10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 30. 188S-SIXTEEN PAGES. NOTICES. Advertisements under this hnnd 10 contipor ilne for the nrst insertion , T rents for each sub- nequent Insertion , and ILffln line per month. No-advertisement taken for loss than IK cents the Hrst insertion. Seven words will bo counted to the line ; they must run consecutively and must be paid In ADVANCE. All advertise- wonts must bo handed In before 12:30 o'clock p. m. , and under no circumstances 111 they betaken taken or discontinued by telephone. Parties advertising in these columns nnd lmv Ing their answers addressed In care of Til K UK a vrlll please ask for a check to enable them to got their letters , as none will be delivered except on presentation of check. All nnswers to adver tisements should be enclosed in envelopes. All advertisements In thcso columns nro pub lished In both morning and evening editions of TUB HKE , the circulation of which aggregates more than 18,000 papers dally , and gives the ad- Vertlsers the benefit , not only of the city circu lation of THE HER , but also of Council DltifTs , Mncoln and other cities and towns throughout rt 'lls section ot the country. t BRANCHJD FFICEST Advertising for these columns will bo taken ' en the above conditions , at the following busi ness houses , who nre authorized ngents for TUB luce special notices , nnd will quote the same rates ns can bo had nt the main olllce. * " J OHN W . DELL"pharmacist , 820 South Tenth Street. c IHASK&r.DDY , Stationers and Printers. 113 South ICthHtreot. II. FAHNSWOKTII , Pharmacist,2115Cum- Ing Street. J. HUGHES , Pharmacist.C21 North 10th Street. GEO. W. I'AUH , I'hnruiacls t , 1SCU St. Mary's Avenue. SITUATIONS WANTED. " 1X/ANTI3U Situation by young man of SO1 TV thoroughly undeistandi care of horses , Xiamen and carriage ) ; can drive If necessary , nnd willing to miiKo himself generally useful ; good references , i : III , Duo. lij > ItOJ WANTEU-Sltuatlon as stenographer nnd typewriter by a gentleman. First dais experience ; bostot references given : John I'lck- Jer , Des Molnes , la. . : . -30t WANTim Sltuatlon for a good steady Swede man on a rancn. Has n wife nnd 2 children. Mit. llrcga , ni4Vi S.ir.th. 1)15-2- ) Wantcd-Ladloi of Omaha nnd , elaewhoro , pleasu olnorvo that wo are now 5repnred to supply you with excellent girls for omestlc work ; calf nnd see us. Oillce 1417 Far ' pnin ht , room 11. State Employment Parlors. 1MB ! IOJ WANTED Situation by nnnxperloncod man With llronso ns Jamtor or firing steam ! * ' beating furnace. Address EH6 , lice. U18-1' .1 Position ns coachman with fcotno good family by a young man who Is sober nnd good references. Address E 29 , Dee olllco. t * > 810 SO' J Situation by two girls in a dress making establishment ; if possible give Week's notice. Address 2612 Davenport. 770 3 ! ) * WANTED MALE HELP. . "IXTANTED A young man to carry morning ' . VV and evening routes on the Dally Dae in ( South Omaha , apply at Doe olllce , 014 Farnam. WANTED Throe men of traveling experi ence , with push and energy , to travel throughout Nebraska to organize branches of the best loan and saving association In the world ; exclusive territory given ; n grand op portunity for llvo men. Address , with refer ences , People's Dulldtng , Loan and Saving ABI.O- , , elation. Geneva , N. Y. 057 a AGENTS Wonted Duplicating apparatus ; 3UOO coplcH hand or typewriting ; olg com- Mission. Fast Automatic Co. , 2 New Chambers bt. . N. V. 000-30 * WANTED A young married man for deliv ery wagon wife to attend to olllco : rent tree. Address K 30 , Dee olllco. 058-30 WANTED Gorman man nnd wlfo to do housework In private family , 6 miles out bt town. { 30 per month. Nebraska Employ ment onioe , 317 N. 16th Bt. . . . . v - 15tll hasomont. ANTED Good city salesman to canvas for TV general commission house ; liberal salary to the right man : must be well acquainted with city retail trade. Address fi 33 , care Dee oltlce. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 30j WANTED Twenty gooil rock men. 11.75. State emplovtriesi ujflce , 1417 Karnatu st. , room 11. _ ma 3D ? WANTED A good salesman in a dry goods , boot and BIIOO store ; Scandlnavl an pre- i ( erred. Also a bright boy between 13 and 14. J. C. Knewola , 2B Cumins st. 927-1 _ WANTED A first class shirt Ironer , 721 Pierce. 92830 * _ WANTED Energetic mon with bank refer ence. to take exclusive charge of Dr. Had- cllffo'8 family ruedlcinea In Omaha ana every conntr in iho state. M. T. fribble , box 611 Lln- coln. Neb. _ _ BlttOOJ 'WTANTED Salesmen to solicit orders for VV nevr and choice varieties of nursery and prcenhouso goods. Previous experience not DBaentlal. Liberal commission or salary paid , Steady employment guaranteed. Den refer ences required. Address. L. L. May & Co. yurseryrocn and florlats. St. Paul , Minn. 817-30 ; * t\T A NTlsD Teamsters and laborer for rail- ft road work south. Ship Sunday. t"ree f are. Benson employment agency , KW S , 10th st. 022-30 * IXJANTRD A good reliable man to solicit T V members nnd represent the United States Mercantile Prospective association of New r Tork. In Nebraska. A liberal commission and , lermanent position to the right party. For full p lartlculors address or call on 0. F. Kelly , Gen. fe . , Windsor hotel. Olllce lioura 7 to li a. m. , 7p.m. 8261 * WANTED Young man In every western town to collect , etc. . and write for our Weekly. Small salary to start with if reference Rod trial is satisfactory. Pay Increased as ser vices will warrant. Address with one reference nd Hi amp for sample and particulars. The BomesteaO , Omaha , Neb. 874 80 _ BAHBEH wanted at Norfolk. JI3 per week and steady job ; come at once or telegraph. IS , C.B. House. 859 UP ? I- - experienced shoe salesman IT having hud sev eral years experience In an xcluiivo shoo store. None others need answer ; unquestionable references required. Address , 31. Bee olllce. _ 85S-30 _ XT ANTED Q oed steady office boy winter * TV Job. Mrs. Hrega. 314H 3 15tll. 8 1 3Ut 'ANTED . ' ( stonecutters at ntone church , W B. IDtb. W. A. Eclcer. 03 80t * nrANTED Tracklayers for Kansas nt Al * TV brlght's Labor Agency , 1120 Farnam st. 8 14 tTTANTED-Tallors , 5 B. 15th. basement , WANTED Janitor , colored , and several of fice boys ; call Sunday morning between 10 fend 12tO : : at office in South Omaha. Armonr- Cndnhy Packing Co. 706 80J ITTANTISD A first-class dross goods sales- TV man and trimmer ; nlngle man preferred ; preference required ; steady employment to good Enan. Address Wolbach & Dracli , Hastings. Nob. _ 7K ) SI WANTKD At Northwestern Labor Agency , 315 8.10th st. , 76 shovellers ; 4 store r ooina torrent ; 3 unfurnished rooms. 777 ANTED Hrst-cUus cook to take charge oi kitchen ; must understand his business , be pobcr and have good references. Addrcs D 65 , pee olllce. TO1 TINNER wanted at We st rn. Neb. , stead ; A employment to a rollabl e workman. Ad dress J. A. KllU.Weaterp.Bt.Une Co..N b. 774 o ANTED-School boy of IB or 18 to do i V chores mornings ana evening * . 1GO/iJ'"r- / , . 