- ' - " " -n I' THE OMAHA DAILY EE : AIOSDAY , OCTOBER 8. 1BSS. THE COMMERCIAL TRAVELER , Itoma of intoroat to Mon on the Road. WHAT THE INTERSTATE LAW DOES National Union nt St. Joseph Very l'oml of n ilnkr The Haute Old Illll-Ho AVni Cute. Neutrality Inilpprmlrnci * . Merchant Traveler : There is no such thtn iw neutrality it ) thinking in this busj American world. The waves of social , political and commercial life beat ubout the life of every man. Ho is but a liirgim. ( 'Hid a dolt who can gaze on this tfrcatbnttlo for human supremacy without bolnp wtirred by the fires of am bition to take an active part In itaopora- tionn. To bo nuutriil rcKiirdini , ' the great cjui'btiotis of the day is to bo with out the elements of manhood. So liko- wino is it possible for men to keep neutral ground regarding those things which concern them nearly in ttioir social and business affairs. Every occu pation , almost , has its order , ita club , its lodge or its asso ciation. In and through I ho HO organi/ations , trades and professions discover and make known to the world their d''iires and their achievements. Traveling men , no lest than other.- ) , have need of such organi/jition. In union only can tli y hope to battle suc cessfully the evils with which they tir faurroundiM. , or abolish the tyraniqs to which they arc subjected. K'very man who carries : i grip has an interest in K'eing tlitino ahSociatioiiH grow htrong. Ilo cannot bp neutral. Ho must Uilcc sid " ? with his i-onirudci or he is against them. No human being worthy the name is without inlluonce. It is his ilutj to HCO that that inllucticc is cast on the right side. Wait for another to do for von what you arc able to do for yourself and it will noyer bo done. The chickoii that lies in the shell waiting for some outside , influence to open the door to life dies while its entorprimng brother pocks through its environment and walks abroad in the sunlight. Travol- ingmt'ii may not bo of the same mind regarding means and measures. Inde pendence of thought oroliibits this , but they cannot allord to keep out of asso ciations formed for their benefit on this account. It IP thcro that their ideas will bo of UHO. It is there that their ar guments will have force and their voice count in the establishment of thorn. Out of many good suggestions is finally formed the best plan posiible. Every man's ideas are worth something. Yours niiij be the most valuable of all. Give it a trial , ( io where your voice may bo hoard and sponk for the good of yourself and your brother travelers. Join hands with'those who are working /or the benefit of the clasi to which you belong. Don't be afraid to criticise the workings of an association , for it is only through being purged of its faults Unit it can eon1 ; , .o iiltimato good , but go 111- insidp wilere jonr criticism will have weight. Fight for the truth if you fight alone but fight in the organi/uition and not out of it. In one case you are its friend , in the ether its enemy. The bigot who can see no wrong in anything with which he has to do is to bo "pitied if not despised. Ho none of these. But n fearless advocate of truth , right and justice can do far more toward correct ing the evils of an order when he is u member than when ho is not. Join the travelingmon's associations. It is your duty. And once in be not afraid to fight wrongs either inside or out of its charter. Fond of a Joke. St. Paul Globe : II. B. Smith , is the way it reads upon the hotel register. Every ono knows Hub Smith as a jolly good follow who always adds cheer by his presence. He is but one of the great army of commercial tourists , and travels out of St. Louis , selling vinegai with n side line of soaps from Chicago. One of his stock arguments is , "If J don't bell this vinegar it will sour on my hands. " Hub is something of n wag , and often plays n practical joke upon seine unsuspecting fellow. Ik was un at Detroit , Minn. , about the time of the opening of the Hotel Minnesota seta , and it happened that Barnum'i or some other show was In towr the same day. Smith approaches the clerk , grip in hand , and asked as U the capacity of the ollico safe , am gently hinted that he was the cashiei of the fahow. The safe was inspected nrid by turning out nil the books , etc. room was made for the grip , and itva - safely ensconced within. There was i confederate or two in the scheme , anc when exploded the clerk said : "Cigar : all around , gentlemen. " Another time Hub walked into the principal hotel a Madison , Wis. , ( it was about the tinu of Jack Demp o8 ' visit to the Twit Cities ) and in a bold hand rcg istered Jack Dempsey and asked Ube bo shown a room. The clerk whirloi the register around , and reading thi name assigned him to ono of the bos' ' rooms , and with a great deal of eivilitj piloted the way up. Hub remained i few moments , and coining down stair found a half dozen follows scanning tin tame , but undaunted , he appro-icho ( wie ilork , and asked to bo shown th < 7o lollleo. As he walked down th ( street his confederates overheard sue ! remarks "Whatsplendid shoulders. ' "Look at his legs ! " "Ain't ho n slug gerV Returning to the hotel he wen to his room , but the great center of at traction that afternoon was the ho to olileo , where nearly every man in towi could have boon seen. The joke wa only terminated when Smith hail to foci some local newt-paper reporter who