Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 25, 1888, Page 7, Image 7

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Advertisements under this litad 11 cents per
line for the Ilm Insertion , 7 rents for each nub-
Hoqncnt Insertion , nnil ll.Ma ) line pr month
NondvortUctncnt taken for 1oi ii Ih n25cents
tlio IJrnt Insertion. Seven words will bo count td
to the line : they mint run consecutively nnd
must bo paid in ADVANCE. All advertise.
menti muit he handed In bcforo 12'fl : o'clock ] ) .
in. , nnd tinder no circumstances v.111 they ho
taken or discontinued by telephone.
Parties advertising In thnso ( .oltinini nnd liny-
ln tlii-lr answers addressed In cni of THK Hup.
will plcitRo nsk for a check to onalito them to get
their letters , n.s nona will be delivered except on
presentation of check. All answers to adver
tisements nhould be enclosed In envelopes ,
All advertisements In tlicsn columns are pub
lished In both morning and evening editions of
Tlin IlKK. the circulation of which nggicgntes
morn tlisn IH.UIO nnpers dully , and wives HIB nd-
vertiserMno benefit , not only of the cltvclrcu-
IntlouofTliE HKK. but also of Council Illuirs ,
Lincoln nnd oilier cities and towns throughout
this section of the country.
Advertising for these columns will bo token
on the Hbovo conditions , at the following busl-
ne s hfiuson , whonro nuthorlzud agents for TUB
Urr.spoclul notices , and will fiiloto the sanio
rates i' can bo hnd nt the mnlu olllce.
JOHN W. HELL , Pharmacist , KM SoutirKnth
/1IIAHK & KimV. Stationers and Printers , 113
Houlli Street
II. FAHNSWOHTH , 1'linrinnclst , 2115 Cum-
Ing Street.
.1. mmiir.y , I' North Ifith
G r.O. W. I'AHH , 1'harmaclHt , 1't'J St. Mary's
\\rANTii--Sltuntlou : by first class general
bukor ( American ) . Addro.-M , I ) u > , Hoe
nice. Cif-.N
SITUATION wnnted by first-clnss broad nnd
c k linker. Pnii candy and ornamental
work n specialty. Addreps 1)61,1co ! olllce.
674 Si *
KrANTKISltuations for a first elass ccok
i and Ift'imlresH , Just from New Xealnnd ,
ftlso lov 10 Swedish glrH who are good workuis ,
tint pun t speaK I'.ngllsb. I havu lots of good
t'lrls iio.v. Mrs. U ogn , 3'4'S ' S 16th. i'M 'i
\\7ANTIJD Situation by man as Janitor ,
TT ( Ity ri'ftiicnco and bocuilty If required.
Address , 1)57 , Ileeolllcc' , 57s-2B ?
AYOl'NO man of good ability wants work In
In cltymember tot' A.O.U. W. Addiess I ) mice
Ml 25 *
EXPEHIENCED young man wants place as
coachman or family man , or uotli. good ref
erences. Address P. C. , 2H15C sa isf 5M21-
WANTKD.-I'osltlon wanted , by respectable
yo'ing lady to clerk Instoro or do general -
ral olllce work. I'nderitands telosrnphv. Art-
Orcss l > . Kllto \ rlllco. fOOai *
ANTiily : middlo-nged ladv. hltuatlon
us nurse ; have had some experience. No.
401 N rthtit. 177 S4 *
A Cir.NTMlMAN wllh 15 years experience In
/A city and farm loan hiiHln ss uniloi stands
the exHinliiatlon of titles and pioportles and all
the detail work of the business desires a situa
tion w 1th Homo well established louu and trust
company. Hf st of bank references furnished.
AililrcHi 1) 4' ' , lice otllce. 47a 2tt
" \\J ANTii : ) A boy to take care of horses. In-
( julro room 63 , llarker block. t > W- ' >
W NTKI ) Four good carpeutorrtnt
nvo. J.H.Shaw. 67 25 *
W ANTKI ) A' good draughtsman at OJT > Paxton -
ton block. P. J. Creedon. 6(10 (
WANTED-Immedlatoly , 25 laborers , I.7B
punl-iy. Mr.s. Ilerga , 3U 8. 13th. 677-2.5 ?
SOLIITIOKS wanted liKTO Furnaiu st.
SOU 24 *
\\7ANTED-Cnrponter , SOc honr ; 1 cook , chop
TT home , iflO week ; 1 cook , 17 ; 1 dlnhwinher ,
(20 munth ; t man , [ hip-torn Hlimd , nndbonrd \ ;
man and wife , private family , VXJ month.
White's ollice , HON. lull St. CPI 2It
\\7ANTED : i < oat makeis , good sit nnd
TT steady employment. M. llurrett & Son ,
Dunlap. In. Mil 21 *
tV\7ANTED Eneigcitlo men and women every-
_ T V > 7hero for a g iitoeU money-making bust-
IB' > ss , ? ) weekly profit guarnnteed caller thaniGO
fr/onthly otherwise. Exjierienco absolutely nn-
aeccssnry Permanent position nnd exclusive
terrltoii-nssuiod. U.'samples free. Wrlto for
particulars. Address , with stamp , Merrill Mfg.
Co. . 11 M , Chicago. 5-4o' B
WANTED A first-class tinner. Address T.
A. Ferguoon , Ilartlngton , Nob. 621 25
ANTED ABOoif cook , 2T > Capitol aye.
au 2l
10 farm hands on cnttlo ranch in
Missouri , 91" , steady work ; H in Nebraska ,
t20 ; 4 good Vtaitora , J'.l ) ; board nud room ; 1 lu
city , 8"K ) ; 3 colored messenger boy.s , J15 ; kitchen
boy.jitc. Mrs.llrega _ , 314 j.4 3 l.Hli. 62024J
WANTET ) A first class tinner , one who can
do nn occasional Job of plumbing ; must
liavo the best of reference. Good wa es nnd
Btencly work. None bnt n first clnss man need
npply. Apply to Hector K Wllhelmy Co. , whole
sale liarrtwaio clealer.s , Oniahn. Nob. 625-25
/ ' " 10ATJIAKKI19 wanted nt J. C. Vnpor'o , cor.
' Clnik. 185 24t
WANTEI > A llrst-clnss appraiser who can
npprnlscall kinds of personal proporty.
Address I ) , 1)1. Hee olllco. ; U1 21
WANTED Good llfo insurauco solicitors
with- bank references , are wanted by the
Union Llfo nt 401 Merchants' national nnnk
building , Omaha , Olllce hours 8 to 10 n. m , nnd
I to U p. m. _ P45
\\7ANTBD A mnn to solicit ; salary JIOO per
T T month ; must deposit i25 and give security
for money collected. Address George 8. Cllne ,
Wagner block , les M olnos , la. 754 oJ
"I1TANTED Men for railroad wore in Wash-
7 tngton territory. Tcamsten ) , pick nnd
Bhovel men , nx men and rock men , big wages
and long , stondy Job. At Albright's Labor
Ae noy. < )20Farnam ) 123
WANTED A expcrlonceU window
UressiT. Inqulro at the Fair , 6M
OYH Ant. Dbt. Tel. Co. , 1304 Douglas ,
T\7ANTED Lndy to give Instrnttlonto hTui
TT of thirteen yenrs , two hours dally. 1)01 ,
Hoc olllco. 6U1-25J
WANTED 20 young ladles to go on the
Mngo. Experience not necessary. Apply
at 1I2J Jones St. . between 2 ana3 p. m. Tuesday ,
" \A7ANTiD : COOK and IftiiudreMi , Nortl :
TT 1'Utte , { . ' ; ! glil , Fremont. tJM week , fares
paid ; 1 laundresa. HI week ; 4 waitresses , . illsli
washers , 1 mute girl , 2 second girls , 1 cook , > M (
week ; I second cook aud "W girls general work
Omaha Vmp. Hurcau , HU N luth. 58,1 21 *
W ANTED First-class girl torgeueral house
work. 610S.riul. : : 5SH25t
WANTED-German girl who is willing ti
work , no other need apply. Mrs. II. Pmult
17th and Douglas. 6T > 2U
" \\rANTED-Ocod girl for general houseworB
l aiFaniam. Ut ! 25 ?
" \\rANTED-airl for general housework. 143
> 8. Oth st. 617
\\7 ANTHILady aseats ; local nnd trnvollnq
T T | { l a mouth clear. New rubber under
garments for ladles. Mis , H. F. Little , Chicago
JU. C65oi'
TX/ANTEU Four dreasmakcrs , also 2appie
TT tlcoa. Miss Mlmmlck. lilli Howard. 48J-211
\\rANTED Women cooks for Valparaiso
T Albion , Ashland and Bonth Omaha , J20 ti
(3) ; dlshwnMiiiT for Norfolk ; Dworklnc house
keep * ou fauns , 115 ; 10 girls for count r
towns. $1(1 ( to 118 ; kitchen glrl.s , laundress to
nil Institution J1S , nud 60 girls for general houst
Mrs , lire ga. 314 a 15th. t27 24J
ANTKD-GIrl at once , tea N. 19th.
rANTEU-FlrstKlrl ; 1723 Davenport tt.
