Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 28, 1888, Page 3, Image 3

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"Old Hutch" Grontoo a Flurry In the
Wheat Pit.
Tlic I'rlnlilcncd Khorts Forced to Set
tle nt Ilcnvy Losses Corn AVcnk
OatH Htendy 1'rovlnlotm
Sept. 27. [ Special Telegram tc
TUB Hr.n.J Dollnr-and-n-quartcr wheat gel
here bcforo It was expected. It arrived i
few minute * before 1 o'clock to-day , Egglcs
ton bidding that price for September In the
pit and Tom Seymour , standing n few pace1
distant , bid $1.20 for cur lots. Laterugoodl )
quantity wns bought at $1,25 In n settlement u :
contracts. Cash wheat was also bought ut $1.2 ;
before the close. There were horns on UK
wheat market to-day. Dullish but falnllj
describes the situation. It was more kind !
of n bull market than has been seen In llvi
years. There was nothing deceptive abou
it. It mrty bo stated in this conncc
tlon that "Old Hutch" Is true to hi
record. Ho Is not running a corner
In conjunction with Fairbanks and two o
three others ho owns nil the cash wheat li
this market , and ho fays ho has searched tin
statute books in vain for n law compcllini
him to sell his wheat to shorts unless the ;
pay him his price for It. Refusal to part will
his own nt terms sought to bo dictated b ;
people who had sold him something the ;
didn't hnvo is the extent of his sinning , h
Bays. The wheat market opened JfCitIJi'
off. For October only ( Mljfc was obtalimbi
t the beginning. December wns quoted n
! )7S'J7J8 ( and Mny nt OllJ c. Everybody wa
on top of the initrkitt , The crowd couldn'
sell wheat fust enough or In quantities larg <
enough to suit. Just when the chnngo lloatei
over the spirit of the crowd's dream Is no
clear. Possibly it was when some bolatci
short undertook to buy a little when
"on the break" to llll his Septeu
ber contract. Anyhow the chnngo cami
nnd It came suddenly. One mlnut
millions of bushels of December wore offerc
ntliOJtfi ! nnd the next not u pound could b
had within } { o of that prico. Every tim
anybody wanted wheat it was necessary t
bid over the last price paid to get it. In
very short sp.ico of time the market travelei
back over the lost ground. From Wc ; DC
comber went to DSJ c nnd then to OOc , May n
the sumo time climbing from 09'fc ' to ? 1.00pr
This was thought to murk the top range fo
the day. Hut no , In n llttlo while ! KI } u wn
bid for December nnd * 1.01 > < f for Mny. Her
there was a pause but only a brief one. December
comber moved up to 09J/c , then to Vfli
Uyjjfe and n second later Ed Driver paid $1.U
for 5,000 bushels , getting it of Holmholz. A
the sumo time , or within n few seconds of it
May was quoted nt tl.OlJjJ , October at S'.O
nnd September ut anywhere from 81.15 ti
f l..O. Cash nnd the whole list of future :
was nt or ubovo the $1 line. A sliou
went up that fairly raised th
roof. The wheat dial explained to those no
in the vicinity of the wheat pit the cause o
the excitement and the shout was cclioat
from nil parts of the hall December broki
with u rush to 08c ! ) | ! , nnd u few minutes late
it was selling nt US3fc , with May at ? 1.0 < > 3 {
The market did not stay down moro thai
thirty hccondg. In n brief period llDKewai
bid for December und above $1.01 for Mny
December got as low as ll'.lc several times
but that seemed to bo ttio bottom. Durinj
the last hour trading was within the limits o
StSXc nnd Vje. May did not stray far awa.
from $1.01.
While this wns going on In moro dlstan
> , titures there was u rapidity of action in ncn
I 'months that made spectators dizzy. Tradini
In September began at $1.04@1.05. The sui
ccsslvo upward steps may bo seen by the fol
lowing record of the "tape : " * l.07 > , ? ! . ( '
$1.11 , $1.15 , $1.14 , $1.10 , $1.17 , $1.18SUO$1.1S
$1.20 , $1.82 , $1.5. There were bids as hlgl
as $1.28 later. As before stated , Seymour a
tublishcd the market for car lots ut $1.20 nn
lie did considerable business on that basi
during the morning. October sympathized t
the extent of going from OOJ/c to tl.Ol'i' .
Hutchinson occupied bis accustomed sea
by the pillar at the foot of the gallery stair :
during the entire session , looking as undls
turbcd as when the bears wore pounding th
market to force him to let go at fcOc. Hi
brokers were rather more active , but hi
evinced not the faintest signs of ncrvousncs
or excitement. During the session man ;
shorts came to him to make terms. The
wore usually accommodated. When th
market was $1.10 u party who was "shot
flvo" proposed to settle with him direct "a
the market. "
"What is the market ! " asked the old got
"It was $1,10 when I left the pit , " was th
"Well , It will bo $1.15 before you can go
back , " and n second later Uyder , one of hi
brokers , was bidding that.
Not long afterwards Egglcston nnd HHs
were offering $1.1S , and the former gradual !
"tilted" the price to $1.25 , whcrolt rcstct
Outsldo news wns scarce , but nobody cared
The Chicago board of trade was sutliclcn
unto Itself for ono day. Business on other ex
changes lagged. The entire trade world ha
Its attention riveted on Chicago. Cable
were dull , und no change of note occurred li
the grain movement.
The opening of the corn market showo
considerable weakness , with much sollin
pressure ut from } { c to ) fc decline In noa
futures and about % c on moro remote. Tli
opening weakness In wheat , larger receipt
than expected , nnd clear , cool weather , u
contributed to the weakness , but thor
was a good demand developed for Octobc
corn at 41c , although it sold as low o
40J c. It firmed up with the strength In when
advancing % dtyic from the lowest point bu
trading wns light , spcculntivo interest cei
tcring iu the neighboring pit. Closing price
for to-day show a decline of J @ % oand Uoot
} { o lower on more distant futures.
Oats ruled nearly steady with llttlo activlt
displayed or few outsldo trading orders , n
the Interest appeared to bo directed elsi
where , anil price changes were few and ui
In the provision pit there was no great ai
tlvlty at any timo. Operators cxhibitc
moro than ordinary Interest , but there wt
not much disposition to trade nnd the mac
portion of the buying , especially for Octobi
nnd November delivery , was for the purpo :
of covering short contracts. Tl :
stocks of nil kinds of produi
ore now small , even for this so.isoi
and with lard and pork In Ltrong hands , tl
shorts realize that tha market for nor
months Is In good shape for nn upward tun
Higher prices all around prevailed to-da ;
nnd ut the adjournment October pork showc
nn advance of IttJ October lard of iyt
October short ribs 15i ; November pork i
20o , year nnd January lard and January she
ribs ofKc , year pork of 12 , ! e , and Januai
pork of lue. The feeling was bullish fro
the start , and the lowest quotations reportt
were very generally made early.
