Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 02, 1888, Page 6, Image 6

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Delivered br cnrricr In Any J'nrt of UicCUy at
Twenty Cento I'cr Week.
IlUMNKfS OmtT. NO. 43.
N. Y. Plumbing compuny.
Millinery display Friday and Satur
day at II. Fricdmnn's.
An elegant display of millinery Fri
day and Saturday at II. Friedman s.
Now fall goods just received at
Heller's , merchant tailor , S10 Broad
| way. The Printer. ? laid tlio Novel-sweats in
the shade Sunday afternoon by a bcoro
of Ifi to ! ) .
The latest styles in bonnets and hats
will be seen at'H. Friedman's on Friday
and Saturday.
On Friday and .Saturday you will find
an ulcgmit * display of millinery and
novelties at H. Friedman's.
The board of trade will meet this
evening at 8 o'clock , ami it is earnestly
desired lo have n quorum present.
A nmrritiL'o license was issued ycslor-
dnv to Lewis A. Mollit , of Mills county ,
and Miss Annie Sowing , of this county.
The Married Ladies' Euchre club
meets to-morrow evening at the resi
dence of Mrs. O. M. Drown , 107 Seventh
Mr. John S. Furies and Miss Ilattio
A. Cooler , both of this city , were mar
ried at the Congregational parsonage
yesterday afternoon by Uev. O. W.
Ilattio Day , one of the oyprinus of
"the row. " was arrested last evening by
Olllcer Olcson in a Mate of hilarious ine
briation and lodged in Iho "bKy parlor"
of the city jail.
At noon yesterday Ollicer Olosen was
transferred to day duty and Olllcer ISPII-
berger was placed upon the night force.
Hereafter but one change will bo made
each weelc , instead of two as fomerly.
Protracted meetings will be hold
every night during the present week at
tlio Overtoil mission. The work is not
of a denominational character , and all
persons are cordially invited to attend.
The ladies of the First Baptist church
gave a harvest sociable last evening in
the parlors of the church. The attend
ance was very lurgo and a goodly
amount was realized for the state work
of the church.
Tlio bridge over Indian creek on
Sixth street , which has been in a
dangerous condition for some time , has
at last been repaired , and there is no
longer any danger of a horse falling
through into the creek.
Charley Ileisler is making prepara
tions to tit up bathrooms in Iho rear of
his lonsorial parlors. The tubs are to
bn furnished by the New York Plumbing
company , and will be porcelain lined
nITuirs of the largest sine.
Last evening Air. Charles II. Gilmore ,
for u lone time past a clerk in one of
the departments at the court house , was
united in marrinco to Miss Kate Sun-
dorlnnd , recently from Boston. The
ceremony was performed by Uov. T. J.
The slrcet railway track was relaid
to Fourth street hist night and the pav
ing was torn up nearly to Bryant street.
The pavers have reached a point just
cast of Seventh street , besides paving
all of the intersections pabsod as soon
as the track is laid.
A farewell and a greeting at the
Methodist Episcopal church Wednesday
I evening for Dr. Rocs , the outgoing pas
tor , ana Kov. Franklin , the incoming
one. The church , of course , will bo
present and the friends are most cor
dially invited.
Five imbibers of budge were fined
$8.10 each in the police court yesterday
morning. A. Slutcn was relieved of
89.60 for disturbing the peace. Charles
Kearns was turned over to the tender
euro of Ollicor Tyson for fifteen days ,
and the case of G. II. Ilydo , charged
with vagrancy mid making improper
advances to little school girls , was con
The paving of Vine street will bo
completed by noon to-day , and the pa
ing force will then be transferred to
North Seventh street , where a block
yet remains to be paved , also ono block
on North Eighth street. As soon as
these arc completed work will bo com
menced on Fifth avonuo. The hitler
street will bo reached about the latter
part of the week.
See Forest Smith's special column.
School Tor Dancing.
Mrs. Mugruno will open classes hero
nt Bono's hall in connection with her
Omaha classes , beginning Tuesday , Oc
tober 2 , and meet every Tuesday and
Saturday evenings foradults , beginning
at 8 o'clocK.jmd Tuesday and Saturday
afternoons for children at 1:30 : p. m. oil
Tuesdays , and " : 'M Saturdays.
She lias taught with success and has
had large classes in Omaha for the past
three years. The prospects are she will
have large classes here. Address -,0 0
Bt. Mary's avenue , Omaha.
