. . - . . . . . , ' THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : MQN3) Yt SEPTEMBER 24. . 188 . . ' S An Important Announcement About tit weeks fn. trillion ! bunlnesj , 1 > s suddenly attacked with excruciating ) Mn In inf ttvt , kneeii and tmml * . Ho never * f. lip . attack that I took my b l Immrdlttelr , nd In two or thrro days my Joint * iwollen to nlmoit doable tlicfr natural size , ml sleep WM drlten from me. Aftr suffer ing the mo t excruciating fain for ft week , using liniments nrt various other remedies , friend who sympathised with taj hcljilcji condition.mild toluol _ "Why don't you pet Rwlft'ispecific ) ana molt. 1 will guarantee ft cure , find If It doe * IV t the medicine shall rod you nothing. " t I it once secured the B. 8. B. , anil after Using it tha nrst day , hid aquletiiluhtand rcfrolling sleep. In a week I felt itrcatly ibenefltlrd. In three week * 1 could Mtupana .walk about tbo room , find after uilnx > lx 'Intlles ' I wa * out and able to go to builnci * . Blncrthen I hm l eu regularly nt my IKI of duty , and stand on my fret fromnlno to ten hours d y , nnd am entirely free from piln. These. ar thn plain end ilnii > lofnct Inniyeate , nnd I will cheerfully answer all inquiries rclatlTo thereto , either In rerson of liyroall. TnoHis > UBKILU . L , It W. ISth itrcct , Kew York City. f KAinvtuc. Twx. I have warded oft a s - > ere Attack of rlieumntlsm liy n timely re ort to Bwlft'B Rfcinc. in nil eones whersnt > er. nianrut relief Is souRht tbl nieillelno com. tnriidslltelf for n conolltutloual Irtalmenl tl.al thoroughly eradicate * the MCds ot dt > - aiu from the irrtein. L. llur. W. P. IlARruoif , D. D. ' NKWYOBK. Bl 'in ATE. After spending tM to ! > < > rtllcTcd i f Illoo'l 1'nlnm ulthouc nylx-iiPlU , n few Ixittlesof Swift' * Speclllo worked n j erfcct cure. C. I'OUTIUI. ' VIESJIA. Ov. liy llltlo plrl , acd Blu.ond boy , ngrrt four years , Imd wrnfitla In the worst , , < ruratod Hlioi.c. They were jnmy and ttckly. Todaythuy nro healthy and ru- butt , nil the result uf taklnur H. B. n. Joe T. COLLIER. ' HbT LAKE , BCMTCII Co. , FLA. Your S. S , 6. hasjtrotid n wonderful success In mr cose. Tlo cancer on my fan' , no doubt , TrouM ha\o teen hurried mo to my cr.i > e. I do thluk Ills wonderful , nnd ban lioiqunl. 1 ! . II. llyi'.n , I'ostinastcT. WACO , TEXAS , Hay 0,1SS3. ft B. Co. , Atlanta , O . i Gentlemen-Knowing that you appreclafo voluntary testimonials , wo tnko pleasurola Itatlng tbal one of our lady euttomers ha * repalnetl hrr hfaltli by thoucoof fourlare * Ixittles of } our Krent rcmcdafter having been an lnalld fur rcveral } cars. Ilertroubla Trns extreme debility , caused hy n dlfense p - cullnr to her sux. 'u u * & Co. , DrugKUt.i. i Three bonk * milUd frco ou ( UldrugglsUsell ti.ti.0. TltK HWIFT SPECinO CO. , Itrnvera. AtlantnOa , " York. 700 111 CHICAGO ANB Omaha , Council Bluffs And Chicago , rtie only road to tnko for li > s Molne , Mnrshaltowr cedar Uiipldn , Clinton , Dlxon , Chicago , MllivHiiki'V nnd all points Hn U TII the pcoplonf Nubrasku Cole riuln.\\yuTiiliii ; , Utah , Idiilin , Nuvnd i , Orcunn , Wa'h Inuton and CiultdrniH. It olTerj superior udrantiiKo ; not im lhlo liy any other line. Ainonu u low of ttto numerous points of superiority enjoyed hy thn patrons or thU ro.nl between Omaha mill Chlcnito. arc Its three tr.ilnt u day of t > \ \ ( 'OA'llh ( > , which are the finest tlmt human iirt nnil InufnuUycaiiciu.itn. HH I'AIMCIl SI.KKI'INCt AIU the iMiinil ot wlilrh c.uinot bo fount eNowheiu Al Council Illufli. thu trulriHof the Union 1'nclnc Itall uay connect In union depot with the c of thu Clil rajto X Northwo tern Hy InChlcauo thu traln-t cil till1 , line make close connection with those of nil other Kiist 'rii line * . tor Detroit , Columbus , IndlanapolK Cincinnati , Nlauara r.illi , llumiln. I'ltUburtr , Toronto , Monlroil , llo ttm , New York , Philadelphia , Hultlmoro , Wa li- Inuton , and ull polnti In thu hast. Aik tor tickets vl. U' ° "NORTHWESTERN" If you wl li th bon accommodation. All tlckel nuents sell tickets via this lino. II. 11 Ui 11 ITT. K. 1 > . Wl I.PON. Uen'l Mnnaeer. Gcn'l 1'ais r Agent ciiir.\no , ir.i.M. W. N. I1AIICOCK. ( iim'lVe terh Accnt. D. K. KI.MIUU , , Ticket AKont. O. K. WKsa'.OIty I'nstonper Agent 1401 rnriiatn Street , Oinana , Neb. TUB OF TUB Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y ' The Best Route from Oin.iha and Couucl Illuffs to - = = THE EAST ? = - TWO TUA1N9 DAILY BHTWKEN OMA11A AN ] COUNCIL , UI.UKFS Chicago , AND Milwaukee , St. Paul , Minntapolis , Cedar Rapids Rock Island , Frrcport , Rockford , Clinton , Dubuquc , Daicnport , Elgin , Madison , Jancsvillc , llclolt , Wlnouu , La Crossc , And all other Important points Hast. Northerns ! an Boutboast. For throuxh tickets call oj the ticket aientatlK Ptrnara street. In Marker lllock , or t Union I'uclQ l ufman Sleepers and the Bncst Dining Cars In th world uroru lion the main line of tbo Chicago , Ml waukeo A bt. 1'aul Hallway , and every attoalKlnl paid to passenticr * by courteous employes ol Ui company. lt.MlLl.Kn , ( icneral