Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 01, 1888, Page 7, Image 7

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Amortise ! cnts under t ! U iad i in icntiiper
lint for th < nr i insertion , 'i rents i l each sno
rt jucnt tnscrtl'iii. mid ? l "flu line IIP ? month
IVMiUxerti-imtii' tnkui tor less tlinn ! iiCnt
tin Ui ' Insprti .n frrn xxurds will bo rminin !
to the lu.r , ttipy must run constcntlxely and
Mint 1 i nld in AIA'ANI U. All advertise-
in < ni innDP handed In bffoip ! _ ' uioilockp.
in ( ii'l nn'l < r ti > i lnumMnn will tht'jbo
Hike "rut i iitlniudbx lilophono
) 'ui IM it I\ > rts ML' In tin i- 1 olumns an 1 linx'-
In t i ir nn xx r nldro SP 1 In coin of I HI IKK
V 111 ( . t-nst n k t r n t IIP' k to enable tlinm t" Kot
Ihcii ) tiT" u noiip will ) < lcllrrdetccpt on
lirewntati < > f ilio'k. All mi-uiers tondxir-
ilaoupni n Id ! ( > uclosi > 1 In enVi Icijii s.
All n'lxtitl i-mc'iits In thosn column * are pub
lished tn bom MI irnlng nn < l PVI nlnit editions of
'J'irB IIKI , the li ulntlnn of xxhlih mrgregntps
more Ih n l Mm inp' rmlnllx and ul\ > < thi * nil-
vert nemthr I pne'lt , notonlx nf tin1 cllx'ilicu-
iM.on i fTup lln- , but also of I own 11 Illutti ,
.Lincoln aii'l ' other f ttlns mid tow us throughout
this see' ' ion of tbp poutitrx
" "
Ad-prti itiir fi r tlipso columns " 111 bo takpn
null . . \ .nlitloiis , at tlm following busi
ness h u p who mo iiutliiirl7t-d agent" lor ' 1 in
11V I KJIK Irtl I1DI 1'1's , mid Mill ( | UotO thU MII11O
rates n H cnn be had nt tinniiilu ollli o
JOHN W. HULL , Phnrmacist.Wi ) South Tenth
111 \-i\ : I | ) [ ) V , Stationers mid Print cri ,
fcouth Kith ritieot ,
S. FT I AHN > \ \ ijinll77hu nim 7 t , 21151 urn-
. lugStri-it
.1 111 i. Ill s Pharmacist , C-'l Noith
G TO W I'AUIt , I'hiirmnr-lst , K' ) St Mary's
" \\rANIii ; ) .situation for a peed stexilv
' ' Sxxtde man on n r.incn. Has a xxife an 1 ;
child-ill MIS Iln-Ki , llt'i ' S loth. | i ] > 2 >
yit nation bj miPxperlonred man
xxlth llrenso as Unit n or tiring "turn
in tumtxfo. AUdrpn" K 15 , Ili > e UH-1 *
TiT ) \fter Noxfimhi i n fltuatlon with
opportunity of working up , bv n tlrst class
im us man -ii jparxof IIRP and sinulw ex-
] i ilpn < t'd KUlcMiiiui , has Llmrfjo of thn hooks ol
nil extdislxo manufai tuilm ; iistiibllnhnaMit.
liest of rcfeicnco' . F 1) ) t . , Catawbii , N , Y.
Btmibcn county. Kin Si *
EMH.OVMKNr want ed iTcompctont cnci
nier , undeistmid sttam hentiiiK and lit-
tliiK Address M O.-ixxeeney.UlU N ll/th and Cum.
IDK / 7 7 ! ? ij
_ _
"VVrANTKD bltnatlonH for asslstmu aud sen-
' ( ml ollke ilerku , illictois , i nutneeiN llro-
men , jiorteis , tcaniHteiH , cooks etc , furnished
Iree Appl > , ( ommen 1 1 I'.mjilox 1111 lit An < ncj ,
] UW ramum , up stairs , lounH 7U1 "It
ij 'IV'ANPHI-A voniiK mm 11 cur ) moiulng
S\ ' mid oxpiiln ' i mtiis ui flip Da'lx1 line lu
J-r bouth Omaha , apply at lion olli. . e , 'Jll I'liruaMi.
* \\rANII I ) lline men of traxeling txperl-
' tn e xxith push mid rneigy to tinxe ! Nebraska to orgatilye brain lies ol
tlie bo-t loan and sax ing association In tin
Vorld , exeliisixii tenltory glxeu ; a I'l.ind op
portunlt ) for llxi men.ddiP H , with leler
ouci's , PeopI' s iluildlm ; , Luaa mid Mixing \-so
ciailon di'iioxa , N. V. | i"i7 J
" \\rAN I'UI ) \ good siloim in 111 u dry goods
i boot mid shoo Htoio Scm llnaxl nu jut
f erred A Iso a bt Ight boy Ijetxx e en 11 mid 11 .1
C Unewold , J-"JI Cumlng i-t ! TJ7-1
" \\rAN I UI-Agood lollable mm to solid' '
i menibi i - and n prost nt the f'nlted Mutc
Meiiantllc Piotictlxc ashoi allot ! of Nixi
" \ oi k In Ni'ln u-ka. A libel jl ( oniiiilsslon am
pcimaiiput position to the light purtx' I or fill
Jiiutli tilais lutdipss or call on II. P. kcllx' , ( ! cn
Agt , \ \ Indhor hotel Ollno hours 7 to'in m.
4 to 7 p m. < 5 "
\\rAN'lll ! ) Vounc man in oxeixxxistt'ir
town to tollcct , ct. . , mid write for tun
xVeekl ) bin ill snlai ) toslart with if iclmeiici
nnd tunl Is H itlsfuctorx Pay Increased ns ser
Mccs xxlll xxnirant Addro-is xxitli one ipfen m f
mid stump lei ( i.iinplo mid partlculms. 'llu
llomcbteaO , On.alia , Nob. 871 .0
T\ T ANTRU 1 iTt klaxon fm K ins is at \l-
IT blight B Laboi Aiourx ; , ll-'J Ta-nam st
VlTANTKlJ At Northwostiiru Labor Agincx-
' Illfib. loth st , 7rishoxolleis ; i slori * room-
for rent , 3 unfurnished looms. 717
"V\7AN"1 Ul > 1 Irst class cook to tnlci- charge ol
T kltdicn ; must undeistaiid his business , be
Boberixnd haxo good lott-u ncos. Addus II tu ,
Jlee olllce. 7X1
TI.NNUH xx ant' ' d at \ \ o stru. Neb , steady
emploinent to a lellabl e xxoikmn : ' . \d
A. Lllls.\sttrnSillnotoNeb. 774 oil
. . . .i I'UI ) J co it , Upmts and 1 xest maki rs.
"i > ' b "idx xx oik. and good pi Ices \ \ . \ \ . Mm
. . - . .rloAloN'orlolk , Nob. 7W ol"
/ r 1 _ Jilt.
J/ " \\f AN liofo I ni'ilti tic mtn.ind women ox ery
y xx lieu ui a gpiiteel , moiiox'-maklug bust
K v > hcss , Jell xxpoklx piollt gimuinti od easier thann
laf U ludiitmy othti > 0st > L\peilencoab olutelx un
ly. , noiosai > Peinimient position and oxclusixi
| ; J.\ . toiritoi ) assuiod. t samples freerlto foi
1 imrttcuhirs A hlress , xxilh utamp , MeirlllMfg
\jO I ! -I , Ihiuigo MIoIW
\ \ T"AN I'UI-fiood llfo iusiiranco sollcltoi'
' xxith bank rofeiemes , am xx anted by tin
* i JJ'tlon ' I.ifo at 401 Mcichnnts' national D-inl
'v Jlnillilinn , Omaha , Olllco hours 3 to 10 a. m. am
{ ° ' ' "
C ±
kVANTr.D V man to solicit ; snliry JKH ) pe
mnntli , must deposit Wi mid ( jl\o sennit1
for inone ) cell < tti'd. Addiess Cicorgo S. ( 'lino
Wnjntr bl jik , DCS Mollies , la. 754 oS
"I/VAN / TIM ) MPII for rallioad worn in Wash
l Inctoti teirltoiy 'It musters , nick am
Bhoxel men , nx niPii and loik men , bluxxa end
nd lonir , stindy job. At Albright's I auo
ARPIUJ , 11-01 .iinaiu st. _ _ _ _ lit
"X rAN" ! Ill ) A llist-cl.iss e\pcrioni.od xvlndox
dresser ImiUire .it the rmr. 5sS
irN I UI ) A good tliaughtsman nt 005 1'ax
toubloik. P. J , Cieodou. BM
\\TANTLI ) A xonng lady for olllco ix-orl
> > t all e.uly Monday at the Westein rilntiu
\ \ \N1UI ) IXpeilem td folder. 'ioodxxnLe
TT tot inpld xxorkcsteiu Printing ion
_ _
\NTI DatM I'ninani st , nglll for gi i
rial hoiisi work. Must be n good cook am
s. I"1" !
V ' 'AN IT.D-dlil forgeuoialhousowoik. II !
Uthht 017
\ \ ANTU1)-A 1 uly to sell ( It ; must deposit K
il mid glxo scciiiltv lor money collected
Addiess dcoigo y. Cllneaguer block , lie
louies , In. 73.1 o. S
\Ar A M P.I ) - \ \ atfet and hkii I Ilnlsliprs.albo.ou
lot chilly , JI. A.iillJte , 1111) ) Howaid ,
'ANTUD ( ihltor housewoik SI0.1 Douj
las st dlU
rANTKD tiirl for housework. Mis.OauiPi
Ml 8 , tilth st. tttl P
rANTED-CompeiU'iit girl for general housi
' \xoik. ' . ' 107 Capitol axeuuo HI. 1
"l\ANTUI-Lad ) ) aRonts ; local nnd traxollur
M JJJO a month clear. New mbber tiudoi
rurmcntb for ladles. Mis , II , P Little , <
\\MNTUD-Lady lu oxei ) xxostern town t
T > collect , etc. , and xxilto for our Woeklj
Bmall biliary to start with If lelerem o and Irln
Is hiitisfactory. Payliiiroased nsseixlceswl
Vixriiint. Adiliossxxlthone-refc'i'enco nnd ttam
for sample and particulars. The Hompsteac
Ormilm. Neb , 871 JO
\\7 ANTUD-Two ladles to solicit in this an
T > luljoliilnu htatos ; balaiy $71 per mouth
call ou Mislo llcroul , loom HJ Mlllurd hotel.