CHICAGO , Sept. 37. [ Special Telegram
Tun DEK. ] CATTLK. The trade was :
about the same condition us yesterday , ai
that means prices are as low as at any tin
in the history of trade on the average run
Texan rangers and medium native stooi
and the sumo may bo said of common n
tlvcs. Cows , bulls , rough stock and vc
calves nro nil down to low water mark , wl
the chances that prices will rule lower fi
Borne time to coino nt least. The Hood i
westerns seems on the ebb ; that Is , rocclp
up to this evening nro 2,500 less than tl
time last week , but that number , either o
way or Uio other ; is barely noticeable the
times. All markets nro full of beef and shl
inonts of cultlo to eastern markets are t
largest ever known , nnd many lots of t
cheapest cattle over sent east wont out y (
tcrday. One lot of excellent westerns , avc
nglng about 1,400 , were sent to Pittsburgni
cent only ( U 00. good enough for any marl <
in the world. A few lots of prli
natives sold pretty well up in t
Cflo column , but these sales are on
a drop. In the bucket , as the saying is , ni :
i influence whatever , and the grc
bulk of good cuttle sold down In the t.lnnd ft
classes. Wi ! terns are the best over mur-
kcted In Chicago , many of tha lots showing
best short-horn nnd Hereford blood. ( Quota
tions arc as follows : Choice to extra beeves ,
tfl.U > @O.UO ; medium to good steers , liCX ) to
ir/joibs , w.ooM.-.rr , ! 120010 ISM ibs , ( .Xxi
5,70 ; yw to 10001bsf3.40W4.15 ; stockers anil
feeders , 81.00 3.10 ; cows , bulls nnd mixed ,
Cl.i5'i' : ! ; bulk , 2.10 i24 , " . ; 1 cxii" } steers ,
FJ.OCM..DO ; cowc , ? 1.7l/t-J.2J ; native. ? anil
half-breeds , . - . > .7& 4. < K ) ; C0ws , $200 2.00 ;
Wintered Texans , $2.3T wi. : : i.
HIHIS Huslncss wns brisk with n slight
upturn but no essential advance , us bosl
heavy sold largely at fO.J7i3o.40
fancy butcher weights ? XC 0. Mixed sold '
fO.OOian.25 for best and f5.75M5.UO for the or
dinary run of packers. About all the stringi
of packers were madouputf..SOi5.lH ( ) . Llch
sorts sold at SH.OX'fiUO for Yorkers and f5.7i
( rfA.UO for common light. The market closet
rather easier than at the opening but aboul
everything desirable was bold.
New YUIIK , Sept. 27. [ Special Tolcgran
to Tun UF.K , ] STOCKS Tlio stock mnrkc
was active in spots ut the opening to-day
c-oalers , Northern Pacific , Western Unloi
nnd St. Paul being conspicuous , whllo yes
tcrday's animation In Now England wns con
tlnucd. First prices were generally sllghtl ;
higher and the market continued strong am
advancing. Hc.idlm ; was not n bull stock li
early hours nor was Now England , whl !
Norfolk & Western preferred was lowci
There was considerable rcallilng by trader !
the leading commission houses taking n goo
Rhnro of the offerings. Western Union am
other Gould stocks showed moro life than o
nto nnd fractional gains were made. Afte
11 o'clock there was less animation , thouc
the undertone continued lirin , nnd ut nee
the market was steady nt or near the bea
irlccs of the morning. Favorable report
from London and anticipated benefits nrisln
from the granger meeting in Chicago wcr
tlio main factors in the advance. Th
granger roads led in improvement , and th
ipwurd trend of values met with little oppc
sition. St. Paul sold < 1 points higher , up t
08 % near the i-loso , finally resting 2 , ' point
above the opening. Preferred gained 1 poinl
Hock Island advanced IK , Hurlington 1
Northwestern 2 points , Onmha 1 , Missoui
Pacific , Union P.icllic , Pacific Mail , Nortl
cm Pacific preferred mid Lackiuvannii eacl
ulout 1 point , closing In some instances
trillo below the top. New England did nc
et above 41) ) , ° nil day , generally hntigin
around 411 , nnd the Rending close wns but 5
higher. In most of the other stocks a sligli
Improvement was made.
The following nro the closing quotations.
IT. f. 4s regular. . . . ! ! Northern P.iclllc.
t'.f. 43coupons..iiI ; Uoprefcrreil lip
I' . S. 4 > isruKiilnr nil's C. ft n. W lit '
IT. P. I'isconpnns .107'jl do preferred , . . . .in
1'acUlefis of'- ! ( , . . . .121 N. V.Centrul JIH' '
CVntral 1'nelllc . . . Xi . . .
Chicago & Alton Uocklslunil liu ;
U. . M. &St. 1 > ll !
AiQulncy 117i , ' ilo preferred IOHJ
D..L..VW St. I'iiul& Omaha. . 41'
Illinois Central. 118 I ilopruferred lOii
L.H.AtW IH'i'fnlonl'aciHo ' . . . . fir
KUUMIH iVTexits. . . ISV. | . . St.It. te 1' 14 ]
Lake Shore W. \ ilo preferred. . . . 271
Michigan Central WjlWesteru Union 81'
Missouri 1'iicitlc . . ttl'ni
MOXKV o.v CALL Easy nt4@l per cent
last loan at 2 per cent , und clobed offered n
per cent.
M.SDJf for sixty-day bills , $ l.b7J ( for de
mand ,
CIHC-VOO , Sept. 27. Wheat Strong nml
ilghcr ; September , $1.25 asked : Cctobei
Sl.OJJf December , ! > bf@ttSe ; May , $ l.Uk (
Corn Stctuiy ; Septenibor , 40Kc nsked
October , 40J < e ; December , U } < G : Ma\
JS. ' i' .
Oats Easy ; September , S.'iJ'J'c ; Octobci
2.c ; December , 24c ; May , 2S c.
Kye 51c.
Hurley Nominal.
Prime Timothy J1.50@t.53.
Flax $1.31.
Pork Higher ; September nnd October
S14.W ) : November , $14.95 : Jnnuary , ? ii.77' :
Lard September nnd October , $10.55
November , A' , .2J ; January , -3.12J .
Flour Market ruled quiet but firmer , am
dealers were asking higher prices nnd i
some cases it was obtained ; patents , ? 5.bOi
0.10 : bakcts' , in sacks. $4.00 4.25 : straight
$ Ti.OC'Z33.23 ; winters , ? 4.75il5.10. (
Dry Salt Meats Shoulders. 8X@S3.fc
short clear , 0 > 4@U ) c ; short ribs , Scptcn
ber , 8S.C7 > C'18.70.
Hutter quiet ; creamery , 15@23cj
Checso Steady ; full cream ehcddan
funny , 8XMc ; Hats , 8 f 3c ; fancy Youn
Americas , 8J5@S o ; skims , good , C@7c
Hats , 45 ; .
Eggs Firm ; fresh northern , 18l.i@19o.
Hides Unchuiiped ; hciwy green salted , "C
Xe ; light preen salted , 14 ° \ saltc
bull , Oc ; dry flint , 9u ; damaged , 7c ; dr ,
calf , 7@8c ; branded hides IB per cent off
deacon * , 2oS30c each : dry salted , 7c.
Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 , solid packed.r '
@ 5 > s'o ; No. 2 , 4 ( < ? i > 4c ; calcc , 5K@3K Per H
Hocoipts. Shiprncnti
Flour , bbls . 14,000 28,0f
Whoatbu . 78.000 45,0t
Corn , bu . . mw.000 4ia,0 (
Oats , bu . 2'J4OOJ 171.0C
Hyo.bu .
Hurley , bu .
