Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 02, 1888, Page 7, Image 7

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Advertisements under this head 10 cents per
line for tlio firm Insertion , 7 rents fur pitch mib-
sequent Insertion , nnd fiMa ) Hue per month
Noudvertl etnint taken for lc H tlmn Scents
the llr-it Inserti'in Seven words will hi * count ml
to Dm line ; they mint run consecutively nnd
niut bo paid in ADYA.NM I ! . All advertise-
meiits must HP bunded In before tUi.moiloi k it
in , , n ml tinder no circumstances will they be
taki'li or discontinued by telephone
1'nrtlei ndvertUtnR In them columns nnd Imv.
Ing their answers nildre sedlncarn of Tit r HK.K
M 111 plenso nsk for n check to unable theiti to get
their letturH , an noue will bfl delivered except on
presentation of chock. All answers tondver-
llicincntR should bo enclosed In envelope.
All mUt rthemuntM In these ( olunins ure pub
lished In both morning nnd cvculm ; edition * of
Till" IlKP tlm clrrulatlon of which aggregates
tnoro tluin ln.t ) liaperN dally , anil wives thn nil
vcrtlser * the benefit. not only of the clH circu
lation otTiu ; Ilr.i : . but also of ( oiim-ll IllultX
Lincoln and other cities nnd towns throughout
tliHhecllon of Hie country
Advertising for columns w 111 IIP taken
on tlio above < ondltlons , at thn follow Ing busi
ness houses , who aio atithorl/eil ngcnls for TUB
llhh special notices , iind will qtioti * the Bamo
rates as caa lie had nt the main olllci >
"lOHN IJIKLL , Phnrmnclit , KW Kouth fenth
J Btrcctf
C HASH .vfiTDDY. Stationers nndPi inters , 113
hontlt luth street
II. PAHNSWOKTH , Pharmacist , 2115 Cum-
Ing Street.
ir .1. HI OIIKS , Pharmiiclst. 021 North IUh
> . Stuet
ir. ( ) . W I'AHIl , I'lmrinaclit , 1SMI St. Mary's
J Ateiiuo.
\ \ ANTID ! Situations for nsst bookkeepers ,
i cl iks , etc. , wat < hmeii , poitors , eiiKlneeis ,
firemen. Men for all nationalities mid trades
mippLcd free of chaigo on nhoit notice. Com
mercial Employment ngoncy , 1COS 1 arnam Ht ,
"ml Hoer , i iiiiiii l. lUXJ .It
WANTKI ) Hy ii thoroughly competent book
keeper , a net of books to keep evenings.
Addess ! II 4 , Ilioolllr-e. ' .rn',1
° \\rANTii ; ) Sltuntlon for n good steady
b ed man on a ranch. I Ins n wife and a
children Mrs. Ilrogii. .illvf H. irth. , UI5-2 *
\ VrANTIIISituation by aneYpvriencnd man
wlthllcfliiso as J tnltnr or llrmg stiam
lienilng fiunaio. Address IIJS , lice. U1S1 *
1 IN LiigentH to sell our "Htnn'lard" twine and
-1-4 bag holder. 'I he best selling artli Ie known ;
for particulars 01 terms and ti irltoij call on or
nddinss , nt oii'e. lu\lilson ) \ Ainolil , Utl Olive
Bt , St Louis , Mo. 112-2 *
A GHATS wanted for Council HluIN and
Omaha for a good paying nnd well adver-
tl/ird business Cnll nt room L. Urouillg block ,
Oninhn , from 10 to 4 o'clock. 110 2
\NTI3D ( .ood boj 12 to 11 v cars old ; must
be .steudj nml lionest. 17l7bt. Marv'n nvo.
\\T ANTI'D ( lood cout-mnkei1 nnd nnd n mnn
TT towoik by the week. J. Lnrsen , Mlndcn ,
Neb 100 2J
\\7A.NTKD-MnntotnkecarH of horses nnd
TT do general work around house. Apply i
room 211 1 irxt Nutlonnl bunk building. lw ( Ij
3 Ilistclass furniture Dalesmen.
Omaha Furniture Co. , 1M1 I'linnm. U7u 1
ir ANTKD I'liilshers on coats. 21.1 S. st.
> 1)7,12 *
\\rANI'KD A man with experience to black
T > nnd setting tip stoyos. Jacob K. Trolel Ie
Co. . T.Oa LeavuliHorth. UnU 2
rplIK Pnxton hotel wants two middle ngednnd
JL temperuto men to do light work. Wages WO
per month nnd table board. Apply nt the
olllco. U87 2
TV 7"ANTI5D a co-it , 2pants nnd 1 vest makers.
TT bteadj woik and good prices. Inquire W.
L. Paiotto , V Co. , Omuha Neb. ; KI ol1
" \ \ rANTKDTlireo men of traveling expert-
TT ctice. with putih und euergj' . to tinvol
throughout .Nebraska to otgnnlzo brain lies of
the boit loan and saving association In the
world ; oxcluslv o territory given ; n ginnd op
portunity for live men. Addres , vilth lofer-
cnces. People's llullillug , Loan and SnvliurAsao
elation , Geneva , N. Y. 1157 2
\\7ANTKD -A good salesman in a dry goods ,
TT boot nnd lioo Htoro ; Scaildliiuv i nil 'de
ferred. Also u bright boy between M and 14. J.
C hnuwolil. 2224 Cumlnget. 027-1
\\7ANTKD-A good reliable mnn to solicit
TT mombcrH and represent the I'nltinl Stntes
Mercantile Protective nssoclatlon of Now
York , In NdbriiHkn. A liberal commission nud
permanent position to the light partv. Kor full
rtlculars address or call on H. P. Kullv , Oen.
vgtHnil9or hotel. Ollice hours 7 toll u m. ,
, , t to 11. m. K > 5 2 *
> " \\7'ANT13D Young man In every western
TT town to collect , etc. , and wrlto for our
Weekly. Small salary to Hturt with If reference
mid mill Is . ' lucruuscd
satisfactory. 1'ay na ser-
V Ices will warrant. Address with ono reference
nnd stamp for sample nnd particulars. The
Homestead , Omaha , Nob. 871 P 0
VV T ANTKD Tracklayer ! for Ivans-vs nt Al-
T T brlght'H Labor Agency , 11-Id Farnam Nt ,
b 14
"lATANTKI ) At Northwestern Labor Agency ,
5' V : il5S. 10th st. , 75 shovellers ; latororooras
for lent , II iinfurnlslied rooms. 777
VVANTI : ! ) First-class cook to take chuigo of
TT kitchen ; must mulct stand his business , bo
Fobernnd bnvo good roteronces. AddresllM ,
Jleoolllci- . _ 781
A TINNKH wanted nt Western. Neb. , steady
.i cveinployinent to n reliable workman. Ad-
l ! Cress .1. A. lillls.Westorn.BallneCo , Nob. 774 olt
8 ' "YTT ' ANTKD Knergetic men and womenevery.
TT where for a genteel , monej'-muklng bus ] ,
tioss , ( o ) vveoklypiotlt gunrunteed onslorthnu)0
monthly otherwise. Kxperlence absolutely un-
necesaaty Permanent position nnd exclusive
teirltorv nssured. IJ samples free. Write for
particulars. Address with btamp , Merrill Mfg.
V L'o. H M , Chicago. BMo'UT
r WANTKD Good life insurance solicitors
with bunk references , are wanted by the
Union Life at 401 Merchants' national Hank
liulldlng , Omuha , Olllce hoard 8 to 10 a. m. nnd
to p m. t5 !
\VANTKD A mnn to solicit ; salary } 100 per
IT > month ; must deposit t-3 and give security
for money collei ted. Addiess Gcoigo S. Cllne ,
SVngner block , Den Molnas , la. 754 o.S
WANTKD Men for rallrond wort in Wash-
Ington toiritory. Teamsters , nick and
Bhovel men. ax men and rock men , blgwaies
end long , Mtudy job. At Albright's Labor
Agency , H20 rainnm st. WO
' "tt'ANTKD A first-clans experienced window
TT dre ser. liuiulro at the Fair. b&S
Ol a Am. Dlst. Tel. Co. , 1304 Douglas !
\TrANTKD A good draughtsman at 005 Pax-
T V ton block. P. J. Creodon. 660
\\rANTKD-S5 girls gcneial vvork , 2 glrln In
T T one boarding house , 2dlshvvashers.l second
flrl for tirlvato family , cooks for pilvatefam-
Ij' , t\ and 15 woekman ; nnd wife hotel In Iowa ,
no cooklnglots ; of aces for gills. Omnhn
Euip. llureau , I1H l th st. 104 IJ
) -A Kli\ \ for ccneral housework ,
812 N 17th st. 107 g *
WANTTO 2 nurse girls , 1 second girl , mnn
uud wife , woman to cook , man to dilvo
team , good wages ; B girls for good places in
countrj- for faintly of 2.3 mile s out. JIM ;
housekeeper to cook for nud run n boiiullng
lunise. K > ; good places lu private families every
dny. Mrn. firf c3144 S 1Mb st. 101 2 1
'IT T'ANTKD An experienced nnd reliable
V > young nurse girl. KM Park avenue. 081 IJ
TT\rANTI5D A young lady for ofllce vvork.