pro fiunlod his curd just after supper. National Union. The session of the Traveling Mm' Protective union convened in th boai-d of trade roomn at St. Joseph lus week Thera was a good represents tion of local travelers in attendance air great interest in the proceeding wa manifested. The meeting being a preltmlnar one , the purposes for which they htv mot wore explained. The ossoclatio is national in character , embracing jot bcrs and salesmen in various lines t trade , the design being to form di visions of said union throughout th states and cities. Them ) division ! ! , having their own ol fleers and executive board , will nttai unison and be subordinate and undc instructions of the national union. Th object and purposes of said union nr the protection of honorable trade , an encouragement of honest , upright deal ing among traveling salesmen , and fo considering and beting upon any an all unit tors interesting and beneficial t traveling salesmen , such as hotel , con tnorciul reports , collections , railroad : social relations , etc. , or any subject a member may bring up. At the evening scFsion the proceed ings of the morning uncling were rail- Hod find n dlvi ion organt/od. to bo known as the "St. Joseph Division. " Mr. M. Williams was elect < Ml president and Mr. K. V. Kerr secretary. There will be a mooting of the local union at an early date , at which the remainder of the o'lhVors will bo chosen , and new members received. The following are the officers ot the national union : President J. M. Coffman , Ottumwa , Iowa. First Vicc-Presidcnt John McCor- miok. Keokuk , Iowa. Secretary-Treasurer A. B. Grupo , Burlington , lowti. Executive Committee K. B. Kearn ? , chairman , Burlington , la. , Hoot A. Gray , T. K. Hhodo * . , J. T. Howe , S. P. C'artright. T. H. Dillon. W. P. Hlplcy , lino. Hulsebus , , T. A. Stone , Charles Knglcrt , J. II. Thornburry. Ilia > nmo. "I had a conductor pretty badly rat tled on my hust trip , " said n drummer who had just "got in. " "IIowV" he was asked. "Well , I'll tell you. It was rather funny , and the joke came near being on me. I was carrying a grip belonging to another man and it had his full name on it-call itV. . B. Brown. Then I had purchased a hat that had been specially made for another man , but didn't fit him. It was a handsome silk hat and had his full name in the lining eall it Henry Smith. Well , I wanted to run into Chicago for n. day or two , and as luck would have it , I ran across ono of thesn return-trip excursion tick ets , which I bought for almost nothing. I was busy reading some paper when the conductor came along , and I jtint "landed him the ticket without looking ip. He seemed a long time punching , nd just as I looked up to see what the matter was he asked , "bee here ! Wlwt'-t your name ? " "By George ! 1 had forgotten the mine on the ticket , and for a moment I ivas rattled. Then I said : " 'It's on the ticket. Can't you read ? ' "Ilo looked nt the ticket again and hen he looked at me. I know that iomething was wrong , but I couldn't hink what it was. . ' 'Woll , ' ho said nt last , 'you've got ne whip-awed this time. ' " 'What's the matter ? ' I asked. " 'The ticket pays Thomas Edwards , , ho grip roaus W. B. Brown , and the ining of your hat shows Henry Smith. What in thunder is your name any way ? ' "Sure enough my hat was lying face up on the seat and my grip had the nunio turned toward him. I had to augh as I replied : ' "My name's Edwardw. ' ' "Well , 1 guess that'll have to go'ho ; aid. 'I can t chooo from three. ' "Just the same , though , ho asked what my name was every tune he passed through the car. And the funniest purl of it was that not one of the three names iViis mine. " The Sumo OKI Hill. In some hotels , says the Hotel World , he breakfast bills of faro are seldom ir never changed. Enough is placed upon the card to include almost even- , , and these are placed before the ; uests every day in the year. The prnc- ice has nothing to commend it ; not even the plea of economy. It may bo asking too much of a low priced hotel Lo ask a daily change of menu forbreak- i.'st , but there arc other ways out of the dilemma. Different lists can be printed 'or different days , in the future ; rotated during the week , and thus affording va- ioty. The identical tame list day after day "are sure to become monotonous ; the same paper , typo , dishes and arrangements afford the guests not the least pleasure in the way of curiosity or surprise. He knows when ho arises in the morning just what ho will have for breakfast , while if a fewer : md different dishes appeared on ditlcr- ent days the element of doubt and sur- oriso would add to the pleasure of dining , and it might also stimulate the steward to place upon.the table a new dish once in n while. With the wiino bill ho has no incentive for this ; he and the cook will give the breakfast no thought ex cept to carry out the old routine. It is much to bo doubted whether no bill at all is not preferable to the same punted list year in and \car out. What U HAH Done. The inter-state commerce law , says the Merchant Traveler , seems to bo ob served morj in the breach than the ob servance. Chicago , St. Paul , Kansas City , DCS Moines , Davenport , Dubuque and many other cities have entered complaints to the commission and have themselves in turn been complained of. The law thus far has accomplished little beyond stirring up