Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 01, 1888, Page 6, Image 6

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    . . . . . . . "
. ,
6 THE OMAHA" DAILY * BE $ ; MONDAY , OCTOBER 1 , 1888 , "Wl
OIW1CI3. NO 11 ! I'HAIUj STItliUT.
ilellvrrotl by currier In Anv 1'nr * of the City at
TV only Cents I'vtuek. .
II. W. TII/10N MANAOint.
TlfFiNr.'s OrriiT. No. W.
NKIIIT KniToii , No,21.
N. Y. Plumbing company.
Miss Maud Temploton , of Pacific City , Is
Visiting with Mrs. W. N. Young.
The Conrlcd operu company appears at
Dohany's this evening In "The Gypsy
Uaron. "
The trial of the case of Kupprnhoimcr vs.
Klsetimn will bu resumed in the federal court
this morning.
Mr. W. U. Huntlngton and hrido , nee Miss
Iowa Hall , of Omaha , were visiting relatives
in the city yesterday.
Miss Dell Pickering , of Hoone , In. , who
1ms been visiting friends In this city and
Omaha for the past week , left for home yes
terday morning.
The annual meeting of the Woman's For
eign Missionary society will bo held next
Tuesday nfternoon at ! i)0 : ! ) o'clock at the M.
E. church. The election of ofllccrs will
Said n democratic saloon keeper yesterday :
"I wish wo could have a democratic rally
hero .ill the year round. 1 never did such a
business before in my hfo as I did last
night. " Chief Lucas is of a very different
way of thinking , and is in no hurry to sec
Saturday evening's programme repeated.
A few of tno nnterrllled shoutcrs of Satur
day evening continued to imbibe democratic
Inspiration until they had more than they
could control , and they found themselves In
the cooler. Nearly all dav yesterday the
walls of the with " '
policestaticn rang "U'hoop-
cc-hie , 'rah for Cleveland. " The police vic
tims would undoubtedly cnst u unanimous
vote for the boef-and-bandana ticket.
As the last dummy train , due hero at 11 15 ,
was coming over Saturday night , it collided
with a freight train at the Northwestern
crossing. The engine of the dummy train
was damaged somewhat , and several of the
freight cars derailed. The suburban service
was delayed but a shoit time , although it re-
inlred | several hours to clear the track so
that trains could come up to the dummy
The new bridge company's paving force
was kept busy on Broadway \estonhiy until
4:110 : o'clock in the afternoon. The paving
was relald to a point midway between Sev
enth and Klghth street , about two blocks be
hind the tracklayers. It is thought that the
pavers will ho able to hold their position
hereafter , as their force has hcen doubled.
The work will go on this morning from Scott
Btreet , where it was interrupted Satuiday
An alarm of lire shortly before 10 o'clock
yesterday morning called the department to
Seventh avenue , between Sixth and Seventh
streets. The burning building was a barn
belonging to Harle , Haas iS ; Co. and occupied
by Samuel Leonard , mail carrier. The tire
was caused by the carelessness of boys. The
building was damaged but little and the lessen
on the contents was small. One of Leonard's
horses was badly singed on the back and one
hip was severely blistered , but it will re
cover. A mistake In "tnkini : the box" at
No. II hose house sent the apparatus sta
tioned there to box lli.
Saturday evening's political demonstration
was the general topic of conversation on thu
streets yesterday. The papular verdict was
that the affair was not as successful as it
should have been , and various reasons were
assigned as the cause of it. A lacK of adver
tising was conceded to bo the principal cause.
Hlamo was attached by some to the Hock
Island company for refusing to make special
rates , and it was claimed that this kept
many away who would otherwise have been
on hand. The democracy promise another
rally later on that will double discount this
Sec Forest Smith's special column.
School lor
Mrs. Magrano will open classes hero
nt Bono's hall in connection with her
Omaha classes , beginning Tuesday , Oc
tober " , anil meet every Tuesday and
Saturday evenings forndults , beginning
nt 8 o'cloclc , and Tuesday and Saturday
afternoons for children at 4:30 : p. in. on
Tuesdays , and 2IfO : Saturdays.
