Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 08, 1888, Page 2, Image 2

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    ' '
2 , , " . - . ' ; I. ' THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; .MONDAY , OCTOBER 8. 188a
A Few Fragments of Disputed 'An-
clout History. "
Contrnut * Mntle to Ilo Broken nnd
OIlltntliitiH Thai Ktlll Ki-innlti
A'Honroli AIIIOMK ilio
1 i. ' recent letter of Charles Franc-is
daiim , ( irciiUcrit of the Union I'acillc , to
II Mtllanl with rcRunl to the union depot
I , in which Mr. Adniim sril.s to Ignori )
thu t'xisUmci ! of a contract bolwcun hU
nnd the city of On.atui , has paused consider.- !
bio comment In business circles , and esper-
iall.v unions the older settlers. A reporter
for Tiih HUB , beinj ? dulmlud to search the
colint.i records fnr the contracts and intor-
vlew lc < iditiK clt zcns who were directly and
Indlrei tly parties thereto , called at thu clerk's
oHIco and after considerable trouble found
tlio following meinnr.inUn :
Acreeinent inado this 1st day of January ,
18J , bv and between the Union 1'acitic r.iil-
road company , authorised by law of roiiRress
to build a bnili-'e across the Missouri river
lit or near Count il lilulTs , la , anil Omaha ,
Neb. , nnd its suicessors , party ol thu first
part , and the elt.of . Oiimhu , Neb. , and the
count ) of DoiiKliiS in the state of Nebraska ,
( unties of the second part , witncssuUi that
Whereas , The parties hereunto desire to
fyraiiKO for the moro perfect connection of
ny railroads that are or shall bo constructed
to thu Missouri river at or near Council
JUufTs , In. , and Omaha , Neb. Now , in
consideration of the promises nnd the
receipt by the party of thellrst part of the
bonds of said Douglas county to the amount
of $ ! ! iLKH ! ) ) , mid in further consideration of
the receipt by the party of the first p irt of a
deed from the said city of Omaha to certain
real ustatu in biiid city known as the depot
grounds and ritfht of way , thu party of the
llrst part for itself and its successors , i-ovu-
Hants and agrees to and with the said county
of Douglas and the city of Omaha as follows ,
to wit :
1. 'lhat It will construct , complete and
maintain a railroad bridire over the Missouri
river at the said city of Omaha.
'J. That thu eastern terminus of the Union
Pacific mill ( Kill nhall bo and remain at said
city of Omaha.
H. That after its Missouri river bridge at
the city of Omaha is completed and ready
for use , the said Union Pacific railroad com
pany will nmko up all its regular west bound
passenger and freight trains on thu grounds
which the puoplo and city of Omaha propose
as above to deed to thu Union Pacific rail
road company anu as is already mapped and
platted. That freights coin tut ; from the
cust on all lines of road scoUm * , ' connection
with said Union Pacific railroad at its east
ern terminus , shall be delivered and trans
ferred to the Union Paeillc railroad com
pany upon said depot urounds , when the
Union Pacific trains shall be made up for the
west , and that said party of the tlrst part
will uftcr such bridge completion transfer
upon said grounds to the various railroads
that do or may begin or end In Council II luff's
or Onmha nil Its passengers , baggage , ex
press matter , mails and freight , north , easter
or south bound.
4. That said Union Pacifio railroad com
pany will within one year from the date
hereof expend in improvements in the buildIng -
Ing of passenger and freight depots , general
passenger and freight ofllcos , land ofllees and
transfer nnd tclopraph ofttces upon said
grounds , u sum that shall not be less than
1100,000 and maintain these buildings and
unices therein.
5. All machine car shops nnd other manu
factories required for the use of said com
pany ut the eastern terminus , all permanent
qOlces of the company required for the trans
action of Its business , including the land de
partment , general superintendent's ofilcc ,
poneral passenger and freight ofliccs , ware-
bouses for the company's use , etc. , shall bo
erected and maintained at Oumlm.
0. That under pn > i > cr rules for their regu
lation to bo prescribed by said party of the
first part , the trains , cars and engines of all
railroads now or hereafter running Into or
oot of Omaha and Council Hluffs shall have
qpobstructcd access nnd transit to and over
said bridge and Its approaches , and such
rodds shall bave the right to take or cause to
be taken their trains , cars and engines with
their freight and passengers over and across
suld bridge und its approaches at reasonable
compensation , without discrimination , Inn-
draiico. preference or delay ; provided , however -
over , that thu Union Paeillc railroad com
pany Bluill In all cases have the option of
nubatitutlnp Us own engines for those of such
other roads in the operating of Its
said bridge , receiving reasonable com
pensation therefor ; the object of tins
olaiiRU being to make a virtual and operating
connection upon said transfer grounds be
tween all thu railroads desiring such connec
tion wlileb do or may begin or end in or pass
through Omaha or Council muffs , and the
trains and business of said roads.
In witness whereof tno said party of the
Jim part has caused these presents to be ex
ecuted In triplicate by its vice president ,
hereby binding said Union Paeillc Kaihoad
company and its successors to the covenants
ttml agreements herein contained , and the
parties of the second part by their author
ized ofllcors have hereunto set their hand in
triplicate the day and year first above
Which said contract was duly executed nnd
delivered by the triplicate parties thereto.
Now , therefore , in consideration of the
promises and the sum of $1 in hand paid , the
receipt of which is hereby acknowledged , the
Bald party of the first part does hereby
grant , neil and convey unto the party of the
second part and to Its successors the follow
ing described real estate situate in the citv
of Omaha , county of Douglas , : , tnto of No-
lirusku , bounded und described as follows :
Lots li nnd 7 , in block ' > ; ) ! ; lots 5 , f > , 7 and S ,
In block i.1U ; lots 3 ( i , 7 anil 3 , in block'JOI ;
lots 5 , rtumlT , in block 215 ; lots B , ( i. 7 and
6 , in bloclt 21(1 ( ; lots 1 , 2 , : t , I , fi , > , 7
nnd 8. In block 21" ; lots 1 , ' . ' , 3J. . 5 , (1 ( ,
7 nuiS. . in block -21S. lots 1 , 2 , 3 , ami S , in
block 219 ; lots ! f and 4 In block 3 , lot 7 and
nil that part of lot s not heretofore convejcd
to said railroad company in block S4tho
Undivided > . , oflot S , block i20 ! ; lot-I , block
C27 ; lot 1 , block 2IH ; lots , 1 , 2 , : t , 4 and soutfi
87 feet of lot 8 , block 2.K5 ; lots 2 , I , 5 , li and 7 ,
block 1220 ; ulso the following described
fractional parts of certain other lots in uid
city of Omaha , bp'ng those parts of the samu
embraced within the lines of said depot and
transfer grounds anil ground for right of
way as shown upon the plat of said grounds
on lllu in the office of probalo judge of said
county of Douglas , thu same na conveved to
them as heretofore set forth , etc. Also a
tract of land bounded ana described ns fol
lows : Commencing ut n point 1141 ! feet north
of southwest corner of lot 4 , section 23 , town-
hlp 15 , north range 13 , cast of the sixth
t > rincival | meridian nnd running thence north
BO fpet , thence cust 410 fret , thcnco south 50
feet nnd thence west 410 feet to the place of
lieeinnlng. Also the south half of the fol
lowing tract of land bound thus' Commnic *
Injr nt point S3 rods north of the southwest
corner of fractional lot 4 in section 23 , town-
ehlp 2,1 , In north rangu 10 , cast of the sixth
principal meridian , thcnco south along the
vrost line of said lot 1W ! foot , thcnco east 105
loet , thence north 111) ) feet nnd west I'-S ' feel
to the place of beginning , thu same being in
section 23 In said township and range , hereby
limiting the use of nil of said premises to the
legitimate purposes of depot and transfer
grounds and grounds for right of wav and
approaches to the said Missouri river bridge ,
object to the ci > n > ! mons and n-striclions
contained In the contrjct above recited , and
jirovlded further that In case said premises or
any pail thereof bo abandoned or dUusr.l or
converted to any other thnn the uses and
IMiruosps hereinbefore limits ) , then the same
Bball revert to nnd become the property ot
lun said city of Omaha.