a feeling of animos ity among the railroads. The trial in now at Davenport may result Progress a precedent for the en forcement of the law , but it is very doubtful if any great good will come of it in the end. Corporations are made up of human beings , and humanity is selfish and ambitious. Towns will con tinue to enter secret compacts with rail roads to advantage themselves at the expense of the law and railroads will continue to use the parsimony of indi viduals and towns to further their own interests. It is only when either party discovers that a rival is getting the ad vantage of them that thu law is brought into requisition. It depends on whose ox is gored. Notes. It is understood that the T. P. A. is considering the proposition of adopting a plan of life insurance. An assessment of fS. to cloo Octobei CO , hiii been sent out by the Northwest' ern Traveling Men's association. The deceased members arc J. Flotchei Smith , Chariton , la. ; Hall TnUor Wichita , Kan. ; Griffith J. Owen , Port age , Wi * . , and B. Goldman , Chicago. Mr. Victor L. Fried , the handsome joung man who tra\els for the Lee Clarke-Andreesen hardware company 01 the Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis iS Omaha railroad and the Klkhorn Vnllo' ' railroad , was in the city Friday am Saturday. Mr. Fried ha many friend1 on the road. He left the city Sniurdtv for his home nt Oakland for the Sun day.P. . P. Froderickson , city salesman will Lee-rinrko-Androes'eu himlwan the - - ' company , returned Friday , having mndi B successful buiino trip on part of thi Union Pacific and Omaha aiul Uepubli can Valley roads. Thank * . Omaha Division No. 1 of the T. M. P U. , by its secretary , H. 15. Sillick wishes to extend to Mr. F. A. Balch proprietor of the Barker hotel , it hearty thanks for the use of rooms fo the mooting Saturday evening , Soptcm bor i9 ! , and especially for the elogan supper given in his dining room afte the meeting adjourned. Regulate the Regulator. With pur blood conies good health. L'so Warner' 1-ocr Cabin Sarsnpnrilla and i-e.-uru Imtti Best Remedy. Largest bottle. Fo sale by all druggUU. Soloctlnp Messenger Hoys. Now York Graphic * The following advertisement attracted n crowd ol boys this morning : Wanted 100 boj between tha npes of 14 and 10 years , 4 feet 0 Inches or over , to lourn telegraph messenger service. None need apply unless well recomuiundccl , or those ac companied tiy tmrents or RUiinlinns ; good imsiMons to accepted applicants Apply b Ucv street , 0 u. tn. dully. They collected nbout the door singly and in groujw. long before the hour ap pointed. Some wore neat , clean boys , who chewed by their manners and at tire the care of fond mothers' . Others there were who looked as if they had never made the acquaintance of water , comb or brush. Still they were not the wotbt-looking boys , only unfortunate , with no one to euro for them , who do not know how to take care of them selves. N. F. Sonford , the puperinlendent of the inerwiitjer er\ ice in this city , ex amined ciich applicant per.-onally' Ho is n gentleman who has about JOXK ( ) boys a year to deal with. He can pick a good boy out , who e face may be begrimed - grimed with dirt , and just an often will toll si boy who comes with church and Sunday-school references that he docs not want him. lie is an expert in judg ing boys. About twenty-five passed in review before him while a reporter was present this morning. "Your namoV" ho asks in a quick , sharp tone of voice. "John May. " "What have ' you been doing for a liv ing. John V" "Helping mo father. " The boy was a big hulking fellow , who could not look the superintendent in the face. "What does your father do ? " "Nuthin1. " "Ah ! What were you doing before you undertook the severe task of help ing your father ? " "Worked as a messenger. " "Yes. you were hero ten days last February , then you loft to help your father. Was he doinganything then ? " "Nuw , sir. " " 1 am afraid he never will , John , or you either , or any boy that is willing to live idle since fast February. Good- day , John , " and the boy knew he was not wanted. "My Sunday-school teacher sajs I am the best boy in her c1ns- > . I ne'ver go with bad boys. My mamma says I may work as a messenger if I do not have to get up too early , and if you give me a nice place and a good salary and uice companions , " said a neatly dressed but precocious -looking boy about thirteen years old. Mr. Sanford laughed and said : "When President Green , of the West ern Union dies I'll send for you. You will be old enough then , and that is about the only place I can think of now that would suit jou. " With a look of wonder on his face the boy went away. Several others that fol lowed were engaged. "You leave hero or I'll have you ar rested. " shouted Mr. Sanford , as a red headed hey loomed up before him for un instant and then fled. "Ho was discharged for dishonesty a year ago , but had the nerve to come in here for re-employment four weeks ago. " explained the superintendent. "I hascd him then , but here ho is back igain. " There are 1,700 Voys under Mr. San- ord's charge , distributed among the various otlices in the city. EVIIY : : one for himself and God for us all. If you do not help yourself no ono will help you ; to rid yourself of dy spepsia , consurap'.ion or malaria. : ill the lolpjou need you will find in Warner' * " og Cabin Hops and Buchu Remedy. 