Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 02, 1888, Image 1

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Senator Cockroll of Missouri Will
Defend the Bouot Circular.
Democrats O-ipOHlnK tlio Proposition
to KHtalillfth an Industrial Institu
tion at Salt Ijaki ! City Dorscy
Coming to NolmiHkn.
The Italic ! ( Circular.
51K FOI-UTIXXTII Smr.r/r ,
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Oct. l. |
Senator Cork roll of Missouri , xvho xvas "a
gallant confederate soldier and fought for
the south and secession , " cut off in the sen
ate this afternoon , by a single and stern ob
jection , xvhat promised to be one of the live
liest political debates lii'ard in congress for
many years. Senutor Hale , as forecasted in
thcso dispatches on last Friday night , took
tlio initiative step In nn investigation of tin )
circumstances under xvhich the Hcnet circu
lar order xx'as issued , and the effect of its
operations , calling upon the so-rotary of xviir
for an official location of the responsibility
of the document. Commenting , Mr. Halo
declared the proceedings this most outrageous
in the annals of polities , and said that it
beggared description in administrative
depravity. Ho deplored Iho era in
national affairs xvhen llio military branch
of the government xvus prostituted for polit
ical purposes ; xvhen xvidoxx's and orphans of
union soldiers and sailors xvero discharged
from Iho menial posillons xvhich afforded
them daily bread , that democratic voters and
plug uglies might bo gix'cn roxx'iird for their
campaign services. When ho concluded ills
excoriation , Senators Chandler , Cullom ,
Muiidcrson , and oilier republicans desired
thn floor for the purpose of proceeding xvith
their expressions of disapproval of tlioorder.
Mr Cockrcll , of Missouri , said that ho xvould
enter immediate and positive objection to
further procedure on the subject ; that the
rules of the senate required such resolutions
to lay an the president's table for ono
day before their merits could bo dis
cussed. He added that to-morroxv ho
proposed to iniiko some remark * on
the subject , and intimnled that ho
would not only Justify the order , but xx'ould
Blioxv that it should Inix'o been issued long be
fore it XXMS , declaring that all of the positions
under Ihc government xvero due to the party
h'A in poxver. Cockrcll believes in turning out
not only the xvidoxx's and orphans of soldiers ,
but the legless and armless veterans xvliere-
ever and xvhencver the administration
changes from republican to democratic hands.
Tindebute promises lo be lively , ami lliero
is no doulit that un investigation will bo had ,
but in the absence of Secretary Endicolt it
may be delayed till alter the campaign. The
administration does not want to meet the
issue bcloro the election. General Bcnet
is trying to shift the responsibility from
Secretary Endicott to himself , but the fact
remains that General Henri stuted to your
correspondent on lust Thursday that Secre
tary Endicott approved of the order and
instigated it.
A Hnniors DMT.CT.
H has been discovered thut the act xvhich
passed both houses nearly txx'o years ago ,
prox'iding for u heller syslctn for counting
electoral votes , bus a serious defect , in thut
it provides that the electoral colleges shall
meet at the various capitals on thu second
Monday of January , xvhich is u month later
than formerly , bul Hie old provision rcquir-
. . . , ng the votes of the colleges to bo delivered
( J lo Iho president on or before the first
Wednesday in January , xx'as left untouched.
Thciofore , as Iho luxv now stands , Iho votes
nro to bo counted on the second Monday in
January , but they are to bo delix'cred to the
president of the senate on Iho first Wednes
day of the month , or about a week before
they are counted. Unless some legislation
looking to a correction of Ihis incongruity i.H
enacted ut once serious results are likely to
Greatly to the surprise of republican mom-
bets of tlie senate and house commutes un
appropriations , the democratic members of
these committees are flgliting with amazing
nnd determined pertinacity the proposition
in Iho general deficiency appropriation bill ,
proposed by Senator Paddock , to make an
uppropil.ition for an industrial institution at
Salt Lake for the xviyes mid daughters of
polygumists xvho desire to escape from the
crimes of their families and lead lives of virtue
p tuo and Christian morality. The domocraU
in both houses have fought tills proposition
r > ( bitterly during the past three or four yeais
B that it has been debated , but it xvas not nnti
to-day that their object in doing BO xvus dis
closed. It xvus stated sox'crul xx'ceks ngc
thut the Mormons hud mudo a contribniioi
of f.0OJ ( to Iho fund of the national demo
Bft cratlo committee , and It is noxv bollovcd tha' '
the democrats in congress uro tr.ymj
to reciprocate the favor. Mrs. Angle F
Noxvman , xvho is a sister of John M. ' \ burs
ft ton of Nebraska , is hero xvorking , as she hiv
ftW been for yearn , in the interest of the eslab
llshinunt of a rcfugo for Mormon women it
W Utah. Shu suid this afternoon if this appro
h' prlullon is imulo for the home , tin
Mormons believe that it xvill have the cffee
of bringing many palygairiists to grief
There is n defense fund raised by the- Mor
mon church xvhich goes to the relief of tin
xvix'es xx'lio refuse lo leslify in Iho court
against their husbands under prosecution fo
bigamy. It there was a place xvhoro thesi
xvomen could go nnd live after s-epuratioi
from their husbands many of them xx-ould tcs
tify against their husbands anil send them t >
the penitentiary , and this is ono of Iho mail
reasons xvhy Iho Mormon church is opposei
to Iho establishment of tlio industrial home
noisir : e'oxiiNo.
Hoprcsentativo Dorsey leaves for Nobraslc
on Wednesday lo enter the campaign. H
says the republicans are thoroughly aroused
and that they xvill not bo caught napping b
the democrats , xvho uro trying to captur
the legislature at the approaching election.
and loxvu I'onsloiiH.
WAPHINGTOX , Oct. 1. [ Special Tclegr.ii
to Tin : Bii.J : Pensions grunted Nobra :
knns : Increase James D , Wurren , Jessu | :
William H. McFall , Hastings ; Jacob B. Bui
ris , Klverton. Keissue William D. Elroi
Pensions for loxx-ans : Original Invalld-
Thcodoro A. Mullen , Decatur ; Henry !
Kelley , Judd. Increase Joel J. lluukii
1'eoria ; James Scripture , Wyoming ; Hcnr
1' . Houck , Noxvton ; Benjamin F. Snydci
Marion ; Joshua Meeker , Clarion ; Theodot
J. Stage , Little Kock ; Orlando M. Smitl
Steamboat Kock ; Martin Welch , Nexvel !
John Bennett , Knoxville. Uolssue Lew
II. Owens , Birmingham ; Joseph W. Gritltl
Hichtaud ; George W. Abeomuker , Gran
Klvor. IJeissuo and Increase Uanii
Pickcus , Sidney ; Denton Keeney , Ames.
_ . .
Washington Brevities.
The senate to-day confirmed Lambert Trc
of Illinois as minister to Kussi.i , mid J. C
Parhhurst of Michigan as minister 1
At a meeting of the senate finance comml
tco this morning throe or four points xvhic
wore left open in the tariff bill were consu
crcd nnd disposed of. The lull Is noxv con
pleted and xvill ho reported as soon us tl
minority shall finish its report ,
The president has signed the act to crca'
boards of arbitration or commissions for so
tling controversies and differences betxvet
railroad corporations and other common ca
rlers engaged In the Inter-stato or territcri
transportation of property or passengers at
their employes.