_ ' _ _ 'IM27
W AIITED A girl for ceucral honsoworl
1023 California. cOr. SO 111 t. ait
rU-claw dressmaker. Aw > l
" ' JuU HtoU > ' ' " UfUBla * . 317
_ , _ _ _
W ANTKD-lJidy agents for "A" skirt nn
. . buutle combined : also "II" hose suppoii
frs. Our tlnlesburg. 111. , agent i-lrornl $ lt > o in 1
ilnys. ladles' Supply Ca , 237 W. Wmhlngto
Bt , Chienso.
W - for the ladles' frltrai
Darker block , room 24. aia S 2i
\\rANTKD-MWdle aged ludy with good re :
T T erenccn im houso\iiiier and take care c
two Ihtlo rhildron ; will been Klrl for socon
\vorkugood ; wuceaiuul aeoou home. Apply u
\\'ANTEi -A thoroughly conipctriirBlrl to
T Kcnsral hnusuworkt references roquirei
Apply at It. 2. Hedlck block 1511 Farnnm at 3J5
\\TANTCD-Alady to solicit : mtutdpposlt ;
. .1 Rnrt K'V8 ' * * c rtty for money ccillectoi
Aildies-s GforB ( B. Cllhe , Wasnor block , Ik
tloluts , J . 7K > o. 6
\ VANTII1Itlo'lo ! 'antlllKllclI' or slttm-
T T tlons as ns lntant , book-keopcr , olllce
cleric , watchman , porter , teamster , nslnecr ,
flririnnn , etc. , npply to the Commercial Employ-
inent agency , P > i2 Farnnm St. , room 4. tgi-'i *
NF.hltASKA cmploympnt orflr"NO. . 317 N.
16th H. Mule ana fetnxie help supplleU.
1'rh.ite famlllM u spe.lnlty. 405 - ' , '
CANADIAN employment olllre. Mr . Ilrega
Jim a 10th. deference Omnha National bank
an o 17 *
WANTEn Tf you have any lands , lots , or
houses nnd lots to neil or exchange for
other property , call on me or write. I find
you n customer. C. C. SpoUswood. 9)5 ) S. l li.
_ T T Tukey. Pith nud Douglas. _ U57
T\rANTEU-To correspond with parties wheT
T T ilc.slro to locate In business or those gofu
out ; cnn furnish lomtlons lu nny line or ox-
chang < ) , and tanh customers for parties desiring
to8"ll. L , P. KratlB , lfJ07 1'aruam St. , Omaha.
_ | _ l > l 031
\\rANTED To take lessonIn Spanish Ian-
T > uunge. Addiess D 4 1 , llee ollice , n 2l
"TT NGAGEMENTS to do dressmaking In
-lillllcs solicited. Mlsu Sturdy , 2017 Leaven-
worth st. _ 1 02 a 2l _
WANllID-Horsas to boanl , lluclccyo t > tn-
blei , r.tth between llarney nnd Ht. Mary s
nvo ; llrnl class accommodafions ; boit box stalU
in the city ; terms reasonable ; telephone. 541 ,
9 M > Ci
TED Thu public to make good use of
Tlie Hce'a message boxes throughout the
city _ _ 108
pOAHDINO. with or without funilshod
J-'rooms , for ladles or gentlenum lu prlvnto
familyut 11)11 ) Farnatn t. Apply Honn. fi" > 'M *
J Table board at 100) Douglns.
TJ 475 _ _
\\rANTED- Ml boarders , good looms , first-
clasH table , pi Ices reasonable , at the Coi-
ZCTIS hotel 3 : < i
1DOAHDING and rooms-At Kill 1'arnam st.
J - > I'lrst-cla nud pleasant phtco. A limited
number can bo accommodated. Apply soon.
S ! J 1U
lly it single gentlemen , board or
n xmnll room cheap. Adiltcss. with
terms , I ) R. , Uee. UX ) SiJ !
TXrANTI ! ! ) to lleut A responsible bualnass
Tf man wnnt to lent or lease a good dwelling
homo In desirable localllnear bunlnebs cen
ter or close to cablu line with modoi n conven
lencus , yard nnd ticcs if possible. Address I ) W ,
Hue. fit-g3j ! )
V\ANTii : > To rent or ease n good dwelling
T > house with all modern conveniences Inies-
pectnblo residence locality for n pennnin'-it
Lome. Addreis I ) HI , lite otlice. 159 "U *
"V\7ANTKD 12 or 14 room house ; must have
V i nil modern conveniences ; will pay liberal
rent If per-son lll built nouSe ; will lease sumo
for nny term of venrs. J. Ii. Ilruudies , 13th and
Howard. H > l
FOH HUNT One " -room cottage , SI3M Tratik-
lliiht. ; ono cottage , 5 rooms , a.3 California
t. Imiulio atiKifi Pnxton block. P , J. Creedon.
FOH HRNT Cottage , four largo rooms. 1015
South 25th st. 3IH
FOH KENT An elegant now ( " -room house ,
east front on 1th ! ) St. , second house from
Ilurdotto ; oonvenieiit to horio nnd cable cars.
Inquire at 2W81zard st. KM25
TJIOK HENT 1-room cottnuo , furnlbhed for
-U housekeeping. MM Saimiler ? st. WH 21 ;
T71OH KENT 3-rootn cottage , turnlshed com-
JU pleteforhou3esoisplngrofer ; > ! uc 3 retinlred.
241i Franklin st. Ml x'l ! *
TT1OH HKNT 7-room cottage , new nnd nil
JL ; modem Improvements , corner -Ith and C hi-
ciigoats. IiKiuiro 1119 Farnam st.s. 517-24 *
T71OH HEM A beautiful new homo con-
J3 vcnlently located , 11 rooms : orily M"i. Apply
to Netherton Hallloom 4 :1 : First bldg.
t _
" 1J10K HUNT A linndHomely furnished modern
XJ house , all conveniences , aero of grouud and
barn. Apply at once to Nvthei ton Hall , room
4211'lrst Nut. bank bldg. 501I
TTtOH IlENT Now 0-room house , rent $ X ) .
JO N W. IWril and Cumlug. 492 25
OirTlENT-j roonTlurnlsiiOircottngs. liTl N
iMth st. UW24J
I poll KENT S cottages , tnth nnd Caldwelf
each WO , 1 North 3UU cable line , fJJ.
I.eavltt Ilurnham , Crolghton block , 4J5
TjlOH HKNT A 10-room hens < ' , all modern 1m-
J provemonts ; the 4 upper rooms will sublet
nntl pay rent of the houso. No. 2011 Hnrney st.
Sew James Neville. 4iS : sot
T71O II RENT Seven-room house. 1I3 > ) or Hi'
JL ! Jnck-son street. Alt J > . Jones , No. ilia S ICtli.
_ _
F OH "iti5NT Furnished cottnge 5 rooms , ' . ' 5a
Charles st. ; fuinlture for snlo ; house newly
painted and papered ; convenient to street car.
Ktujulra 10111 Capitol avo. 404 21
i dcslrablo nnd well located houseH.
from 4 to 'M rooms , rnts fiom $18 to $70 , and
price of f uralturo from $ J'iO to $1.50. : ! Come and
get partlmlar.s. Co-Oiieratlvo Ittind i : J ot Co. ,
i-O'iN. IBthHt. 401 21
"IT1OH HUNT Tour 4-room houses , well co-
JL ? mented cellar nud cistern , JU.RO nnd J13.M )
per month , 31th nnd Franklin. 0. F. Harrison ,
41b S liith st. 43 >
rOH HKNT 8-room house , sewer , gas , hot
and cold water , bath room , new and com
plete , J.TI per month. Apply at once. 0 F. Harrison
risen , 418 S. 1Mb st. 48 , )
JKVUHAI. houses for lent. S. T. Peterson , a.
o. cor. l.Mh nnd Doui'las. WO
TJIOH HENT Cottage , 5 rooms , very desirable.
JL ! 1212 27th St. , near Howard st. Inquire 1404
Cnpltal ave. 1-21
Foil HENT-IIouse No. 823S. 10thSt. . 10rooms ,
with modern Improvements. Inquire at U.
S. National bank. l'J7
C HEAP Hents The largest list In the city ;
prices down. J. II. Parrotte , 1GOU Chicago.
158 014
TT OH HENT Good 0-room cottage on Pnrl : av-
JU enuo nnd Mason streets , 36j good -100111
house lu Windsor place. $27.50 , D. V. Sholes ,
room 21U , r'lrat Nat , bank. 14821
"ITOH RENT Now 8-room house on Cumlng
JU st , near Jxiwo avo. Terms reasonable. Ap
ply ( mlck. Spotswood , C05H S 18th. 723
TJ1OH RENT For 0 months , modern house of
JU 8 rooms , completely furnished , barn with
room for two hones , rent 870 ; possesnlon given
Sept.2ith. 2201N.21UI. 1 block north of Like.