150 do es for SI. Try it. Trylnc o I'JHlles' Shoo * . Detroit Free Press : "Talking of try- ng on ladies' snoos , " said a clerk in a > rominent shoe store , "it is one of the nest delicate and arduous duties' that alls to the lot of a salesman. Why .the most innocent remark maybe construed nto an affront , and the clerk find him self called to account. Have you ever noticed that a boot and shoe man does verv little talking ? " "Do you mean in soiling goods ? " "Yes' . Some yeara ago a clerk in a New Orleans shoo store lost his life for paying a lady a compliment about the si'/o of her foot ? " "Are Detroit ladies as sensitive on ihe subject ? " "It requires very nice discrimination to know when to pay a lady a compli ment on the Bi/.e of her foot. We have some ladies come here who possess re markable beautiful feet , and it would be worth my place if I made any remark about them. The others just as fas tidious in all respects will expect a little well-directed flattery ; in fact , will challenge it by deprecating their feet. Then some ladies will not allow us to put their boots on , while others will treat us exactly as if we were foot stools or button hooks. " "Arc ladies hard to please ? " "Well , I should just say so. Their feet are M ) tender they want to wear a loose shoe , and they always buy R tight one. Then they always try them sitting down , and it is the hardest work to get them tostnnd up and step around. Some times I nin nearly distracted trying to get a good fit and one that w ill not have to bo returned. But ladies are more sensible now nbout their shoes than they used to be. Thov wear the com mon senfe and low iciis and have more comfort. " Do not bo induced to take some other preparation when you eall for Hood's Sar-npirllln. : Uo sure to get Hood's which is peculiar. Toml of Uomoo's Swcethonrt. London Telegraph : Thee who still ( -till take an interest in the trim and tragic history of the "Lovor.s of Ver ona , ' ' who-e lamenlnblo fortunes have been immortalized bi 3hakesx.'are. | will , no doubt , be glad to learn some of the latest particulars respecting the tomb of Juitot. M. Victonn Joncleres , the distinguished composer and musical critic , has just paid a visit to Verona , and ho states that thu tomb of Romeo s sweetheart , which is at the bottom of a garden in the old cloister of the Fran ciscan convent , is absolutely in ruins. Above it is a kind of niche in a brick wall , which is surrounded by bits of broken columns and capitals. The niche is full of visiting cards , and hanging on the walls is n wreath with a card at tached to it. bearing the name "Madam Talbot Shakespeare , " whom M. Jon- cleies put down as a descendant of the Bard of Avon. On the wall to the left is a portrait of "Friar Laurence. " Romeo is buried in Mantua , and it is to bo hoped that his tomb is in a bolter state of preservation than that of his lady-love. The attention of the cura tors of old and famous Italian monuments ments or of those persons who venerate the romantic and antique ought cer tainly to be called to the statements of the French composer , who has , no doubt , accurately described what he saw during his \isit to Verona. A Natural Product orCnllfornin. It i only found in Butte county , Cal ifornia , and in no other part of the world. Wo refer to the tree that pro duces the healing and penetrating gum used in that pleasant and effective cure for consumption , asthma , bronchitis , and coughs , SANTA ABIE , the King of Consumption. Goodman Drug Co. guarantee--and bells it for $1.00 a bottle tle , or S3 for $2.60. B.\ the use of CALI FORNIA CAT-R-C'URE. all symptoms of catarrh arc dispelled , and the dis eased nasal passage is speedily restored to a healthy condition. SI.00 a pack age. By mail $1,10. Circulars free. Colonel Scott on Unooln. October Century : Of all war students none was so well qualified to speak with authority on this , point of military abil ity as the late Colonel Robert N. Scott. ' H'is intimate personal acquaintance with the prominent actors in that war , his varied personal experience of mili tary service , and , above all , his relation to and familiarity with the "Rebellion Records , " gave him the right to speak with authority. Having to call upon him some years since at his "War Records" office , the business in hand led naturally to some discussion of the leaders of the army. Colonel Scott showed mo letters' , tables and documents , then unpublished , that led him to certain conclusions in respect to certain men. Th a looking up ho said , with enthusiasm- vehemence : "I tell you , M. , the biggest military man we had was Abraham Lincoln. " Ho disclaimed for him , of course , knowl edge of military technique ; but in re spect to what should and what should not be done , and when and where , he said Lincoln "was more uniformly right and less frequently wrong than any man we had. " Beware of worthless imitations of Dr. Jones' Red Clover Tonic. The genuine cures headache , piles , dyspepsia , ague , malaria , ana is a perfect blood purifier. Price 50 cents. Goodman Drug Co. Women Who Jarc. Now York Letter in Hartford Post : Passing the sub-treasury recently I no ticed near the entrance a number of young women whoso appearance was so peculiar that it immediately arrested my attention. If the reader should ask mo what that peculiarity was I co.ild hardly explain it. Perhaps it might be termed a