7V1 ; tOt ' rffrANTED 3 coat , S pants and 1 vest makers. S-T Steady work and good prices. W. W. Mar pl A Co. . Norfolk. Neb. 763 o > * VUIIOKTIG canvassers ran find steady em. ployuient at room 618 Paxton block , selling article In constant use In ever " " /f XTANTKO Enorg tlo men and women every 4 W where for a genteel , money-making bus ! tls * . KU weekly profit guaranteed oaslorthanIO monthly otherwise. Ekpertonco absolutely un fcicessary. Permanent posltton and xcluslw territory assured. $3 samples free. Write foi Barttcnlan. Address , wllU itanus Merrill Jiff Co. . D5J. Chicago. KidKtt ' * BirANTKD-aooil life Insurance solicitor ! 1,1 * W with bonk references , are wanted by thi 0nlon Life it 401 Merchants' national panl fiilldlng. Omaha. Offlc * houw 8 to 10 a. m. am * rt rto0 p.m. 21. ' mTANTED A rnan to solicit ; salary 1100 py ; \W ulhMnuTt deposit 123 " * : - W money collected. Address Oeorge 9. Cllne -4 . < Vagn r block. Dei Molnes. la. WANTKD A flrstlasi experienced window dresser. Inquire at the Fair. W5 WANTED 4 good , wlde-awnkb men to sell something new on Installments. roJ tt. Mary's ave. CM 301 _ _ BOl'lJ Atu. illst. 'Xel. to. , JJU4 Douglas. Oil \\rANTED-A coed draughtsman at < X Pax- V > ton block. P. J. Croedon. C01 _ WANTED-FEMALE HELP. WANTKDj'oung lady for olllce work. Call early Monday at the Western Printing company. WANTED Experienced folder. Good wanes for rapid work. Western Printing com pany. WANTED Flftci'n neat and capable girls for places In Omaha and all over the state ; nil kinds of housework ; good wagaa ; call at 1417 Farnam st , , room 11. , 010 SO * "V\7"ANTUD-airl for general housework. 1433 V > S. Pthst. 617 WANTKO-Alady to solicit : mustdeposlt J25 and glvo security for money collected. Address Guorgo S. Clluo , Wagner block , Dos Molnes , la. 755 o. B " \JI7ANTED A competent second girl. Aiiply Vntsugtciilcagost. . 7 8IOj ! VVANTKII 10 good girls for places out of city Vr in small hotdM nnd on farms , 2 dining room Slrls. plain laundtess , girl noav city , " In f.un- y , W.60 ; 6 glrl-t who will take places m the Biiburbs. tl : lots of good places In private fain- ' illcsevery day. Mrs. Dregn , 31 Ui a 15th. 8K1 SOt 1\7"ANTIM ) Wnlst and skirt flnlshors.also.ono Vf toieludy , M. A. Wallace , 1J19 Howard. 812 1 Y ANTP.n-Glrlfor housework. 2KB..Doug- 612 WANTKO Olrl for housework. Mrs. Garner , 201 S. 21th St. 02,1-1 * WANTED-Compenent glrlfor general houso- work. 2407 Capitol avmiuu. OlJ-1 * WANTED Dy a respectable girl , second work or chamber wane in private family. Is a good newer. Address Nebraska Employment olllce. ! II7 N. ICth si. 018--JO WANTKD-15 girls , 1417 Faruam St. Call. iU7-30t \VANTED Lady agonls : local and traveling , V 8iM ) n month clear. Now rubber undor- garnn-nttj for ladles. Mis , H , F. Little , Chicago , 111. fJwo2 WANTED -1'lrst class pastry cook.r > 0 ; man nnd wlfo on n stock ranch , woman must bo good rook , $ " > 5 : 10 farm hands ; 6 teamsters. Mrs. Hrega. 314H S. 15th Bt. 053-30 * WANTED Lady In every western town to collect , etc. , and wrlto for our Weekly. Small balary to etart with If reference nnd trial is sntlsfnctory. Pay increased ns services will wnrrnnt. Address with one reference aiulitamp for sninplo nnd particulars. The Homestoau , Omaha , Nob. b"4 30 - Indies to solicit In this ami WANTED-THO adjoining btates ; salary 87" > per month ; call on Susie Herald , room 112 Mlllard hotel. J 707 WANTHD-First-class girl , good pay. 1903 Cnpllol nve. 7t-0 iiO lady canvassers can find ono of tno ACTIVE unities over ollerud by calling nt room 518 Paxton block. 757-3U * WANTED 1 dining room girl and dishwash er. 100IN. lllth. 7J730 "fTlTANTED Good woman cook and girl to VV wait on table. Inquire 1600 Douglas. 730 30t /"lOMPETENT girl for general housework. V/fainlly three. Southeast cor 20th nnd Wool- worth. 72J30 * WANTED Girl for general housework , southwest cor 32nd and California streets. O'JO WANTED A splendid experienced girl ; good wages paid. Mrs. It. C. Patterson , 2113 Farnam st. 842 WANTED-Lady agents for "A" skirt and bustle combined ; also "D" hose support ers. Our Gnlesburg , 111. , ngent cleared Jl'W ' In 10 days. Ladies' Supply Co. , 287 W. Washington Bt. Chicago. 03io ! ! EMPLOYMENT BUREAUS. ALL il EN out of employment call at 1417 Far nam at. , room 11 , upstairs. 040 30 * STATE employment ofilce. Opo" < > v-u'.n 3 1417 Farnam st- room ; j , upstairs. 046 30t /1AKADIAN employment office , Mrs. Drega VAJU'/i S 15th. Reference Omaha National bank 293 O 17 * MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. \\TANTED Experienced canvassers ; now is TV the time to start canvassing ; coed crop reports all over the west ; business Is good and people are feeling well ; send for terms nnd de scriptive circular of "Hill's Champion Cooker" ; agents wanted throughout the west. Address 11111 , Whitney & Co. , 119 Pearl St. , Doston , Mass. 004 2j " \T7ANTED A gentleman would like comfort- V V ably furnished and heated room in private family ; south side preferred , S 40 , Dee ofilce. 056 30J WANTED All those seeking employment , male and female , as clerks , book-keepers , etc. , store or olllco work , to apply or address 1417 Fnrnam St. , room 11. 040 30t "WANTED To borrow on 1st mortgage on in- VT side property. South Omaha , time 1 to 3 years , otO per cent , property worth 4 to 5 times amount wanted. $500. 1,000 , 1.500. J..OOO. 1 will write to or call on you by being addressed , "Dorrower , " P. O. box 035 , Omaha , Neb. 021-7 1J10R adoption , bright boy baby. Address K. JD 34 , Dee olllce. 026-2 * TPITANTED All kinds of repair works on mu- V V steal instruments at Cameron & Smith's , IMP Dodge st. 8U21 WANTED Pianos and organs to repair at Cameron & Smith's , 1510 Dodge st. Ml 1 ANTKD To go as companion with an invalid - valid lady to California , by an American lady that is reliable and trustworthy , and ac customed to traveling. Good references fur- nlshud. Address K 88. Pee onice. Bill * to 4repair at Cameron & Smith's , VIOLINS 1518 Dodge St. B641 ANTED-Dulldlng loans by the Mutual Investment - vestment Co. , Room 1 , Darker block.771o4 771o4 To correspond with parties who WANTKD locate in business or those going out ; can fnrnlsh locations in any line or ex change , nnd cash customers forparties desiring to sell. L. P. Kraua , 1607 Farnam St. , Omaha. iOtt OM ! TJITANTED The public to make good use ot VV The Dee's message boxes throughout th city. 106 - have any lands , lots , or WANTED-Ifyou to sell or exchange for other property , call on me or write. I can find youcustomer , a C. Spotswood. 305KS. 16tn. - at 24th and Mason sts. A. P. WANTED-Dlrt Tukey , Llth and Douglas. 057 BOARDING. EOOM for a few more boarders at tl per wesk at 2118 Grace at. 783 Ol * "OOARD furnished room wonted for the win- .IJter Inn private family by young married couple , no children. Dest ot references glen , Address B 41. Dee. % ! K0 ! ANTED Table board at 1COO Douglas. 