THE OMAJTA DAILY &EE.- TUESDAY , OCTOBER 2. 1888. _ THE TAIL WILL WAG SO MORE The Davenport TcnmDlos a Natural and Expected Death. SIOUX CITY HOLDING A WAKE. Tin : HaiiRlicr'tt Wnll I'nrtrmlH the Do inlNC of tlio Western Association Slonx City DoH-ntH the St. Dnvonport lias Dlctl. DAVEM-OHT , la , Oct 1. [ Special Tele gram to Tnh Hiu. : ] The Davenport club of the Western assoc inllon has abandoned the field At a meeting held this afti-i noon Mali nger Lucas nnd the directory reviewed the situation and decided the boil thing to do Would bo to disband the club. The nalanc-s of thu players for the past two weeks were scaled to thirty cents on the dollar. The new organisation has he-en losing money right along bcruusc the people would not pat ronise the games Thc-y uro in the hole about $15,000 DuveniKirt had four games to play in Hiotix City and throe In St Paul before clos ing the season. Davenport's c-lub hud won but two games in six weeks and the puople liud no use for a losing team. Thepl.ucis leave to-night and to-morrow for their homes. Sioux City Docs Likewise. Sioux CmOct 1 [ Spnclul Tele- Brain to Tin : BKK ] To-day closed the base "lull season here , and to-morrow the Sioux City club will bo finally paid off. This Is bo- L'utiso the Dnvcnpoit club has disbanded , and the- Chicago club surrenders its scheduled games to Sioux City. Sioux City 5 , St. Paul 2. Sioux CITV , Oct. 1. [ Special Telegram to TIIK Bni.l : Sioux City won the game to-day with St. Paul by heavy hatting and well bunched hits , fairly beating the latter. In the llfth inning Heilly ran from third base ucross the diamond and deliberately spiked Klcliolas who was running from Ilrst to boo- i > ud base. The umpire gave Nicholas an ad ditional base. The score : Sioux City 0 U 0 0 1 0020 5 Bt. Paul 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 t ) 0 2 Earned runs -Sioux Citv 1 , St. Paul 1. Two base hit-Genms. Double plays Cor- tiott and Morrissev. lirosnnn nnd Powell. Buses on balls -Off Webber 3 , off Tuckerman SI. Struck out By Webber a , by Tuel.urman 2. Wild pitch Webber 1. Left on bases- Sioux City 4 , St. Paul 0. Bit by pitcher Murphy. Time 1.50. Umpire Fcssendun. .Milwaukee- , Dos .MoinoH 7. Mu.WAUKitn , Oct. 1. [ Special Telegram to Tin : HUE. ] 'iho Westcin association lead ers dropped a game to Minvaukeo to-day , be ing outuattod and outtteldccl. There is no love lost on the DCS Moines team by other members of the lengue , and the home team laid themselves out to beat thu visitors. Winkleman outpitched the great Hutehinson mid the only advantage the visitors had was In base running , as Fuller was wholly unable to throw to bases. The score : Milwaukee 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 3 * 9 Dos Moines . . . . 0-7 Base hits Milwaukee 11 , Dos Moinrs 8. Errori Milwaukee ! I , DCS Moines 5. Huns earned Milwaukco 1 , DCS Moinns.'t. Three base hits Sage. Bases on balls Off Wink leman ! i , off llutrhmson t. Pabsed balls Fuller ' . ' , Sage 2 Double plays McCabe nnd Hnwes ; Lo\vo , McCiihu and Hawcs. Umpire Quest. Time 1.41. OTIIKIt HAMI43. Vcstcrilay'H IVintiorH In the National - ' l.oninm CoIltOSlH. WASHINGTON , Oct. 1. Itcdult of to day's Washington 1 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 'J Indianapolis 0 1 Game called at thu end of the eighth inning ou account of darkness. Pitchcis Kccfc and Ilealy. Base hits Washington 1 , Indianapolis C. Kiror.s Washington 1 , Indianapolis . Umpire Powers. Piiu.AiiKLPiiiA , Oct. 1. Hesult of to-day's game : Philadelphia..0 8 Fittsuurg 1 ! 1 Pitchers Bufllnton and Morris. Base hits r-Philadolplila 10 , Pittshurg 11. Krrors- Phlladclplna 1 , Pittshurg 6. Umpire Lynch. Nuw YOHK , Oct. 1. Result of to-day's game : Now York 0 201020 5 Detroit 0 00000 0 0 Game called nt the end of the sovi-nth inning. Pitcheis Titcomb and Get/ein. Base hits Now York 8 , Detroit I. Errors Now York 3 , Detroit 2. Umpire Valentino. BOSTOX , Oct. 1. There was no ball gauio lioro today on account of rain. The AnuM-Iunii Association. CINCINNATI , Oct. 1. Uesult of to-day's Rnniu : Cincinnati . 2 00000003 5 Uiooklyn . 3 8 Union 1'ncillo SJJ , JlastliiKS 7. HASTINGS , Neb. , Oct. 1. [ Special Telegram to TIIK UEIS.J Uesult of to-dny's game : Union Pacifies 23 , Hastings 5 , seven innings. Uatterics Union Pacillcs , Moffot and Lytlo ; Hastings , Uohrcr and Orillln. TU11K 12VKNTS. Summary ol1 Yesterday's Unoca nt Cincinnati. CINCINNATI , Oct. 1. The first extiv. day on the Latonia course had tine weather , fairly fust traci ; and a large crowd. First race , selling , sU furlongs Finality won , Honounco bccond , Bootjack third. Time -1 1. . ) * . Second race , selling , seven furlongs Uoi D'Or won , Comedy second , Bonnie King third. Time 1:30. : Third race , purse , half mile I. aura Davl- BOII won , Mnnta Hardy second , Ban Ilazan third. Time 1:51. : Fourth race , purse , one mile Hypocrite won , Birthday becond , Leoutiuo third. Time 1 14Vf. Fifth race , purse , five furlongsJuben won , Uichland second , Hixyco third. Time -1:05) : ) * . Ht. Ijouls liu-Cfl , ST. Louts , Oct. 1. The regular fall trot' ting meeting of the St. Louis fair association opened to-day with a good track and a fine nttondancc. First race , three minute class , purse $1,000 , divided Dixie V. won , Ermin second , Ches ter C. distanced. Time 3 ' , ' 7 > f. Second raee , pacing , I ! . 30 class , purse tl , 000 divided Billy M. won , Joseph L. sect/ml / The HIiiKKCr U Sick. BOSTON , Oct , 1 , [ Special Telegram t < THE HUE. ] John L. Sullivan's condition , ul reports to the contrary , are such as to exclti serious apprehension. Sunday afterneoi two physicians wore hastily summoned tc the bedside of tno sick man , nnd one of tin attendants admitted , "John looked badly.1 Throe of his most Intimate friends called a thu cottage. They have not hitherto been dc 11 led admission , but on this occasion were ah colutcly refused entrance to the house. Klio In Not IS&Hbu Jamct Gordon llenntt , } PAUIS , Got. l.