Travelers ! Stop at the Bechtcle.
Mrs. D. J. Clark is making a vihit to
her parents in Kansas City.
Dr. Macrae attended the funeral ol
Dr. Livingston at Pluttsmouth , Neb. ,
yesterday , returning in the evening.
Mrs. F. M. Woodward , of Chicago ,
nco Miss Eva Soars , is spending a sea
son visiting with her parents in this
Dr. J. M. Holland , nn old resident of
Council Bluffs , but lately of Salt Lake
City , is in the city renewing old ac
Miss Bumburt , of Chicago , arrived in
the city last evening to take eharfio of
the millinery department of the Pari
sian milinory emporium.
II. B. Dibble , of York , Nob. , presi
dent of the Nebraska Stulo Firemen's
association , was in Iho city yesterday ,
the guest of ox-Chief John LTomploton.
Contractor Amborgt of the paving
firm of MoAdams & Amberg , started for
Chicago yesterday in response to a tel
egram announcing the death of his
wife's father , which sad event occurred
on Saturday last.
Loans made on city business qnd Vos'i-
donco property. Nqtes 'jGught. Kirn-
uall-Chainp ' " .Vestment company.
Artists proler tl o Ilallett ft Davis
piano , at 0. B. Music Co. , 224 Broadway.
A AVord to tlio Wise.
If you are contemplating making nn
Investment why not select a good bar
gain instead of being contented with
just an ordinary lot , and why not get a
perfect title instead of a half title. Buy
your property from our list and get
something choice , at a low figure and on
easy terras. OUELL Buos & Co.
Boots , shoes. Kinnohan's , 320 B'way.
J , G. Tipton has bargains in real estate.
B. B. Wadsworth & Co. loan'inoncy.
The District Attorney Surprised Ey
Two Crooks.
I'lio Cliy foiinitll lJmlu Snin'H ( .mini
Jury A I'lilln ! < > i > lili : lU'inocrnt
I'onrl Siiuct I'rtv-
I ni ; Touted ,
tlio Crooltod.
In the district court yesterday morn-
g Murray and Leo , otherwise tileiison
ind Cluncey , were arraigned for the
arccny of a watch chain from Hobinson
I3ros' . jewelry store last May. They arc
n couple of notorious and desperate
crooks , and itus ex peeled llmt they
would bland trial. Much supriso was
therefore depicted on the countenance
of the prosecuting attorney and the
court olllcials when they pleaded guilty
jf grand larceny as charged in the in-
iliclmcnt. There was no question as to
their guilt , but the testimony on that
loint was very scant , and it would have
Ijoon dilllcult to have convicted them.
They did their work \ery shortly after
luiviug been released from Douglas
county jail , and were recognized in jail
> n this city by several of tlio members
of the Omaha police force while hero
ittending the annual meeting of
the city marshals and chiefs
of police. The prisoners were
decidedly averse to showing themselves
on that occasion , fearing the inevitable
recognition , and had lo bo driven from
their cells by turning on the hose. De
tective Ormsby , of the Omaha force ,
gave a full history of the career of both
criminals , and they were evidently
afraid that it would have its etVect in
court , and entered pleas of guilty to
escape as easily as possible.
Glenson tried to create a feeling of
insubordination nmong the prisoners a
few weeks ago , but was compelled to
rocoirni/o the head authority and yield
implicit obedience. The pair will re
ceive iheir sentences next Saturday.
The case of Peter Johnson , charged
with the larceny of a horse and buggy
from in front of the store of the Council
BlutVs Carpet company , was tried in the
afternoon. The case was submitted to
Iho jury at 4 o'clock. One of the jurors
snored audibly while the judsro was de
livering his charge , but was awakened
to go out with his fellows and assist in
arriving at a just and impartial verdict.
Tlio jury was out but an hour and re
turned a verdict of guilty , as charged
in the indictment , Johnson claimed
that he was drunk and took Iho team
for fun , with no intention of stealing it.
As grand larceny is a penitentiary of
fense , Peter will doubtless find his
drunk : i very costly one.
The case of Kiley Bradshaw , who is
charged with being an habitual vagrant ,
will come up for consideration to-day ,
and Kiley wil probably bo sent to the re
form school , much to Iho relief of the
city police-men , wh- > have on numberless
occasions , narrowly missed shooting
him , as ho was investigating swill bar
rels in the alleys at midnight.
The embezzlement case of James T.