Tmoil HENT-lIonso 519 N. 18th street. Apply
JL ! nt St. A. D. llnlcombo , 20U2 California st.
TfjlOK HUNT Elegant east-front 0-room house
JJ on S. 25th ava .Pleasint . St. ) . near St. Mary's
aye. C. F. Harrison , 418 S. 15th st. U70
TTOH KENT An olegnntly furnished house in
J-best part of city ; furimcr. cbtern and nil
modern couveuleuccs. luqnlre at once. 102i
Park nvo. i)70 )
FOIl HENT Lnrgo 2-story 7-room house for
the winter , gin. * * ) * ; per mouth. C. F. Harrison
risen , 118 S.15th bt. 930
FOlt HENT I have about a dozen houses
ranging from three to thirteen rooms that
can bo rented at living prices. If you want to
rent n house , call and sea me. George J. bterns-
doifr , room i ) , opp. P. O. 38J
ITlOll IlENT At very low rates. 10 and 14 new
JL1 residences. 2401 and 2114. Cass street , Clarke
Place. Ouo block south of Crolghton college , on
Farnam nnd 21th btreot car line. All modern
Improvements. Apply , H , T , Clark Union Trust
Co. , or nt 34,11 Cans street. CSfl
FOH RENT 3 room modern Improved house
Al locality Ht moderate price. Apply M ,
Klguttor. 1001 , Farnam. 400
FOll KENT Elegant 10-room modern house ,
near High school , 50. G. K , Thompson ,
Shecly block , 15th and Howard. 701
POH HKNT 4-room housa on S. 10th St. , twc
blocks south of Vluton St. ; will rent for lf
pr month or sell on terms to suit purchaser ,
Uvo. J. Steruwlorrf , room 0 , opposite P. O , 7U
c ,
"ITlOlt HKNT or StUe-New cottage. Bedford
JU 1'lnce , on e .sy payments. Enquire M. L
y Hoerier. loom 4'iil I'aMonblocic. 2l"i
T710K HP-NT-Cottnge , four largo rooms , 101 :
Ji South githgt. 313
T7 ) fl HKNT-13 room house with stora front
JO nerco and 1'Jth. Inquire S. Katz , 131 Far >
nnm st fO'j
TOK KENT -Nice 7-room house , 113 Nortl
JJ 17th st. Inquire 2I S. 13th st. 4J2
T7MJH KENT \Vhen yoii wjsll to innt a house
JL * tor or oinco call on us. H. E. Cule. roou
6. Coutluuutttl block. 24J
TJIOUNIiJIIED room * for Usht hotuckecplna
.iMOlSCaM. 573 21-
2 PLEASANT front rooms 3 blocks fiom cabl
hmujp , rcajonablo terms to reFpectublo men
Baud reference. 1) M , lieu offlcf. 6M a *
1 > 1)OM and boarUW S. UtQ st , S.l Jloor.
Sii il *
F OH HFXT-Nlccly furnished front room.
' N. 1 .th st. : w * 241
1 > OOM Jurnliheiforunf liTnUueaTlttr Cntiltol
Jt nve , fC321J
" "
1 1 ' HN 1 31 1 1 ! D and u"nfunu > hod rooms "nt 1303
Dotiglrn. J list clunked hands , furniture new
il4')2il )
_ _ _
I OH HENT Nko room wltli steam heat aud
1 bath , for gents. HOT N luh st. Ml
FritNiSlli'.D rooms'wltli ijas , bath and fur-
nace. Inquire 1211 N 17th. IMS 2i *
FHNISlir.D rooms 1701
414 27
't ' I2'1 ' Y furnished rooms , ? 1 per week o ( f3.Cn )
per month , WC , 501 and 80S 3. 13th at.
411 30
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Ii OK KENT -Good warm fiimished sleopliiff
room for the cold wenther comlmr. 'Ot lio\v
nrd. 65i28- >
T/OIt HENT A uleasaut room for gantU'men ,
JL. with nil convenience , corner St , Alnry's nvo
nud 20th tit , or 020 S 20th bit brick residence ,
Ml 25
{ jU'ItNISHED rooms nnd board nt 22 ? N. It'th '
JC st. r O-'s *
JTIt'KNlSItP.O and unfurnished front chain-
- bors , brick , bay-window , C03 nud f/54 ! N.
lUhst. j2fl-2i
FOK KENT Ono new nicely furnished front
room with nil modern improvements ou ca\ *
lino. 2107 Douglas , 1H
FOH KENr Pnrlor nnd bedioom nicely fur
nished , ntunm he.ttlng , suitable for two
nlco gents. Also , nice furnished bedroom. In
quire K1S a. Kith st. . between Leavenworth and
M uton. KO
N ICULY furnished loom , 1GVJ , Douglas.
3VJ 2Ti ;
Ft'KNISHED looms. 1204 Faruam t5
5 IB 30
! HUNT 0 turn shed rooms for llaht house
keeping , itnfcreuco requlrod , 6U N. Itith.
Bli-Ti *
NICKfjY furnished b droom M-ith uae of par
lor nnd 1lr In prlvnto famllj' . 81) ) per
month : 1611 California st. ? 0.-'i.i *
FOH HUNT Two store rooms N. R. tor.Oth
nnd irurthts. ; ifJfl nnd } i" > per month.
Hlx-room house 1517 Maunders St. ; fie per mo.
Thrue-rojm hnu e Till N. "M st. : ? 15 per mo.
Potter At Cobb , liOl Farnam ht. MO-'J )
F"0 lMltXT : = T\"Fif ( ; newiy"fiirnislnri corner
loom w llh iaa , bath and tuniare. for ono or
two gentlemen , liul S. LT.tli . s.t. I1- ;
FOH HUNT IVrnlshed nnd unfuinlslicd
fron' chamber , brick , bay window , 'A ! and
H6N. . 17thst. 4-1124 *
Fl'llNlSIIED room with board for man and
wife , or two gentlemen. In private board-
111)- ) house , lefereuccs exchanged. S. W. cor. 21st
nnd ( .envenworth. 4II-21T.
"VTKWLY fnnilshod warm rooms for families
-Li for winter. Btilto of parlors , bay -window 4 ,
1 block from p. o. , pilvato house , mLI-ldl'i Capitol
tel nve. 4'0-W
KENT Furnlslied rooms , 2101 Fainnw.
4S.J Sff
FU room.MKij Douglas st.
4-J 23S
FOH Ki\T : Suit of rooms , funns'ied ' orun-
Imnlslied. i : . A. Marsh. 9)8 N Itilh. fiU
[ JVK HUNT Alcove room with modern con ,
JL1 vcnlenc-'s : board If desired ; terms reasona-
ilo. Addie H I ) 15 , lleo otllce. JJJ7 ' 'It'
MtNISIIF.n rooms and boaid ; modern l
JL1 vemcuts , at 220 N. Irth st. 4.1 )2 ) *
OO.MS Furnished , with or without l > oard.
2io Hurt. 4U1 4t
FOH HKNT Neatly furnished rooms with
modern conveniences , OJIIN. 18th st. : iti ) S > *
FOH TlKNT Nice largo east front roora.wlth
nlcove , for gentlemen , only live block. ) fiom
" . O. . 2 blocks from cable. 21N. ( { 1'Jth st. 221
rHIIiNlflllKD-ltoom with Iward. 2121
Sewnrd. 5S5 30 ;
IJM5A8ANT furnlnlipd rooms. ntem heat ,
gn.s , bathnnl roird m private family. 2J5 S
" 1th. G70o23
B LEO ANT trout room 4 , cheap. ( LM S. 1'ith ,
HTM ) , r > *
I'J OOM with or w Itliotit board. 1812 Dodee.
1JOOMS Including board In the Young Wo-
Jl men's homo 1910 Dotlgo st. lleforeucos ro-
: iuhed. 1W _ )
BASEMENT for rent , furnished or unfur
nished. 1B15 Dodge. C74
"cTolt HKNT-Nlcely furnished room , N.'H.
JL1 corner Park aye. and Paolflc. 2nd door , suit
able for two I'eiitlemen or two ladles. Ml
F OK KENT A handsome room with a'.covo at
25311 : St. Mary's avo. 417
) LEASANT furnished rooms , 1'JOT rnrnnmst ,
IfiB 3.2.JJ
fi OH IlENT FurnUhcd nwims in awtmis blk
JL ! cor. 13th nnd Dodso sts. Inquire of Geo. H. .
Davis. MlllarU hotel ntlllard room. 217
FOH HE NT Elegantly furnished rooms with
board. Inquire 1CUJ Douglas. 331
PUHNISHED rooms , 113 S 20th.
R)1 ) B 21 *
FJ10H HENT Front room , largo nnrt nicely
JL ! furnished , located nrar the nigh Rcnool , in
the highest nnd coolest section of the city ;
cable line and horse cars p.-m the door. En
quire at SSK Dodge near 24th si. BtX- )
"fTOK IlriNT ! J or 4 unfurnished rooms.