V\T ANTP.O-Olrl for gpnernl housework
> bouthxxost corrKud and California stieef
_ _
V\rANTiU : A splendid experienced girl
i good xx ages paid. Mrs. It. C. l'atten > oi
81131'arnam st. HJ
\\fANTHD Lady ngentsfor "A" sUrt nn
i ? hustle combined ; also "II" hose Mippoi
pri. Oui ( lalosburg. ill , agent cleared JIOS in ]
4lays. Ladles' Supply Co. , 2S7 W. \ \ nshingto
Bt , Chu au-o. KfeOl
employment olllce. Mrs. Hies
j S 16th. Hetercuio Omaha National ban
2 > ll O 17 *
" \\7ANTED Kxporlcnced canvassers ; now
it the time toHtuit cuux'nssinu ; good crci
jpport.s all oxer the xxust ; business is good an
ppopla are feeling Moll , send for terms and d
kcnptixe circular of "Hill s Champion Cooker'
nueuts xx anted throughout the xxest. Addre :
Jull. Whitney & Co , 14J Pearl bt. , IJai.tou , Mas
V3I * j
Tl you hax'e a stook of goods to trtido f <
4 l.ind , add ] ess lleeil i. Hutlodye , ( irnnt. Neb.
" \\TANTlU > To go as couipinlonxithnnl
valid ludy toCullforuin , by mi America
lady that I * mllablo nnd triistworthv , uud r.
ciistjiuc'd to trAxellug. ( iood rvfcrenco.i ru
BhUed. Aildrcaa K : . lleo olllce. til 1 *
XA' ' ' \NTUD-A11 partli' * , wnntlm ; stone thelx
> > ttig lo examine sample at 117 South 10th st ,
wn tnpmtner to take , interest tn th s IIOTX
nyst/rn. Pica e call and --10 me. 71- ' ) ! ? (
ifOK nd ( > ; iUili , bright boy baby Acldrc-s U
J4 , lleo "I'1't''l ' ' - - *
\\MNT LUll kinds of ii-pilrx .irks on nut.
T Hlcal instrument ! ) at t'mncron A ; smltn ,
Jfill ) Dodge "t. Hi' I
l\ N PED-riinon and organs to repair nt
f l ( "mil-Ton A smith's , 1M9 Dodgp st -'ill '
" \V.\MI U 'Jo borrow < .n l t mottn'i.j"'on In-
> ft IP propel t ) ' . S nuh Oiufi'm ' time I 'o J
xi'nrs at ' i t r 11 nt , tifopeity woith I to 5 times
iimount xxnutpil * j"0 , ! i , . > " < l * LV . K'"M ' I xxlll
xx rite lo or mil on ) ou by belli j addri'ssed ,
'Ilorroxxer , P , O. box ( > ! " > , Omaha , Ni-b , lul-7
\7IOL1NS to rt-tiulr ntcmuoton A : Smith's ,
> liilii liodre st iilU
V\rAN I I'.D-llulldliig loans bv tlm Mnlual In-
T > xestment Co , Hoom 1 , Darker blod. .
. < 7lot
\ \ ANtri ) To toripspoud xxlth pnrtlps xxho
T ' deslio to lo ate In li i-ln si or these going
nut , mn linnlsli lo itlons In any HUP ot PX-
ilianijnnd i riMtom r < foi iixrtles dp 'im ' <
to b 11. L. P. Kratls , 1.H7 . I aiiiiim st , uinnli i.
\\rANTUD The pulillr to m'ike good u o o
> 'Iho HCB s mes * go boxes throughout tha
cit ) _ _ t _ V * >
WANTUD Ifou hnvo any lands- , lots , or
houses and lot to cell or exchange for
-Vr piopeity , call rn mo orxxrlto I can nud
aacustomer. 0. C. bpntsxxood. 30JS H , Hitn
If ANTUDDlit nt 'Ith mid .Mnsou sis A P.
T 1'ukt ) , 1 th nnd Dinii'lns. 'i"i7
OOM for ti fuw moiu boiiilurs nt H Dir wcpk
Ji aU'llMirnujst. 7lJl ( *
, U 'J'ablu liomJ at 100) l > otvl is
: and r om- , - \t i'i4 | I arnam st
I irst cla-s and pi Usaut pliup A limited
uumbor can bo accfinmod xtod. Apply hoon.
Sl l 10
\\7AN'TU > A nl ilv
> T rooms ) in uoud iiil hbuihood iii'iu
ri'iitei. Hi'fpiPiKis furnished Adilnss ( l It
V. , drawer ; ) ) , Om.iha I1 O. 7NJ
WAN'l : ) - faint y ofn niliilts. UMarciun -
luinMitMl looms and bo.ud , c-oii\eulint to
cars. Adilrts * l O ltoxS .JlU. _ 71IUJ
\\rANTKI ) to HciH A responsible bnslnasi
T T man \Mints to rent or lenso ncood dwelling
lionso In dpslrnble loMilltj num business ten-
ttr 01 close to i.ablp line with moiloni conM-u-
Icnces , jard and tiets If possible. AUdrpss OCR
" ' ' ' ' _ _ ' > ' > : ' IJ _
A\ rAN'l KD A . "ior It-room lint ttlthm uasy
Yinlklnu ( UstaiKiol tin1 HOB oil co Ail
, Ktntlni ; pilrp , 117 , lite olllco , ? J-
\\rANII.D-IJnrl4room liouso ; must Jiavo
t > all modem comculrtues ; will pay llberxl
rent If pet son will built IIOIHC.vlll IPISO imno
tor aii > term of jcar.s. . ] . I , , llraudluj , llth and
Howard. Mlt
l/Oll UIINT A smill cottare ulitifurnl liM
-1 and ipiitialll lo .ited Jll s lsuist.
Mil 0
OUOOMh fui uut. No U7J ) Hint St. , I7 pin
month. Wi7 I *
IjVllt Itl.N'lUncof tin-most doslrnbln ri-sl-
-L den es In tluit > . i.nst trout , mldillti lumse ,
IJ looms beMdi-s b ith loom , st.itlonaiy wa-h
tnlH , all modi rn Improxuiipius. hot and ( old
wati'i , elei tilt and gas ll lits , finnau ! hi'.it.
Ioi at Ion iMrt S.d st. Olio ol the best \ iOW s 111
tliutlt ) Apply 518 .U"l8t. II. I ) . U.iiiow
lt.0 B *
171OII Itl.NT-N'iiw "loom cnttami'lth and
L ( lilc.u o sts : all mod -ru iminoxements ; In-
inliii III ' 1 ai u.iiiit ' > 7 1
171OH HKM--iip\eii-ioomhoiisi > , modem 1m-
provpintiits , ( .or. " ( ith and lodti ) * < tw'J ' - " ' *
Ipdlt HINT IK odic oin house , pnnt y nnd
ilnsit nil P lei atioii , 1 block from mi . .Ill
Hint st , 5' ) pn inontli. _ _ _ 77- -j + _
iron HUNT \ lipiuitlfully loMVtd house of i !
I larno rooms , vltli nioUeni imp oxomtnts ,
on 1 ilh ind t'asiehir. _ " . ' . ' i" _
jlolt Itl'N' I Cottage , four largo looms , 10l" >
1 South 2T > th St. _ ' _ JIH
TilOll Ui.N"T : 01 hUc-No 'tottaRe , Itidfonl
I'lnrp , on iaip.ixment1' . Kncinlio M I , ,
.i I'lMonblo'-K. -T
Kot ill i , loom I - >
H1.N"1 Stole and a foul-room lottiip
lmiulier.'Ui ? . loth st. ! , i. ;
171OII linN'T-C ottiiK'oof Iroonn , Jcluspti. pan-
1 tt\ and iull < ir , to p.irty xUth no chlldiPii ,
ro i s. iu 1 1 mt . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ hT" ' _
HUNT- room boaidlns honsp. furnished
nished complntp. I'll X' water. Ittnt j-'iO pet
montli Aildic s. U J7 , Ike olllco. VH 1 *
lJN rooiiinl Hat nt-ai Mill xul hotel. iint K" ,
in ICP of fin nitnroi'i 1) ) rooiinid hou ' on
Chh .i'o ( st. it-lit tl . prli oof tuiiiituin JOC. 1-
roomed lint on N U th st , rent J.'O pi-i mo. pilm
$1IW II loomed I nt , (1 ( loomed house , _ " ) roomed
house , W ioomcil.llatiiMooiiH-d house.'ii-roomul , K-I oomed hoiib'n and otlieis. re ts lltht and
finnltuio lot Biilp oil easy terms. Co opi xtlxo
I.iud and Lot Co ,2Uj N st. Hill 1
HKN'T House No. 7 S. 17th , I\P , lent
- J4ptr ( ) month. Iniiiilio of 11 , Mnlcheln , lil l
llowaidst. btO
JTlOlt Itl'N'T Tin room cottage hands ) mely
Jj paputMil , tli plaw , oak iiiiinlol , hot and cold
xxater , bnth loom mill Plstoril ? IO per month.
1'iU.t \ ates st , iivm cornel N , loth and Vntos H.
S. Jajuci HII ) It
FOlt HUNT liouso of 7 rooms , with peed
bain , city watei , Sit ) Ciipltolaxe. 811 lip
UI'N T House of 0 room" , hard uidhuft
IJMlll , biiinll stable on pi enlists , luu S. J th
Nil It
"T710II HI N'T "i loom cottayp , couxcnltnt for
-I i illioiul mtn , t.U Mead A : Jamleaou , ,1)4 ) S
1 ith st > tHICK \
_ _ _ _
HICK honst xxlth barn , reasonable rent ,
. M'J ' It
jpoll Itr.NT 5-iooin cottage , aC4 Indiana ax o.
8 is't
"IjlOll HUNT House , s rooms , SJ1 So ytlth , tnr-
- In.ic . gas , b ith and nil conxeuieuces. Apply
erson. h.'l So. Slth ti07 2'
1 > LUASANT (1 ( room nouse ou S. U'th st . rent
tM Ilieunan A. Co , Chamber ot Cotnmerco.
I/lOH HPNT-i H Webstpr st , now ten room
L ? house , elegantly tlnUhod , ml modern 1m-
pi ox PIIII uts. 71JoO _ *
ill HLNT fl room house , cisteiu , well ,
f oxvei , etc. , Kl b. asm st. 7U..J.
