; j ! qrrTB5 r 4 . _ YKE OMAHA. DAILY BEE : S4THRDAY , tSEPTEMBEB 29. 1088 , THE DAILY BEE , EV'KIIY MOUSING. Tr.UMS Of SUIISCIUITION. Dally ( Morning IMltlon ) Including Su.Niur lim.no ) Year . Up 00 ForHxMontlis . f ; j . . . HirxiiAV 1IKE , mailed to any nddrcHs , OnoYfar . 200 OMAHA trriCE.Noi < . llAxiPI5rAnNAM8TnKF.T. NKW VoiiKUrricr. , Hnows 14 AND iiiTiiuitm Htm.piNci. WASIIINOTOX OrricK , No. 6U 1'OUIlTKKKTn HIIIBKT. coaitKsi'ONnnNrn. Allrommunlrntlnns relating toncwsnna wll torlnl mutter should bo addressed to the nratNKSs tin-raw. should bo Alt business letters nnd remittances itl ( < lres ort to TUB lir.E I'uw.isnixn COMI-A.NV , OMMIA. Drafts , checks ftml jiostolllco orders to bo made payable to the order of the company. TbeBtePnlilisliini Company , Proprietors , E. ROSEWATKR , Editor. v JJKU. Sworn Statement oi Circulation. EtnUof Nebraska. I County of Douglas. I B > Bg Itobirt Hunter , clerk for The Omtiha llee , doeH Boleinnly swear Unit the ncttinl circulation of TUB lUn.r HBB for the week ending Bep- tembcr . ' . lew. w as as follows : BlindRJKept. . Ifl J8V5 . Monday. Sept. 17 lf.0.,9 " "v" TucHdny. S n. 18. HHihiy. Sept. 10 TlmrHday . Sept. 20 Friday , Sent. L'l BaUirduy,8olt. ! Average 18.0S9 iionnuT iiuNTr.it. Bworn to before me and nulwcilbod In my presence tills JEd diiy of September , A. I ) . IBS * . ( . Seal. N.I1. 1'KIU Notary I'ublle. Elate of Nebraska , I _ _ , ronnty of Dougta * . f B < " ' y 1 ! „ „ , . „ . , H. TrKenuck , being first duly swwn.de- poses nnd sajHtlisit he la secretary of The lleo J'nbllBhliiK company , that the nutnal iwfrnno flatly circulation of TIIK lUir.r HBB for the month of Heptember. Ib87. was 14.HI : ! copies ; fol October , liKC , 1I.KEI coplmj for November , IfW. 1 , ! 2W copies ; for December , KS7 , IVUl cop ies ; for.Tnnuury , Iwf > , 'JM copies ; for February , IKW.IB.H'J copies ; for MarchliM , l'.iCtjU copies : for Aplll. IMS , 18,741 copies ) ; for May , 1WX , 18,181 copies ; for Jnne.lEPS , 1P.24H copies ; for July , 188 ? , 18,1)33 ) copies ; for August , Wa , 18.KI copies. OEO. H. TX.PCIIUOK. Sworn to before mo and subscribed In my presence thlsBtli day of September , A. I ) . , 1888. N. P. FKIIj Notury Public. TIIKKB Is in ninny n man's mind thcso mornings the problem whether ho should invest Ills ton dollars in n ton of coal or nn overcoat. TUB International rnil trust , said to have boon formed between American nnd English iron mon , must bo split before - fore it ROOS nny farther. SENATOR CORK'S abuse will not pre vent northerners from believing that n congressional witness was shot in Texas because ho was a congressional witness. , , = = = = = = 5 T K "dollnr-ii-dny" Ho attributed to General Harrison has got on its logs again , but nobody has taken up the challenge to provo It nnd earn a two thousand dollar reward. TASCOTT has boon caught again , this time in Denver. In all probability the original Tascott , if ho is still alive , Una put the ocean between himself and the detectives after him. No WONDEit Red Cloud nnd Sitting Bull reject the Sioux commissioners' proposal to adopt the whlto man's plan of living , when politics in Indian Ter ritory have reached fever heat and a countod-out governor takes his seat by force of arms. ON authority of the Now York Sun it is given out that Mr. Cleveland , his cabinet and intimate friends have chipped in a purse of $150,000 to the democratic campaign fund. The post- oillco carriers will fool cold shivora running down their backs when -they are called upon to follow their loaders. IT 13 devoutly to bo wished that next season Omaha will bo delivered from the curse ot paving rings. With atone , block , usphaltum , brick , vulcan ite , nnd other kinds of paving in the market , property owners will have a variety to cheese from , and that , too , lol us hope , in the face of spirited competi tion. * JUDOE BREWER has appointed a ra- , ceivor for the Missouri , Kansas & Toxai | road. Of course this is the natural anil f inevitable end of every railroad thai falls Into the clutch of Jay Gould. * First come reports of great increased \t \ prosperity , then there is an Increased dividend , then various schemes noccssl tnting- the issue of mortgage bonds U the amount of many millions , then t pnsstid dividend , and then the receiver CANADA most probably has receivc ( Into her friendly bosom the legal ad visor of the New York produce ex change , William R. Foster , who has no boon seen for some days , and who it np pcnrs has boon playing" a similar gnnv to Bedell , having created bogus mort gngcs to the amount , so far as hoan from , of $108,000. But Canada is enl ; n refuge for the defaulter , not for th forger , and thproforo this mnn can b brought back when found , which it i to bo hoped will bo speedily. Crime of this special nature call for oxoin plnry punishment. But it is absolute ! ; noccpsnry that the banks , which mus Oo in some cases the ultimate victims nnd In every cnbo the medium througl which the swindle is perpetrated should inaugurate some system whic ! will protect themselves and thel clients. THK Grant monument is not erected nor are there nny signs thnt it will b so long as the matter Is in the hands c Nuw York City. It has become trans parently clear that the rich mon of thr It metropolis nro not Interested in th preparation of a fitting cenotaph for th national hero. It was felt at the tlm of his death that his monument shoul bo oithcr at West Point or in Washing ton , hut the ofilciousnoss of Now Yor prevented such n disposition. Las cpring the committee charged with th business issued a prospectus olTurin prizes for plans , but the wording of th .proposal was so sly and artful that th Architectural League of Now York pr ( Edited a remonstrance , going so far rte to warn lending architects not to son * " * plans. It was an open secret that itwr the intention of the committee to con * " blno various plans in order to keep a the profit and glory for themselves , nn to trust tha execution to a man of n standing1 in the profession who would I completely at their orders. * The