THE OMAHA DAILY BEBr TUESDAY , OCTOBER 2. 1388. THE CITY. The Internal revenue collections > cs- tcrtltiy umountcd to JlliUW. ! : The capital stock of the Can Hold Manufacturing company has boon In- cren&od to JCO.OOO. The Lafaycttcs RO to Missouri Valley , In. , to play a Knmo of ball to-day. Mr. A. 1'lummor will nccomp.Miy thoin. Two young men nuinnd I'rmilf and Jim .Joseph most HUecos compHslicd tlio hir/imlous f ' in , 5,0 new bride O -utUniyiu ! d not 0eui. ln < J'l.Y ' " " . " " firt's Hinted , but in " ot the street in front of Ills C. II. Sloinan , Samuel Friedman and Morris II. Slotnan have incorporated themselves as the Omaha Mortgage Loan company. The capital stouU is 310,000. Assistant County Attorney Gurloy was much provoked yesterday morning , when on lea\itif , ' the court room at the noon adjournment , lie discovered that boniebody had left a shabby old tile in place of his bran new Dunlap. During the month of September 1,7.3'J meals were provided for prisoners in the city jail. The bill to the city at 112J cents per meal amounted to 10. (11 ( ! , which is believed to bo the largest monthly bill of this kind in the history of Omaha. Detectives Ormsby and Ilorrigan ar- rcbted a man named Ud Harrison last night at the I'nxton house. A telegram was received fiom Tucbon , Ari/ . . stating that Hurri-on had forged the name of one Henry to an express package for SfiO and secured the money. The tele gram arrived from San Francisco and gave an exact description of the man. "U'clls , Fargo ft Co. want Mr. Harrison also. It is understood that ho is wanted by them for the same charge. The oil painting on exhibition in a Farnam street show window by Mrs. W. II. Alexander is attracting a great deal of attention. It represents a familiar bcenc described in the now testament , "Christ Disputing with the Hldors , " and its chief merit , from an nrtUtio point of view , lies in the careful delinea tion of the expression of the counten ances of the leading personages ropre- bentcd. Mrs. Alexander has produced several noteworthy paintings , but this one , which is the latest , is considered the best. I'oolcctliook Found. A poi'kcthook , apparently belonging to Charles Fishur , nml a silver tip with the mime of K. Wise engraved on it , liavo been pickcil up on the streets , and are iu possos- alon of the chief of police. Itcl'iiscil to I'ny If. Yesterday , Edholm & Akin presented Mr. Thos. F. Hoyd , of tlie opera house with a bill for a rniR pui chased there by his son , Louis Uojd. Mr. Hoyd refused to pay the bill , saying he could no longer be lesponsible for the bills of his son. \V. C. T. U. To-day , from 2 to ( i p. in. , the ladies of the Christian Temperance Union will bo pleased to icccive at the "Open Door , " litiol ) Capitol avenue , calls from all interested in the work they have there undertaken , and n * such substantial aid as will enable them to * successfully prosecute it. Girl Drntc. 7 A young Swede named Peter From while outriding with his best girl Sunday evening al lowed her to handle the ribbons and the re sult was an upset near the corner of Six teenth and Cass. Doth were slightly injtucd. An ofllcer who witnessed the accident ar rested From for fast driving aud yesterday lie was tineil So and costs. Sympathetic Sergeant Mntza has boon prostrated by malarial fever for u long time , and his fcl- low-ofllccrs , to show thuir sympathy for him in his condition , are getting' up a fund to us. Bist him in paying doctor bills and keeping the wolf from the door until ho recovers. His condition at present is very dangerous. 1'tit on Kccoril. The following bills of sale were filed with the county clu-k yesterday : Peter Stock to Fred. Knssmusson , saloon llxtuies , bOl South Seventh street , 5135. Mrs. C. Thomas to Huth Carney , Nebraska Dairy company , > 'J10. ' Thomas and Alice Cullcn to Charles F. Fnllijm , dininir loom furniture , Tremont house , 603 North Sixteenth stieet , 225. Dnnliniiin Goldman. At the residence of the brides' parents on Sherman avenue and Sixteenth street , Mr. Louis D.mbaum nnd Miss Mary ( Joldman , ( B wore united in wedlock Sunday afternoon , : Mr. Uanbaum istho well-known caterer , and ' Miss Goldman is onu of our popular young ladies. The happy couple left for Chicago , where they will remain several weeks with thuir relatives. An KiiKnuciiioiit 1'nrty. The hospitable residence of Mr. and Mrs. ) B. Jacobs , on St. Mary's avenue , was re cently the occasion of quite a festive gather- nig , it being the Instance of the public an nouncement of the engagement of their daughter , Esther , to Mr. A. Koscnbcrg , of Madihon , Neb. Miss Jacobs has been a pub lic school tcai her for yeaisnndisa favorite with the public and admired by her many friends. Mr. Kosenborg is connected with a dry goods llrm at Madison , where ho is well and favorably knowu. Tumble. Helen Hanctt , the mother of the Harrett \ boys now under sentence of death at St. j 1'aul , seems to have trouble with