? H THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , OCTOBER 2 , 1888. 5 * K H THE FREAK OF A COAL PILE , A Ooriflagrntlon Narrowly Avdrtod at the Insnno Asylum. NEW NEBRASKA ENTERPRISES. In tlio lilticoln Cotu-ls A Dclcantlnn nrManotiH Attend Dr. IiUliiRstdti's l-'itncrnl Gen eral anil Perflonnl. LlKCOlN nUKEAO OFTllR O AITA HBK. ) 1039 1' STHEKT , } LI.NCOI.X. Oct. 1. ) Queer things happen at the asylum for the Insane almost every day. The doings there nro out of the ordlnnry rind surprises rarely over happen , but mi exception occurred yesterday. This , however , has nothing to do with the freaks of the insane. The state has just furnished the asylum with its win ter supply of coal , nearly two hundred tons , much of which was put into tlio conl house in a wet condition. During the forenoon ono of the attendants dis covered that a great marts of the coal" was on fire , having ignited hy spontan cous comhustioii. Tlio fire commenced in the heart of the pile. The theory is that the wet coal and dust naturally set tled there and generated enough heat to produce fire. It is an unusual as well a ? a peculiar case. The whole pile of coal had to ho turned over. A stream of water was poured upon the llamos , nnd although quenched by the action it was doomed necessary to remove the coal from the house , and it took a day to do it. A disastrous conflagration was doubtless averted by the prompt action of Dr. Knapp and his assistants. Scien tists may possibly call this an insane ironk of the coal. It is certainly as much out of the ordinary as bomo of the Blrango acts of the human family com mitted to tlio care of the state at that place.BTUONO BTUONO NiilKASKA : COMPANIES. Under the corporate name of the Lumber Company of Blue Hill business will bo tratibiictod at Blue Hill , Dladon and Campbell for a period of ton years , with the principal plai-o of business at the former town. The company will buj and sell lumber , coal , limo and stone subject to the laws of the state on n capital stock of $120,000 , divided into shares of 8100 each , which are owned nnd controlled by C. Koohler , John S. Hoover , Louis Sherman , II. G. Koehlor , Fred Gund , Louis IToobol , Matthias Ilottingor and Henry Guild. Tlio com pany dates its existence from the 1st daj of October. The State bank of Wilcox commenced doing business on the 2lth day of Aug- pust. 18bS , and will continue until alike date in the year 1000. Its articles of in corporation note a paid up capital of 120,000 and authorize $30.000 more whenever - over the needs require. The company do a general banking business and the names of the incorporutors , W.R. Sapp , J. W. Moore and F. S. Smith , attest its solvency. The articles incorporating these com panies were lilod with the secretary of state to-day. COt NTY COUUT MATTIMIS. The following cates were called in the county court this morning : Stewart-Chute Lumber company vsC. W. Kitchon. Sivmuel Uiddor vs W. M. Burnett. S. Sockott vs Frank Workman. H. K. S. Williams vs Nancy J. ShafTol r Fox. , I' . V. Krickson vs Sidney Land. Norvillo & Mclntodh vs F. C. Kern tvnd Julia Kern. r May B. Jones vs J. H. Summer and Wamplor. " Samuel Tilton vs B. S. William .t Co. j John A. Iliggins vs Charles U. Pink- ' bam , W. II. Snolllng vs John V. Wallin. W. II. Berger vs Charles L , Ervin. Commercial bank of Exeter , la. , vs William Sterns and A. H. Warren. First National bank vs George Schorror. .Tamos Kane vs John Ynnke. W. T. Scott vs Harry W. Shaw. i Kntional Lumber comintny vs C. N. Dlolz. Iowa Farming Tool company vs Hayden - don & Flanagan. John Doolittlo & Co. vs C. M. Bran- 6011. Delaware County Creamery company vs M. W. Hulifbon nnd J. W. Rulifson. M. L. Trcstor vs Lowls Thompson. Atehieon Sash and Door company vs Hay don it Flanagan. si John Kadon vs City of Lincoln. Ir Thomas Karr vs W. B. Hughes. Mctolllus Stoughton vs Lay no & r- Krone. Kent ft Root vs C. B. Parker. Thomas Bonacum Patrick Egnn. First National bank v& Claus Peters. Thomas A. Herdman vs John Parlass. Lasnh Bros , vs John Parlass. Itoco Bros , tfc Co. vs John Parlass. Poycke Bros , company vs John Par- Jfisa. Arena Ghis it Co. vs John Parlnss. Patterson , Murphv & Co. vs Kovs & . Bullock. HONOR TO THE DKAD. A