She has taught with success and has
had largo classes in Omaha for the past
three yoars. The prospects are she will
have largo classes here. Address 2,020
St. Mary's avenue , Omaha.
Mrs. H. Lee , dress making and straw
work. Call and see her. Fifth avo.
opp. court house.
S. B. Wadsworth & Co. loan money.
Now maple syrup , just received , $1.2o
per bucket , at Fearon's.
Mrs. L. A. Smith , formerly of this city , but
now of Los AiiKCles , Gal. , is stopping for a
few days in Council HlulTs , the fruest of Mrs.
J. 1 } jJasiuly. She is en route to the homo oi
her childhood at Columlms , O.
H. L. Shepherd and John I'usoy have been
ttikiiif ? In Sioux City anil the corn palace for
the past two days.
Travelers ! Stop at the Dochtolo.
The finish oil our collars , cuffs anil
shirts cannot bo equalled. Cascade
Laundry Co.
For rent Furnished rooms , 710 Wil
low avo.
Speculators in real estate are invited
to compare the prices wo asic for our
choiccbt lots on Broadway with those
naked for indilTeront locations in other
western cities. Such opportunities to
make money may never occur again.
Invest now. before it is too late. Ben-
eon & Shepherd.
Mackerel , $1.53 ! a bucket , at Foaron's.
For Sale.
Ton acres in Council Bluffs , off the
east end of the Ballard hO. Will make
72 lots , same as the Omatia add. , which
it joins on the south. Ninth avenue
driveway to U. P. bridge passes through
the tract. Title clear. One-third
down , balance one and two years. Eight
percent. A.V. L-AUIMKU.
Full line of shoot music at Council
Blurts Music Co. , 221 Broadway.
Money loaned on furniture , pianos ,
diamonds , horses , buggies , or anything
of vuluo at low rates of interest. No
publicity ; fair and honorable dealing.
A. A. Clark & Co. , ollico cor. Broadway
nnd Main , over American express.
Money loaned at L. B. Crafts fc Co.'a
loan olllce , on furniture , pianos , horses ,
wagons , personal property of all kinds ,
and all other articles of value without
removal. All business strictly confi
Good roasted coll'eo , 20 cents ; Ar-
buckle's colleo , 20 cents , at Fearon's.
Wo have no competitors in finishing
collars , cuffs un shirts. Cascade Laun
dry Co.
A lodger and journal is something n
man in business lias occasion to use al
most every day in the year. Got some
thing neat and to suit your own
Morohouso & Co.'a , No. 1 Pcm-lst.
Fniuily Jars.
Stone and glass fruit jars for putting
up fruit , also now rubbers , nt Fearon's ,
Have you noticed , the beautiful flnifal
given collars , cuffs and shirts by Gas
cado Laundry Co.
K. II. Sheafo & Co. , make long 01
short time loans on real estate , in sunv
to suit , at lowest rate of interest. Oflle *
.Uroadwuy and Muiu street , updtuirs ,
Rov. O. D. Frauklln'a Initiatory Sermon -
mon Reported For The Boo.
A Narrow Kscnpc KmldlcH Were
Cheap ItcmnliiR of tlie Itally
IIurvrMt Homo 1-YsllvuI
Oeiu-ral News.
Hrv. P. I ) . I'rnnklln nt Ilronilway.
Yesterday morning the pulpit at Broadway
Methodist church wns occupied by the newly
opjioitited pastor , Hev. C. 1) . Franklin. The
people were evidently an\ious to see the new
preacher , for the cdillco was crowded to
overflowing. As the clei-L-jman arose to an
nounce the opening hymn , one saw a largo
man , considerably above the average in
helghth nnd build , with n dignified jit win
ning presence. A large } ct well hiipcd head
set upon a splendid pair of shoulders such n
a figure as one would e > pcct to see in a tjp'- '
cal commander. His reading was clear ,
, vcll modulated mid effective. His prayer
! xprossed the fiutli of a perfect believer with
ho innocence of n child. In this feature of
he moining woiship he gave a suggestion of
iroadness which led one to expect much
"rom his after pulpit work ; nor was the con-
'regatmn disappointed.
Arising to address the audience , he said :
'We are stiiivling this moining in the place
appointed to us by the vo.e ! of the c'uirch.
