THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : . TUESDAY , OCTOBER 2. 188& THE DAILY 'BEE. I3VKUV MORNING. TKHMS Or Dally ( Morning Kdltton ) Including Hu.smv - JlKK.Ono Vonr . 110 00 romotontiiii . r > ou rorTliree-Muiitlis . a f J J.'IIE OMAHA HCaruY HHK , mnlloil to any mldress , Ono Year . .i . 2 ( rt OMAIIA ) fMriNl : ( ! .llUANTltll5KAIIKAMSlltKCT. Kr.\r YoiiicOmrK. UIMIMA II ANO iriTiniit-Ni ! liiriMUNrt. WASH ISO-TON Omen , No. MJ &TIIKKT. rotutnsi'ONDr.xrK All communications relutim : tom-wsnnil edl- torlnl miittur should bo addressed to tliu I. Drum orTiu : HKK. . All bimlness inters and remittances should bo nddrensod to TUB HKK I'uni.isniMl ( 'II.MI-ANV , ( > MAII\ . Drafts , checks nml fostntncn orders to lia inailo jiayublo to thu order of the company. The Bee Publishing Company , Proprietors , K. HOHHWATHU , Editor. T11K V 111113. Sxvorn Rtntcinont ot Circulation. Btntc of Nebraska , I . County of Douglas , I a < ( ! eorjo II. Tr.sclmck , set-rotary ot tlio Ilpe Pub- llshlnif company , docn solemnly swear Unit tlio nctuul circulation of Tim DAILY liit : : fur the week ending Hcptember SI , 1SS" , wns us fullowi : Sunday , Sept 21 IH..TX ) Monduy , Fept. 21 | s. ( J Tuesday , Hept. 26 l , tr.l Wednesday , Sept. 'M lsU"i7 Thursday , Sept 27 IS.OID I'rlduy , Sept. US IS.I/nn Baturdny.Sept 2'J 1S.01U Arerage 18.0SO ar.oitriKii. T/.KCIIUCK. Sworn to before mo nnd sulHcrlbud In my prcHonco thin Kid dny of Hotitombor , A. 1) , IMS. tienl. N. 1' . l-'KlU Notary 1'ubllc. Btato of Nebraska , I County of Douglas , f B > H > CleorRo It. Trsicuiick , being first duly poseg and says that ho Is hei-rctnry of 'Ilio lieu I'libllMiliif ; company , that the m-timl uveiago dally circulation of TIIK IJAII.V HI.K for tlio liumtli of Fepte-mber , ltS7 , was H.III'.i ' eoplos : fo.i October. JN > 7 , HKI ! copies ; for November , 1H > 7 , lfi.220 copies ; for December. inn , l.,041 co\ \ > - Jes : for.Tanuiuy , IS.S.M. liV-Mticopies ; for IVbrunry. Jfc88jr.ii2copies ( ! ; for > laichlMv < , li.McoIes ! ( ) ] : for April. 1K18 , 18,714 coploi ; for Mav. ISbH , ItO" ! copies ; for.lune.l P , lt',2iicopies"for : ; July. 1838 , J8l ) copies ; for August , lMn , 1X.1K.I ronl < < . < : ia : u.-rxs-citrcic. Bworn to before mo nnd Hub crlbed In my presence thisfcth day of September , A. I ) . . IbM. N. 1' . riilli Notary I'ublle. t LUCK poor Othello Prod Nye finds his occupation froiio. JAY GOULD has grubbed another rail road , the St. Louis , Arkansas & TOX.IH. As n s'-ilc ' man Mr. Gould is pretty well , thnnk you. Tins time Mr. Adams brought a plan of the great Union Pacific depot in his Batchol , but Judge Dillon , famous for liis doublo-duekor bridge decision , will probably en join the construction. IT is doubtful whether there is much foundation in the report that the Mor mons are looking toward old Mexico for the haven of Saints' rest. Tlio ciders are quito well aware that their peculiar institution could not for a. moment bo grafted on S-mnibh stock , or made to llourish on Mexican soil. TnKQ-m truly independent Omaha daily hn Hltap off with both of its bar rels in v/3fcJ PJ < OV01' Cleveland , .T. BlorlinJKERKf John A. McShano and prohihinUii. The Nebraska democracy is jubilant and McShane fools confident of his triumphant election as governor by an overwhelming majority. A pro hibition paper will exert a tremendous influence in Omaha in the present polit ical cribis. STATISTICS place the number of im migrants to America for the eight months ending with August at four hundred thousand. This exceeds the record for the corresponding period of last year by about thirty thousand. What is worthy of note is , that while no perceptible increase took place in the emigration from Great Britain or Gcr- inmiy , the most remarkable increase was from Russia. Hungary and Poland. AFTKII fighting each other for a year tlio northwestern railroads have finally kissed and made up. This reconcilia tion affects principally the St. Paul and Minneapolis roads , although it includes pretty much all the granger lines run ning out of Chicago. Having buried the tomahawk the next move on the programme will bo for the railroads to tax trafllc all it will bear in order to re coup themselves for disastrous rate wars. So LONG as the United States has at disposal millions of acres of virgin soil , there need bo no fears of overpopulation from the influx of desirable foreigners. By surveyors' calculations just made public , it is ascertained that sovonleon millions six hundred thousand acres , comprising some of the best grazing and agricultural lands in Montana , will bo thrown open to settlement. This land is part of the Indian reservation in the northwestern part of Montana ceded VSn the public domain by the treaty of Indian commission and act of con gress. WITH the discovery of the Foster forgeries following so closely upon the heels ot the Uctlell case , New York is literally all broke up. Forging mort gages is comparatively a pasture green , n rich strike for clever swindlers. In the case of thcso two rogues it was n golden El Dorado. There is in consequence quence of the exposures , a great over hauling of papers and records of real estate transactions. Business mon and property holders have become panic Btricken lost the collateral in thcli hands may turn out to bo worthless due to the knavery of some trusted clerk. TllKUK is a steady decline in the number bor of now cases of yellow fever a Jacksonville , and there is tx small dlml nution In the percentage of deaths Hut the number of cases at Fcrnamllnu on the west coast of Florida , U suspic iously increasing , and this is a bat feature , because this port is in closi Etonuilxmt communication with Nov Orleans. If the vary strict quarantim between eastern Florida and westeri vras not lufliclcnt to prevent the discasi from creeping into Fornandiua will i bo possible to protect Now Orleans That is the question. When the hope ful news that things were better ii Jacksonville were telegraphed north i was natural to suppose that the wore vras over. Hut it may bo that the