Delayed tlio Expedition.
DKULIX , Oct. 1. The departure of the c :
peditlon for the relief of Euiln Hey has bcc
delayed until the rising of natives in Ea
Africa is quelled ,
WAsiii.vfiTnv , Oct. 1. Among the bills re
ported from committees and placed on the
senate calendar xvas the house bill to forfeit
certain lauds granted to the Northern Pacific
railroad company.
The president's message announcing his
approval of the Chincso exclusion bill xvas
received and read at length. After a brief
debate , on motion of Mr. Sherman the mes
sage xx-as referred to the committee on for
eign relations.
.Mr. Bald offered a resolution
reciting the circular of General Henct directIng -
Ing the diM-hurgo of republican employes
from the United States aisenals , and slating
that under It honorably discharged soldiers of
the union army , and xvidoxx's and daughters
of soldiers had , been discharged , and
directing fbo secretary of war to
Iraiisinit to the senate furlhxvith
full information as to such order , staling
fully xvliolhor Ihu necessities of the depart
ment required that the order should bo 1s-
SUPI | , and xvhy an order issued on public
busings should be marked "confidential. "
Mr. Hule remarked that there xx'as nothing
in the previous history or record of the secre
tary of xvar that xx-ould huvo led him ( Hale )
to bchi've that he xx-ould huvo permitted or
autliiiri/cd the Issuing of such a circular cx-
tcndinr. for the first time , party proscription
to xx'omen and children. Hu did not knoxv
in tlio history of party politics and party
conflicts an instance xvhero the dogma , "To
victors belong the spoils , " had been carried
lo that extent.
Mr. Cockri'll objected to immediate consid
eration of the resolution , and said that he
xvould nnsxx-or fully the remarks of the sena
tor from Maine , and xvould stale xvhat the
democratic party xx'as responsible for , xvhat
it xvus not responsible for , and xvhat it should
have done long utro. The resolution xx-cnt
ox'cr till to-morrow.
The senate then took up unfinished busi
ness , and after an executive session ad
WASHINGTON , Oct. 1. In the house a
number of bills xvero introduced , but action
on n fexv bills xvhich xvero called up xvus pre
vented by a point of "no quorum'1 being
raised. A ft"r fruitless attemjits to transact
business the house at'J5 : udjonrned.
Tlie PitlilU : Delit Statement.
WASHINGTON , Oct. 1. The folloxving is the
public debt statement :
Interest bearing debt , principal , $ J34'iftl , ( , ]
17i ! ; interest , jlO-ir > 4k'.l : ; total , $ U'.C,117f ' > ( il ;
debt on xvhich interest censed since maturity ,
$ -ilr > siS : : ) | ; debt bearing no interest , J7l',78s- )
tl0 ! ; total debt , principal , S1.70iJK71,7as ; In
terest , $10 , ll < , no ; total , Slil7,48'.l. Ks ; less
reserve und cash items available for reduc
tion of debt , ? l7'lV.IiHi ' ' ( : : ; total debt less
available cash items , ? laisu : : , r )2 ) ; net cash
in treasury , S'.H,111,84 ' ; > ; debt less c.isli in
treasury October I , l ss , $ l,141s7.'i,057 : debt
less cash In treasury September 1 , l S 51-
iril.l'JJ.CS'J ; decrease ot debt during month ,
* 1'.I4I7,1 S ; decrease since Juno 30 , IS-sSfclV
7Ul.iOOD ; tolal cash in treasury as shoxvn by
treasurer's general me unit , f < ; ; ii'70V35. : ! !
Politics in IMiitto County.
Coi.i-Miirs , Neb. , Oct. 1. [ Special to Tin :
BKK.J The campaign is opening up in this
county , and so fur it is of a very enthusiastic
character. The republicans and prohibition
ists are in tlio field xvith their tickets , but
the democrats xvill not appear till the
10th of October , xvhen their county conven
tion meets. The third party xvill not cut
much of u lik'uro in the campaign this fall.
Tlie b.ittle xvill be betxx'eea ttio txvo old pur-
lies. The Harrison und Morton club holcla
xx'celdy incctmgs.and is taking stops to erect
a log cabin , enclosed oy a rail fence , and
supplied xvith appurtenances necessary to
its completion. All republicans xvill turn
out and devote a day to the erection of the
cabin. The Cleveland and Thurman club
hold semi-inonth'.y meetings , and xvill soon
raise a genuine hickory pole , cut from tlio
Western Ueservo. The state ticket xvill
receive the party vote xvilh the exception of
Lcese , xvho xvill receive support from the
farmers independent of party politics. The
voters in this county are becoming xvide
nxvuko to their interests. Tlio candidates for
the leirislaturo xvill bo called upon to declare
their position on the vital issues before tiio
people. It xx-ould not bo surprising if Harrison
risen and Morton should c.irry Plutto county
this fall , as nearly all of the Irish-Americans
xvill support them. W. A. McAllister xvill be
the nominee of the republican party for
senator Irom the Txvclfth senatorial district.
Hu has in the main worked and voted in the
interests of the people .
Ur. W. A. Hampton , the republican nomi
nee for representative from the Twenty-
fourth district , lives in the northern part bi
the comity and is not very xx'ell knoxvn out
side of his immediate neighborhood. His
viexx's on Iho questions of Iho day are un-
knoxvn to Iho people. Ncls Olson , xvho xvill
bo Iho nominee of the republican party fron :
the Twenty-fifth representalivo district , is
the farmer candidate. Ho bus an excellent
record and his position on all public question !
is known to the people.
K. H. Henry xvill probably bo the ctindi
date of the democracy lor thoTxvcuty-fourtli
representative district. Mr. Henry certainly
postseason uncommon claims upon the osteeir
aud affection of his felloxv citizen" . His rec
ord , public und private , is unimpeachable
His nomination would not mean election , a :
his slraighlforxvard , Independent demeanoi
has made him some enemies among tin
boodlers. Har.s Elliott , n farmer from tin
norlhweslern part of the county , xvill un
doubtedlv be tlm candidate for the twenty
liflh representative district on the demo
cratic ticket und Sum Wilson , a farmer fron
the northeastern part of the county , for sou
utor for the Txvelfth senatorial district.
A Very Oily Hctnllatinn.
Nixv : Yonic , Oct. 1. China , or at least sonn
officials of China , xvish to retaliate for tin
American-Chinese restriction lu\\-s uy laxv
prohibiting tlio importation of American kct
oscno into China. The viceroy of Canton lia
addressed a memorial to the oviperor i
xvhich ho arraigns kerosene as Iho grcutos
menace to the peace and prosperity of th
empire. His responsible , ho Hays , for nine
lenlhs of the HITS that occur ox-cry xvintcr I
Canton. He declares that it bus done mca !
eulable injury to life and property. The vici
roy tliereloro formally requests that a sto
bo put instantly to the importation of kcrc
sent .