476 OARD1NO and rooms At JOI4 Farnam st. First-class and pleasant place , A limited number can be accommodated. Apply soon. 8400 10 W ANTD to Rent House 10 or 11 rooms ; moil- ern improvements. W. Nay , 417 S. Kith at. yen noj 1\r ANTED -To rent , S or 4 rooms furnished VV forhousokeeplnubyagoutlemau and wife , permanent ; Address D 72 , Dee ofilce. 766-.10 * WANTED A 6 or 6-room lint within easy walking distance of the Dca office. Ad- rtress. stating prlco. B7. Dee ofilre. TO WANTED 12 or 14 room house ; must have nil modern conveniences ; will pay liberal rent if person will built nouso ; will lease same for any term ot yean. J. L. Drandles , 13th and Howard. SH FOR RENT-HOUSES. proid RENT-A small cottage nicely furnished J. nnd centrally located. Inquire at 2l4 S IBth at. B441J o ft I'.0.0.8 ' ! for rent NoUurt month. on I * d TTV.ni RENT-One ot the most dMlrabl * rsi- J. deuces In the city , ewr front , middle hone , 13 rcMims besides bath room , stationary wash tubs , nil modern Improvements , hot and cold water , electric and gas lights , furnace heat. Location 616 a. ! d ( U Ona of the best views in the city. Apply 618 8.2M st , II. D. Darrow. IKO-6 * T710R RBNT-New 7-room cottag-e. Slth and O. ciilcAiro sts. ; all modern linnrovera uts ; in. quire HUVainam t. I M "tnoiriTUNl'roomhouso with porch , well ! JJ trees , cellar , on B. 17th st. . on car line , rent 13) . Apply to Mrs. Julia Stein , 111 ! Uonglaa st. 4713U ; Ure ° roow % 10U FOR HUNT or dale-New cottage , Dedfqrd Place , on easy payments. Enquire. M. L , Jloedcr , room 403 I'oxtOnbloct. 2K > FOR HUNT Btoro nnd n four-room cottage. Inquire 3JU 8. IQthst. 1012 * T7\OH \ RUNT Cottngo of 4 room" , 2clo'Pts. pan- JJ try and collar , to party with no children , COie. jgth St. B75 "IJIOR HKNT 17-rooui boarding house , fur- J2 nishod complain. Cltywntcr. Rent IV ) per inontli. Address. Kg' , Hue office. fell ) It mEN roomed flat near Mlllard hotel , rent t" , JL prlco of furniture , ' 2i > . o-roomod house on Cliicago st , rent 110 , price of fuinlturo $400. 4- roomed flat on N ICth st , rent 120 per mo. prlcn 8100. ll-rootned llat. 11-roomed houtp , 20-roomcd house. B-rooined llat.iO-roomed hotiso,2i-roomed llat , x-voomed house nnd others , rents llaht nnd f urnlturo for sale on easy torms. Co-Operatlve Land nnd Lot Co. . 203 N ICth st. H101 T7IOR HENT IlotiHe No. 627 S.-17th nvo , rent JJ J40per month. Inquire of H. Malchein. 10J1 Hownidst. MO 171OR HUNT Ten room cottngo handsomely J3 pnpoicd , tire place , o.ik mantel , hot nnd cold wnter , bath room nnd clstein. $10 per month. 1501 Yntes st , near corner N , ICth nnd Yates. H , 8. J a ) 1103. bio It HENT 1 news-room house , I blk from FOR car , lareo lot , nice location. 115 pormonth. Inquire of K.Thompson , nt L. Dradford'H olllco , 10th nnd Douglas. B57 30 * OlTlTnNT-llouse of 7 rooms , with good barn , city water , 2)40 Capitol nvo. e < 3 6 ? FOR HUNT Cottngo 5 rooms , 2622 Charles St. , house newly painted nnd papered : conven ient to street car. Enquire lull ) Cupltol nvo. HUNT House of 0 rooms , hnrd nnd soft FOR , small stable on premises , 1014 S. 2'ith. t-51 It FOR HENT 5-room cottaee , convenient for railroad men , $20. Mead & Jamlcsou , 314 S. 15th bt. tva HICK house with barn , reasonable rent , 3123 Ilarney. H19 W HUNT 5-room cottage. SU24 Indiana avo. FOll HENT Two 6-room cottnges , 27th nnd Davenport. HIP iiOt FOH HENT House. Brooms , KSlSo.SOth. fnr- nace , gas , bath nnd all conveniences. Apply to J. C. Peterson. 821 So. 20th. U07 2 * 0-room house on S. 12th St. , rent PLEASANT ) . it Co. , Chamber ot Commerce. 781 4 T710II 11ENT 7 room house , S023 Howard. In- J-1 quire first house east. * UJ 30t TjlOK HKNT-'JJOS Webster St. , now ton-room JJ houoe , elegantly finished , all modern Im provements. 743 ! iO * F HUNT 0 room house , cistern , well , J fewer , etc. , KM S. 2bth st. 741-3 * RENT Two ten-room houses ; modern improvements. Upper looms sublet nnd pay i out. Two blocks from court house ; NOB. Jim nnd20U Ilarnoy st. See Dr. Joseph Neville. No , 1402 Douglas st. 042-4 nt once will let Kountze Place residence TIAKEN dence for &W ; now. modurn house ; would Iko to icoop 2 rooms. Address E 20 , Dee. tin * "rtf VOi' Ul T7 < OH HENT Furnished boarding house of 13 JD rooms , 2038 Poppleton avo. , bot.SUth and 22d. DIOR RENT Cottage , 6 rooms. Cor. 10th & JO Hickory. Enquire next door. 678 F I OH HUNT 4-room house , east front , for family without children. 822 S. ISth. 033 30 * TJ1OH HENT Elegant new 0-room house , with JD barn ; plate and art glass windows ; nice cistern , rlty water ; porcelain bath-tub and range ; convenient to car und cable lines ; & ! 5 : ier month : barn rents now for 85. J. II. Par- rotte , 1CUI Chicago st. C7il o7 * house barn nnd out- IjlOIl HENT-7-room , - JL : house , and all conveniences , with 6 acres of and , on North Saunders st. Rent very cheap , iVlll glvo 5 years' lease. Enquire of Hobt. Price , on pi umlses. 703 2 ? U10H HENT Two houses at 2210 Mason St. , bo- JD tween S3cl and 23d. fiand 0 rooms. In good or der. Will rent either house at reasonable terms. Sightly location. Apply on premises. 689 U F I OR RENT Second floor , 4 rooms , suitable for family. 1215 Chicago st. C67 30 * i/ici 1'KNT-Ono 7-room cottage. 2428 Frank- JL ? lln st. : onu cuttgn. 6 rooms , ' 52il California st. Inquire at 005 Paxton u'.ock. P. J. Croedon. Mi FOR KENT-2 cottages , 27tn and Caldwell , each 8- , 1 North 20th cable line. 120. Leavltt Durnhain , Crclghton block. 435 FOR KENT 8-room house , sewer , gas , hot and cold water , bath room , new and com plete , 135 per month , Apply at once. 0 F. Har- rlson. 4188.15th St. 483 TjlOR RENT Elegant east-front 9-room bouse JL ? on S. 25th ave ( Pleasant St. ) , near St. Mary's avo. C. F. Harrison , 418 S. 15th st. 070 / " 1HEAP Rents-The largest list in the city ; V/ prices down. J. II. Parrotte , 1606 Chicago. T71OR RENT Large 2-story 7-room house for J ? the winter. SIO.G&X per month. C. F. Har rison. 418 S.15th st. 036 * | 710R HENT I have about a dozen bouses JC : ranging from three to thirteen rooms that can be rented at living prices. If you want to rent a house , call and see me. George J. Sterns- clorff. room 6 , opp. P. O. 380 RENT New 8-room house on Cumlng JP Bt , near Lowe ave. Terms reasonable. Ap ply quick. Spotswood , )5H ) B 16th. 723 Foil RENT For 8 months , modern house of 8 rooms , corap ? "jilf furnished , barn with room fortwohora rent 170 ; possession given Sopt.SJth. 220t N. 24th , 1 block north of Lake. OU6 FOR KENT House 510 N. IHh street. Apply at St. A. D. Ualcombe.10U ( California st. 050 CJKVEHAL houses for rent. B. T. Petersen. a. O o. cor. 15th and Dourlas. 836 FOR RENT-Nice 7-room house , 1134 North 17th st. Inquire 216 S. 13th st. 432 TJ1OH RENT 8 room modern Improved house JP Al locality at moderate price. Apply M. Klgutter , 1001 , Farnam. 4CO TJ1OH HUNT At very low rates. 10 and 14 now JL ? residences. 2404 and 2414 , Cass street , Clarke Place. Oun block south of Crelghton college , on Farnam and 24th street car line. All modern Improvements. Apply , II. T. Clark Union Trust Co. , or at 24'U Cons street , 6Sti FOR HENT Cottage , four largo rooms. 