FOlt HUNT-Iurnlshod boarding liouso of 11
looms , 'ujl pojiploton ux e , bet Juth and -M.
7' ' > , il
IfOH HUN 1' Cottime. 5 rooms. Cor. 10th A ,
Ilickei ) . Umiutio uo\t doui. c.7s
"I71OH Itr.NT 1'leg'int ' noxv a room liotise , xxith
i- barn ; plutu mid mt glass xxiudoxxs , nlio
cistern , city xvatei ; pouelaln bathtub and
range ; couxenlent to i ai and cable lines ; * . ! j
pel month ; b.un rents now foi $3 .1. II. Pal-
iotto.MW _ Chlingo bt. ? 'L ' ° ! !
irtoll HLNT7room house , burn and out-
J hou'o aud nil conxonlemes.xlthn litres of
land , on Ninth S.uiudeis st Hint vuy tlnnp ,
\ \ 111 gh e r > ) lease. Un julio uf Hobt. Piice ,
on pu mines. 7tl ( t
IT'OH HUNT -Two houses nfJJIO Mason bt , be-
JL' txx pen J.'d and -Id , ii aud U rooms , in po nl or-
( let. U 111 lent ilther hoiibo at reasonable terms.
Sightl ) location. Apply on premises. Osj ) $
"I/OK HUNT Ono 7-room cottage. 2128 1'rank-
i liu st. ; ono cottage , n rooms , " "i-ftl California
St. Inquire at CUT ) PaMon block. P. 3 , Cieedoii.
IrxOH HUNT a cottages , " 7th mid ( aldwoll ,
cacti H.1) ) . 1 North ! Mh cable line , tJO.
Lenvltt lluruhmn , Creighton block. 43j
IrOH KI'NT-8-loom house , sexrer. gas , hot
and cold wntei , bath room , uexv nnd com-
nlete , HI per inontli , Appl ) at once. C F llm-
_ _
"ITtOH HEN'T Elegnnt cast-front P-room house
-L onS , jth nvoil'lexsaut st. ) . near bt Mary'a
axe. C. K. Horrl5onJ18 .J5th st. tJ )
iruTFlents-rlTieTaiigcsT : Hst in the cityl
prices down. J. II. Parrotte , ItXW Chicago.
15 ! . U14 _ _
FOH HUNT I.arco i-story 7-room house for
the ix inter , fin KI'J per month. 0. r. Harrison
risen , 4lss inih t. OJi )
"I71OH HUNT I have about a dozou houses
X1 ranging from throe to thirteen rooms that
can bo tented ai living prices. If you xxant to
rent a house , call and see me. George J. Sterns-
tlorlT , room ti , opp. P O Ma
IfOU HUN'T-N'oxv B-roora house on Cuniing
st , neai Loxx e axe Terms reasonable At > -
ply quick .spotawood , UtJ'j H ICth. 7
I710R HLNT I'or 6 months , modern house of
JL ? s looms , compUlely furnbhed , barn with
room fortxxohorsfs , rent J7U ; possession glxeu
tept. : sth.0 < N.Ith , 1 block north ot Lake.
1/1OH HKNT House 69 | N.lSth street. Apply
JL1 nt bt. A. IJ. llalcombe , 10 U California ht.
SKVP.HAI. houses for rent. S. T. Petersen , B ,
o cor. 15th and Dourlas. 8 , 1
IIAOH HUNT 'Nice 7-room house , 1131 North
1 17th at Inqulrf Sldb Utli at 4t )
ITiOH ItENr-CoTtaBe , four large looms. 101 !
I1 South SStU W 319
IT'OH lit NT i rorm modrrn Improx-pd hoii'o
JAI ucallt ) nl moderate prlco. Apply M.
Ll uttpr , Mil , 1 amain , 410
"iroil HUNT Af Tory loxxTi-'cs. 10 and 11 ncxx-
Jr si.lflici-s. . ' | u | nud J414. ( as strpi't. ( 1mk <
Plice Oniblork soii'h < t ( relgnUm i olli-up. on
Piirnnm ami 'Jlth street car line , Vd modern
Improxcmpiit" Atiplx , II. T. llark I u"U J'rust
Co. , or nt ! I4Ju cnss stie. t , U.SM
17011 HUNT-HlcKant 10-toom mortem Home ,
-Imar Ilitli xi h 1 , fV ) . ( I L. Thompson ,
She. . ly blu. k , llth uad Howard 701
If nil HI NT l-rixitn house on S. Ifith st , txx-o
bli ks south of Vintonsf. : xvill reut for Jlo
; r month or se 1 on terms to stilt puri-lmspr.
lleo..J sternsiloril , iooni n , opposlto P. O. 710
irolt IM'NT "AiixuuHsh : to rent v IKIUSP ,
JL M ( leer all ! e tallou iu. H. K , Cole , room
fi. Continental block. SI J
IJ Mil IT. > xvishlng n."ntlj . tmirlsh'-d rooms fm
thixxlnl.i . , nt mo ' . alp pi Ins , luu ) llnd
tip m nt T * . rth st , roumJ \ f 'J
pAlltoH andb tiiooni nl. tlx furnish. . lr..r4
-1 ti nlit nun , Itll'i llowaid , t < un r , > I i oor.
. ' 'tl 'I
_ _ _
If I HN'IMiil ! : or unfurni 'led Km in. fuuia. . .
In at , nil u o lorn i omoiilcucos , xx-i her \\ltn
out board N o corner -1st and Iliut HIIKPIS
T. r ns leasouablo. Ml
JAHfiU loom , Htiltnblo f r 4 ttcntlpiui'ii. fur
' nished ; nud all mod-ill Impio o
tu nts"J.'l DodL'p ; board It do , iod. MII.J.II'
"Ijll'llNISIIUIJ looms for rint , xxlth or with-
JLA out l-o ird. ttoi llmney. 7) ) ' . "
IU H.NIKII1.1) ) or untuinUhed fiout looms for
l lent. 7 ID S 1 th , ; 0)'s )
Ijll HM.sllUI ) and unfurut-liPil room ? at filli'i
Ninth lit'i stioet A llnely funit'lu'd room
xMtn alcove toriiuiti and xlt ( ui'i 'H
3/1OU HUNT Two store rooms N. U coi , aith
mid Unit st ; Vo aud J'i per montli.
Six room house I"il7 Saundi rs ot. ; i-M per mo.
'Ibree-ioom house Till N.'d ' St. ; Jirijertiio.
Potter \ ( obb. PUI rarnam st. CiOO- " )
17 < LUIN ( FLY finnlsliscl UIOIIIH ; llplit. nliy ;
Jhoulliorii i\p isiiie , bitn , hot and cold
xxatei. II.-IH Mil st , HI , t south side "Mlj
" \T1A\LV fiunlsli.'d at m rooms foi fimllU's
! . > f.irxilnter. * * \\\\v \ \ \ "t p.uloi" , bav xxludows ,
1 block Injiii p. o , prlx nto house , lei Moll ( apt-
tul ax o VIW
ITTHNIsHUI ) loom , bnx xxlndows , bikk
JL1 hotis" , Rtl and w6 j N. 17th st h71 It
inoit HUN 1' I'uinlshcil rooms at ii-MI Ku-
mini st. t-7 : . ' _ *
"I71OH ItrNP L.IIRO fiout loom , nlcnly tur-
JLA nished , at 1 i.'J I ) nlge st. t-00 1 *
d boird , IblJ Chlcigo bt. Ml ( > "tr
HKNl' 'Jfuriiishud fiont , IJO N.
MI ; !
HM\l ( ) lor llRht houiokeplilnc p.tliPi fm-
nlshod or uufiiinlslied , at l uU
If OH HUNTHoom with boird foi two gen-
1 titmin 17. ) H.uenport. Ml ft
IiiOK HUNT \\ell-ftirnl-died ioomImk - or
lu suite , steam heat , bat l , oU , , II11 Douglas
JroU HUNT Mi el ) furnished-tilt ) of loom ,
ill -nodi in loiixotllcnio' , board it desiicd
No , i . ' „ ' ( not-1 l axts | -'ttisti. ' HIi H
I/OH HP.NT 'tiicxx liiinish'd IOOIIH toi two
JL' gontlpiiii n. Pi ice fj , J7 aud < K H-iS f 1 Ih st ,
neai Piei'p. HH ! 1 +
1711 HNl--iil 0 100-11 , xxlth or xxllhout bniuL
JL ? 1610 uud 1 Ol Oix-enport st. Imiulie Hill ) .
IJOK HUN I1 nltn of fiout loonis.tiirnlsliPd :
- - also bat .c room , Iniulio lt > U > Douglas. 7\s
"I7IOH HUNT I'luu.slied loomb X-llh two
JU1 meals , hill N. bth st. 7 > i .11
"VMLW fiiriilsiu d tioiit loom , .I.1 M. M'U ) s
IN.ixf. 7IM _
I/'OK HUN 1' Suit of moms , niriuslipd oi un.