Milwaukee , Sopt. 27. Wheat Excited
cash 9Sc ; October. 9i > % e ; December , 9c. (
Corn Qulot ; No. 3We. .
Oats-Firm ; No. 2 white , 29' < fc.
Uyo-Firm ; No. 1 , ni@i2 c.
llarloy Unsettled ; No. 2 not quoted.
Provisions Dull. Pork Cash and Sci
toinber , $14.S. > .
Clncliiiintl. Sept. 37. Wheat Strongo :
held higher ; No. 2 red , CK3c.
Corn Firm ; No. 2 mixed , 4c. !
Oats Firmer ; No. 3 mixed , iKQSjJtfc
Hyo Firmer ; No. 2 , fi5c.
Whisky Steady at SI. 14.
St. Ijoulti. Sept 27. Wheat Unsettlei
cash , Wtfc : October , 'Jiij c bid.
Corn firm but dull ; cash , 40o ; Octobo
US obid.
Oats Firm ; cash , 2Co bid ; October , 22 ; <
bid.Pork Higher ; cash , J15.50.
Lard Firm ut $10.23.
Whisky Steady at 51.14.
Hutter Quiet ; creamery , 18@20c ; datr
MlunenpoliH , Sept. 27. Wheat Loc
receipts were 201 cars , and shipment.s 4
Excitement at other points had but llttlo o
feet , though sellers made the customary u
vance in asking prices. Sales of No. 1 hai
ranged up to $1.4l ! , und northern eold fro ;
81.07 to 1.10 as outside buying was fairly a
live. Closing : No. 1 hard , cash and Octobe
$1.10 ; December , 81. 10J ; May. * L12 } ; No.
northern , cash and October , $1,00 ; Decombe
fl.Oi ) ; Mny. $1.03 ; No. 3 northern , cas
and October , $1.03 ; December. * 1.0'JV < ; Ma
Now Vork. Sept. 27. Wheat Receipt
3)3,300 ; exports , 19 , 'JOO ; spot market strong )
and Irregular with moderate business ; No.
red , $ l.00'f@1.01 In elevator. ? 1.01 }
afloat , l.l ( i$1.03 > f f. o. b. ; No. 3 rod ,
94e ; No. 4 red , 87o ; ungraded red ,
$ l.Ki ( > c ; options stood 1 ( < ? 140 } higheron r
ports from Chicago of sharp squeezing !
September options , but closed only f ! J.
bottorithau lust nlghtwcakcr ; ; tradluguctlv
No. 3 red , October closing ? 1.01Jf.
Corn Hocoipts , 3:3,100 ; exports , 14Sl4i
spot market actlvo and yto lower ; No. 2 , 50J
in olovator. 50 < @ 51 > u afloat ; ungrudi
mixed , 40@51 o ; options less active , wci
nnd KQ.Wfo lower on early deliveries ; } i@ ) {
higher on January and May ; October uiosli
at Oats Kccolpts , 141,030 ; exports none ; sp
market a bhado llrmer ; fairly active ; o
tlons 4c higher nndqulot ; October i.MJ cN ;
a white , 8 i4'c ; mixed western , 20@31o ; whl
western , 27G$45c.
Coffee-Option' * steady ; sales , 47,000 b.-u
including Septenibor nt * 13.l)5M13.CO ; Ocl
ber , $12.33(1 ( $ 12.45 ; November , ? 11.53 ( < jll.7
spot Hlo quiet and steady ; fair cargo
Petroleum Steady and quiet. Unit
closed nt Oltfc.
ESCS Firm ; fair trade ; western , 17J <
Pork Steady ; mess , $15.25rt15.75.
Lard Easier und dull ; sales of wcstc
steam. 510.90 ; option sales of October , ilO.i
closing nt 310.S3.
Hutter Haroly steady ; moderate deman
western , dairy , 12(314 > joi western crcamci
180230. , ,
Cheese Illfehcrj Wcatern , 7
City. Sopt. 27. Wheat-Stronger ;
No. 2. red , rash , 600 asked ; October , ! > ' . ,
bid .December sales n . iS f& et No. 2 soft ,
cash , Wo bid ; October Wo bid.
Corn Quiet ; No. 2 , cash , 37c nsked ; Oc-
Oats-No. 1 , caih , 20c asked.
MVi : MTOUlt.
Sept. 27. The Drover ' Jour
nal rcDorts ns follows :
Cattle Hecelpts , 13,500 licnd , including
8ljO ( Texas nnd western entile ; good cattle
steady , common lower ; choice to extrn
beeves , ( O.lfi&O.OO ; common to good , $ ; j.40i ( !
"t.t" , ' stockcrs nnd feeders , ? I.W@ 1.10 ; cows ,
bulls nnd mixed , $ l.VifM : ( ! ! ) : Texas steers ,
$ i.W'J.lX ( ! ( ) ; cows , * l.75it2.2J ; natives ami
huU breeds , $2.75@I.X ( ) ; wintered Texans ,
market strontrerj
" 531UO ; light
_ . . . ; t.fii > ( if-MIL
Sheep Receipts. 0,500 ; market steady ;
natives , $2.75tl.l ( < ) ; westerns , $ : i.20 < # 3.75i
Texans , $ J.7 ( ifl.50 ; lambs , $ 'J.75i5.55. (
KniiBiiH City. Sent. 27. Cattle Re
ceipts , 4OJO ; shipments , none. Supply ehlellj
grass range nnd native cows ; grass rnngt
low nnd weak ; good cows ubout 5c higher :
common dull nnd stockcrs nnd feeding
stci-rs steady ; good to choice corn-fct
51.00W5.50 : common to medium , $ I.'J5@4.75 :
grass range steers , $1.75(33.00 ( ; stoekcrs am
feeding steers , S1.00J.4 ( ) ; cows , $1.25a2.70
Hogs Receipts , 8,210 ; shipments. ' . ' ,250 ;
market opened weulc nml Co lower ; closing !
iilindc stronger ; good to choice , SOOOyi.ll.ll )
common to medium , $ .j.23@5.'jO ; skips am
pigs , . * l.W@'i.OO.
Natloiuil Stock Vanls. East Ht
Louis , Sept. 27. Cattle Receipts , 2 OJ , )
ihlpmonts , 1,403 ; mntkctslo'v ; choice hcnv ;
nutivoHtocrs , * I.sO ( 5. K ) ; fair to good natlvi
steers , $4.20i7l.W ( ) ; butchers' steers , medlun
: n choice , $ ! ) .U3 ( < CI-W ) ; stockers and feeders
Fnlr to good , $ ' -.00TM.20 ( ( ; rangers , corn-fed
Vi)0iiM.10 ( ; irrass-fed , f..00@.15. :
Hogs Receipts. 4.0JO ; bhlpments , l.OJ (
market lower ; choice heuvy und butchers
selections , Ji.lO 0.iO ! ; packing , medium ti
prime , S'l.iiOis'V.W : light grades , ordinary ti
best , i4.75 ( < ili.OO.
Thursday , Sept. 27.1SS3.
The cattle market contiiiu"s in : i very un
satisfactory condition. Although the frcsl
receipts were not heavy to-dav , the suppl ;
\vas largo and the trade exticmely dull um
slow. Even feeders moved slowly , am
butchers' stock was nnt in very heavy de
mand. Tr.o prices paid for cows nuiRci
from 81.r > 0 to $3.8" , principally from SI.90 ti
$2.10. Feeders sold from ? , ' . ' , yt to ? 3.1i (
The packers paid $4.15 for u few corn-fci
steers averaging 127b Ibs. , nnd J2.50 for som- -
120i-lb. ) Texans.
There were not far from eighty loads o
liogs on sale to-day. The market as u whol
was about steady with yesterday's gunora
market ; but heavy hogs , such as won
wanted by the Boston buyers , sold strong
while light and common mixed hog.s wer
easier. The inc'-casod demand caused by tin
liresence of the Hostou buyers was sufllclcn
to take nil the offerings , und the murke
closed with everything sold.
There were no sheep on sale to-day am
nothing to make u market.
Ic.ttlo. . 1,30
Hogs. . . 4 , (
Horses. 5
I'ruvailiiit ; lrloc < .
Thcfollowing is n tabloof prlcss paid in
this inancet for the graUei of stock men
I'rnnc.steers. 1300to 150Dlb3..M.50 f35.00
Prime steers. 1100 to 13JO ibs. . 4.00 W4.75
Native feeders 2.50 ( HJ.'l.lO
Western feeders Ii.50 ( it2.75
Knngo steers , com'on to choice 2.75 @ : i.Cfl
Common to good cows 1.40 ( < iJ2.CO
Choice to fancy cows 2.00 ( $3.50
Common to choioo bulls 1.25 © 1.75
Falrtocnoiconghthogs 5.50 < A"M
Fnirtoetioico heavy noes 5.90 ( iil.05 !
Fair to choice mixed hogs 5.75 ( S5.90
ItcprcHRiitacivo S.iloi.
No. Av. Pr.
1 bull 1.S50 ? I.0 ( !
3COW3 923 l.UO
cows 950 1.00
21COW8 < I05 1.77V
43calves r.3S 1.85
5 btccrs , western tailings..1,2.14 1.S5
Scows 19) ) 1.90
Scows 920 1.90
2 co ws 1,195 3.00
1 bull 1,4(10 ( 2.00
Icow M > 0 3.CO
Icow 1,120 2.00
17yearliugs C ( > ( J 2.00
iiOcows 991 2.05
2lcows 1,018 2.10
IS fccdAs 1,037 2.27" .
U calves 415 2.45
1(5 ( feeders , natives 879 2.05
17 feeders 848 2.05
17 feeders , natives 981 2.70
8 steers , westerns 1,177 2.75
18 steers , westerns 1.331 2.75
4cows 1,103 2.80
It ! feeders 9S4 2.90
1 calf 300 3.00
10 feeders 930 3.03
25 feeders 953 3.05
23 feeders , natives 9iO 3.10
! i calves 127 3.JO
37 steers , c f. natives , Neb. . .1,278 4.15
HANOI : emu : .
Owner. Av. Pi
Hay State C. Co. , 17 steers , Tex. . .111)2 ) ?
1 steer , Tex. . . .1320 2.5
2 steers , Tex. . . 1475 2.5
Heel & Hoscndalo , 22 cows 1165
ShnwinR tlio number of hogs bought b
the leading buyers on the market to-day :
G. H. Hntnmona & Co 51
Omaha I'acklngCo 1,1 !
Armour U. P. Co 3,0 ;
C.C.C 1
Highest unit Lowest.
The following are the highest und lowe :
prices pala for mixed and heavy loads of hoi
on this market on the dates indicated la ISb
1SSO and 1SS5.
Iilvc H ooW Notes.
L. C. Gilbert , Cowlos , was hero wit' '
cnttlo. j ti
Joe Ciiuicrdn , of Unyinondf.wrn o vlM'or n
ho yards.
W. 12. Uryson , Ailnnis , writ In with tw
ouds of cattle.
K. K , Itnnkln rnmc In with' lontl of cnttl
rotn LOIIK Pino.
Cnptnln Lnvrndcr , Scotlnnil , Da t. , wns I
ooklni ? for sliccp.
O , K. Whlttnkcr , of Kctl Onk , In. , wns her
ooking for feeders.
K. O. Hrlpgs cuino over from Kcil Ouk , In
o look for feeders.
Rtcufer & II. , DoJ re , were among thos
who sold hogs at , VHO.
.Inko 1'ttul , n well-known stocktnnu of Dot
ehester , wns nt the ynrtls ,
S. H. Unbhttt and John Uobcrtx , Asl
and , were hero with stock.
Gus Hredcnben. , Mnlmo , was In mid mm
tctiul n lend of hops nt s.Vl'O. '
K. H. Shult , Cruljr , Neb. , marketed n Ion
of COJ-lb. hogs lit tlio top price , W.0.\
H. J. Tierncy , Anslcy , came In with t\v
cnrs of hops , which sold on the market.
J. K. Douil Is bnck from his caste : n trl |
during which he visited nil the ( ucklng ) > olnl
of uny linpnrtnnco.
I'rntltico , Kriilts , ICtc.
Trade rontinues very peed and all hand
In the Jobbing tr.ido are fairly busy. Mono ,
is petting harder but there H a supply )
jankers' hands ample for all legitimat
wants at the ruling rates. 10 per cent.
HUTTKH t'aney , solid-packed creamery , 1
@ -o ; choice country , WiJlSc ; commo
grade.-i. lOyl lilc.
Strictly iresh , lS@10c candled.
GitvrK-i fl.i'iitl.oO per ca
Git.vrus 4@iVJo ( ; per 10-1
1'KAcnns California , $1.0J71.30 per box
Jlichigan , ri c@ < 1.00 per b.tstfet.
UANKNAS Cominon. fl.r > Offi'j.S3 iicr bunch
choice. > .5UfiM.r,0.
LI.MOSS $4.WKgf > .ro i > er case.
I'l.i MS 30c7,75c ( ) > er bu.
1'oTATor.s lUrtJWc. per bushel.
Swucr POT TOKS 7iJ ( < ( Me ) per bu.
1'otLTitv No dressed fowl m the market
live chickens , ? ; t.iO@3.73 ! per doz. j snrln
chickens , SJ.a3g'J.l)0. ( )
TOMATOKS ' . OcViI.OO ( per bu.
\VATBiiMit.oss : sytwailiax ) per 100.
I'r.Aits California , S.J.OOVt3.r ( > ( J pi-r bu box
Southern , 75 per Jtf Im.
CHMIUY " > ( Wo l > er dozen.
Kent PI.\XT :5 : ( < JS1.00 per dozen.
ONIONS li i&f'fu1 per bu.
Ai'l-Lii > W.OOCil.HII per bbl.
CHAIIAITI.CS 75i ? per bushel.
Uinr-u Michigan. . ! HKjS3.50 oer bbl J
gals ; Cnllfornlu ] ) ear cider , ? 15.00 per bbl.
POP Coiix Hicc , UJ4c ( ; common , 2@o. ;
tiAititon BOcpcr bushel.
Ucvxs Choice eastern handplckod nnvic1
(3.UU jier bushel ; western hand pickc , 8'.T."ii2I.Si ' ( ( : mcalums , Jt.5U@l.y (
Lima l > eaiis 5o per pound.
H\v f. o. o. cars , No. 1 upland , 63.00 ; Ni
2 upland. ? VOO.
Hit ix $10.00.
CIIIIPPIII : KKED ? 17.00 per ton.