1016 South 26th St. 848 TJ10R HENT Elegant 10-room modem nouso , JL ? near High school , 100. G. K. Thompson , Shoely block , 15th and Howard. 701 POR RENT 4-room house on S. 10th St. , two blocks south of Vintonst. ; will rent for 110 per month or sell on terms to suit purchaser. Geo. J. SternsdoriT , room 6 , opposite P. O. 716 fjlOR RENT When you wish to rent a bouse , JL ? store or ofilce call on us. II. E. Cole , room 6. Continental block. 213 FOR RENT ROOMS FURNISHED. PARTIES wishing neatly furnished rooms for thu winter , at inodeiato prices , may find them at 316 S. 15th st. , roomg. UU08J T71UHNI8HED front sleeping room ; use of par- -1 ? lor ; piano If desired , t 0 N. 17th st. OG830J IARLOH and bedroom nicely furnished for 2 gentlemen , 1015 Howard , room 5,3d floor. 070-2 } T71URNlSHii : ) or unfurnished rooms , furnace JL ? hunt , all modern conveniences , with or with out board. N. e. corner 21st and Hurt streets Terms reasonable. 024 FOR RENT-Nlcofy fu"rnlshed room , 1201 N. IhtU st. ; splendid location ; rent reasonable ; on car line and within two blocks of the cable line. TpLKGANTLY furnished rooms ; light , airy : JLVJ southern exposure ; bath , hot and cold water. tE3 816th st. first Hat south side. 033 1J NP.WLY furnished warm rooms for families for winter. Suite ct parlors , bay windows , 1 block from p. o. , private house , lU3-li315 ( Capl- tel ftVO. 025-6 * ClUHNISHED front room , bay windows , brick J hous ? . ( XXI and K6 N. 17th bt. 671 U C10R RENT-l rnlshed rooms at 314 Far- J iiam st. 8728 * FOR KENT Largo front room , nicely fur- nlahed. at 1633 Dodge at. 80U 1 * T > OOMS and board. 1812 Chicago st. 804o23t T710H HENT 2 furnished front rooms , 420 N. J ? Itth.HENT KM l KOO.MS for light housekeeping , either fur nished or unfurnished , at 1JU2 Douglas. T71OH RENT Hoom with board for two gen- J3 tlemen , 172J Davenport. 8fi5 St FOR HUNT Well-furnished rooms , single or in suite ; steam heat , bath , etc , , 1U13 Douglas. 687 11 " 17IOH RENT Nicely furnished suite of rooms , JO all modem convenience , board it desired. No. K3 Georgia nve. ( S.MtU st ) . 805 It FOR RENT 3 new furnished rooms for two Gentlemen , Price ( a , JT and 18. lUis a 18th st , n-ur Pierce , 818 It TnmiNlSIIKDrAJnf.A > lth - > r vlthout board , JL1 1010 and 1WJ IMvenport st. Inquire loin. 7108 * _ 21100MP , furnlshod plenty for housokopplmr , MO ! U rooms foi'TO.'tyjSIDecatur. 7itf 3Jt TTItlHNlSIIED fr3fitrJotn ( f. blocks from P , O. , JL for gentlemen ' all conveniences. 32 : ) N. 1 7th. - - 7PO 33 * _ _ "C10H HENT Sirtfe of ) front rooms.furnlshed : J. also back rooin lutiulio 1603 Douglas. "M FURNISHED rooms. 2 pleasant bed-rooms and slttlng-rooM. 2RI Hnrney. 7ft > 30 * TilOR RENT Klerfant front room , first floor. Jotcam heat and uv'ugy modern convenlnno , n step fiom cur nnd ' cable , strictly private family. 2JID Douglas St. " . 763 30 * RENT Fnndshed rooms with two meals. W3 N. 18th st. 765 3t T7\UUNI9I1EI \ ) rooms , with board , three blocks X1 fiom postolllcc , opposite Jollerson sntiare. 415 N. 15th st. 703 3J _ _ _ N'ICULY furnlsned front room , 2032 St. Mary's _ _ VC. _ 731 3 * O FURNISHED rooms , single or en stillo , on Airound floor ot cottage , 414 N 14th. 674 3"t FOR RENT Suit of rooms , furnished or un- famished. H. A.Marah. 1KS N 10th. 613 13OOM8 Furnished , with or without board , -lA2a.'Q Hurt. 401 4 * _ POR RENT Nice largo east front room , with alcove , for gentlemen , only live blocks from P. P. . 2 blocks from cable. 216 N. loth at. 22J FOR RENT Large front room , nicely fur nished , steady roomers J10 per month ; 1131 N. 24th st. 001-30 * UHNlSIIED-Hoora with board. 2121 Seward. 685 30 ? _ 1)LEASANT furnished rooms , steam heat , gas , bath and uoard In private family. 203 S 24th. 570023 _ LEG ANT front rooms , cheap , rei S. 15th , 102-0 , 15 * KOOMS Including board In the Young Wo men's homo mO Dodge st. References re quired. 040 BASEMENT for rent , furnished or unfur- 'nlshecl. 1015 Dodge. 674 FOR RENT A handsome room with alcove at 2JJ9 Bt. Mary's ave. 417 IjlOH RENT Furnished rooms in Greunlg blk JL1 cor. 13th nnd Dodge sts. Inquire of Geo. R. . Davis. Mlllard hotel billiard room. 217 FOR RENT Elegantly furnished rooms with board. Inquire 1CVJ Douglas. 33 > I7IOH RENT Front room , large and nicely Jfurnlshod , located near the high school , in the highest and coolest section ot the city ; cable line and horse cars pass the door. En quire at'Vi Dodge near 24th si. bOO- ROOMS at 1718 Dodge ; also homo board. 072 2 * FOR HENT Nicely furnished front roomnls ono small room , at 1621 Farnam at. OIV > 1 * EflOR RENT Nice room with steam heat and 1 bath , for gents. 1105 N 16th st. 651 NEWLY , nicely furnished rooms , steam heat , bath , first-class table board , nlso board by day or week If desired. 1721 Davenport. 6b2-Ol * TJIOH RENT Front room with nlcovo for gen- -L tleman nnd wife , with board , or two gentle men , N. E. cor. Park ave. and Pacific , 2nd door "rom corner. K10 FOR HENT Nicely furnished rooms with first-class board in private family ; on cable and street car line ; 2307 Dodge st. Gi3 It VTICELY furnished rooms , Jl per week or J3.00 J-i per month , 603 , 604 and 6W ! S. 18th st. 413 o 20 * "pUllST class room f henp. for lady , with llro , 2 JD blocks of P. O. , Addres3 E 3'J ' , Dee. 013-2 * FOR RENT Furrilshml sleeping rooms. $8 up- wnrds , payable "weekly or monthly , PO'.iIIow- ' urd Bt. i 050-2t TC1OH RENT S rooms' , furnished for light J housekeeping ; 'front ' on two streets with view of river and brldces 809 Howard st. 040-2 * " 171UHN1SHED rooms , 1204 Farnam st. JJ , * FOR RENT-ROOMS UNFURNISHED. O UNFURNISHED rooms for housekeeping , OSW cor. 2-'d nnd Hurt. 051-30J T71OH RENT 2 or 4 , elegant unfurnished rooms ; JP steam heat and Use of bath ; central ; to re sponsible parties only. Address E 30 , Doe. 034 1 [ 7\OH \ JIENT Dnsomenli nnd barn , one or both , L-chnap. 2217 Chlqago at. 010-30 * 1OH RENT Two or'lhreo unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping. " Inferences given and required. 1017 Howard St. , second floor. 78229 * "I71OR RENT t or 6 unfurnished rooms In J- brick house cor. 26th and Pierce. 765 30 * TTNFURNI8HED Suitable for housekeeping. U Two (2) ( ) rooms , 1518 Howard st 1000 Eight , (8) ( ) rooms flat 413 South 19th st 3(1 00 Throe 01) ) rooms , HlOPlerco st 10 CO Three (3) ( ) rooms , 707 Pacific st 10 00 Fonr(4) ( ) Jooins 1704 Webster st 16 20 Three ( J ) rooms , 701M i'aclllr. st 10 00 Four (4) ( ) rooms. 417 South loth t 18 00 Four (4) ( ) rooms 17th and Webster st 22 60 Apply to Judge Renting Agency , Herald building , S. W. corner of 15th and Ilarney st. 1HREE furnished rooms , 013 S 15tn. 204 o FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES. 310R RENT Good store room and six living -J rooms upstairs , on 16th st. : rent , 1125 ; will be ready for occupancy Oct. 1. Co-operative Land and Lot Co. , 205 N. 16th st. NJ7-JO FOR RRNT-4 good stores , heated by steam , on S 13th st. corner ot Mason , Llntou block. Inquire of John Hatalln , Llnton block. R 017. m 8 * FOR RENT A third floor , 0x100 , suitable for wholesale or light manufacturing busi ness. Inquire at 1118 Farnam st. 722 o4 _ 3 TjlOR RENT 3 stores , one 7-room cottage , ono JL ? 