her othnr sons. She recently moitgaged her house and lot for the purpose of buying n W.IKOII and team , which sbo placed In the care of her son Edward. He traded the team for another that did not suit IIH ! mother , and she locked up the outfit in n barn. Saturday night , she claims , Edward brotte open the barn and drove the team away , and jcstorday she obtained a writ of replevin fiom Justice Holmes to obtain possession of the team , wagon and harness. An Election Hot. Matt Claire , of the Hook Island road , is a strong democrat ; H. W. Young , of Uussell & Co. , is an equally strong republican. They have made a l > ct on the election , and if Harrison is elected Mr. Young will pay for the best wino supper the Union League club can produce ; if , on the other hand , Clove- laud is elected Mr. Claire- pays lor tha Rpread. Dr. Lee , Dr. Summers , Tom IJojd and Jack Woods will participate In the de struction of the viands with Mr. Claire and Mr. Young. In any event Mr. Hoyd will contribute a box at the theatre on the even ing the bet is paid. AV1II Ijocato In Omaha. Omaha has bright prospects of having lo cated within its corporate limits a now and Important enterprise ) in the line of n tile man. ufactory. Yesterday the firm of ifcllcy & Co. , of .Now York , was represented in this city tor no other purpose than to negotiate for n Blto for the luonoacd project. The agent , whoso name could not bo learned , In company with 12d Uothery , of this city , whose uncle , John 1 ] . Hothery , is the ll'.o king of the Em pire state , visited the board of tradi ) and with Secretary Nattiiiger talked over the matter. It is understood that all factions were sat isfied with the result , and It is quite probable that in a short period Omaha will add a largo amount of money to its business resources. Mnltlnt ; Americans. During the past month Clerk Moorcs , of the district rourt , has been overwhelmed with the applications of foreign born resi dents who want to tnko out their "flist L " papers , " or , In other words , declare their k\ , 11 tentlon of becoming naturalised citizens of Lit the United States. Frnuk keeps Ms record book witliln nnn's rnaeh and makes the np- pllcantH hold up their hands while he repeats an oath n yard long , by which the em- bryonie Americans abjures and renounces all alloi > ianco to foreign prince1" , potentates and rulers. The applicant signs the record , receives a certificate and the ceremony i over. Thirty-two men took out tio'iflrst ' , papers jcstcrday , and duri" , * oeptember J < u started on the roai' > J i-itizenshlp. OISTUIOT COUIIT. Hon Frank Olllner'n Crime. Howard Seoflold , aged cloven , was before Judge Oroft yesterday on a charge pre ferred by his mother , Nellie A Scollcld , of incorrigihility and petit larceny. After n brief investigation the court sentenced the lad to the reform school until ho is of ago , allowing him , however , to return homo with his parent until the sheriff Is ready to con duct him to Lincoln. Mrs. Scollcld is a grass widow , and in connection witli an other young woman , runs a boarding house nt the corner of Sixteenth nnd Ohio streets , She claimed that her son wild and way ward and wholly disregarded her authority. On Friday last he added theft to his general misbehavior , purloining a silver quaiterfiom his mother's poclcnt book. At 11 o'clock Ueorgo Haceman was ar- rntgned for horse stealing , with Henry Kolf as the prosecuting witness. Kolf resides three miles east of Klkhorn station , and ho alleges that llagpinan stole a horse from hi'i pasture about three months ago. The jury bi ought in a verdict of not guilty and lingo- man was discharged. This morning Francis Meyer Ofllner will bo brought to trial for the alleged mur der of John Kyan , which occuncd on the evening of July II , in South Omaha. Hyan was an employe at Fowler's packing house , and early on tlio morning of the Ith he was found mi the sidewalk on Twenty- llfth street , near Collins' ding store , in a di ing condition Ho found b.\ Consta ble Hen Flnnerty nnd James McVey. Ho gasped , "I'm shot , " and then became uncon scious. Ho was carried into the drug store , nnd Dr. Kelley being called , found n bullet wound in the abdomen about an inch above and at the right of the navel. Ho died about 10 o'clock that morning , and no nnte- mortcin statement was taken. James For- giibnn , was with Ryan on the fatal night , and upon his statement Frank M. OHlner was arrested. Ferguson said ho and Hyan were passing tlio barn where Ofllner kept his ( team , and they went in to get out of the rain. Ofllncr ordered them out , nnd on their not moving with sufficient celerity to suit the man , he drew a pistol and shot Hyan Oillnor lefused to inaUo a state ment , and ho was bound over to the district court. Ho a teamster and the keeper of n sinidl boarding house , ami said to have been under the inllticnco of liquor on the night in question. Judge Doane , of the civil court , took up ono of the