Manastcr. J. f. TUCK1U , Assistant Urheral Manaear. A. V. 11. UAUk'UNTISK , uoncral l' j a r an vlcket Axent. ( ! KO. 1C. UKAKl'OlU ) , Asslslant OaaersJ gisttagt nd 'ticket AKent , j. T. ClJkUU. Uoncral SuocrlatcnCeat , EXHAUSTED VITALITY rpnu SCIENCK or LIFE , the - " great Jlcdlcal Work ot the ng on MnnhiKxlNcrTou. < mult rhyslci.l Debility , rrcmaturo ' Decline , Errors of Youth , anA tbnunlold miseries consequent thereon , SCO paces Bvo , jirDscrlptlona for nil diseases. , Cloth , full gilt , only $1.00 , b ) ' nail , scaled. Illustrate o sample free to all youns and middle aced men. Rend now , Tbo Clold ami Jewelled Mcil.il awcrxlcd to the author by the Na tional Medical Association. Address 1' . O. box ltt , Iloston , Mass. , or Dr. W. II. PAHKKH. Rrail oalcof Harvard MoJlcalColleiie,23)car6 < iiractlco In Boston , who nay l > o consulted confidentially Specialty , Dlscaecx ot Uao. OfUcc No. 4 L'ulOncU Lt. SteekPianc Kemartalila tor powerful annpa. thctle toiio. yllnbla action anil ar > oluta nuraulllty. > ycara' record , the b at Ruaratiiea ot th crc t- Tenoe ot tncsa InstrumcnM. WOODBRIDGEBROS . ( lima luuiunai ua U. G. DEPOSITORY , OMAHA , 1ISB. Fald Up Cai > Iu\ ( $100,00 Surplus 50OC H. w. VATKS. 1'resldcnt. LEWIS S , IlKKi ) . Vic President. A. U. VOUXAUN , 2nd Vice I'rMttUnt. W. II. H. HUQIIES , Uusule Dinscnous : \V , V. JIoiisic , JoiitJ S. COI.MSS , H. W. VATES. I.r.wis 3. HKUU , A. 13. TOU7.AI.IN. Banking OOico- THE IRON BANK , Corner ISth nail Karnam Sts. A Uenotol ilaukius lin&lnMS Transacted. UIO * ut < fmo lip.T rou BUEASE . MQUtE. tt uf > . im WAUM int. . CKIIU WHAT A8I1IAIS HAVE DONE , Intcscstlns Anccdoton and Facts Of the Animals' Kingdom. * A MOUNTAIN LION IN A TENT An Aciolintlo Fish Two AVco I'lgs Tlint Could Hwltn VittuiiilNlictl by a DOR IJOH of UiifTalo in Montana. A Mountain lilon in n Tent. Ilnrpor's Younjf People : In Color- ndo nntl some other western states there is nn animal called the mountain lion. Notwithstanding his name he is really the cougar , homotlmcs called puma or panther. There is no more crafty or sttvago beast in the United Stated , and although ho rarely attacks men , except when wounded or very hungry , ho do- btroys many sheep and other domestic animals. Ho prowls about human dwellings and climbs to the roofs of cabins and small houses in his efforts to got at the food inside , of which the smell attracts him. Two prospectors in Colorado killed a deer ono day , and carried the earcasa into their tent , where they hung it on the ridge pole. They thought the von- i&on would bo safe there , as they feared no enemies larger than Hies and birds. On going to work the men drew down the tout curtains and tied them close. About two hours later a mountain lion came along , and smelling venison , pro ceeded to cxaimro the tent. lie bit a sample out of the deer , and finding it goodj decided to tnko the whole piece. It did not como down easily. M > Mr. Lion sprang up and grabbed it. His whole weight thus added to that of the deer meat was too much for the ridge pole , and it broke in two. The tent collapsed and the lion was buried in canvass. Of course he thought himself caught in a , trap , and begun laying about him in every direction with both teeth and nails. This animated action eooii reduced the tent to tatters , and the lion crawled out of the wreck and ran away , taking the venison along. That afternoon two of the angriest men you caii imagine stood looking at the ruined tent , and wondering if there had been an earthciuako. Tnoir ven- ifron was gone , thoir'outlit scattered over the ground and their tent in rib bons. When they killed another deer they hung it in a cave , and closed up the cave's mouth with rocks. An Acrobatic Fish. Globe-Democrat : It is not unusual when near a body of water to see fish clear the surface in a jump for Hies. The following , however , told by a gentle man of St. Louis claiming to have been an eye-witness , rather beats the record of long leaps by the linny tribe : Early one morning in autumn the narrator , then in the country , went to the shores of a little lake to try his luck with a lino. Coming to n , tree overhanging the water , his attention was called to two youg birds at the end of ono of the lowest limbs. It looked as though it was the llrst time they had been out of the nest , as the mother bird was hover ing restlessly about thorn. They made no attempt to liy , but kept edging along the branch until at the very tip , when the water rcllected every movement distinctly. Suddenly a glihtcning pike darted up out of the bosom of the la ke , snatched ono of the little feathered fel lows , and fell back into the water with it in his mouth. Itecemed incredible , and the observ er could hardly believe his own eyes. One of the young birds was gone , that was unquestionable , and the old one was sounding'its notes of alarm. The vipplcs in the water had hardly gone down when with a whisk of his tail up came the pike again and carried away the second youngster , falling back into his native element with a loud splash. In both instances the lish