0-room llat on loth and Leavenworth by Frank Wasserman , at Dank of Omaha. 407 STORE for Rent 1216 Farnam. Apply Clias. Chllda , N. W. Corner 18th and Leavenwortb. 378 FOR RENT Nicely furnished office , ground floor , half of 80 ! ) 816th st , opposite Chamber of Commerce , M. A * Upton Company W ) T71OH RENT Gtore-room under Omaha Dank- JL ? ing Co. , cor. 15th and Ilarnoy. suitable money loaning or real estate business. Paulson It Co. , No. 1511 , room 8. Farnam at. USJ.rrD . TTIOR . . .f Double suitable for X * clothing , groceries , dry goods , etc. , location , first class. Address X 01 Dee olllce. 11U fTIWO choice store rooms in the Her building , JL. between Howard and Jackson sts. Apply Hayiner & Her store , 624 S 16th at. 473 slu T710H HENT Storeroom , No. 811 S. 14th st. Ap- JC ply at 1110 Howard st. 250 STORE for rent , llli Farnam street. Inquire of Nathan Bhelton , at 1505 Farnam street 248 /"OFFICES and basements for rent , corner 13th vs and Jackson sts. Mrs. F. Lango. 804. FOR KENT-Ofnce suite (25 month. 2 single offices $15 each , all fronting 16th St. , llusn- man block , N. E. Cor. ICth ana Douglas. W. M. Uushman. 1311 Leaveuworth. 249 rpwo stores , 22x50 , just completed , with flats JL , of seven rooms above , with water and gas , first-class finish , Oth and Pacific sts. , low rent. Apply to BOluger Dros * 013 S. 10th st. , Omaha , i i 081 TfjIOR RBNT-Flno > ' retail store room with JO large basement , < 90 per month. C. F. Har- rlson.ll8 S. 15th Bt. 1 i 48J TJIOU RENT On Cutnlng st. store and living JL ? apartments , also livery stable. Enquire of Harris 11. K. & L. Co , ; lioaiu 411,1st Nat. bank. / 3 < ( 003 FOR RENT-sNIlSCELANEOUS. DAIRY farm torc"ntwith40cows. For par ticulars call on or inquire of Henry Peudlc- ton,6 miles south of'Nebraska City , Neb. a 'i 817 17 * RENTAL AGENCIES. LIST houses with , me ) have lots of customers. J. H. Parrotte..lt 0Ulilettgo. 157 014 B give special aUentlou to renting and col- loctlng rents. Hat with us. II. K. Cole , room 0 , Continental block. 251 IF YOU wont your bouses rented place them with D nawa &Co. . 15th , opposite postofDce. 253 GKORGR J. BTBHNBDOHFF. room B , opp. P. 0. , will hereafter give special attention to renting houses , stores and flats. If you want your property rented without delay and to roll , able tenants , do not fall to list the same with him. 380 LOST. LOST-A mastiff dog named "Sultan" : drab color , black face , ] ) years old ; suitable re ward ; W.V. Morse , cor. Jth and Davenport. 0711 T OST A small gold watch , on Oth street , -IJsouth , or on 10th at , near Drownell hall. Thu finder , by returning the same to Drownell hall , will be rewarded. 801 K LOST Gold eyeglasses and chainbet. Capitol ave and Chicago st , . via I'tn. Davenport and JSiti sts. Finder return to 101U Capitol ave uud receive reward. 811 uo * FOUND. mAICKN UP At my residence In West WaiL - -L nut Hill , n black-and-white bull , supposed to bo 2 years old. rl ho owner Is requested to prove property , pay charges and take htm away. J. R. Osborn. B 23 J.-9 O 6 1,1 art _ ' _ _ PERSONAL. IKHSONAL Adams dross cutting academy. Mrs. Adams , of Chicago , has opened at room 13 , Vrenzer block , opposite postolllcp , Omaha.w here the true tailor s\ stem ot dress cut ting , fitting , basting , draping and finishing will bo taught by efficient teachers , A tndy can make n dress for herself while learning. Como and have a test. Lining cut free. Cutting and fitting a specialty. All the latest styles on baud. A WIDOW , stranger in city , 35 , would like the acquaintance of on elderly gentleman with no objections to leaving city. Address K 37 , llceomco. 8IOXH * _ _ I > iitSONAL-ScIcntiflcdross : cutting school. Uuroka Lady Tnllor system ; the only per fect tailor system taught in the city ; no paste board chart scale or machine used : ladles can bo taught at their houin If proferod ; dress nnd coat making done. Professor L. Malpoer , 1U1 1 Farnam at. 005 30j TDEHSONAL To thn people of Omaha. Wo JL. have opened anofllco In the exposition build ing for the treatment of the hair and head , for baldness , dandruir , fulling of the hair , or any scalp ailment. 012-30 * YDEHSONAL-Donotbuy your plated knives , JL forks and spoons until yon get prices at Moody's , ! KW N. lath St. Our prices are much the lowest and written guarantee given with all goods sold. 014-30 M ARY STRONG. M. I ) . , rooms 3 and 4 Jacobs block , cor. Capitol avo. and 15th st. _ 413-p-U _ PEHSONAI , tt.00 will buy"n nice hanging X lamp at Moody's China store , 3U2 North liith St. 014-30 _ IF you want to buy , sell , rent or excnange call on or address George J. Sterusdorlf , room 6 , opposite P , O. -11 nitSONAL Don't bo bothered with poor lamp chimneys. The celebrated Acme lead flint chimney for prlco of common ones at Moody's China store. 333 N. ICth St. 014-30 PERSON AlI respectfully call tno attention of those who live out of the city , to the tact that I make purchases in any and every line of goods , and to the satisfaction of the buyer. luslness done through the banic. Write for inrtlculars. Address F , T. Frost , room 0 , Con- Inental block , Onmlm. 750 o. 7t TJEHSONAI * If you nave a personal item , or X nuy communication , drop it in one ot The Dec's message boxes. 106 _ FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. " " ° TflTR""s ( 3LK Elegant furniture of 0-room cot- X1 tngo at a bargain ; also premises to rent. Call before noon nt 2215 Sownra st. 0410 FOll SALE Cheap , or trade , ono good trav eling sprlug wagon suitable for traveling , 'muting or fishing. Will hold 12 persons. Also three mare colts , one year old last spring , from argb American mares. Call or address C. T , Kvans , 2312 Grant st. 80S 1 * SPECIAL sale , phaetons and top buggies Wo w 111 put on sale at our repository , northwest corner Hedge nnd 15th fits , during the next 15 days , 25 plmotons and 5 ) top buggies all fresh goods , at prices low or than anything offered In Omaha. Come and see for yourselves If you want bargains. Cash talks. J , C. Swan , M ana- : er. Daisy Duggy Co. 815 2 FOll SALE A good family horse , buggy and harness for J1U ) . Address E 8 , Doe ofilce. 71' ' ) " 171 OH SALE Seaiiian'H wagons nnd carriages , J ? Omaha's largest variety , east Hide IBth st , north ot Nicholas. The best and thu chnpest. 720 o "il 1J1OII SALE A now 6 seat Rockawoy carriage JP at Leo Sc Nichols' livery barn. Twenty-eighth and Leavonworth. Telepnono 840. 