Methodism is somewhat peculiar in its mctli-
xls. It says to one 'Conic , ' and he cometh ;
: o another ' ( Jo. ' and ho goeth , and nowhere
iinong men , born cither to rule or to obey ,
A ill joti iind such loyalty to the voice of au-
.liority ; such devotion to the cause of the
hurcli ; such abnegation of self ; such Mieri-
Ice for the good of others as jou will Iind in
.ho Methodist pulpit. Tins morning I stand
. .lefuroou , a stranger. Strange faces aie
itplilted to my own. We are all strangers ,
: ind yet there is a commonality among us
tvhlch marks all worshippers , \\ehavonover
net before , nnd yet we have bowed before
the same altar ; presented our petitions to
the same Hod ; loved , labored and sacrillccd
for tbo same great cud the saving of soul .
Thus wo i ro not strangers in spirit ,
though in the body we have never met
'icfore. There is no moment in the life of a
Castor so fraught with lutciest as this.
Whatconditionswo thus meet ; rcla-
tons open to us ; what possibilities reach out
to us with beckoning hands. Vet in this
work our associates are now.Ve must learn
each other.Vo are bound together for a
year anyway and WL must make the best of
't. My name is Franklin , spelled the easiest
ivny. If I meet you upon the street and do
lot recognize jou , tell mo you are a member
of this church ; give mo your name and per
haps in time I shall Irani Jim all b.v name.
You are .MX ) and can remember the name of
one easier than tbo one can remember the
names of the f,0 > .
All over the United States this Sabbath
and last are marked days in the history of
he church , so great are the changes which
lave occurred. You , of this organt/atmn ,
could do me no greater favor than to show
jour love for jour outgoing pastor , tor what
you have been to one jou will very llkeljbe
to another. 1 am glad you have planned
this last linal meeting with Brother Kees
He and I have been associated for twelve or
iftcen years. I know him and love him too.
I haye been , in mv own mind , contrasting
aim and myself. In one thing , at least , 1 can
; 111 his place ; that is in square fret.
1 am hero for the good of tbo church. Let
it be understood that I have in my heart
the warmest , broadest feeling lor all
other evangelical churches.Vlnlo this
"s true I am pi.stor of this Methodist church.
I entertain no thought of exclusivennss or
bigotry , but I can work bettor in tins church
than in any other. Tlio church is a combina
tion of men and women seeking after eternal
lite. " The speaker here gave T.Umage's
description of an ideal church. Continuing ,
ho said : "When the announcement was read
by the bishop and I was assigned to Council
Bluffs , I was taken completely off mjfeel. .
1 had served another people three years , and
had as fully expected to be returned to thorn
as I over expected anything thut came to
pass. I had served the Master for fifteen
years in the Ues Moines conference and I
never asited the presiding elder for anything.
I have often served the Master in tears , ! lit
have , bj- His grace , tried to give Him the
best service I could render. When 1 ilnally
settled down the fact of the change , I did
not ask myself'What salary do they pay i'
but rather , 'How many souls can we save in
that great city ! ' " Hero ho made n power
ful appeal to the church for earnestness and
zeal in the work of the church.
Qlf that man ever lived who has tried to run
away from duty , 1 am that man : but lor
many years I have harnessed myself to the
work of saving men , mid the "way grows
brighter and brighter until the perfect day. "
I will be with you during the various changes
which come into the lives of us all. When
you rejoice I shall bo with you
and share your jo.v , and when there
is crape upon the door , and slip
pered feet pass from room to room ,
awaking not the echoes that silently lie
around the lorm of thu one you love , 1 will
be with you , and with a ncrlect faith , though
with trembling lip , will tell you of Him who
will wipe away all tcais Irom your eyes.
I believe wo can saj- this morning , 'AH
things work together for good to those who
love the Lord. ' These changes of preacheis
and appointments come directly under this
head. " The speaker then apologi/ed for so
lengthy an introduction and announced his
text , P.iul's llrst epistle to the Corinthians ,
third chapter , ninth verso : "For we are
laborers together with God ; yo are God's
husbandry , yo are God's building. " The
sermon which followed was an able expo
sition of the unitj' of God and man in the
work of aaving men.
