Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 29, 1888, Page 8, Image 8

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The bank clearances for yesterday
were $107,801.01.
Doc. Eicholborgcr , who attempted to
commit suicide Tuesday , Is improving
dally , and the physicians say that ho
will recover.
Joseph Krnmck , a Bohemian , aged
fifty-three , died yesterday of Ron-
oral debility , and will bo buried in St.
Mary's cemetery.
Pat Flaherty , a South Omaha man.
died of malaria fever Thursday night ,
and his body will bo sent to his former
homo in Illinois.
A deed was lllud yesterday conveying
$60,000 worth of lots and lands from
William M. Foster to Anna E. Camp
bell. The deed was Hlgncd by Byron
liecd , as agent of Foster.
A meeting of the democrats of the
Ninth" ward is called for Saturday cvon-
'Ing at 7,0 : in MoKinnoy's store buildIng -
Ing on Hamilton street , near Lowe ave
I nue. The organization of a democratic
club in this ward is anticipated.
P. H. Woodleaf loft yesterday on a trip to
the fur cast.
Leo Love nncl wife , ol York , wcro Mlllard
pucsts yesterday.
Mrs. Dr. Converse , of Danville , 111. , is
visiting friends In the city.
W. H. Munger , of Friend , and L. P. Hil
ton , of Hlair , uro in the city.
Hurry Fry nnd E. A. Gilbert , of York ,
were Omnha visitors ycstordny .
M. L. Hay wood , of Nebraska City , nnd II.
H. Klnc , of Lincoln , nro Pnxton guests.
Milton I ) . Hell , * of Plnttsmoiith , and
Thomns Pine , of Ucnnott , nro at the Paxton.
Mr. H. P. Corliln , of Cincinnati , la at the
Millnrd for a few days before going to Cali
D. M. Phllbln , of Norfolk , nnd Georco W.
Gilmnn nnd wile , of Talmago , nro at the
E. C. Parkinson , of Scward , Nob. , nnd W.
S. Looinis , of Hed Ouk , la. , were in the city
Charles M Stebbins , a prominent dry
goods dealer of Fremont , was in the city
? H. M. Waring , N. A. Payne , Carl Schmidt
nnd W. G. MuLollnn , all Lincolnltes , were at
f the Murray last evening.
W. P. Jcwctt , ot the Sioux City & Pacific
railway , with headquarters at St. Paul , is at
the Murray with his wife.
The president of the Union Pacific rail
way , Charles Francis Adams , is expected in
Omaha Sunday morainu from Hoston. Ho
will tulto up uncompleted work from his lust
trip. _
AVnmlcrlng In Delirium.
John Peterson , a patient at St. Joscph'n
hospital who has been suffering with typhoid
fever , got np in his delirium Thursday nnd
wandered away. No trace of him whatever
lias been found , and the police have been
nskca to lead their assistance in the search.
Where Am the Jfcntors ?
There was no session in a number of the
schools yesterday on account of a lack of
means of heating some of the buildings. Stoves
had not been put in or are not ready for use ,
furnaces are out of repair nnd no provision
had been made for the cool weather.
IVrkins' Itoturn.
Mr. Stone , of Dowcy & Stone , denies the
report published In a morning paper of bis
having investigated the charges against N.
Li. Perkins. a supposed accomplice
of the wholesale furniture thieves ,
nnd being satisfied of his innocence.
Mr. Stone says that all ho knows about the
matter Is that Perkins has returned to the
city again , but has not been arrested although
ho is liable to be.
Max Hcllman , secretary of the association
of Russian Israelites , writes that that organ
ization returns thnnks to the officers and es
pecially to the trustees , Messrs. Israel Lip-
chltz , Jacob Marks and Abraham Kaplan.
Ho stntcs that two ycnrs ngo they started
with only a low members , nnd now , through
the good management of the oftlcers , they
have increased to a membership of nearly
ono hundred. The finances are in excellent
The Itctl Cm tat us SI list Go.
Sergeant Slgwart has been instructed by
the chief of police to notify all prostitutes
who have their names emblazoned on their
doors or windows that they must bo removed
' In flvo days. 'Also , all rod curtains ,
bright lights or other evidences
of the business carried on. All
cigar stores in connection with such estab
lishments must bo removed to the i oar. All
lewd women found in saloons or carrying
beer on the street will bo immediately ar
rested. _
Is Whisky Contrnunnil ?
A laughable scene occurred In the police
court yesterday. A man named John
Dugan demanded his bottle of whisky
I" wnich had been confiscated when ho was
I'V run in Thursday night. Ho claimed that the li
quor could not bo classified as concealed
> , Weapons or contraband goods , nnd there was
no law in Nebraska that would empower the
officers to confiscate it. Tno Judge laughlug
ly overruled nil objections , but insisted that
the liquor was taken from the prisoner for
his best interests. Tito affair created con
siderable lively debate among the lawyers
who were present at the time.