Memory of InRrntltude. There la no inomory so cllnglnjj nnd so bitter ns the memory of ingratitude , and in none of the relations of life does it assort Itflolf with greater potentiality than in politics. Mon will forgive almost nny other form of ingratitude sooner than that which refuses Jo rocog- nlzo the sorvlccs thnt have raised an other to public place nnd honor. This memory Is playing n strong part In the present democratic campaign. It is in n largo measure responsible for the luck of Interest nnd zeal in many in- ' Huontlal quarters. Mon strong In the party , who four years ago gnvo to Mr. Cleveland their most earnest devotion ' and their best efforts , only to bo repaid by having their labors for gotten nnd themselves treated with dis regard , and porliap-j oven contempt , hnvo no heart to ngaln give their time nnd energy to retain in power the man who has proved himself incapable of justly appreciating political devotion and Borvico. They nro not Io33 loyal to their party , nor less faithful to demo cratic principles than in the past , but they will not give of their moans or their olTort for the benefit of ono whom they have learned to regard as an in- grnto. In a recent interview ex-Mayor Grace of Now York , ono of the strongest democratic politicians in the state , said : "Cleveland ought to see how things are going In Now York city and state , nnd that it behooves him at this time to heal all differences if possible. Ho does not seem to hnvo nny gratitude to leaders of the party or to his friends. There is n variety of evidence to show that ho has boon ungrateful to those who , four years ago and since , have rendered him substantial political aid. " There are scores of other democrats In Now York of moro or less inllucnce who fully sym pathise with Mr. Grace , and who , like him , while contributing something to the campaign fund for the sake of the party , will do very little beyond this for , ho re-election of Mr. Cleveland. No man fought harder and few gave more generously. in the late cam- mign , than Abrnm S. Hewitt , , hon n member of congress and f the national democratic committee nd now mayor of Now York , yet he mis been conspicuously ignored by Mr. lovoland. Lockwood , a leading law yer and politician of Buffalo , to whom leveland was more Indebted than tc my other ono man for his entrance nto public life , is another who had an 3xporionco of Mr. Cleveland's forget- ulncss of political devotion and sor- ice , and even of personal friendship , liough in this case , wo believe , there was atonement made. Other mon who abored to elevate Mr. Cleveland to the presidency carry with them the momorj f his ingratitude , manifested goner- lly in the most offensive way , and those are not among the now active and zeal ous workers for His re-election. It is this fact which in a measure explains - plains the unpromising situation ot'thc Now York democracy at this time anc enders the outlook favorable to republican - publican success. The leaders win linvo truated and been deceived are no heartily in the light. Nccessarllj this Impairs * the interest and zeal o their immediate following. There ii disaffection , a notable absence of on thusinsm , and the campaign lags at i time when it should be in full and ag resslve vigor. Mr. Cleveland may HOI how things nro going. It is hardly pos1 siblo that he is not kept well advised but how shall ho heal the dilToronce which are largely the result ofhis In gratitude to the party loaders in hi own state. How many of these leaden could bo Induced to again repose confl donee in any assurances that Mr. Cleveland land might now make ? Ingratitude i always a serious fault , and it is es pociallyso in the ambitious politician as Mr. Cleveland will very likely con elude when the votes of Now York ar counted. The Trusts Will Escape. There will bo no legislation inimlcn to the trusts at the present session c congress. There is a possibility thn Mr. Sherman may got his anti-trus bill through the senate , but it is vor evident that there is to bo no action b the house on this subject. It is sal that a dozen bills nro in the hands c the ways and means committee rolatin to trusts , whore some of them have boo for months , but it is understood thn none of them hod received moro than cursory consideration. A few days ap Mr. Grain of Texas drew attention t the subject by suggesting that th bills ought to bo taken away froi the ways and moans committee an sent to the judiciary committee , iroi ically intimating that the former migl : have too much work before it. Th ways and means committee has not hoi a meeting for months , nnd moat of 11 members , including its chairman , Mt Mills , nro absent from their post c duty. It was expected that at the last cai cus of the democrats of the house tli question of trust legislation would I considered , but the subject was not n forred to. Do the democrats soriousl desire such legislation1 ! Manifestly no Ttioy point to their tariff bill ns tli best possible legislation against trus the country could have , but have the not confessed their want of conlldonc in this by the introduction of a doze or moro anti-trust bills written withi the past mouth ? In view of the fu > that the democratic national commitlc is bankrupt and heavily in debt , wit other obvious exigencies of the car puign , it is safe to say that the trus will escape any adverse legislation i the present session of congress. Our Solon's Abroail. Five councilman of Omaha nro hai ing a splenciid time on their tour of ir spoctlon , and the city Is glad to hoar i At Dos Moines they wore most royal ! entertained by the garbage cremator , For their espoclal benefit it consume four thousand five hundred pounds i refuse in just ono hour and lifty mil utcs. This remarkable exhibition hi had the effect of sharpening the app tltes of our worthy representatives enlarge the Hold of their Investigation They have accordingly extended the trip to Chicago and elsewhere , whoi they have grand opportunities to ii * * * ' ' " " spool public works nnd contrast thorn with those in