Fell thu Family on I'olnon.
CHICAGO , Oct. 1. Thirteen-year-old MIt
nlo KraUenberg xx'as arrested to-night fo
poisoning her mother , sister and txvo brotl
crs. The mother , xvho Is a poor xvidoxx' , xvi
die. A neighbor , Mrs. Snyder , is also umU
arrest for being an accessory to the crimi
Minnie had got huffed with her folks nn
xx-ont to live xvilh Mrs. Snyder , xvho had
grudge against the Kratzcnbergs. The polic
claim lo bo ablu lo prove that at Mrs. Siy
di r's instigation Minnie put the poison in he
mother's soup and spread it on her sister' '
and brothers' beefsteak.
A Dastardly Act.
DUNI.AP. la. , Oct. 1. ( Special to Tn
Bui.J : As n freight train xvus about to leav
Dunlap Saturday evening , John Ludxvick , n
ccntly from Germany , xx'cnt Into the xvay cc
and after the train hid slartcd xx'as assaulto
by the brukcman and cruelly beaten an
kicked off the car xvhen thu train xvus goin
from ten to fifteen milvrs per hour and xvi
severely injured internally und noxx * lies In
critical condition. An oltlcer has been set
to arrest the brakcman and ho xvill undoub
cdly pay the full penalty for ihis outrage.
Another John Elopement.
NBXVAIIK , N. J. , Oct. L Mabel Yaughai
daughter of a retired Ncxv York mcrch&n
has caused a sensation in Mont Clalr 1
eloping xvith Her father's coachman , Hem
Tupton. Ho is a good looking young Engils
man and xvell educated. U xx'as known th
Miss VitUKlmn accepted Iho addresses i
Tiipton , but Mr. Yaughan objected to him i
soninluunnd on Saturday the coup
eloped , thegirl taking t3,000of her oxvn niom
xvltn her.
Her People Unite In Paying Homage
to nn Honored Citizen.
An Immense Concourse Accompany
tlie Hemnliis to , Their Lust Hentlng
Place Attendant * From
Oilier 1'laccM.
Honored In Death.
Pl.ATTSMOUTH , Neb. , Oct. 1. [ Special to
THE Uic. : ] The funeral of the late Dr. H.
It. Livingston , chief surgeon of the B. & M.
road , xvas Iho largest cx-er held in this city.
It attracted people from till parts of the state
aud thousands from the surrounding country
flocked in on foot , horseback and In convey
ances of all kinds. The visitors xx'ere of all
nationalities , and hundreds of them xvero
these xvho had personally been recipients of
the deceased man's bounty. Business xx'as
generally suspended und nearly every busi
ness house In the city xx-as draped xvith
mourning. This tribute lo Ihc dead physi
cian extended to hundreds rf private resi
dences , and in not a few instances the mourn
ing xx'as rendered more expressive by being
attached to the national colors , xvhich flouted
lazily in the breeze and sunshine.
The remains lay in the parlor of the doc
tor's residence , in a cloth-cov'cred mctalic
casket , upon the lid of xvhich xvus a silver
jilato bearing Iho inscription :
I Born August 10 , Ihli7 , :
: Died September li-J , ISSS. :
: "Light rest the ashes above thy :
: noble breast. " :
* *
At the head stood a most elaborate floral
tribute , Gates Ajar , forwarded by H. C.
dishing of Omaha. Above the gates xvas a
spotless dove xvith outstretched wings. At
the base xvas a pilloxv of floxx-ers xvith the
xx'ords , "At Host , " in purple immortelles.
Another elaborate tribute xvas a Maltese
cross in pink carnations , xvith Iho xvords ,
"In Hoc Siguo Vinces , " in immortelles. On
the face of Ihe cross xvas a cioxvn xx'llh a Ho-
mun cross in yclloxv roses , xx'hilo beneath
xvero the emblems of Faith , Hope and Char
ity. This xx'as a tribute from ex-residents of
Plattsmouth xvho had mox'Cd lo Lincoln.
Mrs. John Fitzgerald of Lincoln sent a beau
tiful scroll of tuberoses and xvhito
roses ; Hie German societies of Pluttsmoiilh
a floral xvreath ; Mrs. E. G. Dox'cy a sickle in
heliotrope ; Livingston chapter , No. 10 , 1C. T.
Beatrice , a lloral square und comp'iss ; the
Herman family a largo floral pilloxv : the
Plattsmouth commandery n Maltese cross ;
Mr. L. Moore and anchor of roses ; lltlle
Helen Cox , a cross ; Father Kearney , across ;
Miss Burton , across ; Miss Maggie O'ICeofe ,
of Omaha , n cross , witli a number of boquets
by other people.
Around the residence of the deceased , the
Ihroiig xvas greatest , especially about 'J
o'clock xvhen the procession formed. The
Hue marched south on Oaic street to Main ,
thcnco to Third , Vine mid the church of St.
Luke , xvhero the funeral exercises xvcre held.
It afterwards preceded xvest to Sixth , north
to Oak , und thence xx'est to the cemetery.
J. xv. Johnson acted as cliiof marshal. The
first division x\-as In charge of M. B , Murphy
It comprised about 1UO Knights Templar ,
about txvonty of xrliom were pisl ofllccrs , the
lullcr being under Iho command of Major
Hustings. Those xx'ero foiloxx-ed by scventy-
lix'o master masons under Ibo luarshalshlp of
V. V. Leonard.
Tlio second division xvas marshalled by A.
J. Slrolghl. It comprised the Loyal Legion
xvhich xx-as commanded by Captain Humphrey
and consisted cof General J. H. Brooke ,
Colonel T. S. Clarkson , Colonel H. II. Hall ,
Colonel Horace Luditigton , Colonel S. S.
Curtis , General J. B. Denis , Major
J. W. Paddock , Major N. G. Franklin
Major Pierce , Captain J. K. Manchester ,
Captain A. Alice , Captain W. T. Clark.
Dr. J. H. Pcubody , Captain U. E. Palmer ,
of Plattsmouth ; Captain Humphrey. P.ixvnco
City ; Captain Morrison , Nebraska City ; Dr.
Carter , Lincoln ; Lieutenant McClay , Lin
coln ; Lieutenant Harxx'ood , Lincoln. Thcso
xvtire followed by thy survivors of the First
Nebraska regiment of volunteers , of xvhich
Dr. Livingston xvas a member. They xvero
Major J. W. Paddock , Chris Hartman , Chus.
Burmestpr , of Omaha ; Thomas Clark , of
DCS Moines ; Ben Heiupcl aud J. W. John
son , of Plattsmouth. Tlio standard bearer
bore the polo of the old Hag xvhich had
passed through many a ilorco engagement.