A. Disordered Imagination.
A Gorman woman named Krnuscr , who
lives near Hanscom park , has been at the po
lice station a number of times of late telling
most gory talcs of murder. She told of dis
covering a man with his head chopped off
lying among the leaves in the park.
An investigation of the affair by an officer
proved the story unfounded. Yesterday , the
woman again appeared nt the police station ,
telling or a regiment of soldiers in her
quarter of the city , who wcro carrying on a
creator slaughter of Infants than Herod ever
dreamed of. The olUccrs have discovered
that the woman Is crazy. She will bo turned
over to the county commissioners for exam
_ _ _ _ _ _
Violating Sanitary Imws.
General Estabrook seems to bo having n
bar a tlma on account of his violation of tao
city ordinances in regard to the disposition
of offal. Yesterday ho was tried in the
pollco court for breaking the sanitary laws ,
nnd whllo yet out on ball for ono offense ho
nnd thrco of his employes , named J. Lowry ,
Gcorgo Hivvus and _ Frank Allison , were
caught by Officer Hlnchoy filling in a cesspool -
pool without having emptied It. The gen
eral and his staff wcro again arrested. His
next trial will bo on October 2. Sanitary
Officer Hincho.v is determined that all persons -
sons violating tbo laws that are intended to
protect the health of citizens shall bo pun-
Healthy gums of roscato hue
Whlto sound teeth must surely fill ;
Rosy lips slilne always through ;
For sweet SOX.ODONT will heal
All the evils teeth destroy.
This you should through life employ.
The Potter Monument.
W. P. Rclnort , secretary of the Potter
Monument commission , has boon In the city
since Thursday ornnUing _ a branch of the
commission in this city , which Is to bo the
bond ofilco for all the commission's work west
of the Missouri river. A meeting was held
at 10 o'clock in E. L. Lomax's private office ,
which was attended by Mr. Lomox , Thomas
f Miller , Denjamln Gallagher nnd the general
secretary. Mr. Louinx and Mr. Miller wcro
appointed totako charge of the local work of
the conmilsslon.and Mr.Gallaghcr was elected
treasurer for the west. Mr. Lomax ana
Mr. Miller hiivo the power to appoint sub
committees to aid them In the local solicita
tion , but liuvo concluded to do the work
alono. Hranch offices of the commission
will be found in all thorailway headquarter
towns nlong the lines of the Union Pacillo
and 13. & M. between hero and San Fran-
isco. Mr. Heincrt went east last evening to
Wtfcct cue or two more organizations la Iowa
nnil some In Illinois. Ho will then start on
the work west of the Missouri river nntl or-
L'nnlza commissions to the const. It is tbo
desire of the commission to rniso 30,003.
How Alcn Grew Hlch In n Dny Hy tlic
Oiiuiha Heat Kutnto liooiu.
C. E. Mnyno'B bill In equity In tbo United
States court against GCOTKO O. Barker gives
tin idea of tbo enormous profits In Omnhn
rcnl estate during the late boom. Following
In nn abstract of tbo allegations in May no's
document , which was fllcd Thursday :
On January 1 , 1853 , Mayno obtained from
Silas H. II. Clark a written option on 123 ;
acres of land , tbo tract afterwards known ns
Orchard Hill. Clark agreed to sell his prop
erty for $100,000 , one-quarter to bo cash and
the other thrce-quartcra to bo paid In thrco
equal annual payments. Not having the
cash , Mayno took thn option to Unrkcr , Hob-
ertL. Qarllchs anil Frank 15 , Johnson , who
wcrn associated In the banking business
under the names of the last two gentlemen ,
nnd invited him to Join him In the deal by
advancing the necessary S''f OOO. These
thrco gentlemen acceded , and a written
agreement was entered Into In March of 18SO ,
of which the following Is n synopsis :
Unrkcr bad advanced $12UO , and Qarllchs
and Johnson each JO.-'W. The tltlo of the
land was conveyed to Maync , who was en
joined to plat the property into city lots and
sell It as he deemed to the best advantage of
nil concerned. The proceeds from such sale
wcro to bo applied us follows : First , to the
payment of tbo $ * r > , OvX ) duo Clark. Second ,
to the payment oftho2oUOO , advanced by the
thrco bankers. The proceeds above the cost
of the land was to bo divided among the
parties to the agreement one-half going to
Mayuc , one-fourth to Hurker , one-eighth
to Jjarllchs and one-eighth to Johnson. The
agreement further provided that Mayno
should deposit all the proceeds of the sale
In Garllchs & Johnson's hank , and put all
notes , bonds , contracts , etc. , relating to such
sale , In the custody of Johnson.