had goao over the branch , a distance apparently ol fully three feet from the water. Two AVcc I'ljjs That Could Swim. Harper's Young People ; One bright summer morning as I was strolling toward the beach on the Island of Mack- inao I saw , a short distance ahead elmo mo , two little pigs , ono perfectly white and the other perfectly black , both the same size , trudging along side by side in thesame direction as myself. Thny seemed out of place , and I was so curious to know whither they wore bound , that I followed them unobserved , They did not walk aimlessly , but as il they had some special object in view , and tome definite destination. I wondered what they would do wher they reached the water. I was not long in being answered. Without n moment's hesitation they plunged into the waves side by side , and swam ou : and away toward another island , &b miles distant. I stood and watchet them until their two little heads lookcc like balls bobbing up and down , side bi bide all the time. When I related the incident to the landlord , a little later , ho looked as tonished and annoyed. "Those pigs , " ho said , "wero to have been served up for dinner to-day They wore brought hero this morniii { in ; v boat from that island , six mill- away , and wo thought wo might allov thorn their freedom , nnver thinking o their making an attempt to go homo. "And did you notice , " ho continued "they chose the point of land nearcs the land whore they came from , to enter tor the water ? Singular that the littli animals should'have boon so bright And , furthermore , they weren't landct there ; that makes it more strange. ' . ' I , too , loft the island that day , and ] have never heard whether these bravi little pigs over reached their dcstina tion or not. Vanquished by n Dot ; . Philadelphia Record : Norman Sim mons , Camdon's first dog catcher , is i negro who stands nearly seven fee high , and is as black as n rayon. Busi ness got BO brisk in the latter end o last week that Simmons hired a littl colored man named Henry Brown ti help him. On their rounds of Soutl Camden on Saturday they ran across i big curly dog of uncertain breed takinj the morning bun on a ICuighn avonu doorstop. "Dah's anudor ilollahl" osclaime Simmons , his mouth stretching out i the direction of his ears ; "go fur 'in Brown. " "Look-u-henh , Simmons , " said the as slstiuit , "iny not ain't big'null fob dn dawg. " "Yas , 'tis : you'ao ( card ob dat dawg Brown , 'poara tor mo. " , By this tlmo a bit ; crowd hnd collecte and matters were assuming n tbriliin aspect. The blgr curly dog slept poaci fully on. "Simmons , you'so got tor ketch dr dog , " said llrowii at length. "Who's do boss ob dls racket ? ' ' osko Simmons with great dignity. "I war yor to know I'so do kotehor and you's the 'slstan ! You got tor ketch dat doj fob dah'd anudor dolluli in 'iin , I to yor. " Brown wont gingcrlyfofward-p.trftli | ing his net.for iv good thriyy. H0 gi withiiv ton feet of the slops. , Tho-de started un su.d2o.nly with an angi grow.l anu jnado a spring-fpr Browi The unl'.nppy darky was Jiot qulc cuoufju to escape , and ho weat-lly'U through the scattering crowd minus the peat 01 his trousers. Simmons dropped his net and lied preciuitatcly in another direction , and the big curly dog settled leisurely down on Brown's not. A po liceman was summoned , the owner of the dog was called , nnd the parapher nalia of war was restored to Simmons , who knocked off for the day with the remark : " 'Siatans is no good no how. ' ' Ijots o' nuffalo In Montana. Globe-Democrat : It has been discov ered that the last of the buffaloes has not yet disappeared from Montana , and the Now York illustrated paper's actlst nnd guide , who are keeping a lone and weary vigil on the bleak and barren prairie down in the western part of the territory , looking for the curiosity , armed with a field glass and a photo graphic camera , had just as well go homo , as all the romance has been knocked out of the bclicmo. Informa tion can bo given them in Helena as to the whereabouts of quite a largo herd of the "exterminated" animals that have made their homo in the terrority for a number of years , and are still en joying lifo in perfect security In an ob- Hcuro and uninhabited section , where they will have an opportunity to make all the sketches they want. Robert U. Morgan , an old miner and prospector , was in Fort Benton the other day and told of a herd of seventy-live or eighty buffaloes , which he had seen on Sheep crcok , which takes its rise in the 13elt mountains , about half way between Noi- hart and White Sulphur Springs , and Hews into Smith rider , near old I'ort Logan. This is the newly opened Northern or Ores Vontrcs reservation The stream Hews through a thickly wooded country. Morgan says there has boon but little hunting in Unit boc- tion since the days of the Indian , and the band has been born and raised there. White and black tail deer , ho says , also inhabit the undergrowth and larger timber bordering on the stream Many Cult ; Atitntiils. New York Sun : T. U. Buclrt , of Carthage , is the