J t-irnlslu-d U. A. Miiisli'Jis N 1 ith. ( ill
IHKiM : I urnlslied , wit.i iji xxlthuiit"ho.i7ti\
J. I'-Jtl liurt. 401 U
371 OH HI N I XI'e tio-it loom.xxltli
alcoxe , for gcut'eiiit ' n , onlxlixp blocks iioiu
1' . ( J , 'blocks tlom cable. L'ltN' IJth si. UiJ
Fl lvNMlM-loom ) ! xxlth bomd ai.'l
sow i d. fis- , jot
1 > L1' \S\N1' fiunlsbed looms , steim heat.
gas , u ith . nd i o ird In pih-ato family , ai S
Kith. 67 1) ) o y I
"l ljIXiAN I' liout 10UIU1 , ( .lieap. < l.S. l . Vft'i/
Jj IJ.- . ) , 11 *
TJOOMS IndudltiR loird in the Youn\Tcv
J V inun s home 1 MO Dodge st. Itefeioucoi re-
( lulled. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ! M i _
B.MJMKNI' foi- lent , fntnUhod in uutu--
nl'liid. Kill DoiUe t,7l
irioH HI. NT \ handsome loom xxith alcoxe at
JJ iW St MU'bi/o 41"
IT/OU HKN'T Turnlshed rooms in Griming blk
JL1 cor. 1 nh and Dodyp sis. Inqulro of Geo. It ,
laxl ) . Millarcl hotel bilh.ud loom. \ > r
HEN'I ) letiutlx ; fiiinlshetl rooms xxlth
board. Inciulio li-O ) Ilougl is JSt
IjlOH HUN I' I'lont room , Ixtaio ana nicely
Ji- furnished , lot it-d ii'.u thu ingn sciiocd , lu
the lil lieisit and coolest section ot the til ;
cpblo line and horio c irs piss tha Uoor Uu-
( jiilio it iJ1 Dodge ueirlili si b. 1-
li OOMSat ( 1713 Dodge ; , il o home bouii
171011 KUN I'-Nlcely tiiinlshPd flout roo-n.iil-o
JL1 onesm ill room , at lii.'l 1 ainxinst ( ill l"
IT'OH HU.VI N'lci ) loom with su.iiu mid
JL bath , for gouts 1101 N IMli st. Ml
N'l'AX LV. nicely fiuiiHheil rooms steam lit at ,
buth , tlist-Pla&s tabli < hoird , tilio bond b\
dax orxxoek if dosired. 17-1 D ixciipoit ls'OI *
171OH HUN r-l'ront loom with nli ox > tor gPti-
Jtlcmmi and xxife , with boinl. or two gpntle-
nun. N U toi. nxc. and Paclllc , Jin ) door
fiom unner. MJ
171OK HUNT Nliely fuinUlied looms xxlth
Jllrst class bond lupiixatu rannl ) ; oiuablo
nnd street car line ; SOT Dodge st. till It
'VT/K'ULV / furnished looms , JI pei xx eel01 J3 W
J- > poi month , CO. , iOl uud filii b ISth st.
41)0-JO ) *
171 ! HST class loom cheap , for ladxw ith lire , 'J
JL1 blocks of 1' , O. Addiess I' 1 ) , llee.
" 171OH UKXT 1 uiiil&hi-d sl.epiiu' looms , s up-
J xx.xids , puyublu xxcckl ) ui monthly. Hi i lloxx-
ard .st. 'Jio-.t
IPIOH Hl'.NT-L' rooms , tuinlsiied for light
housekeeping , front on txxo xtioots xxitli
\loxx of rixci nnd bttiU'os bull I low , ml st
" 1710K HUNT ' 'oi 4ele-ant uufuinlshed looms ,
1 RIP im heat and use of bath , ci ntiai ; to 11-
bpoiibible patties onlx. Addiess U ' ! , llee. { ( Ill
Jroil HPNT-Tx > oo three untiiinl-'tie ' i looms
lei light hoiisek ( I'plng. Itof-reiuis ilxeil
and reiuiirud. H < > 7 Howard St. , becond llooi.
1 TNlTHNlSIIUD-SuIt iblofortioUseKcopIng ]
V- Two ( . ' ) rooms , isis Howard st 10 in ]
Uighv ( Miooms Hat 411 t-outhlUthst. . . i ]
Tlui'O ( li rooms , HlOI'leicof-t . , . .10 ( ( I
'llut ( 1)1 ) looms , 707 I'adllc bt. . . ] o u )
Pom it ) moms 1701 \ \ ebster st . . . Ill .11
'llueo 11) ) looms , 7lil'j ' 1'aclttn st . . . . , 10 ( HI
1 oui (4) ( ) looms. 117 eolith 1'Jth st . . . . IS O ]
1 oin iliiooms 17lh nnd Webster st. 10
Apply to Judge Hentlng Aponcy. Herald
bulldlug , S. W corner of 15th and Harnev st.
fpHKLU furnished rooins , ( il ) b 15ttTI
J. gC4 o 3
Foil HPN I' fl good stores , heated by steim ,
on b 1 ith st , corner of Mason , Lmtou block.
Inqulio of John Hamlin , Milton block , Hun.
KJ ) b *
I foil HUNT-V third II ior , SO cine , stiltnblo
for xxnolesale or light mauufiCtuiliK ; busi
ness Imiulreat Ills I arnam st. "JJ oi j
FOH HUNT 3 stores , one 7-room cottage , ono
frroom Hat on loth and Leax-euwoitn by
Frank Wassc-rman , at Hank ot Omaha. 407
STOHU for llent-1219 PnrnamT AlTply cins !
thilds , N. Vf. Comer Itth and I.eaxenworth.
"IJ OH HUNT Nicely furntshod office , mound
-L. lloor , half of JOJ b IRth st , opposite Chamber
of Comuierce , M. A' Upton Company WJ
1710H HUNT Store-room under Omaha Hank-
JL'lug I o. , cor. llth and Hartley , suitable
money loaning or real estate business. Paulson
4. Co , No. li.ll , room n , Parnmust. tAi rr ]
GOOD barn for rent ; room for 3 horses nml
wagon , ' 11 Dodgo. 8fit > - V ;
T710K HUNT Store , 303 N. 16th. nxtures for
X1 sale ; xxlll reuioxo to 1UOO Farnam , Omaha
Shirt Faclory. 740 S )
"I710H ifUNT I'or tha xx Inter monthsT o nicely
furnished --room ufllce In Darker building.
Apply to elerator boy. 7W Zt
I71OR KENT Double store room , suitable for
JL1 clothing , groceries , dry goods , etc. , location
nm class. Address X 6115c-e office. lt
rp\VO choice store rooms in tha Her bulldinir ,
JL between Howard and Jackson sts. Apply
Itaymer & Her store , Ki 8 16th t. 473 sla
STOlti : for rent , llli r rn m street. Inquire
. _ ot Nathan Ehtltoa , at IMS Fariiim street Ml
i HI'NT Storpmfe/Ko.SUS. Hthst. Apply -
JL1 ply at 1110 Hoxvurdul' ' %
_ _ _ _
O1TH E' ' mul brtucmcnlil'or rent , lomer 13th
and jRCkBnnst . Mr 'F Lnngo WI
JL1 olllces } ir ( Pftch. all p-nutlns IMU Jt , llusli-
mall block. N. K , Cor. Iwli nd Douglas.V M.
Ilnshmnu , IJI1 Leax-etixvoifl : . 219
f-TiVVO stores , 3-JxVl , in-il romplet-id , with tints
J of si "en rooms nboxcj , xxlth water and u is ,
llMt-cln s MuSh , lith andll'acltlc sts , low rent.
Appl ) to Uningoi lioj. ! , HJ 0. 10th St. , Omaha.
I/olt HUNl-Fltio rft&ll stoio room xvlth
J large bas'-in-nt , ? ' ) pfruiouth , C. P. liar-
li-ou 4Ms 15th ' 4M
- st , _ _ _ _
IfnU HI.N I'-On ruintiH' < t. "store nii'l llxlng
npntmunts al o lixeix stabit. . Lniulip of
I Ian l H. U , \ L.Co. , Hoom 111 , 1st Na , . bmk.
_ _ FOR
TAIHtniin toitut xxlth I > i JWH- I ipir
I'll ulnrscnll on or Iniiulic of 11 PHI x PeulU- milissouth ot Nebraska Cit ) , N. b
"IT 17 *
11 SI h nises with me , haxo lots of customers.
J J. II Pmrotto , in Chicago. 117 nil
V\rU Klxi'"sp. i-lhl att ntioi'no'rentTug and colt -
t t lecllug tents , list xxith us H. U. Cole , room
( i. Continental block . ' !
11tn xxint your doiisp * rented place them
xxlth lieu ixxa \ Co , IStli , opposite postoilh c
t 1.01K.U J. M'UHNPIIOHPP , loomO , onp. P.
Iobl' A bunch of keys Pluder plcisoli ixe
J .it He-online and be rexxa did H7J IJ
iO A m istilf dog mimed "Sultan' : tliub
I i olov , bin k tme. l'i ' jo.ns old , "iiltal'li u-
xxaul , U.N . Morse , eoi-'oth and Daxtnpiit
_ _ _ _ _
JO-T- A small gold watdi , on Hth street ,
'south , or on 1 th st , nc ir Pioxxiipll hall The
lliidi > , b ) rptntniiig the SHUKto lliownell hall , led. KM It
rpAM'N I P-lxuirold cow , lid nnlwhlto
I 14 NSlid ht. , ll.--H.Jl-h *
ri'AKKN I' ] ' At tin usldcnip InWestUal-
Jl nut IIMI , a liliu k-ind xxlilti bull , supposed to
IH 'xiiiisold , Iho owiui Is Ipii'oit | tttopioxu
plop llx.lii ) cl irges and take him uxxii ) J
11. tlslKilli , S'iJL'J Oli 1 ! "Ot
MAHV SniONC ! . M. D , looms 1 ntid I Jacobs
bloi k , ( oi. Capliol axe and Pith st.
411 O U
IF you Mane to buy , i-rii. i nc or o\cn iiigu
( all ou or addiess l.eor o J. bteiusdulll ,
room i , npposllo P ( I , " ) l
F. ! { * ( 'N A L fi pe tlnllyt ill rtie att-nttoii
of those x ho llxo o it if th > tltx , to t'lf 111 t
tint I m ike pin li 's.'S In all. ind i x ei x line of
gnols , a-id to the " ttisfai lir-u of th bnx r
llil lliirts 'lone tli-niicll HIP bilk. Uiitofn
1 ai.ii ulaisillips ) r T. Pr ist , toont' ' ) , dm
llncnlnl b ock , Omaha " , " ' ) o. 7t
"llllOOVM , Ifxounivoa j-erso.iii Ittm.oi
J any commiiiii alton , drop it luoiiu of iho
llfo'H inossnjbt es. lot )
' I "
IT'OH SM.IJ l.ligiut fm nit m P of d loom cot-
tap > .it a bin-ilii ; uNo pipinlses to rout.
Call bflo e uoou at ill'i exxnid bt. 41 l !
"I71OH k-\IU Clie.ii , or tl ide. one good trax
JL eiiuuMpi mt w i on sltttabi" toi traxolitirt ,
liuntlu 501 ilsliln , ' XX 11 iln'd I'po'sons Also
iluppi.ia eioits , oin xi v\ \ 1 1 ist spring , fiom
hill. , \nipii 11111111109 Cull 01 addrcis ( I' .