nonchalance of free manner that indicated disregard for observa tion. They had a cool audacity , which , though not brazen , was bold enough to face any opposition , and , though I could see at a glance that they wore not stage players , yet it was evident they were in public life , and could bo at home even before a crowd. In a few mo ments I saw thorn step up to the cashier's window , where each presented a check and drew the money , and then I learned that they were tlie cus tom house inspectresses , who wore col lecting their month's pay. No wonder they had such nonchalant , resolute faces. These are the women that coolly order a passenger into a private room and strip her sufficiently to reveal fraud. These are the women who find laces packed in bustles and diamonds concealed in tresses of hair , and I need hardly say that they are the terror of smugglers. In a recent cose they found a passenger wearing a petticoat that weighed twenty-five pounds , being made double so as to carry smuggled goods. These ins | > octreB5es are among the most useful public servants , and they have almost broken up the once expensive system of woman's smuggling which men could not do , for Shakespeare says to make a sweet lady sad is a soiir offense. The Women Raise a Banner Too. JK 's e NatiorfsChoice , JAMESPYLE5 Politics and House Cleanin Are the two great questions before men and women to day. PEARLINE is the candidate for house-cleaning. The number of packages sold annually is four times as large as the largest vote ever cast for any presidential can didate. Try PEARLIXE for HOUSE CLEANING and you'll see why this is so. i _ , . _ . _ rcildlers and some unscrupulous grocers are 3 { * \/V s\ J ( - * olTtfrmt- imitations \\hich they claim to be 1'earl- . J > 4Hix " ' " ' I. inei or "the same as I'earlm ? . IT'S FALSE I.ir I icy .ire not .iml besides are dangerous. PEAKLINE is never peddled , but sold by : i I yood 'jrocers. Manufactured only by JAMES 1'Vl.E , New York. SPECIAL SALE OF MENS' SUITS , MADE FROM THE CELEBRATED MECHANICSVILLE GOODS. LOT L We offer i:00 : strictly all wool heavy weight Cassimere Suits , now Fall and Winter styles , just made up from the Mechnnicsvillo Woolen Co.'s best Silk Mixtures , worth J2.00 per yard , in single breasted Sack Suits , rogularsi/.es 35 to 41dark liluo and black stripes very nobby and very stylish , at only $12 per suit. The usual retail price is not less than SIS per suit anywhere. LOT 2. Wo offer 30 Suits of the same attractive fabrics , made by the Mechanicsvillo Woolen Co. , in brown and black stripe" , single breasted Sack Suits , very stylishly cut and made in the best manner intended for an $18 suit this season. We offer to close them out nt $12. Send for samples ; send your measure before the sizes are broken ; they will not last long. LOT 3. Wo offer 300 dark brown and mixed Plnid Suits made by the Mechan- icsvillc Woolen Co. , pure Silk and wool fabric , heavy weight , ono of the most de-irnblo styles made by this famous mill this season at the same extraordi nary low price , SI- per suit. Plea o notice that all the above lots advertised nre now goods and new styles made by ono of the most reliable and popular woolen mills in New England. Wo state only facts when we affirm that Sib is the average retail price for these suits throughout the country , hut for thn purpose of advertising and to prove that only largo raanufacturur can offer such bargains , we will close them out at $12 per suit. They are not job lots of broken sizes , but new regular goods made in our best manner. Send your orders at once if you do not wan to be disappointed. Send for samples. Light-weight Fall Overcoats , No garment is more important for n gentleman to have in his wardrobe this time of the year when the nights and mornings uro beginning to bo very cool , than a Light-weight Overcoat. LOT 4. Wo offer a most extraordi nary bargain in a fine worsted and wool mixed Fall Overcoat (300 ( of them ) dark color , made with fine sillc facings , a genteel and dressy garment in every respect , made new within the past ; tO days. An Overcoat which in the ordi nary course of retail business , would not bo uold anywhere for less than $15. The goods are made by the North Adams Woolen Company arc pureclean stock , no mixture of cotton in them , and line enough for servivo on any occasion nil made with wide silk facings. We offer them to close at $10 each , in regu lar sizes from 81 to 4 i. Do not fail to see this line of overcoats. It is one of the most remarkable bargains wo ha\e ever had the privilege of offering. LOT 5. Boys' Suits J7.00-Stock No. S3IM. These Suits are undoubtedly the best bargain we have ever oflored in this department ; they nro full Winter weights , of a dark brown cassimcro , for boys from 13 to 17. Wo carried over nl > out 50 suits from last season and will oiler them nt this sale for $7. If you can duplicate this suit for $10 in any other stock return it to us and receive the amount of your purchase money. Remember the price , $7. LOT 0. Bo\V Short Punt Suitsprice ? 3.60 Stock No. S07H. This lot is cut in regular short pant sizes from i to 14and is made from a dark mixed cassimore.no shoddy but new goods just put on our counters and plenty of them. We never ntlvertiso a lot unless we have all bi/.os. We recommend this suit for school pur poses and offer it at H price unheard of for the same grade of goods , &V > 0. Send for a suit and if it is not satisfactoryre turn it at our expense. LOT 7.