largo delegation of Lincoln citi- Bens wont to Plattsmouth on the Bur lington special this morning to uttetu the funeral services of the late Dr. Liv ingston. The Knights Templar and other masons were especially promi nent in the delegation. The funora cervices were after the beautiful rites of the masonic fraternity. Old neigh bors of the lamented deadformer rcsl dents of Plattsmouth , but now of thi : city , were in the ranks of the mourn ing cortege.AN' AN' r.VKN'TKUr , TUIP. John S. Finch , of TIIK HUE'S Lincoln Bureau , loft for Sholbyvillo , Ind. , to day over the Burlington , where , on Thursday next , ho will wed Miss Flow Thomas of that city. The Bureau's oh shoo goes niter him in his wedding iournoy , nnd through all the walks o life. NEW NOTA1UKS PU11LIC. The governor to-day Issued notarial commissions to the following Nobrus- kans : II. II. Saunders , Atkinson , Holt county ; John A. Shortoss , Wood River , Hull county ; George II. Thummol , Grand Island , Hall county ; John S. Kced , Lincoln , Lancaster county ; J. H. BrownGrand Island , Hall county ; M. J. Moyo , Madison , Madison county ; Herman F. Bosoler. Lincoln , Lancaster county ; Burchard H. Schabcrp , Stanton - ton , Stanton county. CITY NKWS AND NOTES. Hon. W. J. Connell , of Omaha , the coming congressman from the First congressional dlbtrlet , was In the capital city to-day. The board of secretaries have issued an order to the Burlington for the erec tion of a new passenger depot at Cmor- aid. Mr. Castor made his case after all. Engineer Burns proposes to furnish public water nt one-naif the present ex pense for twenty years. The formal proposition will bo mndo to the city council this evening. Mr. Burns will bond himself to furnish the city plenty of pure wutor for every need. The fnbor pushers of the State Jour nal have challenged the evening papers for a game of base ball nnd the emu- ienge has boon nccoiitpii. Thd game will bo played at the park next Thurs day afternoon. It will bo n rich , rare and raoy game , An admission too of 25 cents will bo charged and the proceeds will go to publio charities. Colonel Falrbrothor and Major Hays will com mand the teams. Hurry McKlnncy , the lad of aliases , and only fourteen years of ago , was up before the police court again this morn ing. Harry certainly belongs to the incorrlgiblcs. Ills parents say that ho has got beyond tholr control , and It is probfibln that ho will bo sent to the re form school. This seems to bo the only course that gives any assurance that he will become a useful man. Vigor mill Vitality Are quickly given to every part of the body by Hood's Sarsaparillu. That tired feeling Is entirely overcome. The blood Is nurilledonrlchcd and vitalized , and carries health instead of disease to every organ. The stomach Is toned and strengthened , the appetite restored. The kidneys and liver are roused and Invigorated. The brain is refreshen , the mind made clear and ready for woik. Try U. Humiing ( i Newspaper. Jacksonville ( Fla. ) Metropolis : It is with regret that wo announce the tem porary suspension of the Metropolis , which is caused by the ravages of yel low fever , In this olllco every man and boy , with ono exception ( a little carrier ) ha'ving been attacked by tills dread dis ease which Is now raging bo mercilessly in our city. At the present time our editorial force , with ono exception ( a lately recovered patient ) , is down with the fever , and it is with the most stren uous exertion that wo have managed to issue the Metropolis to-day , for our printers also have sulTored severely. Lee C'AiiiNS were not hot-houses and the people who dwelt in them wore not hot-house growths. They wore a hardly healthy 75generation ? ) and the remedies - " edios used wore simply OLD ' preparations reproduced in Warner's Log Cabin Cough and Consumption Remedy and Warner s "Tlppecanoo" the great stomach tonio " The Kits ; hikes. Savannah News : A lady who has given the matter much attention is au thority for the declaration that in kiss ing all men kiss with too much force. A kiss to bo auprooiated by a girl , she says , must bo gentle and not rough , and under no circumstances should have any suggestions of tobacco or John Bar leycorn. As the reiult