-fNew York Herald Cabl -Snecialto Tun BEK. ! Mrs. Chnrleb Carrel McTnviscU nnd Virginia MoTavlsch , of Bal tlmoro , leave Paris to-morrow for Brussels \vhonco they return to Baltimore via London To a Herald correspondent to-day Mm Me Tavlsch , In reply to a question whether ah was engaged to the Duke of Norfolk- , said 'Pshaw , of course not. The duke knows m ; little sister very wall , but there is no trutl in the rumor that I am engaged to him. " Jliul Iho Kniprrnr'ti Permission. UBKMN , Oct. 1. Prof. Geffkon , who wa errcsted for revealing state suvroU In fui Dishing the Deutsche Uundschuti with e > tracts from Kmprror Frederick's diar.\ ay > that he had the emperor's permission t publish the dlury three mouths ufter hi death. A WABAS1I TIIAIN AVHKOK13I ) . Circumstances Pointing lo nn Attempt nt n Klcmllsli Crime. Sr. Lot I" , Oct 1. The Wnhash western passenger train , going west , was wrecked near Mexico , Mo , nt 13 10 this morning. Of n train of eight cars all but one sleeper left the track and wrro so badly wrecked that It Is n marvel that no lives were lost. Onl.\ three poi ons wcro badly injured , but none fatally. There nre any number of rumors afloat as to the cause of the aci Ident. ( li'ti- Mutineer Ha.\s stated to nn Associated press reporter that a rail had been lemovod , and from what has already be-on ascertained by the company a Hemllsh crime had brim committed hy parties having unsettled claims against the company. An investigation Is being made. Chlcnuo Sliortn ( Jo Under. Cmc\no , Oct. 1 The excitement on 'change over the September wheat deal ceased Saturday only to he resumed this morning. When the opening bell tupped at 10 RO the failures of Frank Clifton ft Co. and S C. Orr were announced , and this only added to the excitement The crowds begun to lose their hi-nus bc-causo of the heavy cov ering In December wheat. There was a per fect craw to buy The advance for thirty minutes was most remarkable , and there is no telling where it would have ceased had not Hutehinson eased the market bv liberal selling. S. C. Orr said that his liabilities me about ; . " > ( MKt ) > , and that his suspension is duo to a luilure on the pint of customeis to ie- spend to his calls for margins. Ho said that ho would be able to resume in u day or two. From friends of the other ( Inn it was learned that it was nhoit about lifly thousand bush els of Seiiteuiberhent and also on October lard. A Keceptloii to Wattorion. Lout.sviu.i ; , Oct. 1. In spite of a heavy rain Just nt the hour of his arrival , Hon. Henry Watterson had a most enthusiastic reception upon his return to his home hero at 7tO : ! o'clock to-night. At Llederkrunz hall the speeches of the evening wcro made. The pyrotechnic display was partly spoiled by lain , but nearly three thousand people had gathered , packing the hall , and lire- wotks were soon forgotten in the speaking Wuttorson was introduced b > Mayor Jacobs in a ni'iit speech of welcome , nnd followed with an address lasting over nn hour. Ho was succeeded on the platform by Hon. Boyd Winchester , minister to bwlt/orlnnd , who is on a visit to his homo hero. Both speakers were roundly applauded throughout. Ilounlon of KniiMis Soldiers. Toi-Rh v , Ivan. , Oct. 1. [ Special Telegram to TIIK BKI : . ] The llfth annual state reunion of the old soldieis began to-day. Delegations nro arriving from all parts of the state. Ono thousand of the regular troops from Foil Lcnvcuworth , in command of General Mc- Cook , arrived about noon , having marched from the fort to tins city in three days. They wcie met two miles cast of the citby Lin coln post , No. 1 , G. A. H , and thetnavorand citj council. Five thousand school children formed in line on Kansas avenue and received the tioops. They will remain In camp on the reunion ground throughout the week. The prospects arc very good for n largo attend ance this week. The Itostou and IIH Gun. NnwYoiiK , Oct. 1. [ Special Telegram to TIIK Hue. ] The new United States cruiser Hoston has not gone to South American wa ters for n three years' cruise , but simply for a little trip of two months. His repotted that the government is sending her down to look ut Panama matters. The naval ofllcc'rs arc delighted with her eight inch rilled gun which works like a chaim , llrmg a projectile HUH' miles with u charge ol 175 pounds of pott dor. The projectile is calculated to pierce si\tcen-inch armor pluttng nt nearly the full distance. This gun stands to-day without a uperior in its class in naval ordnance. StciiiiHliip Arrival * . At Ualtlmoro The Maine from Hremen nnd Sumarm from Antwcip. iVt Amsterdam P. Culland from New York. At Havre North Augli.i from Philadel phia. phia.At Liverpool Iowa from Boston , 13altl- moro from lialttmoro , und Uritish Plineess from Philadelphia. At Southampton Fulda from New York for Hremen. At New York Clrcassia from Glnsirow , Loerdam from liotterdam , and \Vcrra from Hi omen. Dnlrymplu's Dcutii. LONDON , Oct. 1. Advices from Africa say that an expedition consisting of SCO hiur/ars , led by English officers , left Wliinrbah to punish the Togo negroes for murdering Cap tain Dalrymplo. The expedition was mot by a well armed force of natives and n severe engagement took place. The battle u-snlti-d in the defeat of the natives with a loss of 1100 killed. The hu/zars also buffered hca\ily , faixty-four of their number being killed auu most of the survn ors wounded. Kntulnll IMny Not lloeover. NEW YOUR , Oct. 1. [ Special Telegram to Tun Hun. ] A special from Washington this morning says : Heports received in Wash ington do not give much hope of Samuel J. Handall's ' recovery. Ho may bo in his place dining the short session , but there is a com mon belief that though he is going to bo reelected - elected , ho may never tnko his scat in the Fifty-llrst congress. Them is n painful rumor at the capltol to the effect that Ills dis ease at times produces u mental dlsouler that is giving his family and iricuds great anxiety. A I > nstar < lly Outi-ncc. STUNTOV , Va. , Ost. 1 - While United States Senator Mtnir of New Hampshire was addressing a republican mooting at Char- lottevillo lo day upon the tariff question , n man in thu audience threw four lotion eggs nt him. Great excitement followed , nnd the perpetrator of the outrage was arrested , The bcnator made u digniflcd reference tc the indignity offered him , and proceeded with his speech. The citizens generally de nounced the act. Tlio Visible Supply. Cmmao , Oct. 1. The visible supply for the week ending September 29ns compiled by the secretary of the Chicago board ol trade , is us follows : Bushels Wheat . 