417 /"I AS fixtures for sale cheap. Have a largo ns- VJsortment of the latest designs In gas fixtures which I will sell at coat. M. K. Free , successor to J. C. Elliott , agent , 151Ui Faruam st. 278 EOH SALE Cheap for cash , n good roadster , 7-year-old and almost new Coltmous top buggy and harness ; If you want a line looking rig It will pay you to investigate. George J. Sternsdorll , Hoom 0 , opp. P. O. 85J T710K SALE A Snyder make open buggy. JC cheap for cash , or will trade for top buggy. Geo. J. BternsdorIT , room B , opposite P. O. TJ1OR SALE Planing mill machinery. Call at JD 1408 Davenport at. Omaha. .310 T71UHNITUHE-8. W. Cor. Dodge and 18th sts. , JL ; nearly all good as new : 1 bed complete W , and 1 nt $10 ; wash stand 1 , toilet set f.75. two soft coal stoves with pipe $4 each , "Singer" sewing machine $15 , center table $4 , heating drummJl.&O ; must be sold by October 1st. 626 TJ1O11 BALE Ice In car lott. Gilbert Itros. JD Council Dlulfa. 340-130 FOR SALE A family horse or for general use. price J150. Inquire No. 3198.10th , City. T71OK SALE Cheap for cash , a newly fur- JC nlshecl flat of 12 rooms , best location In city , rooms all full. Call 317810th 680 30t FOK SALE I hard and 1 soft coal stoves , must be sold before Oct. 1st. 06 B. 21th. a 67130 FOR SALE In desirable locality , lease ot fiat , with elegant furniture , at reasonable price. One-half of purchase price will be taken out In board and room. Address D 11 , Doe ofilce. 853 FU11N1TURE , sewing machine and organ for sale. Will be sold at half price for cash oren on time. Also 1 Remington typewriter and 1 "K. P. " suit , all new. Enquire at 1417 Farnam st , room 9 and 10 , upstairs 133 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING STANDARD Shorthand School Pernln , Pit man and Graham Standard Phonography taught by thoroughly experienced teachers , Students entering during next thirty days al lowed to attend evening sessions free. Kerning' ton Standard typewriters used In practice de partment. Shorthand , ( dally lessons ) three months $25 Typewriting. t3 hours dally ) three months. . . . 10 Evening session , per month 6 Lessons by mall , three months 10 New No. 2 Remington typewriter given away free to students. Send or call for circulars. ICOTii Farnitm st , Omaha , Neb. 702 i VALENTINE'S Shorthand and Typewriting Insltuto. Largest and best equipped in the west. Graduates all occupy good paying sit uation. Day and evening sessions. Btuu nts can enter at anytime. Send for circular. Now Paxton building , Omaha. 022 O 0 MISCELLANEOUS. AUKNTri Our Christmas books ( selling from 50 cents to S1.50) ) will pay you a larger profit than any others the next three months. Ono gent made a profit last year of (34.20 Intwo weeks ; ono reports an average profit of $7.00 a day from September till Christmas. Circulars free. Cassell Si Co. , D. D. 8. D. , 40 Dearborn Bt. . Chicago. 06330 GUITAR players and pupils can learn pieces and all chorda without notes. Send for clr culars. Prof. Murdock , Cleveland , O. 03130J TVIESSMAKING Havlngresumcddressmak \J ing at my former stand , I will bo pleased to receive a call from ray many patrons and others. Mrs. E. A. Crater , room 10 , .Jacobs block , s. e. corner Capitol avo. and 15th ft. 032 * BEAUTIl'OL faces and forms guaranteed Face bleacherremovo freckles , pimples and wrinkles. $1 po r bottle. Hook of receipt for the complexion 25 cents. Send 4 cents for cir cular. Madame lluppert , 24J State St. , Chicago desiring to Invest from $1.000 to PERSONS , ( ) silent partner in a well-qstnbllshed manufacturing business , address D t , Doe. 77,104 IF you want to buy a lot or residence In Ilau acorn Place see Hicks , Darker Hlock. 73030 cash for old and new books , furniture , SCOT and carpets. Orff & Co. , 117N. _ 10th. riJSIC A. It ohm i Son are now prepared to I'l furnish the best and latest music for recep tions , weddings , sociables , parties balls , etc. Drass and string quartettes furnished , especial ly for serenades , concerts , funerals , etc. Olllce 401 South 13th St. , A. K. Morris' Mualo Store. "Ijion first-class dressmaking at reasonable JL1 prices , call nt 815 S. 21 t st. 372 I HAVE a fifl ft lot on Farnum street between 28th and 23th sts , a splendid location for u livery barn , which 1 will lease cnnap and build to suit leisee If danlred. George J. StarnsJorff , Itoom 11. opp. P.O. 3tQ T71OLLOW tne rush to Utah. K verybody Is JL1 buying a Bait Lake City ( WJ town lot at 310 8' IGth it. Go early for choice. SOS II. HAROBU-Ceis pools & water closets W icleaned.vtork guarauteed.UjS H.OtluTel 621 156 OUT GEORGE J. StornsdorlT. room 6. opposite P O. lias some very desirable lots in various parts of the city that can bo leased ou reasouable terms. Will build to suit lessee , 3 > ton block. HOUSR for rent ; furniture for sale or trade 1615 Dodge. 038 OMAN'S Exchange. 1617 Farnam t. Lunch dally , supper Saturday nights. 040 H OMli for Destitute Women ana Children. 2718 Durt it , MO IF you nave anything to trade rah on or address - dress George J. SterusdorO. Hoom 9 , oppo site poslofflce. 16) ) rpHE banjo taught as an art by Geo.P , Gellen- JL beck. BO1) Harnoy at. 133 rj. E. THOMPSON , Room 113 8hc ty blook. STORAGE SIX ) RAO K at low rates nt 1121 Fnrnam street , Onmlia Auction Si Storage Co. 776 o'J mRACKAQR , storage , lowest rate * . W. M JL Dushman , 1J11 Loavouworth. 251 L2TOHAOI5 at low rates In new building. 314 JSouth U'lli street. aa i ! M _ ABSTRACTS OF TITIJE. ENSON&CARMICHAEL furnish complete and guaranteed abstracts of title Lto any real estate In Omaha and Douglas county upon short notice. The men complete sot of abstract KKJKS In the city. No. 15JW Tarnam st. 2C'J ' _ \IIOLAN 1)0 ) unrnntoo and Trust Co.TTsnri l"ar Lu-nam Complete abstracts furnished , A. title * to real estate examined , porfectoJ A guaranteed. WANTED-TO BUY. WANTED Furniture and household goods of all kinds. Omaha Auction * Storage Co. , I''l I'arnam at. 775 o'J ' _ TflARTH wanted-Apply Ull u. 20th st. IF you have Improved business or residence property that you wish to sell , rail and sea mo. George J. BUrnidortT , room 6 , opposite > ostol < lce. 231 _ . ) Hooks Cash paid for second-hand books OI.I at Antiquarian Hook Store , 11 1J Farnatn. _ _ 730 O 7 * WANTED To Buy or trade for a good build ing that can bo moved. Ple.isa call on or address George J.SUrnsdorff , roomO , oppo site P. O. S31 _ HHONEY TO LOAN G\V. 1'ECIC loans mouoy for non-residents on gllt-edgo rnal estate , securities , guaran- ecd ; reference , Commercial National Hank , Onmlm. O. W. reck , Itoom t , Fronzer block , b9t o II * _ D O YOU want to borrow money ? If you have diamonds , watches or Jewelry and desire to olfect a loan on favorable term ! ) In a strictly private und confidential manner , or should you ivniil a loan on furniture , horses , carriages , and contracts or personal property of any de scription , you can have money advanced at lowest rates of lutorest and ampin time to pay by calling on or Bonding postal card to the Omaha Mortgage Loan Co. Wo loan out our own money , make out our own papers and pay no commission , thus giv ing the beiiollt to the borrower. Uur facilities are such that wo can accommo date you In a prompt nnd confidential man ner , giving you fair , honorable ) nnd courteous treatment. All loans renewed at original rates. Wo will pay off any mortgage you now have and glvo you long time and low rates ; will loan any sum from $25 to J 1,000. Commercial and 1st mortgage paper bought. Omahn Moitgago Loan Co. , room 403 , Paxtou block. 