ViSKdAit Cider , 10@lSc per cal. Whil
wine , 10Vt20c ( per gal.
jr.JC@3.00 ( per bbl.
Uaviscd pncusiaro as follows :
UAHOIXO Stark A. seamless , " 2c\ \ Amos
keajj , seamless , I7l < ' ; o : Lewiston A , seamless
lOc ; American , se'umlesa , , ,17e ; burlaps ,
tofibu , ll@He ; gutnies , single , Itlo ; gut
nies , double , 20c ; wool sacks , ISc. ! Twines-
Flax , Itfc ; extra sail , 20 ( < i'llu sail B , 10 ( iOc
cotton. 21c ; Jute , lOo.
CoKi'r.r.s Mochn , i-'otyl tie ; Rio , good , 10 ;
17e ; Mandahlinp , UJt 'Jso ; , roasting Hio , 15 (
HieO. ; . G. Java , il@iiie ! : ; Java , Interior. iy <
25c : Kin. taney , l ( > ( jl'Jo ' ; riantos and Mar.
caibo. nOl'Jo ' : Avbucklcs , l'.l , c.
ynoAn Granulated , $ } { e ; conf. A , 81
white extra C , 7 > ' 4o ; extra C , 7 e ; ycllo1
C , 7c ; powdered , ' . e : cubes , Oc.
HONIY : ICOil'-c lor one pound frames
strained honey. ( kTiSc per pound.
UEKSWAX Chofco yellow , 20@32J c ; dar
colored , IDJil-lc.
CHKI > C Young America , full crcati
10@llc ; full cream cheddurs , 0 ; < f ( 10c ; fu
crearn Hats , y'rfc ; peed to choice skimuie
Cheddars. 7lic : skimmed Hats. Oj c.
PICKI.KJ Medium , in bbis , fo.Dj ; do in ha
bbls.ui , : ) ; ; smull , in bbls , S0.50 : uo in ha
bbls , ! .7o ; L-herkins , in bbls , $3.0' ; do in ha
bbls fl.50
Toiucco Plug , 20ax3 ; smoking , 1C@90 <
JELLIES SI.S5 per 30-lb pail.
SALT * l. : ) @l.a6per bbl.
HOPE 7-10. lH-4c.
MAPLE SUUAU uncks , HC12c per a
penny cakes , 12l3o per lb ; pure map ]
syrup , $1.00 per ral.
TEAS i oung Hyson , common to fair , 18 !
25c ; Young Hyson , good to fancy , 30@55c
Gunpowder , common to good , 22l25cj ( GUI
powder , choice to fancy , 40 ® 05c ; Japan , con
mon to medium , 15i2t Japan , cholca I
fancy. 80@45c : Oolong , common to good , 25 (
iific ; Oolong , choice to fanev , 60@70c ; Impe
ial , common to medium , 25@35c ; Impcrlu
peed to fancy , 40ft50c ,
NUTS Almonds , 15@17c ; liibcrts , 11@12 <
Brazil , U lOc ; walnuts , 12o ; pecans , 10@ll <
peanuts , 5ii7c.
CitACKEits 5B10c. ( per lb ; assorted cakes ,
@ 2no pcrlb , OB per list
tinir.n HUITS Pics , in boxes , per lb , 13 (
c ; dates , in boxes , 7@10e ; London MaUn
layer raisins , per box , W.50@3.73 ; Mala ;
loose raisins. fi.30 ( < i2.50 ; new Vale ;
cia raisins , per lb , 8@ c ; Cal
foruia loose muscatels. i > er box. SI.1
pitted cherries , per lb. 20V31o ( ; Califo
Jiia pitted piums , per lb , 12iai
dried blackberries , Per lb , 8K@9 ° ; 3ru
raspberries , per lb , 23 ( < $2-lc ; evaporated a
pics , S WUc ; California sun dric
peaches , ic ; ) ; California unnarcd evaporate
pcacncs , I5lil8o ( ; evaporated Cnliforn :
apricots , IDe ; Zantee currants , 6 % < < Q7c ; Turl
Ish jirunes , 44'fti54ii'c ! } ; citron , 22ci24c ( ; oran (
peel , IDc ; lemon peel , lOc.
FISH. Holland Herring , 85c@90c. per kej
White Pish , } < bbls. . No. 1 , $0.00. ;
$3.75 : Trout. No. 1. f3.50 : Mackerel , ' bbl
No. 1 Shore. $15.00 , Largo Family. ? 10. &
Labrador Herring. S4.60 ; Columbia Rivi
Salmon , $17.00 i > er bbl.
Coiii'isit Per lb , whole. Co ; bricks nt
strips , 7@8c.
CANIIV Mixed. S < 313o ; stick , 8.IK' '
rock candy , 10K@13c ; fancy cnuay. 7@'Ji
Dry Goods.
COTTON FLXXKI.S 10 per cent < lls. ; LI
fi'Xo ; CO , OJfc ; SS , 7c ; Nameless , 5i
IIX , 18u ; It , 20c ; No. 10 , 8 > e ; No. 40 , lOWi
No. 00. 12Kc ; No. 80 , 13 0 ; No. 30 , colored , U
No. 50. colored , 12c ; No. 70. colored , imtf
Hristol , 125 < c ; Union Pacific , 17c
CAIIPET WAIIP Bib White , lOcj coiore
22cB.VTTS Standard , 80 ; Goni lOc : Beaut
; Boone , 14c ; B , cased , { 0.5u.
ii fcu , ,741 ; , iiuuniiuii , u ic , lyOlluaiujjil , u
TICKS York , 'M In. , VMc\ York , 83 ir
13 > o ; Swift River. 8c : Thorndlko OO , 8tf
Thorndiko EF , 8Kc ; Thorndlko 120 , tl' ' < f
Thprndiko XX , I5c ; Cordis Mo. 5 , K
Cordis No. 4. lie. .
DENIMSAmoskcag , v'oz , 10 } o ; Everett ,
oz , I3j c : York. 7 oz , i3 } < fe ; Huvmakcr , 8
JafTro.v XX , ilVjo ; Jaffroy XXX , i2H
Heaver Crook A A , 12c ; Heaver Creek HI
He ; Ucavcr Creek CC , ; 0c.
KENTUCKY JBANS. Mertiorlal , 15o ; Dakot
ISo ; Durham , 27 > c ; Hercules , lie ; Leamln
ington , 22Jfc ; Cottswold- > iu.
CitAsii.-Stevcns' H , ' < Co ; Stevens' :
bleached , 7o ; Stevens' A.i7J < c ; Stevens ,
bleached , SJ o : Stevens' P , 8Mc ; Sloven
P , bleached , 0 o ; Stevens' N , l > Ke , Stover
N , blenched. 10 > < ej Stovena. SRt , 12 > o
SllscKLUAXnous. Taoid ou ciotn , $3.5
plain Holland , OJ o ; Dado Holland , 12 > < e.
