Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 21, 1888, Page 7, Image 7

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No AtlvurtlHGtiifintA will 1)O tnliun far
tlirHu coltimiiH utter lUillO p. in ,
Terms Cituli In mlvnncc.
Advertisement * iinilnr thl * head 10 conta per
line for the llrst Insert Ion , 7 rents for each'sub-
Hoqiient Insertion , and tl.Mn line tx > r month
No advertisement takun for loss than , cenu
the lint Insertion. Bovcn word * will bo counted
to tlio llm-t tlicy must run coaeeciitlvoly find
> nlit ' 1)0 jintil in ADVANCH. All advertise-
inputs must DO handed 111 before la : : o'clock p.
> n. , mill under no clrcumstanccR will they betaken
taken or dl'-contlnucd by telephone ,
Purtlm advertising In these columns mul hav
ing their answ r. * addressed In care of Til K UKK
will plenso nsk for a cheek to onabln them to get
their lcttern , IIH none will bn delivered uxccpt on
lircsontatlon of check. All answers to ndver-
llsrmcntH should bo enclosed In envelopes.
All nitvortlsomentrt In tlipni columns nre pub
lished In both morning anil evening edition * of
TDK llfn : , HID circulation of which abrogates
inoro than IK.rtiO papers ilnlly , nnil glvfs Iho ad
vertiser * tlio bcnetlt , not only of tlio rltvclrcit-
Intlonof TDK llr.i : , but also of ( Joiiucll Hlntr * ,
Jilncoln mul other cltlo < anil towns throughout
IhlsBcctlon of the country.
Adverthlng for these column * will b'c taken
on tlm ubovo condition * , ut thn folio" . Inji bitsl-
no's Uritiooi , who are ntitliorlml iv ntt for TUB
lir.n special noMc R , nml will quo to the samu
late.s as cim be had ut tin * main olllco.
"lOIIN W. HUM , , Phnrmaclst ,
tl Street.
CHAHK & KDDY , .Stationers and Printers , 113
outh : lOthaircet.
Sll rAUNSWonTir , I'harmacIst.ail.lCum-
Ing Street ,
' IllfOlll'.S , I'lmrmaclst. 621 North Ifith
GKO. W. I'AltH. I'hunuaclst , HW St. Mary' *
WANTKD-Situation by n. young man as
clerk In grocery store. Ilavo huii 4 yoir. * '
cxporienco. Ooodroleienccs , AddroHS.DU-l.llee.
' tfc
W ANTI'.D-Work on llrst-clnss farm ; small
wug. H asked. Addres * 1) ) S7 , lleo. 3 1 SO *
WANTIJD Position as book keeper : nlno
years experience with inereiintllo house )
nnd three yo irs In Insurance olllcf In St. Paul ,
Minn. A No I rofoioncas. Address I" , lleo.
T\rANTrD-100 luboierc. city woik. ? I 7fi ,
T T Coninierclul limploymeut Agency , 1BW I'ar-
Ham , Sd lloor. 3 < 4 SI"
W ANTHD-Threo good brkk masons ut 1003
1'nrk nvo. M Sit
\\7 ANTKD Wo have scvcrnl good sltuntlons
T lortolluolo clerks registered in Neb. N. W.
Druggists' Agency. : > 2St
IVAN'TKD.Man for olllcn work and take half
* ' IntoroJt. Ca h reiinlred * li"i , Address , 1)
21 , Dee o.llco. : l SO *
" \\7"ANTii-Man : unit wife private family.
TT $3) : S teamster ? , 4.0 : 1 llrst-clasi haidwaia
man , I white porter hotel , 410. Whlt's'Holllcs.
119 N. 10th St. ; i7 SOt
WAN'JKD S bread bakers , tin per week" :
man and wife for prlvatu fumlly , $ ! 0 ; man
and wife , mnil to drlvo team , woman to cook
for men , $13 : fitoamstcis , 10 tnrm hands. % X ) .
Mra. llremi. 311'jH litll. 3 < : . BU
ANTI-ID Man and wife , private fainlly.SlO
per montli ; S scrub girls. { 13 per month ;
Cook , jirlvata family , no washing , ! ! ; green Dane
or Oerman girl , prlvats family , goo 1 wages ,
rood homo ; H dining room girls , S dishwashers ,
chambermaid ( llrU don't have to wait nil
day for nines * ut tin * olllce. Omaha limp ,
liurenn , 110 N. lith. J179 SO *
IMNTKD .Mcntund pastry co' k. 312.50 per
week , man for prlvnto family , { 15 , 8 farm
tiamls. 3.0. Mrs. llregn , 3li'S H. 15th. ' 341 SOt
" 1X7ANTI.D Typewriter , general olllco man ,
TT man for wholesale hous" , btou salesman ,
pavrr * , etc. ( 'ommTclal Kmploymont Agency ,
1C03 1'arnam St. , Sd lloor. 1K9 ) *
WANTKD First-class mnchlnu hnnds.steady
Job. Hoso'lbery'H planing mill. 31821 ?
ir bu lieling. L. O. Jones ,
IIW'.I I'arnamst. : c.121
rANTKD A class Hausago maker nt U
A. Marflh , ! ) 'JJ ! N lUth ht. SS7
' ANTI3D-At once , good barber. T.V. .
Drown , Ashland , Neb. S"i 2) *
PUH1UK : tougent.i , either sex , selling
Voice of l/jhor , nnd four other best soiling
books In Amrilcu. Live. * of nil prosidontliil
cnndlclnto. * trio with each copy. H. .1. Smith &
Co. 311 Deal born at. Chicago. _ SCT Si
( Jooil llfo Insurance solicitor. *
with bank references , uro wanted by the
Union Llfo ut 401 Merchants' national Dank
building. Omul ui , Olllco hour. < 8 to 10 n. m. nud
itoll p. m. BI6
) -At Northwestern Labor Agency ,
d. luthst , 10 .stonecutter. * , 15 teamsters ,
4 stnro rooms to rent. 772
ANTKD A man to solicit ; salary J100 per
month ; must deposit $25 and give security
for monay collected. Address George 8. Cllne ,
Vaguer block , DesMoinos , la. 754 0.8
TTTANTKD Men for railroad wors in Wash-
TT lugton territory. Teamsters , pick and
ehovol men , ax men and rock men , big wages
nnd long , Mi-ndy job. At Albright's Labor
Agency. 1120 Fnrniim st. 133
WANTKD A tlrst-elass experienced window
dresser. Inquire at the Fair. 6S3
OLICITOHS wanted for a largo manufactur
P ing company ; references required. Address
n 01207 > Omuha. ( W7 S30
B O\'a-Am. Dibt. Co. , 1304Douqlai.
"MrANTKD A good cook : also good laundress -
dross , nt S. W. cor. Hnriiey nud Itth.
350 31 *
\\'ANTKD Young girl for light housework In
t family of three. Call after 5 p. m. . nt 810
S. 23d st. 31t < - ' . > 0
WANTKD A girl for general housework ,
KSJ California , cor. 20th st. 344
W ANTKD Young girl to nsslst with house
work and euro of children , lu'8 N. 19th st.
. no 33
WANTKD A Ural-class nurse girl , wages
from S-1.M to $4 : one that likes children ; no
Other need apply. Omaha Kmp. Durcau. 119 N.
WANTKD Flist and second girl in private
family of seven poisons. Wages $18 and
112 per month. .Must be thoroughly competent.
Cloud references required. Address , Dox 233 ,
Omaha. SGI SIT
TNTKD-Tldy girl aged 11 , 535 pleasant st ,
3SS 23t
* l\7ANTKD Woman cooks for Fromont. Ash-
> laud. Albion and Houth Omaha , } 30 to $30 ,
trait ITH * for Norfolk , experienced second girl
fond of a baby , best wages , nurse girl , cooks for
boarding houses , kitchen girls , 3 waitresses for
the we&t , and .M ) girls for general housework ,
jjru. Drega. ! 114'j 8.15th. 312 SOt
WANTKD A competent cook , must have >
good roforcnccs , 2019 St. Mary a ave. 313 201
ITirANTKD-A llrst-class dmssmnker.Apply
T > to Mrs. Julift Stein. 1111 Douglas. 317
1\TANTKl-Good girl tor housework. 819 S i
T 19th. 309
WANTKD A good woman pastry cook al
llld Douglas Bt. U0521 *
WANTKD Housekeeper for widower will
'Ihrnull children , on a farm in Hurt Co ,
Call 1010 Mason Ht. HIS SO *
IMNTKD-Good girl , CSS N li'th.