numerous cases against the city. Judge Wakcly is in uttomUncc at court at Blair. Judge Itopowell was occupied yesterday hearing the case of Schubei t et nl. vs W. A. Gardner et ul. on a real estate contract. The plaintiff alleges misrepresentation as to the location of ccttain lots aud asks judgment in the sum of $ lr > 00 , In the district court jcstorday Philip Pot- ti-r & Co. , confessed Judgment in fnvoi of G. W. Marquardt & Sons , wholesale Jobbers of DCS Moines , for $1,1 ; o lT > Kdwm Opdvke has begun suit against George D. Adams as niauer nnd Will W. McHndo as indorser of a note for $1,01)0 ) , givin October 3 , Is T , and to run seven months. The several applicants for admission to the bar were examined on the law of con tracts by Messrs. rroneh and Cooley , of the bar committee. Clerk of ttio Court Moores and his numer ous assistants are Ming kept up > n the jump those days naturalizing voters. On Saturday no less than eighty-seven sets of papers wore issued , the iccipients being about equally di vided as to their political preference. This is the last week an alien can take out his pa pers and bo entitled to u vote at the Novem ber election. _ County Court. Judge Shields appointed Pat Desmond ad- mistrator of the estate of Pat Qulnlan. Annie Wilson began suit yesterday against Ldla Mitchell to regain possession of lot C. block OJ , of the city of Omaha. AMUSlTaiKNTS. Ijast Ni ; lit'n I'erToriiKinco of "Natural Gas" at BojdV. The musical farce-comedy , "Natural Gas , " produced at Hoyd's opera house last night , is not new to the local stage , and it is perhaps not necessary to say much more of it tlmn that it retains all the amusing features that have given it a popularity second to no other production of its class. The function of plays of this sort i'i simply to amuse , and the makers of them arc not embarrassed by any rules of dramatic construction. The simplest arrangement of incidents so as to produce some sort of coherency is all that is necessary. "Natural Gas" 'meets the requirement of its kind. It is amusing , continuously so , and those who make the fun know their business. Girard is one of the cleverest men in his line on the stage , and his grotesque antics are always sure to be rewarded with plenty of laughter. Donnelly makes the most of his part , while the Jlmpsy of Miss Jennie Yeanmns and the Kittio Maloneof Miss Satlerlce are in their way thoroughly good The music of tlio piece is for the most part of a pleasing sort , and it is all very cicditably rendered , the voices of a portion of the company being above the average In similar organizations. In a word , "Natural Gas" is u lively , bust ling production , abounding in funny situa tions nnd having n quality of humor which cveiybody can enjoy. It was seen last night by a fair audience , which gave abundant evi dence of being pleased. FOIl KOIIGlnXIlY. A. Itiaco of l-'loiir TliicvcN to IJo Trlptl For It. On last Wednesday evening Wcismnnn's store , on Fourth and Woolnorth streets , was burglarised and a largo quanta. of Hour car ried off. Ono Umr.ii.ty ( Witting , of shady reputation , approached AVeismann and offered to divulge the names of the thieves for W. The merchant , however , re fused to comply with this e\toition , but in stead invited \Vittinir , who was drunk at the time , to got upon his delivery wagon , and on so doing Mr. Weisnunn carried him to the police station , wheio ho was locked up. The homo ef George Witting , a brother of Chauncoy , was next searched and part of the missing Hour lound there. The remain der was found in the homo of John Willis , another disreputable asso ciate of ChauiKoy's. It appears from their story that the icasonof Chnuncc.v't > threat ened expose was that thei refused to share the plunder with him. Yesterday the \\ould-bo informer , on whoso person was found u pallof hi ass knuckles , was lind $ , > 0 nnd costs for i-arrj ing concealed weapons. George Witting and John Willis remain , meanwhile , In durance vile untl are to bo tried on the charge of burglary. Bowitro of worthless imitations of Dr. Jones' Red Clover Tonic. The Konuino cures headache , Diles , dyspepsia , ntjuo , malaria , and is n perfect blood inirilicr. Price CO cents. Goodman Drug Co. Mnrrinuu The following inarriago licenses were Is sued yesterday by Jud e Shiuldb : James Murphy , Omaha SO Ann \Vestropo. . Painsvllle , O ! JS Louis Connellv , Omuh.i 2-t Mary E. Smith , Omaha iu .Huius C. G. Sorcnson , Omaha ttj Christina Lai-sen , Omaha 'JO John Mellchar , Omaha CO Francis Koscna , Omaha CO Gust A. Eklund , Elkhorn y ) Annie I. . . Johnson , Omaha 2t5 Henry Darner , Calhoun ! il Iletwiu I'rome , Calhoun 30 Hen Michel , Omaha 80 „ 1 Mary Snydcr , Omaha U2 Wyoming oil lands for salo. Claims of10 , SO , to 1GO ixcron now on the irmr- kot. Complete uhstrnuts to wtino fur nished. J. L. Lovin-r , JO So. Thirteenth St.Omaha , Neb. NcnI pianos for rout at Edholut & Akin' . ' TALK OK Tim Tlio I'nlon PacllloV Plans In