Under dnt of January S , IS ? . ' , toe follow-
Jnr lesoltitlonsvpro passed by the board of
county commissioners , and thn sumo stands
ui > on the records in the cflk-o of
h county cleric :
Kclved , That ths bonds voted for Ir. aid
if tfco construction ot the Union Pacific rail
road brid jo to the amount of $ ? 0ll)0i ) ) > bo im
tnodlftlely slened and dated January 1 , HJtl ,
o Vt delivered to the proper nuthorlt ! sol *
be Us lee Ptcillj railroad compai.j i 'v
ipou condition thnt the contract , n ilraft of
whloU ii Died with the county cleric and 'Jo-
in hi * office , shall bo duly and It-rally
i by the proper onicers of tUo l.'uioo
ol rill way company ,
aiolved. That in th erenl of the execu *
| loa Md dtlittrjr by tb * id Upicn t'actfo
railroad company of the contract referred to
In the foregoing rosoldtiou the bonds'for the
remaining XOUO ) voted for in nld of Uie c6n-
slruclion of snld bridge , buitir the last in
stallment provided for thnt purpose , shall bo
siirned us of the date when the said orldgo
shall be completed nnd finished so ns to bo In
good and stifllclunt order for the pass.ige . of
trams , and issued uud delivered to the said
Union Pacllii- railroad company ns soon HS
the evident of thn completion of said bridge
as aforesaid is properly presented to the
board of county commissioners.
Under date of March 7. 1871 , T. E. Sickles ,
who was then superintendent of the I'niuu
Pacltlc , made a report to thu county cotniniH-
sionprs that his company had expended
f..Ti.dTI.OJ in the actual construction of the
bridge. At thu proceedings of the county
commissioners on this diito the following resolution
elution was cat rfcd :
IJesoivi-cl , That bonds to the amount of
$100,000 be proc mod as soon ns possible.
The following action was takui by the city
ccnncil'of Omaha at that :
Whereas , My an instrument bearing date ,
January 20 , 1 72 , and acknowledged January
JD , 1STJ , and recorded in bonk twelve nf deeds
in Douglas cvtiiitv , state of Nebraska , Alvin
Saumlers , ns trustee of the ntv of Ouinun ,
convc\od to the Union 1'ncillc railroad com-
puny certain lots and real estate thtivln
described , situated in the city of Omaha , in
said cnunt.s , subject to the conditions and In-
stnution * i'-ut lined in a certain contract
therein mentimu'd mid set forth between thu
Miivl Uniun PJ < iflc railroad coinpany of the
llrst part , nnd the titi of Omaha , Nob. , and
the cminti of Douglas , in the state of Ne
braska , parties of Hie secomt | iirt : , nmong
which coiulitions was the following , viz :
4. That the Union Paeillc railroad
company will within onu year from the date
hfieof expand in iinni'ovcmeiits in building
passenger and freight depots and general
p.issi'iigiT and freight ofllci's. land oltlces and
tiansttr ami telegraph ofllees upon said'
ground a sum that shall not be less tliun
f loO.uiK ) , and maintain those buildings and
olllces , then-fore
Hesiilv.-d. That if the said Union Pucitlc
i-jiilro.ui uompany shall commence immedi
ately and prosecute to completion within ten
months from this time on lots 1 and 2 , block
1.11 , In the city of Omaha , Nob. , buildings for
its general olllccs according or equal to the
general plans adopted by the company Au
gust IS , 1373 , and shall also commence
nnd prosecute to completion without unnec
essary delay and complete within said time
on said depot grounds its depot building ac-
coriiing and equal to the general plan adopted
by thu company at the same time , und shall
maintain thu said buildings and olllccs in
said grounds rcopcctivejy , such nets on its
part shall constitute and bo accepted by and
on thu part of the city of Omaha as n com
pliance by said Union Pauific railroad com
pany with that part of said agreement here
with referred to und ru-jited , being the fourth
clause of said agreement , unC thenceforth no
breach of said fourth claaso or failure to coin-
lily therewith shall ho be alleged by or on
behalf of the said city or party interested in
any proceeding or In any manner whatever ;
provided this resolution shall not bo con
strued to apply to or affect said agreement ,
except in respect to the fourth clause thereof
hereinbefore recited ; and bo it further
Kesolvcd , That said Alvin Saunders , as
trustee as uforosaiu , is > la-ruby authori/od and
directed to execute to the said Union Pacific
railroad compunv an instrument ot thu same
import and to the same cftect as this resolu
tion immediately upon the passagethereof. .
H will be seen by this that even witli a "re
vised" contract so constructed as to make the
SCOIHS moi u wide , the Union Pacific has shot
wide of the mark ns regards the exact aims
of the articles of agreement on the part of the
city of Omaha and Pcmiflas county. Not
nlonu this , but the apccitlcations In the above
contract have been ignored in no minor de
gree. The privileges of occupying ground
unlawfully are but slightly questioned by the
opposing constituency , but the matter of
placing this property upon the realty market
is what excites these interested , both finan
cially nnd otherwise.
The above contract concludes with "That
in case said premises or any part thereof bo
ilmndoned , or disused , or converted to any
other than the uses und purposes hereinbe
fore limited , then the same shall revert to
nnu become the property of the said city of
Omaha. "
Under date ot October 0 , 1S77 , the Union
Put-Hie sold and dppdert to the IJurlington &
Missouri railroad the south 14.V ) square feet
of lot 8 , block 2Kl , also the south 17s2 square
feet of lot 1 , block 234 , for u consideration of
$2,000. The deed was recorded about one
year later. From this consideration the city
of Omaha failed to receive any remuneration ,
notwithstanding that the property sold con
stituted part of that donated to thu Union
I'acillc lor the purpose of establishing "depots
and transfers. "
A recent acritation of the entire affair ,
wliieh it is said may bo attributed to the up-
pearnneo of President Charles Francis
Adams in Omaha , prompted an investigation
concerning the system of operating , rccog
nizcd by the railway coinpany in question
from its formation up to the present time.