Omaha. When they get tired of looking nt the waterworks , the crmnatorloB , the mayors and police men , they can rldo through ondlesa juries nnd boulevards , nnd wonder why It is tliut Joflorson squnro nt homo looks so seedy titid lonesome. Then , too , there nro the city hulls of various cltlos to contomplnto , nmsslvo piles with oloud-plorcing towora nnd nil that. And for contrnst they can picture In their mind's eye the crumbling moss- covered ruins opposite the Douglas county cotirt-houso. They cnn stop nnd inspect , if they so choose , the atone pavements of the cltlos they visit. They can slyly insert their pocket rules between the blocks , nnd nudge nnd Rtnllo ns they think of the ton-Inch gauge used in Oi'nnhn. Llko Jonn Vnljcan , they can look through the sewers without the danger of seeing them cnvo and fall to pieces. They will bo nblo to wall : through magnificent market houses. Oh , this trip abroad will tench our Solons most wonderful lessons how to mnko a metropolitan city. Morton VM. Council. In his speech accepting the nomina tion for congress Mr. J. Sterling Morton wont out of his way to assail the repub lican candidate , Mr. Council , as n rail road attorney. This is decidedly cool. Mr. Council is not nnd never has boon in the pay of a railroad , either ns an attorney , lobbyist or in any other ca pacity. Ills law practice has for the most part boon adverse to the railroads , nnd ho is the only Inwyor west of Chicago cage who has tncklod nnd de feated n great railroad corporation ns plaintiff in n dnmngo suit. Two years ago ho made an open light in this city , and nt the legislature , to compel nil Nebraska railroads to pay local taxes at the same ratio as is as sessed upon the property of the wagc- worker. It comes with bad grace for Mr. Morton , who has notoriously been nctivoly engaged in furthering the schemes and interests of the Burlington road nt Washington , to brand bin oppo nent as a railroad attorney. Fortu nately the voters of this district nro too well informed with regard to the rela tions to the railroads of the rival candi dates for congress to bo in the least mis led by Mr. Morton's onslaught. Tliu appointment of a commissioner of Indian affairs to succeed Mr. Atkins is a matter of some public interest for the reason thnt reform in the Indian bureau is very much needed. Mr. At kins has never boon much bettor than n figurehead , nnd having been for a year or more past nctivoly nt work to advance his political fortuned , ho has loft the duties of his office largely to bo per formed by subordinates. As in nil such cases , the result has been moro or less demoralizing to the service , and there is much complaint of the way in which the Indians have been neglected and victimixed. The now commissioner is Mr. John H. Oborly , who has won seine national reputation during the past two years as a member of the civil service reform.commission. Ho is a very thor ough partisan , but a man of ability , en ergy nnd industry. Ho can hardly fail to be an improvement upon Atkins. THE houbo of representatives is amus ing Its leisure by n consideration of n trust billf in which the enormities of the Brooklyn sugar combination arc not forgotten. This is good , but it is to bo hoped thnt duo attention will -bo nlso paid to the workings of various ox- chunges , particularly in Now York. It is notorious that the coffee exchange of that city forced the price of Rio and Santos up from eight and nine cents to seventeen nnd eighteen cents , nnd hold It there for a yenr. A more con sumer of coffee and sugar fails to pee the difference between this action and that of the Brooklyn sugar trust. But then J. J. O'Donoghuo , ex-nrcsldonl of the coffee exchange , is a devoted adherent of Grover Cleveland , nnd presented every ono of his follow members with n Clavoland button early in the cam paign. This does make a difference to democratic statesmen. UP TO date the number of cases ol yellow fever in Jacksonville , Florida , has been 2,309 , and the number of deaths 237 , or about ton per cent of those attacked. This is moro favorable than is usual in such epidemics , nnd by no means warrants the extraordinary state of panic exhibited in many of the south ern cities. Money is urgently required , for there are 20,000 people to bo fed , and the funds at the disposal of Mayor Gorow are nearly exhausted. The pee * pie of Omaha in subscribing their quotn must remember that Jacksonville is particularly unfortunate , for it has now lost its chief occupation that ot a win ter resort for northern individuals ol delicate health. What with typholc ! fever at Denver , and yellow fever al Jacksonville the only resort loft to the valetudinarian is California. But aftoi all , this was always the best. AUK not the sidewalks somewhat patchy In places not far from the busl center of the city ? On the same blocl it is not unusual to see a very badlj paved part having oil each side of it ox > ccllont flagging. This is to bo dopro cntcd because in the width of its side walks and the general excellence of the materials of which they are composed Omaha now stands head and shoulder ; above other cities of the west , and is or n par with not a few eastern cities. Tin sidewalks ought to bo kept up to tin standard of our splendidly paved streets but this is dlnlcult because in ono casi the city has control and in the otho private Individuals. Not a few of thi bad patches may bo ascribed to tin niggardliness of wealthy men , who scon to begrudge the outlay of a dollar tha does not promise an immediate return T\vo years ago General Miles roportoi to the secretary of war thnt the trouble along the Moxlcan border would coas if the United States would maintain i sullloiont force in that wild region. Ou troops are in such scanty numbers tha they cannot afford adequate protection and Inwles man , both of our own natloi and of Mexico , nro emboldened to net that would not bo Cdroamed of had th United States proper garrisons at im portnht localities. There Is no economy in reducing 'tho strength ot the regular army to n point where It