T > ( all * urly Monday at the Western printing
company. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
\TirANTKD Kxpoii nced folder. Good wages
V > for rapid work. Western Printing com
IJirANTED A lady to solicit ;
und give security for money collected.
Aildiess Ueorgo S. Clluo , Wsgnur block , Dos
Holnes , la. _ 7M o. 8
WANTKD Wnlst nnd kirtflnl3hers.nlsoone
forulady , M. A. Wallace , 1J1U Howard.
V\7ANTUD Gill for houseworfc. 2105 Dong-
VV las at. 018 U
VVANTED-Girl for housework. Mra.Garner ,
VV 201 9.21th t. U23-P- ,
\\rANTKD-Compenent girl for general house-
TT work. > ! 4U7 Capitol avenue , DIM *
\\f ANTKD I dy In every western town to
T T collect , etc. , und wrltu for our Weekly ,
Bmull salary to start with If reference and trial
la satisfactory. Pay Increased as cervices w 11 !
warrant. Address with one reference and stami
for sample and particular * . The Homestead
Oniaha , Neb. 874 'M
TVMNTKO Two ladles to solicit In this and
V aiXJolntnt : states ; salary 7i per month ;
call on Susie Herold , room 1U Mlllnrd hotel.
w ANTKIairl for gereral hou worS.
uouthvrest cor 32nd nud Califorala streets ,
\X7ANTKD-A splendid exjierlonced- ;
VV peed wagei paid. ilr . It. C. Patterson
| M13 caruam at.
\tANTnD Lftdync nta ; local nnd fravellntr.
| 3ji ) a tnonth clear. New rubber under
garments for kdlcft. Mrs. 11. F. Little , tblcngo ,
III , W.-K > 2
\\rANTT3D-KaiTyngentsror-A' skirt and
tmstle combined ; also "II" hnse nupport-
er . Otirtlnlenburg , III. , ngent cleared HIM In 10
dayn. Ladles' Supply Co. , 237 W , Washington
t. Chlrngo. M O1
_ _ _ .
ALL those vv anting he p or situations as us-t
nnd gen illlce clerks wntchmen , porters , en
gineers , llremen , Jnniton.npplv to the t'ommer-
merclnl Kmployment ngency , 1602 Fnrnnm , ' 'nd
lloor. n-n. '
/1ANADIAN cmplojmrnt olnce. Mrs. Hrega
15th. Ueteicucu Oinuhn Nntionnl bunk
2TI O 17'
_ V/ANTS. _
\\7ANTKD Experienced cr.nvasserj , now is
the time tostnrt cunvusslu ? ; KO id crup
uports nil o\nr the West , business Is gnod uud
( c-iiple nre feeling well. Rend fur teims utui da
ocrljitlvi circular > f "Iilll s Chiimplon i "oker ;
iigents wnnied throudhout the west \dilress
Hill , hltney \ Co , I4J Pearl * t , Hoat"li , Mn s.
" \ \r ANTKD Togo M companion with an lu
ff valid Indv to ( nllfnrnln bv nil Ameriran
ladythntls lelmble nud trimtworth ) , nud ac-
( iistomedto travollmr. ( lood teforenios fur-
nUhud. Address 132" ) Hee olllco. Ml 1
I/OH udontlon , bright boj baby Address K
X1 Jl , Hooolllie. l i * 2 *
VXTANTKD AH kinds ot repair vv oiks OH mil-
slcnl instruments at Lnmcron \ Smith ,
15IU Dodge t. _ WJ 1
\\r ANTKD Pianos and orgnns to lepnlr at
f > Cumeron & hmlth H , bill ) Dodg t. " -01 1
\\MJVI KDTo borrow on 1st mortgage on InV -
V ? Hide property , South Omnhn. time I to ; i
vears , at ti per' nt , property worth i to 5 times
amount wanted. MUO. II/W J1.WH. J..WH. I will
write to or call on vou by being addressed ,
"llorrowcr , P. O box iK , Omahu. Nub. ' 121-7
SriOLlNS to repair ul Ca moron \ Smiths ,
I51'J ' Dodge Ht. blit 1
\VANTKD liulldlng loans by the Mutual In-
T T vestment Co , Hoom I , Harker block.771ol
WANTKD-To iorrespond with parties who
desire to locate in business or thosn going
out ; cnn furnish lei atlons In any line or ex-
i hnnge. and cash i ustnmers for parties desiring
to sell. L. P. Kraus , lii-)7 I'ninam St. , Omalu.
The public to mnko good use of
WANTKD ' message boxes throughout the
city. * ' * >
_ _
ANTKD If.vou have any lands , lots , or
houses and lots to sell or exchange for
other property , call on mo or write. I can find
jou aiustomer. C. C. Spotsvvood. 80S14 S. 1t > tn.
f *
" \\rANTP.D Diit at' Ull nnd Mnson sts. A P.
TT 'Jukey. 15th nnd Douglas. ' . ' 57
for n few moio boardeis ut Jl per week
nt21l8 draco-it. 7WO1 *
W AN1 KD-Tnble board at 1U03 Dougl is.
" > OAIIIIMt ) nnd looms -At iilll 1'nrnam st.
> I'll st-t lass nnd pleasant jilaco A limited
number can be accommodated. Apply soon.
\\fANTIll ) A 8 or h-room Hat within easy
TT walkingdlstnncu of the Ilto ollice. Ail-
diess , stating pilce , 137 , lleo olllco. 7-
\\7ANT130 1or ! 14 room house ; must have
TT all modern conxenlnnies ;
rent If pel son will built House ; will lease snm
for any term of jears. J. L. Ilrandlos , Uth nnd
Howard , Nt )
FOK lir.NT lloiiho No. Itlfl 1 arnam st , in
good lepali.convunlent to btislnuss. 1 niiulio
nt W'l Douglas st. l > 77 4
TJVMl IlKNT 1 cottage , NoithOth , on cable
J ? line , U'.U I o iv Ut Ilurnham. Crelghtun blocK.
HKNT A small cott igo nicely fin ntsln'il
nnd centially located , liuiuliuat.'llb Hthst.
HI I ]
GHOO.MS for lent , No. 37.0 Hurt St. , J17 ) i"i
month. ' .Ki7 I *
TilOlt HF.N'T One ot the most desirable lesl
JL1 dem es In the cltv. east front , middle house
U rooms besides bath room , Ntatlouary wasli
tuba , nil modern Improvements , hot and coli
v\ater , electric nnd gas lights , furnace bent
Location 510 S. 33d st. One of tno best view sir
the city. Apply iiiS S. 33a st. 11. D. Dauow.
lc.0 C-
"I710H U13NT New 7-rooni cottage. 34th am !
JL1 Chicago sts. ; nil modern Imiirovements ; in >
qlllio 111' Farnnm st. 'J.17-1
POIt Ul'NT Store nnd a four-loom cottnse ,
1 nqull o 330 S. 10th St. 1OI5 3' '
"TT'OK KENT Cottngeof 4 rooms , 3closets , pan
JL' try nnd cellar , to party with no chlldien
501 8.20th st. 7j
FOR KKNT 17-room boarding house , fur
nished complete. City water. Kent * 10 pel-
month. Address. K 27 , Hco oflHe. HD It
roomed Hat near Mlllnrd hotel , rent } 7."i ,
price of furniture , S32.1. o-rooiucd house on
Chlcnpo st , rent $10 , julco of fuinltuio J400. 1-
roomed Hat on N Ibtu st , rent if-'O per mo , price
JIOO. II roomed Hat , II roomed house , 30-roomod
houte , 8 roomed Hat.iO roomed house,30-roomed
Hat , S-roumcd house nud otheis. tents light nnd
furniture for sale on easy terms. Co-Operativo
Land and Lot Co , . 303 N Itlth bt. 8LU 1
OlTlInNT Ilousu No. 627 8. 17th nve , rent
$40 per mouth. Inquire ot II. Malcheln. 1631
HowardBt. bi)0
171011 UP.NT Ten room cottacra hnndsouielr
JL ; papoied , lire place , oik mantel , hot and cold
water , batli room and cistern. (10 per month.
llffl Vates bt , ucur corner N , loth nnd Yates. II.
S.Jajues. _ am It
FOH H13NT llouso of 7 rooms , with good
barn , city w ater , 3-"i40 Capitol nv e. 84J Ii *
HI3NT Houho of 0 room , hard and soft
1 water , small stable on premises , 1011 S. 31th.
b.11 It
_ _
T71OK H13NT Ti-room cottage , convenient for
JL' ralhoad men , { 30. Mead & Jnmleson , ill 4 S.
ICth st. KV )
BHICK housq with barn , reasonable rent ,
3133llarney. Bl ! ) i ;
F OH HKNT 5-rooni cottage , 2C1 ( Indiana nv e
MS 8f
TjlOH HKNTHouse. . R rooms , 82) ) So. 30th , fur-
JU unce , gas , bath und nil conveniences. Apply
to J. C. Peterson , S.'l So. 30th. 007 3
I > L13ASANTfi-room bouse on S. 13th St. , lent
} .W. llrenuan A. Co. , Chumbar ot Lommetce.
_ 7MJ
IjlOK IlKXT308 Webster St. , now ten room
JU house , elegantly Unlshed , all modern im-
prov emeuts. 74J JO'
171011 HKNT n room house , cistcin. well ,
U fewer , etc. , 831 S. 3 li &t. 741-J *
Foil HKNT- o ten-loom houses ; modern
Improvements Upper rooms sublet nnd
pny rent. Two blocks liom court house ; Nos.