) xaus. "l' < iia it t --IH 1 *
( „ ' PI cl A L sale , pnneton- ! mid top lm < ij os X > o
k TXX ill put i-ii s.iii-nt o r i c | i M toi y. iiinthxxtst
cornoi l > nlgt- mil lith sts , ( liiilm ; th next 1" >
ihni , Ji p'iiu > 01s un.l .1 t p 1) ig/tps nil lip'h
( .oiuls , nt. pi lees li wort inu mix th ut ; ouVie 1 In
Omihi. i'oiiio UK ! Hp Mr ) o'is-Ixes if xou
viiut inr/ait s ( ish talks. J.i..suan , Mmia-
gC'l , D.lls llHKh'X III , HII
" HI' \ 1)1 ii-es. 1 miilp.Hixni'oiis , Is-is double
limii's , of tlm 11n ulslngl i cl.ix. rs , ih ip
for t ish 01 paittush , baUmo 1111 utblx I. IL
Ariel 1 , 1 . ; : I'lth. < -ss ' ; T
1/"OII S1 H A good famllx hoinbmicjy aud
JiMimnpss toi-SH ) Ad < lrcsU ; lleoo'llce 710
17AOH SAL1J Se imtin's x.ngonsmd ,
Oil ilii s 1 n { ot x.irloty , east side Ili'h i-t ,
1101 th of Mi'inlas. ' I he best nud thu i 'i ' ipcst.
171'Jlt HALK A nexvii spnt Uock.ixx.iv
X1t Lee A. Nichols1 ll\erj biru , rxxc-utj-flghth
and Lo txitixxorih. 'loloplinuo bit ) . 41.
( 1 AsjltturpH for sala ( heap Hnx-oa large as-
Visoitinimt of tlie latest diiiiniin ; gxs fixtures
xx lilch I xx ill sell at cost. M. U. 1'ree , buccessoi
toJ.riliott ( , agent , inil'i rarmm sf. i
1710H S.\ LUriio.m for c ish , a peed roadster ,
J 7"it old and almost newCoitmous top
huggx mid Immess ; if xon xxnnta line loo'cing
ilg It xvill p.iy ) ou to inx estimate. UeoigJ J.
bternsdorll , Hoom I ) , opp. I' . O. Svl
] 7UH SALU A biijdui mike open bug.o ,
1 ( ho xp for cash , or xxlll trade fo. top Inu x.
Ueo .1. bteriibdorll , room t < , oppobito I' . O
"imO b.ALi-I'laning mill macnlner- . Call at
JJ 14 3 IMvunport st. Omah-i. 310
PI'HN'ITrHE S \xr. "cor.'DoiV'oTniTiitli sts ,
mm l\ nil good ns uexx ; 1 bed i oniplt to * " > ,
nud 1 at < 10 ; wash stand * ' , toilet etllT'i , two
= olt co.xl stoxes xxith jilpi ! f4.i < h , "oiugn '
sew Ing machine Jl , center table M , heat'ii' ;
ih mum tl VJ ; must bo sc Id by October 1st.
_ _
710HSLUA family hoiso or for general
uspilco Jl'jO. Iniiulio No. , ilUS. lOtti. tltv.
_ _ _ _ ttil
SALU In locality , leiso of , xxith Qlpsiuit furnltnip. at roison.iblo
pi Ice. One-half of jmrchaio price will Le taken
out in board and room. Addresi U 11 , Iko
olhcc. Si )
FL'HNITL'HU , sewing maclilne and organ for
hilt. Uill bo void ut lialf pilco foi > aslior
on Also 1 Homlngton typoxxilter mi 1 1 "K ,
1' . ' Mitt , all noxv. Luqulvo at 1417 ht ,
i ooui a and ID. upstairs ] V )
hlioitlinnobcTioo ! IViniu , 1'lt-
k 'man and ( Irahnm btnndard I'honogiaph )
t.u.glH bj thoroughly c.\perlemed tp.uher < .
Mimea's enti ring during no\t thirty dajs nl
loxxtd to intend ox eulug session' free. Iteming
ton Mamlanl typuxx rlters nsod in jirm tlco do-
.shorth.ind , ( daily lessotiH ) thrso months . 51
'I xpexxiltmg , ijhoiiis d.ilix ) three montliB . 10
Lxi mug btbsloii , jiei mouth L
Lessons b ) mail tin no months lo
New No. J Itcmiiiirton trpexiriter glxeu nxxay
frto to stiulents Vend or cad for iirctilu * .
lute's ' 1 11111,1111 bt , Omaha , J > eb ' , 'K 4
\rAL12.'J TINI.S Shorthand and Tpowiltiug
' Insltutfc. Lugest and best equipped in tlm
xxest. Graduates all occup ) good paxlmr sit
nation Dav mid evening hosslons students
can en'erat an ) time Send for circular. Now
1'nxtoti building , Oriaha. wu O b
Ing nt my foimcr stand , I xxili be ple.vseil to
ri'coixo a call from my'miny paiions and
othnrs. .Mrs. U. A. CiHter , room 10 , Jacobs
bloce , s. o corner Capitol ax o mid 13th st.DU2
DU-2 *
1 _ > U\I Til I L faces and fjrnn gtiirant ml
J > raioblPiielierremoxo fiecklos , plmplos nnd
xxilnkles. $1 po r liottlo. Hook of 10 eipt fur
the complexion-1 cents H < ud 4 cents for eir-
tiilar. .MudmiiB Kupiiert,44J btatebt. , Chicago
"pUIU'ON'S desliTng to Inxest from fl/ofto
J i\M > ns bllPtit pnrtner ina xxell-est ibllahtd
manufaUnrini ; business , ndJress 1) j , HIP.
SI'OT cash for old and noxxf books , furniture ,
stoxes and carpets. Orff \ Co , 117 N 10th.
Ml'HL A. Hohrs \ S-ou nro now prepared to
f mulsh the best and luttjbt nutblc foi recip-
tlons , xx-eddings , sociables , parties balls , etc
llrjss and string quaitet'es furnished , especlal-
) ) for mreumles , concerts , fnnerals , etc oilice
401 South Uthst. , A. i : . Meiris1 Musli btoro.
Ma \ li )
"ITloH first-class dressmaking at reasonable
JL1 prices , call at 81J S Hint st. a7a
I HAVE a na ft lot ou ramum street betweeii
* th and 29th ts , a hpleudld location for a
llxorxbain , vrnlch I will lease cnoap and build
to suit lessee if dsslred. George J. Sternsdortf , .
lloom 0. opp. I'.u JKI
171OLLOW tne rush to Utah. \eryhody is
J- ' buying a Salt Lake City Si ) town lot nt 310
S 15th st. Uo early for choice. aJ
WH. HAIUIEn Cess pools * xxnter closets
cleaned.xxoik gumauteed W)8 ) b Oth.Tel fl21
156 oin
GKOHGU J. fctcinsdorir. room fi , opposite ! O ,
nas eomexery desirable lots in vaiious parts
of the city that can bo leased on reasonable
terms Will build to wilt lessee. 3sg
13AHT1ES having real estate they xrish to sell.
Jor houses they xx-lsh to rent will find ready
customers by calling on Sloman , room 403 , Paxton -
ton block. IKK )
HOITSK for rent ; furniture for sale or trade.
1015 Dodge. Bo9
TX7 OMAN'S UJtchangB , 1C17 Farr.ktn st. l.uncb
I T dally , supper Saturday ulfhtj. OK )
for i > 3tltute Women and Children ,
HOMR ' -0
27H Hurt tt. _ _ -
you tinTe nnvtnlnb' to trade cab on or ad-
IF ( tre < KoorseJ. Stornsii'irlllloomii , onpo-
nil" postolllc'o Igi
r"pilE binjo'tinght ns an art by - ' . .t'Oelleu. .
JL beck. + H | | aru v st.
i : . 1 1IOM I'bUN , Hoom U Shecly blocit.
STORAGE Inxv'ratfs it lui raruarn stieet ,
. , . , ' , ' , | . ' 1L".ha \ I'tlon A Stoa.iiBlo 77il 0.1
rPUA ( I.Alin. storigo. loxxest rAtei. W. M
X lluilimuu. ) lll Lenvonxx-orth. ' > (
M AH Mil HAUL tuinlsn ( omploto
J J'Uil guiirauti od abstriu ts of title to r.ny
real csir o In ( miaha nnd Iioiiulis county upon
short not ko 'Iho most complete set of nlHtract
booKs lu tlm tltx' . No IMWrmnamst. attf
MIDLAVDOunrnnteo nnd Trust Co.n \ t nr"
nim-lom ileto .ibstrm ts furnished , A titles
to real estate o'C.uutned.perfectod & guarnutcocl.
\\7AV rrD-rnrnitnre and household goods
TI of nil kinds Omaha AiutiniistoncpCo ,
11-M I'mu un st 'i7ooJ
wanted Apply Mil n"Oth st.
mo it
iF you hax-e improxed btfiness or residence
pi op * rtv thit x ou xx Ish to < ell , i all aud sea
mo. I'eorgo J , bternsdortf , loom 6 , cppojlta
postol'lce. Jt
O ILD llo iks Cash pnld for second band books
at Antliium Ian Hook More , 111) liiiuam.
\ \ * ANTI'l ) To buy or undo for n Rood bnllil
' r lu ttiit cnn bu niOM'd. l'loa e call ou
ornildrcsa tleorgo J.bternsdorll , roomtt , opposite -
site 1' . U _ " " . . . _
W , IM'.CK lonm iniiiii'y for umi it xii'ints
J'.on ' Lllt-i'd o IH il i-stnte , HviiuitliM , K' '
toed ; lufeii'iiie , Commi'rcliil Nntlonul ll.xuk ,
Om.iln I ! \ \ 1'eck , Ituiim I. 1'ioiuur blot k
tn o ir
Dl ) Ol wuiit to lionuw mom' } " If yon lui\o
dintiioudsutcniM 01 Ji'welrv mid deslie to
I'lft'i t u limn on fiiMiiuliln trims In u trlitly
pilvnto mill conlldn itlnl uiniiiivi , or should > ou
\Mint n loin on lurnltnn1 liir8 , < nilnno" ,
land cmilr.icts or peinoniil proii'rtof | iinj ilc-
sirlptlon , > oil uiu h.ui1 monty nd\iinr < d nt
lowist intes of Intt'iest and ainpto tlmo to p ij-
liy cnlllni ! on HI trmlliiK post il i unl to thu
Omaha Mm ip'atj l.oanfo
nv t loan out out own tnoui'V , make out out
on n input MUI I p \ no commission , thui gh-
Ing tno benoiit to tlm loiiowi'i ,
( mi facilitltMarnsii'li tli itM ) ciu iinommo-
dati ) > ou in u piouipt nnd conlld. > ntlil in in
lie r , Kivlmj you fixlr , bonoiablii uinl courtooui
tnnitnu'iit ,
All loiitis loiu'W d nt original rat PS ,
Wi'Wll p.ioil auj moitKnjoouuorthae
nnduhoMiii IOIIK tliup and low i.itis , will lonu
inn sum fiiuii J."i to fl OH ) .