Connec tion \Vltn the KlyiT. As stated in yesterday's lU.n Genenl Su- pcilntoiiilent Dickinson and Mr Mellon of the Union Pacific returned Sunday after noon from their western trip. A Hnc 10- porter met Mr. Dickinson yesterday , and in answer to inquiries with icfcrenec to the trip obtained this information : "The object of our visit west. " said Mr. Dickinson , "was to induce the Southern Pacille to run two tialns dally from Ogden as formerly , instead of ono as at present , and wo succeeded in doing it. Wo are shot ton ing up the time for through travel. On and after October IS , No. U will leave at S a. in. , instead of T TO , and while not a limited train , it will bo strictly m-st-elass. No. 4 from the west may come In a few minutes earlier than at present , but not much. The Grand IMnnd Inill will in the future leave at ft p in. in stead of 'J 10 , and the regular through train will leave at 8 o'clock as at present. Thele arc no other changes. " " 1'hen the chaneo is not made to meet the Hurllngton in their Denver business' * ' was asked. "No , if wo wanted to do that we would have to run a light Denver special , and I don't think that the business would warrant it. H costs a good deal of money to run a spcual ( iOO miles. The Hm-liiigton don't have to run a special , because Denver is on its mam line , nnd on its icgulnr run. " "Will the Union Paeltlc mnko any arrange ments with the Northwestern or St. Paul , to meet the enhance of the Hock Island to Denver I" "Well of course ttio Hock Island will have its own track , and will bo independent of the Union Pacific , so that there will be no com bination with It. I don't know how the Northwestern and Milwaukee feel about it , but if they are inclined to do anything the Union Pacific will not stand in the wa.In . fact Mr. Lomax is now In Chicago to see their people , and may make some nrratiee incuts , but if ho docs , it won't appear on this time card. " Further inquiry went to show that the pas senger department generally regretted that the "flyer" had been withdrawn , hut that the Union Pacific was powerless in the mut ter. The Iowa roads having \ \ ithdrawu their limited trains , and by mutual ngi cement de ciding to make the inn f i oin Chicago in 18 > 4 hours and no less , it was tisolcs for the Union Pacille to attempt to accomi'iodatotho entire passenger tr.iflli' with a special , and to make up over its own line und at its own ex pense the time lost by the niggaidly policy of its eastern connections. In the meantime the Hurlington is limning the most of it and doing all the Denver business , but in a H'IOI t time it will have a rival in the UocU Island , and then piobably the cast iron agreement will bo broken , and once more there will bo fast tune to tlio coast , The agreement le- qulros ninety duy'n notice from any load wishing to withdraw , but as yet none of them have signified their intention of so doing. Note . Wylio DlNon is homo again from n trio to the east. General Dodge came in over the Union P.uiflc yesterday from the west. Major E. M. Moore , traveling passenger agent of the Union Paeitie , is ut headquar ters. Superintendent Dickenson says there was no truth in the rumor that Union Pacille otll. cmls of the Wyoming division were mi\ed up in an attempt to lob the company as tele graphed from Denver. Yesterday A. H. Davenport assumed the management of the Union Pacitio depot re freshment rooms , vice J. F. Willott , who takes u vacation. Mr. Davenport spent the summer us manager of Garlleld beach hotel. An alarm from bo-c 51 at 7.U ! yesterday , brought the brigade to the Union Pacific shops. Their set vices were not required , however , as the flames were confined to some waste material in the foundry , and were ex tinguished with u few buckets of water. Merchants can nov no longer complain about the Grand Island local , as it will in future leave at "i p. m. instead of 2 : ID , thus giving country merchants and buyers a chance to te.ich Omaha at noon , do business , nnd return the same day. - . "No , the numerous changes of station agents reported the last few da.\sdon't mean to say that they are all leaving the company's service , " said u Union Pacific olllcial , "but the rule of the company requires nil station agents taking a leave of absence to hand iu n formal resignation , and sign over the station and company prop- 01 ty to the man that relieves them. That is why wo arc repotting so many changes just now. " An Absolute Cure. The OUIGINAL AUIKTINE OINTMENT is only put up in largo two ouneo tin boxes , and is an absolute euro for old sores , burns , wounds , chapped hands , and all skin erup tions. Will positively care all kinds of piles. Ask for the OIUGIiTAL ! A1J1ETINI3 OINT MENT. Sold by Goodman Drug Co. , at lo ! cents per box by wall 30 cents. THIS cutaaiA'roiTv DIOMSGATJON. IVIint They Saw anil SmcIIcd on 1 heir Journey. Councilman Alexander , the chairman of the committee of councilnicu who visited DCS Moines , Chicago , Minneapolis and St. Paul , was asked to what conclusion ho had come in regard to the cremation of gar bage. In reply ho said. "We made a careful study of the systems used in the various cities wo visited , and theie Is no doubt what ever but that cremation Is the only proper" way to dispose of garbage. The committee has not yet arrived at any conclusion as to the best system of doing it. We will got together and have two or three discussions beloi'o wo make our report. The Chicago crematory would not suit our purpose at all , some features of it aio good , but many are objectionable. The system m use in Minnea polis is ( in my opinion , the best wo saw , " \Vlnlc wo woi o gone our eyes were opened on other matters. All the cities wo visited arc far ahead of Omaha in the matters of public buildings , parks and drives. The res idences on the avenues and boulevards are surrounded with beautiful grounds , the streets are kept in good condition , and the citizens generally spend their money in im provements , which , although spent for their own pleasure , beautifies the city and adds to the value of property generally. In the mat ter of tchoo's ' nml paved streets Omaha is pretty well abreast of them all , but as for public adornments nnd keeping the city in neat orner wo are behind. "Wo made an exhaustive study of the methods of conducting the boards of health in the various cities , and the experience will bo valuable. "Our report on crematories will bo some what elaborate , and will not bo presented until a week fiom Tuesday. This trip has opened the eyes of us all on a great many points. " HorhKmPfl Acid Phosphate , A Ilrnln and Nerve Feeder , /or , touchers , htudcnts , cler- lawyoi'H , and uraiii-workorH Get YourKailronti Tickets NORTH , SOUTH , EAST and WEST , and secure yonr sleeping berths at 180-2 Farnam St. , Union Pacific Ticket ofllco , UAHIIY p. Diin'r : , , City Ticket a-jont. A Man Under Arrest For the Killing of Sullivan. Robert Smith , of late a boarder at the Garni house on Tenth street , is suspected of being the murderer of Tom Sullivan , the brakoinan found dead near Oreapolis last Saturday. According to the story of W. N. McCauen , the engineer , Smith was attemptIng - Ing to beat his way on the train and was put oft a number of times between Pacific Junc tion and Oreapolis. Smith persisted In get ting on every time the train started and grew more and more ugly every time Sullivan put him off , The last time the engineer saw the braitcman start to put the deadbeat off was near Oreapolis and that was the last time Sullivan was seen alive. A few hours later his mangled remains were found about one-third of a nnlo cast of La Platte , and it is supposed that Smith fell upon him in his fury , mur dered him , and then threw the body under the cars. Smith mysteriously disappeared and tUia confirmed the suspicions of the ofllccrs In their belief that Smith murdered him. The suppled nsHassIn is live feet ten inches In height , welnliB about ono hundred and eighty | Kiundsund Is between thirty and thlity-thrce. years old ( He has broad shoul ders , la heavy boned , has large Jnws and a red moustache. When last seen ho wore n dark suit of clothoH. long frock coat , light flannel shirt , broad brim black slouch hat , and about No. 1 > broad solo shoes , About four years ago he worked In the coal yards at Paeltlc Junction and Is well acquainted iu the H. & M. yards , and with switchmen , engineers and firemen , Ho returned to Pacific Junction about three weeks ago and claimed that up to that time he had been on the Denver police force. Ho made several remarks to trainmen that led them to believe he was a U. & M. detective. When augry he Is said to bo a dangerous character. Shortly before noon yesterday a tough-looking fellow answering the de crip- tion of Smith was arrested by oniccr Hcafoy and is in the central station awaiting do- velopmcrts. The prisoner's mustache is black Instead of red , but in every other way he tallies exactly with the make-up of Smith. or'H Trial. The trial of Henry Hornbergcr who is charged with selling liquors on Sunday is In progress In the police couit. The case Is at- trading considerable Interest. Hornberger sajHitlsn malicious prosecution. On the night pi eicdlng the Sunday in question a squad of policemen watched his place from midnight until morning. Fearing they in tended some trouble ho did not open his place on Sunday until Oftlceis lliue , Ilorri gan and Most.yu nsked him to do so. And now ho says thov have arrested him for com plying with their request The ofllcern deny any intent of persecuting Hornberger , and sa\ , that they ineiely wish to mnko a test case of this to sec If there is any vn tue in the Sunday liiuor law. The case Is being tried b.