Lee , a former employe of tlio Boston
Tea company , was continued until the
latter part of tlio week. The trials of
Stanley , Vandorpool and Byrd will take
place to-day , completing the criminal
eases for the present.
See Forest Smith's special column.
Have our wagon call for your soiled
clothes. Cascade Laundry Co.
E. II. Sheafo loans money on chattel
security of every description. Private
consulting rooms. All business strictly
conlidontal. Ollico 500 Broadway , cor
ner Main street , up-stairs.
Tlio Federal Court ;
The case of Kuppenhoimor vs Eise-
man was concluded in the federal court
ycstcrdayuflcrnoon just before adjourn
ment and submitted to the jury. The
case involves $14,000 or thereabouts , the
plaintiff claiming that the defendant
purchased , at ridiculously low figures ,
the stock of ono Mossier , insolvent , for
the purpose of assisting him to defraud
his creditors. The defense denies the
charge and alleges that a fair price was
paid , and that Mossier represented him
self as perfectly solvent at the timo.
The case has occupied three days. J.
N. Fhckinger , assisted .by Mr. Carson
of Omaha , appeared for the plaintiff and
Judge Ilubbard , assisted by Wright ,
Baldwin & Ilaldauo , conducted the de-
The grand jury made its final report
at. ! o'clock and was discharged. There
were nearly thirty cases considered by
this body and indictments were re
turned in all but live. Of these
latter some will bo hold to appear
before the next grand jury , as the fail
ure to indict was evidentfy unjust. Dis
trict Attorney D. O. Finch , of DCS
Molnos. asked the court to continue the
bond of ono Stnnlield , of Audubon
county , to the next grand jury. Stnn-
lield is charged with sending indecent
and obscene matter through the mails.
He admits the writing and mailing of
the missives , and as no opposing ovi-
di-noo was introduced , the action of the
grand jury naturally excites comment.
Over twenty criminal cases are to bo
tried , but as the defendants are not yet
under arrest , it is impossible to give the
names of the indicted parties. It is ex
pected that the docket will bo com
pleted by the latter part of the week ,
and thai court will adjourn Saturday.
The counterfeiting case of Doll Smith
was called last evening. Ho pleaded
not guilty , and will be plaeoU on trial
this morning.
Have you noticed the beautiful finish
given collars , cuffs and shirts by Cns-
cuUo Laundry Co.
E. II. Sheafo & Co. , make long or
short time loans on real estate , in sums
to suit , at lowest rate of interest. Oilico
Broadway and Main street , upstairs.
Wo have no competitors in finishing
collars , cuffs and shirts. Cascade I un
dry Co.
N ° . -'f.hfldeut About Shea.
A well-known democratic ward worker
was observed yesterday intently watch
ing the work of the tracklayers on
Broadway , seemingly taking especial
interest in the action of the men who
were stringing the electric current re
turn wires along the side of the rails.
A BEE reporter noticed the absorbing
interest with which ho regarded the
work , and inquired the reason. "Well , "
said the faithful democrat , "I have
worked the wards in this city for many
years , but my resources are exhausted ,
and I am looking for something now in
the way of wire-pulling. I think I have
it hero. I shall do exactly like these
workmen. They pull their wire and
then rivet it. On election day the voter
will bo pulled to the polls and voted be
fore , ho is released. Wo must rivet
them as fart us wo got them , and even
then lam Eotm-whi a/ ,1'1,01 tliorestt t
as far as tlio county euM'k is concerned.
You see , Jerry Isn't as ipular as I
wish ho was. Ho ain't such a bad fol
low , but his way tolls against hint. 1
h.ivo been watching this work for sotno
time and I think 1 have it down line.
There is no disguising the fact that we
have a hard row to boo this fall , if wo
elect our full ticket. Shea is the big
gest load we have to carry , Our heavy
democratic majority in the county may
take him through , but it will be by the
skin of his teeth.1
City Council
The city council met in adjourned
session last evening. Present , Mayor
iJohror , Aldermen Waterman , Weaver ,
Lacy , Knopher and Bellinger. Just be
fore the meeting was called to order
Deputy Sheriff Connor appeared and
served notices of writs of injunctions is
sued by the district court , on the mayor
and members of the council , to restrain
them from proceeding to issue a reas
sessment or special levy upon several
lots aloi.g Broaoway and Main street.
The parlies securing the Injunctions
have never paid for the stone paving
done on these streets live years ago. and
suits have been pending for some time.