The principal issun set forth in the query to
that element that is cogni/nnt with the liu-ts
in the case , was , us to the existence of
another contract .tsido frojn the above and
resulting from overtures miido by both fac
tions in connection with the granting of cer
tain lands on the OUP side nnd the promises
of important improvements on thu othoiyre-
lating in the latter to general headquarters ,
freight and passenger depots , and transfer
Dr. ( leorge L. Miller , who was conspicuous
in the undertaking , when questioned con
cerning the matter said : "I was , if I remem
ber rightly , among the Jlrst of the citizens of
Omaha to tnko steps in the matter of having
the Union I'aeiile bridge established nt this
place. The company had derided on a loca
tion SK ! miles south of hero and wo at once
cuino to the conclusion that it would prove
disastrous to Omaha. We called a mooting
ana decided to further our scheme by calling
UK i thi > county to vote bonds as a bonus. It
was decided by the commi-ipioners
at the tinio to pay the coinpany
in bondrt the difference In the cost of con
struction between thuso two points. It was
estimated at $ . ' 5i,000 ; and bonds were voted
to that cxteut and a contract was entered
into accordingly. "
"Did this contract Imply anything In the
line of the specifications or improvements
aside from the location of the bridge ! "
"Wull. 1 scarcely remember as to that , but
my opinion Is tliul it , only referred to thu
bridge. Yes , J am quite sure , in recalling
the matter , that no other spccillcations were
made. "
' Was the contract the first ono entered
into in connection with this made u matter
of rccoid'1'
"No , I believe not. It was entrusted to
Kzrn Millard , who was an active worker on
the part of Omaha at that time , and what
ho done with the contract b a question which
also arises bolero mo. 1 and Mr. KounUo
formulated thp original briefs of the con
tract whilu in liortkm and it was afterward
placed in the form of a contract. "
"in your candid opinion do you rogaril the
Union Pacific as having lived up to the lim
its of its contract "
"Well , yes. Now let me tell you that the
Union Pacific , after the contract was made ,
conceded us points of material benefit and
The Itnrortanro of purlfjihg the Mood ean-
not bo omcstlwateit , for without pure
blond )0tt cannot enjoy 60i > ] lie.iHh ,
At tills easou mmly every ere nerds a
good ineUlchio to purify , vitalize , and cntloh
the blood , and Uood'sSatMparlllaU woithy
your confluence. U I * peculiar in tlut It
an appetite , cU tones tu tiljtstlou , rrUIo
It ciaOk-aNs diioata , GlTJ U a Utul.
Uooil' . SaniparllU liio'.il bynlldruvgl * ! * .
fiepared by 0.1. llood Si To. , Lnel ! , 1U ( .
IOO Dose * One Dollar
Iniportnnrc , which was principally 'brought
about by bull-do/ing on tno part of .several
iiiumhcmof our couimlttou. In spunking thus
I refer to thu locution nf thu headquarters
and Principal ofllees here. ' "
"How do jou account for the $200,0X1 in
bonds voted by HIP city of Oinnhii to bo used
In the pnrcl a o of .sites for structure * of the
Union Pacific' '
'Well , the bridge was on thing , nnd the
bonds voted by the city applied more locally
und could bo regarded us applying on homo
enterprise. Of course wo granted the Union
PnclUe this land with thu understanding that
It would establish Its general nlllces here.
nnd also construct and maintain a pnssc-uger
dcpit. The depot , though not on a very
large scale , has been constructed since
that time ; thu general operating ofllees
have locaU-d here , though on n
different local site , uud that is
n great benefit to us nnd
tie couimiinit.t. In this respect 1
must stall- that thu lorma of the cnulrnrt
have been fuilllled ns well us could bo ex
pected. "
"As to the contract , whichou , say was en
trusted to K/m Millard , have you any recol
lection of what its chief purports wcref"
" .lust wait n moment nnd 1 will summon
JudieSnvnge who is now government director
of the Uniun Pacilk- and who nt the time this
contract was drawn up assisted our commit
tee "
At this point the doctor dispatched n mos-
sungor to Director Savage's oftlco and In a
slioit timp the eminent gentleman appeared.
"Now. Judge , " remarked the doctor , "What
can you tell this repoilfcr concerning thu
existence of ono or moro contracts between
thu 1'nion Pacific , city of Omalm mid Douglas
county. "
" 1 ii-member quite well having , with Sen
ator Mamlcrson , drawn up n contract be
tween the Union I'aclllo and the city of
Omaha. After this was itonu wu
gave it to the citi/.ens comiulttcu from
Oinnhii. 1 do remember that something
was mentioned in it concerning the estab
lishment of a general headquarters hero ;
also a freight ana passenger depot ; that this
was to be the terminus where all freight nnd
passenger trains , nnd all transfersof freights
nnd passengers should lie made , but this
transpired so long ago that it has nearly es
caped my memory. As has been said the
contract ( originally , was not made n matter
of record and I do not really know of its
whereabouts. In addition to this I might
ndd that other understandings were trachea
nt that time , out not to my knowledge were
they ever reduced to writing. "
"Do you regard the Union Pauifle ns hav
ing complied with the terms of the original
( and missing ) contract to the best of your
knowledge of the contents of thnt instru
ment ! "
"My recollections arc faint on the terms of
the contract referred to , but I will venture
to say that Omaha , Doiiirl " us county or the
state of Nebraska did "not get jnuch thu
worst of the transaction. "
"Can you conceive any good ground for
not having this entlro series of transactions
between the parties' in question down on the
records in black and whitoi"
"We were too busy in those days nnd per
haps were a little short-sighted. The con
tract may evidently como to light some day
from the recesses of the past. As for my
part , I am perfectly satisfied with the actions
of the Union Pacific. "
Thu above came from the lips of Dr.
George L. . Miller , a pronounced friend of the
Union Pacific , and Judge Savage , who is at
present one of the government directors ol
the system , botn decided ndvocates of the
rights of railway corporations.
A visit to the Hank of Commerce brought
the reporter face to fucu with Mr. Joseph
Barker , who also labored intensely in the
interests of Omaha at that critical moment ,
When questioned concerning the matter he
said :
"I am really glad that this matter has been
brought up again before thu people of this
section , for I have nl ways carried the unbiased
conclusion that the Union Pacifio company
was from its earliest period unrestricted in
its usiii potions. 1 hold to-day , as I have for
years , that the citi/cns of Omaha in voting
$200,000 in bonds , and the county of Douglas
in voting si" > 0,000 , were mndu tiio victims of
downright and base trickeiy. The can talk
of the company intending to locate Hit bridge
six miles south of Omaha proper , but , oven
to thu mind ot the average schoolboy this
would appear ridiculous. "
"Do you suppose that the Union Pacific
would have lull the crossing to Omaha oi > cn
for the crossing of the other roads that were
then creeping westward ) "
"Not by any me.nns. It was simply a bare
faced blufT madu for the purpose of extort
ing u big bonus , and I am sorry to confess
that thu proposition for such a bonus was
sanctioned. Hut the worst rests in the man
ner In which the Uuion Pacific has abused
us since obtaining these overtures. Now , in
the first place , the original contract called
for the locution of the bridge at this point ,
nnd also for the making up of nil trnins and
the handling of all tralllo within the limits
of Omaha. If I remember right , it also
called for the establishment of the general
ofili es here , togotner with passenger and
freight dppots. This contract , was drawn
up b.M . -ssr.s. Savage and Manderson nnd
was placed in the vault of the Omaha Na
tional bank , in charge of Ezra Millurd.
1 called at the bank ono day nnd Mr. Millard
read the terms of the contract to me. Ho
then handed me the instrument nnd I read it
myself , Just us I had concluded reading
il , Governor Haundcrs came in and observing
that I had the contract in my hands , ad
dressed Mr. Millard , saying :
"What did you show him thatcontrnct for !
Don't you know that thnt Is a mutter to bo
withheld from the public ) "
"To which Mr. Millurd replied : 'Harkor
is all right. He knows all about our aims
ami proposes. '
"This little conversation aroused my dig
nity n trifle at the time being , but ns I had
perused the document nnd observing that
Governor Kuunders disliked very much my
having done so , 1 said nothing in reponse.
That contract 1 lirmly bcliovo has been in a
major scale ignored by thu Union Pacific. I
do not romeinoer of its over being recorded ,
but 1 know not for what reason. I icamed
sometlino ngo that it was missing , but have-
no idea of its disposal. "
"Then j ou regard the Union Pacific's ] K > S-
sc'sion of thu lands from u questionable
standpoint. "
" 1 certainly dp and now tnko the oppor
tunity of making my stand public with a
view of fairness to everybody , i bold that
the Union Paeilii- has by its actions and its
workings forfeited every claim that it has to
the possession of the lands in question , and
ulso the leverage that it has on the bonds
voted it in cither instance. 1 am in favor of this mutter before a higher tribunal
than the common convictions of the people.