Vi JANTF.D-LadyngenUfor "A" skirt anO
f bustle combined ; ulso "H" hose support' '
I. Our ( lalcsburg. 111. , agent cleared $108 in 1C
days . Ladles' Supply Co. , 387 W. Wnshlngtor
Bt , Chicago. WteOI
W ANTKD Lady agents for the ladles' friend
liuikcr block , room 24. SOS 8 Ss *
HlTANTKD Middle aged lady with good ret
T > ereuces ns housekeeper und taVo care o :
two llltlo children ; will keep girl for eecom
vrork good and good home.
; waged a Apply u
. Lul
w A thoroughly competent glrl foi
general housework ; references required
Apply at H. 2 , H edict block 1511 Farnam st 305
WA NT K D A lady to solicit ; must deposltl2.
and give security for money collected
Address Ueorge a. Cllne , Wagner block. De ;
Molnes. la. 753 o. 8
A OOOI ) girl for general housework In sinal
iTV must bo a good Uuudross. oil t
Fstliht. 81920 *
_ _ _
jnANADlAN eniployment otllc * . Mrs. Hregi
V/34K H 16tli. Uefvreuc Omaha National ban ;
UU *
W AN1KDIlon > es to board , Ducieyo Bta
. bias , 19th botweeu Haruey and ht , Mary" :
t : Onitclas * accommodations : best box stall
lh city ; t nn4 re jooab'.e ; telephone. 841.
"V\rANTKI > A respectable offlcc gentleman
T ilcslrcs t oara anil nice vrnnn loom for the
winter In private fHtnlly where there nro no
ottier boarders or children ! cash pay. peed ref
erences. Adilrcs * with full Information , Ii I ,
lleo onicc. .Tit ) ZV
TTfNOAOIJMKNTS to do rlrnwinnlclnf ; In fnm >
J-lViiiea solicited. Miss Sturdy , WJIT l.eavcn-
worth M. RC' n ! J4
\X7A N'l"fi-Tlrt : ) ntSlth and Ma on sts. A. 1 * .
> T Tukey , l.'th and Douglas. _ t'57 '
WANTED If you have any lands , lot * , or
houses and lot * to sail or exchanjo ; for
other ptop rty , call on me or write. I c u find
you a customer. C. C. SpoUwood , 305V4 B. l tn.
Tlio public to makn good mo of
' T The llet'B luesKiico boxoK throughout the
city. too
GOOD board and lodging $1 per week. aU'113
draco st. IM : " 0 >
and room \ il'ariiaiii ! st.
rirst-clas nnd plo-isant place. A limited
number c.iu be iiccommndatod. Apply MIOII.
.ST cla * * board can be had by the week nt
1708 Douglas st. C5130 *
"VVTANTED TiibU boarder. ) ut IBO/j Douglas.
" ' 4'i5
\\7ANTKD-A nont cottage In rospuctablo li >
' T ration by gooil Addi s I ) , lleo
oiilcf. ai ; ai
\\7 AH'JKD-lSor II room house ; must have
V > nil modern ums'onlriicn.s ; will pay liberal
rent If pervm will built noiiso : will leas hnmn
fur any term of year * . J. I. , liran-llos , 1.1th mid
11 on aril. K > \
FOH HUNT 'l-rooiu brick housulth baru.
AppIyUli : Iturnoy. Mil W
- cottagesuitu : o ai *
UIJMT lU-room home on "Hh ave. near
CumlngKt. : good repair , largo barn , east
front lot nnd beautiful view ; clioip to good
tenant , Hugh U. Clark , room 7 , Chamber of
Commcicc. il.r.1 1
Ii'Olt KENT .Vroom honso , hard nn-1 soft
water , plenty yard room , etc. ( Srace and
28111 ! . Apply at23iiH Clilnlni ; . 3li UJ *
17KIU UiNT-Nu\v5room : cottage. atiMndl-
Jt ? una live. yi7 : % 't
ITlOlt lliNT-To : Hinall family , refercnco n--
Jqulrt'il , housu II rooms : hurilaml suit v.ntur ;
nil In good iciialr ; 11'2 ; cor. 10th and I'mlllc.
" 1
IOH HKNT Nice 3-room rottage , ill per
montli ; ulsoS looms , J7. 3331 Decitur Bt ,
I7OH HKNT New , good Bltu.itcd six-room
JL' hou-,0 , with porch , well , trees , collar , largo
lotoii S. 17th Bt. on car lino. Apply to MH.
Julia Stein , 1111 Doitgla. * st. ; us 1'j *
FOH HKNT-B-room house cor. SJth and
Orniit. JUl.
6 room lionsj. Ilrlstol st. , ? I1.
5-room house. Fiirnum and 3.'ith , 115.
" room houso. und : i5th. $11.
4-room house , Dupout Place school , 110.
Ill-room benne , Liniunworth nearSJd , Irt per
fect order. Call and MIU It.
Hlngln store-room , cor. 3'ith and Fnrnam ;
Milemlld ] ilaco for n groc-r ; rhnp. Hugh U.
Clurk , loom 7 , Chamber of Commerce.
IpOH HUN"r--Small lottugu on car llne.IO per
month. Co-Operative Land A : Lot Co. , ' _ ' 0j N.
IMh nt X"J ) SO
IilOH IlIINI' Tine 11-room lioiike , all moilorn
ImprovenientH , - ' ( Vi Hurt st. . near cable lino.
U. M. ( lenlus , IltB Douglas st. SSI
SrA'UHAI.honsa * for rent. S. T. 1'uturMin. fl.
e. cor. l.'th and Doui'lu * . KH
IjlOlt HUNT Cottage , ii looms , very desirable.
J ? 1212 S7tli ht. , near Savvurd at. Inqulro HU'i
fiipltal ave. Ml
FOIt HUNT New flvo-room cott.tge , 2Ji blorUs
elf Kurnnm car Hue. luoulro , 314 S 1-th st.
S 7
TT1OH HUNT Hoilbo No. aiS. ! I'Jth st. . lOrooms.
-L1 with modern Improvement * . Imiulro at I ) .
S. National bank. 197
TjlOIl HUNT 10-room house with modern con-
H vvnlence. * , ut UK ) S. 30th sf prlco SUO.tM ; ul .o
1'J-room house nt Soil St , Mary's ao. . Apply at
MO South 2.1th st. 1UI-SSI
C ; 11KAP Hents-Thi ) largest list In tlio cltv ;
price ) down. J. II. I'urrutte. IWi Clilcugo.
"ITIOH HKNT ( iood ( i-room cottage on Park av-
JJ oiluo and Mason btreets , M5 ; good -rooiii
house In Windsor place. j37.5y. D. Y. Hholo.s ,
room 210 , First Nat. bank. 113 SI
. . . HKNT Two 0-rooni houses. $15 each.cor.
lUth and Mason. H. K. Stoln , Sll So. 12th.
"TTUH HKNT House seven rooms nnd attic ,
JJ 21l7Muplost , one block tiom hoi.o cara ,
three blocks from cable curs. 121 SI *
TT'OH HKNT Now 8-room house on Cumins
JD st , near Lowouve. Toims nwonabK Ap-
plj quick Spotbivood , COJV4 S 10th. T i
TT OH HKNT For 0 months , modern house of
JJ 8looms , completely furnished , barn with
room for two hornes , lent 8iO ; posso.sslou given
Bopt.Suth. 2-oi ; N.SItti , 1 block nortn of Lake.
77IOH HIINT-House 619 N. IStll street. Apply
JL1 ut St. A. D. liulcombe , S003 California st.