of comparing notes with many lady friends , married and engaged , she asserts that tlio kisses of three-fourths of mankind , husbands , lovers and brothers , nro "smoky. " You can find cool , well furnished rooms at the Glebe hotel , heat located house in Omaha. Sifjnllletint. Time : "Mamma , the quandary has come ; Billings has proposed , and Too/.lo oo. " "What shall you do ? " "lam at a loss , mamma. Too/.lo writes that ho vould surround mo with every luxury and make his whole existence ono sweet thraldom for a smile from mo. " 'And Billings ? " "Ho says he's very , ) oor and has been working all his life ind barely earned a subsistence. " 'Accept Billings , my child. Don't de- ay another instant. A man must be irotty well oil before ho has the cour age to proclaim his poverty. An OfToitbivo Itrcnth s most distressing , not only to the per son alllictcd if lie has any pride , but , o those with whom he comob in contact. .t is a delicate matter to speak of , but it las parted not only friends but lovers. 3ad breath and catarrh are inseparable. Jr. Sago's Catarrh Remedy cures the woroo cabos , as thousands can testify. A Dinner Spoiled. Epoch : Old Mrs. Bently "What makes yo so late to dinner ? " Old Mr. Bontly "I've been to the ball game , in11 sot on the bleachSn' boards for two lours , an' there was nothin' but geese eggs. " Old Mrs. Bently ( with vexation ) "Now , Josiah Bontly , I hope to good ness yo haven't gone an' ott goose eggs and spiled yer dinner ! " September , 1,000,000 October , 1,000,000 November , 1,000,000 December , 1,000,000 are the estimated editions of the Ladies Homo Journal and Practical House keeper for those four months , though they have onlv " once before got above a half million. The reason is several fold : It costs at news stands six cents ; you got it four months by sending ton cents in silver or stamps ; you got it a year for fifty cents ; and it saves its cost in several ways costs nothing at all. Send the silver or stamps. LADIES' HOMK JOURNAL , Philadelphia. A passenger on a westbound train , from Chicago , hid his money in ono of his shoes , on retiring for the night , and then placed the shoe and its mate in the aisle , near his berth. A porter , having subsequently blackened the shoes and found the "hidden treasure , " returned it to the owner , who is said to have demanded a light , so that ho could count the money and see if the finder had taken any. Ho said : "My love , I am &orry to dis appoint you about thu picnic , but my trotter has a lame foot. " That's noth- ingl Wo'vo got plenty of Salvation Oil. Oil.Tho The Detroit Free Press Fiend has been punning on Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. Ills is only gratitude , for all thinking moil knowits merits. ( Uxch. ) A man in Marshalltown , la. , is cred ited with a novel expedient for refresh ing his memory. "When ho has some thing of importance to attend to next day ho writes himself a postal card re minding himself of the matter , and finding the card among the mail next morning attends to it the first thing. " Mothers Heiul. The proprietors of SANTA ABIE have authori/.od Goodman Drug Co. , to refund your money if , after giving this California King of Cough Cures a fair trial as directed , it failb to give sat isfaction for the cure of Coughs , Croup , Whooping Cough and all throat and Lung troubles. When the disease affects the head , imd assumes the form of Catarrh , nothing is so ofleetivo us CALIFORNIA CAT-R-CURK. These preparations nro without equals as houfohold remedies. Sold at 31.00 ti package. Three for 82.50. Those who are bitterly opposed to to bacco-smoking should take note of the fact that not a cigar-makor in Florida has been attacked by the yellow fever , and that physicians recommend cigar- suioking as a preventive. About Shaltcnponro mid Dauun there U a pending controversy , but none is over liKely to take place regard ing SOZODONT , foremost among arti cles for preserving , restoring and bouu- ifylng tlio tooth for over a third of a ontury. This agreeable antiseptic oraovos unpleasantness from the breath. 