ceases to bo ot service , for not only does our weakness invite trouble , but the expenses of transportation when trouble comes , will moro than wipe out what has boon gained by Ill-judged Raving. THE origin of the trouble on the Texas border Is discovered to bo n feud between nn American sheriff nnd a Mexican editor , which is a reversal of the situation ] that brought about the memorable Cjittlng controversy. The present affair , however , has a rather moro formidable aspect than the ono in which the American editor and the Mexican sheriff figured , nnd thrcntons to bo less easy of settlement. However , there need bo no apprehension of the two governments getting Into serious complications. This country has no warmer friend than President Dili ! ! , and ho will doubtless bo found ready to moot this government moro than half way In effecting an equitable and hon orable adjustment of the trouble. Meantime honors are easy as between the editors and sheriffs on the border , and It Is to bo hoped thesd apparently natural enemies will bo satisfied for a while. IK THE farmers of Nebraska are going to profit by the tremendous rlso In wheat then it would bo a very good thing , but there is no likelihood that this will bo the case. The speculators In the wheat pit of Chicago are simply taking advantage of the strong card of fered for u rise in cereals by the rise In silver. Wheat and silver rise and fall together , like the twins in the signs of the zodiac. Nobody knows for n cor- tninty why silver wont up , and that alone was enough to demoralise the wheat bears. But the present bound in wheat is immon&oly in advance of the riho in silver , and therefore must bo followed by a reaction. Gitixiouio JlicAiino is the name of the bold Italian who roused his fellow laborers with Garibaldi nnd Liberty 1" when the Denver & Rio Grande railway boat back the Midland nttack'at Aspen , Colo. Raphael is evidently a now element to deal with in the railroad problem. Other humls TlmnoOitrs. Things In franco nro in a much worse con dition than Is generally known. This is the consequence of French journalism , which is not of the outspoken , uncompromising , irre pressible character of the journalism of America. The French hnvo hidden their po- cunlary troubles , dooming that it was bettor to hide thuui than to reveal thorn. Hut the time is nt hand when further concealment will bo impossible. There is at the present time n floating debt in France which optim ists rate at one thousand millions , nnu pes simists at two thousand millions , nnd it is undeniably one of the bad features of the situation that the exact proportions of the ndobtodncss have not boon made public. Sooner later' tf'must bo or capitalized , but every succcedin&udministr.ition has dreaded to do this ) bacauso of the bad effect it will necessarily hattx jipon ttio existing govern ment securities of jtho nation. Hut this is not all. There is a yearly deficit which no ingenuity can cotfqudr. There nro certain expenditures which are only necessary because - cause the French , not knowing the truth , have insisted upon them , deem ing them n part of the honor nnd glory of Franca. Then again , there nro various engineering enterprises , nol abroad , but In Franco itself , which the gov ernment Inaugurated , and Into which the people put their savings under the govern ment guarantee. These wore at first success ful , and produced the dividends which the government must pay , but have not done so for some timo. It may bo questioned whether thego canals and these redemptions of waste land would have been undertaken by private capital. But Napoleon III. , having found that ho was emphatically the beloved of the fixed income classes , throughout his reign en deavored to cater to thorn , resting the secur ity of his throne upon their eager loyalty In this way it is possible that BVanco devel oped more enterprises than It wan able to support. For political economists have over looked the fact that much of our modern civ ilization partakes moro of the character of luxury than of real helpfulness. The telegraph - graph , the telephone , oven the railway , do not add to the productive power of a country and It Is the latter alone which gives pros perity. In our own land these appliances and aids of civilization.aro far moro helpful than in Franco , because wo have to conquer vast distances. Not so in France , whoso misfortune - tune it has boon that she has been increasing ojcnonditurcs oven whilst her producing forces were steadily failing. The wlno crop has diminished year after year , the re gion of flounce and the great north west produce loss and leas \vheat , and the beet root sugar Industry la felt to bo an absurdity , now that the cul ture of the sugar cano has been BO generally diffused , with such a consequent' diminution of the prices of refined sugar. Above all Paris is no longer the pleasure city of the world , and the good Uostonlan , when ho die * now goes to Vienna. It has long beet doubted whether the real cause of the Froncl revolution of 1793 was not financial bank rnptcy rather than class hatred. It has beei stated that the predisposing cause was the enormous number of small land holdings b.v what Is known as Frankish right. The cqua division of property among heirs , which ] popularly supposod'.to ' have originated In the code Napoleon , In fact dates back to the day of Clovis , with this , difference : thatamonp the Franks the estatfl was divided nmongth smis , and bv the cede Napoleon the daugh tcrs were admitted to an equal sliaro in th succession. The property of the nohios under the old regime , wont undivided to th ( oldest son , for this1 was the special feature o the feudal system. . By the cede Na polcou this was swept away , ant all casses were subjected to Frankisl right as modified In favor of females. In little moro than seventy years time ha brought buck to F.rnce the very ovlls whlcl precipitated the r | revolution , and by th same cause Rovtrmncnt debts and Intlnl tcstnnal land hpldlngs. For it in obvlou that where a system of forced