"TjlOH IIKNT Klcgnnt cast-front B-room 1'Otiso
JL1 ou S. S5th uvo ( Pleasant st. ) , near St. Mary's
ave. C. K. Harrison , 418 3.15th St. 970
T7IOH HKNT An elegantly furnished house In
JL1 best pait of city ; furnace , cistern nnd all
modern convenience * . Inquire at once. 1031
Park ave. U70
TTiOH HUNT IP-room house suitable for bourd-
J ing , goad location , rent $4) furnished or fjO
unfurnished. Address C63 , Dee. 879 SOt
1I1OH HUNT Largo 2-.story 7-room homo for
JL1 the winter. SlD.Oil'j per month. C. K liar-
rl.-on. 418 S. 15th bt. 9)0 )
FOH HKNT 8-room house , sewer , ga * , hot
and cold water , bath room , now and com
plete , } IO per montli , Apply at once. C ! ' . liar-
rlEOll. 413 .S. luth at. 483
" | 7IOH HUNT Flvo loom house , Leavcnworth
JL1 bt. mid 41st. , 813. J. W. Kller , loom 7 , Iron
bank building. KH
FOH HKNT Nlco 7-room house , 1131 North
17th st. Inquire 216 d. 13th bt. 433
FOH HKNT I have nOout n dozen houses
runslng fiom three to thirteen rooms that
can be tented at living prices. If youwnntto
rent a house , call and boo mo. George J. Ktunib-
dorir. room 0. opp. P. 0. 33J
HKNT At very low rates. 10 nnd 11 now
residence * . 3101 uud 3414 , Cusj street. Clm ko
Placo. Onn block south of CrelRliton college , on
Karnam nnd 21th btreet car lino. All modern
Improvement. * . Apply. II. T. Clark Union Ti ust
Co. , or nt 2430 Cuss street. IWJ
TJ1OH HUNT Neat 7-room nonso on Davenport
JL' high school , rent 110 a month. Hren-
nan & Co. , Chamber of Commerce. 1S1
"IJ1OH HKNT 3 room modern Improved house
J ? Al locality _ _ nt moderate price. Apply M.
Dlguttcr , 1001 , rarnnm.
TJ10H HKNT Klegnnt 10-room modern nouso ,
JJ near High school , if-iU. (1 U Thompson.
Sheely block , Kth and Howard. 701
TJVH HKNT 13 room house with store front ,
JL'pierce and 19th , Inquire S. Katz , 1JIG Far-
uam st SOU
TT'OIl HKNT When you wish to rent a house ,
JL' store or oHIco call on us. H. K. Cole , room
0. Continental block. 21J
FOH HKNT Ten-room house , modern Im
provements , cor Douglnn and IStli Ktshandy
to bustnes. * . 1) . T. Mount. 313 3 1 Ith ftt. tea
"OKSPONSinLKperson only can rent seven
JAroom houso. No. 1141 N 19th at. bet. Nich
olas and Paul streets ot Juo. W. Paul , 1COJ. Far-
uam st. KM
F OH HUNT 4-room house on 8.16th St. , two
blocks south of Ylutonst. ; will rent for 110
per month or sell ou terms to suit purchaser.
Ueo. J. Stcrusdorff , loom C , opposite P. O. 71U
Foil HKNT or Sale New cottage , lledford
Place , ou easy payments. Uuquiru M. L ,
llocder , loom 403 Paxton bines. 215
NKW 6-rooiu cottuge , rent 110. Inquire o ;
Illngwalt Drod , Darker block. KM
OH HKNlCottage , four largo rooms , 10U
Houth 2.1th st. 313
TTHJH HKNT Parlor and bedroom nlcaly fur
Jviilshed , steam heating , suitable for twc
utco genu. AUo. nice furnished bedroom , In
quire Kit ! a. 19th st. , between Lcavenworth and
Mason. 350
UHNI8HUI ) rooms with board ; 1917 Daven
port street. 307
TfTIOll HUNT a nicely furnished rooms , parlor
JL. ' bedroom nnd kitchen , for housekeeping , o
entire 10-room house ; 1218 Park ave. 370SJ ;
AJICKLY furnished room , steam heat : 16L
-L > Douglas. 3M)22 ) *
FUUNiailKD rooms to r nt with modern con
venloncaa. ffitl N lUth st. 318 ait
HE NT 3 nicely furnished rooms ( o
light housekeeping ; prlc f20 ; 713 a.27th at
SKI iil'
ROOM and boanl-COt B. 13th t , til floor.
* i
TTHniNlSIIKD and unfurnished rooms at 1302
V DougUs. Just changed hand * . Furnlturo new
T710H HF.NT-A handsomely ftirnlshcd sulto ;
-L tnodcni convenience ; location splendid.
1707 Dodge. lifl i'
17U > H HiNT-Neatly : furnlhed room * with
J- ; modern convenience. * , fli.lN 13th Bt. 310 2.V
TJ10II HKNT 2 furnished rooms suitable for
Jt mnnnml wifni reference * axi.liaiu.'a1 , near
south end of llth st. viaduct ; n good house.
Aildres * I ) 19 , Deeofllco. noi2lt
FOH IIKNt Suit of roomc , furnished or tin-
fnriilshcd. K. A. Mnrsh. UJ1 N Millfill
T OIt Hr.NT-IMnilshctl bed room with uio
JJ of parlor. J10 i/er month. 1511 California st.
4'H 2J ?
FOH Hf.NT Aleovo room with modern ron-
venlences ; board If dedred ; terms reasonn-
ble. Addles * I ) l.lleo olHcu. 2J7 21 *
'I71OH HKNT-NIre largo east front roomwith
i alcove , for contlemen , only llvn blocks from
P. ( ) , . " . block. * from - able. Sill N. IHth Bt. 2 , " )
ifiOH HKNT--l-oinfoitiibly furnished room *
with modern convenience. * ; private family
board if ilcsiiecl. Addioj. * D 5 , Dee olll < c.
FOH HUNT Pi out room on e iblo line , fur-
nishtid or uutiirnlshcd. Oil N. Sltli st.
KOOM for ccntlomun near P. O. 22 } N. 17th.
sr : u , . *
rpWO neatly furnhlied rooms. S. W. corner
1 Dodge and Itth. 117
UOOM nnd board , No. SJl 3 25th nvo.
115 Si :
KliU ANT trout room * , cheap. fil S. Pith ,
_ _
"IjiOH HKN'T Newiy nn-1 nlcoly iurnUhnl
J inoiiM , stoim heiit , bath , Mrnt-rlioH lub'.o
board , also bo.ird by day or week If deslii-1 ,
SHKD rooms with bo.ird , Z N. I9ti !
U OOM with or without board. 1812 Dodge.
K OOM nnd board , modern convenient * , 21'Jl
toward. Ill si *
1 ! ' OOM3 Including bojrd In the Young V.'o-
nieii's homo IHl'J Doilgo si. Helerenrn * ro-
> AS1'MKNT for rent , furnished or unfur-
1 lll-h :1. : 1UI5 lloilgu ( .71
HKNT A 1 ) \ " > ly south front room with
e > ory eniivunli uceiiillablo for two gentle-
.M2 I'.irnam st. > ts
ir.OIl HKNT-Nicely furnished loom , N. U.
J > - corner Pak nvo. and I'.i 'IMc , Slid d > or. suit-
.bio . lor tnoi'entleme'ior two ladkM. K < 1
FOH HKNTA haiul'omo room with nlco\o at
25,11 St. Mmy'Huva. 117
JJL13ASANT lurnlshod rooms , IOOJ I'nrnnniRt.
_ . : HKNT Furnished rooms in Qroumg blc !
L' cor. Vlth nml DoJgo sts. Inquire of Oso. It. .
) nvls. Mlllard hotel billiard mom. 217
HKNT-Klcsnntly furnished rooms with
Inqu'ro I'M ) iJougln * ! isi
I rooms ,
f9" . s 21 *
I710H HUNT Front room , l.irgo nna nlcoly
L' furnlshud , located ii-iar the nigh school. In
ho highest nnd coolest section of the city ;
able line and horsu c irs piH.-i tha door. I'.u-
mlro at 7i.'i Do.l-f j near 31th si. SOfl-
F O R R 7i N TR 00 WSJJ [ NF I RH i 3 H 5 D.
f fNI'rUNIRIIHD-FuItaliiolor lio'uiolcroplii/ .