1 will venture to saj that wo can sue and re
cover evorj dollar and corresponding collat
erals that we have given in furtheraneu of
the enterprise. Not that we mudu conces
sions too great , but that the Union Pacific
IIUH absolutely failed to comply with the
terms of the agreements entered into
with us. "
A. J. llanscom was next questioned. Ho
said ;
"I did not sco the manuscript that you
state is missing , but I remember of having of certain promises and pledgus madu
between reprcscntativts of Omaha and oRl
cers of the Union Pacific. . From what 1 could
glean on the outside , 1 concluded that
there was a mystery surrounding the entire
deal. I do not mean to infer that our citizens
intentionally blundered in setting forth their
schemes , but I do hold that they buvo since
been guilt j of a npuit of negligence thnt docs
nut relied very well upon their integrity. I
make this remark in a sense of duty to myself
and every cituen of Nebraska , for there can
be no doubt but that the Union Pacific is
holding valuable land in this city on scarcely
n .squatter's title. I want to be among the
llrst to tnkp hold of this issue and rcstoro to
the la.s payers of this community the hun
dreds of thousands of dollars they huvu been
mulcted for by this corporation. "
Judge Isaac lliifcall. who ivas at the tlmo
probate Judge of Douglas county , also In-
foimrd the reporter that ho was aware of n
contrnct being cutorcd Into with the Union
PaoJrie , and that to the best of his knowledge
the terms had been ignored.
The jjcncrul opinion prevails that the mat
ter must now como to a final focus.
The only way to bo thought anything
is to ho U. The sticcoss \Vurnor'n
Log ( 'ulihi Liver IMllo lies in the fnot
tlmt they do what they purport to. They
n 't i-lotiiuntly , olloctivoiy and at onco.
Puivlj vegetable nnd
! l ii Generously KoiiieiubcroU by
Oinulia'a Cltl/.en-i.
1'lift fnUowlns donitlon of money nnd
tel article * U acknowledged by Sister
Mrr. M.U Huti-hor , M : Or , O. F. Hoff-
ann , f > ( \ \ JIcTii'Ue , j ; p.
.Mrs. C. Ulowo.Wt , , .Tokn Werner. * 2 ; Will
iam East , Patrick Ndlen , D. Lyons. J P.
Murphy , PutrWk , Gurve.y. Ulclmrd Hvnn ,
J' . Kennedy , Mrs. F H. Kovshen. G.
O'Hrlen Mr Walsh , John Wallace. Thoui
Sidney , Dr St. , Guy , Mrs. T. Lovvry. Mi" .
C. Turner , Mr $ . .h , Shelby , John Ryan , C.
Hayes , William Nlk-s , Mr. Anderson.
Mr Kelly. Jetto Reynolds. MM Hiirtt. uud
J Hurkhnrd , Jl-.tiach ; Union Pacific railroad
shops. fM ; I'nleiPsctflc railroad yards. $ d'.i ' ;
t'liiuii Pacific dopjA. # 12 ; H & M. railroad
polllco , ? II ! ; govtiriuiu'tit headquarters , # , 'i.
smelting and refining company , fJO ; received
from basu bull : iunt ? between saloon proprie
tors and tender. " . &J Hi ; 1 * U Hlmebaugh , a
coupe ; 10 H. .Sl n > vod. a set of harness ; F
Krug. Storz & Her. Anhouser-Hiiseli beer
every week ; MMr Hnts. . Jotter A : Young ,
beer ; Pomy & Sijn'lkc , soda water ; Her , \t
Co. . nlcohol ; Dillon , fc Uliey. Dellonp & Co. ,
Kilkenny Hros. and U. Uhtof , wnlsUy ; Harris
Fisher. H. it Shultz , J. Hubcr. W. Uombu.
Fowler Hros , , 8. D Parson. Kd Kupplg. Mr
.Schneider , mout ; George Schnmder , case of
< -ggs and poultry ; Hurmuun Hros. , vinegar ;
William Mcllngh. Mrs. P. H. Carey. Mrs. J
O'Grudy nnd Mrs Cunningham , groceries ;
AV. A. Page soap company , two boxes of soap ;
Poyeko Hros. . Ulddt-1 , < c Hiddel , Hrunch fi
Co. , fruits ; Kennedy & Newell , Klmbull it
llungutu , ice ovary day ; watur servlco by
American water works company , and tbo
daily nnd weekly papers.
The people's remedy for the euro of
Coughs , Colds , Asthma , Hoarseness , Hron-
chitis , Croup , Influenza , Whooping Cough ,
Incipient Consumnlion , is by Dr. Hull's
Cough Syrup , the old lullublo. Price 2.1 cts.
To promptly and permiinentlv cure rheu
matism or neuralgia , use Salvation Oil.
Price 2. > cts ,
Blr. lluf.slin TI-UH ol' Wlint Ho AVit-
nnsscd Over Tln-rc.
Last evening ut the Presbyterian church ,
on tbo cornur of Dodgu and Huvunteuutli
streets , the Kov. Hurshn gave an effective !
nddrcss on "The Liquor Question on Uoth
Sides of the Atlantic. "
He spoke llrst of the decline of having
arink In the families , stating that whereas
but a lew years ago , there was only one out of
thirty families Unit abstained from the use of
drink , at the present tlmu it was the excep
tion that uny liquor was found in privnta fam
ilies ; indeed , In all his travels through Eng
land , Scotland unu Ireland , Mr. Harsha seun
only ono instance of this old custom. In Ire
land ho saw many of the evil uffccts of drink
Ing. On thu streets m the early morning , ho
saw mun , women und children
in a beastly state of drunken
ness , lying on the sidewalks and in
the squares. Around the statue of Father
Mathuw. which had been erected in com
memoration of the survices of that devout
man , six saloons were grouped , Illustrating
the futllity.of the good Catholic's labors. Thu
speaker attributed the squalor and wretched
ness of the Irish people to rum , Horaunism
and the oppression of landlords , many of the
Komuii Catholic priests holding largo landed
In Germany bo found beer drinking very
prevalent , and In reply to the general opinion
that thu wide-spread usu of tins beverage in
Germany was attended by no evil results , he
stated that about three hundred out of over.y
thousand cases of insanity were attributa-
blu to the excessive use of beer. Why
is the Anglo-Suxon so addicted to
dnnlfi Because' they are a northern
folk , full of animal spirits. IIu saw luuny
signs in Germany ana Franco , indicating the
sale of American mixed drinks , and ho
felt ashamed. Nevertheless , the present re
form , which is getting under btieh tremend
ous headway , originated in this country. In
KJ4I1 the MussuoliUButts Hay society declared
drinking to bu n sin. This was follow. ; : ! bv
other declarations , In IWi tlio W. C. T. 0.
was organized , and it s to this band of work
ers that we ewe much of the power of the
present reform. It is this lack of woman in-
lluunco iu tlieso foreign countries , that
makes the temperance movement so back
ward. Mr. Harshn closed with an appeal for
earnest work in behalf of prohibition , which
he thought was the only remedy.
1'raisc not the Any before the evening
glow. You Warner's Loy
Cabin Siireiiipnrilla' for purifying the
blood without 'danger for it brings the
glow of health nt onco. The largest
bottle on the market. 120 doaes for
81.00. All drutrgists sell it.
His Heart Is Double.