'ARKANSAW CHARLEY. Terrific Conflict Between Ton Texas Cattlemen nnd Thlrty-llvo Indians. Ovorlnndi "Arkansaw " Charley" was always a favorite among the boys after ward and was greatly drcadid by the Indians. The roving life of a cowboy upon the frontier plains suited his tastes far bettor than the restraints of a small escort , while the opportunities to score oven with the redskins wore equally good , It was during the general "round-up" on the frontier border of Texas In tno fall of 1SSO that "Arkansiiw Oharloy , " in company with nine other cattlemen , was caught upon the plains bordering the head waters of the Bnuos by a band of thirty-lira Comanchcs , all well mounted and armed , and led by one of the most daring sub-chiefs. "Curly Bill' ' Thompson , born in Arkansas , but much older than Charley , was in charge of the round-up. He was a cowboy of much experience and was famous as tin Indian lighter. The two were intimate friends as the phrase goes out west , they wore "partners" what was owned by ono belonged to the other , and many daring exploits had already marked their career. The cowboys wore till well mounted , and each was armed with long-range Winchester rilles and the cowboy's friend , u pair of six-shooters. They had plenty of ammunition , some jerked beef and a canteen of water. Arkansaw Charley , though not moro than twenty-throe , was the recogni/.cd loader when an Indian light was on hand , and when the Commanehcs wore discovered sweeping down upon thorn from the direction of a skirt of timber several miles to the northwest , ArKan- bJiw Charley , after a short parley with Curly Bill , put spurs to his her o to se cure possession of u piece of high open ground apparently about a mile away. A lively race now began the cow boys to gain peed fighting ground of their own choice and the Coinmanohes to cut thorn olT. Arkan aw Charley was riding a .splendid black stallion , sure of foot and very Hoot , and the rest of the boys had to put their hor.ses to full speed to keep up with their da h- ing young leader , whoso long tlaxen hair streamed out behind him like the fan of an eagle. Not moro than one- third of the distance had been made when ono of their hor-ses foil , tumbling the cowboy into the ditch and breaking ono of his legs. Instantly- Charley and Curly Bill halted to light whore they wore rather than leave one of tliuir com rades in the hands of the Communchcs ; but seeing the disadvantage of the po sition they roped the horse , placed the crippled cowboy upon his saddle , and bade him follow toward the ridgo. Tlio delay had brought the Indians near enough for showers of bullets nnd arrows to liy at them , out happily over thnir heads. The cowboys wore all ex pert horsemen and were soon on a sweeping run nnd luckily gained the summit of the ridge. Quickly staking the hor&os out of r.ingo they took posi tion Hat on the ground at the highest point and awaited the approach of the Indians , who had stopped about one hundred yards uuuy. Presently with a'terrific yell the sav ages charged , throwing themselves on the sides of their horses and .sending showers of bullets and arrows at the little baud , but hitting wide of the mark. The Americans hold their lire till the enemy were within two hun dred yards when they sent volley after volley from their Winchesters , nnd fif teen horses wore soon tumbling and charging in the throes of death. For some time not an Indian seemed to have been hit , but before they retreated two of thotn were shot down. The Comanches collected In squads and were gesticulating at .1 lively rate ; then all at once thov started on a run to gain llio same ridge which sloped to the north from the point occupied by the cowboys. A new danger now threat ened , for aasoon as the Indians reached the low ridge the horses were brought within range of the onemv. Arkansaw Charley had them immediately removed to a secure place on the opposite slope of the hill. When the Indians discovered this they made another desperate charge but wore again repulsed , four Indians and ton horses being killed. Over half the Indians were now afoot and a coun cil ensued and resulted in the Indians dividing their force so as to cover the whites in a charge from both west and south which would airuin bring their horses in range. Curly Bill and three men at once moved lower down so as to cover the