-Stoek No. 'JSSI. Wo offer these boys' plaited Norfolk Blouse Suits , ages I to 14. made from the cele brated Moehnnlevillo Cheviot , ! ! ! a neat red mixture , suitable for dress or school purposes. The price is popular 5J.50. This suit wo know will gho satisfaction and if the buyer would pay us } 7 for it , he would not bo cheated. Remember the price , $4.50. Lot 8. CHILDREN'S1 KNEIJ PANTS 600 pairs , excellent quality , new Fall style fabric , at only 60 cents per pair. Ev ery boy commencing schoole\ , if he does not need anew : > uit , is very npt to need A pair of new pantalooni to fmUh up the season with. This lot ollcred will be lound worth fully $1 per pair , but for the pnrposo ofcalhng attention to our Children' * De partment for the fall season , we will close this lot out for 60 cents per pair , new goods and new styles. We solicit correspondence from e\cry section of the United States in regard to Winter Suits and Winter Overcoats , Youths' Suits , lions' Suits , Hats and Cnpi , Gentlemen's furnishing goods Cloths , Piece goods and trimming , and Custom Gai men's ( in fact , am thing pe , aining to our line ot HiMness ) , and we will promptly sei d samples , large encunh to show any bu\cr the colorings and sUlcs that we nre ' oflering The leputation'of the Continen tal is at stake in cier ) tiling we adreiti'-c and we never advertise broken sizes or job lots. All goods thai we nthcrtite are reg ular , straight goods , and will be found as represented and gi\e satisfaction , LOT 10. We offer 150 Metis' Klue Chin- cl'illa Overcoats , full indigo , trimmed with hea\y serge liningc , edges bound , silk , vel vet collar , in regular sizes frcm 115 to 44. This lot carried from last teuton and will clo .e them at the remarkably low price of $12 , and do not expect to be able to make such a libelal offer this seaso again. Goods sent to any nddrcss in the United States , and if not satisfactory may be relurncd at our expense. Preeland , Loomis & Co. Proprietors ; Cor. Douglas and 15th Streets , Omaha , Nebraska. The Largest Clothing House West of ( he Mississippi. SPECIAL NOTICES. [ ContJnticd JYow Sci'oifd PO//C. / ] FOH SAI < K-One of the most desirable homes In Ornulm at just cost jirice. Will sell fur niture If party desires. Olijcet , leaving town. Iso real estate agent to deal ) wnt or corainl- > - slon to pay. Audi ess 1) 67 , llee ollico. . ' 1-8 FAltM for saloon easy terms. Oeo. N. Hicks , room 40 , It.irker block. 4JO 7 Bt'SINKSS Kth street , corner , 4 blocks from TurliBjn. foi 'i less than It Is worth. CSxlJJ on Capitol nvc , betwvon 15th and 10th , at less than v\luo. : M. A t'pton Company. fiTy POK PAI.C Choleo east front lot with an ex tra well built S room house auJ barn , on cor. 3Jth and Mnson. SI. A. Upton Company b"70 FOU SAIK-I.ot 11.1) . SI. Hanscom place. saiO oil what It Is worth. C r. Harilsou , 41bb Kith 037 FIOH t-AI.13 Very best t-outh Unmhfi bar- Kaliis. M.A. L'liton Co. S70 HUH SALK StxlOO feet near coiner Wool worth I ' RVP unclNth -.house of 8 rooms.buthroom , pas , cistern , hot ami cold water , sewer connec tion , furnace , - celUr.- . , location all that can be desired , school , chinch mid _ ' linen of horcc cars w.thing"l { > lock . cable In project ; fl.nuo ; ? 1WJ ) cash balance eas > , per cent Interest. C. V. llftrrl-on. 41n S lath St. ICKIOK ) fi-et cor. Woolworth nve. and ' thst. , house nnd Improvements materially the sumo us above , S',0fl. * ll cash , balance easy , 8 per cent Interest. C. V. Harrison , 41S S IStn st. ffii FOU SAI.K NotlnnK but first-class proper ties. M. A. L'ptou Co. 870 OJsjfl liuys a full lot nnd KOCH4rooin cottage Tcasr terms and snotl location. 1) ) V. Sholes , room 210. Tlrat Nat 1 bank , cor 13th and Tar- ruim KKl POlt SALE f > r 9xcnnn'e. We nsve soma coed Omaha real eitata and Nebraska farms , which we will . ell cheap or trade for stock of clothing , funiUhtni ? coodi , dry coeds , boots andshoes , Krocarlen or hardware. Schles- Incer Uros.6US. lOUrst. iUQ _ _ FARMING In eastern Nebraska pays no\r To those wanting to go on a furm we can toll how to cet good land with very little money. Tlie day that this can be done will soon ba passed. M A. Upton Compiny. nOs HKUtil Hero Here Is what you hare been looklns for. Now s room hoube.clty. cistern and well water , e vst front , lot .W.xl.2 at grade lu Windsor place : owner going wist , will M > I ! for a few ua ) for U.HA ) , easy terms. M. A. Up ton Company. -VJ SOI'TUOMAIlx > t 14 , block 77. S. B corner 3 > th and M s reels , 5-room lieu . ( Ifl.OuU , .4 cash Lot 14 , block 7R , 8 E. corner 25th and M streets , f.,0 ' . > i cash. HOIL eon this renUilj. If thesecorners we eon N street they would ell for X.OuO ) earh. M will bo a better street tnan N in a year froii to-day. Bach one of these corners will maVu seven business lots. M. A. Upton A. Co. ) $ IflOlt PAI.iFrankasserman : , nt the Hank of Cimiiha , 1ms borne of the choicest rnsl * denrc nnd business properts In the clt > tor falo cheap. 4lS ( T7 > Olt S77KiL'xl.E ; ; on Bristol btreet betwet-n J saunters and State. Make in un oiler on this. J > per cent less will buj It tills week than it will ovt-r again DOollored for. M. A. t'pton Company. Ms > "VTIMIK.VSKA la'infl W have home gooa 131 X > uc.re farms up the Klkh'Tn vallev with ! 