owner of a inure that has a well developed snake four or five inches long in ono of her oycs. The biiako is about as largo round as a horbC hair , and very active. It is hold in u transparent bac which covers nearly the whole of the oye. and which i& llllcd with u light-colored lluid. Before the biiako was discovered the marc's eye was badly intlamcd. All traces of sore ness have now disappeared , and bho suf fers no inconvenience. A farmer in the town of Rutland has a dog that carries the mail for him regularly. The farmer's house stands nearly a quarter of a milofrom the main road , along which the mail stage rolls every afternoon. The driver brings the daily papers from the postoflice and throws them elf at tbo cro&s roads where he always finds the dog waiting for them. The dog has not missed a mail for three months , and during that time has not been reminded of his duty more than half a do/en times. He beems to know the right time and does not wabto his time loitering at the cor- nors. nors.A. D. Johnston , of the Walton house. Clayton , has a dog that will catch a ball with all tbo oxportncss of a league player. His owner keeps a soft rubber ball for him. If the dog niibaos the bull at llrst he never fails to catch it on the first bound. Charles Bradsbaw , a barber , was until a few days ago the owner of a remarka bly precocious spaniel. The animal had been taught so that on tbo cull of "next' ' ho would jump into a chair , lay his head back on the "rest , " close his eyes and calmly submit to having his mu//lo well lathered and wiped off. After this ho would jump down with the liveliest manifestations of joy and satisfaction. A Kingston man paid $50 for him. Cats as a general thing do not like water , oven though they are good swim mers. A man in Clayton has a largo Maltese that is an exception. This ani mal takes to water oven more kindly than a spaniel. Ho will go into the water on his account , and scorns to enjoy it hugely. Like a dog ho will bring back a stick thrown in tno water. A man who has been stopping at Al exandria Bay is the owner of a big New foundland dog that is the companion of his children in all their sports , and par ticularly when they go bathing. When the youngsters are in water that is not beyond their depth the dog joins in the sport on equal terms. But let ono ol them start for deep water and he in stantly fcoizes him by the arm and brings him back. The dog once saved a ten-year-old lad from drowning. Horse Sagacity. A remarkable illustration of the sagacity of the horse reaches the Bir mingham , England , Mail from Gillett Road , Edgbaston. A man named Gil- boy , a coal dealer and hauler , rents n field there , in which a horse and goat have been in the habit of grazing. Re cently a gang of young roughs from the Ickncid Port road have amused them- bclvos by throwing stones at the goat and seine of the more cowardly of the rullians beat it with a stick. Whenovci the goat has been attacked in this waj the horse has always raced to its rescue and a few days ago ho seized ono younj. rascal by the coat collar and Hung bin clean over the hedge into the road. Notes. Two robins built their nest in a lilai bush and began housekeeping. A ca killed Mrs. Robin just after she had be gun sitting on her four blue eggs. Hoi mate at once went on the nest and kop the eggs warm , but ho made frequent excursions away from homo , always being ing careful , howovcrnot to let the eggs get cold. The result of these visits was soon made evident , for ono day ho re turned with Mrs. Robin No. 2 , who a once took the place of the dear departed parted , hatched the eggs and proved t < bo an excellent stepmother. Thomas Jones , of Fishkill , N. Y. , hai a dog that shows a wonderful attach ment for n little chiehon. The chicl was motherless , and , fortunately for it the tiog adopted it. The chicken fol lows the dog and the dog follows tin chicken , and if it gets top fur from it ; parentiil homo the dog will pick it upii its mouth and carry it back tonderly. Mr. and Mrs. George Patterson , o Kingston , Out. , were saved foom a horrible riblo fate by a cat. Their house burnet to the ground , and they would havi perished in the flames had not the ca jumped on the bed , and nwakonoc them by scratching at the clothes. Dr. Downcs , of Lakoport , Cal. , had i pot deer to which ho was very mucl attached. Last fall it ran away to tht mountains , and that was the last hi saw of it until the spring , when on < day it appeared in the door yard , nnd walking stiulght to the doctor , laid it head on his arm and scorned grcntl ; pleased , as was the doctor. It hunj around him in rather an unusual way and finally disappeared , The next div it came ngain , and acted as though i wanted the doctor to follow it , and In did so. The doer led him Eomo dia tanco frois ino house directly to a little favn "which lay hidden In the bushes The doctor took the little thing in hi arms and carried it home the motive following and- showing , unmistakabl that this was What she wanted. . Ladios'-who value aTofmed/complex / ibiV must use Pozzoni's