stock with their rilles , while Charlie and the rest of the boys hold the summit. On came the savages with defiant yollscharging on foot and on horseback ; but again were they repulsed with the loss of six horses and one Indian wounded. A long parley en sued and presently a do/on or moro Comanches wore seen going over the hill with their horses , and half an hour the same number were seen approach ing afoot in a very stealthy manner , which was soon followed by like ma neuvers by the other squads. This change of tactics on the part of the C'o- mancho chief greatly perplexed Char ley and Curly Bill. "They arc now creeping upon us through the gras to lay for cvorv man wno exposes himself to their sight , " said Charley. 'Trawl into the ground , if you can , boys. " In this way the fight \uis Kept up till thick darkness covered the plains , two of the cowboys having been killed , both shot in the head. The broken- legged boy , a lad of seventeen , though suffering great pain , fought nil the time but on changing his position to ease his pain was shot dead by a musket ball. Curly Bill crout back to the summit , sending three mun to guard the horses. A council was held ate what was best to bo done. The darkness gave the savages the advantage , they being below could not bo sighted , but every time ono of the cowboys raised his head it was outlined againsttheskyso pl'iinly as to become a good target for the Com uiancho marksmen. "They can now creep within twenty vnrds of us. can capture our horses , anil kill ovorv man who pokes up his head. They'll kill us by detail , " said Charley. Their situation was indeed a critical ono. To attempt to get away from the Indians then seemed the merest folly , and to await the coining of day was oven worse. "It's a run for llfo anyway wo take It , " continued Charley. "We'd bottoi got to our horses , mount , scatter llko quails , and run our chances. " "Done , " answered the boys with ono voice. Crawling like a enuko in the gross each man reached the picket which se cured his horse , then to his foot , and in an instant all wore mounted and off each man talcing his own direction Charloj and Curly Bill , leading the horses of their dead comrades , rode o together. The savages , however , were not asleep , and as soon as the whites showed themselves they began a vigor our firing. But the cowboys were ot liuo a Hash , leaving the Commancho chief biting his lips with rage over the slip they had given him. Throe-fourth of hla horses were dead on the plain many of his warriors killed am wounded , and the whites hud gone am not a horse captured. Long was the night to that scattered bunch of cowboys upon the silent plains The Comnnches were not idle. The chief grew desperate and , taking six varrlors , was teen upon the trail of the lorses , going in u northorstorly direc tion , trailing them by the sound of the shod hoofs trampling the earth. Just it the approach of day Curly Bill's sharp eye discovered Indians on the track. Being unable to determine in vhut number , they quickened tholr fait In what direction they scarcely mow. Soon losing sight of tlio pur * suors , and thinking perhaps they were nistakcn , they Mackoncd their pace , nnd rode leisurely along till about 10 o'clock , when they stopped at a water- lolo to quonoh thu almost killing thirst of themaolves and their horses. ' Thinking they were safe , they staked out their horses and prepared to break- ast on jerked beef and water , after vhloh they stretched themselves upon the grass to rest while tholr horses were rrazing. It was not long , however , bo- ere the tramping of horses' foot was leard , and the chief and six warriotM were upon thorn , shooting and jelling at i terrible rate. Instantly they went for , holr horses. Curly Bill mounted first , .urncd on them and' began shooting His revolver us only a cowboy can. Arkan saw Charley , by a mishnp in attempting .0 . catch the picket rene whllo firing lis pistol , stumbled and fell. For only in instant , though , was ho down , but eng enough for an Indian to put a ball nto his body before ho gained hissad - lie. The contest now became fierce bo- , ween the live ravages for two of them Imd already been killed and the desperate cowbovs. Never