The membership of Broadway church ex
press themselves as being well pleased with
their now pastor , and without doubt Mr.
Franklin will win for himurlf a warm place
in the heart and affection of this community.
Sec Forest Smith's special column.
Artists preler tlio Ilalleit & Davis
piano , at C. B. Music Co. , 221 Broadway.
E. TT. Sheafo loans money on chattel
security of every description. Private
conbiilting rooms. All business strictly
conhdental. Ollico 500 Broadway , cor
ner Main street , up-btairs.
A Word to tbo Wise.
If you are contemplating making an
investment why not select a good bar
gain instead of being contented with
just nn ordinary lot , and why not get a
perfect title instead of a half title. Buy
your property from our list and ge't
something choice , at a low figure and on
easy terms. Om < : iL Bite & Co.
New catsup ju&t received at Fearon's.
Crushed by tlio Cars1.
The man killed by the cars at Honey Creek
Saturday evening proves to bo Ellas Wright ,
un old and highlj' respected resident of
Boomer township. Mr. \ \ right was n dele
gate to the democratic county convention
that mot in this city Saturday , and ho was
rcturiug homo when he met Ins death. He
witnessed the parade hero fn the evening ,
'and left the city over the Northwestern in
company with Charles Alexander , who was
nominated for county supervisor at the con
vention. Alter the train started they found
out that it would not stop at Honey Creek ,
and they determined to Jump elf at th'it
point. When they reached there the train
slowed up a little , as is customary in passing
a station , and the two gentlemen went out to
the platform. Mr. Alexander thought tnat
thcv were going too fust to attempt to get
off , but Mr. Wright wont down the steps and
jumped. Mr. Alexander noticed that ho fell ,
but did not suppose that ho was seriously in
jured , mid went back and took his seat In the
car , Koimj on to Missouri Valley , where he
heard that a man had been killed. Ho im
mediately went back and found the remains
of Mr. Wright horribly mangled , so much seas
as to bo unrecognizable by intimate friends ,
The deceased had evidently been caught as
ho iennd \ \ drugged under the wheels , whicli
had passed directly over Ids head , length
wise , Crushing it to n shapeless mass. CorO'
Her Waterman was summoned to hold nn in
quest and iho jury returned a verdict of acci
deuUl death. The dcccabed was Well kiiowt
v .
throughout the county , anil wns a Justiop of
tin * jiuuco for Uoomor township Ho leave's
n Inrgo futility i-onslstinfr of 11 wifi1 unit bovcn
rhtlilrcn. Ho win Jlftyilvoours ol npu.
The funcrnl will take i > luec to-duy fiom his
Into resilience.
I3oots , * her * . Kimiolmn's , MO U'vvny.
J. O.Tiptoii hiis bargains in real cblnto.
f-'nvcd tlio Chllilrcn.
A pair of horses belonging to M. Marcus
were hitched In the reiir of his residence on
Hrondwuy icstorduy nfternoon , anil two of
his chlldt enveie sitting on the back seat of
the carriage to which they were attached ,
when the animals broke loo"C and began to
run. They struck into .Scott street , thence
to Hroadway , and were heading toward the
newly laid motor track whuie the paving it
lorn up , when they were stopped. Several
parties , attracted l i the screams ( if the child
ren mm "eeing the terrible fate thut awaited
tlmm if the frightened animals reached the
roUL'h and uneven paving below Sixth
street , attotnpted to stop them but witjjout
siiices- " , until an imilo young man ' ebetrono
of the horses by the bit as he rushed by.
The children would have undoubtedly been
killed b.v being dashed to the stone paving if
the team had not been stopped just as it was.
The escape was a narrow one , mid wns wit
nessed by a large number of people.
ITuvo our wagon c.ill for your soiled
clothes. Cascade Ltiumh'v C'o.
TClcgant jicaelios , by the pool : or
busshul , at t'caroii's.
See Forest Smith's special column.
A Harvest lionic.