division o farms prevails if lsi only a question of time when the vast majority of farms will consis of the smallest division of land which th law will rdcognlzo. ThU is what has happened poned In Franco. All that has preserved Franco from bankruptcy hitherto has been the possibility of living , or rather starving on thcso small holdings , by the cultivation o the vino. The high estimation In whlcl French wino was held gave tha Frencl peasant proprietor an assured Incom through grape culture. But there has boon a marked change of late years. The soil exhausted by Incessant demands , has avengcc itself , and French wines are fast losing Kiel reputation , and the production has greatl , fallou off. The end Is not far off. n- Wnll Bismarck is seeking- throw t doubt upon the published diary of the UU mporor nnd calling for the prosecution of hose Who caused It to bo published , the very oncral sentiment In Germany appears to bo hat the diary should ba treasured as the touchstone of Gorman politics In tha future , nnd no ono will bo surprised at the expros- ton. The question of the day Is , how far can It bo assumed that the present otnporor coincides with his father ! William began vlth orders and addresses which led many 0 regard him as a phenomenal reproduction o f the Mcttornich school , but latterly ho has shown n better appreciation of the ago In which ho lives. It looks ns though ho was ripening nnd learning. It will bo n happy hlng for his country If the present pros- > ect should be confirmed by the event. Wo shall bo made acquainted with the tendency of his mind If wo watch his negotiations With the two emperors nnd with Franco on the subject of standing armies. M. C.irnot would bo quite willing to commence a policy of disarmament , nnd there is llttlo doubt but , ho government of Austria would also ngreo. The diniculty seems to bo to decldo who shall take the Initiative. In the four countries , Franco , Germany , Austria nnd Italy , Just about 1OCK,000 of men nro withdrawn from iroductlvo Industry and supported by general nxutlon , and nioanwhllo the working class n each of the four countries is finding It mrdor nnd harder each year to obtain work nt rates which will support life. To overturn this monstrous wrong Is the great work now offered to the hniut of the European reformer. Wo may count that William has resolved to grapple with it from the hour that ho accepts .ho resignation of Prince Hismarck. * When the Prussian army invested Paris the people of that city passed through a ter rible experience. Food and fuel , the sup plies of which wore almost exhausted , were sola nt fabulous prices ; the rate of mortality was frightful , and it may bo said that the city virtually capitulated to cold and hunger. In order to provide against such a condition of things in the future a government com mission has been at work for several months on the subject of providing food supplies to furnish the people of garrison towns in the event of war. The report ot the commission , which has been approved by President Carnet - not , shows what an oxtcnslvo opera tion the victualing of Paris would be. Independent of the supplies which the city could secure up to the time of invest ment , it wouhl be necessary to create a stock of food and fuel products , and with regard to meat , it has been suggested that all kinds of live stoclc might bo slaughtered and stored away In refrigerating chambers. The mag- nltndn of the proposed operations may bo understood when it is considered that so far as Hour Is concerned over ono million barrels would be needed in Paris for a siege of six mouths. The transportation of food and fuel in great quantities is also n very serious question , and to carry out all the measures recommended by the commission would in volve as much generalship as the mobiliza tion of an army. * Chill's onlorpriso has taken a new turn in her reported seizure of Easter island , once known as Davis' Land , and famous for its collection of collossal statutes , ruJcly hewn from stone and placed on enormous plat forms of masonry. A specimen of this handiwork of an ancient race , differing , It would seem , from the present inhabitants , was recently brought by a government vessel to Washington for the National museum. Chill's claims upon the island rc5main to bo developed. To bo sure , she can claim to bo the nearest point of mainland , but a distance of two thousand miles nnd moro is too much for establish ing rights based on proximity. The purpose of the Chilians is said to bo that of founding n penal colony on her now acquisition. This can hardly bo of great advantage to the in habitants , although the lonely site of the island , thrust out lilco an advance guard nt the extreme southeastern part of Polynesia , might seem admirably to fit it for that pur pose. But Chili could apparently find on her own coast among the numerous islands stretching down to Cape Horn1 ono that would bo sufficiently remote from nolghlxir- ing populations for this purpose , oven If It should have a harsher climate than that Of Easter Island. Germany In her schemes of colonization appears to bo pursuing the blood and iron policy. Her recent high-handed action in Samoa was a case in point ; and now , after she has rcceivert largo1 concessions of terri tory from the sultan of Zanzibar , her arbf- trary methods toward the natives are loading to serious conflicts and may endanger ttio safety of other European residents. The news comes that the Germans are about to add the Gilbert islands to their acquisitions In the Pacific. When the popa , who was the arbiter in the dispute between Spain and Germany as to the possession of the Care lines , decided in favor of the former power , Germany promptly annexed the Marshall islands , putting a taxon the natives ; and similar tactics will doubtless b adopted in the case of the Gilbert group. Only the Elllco Islands now remain to be taken , and then Germany will have au unbroken chain of possessions from the Carolines to Samoa. This movement in the Pacific does not seem to have attracted much