Now Haven Palladium : "William
King , colored , iiboutIt ) years of ago.
has been in tdwn throe or four davs. lie
is practically a vagrant , but earns
considerable money by exhibiting him
self to physicians and others. Many
medical men on whom ho has calleil
have willingly paid him a quarter
after .satisfying themselves that ho tells
the truth when lie says lie has two
hearts and can , at will , move one from
the right cheat to eitlior bide of
the abdominal cavity. Ho also claims
to have an extra sot of ribs , but physi
cians who have examined him doubt
tins' , although abnormal growths which
fool like rilw are felt in the place where
he says extra ribs are looatc'tl.
You qnn find cool , well furnished
rooms nt tlio Globe hotel ) best located
house in Omnhn.
llrnrlni ; Corn ( Jrom
New York Commorc-ial Advertiser : It
is the fashion for the pimtgruphurs t"
snv when they wish to c-\pre > s wild
western cxnggorntion that you can ht-ar
tlio corn grow in such anil such a fav
ored stwt.but ft-w of them , wo fanoy ,
know that what they moan for n typical
impossibility is a bit of fro/.en fact.
Corn upon clean , rich ground , just
us it conies in tassel , ofti-n
grows fifteen incho1' in n night ,
and all o\i-r the Ik-Id , no mat tor
how broo/.pk'ss the air , you can hear ,
not a rustle * but a quick , blurred crncklo
as of the nprushlng of a million' jets of
spray , with n imirmuront overtone as of
swooping wings. None who has over
listened to it through the soft-bcii\ted \
durUnoss of a late .luno night can fail
to recall it as among tin1 most c.juNitn
harmonics of nature , or to acknowledge
that - Is elo-e and \\oiiilrous
tliiM-c a - \ \ sym
pathy between plant life and that of
what wo call the higher organisms.
It is by copi ing after nature that man
g < -ts bust resultM. Dr. Jones' Hod
Clover Tonic in nature's own remedy , is
purely vegetable , win bo taken by'the
most delicate. Cures all .stomach , kid
ney and liver troubles. fiO cunts. Good
man Drug Co. _
Wyoming oil lands for sale. Claims
of1U , 80 , to 100 acres now on the mar
ket. Complete abstracts to same fur
nished. J. L. IjOVKlT ,
UJM ) So. Thirteenth st.Omaha , Nob.
A Story of Colliding.
Chicago Tiines : I hoard a very
pretty story going to show the pleasant
relations between Senator Colliding
and his wife. 1 believe it lias been
said that Mr. Colliding never asked a
political ollice for anybody. lie novrr
solicited , so his friends say , au appoint
ment. There was a man wlnne wife
hueamo insane , and whoso misfortunes
of ono sort and another appealed
strongly to Mrs. Conkling'ssympathetic
nature. He was an ollk-eholdor. Of hoi-
own accord Mrs. Colliding asked hot-
husband to intercede for this m-in's re
tention , aud that lie did so , in as tender
and pathetic a letter as wasover penned ,
I know , for I saw the letter and read it.
It was in Mr. Conkling's own hand
writing. The man kept his job. Mr.
Conkling did this for his wife's sake.
And it is said to bo the only political
favor he asked for another.
Suit YourHt-lf ,
but there is no oilier remedy for sick-
headaeh , dix/.iness , consUpa'tionbilious3
ness , or to restore a regular , healthy ac
tion to the liver , stomach and bowels ,
equal to thee reliable little "Pleasant
Purgative Pellets" prepared by Dr.
Pierce. Of druggists.
What is moro attractive than a pretty
face with a fresh , bright complexion ?
For it is use Po//.oni's powder.
An Absolute Cure.
is only put up In large two ounce tin boxes ,
and is an absDlute cure for old sores , burns ,
wounds , chapped hands , and all skin erup
tions. Will positively care all kinds of piles.
MENT. Sold by Goodman Drug Co. , at 25
cents per box bv wail HO cents.
Death on tinStalin. .
Albany Journal : An Albany physi
cian says that tlio moat curious pro
scription ho over gave to u patient was
one to an Albanv lady. It was "Stop
walking up ana down stairs. " ' The
only way this prescription could be
taken was by changing her house , ns
she lived in one of the throe btory and
bnnomont liousus peculiar to Albany
architecture. 11 or husband secured a
roomy cottage of two stories ,
and within a year the invalid's
health was almost completely re
stored. In connection with this state
ment the interesting calculation was
made not long since in another Albany
household that the lady of the mansion
during a single day walked up and down
stairs fifty-three times. Tlio count was
inado by her daughter , and when the
mother was fold of the fact she could
hardly believe it , but it was neverthe
less true. No exercieo is moro severe
than walking up stairs , and ph\siuians
say none is gentler than walking down
OLU Sjkss , C'Aitu Jjjuiuw m4 M lny
Real Estater
218 S.i 5th St.Omaha.
T A A K + 4 - 4 & n " " T
I Violins , Gtiitiiru , Violins , MumloHns , AuordluiiB//UhoM , Autobarps , *
f Kto. , AT COST. 9
\ CRAP & ST1LING , 114 North 15th Sirect
ti'Zr-m-1 * & e > * ' > k-f- * - * * * * - * ' * - y- * - - >
THUD'S Mm , T x , Juno . l * Tin
Ewlft S cine roinpany. Atlnnla , On. Ofii-
UPIIKMI Onn o ( in- children nn * troulilnl
irltb ilioMinntl.m KIH ! toll * for utxiut KTO
jtn.V tarn h rTarton klnrt rf mrill-
elnv.lut without lirolt , nnd brnn luilcninlr
of curing l.xr At nil. I na * itnuatlivl tutry
your Hirltf < Pif | < nne After > Iin lint Ufi-a
en-rot iMltlpj tK < ill < m iti nil dltni'i-pirril. '
nn.J . do li now a luilr , hf arty mill hr llliy
rlrl twetto fmn ti ! Anotlur i-hlM IIM
Just LH-conio i nictea In th i .uno WAV , mul I
mu lBt ( l' ' < S.S.S nuit atilk'ijiit. Biirnnipt
uJ i < ortnn'iuu ( euro. M. C. Wouuxi.n.
lUcii Him Ho , Julr 7. t -Thn Swift
pnrlflo ( o. , Allinln , Un. Ot'Utlrnu < ii : Our
lltlln Klrl uhuii Liut th i IT ) nt < e ! > iolil Imiliit
out wllliueicmn. Wolilml tli * pr rlHI"ii |
( rum covvrnl Kuoil doctor * , tint "II Unlit iiitr
ii < - < ! lul ln > nrtttVn tried 0. U. 8 . nu 1 liy th9
tlmoo , p b. tllo r , i R--HO - lior Iteml btutj
hK l. nml JIT ( ho llmi fl-o lm < l t.-ikfii K
IKitllrj thTM uomj.lf t lr cntr > l. > i > n > l o
n * a fu I und lj nvj bi-iiluf I olr-n robtut ,
h nriyrlnl ) 1 / rllt lint my Oil' tuiinlta
this fclnt in .it. U. p.-cUullj , II [ . HHVUC.
ClIiTTA-IOOOA , T SV , Juno K , IVJVltlO
Ewlfi sii.'OllkI'o , Atl intn. o.i. ( iotitlcinrn I
In IM.I l oouirucl * ) < l lilotij | > olsoii , RIII ! ( it t.ncii
toUKht ii iihrtlulAti , li . tronli-il ire for m-v.
r l m.intlii. . Uy lil nilrl o l vmt t < - Cr li
Orchiiril prlni i Kr. , wi.ern lil luiirv ) nf
trenu tort u cti fi'llv ' " rb r rd 1 rrrov-
rrnl , M I tluiiUTit , but "the , iif t prln | Itn-
r > e l - > : in Ui ujn nr < > ! my f mo m llioilr.