The services at the First HiipU t church
yesterday wore in the nature of a harvest
festival. 'Iho sermon of the morning , by
Dr. Ci-oley , was appropriate to the occasion ,
and the exercises of thu evening by Iho Sun-
daj school , was on the same line , though
more elaborated. All the native grains and
fruits were pte-.ent in abundance. The altar
was a literal "Horn of Plenty , " two mam
moth shells at each end aiding in giving this
idea. Over the outside door WHS the word
"Welcome,1' miide of corn. "Thrust in thy
Muklo and reap , " adoined the east wall ;
"Our Harvest Home , " was over the altar ,
and below was it trained motto : "Hring in
thy Sheaves. " Other decorations were very
tabletully placed. The e.\oi cises were very
attractive and were excellently presented by
the little folks. A collection was taken at
the close , the proceeds to be devoted to the.
church work in the state.
A { jooil article of tea for > eeiits at
II ( ! I'urclmsrd tin * I'rojHM'ty.
As Colonel . ) . C. Huffman r was walking
down Hroadway yesterday aftet noon he no
ticed a horse tied near the eurbinv , upon
which was a familiar looking saddle. A
closer examination revealed his private mark
upon it and lie inlormed Chief Lucas that
the saddle and n bridle were stolen fiom him
about three months ago. The chief kept
watch for the fellow who owi.c 1 ttio horse ,
and when ho appeared he saul that ho bor
rowed the saddle Irom a neighbor living near
the Twent\ second avenue school building.
The chief went down theie mid found the
lindle. The man claimed that he boimht the
articles three months since of a man who
drove by in a bugirv , ciaiinmg that lie needed
money. Thi- > was undoubtedly the thief ,
who ii'coivcd t ) for the property. It was
conliseated by tlie ollletr and leturned to the
rignt owner.
Ill health modi lies all -iblo
poiblo yooil-
ncss. Ho-.toro your health by usiiif , ' '
Warner's Lojf ( . 'abiu Saivaparilla. It
riilL's the nlooil , rcirulutOM the liver.
Try it 1:20 ilo-et. foril.OO. Sold by your
drufjgibt. ' 1'liero is no SuraiiiKirilhi "just
as yood. ' ' Gut it.
May IK u Male This Time.
A bocial sensation was created by the
appearance of the following ; notice in
the papers of Providence , U. I. , Sep
tember lit ) :
KKICNK-HUXTKK. At the rectoryChurch
of the Hedeemer , Hrooklyn. N. Y. , by Uov.
W. H. Simonson , April til , IsbS , WU.TP.U
Hfi.i.ociJ KIHNK : to UnoitiuiNA Arruiov :
lit snu : , widow of Captain G. M. Hunter ,
United States Custom House , daughter of
William Stuart Appleton , meco of Associ
ate .Justice Samuel Ulatehford , of United
States Suuicnio court of Washington , D. C.
LJolh partieb are well known and have
Rood family connections , but the start
ling' feature is that the bridegroom lias
been induced to run away from his
bride , but she declares that &he will iind
Keene is only nineteen years of iifje ,
while hib wife is forty-one and has live
children , whose ages run from live to
fcovontec'ii. The honeymoon was passed
at the shore resort known as Riverside ,
on NarragaiiboU bay , and it was thence
that the youthful husband departed
without taking his wife into bis confi
dence as to his destination. It is
thought , however that lie hab gone to
Keene is tlio great-grandson of Josiuh
'Keenc ' , a substantial farmer of Xortb
Providence , and grandson of Charles
Keoue , who at one time was married by
a student of Urinvn'h university to a
girl , whoso parents found out the hoax
and compelled him to enter into a legal
marriage. The girl soon after took her
own life , but she had one son , who was
Keono's father. His aunt is a member
of the wealthy IHilloek family of Uhode
Island , and the boy is very well on" , hav
ing considerable money profitably in
Some time ago bis aunt took him to
New York , where lie entered as a stu
dent in the Bellevue medical school and
wont to , live in Mrs. Georgiana A. Hun-
tor's boardinir bouse. Last winter
Keene was ill from malaria , and was
carefully nursed by Ins boarding house
mistress. An attachment was the re
sult , and tlio boy patient proposed and
was accepted. They wont to Brooklyn ,
where the ceremony was quietly per
All went well until vacation came ,
when Keene hurt to visit his aunt at
Riverside to keep a promise. He hart
been there only a few days when Mrs.