notice from our statesmen , but it is important , and will become - como moro so it the Panama canal shall over bo resolved Into art accomplished fact. * The Argcntino republic is having : a great boom , the salient features of the situation being the reckless incurring of national , provincial , and municipal indebtedness In aid of numerous railway , manufacturing and commercial projects and nn Intoxicating in flation of paper money. "To all Intents and purposes. " says n Buenos Ayres paper , "tho premium is at 100 per cent nnd paper nt 5C per cent discount , If the prlco of all imported necessities be taken as the basis of couiparl- ison. The cost of living to-day in Bnonos Ayres is simply enormous , owing to exces sive import duties , high rates , and last , though not least , the providential calcula tions of traders who are determined not to lose by the fluctuations of nn unsettled cur rency. " All this is very nlco while the spree lasts. But the sobering up time must coinc sooner or later , and then the debauchee wll find himself with a roaring headache and nol half so rich as ho imagines himself to be. An Inflation carouse can not last forever , and it almost always happens that It ends in a general wreck of the currency and the In fliction of enormous ovll upon the members of society who are least nblo to sustain losses. It was so less tlmn a year ago in Peru , and it Is pretty sure to bo so In the Argentine republic at no very distant day. * Llttlo Greece Is bristling up to Turkoj once more in a very belligerent way , A squad rou which has been a month absent maneu vering has arrived at the Piriuus In hot haste , nnd other war ships nro to be readi within two days to start for Turkish waters. The trouble Is the seizure of n Greek vessel nt Chios about which the porto refuses to re ply in a satisfactory way. Much bigger pow ers than Grooca have found the same diffi culty with the porto , which rarely , if over , does reply In a satisfactory way. Greece la a small country and able In a very short time to get very hot ; but recent experience showed that she cannot go to war unless hot big neighbors permit , and thnt warlike prep orations which come to nothing ore costly. Mobilizing the fleet , however , Is less ex pensive than mobilising the army. * There Is a disposition on tbo part of many people In Vienna to signalize by n pan-Gor- mnn demonstration the coming vNt of the Ctnpcror William to that city , mul tha sup- pcstlveness thereof Is not pleasing to the Austrian court , lloneo orders hnvo boon issued to prevent It. Francis .Joseph Is ovl- lently not altogether free from nervousness in regard to the future solidity of his com * | ) oslto omplro. Nor would It bo straiiKO If the Illustrious visitor should feel hlmsolf called upon to repress n spirit ot covetousness - ness when In the country of the ton millions Oormnn * whom ho does not rule , but whom do noodR If the lilc.i of German unity Is to bo fully carried out , ( Jornmn unity , It Is to bo remembered , Is n very strong iiolnt with Etn- pcror William. * The condition of things nt Sunlctm Is not nwnlienliitf intcnso Interest In eastern No- braskn , but the t RUsh eqnivnlcnt of the As sociated Press , known ns Iteutor'a , Is peed enough to send dully Intolll unco of the siege to the great American public. Wo bollovo thnt the English g.vrrison is being boslogril by the Herhers who were under Osiunn Ulgtnn , nnd perhaps still nro , for though Houtur has killed him off repeatedly , ho in- vnrlably comes to life uealn. Hut no ono who knows the nomad Herbors can compre hend how they learned to form regular siege lines , or where tlioy obtained their siege guns. Who Is with tl.cm HTATU AXI ) THlllUTOUY. NcltrnsUn .lot tin us. A$5,000 grist mill will bo built at ] Clark- son. son.Prohibition Prohibition falls to prohibit In North Ueud. A lire nt Harvard destroyed the bakery of I. F. Sntroo. Vandals nt Ashland hnvo been robbing the graves In the cjtnetcry of their plants. Thu Hltio Viilley association of Congre gational churches held its sessions at Har vard. A rnllrond grading outfit is camped ncnr Wymoro unu the people nro wondering what is up. The citl/ens of Crete nro busily engaged in nn olTort to ralso $15,000 for the benefit of IJoiuio college. The chief of the Sowanl fire department has resigned because the city council would not put the apparatus in u fit condition for uso. uso.Uy Uy the falling of n scaffold on the now stoclc exchange building nt Nebraska City Thursday , two rarpcntcrs , John Place and George Wnttormm , were severely injured. Two moro Indies will try newspaper work In Nebraska. Helen C. Phclps has purchased the Schuylcr Herald , but. ho will hnvo n man editor , whllo Cora S. Holdon has bought nnd will conduct the HufTulo County Courier. A circus cauio to Edgar whllo the Metho dist minister was nwuy , nnd the local paper attributes the success of the exhibition to the nbscnuo of the pastor. With the shep herd away the sheep wandered to the show. The York Republican reports that two prohibitionists culled on a minister the other day nnd asked him If ho did not Intend to vote ns ho prayod. The answer was : "Yci , I pray every day for the success of the re publican party. " Dr. F. H. Naultons , Sr. , of Hastings , while on a "high lonesome" Thursday even ing , attacked his son with n hugh s.tbro , but only succeeded in inflicting n slight wound. The son w.is protecting his mother , whom the old mnn had threatened to kill. The would-bo murderer was taken in charge by the police ana bounn over to kcop tno i > c.ne. His mind is unbalanced , but ho is not dan gerous oxceptt when under the influence of lirjuor. Hob Miner nnd Mike O'Laughlln escaped from the custody of tlio sheriff at Honkol- nrnn Thursday even ing in n mysterious man ner. Minor is charged with committing two murders in Kansas recently , nnd O'Laughlin Is charged with repeated horse stealing. Both were desperate men nnd will n6ver ho captured. They were handcuffed nnd shackled together , nnd It was impossible for them to have escaped without the mil of con