J-1 HeaKonablo terms. Hoom 3 , 100J I low-aid.
Ueforenccs given and ioiuirod. ( 697-ijj
TTNFUHNISUED-Sultablo for liousoKeeping"
IJ Two (2) ( ) rooms , 1818 Howard st 1000
Thrco (3) ( ) rooms.07 Pacific st , 10 CO
Throe (3) ( ) rooms. 1103'J S. 7th st 1000
Three M ) rooms. 701H Pacific st 10 00
Four (4) ( ) rooms. 417 South 19th st 13 CO
Throe(3) ( ) rooms 1010N.2lHtst U 50
Four(4)rooms ( ) 17th and Webtorst 22 HO
Apply to Judge Iteming Agency , Herald
nlkunff. a. W. corner of 15th anil Ilarney st.
"CXM HENT il rooms. ? * .ra , 4 rooms ? 12 per
JD month. Apply 3211 Charles st , 5 > 7 2
F IOH HENT Unfurnished room for house-
keeping. 2417 Franklin st. 631 i *
rilHHEE furnlslied rooms , 013 S 15tn.
JL 2i4 ! o 3
EOH HENT41 stores , ono 7-room cottage , ono
ll-room Hat on IHth nud Leavonwortn by
Frank Wasserman , at Hank of Omaha. 437
STOUR for Kent 1318 Farnam. Apply ( Sias.
Child * , N. W. Corner 18th nnd Leavonworth.
"I71OK KENT Tliree elegant new brick stores
JL ; on Fnunden neur Cumlng st. , splendid loca
tion for drug , grocery , hardware and dry goods
store or meat market , rent reasonable ; nbo
.three splendid flats , each tl rooms , uud bath
loom , etc. , jt'u per month. Morse Ix llnmncr ,
1U05 Fnrunm st. COb 24
FOH HKNT Half of olllco nt 312 S. Ifith st. ,
Ho'ird ' of Trade building , Hteam bent.
Odell Hros. Jk Co. 278
"TTTOH HENT Olnce suite ? 2.'i month , 2 sluglo
JL ! offices 315 each , all fronting lilth St. , llm-n-
man block , N. E. Cor. Ibth rtna Douglas. W. M.
ItUbhman. 1311 Leavenworth. 24U
T71OH KENT On Cumtng st store nud .living
JL1 npnrtmonts , also livery btablo. Enquire or
Harris H. B. to L. Co. , Itooia 411,1st Nat. bank.
TTMK ItENT Nicely fnrnisheJ ofilce , ground
JL ! tloor , half of oOUS ICth Bt , opposite Chamber
of Commerce , M. A' Upton Company sou
FOIl HENT Double store room , suitable for
clothing , groceries , dry goods , etc. , location
first class. Address X 01 Hue office. HM
rp\VO choice store rooms In the Her building ,
JLbetween Howard nud Jackson sts. Apply
Raymer & Her store , 524 S 10th st. 473 8li
FOR HENT-Stororoora , No.2U S. 14th st. Ap.
ply at 1110 Howard st. 250
STOKE for rent. 11U Farnnm street. Inquire
of Nuthau bholtou , at 1505 Farnam street
/ " FIHCES nnd basements for rent , corner 13tli
\J and Jackson sis. Jlrs. F. Lange. fcOl.
FOH HENT Ctore-room under Omaha Hank
Ing Co. , cor. 15th and Harnsy. suitable foi
money loaning or real estate bublness. Paulsor
A Co. , No. 1511. room f , 1'amamst. ( j53
TjlOK KENT Fine retail store room will
X' large basement , J90 per month. C. F. liar
risen , 413 s. 15th st , 4S3
rnwo stores , 22x50 , just completed , with llati
JLot naven rooms above , with water and gas
ftrst-clnss finish , Oth nnd Pnciao sts , . low rent ,
Apply to Elllngor Uro3. , UU s. lOtli at. , Omaha
W H. HEHllY , of South Omaha , makes I
, specialty of renting buiUUngs. 3X ) 24
"I .1SThouses vrtttt me ; hnyo loU of customers
JJ J. H. Parrotte , 10U4 Chlcuco. 157 OU
IV TOD want your houses rented place then
with 13oaw A Co luth , opposite postoillce
GEOHOE .1. STEHNSDrBilfF. room 8 , opp. p.
"O. , will hereafter cnvffl pclnl attention to
renting hotiAi * ) , stores aim lists. If yon want
your property rentdtl wlUi \ * delay and to reli
able tenants , do not fall loTHst tne samn with
him. n" .30
V\rB give simcml nttonulu to nting nnd col-
> V lei tint- rents , list \MtUua. H. E. Cole , room
P. Continental block , , . < ! 251
OTKAYED-A black ti 3 years old ,
O with ImltT ! had y\ \ y.sick strapped to her
bnck ; cmo hind foot t long , lieavy tall.
Will finder l are word ofTTturn to W ) Farnam
sf/ y 51224 ]
1 O3T l iit Snnday m irnfng a dark horsa
nnnrly black. U yeiu olrl nnd weighs from
Kxito 1.10U. Will pay or nil trouble of the
returning of samev. . 1 Slaughter , Howard
St. , between 31th and : i > th. Omaha. 6'J5-27J
LOST An open fare ladles' gold wntch , wltli
fob. wld tmnrtrr nnil locki t. Upward will
bo paid for Itsicturn to WaC'iniSt. uM'.J
LOs > T A I'll3Inn , four months old , strayed or
\vns < arrleil away from I'm N 2.'nd st. Hnn-
dnv about noon Liberal rrwnrd for his totnni ,
nsimls my rlilldrcn's ix't. I'nll or address
Thrs. A. Fiy , manager A. llooth 1'tvklnir Co. .
13 8 Ltavcnworth st. 6VJ i.6
LOST or Stolen White Fpltz dog , $5 reward
for i etttrn to 111 N. Wtlt st. 4fi ! 27 *
L'P-2-ye.iir-old black
mAKEN - - -
.L Hinall ttrlii la fnce. left lilnd foot white. W.
E. Illlllker. N. rOth st. nnd belt line , east of
Irish's coal yards. 6'.H M'
M IAllY STRONG , M. P. , rooms n and 4 Jacobs
block , cor. Capitol ave. and Kith st.
IP yon want to miy , sell , rent or excnango
call on or addnm George J. Sternsdorff ,
room I , oppoollo 1 * . O. - ' !
PKIISONA1- ! respectfully call tno attention
of thoio who llvo out of the city , to tlis tact
that 1 make pur. Inwai lu any nnd every line of
goods , and to the HatUfttctlnn of the buyer.
Vluslness done thiough the bviiK. Write for
purtli'ulars. Addre is F. T. I'roit. room 'J. Con
tinental block , Omnlm. 750 o. 7t
3KUSON'AI/ you imvo a personal Item , 01
nny coiuuiunlditIon , drop It inono ofTlie
' esoaKO boxes. IW
_ _ FOR
Oil SAI.H-Cheap for cash , a newly fur
F nished t or U looms , bust location In tlty ,
roonui all full. Call 17 S 10th u'U O' '
fTlOll SALE Family mare , good for all vork ,
L'bound and keutle , good traveler , new hnr-
eas ami road cart , very cheap. I ) iV ) . llee
" *
iOH SAI.K Very cheap , the furniture of a
neatly-tiirulsricd , 5-roomed cottage : rent
1'iper month ; ITT passes the door. Inquire at
COD Farnam t. Dia2 < i
7IO K SALE n hard and I soft . . . . . . _ . .
JO must ba sold before Oct. bt.05 B. 21th. a
571 30
71OH SAMV-Or trade , * VO worth of Sarpy
L1 ( V. maps. J. I. . Illiick , roLinsOWOol P.ixton
ilock. ( "
n"i SALE A large lot of household furnl-
t ? tnre to cover n chattel moitgago at our
. .losro-nii , 1121 Farnam bt. , Tuesday morning tit
Oo'Uock. M72t
SALE-"Furniture of S-room house , SCO ;
FOK for rent. Address 1) , 2 > , llee o lleo.
. SALE Tinner's tooti ; a complete.set at
H argahi ; 812 N. Ibth 1l > 32i 21H
Foil SAr.K A new Snvilcr buggy ; also now
harness. Stonehlll'.s , fill ? Douglas. 318 2 >
[ 710H SALE lu deslrabrt ) locality , lease of
JL1 flat , with eleeaut furniture , nt reasonable
irlce. One-half of pnrrhftHe price will le taken
iiit In board uud room.i-'Address 1) ) 11 , IJeo
: " " . i _ , g
FOH SALE Cheap , an Mdvator nt Kiverton ,
lowu. Ajiply to L N. JVuU A : Co.Cr.lcago. 111.
151 21 *
, sewing machlno and organ for
L sale. Will bo sold nt hilf ; price for cash or
nitlinu. Alol lemlngtou typiwrlter audl " 1C.
Vault , all now. Unqulrto'ttt 1417 Paru-un hf ,
room U and 10 , upstairs I - 131
? OH PALI : floou family horse and buagy
cheap. F. 51. YounJrv pro s loom , lleo
onico. , va
[ 71OH SAMI A now B feat llockawny carriage
ut Leo \ NlcJiols' livery bnrn. Twenty-eighth
ml I.envenworth. Telephone 8H ) . 417
GAS llxturos for bala cheap. Have a largo ns-
sortmont of the latest designs in gas llxtures
r. nich I will sell at cost. Jt. U. Free , successor
.oJ.O. lllllott. agent , 1511'J ' Farnam st. 2i8
SALK Cheap for cash , a peed roadster ,
- 7-year-old and almost new Coltmnus top
buggy nnd harness ; if you want n line looking
ilg It will pay jou to Invdstluato. Gcorgo .1.
Sterusdorlt , Hoom il , opi > . P. O. M3
Foil SAM ! A Suyder mike open buggy ,
cheap for ca3h , or will trade for top buggy.
Geo. J. Sterusdorir , room 0 , opposite P. O.
3M )
FOH SALK-PUning mill machinery. Call at
1108 Davenport st. Omaha. _ 310
A SPAN of hordes , harness nnd wagon for
-CXbnleon the Installment plan or otherwise ;
will trade for real estate or commercial paper ,
or will rent Hume to the right party. Sloman ,
room IJ5 Paxtoublcrk. D&l
TT1OH SALH-ice ln car lots. Gilbert Ilros.
JD Council lluls. ! !
T710H BALE All kinds of homo grown trees.
JD suitable for thU climate. C. O. Howard It
Co. , Omaha. 20 < S23
pIjATTSMOUTH in luck ( greatest ) . This
J place is now visited by the oxrort optician
Prof. Strassmnn of Ilerlln , Oeimany , Introilui--
Ing , the tlmo In this country , a now acd
perfect system of bight-restoring glasses.
J I'OT cash for old nnd new books , furniture ,
J stoves and carpets. OrIT & Co. , 117 N. 16th.
& 4J OM
\TTANTKn-Tlin lailles of Omaha to know
V > that Sirs. J. J. llllss has lust returned from
Europe with the late- Parisian millinery nov
elties nnd will be pleased to see them at 1)14
Douglas st. 472 2IJ
$100 per month can be made working for us.
Inuiino "tuarnntecd unil ! W days tlmo given.
Agents prelerred vho can give whole time nnd
fiunlsh horse. Hut half or fourth tlmo can be
pi olltably employed. Now plan. Write for par-
tlculurd , giving biisliiesD experience If any. N.
D.lhompdOunndCo. , 1120Plno bt. , St.Louis. Mo.
" \71OMN leisons given by Prof. McQimlil :
> students attended at home , 9U ) Jackson.
4111 2t
Jo taught as an art by Geo.F. Gellen-
beck , II W II arnoy ht. l&i
Mt'Sir A. Itohrs Ac Son are now tireparcd to
furnish the best and Intust music for recep
tions , weddings , sociables , parties balls , etc.
llrasd and string quurtottes furnished , especial
ly for serenades , concerts , funerals , etc. Olllce
401 South Uth bt. , A. E. Morris' Music Store.
3fil o 19 *
ilOH drossmaklns at reiuou.ible
1 prices , call at 8li 8. 21st st. 3J
I HAVE n ( VI ft lot on Fnrnnm street between
2bth nud ) st.s , n tphmdld location for a
livery imrn , wnlch I will J tiso cncap and build
to suit lessee It dejlroil. George J. dternsdorH ,
Hoom i ) , opp. P. O. ' 3 0
FOLLOW the rush toWall. E vorybody Is
buyln ? a Suit Lake CJty J2 > J town lot nt 310
S' nth st. 'Jo early for chofca. 2J3
WH. IJARnEn Cess paols & water closets gunrauteed.008 B.Oth.Tel 521
> ' ' 15tl Ol4f
/TJEORGE J. StornsdornvWoni 0 , opposite P O ,
VJnaa some very dealrablirlot ? In vurions parts
of the city that can bo biased on reasonable
terms. Will build to suit fesjea. a * )
"IDAHT1KS having real estate they wish to sell ,
JL or houses they wish tpj-pnt will find ready
customers by culling on Slomau , room 405 , Paxton -
ton block , J' . iW )
HOU3K for rent ; furultirro for sale or trade.
1815 Dodge. oui
WOMAN'S Exchange. If7Farnain | st. Lunch
dally , supper Haturdny nights. UW
HOMll for fiostltuto Women and Children ,
2718 Hurt st. iMO
IF you nayo anytnlng to trade call on or ad-
clres.ideorge J. aternsdorX Hoom 0 , oppo
site postofllce. 107
GE.niOMPSON , Hoom 113 Sheely blocit.
"xrALENTINE'S Shorthand nnd Typewrltlns
> Insltute , Largest and best onulpped in the
west. Graduates all occupy good paying sit
uation. Day and evening sessions. Htuuftnta
can enter at anytime. Send for circular. Now
Paxton building. Omaha. 62JO 6
QTOHAGK at low rates at 1121 Fanura street ,
OOinuha Auction & dtorage Co. 771) ) o'J
STOHAGE-Safe , drynd clean at low rates.
Klddell & Hidden , 1112 Howard , 10ij2d
milACKAGE. storage , lowest raws. W. U
X iiiuauiao , UIl Leaveuworta. 251
OTOKAar.nt low rotes In new bundles. 311
Ogouth IStli street. .iitl g .TO
ENSON St CAHMIL IIAEI , furnish complete
and guaranteed abstract * of title tto nny
real ot.ite In Omaha nnd Douglas county upon
short notice. The most complete net of abstract
boons in the city. No , 1509 Fnrunm st. 209
TVllDLANtHlHanuiteo nnd Trust Co. . 1505 tar-
Jnam Complete abstracts furnished , * lilies
to real estate exninluod.porfected & guarnnteed.
IF you have Improved business or residence
property that you wish to sell , cull nnd ssa
mo. George J. BtorusJorff , room 0 , opposite
postoPlce. J3'
BAN 1C Wanted An experienced party de
sires to buy n country bank , or w 111 buy
Mock In a bank nnd take salaried position. Cnn
furnish best of refeiences. Addicts 1)41 ) , llee
olllco. 473 SIJ
WANTED to buy n $2,500 stock of general
merchandise In Iowa. Omnhn Dullness
Exchange , room 5 , sw cor 15th nud Douglas.
491 25
WANTED Furniture nnd household goods
of all kinds. Omaha Auction A ; Storage Co. ,
1121 Fnriiam st. 775 o9
Hooks Cash paid for second-handbooks
at Antiquarian Hook Store. HU Farnnm.
_ J 721 07 *
WANTED A good saddle horse. Dion Gor-
oldlne. 711 Pacific st. 159 21 *
WANTED To buy or irado for n good build-
Ing that can ba moved. Please call on
or address George J. Sterusdorff , room 0 , oppo-
Mto P. O. SI !
MONEY loaned on Hist mortgnso security at
low rates : first mortgage notes bought by
Guaranty Loan and Trust Co.IOtti aud Chicago.
MONEY to loan at G. II. Peterson , icil t3-
tnto nnd loan uKent. 1112 S 13th st. f Ut U22
rpilE Onialia Financial Exchange , Hoom 15 ,
JL Darker HlocK , southwest coiner of Farnam
nnd Mil sts.
Makes a specialty of short-time collateral
and real estnt loans.
Money always on hand In Ritmsof $10) and
upwards to any amount , to loan on approved
v Secured notes bought , sold or exchanged.
Clear real estate ntri cah to exchange for
good first or second mortgages.
Loans made upon land contracts , stocks ,
bonds , trust ilectls , first or second mortgage se
curity , without publicity , delay or red tape.
Financial lm lnesi of nny kind transacted
promptly , quietly and fairly. Hoom 15 , Harker
block , Corbett , Manager. 270
G OODclty nnd farm loaus wanted by A. K.
Hiley , 1119 Farnam. 2sl
DO YOl * want to borrow money ? If you have
diamonds , watcnos or Jewelry and doslro to
olleet n lonu on favorahlo terms in a strictly
pilvate and confidential manner , or should you
want n loan on furniture , horses , carriages ,
land contracts or personal property of any do-
pcriptloii , yon cnn have money advanced nt
lowest rnte of Intiirest and ninplo tlmo to pay
by culling on or i > ndlng postal card to the
Omaha Mortgage Loan Co.
We loan out our own money , make out our
own papers mid p.iy no commission , thus giv
ing the benefit to tun borrower.
our facilities am such that wo can nccommo-
date you In a prompt nud confidential man
ner , giving you fair , honorable and courteous
All loans renewed at original rates.
We will payolTany mortgage you now have
and give you long time and low rates ; will loan
any Mum from $ ii to Jl.OOO.
Commercial and 1st mortgage paper bought.