81,310,001 Corn . 10,17 ! > ,00 ( OaU . 0UJ1IKK Hyo . S.M,00 < Barley . a5'J,00 < TroubloN , NEW YOUK , Oct. l.-Tho failure of C. C. Marsh & Co. is announced on the stock ox change. CIIIUAUO , Oct. 1. The Evening Journal ro- poits two failures on the board ot trade as a result ot the udvanco in the prlco of whou. The linns mentioned are Frank Clifton & Co. and S. P. Orr. Tin amount for which they uro short has not yel bccu learned. _ _ Collections lor September. The gross Internal revenue collections fo the district of Nebraska for the month o September were ns follows : Penalties . $ GS.4 Uecr . ' . 15,421 1 Spirits . 15' ) , > > 70.i : Cigars . D/'O 1 Tobacco . ISJfl Special taxes . nb71 a Total . lblC4D7 lilnck Small Pox In Buffalo. BurKALO , Oct. 1. Ten weeks ago i\ case o small pox was discovered here. Slneo thei there have boon sixty-nine cases und sever teen deaths , six of which wcro caused b , black small pox , which Is the most futu There ate now twenty-two cases in the hos pital. m n.-iron SncUvillo Dead. LOSIIOX , Oct. 1. Mortimer Sackvill Wrst , tin ) first Baron Sackvlllo , Is dead. II wns sixty-eight years old. DEMOCRATS TAKE THE TOWN They Greet Tholr ConErrosslouai Standard Bonror. d. STEnLING TALKS TO THEM. Ho Makes HIM Firm Hpoeeli til ( lie No * liniHkn Campaign tti Which Ho Vluoroii'-ly AtlaolCH tlio Policy of Proti-c-llon. 'JinHtroot 1'nrnilo. Half a do7c'ii carriages , containing the democratic reception coiiiiulttoo , awaited the incoming Missouri Paelllc tr.uii nt the Web ster street depot yesterday afternoon , and us J. Sterling Murton emerged from It he WHS henrtili welcomed and at onoo driven to thu Puxton hotel , there to rent and refresh himself - self , prep.initory to the oideal of the even ing. Shortly after 7 o'oloek there was n gathering of the chins , and the Nickering of torches and occasional tap of a drum told that the democracy of Omaha Intended to do themselves pioud. At last the clans gathered. Most of them gathered at the corner of Thirteenth mid Howard htrects , but somu were a little Into and joined the procession shortly after it had stai ted. At 8 o'clock the band of the Omaha guards led the way down Howard street to bo ehoercil by the Sninoset , South Omaha and Third Ward clubs , and tlioy wore closely followed by the Omaha democratic , First , Second and Fifth ward chios , who carried the sniiio transpar encies thei did at the McShano Jubilee. One of them announced that they did not "sneer at Greshiim's dinner ii.itl brigade , " and an other that it objected ' 'to convict labor. " An other stated that "wo want Morton , but not prohibition , " and the Seventh ward was in favor of "pood wages and n chance to save them , " but was equally willing that voters should linvo , i cUaneo to'opcnd them , for they also announced , "wo don't dictate what a man 'ihall cat or drink. " The main feature of the Samoset club was a broom with the business end tied up in a red bandana. Thy Third ward left its transparencies at home , out was out in full force , and headed by the Mu sical Union band , had the largest turnout In the procession. The McStmno Invinclbles wore out , but not in the place marked out on the programme , which was apparently lost , for it was the Second and not the Thiril ward that hold the iiosttion of honor in the rear and covered the retreat. After marching alone Howard , Eleventh , Ilnrnoy , Tenth and rarnam streets , they countermarched in front of the I'.ixton hotel , where in the bluxo of many colored lights and the discharge of fireworks they wore reviewed by their can didate from the balcony. Mr Morton was seen by a reporter nnd stated that ho was surprised and gratitled by the turnout , which greatly exceeded his ex pectations , and also said that the question of debating the free trade po'icy ' had been left In the hands of a committee , from whom he had not heard. At Imposition Hall. Exposition hall was literally Jammed last evening to receive J. Sterling Morton. The band situated in the balcony played several nirs , to which the McShane Invlnciblcs and the Second ward clubs marched through the hall and tool : their scats amid cheers. Wild cheers and waving of hats and handker chiefs announced the arrival of the demo cratic sage , who ascended the platform c.s- cortcd bv the Hon. A. J. Popplpton , Dr. Mil ler , and many leaders of the democratic host ot the city nnd county. When the npplau-o had subsided Mr. Pop- pleton introduced the speaker of the evening in a few \\cll chosen remarks , in which ho referred to him as the democratic candidate for congress from the Virstdistrict Ho snid ho had met Mr. Morton thirtj-lour years ago in Omaha. Mr. Morton was one of the pioneers neers of Nebraska. Ho spoke of Mr. Morton's advent on Ne braska soil in 1S.VI , ami diirini' the following year ho removed to Nebraska City , where ho established a beautiful hoaie , winch is now within the limits of the city. Mr. Poppleton referred to Mr. Morton's connection with Arbor Day , which elicited much applause. At the conclusion of his speech Mr. Mor ton stepped forward and was received with a storm of democratic yells. The band in the gallery blared , and when it had finished its noise , Mr Morton said : Mr. ( Jh.iinnan and Fellow Citizens : It is with some diflldcnco that I appear here to night before an audience of such magnitude. I regard it as a tribute to tarilT rofoi m , nnd attubutablo to a principle rather than an individual. When 1 was in Maine , in the county of Knox , in August , I saw the grand old elms planted by Knox , who fought at Monmouth. I can onl.