\ Jury Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel ot purl- ty.streiiKth \\holcsi.mrnoss. . . MOID iionnm- lial tlmn tlii'OHllimrj klmK and ( Miinot nuiolil In compi'titlon the multitude of low cost , short \\elnht itlnm or phnsnoatoimudois. Sitla only In can * . Itovul Unking Powder Co. , 1JO , . , . . . . . . . . Wall + > t- Newoik. stieit , \oik. Our customers will take not ice , that notwithstanding thoj confusion incident to the im provements being mnde in our1 place of business , we are in continual receipt of new gooclsj and arc ready to servo our ] friends to the best ofour ability. The temporary disorder1 is only a matter of a few days , after which we are confident our fresh attractions and increased facilities must speak for them selves. She Tried and Knows , A leading chemist of New York says , : "No plasters nfnich merit as the A tlilophorosPlnsterhaveever before been produced. " They are a novelty because they aie not inailo simply to M'll cheap , they arc the best that science , skill and money caii produce , and will do what it claimed for them. 1'or sprains , aches , Mciikncw , lameness , etc. , they are unequalcd. 4W Fullon Kt , Ramlnrtr.O. Nov.51.87. ' 'Iho Atlihiilionm | IHai-ter ncted likfl . It In the 6 ( I CUT trliil anil 1 Slavic. iiMil many MmlH Our clrinn.'lft Mid "jiH"tcrH arc all almiit the HIIIIU" nut I don't think HI IHIM I riiratntil my arm anil Hlioulilir In .lull , unil It lias Ucn I'liuf ill Kluce , but It ill ) , not ] nln mr at llnow. Mri . Viu u MAIIIIJ. /Pt / Send 0 cents for the Ix-nntlful rolored pic ture , " JIoorMi Jlulden. " THEATIILOPHOROSCd. 112 WallSt. N Y. Soibury's Sulphur Candles 1'or disinfecting ClosetB , htoro Itoonis , I'elhus. Sinks , btnblcs. Outhouses , Chicken Coops , llini DON'T ' YOU C'ngesc , ' Seabury's Hydronaphthol Soap , 1'or diseases of the Skin and NEED ScalpMitch a * Tetter Ringworm , KcziMiia , Kcabk'M , Sciiley , Kriip- tlons , Itchlag. Bwiutlng i'et't , ONE OR DiimlrnU , railing llulrc. . Hydronaphthol Pastilles , MORE OF Tor pui Ifying the Sick room , ox- Urmlnutlng liiHertH nml elimin ating dlse.iHO KflrmH. THESE Mead's Corn S ; Bunion Plaster : lorl'oot tioublo ? . ARTICLES ? Benson's Plaster 1'or Aches and Pains. Sold by nil Drugulsts. SHAllL'ltV Sc JOHNSON. Solo Manufacturers , Now York Dr.JE.McCrcwf . , . One of ( ho Most Successful SPECIALIST , In the treatment of DIRIUSGS of tha TIIKOAT , I.UNflS , llEAHT , I.IVKII , Klll.NK\t < , KVK and KAIL Diseason of tlio Uit.UN ami NKIIVOUS BYHTKM , I'rii.crsY und Nt itvors Kxn UJSTION , ABTIIM v andCivAiiitir , ( in iviri. . ll ) e.ises of the HMD- DKII anu Itccru'M , all Disorder , ] of the SEIU.U , O1H1ANS , A cure nuAiUNTKEi ) In all cases of I'IUVATC ami SKIN DISDVHLS. Ilia CUIIKS are IIKM tiiKAnr.t : and I'EIIM tNH.vr. Tlio most OIISTIN m : 0Hfc8 viuLiHNd raplilly under his form of treatment. Tlio doctor's theory U that no disease should bo regarded as Incurable until the diseased oiganis destroyed faster than It can bo repaired. firom his years of experience In HosriT.u , anil J'mvATi : I'IIAOTICK , tlie doctor Is classed among the LEAUINO Si-tci U.ISTH. CONSULTATION r'HKK. Treatment by correspondence. Send stamp for reply. Office Bushman Block , 16th and Douglas Sts. , Omaha , * ' eb , GRAND EXTENSION , Our store has again become to small for us , and we have just completed arrange ments for additional room , Wo have leased the adjoining three story building now occupied by Robert Purvis. This building will be immediately altered and fixed up for our use , and wo expect to have the same ready for occupancy by the middle of October. The new addition will give us a separate spacious entrance and largo show windows on 14th street , and when connected with our present store , we will have the largest Clothing - ing House west of Chicago. "We had contemplated to take this additional building next spring , but the im mense increase in our business and the enormous stock we are getting this season , has forced us to make immediate arrangements. As we have to give up considerable space of our present store to the workmen during the time alterations are in progress , wo will be very much crowded and have decided to unload such goods , which are mainly in demand now and can be moved quick. Underwear is one of the departments , which requires more room than others ; wo have an immense variety , all new and this season's styles. We have always boon head quarters for these goods ; no other house ever attempted to compete with us. In order to move a good share of our stock within the next few days , we have now put prices on them which will make it a big inducement for anybody to lay in his seasons supply. Hats are going fast enough , but they too , take up FO much room. We want them to go still faster and the prices are made in accordance. Ladies' should not fail to visit our boy's department this week. We have an im mense stock of Suitsand Overcoats , and we will make special low prices. lrou can buy two suits of us for what you wouldhave to pay for one suit elsewhere. Cor. I4th and Douglas Streets , Omaha. W. G. ALBRIGHT , Real Estate , 21S S. 15th St.Omaha. BEST AND CHEAPEST ALBRIGHT'S SOUTH OMAHA. BUY NOW TERMS EASY. DR. HORDE'S Electro-Magnetic Belts ! The Grandest Triumph of Elcclric Science Gentlemen's Belt Scientifically Made and Practically Applied. with Electric DIMS CURED WITHOUT MEDICIHES. to.ny'partof'th'0-ray"wioT fVmi/y / 'ciH WHEN ALL ELSE W l % fci > n B.biOI& . . - . wear It. If electrtde * the blood anil cures JTlfc rrcirltsriUiai t Krory nne Ronulno and used by permission. NOTE Ihofollowing who liavo been t TESTIMONIALS OUlSlDA. 