3011 nnd3fll 1 llninoy st. See Dr. Joseph Neville ,
No. 1403 Douglas st. 043-4
FOll HKNT Furnished boarding house of It
looms , 3iua Popploiou ave. , bet.30th and 3.M.
7'5 ' 3 *
ell HKNT Cottage , r. rooms. Cor. 10th &
lllckoiy. Knqulro next door. 07S
FOIt HKNT Klegant new U room house , with
- - barn ; plate and nit glass windows ; nice
cistern , city water ; porcelain bath-tub nnd
range ; convenient to car and cable Hues ; t.lo
per month : ; barn rents now for W. .1. 11. Par
rot te , lOOJ Chlcngo Bt. 07 ! ) o7 *
JOH HKNT-7-room house , burn and out-
home , and nil conveniences , with5 acres ot
land , ou North Baunders st. Kent very cheap.
Will give ft years' lease. Enquire of llobt. Price ,
onpiemlses. 7U3 at
I710H HUNT Two houses ntSJIO Mason St. . bo-
JD tvvctn 3-'d nud3d , o and 9 rooms , in good or
der. Will tent either lioiuo at reasonnblo terms.
Sightly location. Apply on premises. OHO u
OU HKNT One 7-room cottage. 2I'3 Frank-
lln st. : c < ne cottnge , & rooms , 353d California
st , liiqima atCOj Paxton block. P. J. Creedou.
_ 6 < i7
Foil HKNT-S cottages , 27th nnd Caldwell ,
each i , 1 North ) th cable line. tJ ) .
la-nvltt Ilurnham. Crelghton block. 4
FOIt HUNT 8-room house , sewer , gas , hot
and cold w atvr , buth room , new nud com
plete , M > per mouth , Apply at once. 0 V liar-
rinon. 4ia s. lath at tea
ITIOK HKNT Klegant east-front o-room nouse
JJ ou S , 3 * > th nve ( Pleasant st.l , near St. Mary's
ave. C. F. Harrison , 416 S. l&th st. 070
HKAP Rents The largest list in tlio city ;
prlcetidowu. J. 11. Purrotto , 1GOU Chicago.
1OH HUNT Larao 2-story 7-room house for
JL' the winter. JIU.&JJ , ' per mouth. C. 1' . liar-
rUon. 418 S. 15th st. 630
* | 7\01t HKNT I have about a dozen houses
JL1 ranging from three to thirteen rooms that
can bo rented at living prices. It you want to
rent a house , call and sen me. George J , Sterns-
dorlf , room o. opp. P. O. aa
T7IOH HKNT For8 months , modern house of
JL'brooms , completely furnished , barn with
ii.oiu for two horses , r ut 170 ; pos.u.iMon given
bopt. 30th. X-Mi N. 3ito , 1 block north of Lake.
"TjlOll lir.NT room modern Improved hoti
JL. Al locality at moderate price. Applv M ,
Uhjutter , Ml , Farnam. K7 !
_ _ .
FOll KENT New 8-rootn hou n on Cutnlnn
st. near Low e avo. Terms reasonable. Ap
ply quick. SpotsvvooJ , 3UJS S loth. W4
fTUm IlKNT-Hmise&lliNMMh street. Apply
JL at St. A , I ) . Hulcombe , ' I i , ' California st.
( iv. )
ir.ViHAl : , hnu is for rent. y. T. IVterM'U .
e. cor. 1.1th nnd Ihtui'la * . Sitl
1OU ni T-At \ cry low rateID and 14 new
L resldi-ncts. 1M04 and i4l I , faas street. Cltirke
I'lnce OIIP block south nf CrolKhtoncolleRp , ou
I'linmtn nnd''Ith street cir line. All modem
Imprmements. Auph , II. T. Clark Union Trust
Co. , 01 ut 'l.'u ( ins sttei-t. CM )
FOIt It'CNT KlrKiintTlt-rootn modem nou < e ,
near Illu-li sihool , tVJ. (1. ( L. Ihomtison ,
Sheoly blo < k , 15th ami Howard a.
Tpi > K HUNT 4-room house on 8 icth t. . two
J. blinks south of Vlntnn St. : will rent fur JID
per month or Hell ou teims to suit purtluiscr.
Cleo ,1. Merns'loitr. loom l > , opposite 1' . O. 714
iroll HUNT \ \ hi n voti vi Ish to rent a house ,
X1 store ot olllcc i all on us. II. i : . Cole , room
0. Contliinntiil block *
TC furnlsheJ looms on flrst Hoer , 8 \ \ * cor
" ' Maijs abound luth. f.'S ' 1
JbOlt ; ltiNT-'lwo ; nicely furnished front
loonn nt 1017 Cass. ml ! >
N ICiiiY : furnished pnrloi and heilrouin , one
block from caliie line , * r. . \ \ 1th lire , SH. .
I ! cor lutli and LTirlc. 7sy ;
1111 ltl',1 ! furnished looms for llcht houseke ' ! '
Ing , with gas , rangi * . nnd bath room \tlth
iot ami told water. I.KI Capitol ave , toptlnt
_ _ _
1OH lll.NT rurnlsheil front looms , b iv win
J- dews , brltk house Ml and OCi' ' , N nthst.
1 > Mtl'll , wishing nenth tuinlihed looms for
thnwlnler , at moletutc prices , may Iind
hem nt ill ) S. 11th st. , loomu' . IbD U'j
3AUI.OI1 nnd bedioom nli elv furnished for
. gentlemen , Ililo llowiiul , loomfi , , , d Hoor.
( fill -JJ
1711 KN'ISIIKI ) or unfurnUlied rooms , lurnncn all modelncomenlences
- - , , wlthur with
mt board N.e. corner 21st and Hint b'reets
1'irius lensotiable. W4
[ T'LF.CiA.S'TLY furnished rooms ; light , airy ;
-LJ nouthcrn u\iosuie ; butli , hot and cnid
Anter , l i b Ifith st. llrst tlat south side. Wtl U
"XTKWLY fuiiiHhcd warm rooms foi fHinllles
ii for winter , f-ulto "t parlors , li.-xv windowH ,
block Iroiu p. o , prl\ ale house , lol Moll Cnpl-
: ol nvo irti -
I7M It.MSIU ; ! ) front loom , buy window , bilck
-t' lionsHH aud Ufi'j N. 17th st 71 | *
1/OU ItrXT 1 uinl'hed looms at 114 I'nr-
Jnnui i.t. h.'j L *
"ITIOH KLNl'-Laiao front room , nicely fur-
Julshed , at 14JI Dodga st , 6UU 1 *
board. 1SI > Chic igo st. Kllo''jjf
FOIt HKNT-Sfmnisheil front looms , I ! ) N.
Mh. fKI 1
JtulOOMS ( for light liou-ekoeplm.r. either fill
Jtul lied ur unfuinlslied , at 1 IjU Doujjl is.
( is.Ul If
] 71OH KKNTHoom with boanl lei two geli <
L tleuicn. 17-1 Davenpoit. s.V > st
Foil HKNT Well-furnished looms , -ingle ol
in sultu ; steam heat , buth , etc , . K.1J . Douglas.
117 Ul
J71OII HIINT-Nli ely furnished suita of looms ,
JL1 nil modern convenient01 , board If desired
N o.e \ ( ieorgui av e , ( S. 3 Uli st' ' . KI'I 11
TJTOIl IM3NT Imvv fuinlxh'Ml moms tor twn
-i gentlemin Price } ! . ' , $7 nud * s. Kits S lvth t ,
tie.u I'leri e. 8111 It
rritNISHI3l > room , with or without boaid ,
1 10 nnd 10-J Davenport st. Inquire I'llO.
T1IK !
HKNT Suite of front looms.fiirnlshed :
3 bnck room , luijulio JUO ) Douglas. ' , b
FOH HKNT I'm nulled rooms with two
meals , MI N. 1Mb st. 7b1.It
SjICKLY furnished front loom..ilUbr. Jlnrv s
IViive. 7111 .f
Fi1 ( IlKXT Suit of looms , furn'.slied or un
, itiilshed. K. A.Mursh , ! US N liith. CH
KOOMS Fninlshed , with or without board
33.1) ) Hurt. 401 41
IflOH HI3JST Nice lurge east front loom.wlth
ulcove , for gentlcimu , only tl o blocks fiom
P. O. , 3 blocks7umi cable. 3IUN. I'Jth st. 331 !
F IJltNISHI3D Hoom with board. 31J1
Sownrd. , 6t > ; , jot
IJLI3A8ANT furnished rooms , steam heat ,
gas , buth un'l board In private family. 301S
31th. 070023
ELKUANT fiont rooms , cheap. U33 S. 11th ,
10. 1 . 15'
KOOM8 Including board In the Young Wo-
' men's home I'.ilO Dodga st. Heforonces re
quired. 040
B ASKMKNT for rent , furnished or uufur-
nlshcd. 11115 Dodge C7i
FOH HKNT A hnndsomo room iv 1th nlcove at
35J'J St. Mary's nve. K9
I710K KENT Furnished looms m Grounig blc
JL' cor. l.lth and Dodte sts. Inquire of Oeo. It. .
Davis. Mlllnrd hotel billiard room. K l
POIl HKNT Klcnuntly furnished rooms with
bonul. luiiulro IWrj Douglas. C3I
KOOMS at 1718 Dodge ; also homo board.