About a month ago the council decided
to make a reassessment against the
property , and these injunctions were
seen rod to prevent same.
Air. A. ( ' . ( iraham asked certain con
cessions of the council in the interest
of Fairmount park , and the matter was
laid over until a future meeting.
City Auditor Hammer presented the
monthly batch of bills. They were all
alloyed witli the exception of one
amounting to SHi-1) , in favor of F. A.
liurke , city clerk , for special services ,
in attending board of health meetings ,
covering a period of several months.
Wickham & Co. were awarded a con
tract for sewer work on an alley inter
secting Pierce street , also an alley inter
secting Willow avenue , and one at
Franklin avenue.
A petition for opening up Thirty-
lirst street from First avenXio to Broad
way was read and referred.
A petition for the grading of an alley
along block lo , Mill addition , was read
and prayer granted.
Election clerks wcro elected as fol
lows : Ben Hagg. M J. Abbott , A. L.
Ilendrieks , John Fox , L. Hwearingcn ,
G. F. Smith. E. A. Troutnmn , II. A.
Ballinger , T. L. Smith , T. C. Jackson.
The city marshal read notice of service
of papers on the new bridge company to
replace dirt taken from certain streets.
A lengthy debate ensued as to whether
a bill of Wickham & Co. for grading on
Broadway shoald be allowed. Several
of the aldermen refused to vote and it
was pabsed to a future meeting.
See Forest Smith's special column.
Money loaned at L. B. Crafts & Co.'s
loan olli'ce , on furniture , pianos , horses ,
wagons , personal property of all kinds ,
and all other articles of value without
removal. All business strictly confi
A Tnr Test.
The crossing of Willow avenue at
Pearl street was taken up yesterday and
relaid in order to make it correspond
with the grade of the brick pavement on
the former street. The paving of the
crossing , which is of cedar blocks , was
found to bo in a line state of preserva
tion , not a decayed block being discov
ered among those taken up. It had been
down for two years , but was treated to a
very heavy coat of tar when laid , and its
perfect preservation was attributed to
this cause. Paving in other parts of the
city which was laid since that above re
ferred to is rotting badly , and the prop
erty owners charge it to the failure of
the contractors to use sufficient tar.
Money loaned on furniture , pianos ,
diamonds , horses , buggies , or any tiling
of value at low rates of interest. No
publicity ; fair and honorable dealing.
A. A. Clark fc Co. , ollico cor. Broadway
and Main , over American express.
Full line of sheet music at Council
Bluffs Music Co. , M Broadway.
TIic City Flnancc-R.
Following is the report of the city
auditor for the month of September ,
which was submitted to the city council
last evening :
Total amount drawn :
Improvement bond anil library
fund $ TOC03 2. " .
General fund 7,24748
1'olico fund . - . . . 410 bS
Total 573,201 , 01
Disbursed as follows :
J-'Iro department S 1,303 12
1'olico department h'J5 05
Streets iiiicl alleys lir-l : S'J
Salary city olllcors iocjf > to
City engineer sll b'J
1'rlntinpr and supplies : tyu 00
( ' .as urn ! street li Uts two 20
City marshal's department iiSS 10
Miscellaneous ! ) GS f > 0
Inspectors 403 00
( trading intersections 2,711 20
Special grading ft , 110 44
Intersecting paving B.h.VJ 00
Special paving 40,011 05
Library 172 ( KJ
Special sewer OO-J 7,1
Curbing and sidewalk S'U ' 55
Council Bluffs water works 9bto 00
Total S7S.201 01
The finish on our collars , cuffs and
shirts cannot bo equalled. Cascade
Laundry Co.
The Woman's democratic club of Mil
waukee may probably fairly claim to bo
the original woman's political organiza
tion , outside of the female suffragists ,
in the country , and the most sensible
organization of the bert , as well , if a re
cently published statement of its mem
bership and methods is correct. The
club is said to have been formed four
years ago by Mrs. ICdwurd Wall , wife of
the internal revenue collector in that
city. Mrs. Judge Jenkins , Mrs. Charles
Schloy , who mot on the day after the
state convention had named Wis
consin's dolc'gates to the na
tional democratic convention at
Chicago and decided 0ml it was nccos-
bary to devise. corao sort of a badge for
those , delegates , or else the horrid
tilings would go and deck themselves
out in some garnish combination of silk
and gold that was sure to bo a crying
offense against the cultivated and
icsthetic eyes of the wives and daugh
ters of the state. They decided to start
a subscription to got money to provide
real nice badges for the delegates , and
wont to work at onco. In a few days
they had all they needed , and the Wis
consin delegates were duly bedecked
with badges that were admittedly the
handsomest scon at Chicago that year ,
boln ? of the design and manufacture of
the tiirco ladies mentioned.