I. > Two ( S ) i oonn , 1 1 * 1 toward st M o I
hreod ) rooms. ll.W'i S. 7th st 10 ill
'hi en i3l rooms , US7 N. 2-lth M 11 ' ' . "i
Hired ( .11 rooms , 701' Puclllrst 10 K )
rill'eoCI ) looms , 707'/i Paclllu Bt Ill HI
'our ( I ) rooms. 417 South 10th Ht ls > ( XI
IVo ( Si rooms , ISM llo-.v.uil Bt 1) ) M )
llir ( > o(3)rooms ( ) , 1011 N. Slstst 11(0 (
Ajiply to .ludgo Kcntmir An"nov , Hera.d
building , S. W. corner of IJlh tuul Hnvnovst.
T U : lurnlshcd looms , iii3 S 1'th.
SOI o 3
CJTtHKYor Hent-213"r.iriiat'i. Apply'T'liaT.
, N. W. Coiner Itth and J.ea\enworth.
"IjlOH HUNT Three elegant now briil : htoros
Ion mindara neiir.lJiiinlir'st. , npli-nd d Ijca-
lon for diug. grocery , liuiuwnro unu diy good *
Htoro or muuc inuiUet , lout ieison : , .blu ; . > lso
tliteobpl'.iuitd Hats , each U rooms , nnd Lath
room , etc. , f.'M per month. Jlorso \ Druimer ,
( iitt Furnnui st. 3JO : 'A
710H lir.NT Hulf of office at : ! ! 2 S. lath st. ,
- Hoard of 'I'lailo building. S'LCam heat.
Odcll liros. & Co. Sin
JJAOH HKNT.-Store 2N70 with e3ht ! room *
i above ; nil convnii'-n'i.'a ; good yar.l and
i.irn. Coruur Fnrnam nud Situ st. F. K. Dar
ing , 1531 1'arnam. . lb"-2' .
T7IOH HKNT 'Mllco hUlto 1J1 month , 3 Mi. lo
L'oillees $15 cncn. nil fronting pith ut. , Ijiun-
jiitui block , N. K. Coi10th ima Dou I.i * . \V. M.
Diishman. 1311 l.e.iveiiuort : : . 2i9
HKNT New htoro building , cornrr M
nn.l S'.th stroets. South OtuaLa. lllehu ,
Darker block S-J1 33
moil HKNT On Cunilng st. store and living
L1 np.irtnient . also livery stable. I'luiulro of
Harris H. K. & L.Co. , Uoom 411 , 1st Nat.
"IT OH HUNT Nicely furnlMhoil office , c-ionnd
- - ' lioor , half offJ9S : 18th bt , opposite Chamber
of Commerce , M. A'Upton Company. IVJ
THOU HUNT Double btoro room , suitable for
JL clothing , groceries , dry good * , etc. , locution
llrst clasi. Address XU1 Dee olllce. 1 ! < 3
rilWO choice store room * In the Her building ,
JL between Howard and Jacluion bt. * . Apply
liaymer & Her store. 621 8 ICth nt. 473 Bli
TT10H HUNT-Rtororootn , No.SH S. 14th at. Ap-
JU ply at 1110 Howartlst. 250
s 1TOHK ; for lent , llli Farnam htreot. Inquire
of Nathan Shultou , ut 1505 Farnam street
O FFICK3 nnd basements for rent , corner 13th
und JuckMonuls. Mrs. F. Lange. bOl.
T7IOH HKNT Store-room under Omaha Dank-
JL1 Ing Co. . cor. 15th nnd Ilarncy. suitable for
money loaning or teal estate business. Paulson
& Co. , No. 1 < 1I , loom 8 , Furnamst. U53
TjlOH HHNT Flno retail store room with
JL' inrgo basement , SW per month. C. F. Har-
11.1011 , 413.S. 15tll St , 433
riTWO tores , 23x50 , just completed , with Hats
JL of seven rooms nbove , with water nnd gas ,
llrst-class finish , tith and 1'aclllc sts. , low rent.
Apply to Ktllnger llros. , 913 S. 10th St. , Oninha.
FOH HKNT llrlck hotel , Si rooms , good lorn-
lion. Hue pnttonage. Address W. K. Neat ,
Falls City. Nob. 380 SI *
BAHDEHS-Tho barber shoo In the Windsor
hotel Is now for ront. Excellent opportu
nity for n Ural-class barbar. KM 21
FOIl UKKT IIotel , OS and 4 S. 10th st ; part
of furnlturo for sale. 279 20 *
FOH KENT A well Improved farm of 101
acres In Mills county , Iowa. For terms ap
ply to J. Horrlgau , Solomon. In. 330 2U
WD DKHHV , of South Omaha , makes a
specialty [ of renting buildings. 300 21 *
.1SThouses with mo ; have lots of customers.
J. II. Parrotte , 1U03 Chicago. 157014
T\TE give special attention to renting and colT -
T T loctlng rents , list with us , II. E. Cole , room
6. Continental block. 2A1
IF YOD want your houses rented place thorn
with llenawn Jc Co. , 15th , opposite postonice.
GKOHGE J. STKnNSDOIUT , room 0. opp. P.
O. , will hereafter give special attention to
renting hoiues , mores mid Hats. If you want
your property rented without delay and to reli
able tenants , do not fall to list the same with
him. 330
LOST Parrot. A liberal reward for return
of same or Information as to his wherea
bouts. No. 1716 St. Mary's ave , W. F. htoeckor
cigar store. 330 SO *
L'OHT-Agold bar pin. Howard paid for its
return to UJ2 S. 20th st. 276 20 ;
FOUND Order book with name of C. It
Temple , Shelblna , Mo. , on back. Owner can
have same by calling at 1010 Farnam et. Johnson -
son Bros. 350 20 ?
fTHAKEN HP An old red cow , which can by
JL Identifying and paying cost of this adver
tisement and damage , be had of V. Pries , sr. ,
13th and Valley Bis. i77 ! i3 *
M AllY STltONO , M. D. , rooms 3 and 4 Jacobs
block , cor. Capitol ave. and Uth st.
T * you want to truy. Mil. jent or xcnang6
JL callonoraddr , - i3 Qeorgo J. StonudorO ,
l\ . , . *
you nnvo a personal Item , or
cation , dtoji it in one of 'Ilia
ixe * . _ 10
I > KHHQNAX-Tx\ . reixMtnblc goutloman
de-Ires to * fwrm the a iiialntanco t n re-
speclablo ymitrrwldo\V ; lady , who can furnish
board and rMiUfnr the winter for said gentle
man. Address ttntlnic full particulars. D23 ,
Hep oiTICB , 1 7 2JJ
PnitSrNAI/t I rrspoctfnllycnll the att ntlon
of thee \r\n \ live out of the city , to the tact
that 1 tiinkoVui&.hnMn lu any and every line of
goods , andlOTtho nntlsfnctlon of the buyer.
lluslui'SH dolfe JTiiough the banic. Write for
pnrtlculnrs. Aitdrts * F T. 1'rost , room 9 , Con
tinental block : ] Omaha. 759 o. 7t
Foil BALK * rurulttiro and carpets of an 11-
room lint ntH good bargain. KiUO Can st.
3M SI.
_ _ _ _ _
TK ( HAI.K-Spau l.irgo mule * ; uclalit 2.I/X1 ;
J. . ujo.irs old. Bound ; w\K < > unnd harnois. J.
L. Dempiov , dlo Pierce Klrrot. 37122 *
" 171" " ) US ALIIrurulturoof R-room house , U'OO ;
Jhou o for ront. Address D , 33 , llee o'.liro.
NT(7KTmekskln ( I Idlng boise Will sell for
S40casli. Aildicat , P. O. llox 43 , Po. Omaha.