IIuntor-Koeno , baggage , household
goods and children arrived at the little
cottage where Keene and bis ( iitnt
lived. The cottage would not hold them ,
so the family , minus tln < husband , took
possession of a cottage opposite Aunt
Bullock's home. Keene spout so much
time in the cottage across the way that
liis stepfather asked some questions , and
then the secret came out. lilTorts were
made immediately to separate the
couple , and after holdinjr out for a week
Keene submitted. Only three people
know whore ho is , and they will not
Mrs. IIuntor-Kceno is still nt the cot
tage and swears she will got her hus
band back. She is a young looking
woman with a lively air. She comes
from a well-known and prominent fam
ily , and aside from her being a niece to
.Judge Blatchford , is a member of the
Appleton family of Baltimore nnd Bos
Runaway couple to minister Will you
join us ? Minister Thanks ; 1 don't care
if I do.
"I notice you never try to shine in
conversation , Bromley. " "Well , n.j
Fact is , Uarrincton , it keeps mo buso
all the time trying to conceal my ignor
ance. "
"I want you to know , " bald Mrs.
Snapper to her husband , "that facts are
fctubborn things. " " I know it , " he
answered meekly , " vonjan is a lact. "
Every heart has its Was ; some huvo
their \Vero , for a plurality of Wtifees
The Choicest Ground ( or Residence in the Western Part of the City ,
lt > now platted into Beautiful. Large Lot : ? . About ten minutes ride on the
motor to Douglas ' treot , Omaha. They Ho on a level but elevated strip of ground.
About ! < ( ) ( ) yards from the now motor line to Omaha. Less than 1 } miles from the
Council Bltills postoiiicp. Nearly twice as largo in si/e in sm1 as most of the
newly platted lots. Good pulilvc schools near by. The proposed Boulevard
bounds it on the north.
T1TLKS Perfect.
ABSTRACT Printed Abstract nnd Warranty Deed with each Lot.
( MJADIi K.vamino thi'so lots with reference to the grade before buying a lot.
The ordinary price of a lot is saved on grade alone , if you buy one of these lots' .
TF.IIMS To a good class of purchasers a limited number of lots will he sold
for one-tenth down ; balance in monthly payments , without interest. Apply to
,1. .1. Brown building , 11 , " ) Pearl-St. , Council Blulls , Iowa.
constitutes the Wi-ro. If there bo no
I'll Be to take the plaeo of the Is , the
hungering1 heart famishes , droops , and
eventually dies.
The heroine of a story now running in
i southern paper is undo to siv : " 1 will
lo the washing this time , motlior , for it
s the greatest of delights to me. " This
; a wide departure from the realistic in
ietion ; in fact it reaches the pinnacle of
Jio ideal. As a work of the imagination
the story will take high rank.
"I Iind. madam. ! ' t-aid a young physi
cian , "that your husband is sutlering
from overwork. ' ' "And will ho have to
give up his place under the govorn-
iient1' ' she asked , anxiously. "What's
that ? Is ho a government olficialV tlYesE
sir. " ' "ll'm ! I'll diiigno-o his case
vgain. He probably needs exercise of
some kind. ' '
"Doesn't it embarrass you to be Ivivod
L > y your husband before a car full of poo-
iloV" ) "Knibarras.- < inoV" replied the
lady , who was starting otT on a journey ,
is she seated herself in her seat and
looked at the questioner. "Did .lohli
kiss me wlion he said good-bjeV I declare
clare 1 didn't notice it. Is 'my hat on
straight. LauraV
A Cape man had been living fifteen
gears'with his second wife. One was
orthodox the other wasn't. One day
Mrs. Brown overheard her husband and
a neighbor discussing the hereafter.
" \Vhatdoyouknoiv about hellV said
she. "I guess I know something"came
tlio answer. "I've lived there the last
fifteen years , and what a man 'spori-
ences lie knows ! "
A Yellow FevorSiiflVrer.
Chicago News : "I am a yellow fever
MilYcror , " said a man in tattered gar
ments , who also wore an air of mystery
and an aroma of rum.