were comlutnnts moro deadly in carne-it. The ohiof , scowling upon the gallant Charley , fixed his how , but from HIM American's quick and steady hand wont i sudden ball , and the chief rolled dead ipon the plains. But two savages now emained , and each singling his matt usliod upon him. Again the Amorl- ans were victorsand seven Cpmnnohes ay npnn the ground with their painted aces hideous all In death. The con- liot ended , and swooning , A'-kansaw Charley fell from his horsj. Curly Bill .Thompson instantly caught him in his strong linn' . . "Water water " whis- icred the white lips , and he swooned ifrain. The two friends remained for an hour at the water bathing the wound , which mived to bo only a bud llcsh cut in the ide. It was carefully bandaged , and Charley was ready to rido. Curl.i Bill Jollectcd their own and the Indian loises , and after scalping the dead Comanches they mounted and lode lowly away. Ripe , luscious , sound fruit is the ourco from which are derived Van fixer's Flavoring Kxtrnets , without ad- nixturo of chemicals , exquisite in taste , economic because highly concentrated , Hire and wholesome. They are used videly in tlio households , hotels and estaurnnt kilchens of this and other ontinonts ; and the bottles contain as nay bo ascertained by comparison aore than the quantity held by other lavoring extract bottles. They riourrd Him. Chicago News : "Gentlemen , " said ho Arkunsis lawyer to tlio baekswoods ury , "it is a fact that my client was aught fooling around another man's pan of mules' . But while ho may be nistaken when ho says that he took . .hoe mules out of the stable to water hem , because their brutal owner had icglected to attend to their wants.I toll ou , gentlemen , that my client can out- with a rillo any 'man within the ound of my voieo. " "That's a lie ! " yelled the jury in a ihorus. "Very well , gentlemen"said the law- or. "If you send my client to prison on give him no chance to provo his claims. If you arc generous and want o see some of the host shooting ever lone in the O/.arks you have only to ae- } uit my client and set up a mark for him , o shoot tit. " The prisoner was found not guilty. What is moro ullrui'tivo than a pretty 'nco with a frchh. bright complexion ? b'or it is use Po/woni's powder. Unnecessary Worry. N. Y. Sun : It was getting late when the girf said shyly : "You look worried about something , Mr. Ilarkintou. " ' 'I am , " ho replied. "I have in my pocket a $ jO,000 package of government jonds which I foolishly forgot to deposit ; o-dny , and and aside from that i I , eve you so devotedly that , Mis.s Schor- merhorn , I am afraid to learn my fate. " "As for the bonds , Mr. Harkinton , " replied the girl , witli a business air , "papa has a safe in the house ; and re garding the the other matter , why why , 1 think so many of us arc apt to borrow trouble , Mr. Harkinton. " It is by copying after nature that man gets best results. Dr. Jones' Red Clover Tonic is nature's own remedy , is purely vegetable , can be taken by tlio most delicate. Cures all stomach , kid ney and liver troubles. GO cents. Good man Drug Co. A Valley ol'Dcad MPII'H Bonos. Riverside ( Cal. ) Tribune : Frank Morrison has kindly furnished some very interesting facts concerning fcr- tain discoveries on the island of San Clomonti , whieh lies oil the coast from Lagunu some twenty or thirty miles. A party of gentlemen , among whom was Arthur Choatham , ofjSantii Anna , vis ited the island a few weeks ago. They reached the island by yaeht from San Diego. Of all the many strange discov eries mndo by the party on the island , whihc Heomed to be a land of wonders , none was ' -o startling as their coming suddenly upon a level sort of plain , which was strewn with the skeletons of about five hundred human beings. They lie scattered about in a promiicu- ous manner , which suggests that the whole lot must have been suddenly nnd at once killed. They were apparently Indians , and the place where their re mains now lie is a veritable "valley of dry boilei. " IU suncrlor excellence proven In millions 01 homes for more tlmu a quarter of a cenrury 1 Is used by the United States ( ! eminent Ku dnr > ed by tlixhuaiU of thu Kruut I'lllveiHttlPK as the