In June , 1SSO , Mayne bought the interest of
Garlichs and Johnson , which entitled
him to three-fourths of the
pro tits on the deal. In Juno ,
lbb , Mavno had sold all the lots as platted
into Orchard Hill addition to Omaha. Ho
alleges that after paying the purohnso pnco
of $100,000 and all expenses ( which latter fell
on Mayno nlono ) the net pro-ills were W25.000
or more. Most of Iho lots sold were sold on
contracts , a small cash payment being made
and the ualanco running on long time. The
money , notes , contracts etc. , wcro deposited
with Garlichs & Johnson's bank nnd were
transferred to the Hank of Commerce when
they with Harker orgaiiiyed the latter. As
president of the Hank of Commerce , Unrkcr
had access to tire papers deposited by Maync.
The latter alleges that H.irker took posses
sion of them , collected largo sums thereon
and appropriated the same to bis own uses.
Mayno docs not know the amount so col-
lectcil , but ho believes it to bo over $200,000 ,
and ho claims ? lor > , OOJ as duo him. Mayno
alleges that Harker was encouraged to retain
these moneys and securities by the knowl
edge that Mayno had mislaid the written
agreement referred to above and believed it
to bo lost.
Mr. Barker Puts Another Color Upon
Mayno'H Transactions.
Mr. George E. Unrkcr was called upon
yesterday and uskcd for his side of the story
in the Mnyno-Unrkcr case.
Said he : "I loaned Mayno $33,000 , last
July. Ho owed mo considerable money at
that time and 1 hold a deed on ills farm ns se
curity. Up to that time ho had neglected to
give mo nn nccounting of the sum he owed
me , and the notes in question were taken for
the purpose of covering tbo loan aud an un
settled account between Mayno and myself
at that time 'If the notes given wcro more
than suWcient to cover the amount ho owed
mo ho to have crddit Tor the difference ,
and vlco versa.
"Ho finally gave mo a very imperfect state
ment of the account , after I had waited for n
long time for it. When it was given and ad
justment was made on that basis , I throwing
off n largo amount so that wo couldjagreo as
to the amount ho owed mo.
The amount was linally fixed at $47,010 in
stead of ? 55,000 , throwing off $3,000 , as notes
had not been given for the latter amount and
it was looked upon as ti rebate. One account
of between 55,000 , and 510,000 had been , over
Since that time I have ascertained that ho
owes mo nt least $7,000 besides the above
amount , probably more , the account is in
such condition that it is hard to ascertain.
The notes as originally taken do not cover
his indebtedness to mo by from $3,000 to
With regard to the Orchard Hill matter I
can only say that I employed Mayno to pur
chase a quarter interest in the Uakcr farm
forme , providing ho 'could got other pur
chasers to take Iho other three-quarters in
Ho went to Messrs * Johnson nnd Gnrlichs
and they took a quarter interest each. Ho
then stated to 1110 that ho could get no ono to
purchase the other quarter , so I purchased
that also , and put my half interest in
Mayno's hands to sell on commission.
Mayno then bought Johnson and Garliehs1
interest , paying them therefor in notes which
ho had bought , aud then sold hi : , interest to
John L. Miles.
Mayno charged mo up commissions on the
sales bo made two or thrco times over , which
ninttcr was ilnally adjusted in the 520,000 ,
which , with a rebate of. tS.OOO , amounted to
I had 8,000 acres of land contracts which
were plnccd in Mayno's hands for disposi
tion , nud which I understand have never
been nccounled for.
Mayno gave mo an order on tbo Stockyards
company for 53,500 , which was left out of the
account of $12,000. Ho lolcl ino that ho had
instructed the. Stockyards company to pay
mo that amount. When I went to collect It , I
found that ho had drawn it all out , with the
exception 01 $500 , which was nil of the amount
I received , although ho had given mo the as-
surnnco that It would nil bo paid me. This
amount was overlooked in the § 12,000 uc
This is all I care to say in regard to the
Food makes Blood and Blood makes
Bcuuty. Improper digestion of food
ncccctarily produces bad blood , result
ing in iv fooling ot fullness in the stomach
ach , acidity , heartburn , siukhcudacho ,
nud othcrdyspoptio symptoms. A closely
confined lifo causes indigestion , consti
pation , biliousness nnd loss of appetite.
To remove these troubles there is no
remedy equal to Prickly Ash Bitters.
It has been tried and proven to bo a
Mnrrineo Licenses.
The following marriage licenses were is
sued yesterday by Judge Shields :
I James Kemp , Omalm . 21
1 Addio Hoffsteadt , Omaha . 10
I William Ncismann , Omnhn . 113
t Mary 1C. Eickhorn , Omaha . 23
( Charles Edgar , Omaha . 31
t Tello Carlson , Omnha . 23
I Gcorgo W. Hamilton , Carson , In . 42
( Mis. Mary E. Taylor , Carson , la . 29
"Tho best on earth , " can truly bo
said of Griggs' Glycerine Salvo a
speedy euro for cuts , bruises , scalds ,
burns , sores , piles , totter and all skin
eruptions. Try this wonder healer. 25
cents. Guaranteed. Goodman Drug
At the Webster street depot Just after the
rush from tbo waiting room to the 10:20 : train
the depot master discovered in the deserted
room a very email infant lying in ono of tbo
seats. The railroad employe waited for a
few moments to see if somebody would claim
the child , when the almost absurd probability
of some mother having forgot it m her hurry
flashed upon his mind , Ho went to the train ,
which was about to depart , and standing in
the door of ono of the fullest coaches asked
in a loud voice if anybody had forgotten
some baggage in the shapa of an in
fant. With n shriek a woman jumped
from bor scat and rushed to the depot mas
ter saying 8ho bad forgotten her baby and
almost fell on her knees in gratitude to the
smiling official. She fairly flow to tbo ladles'
waiting room , gathered up the precious bun
dle aud was back iu IUUQ to catch tUo train.