"Have you come from Florida , and
have you boon exposed to the plague V
asked the citizen in a startled voice.
"No. " said the tramp , mournfully.
"If I had I would now bo lodging at a
nice yellow fever camp , with plenty to
eat and nothing to do. That is why I
suffer. Can you lend me a quarter ,
professor ? "
A positive euro for Liver nnd Kidney troub
les , all Blood Diseases , Indigestion , Dyspep
sia , and Sour Stomach , is found in
For sale by local druggists nnd druggists
ovorywhofo. 1'rieo $ t per bottle , six for $5.
Address all communications to
J. K.
Council HlulTs , la.
IRON and
r' JOHN H < KIKT : ,
No. HIM .Mnln Strent.
CorrcsDcmJcnts Jlentlon This I'ajier.
MOBroadway Council Diulla , Jo > va. Ki
SI'KCIAIjnilvrrtisrtmMiti , Lost , round.
To Ijoiin , Tor Sale. To Het.t , Wants , llnaril-
Inir , etc. , ulll lie Iiist-rti'd In tills column at the
low rate of TI'.N I'lINTri I'KIl UNI * , for the llrst
Inscitlon anil rive CVnW Per l.lnu for osirh sub-
MMurnl | Insertion. I.cav advertisement * nt
oiii onic-e. No. i : . ' 1'e.irl Street , near Hroadway ,
Council Illulls lou.i.
A \r.\NTii : > - i\trytioilvto : Know that I \\111
not lie iimli'i.xolil in fltlit-r furniture or
Moves Jt'x your pat.'unane i want , and judco
for joiii'M-l ! . I ills i 1niy all llrt rlass lieu e-
lioldKood" . No rnlililili u anted. A , J. Mandel ,
; i\r ) and : ii"i Ilro.iduny.
"I71OII THAI ) ! ! For city proppi tv an improved
Jfarm or Ki ai res in Mielhy ooiinty , Iowa , or
" 111.ell on lout ; time. Apply to llnrai e Kveiutt.
TpniNISliiroom ! : ) for rent , 117 4tli st.
\\r.\NTi : I ) Vouns man familiar with the lit y
M to solicit work on commission. Cascade
Laundry Co. . '
AV'ANTKD A thoroughly competent book-
TV keep-r. None neu.l aiplv ) who i amiot tur-
nMi recommendations Horn toimpr emplo\er
Mate salary wanted , Addiess A 1 , lleo ollice ,
( uuncil mulls [ a.
ANV ono who has real estate they wisb to
si-11 cheap for cash address "Heal llstate , "
lieu olllce , Council illulls.
"IjlOH Itl'.NT Heven-room colt.iire. on tlio cor-
JLA nor of : id ave. and ! ith st.V. . C. James.
Foil SAM : or trade , for city lot. Dncst
matched family team In stale. No. lIKJ
We-t Hroadway.
HUNT A larie number of good dwell-
'H Call and examine list. 1' . H. Sheafo
& , Co. , Hioadway and Main St. , up stairs.
I riU ) KXniANflK-A tine , well assorted HOW
stock of stationery , fancy n ° ods , jewelry ,
etc. . In a thriving town for re ldenci in South
Omaha. It. T. llryant & Co. , K.'S Htoadway
Council IllulTs. la.
HOUSES for rent. Johnston & Van Patten ,
3 1 Main ht. _
A a-acre ) small fruit farm very cheap. Just
-tx outsldu city limits , or will divide into W
acre tracts to suit mirchasei. H T llryant & Co
Stocks of mcrchandlso to exchange
change for city propel ty In Council Illutls ,
Omaha , or westeui land or chattels of any kind.
Wo make exchanging a specialty. Jl. T. llryant
&Co. , IKS Hroadway.
T71OK SAI.i : Hoii'-o of " ) rooms ; closets and
J.1 collar. Large lot , good tiBrn , well and elf--
tein. 1'inlt tree-i. A good home. Mil ) K. I'lurce
st. , 'sblkto st. cars. } X',1UO ; easy terms
TjlOIt SAMllouso ! of fi rooms ; cellar and
-L' closets ; I.IIKO lot , MxPJO , on Ith ave. A
cheap homo at f1W ; easy teims.