federates. Hoth mon were captured recently in Wyoming and were being held hero awaiting n requisition from the governor of Kansas. Iowa. The street cars in DCS Moines will bo heated this winter. nThirty-flVo cars of coal are being londeat the Uoone mines every dny. Wire fence swindlers have been wording the farmers In Doonc county. A twelve-foot vein of coul has boon dis covered by well diggers in Kast DCS Moinos. There are only thirty-four cases on the docket for the coming term 6t court In Story county , and none of them are Criminal cases. Fry , the Klckajwo Indian doctor , w s treated to a dose of back-nombur eggs nt Scranton last Wednesday. It was the work. of mischievous boys. While suffering from nervou * prostration , Mrs. Milton CuuipOell , who lives near Co lumbus Junction , committed suioldo by drowning herself in the Iowa river. She was fifty-two years of age , rho secretary of the state agricultural so ciety estimates that the crop of winter wheat in Iowa will yield lO.ViOJO bushels. This at \iyt bushels would show a crop of (51),000 ( ) ncros. Spring wheat 1,041,000 acres at ton bushels per acre , will amount to 10,410,000. Last week the mayor of Logan gave notice that all dogs found running nt Urge within the city limits without muzzles wonld bo shot. All the town dog * were immediately muzzled or kept np , but the farmers at once caught onto a schema to get nd of all their worthless curs by bringing thorn to town on purpose to have them killed , and tU scheme works to well that the marshal is thinking of tendering hta resignation to avoid the disagreeable duty thus Imposed upon him. During the progress of a recent storm lightning struck the steeple on the Tipton Presbyterian church , completely denuding It of nil covering and leaving only the bare frnmo work standing. Boanl * were hurled across the street. On Its way down the lightning toro off the plaster and siding , de molished one window nml plowed a deep furrow in the ground where it Btrticlc. Stntngo to relate the only flro resulting from the stroke was found near the celling , burnIng - Ing so slightly as to be easily put out , Dakota. Hay brings $13 a ton In Lead City. The total Indebtedness of Dcadwood Is ei'JC01.3J. John Sweeney , of St. Paul , was shot In the leg at Dinkinson , Dak. , by Lurfwig Wicse , in a woman troublo. The Hapid City market was flooded with moro deer the past week than tlio lovers of venison could consume. Dcadwood will vote October 15 on the iliicstioii of issuing $ .211,000 in bonds for the puriwso of erecting n city hall. Suit for an alleged debt of $1 has been com menced in a court at Deadwood. Tlio party suing states that it is for principles and not principal. Small boys report the snake crop nt Yank- ton immense this fall. Snakes of nil shapes , Hi/cs and conditions nbounu thoro. Ono boy two feet long massacred a bull snake four feet and eight inches long the other day nnd it was not a good aimko. day either. W'iiile two half-breeds wore t rylng to break a colt to saddle , near Pembina , the colt reared up striking one man with his forefeet foot , killing him instantly , and throwing the other nml dragging him about a mllo. When found tlio man wan de.vl , UU IIO.K ! kicked to * a pulp. Mrs. Sadlo Stewart committed sulcido near Aberdeen by drowning in n well. About a year ago she married a man employed in a ticket ofllce at Wahpeton , and about thrco months afterward learned that ho h.ul an other wife , so Bho left him. About two weeks ago slio gave birth to a child. She was a lady of good education and pleasing man- THK CO PUTS. Criminal Martcrw Optlolana in ft lie- Unl Quarrel. The case of the stnto against Nellie Austin , charged with lureenv from the person , was called for trial yesterday. The defendant none ono of the queens of a Capitol avenue negro resort , TUoprosccutlng witness was a soldier , named Michael J. Sheridan , of Kort Douglas - las , Utah. Iho tuoft was committed , ac cording to his story , the 15th day of last Au gust when ho was in her room. Nellie was found guilty. . . . . . Jack Hash was arraigned on the charge 01 Rrnnd larceny nnd sentenced to the rofo rm school. Charles Goodwin wan also sentenced to ( ho refofm school for the larceny of 7 and a watch from the room of Patrick Tlglio , la the Croighton block. In the suit of McHitRh .t Koblimon vs. Isano Lcvl Jmlgo Wnkclcy gave the plaintiff * n decree of $ $ ! ! . Thomas Cunningham has brought suit against the Manhattan Building association for 1330 , a b.tlancu yet duo him for the am- Rtruction of n row of residences. The South Otnnhn National bank hns surd Julius C. Chase and J. W. Withers to en force the payment of ft note for t,1 tW.G7 ; , plvon by Walters to Chase and endorsed by the latter to thu bank. Simnol ( } . Sovonon ( has bronchi suit npainst W. H. Smith for $ .170 , a balance duo on a lot In Kirk wood addition purchased from the defendant , Frank 13. Gillolto has sued S. M. Waite forSl.501.6a , the price of 21,70:1 : pounds of fresh beef sold the defendant during the months of Mny and Juno. Frank II. Johnson has begun foreclosure proceedings against ilnines II. Yatcs on fifty notes , each for f'J. ) , given to Lnrmon P. I'ruyn nnd hi him sold to Johnson. The mortgage covers the south thirty foot of the north sixty feet of lots 7 mul 8 in block 7 , lu Patrick's second addition. George W. Forbes was granted an Injunc tion by Jndgo Wnlteloy , restraining Lowli Tlionms from enforcing a Judgment , Forbes nnd Thomas have a very much involved bust- itus * with each other , and each holds a judg ment against the other of about fXD. ) ( ) Forbes has borun suit to clear up their affairs , nnd asks that ono judgment bo al lowed to olfsot the other. In April , Ib77 , George P. Wilkinson. Charles II , Davis and IsaOoro Gluck entered into partnership in the optical business umlci the linn name ot Wilkinson ft Davis. At the same time Wilkinson ft Gluck formed it partnership in the practlco of uicdiclno. Wilkinson advanced the optical firm $1,100. In August , 18b7 , Davis withdrew nndio- coivcd f.0. The other partners