powder it prc duccs-a'iolt and. beautiful skin. . LETTER-LIST. Mil of IcttCM remaining unistlrfl for In the PO't- oRlcc for the neck o.idlnj c ! > t. & ] , KM. Xoto-lMrtlei cnlllnz for thevj letters will pleaie fay "Advcrtl oJ"ilrlnitbadilonttlioho-il of tha lltml ; lii'iulrofofs.vuj nt' ' tlia " 1/Uloi' Ujllrcr/ Window. " Ton vol.1 ml < tn'(03 Into your mall aj jrcs'cJ to your ttrcct and number. t.Hr Ogam , II VarrallJ z. Zimmerman A LADIES LIST. A. Abraham mrs U Adamt * mrs M Anderson T * Artui-troiiK mrs Austin h Adnmx mrttj Ai ( Adittus O Allen M Anderson 1) Armstrong M Austin 1 < B. Heal C Ilerter mr S Ilernctt mr n llelbulcer II Hlminkmrs M llovell mrs K V Ilouikomm Hruntllk'uA Hrnlnnrd C Iliowii mrs J II Hjt-rlii U lU'll i.ir.iO lIcniiBtt II lleoo It lierleen M HiMison F Hl.ick.M Illoom 1) lloiirncrA Itodker (3 llratn.tbermrsU Hryden mrs J 1) llr.implu uiri A C. rarlllomr M rartlurnirsll Carter mrt A Carne ) mrs M Carney lurs w Clilsno II Cheyno A Cllnn I , Cook K Conley Jl Ciijan rt rormlno mrs 1 * Conroy I , 2 Crny mrs S Crone. misJ K CulrossuirsJO Curtis mrt II Call.m A O. Dalton mr.T Davenport K D.iyton M Dnt'onmrsCi : Dili * I , D.tvls nirs K Day mrs S K Dat Is mr < Dei-ii mrs.M K Depano Ii Di-lan.iro M Ditto HIM f > Don iluie mrs J Dnilvu mra M H Diinno nirs K.1 Duucomb J Dunne K Dnlni'll mm A K E. Kckluud Ij IMi'.lo I , i\vlnu : mrs -M F. Fay V HennnK mra O FOBS mrs F Ford mr FII Kreetu.tn mr * J Kurman mrs II Falrchlld A M Fa VIM mra W FlemliiKinrs J I'ort uirs II KoxK Furuian U C. Ceraldlnemral ) Cillkcy mrs J Could C lirltten M ( ir.ivei I. ( inmate ( ) ( icl ulhart mrsll ( Jlbbiirson run ( JU-ciix mrn II C ( iroasman mrs J UrlQlthmrsM H. Hayes mp K Harrod mrs W llaydenmrs W Henry mrsT lleJuefK Hill mrs K lloruch A lln < u ! on nirs Honnerd mrs Ilcllstrom I \Vl ) HurolJ mmV Harris mrs 8 Hallo (1 Hcnrlcks I , Hcncrliksli Illllcr 13 lloldcrsban mra IIuO U lluuo rarsS Hupp mrs IM J. Jamson mr < II Jenccn 0 .lohnton .1 Jordan M U .lohn on 1-3 .lohniton 13 James M JaineH Ii Johnson 13 Johnson K Jobut nirsl'M Johnson A 13 K- I KarlssmT Koettcr L O Kelly mrs II Kciumcr K Kcnfryne M Kncller K Karst nsen A Karluon J2 Keely A Kelly mrsl * Kllgonc cars J Kline 1 , I ndon.M Itchcr . It . , , - - , - - . Ixjwl. V Llndqulvt J Und A I/one N - Ixins N Ubormannl. l.ajton nirs W Uuuphcar mrs IXIWIB it Levlnkton mrs N Lions rnrx J LlvliiK'tonmraAKLIoyd mrsN Lovomn B LowdonMA l.ynnj Llndu Mo. McAlooso Ij McCullen mrs N McCoy U McCaboJ II McCunly mm D Mcfauley rar C .McDoruiottmrsJ .McKathronU McKuon M McLauiftrlla b McVcy U Ii M. MackJ B -Mathews mrsC MayCO .Muson M Mack M Manonoy mrs it M.ickham I 41a 8 A Mattlo leUlV1 Melno l , Hams it Mllchell I. Miller mra L Mitchell mrs IIJ Morte K L Moore U MoIUtt mrs U Mnlier I Moller M Moore ( } MulfordmrsII Murpiiy'mrsG E Mulbcrn mrs I ) SlycrinirsA N. Newland rar M Nell sirs W Nlckall K Norslrom U Nooks M MO. O. Oboramrs J Ocburiv U o.Hoarnomrs I * U'llcarn ran 0 O.Ncal U OJUorna nirs W UP. P. I'cterson rnra H retctsonJ I'earson mrs A I'rdurson A IVckK IVrtlnsturi UJ I'leice lurs fl 1'ortermr.sMK . . U1MM 1'olley u > J I'mcUettmrsJIU- , ' R. : - ' ' . ' 'lUinlckM Ileam N M. Itlchey II hooks II , ' llockett mri I } , ' .Itcucli mil T Uuddlck'A K Ilianil , Ited'oniM ' KUgtuilW jtotiln onA rr\ ? , . Ho-s'mrs W llolliK Jlunnclli-nirs J S aim I FarcenM Simmon nir W * a er mr J Mierwood tnrs J Milnner A MiifttMll Skinner mrs J fmltu mlth mrs J Ii Smith 1,0 v mlley N tmllli tun V A "pnmmr M Hpounk M Mrlcxlermr V McelemrsJ Mockton mrs M Stculo mrs lilt trains MnntmrK Mewart mri A s-raiuon K bnvcnvr tnr I < bwensouT trenson M Tarldrl mr < K Tlwnncll' Thomp nn mrs S True mr I , Tracy A. Tuttlu mrs J TmrellJl Tucker JT V. Vors 1 M Vo s mr G W. WarnerMK Wcberll K Wnandmr J William-I. WII onmrsKJ Wll-on K Wheeler mrs H White N Wormer mr K S WiittniuniM Wnnll > We tmrsJW wilhinui u Ii Co Wll on mr U U \ \ INon mr C WiseMiltmoro K Wolf mrs 1) Y. Yntcs rars II. C. V. OAl.t.AntiEit , I'o'tmnticr. OMAHA WHOIjKSALB MAHKET8. I'roclttcp , Fruits , itc. UuTTr.u Fnncy , sollil-packcd crcamer.y , 18 ( aU3c ; choice country , 10iJLc ; common grades , KHillUc. EoQ' ' Strictly Irosh , H@15ccnndlcil. CAurouNtAGuvi'BS $ l.'J. " > ( iil.r)0 ) per case. Coxcoiti ) OilAi'ES 4G@0'Jc per 10-lb bislcct. I'KACiins California , S1.00tr 0 per box ; Michigan , WeSSl.lK ) per per bntket. XAS Common , f 1.50@2.'Jj per bunch : choice , S-J.5U(2i.r,0. ( : Lr.MONS $4 00(3. ( > .f)0 ) > er case. CAXTCI.OI'LS 4U < j5c per dozen. I'IA-MS 50Cl7iccr | bu. I'OTATOBI 10@X'c ( i > er bushel. Bwui-.r l'or\Tois : T.'t > Cc per bu. PouLTiii Noilros od fowl in the market ; live ctiiultcnt. J-l.-WCiJ.'I.TS per dozj spring chickens. , ? ! ) .2.JW.K ( ! ( ) . TOMATOHS ' . Oo@Sl.00 per bu , WATKUMP.I.ONS fj.UO'iSio.m per 100. PF MIS California , ? 