1. Ho Kl nd. H : k Park.rnml lett.allornoM-dof Tr ad ft , r7hl - . & I'lmrrnrv AAmmluvinn * n < > mhMnt. Strict Vrn t litidri DohlB. tnd ffrnfit nnmAmAn t Col UOnnt postomceiL. U. McMlctiael.U U . HUHftiU. n. x. " louri-eisiiaaaccumpu iieu wniic no nin-rr rtu.dr ii Y. hast " . HalJ oldenn&n , l&O oit thBtroet.No * Vort t adr net-re * and comfortable ilccp ut nJ hU" UoLt. , & ( anil tooutandv of othori. . , . flJ unDUrJP ri PftTBrt URPMETIO DE3 T tarap riortoalloth -enrrcnt ofelectrlcl. UFi nUtlNC i fcLbUIHU KAUNtllU DCL,1 , tynroBtrongor mild a. the wearer iimjde- trot produces a continuous current ! confers electricity th , < ouith the body on the ne rros. It cures diseases by RenoratlnB a continuous current of electricity (1O ( or IB Lcursout of l ) throujthout the human "T'tnn , aflaylnK all nerToiunMs immediately , and producing r. new clroulatlon of thn Urn forcos-tlio blood , lin- parYliuTTlnor. strenKth. energy and health , when all other treatment hat faUeJ. The meritd of this soleu- tine Iirltarabeln rocoinilseirand Indorsed by thousands whom It hai cured jj. . ItKrEUENCERAny bank , commercial agency or wholesale houro In Chlcagoi whotctalo drugsiiti , 'Sgffio' AT n Chle.,0. RUPTURE ° . 0,0r0DR , HORME'S ELECTRQ-MHSIIETIC BELT-TBUSS. rnn- OFT11H Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y , The Best Route from Oinalia and Council IJlufTs to TWO T11A1N3 DAILY DUrWKKN OMAHA AND COUNCIL BLUFld Chicago , AND Milwaukee , St. i'nul , Minneapolis , Cedar Itaplds , Hock Island , Frrrport , Itockftml. Clliitou , Dubtniue , Davenport , Elgin , Mndlson , JauesTllle , IJcloit , Winonu , La Crosse , And all other Important points Kast , Northeast and Hunthoust. For throuRh tickets cull ni the ticket aeent nl 1M1 Farnam street. In llarkcr Il.ock , or at ITnlon 1'acWo l'"uilrnnn Sleepers and tlio llnpst ninlni ; C' r In tlit world are run on the mam Hue of the Clilcauo , Mil wnukco & bt. I'nul Ilallvmr. nod every attentionl | iml'l to paieenEcn by .ourtuous emvlojrei cl ui It. ulljiiKll , noncrnl Manager. J. V. TUCKEU , Ai > sl tnnt General Uanagir. A. V. U. UAiU'Evmt , Ueneml l'ass n * r and * ndlS'tREAFFOlU ? ) , Atslstant General futmgtl and'cu L-i'n. . . J. T. CUAJill. lieneral Euoorlnten tmt. Or ( ho Liquor Habit , Poslthely Cured bj AdwluIstcriiiglJr. Halucs' Golden Siicclflc. U can be given in a cup of coffee or tea with out the Knowledge t the person taking It ; abso lutely harmless , anil w111 ctlea a pennuncnt and speedy euro , whether the patient U n moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreci. Tnousanda of drunkard ! have been made temperate men who have taken Uolden Hpecltlo In their colfeu with out their knowledce and to day believe they milt drinking of their own fice will. Hnovor falls , 'ibehyatcm once impregnated with the Specific , It becomes an utter impossibility for the liquor appctlto to exist. 1'or snlo by Kuhn k Co. , 15th unrl Doiirlna sn. , and IBth And Cum- Jnusts. , Umaha.-Neb. ; A. I ) , roster & IJro , lounrll Illuir * . lo a. T. E. CIL.PIN , FIRE INSURANCE BROKER , Itoom 03 Traders' Itulldlnc/ CHICAGO. noTerencei Metronolltan National ilank It. U. Ilun It Co. The Uradttrcct Co DREXEL & MAUL , ( Successors to John G , Jacobs. ) Undertakers and Embal mers At the old btanil , 14J7 Karnam St. Urdeuby telegraph boliclted and promptly attended. ' * r-J MEDICAL SURGICAL INSTITUTE , N. W. Cor. 13th & Dodge Sts BR.AOE3S , APPLIANCES FOR DEFORMITIES AND TRU 3ES Jlest facilities , apparatus and remedies for Fur Tssful treatment of every form of ( IKcasc/t-qnn ing Medical or hurgicnl Treatment FIFTY ROOMS FOR PATIENTS. Hoard and attendance , best hospital accomn , ilntlons in the west. WKITE ton CIRCUIAKS on Deformities a > Braces , Truves , Club I'eet , Curvature of Hit Spine , Plleh , Tumors , Cancer , Cntatrh Ilroncluti- Inhalatlou , niectricity , PainljsU , Kiulepsy , Kt ' ney , nlailder , Kye , Kar , bLm and lllooJ , uud u .Surgical Operations. Dlaoosoa of Women a Speolal'.y. HOOK ON DISEACU or WoKtN Fncr. ONLY BELIABLB VIEDIOAL INSIITUi : MAI'.INO A Ol'ECULIT Or PRtVATE DISEASES. All niood DKCKSea successfully treated , llllic I'olnon removed from the system witliui i mercury. New restontite treatment for loss Vital 1'owcr. I'eisons unable to visit us may be treated at home by correspondence. All column locations confidential Medlcincsor instruments Kent by mail ur ezpress , xecurely packed , n marks to Indicate contents or * cnder One pci sonal interview preferred Call and consult us ot rend history