htronRf = t , p'.iifst and most healthful. Ir Price's ( 'in in llakln Powder does not contuli ainmonl i. lime or nltim. Hohl onlv In cans. 1'HICC I1AKINO POWPlUt CO. New York. Chicago. Bt. I.oul3 Burlington Burlingfon Rote . The Burlington takes the lead. It was in advance of all lines in developing Nebraska * It was in advance of all lines in establishing dining-car service between Missouri river points and Chicago. < . ! * It was in advance of all lines in giving the people of Omaha and the West a fast mail service. \ It was in advance of all lines in running its trains from the East into Omaha proper. It was in advance of all lines in reducing the time of passenger trains between Omaha and Chicago. It was in advance , and is the only line by which you can feave Omaha in the morning and arrive in Denver th evening of the same day. It has been progressive in the past. It will lead in the future. Travel and ship via the Burlington. Ticket Office , 1223 Farnam Street. Telephone ) 250. Depot on Tenth Street. iTliMon ! Conn r of loth anil rariiaiu SttvHH , ChiiiuUor of Comtnerco llulldlng Capital Stock $100,000 Liiihllitj of StnrKiiohlprs S00,000 Mu > pt > r CL'tit p ml cm tlcpuflts. Inim tnntle on roil c-l.iti' iintl | irr-tui i > 'ULiinty , lit.tej , MUrr.luU , stocks nnn lioiuu pun Imvd OKPU'KIH JO11M. MU ! > 1'iiiltlint AMMKVi UOM WATKH , Vice I'rc ldPnt DKVl'Kll Li TMOMAb.UiJhlcr. 1IOAU1) Or- .Tnlin I , Mile * . KristiiH li'n < nn , Minucl I inner. John 11 ) ; > , iti , Andrew It . -ii vutcr , Morn < .MiirrKMti , W A I. Million , ' liiy Alrlu.iiinilorit , Dexto'r 1. 'I htm.\l. jStinuiui A Kulin , r. II. Johnson. .liili IliKh,1 dee 0. Ilobbiu. OIHA SAVINGS BANK. ttoi : Cnpiliil Stock SloO,000 ? Lialillltlosof Stoi'kholilcis : ! ( IO , Ol ) Fu-o L'er Cent Interest I'diil oil Del - l exits Coni/mndcd Seini- OKPIOIHIS : CIIAKLI'.S I' MANDRHsON. President. L M. HI3NNKTT , Vice l're-.ldent. P.V. . WKSSriL , Miuianlni ; Director. JOHN fi.VILUITK , Cushler. STOCKllOljDIJKa : .1. W. ClNNKTT , ( lirv C. lUiiTO.v , J , .1. liHOU.N , L. M IIINVHT. C. 1" . ilMKI < HOX , TillU ICl'Jli\t.t , IlKMlV 1'UNKT , K L. SIONB. OMAIIl L. VT. CO. , L. II Wii.riAMS. M \ \ MKVhll , Tltl'MN 1JUCK , JAMIN . SAVAIIB , II , W. NASH , I1.V. . \ \ t. i i.i. 1. K. ( OMIIION' , ANMV ( r. MtCOOK , N W. \ \ KII.-5. II. NlKMA.V , JOHN U. WIMIOK. 17. S. DEPOSITORY. OMAHA , - NEBRASKA. Cnpltnl $500,000 Surplus 100,000 HKHMAN KOl'NTXi : . President. JOHN' A. CKIU CUTON. Vice Piesldent P. 11. D.VVH. Cashier. \V. II , MKUUlKit , Assistant Cashier. CHICAGO Tlin onlf roml to tak fnr DtJ * Molneo , Mnnhnltown Ci-il.ir llutilds , Cllntnn , Dlttin. Clilfiun .Mlhtnukt't' . mill nil iiolnti Kn t rlo llio pfoplunf Nenraikii Oulo- rmlo Wjrn.nlnif . , Itih. liliiliu. Nuvnd-i Oiejun , Wa h. Inutun niiil t'aliuirniA. It otTers vupertor inlruntii ei nut tio4tlilo ( | iiy liny ollior line Aw nz u low of the nunipronipoints of superiority enjoyi'il liftho palniin or thu rnail lietwoon < > m ill * nna ChltUL'i. ure UK Ibrca traln < a tlav tit DAY COAI'IIIIS , wliloh xro tli tlnoit Hint human Hrt nnd liiK'-niiiiriHncriiHt.- I'Al.ACKM.KCI'I.SfU'AIti luo eqiinl ot wlilrlipanniit Im fount H < owln.re At Council lllnir < Hit ) train * of Ilia Union Pnclilo llnll- \Tiy ; cimlcit In union doiKit with tlui u of tlia ChiC - C KO \ Northwe'torn lly. In I'hlcnifo thu tr.ilniuf tliln line make rloie cuiiDfctlon with thoio of all othpr K.iatern lln1- * Kor IH'irolt OilnmbiiK , InilUimpolli , flnrlnnfttl , NUjiru l-alls Iliitrulo , ruutiiK , IMnjiito , Moiilrnnl. llo'l.'ii. New Vnrk , I'liilndplplilu , llnltlni in } , Wu4n > Inutoti , nntl nil point ! in the iit. Auk for tickets via lb ° "NORTHWESTERN" If you wl h the best accommodation. All tlckat Mi' t.V * l5j l l bli Iliit . 11 iiiciurr , j. , VUMV ( ien'l llunaxer. ( Jen'l I'ait'r ' Agent. j , iirjt. W N IIAIICOCK. ( Jmi'l Weitcrh Aifent. 1) E KIM1IAI.I. Ticket Ajtenl. ( J K \ \ Kriity ; Pims.'njter Agent. 