During the several conferences in
cident to the carrying out of this plot to
prevent the Wisconsin delegates from
making guys of themselves , Mrs.
Schloy , who is a southern woman and
thoroughly imbued with the political
principles of Jefferson , started the idea
of founding n woman s political club ,
"not a woman's suffrage club , " she explained -
plained , "but a club for the political
education of women. " Tim Idea , took ,
and within' live minutes the Woman's
lt.1 66 Iff * f * * '
10 11 /J tt 10 IZ. 13
i 1 0
A'vcnc/cJ O v
r > f
X t :
0" i.
10 , u. 8. 10. 11. li. 13.
c >
The Choicest Ground for Residence in the Western Part of the City ,
Is now platted into Hcautiful. Large Lots. About ten minutes ride on the
motor to Douglas street. Omaha. They lie on a level biitclcvated strip of ground.
About ; UK ) yards from the new. motor line to Omaha. Less than H miles from the
Council HIufl's piibtolllce. Nearly twice as large in sine in sio as most of the
newly platted lots. CJood public schools near by. The proposed Boulevard
bounds it on the north.
TITU'IS IVrfoct.
A MSTI5ACT Printed Abstract and Warranty Deed with each Lot.
GIiAOli Kxamino thpj-o lots with reference to the grade before buying a lot.
The ordinary price of a lot is saved on grade alone , if yon buy one of these lots.
TKUMS To a good class of purchasers a limited number of lots will be sold
for ono-tenlli down ; balance in monthly payments , without interest. Apply to
J. J. Brown building , 115 Poarl-St. , Council BlulTs , Iowa.
Democratic club of Milwaukee was an
organized entity. Mrs. William Pitt
Lyndo became the first regular presi
dent. She is the widow of the late
Congressman Lyndo. Mrs. Kdwnrd
Wall was vice president. Mrs. L. W.
Ilnlsey treasurer , and Miss Lizzie M.
Black secretary. Weekly meetings
were held in tlio parlors of Mrs.
Matthew Kccmin. and the issues of the
campaign were discussed by men in
vited to be present for that purpose.
After the election the organization
lapsed until last .June , when , at the time
the democratic convention met in St.
Louis , it was revived by the younger
members , and the hnmcofilccrs wore re-
elected. Sciui-niontlilv meetings hnvu
been hold all through the summer , and
now the club meets every week. At
each alternate meeting the women lis
ten to an address on tlie tarilT or some
other live political topic , and after that
to the reading of selections from the
literature sent out by the national dem
ocratic committee.
The club is not exclusive at all , al
though its members are said to include
the leaders ot fashionable society in
Milwaukee. Any woman who is a sin-
cffro admirer of Mrs. Cleveland , the
president , and the Old Koinaii is eligi
ble for membership , and it is said that
the membership is increasing every
day , and , besides this , that the example
of the Milwaukee women is being fol
lowed in several other cities , oven be
yond the borders of the state. These
are some of the present members of the
club : Mrs. Matthew Kccmin , Mrs.
.lames G. Jenkins , Mrs. Wnlrnuthe ,
Mrs. Kretz , Mrs. Boyd , Mrs. Frank
Kallc , Mrs. Governor Dewev , Mrs. Ellas
Friend , Mrs. E. E. Chnpin , Mrs. Alfred
Cary , Mrs.Tillie Lyndo , Mrs. George C.
Allen , Mrs. John L. Mitchell , Mrs.
George Mitchell and Mrs. Stanley.
Besides this a number of well-known
men have , at their own solicitation ,
been made honorary members , entitled
to attend the meetings of the club. The
list includes : .lames Morgan , democratic
candidate for governor ; John L. Mitch
ell , John Johnston , James Kiiceland ,
John P. McGregor , L. W. Hulf-ey , Ed
ward Wall. Fra-ik Falk.Glenway Ma.\on ,
J. J. Obcrman , L. F. Boyd , Postmaster
George M.Paul and Charles C'atlin.
Died l > y Halves.