She said that she was conscious nil the time
} f having forgotten something but could not
think what It was.
A Now Line to the East Which Id Now
Uulldlnt ; .
Twenty-eight citizens of Wlnonn , Minn , ,
arrived yesterday In n special Pullman ,
on either sldo of which was n streamer
labeled "Wlnona Jobbers. " They had como
from Sioux City , where they visited the corn
palace. They were driven to the Paxton
hotel , where they breakfasted. They com
prised the following professional and mer-
cantllo gentlemen :
Mayor Ludwlg , A. F. Hodglns , Yeotnans
Uros. & Hodglns , H. D. Morse , butter and
creamery ; Charles tlorton , Empire Lumber
company ; I. L. Harris , Laird-NorUm Lum
ber company , U. Sinclair , editor of the Ho-
publlcan ; Andrew Hamilton , president
Wlnona Lumber company ; John McConncll ,
capitalist ; W. H. Van Kuron , L. C. Porter ,
president Porter Milling company ; U. D.
Cone , leading hardware ; John Kendall ,
leading wholesale druggist ; Alfred Urooks ,
dry gooiis ; E. P. Groaloy of Naslmni , la. ;
W. C. Kllgoro , furnishingcoods ; C , G. May-
berry , architect ; D.M. . Wheeler , chief en
gineer Wlnona ft Southwestern road ; IX E.
Vance , lawyer ; J. S. Watklns , physician ;
tr. McDavitt , Uov. H. M. Knowlton , Epls-
copal church ; F. E. Gartsido , mer
chant ; H. C. Shcpard , freight agent ;
W. II. Yale , attorney ; Alexander Mulr ,
boots and shoes ; Colonel F. M. Cockrcl , pro
prietor of the Huff hotiso ; H. H. Langly , as
sistant general freight agent Chicago , Mil
waukee .S : St. Paul ; William Garlock capi
After breakfast they were met by Mavor
Uroatch , Messrs. Martin , Colpot/er , Nat-
tinger nnd other of our citizens with whom
they talked over a groit variety of subjects
of interest to both cities.
Wlnona is a city of 22,000 Inhabitants , with
great llounng and lumberiniT Interests. Ono
of Its Hour mills is the second largest In the
world. Jointly thov have a capacity of 4,003
barrels per dav. In this industry thcio Is
perhaps $700,000 invested. The capacity of
their lumber mills Is about ono million feet
per day , exclusive of lath and shingles. In
both of these branches they have quite n
trade with Omaha , and Nebraska , thatof lum
ber alone being in the neighborhood of
$230,000 annually. This trade they hope to
increase by the extension to thU > citv of the
Wlnona & Southwestern railroad , which Is
now in course of construction , and which
will give Omaha a direct and shortest route
to the lakes.
Winona Is connected with Qrecn Bay with
aline 214 miles In length. The proposed road
Is now ironed a distance of forty miles from
the latter and work Is being pushed rapidly
toward Mason City , n distance of oighty-fivo
miles more. Thence to Fort Dodge , la. , a
stretch of track 100 milos'long , already laid ,
has been purchased. From Fort Dodge to
this city is a distance of 130 miles. Hy
this road a great amount ot time
and expense could bo saved
by shipping grain from Ncbraoka to the east
and vice versa lumber from the pineries of
Michigan nnd Wisconsin to Nebraska.
The party were escorted to South Omaha
by the mayor nnd local merchants , where
they visited the packing houses.
At 3 o'clock they returned to Omaha and
were driven around the city. They returned
to Winona last night.
Log Cabin Success.
What ails the young mon ?
Robert Garrott's father loft him n
fortune of twenty millions. Ho was
from childhood reared in luxury ; ho re
ceived a splendid education with an es
pecial training into a thorough knowl
edge of railroad management and was
expected to succeed his father as n rail
road king.
Within three years after the responsi
bilities which his father's death throw
upon him were assumed , ho is reported
n broken-down man , with mind and
health permanently shattered.
George Law is another young man left
with millions of money who is reported
among the "wrecks. " Ilis father , bred
a stone mason , was of gigantic size and
strength , xvitli commoiisurato brain
power , BO ho became a great contractor ,
then a railroad king , and left half a
dozen millions for his son to dissipate.
The young man is a success ns a dissi-
The founders of both of these great
estates wore born in the most humble
walks of lifo , grow strong , mentally and
physically , by simple living and Inmost
labor and developed into firinnchvl gi
ants. Their sons were reared in the lap
of luxury und developed into intellect
ual pigmies.
The great men of our country have
not , as a rule , como from the elegant
mansions of the cities , but from the Log
Cabins of the rural districts. Simple
Avays of living , freedom from dissipa
tion and oncrvatiug pleasures , simple
remedies for disease , effective and
which leave no poison in the system , de
velop brawny , brainy men , who compel
the world to rccogni/.o their strength
and power.
The wholesome , old-fushionod Log
Cabin remedies are the safest and
surest for family use. Our grandmoth
ers knew how to prepare the teas and
syrups of roots , herbs and balsams
which drive disease out of the system
by natural methods and leave no after
ill effects. The most potent of these
old time remedies were , alter long and
searching investigation , secured by H.
H. Warner , of safe euro fame , and are
now put out for the "healing of the
nations" iu the Warner's Log' Cabin
Regulate the regulator with Warner's
Log Cabin sarsaparilla and with pure
blood giving health , strength , mental
and bodily vigor , you may hope to cope
successfully with the most gigantic
financial problems of the ago , without
wrecking health and manhood.
Wyoming oil lands.for sale. Claims
of 40 , 80 , to ICO acres now on the mar
ket. Complete abstracts to same fur
nished. J. L. LOVJSTT ,
220 So. Thirteenth St.OmahaNeb.
Get Your HaUroad Tickets
and bccuroyour sleeping berths at
lU02FarnnmSt. ,
Union Pacific Ticket office ,
HAIWY P. Diiuir. . ,
City Ticket agent.
TheC. , St. P. , M. & O. Ry. ( depot
corner 15th nnd Webster streets ) will
sell round trip tickets to the Sioux City
Corn Palace Festival at $3.45 , on sale
September 21th to October Oth , inclus
ive , and good to return October 10th ,
1888. T. W. TgASDALE. G. P. A.
You can flnd cool , well furnished
rooms at the Glebe hotel , best located
house in Omaha.
A Butchers' Association.
Thursday night there was a largely atlended
meeting of butchers In Motz's hall , which re
sulted In the formation of a butchers' asso
ciation , with J. J. Skew , president ; A. Po-
kornoy , vice-president , and A. W. Kolbo ,
treasurer. Jaeetinjrs will bo held on the second
end nnd last Thursday of each month. All
retail dealers are invited to become mem
The llttlo boy said , "When I catch
this fish and two moro I shall have
three. " If his bait and patience and
fishing were good ho probably got 'om.
Wo are going to have a million sub
scribers before the year is out. Our bait
is good. There is no reason why you
shouldn't bite wo don't use any hook.
There is uo occasion for pationco. Let
ters nro coming ton thousand a day.
It costs ton cents in stamps to got the
Ladies' Homo Journal the last four
months of this year. At the end ol the
year of course you will stopi unless you
want to go on.
The October number is on the news
stands six cents. Ladies' Homo Jour
nal , Philadelphia. .
Wcus T0\
05Soid ,
0-5 n
'Sena for circular , ' jur
Santa Abie : and : Cat-R-Cure
For Sale by
G-oodman Drug Co.
An Important Announcement
About nix weeks ngo. wlillo at lm IneKal
trim suddenly nttaclti-a vllh cxcruilultng
pains lu my feet , knees and Imutla. Sntatcr *
( lie attack tlmt I took my IK rt Immediately ,
nil In two or thrco clajs my Joints \tetm
swollen to almost doulilo thtfr uaturulKlza ,
antltlcrp was ililreii from me. .Aftersuffer
ing thn moat cxctmlattni ; | lu for R week ,
tiling liniments nrt > arloiis othur remedies ,
fileml who sympathized Tilth ui } hclplnl
conditionBald tome : .
"Why don't you get Swlft'f Specific nnfl
nsslt. IvrlllE'iurnmeaa ciur , nnd If ltdoel
Hot theiiK'illciiio KUuUioBljou nothing. "
I at once secured ttio H. b. S. , unit cfter
BsInK It tbo flrst day , had aiUlet | iil htanil
refrrMng sleep. .In aerk 1 felt Krcutly
beuolittru. lukreetTcclR I ccuM fit up and
Trallc about tlieiroom , and nfler uflnn six
tiottlcn I wns oatinnd able to K < > to business.
Blncotlicn I hmo been regularly ntmy iio't
of duty , and stand on my fecit from iilnu to
ten hours a rtayrund omoutlrclv fieofrom
pain. These nre-tlio plain and thnplo fuels
In my case. ami. T will chef rf ully ninwcr nil
Inquiries relativethrictu , eltlx r In person or
by mall. TIIOIIAS HinxiLiJK.
11 W. 13th urttt , hew York City.
f NAcnviLiit , T mt. I have warded oft n to-
Ypre nltack of rbvumatltm by n llmely resort
to Bn Ift'n Sjiorftle. In all < where n t er-
Bmueut relief is sonKlit till * mcdli die coin-
mrnds Itiolf fora constitutional treatment
that thoroiwlilr eradicates the socds of ills-
aso from the 15 stu.i.
u Key. W. P. lUnmsos , D. D.
NEW Yonit , 61 TTII AVB. AfKr srondlii *
200 to bo n.lo\od ! ( if lllood 1'olson M Itliout
nybcnellt , * low bottles of Swift's Bpeclflo
worked a perfect cure. C. I'OUTKU.
' VIEN-U , O v. Jtyi llttlo Rlrl , ajed six , and
boy , ac"l four yoarn. hod scrofula lu 111 *
worst . . ; rav tcd ehapo. They wcro iiuny
Itnd iloilr. To day they are hcallliy nudro
butt , ell the re&ultot taking a. 8. S.
LADY TAKE , Stnrren Co. , FLA. Your.8. S ,
B. liasjirorvd a wonderful success In my
case. TLo cancer on my face , no doubt ,
would have soon hurried mo to my grave. 1
do think it Is wonderful , and has uo equal.
13. II. Ill kt > , 1'ostmaitcr. I
WACO , TEXAB , liny 9 , IKS. {
ft. B. Co. , Atlanta , Gx :
Gentlemen Knowing that you appreciate
Toluntory testimonials , we take plsaaureln
tatlng that one otour lady customers h
regained her health by the use of four lan <
bottled of your great remedy , after having
been an Invalid for seeral > ears. Ilertroubl *
was extreme debility , caused by a disease po-
euHartohcrsux. WII.UK& Co. , Druggists.
I Three booka mailed tree oa application.
AU drucglEts sell b. S. a
Drawer S , Allan to ( la.
W w York. 7W UroadwBJ-\
It IH time to pnt.thc
boys into thclv Fall
Suits. We can jit
them withooodstiir-
dy clothes for school
and play , anil with
a handsome suit/or
"Sunday best. "
Chlldnn's Suits In
two pieces for the
.small . , , boys , and
three pieces for the
blyger brother.
Room 03 Traders
RoTerenees lletropolltan National Dank.
It. U. Una A Co. Tbo llradMreet Ca
Advertising iias always pro von
Bucccssful. llcforo placing any
Kowspnpor Advertlaliigconsu6
DUEJcGrew ,
One of the Most Successful
In tlao treatment of DISEASES of the THROAT
Ulseasos of the DIIAIK ami NEHVOUH SVSTBM ,
KriLErsv aud Nuitvous KXIIAUBTIO.S , ASTHMA
and CAVAHUH , ( JiiAvuL. Dlseabes of the HLAU
nun and ItEcruu , all Disorders of the SEXUAI
OIIQAN8. ' . . . .
AcuroouAiiANTEEDin all cases ot FnirATi
and SKIN UismSES.
The moat OIISTINATC cisca VIELIJINU rapid ! )
under Ills form ol treatment.
The doctor's theory is that no disease shouK
ba regarded as incurable until the dUeasec
oigauis destroyed faster than it can bo repaired
From his years of experlencain HOHI-ITAI , am
I'm VATE I'IIACTICK , the doctor U classed aiuon (
Treatment by correspondence , genet Btamj
for reply.
Offlco--Bushman BlocK , 16th ant
. Douglas Sts. , OnivLha , eb <
Our store has again become to small for us , and \vo have just completed arrange
ments for additional room. "Wo have leased the adjoining three story building now
occupied by Robert Purvis. This building will be immediately altered and fixed up for
our use , and wo expect to have the same ready for occupancy by the middle of October.
The now addition will give us a separate spacious entrance and largo show windows on
14th street , and when connected with our present store , wo will have the largest Clothing -
ing House west of Chicago.
"VVe had contemplated to take this additional building next spring , but the im
mense increase in our business and the enormous stook wo are getting this season , has
forced us to make immediate arrangements.
As we have to give up considerable space of our present store to the workmen
during the time alterations are in progress , wo will bo very much crowded and have
decided to unload such goods , which are mainly in demand now and can be removed
Underwear is one of the departments , which requires more room than others ; wo
have an immense variety , all new and this season's styles. "Wo have always been head
quarters for these goods ; no other house ever attempted to compete with us. In order
to move a good share of our stock within the next few days , we have now put prices on
them which will make it a big inducement for anybody to lay in his seasons supply.
Hats are going fast enough , but they too , take up so much room. "VVo want them
to go still faster and the prices are made in accordance. Ladies' should not Tail to visit
our boy's department this week. Wo have an immense stock of Suits and Overcoats ,
and we will make , special low prices. You can buy two suits of us for what you would
have to pay for one suit elsewhere.
Cor. i4th and Douglas Streets , Omaha.
O fvi A H A
N. W. Cor. 13th & Dodge Sts.
B Rv O IE S ,
Best facilities , apparatus and remedies for sue
Tsgful treatment of every form of disease requlr
itig Medical or Surreal Treatment.
Hoard and attendance ; best hospital accoiumr
dntions in the west.
WRITE I-OR CIRCUIAKS on Dcfonnltles am
llraces , TrjiBes , Club I'eet , Curvature of tin
Spine , Piles , Tumors , Cancer , Catarrh , Ilror.chitis
Inhalation , Electricity , Paralysis , Epilepsy , Kir !
ney , Bladder , Eye , fiar , Stiu aud Blood , at'd nl )
.Surgical Operatious.
Dlaeasoa of Women a Specially.
All nlood Diseases successfully treated. Syph
ilitic Volson removed from the system without
mercury. New restorative treatment for loss ol
Vital Power. Fetsons unable to visit us may lit
treated at home by correspondence. All couimii
ideations confidential. Medicines or instrument
cut by tnall or express , securely packed , no
marks to Indicate contents or sender. One per
sonal interview preferred. Call and consult us pi
jend history of your case , and we will send in
.Main wrapper , our
Upon Private , Special or Nervous Diseases , I m
votency , Syphilis , Gleet and Varicoctle , will :
Jjicstion list. Address
Omaha Medical and Surgical Itiitltiitc.vr
Cor. 13th ana Dodae Sit. . . OK AH A. NEB.
Beware of Fraud , as my name and the price are
etampca on tlie bottom of all my advertised tliocs
before leaving the factory , which protect the wearers
against high prices and Inferior goods. If a dealer
offers W. DoiiRlna shoes at a reductd price , or
says he has tlicm without my name ami price stamped
on the bottom , put him donu as a fraud.
The only r lf 1 SEAMI/KSK Shoe smooth In-
, ldo , mf TACKS , or WAX TilUKAIMo hurt
thn feet , easy ajhanil-Bcwrit uiul NOT 1111 %
W. L. UOUni.AS 84 S11OK , the original and
only luml-scwcd writ (4 ( hoc. Kquals cuetom-mail
Itallroad Men and I-etltr Carriers all wear UWDJ.
Hmoolli Intliie un Hand-Sen cd bhoe. No Tacks or
WaxThreail to hurt the fret. _ _ , , ,
W. I DOtlGr.AS SS.fiO Snon is unexcelled
for heavy nenr. licit Calf Mien for ( lie in Ice.
HHOK Is the best la IliuworlJ for rough near ; one
Shoo gives the rraall Hoys a chance to wear the test
shoes In the world. . _ _ . . , .
All nuilo In Conpress , Button and Lace. If not BOW
IT your dcak-r , write
W. L. DOUGLAS. Brockton , Mass.
For Sale by Henry Snrgont ; Kollcy ,
Stipor & Co. ; Geo. S. Miller , Ola North
10th Btreot.
The Only Porrnanont Ouro For
Dyspepsia , Sick Headache Etc , ,
- IS -
Price QOo Box at all Druggist * .
ri .
rottuie [ ) | li >
ri < rir > r i Mou < Stem b
Bttltd TiutlH lent freeon gpplloiloo.
TKn.wholnhl-iFOLI-Yf.nii lONOflANCK
rtraiiis upon tlio rt > U JTAS of I.EFK ,
Drcjims , WEAKNKSS or Memory , I1ANII.
PULWEHSln 110CIKTV , S J5114KM upon
the FA < ! E. and all the EFFKVTN k-ndlnrto
KAItLiV IVUOAir nnd perhaps C'ONHU.lfl' .
i'lON or INHANIT Y. ihoiild consult tit ouco
Usn CKI.S'.UStA.-1'Kn Dr. Clarkr , Kstabllshed
'Ml. P.r. Clarke lid' KKilVOUS * 1)E.
litl.lTY. CMBONIO and all Diseases of
the UEHITO VUIKARY Organs a Ufo
Dtudr. H nuken NO dlHercnco VV.MAT you
& < ive taken or WHO hrjj failed to cure yon.
.CVPEMAIjESsutferinf ; fro tu diseases pecui
linr to their aex can consult with the ncsuranco
f tpcody rollof and euro. Hend 2 conta postngo
tor worse oa roar dlseeics.
490ond 4 cents poetago fnr Cclcbrntcd
Worhn on Cbronle , Norvoni and l elt.
p * o Diseases. Consultation , personally or by
Vittor , rrcc. Coneult the oIJ Uoctor.
Vbonaanda cnrcd. QlUccoand nnrlora
P'T to. JSfThose contemplating Mnrriaire
oend for Dr. Clarke's celebrated guide
nlo and Female , each 15c. , both 2ic.
Utampi ) , Befora confldlne your ca e , consult
Dr. CXAKKE. A friendly letter or call may
lave future ) sufferineand hame , and add golden
y ar to life. .la-Book " Ufa' * ( Sccrtf ) Err -
r r , " 500. ( itampi ) . Medlcino and writlngi
cant cvorywbere , secure from expoBure.