Hrown sheeting Atlrintlo A , 4-4 , 7 } o ; A
lantio H , 4-4 , 7tfo ; Atlantic D. 4-4 , U > fc ;
lantlo P , 4-4 , ( to ; Aurora LL , 4-4. Co ; Auro
C , 4-1 , 4J/c ; Crown XXX.-4-4 , OJ/c ; Hoosi
LL , 4-4 , Cc ; Indian Head , 4-4 , 7 0 ; L
ronco LL , 4-4 , Co ; Old Dominion , 4-4 , fJj
Popporell R , 4-4. 7o ; Pepperell O , 4-4 , C5i
Pepporell. 8-4 , 18KoPcppcroll,0-4,21c ; ; PC
pcrell , 10-4,23c ; UticaC , 4-4.4foWnchuse ;
- - Aurora R , 4-4 , 7o ; Aurora D , 4
UUCK West Point W In , 8 oz , 10
West Point 20 in , 10 oz. 13o : West Pol
9 in , 12 oz , 15c ; West Point 40 In , 11 oz , K
FiANXELS-Red , C , 2Mn , 15K ; E , 24 !
Slot G Q , SI In , ISo ; H A F , Jf , 25o- F , ;
i'HiSTS Pink nnd Robes Richmond , CJj
Allen , Oo ; Rlvorpomt. Co ; Steel iliver , 0
Richmond , OXo ; Pacific , 6 c.
PIIIXTS Dress Charter Oak , 54
Ramapo , 4fe } ; Lodi , 5)-cAllcn ) ; , Oo ; Rii
mend , OcVlndsor , OWc ; Eddystonc ,
Pacille. Oke
No. 00 , DK ° ! Host Yet , 4-4. 0o ; butter clo
° O , 4/e ; Cube % IKc ; Furwell half bleach
8Jfc ; Fruit of Loom , Utfu : Gree
G , , N5c ; Hope , 7)fIO"B Philip ca
brlc , lie ; Lonsdalo cambric , 11\
Lonsdate , I'c ' ; Xow York rnlll" , 10)sc ) ;
Pepperell , 42-ln , lie ; Pepperell , 40-ln , l2c ;
Peppcroll , 0-4 , Ilk ; ; I'opporell , 84 , 21e ; Pep-
licrcll , 0-4 , ate ; Pepperell. 10-4 , 25o ; Canton
4-4 , b c ; Triumph , Go ; Wnmsutta , lies Val
ley , f > c.
FLAXSELS. Plnld Haftsmen,2tic ; Gosncn ,
fr-Vfc ; Clear Lake , 3tc ; Iron Mountain ,
FI.ANXEI.S White G HNo.2 , * f , "Vie ; Q
H , No. 1 , $ f , 2l > jcU ; H , No. 2'f/22 c ; U
H.No. 1 , * ( , 0o ; yuecheo No. 1. / . 42o.
UixoiiAM I'lunKcttciiceks , 7 } \Vhltten- ; -
ton , 7 5 York , 7)oo ) ; Normundl tiros" ,
8U'o : Calcutta dress , s. c ; Whlttonton dress ,
8e ; Henfrcw dress , SJiuU'jV. .
CAMIIUICS Slater , S' ' c ; Woods 6.i'c ;
Standard , bc\ \ Peacock , 5Uc.
PIIIXTS Ixinoo ili.un Arnold , OKe ; Aincr-
Icun , OJfu ; Gloucester , O'i'o ' : Arnold C long
cloth , H ; Arnold H long cloth. 10'tf ; Arnoltl
Gold Seal , lOjtfj Stiefel A , 12 ; Windsor Gold
Ticket. 10K-
SHIRTIXII Checks , Caledonia X , OJ < c ; Cal
edonia XX. lOiic ; Economy , 5'e ' ; Otis , Us.
Drug * null Clipmlcnln.
MiscKM.tNinf : ! > Sulpli. acid , lj c ; citric
icid , OOc ; tnrtarlc 50c ; bal. ropaviu , OSc ;
borax. lOo ; chloroform , I7c ; glycerine , 23e ;
; um Arabic , select , $1.00 ; gum camphor , "Oc ;
f-um opium , $3.15 ; sulph. morphia , $2.50 :
lirotnldu potassium , 4''c.
On. ! , Carbon , I.VJs lOc ; headlight , 175o
.JJ e ; gasoline , 74 = 12' ' < u ; West Virginia
summer , lie ; zero , 17o ; No. 1 golden ma
chine , ISo ; extra W. S. lard , 77e ; No. 1 Inrd.
4'ic ( ; turpentine , 47c ; linseed raw , 50c ;
boiled , Ble. !
Qrixixi : P. & W- . per or , 53c ; German ,
per oz , 42o.
Hemlock sole , lSii'J7o per lb ; oak sole , 31@
3tc per lb ; oak harness , 23&130C per lb ; selec
ted oak nud trace , 33c per lb ; oak and hem
lock upper , 20Yt ( > 22e per foot. Hemlock calf
skin , No. 1 , bOJj'JOu per lb , according to
weight ; oak calf skin , No. 1. 90ct1.00 per
lb ; Philadelphia calf skin , extra , Jl.tKlQl.ltl
per lb ; hemlock kip skin. No. 1 , tiO(7t70e ( per
lb : oak kip skin , No1 1 , 70 SOi ! per lb : Phila
delphia kip skin , extra , bOfif'.Hc ) per lb. French
calf skins , ( aecordintrto weight mul quality ) ,
M.15@1.75 per lb ; French kip skins , do , 80ej ( < !
$1.10 per lb. Cordovan , russctt , ISc ; satin
lir.lsh.20o per foot ; welt leather , $3.50@4..VJ
per side ; moroccos , ( pebble goat ) . 20y30c (
per foot ; moroecos , boot leg , 25iillo ( ! ! per
loot ; glove calf sltlns , ! ! 0ittUc ( ) per foot ;
Douglas kid , H0@40j per foot ; kangaroo
skins , 4U(5MOvJ ( per foot , according to quality.
Toppings , $3.00(310.0. ( ) psr dozen ; linings.
{ 5.00(39.00 ( njr dozen ; apron skins , S10.0J ®
12.UO per dozen.
First and second clear , % ( & ! in.$10 00S61 ( 00
First and second clear , \ife\\ ( \ \ *
in 47 00 ( < ire 00
Tliird elca' % 1' ' jvftlH in 43 00 ( ' 40 OJ
A select , IJ/O" ! . in 37 ( XKrfS'J 00
Hsolcct , I fj8l ( > if in 35 00 ( < f37 0(1 (
A stock boards , 12@10 fcot. 12 in 40 00
Histock boards , 12 ® 111 feet , 12 in 41 00
C stock boards , li ! ( < jlll feet , 12 in 30 CO
D stock boards , 12jC10 ( feet , 12 in 2.J 00
Flooring , lirst common , 0 In 34 00
Flooring , second common , 0 in 32 00
Select fencing Ilooring lit 00
Siding , llrst , und second clear , 14M10 ft 23 00
Siding , lirst common , 10 feet 22 OC
Siding , second common 10 ( H
Common boards 10 0 ( !
No. U boards , all lengths 14 50
Fencing No 1,12420fcet 10 5C
Fencing No. 2 , 12 , 14 nnd ' IS feet 15 5C
Joists and scantling , 2x4 , 14 ( ; 10 feet..10 00
Timber , 4x4 , 8x3 , 12iltl feet 17 00
Pickets , lirst rough , good 15 ( X(3)1S ( ) OC
Pickets , fancy bend nnd dressed,8clcctcd.25 00
Instruments 1'Iaceil on llecoril Dur-
IMJJ Yesterday.