] " ) ONV for .sale cheap by 1. W. Minor , Now
Orniid lot olllce. 330 2J *
SALU Tinn r' tool * ; n complnto cet at
snln ; HI2 N. IHth st. ; i2.2U
"I/"lt kALK A nuw Knyd'T buguy : alio now
-1 rness. iiniielilll'H , Ijl'i lloiml.i * . illil 2i
'I710H HALI2 Clio.ip , a Durham cow and eiilf
JL' tiqnlrn ut I'JI.I ' Fnninm st. ! Wi S.U
IA ! ltd A IN HI mll"li coii.1 nnd calves for
pnlunliu 1 : bottom lliirm. must bo sold.
Co-Opeiatlie Land \ Lot Co. , 205 N. Klh st.
MM Sll
TilOH SAI.IJ Knnilturo etc. , nil complete In to-
.f rnomed hotel , will inventory over * 3.ii ) , or
will Hade for P'irt , biiliinco cash. Addriss P ,
O box 72-1 , South Uinnhn. 2SS "Xf
"I/IOll HALK-ln diuira'il focalit > - , leisiTof
- , with le"ant fiirnlluie , at rai.i > imblo
price , i Mic-hntf of pun haso prlc i will Lu taken
out In hoard nud room. AiUlrcs * D It , Dee
olllce. 2" > 3
} /Ull ) SAIiH An I'lesfmit parlor suit an 1 bed
i loom t. * ; > lenrtid Mojm-tto nml HriiwU
inrfu'H , hi-ntltiK and rook Moves , nil tuiirly
nun , must bem Id , own-i' leaving city. Hutch-
luson .V Wend , 1 ith nnd Dodge. 311M
" ] 71OH iV.LK Cheap , nil elnvn'or nt Hlverton ,
Jtown. . Apply to I. N , Aah A : Co.Ci irngn , ill.
FITIINITI'HK , -wing inachltin nnd orrmi for
enlo. Will ho Hold nt hnlf jiiln-for insh or
ou time. AlbI I Hemlngton typ-wrlt < r nnd I " 1C.
P. " Milt , nil no. ? . \iulro nt 111 * Fuin.un Ht ,
tooiau nml 10 , * 1.1' !
" [ 71I ( ) > HA LK LI. " ti ol ypo pint' map of Oiimhn ,
J : l'x2 ' ! Incliix. ' .OIK ! mil eiMsliu seh ( inn fov
someone. H. D. Wnllrre , Dec ulllcu. IK1
) j1H ( ) HA LU ( iood f.inuly hoise nnd buggy
- elioap. r. M. Youngs , pies * room. Duo
olllce. m
fioH ( sAiTiv - mwilBr-at Hock'iw.iy rnrrln n
i-1 nt Leo & Nichols' livery barn. Twunty-alghtlt
nml Leavenwurth. I Telephom Hi'l. 417
(1 AS fixtures for nsl'j ' cheap , llavnn larae us-
Jwirlminit of tno latest d'Migmtn gus llxtuio. *
which I will sell at cost. M. It. Free , suirsssor
to . ! . ( ' . Klllott. ngent , Ifllli Karniim s' . S71
LjlOll SALII-Chcan fur casli. a goiid road'ter ,
-L year-ol I nnd almo l new Collmniin t > p
juggv iiii'l huinuss ; If you \-intrx lin looking
rig It will p iv you to Investigate. Uenrgo .1.
f-teriisdor.r . , Itooji | , opy. P. o. i " > 3
' { lil ( ) SALi ; A Snydiir miku open buggy ,
i. cheap lor , or will trade to.- top buggy.
! eo. J. Ptcnwdorir , loomU , opposite P. o
'OH SALU I'Uiimg mill macnincry. Call at
I4irJ Diiv ) iort ] ) st. Oinahii. . ' 110
A SPAN of li-jr. e. . hmnjis nnd v.njon for
XXs.ileon tlio ! n > nt plan or otnerivlse ;
vill tr uli- fir ( r M est ite nr eomuiTelal p iper ,
> r will rout to tr.o right party. Slornau ,
oiim I'J'i Pnvton bio 'k. 0-fJ
FOHSALIV-Iooln car lots. Gilbert Dros.
Council Illulls. 310-73J
IT1OH SALK All kinds of homo grown trees ,
JL' sultablo tor this climnto. C. O. Howard &
( . 'o. , Omaha. sfl < B2S
M't'f'IC A. Ito'.irs ti Sou am now prepared to
fiirnlth the best and latest music forecep -
Ions , weitd-n s , i-oelible : ! ! , pnrtlna balls , etc1.
Ir.isi and stringi\iiurtetle.i \ furnished , ospoelal-
.y for serenades , concerts , funerals , otc. Olllco
40ISonlli 13th St. , A. lii Morris' Music btoic. o ! ' . >
tlrst-clnHj droiiAinnklni ; at reasonable
'prlre.s , call nt 8l" > S Slst Bt. 3V3
A' TTI1ND ' the evening se&tious. Valentino's
Sliorthaiid lii'.titute. iiSO
III AVI ! a M ft lot on KaruHin street between
Sbth nnd Si ! ' h htu bplunJld loc.itiou for u
livery unrnv ilch 1 will I.i53 clicap and build
to suit lessee if dalrod. ( Jeorgo J. Htcru.sdorlf.
HooniO , opo. P. O. : ! -0
thn tush to I'tah. 13 vorybody Is
J- buying n Snlt Lnho City 8JJ town lot nt ! 110
S'lJthbt..lo early for c'uoicj. SW
ATTr.NI ) the cvonliii ? seE.slons. Valentine's
ort lihatul Institute. 2'USO
WI1. IIAltllKlt- H pool * , t wiM > r clot *
ckaned.woik Kiiuinnttcd.O1 8 S.Vtb.Tel fi21
1VJ o4t
rilllK banjo taught a * an art by Oeo.r. Gellen-
Jl b c ! : . W Haruey st. 13J
GKOHtii : J. Sternsdorff. room n , opposite P O.
liaa homo \ cry des.rablo lots In various part *
of the city that can 1)3 Inn ill on ruasonablo
tunas. Will build to suit lusso-j. TO
PAHTIKS having real estate they wish to sell ,
or housed they wish to runt will flndiuady
customers by calling on Slomuu , loom 401 , Paxton -
ton block. UDO
HOUSl'i for rent : furnlturo for sale or trade.
1C15 Dodgo. 9t,9
ovpnln ; ; Be.ssions. Valentino's
L Shorthand Institute. 251 30
SKNI ) your orders for line family and gentle-
men's washing nud Ironing to Wing Sing , UM
North ICth t. ; will call for clothes In nny part
of the city nnd make terms on iippllc.itlon.OJJi''J
W OMAN'S Kxcbange , 1017 1'arnam st. l.unoh
dally , Biippur Saturday nights , 9IJ
HOMV. for Destitute Women and Children ,
27lb Hurt st. Ii40
you nave anytnlng to trade cab on or ad
dress George J. Storuadorff. lloum 0 , oppo
site poatolllco . 1G7
Q. K. THOU PSON. Hoom III Sbeely
VALKNTINl'.B Shortiiund und Typowritliig
Insitute. Largest and best equipped in tlto
west. Grnuuatos all occupy good paying sit
uation. Day and uvenlng sessions. Btudnnt. *
can enter at anytime. Bend for circular. New
Paxton building , Omulia. C23 O 0
; < ' 1OHAGK nt low rate * nt 1121 Furnani street ,
JOmuhn Auction A. Storage Co. 770 o9
TORAO K at low rates in nc\v building. 314
" l.'th btreet sow s 30
CJTOKAOK-Safu , dry and clean at low rates.
Olliddell AcJUiiaell , 1113 Howard , lOis'il
niltACKAau , storage. lowet rats ? . W. M
Jllushnun , 1311 Laavenworth. S5I
T5ENSONACAHMtCHAiL : furnish complete
JL > and guar&mued abstracts of tltlo .to nny
real estate lu Omaha and Douglna county upon
short notice. Tlio most complete set of abstract
boocs In the city. No. 1509 Farnam st. Stl'l
TVT1DLAND Guarantee nnd Trust Co. . IKfi hor-
J-'inam C'otnnlote abstracts furnished , ti titles
to real estate examinedpurfected Ic guaranteed.