of your case , and we will bend in Vlaiu wrapper , our OOOK TO MEN , FREE ; Upon Private , Special or Nervous Dixascs , Iiu viteucy , Syphilis. Gleet aud Varicocelc , will y.cstion list. Address Omaha 3Itdical and Htfrgienl Inttltnle.oi DR. McMENAMY , Cor. 13th ana OodaoStf. . HUAHA.NED. Who Doesn't ' Want a Baby healthy and happy. Keep the baby In health by fcedlnjf It on RIDGE'S FOOD. " 5 years of use by thousands In all paitsof this country con linn tha.iu statements.Vooi.uicn A. Co. on label. Surgeon and Physician. Office N. W itth no'l luu U ) lit. n.iico telephone , < W ; Itosldouco tolsphoao , OM > I'KN 0IVKN AWAY. I'artcuUr ! five G ' - llviifflK\B , " Omaha , Net ) . Who is IV E A II , NEHVrDN. I > riIII1'A > TKU. who III hlg POLLY i ml lUNOUAM'R tins TniFLKIH away lib VIUOH of IIOII Y , n INI * and MANIIOnif.ruuMnKCxhnnttlne drains upon ttio FOJ'NTAIIVM of I. ! KB , n K A I ) A 4' H K , n A C K A Til K , IJrcnil flit Dream * . WEAHNUNN of Memory , HANK. FVL.Kf.Hft In ( IOCIETY. I'lMIM.KN upott the PAt'K. ami ul < the KJTEnfi l Hilliieta KA1IL.Y l K AYnnd perhaps f'ONNVMI * . 2'IOM or INNANITY. Jhoulil consult at onca tbn CILKIllttTin ; > ir Clnrlro , KMnMlshed 'Wl Er Clarke hai mudo NEKVOl'h UEi III I.IT Y. rummMi nn < 1 ull Dlieasei of Hie UENITO UIUNAirY Orpnni n I.ifa htuily. U mAkea SJO ilintronro WHAT vou k n or WHO has fulled to rnro you. * " H r to their t x can consult with tlir nMiirnnce ef ipcody relief and euro Bend 2 cenU poilage tor works on your disc : ses. flSJ-Bend 4 cents postngo for Celebrated worhn on t'tironlr , Kurvoim and IlclU pw'c Imcacos. Consultation , pcri > onuly ) or by Jottei , l * o. Consult the oil ! Itorloi * . YlioiiHniuU cnrsiS. Odin-mind iiurlora privato. s-lhojo contemplating Marrliw ) uencl for Ir. Clnrko'a colcbrated gulijo Wi > o anil Femiilr. each 16c. , both 2 , utaniM ) . Before cnnfldlne your cute , conau. Dr. 6LAKKK. A friendly letter or call ma > i ve future sullerlnpnnil slmme , and add golden years to life. 40-Jook "Llfo'd ( Secret ) Er. ror , " 50c. ( stamps ) . Medlnlne und writing * I lent everywhere , secure from exposure. Hours , t > to 8 : Sundays , 9 to 12 Address , . D. . ILL' IS OUT OF ORDER ? BEAD THIS IP IT Al'ruiirlutary Mudlcinu that nccta to provo Its worth. Dr.Calldef's . ' Left Lira Bite Tfio only Distilled Hitters In thn Unite * . Btates. The only Hitters recognUeil by tha United States Intcinal icvcnun Ian a us a I'ro- ? nrletary Mndlelne. Lawfully I'at.-nted. No ofl 1'atent 1 < VOB73. ( ontalm no rusll oils , n essentliUolU.iio fort-Inn suliitunco ordamaKJ Inn duiKB. A perfectly pmo meillclno. com- poumli'd fromj'uro Koot llerbs nod Old I'Pachi pleas lint to tun taste , quiet uml decisive In lt aHect. Cures Dyspepylu or Yellow. lanndlc * Ini flTsxlayg. IteeulateK the HOIM-IH. Invlironitcs' luacttro layer , ( ) iir K Ulaonsed Uvor , Itnvlvcs' ' the Kidneyi , Improves tlio Appetite Qulckljo RoKUlatcs the wnolo system. Now Life to tat whole eystem. l-ull l.lver Illitcri iiro BOl I In Omnlm. Veb . by tha fnllowlnir UruiiKiHiii HhluMl "M limit I , Niccliil | \\hnli lc' , Itir tlio rtrui : Inturestor Ncbruskii. Ho- tnlli > rsu > InlloiTs ( looduiun Driiu Co. , W J WhltoliuuKi * , TVSjinf. . fun ! , ( -iiui 11. fumJitvi rtn. ihrntur I'huruucy , Kuhn A. Co. , John lilucllnli M I'urp I A. 1 nllur , V C'o. , W .1. HUKIIIS , Julin IIlulu I l.lrli , M I iv < null , ! ' II ( ii'iUstli Jnlui r lluldky , Morrt'll I'huriuiic'r , .linnet I orsylh , II C Hull , lr I .1 Htvlllo ( Jl Crt - * 7 , 1' ChiuiillMr , llahiis riininmcy 'jurnuyiV Diiy'n , J.C 'KhiK. . ! . W. I'lnrki' . . ! II Sihinlilt , MHX llocht , J. > thrlHKMison. W. K. Uimhuniuii , It S Cox , Mux Coiiriid , Kmnk W. KoitK , II KH IMU < MMI ( , un llocilur , lloyd'a I'lmnnauy , C A. Mclihcr , lluwiinl .Meyer' , hnuik Dclloiui X Co. , whuleralu dealers in i'ura ( ana l.olt l.lver Hitters , PRNNVnoVAI < IVAPIjnfi are sncccbifuliy usml monthly by OUT 10,000 .IJwIlei' . Aro.SVi/e , I.'jfectitulunil J'leaiant $1 p < rl > ozliynialloratlrnfilsts ; .SVa/ctl 2'nrticulara 3 poetagii hUiiniju. Ail'ln'so ' Tuc IX'nctA CiiEiiicii , Co. , DUTUOIT , Jlico. ale anil by mail flootlmatl ! lritiCo. ( , . . bonth Wllllamstown. Itcrkihiro county. M. A private bdioyl for boya. 1'ropnro fet tollego. HclentlUc si heel or business. Kurty > M r cuth year begins Thursduy , t-'uptomber Utlj. Tor cutaloguo addioss UKO. 1' . Mll.f.S , 1'rlnclpal. Bfltlie Stuart Institute Will commence Its lHt year Hoptom bur l''lhlh.s : AdvantuKca unsurjjnsHud. Homo comforts : careful trulnliiK. Apply to iirs. M. HOMKS , I'rlntliml. Af'ADIIMl l'ccl.8klllon.iid' | | > onN. : Y. Heiia forcata- logne. J.NO M. Tl I.DKN , M. n. . M. A. . I'rlnUpql. ST. JOHN'S Jlir.tTAUY KCHOOJT .MANI.1UB. It. V. Civil Kngluourlni ; . Ola1 sica , Uiislnesi. IIT. ItKV. 1' . 1) . iTl'NTINd'lO.V , I'redldent. Lr. Cm.V. . VUUllUriv. Hu | > eiint iitent. ( focLLEGEOF LAW , ffii Tor circular * mldru s U. lloovu , Chicago , 111 , PEERLESS DYES AUK TUB UU-JT !