0 n lltrkar and wife to .I I , Miles , nnd jj
lots U and 4. blk 11. Orchard hill , q oil .t 1
1) < J 1'citurbon and \\ltu to O W I'uirlilgt' ,
1 ) t ! ' . bile li , 1'nttei on pnrk , w il MX
J IjnlTerty and w Ifo tn J Lar-ien , ( lot IS ,
hlk 2. Hush As Pelby'tt add. w < 1 70 ]
City nf Oinnliu to I * A CnIn , u tract udja-
cunt n 't ' lot 10 , blk 7. Kuuntze ic Hutli's
adil.qcd 10
12 il 1'erfcct and \\lto to r W Molcher , lot
! ! , blk fi , I'.uldock phictq o d 2iOC
K S Hood and wife to John Kuncel , lots 13
and 13 , bl k 15 , Albright's annex , w d. . . . 301
S 11 Hnyilen and wife to H W Vutes , lot 4.
blk2 , HlllPldeNo. 1 , w il aXK (
Wm ( J Albright nnd w Ife to 8 ! ( iroat , lot
fi. hie U2 , AlbrlKht'H eliolciw d 30C
S 1'rnyn find wife to O II Wlrth. lots ! ' . 10.
H and 12. blkn , 1'ruyn park , w d l.COC
Q T Mills to J Henderson , lot 20. hlk 3 ,
Clnreudcm tuld. w d 95J !
1 S lln-caU to J V KpcnbarKer. lot 7 , blkU ,
Hascull'a sub , w d 65C
Wm O Albright nnd wlfo to H v Cady ,
lots IS nnd ID , blk " , Hammond & Don-
ni'lly's hub , w d ] , fXX
N Shelton nnd wife to Patrick Land Com
pany , that part of uw of lie Z4-1G-12 e ,
lying north of Windsor Terraco. q c a. . . 1'
A K Touzalln to S li Hnyden , lot "J. blk 1.
Hillside llcscrve , w d 3,0X1
A II Hornsby ct nl to W E Taylor , a tract
nt so cor nw 8-15-11 e , U. xiO rod" ,
w d r. J.WX
H C Moody to 1) M Hnverly. und M lots .
1U. 11 , IS and 20 , blk 1 ; all blocks li and 3.
( except two lots ) . Portland 1'lace , q c d. . 1
Windsor Place Hulldlng Association to 11
Newman , Iot34 , Windsor Place Exten
sion , w d 8C <
H.M 1'ntterson to William T Cox. w ' .4 lot
11 , blk 1 , Patterson's First Audition to
South Omuhii , wd MX
Eighteen transfers J17.14'
Grain , Provisions , Stocks and Bonds ,
Margin Transactions a Specialty.
Members of tlio Chicago Hoard of Trade. Priv
nt Wires to Chicago anil New York.
Piiltl Up Capital $400,0H (
Surplus & 0,00 (
II. W. YATES , President.
LEWIS S. UEI-.U , Vice President.
A. E. TOU/.AUN. 2ml Vice President.
W. II. S. HumiKS , Cashier ,
Hanking Ofllco
Corner 12th nml Fnrnnm Sts.
A OoneriU Hanking Hiislness 'i'ransacted.
NOB. 3O3-404-I7O-CO4.
J successfully used monthly by over 10,000
w Ladles. Are Safe. Effectual and Pleasant
' prr box by matl.or at druRRlsts. Sealed
_ irticufarf 2 poatagB stamps. Address
TUB ECBIXA CuiKtcAi , Co. , DtrraoiT , Mini.
For sale and bu mall bu Goodmar
Drug Co. , Omaha , Jfeb.
Incomoarablv Uio Bast.
UICO Bold by Druggists.
> " . U. I'AI.UCH. N. I' . HICHMAN. J. U.
Live Stock Corainission Merchants ,
CHce-Uoom ( 31. Opposite Kichango Ilulldlne , Unlo
_ titoci ; rds. Houth Omaha. Neb. _ _
Live Stock Cominission ,
Room 15 , Exchange nnlldlng , Union Etoek yard
rjoutU Oiuahtt , h'eb.
Cominision Dealers in Live Sock ,
corn M , Opposite Kxchuiio Uulldlng , Unloa KtOc
Yixnls. Bouth Oinuna , Neli.
Of Omaha- , Limited ,
ApiTouTuirni impTomonto.
" "
DealeiMii Agricultural Implements , Wagons ,
( . " ( misses cud llucitlfn. .Icon * Ptrcrt.lictitocuVthnnd
lOlh.Urnahft NcbrMkn ,
AgricultnralliniileinGnts.Wagons.CarriagGJ . .
llupdlcs , Kir. Wholesale. Omaha , Ncbrn < kn ,
Wholesale Dealer * In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons & Buggies
Ml. HP. KB and W7 Jones Street , Omaha.
P. P. MAST & CO. ,
Manufacturers of BncKeye Drills , Seeders ,
Cultlralcn. Haf Itakes. Cider Mills ami I.uban 1'ul
Tcrlters. ( 'IT. lllh ant ) Nleholns streets.
Agricultural Imnlements agons & Buggies
t'dmrr lllhnil Vrhol | Street * .
Akron. Ohio.
Harvesting Machinery and Binder Twine ,
W. K. Mea > 1 , Mannier. 1211 t.cavetmorth st. Omnlm ,
MnnufncturcrenndJobbers In
Wagons , Buggies , Rakes , Plows Etc ,
Cur. BtH nnil Tactile strode , Omithn , Ncl > .
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1513 llouelas Struct , Omaha , Nebraska.
Bookeollora and Stationers-
H. M. & S. W. JONES ,
Successors to A. T. Kenyon A Co. , Wholes-lie A IlCtM !
Booksellers and Stationers ,
line Wedding Stationary , Commercial Matlonerjr
lit ! llouflas Sltt'et. Onmhn , .Net' .
Boots and % .
( Successors to llccd , Jonei A Co. )
Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots and Shoes
Agents for llcxton Hubner Shoo Co. 11K ( , 1104 & 110
llaiuey M. . Omntiu. Nebrc.iUn.
W. V7MORSE & CO. .
Johhers of Boots and Shoes ,
1131,1103-llOi Douflns St. Oraulm ManufaUorj.Sura
incrM. . lloston.
Coffees , Spices , Etc- ' _ _ _ _
Omalm Coffee and fplcu Mllli.
Teas , Coffees , Spices , Baking Powder ,
FlaTorliiR Kitructc , Laundrr lllup. Inks. lite , llll
Btrtet , Omahii. Nebraska.
Crockery ancMSIaaswnre. _
W. L WRldHT' .
Agent for the Manufacturer * and Importer * of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys ,
Ktc. Offl cy. 317 H. lath ft. . Omaha. Nebraska.
luinurtcru and Jobber of
Crcctor/ , Glassware , Lamis , Silverware
Ktc. l.'iH Furnntn St. , New I'a-.ton llullillnu' .
Commission and Storage-
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
S'peclaltl" "i-ttor. F . ( "ln , I'nultrj , Cane
t. Omaha , _
Fuccoiiors to Mct-rmno A Schroeder. )
Produce Commission and Cold Storage ,
Omaha. Nebraska.
Flour , Feed , Grain and General Commisioi
Merchant. Correspondence nollrltod. 1011 North U'll
Street , Omaha , Neb.
CoaJ3oko !
Johhers of Hard and Soft Coal , '
200 Pouth 13th Street , Omaha , Nebraska.
j. J. JO'HNsoN &lc o.