The o prH'luilly iDcrrnm-d to for and run *
fling alct'rM. 1 wan lulvltrd t < i tr > S. .s. H. , und
Immc-dlali'l.vnftertjilc'tic It I cvrarioiu-i il tu
Imprintuluwly nt ilrtt , but more r.ii'ldly
liprwnrili' , nud noon nothing n iiiAlnnl to
Ml nt my Ir mbio. W } blend l ion thnr-
cu/hly rlraii l , mul mymim frrifrmu
taint , nnd I oi my prcM-nt cundttli > n n
perfiwf cure -to tirir iiKHlliltm Irh"frfully
Flvo thli ntntunit-nt that otbrr wbu tin MI
t -Jlcroil ( w I hsvn may ronu lln > mmiiticncPt. .
> t. UUIT. 31 Wuit Mlltli St.
HoiitH , IA , Mi" VS. lSlho Bnlft f.11o |
Co , Atlnnta , U i Quiitlrinrii : Ahnui two
Ti'ars nvi my i-nernl ht-nlth gn oni\y on.
Urely. I win M > dfblllt te.l Unit I nfmmt
doipalrud of rift f.sllna wrll ngnln. All
that the phjsti'lutM ilnn for mn trotiulit l.o
PerniBUMit rellrf. Frtruili Inilntfd th t 1
Jhuull glvo S. a. 8. n fair trial. oltboUKh I
Miou bt It wouM lie throwlnu nw > moner.
Atter taking n tliorongh cuiirne , my lipBlth
and ftrouitili rx'turm-d. ami 1 mum MIX Hint
B. n. H. Rliuo curi'd me , nt I dlicanU'il all
ntherj whlln u lnt ! II. At a tonlo I run most
lu-artlly recommend It j for getif r l rtrlilllty ,
It certalnl ) u ipralllc. W. 1' . Duoati , J. P.
HOMFR , L . I know Ke. W. V. Bridges , an !
WU. puy tliat bli ulatcmf-nt In corrrct
Joasi-H BIIKLTOH. DrocKlit.
Tre nttno on Illol nml Sklu Dlsoowii mallcJ
TK1 > . who In hla rO .LY .nd IU.N Oil A Ik < r
biu TRari.8D HV iiis vmon or II T ,
ailland MA.NIlO < > I > .rausltuxhnii8tlni : ;
Jr&lni upon tb FOUNTA9NN uf 1.IFK ,
HEADACHE , U < < H A Oil K , Dreadful
llrcame , WEAKNESS of Momorr ,
riJI.SEKS In ! IETY. PIM1M.ES upon
( ho FACE , and all the EFET.CTN lending ID
EARI.T DE AT atid purhipi CONHUltfl * .
TSOJI or IMSAKITT , Jhoutd coniult nt once
tt'iKLEBaATF.I > Dr. Clarke , Kttabllshod
'nAI ri Clark * IIH.I made NEXTOUN .
LSII.1TY. < : iIRUN | < ) and alt DUeaiu of
no GENITO rUliVA'tT Orgnni a Lifo
Study It mnkffl WO dlTcr ( nce WHAT you
tTe taken or WHO hu fulled to euro yon.
KfVEfl A LK8 AUfferlnR from dUeasei pscu.
oar to their MX oan consult with the tSBuraace
of ipeody relief and cure , Sena 2 eenti pottage
for works on your dlsw.ics.
* * ttflii < l 4 e nU poitago for Celebrnteit
Work * on Chronic , Norvoim and Dell.
ate DUeiuei. Confultntloa , personally or by
toUor , fee . Coniult the old I ocls- .
Tlionnandti eurMi. Offlos.mid imrlom
prlvntv. 4VTUra < CoutempliiUng Marriaj *
Wu'i for Dr. Clnrku'9 colcbmtod pulao
lo and Frniuln , each 15c. , both V > c.
( ctamm ) , Hffnit ; contlrtinc your case , consult
Dr. C-I.AHKK. A friendly letter or call nay
tare future suOcringnnil shame , and ndd golden
years In llfo. 4r3-Br.olc "I.lfo'u ( Secret1 Er.
roro , " 50e. ( stampi ) . Medlclno and writings
sent OTrynhflre , tecure from iAM ure.
Hours , 8 to 8 , Hundayi tn 12. Addrvti ,
. , F. D. Olt&K&E , M. D.
roe fifh Watte ah. . CHICAGO. nL.
lOliM't Inn I'rooliiinal Ion.
ITnili-rnuil by virtue of the nuthoilty vpMvtl
In iiiel.v.sootliii'Un' ( ( Hi of rlmntcr twenty-
six I'-'iiuif tinromiilkd stuttiti.if Nobr.tiku ,
entitli'il "iiBc'tlon1 : 1 , .lo'.u M. TlmjiT. t'o\-
ernor of the state of Ncbiusku , ilo heruliy IHMIO
iny iirorliiinatliin. tlmt on Tui'sduy , tn .sixth
diij of Nim-mlier , A . 1) . IMJ * . theru will bu HII
Hoi tlon lu-1'1 nt the iiiiml id.ioo.s of voting in
until stit ; , fortlii-iiiriio"oof clectinctho follow-
liiKollu-ers. to-Hit :
l''l\oeltrtnrsot president nud vlco pretdclem
of the I'ntii'd Stntos.
Cn ) member of congress from the I'll st con-
Kri'fSlnnal illstrlct.
Ono member of congress from the Second con-
frrps.Hlonul dlhtrlct.
One- member of confess from tUo TTilrd con-
Lieutenant Rovcrnor.
PI-I retnry of .state.
StHte ue.isurcr.
Auditor nubile nccounts.
- .
Commlvdoner of imbllr lands nnd bulldlntrs.
Supi-rlutriiileut of public Instruction.
StHte ii'iritor for euch eiiutorlnl district , nml
Hciireentative - > for e.ich repre-entalhu
district , n jirovldsil by law.
In witness w hereof , 1 Inivo lieiennto set inv
hauil und canaeil to bo atlixed the cretit M-al of
the btuto Done ut Lincoln thU
"a tiny of Octob. r , In iliHvi-ur of
our Loiiluin * the tonud eiKlit lain
[ Seal. ] died nud eUthti i-i ht , t heui -
ty scronil year 01 thoMntt * . and
of the.nili'penilMiirpof the I'nlted
M'tt-s the one hundred und thir
fly the ( ioveinor , JOHN M. TIIAYIIH.
0. S. LAWS Sei-ielnrv Mute.
A Great Medical \Vori : for Young and
Uiddk-Agad Hen.
New Edition , Revised and Enlarged ,
YIUIIIK Hinl niiiliUt-uiii-il "i" lii- ' " ' 'iilti-rlnj
from lliuinillM-rrtlniiii i' ' ( joiuli Kxliuuvluil I'nlny ,
.Nor\'iu and I'll ) ! ill lli-'iit > . I'n'mtMiri1 I'rclnc ' ,
M1. . utiil tintlinii"iiiil iinio J il vri > H r inioqiiviit
tlii'n-un , nnil all u li" nii > fk \ nnil null iliuinil ( In
tifll know wlii.t nil * tliom. C-.IH liu cnteil wnlnmt fan
by tiilloMlnt : tinInsirui'UiiDS nulic si-ionr" of lolo
or M-lf liurMiilini ITiccml ) > l br niu.l l'O > t
pnlil , sfuli > ,1. lili u In nk t < > r rvuiy mun. ill iminx ,
lull tilt Ui piii iluiiiiiit fur all acuteanil
tlironlr ol t-iisi A. I ully i nJorstM I ) ) tin.N.ulunil
Miullcid / \ - - " lalHin.MIII un ir-li"J Hn > ntul
jcnt'lHM iiunlii ! in tlm iiullinr. llliKtrutitc sjiiiulc
with enil"r-.iuniintit nt thn prHin , IK-H II ) nu .ippi.