( oninoi rial and 1-it moiti'.inc paper bought.
Oniilni Mortiriiio I.oan I'o , loom 40" ) , I'nxton
block. 4
_ _
MON13Y To I oin Ily the tinilorslijiicd. who
has theiMih propel 1or aul/cvl loannKoncy
In Oin. in i I , oitiit of * IU to ' 100 mndn on fiiinl-
tmo , pi inni , i < mi is hoisc < iwiKoii , m icliinm v ,
i'ti , wi hotu lorn ivul. Noilulnys All biisliu-ii
till tl ) ion M.'iitiitl I.OIIH sn luado that any
putianuo pild .it am tliiie , i-iicli | i umpnt
idludiiiitiiH iost pi 01 at i Advnn cs m.i H1 on
line w Hi KM and dl un m I * . I'M son * should
( , u tiiiU ( oii'idiir wlio tlii-v niPilonllni ; with ,
as ni.u. ) npw rom i nsaip dally ximliiJ Into i'\-
1-i'pMii' . lionld jmi ni'Pd moiKM ( ill and -pi >
miV.H ( iifi. loom \Mthnvll building ,
liithniiil Hinipj. _ CW
rPill' Omatia riiiinrlil r.xchnn o , lloom 1" > ,
1 liail.i r lilock , southwest corner of r.unam
nnd 1 tli it- , .
Malvps a ipailtl'v of shoit-tlmo collntci il
nnd IP il PI'TIloans , i s on hand In sums of ? 10land
njiw mH to my amount , to loan on nppro\td
* -ei ui ii\
( -i-cnipil notps bought , sold or cxi hinjod.
( Ipinenl i-st.itp Mil i.d < il to t-xcli.iiuo for
( 'ood ( list o' bp end moi magi' : * .
l.nnns made upon 1ml > ontriti , Blocks ,
bonds , ti list duods , llrt or MIO > ud ini'i tti.i u se-
i in ltv , th .ut puiillcity di < l.or u d t ipp
1 In mcl il bu-liii'ss of mij kl id ti.ins.uti'd
pronipth , ( jiilorlv and filrly. Koum l"i linker
I/'oi ( c , ( urlcf Manlier -TO
KIMI1VU Clump & . It } mi maku loans on
city ptojiHity at lowitt int-s. option tl p i\-
mi-iits. o.i-h on hand , no doluMoit .incs
lioiuht lioniiB , U. S National bulk i'7 s"I
"iiiOX ) ) to loin on business pi npi rtat a-i p\-
$ tinlowiata I'oi pirtluiUis t.ue W. il.
Hams , ioom"i , I'laa er liloc-k , opp , r. (1
oNL" , toloiu at loxxtst tales of Intciest.
lie Xiiitu-il Investment Co. . lloom 1 ,
H.iinci bloik 771ol
C'liHi.irfl to Uunlon improxed cl. ) and conn-
riix proHpit ) . Caih ou hand. 1 irst moit agi )
no' bv ( iunrnnty loan and Inxest-
mpiUt o , HUli ind Cnlcago sts. T-l .J )
to loan on Improxod real i state.
I.uvitt Iliu nh un , Crelghton block. bVJ
MONUV to loan nt ( i. II Peterson , leil es
tate and loin agent , I11J S Hth st. roi { ill
ClOODclty nud faun loans wanted by A. K.
* Iliky , IM'i ' J'.nnim. U'sl
OASII ou hand - lOD.O-U to loin on tlty and
t.xrm piojioit ) , lowest intes of interest ;
building loans ,1 specially. ( ! . \ \ , Peck , trpnzui
block. bill oil *
' \ to loin ; largo and small sums nt loxx-
M foN'H\
i.itts , tor slioit time , on mil Ost.ite 01 chat
tel scin if , ; hecond nott s bought ; all limnclul
business strictlv contldemlal People's 1 In. ill-
i Uxchingp , O Itons'aron , malinger , loom
W . Itaikoi bloi k , llth and I uinim 5J7
GP1.H CP.N r inoauy to loxn-Cas'i ' on hand
\\.M. lluiiis , loum 2J , 1 ren/cr bloc , opp.
P. O. 27J
iO"J ) to loin ou Oumhn clt ) propel ty at fl
$ percent ( , , W. Dix. o U cor. l'bid. . 2-U
MONUV to loan on tuinlturc , x.-a on" , ptc. ,
xx ithout remox nl , or on lollatei il security
Ituslness strictly eonlldPiitlil. A. 15 Dreenxxood
\ Co , 11 1 Cnnniughum blk , cor , 1 Hh A. Jack-sou.
_ si _
to loan on horses , furniture nndotlier
personal property or collateral Hates mod-
elate ; liuslnosa coutldoutlxl. Ollleo 3. W. corner
1'ith mid Douglas fits , l.ntrancd on 1'ith Ht.
'Iho rmrbnmt Investment Co. UM
MOM V to loin : cxsh ou hand ; no delix * , .1 ,
\V. Siiilre , UI'J ' rarnitn st. 1'lut National
bank building. : .VJ
IT'ASrilHN motipv cheap , tlty nnd i ountry.
-JOUIco Pliiladclpli.i "lortga o nnd Tiust ( o ,
Hoom H , Ilo.ird of Trido. ( it.o. W. P. Coites
? -1HATlULnnUollitetal loans. M. U. Daxls
V lll S 1 ith bt , ro mi ,7 , ST ,
r > 00CXJ ( l per icut. .Money to loan on im-
$ ptoxedfmms or clly property. .lames A.
\xoodmmi , nt the old llro Insurunco oilice of
Murphy \ Lovelt , ' . JJ S Uthst.)7 )
MOM\ ; loan ou impioxed piopert ) atmit
hands. No applications bent axxay for ap
proval. Security uud titles uxamlntd lice of
climge o boirmxpis. Lombard luxestment
company. ' "OJ H Uth st. jii4
FIHsT mortgages , loans on cltv , business or
lesldencu property at loxxost latob , ( all and
hpe us befoie placing jour loan. ltemluB'ton .V
Krye , room 1 , N. W. cor Ilitli aud rarnam. 7tKJ Oi )
MoNUV to Loan City mid conntiy ; cheap
rritos , no delay. L P. Hammond , 4011 Paxton -
ton building. 705
$ ir > ,0to ) loan on inside property. Foma llrst
mortgages for sals. Nathan Shulton , IMi
J'aniam street. 7tiS
TV JONI5V to loan in any amount , olthor for
-i'l building or otherxxise , ut lowest rates of
interest mid on hort notice , i ) . V. Hholos , room
" 10 I irst Nat 1 bank , cor. lath and Parunm , 7J
L'NS made on real estate and inottgagcs
bougnt. Lexxls S itecd Co. , 1W1 r.irnnm.
II 11.llir.Y-V > OO.OJO to loan on city pioperty
, anil Improx ed farm land. Prenzer block.
MONF.V loiucd nt C. P. Heed & Co.'s loin of"
lleo , on furniture , pianos , horses , xx agons ,
personal propeny of all kinds , and all other
artl < les of x plun xx ithout remox alIU ! B , llth.
All business strictly contldentlal. 137
loan nt 0 per cent. Llnahan & Ma-
ho-iey , room HIM , Paxton block. 28J
MONUV lo loan on furniture , horses , xxagons ,
etc , or on nny npnrox-od hec ttrlty. J.V. . Hob-
bins , H. M bhecly blk , 15th nnd Hoxx'ard. U8
M 'ON'UV to loan ; lon time. George J. Paul
I MM I'arnam st sun
B UILDING loans. Liunhau & Mahoney.
EUALotate loans , loxxest rates. Odcll Ilros.
A. Co , JU S. 10th st. -17
MONUV to lonn , O K. Davis Co , real estate
11 nil lonu agunts , I'M I amain st. i."Jl
MUNKY lo lonn ou Omaha aud South Omaha
property , C. P. Harrison , 418 s. 15th ht. aw
DON'T borrow money on furnlturo , howes ,
xvugons , etc. , until you have seen C. H Ja
cobs , room 410 , Plrst National bank building ,
cor. 13th and Farnam ' _ ;
BUSINESS i nances for sale. Buch as cigar
etores , restaurants , chop houses , meat-
tnarKet , nexxndepot , confectionery ana bakery ,
hotel , and a tlrst-class saloon. Pall or address ,
Co-Opetatlxe Land uud Lot Co , SUj N ietli st.
bee l
171OH PALtl At A bargain , n complete liakery
outllt , xvlih piitetit oxen. Address , A Ma-
fg , Kullcrton , Nnnce Co , Neb SVl fi *
\ \ ANrKD-A * phj lliin wltirl'io'ns "partner
in a well rstabll'hed practlcoinytnx fl-Ol > J
per ) t'ar , uiiiHt hux-o usslstuiue Immeillatcly.
Addre s P 0. llox 0. lleatrlip. Nob. 7' . < W
lilOHSALH-No IiuIlK lotttCBUd outllt , cheap.
JL1 Address D. IS lift ) . 4'IJ ' . ' . "
TTtiJll SALU-llnkei ) nud confe tlomry stock ;
JUood loiatlm ; cheap rent ; est iblished
trade , x.'Uto Jl.Vi. Address U , 10 Ikeoiliio.
_ 70il
1OHLUA ktock of goiiprnl merhnndlsc\
-L Addieisloil : bo.T W , Atkinson , Neb
11 Olflf
\LU-A good Itimber.coiil.ner ! " ' "mal
implement mm llxo stock business. AddrosJ
Heilsi- HUM , \ utan , Ni b. NJJ olO
( J-'XW ' w HI buxmx lntore In n gcxid pax lug
TMuisitiesn. Sai.jfactory leasons glxen for
xxatitlng to sell , D n' , lieu olllce. tal "
1/HH ) 8 \ LU Cheap for ciTsli , n rteati stoi U of
-L' gioierlos and lUturos. Atlilrtss U 1(1. ( Ueo
olllio 7-'t ! li *
$100 will bux n complete outllt of bomdltig
house full of boarders. Applx at t'-M Uodgo.