3.00 ( < 3.50 per bu uox ; Soutlicrn , 7" ) per J bu. CBLKKV " .X'iUd. ' i > or dozen. Kno I'lAXr : rwjl.00 par dozen. Oxioxs l cper Ib. Avri.r * $2.lXVij.OO : per bbl. CiiMiAi'ri.K& Toe per bushel. CHICK Michigan , S4.r > 0@C > .riO ner bbl 33 gals ; California pear cider , f 15.00 per bbl. I'oi' COIIN llic-e , 3j$4c ; common , -g3o. C.AUKOT3 50o pjr bushel. Hixs : Choice eastern handpiekod navies. $ U.TOv < M.feO ] > or bushel ; we-teru liand pk'ked luiviL't , J-.CMr/'J. " , ; meiliums , 2.00 2.15. Lima beans fie per pound. HAY f. o. D. cars , No. 1 upland , SJ.OO ; No. 2 upland , $5.00. llitvx MO 00. CiiorniD Pnr.n $17 00 per ton. ViNicmi : Cider , b loc per L' lWhite wine , IHWlOc per gul. Ijtst. IJuviseil prices urc1 us follows : UAOOINO Stark A , seamless , 22c ; Amos- kcag1 , seamless. 17'oc ' : Lcwistou A , seamless , 19c ; Amoncan , seamless , 17c ; burlaps , 4 to5bii , ll@Uc ; gucnics , smcle , 13j ; gun nies , double , S0o ! ; wool sacks , 35c. Twines Flax , 3ic ; extra sail , 'JO iMo sail 13 , l'20c ' ) ; cotton. 2lc ; Jute , lOo. COFIMIKS Moclia , 2. ' > @ 20c ; Ittq , peed , 10J ? 17c ; Mandalilmg , 2ii@ o ; roasting Kio , 1SW ! Kic ; O. G. Java , 'J4@2iic ; Java , interior. 'Jry ® 25o : Hio , tiinuy , l(5@l'Jo ( ; Santos and Mur.i- caibo , n lUe : Arbuckles , lU'4c ; McLnugh- lin's XXXX. 19'ac. ' KnoAit Ciranulutcd , S' ' c ; conf. A , 8c ; wliito extra C , T e ; extra C , 'Jo ; yellow C , 7c ; "owdercd , 1'c ' ; cubes , 7 > c. HOXEV It'C l c for ono pound frames ; strained honny. ( MitSc per pound. IJUKSWAX Choice yellow , 20@22 > c ; darlc colored , 13Jtl4c. CitKKfc YounR Americ.i , full cream , 0@llc ; full cream choddiirs , ! ) , l < r lOc ; full cream Hats , 0' . < i- ; good to choice skimmed chuddars , O'&i * : skimmed Hats. Co. PiCKi.r.i Medium , in bbls , $ T .5) ) ; do In half bbls , $ .U > : i ; small , in bbls , cUM ) ; do in half bbls , S3.7.V gherkins , in bblsS.O > ; do in half bbls SI.5U ToiiAcro Plug , 20S05c ; smoking , 10@90c , IFI.IUS : ? 1 ' - ' " ) licr 30-lb pail. SAI.T Jl.o : ( < il.u.ipcr bbl. Koi'is r-ltl. lOalO'ie. MAI-LB SUOAK uncits , ll@12c per Ib ; penny cakes , l' . ' 51.c per Ib ; pure maple syrup , ? 1.0U per pal. TEA" > l oung Hyson , common to fair , 18- ! § 2.o ; Young Hyson , peed to fancy , 30i35o ( : Ouniiowdor , common to good , 2J@25o ; Gun powder , choice to fancy , 41)01550 ) ; Japan , com mon to medium , lofoj Ii Japan , choice to fancy , 30@45e : Oolonp , common to good , 25@ H5c ; Oolonp , choice to fancy , r > 0@70i ! ; Imper ial , common to medium , 25@35c ; Imperial , good to fancy , 40fl50c. NUTS Almoiuis , 15@17c ; lilberts , Ho12c ( ! ; Bra/il , HC'dOc : walnuts , 12o ; pecans , 10 ( < SUe ; peanuts , r > < asc. CitACKniis 5@10e.perlb ; assorted cakes , 7 @ 2-c perlb , as per list IJIIIKD JMtuiTs Figs , m boxes , per Ib , 13@ ICc ; dates , in boxes , , r > > @ 7c ; London Malaga layer raisins , per box , $ .I.CO < g3.7r > ; Malaga loose raisins , SJ.30 ( < t2.50 ; new Valen cia raisins , Per Ib , 7 ( Se ; Call- fornia loose muscatels , per box. fl .1) . California London layer raisins , per box , $ a. : 5a2.50 ( ! ; pitted cherries , per Ib , ' . ' 0@21o ; California pitted plums , per Ib , 12 < fC13c ; dried blackberries , per Ib , &St@'Ju ; dried raspberries , per Ib. 4C' 2oc : cvuporatcd ap ples , S ( (2 > 14c ; California sun dried peaches , I3c ; California unnared evaporated peaches , l."i@lSc ; evaiwrated California apricots , ll'c ' : JCanteo currants , OK ® c ; Turl- ish prunes , -l'ji:4J-4e ( : ; citron , -2Gf21c ; orange peel , 15o ; lemon peel , lOc. FISH. Hollanil Hcrriiip , S5c@00c. per keg , White Fish , ' bbls. . No. 1 , fti.OO. Family S3.75 ; Trout , No. 1 , MM : Mackerel , K l > bls. Hloatcr Mess , $18.00. Bloater , S10.SO , No. 1 Shore. $13.50. Largo Family , I10.r,0 ; Labra dor Herring , 54.SO ; Columbia Kivcr Salmon , f 17.00 per bbl. Cowisn Per Ib , whole. Gc ; bricks and strips , 7@Sc' . CANDY Mixed. STi3c ( ; sticlf , SJ S'J'jfc ' ; rock candy , \oyt@.13c ; fancy candy. 7sJ'Jc. ( Ijcathcr. Hemlock sole , ! Sii27e ( per Ib ; oak sole , 31(3) ( ) Sic per Ib ; oak haruobs , 2&aiOo : per Ib ; selec ted oak mid trace , 33o per Ib ; oalc and hem lock upper , 20ii22c ( per foot. Hemlock calf skin , No. 1 , bO&i'JOc per Ib , according to weight ; o.ik calf skin , No. 1 , 90c ( < $ { 1.0J per Ib ; Philadelphia e.ilf skin , extra , per Ib ; hemlock kip skin , No. 1 , < X70o ) per Ib : oak kip skin , No. 1 , ; of Oc par Ib : Phila- dolphin kip skin , extra , feOCrf'.iOc peril ) , French calfskins , ( acc-ordincto weight and quality ) , $1.15@1.75 per Ib ; French kip skins , do , SOct/ ; ) $ MUpcrlb. Cordovan , russett , l e ; satin llnish , 20c per foot ; welt leather , $ : ! .50@4.r.O lcr side ; moroccos , ( pebble goat ) , 20i(30o ( jier foot ; moroccos , boot leg , 25@IUc ! per loot ; glove calf skins , 200 30c per foot ; Douglas kid , ! iOTi ( > 10e per foot ; kangaroo skins , 40@50j per foot , according to quality. Toppmps , fS.OOC'Z'10.0) ' per dozen ; linings , $5.0UaU.OO ( ijr do/cn ; apron skins , 510.00(4 ( 12.00 per dozen. _ Conl nnd fjiino. LIMB S.lfgOOc ; Portland cement , f.3.5.1) ; do mestie cement , J1.35 ; plaster , $ 'J,00@2.15 ; hair,23@25c. COAT , Anthracite , ranpe. and nut. SlO.r.O ; large egg , SIO.'S ; Uock Spring , 7.00 ; Su perior , ? ( l.0 ( ) ; Iowa , H.50@5.oO ; steam coal , 51.50 to $2.00. PEERLESS DYES Solil by IJrit ; gli.ts. HUAXCH OFFICE. JOHN M. SHAW & CO. COMMISSION , Grain , Provisions , Stocks and Bonds. MarRin Transactions a Specialty. JOHNSON Ic CHUISTIAN. Matiat'erf. Ifi BOAUI > Ol < < TU.XDt : , - OMAHA. Members of ttie Clilcuyo Hoard of Trado. I'rlv- i\te Wires to Chicago ( mil New Vork. T. IU PALMER. X. T. niCltMAS. J. U. III.ANCIUIIU PALMER , RICHMAN Sc CO. . Live Stocfc Comniission Merchants , Office Iloom 31 , Opposite Kxclmnge llulldlnt , Uuloa . block Yards , South Oloaua , Neb , _ , f.ORIMER.WESTERFIEUpa MALEY Live Stock Commission , Room 15 , EichuliKO Ilulldln.