Then came the Grand Army posts , l he leading
ono of which xx'as that of McConihe , about
ono hundred vetcr.ins being m lino. The
Sous of Yeteruns followed xvith thirty men ,
under the command of S. C. Green. These
were folloxved by reprosentulix'es of Iho
Slalo Medical society and the faculty of the
Omaha Medical college , comprising Doctors
Denise , LoUcnrlng , Carter , Milroy , Sumors ,
McCroa. of Omahii , and Dr. Abbott of Fre
mont. Tlien caino division No. It , Plaits-
mouth , Knights of Pythian , txventy-four men
under Iho command of W. P. Kellc. These
xvero associuled xvilh Ashland knights , some
of xvliom xvero of the uniform rank and others
of thu subordinate lodges , txx'cnty-six in
number , under the order of W. W. Crane.
The third division xx-as marshalled by ,1.
C. Eikonbarry. It included the Independent
Order of Odd Fclloxx's , xvho xx-ere folloxved
by the Ancient Order of Hibernians , eighty
strong , the leaders of the fourth division ,
xvhichas commanded by William Neville ,
Folloxving them came the Licdcrknin ?
society and turners , and after them marchcil
the Slono Ballast lodge of the Brotherhood
of Locomotive Engineers and Firemen
thirty-live in number , under Marshal Crohan
The Plattsmouth lire department xx'as next
in line , D. O'Hourko marshal , xx'ith aboul
thirty firemen , one of xvhom bore a bannci
xvith the xx-ords "Our First Chief. " Thcr
came carriages containing the clergymen
und fulloxving them moved Iho hearse , xvill
the following pall bearers : Captain II. E
Palmar , John Waterman. W. J. While , Cap
tain E. Donovan , Isaao Wiles and J. M. Pat
terson. Walking beside Ihcso xvero ropro
sentntives from all the organizations in tin
line. The A. O. U. W. xx'ero represented bj
Ihrco lodges , Nos. S , 61 and 84 , which con
sisted of about fifty men , under the eontro
of F. J. Morgan. Marching after them canu
a small detail of B. & M. shoptnci
xvho xvero not members of other societies
and after them came J. A. May , 8S33 , am
Plalte , 'J-U'5 ' , assemblies , Knights of Labor
xvith Frank Carroll as marshal. Then fol
loxvcd carriages containing the family
friends of tlio deceased , mayor , council uni
Pluttsmoulh Glee club.
The procession xvas a mlle long. It rcnehc <
the cmnetery ut1:110 : o'clock. A squuro x\'u
formed around the grave by the Knight
Templar , und xvithin ibis the members of tli
Biuei lodge formed another. The burial ser
vleo of the latter xx-as conducted by V. V
Leonard , and that of the knichts by J. 1C
Marloy of Lincoln , and E. 1C. Long o
Omaha. The Loyal Legion dispensed xvitl
ritua'isllc ' services , a buglar simply soum\ini
"tups , " and then all xvas ox-cr.
The grax'e xvas beautifully decorated. Tli
xx'alls xvero hung xvilh plno brandies xvhici
effectually concealed the banks of cold am
rigid earth. The edge of the gray
, ind for ix space of a fee
all around xvas fringed xvith sprays of palm
xvhilo the outer rim \va& finished xvith a lin
of colored autumn leaves as red us sumac ii
Its brilliant period. The work xvus beautl
fully done ami was a tribute to the dcccasei
by Mr. and Mi H. M. E. O'Brien , of Soutl
Bend , and Mrs. F. E. White , of Plutls
mouth. The work on the part of Mr. am
Mr * . O'Brien was in commemoration of tli
doctor's work on the Nebraska fish com mis
sion , the fisheries of which is superintends
by Mr. O'Hrien , Among the participants i
the funeral were President W. L. May , o
Fremont , and B. E , B , Kennedy , of Omahr
associates of Dr. Livingston , and his surv
vors in the Nebraska lUh commission.
The services in St. Luke's were conductc
by Dean Gardner , of Omaha , xvho delix'erc
the funeral discourse , speaking In irenen
terms of the qualities of the deceased ; an
Hcv. Mr. Richardson , of Beatrice , who si > eke
on Death.
Among these from abroad were the follow
ing from Fremont : W. II. Hunger , L. D.
Itlchards , Ernest Sherman. L. M. Keene , A.
J'ownsond , Itov. John Hewitt. Frank Hayes ,
William Fried. P. E. Denny , Thomas Frahin
aud F. E. Ketchun.
Omaha sent the following : G. W.
Lininger , Louis II. Korty , A. Atkinson , H.
P. Dovalon , William H. Hoxvcn , llcuben
Allen , F. S. Clarkson , W. N. Nnsou , John
G. Willis , Colonel C. S. Chase , Chris Hurt-
imn , E. K. Long , C. P. Goodman , P. C. Jor-
' .an , Michael Coady. Martin Dunham , llich-
rd Smith. D. H. Wheeler , John M. Mnr-
, Thomas Miller , Jqhn Bauincr , Dr. H.
D. Link. H. 1C. Hurkott , Dr. George L.
"Miller , George W. Holdrcgo , J nines Taylor
ml It. C. Cushlng. f
Lincoln sent about wo hundred people ,
mong whom were the following : Suporin-
cndcnt Thompson of thb B. St M. , Thomas
Uarsland , C. E. Yules , , superintendent of
.clr-graph. of the B. & M. . * H. D. Hathaway ,
? . H. Gere , Charles Yates , Hcuben Harris ,
iVheatlcy Mickelwnltc , T , B , Shrodo , H. M.
Uushnell of the Call , .ttiptnin Paine , S. J.
Alexander and Mayor \ . . iaxvyor.
Holdrcgo sent llvo knights' Beatrice six ,
ivhilo the following crtiue from Nebraska
, 'ity : John Watson , Ev. F. Warren , E. F.
' . 'horpe , S. H. MorrissKv , J. S. Crawford ,
ames Itced , W. E. Hilf , Dr. E. M. Whitten ,
' . W. Seymour and Frefl Urown.
The reception committee consisted of
Messrs. S , Wiuich , M/ Weed , George E.
' ) orcy , David McEntee , Uyron Clark , H. B.
.Vmdham . , Dr. Slggciw , Dr. Cook , David
Campbell , H. E. PalRici ) William Neville.
Tim Kpckley-llonl Contest.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Oct. li [ Special Telegram
, o Tin : Bin : . ] The executive committee of
ho republican central' committee met to
night at the Capital hotel ot 10 o'clock to In
quire into the ICeckley-ltcal contest in the
Twenty-fourth senatorial convention. The
committee , however , decided that it could
only act as arbitrators , /xnd / consented to dose
so upon the promise of the contestants that
; hey would abide by the findings of the comj
nitlce. Judge Post , Judge Harlan and
Attorney Gilbert appeared for Hon. C. It.
Keekley , and Joe Fisher , the Geneva
hanker , who assaulted the editor of the
Exeter Enterprise , and John Barsby pre
sented the case of Patrick littal. Pat said
ho would abide by the decision of the conij
mlttco and support his opponent in the event
of a decision against him. Mr. Keekley
said ttiat ho did not wish to bo misunder
stood. "If the commilteo say that Heal was
the nominee of the Fairmont conx-ention I
will no longer be -candidate for the
senate , but 1 cannot stultify myself
by saying that I will vote for or support Mr.
Itciil.1 It was u manly statement. The
fuels showed beyond a ijuesllon that if Heal
was nominated the doubtful honor was by
purchase or fraud. TheicoinniiUco endorsed
tliis opinion by unanimously saying that Mr.