New Haven Palladium : Last June
Master Leighton Foster , of No. 7. Ken
sington street , found a freak of nature
in the shape of a two headed turtle while
on a fishing excursion at West river.
The little curiosity was quite small and
could sit comfortably on a silver tif > cent
piece. Master Foster brought the queer
tittle thing homo and placed it in a glass
case , where it was viewed by hundreds
of people , including several Yale pro
fessors , one or two of whom secured pho
tographs of the case mid contents. The
turtle grow quite rapidly until last week
Thursday , when it had become twice its
original size. On that day the family
cat overturned the case and stuck one
of her claws through the neck 01 ono of
the heads. The little turtle at once
manifested signs of pain , and it grow
less and less active until Wednesday of
this week , when the injured head died.
The other head lived until two'hours
later , when it died also , after having
apparently sullered great pain. Master
Foster will preserve the remains in al
Scientific men who saw the turtle pro
nounced it the only specimen of its kind
ever reported to their knowledge. Mas
ter Foster was ottered a largo sum for
his find by New York people , but ho
concluded that if the turtle lived it
would be of much greater value when
it reached maturity. '
, , , , , , , ,
Telephone ) No1)5. ) .
Latest Novelties In
ni us. c. L ,
KtiBroadway CoUucll ll'.uffa ' , Iowa. KstabllsUeO
SI'KCIAIiiulvertiKfiiunits. suchnt Lost , round ,
To Loan , l-'or Hale. To Hunt , \Vunts , Hoard-
Intf , etc. , will ho Inserted In tills column at the
low rate of TKN CKNTri 1'RK LIN P. for the llrst
Insertion and l-'ivo Cents 1'or Line for riich null-
Keiinunt Insertion. Lesuo advertisements at
ourodlce. No. 1- Pearl Street , near llroadwny ,
L'oiincll lllnlT.s Iowa.
f ( 'U for talu In car load lots. Mulholland & Co.
FOlt IlKNT Fiirnlbhcd front room , for gen
tlemen. ar N. Surond ( .tri-ot.
T710H S7vLi ? : OH THAOlT"of horses.lmr-
J- ness mid wuinin. Will sell cheap for cash.or
trade for city property. Apply to Iloraco Kv-
\ \ \NTKD Kverylwdv to know that 1 will
> T not bo undersold In either furniture-
cloves. It's your patronage Ivuiit. . and judce
for yourself. 1 also liny all llrst class nou i'-
hold Roods. No rubbish wanted. A , .1. Mundel ,
: ra and ! ! 'i" > Hroadwny.
"pU'UNlSilKDrooin for rent. 117 4th st.
Y V'ANTI.I ) Vniing man familiar A-Itli the city
to bollclt work on commission. Cascadu
Laundry Co. *
\\'ANTKD A thoroughly competent l > ook-
> > keeper. None need apply who cnuuot fur
nish recommendations from former employer ,
ytato "alary \ \ anted. Address AI , Ueo olllce.
Council liluliy , la. ,
ANY one who has real estate they wish to
sell cheap for cash address "Iteal Kstute , "
Hco olllce , Council Illulls.
TTHIU HUNT Seven-room cottatro , on the corA -
A ? nur of ; id ave , and Slth st.V. . C. James.
FOH SALE or trade , for city lot. finest
matched family team In state. No. IX"
West Jlroadway.
FOlt HUNT A larj-e nnmlier of peed dwell
ings. Call nnd examine list. K. II. Sheaf e
&Co. , llroadway and Main fit. , up stairs.
POH KXCHANOE A line , well assorted 1. < KX )
stock of stationery , fancy Koods , Jewelry ,
etc. , In a thriving town for residence in South
Omaha. It. T. llryant i Co. , K3 llroadway
Council llliigs , la.
HOUSES for rent. Johnston & Van I'ntten ,
31 Main st.
A 'Al-acre small fruit form very cheap. Jnst
-r\ . outside city limits , or will divide Into 10
acre tracts to suit imrchasei. H T llryant & Co
Stocks of merchandise to exchange
change for city property lu Council Hlutrs ,
Omaha , or western land or chattels of any kind.
\V make exchanging u specialty. 11. T. liryaut
A : Co. , CIS llroadway.
POU SAKE HOHSO of 5 rooms : closets nnd
cellar. Largo lot , grod bain , well and cis
tern. Krult trcoh. A wood home. < ( W B. 1'ierco
ht. , ' / blk to st. cars. W.1UJ ; easy term)1. )
FOH SAI.i : House of f > rooms ; cellar and
rlost'tn ; hinxu lot , Clixl'-V , on 1th live. A
cheap home at i"IOO ; t'a y terms.