G72 2
T710K KKNT Nicely furnished front room.nlbo
JL. one small room , at 18-1 Fiunimst. i.Ti l *
17HH HI3.NT Nice loom with steam heat and
JL ? bath , for gents , llft'i N Itth st. Kit
"VTKWLY , nicely furnished rooms , steam heat ,
ii bath , llrst-clnss tnblii board , also board by
daj'orweekif deblicd. 17-1 Daveupoit. iibJ-01 *
FOU HI3NT Nlrely fmnltliod moms with
flrst-cln s board in private famlljou ; cable
nnd street air line ; 2:07 : Dodge st. til lit
"VTICKLY funilshed rooms , $1 per week ori3.50
-L > per month , 504 ' , Mil nnd 501 b' . ISth st.
11)0 )
FIII8T clnss room cheap , for Indy , with lire , 2
lilocks of P. O. AdilrObS Kill , Hee. Ull-2 *
IT'OH HKNT 1'iirnlshed sleeping looms , f up-
J vvnids , I'uj'ublo weeklj ormonthly , Wi llow-
nid st. OMI 2t
IjlOH lir.NT 2 looms , funilshed for light
housekeeping ; front on two streets with
view of llv el nnd blldi'os BJ'J Hovvnul st.
FOIt KENT 3 or eleirnnt unfiiiuished looms ;
stenm heat nnd use of bath ; ( ential ; to re
sponsible parties only. Address K J < j , Hco. 'M I
UNFUKNISHKD-Sultnblo for JiouscKeopInir.
Tnreo ill ) looms , lOltl N. 20th st 1 1 50
Thice CD room hou o llth nnd Chlcngo bt Fi IX )
Three ( III rooms , 1410 Ploi eo fit . . .10(0 (
rl hreeiJ ) rooms. 707 PacltlcHt . 10 < W
Kourdi rooms 1704 We.bstc'1 st . . . . 1030
Throe ( .1) ) rooms , 701'i 1'ncllle st . 1000
Four (4) ( ) rooms. 411 South lUth bt . . . ! 8 00
l'our(4)iooms ( ) 17th and U obiter nt. 33 50
Apply to Judge Hentlng Agency , Herald
building , 8. W coiner of 13th aud Ilnruerst.
_ _ _ _ _
III KT3K turuTshed rooms , dl3 8 15tn.
264 o 3
FOK HKNT 0 good stores , heated by steam ,
on fa luth at , corner of Mason , Llntou block.
Inquire of John Ilamlln , Ijlutou block , HU17.
HU h *
FOK HKNT A third Hoer , 20x100 , Miltnble
for wholesale or light manufacturing busi
ness. Inquire nt 1118 Farnam Ht. 733 04
T7 ° iOH HKNT 3 stores , ono 7-room cottage , one
JL' rt-room tlat on 18th nnd Lenvomvorth by
Frank Wasseimau , nt llnuk of Omalm , 407
ToitK forlieiit rJi' ' Fnrnam. Apply Chasl
Chllds , N. W. Coiner 18th nnd Leavonworth.
"iriOK HKNT Nicely furnished onico , ground
X1 Hoer , haUoflSWS icth st , opposite Chamber
of Commerce , M. A * Upton Company Klj
FOK HKNT Gtore-room under Omaha llauk-
ing Co. , cor. 15th aud Harney. suitable
inonuy loaning or real estate business. Paulson
I : Co. No. Ull , room H. 1'arnam st. 6M
ril WO choice store rooms lu the Her building ,
JL between Howard andJnckiou nts. Apply
Ilaymer A : Her btore. 5S4 S inth at. 4" ! sli
HKNT Storeroom , No. 211 S. 14th st. Ar
ply at 11JO Howard st. gll
O ITIfES nnd basements for rent , corner 13th
aud Jackionats. Mrs. F. 1 Jingo , &J ,
Foil llKNT-Otllce suite > month. 2 single
oHices 315 each , all fronting Ifith it. , llusn-
limn block , N. K. Cor. 16th and Douglas. W. .M.
Uushmau , Ull Leavenworth. Wl
ri" > WO stores , 22x50 , just completed , with liats
JL of seven rooms above , with water aud gus ,
first-class UnUh. 6th and Paclllu sts. . low rent.
Apply to Ufflneer Uros. , VU H. 10th bt. , Omaha.
HENT-rtue retail store room with
. arge basement , CM p r month , C. P. Har-
ri9on. 18H. IStli st. _ eat
STOHK for rent , lilt Farnam street. Inquire
of Nathan bhelton , at 1606 Karnam street
IT'Ott lirNT-OnCumlniiit More anil living
JU apartments , also llvfcryHtnble. Kmiulrp of
Harris It. K , A L.Ca , HtonUll , 1st Nnt , bunk.
AildreM K 4 , ' ,
tea u
T1A1UY farm to rent J 1th 4ft cow sKorpir -
-l-'tlculnrs call on or Intmlre of Henry Pcndle-
ton,5 miles south of Nelsnskn City , Neb.
SIT 17 *
LIS houses wltu meliave lota of customei * .
.1 II 1'arrotte. HUi ) Chicago. _ r)7 li _
" \ \ ft ! give special attention" renting niid col-
lecttngients , list With us. H. K. Cole , room
C , Continental block. _ KI7
IP YOU want your home * rented pive them
with lieunw t ft. Co. , 15th. opposite postolllce.
KOltnK J. STKltNSDOHl'K. room U. opp. I' .
( ) . , will hereafter Hive attention to
renting homes , stores and tints. Kjouwant
your piopcrty runted without demy nud to reli
able tenan'H. do not f.ill to list the tame with
him W
IOSTSuck of brlckla > er'H tools near 27th and
JLake Huturn t > or address S. I' . Hooker ,
ItJ.'l Cutnlng. 102 3J
rosr Illark parasol on ( UJ red line ; gold
handle ; .Mrs (1 \ \ , kollocc's name on han
dle. Hetuinto Itee. _ J1JOJ ! *
T OST-Small prnyei-book ; valuanle as n
Jjkeepsano. 1'iiider pl aso tvtuin to T. .1.
Lowrj121 ! ) Park Wild inc.nnd lecelve leward.
' *
"I ( ) -T ( loMrltn dpeitacles. at and \\ob-
J J-ter. Itetuin to luOJ lltnt and get rtiwnnl.
U'lT If
I OS I' A bunch of keys rinder please leave
J nt lleo iilll1' ! ' and bo rewarded U7'J 1J
( XfA m istlir dog nnineil "Sultnn ' ; drnb
o'or , ba ! k la'e , l't joais old ; suitable ie-
; W.V. Morse , coi. a.nh and Davenport
U7I 1
IOST A small gold watch , on Oth strict ,
J south , or on Illtli st , nnnr r.rowuell hall The
llndc"by returning the same to Hiovtnnll hall ,
\\lllborcwarded. B" ! I *
ITIOI'ND loaf ando < t , wat , h and chains , al-
I1 loyo-i North 10th street. 111. rieMIrr , p is-
'rytook 1'axton hotel , U 4 " '
\\TAUUrN 1'A'ITISON will leiirn MimethlliR
to h.s iidvautaje by toirfspi.ndliiR with
Huby , box. H 4i ) , llee onite. IW"-S "
] \L \ AHY STIION'O. M. D , rooms , ! nnd 1 Jacobs
block , cor. Capitol n\e. and luth "t.
41.1 0-1 *
1 iLHM IN A L 1 respectfully call tno ntteutlon
I of those who IHo out oC the city , to the tact
hat I nmuo purchases In any and e\ery line of
goods , nnd to the satisfaction of thobimr
llusluess done throii'jli the IIIIIK. Wilte for
arilcnlars. Address I' r. 1'ioit , loom H , Con-
tinenlnl block , Omaha. iM > o. 7'
13r.IlSO.VAL If you liavo a personnl Item , or
any communl'atlon , drop It In one of The
Heo'h message boics. 100
ill SALII I'urn'turo ' of a 1-rooui house ,
cheap ; lion-o rents foi $ l"i ; extra deslinblo
lei nili n , nfir tw i i > r lines ; well nnd c stern.
U his 1 ui bairtalu. Addrtss 13 44 , ileo olllio
lilOH BALI : r.lcgaut furnlturo of 15 room cot-
1 tag" at n baigaln : also premhes to lent.
Cull befoio noon nt J3I1 Seward st. Ml 0
oil SAL13 Chenp. or trade , one goo 1 trav
eling spring wa'on suitable lor travelliu ,
liimtln , : or tlslilm ? \ > 'ill uold IJ persons. Also
tinoe maie colts , olio jelr old lust spring , from
laigu Ami-ill all mures. Call or addre-n C. T ,
I'vnns , sil.Mirant st. KM 1 *
Sl'KCI A L sale , plmotons nnd top 1 unifies Wo
ulll put on oi.r jopiH toiy , iioith est
orner Dodge nud 111 h sts , dutlng HID next 1" >
. . J.'i phao ons and 5 i top b igglas all fie < h
-i at prices loner t'lan Anything olterod In
Onril.ii. t'ome and see for join selves H vou
w nut bargains Cush talks. .1. C' . Svvnn , Mnna-
ger. Daisy ll.igrv Co tl" ) >
SALI3- \ good fnnilly hoise , bmiKy nnd
harness for $1 a Adiln si 13 H , Heo olllui. 710
J7Klt SALK Seumau'H ivnjrons nud cnrrlnges ,
1 Oni.ih.iu luigostvnilqtj' , cast Mdo Jtltb ht.
nenth of "Nicholas. The best nnd the ihnpest.