Keekley was tlic legitimate nominee of the
convention. This decision was reached in n
very few moments after going into executive
Hun Over liy the Cars.
NEIIIUSKA CITY , Neb. , Oct. 1. [ Special
Telegram to Tin : Ur.i : . ] W. B. Hall , a prom-
nent citizen and one of the oldest bottlers of
Otoo county , was ruii | over by the north
bound Missouri Pacific passenger train this
ifternoon aud instantly killed. He was on his
farm adjoining the city on the south and ob
serving the tram approaching he endeavored
lo dnvo a cow from Iho'lrack ' and xvus struck
by the engine , which xvas rounding a curve ,
before ho could get out ftf its way. No blame
is attached to the raiUoad company. Mr.
Hail was sevcnty-clghS'years of ago , and
cumo lo Oloe county Ui'"iorritorial days and
represented this count.v ; in Ihe legislature
from ls. " > 4 to Ibj9. He leaves a widoxv and
six children.
Will DlKCiiHs tlio Tariff Question.
NOHTH PLATTC , Neb. , Oct. 1. [ SpecialTel-
opram to Tin : BEE. ] A Joint debate , to be
held in the opera house of this city on the
cx'enings of October 15 and 10 , between F.
E. Bullard , president of the Cleveland club ,
and J. I. Ncsbitt , republican nominee for
state senator from the Thirtieth district , to
discuss Iho tariff issue as set forth in the
platforms of each party and Cleveland's
letter of acceptance , was arranged to-night
by a committee representing both gentlemen.
Tliis is the outcome of a challenge issued by
Bullard about a month ngo. Both gentle
men are familiar with the subject and a red-
hot debate may bo expected.
lied AVIllow County Safe.
McCooic , Neb. , Oct. 1. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun Br.u. ] About four hundred
people turned out to hear Hon. J. J. Bu
chanan , of St. Joseph , Mo. , discuss the po
litical issues from a republican standpoint.
Ho was followed by William Wygant , the
farmer orator , who made ono of his char
acteristic tariff talks. It is safe to say Itcd
Willow county will Do safely within the re
publican fold in November.
Uttlc Interest at tins Primaries.
GIIAND ISLVND , Neb. , Oct. 1. [ Special to
Tun UBU. ] Very little Interest xvus manl-
fjsled at Ihc primaries Saturday , thcro being
little or no opposition to Bacon , Dcnman or
Exving. Walter It. Bacon , the candidate for
the nomination for county attorney , Is the
unanimous choice of his party for the office.
James Exving and Henry C. Denman will be
candidates before the conx'cntiou October
0 for representatives.
The Campaign In Murrlck County.
PAI.MKK , Neb. , Oct. 1. ( Special to Tur.
Hen. ] The campaign in Morriok county xvas
opened nt this place Saturday night by an
enthusiastic republican rally. Hon. G. D.
Meiklcjohu and B. D. Slaughter of Fullerton ,
Judge Watson of Central City and Captain
Sxvect of darks addressed the meeting. The
Fullerton band furnished music for the occa
sion. .
Livery Stable Iliirnnd.
Antoiu , Neb. , Oct. , 1. [ SpecialTelegram
tol'iir. Ucc. ] A Hvory stable at Hampton
burned lust night , togelher xvith four horses.
It belonged to George W. Smith , of Central
City. Loss about $ SOOMnsuranco ; 5-JOO.
A Farmer Fooled Hy n Married
Woman Groxys Despondent.
GUANI > ISLAND , Neb. , Oct. 1. [ Special
Telegram to Tnu Unc , ] P. M. Peterson , n
farmer living near Brexvster , who came here
Friday , attempted suicide in ills room nt the
Grand Island hotel last evening by shooting
himself in tlio back of the neck. The bullet
lodged in the brain and'ull attempts to locate
it have failed. Ho says that ho recently
prox-cd up on his claim turn got a loan , giving
the most of the money to a Mrs.
Klyno , n married xx'oman living
in Hroxx'ster , xvho x\-as to have
met him ut Grand Inland Saturday and they
wore going to Kansas together. Ho has been
drinking heavily stncfe coming to town and
spent all his moncyi xvhich , added to the
non-appearance of tha xvonuui , caused his at
tempt at suicide. Ho Is a xvidoxver , about
thirty-live years old , and lias t\x-o children
living xvith his brother , N. O. Peterson ,
near Fcron , Neb. Ho x\fas taken to the Sis
ters' hospital. Dr. Cuban , the attending
physician , considers his recovery very uncer
A DlBpulo Settled.
W , Vt. , Oct. 1. To-day farmer C.
M. Inmau , of Pultnoy. this btate , tilled his
shot gun xvith slugs and xvent out and shot
farmer Patrick Senott to death. This xx'.is
the ending of a line < iuarrul a year old.
AVIII tietllo in Full.
Ncxv YOUK , Oct. 1. William Black & Co.
commission merchants , xvhoso fulluro was
announced on Friday , to day notified the pro
duce , cotton and coffee exchanges that they
xvero prepared to meet their liabilities in full ,
The President Signs the Bill nnil
Sends n Message.
Those Who Tralllo In Moiicol Labor
Held HcHponnlblc For the Inop
erative Condition of Ex
isting Treaties.
WABJHSOTOX , Oct. 1. In his message to
congress to-day regarding the Chinese bill
President Cleveland announced his approval
of it. Ho said : "The experiment of blend
ing the social habits and mutual race Idlo-
syncracics of the Chinese laboring classes
xvith those of the great body of the people of
the United States has been pro\cn by an ex
perience of txventy years , and over
since the Burllngnmo treaty of 1S03 ,
to bo In every way a failure. The
governments of the respective countries
liavo resolved to modify and suftlciently ab
rogate all thcso features of prior conven
tional arrangements xvhich permitted the
coming of Chinese laborers into the United
States. lu th'o modification of prior convcn-
ions the treaty of November 17 , ISbO , xx-as
concluded , whereby , in the first article
thereof , it xvus agreed that the United States
should at will regulate , limit or suspend the
coming of Chinese laborers lo Iho United
States , but not absolutely prohibit
it ; and under this article the act
of congress approved May 7 , lHb'2 , and
amended July 5 , 18S4suspended forteu years
the coining of Chinese laborers to the United
States , and regulating the coming nnd going
of such Chinese laborers as xvero nt that time
in the United States. This viexv of the Chi
nese government , so completely in harmony
xvith that of the United Slates , xxfas by my
direction speedily formulated in a
treaty drafted betxveen the txvo nations ,
embodying the propositions presented by the
Chlueso foreign office. Being submitted for
the ndvico and consent of the senate , its
confirmation last May xvas accompanied by
txvo amendments which that body
engrafted upon it. On the 1-tli
day of the same month the Chinese
minister , xvho xx'as the plenipotentiary of his
gox'orniner.t in the negotiation nnd conclu
sion of the treaty , in a ifoto to the secretary
of state , gave his approval of these amend
ments and they xvero at once telegraphed to
China , xvhither the original treaty had pre
viously been sent after its signature
March 18. %
"On the 18th day of last month I approved
the senate bill to prohibit the coining of
Chinese laborers to the United Stales. The
bill xvas intended to supplement the treaty ,
and xvas approved in oonlldent anticipation
of an early exchange of ratifications of the
treaty and its amendments and u proelana-
lion of Ihe sumo , upon xvhich Iho legis
lation so upi'iwedvii8 by its terms to take
effect. No Information of any definite
action upon the treaty by the Chinese go\-
ernment xvas received until the 'Jlst. ultimo ,
the day the bill xvliich 1 have Just approved
xvas presented to me , xx'heii a telegram from
our minister at Pekin to tlio bccretary of
state announced the refusal of the Chinese
government to exchange ratifications of the
treaty unless further discussion should bo
had xvith u viexv to Hborton the period stipu
lated in tlio treaty for the exclusion of
Chinese laborers , and to chungo the condi
tions agreed ujion.