then agreed to continue both businesses under the firm name of Gluck it Wilkinson , the senior part ner to bo allowed to draw JI5 n month moro than the flthar. Gluck took olinrgo of the business , and Wilkinson now sues for an ac counting. Ho alleges that the debts have crept up to $ ' .3,100 , fora largo part of which ho has given his personal notes. Hochargesthat Gluck has applied the receipts of the Him to his own uses. Among other things ho has bought a horse and buggy , oflloo furniture and a parcel of land , all of which ho claims us his own. The plaintiff avers that Gluck has secured possession of the several part nership papers and has oithcr destroyed or concealed them. Ho also charges that de fendant has altered and mutilated the books of the firm , has made false entries nnd has failed to enter receipts. Ho also avers that Gluck did not have it cortilicato from any iccpgnizcd medical college , although ho claimed to be a graduate of the College of Physicians nnd Surgeons of Chicago , and that Ho was not qualified to register for prac tlco in Nebraska. Wilkinson has begun a suit to dissolve the partnership and maka Gluck disgorge. County Court. Judge Shields gave William P. Lyons a decree for $ 'JS ' In his suit against Carol I no dowry for damages for failing to give pos session of a flat under n lease. George Kobcrtshaw has sued Elizabeth ICuhlman for $1,000 damages. The plaintiff sets forth In his petition that the defendant owns rt building nt 021 Douglas street nnd that the sidewalk In front of the building was In sucli a condition the 35th ot last Au gust that ho fell through the coal hole nnd received serious injuries. The First National bf.nk has brought suit against Cullmn II. Brown and Milton H. Gabble to enforce the payment of A promis sory note for ftiCO given by them. Storz & Her have brought suit against M. Obcrg for $ t,6C < 5 for payment for" goods bo ught by the defendant. Frank H Jomison has sued LoKO y Mayno " and John P. Shoming to enforce the pay- " * " montof n promissory note for $ -00. ENGINES OF DK VTH. A Scheme to Destroy Con < Iornricd > j Stenin Holler * . The following letter has boon issued explains itself : lion.KU Ixsi'EOTon'fl Orricn , Crrf HALT , , Sv , Loui-t , S"pt. So. 18S8.To Inspectors of Boilers and Boards of Engineers.Dear Sirs : Yon are requested to attend a conven tion of inspectors ot boilers and examiners of engineers to be held at Plttsbnr/r / , Pa. , on November 20 , ! S88. The purpose of the con vention in the general discussion of the in spection sef vlco arid laws , tarf tne better pro tection of life and property , and also to nr- range for a uniform systorrt of Inspection throughout the conntry where therd ! an in- section service , and to endeavor to extend the service to cover the onttfo conntry , and txystopthosaloof old and worthless boilers that have been condemned by inspector * and then sold to Ignorant and inexperienced ! per sons thronchoiit the country where there is no Inspection service. The letter is signed by William McCfollan , Inspector of the city of St. Louis , Mo. ; War- doll Gnthrie , Inspector of the city of Chicago , III. ; Peter P. Kngan , Inspector of Denver , Col. : Washington Mullen , inspector of Now York ; James W. Morse , president stuto board of inspectors , Minnesota : J. H. Stand- oven , inspector of the city of Omaha , Nab. ; E. D Bateman , inspector of the city of Cin cinnati , O. . committee. Inspectors nnd others wishing W attsnd the convention will please address William McClollan , City Hall , St. Louis , Mo. Joseph Standoven , the local Inspector of boilers , who hat boon recommended for the position by some of the highest authorities on the subject of boilers in this city , said that such a meeting and organi/ation was an ab solute necessity. As IV i now , each in spcctor acts on his own respon sibility , nnd may bo of certain use within n certain limit but outside of that ho can do nothing because of tack of Juris diction" an also because of the lax rules which now govern the disposition of con demned boiler * . Mr. Stanflcron wys that every condemned boiler > h0uul be rut in pieces to prevent it from being sold again to Innocent panics. If tht were done , tbero wonld be fewrr explosion * and consequently lens loss of life. "Now , the exposition of Hamilton' * In Florence , the other day , would not- have taken place if the proposed remedy had been carried into effect. I am informed , " says Mr. Standoven. "that the boiler was a second hand one that had been purchased from a junk dealer who had painted It up after it had boon condemned. These Junk dealers make a business of buy ing condemned boilers , which they rlalra they will sell as old iron , bnt they always sell them to bo used again in the country. I am told now that Hamilton is putting m an other boiler of the same kind. " Mr. Standoven says that his report for the quarter will appear at the end of this month. It will show that during July the number of boilers examined wan about 318 , In August , 2JO , and In September , ' iS. The snowing for the year will bo greater than that of last year bv nbout forty-two , nnd the increase In receipts will bo corrcs | > ondingly great. fjnnciern Olllcern nnd Uniform * The Republican Lancicrs club has elected the following officers Captain , Lee Frost ; first lieutenant , O. H. Gordon ; second lieu tenant , Frank Woolly ; sergeant major , W. H. Barlow ; orderly sergeant , William Kelly. The uniform adopted is a white Norfolk Jacket , blue trousers with yellow stripes oil the legs and u red ukull cap with tassel and a red , whlto and blno band. The club will turn out to-night and assist In the Ninth ward polo raising. Positively cured bjr ' those Little Pills. CARTER'S They nlw relieve Dts- trcss from Dyspepsia. In ITTLE digestion and Too Hearty Entlnif. A perfect rem edy ( or DI/iljieftH , Nautea , DrowElnraja , Ilod/ Taste in tlia JJouUi , Coated Tongue , rain la the Side , TORPID LIVER. Tncy reguUto tbo Bovrtrla. Purely Vegetable. SMALL PILL SHALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE ,