Mannfactnrers of Lime ,
And * hlppors t > t luul , loalc , CmuPitt * l'ia tcr
Drain Tile , and bewer 1'lpe. OBicc , 319 , S , 13tt
Kl , Om h , N b. Telepbuue ell.
Shippers of Coai and Cokn ,
311 South nib St .Omaha.Neb.
Dry opdB sina Notions.
Dry Goons , FnrnislriGi GooJs and Notions ,
1102 anil 1104 Doiif la > . Cor. lllh Rt , Omaha , Neb.
Importers and Johtes in Dry GoodsNotions ,
Gents' FurLliblng ( Joodi. Corner lllh and lluuor
BU , Omaha. Nebraika.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
Farr am Elreet. Omaha. Nebraika.
Omaha. Nebraika.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
705,707,709 and 711 S. 10th St , Omaha , N b.
Wholesale Grocers ,
t tb and LcaTenworth Etreeti , Omaha , Nebraska.
Wholcmlo Manuracturera of
Saflfllcryfi JoMorsof Saddlery Hardware
And Leather. 119) ) , 1105 and 1CJ7 llnrner St. , OniBba ,
Heayy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Springs , Wagon Stock , Hardware , Lumber , Etc.
uuu 1211 llarncjr Street , Omaha.
Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop
Mechanics' Tools and rltitralo Hcalei , It06 Dougla
Btreet , Omaha , Nebrnka.
Wholesale Hardware ,
"haad HarncrFU , Omaha , Neb Weilern Atent
tor Auitlo Powder Co , J rnion Bled Nalli ,
talroaaki Standard Bcales.
Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate
Mctiils , Rhcet lion , etc. Aficnto for riowa Stales
Miami Powder andl.yman llarbod wir * ,
Omaha , Nebraukn.
Hats , Caps , Etc.
Wholesale Hats , Caps and straw Goods
11V7 liar tier BtrssU Omaba , Neb.
All Kinds of Building Material at Wholesal
Ut j Street and Union Paclflc Track , Omaha
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
DoonlCtc. Tardi-Ccrner 7th and D uxlai ; Corae
C. N. UlriTZ ,
Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber ,
13th and California Street' , Omaha. Nel > ra l v
Lumber Lime Ccmenuic
, , , , Etc ,
Cornerfthand Douclmi'u.Omaha.
To Dealers Only ,
OHce , 1403 Karnam Street Omaha.
Wholesale Lumber , Etc ,
mported and American Portland ( Vnirnt Stall
Atient rurMllwauki-n HjdrmilicCenifiil and
ijuliioy Whitf Ume.
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber ,
Vood Carpel * and Parquet rioortu 8th and loual
_ Wlllllnory nnd Notions.
hiporters & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions
ax ilO mid iH'inulh lllh ' 'Irrrt
_ ,
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
can : Pant ; , fchlrti , Ktr lltrjiMul no < l > ougU. Street ,
Ouiahti. " , eb.
_ _ Notions
* '
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Good
and 4 i Kciith 10th St , Omaha
WMsale Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
Aile ( irea r , ElcOmaha. A U ni hop , Mutineer ,
Notions and Gent's ' Famishing Goods ,
1100 llarnir Stroll , Omaha.
Office Fixtures. _ .
Till ! fclMMOMX \NUl-ArruiuMl CO.
Muuvitnrtaro.f of
Bans , Office and Saloon Fixtures ,
Mtntlr'lilrboanl , nook ( -mr , llrug nitturo" Wnll
Ca pf , Pnrtlttorn liRlMii(2ninlpr ( , IHernnil Wlno
rnoleri . Mirror * oto I ut ior > nni * ufttro , 17JU tto
South 13tU St .Uuiitho. 'Iclopliuuo 1174.
Paints and -MIB. M
\\hoUmlo Dcalcriln
Paints , Oils , Window Glass , Etc ,
His Fiirnam ( Jlroct. Onmlia. Neb.
P ipor.
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
Carry anlc * itock of 1'rlnUnu , Wfapplna Hurt WrlllnM
l'aj > > er. Bpvcial attention ultkn to mr lottil unlera.
Paper Boxes *
Proprietor Omaha Paper Box Factory ,
N09. 1J1T anJ 1319 Douglns ht , Om.lhu , Neb ,
Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds
11 mul PU Jones Mroct. Omuba.
Storage , Forward Ing Sc Commission
Storage , Forwarding and Commission ,
Branch house of the Itemier linger Co. nuiiKlcml
TiUulcialo uDil retail , LIB UlOiinil 1112 Itard an tot ,
Omaha. Telephone Mo. 760.
Brawora. i ?
STORZ" & ILER , * " Jfj
Lager Beer Brewers ,
1121 North KiKthtecntu Street , Omaha. Neb.
Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Cornice ,
John Cpeoeter. Proprietor. 92U Dodea and Itt * aud 101
North 10th Street , Omaha. „ .
* f * |
AntiliarjfMUsJeK , UM " \ '
' = 3 > S
Rubber Goods. <
Manufacturers and Dealers in Rubber Goods
311 Clothing aui ! Leather Belting. HttJ Farnam Btr t.
ajsh Deere , Etc.
\Vholeiale KanuT > cUirer ot
Sasli Doors. Blinds and Mouldings ,
Branch UOce , 12tli and Itard Btreeti , Omaha , Neb. , ' . ,
Mannfactarers of Sash , Doors. Blinds , f
V-uldlD , Blair Work and Interior llar'l Wood Klv
au. N. E. Corner6ih and LcareuwortU Street ! ,
Omaha ,
Fittings , Pumps , Etc.
A. L. STRANG CO. . " "
PBHIDS , Pipes and Engines ,
' Elc'
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fillings ,
Steaming Water Supplies. tl"ii1ii ! rl r fnr M e.
oit 4t'o'8gooi1s _ rarnam Ht ,
Steam and Water Supplies ,
UaUUUyWIndMllli. OlSandSMFarnam .
8t.Oinah .
U. t. Uoia , AclloB Manager.
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery
3h etlrcn mi P.B
Iron Works.
Carter & K > n , Prop's. Manufacturers of all kinds
Steam Boilers , Tanks and Sheet Iron Worlc
Work ) South SOlh and I ) . It M , Crottlne.
Wrought and Cast Iron Building Work ,
Buulne , Ilran WorkGeneral Foundry. Machine ao < i
Blacksmith Work , omro and Worki , U. I' . Itj.
amdjllh btrcet.Omabi.
Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings
Deik lUlli , Window Ou rd . llowrr SI anils , Wlr *
Klgni , Klc. IV North 1Mb Blrecl.Omnlia.
Man'trs ' of Fire & Burglar Proof Safes I
ult , Jail Work , Iron and Wlr * FeorloK. Hltfni , Kl ,
U. Andieen , Pioc'r. Cor. lllh and Jacfciun Hti.
Iron and Wire Fences , Railing ? , Guards
and Screens , for bank * , nfllc i nurei roitdonrei , ote ,
, I jckirulth Macbloeri
gtks. tltlhuuth lllh hi.
Fire and Burglar Proof SafesTimc , LOCKS *
Ucucittl Ateuts fat ll bold tJafe ft loct ! Cumyaui t
V uluiuuJJU Work , J B.Wtkat , , f
"tf y j sfV *