Omaha Mortgage Loan Co. , room i'J'i ' , Pnston
_ _
MONEY To Loan y thn undersigned , u ho
1ms the only properly organl/.ed loan agency
in Omaha. Loans of flO to $100 mndo on fuini-
ture , pianos , organs.horses.wngons , machinery ,
etc. , w Ithout removal. No delays. All business
ptrlctly confidential. Loans o made that any
part can bo paid at any time , each payment
loduclngthe cost pro rata. Advances made on
line watches and diamonds. Persons should
cnr-fully consider who they nro dealing with ,
us uuiuy new concerns nro dally commit Into x-
'stenco. Should you need money call nud bee
no. W. 11. Croft , room 4 , Wlthnell building ,
'Mi MdJJoi ney. tiiO
CASH oiThanrt IVKI.OU-J to loan on city nnd
farm property , lowest rates of Interest ;
building loaus a specialty. 0. \ \ . Peck , Frenzer
block. 895 o 1I
GW. PK01C loans money for non-residents
on gilt-edge real estate , securities , guaran
teed : reference. Commercial National Hank ,
Omaha. O. W. Peck. Hoom 4 , Frouzer block.
801 o II *
MONIJY to loan on improved property at first
hands. No applications sent nwny for ap
proval. Security and titles examined free of
charge o borrowers. Lombard Investment
company. G03 S. 13th st. Ifi4
Q1IHST mortgages , loans on city , business or
JP resilience property at lowest rates. Cjill and
nee us before placing your loan. Hemlngton A :
Frye , room 1 , N. W. cor 15th and Farunm. 71W ( a
MONEY to Loan City and country : cheap
rates , no delay. L. if , Hammond , 409 Paxton -
ton building. 705
MONEY JVW.OJD to loan on city and farm
property , lowest rates of interest ; building
loans a specialty , O. W. Peck , Frcuzer block.
8U5 o U *
OM5.0JO to loan on Inside property. Some first
P mortgages for sale. Nathan Shelton , 1505
Farnam street. 758
to loan in any amount , cither for
building or otherwise , at lowest rates of
interest and on short notice. D. V. Sholcs , room
210 First Nat'l bank , cor. 13th and Farnam. 272
JOANS made on real estate nnd mortgages
bought. Lewis S. Hoed * Co. , 1521 Farnam.
T n. THEY 5300,000 to loan on city property
A nnd Improved farm land. Freuzer block.
MONEY loaned at C. P. Heed & CO.'H loan of
fice , on furniture , pianos , horsed , wagons ,
personal property of all kludn. and all other
urticles of vuluo without removal , 319 8. 13th.
All business strictly confidential. 1B7
< hnOO,000 to loan on business property nt an ox-
Cp tra low rata. For particulars see W. M.
Harris , room 20 , Frenzer block , opp. P. O.
2H)629 ) *
BUILDING loans. Llnahnn & Mnhoney.
G 500OjO to loan at tl per cent. Linahan & Ma-
ip honey , room 6OI. Paxton block. 2 2
M ONEY to loan on furnltnre , horses , wagons ,
etc. , or ou any approved security. J. W. Hob-
bins , H , 200 Sheely blk , nth and Howard. 2bS
1AI ONEY to loan : long time. George J. Paul
lioa Fanum at. 230
MONEY to loan. O. F. Davis Co. , real estate
and loan agoiitd , 1505 Farnam st. 2.11
DON'T borrow money on furniture , horses ,
wagons , etc. , until you have seen C. It. Ja
cobs , loom 410 , First National bank building ,
cor. 13th and Farmim 278
MONEY to loan ; largo and small sums at low
rates , for short time , on real estate or chat
tel security ; second notes bought ; all financial
business strictly confidential. Peoplo'H Finan
cial Evi'hatigH , O. Houssurnn , manager , roam
tO ! { llarker block , 15th nnd Farnam. 6)7 )
KIMIIALL. Champ & Hyau make loans on
city property at lowest rntos , optional pay
ments , cash on hand , no delay. Mortgages
bought. Hoom 8. U. 8. National bank , an 2i )
GPEH CENT money to loan Cash on hand
W. M. llarrb , room 2J , i'ronzer block , opp.
P. O. 273
$100,003 to loan on Omaha city property ntO
per cent. G. W. Day. S. E. cor. Ex. bid. 2 3
MONEY to loan dit tunilture , v-agons , etc. ,
wltliout removal , or on collateral security.
Hiislnesa strictly confidential. A. E. Greenwood
& Co. , K 1 Cunningham blk , cor. 13th Sc Jackson.
TVfONKY to loan ou horse * , furniture and other
JJipersounl property or collateral. Hate * moderate -
orate ; business confidential. Olllce S. W. corner
1.1th uud Douglas sts. Entrance on 1MU Ht.
The I'airbanic Investment Co. 28d
MONEY to lonn ; rash on hand ; no delay , J.
W. Squire , 121U Farnam st. First National
bank building. 27'J
17 EA L estate loans , lowest rates. Odell Ilroa.
X & Co. . 312 8.10th at. 217
EASTEHN money cheap. City nnd country.
Olllco Philadelphia Mortgage and Trust Co. ,
Hoom 13 , Uoard of Trade. Geo. W. P. Contes.
f \ H ATTE Land collateral loans. M.E.Davis
\Jlll H 13th at , , room27. 235
MONEY to loan on Omalm and South Omaha
proptity. 0. V. Harrison. 418 B. 16th st. ZM
100,000 ' per cent. Money to loan on Im
$ proved farms or city property. James A.
woodman , at the old fire insurance olllce ol
Murphy & Lovott , 22J S. 1-Jth st. ' "J7
FOH 8A LE A new $ ' ,000 stock of peniral mer
chandls and a new tt.uoo store building
with living rooms. Very best location In the
llvllost , booming new town In the state. Good
profitable and growing trade. This Isarar
snap and nothing bnt cash or firit-clau secur
Ity will be considered. For particulars call on
or address J. U. Kual , Charter Oa , Crawford
county , 1 * . H92
" 1710H SALK A good luinbcr.eoal.acrlculturnl
JL' Implement and livestock business. Address
Hedge Ilroa. , YiUan. Nob. ! OT olO
WANTED-To find nn owner of trackage
property who will erect n building about
fflxl32 feet , lourMorrs for warehouse purposes ,
must bo cast of Uth stand couth of Capitol
nvenuo : will lensr for 5 or loytnrs. Address U
61 , llee , giving location. 64925
- Nal"1 ! * route and outfit , cheap ,
Address D , 48 llee. 4HI 2J
IjVH SALE One of the finest grocery stores
In the city ; sickness cause of selling It
will pay to Investigate , Address DIUl , care Hoo.
437 25
SALE Hoarding home , vt ith nil or part
of furniture. Addicss , IK ! ' . ' , llee.
TTTIOH HALE Very cheap for cnsh the ncntest ,
X1 nicest little business In Omaha. Unit 111
cigar store next to Windsor hotel , No. li'ii So
10that. . 11. Martin. M'iMJ
FOH HAl.n Cheap meat market. tools and
llxtures all complete. Call 2220 Ohio nt.
I7WH SALE or Trade A gooil paying chop
X1 house nnd furniture of lu rooms' ' . Apply at
HIS Douglas bt. 4u,12tt
IF YOH wnnt tobuy ft good b.\kery cheap nd-
dress D II Heo olllco. 280 21 *
ONE-TIIIHDJ5.000) ( ) Interest In mnnufnctur-
Ing rotnimny for one half rush mid balance
on suitable terms or Improved leal estate. Ad
dress II 4' ' , I let ) . B23-2.V
C10AU Store M5U. confectionery and cigar
store JJ',0 , chop house $200 , rent i.I" > , meat
market KM ) , Hour mid feed store Ri" , ! l grocery
store" , price nccorillng to Invoice , dining hall
of a good hotel 1.MK ) . For further particulars
c.ill on Co-0perati\o Laud & lot Co.'A'i N. lilth.
mi 21
„ 1 WANTVD-Ono of the oldest nnd
J most reliable business houses lu Chicago
( lustres to open a branch utoro InOiuaha ; wants
n reliable partner with i.OOO capital to take
one-half Interest and to take full management
of the business at that point , lluslno's staple
nnd genteel. Address 1) 4"i , lleo olllco. 470 2lt
( ViO cash nnd $1,700 on time will buy furniture ,
§ otc , In p'lylng hotel that will inventory over
, _ 500. Audros , J , llox 72 S South Omaha.
458 24 *
T710H SALE At your own price , another rest-
JJ aurant , complete , running full day and
night , within 1 blook of P.O. , for ; l days only.
II. H. Wnndell. 40S N. Ulth. Tel. 12fi2. 451 21
"I7IOK SALE At h. caruey. Nob. , the furnlturo
JU nud lease of Ornncl Central hotel. The second
end best hottso In the city , and the best located ,
being opposite depots. Doing a paying busi
ness. Prlco SLfion. Inquire T 0. Hralnnrd ,
MIdwny hotel , Kearney. Neb. 274
IjlOH SALE Cheip for cash , lease nud furut-
JU turo of country hotel , opposite depot , doing
good business , lunch counter in connection.