\ compare the growth of the civil organization of Omaha with the growth of those elms. Mr. Morson compared the growth of Omaha as from seed to sapling , the growth of the trunk , the twigs , branches and foliage , us of the growth of those elms. Ho said that the growth of Omaha affeotcd the prosper ity and welfare of the wholostato , This was loudly applauded. Ho said : X have known Omaha long and well and have enjoyed its hospitality ; may it live long , and enjoy prospetity forever 1 1 am hero to discuss tariff reform ; I am not hero to deride political opponents. I want to discuss fairly what will bo to the best in terests of the people. Taxation is for the purpose of prelecting the life , liberty and pioperty of the citizen , and for that only should the citizen bo called on to pay taxes. There is another system of taxation called piotcctmn. This takes the money from the pocket of the people and nuts it into the pocket of the protectccs. The law of wages is the law of supply and demand , and the tarilT has nothing to do with it. For in stance , suppose Council HlutTs , ncioss the river , is Canada , and instead of the Missouri river the stream is the St. Lawrence. To morrow morning wo hear the whistle of the engine at. it comes across the bridge. Tin custom ofllcer goes to the bridge and in quires with what the train is laden. The conductor says : "I have a train load ol Canadian lumber. " There will bo a heav.y tax on the boaids , and Nebraskn will bo bur dened with the pauper lumber of Canada. [ Laughter ] , Another train comes along , and the customs ofllcei wants to know what it carries. Tin conductor answers : "I have. 1,000 laborers from the old countries to take the places ol your people. " They go free. This is pro tectlon1 ( Cheers nnd laughter ] . Ports have been loft open for the labor of othei countries to oomo to ours and take wort nwp.y from our sons. No man in this nud I enco ever saw n petition circulated amoiu the people asking congress to make thing- cheaper by putting n tax upon them. Tin protectors ask this by menus of protection or the absolute control of the Americai market. Mr Morton referred to the action of the federal convention in 17S1 , at some length The question of protective tariff between the states at that time was entered into and dis ensued. He then entered into the corn lawi of England in IM'J , and argued that the vie tory of Cobdcn and Yllllcra was original ! : an American idea. James G , Hinlno wu mentioned. There were some hisses fron the audience , but many cheers drownec them completely. Ho said : Wo hea that the wages in England are only hal of these in America , This ho arguei wasn't exactly true. His many compll catcd mathematical propositions would prc vent an ordinary working man from under standing him Ho spoke about the condl tion of the coal miners of the Hocking Val ley country. How Hungarians irnd suji planted American laboi , and tiow oven nov t'inkerton hirelings were shooting nt them He spoico about a procession in n Hoekin Valley town in which a banner labeled "Pro tection , " was carried , which the Hungarian could not understand. Ho went into th glass and lumber industries to som extent , endeavoring to show the benefits thti free trade would confer upon the people. H made some witty allusions to the different- In the tariff between champagne nnd blar Vets , diamonds and shoes , etc. , which wa loudly applauded. Ho called attention to th Chicago Times in relation to the slave glrlt or seamstresses , of that city , and laid th blame to thu tax on thread , over-all stuff : etc. etc.His speech wag characterized all throug with witty allusions and compai Isons , whlc elicited continuous rounds ol laughter an applause. In conclusion ho thanked h ! audience for the cordial reception which the had accorded him. The band again blared , nnd the audience cheetcd Itself out of the hall. _ _ AVI MI nxci/i'sio.N ivcijuii : : Tlio Question Now Heine DUoiihBril on i ho I'actllu Hlope. SAX Ki'vsn-io , Oct. 1. The newsof Pres ident Cleveland's approval of the Chinese exclusion bill way received hero to-day with n marked dcgico of interest. Largo crowds congregated nrouud the newspaper bulletin boards and disc.use < l the situation. The news rcat bed this ijunrtor of the town early , and the ( .nnouncuincnt of the approval of the bill was soon pasted on the bulletin board there. The Chinese manifested considera ble excitement. The principal subject of dlBCUHnion here Is ixs to what effect the bill will have upon the several thousand Chinese who have anived heio within the pant , \ear , and have been landed by the federal courts upon writs of habeas corpus and tire out on ball awaiting examination , and also upon the 2,000 more Chlnot > o who mo now on their way to this port. About two hundred Chi nese arilvod hi-ro Saturday on the steamer City of New York. The Holglc will bo duo next Thursday with few ) more. Three other steameis are now on the Paellic with over one thousand Celestials bound for this port There is considerable speculation as to whether the courts will permit these China- men to come ashore on writs of habeas cor pus and then them upon ball , pending examination , or compel them to lemain aboard the steamer and return to their own country. Collector of the Port linger expressed himself to-day being donbtlul of the bill's effectiveness. "The present bill , " ho said , "is intended to exclude Chinese. So was the restriction act. Hut did the restriction act exclude them ? If the same principle ) is ap plied to this bill as was applied to the other , I don't see that it is going to bo any Improve ment if the courts can continue to land Chi nese on wi its of habeas corpus and allow them on our .soil on bail. That will abiogato un > kind of restriction intended by congress. When they are allowed ball they arc in the country , and they then forfeit their bail and remain hero in spite of the law. " The collector concluded by Minting that In all probability ho would , when otilclally in formed of the passage and approval of the bill , refuse landing to Chinese , whether bear ing return ceitilicatos or not , unless writs of habeas corpus wore issued by the courts , in which case the matter would bo out of his hands. United States District Attorney Carey elated that in his opinion the bill could not affect the 5,000 Chinamen now out on bad , but he believed those now on their way hero ivould bo refused landing. He further stated , hat he did not believe that writs of habeas corpus would be issued except , possibly , in > no or two cases , in order to make a test of he matter in the courts. A prominent lawyer , who handles Chinese rases in the federal coin Is utmost exclusively , staled that in Ins opinion writs of habeas corpus would still "lave to bo issued to Chinese demanding hem , as It was a constitutional right , and hat ball would also have to bo issued as leretofore He also expressed a belief that all Chinese holding return ceitinc-ates could return to this country in npito of the exclu sion bill , as the United States supiomi- court has decided on several occasions that con gress cannot annul existing contracts such as "hose cortillcatos are. Demonstrations wcro held in this city nnd other places in this state this evening to cel ebrate the pass ige ana approval of the bill. The following permits to build wcro is sued ypstorduy : Irs. I' lame , dwelling , Klghtec-nth and l.c-avouwoith Mivuts . $ 1,000 CtrirltM lle\\c ( , friinio btore , HUe ami Twenty ninth nvomio. . 073 , 'lnirlt-s itU-Ni- , linprou'tm-nis , Itlco and TM cnlninth uveuuo . 4UO James /oplln , cottage , fifteenth nnd Will- linns stu-ets . . . . . . . . . . . 130 'rancis Koki-nhncVeli , dut-lllng , Twentj- ninth nnil Walnut sticcts. . . . fi,000 ilrOlcitU Duuciin , burn , 1'GJi Diuun- port street . -75 MX. pc-rmltM , nggregtiUug . { ! > . 30 The AVcntlinr liullcatloiiH. Nebraska , Iowa nnd Dakota , : Fair , cool noitherly winds. Uelilnd the Times. /.fiwfim Cimrlcr. The postal faorvieo of the United Stiitcs is about us unduvclored , when compared with that of foreign coun- cb , us the railroad service in tlioso countries is behind the times whou compared with the state ot advance ment "railroading' ' has reached in ( Vmcrica. In Canada it co.its but li cuts to register a domestic letter and but 5 cents to register a foreign letter. In the United States it costs 10 cents to 'cgistor ' a letter , whether it is to go from lioston to Cambridge or from Bos ton to Patagonia. " \Vhilo other postal charges have boon reduced from time to time the registra tion fco has rcmainod the same for more than twenty years. If tlio gov ernment could atl'ord to do service im mediately after the war , when the cost of everything buyable was much greater than it is now , for 10 ccnta , it ought certainly to bo able to do it now for a much less amount. The fact is that there is no reason , wivo the law to that oiled , why wo should have to pay more than 5 cents for the registering of a do mestic letter , which is ; $ cents , or more than twice as much as is charged by the Canadian government. The present , charges are so high that they amount to a prohibitive tax on the sending of small amounts by registered letter. This is much to bo regretted , as of all the means that have been devbed for sending money through the mails there is none that hns so much to rec ommend it to popular favor as this. The postolllco money order is rendered as often as not more of an annoyance than a bonollt by the exasperating red tape through which one has to go either to draw or collect it. and the postal note affords no security whatever. The money order device , because of the reel tape in which it is enshrouded , ia also an unjust tax upon the country to the amount of millions of dollars which lit id their way to the treasury from postolllcea throughout the country , whore for some of many reasons orders which have been issued have not been collected. The rogibtered letter at once avoids the red tape of the money order and the risk of the postal note. It has , more over , many advantages possessed by neither of the other contrivances for the safe transmission of money through the mails. Not the least important ol these is the fact that the sender of each letter or parcel obtains a receipt from the person to whom It is addressed by the ilrst returning mail , which not only tolls him that the money or other valuable ' ble thing has reached 'its destination but which may bo of great value as evidence should the sender of the package - ago over be called in question. That the registry system is not more generally made use of is solely duo tc the oxhorbitant charges asked for the service. The cost to maintain and con duct it can bo but little , is any , groatoi than other countries , and congress can not improve the postal service in anj way that will bonollt the people more than will the reduction of the registra tion fee to an amount sullloient aimplj to cover the cost of its maintenance which , it seems , cannot possibly bo more than fi cents per letter or package. Only half faro to the St. Louis Pali and Exposition via the Wabash. Oi Tuesday evening , Oct. 2nd , Grand Pa geant of the Veiled Prophets. Foi tickets and sleeping car accommoda tions call at the Wabash ollico , 150 : Farnam street. New pianos for rent at Edhplm < ! Akln's. A SAD DAY FOR IOWA TOPERS , The Provisions of the Now Liquor Law Go Into Full Effect. DR/VW1NG / THE LINES CLOSELY. I'lini-inneUts Snourc nil Hxolnslvo .Mon opoly ofn MiiHlncss Hciiiincil lit Hy I In1 Most Stringent Tlio Iowa Iiliitnr | linw. Pes Mot MR , la. , Oct. 1. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : HEI : J To day begins the third epoch of the prohibitory legi lation of Iowa The new liquor law , as it is called , passed bv Ihc last general assembly , nominally went into effect July 4 , but as it contains cottain exemptions running till October 1 the law practically goes into effect to dav. Under this law some radical changes are made , chief among which is the abolishing of nil wholesale liquor stores. Not one has u legal existence in Iowa to-day , for any purpose whatever. Hereafter all liquors thai are sold at all must bo handled by pharmacists , giv ing them an exclusive monoi > ely of the buhl ness. The law provides that wholesale liquor dealerw that had permits when the law went into effect July 4 could have till October 1 lor closing out their stock. To day their permit expiies and cannot be renewed Although the change gives the druggists the entire conlrol of the busiuess , their way is hedged about with care , compelling 10- strictions calculated to iiiako the business far from pleasant even if lucrative The conditions under which permits can be ob tained now are of the Iron clad order , cer tain lo make the druggists very weary be fore ho runs the gauntlet of legal inquiry. Ho can only sell intoxicating liquors for pharmaceutical and medicinal purposes , al cohol for specified purposes , and wine for sacramental purH | > sos. The "mechanical purposes" of the old law uro set aside , and lie is held to a strict responsibility for the few purposes for which ho can sell. He-fore ho can get u permit ho must publish his in- lenlion tour weeks ; must have a petition signed by one-thiid of the freehold citi/ens in his township or ward ; must give bond for M,000 that ho will not violate the law must stand a cross-examination in the district court , in which his pc-digieo and record are most carefully scrutim/ed. 'J hen it is optional with the Judge whether to grant him a permit or not , and if the op position are pretty active ho must try to prove that the welfare of his ward or town ship absolutely requires that ho have a per mit Anybodj can object on the ground that ho is not a man of good moral character , or Unit ho has abused this privilege in the past or would do so in thu future , and ho will have to defend himself on all these points. If successful , he is under bonds to exercise the greatest care that no liquors are sold im- pioperly , and ho has to keep a boolt showing n record of all the sales ho makes , which is to be open for the inspection ot the pharmacy commissioners and others. Such , in brief , are the ironclad require ments that go into effect to-davallovi-rJowa. As a icsult , tlrst , none but registered phar macists can got. permits nt nil , no wholcsamo liquor dealers being tolerated longer. Second , many druggists will not take the trouble for the trade , nnd HO in some counties no permits at all will be taKen out. Third , the judges generally will scrutim/c the ap plications very closely , granling but few , t.o that it is predicted that prohibition under his hvt epoch will bo the most rigid so far known. Mow Iowa Was Admitted. Dns MOISTS , la. , Oct. 1. [ Special to Tin : ilii.l : : One of the prominent republican con verts this year is fieneral George . .loncs of Uubuquc , one of the pioneers of the west , and a democrat of the old school. lie was the nrst United States senator for Iowa , and he was once United States surveyor of ihc whole region from Wisconsin to the V.v cillc. Ho was also a Uniled Slales senator Trom Wisconsin , and he frequently alludes to the way in which ho secured the admission of Iowa to the union. When the question came up in the senate , the vote was likely to be a tie , nnd the hope of Iowa was in getting some one of the opposition to be absent when the vote was taken He tried to get Calhoun , Who vns of the opposition , to vote for Iho ad mission , but failed. Then he went to C'al- lionn'H beautiful daughter ( for the old general was a great beau in his day ) and enlisted her services. She tried to win her father over but could not. Then he asked her to keep her father nwpy when the vote was taken , and one night going home from a party , ho told her that the question would come up the next day and to bo ready. She agreed , and the next day , just betoro it was reached she called her father from the senate , and the vote was taken in his absence , and Iho friends of admission won by just one ma jority Thus it was that Iowa eauio into the union , and a young lady isdesorving of much of the credit. General Jones Is a very inter esting character , now over eighty ycai.s old. Ho took part as a second In the Graves-Cilloy duel , and he has been ono ef the conspicuous figures in his party for half u century , llut ho says that Cleveland is not n democrat of the Jackson style , and ho won't vote for a free trader. So. he , the gallant old man , is sitting nn the platform at republican meot- Inps this year , and ho will vote in November for Harrison and Morton. The \V. C. T. U. Convention. Dns MOIM > , la. , Oct 1. [ Special to Tun Hr.n.J The state convention of Woman's Chustian Temperance UnlonsIs to be held in this city this week , and it piomisos to bo ono of more than ordinary interest. Iowa is about the onl.v state that h.i- > made it deter mined atand against the policy of the Na tional W. U. T. U. , in endoising their party prohibition. The delegates from Iowa at the national convention bolted the thlid party instructions and so this state is nt odds