IIIIM. Ail'lli'ns thiIVllinl > M > 'dl ill ln > lltllti''ir ' l > l
W H Vn I Iliilrtinh . ll-nt'in. Ma < .
who iniijr Im < innultul luiitldoutlull ) oil ll iii e.i iiH
of iiiuu. lil | iiviuliy . , . ,
"Tli Milriii.ii of l.lfK , the lati-st nmk fruni lliu
pen ol tl-eubli-nnd ui tlnKUli > iii-rt iniiiiiliiru I'livm-
rluniif tlic IValiiiily In-u'in. ' , lluilun I- \ij \
farm ) . I\ \ > . T mrtlr l truutlxi Inr tuiiiiKiinil iinddii-
n.'i'il lui'n uvi-r "t-iit furili m thu l.iicll-li lun uin : " .
nml III' pin hod i jf HII In-itltuKi | Miinilo > l I' } tin-
Kreati" . ! i > hiUnthriil | > t knniMi in Amurlca n KIIK-
lanil " KXMII v IU mill
Tlinr'l mi iiieiiilu-r or > < -i > ly to wlinm The Ji'i-
oiirrtol Life vriil nut l.o . n clnl wlii-ltii ry luth , parent ,
cuurJIan iiulruttor orilor.'rnmn Ait.o\MrT
F 2 rUHX. lmll'll.vt. ( luarnntwdthe
only oiu In tbo worlderncratlna
nccmllr.uotis Flftrtctf M < tgnftft
nt. Bdentltti'Powerful , Durtblo.
ify % vMu r.n < > lo tnl Ktmtlvo. Avul'l Iran M.
i&ii' OtiTii.ooorurni. l ll'lht.1ntl ! l imiht-.t
al.HO Kl.r.OTKIU Hr-.r.TH mil jil-UVhKrt.
Of. Kcn.Se. iHvtHios. iai w jua.i AVE. . cmuca.
w. j.
Surgeon and Ph/siciin. /
OUIC8 N.V Coini-r il"i aa I U J U"rft. . OiTlco
telephone , 46j ; UosliluiU'a t'jlnuUona. OH.
" "
The Kansas Citv Investment Co ,
r < > ! ' Commerce ) ,
No delays. All hiulntrb duae al thin office.
V I nM C V ' " > " 'I ' nrlnai y trouble * easily , ii-il'-
MUflCT ly mill nafHly ' "red bv fiOi.'t/I'A Ci-p-
miles. Mevm- 'itca"Hi'iii'-'l In euvi-n il. y . . > oul
$ l..V1wrboxullili'iik'l- by injll tiotn Ho-
ciitnMfg ro. , II. Whitest , N. V.uailrc'-'lon ) .
rniii' ruRif-iKit/r , MIUTAHV
J. rf > uUklll-uii.luil | > un. N. V ,
logtii.JNO. . M Tlfl > f.V. M. l , M. A. , JTIu-lpl.
South williamHtown. llfrkMitra county ,
Jfus. Aprlrnt * kchoul frtv boys. l'r ; > are fet
< ! ell e * . sclentiao school or bnsJuo-i. l-'niv-wy-
lit II ) I'ariiani StrCct ,
Special ImrRiilm Innll wool lU-nrlcttn , alt
colufMiU 1 i pur Mint.
Tliiiiiii8ott , Hi-lilott .V Co.
Sp < vii\l vnlliK ( n nil eel llcnriotim , 47 In ,
IJc , nil colors Ht Hie anil II prr j iinl.
'I III flip-Mill , Ill'llll-ll Oil.
I'.xtra Mxtiii-ln all wind Bitba topolH. 40 In
Midiat T.'H . anil 1 per - ard. .iihoi diori-s KL'tt6o
ami Jl.u'j pi-r ) ai d lor MIIIIO KOO < IH
1 lionii | nn , Iti'lilt-ti V Co ,
All wool DrapDc Alliin , M > ry line qunlttr ,
i' auil lOluclii'.s ufilp , nt ; .V per.Miril.othi'is tet
fl for saiiu-iiunllt ) A-l : tosoi-tlptn.
'riiiiniiiHiiii , llolilcn .V ( Ni ,
It pays t > > btix dii' < ooils of all kind * of tic
Whi'iioiuhopping , MO inliu yon t" I'xumtiia '
our Mo knmKttuili \ prlius.Vo ho uootU
with plraMiii'I
'I llllll | ) < IMI , Ml-llllMI A > ( O.
If .xourn'tnut x tsit our tturiin | u-i < n , * u < nil
forsmnplo"x panil i-xpivs * i-hnrgiM on
Rnoilionlcti-il by mull , cvii-pUHK for thtut-tnili
< if monvy \ hiiinril > rril ( O 1) .
J'liiiiiii'Hiui ' , Hi-liii-n > vr < i.
r.vtrn x nine In 4" nnd.1 inch Itroull'l. . tlit nt
. ' - ' . ' t\.a \ per xaiil all mlor.ill. . liutlllK
blnrkiiitlu-rsHi-t l.7 ? > nud fu' . ill l..r . sunie .n . ds.
I hi inp-iin. Itrliti-n .V Co ,
SpiTinl xalntIn loUm-il 1 nillc MlK" , in nl' '
the Hi xv anil ili-ilt , iMc shudi-1. at l mi 1 M : . . ul
tliutl " 'iiiniuitx , . UK liuli ul ! ixinlilit n'ladi-M '
thnt iuo-c'lilb > dtiiirtuiv - nt } I Mi PIT Mini
Ak to II-K tin-in.
I Iliitiipioii , Itrlili-n , V ( Td.
A cooil nsM'itint'nt of Cni-tlinrii-s fm lnm'
xxrai at tinfidliiMiii ; pili i'i , , , , r i7V mul'fl
pi-r > nnl nur tr.uluou llii".oK"i . > il- > lin u-a-i-
insxi-iy rapidly.
'i'lioillixoii , Itolllcn > V Co.
Ili-vt ivit , t uyar Uiilo In nil i-oturt ut Jl a )
Tlionii- | , It-lili-ii ( A > Co.
1 Special v.ilno in Uium TOHI-IS at 5c , lUi- , I'.v.c
1 jc , 'uc and n :
' 1 Iliiiii4on | , Ili'lili-ii A > Co
Aiui'rli-nu ntulriMld a best Indliro I'rliit.iat
O'tipor yard.
Tlioinpson , Iti-lilcn A V.n.
\Ve . sluiuliiK i-M i n valni" > in blt'in lu-il ami
nnbli-urlu'il i uttnii n.inni-1 ; niibli > iirln-il ut ii' ' c ,
t-c , lllc , ri'nr , lf and ITi1 : lili-.u nod t'ntton Finn-
ni-ls nt t-c , Uv , U" and Tic.
' 1 lioinpton , Ili-lllcn Ai Co.