1J3 and fJX ) long time moitgigcs against them that from J.V i to f Ot.is > h w lU buy the equities , Now Is irie time to invest In Nebraska liinn lands , although nelllng cheap they nre valuable ftnd more productive than eastern land valued M four or fhe times our price M. A. L'ptonCo ma IOOKatthls lifeet onZU st Just soutn of JCahfornln , corner on an alley , for J-00 0 room house M. A. t'pton Company. eTO FTHIU SALE Ki.OfH acres land In Nebraska at -I-1 low raU-s on long time ; gc-od farm lands , ( i. H. I'eter&OB. Ul-'S 13th st MI U , IJXJK SALE 8 beautiful south front lots in lrlgg' I'lace on Douglas st. . Just north of the .Maple Grovo. ii.uuo each , K co h 7IKIO for the 6. Al. A. L'pton Company. M4 SAI.U lluest residence property In the market. M. A Upton Co. K70 F ? " 8AI.K Or exchntuje for Omaha proper ty. W acres , snltablo for platting ; will mate 4001 Ota ; all ciear ; big monny In it lor gome one who ran push this ; located just outside of thu city limits lit rouiKll Illulls. Inquire Ueo. J. SlernMlnrlf. opp. pobtollice. 30i COl'Nril. I1H I'rS real estate -Anyone who will lookortr tiie hlttiutum must be con. \ laced that there Is money to be made by buy ing Council IlluITs real oslato at LhU Urn * I'rtci are now l < iw , but following tti * comple tion of the new bridge an apprcclition of \1 ties H certain. Hroartwny has been jined to the eastrrn terminus of tuo bridge , ( natini ; the Driest bouUntird In either of the two cul'S. We hai e the largest lUt of bargains In this property. Ortrll llros A Co. , 31U S ICth t. , Cbumber of Commerce building , and Ittl I'earl . . Council iiintrs. an 7 Foil SAI.K Very nice new house and tlghtl lot on California gtrce , cllrccti ) south of 8acr .l Jloart. M. A. rpton Company. b'U fi H SAI.K llest btulnesa property In L1 Omaha. M. A. I'pton Co 870 LAND SeekeM.Attention Kor full par- llculars about free and cheap lands In < > . ! - ern Nebraska address The * . C. l'.itterson , Heal KswteAgent. _ North Pintle. Xeb. _ 1UIOI9 _ G40 ACHES choic land In Howard county , closctotuoiMllroHds , for sale ut a bargain. Ueo. X. Hicks , Darker block. 4JJ 7 TJIOH SALE Choice 10-acretniet in a tlno utute Jof i ultl\ation , especially desirable for mar ket gardens. Hlckx , room 40 , Marker block. 41U 7 _ FOH SAI-r. New 7-ioom house , full lot , east front. K-0 fret from cable car. 10 minute w nlk from postoilicc lurnace , bath , etc. , 8itMJj 51,6 "J CAf\\ \ , balance to suit. New U room home , all mojern Improvement's. IS minutes' rldo on car from 1' . O , paved street , acorner , 01 feet frontage , S E. front , will take vacant lot as pnrt payment. New ; i room house in llansrom I'lace.i'll mod ern improvements , } 7WJ ; 80.IUJ cash , balance to suit , The best east Iront lot on Virginia ave. only J2.4IKI. 1'or bargains In IlHiiscom I'licc , lmpro\t > dor vacant , you should see me , as I have thu crt-arn of the audition for Hale. ICO acres , improvml , Smil s from the growing to n of Chadron. Neb. , a town of ; , n ) people , Mill trade thu laud lor fctoek of clothing or boots and shoes. W ) i arriof lioono county land to trade for merchandise. A. ( j. Inghram , Hoom 1 , lUrkcr lllock. est Investment in Omaha to day Is well located acre piopcrt > . Wehaxea cholcu ten-acre tract clo e to city and only three blocks from regular btatlon on licit Linn railway ; will make splendid home or line fruit and vegetable garden , and can bo platted Into llfty magnifi cent residence lots that will xell Insldo of three years for four to live hundred dollars each Can oiler this beautiful plet-e of land for B fuw dnys attl.W ) ; te.M cash , balance to suit. Goo. K. Hicks , room 40 , Darker block. 4'JO 7 FOH choice Hanscom Place property , see HIckH , room 40 , Darker block. 410 7 _ - with comfortable BAHOAINS-Cholcetenacretrart fortable houR , b rn , xplendld shade trees , etc. , ( lose to city and Holt Line railway , just the place fur line fruit and vegetable gardens Can make this a big birgalu if taken boon. Hicks , room 40 , Darker block. 43J 7 T7 OIl SALK-WOD lot in Hanscom place , ele JL' gant past front , to exchange for home in nonn part of town , assume difference O.K. Harrison , 4S S rUi Rt. 43) EDWARD A. HKOnnoU. . Lindsay. Neb. , has se eral farms for sals In 1'lalta county at flit to t per acre 61R-O2I' TT1AHMS We have some of thn finest Improved JL farms In Missouri , Krnbjs. low a nnd Ne braska for sale , .M. A. Upton Company. 579 T > ESIDENCK for Sale-Nice 5-room house , fin- JLtlshed In oak. barn. well , elitrrn , full east front lot. \\'lndsor I'lace , JJ.aj ) ; easy termx ; a lo\ ely little home at very moderate price M. A. t'pton Company _ upy FOH SAI.KundexrhanKB- fti.WJ stock of drugs and groceries In geol Nebraska tuwn for clear hum and ci\n. Js.tnO slock of general merchandl.se , pnrt cash and roil estate. } J.Ut t.tock of dry goods uud groceries , well estnliliVTu-u business. In certrul .Nebraska. * . ' , fpii ) stock uf jew elry for Ih cMOCK. . r. , in worth or hotel furniture ami lea'e for Bale , { rood cijienlng for cnti-rprl-lng man JVwlstrojc ol milliner } part cash arid real esute ; best location Initv. . I3uo sUxk of hardware for sale , good open Ing fl.00 stock uf drugs , gotd town , doing paying buMnesn , foi real f tate nnd part cash Mnw ( stock farm , " ( J acreIV nilhs from good H. K. town in Nebraska , exchange for horses , rattle 01 t > iiuet. | Wunt stock of general tn > rchandis- grocrr leu from ffi.0,0 tti