with the rest. The Iowa women , having seen pro hibition accomplished by mcro partisan methods , refuse support the polllical pro hlbltionists , nnd their president , Mrs , J. F.llen Foslor , is conspicuous in op | > oslng this assistant democratic movement. A great deal of pressure consequently has been brought to bear upon the low.i women to get them to change their policy and fall into line with the national policy of their organization. It lias been reported that outside agencies wcie at work trying to get delegates sent to tills committee who would vote ngaiant Mrs Foster's re election as presidentand thus rebuke buko hnr activity for non partisan prohibi lion , and her mlerest in the republican pai ty So the committee promises to bo lively , if an attempt of this kind comes to the surtaco. The Iowa women us n whole sland loyally to the republican party , and leave the Fisk-St. John crowd severely alone , TinKopnlillcnn Ci\mi > aliii. DFS Moisrs. In , Oct. 1. [ Special to Tnr HII : : . ] This is the latest opening for n republican campaign that Iowa has seen for many years. Hut Chairman Heardsley , of the tepubnoati stale central committee , be lieves in a short and sharp attack upnn the enemy , nnd so laid out ono full month of hard lighting. The congressional district rallies last Thursday and Friday were very satisfactory , great crowds attending despite the Inclement weather. All of the speakers icport this year unusual Interest , nnd great erciwds at nil the meetings. It is believed "fit the republican plurality for Harrison will go over twenty thousand , which , all things consldoied , l a good deal. P.verv duj almost gives give * additional proof of what Iowa has lost by emigration to Dakota und the Pacillu co 1st Tens of thousands of republicans have gone to swell majorities there , and left an aching void behind. Tills /all there is great Intel est in Washington terrltoiy , and several bundled citizens have already gone from Iowa , either to prospect or settle permanently in that territory. H will not bo .surprising if two or three thou sand lownns go to Washington before spring. Spokane Falls , Seattle and Tai-oma seem to be the favorite points of destination. Tlio Old Soldiers' UHS Moisns , la , Oct. 1 [ Special to Tin : HIT. ] This is Ihc season In Iowa for old sol- dicis' reunions , nnd they are blossoming out in all parts of the state. During the past week there was the annual gathering at Shenandoah of the Southwestern Iowa and North western Missouri Asssociat ion of Union Soldiers , nnd they had an enthusiastic , happy time of the usual order. Dining the week also there was n reunion of the Thirty-fourth Iowa Infantry at Indianoln , and It brought together 1-4'J of the survivors This regiment took a very pi eminent part in the western army nnd was with Sherman at Vlc-ksburg. During the coming week there will bo a giand reunion of the Twenhsecond Iowa In fantry at Iowa City. This regiment has in vited to Join with it the , the Twenty-third , the Twenty fouith , thu Twen ty-eighth Iowa and the Eleventh Wisconsin. The survivors of these regiments nre scat tered over several states and ten Horn s , and reduced rates have been sei-ured on the prin cipal railroads , so that a largo attendance is expected. A very line programme lias been prepared , nnd the two dajs , October it and I , will bo well filled with entertainment for the old soldiers. The State Unlvc-i-Hlty. DPS MOISTS , In. , Oct. 1 [ Special to Tin : Hm : . ] The State univorsitj at Iowa City is starting out very prosperously this fall The new president. Dr. Selinoffer , formerly of Cornell university , New York , is giving great satisfaction and rapidly building up the school. The incoming class In both the academic ami law ilcpai Intents is much larger than lasl year The university has jusl received coived Iho third installm"iitof what is known as the Ilornnday collection tor the museum. Prof. Hornaday , now of tlio Smithsonian in stitution at Washington , had a very line pri vate collection of specimens which ho had collected , including innnj species of birds , apes , bats , seals , marsupials , etc , etc. , nnd having come trom Iowa , ho decided to give it to the State university He arranged that it should be sent In four installments , one each year , nnd three having now been received coived , the collection will bo completed next fall. It is valued at ? ( JOUO. The Hairlson County Fair. Missot in , la , Oct 1. [ .Special to Tin : linr ] The Harrison Countj Fair nsso- ciatlon opened its gates to the public to-day with nmre than an average Ilrst dav's attend mice. 1 jnough entries arc already in to nidi call1 that the horse and cat lie show will sur pass that of any other year. The races open to morrow with a three year-old trot , tliroc- minute trot and half mile dash for runners. All of these classes are llllcd with from three to six entries , and gund spoil in this line may bo looked for. Another feature of to-uiorrnw's fair will bo an exhibition game of ball between the Missouri Valley nine and the Lafayette ( colored ) team of Omaha. A farmer's Iio1-1 ! bv Firo. DBS Moixrs , la. , Oct. 1. [ Special Tele gram to Tun Hnn. ] The large barn on the Sander's farm , six miles southwest of Hritl , Hancock county , burned yesterday afternoon. The flro also destroyed two cnhs containing 1-iro bnsliels of old corn , fourteen head of horses and considerable farm inachlnoy Loss , $5M ( ) . No Insurance. Coiniilalnts Against the Iowa Central. Dis : MOIVES , la , Oct 1. [ Special Tele gram to THK Uii : : . ] The Gdman Canning company , of Giltnnn , to day tiled n complaint with the railroad commissioners against the Iowa Central railroad. Tlio company claims that the rates f'-om Gilman to points \\itlnn the state are higher than to points without , nnd that it is thus shut out of the homo mar kets. _ Now pianos for rent at Edholm & A kin's. _ _ The Wabash limited for St. Louis loaves Omaha 3lo : p. m. , arrives at St. Louis 7 a. m. ne.xt morning. For tickets and bleeping car accommodations call at the Wabash ticket ollico , 1002 Farnam street , Omaha. A HOKHi : TUADKK'S VlMC'IC. How \Vorlliloss Stood Was Mnilo to Appear YOIIIIK anil Spirited. A largo crowd woio attracted jcsterday lo Davenport stioel near the central station , by an ofllcer serving a writ of replevin on a horse. F.rin Cleveland , the old man who caused the papers to bo issued , had traded a sound hoi so and a silver watch for an appar ently sound and spirited hoiso owned by a man naniod Gant. The horse , however , has proved to bs ullcily worthless , bung spay ined , blind , and otherwise affected Cleve land claimed that the hoi. so had been drugged in ) anil made to appear Bound until the owner could effect n trade , but as soon as the effects ot the vaiious medicines passed off , the worthlessness of the animal nppi ared nnd a moio decrepit nnd forlorn piece of horse flesh would bo hard to mid. Uant had sold the good horse for which ho traded to a named Mack , and when the horse was ic plcviucd It was in Mr Mack's posses sion The watch which Cleveland gave us boot and which was sllll in Gant s possession has been rcplevmed aKo Gant will proba biy bo arrested for defrauding the old man 'I ' li < > n \ t < r.s" . M cue licit i LI. ifCMI' / / , ' , Lawyers , Hooms H nud 4W rirxt National lUnk. Tele-phono \ . r//.yyo.v i. r.i.sw , Teacher of the Spanish Mandoline , \\Ith Mu\ Mejor\ . OR , EDWARD E , SLOMAN , 2208 Farnum Street. OtllnIIouis Htoli.liu m , mid I to : i , nml 7 to 8p m. Tiili'phiiuc NJri. . Onmlw. Nob. J. /K.VA-/.V.S , M. / ) . , Physician - ; - and - ; - Surgeon , Spi'i-tal nttcntlon to ilisi > it os ot children Ulllioatienr of Morrall's Oruit Store , S. II.-or li'th ' and ( . hlc.iKo Snoots. Oimitm. MRS.TAVIESTnii EMMA I DAVIES Homeopathic Physlclotis. I > ini\sc-nof ! ! Woiiu-ii and I'lilldrcm a npprlnlty. Hi I Noith l.ith ytu'ul. 'luli-plumo l 6. JAS. II AHOl ) } ' , M. I ) . , Physician - : - andi Surgeon , Itt'sldpncn No I'XJO Capitol Ave OMUo.W lthnc-11 Illk. Tt-lupliunu , ri'Mdc-nu- ; otltcc.&IS. ItOSNWATKlt , Physician - ; - and - : - Surgeon , Milieu Hoom .1 Hnd 4. Continental Illork. N. II. cur , Intlinnd DotichisSts llt'slilrticn-iilit ' H _ 17th St. Ollico tali-phone- ( . ri'sldfiiriteliplioao'WT" 0. , S. J 1 < ) PIMAX , .M. D. , Physician - : anil - : - Surgeon , OIlHo-N. W. Cor. 11th nii'l Douclns. Ollico tc-lo- Vluiiir , 4Vi ( ; u-slilmii o telephone , 41 HUSTtiTrEll , .M. 1) . Deutsctier Arzt , O'Tlcr * ti Ipplmne No i/n , lieu n toloplinno No & ' < 7 Oillco IH'iin H In Hit ni-t 5p in ul turfi n in nt m > resiili'iipc 'C < numlers M oilloo , llel man * Hint k 1 th HIU ! M * I'litmtico on lUli hi KliMMtui or M > tiis Prai tier llnutiM toubtti.triesuno ( iyiihocologr OiiKtlm , Not * UNION TRUST COWAE os s. i.vrn ST. , OMAHA , Mu. : CAPITAL , $300,000 Loans Made on Real Estate , SchoolCounty iinil .Mnnlclpiil Doudt Nogotlntod WM. A. I'AX'ION" . I'lc-sldont. W M. ( , . MAI U Vico-Prosldont man'I AI.riii ( : ) M1U.AUU , Treasurer MIUXTOUS. WM. A. PAXTON , UKMIV T. Ci AHKE , W. ( ! . Mi ij , .lo-o.i-ii II MIM-.II , ItoiiT. 11. 0 vui ton * . AI.HIKD , ( il 0 1 ] , HUIM U m ii n m iff uwMBI S , W , Cor , Farnam and 15th Sts. Piiicl in Capital. . . - $ . " > 00,000 ( UK ) I ! . IIAItM It , I'icsldcMit. 1. . I. . llliitllO\\ : \ I U. Vice I'KMdant. r II .IOII\bUN.ashler. ( I , II. Wll I I\MS. S. I. . N'MI.VV S. It. ,1 IIINVOS. .1. II Me i osNF.l.t. . WM. sif \ cmMi'ir. . Ai.i.rv'r lite-ion. I ) . Cl NMMllMM. I , . A. HKSMIN \VASIIfcllSOX. . Mii.i - . . Accounts of Il.inkers , MPII hnnts and Individ unls luithi'il on thu most ( .ivorahlo U'lins. "BAM OF'OMAHC Capital , - - - $100,000 OOl South Tlili tc > cnth Street. General Banking nflaviiiEs Business , ClIAlll.l.s Ititp.8Tl'ii , 1'ruslilent C. 1' . NKI miM , Vh > . 1 it\M < N . W MA.V , CiiHhler Tor the Ijoupllt of Depositors the HnUiiKS l > o p.irtmcnt will be open on faatnrd.ijr nights Iron , liloho LUIC. * i 1'or Cent on Sin ings ami Time Deposits. The IxMit and gnreit Braccly for Care of oil ( ILieaneB canesd by any derangement of the Liver , Eldno/c , Stomach and DoweU. Pysjvtpila , Sick UcaiUchi' , Constipation , Dllloua CompldloU and UaUrUof all kinds yirld readily to the b ne&c nt Influence of It 1 * pl * 0oat to the fcutf , tonei np thu nystem , restores end prcicrvos health. It U purely Vegetable , uid cannot Wl to prove beneficial , both to old and yoang. As ft Blood Purifier It li cnperlor to all other * . Sold overr"18 Bt tl.OOu bottle. Tim larKCil , ! n te > t anil Uiiuit In lha world I'Mhcnucr ncconiniixjatlnni umui-ollr.l. \r\t \ orli to Wl j iiv vlu Jjouilantli-rfv . . . O't.rih ' i AM-IIIIIIIA Oct. 37th KKIt1kA | , ( ) < ! Hill I KTIIIUrlA. Oft -Mill I NEW \OIIK to l.mni'ooi VIA qiri-KSSTmvjj. The ( VlcbrnlcJ I iJiivPit nn1 llneit I'av | < VT Jnl stemiKhip I son/or Hlpamur m . OCT. 31il CITV U * HUMB. I lh World I Saloon ii iMiuiV toc.imcuw , Dcrry. Liverpool , llolfait oruuciMisluwn ! ' < ! ami P"r Cilu sow itearu en VUmnd iipw iil f'-r i Ilr of llnni * Stroiid cl m SU lltuirn UtKt-n MI ruilin M | mr mnuo iirnlUble fur i lllier r < ulo , uni- > inK oxcnrilum t the prlvllosa nt Kf-1-lnt.'tliii North amionlli or Irel mil. the JUviTl Slc-rmy cinU the pl < tiirrvicin Cl/I HK-erogo MU Am luir Line itr.tU inr titci free cil rlmr.-e , holil t li.wusi i ititor linok of tuun , Uukutiur further InruriiiHllim ripply to HENDERSON BROS. , 72 La Sails St. , Chleags ur to any of ur locnl Tansill's ' Punch Cigars waia BhliT-c-a dr.rlnsthw r" two v arB , witbout Urum- lui-rln ourtmMoy. Noutliar bouse In the wurld ran trntU > fullymako such nalio win ; . Ollll KK9Ot ( itlrtlC" * ' wanted in ouch town , CRt I OlDBYUAOelBBItl.'CCiSTS. > * uE n W.TANSILL & CO..G5 SUIa St Clilmao. FOUNTAIN KlNEJ CUT F J/UO ( hit U tit.