1W1 Kiinmin Street Omntia , Nel > . Trep Pooils nnd Senilllngs for Timber Claims , I'rult frwt , Small Krultn , UniamuntnU , liver- Kreens , etc. Semi Cur price list -I'KKKi Aildrais. i > . a. ivrti ; , i r < > i > . , ShananUoah , Iowa. JUDICIOUS AND PEKSISTtrif AilturtUliitf haa nlnujg provcu Bucce3ful. Ueforo placing any Newspaper AovcrtlsliiK coasu& LORD & THOMAS. iuTKinuisaIK , II U i > UuiUIiU SUuU CHICAGO. U. S. DEPOSITORY , OMAHA , NSB. Tniil Up Capital $100,000 Surplus iO,000 H. W. YAIBS. ProMrtent. LK I4 tKH.HI , Vice I'reMcli'iit. A. r. . TOIUAM.V. 2nd Vlto PrMldent. W. 11. i > . HrmiKCusliler. . DIUKUTOHS' W. V. Mouse , Jons- . Cm.u.ss , II.V. . YATHI. IIKWIS s. HKKD , A. E. TOU/AM.V. THE IRON BANK , Corner l"tli unil r.irimm Sts. A General Hanking lluslucss Transacted. TARHTNDTMAA TY LOAN ! " The Kansas City Investment Co , 30 Clmuihur or Commerce , OMAHA , NCII. No dolavg. All business ilono at this ofllce. Dn. B. C. WrsT'fl Nitnvs AMD BnAiw T * A > UKNT , agunrantfrd specific for IIy U > rla , Dizzi ness. Conrulslona. Fits , Nervous Neuralgia , Ueadacne. Nervous Prostration , caused br tha u o of alcohol or tobacco. Waltofulneas. Mental Depression , Softening of the Drain , resulting In Iiuanltr. Hnd leading to mlserr. decay and death. Premature Old Age , Barrenness , Loss * ( Power In either sei. Involuntary I-osse * and Bpermatorhcra caused by over-eiertlon of the brain. Eelf-abu e or nrer-tndulRonce. Kaon box contains one month's troatmcnt. tl.OO K box , or Blr boxes for 05.00 , Bent by mall prepaid on r * . ulpt ot prtc . WE GDARAKTEK BIX KOXR8 To cure any oua. With * ach order ncalrod by ns for six boxen , accompanied with 15.00. w will eend the purchaser our written guarantee to refund th * money If the treatment rt es not effect a cure. Guarantees Issued only by C. P. GOODMAN. Dnurplst , Solo Agent , 1110 Farnam prrppt Orcabn. Neb ( ill VTErUL-COMFOUTINO. Epp s's Cocoa. liltE.VKFAST. "Ilv a tliornuxb knonloiU'e o ( tbo natural laws wlik'n irnvern thn onerutlon of tllKit tlun utut nutrl * tlon , mid bjr it cutotiil uppltcMlon f.fttmtliiH proper * tlei of wi'll'telectutl < Vcoi : , .Mr. Kppn ) uu prutuetl our l.retikfa . t tublu with u tlullcat lT MnTorotl bnTernvo wblth muy save in ninny henry Ouctor * bills Ills li > the Jiidlcloui mo of such arllclos of rfolt Unit a cnn tltiitl < > M ninir Im Knuluiillr tiullt up until Btronit iiuiuli to ic-Ht nrcry tvndpiiry to ilniMsn. liini- Ireitnof Mibllo iiinlnlc ro llmitlnu urounil u rcidjr onttnck wheri'Mtr tlier l a weak point. We m T ' cane many u final nlmft by keupliu'uurhelvei well ortlticil with pure tiloml nml it properly iiourlihod Irnnies' C'lfll service liarette. Miiilt * Hltuply with iKillInx wuloror milk. Sold only In hnlf { .ounct tlnn br i.ruu'r * Intjet d thun Homu'opathio Cliemlsts , LO.MIOW , I.NUI.AM > . * JKAsyj nVCNt $ fy LINEN - G -iFOR SALE * EVERYWHERE. Kemsrtable for powerful rmp > thetle tone , pliable action and ab- aolat * durability. i ) years' record. Ihe beit guarantee ot the excel lence ot tnese Inairurm-ntii. blLLU i I 10 STEEL PENS COLD MEDAL PARIS EXPOSITION 1313 , NOB. 303-4O4-I70-6O4. THE MOST PERFECT OP PENS al ealljtiUloQ In the cure oj Qouc rrhea and Iprrscrlboltsn ; ( fel itelnromratnJ- It to all itifrcmi. i. J. KTOXHB , H.D. , Oooaiur. III. PRIOR , 01.00. TriJMSK n.rk1 | Slid bjr UrutKloti DlVOtlPI'.S A , OOOnillCIl , ATTOHVIV.AT-f.AVr. i : < Dcsrborn ft , , Cldiajo ; atlvlea frees 21 je r " ' Uu > luv > * uulillf > ud le < Dr traniactod THE RAM TIME TABLES , OMAHA. CHICAGO. HOCK ISLAND & PACIFIC. A No. 2. 0.V/pflrne'lJ : / ! No. I .liofS m. O No. U tUOu ) m. C No. C. , t:60p. : m A No. 4 . , :4Un.m.A | No. 3 . 0:60 : p. m CMICAiC ) . UUHI.lNUIIJNfcQUINOV ; A No , i , y:40a. : Ul.'A No. 6 . "iJOft. m. A No H . .oiSia.rn.iA'No.7 ,6:30r : .in , A No.fi . fi-M , ' . . . n in.'A MC.ii .0160 is , to , ciuoAdo it NoiiTii WESTS ; ; : ; . A M > .0. --r- Ui40 a. in.lA No.il A No. 4 . .tijuup , m.i | > No. I JiOOa. 111. 11 No. 2 , 8:10 : . m.'A ' No. 6 11A CHICAUO. Mll.WAUK.KK & HT A Jjo.8 .0:4Ua. : m.A No. 1 .6:50 a. ru. A No 4 70 p. in.'A ' No. U .fiUp. : ) m. KANSAS 01TV , hT. JOHIIPH & COUNCIL llf.Ul'I'H. A No. 8 UA'ia m.A , No. 3. A No. 4 . 0'Alp : in ) A No 1. . . sioux orrv & PACJU-IU. A No. 10 7:05 a. in.lA No. S. .8Ua.m. : A No. IS 7l : n.m.lA No. II - - OMAHA & bT. l.OUIfl. A No. 8 : i4Up ; m | A No.7 .11 : AdMly : n dully except Saturday. 0 except Sunday ; I ) excupt MonUujr ; fast mall , f WEAK ma. OWTOA T. "JJ ! * \ i > rt4 , Tre. sniti T"ti > t