"It xvas , hoxvovcr , soon made evident that
the mercenary greed of the parties xvho xvero
trading in the labor of this class of popula
tion xvus proving too strong for a just execu
tion of the lu\v , and that tlio virtual defeat
cf the object and intent of both laxv and
treaty xvas being fraudulently accomplished
by fulso pretenses and perjury , contrary to
the expressed xvish and xvill of both gox'orn-
nicnts. Such demonstration of the inopera-
tix-o and ineflicient condition of the treaty
and laxv lias produced deep scaled and in
creasing discontent among tlio people of the
United Stales , and especially xvith llipso res
ident on Iho Pacific coast. This had induced
mo to omit no effort to find nn effectual rem
edy for the evils complained of , and to an
swer tlio earnest and popular demand for an
absolute exclusion of Chinese laborers , xvho
hax'o objects and purposes unlike our own ,
and xvho are xvholly disconnected xvith Amer
ican citizenship.
"The necessity for a remedy has been fully
appreciated by that government , and in Au
gust , ISiU , our minister at Pekin received
from the Chinese foreign office a communica
tion announcing that China , of her oxvn ac
cord , proposed to establish a system of strict
and absolute prohioition of her laborers un
der heax-y penalties from coming to the
United States , and hkcxviso to prohibit the
return to the United States of any Chinese
laborer who shall ut any time have gene back
to China , in order , in tlio xx'ords of the com
munication , 'that Chinese laborers may bo
gradually reduced lu number , and the causes
of danger ax'eried and lives preserved. ' It
should entitle any Chiucsa laborer xvho
might go back to China to return again to
the United States.
"In u note from the charge d'affuirs ud in
terim of Chinu to the secretary of state , re
ceived on the " .1th ultimo , a third amendment
is proposed , xvhcroby a cerlitlcale , under
xvhich any departing Chincso laborer alleging
the possession of property in the United
States xvould bo enabled to return lo this
country , should bo granted by the Chinese
consul instead of tlio United States collector ,
as had been provided by the treaty. Tlio ob-
X'ious and necessary effect of the last propo
sition xx'ould bo practically to place the exe
cution of the treaty beyond the control of the
United StaU-s. Article 1 of Iho treaty , pro
posed to be so materially altered , had in the
course of negotialions been settle'l in
acquiescence xvith the request of
the Chinese plenipotentiary and to
his expressed satisfaction , Article 'J xvas
wholly of Chincso origin , and to that alone
oxx-es its presence in the trcaly. The admit
ted and paramount right and duty of every
cox'ornmcnt to exclude from its borders all
'elements of foreign population xvhich for any
reason retard its prosperity or are detrimental
lo'.lho moral and physical health of its people'
must bo regarded us a recognized canon of
international Jaxv and intercourse. China
herself has not descended from this di ctrine ,
but has , by the expressions to xvliicli I have
referred , led us confidently to rely upon such
action on her part In co-operation xvith us us
xx'ould enforce the exclusion of Chinese la
borers from our country , This co-operation
has not , hoxvcver , been accorded us.
"Thus from the unexpected unddisappnlnt-
ing refusal of the Chincso government to
confirm the acts of its authorized agent and
to carry into effect an international ugrco-
menl , the mam feature of xvhich xvas volun
tarily presented by that government for our
acceptance , nnd xvhich lias been the subject
of long and careful deliberation , the emer
gency has arisen in xvhich the government of
the United States is called upon to net in
sclf-dofcnso by the exercise of its legislative
"Tho facts and circumstances which I liavo
narrated lead mo , in the performance of
xvhat seems to bo my official duty , to Join
congress in dealing legislutix-cly xvith the
question of the exclusion of Chinese laborers ,
in lieu of further attempts to adjust it by nn
international agreement. "
In the course of his message the president
recommends that congress , by u Joint resolu
tion , or in some other manner , provide that
such Chinese laborers as have actually em
barked on their return before the passage of
Ihis bill may bo permitted to hind. Ho uUo
recommends the appropriation of the amount
named in the rejected treaty to Indemnify
certain Chincso subjects for damages suf
fered through violence in the rcmoto and
comparulivoly unsettled portions of thu
United States.
Killed by the Cars.
ST. Josui'ir , Mo. , Oct. 1. TSpcclal Tele
gram to Tim BEK. | Frank Tolfcn , a boy
fifteen years of ago , xvhilo attempting to
Jump on a Chicago , St. Paul ft Kansas City
jiu.sseiiL'er train , missed his footing and fell
beneath the xvhccls , and his body \vns * > c
frightfully mangled that death wus instanta
neous. The boy xvas'tlio son of a carpenter
Fox Illoxx-H Hot and Cold and Then
Come.1) to Time.
ICopwtght ) tiu Jamti lionlonJfimclM
PAWS , Oct. 1. [ Now York Herald Cubic-
Special to Tnu Hii.l : : Uichard 1C. Fox came
to the Herald office Sunday night Just before
midnight and asked if any noxvs had been re
ceived In regard to the unkuoxvn xvho ac
cepted Kilruin's challenge. "My money is
up nnd the unknown's also , " said Fox.
"Noxv 1 xvant to see the man matoriali/o.
Kllraln is not fighting shadoxv * , nor
am I in the advertising business. 1
am simply backing a good man and
don't want any monkeying xvith him by
binning of this sort putting up money nnd
then running around the country to find u
man to fill the call. I expect the man to bo
named. Although it is noxv midnight 1 will
leave my money for n xvhilo yet to see if
these felloxvs mean business. "
Fox returned this ( Monday ) morning to
the Herald ofileo and again at noon , asking
each time if there xx-as anything noxx * . "Hnvo
any bluffers from Hluffvlllo been
sending more coin to Europe I 'Have
they got a darkey to match that pall yet t1
as Harrigun used to say xvith the Mulligan
Guards. ' " Fox xx-astold each tlmo Iho nnmo
had not been received. Each time ho xvent
out , adding , "Well , give ten minutes more
for the difference in xvatchcs. " Finally late
to-night he came again. "Well , " said Fox ,
" 1 suppose the/ think this is the kind of
talk to send after I notified them ol
should xvlthdraxv my money if the
name xx'as not glx'cn nt midnight
Sunday. Well , I am afraid they have counted
xvithout their host. Their talk xvas all bluff.