Manufacturers of Lime ,
And fthlppera of Cual. Coak , Cement , 1'laste.r , I.Iia
Drain Tllo , and Sewer 1'lpe. Office , 218 , M. nth
St. , Omaha , Neb. Telephone ell.
Shippers of Coal and Co'o ,
211 South 13th St. . Omaha. Nob.
_ _ Dry Goods rmo Notions-
M. E SMITH i C b.r
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions
1102 and 1104 Douglas. Cor. llth ft. , Omaha , Neb.
Importers and Jobbers in Dry GooflsNotion , :
Gents' Furolsblni ? ciootli. Comer llth and llune
Bt . . Omaha. Nebraska.
" * "
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
Farnam Street. Omaha. Nebraska.
Omaha , Nebraska.
' * " "
Wholesale-Groceries and Proyisions ,
70S. 707,709 and 7118.101 li St. , Omaha. Neb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
1 tli and LeaTonworth Streets. Omaha , Nebraska.
Wholesale Manufacturers of
Saddlery & Jahbers of Saddlery Hardwar
And I-cathcr. HO ) , 110S nnd 1137 Hnrear St. , Omaha
Heavy Hardware.
Heayy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Springi , Waiton Stock , Hardware , Lumber , Ktc , 13
and nil llarncy Street. Omaha.
Builders' ' Hardware and-Scale Repair Shoi
Mechanics' Tools and IlufTalo Kcalei. I 06 Dougli
Blreet. Omaha , Nebraska.
Wholesale Hardware ,
fto and Harner Sts . Omaha , Neb. Western Aeen
for Auitln Ponder Co. , Jefferson Steel Nails ,
Fairbanks tjtandard Hcalvs.
Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plait
Metals , t-heet Iron , etc. A Rents for Howe Scale
Miami Powder nudLymnn llnrbedvlre ,
Omaha , Nebraska.
Hats , Caps , Eto.
W. L. PARROTTE & CO. , *
Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Good !
1107 Ilaroer Street , Omnlin. Neb.
J.urnbor. _
* ' "
All Kinds of Building Material at WMesa' '
15tJ Btrcct and Union 1'aclfle Track. Omaha.
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
DoorsEtc. Tirdi-Corner Till and Dowlas ; Com
tub tuj Uijuclui
C. N. UltTZ.
Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber ,
JtlinnJ California StrooH.Onmha , Xobm'in.
' '
Lumber Lime Ce'ioeiiii'Eic Etc
, , , , ,
Corner rtti nnd IXmatnsf U.-Onmtm.
To Dealers Only ,
llgl farniun Strcrt Omnlin. _
Wholesale Lumber , Etc ,
Imported anil Anicrlrnn I'ortlntnl Omrnt , Ptatl
AKt'nt rorMIKnukni llyilnuille foment ami
_ _ Ijiilncy Wlilto l.lmo , _
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood Carpets ami Parquet rioorlnir Pth ami IXmsUi
_ Nlilllnorynncf Notlons. _ _
"l. OBER > ELDER Tcor
Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions
aR am amt Sit Snnlli lllti Struct
Manufacturers of Overalls , >
Jeans I'uuU.fcMits , Ktc. IKKnml 1101 Dounln ; Street ,
Om.ihi > . f.oli.
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods
4 1 nnd ( V He uth lOtli St. , Onmlia.
Wholsale Reflned and Lnbricatins Oils ,
Axle Qrcano , Ktc. , Omaha. A. 11. Ultliop , Mnnintr ,
Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Good ? ,
1103 llarnoj Btroct , Omnlia.
Office Fixtures.
\tninifntturo.-n of
Bank , Office and Saloon Fixtures ,
lnntle , Hlilcboar.1' , Hook Cairn , Druu KUturn.Wall
Ca o , Pnttltluns , ItalllnKiCounters , lleernnd Wlno
Cooler * . Mirror * etc. Factory mil" onlre , KUInud liil
bouth 1.IIU fit. , Uuintm , Tulupliuuo 1UI.
Points nd oils.
iMiNos & 'N"ETL
Wholesale Dealers In
Paints , Oils , Window Glass , Etc ,
HIS Furnam Straet. Omaha , Nob.
_ _ .
. . . P por.
" " "
Wholesale Paper Dealers.
Carry R nlco stock of I'rlntlnii , Wrap lna and Writing
rn,3r. special attention Klveti to car Toad ordon.
PaporBpxos. _
JoTlN L. W"LKTE. |
Proprietor Omaha Paper Box Factory ,
Kos. 13:7 end 131'J Douglas St. , Omahn , Neb.
Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds
911 ami I'll Jones Slrix.t. Omaha.
Storage , Forwarding & Commission
Storage , Forwarding and Commission ,
rnncli liuimo nf the Iluinicr lluccy Co. HiiKKlimat
nbulcsulu unit retail. 1KM UlOniicl Ul'2 ItarJ Blrctit.
Ouiahu. Tt'lcpliono No.7W.
Lager Beer Brewers ,
15J1 North ElgtUtecntU Street , Omaht , Kcb.
Manufacture Galyanizeu Iron and Cornice ,
John Kpeneter. Proprietor. 920 Dodge and Iff ! Rod 1M
north 10th Btrcet , Omaha.
. _ Printers' Matorlala.
' " '
Auxiliary PnWisliers ,
Rubber Cooda.
Manufacturers and Bealers in Rubber Goods
311 Clothing and Leather Belting. 1008 Karonm Btreat.
Sash , Doors , Eto.
M. A. DISBROV. ' f ; CO. . . '
Wbolci&lo MinuT .cturcrs of
Sash. Doors , Blinds and Mouldings , .
Rrnnch UfDcc , 12th aatl linrd Streets , Omaha , Neb. C
Manufacturers of Sasii , Doors. Blinds ,
.YuU1lueamnlr Work anil Interior llnr.1 Wool Klri
h. S. E. Corner8th and l.unvuuwortU K'.rccts ,
Omaha. 5 > 'cu.
A. L. STRANG cb' " ,
Pumps , Pines and Enpies ,
" "
Wnolesale Pumps , Pipe , Fiitings ,
Steam and ! Water Pupiillcs. n" > ilniinrtx frr Mn t.
ooit ACo'a Roods Putnam M. , Omnlia. ,
Steam and Water Supplies ,
15 lo ° i"licoral ! ! lmm ,
Iron Works.
Carter & ton , Prop's. > fnnufactururs of nil kind *
Steam Boilers , Tanks and Sheet Iron WorK
Works Foutli Mill and 1) . & . M. Crossing.
Wrought and Cast Iron Building fort
Eniilnos. Ilras > Work , General Foundry , Mnoblno aud
lllacksuilln Work. Olllco nnd Worki , U. r. lljr.
and 17tb StreetOmulm.
Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings
IMk ) Wlra
Man'frs ' of Fire & Burglar Proof Safes i
Vaults. Jail Work , Iron and Wlro Fencing. Situs. Etc.
O. Auiltouu. I'roo'r. Cor. llth and Juksoutiu.
Iron and Wire Fences , Railings , Guards
and Screens , for banks , omcc > , 'torn , retldences , ute
Improved Awnlnus. Ixjcksmlth Miihlnerr end
lllacksmltli Works. IHouth llth Bl.
Fire and Burglar Proof SafcsjlHie