"ITHMt 8AI.i-no : ( Hroadway lot. 4Cxl , , noith
J. .side , between 27th and "ft h sts ; JMU.
T71OH SAUI-One Hroadway lot , ll-V.'Ofi , .s. bide.
JL1 ( or. JEd ! bt. , only t\fl \ ( ) .
FOIt SA M' Two lots HOxiaii'dch , . e. cor. tlth
ave and Kith st. Jloth lor K U ; a great
TTKU SAM1. 8 U-IO acres , jiiht west of the
JL' union depot ; ! .ViO per acie. 1'lnu for plat
TJ1OH SAM ! ! ! MO acies Just west of union
-I ? depot , Jl.OJOper acie.
irUMl SA MI 1 acres on both sides of 1T. P. II.
It. track , 'a mile west of union depot ; would
make a line addition to Council IlluUsorUmaha.
Only { 7W per acre.
FOH SAIiIJ Lot 41x120 on 1st ave , near N. W.
It. It. depot , on N. W. track ; cheap at MIX ) .
ITIOIt SAliK Lots , houses and lot" , and aero
property in all parts of tlio city ; cheaper by
! iO per tent than it can be bought W days from
now. Call and examine my list before buying.
Hoonl 1 , 3rd Floor , lirown Uulliling.
D. H. McDANELO & CO. ,
Hides. Tallow , Pelts ,
Wool and Furs.
Highest Market Prices. Prompt
tSO and S3 Main Street.Councll lllulfsjowx
, , , , , , , ,
Telephone No05. .
Latest Noteltlus In
. .
Large lots ; easy of access , with splendid sewerage opportunity. Close
proximity to business portion of city , vicinity of good rhuivhoH and schools , .hist
olT Broadway. Klectric motor for nil points in city and Omaha every seven min
utes. Easy terms. Perfect title.
F. J. DAY , No. 9 Pearl Street.
A. A. CLARK it CO. , Broadway and Main
J. G. TIPTON , 527 Broadway ,
FRANK COOK , No. 5 Pearl Street.
JOHNSTON & VAN PATTEN , 33 Main Street ,
L I < lii-"l-.S ; IOWA.
Smith's Bakery.
'Wholesale Broad & Oabwfc
CO. ,
Uspoclally Adapted for
25 TO 300
POWER , Mills and Elevators , '
Spec-Ideations and estimates furnished for complete steam plants. Itcpulatlon , Durability Guar
anteed. Can show letters from users wheio fuel llconomy Is with ( orliss Nou-Coudeuslnn
IEUAV : < n Biousi : , eorxni , HMTI-S , IOWA.
Send for Catalogue , E. C. HARRIS , Manager.
Manufacturer * niul Wliolcsnln Do lorn In
Sa/u.seige of .A.11 KZinds.
OrdcrH I'n.niptly Filled and Delnorod.
xo. : . - > uitoAiVAY. . - - TIMI : IIO.\I : xo.
Hydraulic ami Sanitary Engineer. Plans , Estimates ,
H . Specifications. Supervision of Public Work. Drown
Building , Council BlulTk , Iowa.
riMI ITV Dl IDl/r Attorney at Law , Second Floor Brown Duilding , 115
rllNLLY DUimL" Pearl St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
MMMM n * . . . . " " "
Justice ol the Peace. Ofllce over American Express , No , 419
NQPUIID7 Uroadway , Council Hlullb , Iowa.
CTAMC J ? , QIIV/IQ / Attorneys at Law , Practice in the State anil Fed era
O I UINL Ot OIIYlO' " Courts. Olllce Rooms 7 and 8 , Shugarl-lleno Block ,
Council lilulTb , Iowa.
p M A7ri\l..Dentist , Room 0 , Opera House Block , Council Hlufls , Iowa'
1511 St. , Omaha , Neb ,
PRICE $15 ,
Is equal td
any High
Tin ; E''ltm ' Mlmeoeraph tlia bett apparatui for
nmniroMinK auto rapbio ana lyi'O Writing notic.
3.UJJ copic * can Lo lakuD.
The Ezcehior Ce.CouicilBhil3 , la.