They had no idea of n light and ore merely
playing xvith the present opjwrtunity , but as
they nro talking so big I may nswell go them
one better and call tht'.Ir hand and accept this
unkuoxvn , though not obliged to , and I hereby
request the Herald to hold my money and
notify them as folloxvs.
"To the Editor of the Herald : I accept the
unknown mentioned by Gerniaine\vho offers
to light Kllrain , the articles to bo signed Oc
tober S3 on the meeting of the backer. * ; the
fight to take place in six months , the stakes
to bo ? 10,000 or 5-20,000 if they xvish it. I
start to-night for London , xvhoro I xvill de
posit ? 25,000 at once xvith the Sporting Life.
1 have cabled my cashier at Ncxv Yorlt to de
posit $2,500 xvith the Clipper. Then all my
stakes uro up at once , and it
may occur to thcso gentlemen if they
mean business , that they nro evidently
spending a good ucal of money running
around the country trying to Jlnd an un-
knoxvn. I am not adx-erso to subscribing
something myself toxvards their long dis
tance trax-chng , I will cheerfully cndoxv ft
bed in some comfortable hospital for the
care of the unknown xvhen my champion is
done xvith him. IJiciiAitn 1C. Fox. "
After inditing the letter Fox xvent to his
hotel to prepare to start for Lix-orpool.
The Scourge IncrcaHliif * In Force
Plenty of Funds on Hand.
JACKSONVILLE , Flu. , Oct. 1. The scourge
has increased in force again , and the ncxv
cases reported for txventy-four hours number
99 , of xvhich 25 xvcr9 xvhito and 74 colored.
Thcro xx-cro ten deaths. Total number of
c.vcs ; to date , 2,725 ; total deaths , CGI. The
mercury last night fell nearly to the frost
line. It is cool to-night , but frost before the
lust of October xx'ould break the record for the
past sixteen years. The Citizens' association
to-day referred to the executive committee
the question of asking the people throughout
the country to discontinue contributions. To
date there has been roceix-ed hero . * 2.'IOM7. !
The disbursements huvfibeeu$74.-17S , leaving
a balance on hand of $ lli-'W ) . The demands
of tlio indigent hux'o steadily groxvn from
$10,000 to fyj.OOO DPI * xveek , but it is believed
that they xvilt now doorcase xvith tlio moro
stringent measures adopted to prevent imposition
Iho of those xvho hax'o
position on part prac
ticed the grossest frauds to obtain more ra
tions than Ihey xx-ere entitled to.
NKW Oni.i.xxs : , Oct. 1. All shotgun quar
antine in Mississippi has been withdrawn ,
and railroads throughout the state and Louis
iana have resumed business.
A HooIblaok'H Contribution.
Clilf.xoo , Oct. 1. [ Speeial Telegram to
Tiiu Bin : . ] "Wo rccnlx-cd to-day the biggest
contribution to the yolloxv fever fund that has
yet been made , said Secretary English , of
the mayor's ofllce , this evening. "It xx'as
from Horace Davenport , the board of trade
bootblack , xvho brought In $ lfi us his gift.
Tlio ? lf > represents his entire earnings for
last xveck. No millionaire bus
done so generous nn act as this lud , xvho
shines their shoes. "
Tlio Kast Hound l < 'roiit ! Katcp.
CiMCAfio , Oct. 1. The cast bound freight
rates xvill probably not bo advanced on Iho
liith , after all. Itas understood that all of
the roads xx'cro in agreement last xvcek , but
to-day the local representative of the Nickel
Plate roccix'cd instructions from headquarters
to agree to nothing less than a full restora
tion of all rates on fourth , fifth and sixth
classes lo Iho tariff of March 5. It had
already been decided to only partly restore
llieso rates , making them 5 cents n hundred
pounds loxx'or than tlio March tariff , on ac
count of the Peiinsylx-ania's refusal to restore
the rate on gram. The Nickel Plato's ulti
matum caused a good deal of surprise , as Iho
road's representutivo had acquiesced in the
action of Ihe meeting lust xx-cek. If thu Nickel
Plulo maintains its present position the pro
posed advance xvill not go into effect October
IS , us the Peniisylx'ania people xvill not agree
to restore the rate on grain.
Convention of tlio Christian Church.
ST. JosniMt , Mo. , Oct. 1. [ Special Tcio-
gram to TUB BEU. ] A number of promi
nent divines from all over the stuto arrived
to-day lo attend the annual convention of the
Christian church of Missouri. Tliis after
noon the committee cmpoxx'cred to select u
locution fur the new college of the denomi
nation for Missouri held n meeting. A num
ber of cities hax'o made offers , prominent
among xvhi.h : uro Si'dalia , Kansas City and
Cantmi. Tlio committee xvill hold another
session to-morrow. I { ox * . A. U. Muffctt , of
Cincinnati , delivered the discourse this
Tired of Her Nccrn HitHliniid.
ST. Loris , Oct. 1. Hattie Flack , a nine
teen year-old daughter of Charles E , Flack ,
of the St. Louis commission firm of Skinner
ft Flock , xvho married u mulatto named Pros
Sams , a hired man on her father's farmnear
Jacksonville , Is at homo again. She xvas
brought to St. I ouis and turned over to her
parents by Deputy Sheriff McCoy of Jack
sonville , who found her near Moscow , Ky.
S.ims fled ( to iscupo lynching. H iran.spinis
that the necro was a married man xvhon ho
induced Mi-is Flack to xvcd him. The girl
now bitterly repents her folly.
Tlio St. Louis Imposition.
Sr. Louis , Oct. l. The txventy-olghth
display of the St. Louis Pair association \xas
inaugurated to-day under the most favorable
auipice..s. It was children's day , and the lit
tle oces were udmittiv.1 free ut all Iho gales.
The attendance ts placed ut 50,000 , and of
this number nearly forty thousand xvero
In Toronto.
TOUOXTO , Oct. l.-.Foster , the Ncxv York
produce exchange swindler , is believed to bo
hero , but as tno police have received no noti
fication from Ncxv York as to hia offcuac
they can do
Au Important Oouforonoo Hold With
Mnuy Loading Polltlolnuo.
Governor Fornkar Predicts n , Tidal
Wave In Favor of the Itcimlilt *
cana In Imllmm Oilier
Statesmen Talk ,
AII Important Conference.
Nnxv Yottic , Oct. L [ Special Telegram to
Tin : Bni : . ] James G. Blaine hud a groal
many cullers Sunday. There xvas an lm | > ort-
ant conference In Mr. Blaino'.s rooms at 113
o'clock that lasted a couple of hours. These
present xvero Colonel Quay .Thomas O. Plntt ,
William Walter Phclps. J. S. Clarkson ,
Frank Hlscoek , William Cassius Goodton ' anil
Editor Charles Emory Smith. Governor
Forakcr dropped In before the conference
xx'as over and received a cordial xvclcomo. I *
xx'as announced that the meeting xx-ns simply
for the purpose of arranging dates nod places
for Mr. Blalno's speeches in the xvest , A
great many moro demands have been made
on Mr. Blalue than ho can meet , and some
difficulty lias boon experienced In fixing a
General Goodloo , xvho has charge of the
speakers for the national eoinmlltoc , said
lust night thai Mr. Blalno's routoi had not
been definitely settled. Thcro hud' boon no
change in the hour of Bluine'.s departure ,
lioxvover. Ho xvill go by xx'uy of the Now
York Central road to Detroit.