Address llox 15S , Pacific Junction , la 421 25 *
A HA Hi : business chance Wanted a partner
Mlth money or security , ( a doctor pre
ferred ) to wholesale a line of exclusive druggists'
goods. Jl.OOl worth now manufactured and
ready for sale. Piollts. JIOO per day. Address
fullj with reference. W. It. V. , 1400 Farnam st.
( SW ! IO
FOH SAM : At a bargain , a stock of general
merchandise In a llvo town. Address Lock
llox 11. North Ilond , Nob. 3I5ATJ *
H SALE A stock of general merchandise.
: Address lock box ! 155 , Atkinson , Nob.
2:11 : OlOt
moil SALE or exchnnge Tlio stock of n chnr-
L ; tered member holding the choicest oil lands
n llattlesiinke district , Wjomlng , Address 11
7 , llee olllce. 703 2V
pAKTIUS wishing to purchase real estate
L or seeking Investments of any kind will do
veil to call on Sloman , room 405 Puxton block.
SALE Abstract books of Omnha and
Douglas county , This Is an established ,
rnpldly Increasing , business , paying n
argo Interest on the Investment. For books
nnd good will of the business. Omaha real os-
ate or secured paper with a fair cash payment
> 111 be taken. George W. Ames , 1507 Farnam.
T7\OH \ SALi : Salt Lake lota $20 each , at 310 8.
15th st. 425
_ _
THOU SALE -Fmo stoce of groceries , good llvo
JL ; town. Hist-clAbS trade , sickness. Address P
O. lloxIMJ. I'lattamoilth , Neb. 1)73 ) 2t
I71OH SALE A stock of general merchandise.
H Will Invoice about S.OdO. Also , two-story
inlck store building. 25xM ) . on a good corner In
ihocential partof town. Will sell stock nud
ent building , or sell both together. Must apply
at onca for particulars. Address D 28 , Oinuha
Uce , 3111 o 2 *
1OIl SALE Cheap for cash , N. Y. Hotel and
Hestuurant , 709 N , liKh St. : good business ;
desirable location , reason for selling , have
ther business to attend to. Call on or address
E. A. Marsh , DOS N. Itith st . Omaha. 631
Troll EXCHANGE Three Improved farms
JL ! for a stock of miUe. of some kind. K. Illllor ,
Os borne , Kan. C53 24t
rpIIE Omaha Iluslness Exchange , It. 5 , s. w.cor.
X I'tji nnd Douglas , makes a specialty of selling
and exchanging all clashes of merchandise , etc.
4'JJ-oa *
o EXCHANGE Or sell , houses and lots ,
JL farms or merchandise tee Omaha Hu.slnt'sH
Bxchango , room 6 , s. w. cor. 15th and Douglas.
4'Jl-0--J '
STOCK of merchandise for real estate nnd
cash and vice versa.
K.OiJO Block of groceries and drugs , want half
cash and balance In good property.
$1,000 block of mllllnorv , trade lor good , clear
property , or encumbered property with some
Good stock of hardwnro for part cash nnd a
good farm ; furniture , fixtures , elc. . of n sixty-
room hotel for tlenr land , nud other general
nnd personal property. Address the Co Opera
tive Lund-i ; Lot Co. , 205 N. ICth St. 4(11 ( 21
T/10H EXCHANGE ICOheadof cattleto trade
JO for an Improved farm , south or west. Cattle
In Iowa , Co-Operative Land & Lot Co. , 205 N.
ICth st. 40124
WANTED-Good lands nnd city property ,
horses , cattle , etc. , to exchange lor mer
chandise In all lines. L. P. Kraus , 1007 Farnam
st. , Omaha , Neb. 453 O21
TXTANTED Stocks of merchandise in nny nnd
W nil lines to exchange for good farm lands ,
Omaha real estate , horses , cattle , otc. L. 1 * .
Kraus , 1007 Farnam at. , Omaha , Neb , 45:1 : O21
" \\7ANTED To exchange linide cltyprop-
TT oity for improved farms near city. Hex
76 J , city. UsUOl'J'
Foil EXCHANOB-Cholce improved farm
lands In Nolirnska for Omnha residence proi > -
crty or stocks of clean merchandise. Call or ad-
die&3 W A. Frye , It 1 , HW cor 15th and Farnam.
628 O 4
I HAVE real nud property of all
kinds lor trade. Call and see mo. Gcorgo J.
Bturnsdorir. room ( I , opp. P. O. 3tO
niHADES made in real estate ami personal
JL property. See exchange book. ( Jo-op. L.
and L. Co. 205 N. ICtuat. 2.1'J
\v THAT have you to trade for Fomo north
I western oil stock ? Address 110 , lleo olllco.
DH. NANNIE V. Warren , clairvoyant. Modi-
cnl linslm fit nnd test medium. Dl.tgnosla
free. Female dUoasesn specialty. 119 N Itfthst ,
Hooms2&3. Tel.U44. 255
ATPENTION Thn gifted destiny render cnn
botonMiltod daily for iwoweuks ounll nf-
fair * of life or death , tolls your life fiom the
rrndel to the grave , reiuiltes the teparated wltti
tlie wonderful Egyptlau clia-ra , locates disease
and heals them with massage and electric treat ,
meat. Office 117 B llth t upstalri < , rooms 2 nnd J ,
614 21
AfrJ.UOO cash payment , balance at 7 per cent ,
will buy a 7-room cottage house , situated era
a lot and n half of grounu , Improved w 1th sod ,
nnjlvo trees , ( dirnbs , otc. , only 15 minutes' walk
from the court house , near cable nnd utreel
cars. The price will surprise you. Title perfect
Inquire at W. M. Yutes , California nnd 32ud sts ,
A rare chance to make money or buy u cheaf
home , Uood reasons tor EClllny at a great hue
rlQce. 687
TT1OH BALK-132xirC3onllrlslolBtreet l > ctwocr
J Satinde and State. Mnkoita an otter or
this. 2J per cent lees will buy It tnln week thai
it will over again beolTored for. il. A. I'ptor
Company. 615
T71OK SALE Not fortrade. BW.7H acres of 1m
JL' proved land 2 miles from Miirquette . ii
Hamilton Co. , Nebraska. Frnme house , trami
btablo. UU ) acres under a good 4 barb-wire fence
round cedar posts and 2 stays ; living water
good corral , 2 wells , wind-mill , 3.0 ! barrel tank
Belt-feeder troughs , etc. ; 75 acres clover ; mode
Prlco ( less than ) I3 per acre ) * Jfl.&O
Cash ; t.60
3 years tlmo nt 0 percent 3 , < 0
Go and look over the land , and Address ill
owner , F. K. Atkins , Wa Larimer nt , , Denver
Colo. 650.30
T7\OK \ BALK 5 beautiful south front lots Ii
JL ? Hrlgg'A Place on Douglas st. , Just north o
the Maplu drove. JI.MO each , ) i cash i7,000 f o
the 5. M. A. Uptou Company. 641
"IJTOK BALE Now B-room KOURO. Price JI.C50
JC Apply to UllB Decatur street. 784 O ! )
T7ESIDENCE for Hale-NIco 6-room house , fin
JlViBhed in oak , barn , well , clsturn , full eas
front lot. In Windsor Place. V-OJ : easy terms
a lovely llttlft home at very moiiernte prlc . M
A , Upton Company. &n
I 1011 8ALK1CO for lot 10. Ii 7. Bouth Omahn ,
( Syndic-Ate ) . Including nbslrnct , illrt cheap ,
C. F. Harrison , 418 8 I5tut. _ 4iM
IjlOHrtALIl Mvtt lots , M-ry cheap , If KOUI
JL1 . oou , north of water works In Ferry ndd to
Council ! lluir > , Terms easy. Addr ss 1) II. llee
o nice. < * ) M *
SALE-HUM lot In llanscom place , ole
ganteast front , to exchange for homo lu
north part of town , assume alilerenco. ( . t.
F 7)K ? 7\LE Ne7v ra t front P-room house ,
with bath , closet , hot nnd rold water , fur
nace , lat ge barn. 1 lai a. 2Utn st. 373 o il *
f pwd blcx'kslronTpablollno. lot.TOxl 10 to alley
JL Ntro It-room cottage , small barn , lot fenced ,
everything nice , 52.6UU. ouo-fourth cash , bal
ance easy. M _ A. I'pton company. Hi
F HA VIllTfow choice lots In Orchard Hill lot
which I will soil cheap nnd on long Hum
Slomnu. loom 405 Paxton block. WO
> OK SALE-Houth nnd east front on iiui
F street ! , onw block north of Vlnton. 50xt | ? , for
W.1W ) : ifrtiiOiasli , balance 1 , a and II years. Kx-
trarnluo for the money , t tieet cftr within
block. M. A. Upton Company. at
Peekeis. Attcntlon-Kor full par ;
tlculnrs about free and cheap lands In west
ern Nebraska address Thos. C. I'nttcrson , Itfol
Katnte Agent , North 1'latte , Neb. . 11)lOlU )
171OII HAliB I/ot 3 , b 11 , I'lnlnvlow.llMJolt
JJ what it U worth. U. V. llnrrlsou , 41S S 15tU.