WANTKD- lliht Ssprlnfaccn , with
top preformed : also u gooil ulngloharness.
J. B. Cowm Co. , 1118 Jnck.on. 3t5 so ;
TI1O DUY No , 2 Hemlngton typewriter , second
JL hand. Must be cheap for ca&h. Address ,
D 21. Dee olllco. U51-21 *
Fyou have Improved business or residence
property that you wth to EC ! ! , call and sea
me. CJeorgo J. blerosdorff , room 0 , oppoalto
postofnce. 231
WANTED Furniture and household goods
of all kinds. Omaha Auction Sc Storage Co. ,
1121 Furimm st. 775Q3
\\7ANTKO A second-hand safe and oQlce
' T desks cheap. Address at once , 1) 20. Dee
office. 30720
OLD Books Cash paid for second-hand boots
at Antiquarian Hook Store , 1113 Farnam.
72J O 7 *
" ANTUD To buy or irade for a good build.
ing that can be moved. Please call on
or adores * Ueorge J.Bternsdorff , roomO , wpc-
LOW Rate-No delay : mortgage * bought ,
HutchlnsoiiVtad , 1W1 Dodge stroct.
MON15V To Loan Ily tlio undersigned , who
has the only properly organized loan agency
In Omaha. Ixmns of tlO to 110) ) timilo on fiirm-
turo , piano * . orgiinshorseswnRons , machinery ,
etc. , without removal. No delay * . All business
strictly conlldentliil. 1-oiun BO mails that nny
part can ho paid at any time , each payment
reducing the cost pro rain. Advance * made on
tine watt-he * and diamonds , Person * should
carefully consider who they nre dealing with ,
n * many uew concern * are dally coming Into ex
istence. Should you need money cull and see
me. w. 11. rroft , room 4. Wltlmell building ,
15th and llnrnoy , KM
rilili ; Omaha I'lnanclal Kxchanga , Itoom in ,
X llaiker Illuclc , southweit corner of Farnam
nml 1 ith sts.
Make * -pgrlaltr of short-tlmo collateral
nnd real estate loan * .
Money nlwayn on hand In sunn of 410) ami
ttpw at 114 to any amount , to loan on approved
security. *
Secured note * bought , sold or exchanged.
Clear real tistntu and cash to exchange for
Rood tlrst or sironil mortgiige * . * inadn upon laud conttacts , storks ,
bonds , trust deeds , llrst or second mortgage so-
cuilty , without publicity , duluy or rod tapu.
1 Inanclal Imbues * of any kind train act ml
Promptly , quietly and fairly , lloom IS , llarkcr
iiloi'k , Ciirbett , Manager. 270
\v7pKCIC loan * inoupy for iinn-residenta
I J.on gilt-edge < rtMl estate , securities , gmirnli-
oil ; reference. Commercial Niitlonal Hunk ,
) mahn. 0. W. { 'PCX , Itoom 4. Frenznr block.
MONTY to loan on improved pioperty lit first
Imnd * . No application * font uway for ap
proval. Security nml titles examlm-d free of
chnrui ) o borrowers. Ioiub\rd Investment
comp my , aw t * . nth t. Uii
/1APH on hand J.V ) .0)0 ) to loan on city and
W farm property , lowest rates of Interest ;
building loans u specialty. (1. ( \ \ . Peek , Frenzer
bo-k. ! 8 i o ll
MONKY to Ln.m city and country ; cheap
rntc.4 , no delay. L. P. Hammond , 4U9 Paxton -
ton building. 705
MONIJY VXXl.ODto loan on city nnd fatm
property , lowest rnte-i of Interest : building
loans n spocialty. (1. ( W. Peek , Fronzor block. o 11 *
TlVM ) to loan on Inside proertj. | 8om llrst
[ > mortgages for sale. Nathan Shelton , 1503
'arnam stroet. 753
MONIiYlo loan In my amount , either for
building or otlierwUo , at mjvest rate * of
iteret nnd on short notice. I ) . V. Hholo * , room
10 I' Nnfl b-ink , cor. llth nnd furiiam. 273
MANS m.ulo on estnle and mortgages
t botignt. Lewis H Heed & Co. , Ifi'JI Farnam.
II. IIIIIV ? .V ,0'0 ' to loan on city property
Jr . and Improved farm land. 1 runner block.
OXIV ! loaned ut C. \ \ Iteed & Co.M loan of-
lice , on turnlture , piano * , horsey wagoiiH ,
jii'ivon il property of all kind * , nnd all other
ut'i'lfs ' ntalun without rnmoval , 'll'J S. 1,1th.
i\l ! bualue .sxirlctly coiilldentlal. _ 1 7
"il * > ,0'X ) to loin on business property at an ex
$ tra lim rato. I'or p. itlculaM heo W. M.
larrls , room. ) , I'ronzur block , opp. V. O.
.U.OMAX. loom 4ffi , Paxton building , loan *
) money on i Ity property nnd farms. I'nrtlc. *
n filling to bull. ! will do well to bee him. Slo-
iiinn , 10J Paxton block. IKK )
and farm loan * wanted by A. K.
Hlley , 151' ) Pain-nil. _ _ S-U
> U1LDINO loan * . Llnahan He Mahoney.
" > X,0 ) 0 to loan at 0 per rant. I.tiuihali , 'c Ma-
hoany , loom 53I , p.ixton block. S83
CJLOMAN , room 405 , Puxton building , will
1J make limn In uny amount , for short or long
line. Short time collateral loan * n .speclulty.
xians madp on real estate. Commercial and
ml mortgjgo piper bought andtiold. All busl-
i--i strictly conlldi-ntlnl. Come and BOO mo.
Slomnn , room 105 Puxtrn block. iffi )
MONUY to loan on furniture , horses , wagons ,
etc , or on nny upproved security. J. W. Hob-
bins , H. SUl Sheely blfe , 15th and Howard , sa
IONKY to loin : long tlmo. George J. Paul ,
Im I \ > K.irmim bt. S'W
fONKY to loan. O. I' . Davis Co. , real estate
Lund loan agents , 1505 Farnam Bt. 2-Jl
DON'T borrow inouoy on furniture , howes ,
wagons , etc. , until you have seen C. II. Ja
cobs , room 410 , I'lrst National ban ! : building ,
cor. 13th mid 1'arnam 27H
" \ I ONKV to loan ; large nnd small sums ut low
J.'l rales , for Miort time , on real ostute or chat
tel security ; second notes bought ; all llnanclal
business strictly confidential. People's I-'Inan-
rial I'xcliangc , O. Ilous-aren , mann or , room
MY Darker blnelt , I" > tU mid I'urnam. 507
KIM HALL. Champ & Hynn nrnko loan * on
city pioperty at lowest lutes , optional pay
ments. cuMi on hand , no iloluy. Atortvagns
" HooniO , U. S. National bank. 3,1" s 29
Gl'KH CI'NT money to loin Cash on hand
W.M. Huirls , room 2J , t'leiuer block , opp.
P. O. 273
$ "iOOIOO to loin on Omaha city property nt (1 (
per cent. G. W. D iy. t5. K. cor. Kx. bid. 2 1
MONKV to loan on fuinlture , wagons , etc. ,
without removal , or on collateral security.
Duslnass i-trlctly ontldantUl. A. 12. Oreonwood
tc Co. , H 1 Cunningham blk , cor. 13th & Jackson.
to loan ou horses , furniture and other
personal property or collateral. Itiitosmod
erate ; bnslno&i ) contldential. Olhco S. W. corner
nth and Douglas st * . Dntranco on 15th Bt.
The I'airbank lnvetmont Co. 21
MONI1Y toloun ; c shonhairlno ; delay , J.
W. Soulro , 1219 Tarnam st. I'lrst National
bank building. 279
> KALotato loans , lowest rate ? . Odell Hros ,
t& Co. , . llSS.iatliat. 217
EASTEIIN money cheap. City and country.
Ollice Philadelphia Mortgage and Trust Co. ,
Itoom 13 , Hoard of Trade. Ooo. W. 1' . Coates.
29 !