Mr. Platt said , after discussing Mr.
Ulalno's trip , the various mombersi ot tha
> arty compared notes on the outlook. All
agreed , ho saidthat the republican prospects
xvero very favorable up to this time , and
great care should bo taken to keep them so.
It is xx-oll understood that the meeting xvas
arranged chiefly to tiring Mr. Hlaliio aiid
Colonel Quay together for a better mutual
understanding. From all appearances It
xx'as highly successful , for xx'hen the gentle
men came out of Mr. Blulne's room they
xvere in excellent humor. Colonel Quay told i
Mr. Bluine ho thought his speeches In the
xvest xvould do a great deal of good.
Soon after the conference adjourned Mr.
Phelps captured Mr. Bluine , and carried
liim over to Noxv Jersey to spend the after
noon xvith bun ut his country pluco. Mr.
Smith and Mr. nice xx-ero also of the party.
Gox'crnor Forakcr xvill speak in Jersey
City this evening xvith Major Scaudon , of
Chicago. Ho xvill muko txvo speeches in Noxv
Jersey and Connecticut , and then ruturn ta
Ohio. Speaking to your representative re
garding the outlook in Ohio , Governor
Forakcr said :
"I made u prediction before the Chicago
convention that the republicans xvould carry
Ohio this year by tlio largest majority slnco
the xx'ur , and 1 think it xvill bo verified. I
xx'ould not be surprised if our majority la
Ohio run up to 00,000. "
"What do you think of Indiana ? "
"When 1 spoke at Richmond , in th.xt stat ?
on August 'M , fully 15,000 people turned ofv
at the meeting , ami they seemed most eRA
thusiustic. A great deal could have hap- ' ,
pencil since then , but our managers thcro
xvcre confident Indiana xvould go for Harri
son. Scores of men were pointed out to mo >
xvho hud been life-long democrats , but xvho
xvoro going to x'oto for Harrison ihis year.
I met xvilh n similar experience wherever I
have been. It looks very much lilco a tidal
xvavo m fax'or of the republicans. "
Quito a number of politicians xvero on hand ,
last evening to see Mr. Blame , but xx'oro dis
appointed , us Mr. Philips kept him at Englo-
xvood until this morning. Amoncr these xvho-
xx-ero xx'aitmg to huvo a xvord xvith the Mnlno
statesman xvere ex-Congressman Jny Hubbell -
boll of Michigan and ex-Ciovernor W. D.
Washburn of Minnesota. Mr. Hubbell said
ho was going to advise Mr. Hlaino to go to
the upper peninsula of Michigan by all
means. Ho thought a visit and speech from.
Bluino in tlio Laku Superior copper regions
xvould bo xvorth0,000 voles lo Iho republi
cans.Mr. . Washburn xvill see Mr. Hlaino to-day
and urge him to extend his trip to take la
Minnesota. "Minnesota is not doiibtful in
any sense , " ho suid , "but a speech from
Bluino would help out very xx'ell , especially
in the congressional districts. Mr. Cleve
land's retaliation message bus more than off
set nil the blunders made by the republicans.
It is the most ridiculously idiotic thing I overheard
hoard of. If carried into effect this country
xx'ould lese millions to Canada's hundreds.
There xx'ould ho serious trouble along the
Canadian frontier if Mr. Cleveland's retall-
ation recommendations should bo carried
inlo effect. Our people xvould not .submit to
it. "
James G. Hlaino left the Grand Central
depot at ( i a. m. , to-day , in Governor Alger's '
prix'uto car , en route for Detroit.
lllnitip'H Indiana Appointment ! ) . , Oct. 1. It is authoritatively
staled this evening by members of the Indi
ana state republican committee that the
national committee has notified them that
Mr. Hlaino's ' appointments for Indiana would
bo confined to two speeches , Instead of five ,
as at ill'st intended. Chairman Huston , in an
interview with an Associated 1'russ reporter
to-night , said that cam'rllatinii of three
of Blaiiif's Indiana dates was a great disap
pointment to the state committee , and would
bo disappointing lo thousands of republican *
throughout tint stale who had anticipated
hearing Mr. Hlaino. Hu further said that
his eoiiimilleo had protested to Chairman
Quay against this curtailment i.f Dlnlnn'a
canvass , and there was a probub'lity ' that on
the receipt of his protest the national com
mittee would reconsider their division. How
ever , ho presumed that the national committee -
too were the best Judges of the situation ID
the cast , and were simply actuated by a
desire to utilize Mr. Hlaino'Bvaluiiblosorvicca
to the best interests of the party ,
Later : Tlio protest of Chairman Huston of
the state committee ns to the rmirrllatlon of
any of Mr. Hlnino's appointments in Indiana
evidently received respectful cuniidcrution
at the hands of Iho national committee , for
the following teli-gram , received to-night , in
in effect nn uiicjuulitled resciudmeut of thu
notillrution limning -Mr. Blame's appoint *
mcnts in Indiana.
Nr.w YOIIK , Oct. 1.To Hon. J. N. Hua-
ton , chairman republican state committee :
Your dibpateh 1-rceivod. Mr. ISlamo agrees
that the original appointments in Ii diaim uro.
to stand. Your programme will bo fully car
ried out by him.
WIU.IAM CAsmrs Ooom.oB.
A small delegation of Minnesota republi.
cans , known as the Lower Minnesota Kopub-
llcan club , will arrive early lo-r.iot row , no *
companied by u number of representative
business men from Duluth. Thuy will bo re
ceived by General Harrison later in the day ,
Tin : Connect Inn t Elections.
H.Mtrroun , Cunn. , Oct. 1. Tlio t-or/n elcd-
tions which took place throughout Connecti
cut to-day arc of no general intercut except
as indicating the political drift. Tha repub
licans liavo for years controlled u ir.ajorltyof
Iho toxvns , and Iho returns from rmo-lhird of
Iho stiito show that they have nut lost by to-
day's election. The city of South Norxvalk\
heretofore largely democratic , docta a repub
lican mayor. The democratic majority la
Meriden has dropped from . ' ,0) ) lust year to
MI. The result in Hartford is substantially
the same as last year , tlio republicans elect
ing two selectmen and tlio democrats throe.
An Oil Tank Exploded.
NKXV YORK , Oct. l. An oil tank of tha
Kings County Oil xvorks exploded this
morning , Killing one workman aud Injuring
three others. Loss , fyo.OoO.
Traveling Mon ,
Sioux CITV , la. , Oct. l. The Hawkcya
club aud thu traveling men of Sioux City to
day forxvnrdcd $ * 0.25 to D. T. Geroxv , Jacltt
kouvillc , Fla. , for the fcycr suacrurs ,