8A fill Two nno farms near th cits' of
1710K ( one mile trom Catholic colieee ) . Tlni'
ber claim 10 acres trees jilantod. Address Heal
Estato. box l'S7. ' Vork , Xob. 41637 *
uTsAU : 10 , W acres land In Nobrnskn at
low rates on lone time : good farm lands ,
0. II. I'cterson. Kl ! ! S. 13th st B1I-O.B !
TTlOtt SAI.U I'ulllot and lixrgo S-story lions *
J of 7 large rooms , good well , cellar , rlstoru in
the kitchen , good neighborhood , utroot cnr.s.
church , school and store close by. All new and
complete , t2C')0. ' ) Small rash payment , balance ,
monthly , .lust the pluco lor n man of moderate
means and hit 150 fHinlly. Como and see m
about it. C. F. Harrison 41S S. nth st. M3
sale or trade for good insldo real ostnto
or good secured leal estate paper KU ncros
of land. N'olncumbiance. About 8 mllosfi-om
Dtilntli , Minn. , and about 4 mlles from Superior
City. Wls. : this will boar close Investigation ;
remember Dulilth and Superior are the two
coming cities. It will pay to Invcsllgato this.
Sloman. room 41 I'niton block. MM
SAM ! A good six-room house with
FOR ImproveinontR.must be fold at once ,
furnished or unfurulshed , Apply 160(1 ( CorbysU
4'iO ' iu
WILL sell n limited number of lot.s In Booth
Omaha's II. KM. pnik addition for the low
price of , .U , 'item'einbor n warranty deed given
with each tut. This Kale only continues few
days. Call cjulck and got llrst chotco. Sloman ,
loom UV > . I'.ixton block. IW
OUTIlOMAHA-Lot 14. blocU 77. S. E. corner
S aiith and > l streets , 6-room hou o , * 10,000 , H
Lot 14 , block 7S , S. 12. cornorSSth and M stroats ,
$9.0ii'i ) ) \ cash , Housoon thU rents (15.
If those corners were on N" street they would
sell for e.W.000 each. M w 111 bo n better street
tnnn N In n year from to-day. Knell one of
these coinein will make seven business lots. M.
A. Upton A : Co. _ ) J _
8AI.K llouso nnd lot centrally located ,
FOIl cable cars and high school , within
walking distance of the 1' . O. : Jrt,000 ; best
neighborhood lu the city. Apply at onro. 0.
1' . Harrison , 4 IK S. luth t. , Wi _
BA110A1NS We have two extra bargains for
this week. Ono at $7,60U and the other at
J.snoo. > I. A , Upton Company. C7U
FAHMINd in eastern Nebraska pays now.
To these w.mtlni ! to go on n farm wo can
tell how to got good land with very little money.
The day that this can bo done will soon ba
DRSsed. M A. Upton Company. bflT
FA KM 3 Wo have some of tlio finest Improved
farms In Missouri , Krnsas , Iowa and Ne
braska for sale , M. A , Upton Company. C79
FOKSAliR A beautiful residence lot in Uaan
& Selden's addition : if you want a bargain
Investigate. Ooorgo J. titornsdortf , Hoom 0 ,
opp. 1' . O. _ * 681
FOll SAIiK fir nxctinnno. We have som3
good Omaha real estate and Nebraska
farms , which we will sell phoap or traao for
stock of clothing , furnishing goods , dry goods.
boots and shoos , groceries or hardware. jchles-
Incerllroi. . OUS. lOthst.
. JHirFI'S Wo have some lots at
tli east end of tlio new brldgo that can bu
bought at a tljTiiro that Mill make purchaser
money. M. A. Upton Company. 671) )
' a few lots loft In II. Sc M. park addition
to South Omaha. What have you to olferf
Qeorgo J. BternsdorlT. Itoom ( i , opp.i' . O. &U
" | T\OIl \ SAM : Rlogniit house and lot IntlWlnd-
Jv ser place , owner non-resident who wants to
put his money elsewhere and will sell right. 0.
F. Harrison. 418 S. 15th st. 303
v farms Wo have some Rood 183
JL.I aero farms up the Elkhorn valley with * 400
and fc" > 0 long tlmo mortgages against thoia
that fiom $500 to MWcusli will buy the ( Mjultlus ,
Now Is tne time to invest in Nebraska farm
lands , although selling cheap they are valuable ,
and moro productive than eastern land valued
at four or live times our price. M. A. Upton Co
ITIOK SAMl-Frnnk Wassermaii , at the Hank
JL1 of Omaha , has some of the choicest resl *
denco and business property lu the city for falo
cheap. 408
TOOK Hnnscom 1'laco lots ECO Hicks.
flJBOO buys n full lot und good 4-room cottage
Peasy terms and good location. 1) . V. Bliolea ,
room 210 , Flrat Nnt'l bank , cor. 13tn and Fur-
u am. oOO
BIG VarKa'ns ' In nuslness property , 08 foot on
South 13th street , near 1'lcrce , with smMl
cottage , only ? < i,000. It will pnv you to investi
gate this at once , George N. Hicks , Darker
block. -Ml 23
" 171011 SAM : NewS-room house , all modern
-U Improvements , near corner Woolworth and
Virginia avenues , Hanscoui Place , 14,500. 0.
F. Harrison. 418 S. 15th st. W
BIJBINF.SS-inth street , corner. 4 blocks from
Fornurn , for M losa than It Is worth. Odxiaj
on Capitol nvo , between l.'ith and 10th , at less
than value , M , A. Upton Company. 670
GJ.STEIINSDOIU'F , room6 opposite poat-
olllce , will sell you a good 4-room housa
on inth street , blocks south of car line , by pur-
ice ttt ) cat n. balance monthly payments to
suit. This Is A splendid opportunity ( or any
one wanting a cheap home. 3l
BAHflAIN Choice ton-ncro tract near Holt
I.lno lly. In West Omaha. This Kind Is in a
line stnto of cultivation , and especially di'slr-
nblo for fruit and vegetable garden. Thla
property Is one of the best investments In the
market to-day. Magnificent view , splendid lo
cution. It can L > O subdivided into nfty nice lots
that will sell Inside of tlvo years for f 100 or$500
each. I can otrer the ten acres tor the next ten
rtay.s forjfl.OX ) . There IH no safer or surer In
vestment than well located aero property , and
It will pay you to Investigate ) this , ( Jeo. N.
Hloksjroom 40 Harker block. ail 83
I CAN olfor nvo beautiful Bouth front resi
dence lots on 1'opploton avo. in Hanscom
1'laco for n few days at verv low tlgnrcs. 1'ar-
Hex looking for u nice location will do well to
call and Inspect this property at once. ( loo.
N. Hicks , room 41) ) . llarker block. iiPl S3
Tansill's ' Punch Cigars
jvoro shipped finriuj the paoft
two years , without a clruin-
ner in our employ No other
n.W.TANSILL&C0..55Eta1eSt.Clicaco. !
Ijawn Cemetery AnFOOla >
lion N'otici : tn Iot OwnorH and
IJoiiil Ilolilors.
The nnnual election of officer * of Forest Lawn
Cemotnry AHSticintlon. will occur ou Tuesday
October 2d , lfw < , at b o'clock p.m. . ntthooulca
of the association room , 403 Paxton blocit
Omaha , Douglas Co. . Neb.
U ho officers to bo oloctcd , ara President. Secretary -
rotary and three Trustees , who shall serve three
} ears.
Every person of full nga , who ahull be the
proprietor of a lot or plat or the holder of ono
or moro of the bonds of that as'toclutlun , shall
ba entitled to ono vote , cither In person of by
proxy. .1. J. IlltOWN. President.
Notice to Contractors.
IHth and Hartley Htre'etM"Hurromiilug"tho"co'iiir't (
House. Said bids to bo for atone wulks , from
three to six Inches thick , for grnntu walk foe
Blagollthlc wnlk or for artificial stone walk. Cer-
tined check of ono hundred dollars to accompany
The lionril reserves the right to reject nny or
all bids. M. . HOCIIH.
8 lil-d-mie to g 20 County Ch rk.
July 10th. ISfS , one chestnut sorrel mare with
bald face , 11 years old , both hind feet whites
great deal of white In the eye nnd deep collar
mark on nock , qulto rangy ; her wclt'htnear ! . *
pollnls' . * ; " townnl for return of male , niut " 50
additional fgr thief. Ho Is aboutS feetlllno
h Kb , inthnf lean unit Ton y , sandy , com.
plccted , light chlir whlsters and mustache turn-
'tiCKicy , has a wart orninlnon leftrheek no
thonoii' . HENKYWH1TU ,
a ll-d-Ut Kmtnoo , Mlll-j Co. , lQ\riU
/'i'A '