HO.uOii , will pay > , to s casn , balancci in good lrnprod farms. Wunt t4 ( to stock of general merchandise for ' } section N-t > land clear and ijOJ cash tt ant good stoi k of groceries In large town with ntubllbhed trade , will pay caih on reason. able time t..fOi commission business for sal ? among the bust locations Irr this city t'/lOj b Oil ness block to exchange tor a good stock rand ] rentn for SGJfl per month t4i > .n.J bunlnS hl'K-k ' toexch.inee. fur good residence property , rents Jor till ) par month. I'or hale- 1 mntiuro and lea e of two 7 room natH. centrally locat d. Corn spondenw nuliclted from parties delr Ing u > sell , exchange or locatfxl lu liuiinerfj. I- 1 * . Kraus. lorn Kaniarn st , , Omaha. Neb. JU 11 BAHtJAINS-Cholce ten acre tract with com fortatile bouse , barn , splendid shade tiers , etc. clone to city and Iloit l.lne rallwiiv , just Ihe ulace for fine fruit and vegetable g rdtrn. Cau maka thin a big bargain If taken soon. Hick ? , room w. Darker block , 4'W 7 13 AltUAINd in Han-coin place property. -IJHargBlns In buklnew property. Ilargaln * In trackage property IlRrtfulun In South Oiriahu business property. Uargalns tn nve and ten-acre tracts. lUrgalns in caolce residence property. llargainj In chrap cottage homes. Jlarja'.na In choice We.it Omaha property Dargatna lu cheap houses nd lota Rargalnsln all parts of th * city ll rK las In farm Uriel , Illcka. room 40 , lsrk ( r block. 433-7 FOH SALK DPU Mock farm lu Hurpy county. "Macros all tunced , K" > acres In crops , 10J acres memlow , IK ) acres timber , 7-roorn IIOUBQ , stable tor twehp horses , Mieils for ; ! UO cattle , Ie\el land , black loam noil. & 0 per acre. J1.WK1 In 3 years balance , c.ish , won't trade. This farm lu w orth JS.KIO , sickness cause of selling , M A Upton Company , COriSCU. I1I.UITH We ha\e some lots at the east end of the that bo new bridge 111 * * can l/'J bought at a figure that will make purchaser niout-y. M. A. I'pton Compiny. D7'J iroit SAI.i : NoTforTrnde. 5IH70 acren of Ini- -L1 proxed land - miles from Marqueite In , Hamilton Co. , Nebraska. I'ramu house , fraiuo &tablt > , JO acres nndci a good 4 barh-wlio fence , round cedar posts and 2 Ma > s ; living water , good corral , 2 wells , wind mill , 331 barrel tank , self-feedertroufhs , etc. ; 7ii acies clover ; model farm. I'rlce iabout 112 per acre ) * GWV ) Cash . . . 3.VO 3 years time at 0 per cent . 3.000 ( Jo und look , over the land nnd address the owner , ! ' . K. Atkins , 1VK Larimer M , , Denver , Colo. 244 H SAI.K llcaullful homes lu Kounlzo place. M. A. I'pton Company. b70 BAI.C-Nlce homes in Windsor place. . A. I'pton Co. 870 FOR PAIiK-MxI'lTS. S W corner 30th and 1'urnain , froiitim : three streets , nicely graded , * t , DW ; > $ cush. 'Hie iip\t 4 fe.e.1 to this , miming through fioin 1'arnam to Ives streets , n.lOJ. M. A I'pton A Co. at ! BAHOAIKS We have two extra bargains for this week. One at S7.5TD and the other at M.A. Upton Compiiny 679 FOK SAI.K Easy terms , now house 11 rooms , carpets aid part furniture , stable , large lot , paved utreet , horsn oars. Enquire of owner , XtUtiHU Stieltcn 1H ) . ' ) Fnrntm st. Mi niOlt SALE line residences In Ilnncom place -L1 and vicinity. M. A. Upton Company. 370 TpOll SAIjKor exchange for vacant lot und X some cash , two new east front houses on l.owo ave , t > even rooms. Imth etc. . ery line lo cation , llrst-class lu uvury respect , will U for small cash and monthly payments at buyers coin eulence. W. A. Uoddard , US ! Capitol a\o. m WO blocks from cahle line , lot SOxIltf to alloy -L NIce 5-room cottage , small barn , lot faured , everything nice , fc'.Mi ) , onn-fotirlh cash , bal ance easy. M A. Upton company. 1U IO11 SAI.K New It-room house Price ll.SJI. Apply to 3416 Decatur street. 7 09 * Nutlcc. Sealed proposals w III bx received at the of lice of the county clerk , of Douglas county. Nob. , until \ p.m. Saturday , October llth , ] , for removing 4,0Kl cubic yards , more or lesh , earth , an county road , Invitlon ( ( U , 'Ip ll.northu.il ) i : . . the name being know u as Center hirt-et , lu KlUiorn .Station. Certified check of tM to ac company each bid. The board reserves the right to reject any and nil bids. 1'rollle and specifications In County Surveyor' * ollice lly onler of county commissioner H. > l. I ) HOUIH. Count ) Clerk. oldlSteom toll 21 329,950 Tansiil's ' Punch Cigars Jf ere shlnwd daring the print two j ours , without a drum * inur fu our Miiplnj ; No other hnntoin the world can truth * fully make such a showing. Ono nceril ( dealer only ) wurtodlu each town SDlDBr LEADING DRUCCISTI. TANSILL&C0..55 State St.Chicano. , C.tMlO | > tl tsllitactlon Io tha fTO t UlTS. , ] euro of OGJI rhcc-i End 9aftrtxtM4 el W1 CCM filricuu * . l.lfet IpreBCrlboltani ! ffeliittlnr ooinmcnd- wr J."i/k/ib. Inr it to all suffcrcri. ITIU Chinlal Ci CtnclnniU , i.j. 8Tosin : , H.O. , QUO. Doeatur , III. 1'RICC , 01.00. hold I > rneelaU JOSEPH CILLOTTS STEEL PENS COLD MK11AL PARIS EXPOSITION tin. No * . 3O3-4O4-I 7O-6O4. THE MOST PERFECT OP PENS micctiuf ulljr umd monthly by oter 10,000 i . .Ladim. Are&i/e. Kfftctualand Fleatant V3 $1 per box hymall.or tttdnifclsts Kealett - - / arHcutor * 2 postage ( .Urapj , Adttru-.i Tux KriiES. . CiitutciL Co. . DLtKorr , llico. For idle mid b// malt by Goodman Drita Co. , O u.i . Xeb. GOLD I'KN GIVEN AWAY I'artlcuUr.freo "WkKKI.V llOMK8TKAI > , ' OUlaha , Nrb , UTto 1A