Ij'OU SALE Ono llroadway lot. 4G\IJO ! , north
-13 side , between U7tli uud-'oth htsj } MM.
"IOK SALE Ono llroadway lot , Mx''Ot ) , s. side ,
-L1 cor. u-Jd st. , only Sl.uuo.
IHOIt SALE THO lots , .TJx lai ench. s. e. cor. Oth
1 uvo. and lUth fct. lloth for 4550 ; n great
FOU8ALE-8 2-10 acre- ) , Just west of the
union depot ; { ; oo per acre. Fine for plat-
T710II HALE U MO ncres Just west of union
11 depot , jlKK ( ) per acre.
SA LE-Lot I4xi20 on 1st ave. near N. W ,
EriOK 1 . It. depot , on N.V. . track ; cheap at } IOO.
3\LK Ii tH , houses and lots and aero
property In all parts of tlio city ; cheaper by
M per cent than It can bo bought W ) days from
now. Call and examine my Hat before buying.
Hoom 4 , ! ! nl Floor , Hrown Huilditif ' , .
D. H , McDANELO & , GO , ,
Hides. Tallow , Pelts ,
Wool and Furs.
Highest Market Prices. Prompt
KM and E. . ' Mftlu Street.Council
PRICE $15.
Is equal to
any High
Tbc Killfon Mimeograph , tlio best itp | > iu tu > for
mnnifnlilliiu , nutoKrai'hlo ' un > l tjpo vmtlui : work.
3XU ( cuplvtiun bo taken.
The Escelcior CCouncil Bluffs , la.
1511 . .Douglas Bt. , Omaha , .No ) ) .
Baird's for Fruits.
Assorted Onsets Put Up to Order.
N. I. TIBBBTTS , mid Snvo Monoy.
For your.LightCa rriages
See Henry Van Brunt
Lnrgoat Stock mid Lowest Prices.
No. 12O Brondvvny. Telephone No. 2O1.
Go to
No. 2O Mnln Street.
SWANSON MUSIC CO. , 329 Broadway1
5V- llcst'intin.4 onil OIWIM nil Jfi-iilhlu
s /.v j ; ! / ; r Ks/J/-rr
_ No. 406 BROADWAY.
iKllic Onrcr t tinllilh ( 7iinjxi'w < ' f ' ( oiiijwW/oM.
A" V/ / / liiiiiilmiiI'miliiit lllnfn , lull'tt.
r to
SCOFIELD & GAVIN , No. 2OO Brondwny. i
All Fruits In Their Season. Tol. 29O.
If You Want titi/'c Drjtoslt or Clicup Loan , Call on ,
International Jlttlldinir , Lonnttnil Inivstmcnt Union
"jf - tiJHDl / ) tl S < ) y , ( Hti ( Uroadicdj/ . t
' " " 1
THE GROCER , 744 B'dway
While at LIiIMAX : MV.Y TitJic tlio
M. F. ROHBBB For the Beach.
The Bargains we now offf r you cannot bo duplicated cast
or west. They will probably never bo offered nguin.
A A 1U
But a Genuine Purchase and sale. We cannot begin to " "a1
I I enumerate the bargains wo have. I I
vl NO. 405 BROADWAY.
DR. C. B. J U D D ,
No. 6O6 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
WANTED Good Salesmen 011 largo commission or salary.
It is a mUtako. He has ONLY KHEN SLUEPING.
, lu t invoke this morninj ; with a iN'cw tyiVitNKW AMBITION ! ! NKW
STOHUM ! And the
Why don't you tfo in and SHU HIS KLKGANT IJLACK at
Nos. 105 & 107 Main Street.
EKXAIU.lBiU.n : 1842. INCOHI'OIIATUU 187 *
co. ,
Especially Adapted fat
25 TO 300
POWER , Mills and Elevators. '
BpccIUcntlons anil cstiraatoa furuliliert for complete steam planti. Iteration. Durability Ouart
anteed. C'un allow letters from liters where fuel Kconumy Is eriunl with Corltsa Noti-ConilBiuluu ,
mtA.vcii JIOL IO COIJ.VCIE ui.ui'i's , IOWA.
Send for Catalogue , E. C. HARRIS , Manager.