Hears , 8 to 8 ; Sundays , il tn 12. Address ,
. ILL.
Your Left Liver
Al'roprloiary Medlcino that neerts but a trUl
to prove ita north.
Dr , Calender's ' Left Liver Hers. .
Tne only Distilled Hitters in tie United
States. The only Jllttera recognized by tha
United States Internal revenue laws as a Pro
prietary Medicine. Lawfully Patented. No. of
Patent 14-0,573. Contains no fusil
essential oils , no foreljrn substance or damns-
Inn UrucB. A perfectly pure medicine , com
pounded from 1'uro Hoot Herbs nnd Old I'each ;
pleainntto th taste , quiet and decisive In Hi
effect. Cures Dyspepsia or Yellow Jaundice In
fly * days. Regulates the Dowels. Invigorates
Inactlro Liver , Cures Diseased I.lver , llevlvcs
the Kulneyi , Improves the Appetite Quickly ,
Regulates the wnolo system. NCVT Life to th
whole system.
Ixjft I.Ivor Hitters nro sold In Omnhv Neb , by the
fdlloivlnif ilniKt'Hls : IllclmoJson Driiu' Co , bpurlnl
\VlHile HlL' . tnr tile drun lurtjrcstof Nebraska , llo-
tailors .us lollows : , _ . . . . < . . _
lames ) < orartlill.U. Uell , Dr. .I.J. B.ivlllo , C. .M.Cr
sor. K. Chandler. Halm's I'lmrmacy , Uurney .V IKy 9 ,
. ] . ( ! . Klug.J.V. . narke , J. H.HchmiillMax llctlit , J.
H.CIirlsu-iison . K. Lnrabcrton , 11. H. Cor , Max
Conrad , Frank \V. FIIKL. , It. llii muiton , ( ico. Huciler ,
llojrt's 1'lrirmacy. c. A. Mclcber , llowanl Meyers ,
HriinV Ilellcmo A. Co. , wholesale cienlurs In Cltfiiriand
l.cll Liver Hitters.
Health is Wealth !
Dn.B. O. WEST'I Ncnrc AND DnAiw TUBA * .
UBMT. n Ruuranteed tnectne for Ilystsrln , Dlzzl.
BCM. Convulsions , l'\la. \ Nervous Neuralgia ,
lieadacne. Nervous Prostration , caused by the
nse of alcohol or tobacco.Vnf ! < ifiiln s8. Mental
Depression. Hottenlng of the llraln , resultlna In
Insanity , n < l Uadtnc to inliarr , decay and
death. Prematur * OlcTAce. llarrenness. Logs of
1'ower In either ser. Inroluntary Losses and
Pp rm toihpa caused by over-eiertlon of the
brain , telf-abiue or over-lnduleenco. Enohbot
contain * one month's treatment , f 1.00 n bor , or
six boiee for K.OO , s nt by mall prepaid on r -
c lpt of price.
To cur * uiy out , Wltlnnch order recairedby
ni for boxiS. accompanied with W.OO , vr
will lend wt Buronaser our written ffuarantea
to refund th money if the treatment rtsea not
fleet * cure. GuaranteM issued only by C. F.
UOODMAN. Dnitpl3 % Bolt Agent , U10 Farouta
BUBtt Oaaiia. KM. _ . _ . _
Running botwacn Council Illuft and Albright.
In addition to the Millions muntloncd , trains
stop at Twentieth and Tivonty-fourth streets ,
and at the Summit in Omaha.
lt.ivo. _ . . Arrive.
A No. 2 0:50 : p. No.l 7:00a. : rn.
O No , B C:0a. : ( ) m. - No. 5 5:50 : p. in
A No. 4 A No.3 < l:50n.ia :
A No , 4 0 : 0a. m. A No. & 7'Ka. nj ,
A N .8 A * N'o.7 . .Gl'JOp. ID ,
A No.n Qnin : , m. A No. 3 KCU : n. in.
A No. II. , . HMOn.m.lA No. ! } , .7:10 : a. m
A No.4. . : LOp. in.ll ) No.l 7ooa.m. :
U No.a 8:101) : . in.lA No. 6 6:451 : > . in.
A No.8 UMOa.m.A No.l 0:50a.tD. :
A No. 4 . . . .7:00p. : in. A No.JI 8f.0l : ) . In.
KANBAB C1TV , BT. JOSlU'il tc COUNOll. .
HlilJr ID.
A No.2 0:25 : n. m.lA Ko.3 : rtOa. m ,
A No. 4 11:20 : p. m. A No.l B:30p. : m.
sioux ferrya PAW we. ,
A No.10 7Ulo. : m.A | No. U. 8:58 : ani ,
A No. 13 No.ll 9:00pin. :
A No.8 3 : < 0p. mA | No.7 , ll:3a.ra : (
Ailally : II ilully except fiaturdav : 0 exttpl
tsunacy ; I ) cicopt JIonUnyi X t m U.