Wo uro Khuxx'liiK tin1 beat line of ( lo.iks In
Omalm. nt prli 1-1 that \ \ 111 plt-.ise. Take t-lm u-
tor bofonnnikliiK Ji'ur pun II.KI-S V ishoxv
Kiioils ltli pK-ii-iiii > aUilxxlll Saxi- you inonuy If
yon xvlll K'XLus ' an opportunity.
I liiniip-on , I'l-lilnn , V Co.
(5oo Mt-rritt's i i-lobruti-il .sVlrtlin ; KlanncN
" 'u yard.- * \ sliliWo i mini that tln-y ure thelwst
1 lunncls In tinxx ni M , juliv Jl.M put yuul : they
LonnliiKHHt xuriot ) ( ifMylrs.
' 1 hiiiiiiihi n , Miilili-n .v. Co.
M iniiutuni and Minnia t < axim > , ( 'aihini-ro
fpnnlsh , lir-iiniui Knitting. ( leun.intoxMi mid
coiniunuknittliiK > iirns In all ilcMrubln color-
liiKnt Inxxi" . ! priii- , . IK'purtnii-nt on m-colid
Hour , takrwex-atur.
uMinilnu onr "Mixlt-riin"
Mil ( .loves nt $1 ni per pair ; they ure sulfcm.
bioiileied. point ! fn black , liroxxn nnd tun xliailfjt
ure [ u-rlei ; ! llttlni ; undiiveiy pnlrxxurrantvd.
I lioiiit son , Iti'lflfii VCo. .
Ix-i-xviMlti-iiiH 111 HOYS' Windsor Semf.i , Hatln ,
lOc eucli , or 3 f.irr - ; silk nt 3:10 each
Tlion-pson. Ili-l len Ai Oo.
I'lnc Cashmem Hosiery for InfantX ccilon-d
and black ut trnin u1 < c to ilV a p.ilr. nlui chrnpor
Kiail'-o for children , In all wool f torn lUc u pair
Tlioinpson , Hclileii Ai Co.
Mriis' Natural Wool mid blue inlxt-d Imlf inlso
l.ngllali Meiluo , ull nt ie n pair , HpleuiUd val
'Ihoillp nn , n-Mi-n Alo. .
We are showing miniB'Jiliinax\- | Ladlenut ) -
urul Wool anil l.unu-ttn Hose ; look nt them.
'I lininiiHiiii , Dclilon jt Co.
Children' * White Merino Shlits. no I'.ints , ut
special prli-es. ID Ineli HIII ! Irt Inih. ntuc each ; 20
Inch , lneli.I lucii und -iJ im h ull ut IV e uh ;
Stiinuh , .iMncli. 'i : Ini-li. ; Inrh iiml W Inch Wo
each. They ui # vary cheap.
'JJioinp on , JJi'liIen At Co.
Uhililreu'.s linn Wool anil ( 'auiela Iluir
Shirts , 1'untaleites und Iliaxxers , ullHlzes ; ei-
iiinlne then ! nnu set our prices.
'I'lioiiipjidii. Krlitr-n Ai Go.
Komo broken llnnnf l.udk-s' xvhlto unrt scar
let tine nil xx eel Vests' nnd Pants ulsu CamoU
Ilixlr Vests tliut luxe always s'lld nt SIX ) rach ;
xxemtinoxv r-ellhiK them ut tl.fiU. If xxe liaxs
your sfy.e they me u b.irnuln Anothnr llni' of
seat let Voits nml Pants , si : e somuxxhnt broken
at H each , ledurod t'r mi tl ID.
Thompson , McJilon Ai Co.
MenV ( jrey niixi-l hlurts , no IJraxvors , utiJo
cnc-li , icilureil frmii Wii1.
1319 Farnam Strjot.
Tor n l.o' "ixlJO In
Van Beuren Heights.
Tin so nieliiiuti-il near several larce f.ic
; are ii than 31 inlnutos from Webstpr
St. pcpot ; onl\ lie I arc on Roll llnpj shlmuilk tp
center of city ; command n tlmvkw , and urcM
per cunt cheaper than adjoining lots nnil colil
mi the i-isy : turins of f 10. oi-haul ; t'i. prr month.
10 pur ci-ut di .count foi cixb
" aero lots , near ] \n t Omnhn , prlrc VAl$000. .
Will take CIMII ! linrxe or ti-amns pnrt pftMiicnt.
Iliilnnri'curiy. Lots In I.afuyt-ttol'ark , utfAOto
' i'-fomtli cii-h , lialnnr - - . ) - ) \oiiis. at fi
prieiit. . U intake hoi scans pait pajmentou
thcbilots. . VAN IIHI URN.
and 1 ith Streets.
Tin1 piu tm-rslilp lu-n tofoiv o\lMUifr bt-twopu
CiL-i'ilun X lU-rllimhuf , has this day J'fcn ills-
Sol\i-il. " I'.I. UllM.DON.
Notion to ( rn li-rs.
lllds will bo rccolx oil nt our oilirp until Oct 10 ,
nt 10 o'cuw-k um , tor I omoIm ? about 1 IIKI yards
nf rat th , mil ubovo uruilo ) , Iroin lot on N , nth St. ,
bit\M'OM llnd i' and Capitol Ac. .
JIINIIII : : OIIN. Kisnut * unvun ;
.Uclilttiti , Nu\v 1'uxUm I'.ulldiiiL' ,
Omaha , Nt-b.
Notion to ( "ontino'ors.
pcnlcd bills will be locehi-il at thu iillloe of
MenduK.sohn. I'Wu'r A. I.ouiiiumttl u t-dnoiiluy.
Oct. JLth. f'H-tlie fiirnlshliiKthotfti.HtUturei for
tint Daiifh .Uv > i Intliin llutldlm ;
Instui' ti"iii ti. blddcrn can l > t > soon nt the
nbnvr n inicil ullire. 'I ho iilit ( to roji-rt any or
all bids is revi'M-il.
\n.Mni.H.siJii.N" : , risiu'.ii & . I.AWUIU
O'Ki ' t
( . .UATl'n'IUIU'OKTINU. ( .
Epps's Cocoa.
Inrtltli-il wit" i > mii lioii' uni u jTipurr nour'tx
Irnuir * I lil- ciirn i.a/etli *
.Mmli-unipty with linllliiic wati-r ur milk SoM nnlr
In Lull mmiKl tins l.y lirix--m litn'lu I Hull
JAMES EPPS& co. , "yray'g s1
"OOLD MEDAL , PA2IS , 1378.
_ ntitoliilrly pure
7'oroii , from wlil.'h lliu CICCM of
Oil lias l en r ni' v H \ . * * < re
ttmn lle ilritijl't of CVco mliul
unh Mnrcli. Arrouroot ur Siij-jr ,
fir morn i CQiiuml-
' ' < " > . ' " c "t < t
up It If 'I H leur. liuurUlilng.
k'i : . I'.ulljillintcil.nnd
nilrjUd fcr Invalid * IM
I'cuoi.e la lioalth.
d'ror i nor ; liorp.
\ > / , BAKER & CO , DarcliRsler , Mass ,
1508 S. 15TJ ! ST. , OM1MA , M'.H.
CAPITAL , - - 8300,000 ,
Loans Made on Real Estaio ,
Scbool.Conntyana Mjulrfpal Iloii'.U H 2otU.'aa
\VM. A. 1'AXTON. fre.rtrt ct.
H'M. d. MAUL , Vic * l'reiia ni.
IAltl.iniS. .
AM r.lii : MIM.AHIJ , Vieuur4r
\VM. A. P.XXTON , lluirnfl. fuAim ,
W. O. MA-JU Jo * ru lunsin.
Itosi i. , GARLionn , AtrMo XU..A.