7iH-l *
\\r AN I'P.D A good business man w Ith Jl.i.OOO
' i ixp'tal ' to assume the management of n
m.iuiifni tin Ing nnd jobbing business , being the
tons. . illdatton of txxo xxi-11 established houses
No bonus to be glxen for either business mm
4 1 iicn s uf land xory near Kansas ( it ) and ou
three tinuk llm sol1 lailwny will be glxen to
lioxx ( omninx for fadoi ) pin pises AddioKs
tiny H I Imoie. US ) and 1111 i.lbert ) - > t. Kansas
lit ) Mo. , 7i',7 i
I /OH t ALU or UxchmiKe An old established
KI od pax lug Llxerx business lu ( oiincll
HlnllN.lii. , hi N Main st. \ \ m. ytadlemau. WH
IMHPIUS xxNhlng to purcimsu real istato
orhppktng tnxestmenls of mix- kind will do
xxell to calloli bloiuau , idcun 410 Paxton block.
SALU Abstract books of Omaha mid
Douglas county , This is nu established ,
rapidly iiu leasing , business , jiiyiug a
hiiLiintoiist on the Inxcstmont I'or books
and good will of the business. Omaha real es-
tnte oi "ccuied pipet xvlth a f ilr tush payment
xx ill be taken , llroigo \ \ . Ames , 1AU7 Vninim.
_ _ _ M-
S \ LiSalt : Inko lots i-JJ each , at .HO S ,
_ _ _ _ _ _ 4i >
I7HW S VLB A stock ofgi'iieral mcrihandlM )
- LMlllnxolce about Json Also , two-Mor )
lirlik store bulldllir.TMIou n good loruerln
the ceutial part of town , \\lll sell stock nnd
lent building , or hell both together. Must apply
at once for purtloulms. Addmss 1)V , Omaha
llee , Iklt o ?
1iMH ) SM.Ilheap foi cash , N V. Hotel and
lUstnuiant , 7'JO ' N. loth ht ; good business ;
desirable louitlon , reason for Rolling , liax'o
other business to attend to , I illonoi ixddioss
U A.Mm-h tfls.N . st . Omaha Ml
"JIANHOM plai-e-Ulegnnt 10-ioom lionso
I ' to trade for a good MK nut lot or to sell ou
easy terms , btuxcns llios. , liJl I'm mini Nw-1
* ) 'I L \ v.s | , xx aton mid Iru ness , and ono Jt rsey
'toxx .mil till , lotrndo lei a good lot lunoitn
part of ( ttx , * -WFto ( ( k of 101 erles and drugs
tor i ish mid propel tx ; Hist class clock ot gro-
( tilfbto oliaiigo tot some cash and good
bind , stoi iwof mblinei v .mil a slock of dniL'H ,
xxitli stoic pioppitx ; liml and tlty proper ! )
xxitli ( .ish for mdse. Lo Upeuitlxo Land mid
Lot I o.ui N Irtth Ht. Hiii 1
\\r ANTUIi to tuide Uipilt ) of JI "iOU ill J.l.tPOO
house and lot , $1,011 cash tor
stoi k of meicliiindihe , lu small counti ) town ,
initial I > \ddre-sUll.lice. . 741 "i *
"iriOH THADI' llousomid lot on North -7th
JL st .Omaha , tor horses c-xttle , or ether good
propel I ) . W. I . Stile * , I lysso-i. Neb. WI "J
J71AHNAM stre 't liontotrido forgood 1m
pioxe 1 faim near Omaha. Mexcns Ilros ,
l.j.'l l arnam , SiM-1
rpo UX ( IIANOH A fVlOYIxxliolesnlostocko
JL ory goods , in ( | iiantlti | s to suit , tor Omaha
nropc'itx , impioxed t xims mid MHIIO i.ish Q.
xMoxxcrj , LOCK llu\f-i ) , Lincoln , Nob.
Ti ) \IiU-tlO.OWt quit ) In-vacant business
1 i' on I m nnm stiout for good laud , larm or
othi r piopc-it.x. AddrtfS U 14 , llee. 71s-l *
rpo ritAHU-llo ISPS , lots , lunds and furnl-
A tun and ptoppit ) of nil kinds , btexoim
Ilros , i , ' | rarnam. Hi 7 1
\\fANTUI ) To exchnngo Insldo cltvprop-
* ' eity ior impi oxo 1 f.ums uearclly. llox
751 , titj. .Ml U IJ *
171OH UXCIINiU ( Choice improx-od faun
JiI I mils in Nibriska foi Oninh no-Idem i prop-
tlty oi stocks ot dean men handise Call 01 ad
dress \ \ A I'rye , H 1 , nw corlith and I'xinmn.
fiJh o I
JIIA1 U leal nud ppr-omil piopeity of nil
kinds for trnde. Cull nud heo mo. George J.
btt'insdortr , room C , opp , P. O. J-0
rilllADUS made in leil ostatt ) nud personal
Jproperly. . See exchange book. OO-OD. L.
and L. Co. WJj N. ICtlim. an )
\\rHAThaxo ) oti to ti ado for porno north-
> t xxobtcru oil stock ? Addiuss I ) fl , lleo > llico.
rpo l\chnnge : 4SI acres of choice fanning
1 1 mil lu ( xchango lot hilck. Address a tonco
LOCK Ho\ , \ \ est Point Neb. Ki't i
rpllU Omaha lln iuess Uxchange ,
JI'll h ami Douglas , m kosn spuclnlt } of selling
and exchanging all classes of meichandlse. etc
rpo P.X ( IIANOU Or soil , houses nnT lots ,
JL f.ums 01 morchandlse tee ( Jinuh.i Hiisiuess
lixchange , loom 6 , s. xx. cor. 15th and Douglas.
Ml 1 0. :
" \ \ 7NI UH deed lands nnd city jnopeity ,
M ho es , cattle , tti. , to exchnnjo lor mer
chandise lu nil Hues. L. P Kratis , 1007 rarnam
st , Omilia , Neb. 45.1 O.'l
" \ \ ANTUn Moc Ksof m if handise In nnrnnd
IT all lines to ohmigo foi good farm lands ,
Omaha ical estate , Imisos , cattle , etc L P.
Kians , 11,0 , Parnnui St. , Omaha , Nob. 41. ) O.'l
A'l'lHNTION Thogiftod destiny leader can
be consulted dully for txx o xx eoks on all af
fairs of llfo or death ; tells your llfo fiom the
tiadlo tothogr.v.o ; leunltes the separated xxith
the xxondertul Ugypllan chmm ; locates dlseano
mid heals them xxitii maviigo and electilc treat
ment OMice417S. llth st , up stairs.rooim''nnd ; ) .
_ _
DH. NANNIU V. Wan I'll , clalioxant. . Modi-
calbii5lucs < mid test medium. Dlignosls
free Kemalodiso ISPS a specialtx. 11 ! ) N lit list.
Itouins ' .i. 'Jol.'J4l. ! i.Vi
FOH SAI UIshlng lo mox o to tlie"coniitTy\
xx ill sell my home ou C.eorgiu axe ; house of
10 rooms ; gis , bath , liiumce , cit ) multi-item
xxatei , all iniidrin in iiiovenn ills , loipmtliu-
1ms Imiiilro ou premlbus , No , Uol deoigla axe.
H H Hake. V IL'J
Ipolt SALU I iiioipsldenips In Han. am place
JL1 aud x Iclnlt ) , M.A.I pton ( onipany.
"Ij OIl 8MU " elegnnt modern tast front
JL houses 7 looms mid b ith , ou Loxx o axe. In-
.spei t these ; terms mid pui es to suit W. A'
tioddaul , ll."Jlaplol ( axo. bid IJ
P OH b \ IdHc'iutf nl hous h
pla < - . M A. I ptou Company. KO
KLAL Ustato lmgnlns-A ) 7-ioom house
loratPd in a lot nud u linlf of ground , Ifj
minutes xvnlk from lotut house ; clioi. . o loia
tlon ; can lie bought it a xery leixx flguio b ) any
one xx ho din pa ) Jl.WKl cash , balance nt 7 pur
( out. 'Inn prnpfitv must bo hold , W.M.Vates ,
agt. , ( iillforulu and M st. H" , , !
BrsiNU'-S-Iflth street , corner. 1 blocks from
Parnom , for 'j loss than It Is xx-orth. fiJtlJJ
on Capliol ax betxxt tin lijth unit luth , nt less
thanxalue. M. A Upton Compmn. H79
TfOH SALU-Nothlm ; but first-class pioper-
JL1 ties. JI. A. Upton Co. B70
ELUON"T Imildlng lols , and houses liiTd iTits"
for sale on easy terms , fatuxens Ilros , 1VJ1
Knrnam. BCJ 1
FOIl HALB Vciy best South Oiuaha bar"-
gains , M.A. Upton Co , KIJ
VUST ( ) MAIIA--init ) fiontrxery"hlgiitl\'Tfor
it Bale at n bmgain JJ.OOU htoxens Hros ,
1'iJl 1 arnum st. tttiTi 1
Foil SALU Pincst i osidence property in'tlie
market. M , A Upton Co 870
"T71AHM1NG In eastern Nebraska pays noxv.
J'io these wanting to gj on a faun xxu can
tell how to get good laud with \ur ) llttlo monex' .
'Jhoday that this can be done xxlll soon b3
pas"od. M A. Upton Company. bST
rjiltKAOU 101 feet frontage on lllli Htreet ,
J- just north of Mbliolas st , lor > ale ut .1 bar-
Bain If taken soon btoxens Ilios , I1SI I'aruam.
_ _ _ be ) ) ]
BALU llest Cl btislnass pioperty in
M A. LptonCo. 870
T ? ESIDKNCK for Sile-NlcTvroom house , fin-
-IMshed in oak , biruwell , clstorn , full east
frout lot. in \ \ indsor Place , KJUi ; easy tprms ;
a loxily little home at xory moderate price M.
A. L'pton ompaii ) . _ _ " _ _ ujy
"VTOrilK To real estate "ajjeTnts Piom
- > this date lots 7 and N , in block I'JS't , are out
o the mariut Ldbpellorbcr . 670 2jr
LANI ) beekeTsT AttenTlon iv,7 fiiil pl
ticulars about free and cheap lands in veil-
em Nebraska fuldiess Thoi c Patterson. Itn l
Ustato Agent. North PI illo. .Neb , _ IDIUl'J
'IJ10U bALli- > excnuugg. We have botae
Jfood Omaha real euata and Nebraska
f rmij , which xve will sell cheap or trade for
Block of clothingfurnbhliij coodn , drr goods ,
boots andshoes , grocurlot or haiclwara.