pestilence lonco lifts spent iUolf in Jackbonville but has spread itself over other purls o Florida , just oa a fire in thu woods die out at one point but bursts forth will now fury at another. Contributions ur atllt in order. . . . Tlio K.xottiRhm Hill n The president has transmitted to con- gross'with his approval , the bill to o'x- cludo Chinese laborers from thd United Stales , and gubmittcd therewith a long message. Wo hue novcr doubted that Mr. Cleveland would do this , simply be cause it was nccofsary to complete the gaino of politics which has boon at the bottom of the whole recent movement regarding Chinese immigration. Had MY. Cleveland vetoed this bill ho would have defeated hlsown j/nmo and brought humiliation to every democrat in con gress who has been doing his bidding in the matter. It remains to bo been whothcr ho will find in it any political profit. The bill is very thorough and com- prfhensivo in its provisions , and if rigidly enforced will put an end to the immigration of Chinese laborers. That it violates existing treaty obligations no one , bo far as wo know , pretends to deny. It was hurried through the house without receiving half the consideration that is given to scores of measures of comparatively trilling consequence , ob taining of course the unanimous sup port of the democrats of that body , simply on the rumor that the Chinese government had rejected the treaty negotiated last spring. The senate showed a better sense of the im portance ot the matter , and the bill was ( lcla\ed some days in that body , but finally passed there before the govern ment was officially advised of the rejec tion of the treaty. Indeed it is said the Chinese government only decided not to ratify the treaty after learning of the senate's action , self-respect leaving that government no other alternative than to reject the treaty. Tlio principal defense of the exclusion bill offered in congress was that every government has the right to pro- toot its people against an olTonslvo immigration. The proposition is doubt less unassailable , but there is a decent and respectful way of securing such protection which nations observe that have some regard for their obligations and for international comity. It cer tainly cannot be maintained that this was the way pursued in the passage of the exclusion bill , and the attitude in ich it places the country , of having ogislatcd in violation of treaty obliga- ions , is made the more unfortunate by ho universal knowledge that politics ivas at the bottom of the whole proceed- ng. Everybody knows that legislation f this character would not have been rushed through in any other than a n-csidential year , however imminent he danger to be averted , and we shall not as a people gain in the respect of , ho world by having to confess this. Mr. Cleveland's inoesago is in some re spects adroit , and is perhaps aa good an apology for the legislation ho has ap proved as could bo made. But it docs not prove that there was a danger that rendered it immediately necessary , or that it was a proper and wise thing for this government to take a stop in vio- ation of treaties which it had sought , : ind which have secured to the coun- , ry commercial advantages of no small importance. Whether China will attempt any form of retaliation is uncertain. It has been said that the Chinese are concerned only for the gains , and that for thcso they will make any sacrifice of inde pendence and self-rcsnect. If this is a correct description of their character they will porliaps do nothing to show their displeasure with the action of this government , at least to the extentof in terfering with the commercial privi leges now enjoyed. The new law , when it goes into effect , will doubtless bo rigidly enforced , and if so there will be no further additions after the 1st of next January to the number of Chinese laborers in the United States. It is to bo hoped this question will now bo dropped as an issue in politics. lll-Poiimlcd Reports. There have been reports from time to time , growing more numerous within the past ten days , that there was a lack of harmony in the republican national committee ; that its chairman , Senator Quay , was not pleased with the course of the campaign in some respects , and particularly with Mr. Blaino's contri butions to it ; that the friends of General Harrison were feeling quito sorely to ward Mr. IJlaino , and that the candi date himself was not entirely pleased. ] n short , that there was generally a great deal of grumbling and displeas ure , of which Mr. iMainc was said to be the principal cause. The conference hold in New York on Sunday , at which Mr. Quay and Mr. Bhune , and where a number of other prominent republicans were present , is a sufficient answer to the reports ol want of harmony and good fouling. A this conference , which appears to have had reference chiefly to arranging the western speaking tour of Mr. Bhiino the bcht podaiblo ( spirit prevailed , anil the feeling expressed was that of full confidence in republican success. Mr , Quay and Mr. Ttlaino held a privati conference and parted with the utmost cordiality. There is no dissension in the repub lican camp , unless all signs are mislead ing. Tlio party loaders are working shoulder to shoulder in complete har mony , and rank and file are earnest urn enthusiastic , and the campaign is progressing grossing smoothly and vigorously There is every reason to believe it will continue so to the end , and that the re suit llvo weeks from to-day will bo entirely tirely satisfactory. lowunml Unlll'nrnln. The struggle over railroad commis elonerahipa in the neighboring state o Iowa affords some food for reflection The candidates , while nominally repub lican and democrat , arc essentially anti monopoly and its reverie : The popub lican party haa chosen three strong anti-monopoly men. The railroads im mediately combined and offered t < throw all their united strength in fnvoi of the democratic candidates gonorall ; if that party would nominate for thi railroad cominisslonorships parsons sat isfaotory