413 _ _ MONEY To Loan Ily the undersigned , who has the only properly organized loan ngoucy In Omaha. Loans of $10 to f 100 iniulo on furni ture , pianos , organs.horscs.wagons , machinery , etc. , without removal. No delays. All business strictly confidential. Loans so made that any part can be paid at any time , each payment i educing the cost pro rota. Advances made on tine watches and diamonds. Persons should carefully consider who they nre dealing with , us many new concerns are dally coming Into ex istence. Should you need money call and see me. W. II. Croft , room 4 , Wlthnell building , 15th nnd Harney. _ KM THE Omaha Financial Exchange. Hoora 15 , llaiker lllock , southwest corner of Farnam and 16th sts. Makes a specialty of short-time collateral and real estate loans. Money always on hand In sums of $100 and upwards to any amount , to loan on approved security. Secured notes bought , sold or exchanged. Clear real estate and cash to oxchaugo for good first or second mortgages. Loans made upon land contracts , stocks , bonds , trust deeds , first or second mortgage se curity. without publicity , delay or red tape. Financial business of any kind transacted promptly , quietly and fairly , lloom 15 , llarker block , Corbett , Manager. 270 SPECIAL loans , from 1,000 to * 8,000. Money subject to cheok. No delay. B. K. Cook , 1421 Douglas. 818 30t M ON BY to loan at lowest rates of Interest. The Mutual Investment Co , . Kooin 1 , Darker block. 771o4 ( 100,000 to loan Jon Improved city and coun- Ptry property. Cash on band. First mortgage notes nought by Guaranty Loan anil Invest ment Co. , 10th and Cnlcago its. 721 30 ONEY to loan on Improved real estate. M Leavltt Durnham , Crelghton block. 670 MONEY to loan at G. II. Peterson , real es tate and loan agent , 1413 S 13th st 604 O23 OOD city and farm loans wanted by A. K. G Riley , 1519 Farnara. 381 lmnd500,000 to loan on city and v farm property , lowest rates of Interest ; building loans a specialty. G. W. Peck , Frenzer block. 95 o 11 * to loan ; largo and small sums at low MONEY rates , for short time , on real estate or chat tel security ; second notes bought ; all financial business strictly confidential. People's Finan cial Exchange , O. Douscaren , manager , room D6V4 Darker block , 15th and Farnam. 6U7 CENT money to loan Cash on hand GPEH W. M. Harris , room 20 , Frenzer block , opp. P. O. 2W > 00,000 to loan on Omaha city property at 6 $ per cent. G. W. Day. S. E. cor. Ex. bid. 233 to loan on furniture , wagons , eta , MONEY without removal , or on collateral security , liuslness strictly confidential. A. B. Greenwood & Co. , It 1 Cunningham blk , cor. 13th ft Jackson. to loan on horses , furniture and other MONEY property or collateral. Rates mod erate ; buslnesi confidential. Office S , W. corner 15th and Douglas its. Entrance on LltU st. The Fnirbanic Investment Co. 23fl TVTON EY to loan ; cosh on bond ; no delay. J. 1U.W. Squire. U10 Farnam st. First National bank building. 270 EASTERN money cheap. City and country. Ofllce Philadelphia Mortgage and Trust Co , Room 13 , Doard of Trade. Geo. W. P. Coatei. 29J 1 MATTEL and collateral loans. U.B.Davis l 11813th bt. , room 27. 295 A500.000per cent. Money to loan on Im- approved farms or city property. James A. woodman , at the old Ore Insurance ofilco of Murphy & Lovott. 220 3. 13th St. 2i > 7 MONEY to loan on Improved property at first hands. No applications sent away for ap proval. Security and titles examlnod tree of charge o borrowers. Lombard Investment company. 309 S. 13th st. 1B4 mortgages , loans on city , business or FIRST residence property at lowest rates. Call and gee us before placing your loan. Remington Sc I'rye , room 1 , N. W , cor 16th and Farnam. 71K ) W to Loan-City and country ; cheap MONEY no delay. L. P. Hammond. 409 Paxton - ton building. 705 , to loan on Inside property. Some flist $ mortgages for H ! . Nathan Bhelton , 1505 Farnam street. 758 ONEY to loan In any amount , either for M building or otherwise , at lowest rates of interest and < m short notice. I ) . V. Sholes , room 210 First Nat'l bank , cor. 1'Jth and Farnam. 272 T OANSmadaon real estate and moitgagcs J-J botignt. Lewis S. Heed Ic Co. , 1521 Farnam. n. 1HKV I300.0TO to loan on city property H , and Improved farm land. Frenzer block. 276 TUrONBY loaned nt 0. F. Heed * Co. ' * loan of- J3L lice , on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , personal property of all kinds , and all other articles of value without removal , 319 8. 1 Ith. All business strictly confidential. 187 WIO.OOO to loan at 6 per cent. Llnnhan 4 Mahoney - $ honey , room BOil , Paxton block. 2&S to loan on furnltnre , horses , wagons , MONEY on any approved security. J. W. Dobbins bins , R.200 Sheely blk , 15th and Howard. 2m M : ONUY to loan : long time , George J. Paul JW9 1'arnnm st. 230 "OU1LDING loans. Liuuhan i Mahoney. T > EAL estate loans , lowest rates. Odoll Bros. -lA & Co. . 312 8.16th st. 217 ONEY to loan. O. F. Davis Co. , real estate and loan agents. 1605 Fnrnam at. M fif ONE V to loan on Omaha and South Omaha Jiproporty. U. F. Harrison. 4KB. 15th st. a-3 tN'T borrow money on furniture , liorsia , wagons , etc. , until you have seen C.D.Ja cobs , room 410. First National bank building , eor. inthand I'aruam. 271) ) BUSINESS CHANCES. HOO will buy a complete outfit of boarding $ bouse full of boarder * . Apply at 1120 Dodge. 761-1 * OR SALK-At a bargain , a complete bakery outfit , with patent oven. Address. A. Ma- lucjr , Fullerton , Nance Co. . Neb. Bfj3 t * imoirSALB-At a bargain , a stock of general JJ merchandise in a live town. Address Loilc DoxD , Nortu Dend , Neb. . . . SALE A stocX ot general merchandise. Address lock box US , Atkinson , Nob. 831 OlBt I7UM SALK A good tumber.conl.asrlcnlturftl J- implement and llvo stock business. Address Hedge Proa. , Viilnn. Nub. MJ olO 0 ! .1.000 will buy my Interest In a good paying ' . 'business. Satisfactory reasons Riven for wanting to sell. I ) Til , lieu olllce. 003 8 FOH 8A LU Cheap for cash. n'clean'Mock ot groceries and fixtures. Address K in , Don olllco 7.20 n * TjiOH SALE-Hakery In a good location. Den * JP awa A Co. , 15th at. opposltuP. O. 0,1130 BUSINESS rhnnces for sale. Such na cigar stores , restaurants , chop houses , meat- inarKct , newsdopot , confectionery and bakery , hotel , and a llrst-olnss saloon , Call or address , Co-Opcintlvo Lund nnd Lot Co , 20J N 10th st. KM I A\T ANTED A good business man with HS.OOil T capital to assume the munngemout of i\ manufacturing nnd jobbing business , bolng thn consolidation of two well eat bllsheit houses. No bonus to be given for cither business awl 41) ) acres of land very near Kansas nty nnd on three trunk lines of railway will be given to new company tori factory purposes. Address Guy It. Klmore. HOV and 1111 Liberty st. Kansas City Mo. , 7073 * "IJflOR SALK or P.Tclmngo An old established Jgood paying Lhery business In Council HluuXln. , It ) N Main xt. win. stndlemnn. 6W3 A RARE business chance Wanted n partner with mouov or security , ( n doctor pro- f PI rod ) to w holesale a line of exclusive druggists' goods. $ IOU ) worth now manufactured * and rendy for sale. Profits , tlOOper day. Address fully with reference. W. R. v. , ItiM Fnrnara st. , KM 30 "I3ARTIES wishing to purchase real estate J. or seeking hn estmonts of any kind will do well to call on Sloman , room 405 Paxton block , . WO. THOU SAM : Abstract boofca of Omaha ami J2 Douglas county , This Is an established. . ipldly increasing , business , paying n largo Interest on the Investment. lor books and good will of the business. Omaha real es tate or secured paper w 1th a fair cash payment will bo taken. George W. Ames , 1507 Piirnam , . 613 EOR SALE-Salt Lake loU $ JO each , nt 310 S. 15th st. 4S1 IT OH SALK A stock of general merchandise. --'Will invoice about * .soxxi. Also , two-story brick stern building. 25x80 , on a good corner lv the central part of town. Will sell stock anij rent building , or sell both together. Mtist applj nt once for particulars. Address D 28 Oinulm Dee , 301 o2 FOH SALE Cheat ) for cash , N. Y. Hotel and Restaurant , 70'J ' N. llith St. : good business ; desirable locntlon , reason for Helling , have other business to attend to. Call on or address E. A. Marsh , WM N loth st , Ouiah.t. Wl FOR EXCHANGE. HANSCOM place Elegant 10-ioom house to trmlo for a good \ ncnut lot or to sell ou easy terms. Stevens Dros. , 1521 rarnam 865-1 1 TEAMS , wngon and harness , and ono Jeroei' ' -'cow und cnlt , to trndo for a good lot In north part of city ; JJ.ooostock of groceries and drugs tor cash und property ; flrst-rlahs stock ofgro- oeilesto uxclmngo for some cash and good land ; htockof millinery and n stock of drugfj with store pioperty : land nnd city property with cash for iiulso , Co-Operative Land nnd Lot Co. MB N ICth St. M6 1 FARNAM street house to trade for good itn- pros ed farm near Omaha. Stevens Dros , 1521 Fnriii.ni. tWM O EXCHANGK-A sno.ooo wholesale stock o dry goods. In quantities to suit , for Omaha property. Improved farms and some cnsh. O. W. Mowcry , Lock Dox CB , Lincoln , Nob. 852 2t TO TRADE SlO.tXW equity In vacant buslnesa lot on Farnnm street for good laud , farm or other property. Address r 14 , Deo. 758-1 * 100-ACHP Improved farm to tratlo for good Omahn property. E. F. Seaver , room 40. Dar ker block' 7JO 30 TO TRAD ! . Houses , lota , lauds nnd furni ture , and property of all kinds , Stovona Dros. , 1521 Fnrnam. 805-1 SIX hundred nnd forty acres of choice land in central Nebraska , close to two railroad * nnd clear of Incumbranco , to trade for Improved city property. K. F. Beaver , Darker lllocl : WANTED To exchange Inside city prop erty for improved farms near city. " Doz 764. city. 380 O 10 OH EXCHANGK-Cholco improved farm lands in Nebraska for Omaharosldenco prop erty or stocks of clean merchandise. Call or ad dress W. A. Frye. R 1 , nw cor 15th and Karuam. 628 04 _ _ _ J _ I HAVE real and personal property of all kinds for trade. Call and see me. George J. BternsdorfT. room 0. opp. P. O. _ ma ) TIRADES made In real estate and personal property. See exchang * book. Oo-oo. I * and L. Co. 206 N. let hat. 2J9 _ TXrHAT have you to trade for some north * V > western oil stock ? Address 1)6 , Dee ifilce. rpo Exchange ISO acres of choice farming JL land in exclmngo for brick. Address a lance Lock Dox 1 , West Point Nob. 02Ti 1 rpHE Omaha Duslness Exchange. R. fi. s. w. cor. X 15th and Douglas , makes a specialty of selling and exchanging all classed of inoichatullso. etc. 4M-OU * _ mo EXCHANGE Or sell , houses and lots , JL farms or merchandise eeo Omaha Dusluoss Dxchauge , room 6 , s. w. cor. 15th and Dottgjas. WANTHD Good lands and city property , horses , cattle , etc. , to exchange for mer chandise in all lines. L. P. Kraus , 1697 Farnaui St. , Omaha , Nob. 453 O21 WANTED Stocks of merchandise in any and all lines to exchange for good farm lands , Omaha real estate , horses , cattle , etc. L. P. Kraus , 1607 Farnam st. . Omaha , Neb. 453 021 CLAIRVOYANT. ATTENTION Thn gifted destiny reader can be consulted dally for two weeks on all af > fairs of life or death ; tolls your life from t ha cradle to the grave ; reunites the separated with the wonderful Egyptian charm ; locates disease nnd heals them with maseage and electric treat * ment. Olllce 417 S. llth st , up-atalnrooms 2 and 3. " 62230 * "f " H. NANNIE V. Warren , clairvoyant. Modi- cat business and test medium. Diagnosis free. Female diseases a-specialty. 110 N 10th at , Rooms 2 & 3. Tel. 044. 255 FOR8ALE-REAL ESTATE. TJ1OR SALK-Wlshinpr to move to the country. JJ will sell my homo on Georgia ave ; house of 10 rooms ; gas , bath , furnace , city and cistern water : all modem Improvements. For particu lars Inquire on promises. No. 1201 Georgia ave , H. U. Hake. 03Q8J I71OR SALK Fine residences In Hancom place J.1 and vicinity. M. A. Upton Company. 370 T/1OII SALE 2 elegant modern east front JL ? houses 7 rooms nnd bath , on Lowe ave. In * spect these ; terms and pilces to suit. W. A Goddaid,14'ii Capitol ave. 80130 I OR SALE Dnautlful homes In Kountzo Fi place. ! M. A. Upton Company. 870 Estate Uarcalns A 7-room house located in n lot und a half of ground , 16 minutes walk from court house ; rliolc-o loca tion ; can be bought nt u very low figure by any one who can pay 11,000 cash , balance at 7 per cent. The property must be sold , U'.M.Yafes , agt. , California ami IC.M st. 873 USINESS 16th street , corner , 4 blocks from Funmin , for H less than It Is woith. COxKU on Capitol ave. betwven 15th and IGth , at less than value. M , A , UpUm Company. 678 Fi I OR SALE-Nothlng but first-class proper * ties. i M.A. Upton Co. 870 "CTLEUANT building lots , and houses and lota. JcJforsnle on easy terms. Neb."f Famani. K31 17HIt BALE Very best" South OuiahiT bar * -I ! gains. M.A. Upton Co. 7 E have several nice houses and lots to sail on very easy terms. Hicks , room 40llarKcr - lUoclc. 7-JOSO OMAHA-JOO ft front , very slghtly.for WEST at n bargaIn-43,000. Btovcna Dros , 1521 Farnam st. ' - " 1 HALE-Flnest residence property In the FOR . M. A. Upton Co. 8VU FARMING In eastern Nebraska pays no.v. To those wanting to go on1 a farm we CAR tell how to get good Und with Tory little moaey. The Jar that tins can ba done will oouj > passed. M. A. Upton Company. 867 - lot on M street , South Omaha , near depot , only U.CWO , Illrks , room 40 , llarker block. 73030 rpBACKAOE lOl feet froutoije on llth street. J. lust north of Nlbholas st , for sale at a bar * gain if tuktiusoou. Stevens Dro * . , IK ] Farnam. JioR BAI.H Hest CI builntss pioperty la Qinaha. M. A. Upton Co. _ KSIOENCB for flale-Nke 6-room house , fin ished in oak , barn. well , cistern , full east front lot. in Windsor Place. 13,200 ; eny _ terms ; n lovely little home at very moderate price. &U A. Upton Company I'U-ncro tract only f.l.oon. Hlr.ks. 730-30 AND Seokeis. Attentlon-I'or full par- I Jilculars about fre and cheap lands In west ern Nwliruska address Tuo . O. Patterson. UevJ Suite Ai.-iiit. North Platl * . Neb.