UiL'er Bros , OU a. 10th at.
SALP-10OHoapies Inlul In Nebraska at
low ralos on long limp ; peed farm land ) * ,
0 11 Peterson. 14U'S. 13th st MJI-O.2J .
1/MM S\LU Prank assprilmn. t the llanlj
1 of Omaha , has HOIIIO of the rlnlcf st rest *
rteitio nnd bttjiuaas pioperty lu the city for fald
rhenp. 411J
UJ-sX ) nusa fuineTt aad good 4 room cnttritffl
Peasx terms and good ioi.on < 1) ) \ . Pliolo
looml'ln , lirst Nnt Ibauk , cor'JlU ' iiud J t * *
nmn DUO i
IT iiH siTeor tindo for good inside ron.1 psti'o
-i ur good secured renl estalp paper MW aero ?
nflmui , Nolnriimtiniuio. About S liillos from
Diiluth , Minn , mid about 4 mlles from Superior
( ItMs , this xxlll bear close tincitlgatloii !
loiucmbpr Hiiluth and f-uporlor nro the two
coming cities , It xxlll paxto luxestlgate this.
t-lomnu. loom 10.1 Pa\ion block WO
17OU SALP.l.KtIKon Itrniol Mrppt botvrcon
J. N > ; "iilen and Slutp. Make us mi olfor on
this M pel C nt less xxlll bin It tills xxcek than
It will oxi r again ! " t.'tlorod for M A. t'mou
Company < > >
l/iou SM.K s iwiiitifnl south rruj lots in
L1 Hi leg s PUuo on Douglas Ht , just north of
the Maple ( lioxe II.WO t-iuh. ' tush * 7Wu ( f
the" ) . M. A. Pplou ( oinpanx. 644
VtUllHASIxA tanns-\\ liax-o som good 1BJ ti
1 > aero farms up Iho Ulkhorn xallev with 1100 i
mid JeW long lime mortgages nfiatimt thom
that fiom f.m ) to JsWcash xxlll bux the exulting.
Now Is ui i time to invtst lu Nt'biaska farm
lands , although sollUm theup Hie ) mo valuable *
nnd more prodiutlxp tli in eastern Innd vulnetl
nt four oi llxe tlims mil prim M A I ptonCo
at tills II feet OU 'Idst lust south otA
1OOK , i inner on an alle ) , foi M-'iHX 5
loom house M. A. I ptou lompany. 870
ONI.V n few loti loft In 11. \ M parfe uddttlon
to South Oni.ihi.Vlmt haoon tooffnr ?
OtorgoJ. Sterustlorir. Kouiufi. opp.i > . O.
11NSfOM 1'lace property fors i < 'in
N 11 u ks. Ilirner block 7W A
HLl PI'So haxo some lots at
OOTNCIL end of the UPXV bildKO time can bo
bought at a llguio that xxlll make pmohasor
money M. A. I'ptou Compxny. ftTD
A IIHo7 > IIOIli , Llndsn ) , Neb. , lias
it-ral farms lei sale lu Platte t utility at
$ rTto | .v per acre. nio-osi *
1TOH \LU-Nlce homes ill pla
JU M. A. I ptou lo. 870
| jOH i-ALU-Now east frout S-room house ,
JL1 xxith bath , closet , hot nnd cold xvuter , fur.
nue.0. Utgebarn. 14.M 8.'otn ut. I7J o 3 *
1 T'OIl ' bA LP txluO ) foot near corner Woolxvorth
I ? axe millttltli ht .house off. rooms.balhroom ,
gas , clslem , hot mid cold xuiter , sew er connec
tion , turn ice , I ! u'llaiH , locution all that can bo
tlcslicd , school , ( biirch mid ' HUPS of horse cars
xxllhmg J blinks , tublo In piojei t , i4MK > ; 11,000
cash b.ilmico IMS ) , t * per cent luttio t. C. 1\
llaiilson , 4ls tl IMh st
, Cl\lcKU leot cot \\oolworth axe nud Jtth St. ,
house and Improxemtmts miitt-rlall ) the name
us aboxe , Ji,0 0 , Jl.iH)1) ) ) cash , bahinco oxsy , 8 pet
cent luteipat C. P Harrison , 418 S IJth st. 6W
GJ. STKHNftDOItPP , rooniG opposite post-
oltlcp , xvill sell you a good 4 room liousa
ou tilth sticet , a blocks south of car Hue , by pay-
inc t-M casti balance monthly payment * to
suit. This Is a splendid opportunity for any *
ono x'anting a cheap horns. 831
IJ A Hi ! A INS-\\ohaxP txxo extra bat gains for
Ji J tills xx eck. Dm-nt Ji.fitlO and the other at
S .itxi. M A , Upton Company tiTU
" 171OH S\IU P.asx terms , new hon o 11 rooms ,
I oirpi-lc ii'id part fiiinltuitRtnlile largo lot ,
paxod Htipet , hoisiKius I miulro or owner ,
Natli'in Slielti u , 15 dl Parnim st. fl4t i
Qll"l ) HOMAHLot 14 , block 77 , S. U. corner
( j Until mid M reels , 5 loom hou o , JIO.OOO , } i
Lot 14 , block 71 * . B U. corner 25th and M streets ,
J'.Uin ' ' , 'i cash , lion u on this routs W > .
If thesocoiners xxo oou N street they would
soil tor tWiKW eiuti. M xxlll bo a better street N In a year fron to d ly , Uach ono ot
tlipso t timers xx 111 make sox eu business lots. M.
A. I'pton.V Co. 803
ALK-A lienutlfulresldomo lot In Isaan
FOIl . ' addition ; it xou want a bargain
inxestlgato. Uoorgo J. StouisdoitT , Hoom 0 ,
opj ) P. O. 681 'III
I OH > ALU HOOO lot In Hanscom plico. elo
JL gant o ist fiout , to exihange for homo in
imiIn part of town , assume dllforonco O.K.
llmrlsoii , US S 15th ht 4 U
SALH-Veix nice IIPW liuiiso nnd stghtl
lot ou ( alltorma htrn , dlreitlx houtli ot
fcacied llomt M A , I pton lompany. 870
mO blocks from calilolinc , lot JUKI li ! to alley
JL Nile5-1 oem cottage , small b iru , lot fenced ,
exeiythlug nice , jw'/iOO , ono-lourih cash , bal
mice t as ) . M A. L'pton company. 143
T H A VuTfexvclmlce lots in Orchard Hill lot'
i-xxhlch I xxlll Hell cheap and ou long tluia
blomiiu , loom 40j Paxton block. VJO
"T71OH SALUChoice east front lot xxltl. an ox >
1 ti.i xxcll built fi loom house aiiJ barn , on cor.
JWtli and Mason. M , A. I p'on Compnii ) 870
17HH SALU Lot II. b , W. Hanscnm place , JS50
J-1 oil what it isxxorth. C.P. Hmrlson , ' .
ll , soil a limited number of lots In South
Omaha's IM. I . park addition for tha low 1
pi Ice of ill ) . Hemember n wmrauty deed given 4
xx Ith eai h lot This sale only toiitinuns a few
days Call quick and gel tlrst cholco. ttloman ,
loom 40) . P.ivttm block. TOO
171AHMH U P have some oftlio finest Improved
farms In Missouri , Krnsas , loxxa anil Ne-
biasku toi saleM , A , Ppton Company. fi79
POH S\LU NpxvB-ioom House. Price 11.850.
Appl ) to J410 Decatur street. 781 OO *
Corner of loth and 1'amain trpets. Chamber of
Commeico Iliilldini ;
rnpltiil Stock $100,000
Li.ihilitj of .StocMioldors 800,000
I ivo per cent p iM on dnp < ilts loiins nmde on re l
cstulo Knil purscmiil socurlly , noluj , narnmtl , itocltl
nnu bonds purcliu eil
JOHN I Mll.i- I'rcM.lPiit
A.NDlthW JIOM'.WATKH. Vice I'rc li1ent.
DIMIHI : ; , 'i HUMAN ( '
] IIAKI > Of 1)IIH.TKS (
.lolm L Mtloi 1 r istui
iniiiel ( iitncr. .Intm II llvnni.
Aiulriiw Itifpivater , .Murrn MurrUon ,
XX A L ( , ! l > l > on , I.i'ii. i : Ilirker
dor Alvtn sitiiiuiers , Devtar li 'IliuniU
Ni rni in A Kultn , .biines ' 1 liuiupjODi
I 11 .luhlibcm tnlm Hush ,
dco C Hubble.
Cnpllnl Slock $150,000
Iiinliimicsof hloi'KIiiiltld-s : tOO,000
rive 1'cr Cent Interest Fald on De
L. M IIItNNLTT. \ Ice Proildent.
lV. . WUSSULS , Managlm ; Director.
JOHN R. WILD ( Ml , Casniea
.1. .1. " , L. M. IlKN.ShTT ,
( ' . 1' JlAMlhKSOV , ' 1 IIOS L. KlMIULt * .
lll.Mll PUNDT , K L. SHIM : ,
Oil All X L.4T CO , I. . H WILLIAMS ,
MAX Mnpit , TllI'M\N IIUOK ,
1V. 1 . XViisSi i , " , 1 K. t'OSUIlON ,
AN.RON ( } . MoC'OOK , N W. \ \ KI.M.
II. Nll.UAN , JOII.N \\iuutin. .
S , W , Cor , Farnam and 15th Sts.
Paid iti Capila ! . * 5 00,000
OfcO. K. IIAHKUH. President.
K. L. lUKHUOlVUIt , Vice President.
L II WirriAMs. S. L. XVII.KV.
H. H , .lOIIM-OX. .1. H.MtCONNEbL.
W i. feiMFiw ( "HAS. MKT/ .
Al.I.fcsT HUCTOU. 1) . UlINMSntlMf.
J. L. MlI.l.H.
Accounts of Hankers , Merchants nnd Indlrll
mils recc hud on tha moat favorable terms ,
Capital . . * . § 500,000
Surplus . 100,009
I' . II. DAVIS , Cashier.
W. H , MEGU1UH , AMlatant CusUleV