to the corporations. This is only a repetition of the expo rlenco of California , where the railroad have pooled all their forces in the stati convention : ) of both parties to dictuU thu nolniimtloiiH of their Creatures 01 'tho railroad commission , and when they fal ( to control the candidates of ono parly they throw their infiuondo at the election to the other. The outcome Is that usually two out of three railroad commissioners are railroaders , and the state remains at the moroy of the monop olies. The only safe policy for the poo- pie Is direct regulation and restriction by law , with the courts as a tribunal to punish extortion and discrimination. Qnnrnntlno A aliiHt Tramp * . During the past month the city of Omaha entertained for a period varying from ono to thirty days with free board and lodging about six hundred and thirty-five gentlemen , irrespective of race , color or previous condition. For this display of hospitality , the taxpay ers have footed bills amounting to sev eral thousand dollars. In other words , of the thirteen hundred arrests made by the police for September , three hun dred and twenty were for drunkenness and three hundred and fifteen for vagrancy. These figures speak for themselves. They show that fully ono- lalf of the arrests made arc drunkards ind vagrants , for the support of whom he rity is taxed annually many Ihou- ands of dollars. It is a disgrace to our council that it saddles this burden on ho backs of taxpayers. Long ago pro visions for a work-house or a rock-pile ihould have been made by which , his class could at least bo nado to profit the city something. The conn oil , it is true , passed an ordi- iiince to compel vagrants to work oul heir fines on Ihe street. But as it is only a half-hearted measure , ic has not boon enforced , and not likely to bo. It s the plain duty of the council to give this matter its immediate attention and oliovo taxpayers from supporting nblo-bodiod tramps. It is safe to pro- dicl that a sentence to the work-house ivill have its salutary effect , not so much n the value of the labor that can be got out of vagrants and bummers as in the 'eduction ' of the number of this class of tax-eatoi\s. A notice to tramps that they must work out their board will bo is effective in keeping them away from Omaha as a shotgun quarantine. Tlio Deullnc of INilyennty. The majority report of the Utah com mission , a few days ago submitted to the secretary of the interior , shows that indor the Strict enforcement of the anti-polygamy laws polygamy is steadily declining , and that it cannot bo a great while before it is entirely abandoned in Utah. Last year there were but eight indictments for polyg amy , conviction being secured in half of these cases. Not only is it evident that polygamy is declining , but it is also plain that the power of the Mormon hierachy in the territory has been for ever broken , and that they have come to clearly realize ibis. The fact Ihal there is a movement on foot to establish new con tors of Mormon'colonization in ter ritory outside the jurisdiction of the United States , is a confession of the hierarchy of the hopelessness of their battle against the national authority sustained by public opinion. Certainly these who believe in the wisdom and juslico of the laws against polygamy have reason to bo satiblied with the re- salts. The report of the majority of the com mission renews the recommendation that Utah should not bo admitted to the tin ion until such time as the Mormon people shall show by their future acts that they have abandoned polygamy in good faith , and not then until an amendment shall have been made to the constitu tion of the United States prohibiting the practice of polygamy. Doubtless there would bo no dillicully in securing the approval by the legislatures of all the states of such an amendment , but its necessity is not apparent. When ever the Mormon people give satis factory evidence that they have re nounced polygamy and tlio territory if admitted to statehood , there will be no danger thereafter that polygamy wouh' have a new growth , because Iho increase of the population hostile to this practice would render such a growth impossible and il would bo a question of only n very little time wlien Mormon in flu onoo in the affairs of government wouh : entirely ceaso. At present the Mormon increase is not rapid , and it is more than probable it will bo less so hereaf ter under the operation of a sevoroi scrutiny in the matter of immigration , even if there shall not bo passer stronger laws than we now have for the regulation of immigration. Nor is there danger of an atlompt to plant polygamy in any other territory of the United States. The suggestion of a constitutional amendment prohibiting polygamy does not appear , therefore , to have any sound reason , for when this practice is once stamped out in Utah i will permanently disappear from tin country. The indications are that the lime is not remote when this will be accomplished. When a people discover as the Mormons evidently have , the fu tility of combatting the national author itysubmission may bo reluctant , but i is certain to como. The further decline of polygamy in Utali may therefore hi expected to bo rapid , and its final ox Unction cannot be far off. Tlio I'ollco in Flaiulcru. The police orders lo vacale all dis orderly houses in the Third ward wes of Tenth street is an effort in the direc tion of moral reform from which tin decent portion of the community is not likely to derive much benefit. The ( social evil always will exist in large cities and any effort to stamp it out o ono locality only transfers the infectioi into other localities. The more the po lice meddle with dissolute women , the greater the demoralization amont the police force. Like the arm ; in Flanders , the police wll become in fueled with vice by thi cvusiulu , From the chief down to the patrolman none la proof against tempta tion. And when to this id added the opportunity for lavylnf ? blackmail am collecting hush money , the Hiovamon becomes a Borlous menace to morality and integrity In the police ) force , Like many other now departures re cently inaugurated , thin raid will prove' ' a delusion and a snare to the social-evil reformer.- ) , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ WHIM : reluctantly conceding that Omaha is supplanting her as a porl < nicking center'Kansas City Is trying o disparage oiir oily as n caltlo mar- cot ami beef packing center. Well , lot us goo. For the week end- ng September U7 , Chicago received ovcnty-two thousand cattle , Kansas City thirty-six thousand , Omaha ixtcen thousand , St. Louis cloven housaml n.d : New York ton thousand , 'or the same period , Chicago shipped Aventy-lhreo thousand cattle , holding about fifty thousand head for homo con- umpllon and bcof packing. Kansas City shipped twcnty-llvo thousand , ro- ainlng ten thousand head , while Omaha shipped eleven thousand , using about five thousand head to supply the lomo beef packing industry. In com- KU-ISOII , therefore , with thcso loading cattle markets of the country , Omaha aukrt third both as a shipping and a , ) eof packing point. There is every thing to bo proud of in this position. OWING to a scarcity of raw su gars there will bo shortly an In- roaso of price and the consumer will jo called upon to pay fitmi 11 to 2o per lound more for granulated. This would mvo happened oven if there never had jcon a Brooklyn sugar trust. The causes are obvious. For the past twenty years the owners of sugar estates in the West Indies have barely made a living. They have received nothing for their land , nothing for their machinery and a bare living for their personal supervis ion of sugar making. Not only is this the case in the West Indies , but it is equally true of all other places where the cane is cultivated. The sugar plan ters have fared no better than have the beef raisers whoso cattle ranches have for several years past been unproduc tive. VOICE OP Til 1C STATE PRESS. The Ntitico County Sentinel speaks for Council's nomination as"a defeat for Church Howe and the railroads nnd a victory for the people. The Ucatrico Republican Inquires : "Is there n republican la this county who will vote for the state scimte , who , when he heard that President Gnrlleld hud been nssussln- ateil stiiil that he WHS glad ot It ? It can bo substantiated that Captain Asliby nfadc such a remark. " The Hastings Nobraskau Is pleased with the nomination of Mr. Council , and declares that the "result Is n most gratifying one. Mr. Council is an able man , nnd his candi dacy has united all the elements of the party. Tills will insure a solid republican delegation to congress from Nebraska once more. " The Ashland Oa/ctto says : "The har mony which prevails iu the republican ninlts In Sautiuors county this year , ia certainly significant of tlio election of every man ou the ticket by large majorities. When such harmony and good feeling prevails , there is bound to bo coed work done , and with good work tlio entire ticket is sure to bo elected. " The Auburn Granger asks the party pa pers of Ncmaha county If they will "join with the Granger in demanding the repeal of that section of the session laws of ISsT which allows county clurks to receive for making up the tax list six times as much as it is worth to do the work , and this in addition to the regular fees that in this county amount to 51,500 , or are they too busy lookiug after party to care for the people ? " "The nomination of W. J. Council , of Omaha , as candidate for congress from the- First district , " snys tlio Liberty Journal , "moans republican success by the full party majority in the First district , at least. Mr. Counull is a man of unquestionable ability , of irreproachable character , and a straight republican. Tno contest for the nomination was a warm one , but was conducted in the best of spirit. It was an open fight , charac terized by no unfair methods , auu the result was endorsed with genuine earnestness by the defeated candidates nnd their friends. The nomination of Mr. Council insures a re publican congressman from the big llrst. " The Humphrey Independent remarks : "Of course the republicans are expected to tum ble over each other to assist Secretary of State Laws to a re-election to office , but they won't ' do it , and the result of the November election will bo similar to that when Church Howu went down for bolnij subservient to the will and wish of the railroads. Ono of our business mon ordered a smiill bill of goods from New York city. The freight bill showed the following proportion ; From Now York to Omaha , $ } . 'J2 ; from Omaha to Humphrey , 0,55 , making the rate about twenty times as much iu Nebraska as east of tlio Missouri river , and yet Secretary Laws is in no hurry to assist iu relieving the people. " Mr. Council's nomination was very satis factory to the \Vahoo Wasp and it believes "his nomination to bo the strongest that could have been made , nnd one that insures the election of a republican congressman from the first district of Nebraska by a good round majority. Hon.V. . J. Council will ba a strong candidate because ho Is the candi date of the people. In the political struggles in this state between the people and the rail road corporations in the past , Council has al ways been found upon the side of the people as against the corporation monoiwly. In his practice as an attorney it has always fallen to his lot to prosecute and not to defend the railroads in their encroachments upon private rights and damage to personal interests. No charge of railroad nttornoyship or 'corpora tion capper' can attach to him. Ho is a clean handed candidate In every respect. " The Grand Island Independent makes the following political observations : "When a man is a candidate for a public omchil posi tionhis public acts form a legitimate subject for discussion and full consideration , for the reason that by thcso acts ono must weigh a man's Illness for the position to which hn as pires , In many respects John L. Means Is personally a Jolly , good , clover fellow , but ho has , ma public capacity , shown