/ IHATTnLandcollateral loan * . M.K.Davis
V/lll S 13th bt. , room 27. 203
IONKV to loan on Omaha and South Omaha
property. C. 1' . Harrison , 41HS. 15th bt. vm
< ) GOO.CO ) B per cent. Money to loan on Itn-
tpproved farms or city property. Jnmo * A.
woodman , nt the old tire Insurance olllce of
Murphy A : Lovett. S3J S. Uth at. S17
POU BALK Drug stock. 8,00,1 ; drug stock ,
$ ! , COJ ; driigstock | , M.50/1 ; drug stock , 1. W.
All to trudo for clear land. N. W. Druggist.1
Agency , room 40C , 1'axton block. 351 S3 *
FOH BALK flakery. lunca nud oyster parlor ,
doing n good < ash bn lne-s ; will sell cheap.
Apply cor. Sauiidots and Cumins. 37 ! S3 *
FOH SALE A stock of general mercliandlto.
W 111 Invoice nbout { 8ix . Also , two-8tory
brick store buildliu. ' , S.'ixbO. on n good corner in
the central part of tonn. Will sell stock and
i ent building , or bell both togotlier. M ust apply
at onofor particulars. Address I ) 21 , Omaha
llee , * IHM o S *
\\rANTKD-A cook with T2V ) capital to take
T > halt Jntercbt In a 7001 ! paying restaurant.
Inquire nt 70S Leavomvortn * t. 311 21 *
TT'OH BALK or exchange The stock of a char-
JJ tored mumber Holding the choicest oil lands
Inltattlesnako district , Wyoming. Address D
C7. lleo ollico. 70S Sf
OKVKHAL nice stores for sain nnd trade , var-
Olous kinds of mcvchandlae. Co-Operative
Land ic Lot Co , 205 N. 10th st. SW 20
TF YOU want to buy a good bakery cheap ad-
JLdreas D 14 Dee olllce. 2SO 24 *
AHA III ! business chance Wanted a partner
with money or security , ( a doctor pre-
f erredj to wholesale a line of exclusive druggists'
goods. $1,00) worth now manufactured nnd
ready for tale. Prollts. 2100 per day. Address
fully with reference. W. 11. v. , 14W Farnam st.
CW 30
FOH 8A LE A uew ? ,5,000stock of general mer
chandise nnd a now 1.000 store building
with living room * . Very best location In the
llvllest , booming new town In the state , ( iood ,
prolltable nnd growing trade. This Is u rare
snap nnd nothing but cash or llrat-class secur
ity will be considered. For particulars call on
or address J. H. Kuhl , Charter Oae , Crawford
county , la , 14934 ?
"HIGH BALE At a bargain , a stock of general
JU merchandise In a llvo town. Address Lock
Pox D. Nortn Ilend. Neb" . ai5a'O
TfiKH ) BALK for Cash Only feed store am :
JL' tlxturcs , nearly new building conveniently
nnanced ground rent two yean , istore 7 cars
hay , doing good business at present Itmo. Sat
isfactory reasons for gelling. Address I' . O
Dox 654. South Omaha , Nob. U75 20t
T7V3H BALK A block of general merchandise
JL1 Address lock box 3j5 , Atkinson , Neb ,
2JH 018t
H BALK A good established house paint-
lug business. Horse , wagon , ladders , et
Cheap shop rent : centrally located. Cause o :
selling poor health. Address I ) 13 Dee ofltco.
277 Wt
"I71OH 8ALG or trads A valuable invention
JL1 Will sell same cheap for casti. or will trade
for good real estate or real estate paper , reason
for selling , my time being occupied with other
matters to give thli attention. The right part ]
can make money out of this. Investigate
Bloman. room 405 Paxton block. t > ta
TTWH SALE Abstract booVs of Omaha ant
JL1 Douglas Bounty , This Is an established ,
rapidly increasing , business , paying a
largo interest on the investment. For booka
nnd good will of th business. Omaha ml ea
tate or secured paper with a fair cash payment
willU Uxen. George W , Ames , 1501 yojnata ,
171011 flAlili Atlv rarnny. Nob. , the furnlturo
. ' nnd lease of ( Irand Central hotel. 'I ho second
end bol homo In the city , nnd the best located ,
being opnosltn depots. Doing a piylng bttsl-
ne * * . Price H.600. Inquire T 0. Drulnard ,
Midway hotel , Kearney , Neb. 274
"IjMMl HALK-Salt Lake lots f-M each , nt mo S.
JJ 15th St. 4Jj
"TOOltSAliK I'lno stoclTof groceries , good I llvo I
J- . town , llrst-clnss trade , Rlckncss. AddH's P
O. llox ml. I'lattsminitli. Nob.
N 0.1 meat market for sale for t 50 cash. Ad
dress D 17. lleo. 31.1 Zlt
"OAHTIE3 wishing to purchase real otato
J or seeking Invojfmentii of any kind will do
well to call ( ( ii yioiiian , room 405 Paxton block.
IjlOH BALK Cheap fur cash. N. Y. Hotel and
JL' Hcstmirant , 709 N. 10th nt. ; good busluesi ;
deslrf.ble location ; reason for selling , have
other business to attend to. Call on or nddrnbs
U. A.Marsh , UOH N 10th st , Omnhn. 631
'irHHt SALK A good lumbor.coalagricultural
X1 Implemnnt and llvo stock business. AddrosB
Hedge tire * . , Yutau , Neb. W3 ! olO
\\7ANTKD-To exchange Insldo city prop-
etty far impiovcd farms near city , llox
"Gl , city. 3si o ID'
A\"ANTIJI ) To trade tree claim or n lot for
> tlnniT's tool * . C. Snvnge , 1'jll DoJgoat.D
'ttl 21 *
ONI' hundred and sixty net ex Improved farm
land to trade for good Omaha property. Ii
1' . Sever , llnrkor block. SHI 21
MorlBagoof l.R7iidHomo !
real etute for ! < -rintii ) IIOUNII iind lot. C. K.
Iti-Itcr. lloolii5.H. w.cor. 15th & llutiglas lft' UUJ
FOlf KXCIIANIIK Cholcn Improved farm
land * In Ni uruka forOniahanisldencnpinp-
erly or stocks of clean merchandise , ( 'nil or ud *
dress \V A. I'rye , K 1 , nw corl > th and Kariwui.
K3 04
_ _
SIX hundred nnd forty ucrc * of line Nebraska
land to tradi ) for Improved city pioperty.
InquliD at once of K. K leaver , Darker block.
gl ) ! l
_ _
IllAVi : real and personal property of all
kind * for trade. Cull and Hi'u mo. ( leorgo J.
Hternsdorir , room 0. op . 1' . O. : w
rpUADK3 mAiU In oitnto and personal
X property. Bee axchanue book. fo-OD. L.
and I , . Co.aoo iethst. 'JfJ
\v have you to trade for Komo north
western oil stock'/ Address 110 , lleo olllce ,
C . /MlfVOYANT. /
Dn. NANNIE V. Wnrren , clairvoyant. Med-
ICHl , business nnd test medium. DlRKnotU
free. Female dlseue a specialty. 119 N. Uth
at. . Itoom * iA3 ! Tel. v)44. ) Si > r
iATilT ! No\v"casnroiit ronm house ,
. with bath , closet , hot and cold ator , fur
nace , laigo barn. 14SIJ S. itn Bt. ! f73 o 3 _
Oil HAI.15- Southland oat front on 17th
F btreot , ono block north of Vlnton , MtM\ ) for
W.liK ) ; Wi tush , balance 1 , y nnd 3 years. Kx-
tru value for the money , street car within a.
block. M. A. rpton Company. 315 SI
TTlOllHAMi or trade for weteni lands , horses ,
JJ mule. * , cattln and sheep. Apply to J. Itorrl-
gun , Solomon , lu. 331 Sir
mtHSAM5-I.ot2 and S5. blk 4 , Huw-
L1 thorue , oHflTithst near Davenport Ht ,
graded , worth H.SOi ) , price . t2COO
xjt S3 , block 111. tlunscom Place . 1,000
xit B , block H. Lincoln Place . 75(1 (
, etH it mul 7 , block 10. Hltchcocks St. nucli . COO
: .ot 14 , block H.IIedford Placo.near foundry CW
, oti7 , II , IS and 1.1. block 4 , Pruyn Park ,
ear.h . . 4V )
x > tS , block ! ' , Poppleton Parl : . 1,7M
louse of H rooms on sid : nnd California . . 3,700
, ot 1' ' , block n , llorbdch's Slid , with two
house.s ou cable HUM easy term * . ( ! , .r > 00
Corner -Douglas and Tenth st . 26,0 0
\cre.s In Spring Valley , JISO to . MX )
, ol * near Sonth Omaha , each . X )
\cre * In Solomon'H ad . UU )
Two doubla corners lu Soutn Omaha on
S'Hh ' st and near the park _ . 1,000
See u * before you buv. Sotno ol our customers
will soil nt great sacrlllco.