- , I'nlou Stock Vitrdn , _ bouth Umaha , Neb. " "T ALEXANDER k FITCH , Coiiuisioa Dealers in Live M , 22 , Opposlta Kiclnnce Bulldlnir , Union BtOci ' . . Vtrds.boulnuan.ha , Neb. UNION.STOCS YARDS CO. , . -Of Omaha Limited , 0 Agrlctilturnl Tmplomont9. CHURCHILL PARKER , Dealer in Agricoltnral Implements , lapns , Carrlagei and llncflc j. JKK > Strrrt.bctwccuythand Ktb. Omahy NebraikK. LINING ER & M ETCALF CO. . Agricnlturallinplements.Wagons.CarriaEes . . tc. Wholesale. Omaha , Nrbrankn. PARLIN. ORENDORF & MARTIN , Wholesale Dealers In Aaiicnltural Implements , Wagons & Buggies Wl. KO. < > and 107 Jones Street , Omaha. P. P. MAST & CO. , Manufacturers of Buckeye Drills , Seeders , Cultivators , lay ! Hake . Cider Mills nnd I.uban 1'ul- verUcrs. Cor. llth ntid Nicholas streets. WINONA I MPLEM E NT CO. , Wholesale Agricultural Implements , Wagons SBnggies _ romT 14lh "nd Nlrliolns Streets. OMAHA nilANCII. J. F. SEIBERLING Je CO. , Akron , OMlo. Harvesting Hacliinery and Binder Twine , W. 13. .Mead , Manner. 1513 l.eavenworth st Omnha. MOLINE.MILBURN&STODDARD"CO ! MnnufiuUin rs and Jobbers In Wagons , Buggies , Rafes , Plows Etc , Cor , lith an 1 1'acltlc street : , Omaha , Neb. Artists' ' A HOSPE , Jr. , Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs , 1M3 DouiMn * Street , Omaha , Nebraska. Uookscllcro find Stntlonora- H.'Kl , & S. W. JONES. Successors to A. T. Kenyon A Co. , Wholesale , V Itclcll BooteelleK anil Stationers , Fine Wedding Sta'lonerv. Conimenlal fctntlonery i.i.'J Douglas Street. Uimihn. .Neb. _ _ _ Boots and _ _ _ _ KIRKENDALL. JONES & CO. . ( Succc-.fors to Heed , Jones * Co. ) Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots and Shoes Auvnta for Iloston lluht.er . Shoo Co. 1102,1101 A. 11IW llarncy it. . Omata. Nebraaiia. W. V. MORSE Ac CO. . JoliDers of Boots and Shoes , 1101,11C3-11UJ Uou la S' , Omalni Mauulactorj , Sum mer M11(81011. . Coffees , Splcos , Etc. CLARKE"COF > EE cp.7 Omaha Coffee and f plee Mills. Teas. Coffees , Spices , Baling Powder , Flavoring Kxlrnctn , I.nundry Illuu. , Inks , Ktc. 14 rceC Onialia , Nebraska. Crockery and CjaBsvvnro. " "w. L/wmcHT. Agent for the Manufacturers nnd Importers of Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys , Ktc. OfBecJUTS. 1Mb K. . Omaha , Nebraska. PERKINS , CATCH &LAUMAN. IiuDortcn ntid Jobber' * of Crccierj , Glassware , Lainrs , Silverware Etc. 1311 Kiirnam St. , New 1'ntton Hulldla , Commission and Storage , ' " * " " " " RiD"DELLr & RIDDELL" Storage and Commission Merchants , S | cclaltl T < "Mrr. ' " fi'rctM > iry | | , Ramc. H12llowara Strtnt. Omsiha , . CEO. SCHROECER & CO. , Successors to Mcbbano ! i fc'chroodcr. ) Produce Commission and Cold Storage , Omaba. Nebraska. FREDERICK J. FAIRCRASS. Whoe ! ale Flour , Feed , Grain and General Commision Merchant. CorropontJonco solicited ICH North 10th rtlrcet.Omnba , Neb. nndLlmo- OMAHA COAL , Co < E &LIMEcO. Johte of Hard and Soft Coal , Sfl South 13th Street , Omaha , NcbrniAa. J7 J. "JOHNSON & 1CO.T Manufacturers of Lime , And shippers ot t'oal , Coik , Cumcnt , l-lantor , T.lm Drain Tile , nd Sewer 1'jpo. Ofllce'IS , a. 13th St. , Omaha , Neb. Telcphono til. NEBRASKA FUEL CO. , Shippers of Coal and Cola 211 South 15th St. . Omaha. Neb. Dry Geode nno Notions. " ' ' " M. E'SMI'TH & "cb. . Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions , 11W and 1104 Douglas , Cor. llth St. , Omaha , Neb. KILPATRICK-KOCH DRYGOODSCo Importers and Johte in Dry GooflsNolions , Gents' Furulshlne ( ioods. Comer llth and UUDCJ Lta. , Ouiaha , Nebraska. Furniture. DEWEY & STONE. Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , I'nruar.i Street , Omaha. Nebraska. CHARLES SHIVERICK , Furniture Omaha , Nebraska. Crocorloe. P AXTO N . Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , :06,7U7 , T03 and 711 S. 10th Ft. . Omaha , Neb. McCORD , BRADY & CO. , Wholesale Grocers , th and I.eaTenrrorth Street , Omaha , Nebraska. Hardware. MARKS BROS. SADDLERY ( JO. Wbolesalu Mantifatturers of Saddlery & Jahoers of Saddlery Hardware And Leather. HW , llOTi and 1(17 Ilarcoy St. , Omaha , Nebraska. H payy hlardwaro. W. J. BROATCH. Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel , Springs , Wagoa Stock. Hardware , Lumber , Etc. IKK and UllHarney MrcctUm ba. HIMEBAUGH & TAYLOR , Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop , Mechanics' Tools and nuffalo Pcalcs. lldi Douglai Htrcot , Omaha , Nebraska. RECTOR. WILHELMY & CO. , Wholesale Hardware , fthand Harner St . . Omaha. Neb. Wust m Aecnti tor Austin I'owderCo. . JnlTerson Steel Nails , Fairbanks Standard Settles. HARD- Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate , Metals , Sheet Iron , etc. Agents for Howe Ec-ales , Miami Powder and Lyinnn litulicd - \ > Ire , Omaha , Nebraska , Hats , Cape , Etc. W. L. PARROTTE & CO. , Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods , 1107 Uarney Strcat , Ouiaha , Nob. Lumber. OMAHA LUMBER CO. , All Kinds of Building Material at Wholesale 1SU Street and , Union r elflB Track. Omaha- LOUIS Dealer in Lumlier , Lath , Line , M. Dccu.Utc. YirJsj-Corner 7lh. and UouKliij Ccirci OMAEJOBBEIiS'DluTORY ' Lumber ) C. N. DIETZ , Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber , isthand California Slrtct , Omf > li , Notni V . Lmlicr Lime Cement Etc Etc , , , , , , Corner f th * ml Doticlas EU..Om hiu T. W. HARVEY LUMnER Cl5T7 To Dealers Only , ORlccllG3 Fnrnnm Plrcct.Omnhn. JOHN A. WAKEFIELD , Wliolesale Liimlier , Etc , Imported find American I'nrtlnm ! ( Vment. SUtl Agent for MlhtMikpc llrdritulle Cement and tjulncy Whlto l.lmc. CHAS. n. LEE. Dealer in Hardwood Lnmlier , Wood Carpets and 1'arquct Flooring. 9th nnd Uouglai Mllllnory nnd Y OBERVELD ! Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions IN. tin mill III Knnlh Illh Slrivl CANFIELD MANUFACTURING CO. , Manufacturers of Overalls , Jeans PnnU.fchliU. Ktc. IKlJand 1101 Douulai Street , " * } ? Omaha * fieb. JJotfcms. _ _ J.T. ROBINSON NOTION CO. , "M ' Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods t 403 and 405 faith 10th St. , Omaha. J Oils. s CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO. . Wholsale Refined and Lubricating Oils , Ailo Grease , Ktc. , Omaha. A. H lllshop. Manager , V1NYARD & SCHNEIDER Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods , 11(6 ( Harney Street , Omahft. Offlco Fixtures. ' _ _ TUB PIMMOXDS MANUPA'cTUIUNQ CO. J ; Miuiufactare.-s of Office and Saloon Fixtures , Mantle' , Sideboards , Hook Cases , Druu Klxtun's.\VaH rn iI'attltlons. . UiHlliicii , Counters , lleerand Wlno Co < ilors , Minors oto. Factory uni1 nffiro , luUimd liSJ fcoulU loth bt. , Umiiha. Tulophono ll.'l. " Points jmd "CUMMINGS I Wholesale Dealers In Paints , Oils , Window tite , Etc , HIS Knrnain Street. OmahaNeb , , i . -aJ 4 Papor. " " CARPENTER PAPER CC. . 4 Wliolesale Paper Dealers , : , Carry n nlco Ftoek of I'rlnllnK , Wrapplna and Writing Pu tr. Hpcclal utlentlon Klvun to tar load orders , Pnpor Boxos. JOHN L. WILKIE. , , Proprietor Oinana Paper Box Factory , - " Nos. 1J17 end 131'J Douglas St. , Omaha , Neb. Soocls. PHIL. STTwiVlEL fc CO. . " Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds Bll and tlJ Joncr Street. Omaha. Storogo , Forwarding & Commission ARMSTRONG. PETT1S Sc CO. , Storage. Forwarding and Commission , Branch huui-o of the llcmjcy Iluney Co. Iluciiienal wnuletulc and relnll. 1.W UlOnnd 1J1'ItarU Ulreot , Omaha , Tclepuoav Nu.750. Brewers- STORZ& 1LER , Lager Beer Brewers , 1531 North Klsttitccnth Street , Omaha , J-'cb. _ ' * EAQUE CORNICE WORKS , Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Cornice , John Epcuetcr , Proprietor. KM Dodge and llfl aud KM North 1IAU Street , OniaTia. WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION , | Auxiliary Publishers , * Dvilcrsln Type . , Presses and Printers'Supplies. 502 - = -.omalia. Rjjbbpr Coeds OMAHA RUBBER"co. . Waniifactiirers and Dealers in Rubber Goods 111 Clothing and Leather Ilcltlnc. 1003 Km nam Htrcoh M. A. DISBROV7 f , Co , ' Wholesale Manu : icturcrs of Sasli , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings Branch Offlco , 12th and Itard Btrccls , Omaha , Nub. \ . ' BOHN MANUFACTURING CO. ' Manufacturers of Sash , Doors. Blinds , l.ulllnps , Stnlr Woilc and Interior Ilaid WooJ Flii u. N.K. Corner tali and Lcareimorth Streets , Umaha , Sjuu. I , Pumpa. Etc A. L. STRANG CO. . Pumps , Pines and Enpies , CHUHCHILL PUMP CO. , Wholesale Pumps , Pine , fillings , U. a. WIND ENGINE PUMT CO.7 Steam and Water RROWNELU& CO. , Engines , Boilers and General Machinery. Sheet iron meaum , , , . , „ . . Iron Worka. STEAM BOILER WORKS , Carter ft eon , 1'rop's. Manufacturers of all klndi Steam Boilers , Tante and Sheet Iron Work \ Works South nth and II. j. .M. Crossing. 1'AXTOM & VIKHLl.SO IKON WOHKO. Wrought and Cast Iron Building Wort , Kiiclncs , Ilraes WorkQoneral Foundry , Machine nnl Ulackumltu Worlc. DMIcu nnd Works , U , P. Ity. nuU I'.thbtrcctOmaha . , " " " " O M A H A Wl"tTE"cTl RO"N WORKS. Mannfaclnrcrs of Wire and Iron Railings * \ Doik lulls. Window Onanli. Flower Rtandu , Vflr * HUns. Ktc. lit Nuitli ICta Htreet , Umaha. ' OMAHA SAFE and IRON WORKS , Man'frs ' of Fire & Burglar Proof Safes VaultJ.JulI Work. Iron and Wlro Fonclnz , 8l ni , Kto , U , Andrcou , 1'rup r. Cor. lull aud Jitcksuu tilt , CHAMPION IRON and VVIRE WORKS Iron and Ire rciices , Ralliag ? , Gnarfls and Screens , for bixnki , oeicflt , lirp < . ro l Join , oto , lci | > r < > vcil Aitnlnn" . Ujckimltli Machinery ucil niUliVorki. . till bouttl KtU bt. MEACHER & V/HtTMORE , Fire and Burglar Proof Safes-Tline Locl s . - . , .