himself stubborn , headstrong , aud many times un fair , and as to methods entirely unscrupulous and politically unreliable. As mayor ho throw obstructions'In the way of the build ing of our strcc't rear line , and ho also nt various times. It Wul'bo remembered , sought to make use of his"political position us mayor to wreak vengeance upon personal enemies , and to reward , veponal friends. Hu has been unreliable , tpo in politics , beme moved purely by personal considerations. " Under the caption , "A One-Sided Fight , " the Nebraska City Press says : "Tho de mocracy has again chosen J , Sterling Mor ton for sacrifice , nnd there IB every probabil ity that ho will bo worse slaughtered this time than ever before. Ho is u man with whoso iiolltfcnl principles it majority of the voter * of the First district have no sympa thy ; n theorist and an extremist , who him self has declared the usua m Ills speech of nccoptanco , and worse ultra-tariff reform views will , beyond < ) uoition , prevent his over reaching congress from n suite that Is pros- poroos aval contented under tlio republican protective System His sympathies nro rather monarchal ! loan democratic , in a broad sense , uuUlii uniliutiojin anil attitude in the past will lese for him the laWl'VOto that went to McSlmno , Hrown or Fitzger ald might have stood a ehunc ; Morton Uus not n shadow of one. Ills nomination mnkos the light ono-sldcd nnd the result n foregone conclusion , " Von Mnitkc'tt Opportunity. 1 wonder If Von Moltko doesn't want somebody to write his memoirs ) lladcait , More Soup t Trtliwit. High nbovc the din of political strife , the ularc of subsidized bnus bands , nnd the clash of nontcndlng jaws can still bo heard thu U'spalrlug volco of Chairman llrlco , of the lemocratla national committee , calling for more sonp. _ Kor Political Purposes. Suti rmnetitn Clironielt. No matter what happens to the Scott Kx- cluloii liilt , Its introduction will have served n useful end. It will help to prove what was generally understood before , that the demo cratic professions of hostility to the Chinese are only made for political purposes , nnd Hint they are nt heart in favor of cheap cooley labor. Wronj ; niul Disgraceful. CMMw Intcr-Ocuin At llftcca minutes past 1 o'clock Saturday the successful "corner" on September wheat nominally died. Its influence , however , will not disappear for many n day. The system of trading which permits anyone ono imin or set of men to "corner" ono of Iho necessaries of lifo Is nil wrone , and is a deep disgrace to so great and powerful an insti- tutlou as the Chicago board of trade , Wlicro Nebraska Morrows. HtHlnnAtlvei liter. At the present time Hostem rejoices In the successful business operation of flfty-nlno national batiks with n capital of ? . " > ' ) ,050,000 nnd a surplus of $13,9U,5l'J , besides a largo amount of undivided prollts. These banks carry n loan varying from time to tluio , but averaging well up to $150,000,000. Tlio daily settlement of their immense business , which In n year amounts to nearly f 150,008,000,000 , is mndo through the clearing house , uu asso ciation to which llftv-llve of the prominent national banks belong. Through thcso banks thirty-three other Institutions , cither national banks in this vicinity or local trust companies , also make their dally exchanges. Sixteen of the Uostoti banks have also been designated as national ban It depositories and hold on deposit , secured by government bonds , nearly S5,000,000of government funds. How They AIIIIINO Themselves. CMcttun Kent. Distinguished United States senator rises and addresses the presiding oflicer : "I wish to give notice , Mr. President , that I am about to violate the rules of this honor able body by using unparliamentary lan guage , but that I will then withdraw the language nud apologize for having used it. " The Chair The gentleman will proceed. Distinguished Senator I merely wish to say that the gentlemen on the other side of the chamber are mostly horse-thieves and bunko-steerors. The Chair It Is understood that the gen tleman withdraws the offensive remarks and that by common consent they will be omitted from the record. The gentleman who has just flung a cuspidor at the gentleman who lias the lloor of course apologize for the un- pallamontary net. Second Distinguished Senator Most assur edly 1 do , Mr. President. DTho Chair Very well. The cuspidor will bo otnittod from the record. Proceed with the debate. PROMINENT PERSONS. Ex-Minister Curry arrived from Spain on Sunday. M. C. Chevalier do Tavera , minister from Austria has arrived. Talmago cleaves to his idols nnd will vote for Fislc and Brooks. The Into Kev. James Freeman Clarke left an estate valued at about 30,000. Justice Stanley Matthews of the United States supreme court is critically ill m Washington. Justice Field of the United States supreme court is on his way homo from the Pacilic const by the Canadian Pacific railway. James G. IJlaino is said to have been paid at the rate of $1.50 per line for his article on "The President's Error" in the American Magazine. M. Paul Blouet , "Max O'Kcll , " is prepar ing a lecture on Americans for a tour of Great Hritain. Ho will tell the truth about us , and tell it brilliantly. King ICalakaua , of Hawaii , Is about to join the army of authors. Ho has sent to New- York the manuscript of a book ho has writ ten on ' 'The Myths of tlio Hawaiian Isles. " Yau Phon Lee , n graduate of Yale , who married a wealthy New Haven ( Conn. ) girl , has been appointed to n position in the Pacilic bank , San Francisco , Cal. He will attend to nil the business his countrymenthc Chinese , have with the bank. Colonel Michael Sheridan Is still at Non- quitt , Mass. , ut work ou his great brother's book. Ho probably will bo assigned to duty at Chicago. His relief at headquarters. Colonel - onol T. M. Vincent , lias Just reached Wash ington from St. Paul. Sir John Savill has been severely criticised in English clubs and drawing-rooms , and it is oven thought Unit his mind is unbalanced. He has declined the diplomatic pension