721 o i'O
POH SALK \ new tl seat Kockawiy carriage
nt Leo.V Mchols * livery hnm. Twenty-eighth
nnd Leavenwoith Telephone 810. 417
&OH SALK t'henp for cish , n peed roadster ,
jv 7-jear-old nnd iilmost new Coltmmis top
buggv nnd bullions ; If vou wnutn tlno loo'tinj ' ;
rig It will pnv jou to Investigate. Geoiga J.
Sternsdorir , Hoom ( I , opp. P. O. 2.'i
1I1OH SAL13 A Snyder make open buggy ,
JL' tlioip for tnsh , or will trade for top buggy.
Gee , .1. Stern-sdorir , room ii , opposite I' . O
| jiuu. > i luiiri S. W. Cor. Dodge nnd ISth Hts. ,
JL ; neui ly all good as new ; 1 bed complete K ,
nndlutJIO ; w ish stand $ .1 , toilet set Jl.71. two
s-ott coal stoves with pipe } 4 eich , " . > lngor"
biiwhiK miichlno $15 , center tnblo $4 , heutiiig
driimui tl.50 ; must bo sold by October _ lst.
"IT'OH SAL13-A fnmlly hoisoor for general
JL ! Ubc- , price HW. luijulro No. hi ! ) S. 10th. City.
1710K S.\L13-In deslinble locality , lease of
JL : Hut , vvIth elegant furniture , nt reasonable
price. One-halt of purchase price w ill Lo taken
out in board and room. Address D 11 , Hco
of lice. " > .t
lj , sewing macntne nnd organ for
JL'sale. \ \ ill be sold at half pi Ice for cash oren
on time. Also 1 Itemington typen rltcr nnd 1 " 1C.
1' . " suit , nil new. Lmjulro at 1417 1'arn im st ,
room I ) nnd 10 , upstairs 1J- !
VJTAXDAUD bhortlmnd - -
Omnn nnd Orahnm Stnndnid I'honogrnphy
tnughl by thoroughly experienced teachers.
Students entering during ne\t thirty days al
lowed to attendoionlng sessions fiee. Iteming
ton Standard typewriters used In practice de-
Sliorthnnd , ( dully lesions ) three months . . . ' " >
Tvpeniltlug- ' null ) ) thue monlhs 10
livening session , per month II
Lessons bv innll three months 10
New No ' , ' Itemington typewriter given away
flee to ht nlents. bind or call lor tirculais.
Iii07' < I niiiaui st , Omaha , Neb. 7IU 4
\/"AI.r.NTINI3S Shorthand nnd Typewriting
T Insitiite. Ltugest and best unulpped in thu
west. Clraditatea nil occupy good paying sit
uation Day and evening sessions , btudeiiu
cnn enter nt anytime. Sen I for circular. New
1'axton building , Omahn. IKJ O 0
In cold given to the user of our I'lj m-
oiitli HOOK tinned nnd coppered steel car
pet tacks , upon conditions Interesting to every
one. 'I heso tacks mo the very best , lion are of
Imitations , For salu by lending dealeis in all
in inc pil cities , for pu Honiara address Lor-
iiiii A. 1'niks , Mnnfrs , I'lymouth. Mnss. 111 '
AflFA'TS Our Christmas HOOKS ( selling from
M cents to J.'t TO ) will pny you n larger piollt
tlmn any others the next three mouths. One
ngent mailo n prollt last year ot $81.30 In two
weeks ; one reports an average prollt of $7.00 n
dav from September HU Christmas. Circulars
free. Caasell A ; Co. , II. H. S , 1) . , 40 Dearborn St. ,
Chicago. 11.I3J
DIVOHCr.a Cheaply. , quietly ; desertion ;
blank npnllCHtlons null circulars giving ill-
voice Inws of every stnto Ireo J. Ulillst,0 (
Clark btChicago , 111.
m buy , sell , or exchange real estata or mcr-
JL chnndise.soo K F. Uliiger. 110 N. 15th. _
rptlK banjo taught as an art by Geo.I' . Qcllen-
JL beck. DOS * Hameyst. IS.
HESS VKINO-Havhm'reFumeddressmnk.
Ing at my former stand , 1 will bo pleased to
lecelve a call from my many patrons nnd
others. Mrs. 13. A. Crater , room 10 , Jacobs
block , s. o. corner Cupltoravo. and nth fit.
BKAUTIUJL fnceH nri < l guaranteed
racebleacherremovoi&vckles , pimples nnd
wrinkles , 1 pe r bottliSllook of receipt for
the complexion 35 cents. " Send 4 tents for clr-
culur. Madaine Huppert , 24J State St. , Chicago
Ql'OTcash for old nnd new books , furniture ,
O stoves and carpets. Orff i. Co. , 117 N ,
Ml'SIf A. Holirs ft Son are now prepared to
furnUh the bot.t and latest music for recep
tions , weddings , sociables , parties balls , etc.
Hruus and string quartettes furnished , especially -
ly for serenades , concerts , funerals , eio. Ollice
< OI South 13th st. , A. E. llorris1 Music More.
3U1 o 19 *
T HAYIi a txl ft lot on 1'arnam street between
JL 3bth nml 23th sts , a bplendld location for u
llv ery bain , vrnlch 1 will lease cheap and build
to suit lessee If desired. Oeoruo J. Sternsdorir ,
ItooinO. opu. P. O. tea
WH. llAIlUKU-Cess poeM A water closets
cleanedvvork guarauteed.eoa S.StluTel tel
/ J EO1K1K J. SternBdorff , room B , opposite P 0.
VJnas some very desirable lots In various parts
of the city that can be leased on reasonable
terms. Will build to suit lessee. K
Hut'sr. for rent ; turulturo for salu or trade.
1615 Uodee. 969
\VOM AN'3 Exchange. 1C17 Furnamst. Luncli
T > daily , supper Saturday night * . 04g
Ko.MH for UesUtute > \ omen and Chirdren ,
K713 Hurt st. WO
G.E.1I10MPSO.N , HoomiW Bhcely blort. 877
TVHNSON * CAUMU IIAIU , furnlsli co.npleto
JJnuil Ktinranteed abstracts of title tto any
reiil estate In Omaha nnd Douglas county upon
short notice. The most lompleto set of iibstri\ct
booics In the city. No. IfilM rnrutim St. s' ,
MmiANt ) ( limriviiteo and Trust Co. . IRiKt ( nr
nain Complete abstracts furnished , & titles
to real estate examluedpnrfccted & ptiiir.itUeeil.
S TOHACIK alow rains at lisi rarnuin
Omaha Auctl ° u & Stornsa Co. 770 o'l
rpllACKAGK. storage , lowest rate' . W. M
JL Hushman , 1111 Leavenworth. P7X
WANTKD 1 urnltttre nnd household goods
of nil kinds Omalm Auction it Storage Co. ,
IU'1 I'ainnm st "io'J
EAKTIl vv anted Apply I''lT u 20th st.
OLD Hooks Cash paid for second handbooks
at Atitiirunrian Hook Store , 1I1J rnrnam
| 72-107'
DO VO1 VMint to borrow moneyff you have
diamonds , watches or J \\eii j and dosiio to
olfect a lonu ou favorable terms in n.strictly
private nnd conlldoutliil mnniier , or should you
wnnt a loan on furniture , hordes , carriages ,
laud contracts or personal propel ty of any de
scription , jou tun have monev iidvuuctdnt
lnvvist rnttfti of Inteival und umplo time to pny
by calling on or sending postal i.ird to the
Omaha Mortgage Loan Co.
> v e loan out our own money , make out our
own papers nnd pay no commission , HIUM gl\
lug Iho benellt to the bin rower.
oiu f icilitioiniosueh tlrit wo can nreommo-
date vou in n piompt uud conlldentlal man
ner , giving j-oii fnlr , honorable nnd courteous
All lo ins renewed at 01 Initial rates.
New 111 pay oil any mortgigo jounowhavo
nnd give you lonu time unit low rates ; will loan
any sum from i2 \ to Jl.uoo.
Commercial und 1st mortgage paper bought.
Omnhn Mortgage Lonu Co , mom 405 , Paxtou
block. 44S
MONKY To Loan Hy the undoislgned , who
has the only properly orgnnUed loan agency
In Omaha. Loans of $10 to ilUQ madn on furnl
tuio , pianos , orKanshorseswagons , machinery ,
etc. , without removal No delays All business
strictly coutlilentlnl. Loans so made that any
part can be paid at nuy time , each payment
reduclmjttio cost pro rata. Advances iiiftdo on
llnowntuhos and diamonds. Persons should
carefullv consider who they are dealing with ,
as many new concerns nre dally comtm : Into ex
istence , should > ou need money cull mid see
me.V. . It. Croft , room 4 , Wlthnoll building ,
loth nnd Hartley. frS-
rpiin Umnlm Financial i\chaiigo : , Hoom lr ,
i llaiker IllocS , southwest corner of I'lirnam
and 1 .til sts.
.Makes a hpoclaltv of shoit-tlmo collateral
and leal estnto loins.
Money nlnnjs on hand In sumsof ? 10J nnd
up .nils to any amount , to loan on apprmoil
Si ciiieil notes bought , hold or o\changod.
Cleirieal eatilo ami lash to uxchunga for
good llrit or second mortgaces.
Loans made upon land coatiacts , stocks ,
bonds , tiust deeds , tlrst or second mortgage be-
turlty , without publicity , delay or i ed tape.
1 limnclal business of aii > klml trunsttcted
1'iomptly , qtiletlv and falily. Koom li , llarkor
bloik , CVibutt , Manager. bSl
" \ \ r. keep on hand monev to loanonlnsldo
> pioporiv In omahn nnd South Omalm in
.sums fiomJVJ'to ' yi.Oi'J , and as wo do our own
valuing , m iko all napers , etc. , we can completu
a Inanaiiy d i\ \o i Wish nud pay j on the money ,
llntes , Smith \ Co , Hoom.0) ) , Kamgo building.
M' ONKV ' to loan ; large and small sums at low
rates , for shin ttliu" , on real estate or chat-
tel sei uiity ; second notes bought ; nil Iliiaiu Inl
business stilt tlycontldentlal l'eoplo'8 Finan
cial 13\i'hange , o lloits-aion , man "
Wi'4 ' llniker block , l.lth nml Fnrnam.
MOM3Y to loan on horses , furilt lire ami oilier
per ional prop KatuMiiod-
enito ; business coiilldontlal Olllco S. W. corner
11th und Douglas sts r.ntrnuco on nth st.
Thn I'nirbanK Investment Co. 8 8
GW. I'F.CIC loans money for uon-residents
.on gllt-edgo leal estate , socuritles. guaran
teed ; reference. Commercial National Hanlr
Omnha. O. W Peck , Hoom 4 , I'runrer block.
li'Jl o 11 *
nt lowest rates of interest.
'Iho Mutual Investment Co. . Hoom 1 ,
Harker bloiK 771o4
$ ) IHIIIIO ) to loanjon Improved city nnd coun
try propertj' . Cash on hand. First moitgnge
notes bought by diiarniity Loan nml Invest
ment Co , liith iindCnlcngo sts. 7-1 I1D
MONKY to loan on Improved real itnte.
l.eav lit llurimnm , Creighton block. 7'J
"ilJONKY to loan at O. II. Peterson , teal es-
IT ! tale nud loan agent , 141-'S l.lth st. Mil O.'j
G OODeity nnd farm loans wanted by A. K.
lllley. Pill ) Farnam. Kb3
CASH ou hand-JVW.OOJ to loan on city and
t.irm property , lowest rates of interest ;
building loans n specialty. O. \ \ . Peck , Fren er
block. 805 o 11 *
GPKH CI3NT money to loan Cash on hand
\ \ " . M. Harris , room 30. Ficnzor block , opp.
$ " .00,000 to loan on Omnhn city property nt fl
pe r cent. O. W. Day. S. K. cor. Kx. bid. 8"C
MONKY to loan > m furniture , vvnsona , te. ,
without removal , or on collateral security
Hiislness btrlctly confidential. A. K llroonwooil
A. Co , It 1 Cunningham blk , cor. Uth & Jackson.
MONKY to loan ; cash on hand : no delay , J.
W. Snulie , uia Fnriiam st. First National
bank building. 86 ! )
EASTEHN money cheap. City and country.
Olllte Philadelphia Mrutfagu and Trust Co. ,
Koom IJ , Hoard of Trade. ( Jeo. * iV. V. Coated.
( -01
/IHATTKLnndcollaternl loans. M.K.Davis
VVlll S Uth St. , room 37. MI31
A.WO.OOO 0 per cent. Money to loan on 1m-
cpproved farms or city property. Jnnio } A.
Woodman , nt the old nro Insurance ollice of
Murphy & Lovott , 330 S. Uth st. 8H !
MONKY to loan ou improved pioperty nt first
hands. No applications sent uway for ap
proval. Security and titles examined tree of
charge o borrow ers. Lombard Investment
company. fflJ 8 Uth st. ir.l
FIKST mortgages , loans on city , business or
residence property nt lowest rates. Cull and
see us before placing your loan. Hemlngton fc
Frye , room 1 , N. W , cor 15th and Fnrnam , 71K ) 0 ! )
MONKY to Loan City und country ; cheup
rates , no delay. L. P. Hammond , 400 Pux-
ton building. 705
(11:1,000 to loan on inside property. Some tlrst
P mortgages for bats. Nathan Shulton , lr > 0"
I'm imiu street. SO ]
MONKY to loan in any amount , either for
building or otherwise , ut lowest rates of
Interest nnd on short notice. D , Y. Sholes , room
210 First Nnt'l bank , cor. l.lth . nml Farnam. b'U
T OAN8 made on real estate nnd mortgages
JiJ bougnt. Lewis S Heed i Co. , 1531 Karnam.
6 ! > 7
HH. inEV-SOO,000 to loan on city property
and Improved farm land. I'ronzer block ,
MONKY loaned at C. P. Heed & CO.'R loan of-
lleo , on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons ,
personal property of all kind * , nnd nil other
articles of value without removal , U19 S. l.lth.
All business strictly contldeutlal.
) . to loin at 6 per cent. Linahan & Mahoney -
$ honey , room KM , Puxton block. IKX )
MONKY to loan ou furniture , horses , wagons ,
etc. , or ou any approved security , J , W. Hob-
bins , H. 300 Bheely blk , IMh and Howard. 01
MONKY to loin ; long time. George J , Paul1
1009 Karnam at Mi.
B TJILDINQ loans. Linahan & Mahouey.
E KAI. citato loans , lowest rates. Odell llros.
A. Co. , U1J S. IBth st. SOJ
MONKY to loan. O. I' . Davis Co. , real estate
and loan agents , 1503 rnrnam st. 033
MONKY to loan on Omaha nud South Omuha
propertjC. . F. Harrison. 4IB S. 15th Bt. 81.3
DON'T borrow mouay on furniture , horses ,
wngons , etc. , until you have seou C. II. Ja
cobs , room 410 , KIrst National bank building ,
cor , 13th and 1'urnaui 004
TTIOH t-ALIJ Hotel nearU. P. depot , part cash
J- balance trade for other buslue&a or city prop.
tTty. Addreaa K 4U HOB ollice. 10J 7J
DHF.SS.M.UvI.NT business for Halo cheap ; fair
stand and Al customers ; leaving city. Ad.
drcsa K 4 J , Hoe ollice. SW8 2
T7\OH \ SALK-1'eod store and fixtures , nearly
JL1 new building , conveniently arranged , ground
rent two yeais , store 7 curs hay , doing good
business at present time. Hntlsfnctory reasons
for nulling. Adilresa P. 0. Uox t < 54 , South Oiua-
ha Neb. Vfi 7 *
BUSINICSS chancta for Kale , Such as cigar
Mtores , restaurants , chop houses , meat *
luarKBt , news depot , confectionery and bakery ,
hotel , and a llrst-class saloon , Call or address.
Co-Operative Land aud Lot Co , 203 N ICth st.
171011 SALK --At n bnrgnln , n complete bakery
JL1 otittll , with patent oven. Addru . A Mn-
Itieir , KuHerton , Nance Co. , Neb. fiJ &
' [ TIOIl SALIVA itoclToTg eniTmcrc mIl e"
JJ Address lock box 8SS. Atklmon , N b
2:14 : Old *
TjlOH SALR-Salt Lnke lots W each , nt " 10 S.
15th nt.
; ln
U'bUMUPSt. 5ft Vof trtnrv r m nnr rrK'nti f r
wanting to nell. l > T\\ \ ? n ce. uni
I71OH SALK A stock of general q.ri ,
X" Will Invoice nbout W.IM ) . Al v
brick store building. 2'ixso , on a gooif >
the reutrnl part of town. Will ell sl . A-
rent building , or sell both togither. Must np- * /
nt ouce for particulars. Address 1) 2 ( * . OmnhA " * .
llee , OH 02 * 1
'lilOTTS \ LK citenp for casli. n clean stock of
! 'itioccrlo * aud llxturoj. Address K 10 , Hoe
ollko Wl " *
$ HMwlll buy n complete outfit of boarding
house full of bonnier. " . Applj ut 15.M Dodgo.
IJiKHSONS deslilng to luvsfiom l.CtX ) to
J tV ) ii'dlent paitner lu a well established
manufacturing buslne-n , nddresi D2J , Hee.
7U O4
\\TASTKD-A good buxliie'iT ian VYlth fll.dOO
> capital to ns-sumo the miiuanement of n
mnnufactnrlm ; and Jobbing business , being the
loiisolldatlon ot two well established houses.
No bonus tube given for * either btiHiueis aim
4 > ncres of land very ni"ir Knnias fit ) nnd ou
thiee trunk llncsof inllwny v\lll bo given to
new romp my for fnctoiy purposes. Address
IJuy II. Klmore. 14.7.1 and 1141 Liberty st , Kansas
City Mil. , 767 3
IT'Olt SALK or K-d-hange An old established
Igood paving Llverv business In Council
IUuirnln. , ll .V Main ct. Win. Stndlemnn. f.'U .
171011 SALI3--Absti act book < of Omaha nml
Jl Douglas count- , This Is an eslabllshed ,
rnpldly Increasing , business , paying n
large interest on the Investment 1'or books
nnd good will of the business. Omnha real es
tate. or secured paper w 1th n fair cash payment
will be tnken. Oeoige W. Ames , 1507 Vnrunm.
I/1OH SALK A good lumber.conl.agrlculturnl
Jt ? Implement and livestock buslneis. Address
Hedge Hios. . Yutnn , Neb. bS.1 olO
MM SALK-Chenp forirish , N. YTltotel nnd
Itestnuinnt , 7UU N. loth ht. : good business ;
desirable locution , reason for selling , have
other business to attend to , Callou or address
K A. Marsh , 'JOS N . st . Omahn. IVO
_ _ _
OH KXrilANGK-rienr , iinpioved farms In
\\nslilnitoii ; county for residence or busi
ness property In umaliu : will pay some uisli ;
Ihese fnrins lire within llto'W miles of Omahn
Call ami sco about them. 13. K. Hlnger. 11U N.
1Mb. tfU U
iltIt K.M'llAMli : Merchandise of nil de
scriptions wanted In exchange for reulos-
, ate and homo cash ; 1 ha\o farms nud wild
anils of all sl/es and desciiptlous. lhaxo
ionics and lota In Omahn nnd Council Illulls
anging tiom MM to * 1UOKXI. ( Send list of what
on have to exchange and stut what you wish
o exchange for. U. 1" . Hinger. lltf N. loth st.
FrilNITritKof B seven roomed hou e price
} ii o. vvniit to tiado on first payment on u
louse and lot In HoMl'.s ntld. or vicinity. Co-
opeintlvo Lund i. Lot Co. , 2J.'i N. loth st IC'J.1
po K.VCHANGK 1 hnve from ten to thirty
1 thou-und dollius vvorth of clioli o Omuha
iropeity located along the Holt Line railway I can trndo lor good fnrm land or stocic
-amh. 'I his is all good propertj nnd wellslt-
uiteil to get thn benetlt of thn future ) growth
if the city , nnd will double In value within
thicojenrs. Addicss Qcorgo N. Hicks , llarkor
ilock , Omaha 1)8.1 ) 1
HANSCOM plnco Klesnnt 10-room house
to trnilo for a gooiH ncnnt lot or to sell on
easy terms. bte\ens Hros. , IK-'I I'ninam Hl
' 1 HAMS , wiifjon and hainess , nnd one Jer-ey
- Jconnd calt , to trade for n good lot In ninth
pat tot city ; fc..WOstoi k of groceries and drugs
for cash and propel tj ; Ibst class stock of gro-
eeileslo exchange tor some cisli and good
land ; stoikof inlilinervnnd n stock of drugs ,
with more property ; land and city propuit )
with cash for md--o. CoOpointho Land and
IxJt t. o , ae N loth st. 1 > WJ 1
-I fiO-ACUK Improved fnim to trndo lor good
1 Omaha propel ty. K. 1' . Scaver , room 40. liar
kei block. ' .isl 1
'I7IAHNAM street house totindo forgoodlm-
-1 proeil farm near Omaha. Stevens Hros. ,
15' . ' ! I'nrnum.
T i.KCHANai : ; A jrxi.OiX ) wbolcsalo stock o
rtry goods , In mmmltles to suit , for Omaha
iropeity , lmpro\cd farms nnd sumo cash 0.
iV. Mowtry , Lock Hex DO , Lincoln , Nob.
TO THADn SlO.Ol'O equity in vacant business
lot on Fninam httoet for good laud , farm or
other propeity. Address I ! II , lleo. 7oh-l *
rpo THADl : Houses , lots , lands nud furnl.
JL tuiv , and property of ull kinds , bteveus
llros , 1131 Fiuunm. WO-l
\\7ANTIJU-To exchange tnsldo city prop-
TT eity for improved farms iiearclty. llox
751. city. 0 6 1 *
1710K KXCHANOK-Cholce Improved farm
JL' lands In Nubrnskn for Omaha rosldencoproii-
crty or stocks of clean merchandlsB. Call or ad-
diess W A. Krye. It 1 , nw corlBth nnd Fnrnaui.
K8 o 4
I HAVE real and property of nil
kinds for trade. Call and see me. Cicorgo J.
Steinsdorff , room 0 , opp. 1' . O. JEo !
LT'HAT have you to trade for some northwestern
western oil stockAddiess It 0 , lleo illlce.
rpo KxchaiiKo 4M ) acres of choice fnimlng
JL land In exchange for brick. Address u touco
Lock Hex 1 , West Point Nob. 035 1
rpHK Omaha Dullness Kxclninge. II. B , s.w.cor.
JL nth and Douglas , makes n specialty of soiling
and exchanging all classes of meichnndlso. etc.
mo KXCHANOK-Or sell , houses and lots ,
JL farms or merchandise sea Omaha Huslness
Hxchange , room 5 , s. w. cor. 15th und Douglas.
WANTI3D Good lands and city property ,
horses , cattle , etc. , to exchange for mer
chandise in all lines , L. P. Kraus , 1U07 Fnrnnni
st. , Omaha , Neb. 4M O31
\\7"ANTKD Stocks of murchandlHo In any and
T all lines to exchange for good farm lands ,
Omaha real estate , horses , cattle , etc L. P.
Kraus , 1(107 ( 1'nrmm St. , Omaha , Neb. 4M Ml
A TTKNTION The gifted destiny reader can
J.V he consulted dally fur two w ecks on nil nr-
fairs of life or death ; tells your life from the
crndle tothogtuvo ; leunltes the eparatud with
the wondeitul Kgypti in churm ; locates dbeaso
and heals them witn ninspngo nnd electric treat
ment Olllco 417 S. llth bt , up stalrs.rooms'Jiind I.
03330 *
DH. NANNIK Y. Wnriou , clnirvojnnt , Medt-
cnl business nud teat medium. Diagnosis
free. Female diseases a specialty. 119 N IBth st.
ItOdins 3 A. ; ) . Tel. 1)41. ) 107
" 17IOH HALK Wishing to move to the country.
J will sell my homo on ( ieorgla uvo ; homo of
1(1 ( rooms ; gas , bath , furnace , city nud cistern
water ; all modern improvements. 1'or particu
lars inquire on promises , No. 1301 Georgia nve.
H. H. Hake. U.102J
[ TlOIl SALK -Fineresidences in Hancom plnco
JL ! and vicinity. M , A. Upton Compauj' . _
TAOK SALK 2 elegant modern cast front
JL' houses 7 rooms and bath , ou Lovvo ave. In
spect those ; terms und prices to suit. W. A'
Uoddard , 1 3 Capitol ave. Ml 30
TBOH BALK Heuutlfnl homos In Kountze
JL1 place , ll. A. Upton Company. KO
RRAL Krftato Hnrgalns A 7-room hoiue
located In a lot und u halt of ground , 15
minutes walk from court house ; choltu loca
tion ; can bo bought at a very low figure by any
one who cnn pay J 1,000 cash , balunco at 7 per
cent. The property must bo sold. W. M. YateB ,
agt. , California and 33d st. B7l
BUSINKSS-lOth street , corner. 4 blocks from
Fnrnam , for H loss than U Is worth. WxlUJ
on Capitol ave , between 15th and ICtli , at less
than vulue. M. A. Upton Company. 570
T7KH BALK-Nothlng but llrst-class proper-
JL1 ties. M. A. Upton Co. 870
TT'LF.GANT * building lots , and houses and lots.
JLJ for saloon easy terms. Btovons Hros , 1531
Faruani. NA \
FOK SALK-Very best South Omaha bar"-
gains. M. A. Upton Co. b70
liST O.CuiX-100 ft front , very slghtly.for
Miliiut a barguin-iJOCiO. btovens ftros ,
15J1 1 iinirtiu st , BUS l
FOK SALK Finest residence property lu the
_ _ market. M. A. Upton Co. 870
TpOK BALK Hest U business property in
J Ouiaha. _ M.A. UptouCo. 870
EKSIDKNCK for Sale-Nice 6-room house , fin-
Ished in oak , barn , well. cUtorn , full east
front lot. In Windsor Placsl,30J ; easy terms ;
a lovely little homo at very moderate price. M.
A , Upton Company. tfco
NO TICK To real estate agents From
tills date lota 7 and H , in block i'JJ-J ! , are out
of the market , Kd Spellerberg. 870 2Ut
T AND Sookeis , Attention For full par-
-LJtlculars about free and cheap lands In w ext
ern Nebraska addresi Tlios. O. Patterson , Heal
Kstate Agent , North Platte. Neb. lOlOlD
" 1710K HALK Or exchange. We have eom
-L' good Omaha real estate and Nebraska
farms , which we will fell cheap or trade ( or
stock , of clothing , furnUhlni ; goods , dry KOOI" * ,
boots andshoAs , groceries or hardwtu : * . bchlo4-
,100) t. 811)
8AL.K-IO.OlX ) acres land in Nebraska nt
iiK'5T t" " * " " . ' " "K I'mct ' good farm lands ,
1. II , Peterson , 1412 S , 13th st. WI-O , a , il
TJtAHMINU In eastern Nebraska pirn now
* I'u those wauling to Ko ou a fnnu wo can 1
tell how to get good land w Ith very little money.
1 he day that this ran be dona will soon b
passed M A. Upton Company , yes
rpa U KAOK-lOlfeet frontnge"ou llth street ?
l list north of Nlliholns t , for rale nt a bar *
i'nlu If taken soon Moveiis Hros , 1521 Fitrnnm ,
_ _ _ _ _ _
BAHOAIN Ilusliiess lot on M street. Smith
Omahn. near depot , only 4JXU ( Hlck , room
4U 1 , Murker lllock. i j i
ilLUFFS-Wo have some lots at
, " ' 1 "f the now bridge that can bo
171OH SALK-NIco homes in Windsor i > U rrf- *
JL ? M A I pton Co.
17HW SALK t'rnnk Wnsseriiian. ' th
JL of Omnhn , has home of the choiitu ,
demo nnd business property lu the cltj for t. .
chenp. -09
A\rK hnvo severnl nlcn houses nnd lot * to sel'
TT on very easy terms. Hicks , loom 40. liar-
ker lllock. OTB I
4 800 imJ-.H n full lot und good 4-room cottaga
'Pensv terms nnd good location. D Y. Sholes ,
room 210 , 1'list Nat 1 bank , cor 13th and Far-
B ) >
nnm _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ *
171OH PALK- 132-l.on ! Hrlstol street between
J- Saunders nnd Stnto. Make us an otfor on
this. 20 per lent less will bu > it this week than
It will over ngulti boolloiod for. M. A. Upton
Company. 545
171OH SALK Ti beautiful south front lots In
JL' Hrlgg A Place ou Douglas st. . Just north ot.
the Muiii" ( liove. fl.MM emh , M cash 17,000 for
the f > . M. A. t'ptou Companv. 614
SIX hundred nnd forty acres of choice lands
In central Nebraska , close to two railroads
nnd clear of liicumbrnnce , to trndo for Improved
oltj piopeily. K K. Senver , llarkcr lllock.
U86 1
\\7KLL located ncro property is Uie best In. .
T vestment In Omnhn. Cull uud
choice tracts wo offer. Harkobock.
choice Ilan-scotn 1'laco property eo
Hicks , room 40 llarksr lllk. CkVl
rPlir best Investment lu Oinalm to day is well
JL louitod acre properly.Ve hnve n choice
on aero tract close to city anil only three blocks
nun tegular station on Hell Line railway : will
iako splendid homo or tine fruit ami vegetable
, ardeu , and can be platted Into fifty magnlfl-
'ent ' residence lots that will sell Insldo of tlireo
ears for four to live hundred dollais each. Ca
iller this beautiful piece of land for a few days
, t M,00ViO < ) ; cash , liiinnco to suit. Goo. N.
licks , Hoom 40 , llnrker block. JW6 1
CAN oiler hirsute torn hoit lltno. West-
lawn park , consisting of the beautiful grove
and grounds on 1'aik stieet , just out side the
city limits , and nearly opposite Hiiior's hotel
nnd summer garditn. In West Omaha.
Hits pioperty has long been considered the
finest piaco In the west for summer garden and ,
ilinlc grounds , nud Is now olluied for s lo fof
he llrst time
There Is no plnco nround the city that can
: ompiue with this propoity torn summer gar
den , and If pioperlv liamlled It inn be made thereat
; roat lesott of Omaha , and a live , enter *
Using man can imiKo 11 bushel of money out
f It.
Can oltir this property nt IKures that will
n.iku It a splendid hargaln If voU ! > oon. For
iilcesnud teims call nnd sceUeo. IN. Hicks ,
Inker block , southwest corner 1'ith nud Far-
numstieets. i tWi 1
BAHGAINS Choice ten aero tratt'wlth ' com-
foitnblu house , bin n. splendid sllado tieos ,
etc. , ole ii to city and llelt Line railway , just the
dace for tine fruit nnd vegetable gaiuens. Can
unko thlHii blgbiigaln U'taken soon. Hlclu ,
room 40 , Harker block. 1)85-1 )
"VTKHHASIv \ 7arms Wo have somn good 1W
JL > acre faimsup the lilkhorn valluv with MX ( )
nnd f HU long time mortgages ngalnst them
; hftt from WOO to gMJOrnsh will buy the nqulttes ,
Now U thu time to Invest In Nebraska form
.anils , although selling cheap they are valuable
nnd more produciho than eastern land valued ,
Rt four or the times our pike M A. UptotiCo
at tills 41 feet onaidst just south of
J ( allfornln , coiner on an alloy , for 13,200. 5
room house. M. A. Upton Company. 70 -
ONLY a fnw lots left In II. & M. park addition
to South Omahn. What have you to offer ?
Qeorce J. iSternsdortr. Hoomti , opp.i : > . 0. 231
H ANSCOM Plftco property for .
N. Hicks , 11 irker block. WO 3
FOIl SALK New front 8-room house ,
with bath , closet , hot and cold water , fur *
unce , laigobarn. 1431) ) S.-litn st. 373 o 3 *
" 171OKSALI3 1x100 feet near corner WoolvvortU
J uvo. and 3 th bt ; house of 8 roomp.batliroom ,
gns , cistern , hot and cold wntei , newer connec
tion , furnace , 2 collars , location nil that can bo
desired , hchool , church nnd 2 lines of horse cars
wlthlng 3 blocks , cable in project ; (4,600 ; $1,000
cash balance cony , 8 per cunt Interest. C , F
llmrlson. 418 S 15th st.
JllxlOOO feet cor. Woolvvorth avo. anil 88th rt. ,
house nud Impiovomeiits materially tha sumo
as above , J'l.OjO , Jl.lKk ) cash , balance easy , 8 per
contlnteiest C. V. Hnrrlson , 418 S 15th st. C93
> AHOA1NS Wo have two extra bargains for
'this week. One at $7,500 und ttie other at
{ 8,500. M. A. I'ptou Company. 670
TT1OII HALK Kasy terms , now house 11 rooms ,
JL' carpets nud part furniture , stable , large lot ,
paved street , cars. Knqulro of owner ,
Nathan Sheltcn , 15)5 ) Fnrnam bt. 844.
SOLTTHOMAHLot 14. block 77 , li. K. corner
2oth und M. a reots , G-room house , IIO.UXL M
Lot 14 , block 7H , S K. corner 3,1th nnd M stroetl ,
t'l.OOO. ' , cash. Hon. 9 on this rents J15.
If those corner * we-eon N ntreot they would
neil for $ , ! 0WIO each. M will be n bitter street
than N In a year fron to-day. Kach one ol
those cot tiers will make seven business lots. M.
A. Upton i : Co. U03
FOU 8ALI3-M.OOO lot in Iliuiscoir place , ole
gunt east front , to oxchaugo for Iiomo In
north part of town , n.saumo dllloreaco. 0. F.
Harrison , 41S S st. 3U
Poll SALK-Very nlco new house nnd Rlghtl
lot on California ntree , directly south ot
Saciod Heart. M. A , Upton Company. 870
TWO blocks from cablolino , lot 30x119 to alloy
Nice rroom cottage , small barn , lot fenced ,
everything nlco , J.,5) ) , ouo-fourth cash , bal
nnco easy. M A. Upton company. 143
FOH SALK Choice cast front lot with an ex *
trn well built 8 room hnusoauj barn , on cor.
Mill and Mason. M. A. I'pton Company 870
TTiOK SALK-Lot 11. b. 2J. Hanscom place , IMO
JO oil what It is worth. CM * . Harrison , 418 H 15th
FAHMS Wo have some of the finest Improved
fnims luMissouri , ICinsas. "out , nnd No *
braskn for sale , M. A , Upton Company. 57 ! )
fJlOH SALK N own-room house. Price H.CjO.
JL ; Apply to ailtl Decatur stroot. 784 O a *
Forest Ijnwn Comofory AsnoDln-
tlon Noticeto hot OVVIIOTH and
lloml Ilnlilora.
The annual election of oniceri of Forest Lavrn
Cemetery Association , will occur on Tuesday ,
October 3d , nt 8 o'clock p.m. , at the olllca
of the nssoclntlou , Hoom 40' Puxtou llloclc ,
Oimhn , Douglas Co. . Neb.
'ihe officers to bo elected , are President , S o
rotary und three Trustees , vv ho shall servo turo
years ,
Kvery person of full ago , who shall be thi
proprietor of a lot or plat or the holder of on'
or inoi e of the bonds of the association , aha ]
be entitled to one vote , either In person or bj ' )
proxy. J. J. HHOWN. President. '
FHKDKH10K 11. LOWK , Bucraurir ,
s-21-d-to oct-U
To Whom It May Concern.
I forbid all persons giving credit to my son.
Louis N. Jloyd , as I will pay no bills contracted
by him. THOS. J * . 11OYD.
oct 1 d 3t
S HALKD Proposals will t > received .it the
ofllco of the county Clerk , Douglas county ,
until 3 o'clock p. in. , October 3rd , Jhfe , for mor-
Ing 10,000 yards ot earth , more or less , In grad
ing road on Main street , Florence , north ot
Parker s House , Cortllleil check of IVj.oo to ac
company each bid. The board reserves the right
to reject any and all bids
Hy order of Hoard of Commissioner1. !
M. I ) . HOCIIK , County Cleric.
Omaha , Neb. , Sept. SSth. lew.
cto-o3 comto-o3
Send for Mnnufa Catalog
G F.Foster Son5 Co
172 Madl on-et.Chicago.