ol 1,700 a year to which his services entitle him , nnd the reason ho gave is that ho doesn't nee-d tlio money. This is the llrst instance of the kind on record in England. Anna Dickinson as she appears on the stump in Indiana : "She was clad in n gobe lin blue silk Princess gown , square in the neck and with open sleeves. A bunch ot Jacqueminot roses formed n corsage bouquet , and a red , white and blue handkerchief was pinned to her bolt with a chatelaine inn. Sim were a ring or two , a pair of slender gold bracelets , n ruby necklace1 , and dainty ruby earrings. The whole effect of costume was a conspicuous combination of the national col ors red , white and bluo. " STATE AND TERRITORY. Nebraska Jottings. Otoo county has eight paupers living at the poor farm. Cedar Knpids Methodists will build a par- sonngo for their pastor. Alexandria parties are contemplating put ting in n bank at Deshler. A good many lead dollars were circulated in Creighton during the county fair. Tlio residents of Hepubllcan City have voted to exclude the t > aloon by n vote of 43 to 1. 1.Tlio Tlio hospital at the Genoa Indian school is almost ready for occupancy , but there are no patients to use it. Tlio spoiled adobes nt Fort Hoblnson nro being replaced by bricks , which will bo com pleted by Christinas. A lodge of the Knights of the Golden Kaglc was instituted nt Cedar llaplds last weuk with twenty-six charter members. John Murray , an employe of the Nebraska City distillery , became suddenly insane Sat urday night nnd terrorized the natives with his strange behavior. Ho was captured by the police and locked up to await develop ments. Twenty-four years ago last Thursday , says the Teciimseh Republican , Judge Wilson made his homestead untry. Ho still owns the land , and after carefully Hcarching the records the judge says ho behoves tits farm is tlio only uno now owned in Johnson county b > the name person who iniiilu thu entry. Albert II. Aronson , who started n Swedish paper nt Iloldrego three weeks ago , is now on his way to his mother country , having mortgaged his oflico for nil it was worth , borrowed nil the money ho could from his friends and loft u number of creditors to mourn his departure. . Ho wus to have boon married in a fuw weolts , but his friends do not expect him to return. JudgoHuynes , who separated from his wife nt Pluttsinouih eighteen yoais airo , departing - parting for purls unknown , returned to his Jlrst love Saturday. H 1ms been living for years at Detroit , Mich. The wife had e- Onri'd n divorce last year , but recently ro- ceiveu woid of her husband's whereabouts nnd opened n correspondence with him which resulted In his return. The Nebraska City Proas says : Five years ago Nebraska City had almost no manufac tories ; now she Is the mnnufnctnrlng rent1 of this section , nearly u te'hth of hur popula tion llmllnif work In her factories. Five yearn ngo Nebraska City had le-sn than r.XX ( ) people and two hundred empty houses ; to day she has from IS.OOO to 15,000 people and , practically , not a vacant dwelling. And the next llvo years will do more for her than the past llvo years h nve done. Father Martin takes leave of the readers ot the Dakota City Argua in its lust IHSUO nnd makes the statement that "as the pres ent owner of the Argus does not wish to have my story continued In his columns , It may possibly appear In BOIIIO other paper. " This loaves the readers of the Argus In n sad dilemma. In the last chapter , the CCCCCXl , of "Lovo or Money , " tlio hero is dead nnd on the way to the undertaker's. An nnxlmi * public will probably continue In nuspciiso for the rest of their natural lives wondering if "poor George" was decently interred. lown. Onawa has three railroads nnd n train every twcnty-flvu minutes. Manilla Is thu latest town to ( .tart nn original package Institution. Winnobago county Is reported to bo In fested with a gang of wholesale cattle thieves. Ono man In Sao county has 210 acres of pop corn. Last , year hit had sixty ncroj and cleared $ ,1,000. A Newell preacher 1ms n card in the local paper assuring his creditors that ho Intends to pay his debts , Forty orphan children from Now York were distributed among childless couples nt Carroll last week. The Cedar Falls canning factory closed lasl week , having put up about yuu.OOO cans of corn during the year , It is estimated that tlio oatmeal mill In Clinton manufactures no less than 15,000 pound * of oatmeal dally. CjAn Aureha man was llrcd from .1 train for trying to pass a campmccting ticket on a worldly railroad conductor. Dunlnp claims to bo the only town In Iowa without a negro resident. The Odebolt Chronicle says Oilebolt novcr had a negro , mid we believe it is the onlv Hawkcyo town of 1,200 inhabitants without a Hebrew. An Osceola county farmer , cwhilo digclug potatoes in his Hold last wuck , came across a vine which had about twenty-live potatoes on , varying in si/o from a small marble to double the sbo of n hen's egg , all hanging midway between the ground nnd the top ot the vino. Mayor Irwln , of Keokulc , who has been enforcing tlio law against the saloons in that citj , says the sales of merchandise nro 23 per cent better than lust year and that there Is less crime , less poverty and less idleness now than over in ICeokuk. Dakota. The advance guard of the southern duck flight has arrived at Yankton. The number of arrests made by the city marshal of Huron during the past year is * riw3 riw3At At a presentation of the "Little Tycoon" nt Pierre by local talent $105 xvns raised for the yellow fever sufterera at Jacksonville. The merchants of Aberdeen nro decidedly down on the wheat trust existing In that city , and say that it should be held up to the pub lic gaze and abolished. Tlio llrst inmate of the now Turner county jail is a young woman by the name of Con- ley , lately from Nebraska , who is under ar rest for killing her now-born child. Letters and papers In the satchel of a woman known as Sadie Stewart , who com mitted suicide by drowning in n well near Aberdeen , show her numo was Sarah Huch- ins. ins.A A flve-foot vein of coal has been discov ered on the farm of H. II. Hrokko , living ten miles from Pierre. The coal is pro nounced of a quality Mmilar to the Hocking valley. Mrs. Fred Solio , of Hismarck , created a sensation by jumping into n well near her home. A crowd gathered about , thinking Bhc had been killed , but found her ulivc , and bho told her icsuucrs sliu did not thank them for their trouble. H Is believed the woman is insane. John Doyle , nged eighteen years , died Thursday morning at the Sioux Falls peni tentiary of consumption. Ho was sentenced from Ynnkton , December 0 , to servo onei year nnd six months for assault with intent to kill. He was far gone with the disease when received , and the sanitary condition of the pen was the only thint' that prolonged his lifo. Republicanism nnd Monopolies. . < < fhnfr'n for October. The government Is stronger than it was a half century ago , but has not this increase of strength been at the ex pense of republicanism ? Wo claim that the United States is Ihe freest country in Iho world the only country except Switzerland in which the people have equal rights. Equal rights before the law are indeed possessed by everybody hero , but are there not combinations of interests which prevent the full play of natural rights , which hold in check , if they do not destroy , individual enter prise ? In what other country can bo found such companies as have been or ganized in the United States for the purpose of controlling Iho manufacture , the transportation and the price of goods ? Where can bo found an organi zation like Ihe Standard Oil company , which absolutely conlrols Ihe market of an article for which there is an immeiibo and constant demand , nnd .stamps out competition ; or oven such companies as have been formed to regulate the pro duction of iron and bteol and coal ? In what other country do manufacturers who are protected by tariffs against for eign eonipelilion , combine by trusls or olhor agencies to advance or sustain prices nnd prevent domestic competi tion ? There is no country of which f have any kiunylodgo in which business of all descriptions is so steadily falling into fewer nnd fewer hands , in which combinations are KO powerful and indi viduals so powerless , ns the United States no country in which Iho solu tion of the labor question may bo more diflicult. Wo have yet to learn that there may bo as little pei-homil freedom under republican institutions as under monarchies , and that the best etlorts of all good citizens should bo to prevent the trroat republic from being a frco country in name only. That these otlorts will not bo wanting , I have an abiding faith. Congreas has the power , by opening tlio way for freer trade with other nations , to destroy most of the ex isting monopolies , and Ibis power will ere long bo exerted. . - . After llio Whltcuhupcl Mimloror. LO.MXIV , Oct. 1. Several persons have been arrested on suspicion of bolng the Wliltochapol murderer. A reward has been olTurcd of JUiOO for the capture of the mur derer nnd them Is talk on the stock ex change of offering n further reward. The lord mayor has ottered a reward of 5X ( ) lor the arrest of the perpetrator of the Wluto- chapel murders. Medical exports nro moro thnn ever convinced that thu murderer Is a homicidal lunatic. 0 Positively Cured by 1 then. Little I'llU. They also relieve Dis tress from Dyepopsla I Indigestion oiul Too ) Hearty Eating. A pel feet remedy for Ditzl-j ness , Nausea , Drowsl ne > i , Had Taste In thi Uoutb.CoatedToDgue.j I'alu la tlie Sldo , TOIl-J TID LIVER , Ac. Tbey regulate the Bowel * , and prevent Constipation and 1'lles. Tut ] " mallest and easiest tu take. Only one pill i" dose. 40 In a Tlal. I'urelr Vegetable. Vrlci SSceoU. OARTEKMEDIOINROO.Prc > p'/i.NewYMkJ Twenty-Four Slories High to be Erec- .ted in Our City in the Near Future , Sixteenth null Itariiey Htroots Klip. lutsnl tube tliu ( . oi-nrr Soli-oteil The Iliilnllnj : Li tic ilui CHt In the Hinto. "Do you know , " nld a well known contractor to tlio writer root-titly that Omiiha Is lolmvuone of thn ttnnst buildings in tlwoonntiy. I ullltt-ll you of It mi'lblum you a pleluro of the draw Ing mil only on romlitlnn ttmt my naino Is not im-utli'iu-tl In cuiiiiL'ct.oatih tinnllnlr ; a svn- illi-ate of i-astcru n\pltnlt ts t'ore'-cclng ' the fill- lire Kru.itnuss of Oniuhti , ns a Metropolis pro iio o to takr tune liy the r.-n-lorl ; anil anticipat ing tlio nt'oil * Bomowlmt.propuHo to erui-t a cost- Ij niul nioiiiiinoiitnlork , n vast rommnrrlnl Imllilliiitdf Iho soil hm lu'oa a thing unknoun until rorcnt yrnrs. tint our Inlt-nso appreciation ottlip fin t tnnt time Isnviiny , Unit buildings eenlrnliv looati-il hive : tlnn > , civlln for n gre-nti-r di-yri-o ofeitlcnl extension than Inn been pre- Motisly iuhliiil. . nud the development of t-afn nnil ipt'cdy clovntor servli e has permitted mich extension to n degree limited only by con- Miuetiuiml necessities. 'I lie couimtttlon to dp- Men n bnlMtnn to meet the wants of this syndi cate was plnri-il - In the Immls or several promt- in-lit architect * nmtlio \ design ItluMrnU-d In n me.iRro wny lieulth Is the tosult. It Is to bo twenty-four stories blwli. pi-rfo < tly tire proof throughout. The tlrH two stories nro to bo of pink granite followed aboxo by pressed brlok terra coita nnd tone trimming. The mierewlvo lunges of in-ended openings boautlfiill ) piopprtlouod nnd tlio fact Hint each of tlioin emlirnrns t Invo Moi lo.s of the Interior Is frankly Indicated In their construction , The size of the rtormors will not Heem ns unduly pri'iil nstha IlliiMriitlou limilx ono to belluve ; mill thn unconventional wny Inwhlchtlieybre.ili tlllOIIKll tllO Cll nil e 1HOttllSplCllsllIKtOtlUKHII. . The details of decoration are carefully stuille-il throughout , anil notliliii ; moro beautiful wiis < -vcr ili-stRiied thnn tlio strouu , i toll. vet ilollrute- IV coupled lights of the ari-uilc.s. bomu of thu upper xtorles mo Intonik-d tor loil u i > uri > o > ( > H. rum thoporllonsHlKivohiilh are tobohuapomloii from the loot by an olnborutr M'hemo of Iron eonstruetlon. A Knowledge of this .sehemo jus tifies , of conrso , the pomletoiiMifss of the roof unil of the Immonsu uugta-pavillons which sup port it. Several Hltni aio now unilerronslrtorixtloTi.but the. piobulillltlos aio Unit tlio lornerut Iblh ami Iluineysti eels will Dually bu bt-loi. ted as the lo cation. The writer hns endeavored to trnco this mut ter further , but has bcuu un.iblo to Icaui uuy more nboiit It. If this lie true , there will be , In time worfc enough lor nn army of working-men , niul the quantity of brlcKi. lor It Is to bo n lirirk bnllil- Intr , will busometlilni : enormous 'jhu writer calloil upon Mr. Ilnuy l.nulVnl > or , of No i"l South liitliKlmel , n brli k layer , ninnloyed by MeHSi.s Hockfonl & ( ioulil , unil naked him aboni liow many bilcks It would require lor this build ing. "l.lfois tootihoitto llRiiro on that. " snlil Mr. I .nut enlicri ? . but If you are on tlio hunt for soniu- thine for piiblli atlon 1 can Klvo you somo- thinu that will piovo morn Inti-roHtfiiK tnnn n ImllilhiK seluumi Ilko Unit will. " Tlio writer took his story nnd fjlves It Imro for thu benollt of our icailer.s. "I canio hero to Omaha , " continued Mr I < au- fanbcrc , "about four years iw > , from Mlnno. sotn. Anyone who hns ever lived In tlmt Htnto knows now colil It K'-ts tin-re , well tlio last win ter tlmt 1 was in Minnesota I took u s vero oolil wlilcUHoon tinned Into n bail of cntnti- urn ! all 1 could do to stop It wan of no avail. sullt'ictl n long time with It , too. I tried numo ; ons ( llireientcntaarh remoillos that wor Nrfrer „ Used ns u "sure euro" for eutnirli , nnd doctoied moro or less with different doctors , but I coulu obtain no euro. Iwus Boinetliueit iclleved , but thut was when tlio wrntber Krow warm ; tlien 1 would get bettor , but as soon nntcold simp ennio on 1 took n fresh cold and was ns bncl as ever. I could not rest ut night ami often would IIIIVH to sot up lo avoid the struiiRlliiR reoltiiK I would hnvo from UIQ dropping of unions in tno bnckof the tluont. I would arise Iu the morn- liiK foelliiK moio tired than when I retired the nlnht before ; then my troubln would beiiln ' earnest ; I was eontlmmlly hawking uml snlttlu. , so much so that my wan In nn awful con dition ; I had coulimml hruUnches nnd mi I in ever my cyeH , nwl my ojes were Intlumed niul sore ; my breast felt wire nnd there wnsnnnw- till tlulilnessnn my eliest , so much that I hail illlllciiltvlnbroatliliiK ; It soon extendoil to my stonnicli nnd thurc wns scarcely n morning Unit I did not vomit directly after entlnu my break- fntt , cnuslm ; mo to work ull inoinlng on an empty stomnch. I wns In thlscomlltlonnnil nlmost discouraged when I leurneil from a fileml thnt Dr. U. M. Jor dan hail curi'il hlH uatnri'h and hn utlvlxed me tu Koseohlm ; I wnsho illHlieurtened with tha at- temptH tlmt I nnil mnrto for rellnf that I consid ered for ( julto n time befoio I culled on him , but at liiht I concluded that 1 had battm * nmko tlio trlnl , nnil 1 never will reKiethuvliujeonietollint conclusion for 1 only doctored ufcw wcokt ) with him until 1 Kelt 80 Much llv-ttor , nnd 1 kept on until now. 1 scarcely know what cntnrrh fs ; I can get u uood nlxht'.s nnil oat tliieomenlsn rtiiy , nnil tliay do motived too ; I do not have t lint n.iwklng nnd hiilltlnR anymore nor do I hnvo thn ilroppmr In the buck of the tluont , nml my thioat doe ? not pet sere niiy- moro ns itdld ; nil In .ill , I fool lllo n new man , nnd I feel to-dny that thu best thing I ever dliL wns when t tooK my frlonda , advice nnd culled on Dr.Joidnn In tlio Uami ; < > Illook. I treated for thre months mid did not lese n dny from my w ork on account of my r.itnrrb. My ndvlsa to nnyonn mitrerlnc with cntunli Is. dou t waste Unit ! on patent nu-dUInes but KO nt once to Dr. C. M. Jordan , and hnvo It cnied. I w.u told by ( inn doctor tlmt mtarrh wua incurable , lint ho either did not know liow to cure It or did not know what ho wnstalUlniabout , for Ir ) .Ionian does cure It uml what Is more , his fees arewlth- In reach of everyone ri'h or pi or Mr. Ijiiufen- berc r.-sldes nt No. 4'JI - oil th I'.ith ' street imd Is a brlckluyer by orcnp ition , working for tlio llrm of llockfoit .v Ooulds Imla well Known In tins city , ImvliiK lived hero for the past four vcnrs nnd Is wllllm ; to coroboratu tlio ubovo tceany- one doubting It. Nfi AVOHTI1 KNOWING. A Few Symptoms of llHinno Tlmt Slay Prove Hoi-ions to You. Do you Imvu frequent ( Its of mental aion ? Do you experle-nco ringing or buzzing noises In voiir ears' Do you feel UK though you must Miirocato when lying dimn ? Are you troubled with a harking cough and general debility/ Aio your oy < n generally weuk nnd w atnry unil frequently Inllntned ? Does your vok-n linvo n husk , thick Hound and a natal sort of twuutr'/ Is jon breath frequentl ) ollunxlvo fioin eomu unaccountable rniiHe ? llnvo you a dull , oppre ivo headache , Kunor * nlly located over the oycsi1 DOCTOU J. CRESAP McCOY , ( Lute of lit llevuo Hoap.tul.Now Voik. ) Suei'feded by Dorroit CIIAUI.KH M. JOltDAN , ( LatooftliB t'nlvorxlty of Now Vork City nJ Howard Uiilvdr.iity , Washington , I ) , U. HAS OKI Kh8 ! No. 31O and 311 Rnrr > o Building Coiner I'lttfenth mul Ilarnuy .sis. , Oinuhu , Nob. , wheie all curable ca. en are treated with bucce.w. Note Or. ClmiloH M. .Ionian has bsen rotl- dent physlrian for Dr. McCoy. In Omaha , for the pant year nnd In thn nhyiilclan who him mudu tno cures thut lure hueu published weekly In thin papor. Mertlca ! diseases treated uklllfiilly. Consump tion , llrl-lit'd disease , DytqiopMln , flhoninatism , uml nil NKUVOUH DIHKAHKH. All ( llh nc no. cullnr to the boxes a. aped ally , UATAIlllII cmuiD CONSUI/I'ATION ut otllcu or by null. tl. Oillcu hours- to II u. m , 2 lol p.m. , 7 t Ap. m , Sunday ollice hours from U u. m. , to I v , ui , Correnpoiideni-o rooelvan prompt attention. Munvulsenue * ura trnaUnl miii't-aifullv by Dr , Jordan throniin thu mull g.uml It U tlum pouiible for thoMi nimble to ntkku n Journey to obtain HUOOr.HSKUI. HOSl'ITAI , THKATHUiU1 AT TIIUIU HOMES.