Marshall & I.obeck , til 9 , Chamber of Com-
nerco. 23523
LAND Seokois. Attention For full par
ticular. * about free and cheap lands In west-
TII Nebraska uddres * Thos. C. Patterson. Heal
IMato Agent , North Platte , Nob. 1'JIOI'J
RKSIDr.NCK for Sale Nice 5-room house , fin
ished lu oak. barn , well , cistern , full east
front lot , lu Windsor Place , f.l , ) ) ; easy terms :
a lovely little homo at very moderate price. M.
A. Upton Company. iwi
BAHOAIN Iluslnessloton M street. near do-
pot , only 13,000. Hicks , room 40 , llarkcr
block. Sl ! ) S3
FOH SALE House and lot centrally located ,
near cable cars uud high school , within
walking distance of the P. O. ; f < ! , OoO ;
neighborhood In the city. Apply ut once. C.
K. Harrison , 118 S. loth st. SW'J
A HO AINS Wo havn two extra bargains for
this week. Ono ut $7MU nnd tlio other at
M. A. Upton Company. 1 > 7U
FAHMlNUln eastern Nebraska pays now.
To those wanting to go on n farm we can
tell how to cut good land with very little money.
The day that thi.s can be done will soon 1
passed. M. A. Upton Company. h07
FAHMS Wo have .some of tlio finest Improved
farms In Mlssomi , Ivrnsns , Iowa and Ne
braska for sale , M. A. Upton Company. 679
FOHSAI.I5 A beautiful residence lot In Isaun
It Selden's addition ; It you want a bargain
Investigate. George J. Sternsdonf , Itoom 0 ,
opp. P. O. 681
TCTOH SALE nr < > xcnanKe. We have seine
Jgood Omaha real cstut * and Nebraska
farms , which we will sell cheap or traao for
stock of clothing , furnishlne gooj * . dry goods ,
boots and shoos , groceries or hardware. Hchla-
Inger llros. , 614 S. 10th st. l 2
OOUNCItj IIMJFKS-We hove some lota at
the cast end of tne new bridge that can be
bought at a llguro that will make purchaser
money. > l. A. Upton Company. 079
ONLY a few lots left In II. & M. park addition
to Sonth Oniuhn. What have you to offer ?
George J. SUrnsdoriT. Itoom G , opp.IP. O. tl
NKRHA9KA fni-ms Wo have some geol 191
aero farm * up the Klkhorn valley with ? I' ' > J
and iVJO long tlmo mortgage * against them
that from tVA ) to ftOQcush will buy th equities ,
Nowlstna tlmo to Invint In Nebraska farm
lands , nlthoiiKh soiling cheap they nro valuable
and nioro productive than cubtcni land valued
at four or Jive times our prlco M. A. Upton Co
10H Hauscom Place lots see Illcka.
291 21
CC JO buys n full lot and good i-rooin cottage
Peasy terms and good location. I ) . V. Sholes ,
loom S10 , First Nnt'l bank , cor. 13th and Fur-
nam 30J
BIO bargain * In buslnesi property. M feet on
South 13th street , near Pierce , with small
cottage , only * ) , ( ) . It will pay you to investi
gate this at once. Uoorge N. Hicks , Darker
block. 291 'a
T710K SALE Now 8-room house , ml modern
JL' Improvements , near corner Woolworth and
Virginia avenue * , Hanscom Place , 11.600. C.
] ' . Harrison. 418S. 15th st. 4S1
GJ.STEKNSDORFF. room B opposite post-
oltlce , will stll you n good 4-room housa
on 10th street , " blocks south of car line , by pay
ing tMt ca n. balancn .monthly payments ta
EUlt. ThU I * a Bplendld opportunity for any
one wanting a cheap horns. tl
/ 1A LIj nnd see the bargains wo olfcr Inllnns
\J com place. Hick * , room 40 , Darker block.
2S1 S3
FOH SAI.K-Rlegant house and lot InWlnd- |
ser place , owner noa-resldcnt who want * tc
put his money elsewhere- and will sell right , c
r. Harrison. 418 S. l. > tb st. 303
TJUBINESS 16th street , corner. 4 blocks frotr
JDKarnam , for H loss than It is worth. Coxlir.
on Capitol ave. between 16th and Kth , nt Ie3i
than value. M , A. Upton Company. 579
Wlhh sell n limited number of lots In Soutl
Omaha's U. ic M. park addition for the low
price of 110. Itemembcr a warranty deed givei
with each lot. Thl * sale gnly continue * u few
days. Call quick nnd get first choice. Sloman
room 10j. Paxton block. vxi
TT10H 8ALU Choice 10-acro tract In a One stall
-L of cultivation ; especially Uesirablo for mar
ket garden. * . Hicks , room 19 , Darker block.
T7IOH Beymond Park property see K. I' '
JSeavor. . Darker block. 231 23
TTOU BALK Houses In good localities 01
JL1 monthly payments. 1' . K. Darling , 15SI Far
TT10H SALE New 5-room house. PilceJI.GjQ
y Apply to 3110 Decatur street. 78t O 9 *
SOUTIIOMAIIA-Lot 11. block 77. 8. B. come
2Utu and M street ! , 5-roora house , IIO.UJO. }
Lot 14. block 78. B. K. comer 2oth and M streets
10,000. H cash. House on this rents IIS.
If these corners were on N street they woult
acll for t30,000 each. M will be a better btree
tnan Nln a year from to-day. IJach one o corner * will make seven business lota. M
A. Upton ii Co. _ W3
TJ'On SALU-ynlllotand large 2-story nous
Jof 7 largo rooms , good well , collar , cistern H
th * kitchen , good neighborhood , street can
church , school and store close by. All uew am
complete , 12,000. bmaUrjuh payment , balanc
monthly. Junt tlia place lor a man of moderat
means aaaUrga family. Como and e .m
about U. ay. Harrl on ilas. lithsu &T3
rpWO blocks from cable UUP. lot .10x1 in to nllor
-1 Nlcitft-room rotlitge. small barn , lot fi'itceJ.
everything nice. f-.6ua , ono-fourlh caili , b l-
utueraiy. M A. Upton company. !
I HAVIJ n fowcholco lot * In Orclmnl Hill lot
which I will Kill cheap ' mi" on lonir tima
Hloiimn , room 4rt ( I'niton bliwk. wo
A MOM K or tafe ( Investment at low figured
and rniiy payments. A well-built 7-room
d 7ii fret ftontagr , with a dupthof
ic : feet , on Cullfoinln st. , betiMth and ntst. only
II.WWi ( AM cah. fS.lrtD nt the rntu or f.M per
montli. (1,840 payable 0 year. * after date : liuer-
eM B per cent. Hemouibor you can build two
morn house * on this ground , or roll a part of it
when It becomes more valuable The property
Is only 15 minute.1 walk from court liotn . ana
1 * within nilnuio's walk to Orolghton college.
the Convent school , High school , nnd S ollifir
public schools. 3 block * fiom street car. * . W.M.
Vates , agent , cor. California nndlCdsta. 1P !
| 7VH sale or trade for uood tnsldn real estate
JJ or good secured real cst.ito paper KM acres
nflftiid , Nolncuinbrancc. About Hinllos from
Duliith. Minn. , and about 4 mile * from Hup rlor
City , Wl * . ; till * will boar close invMllgatlon :
lelnember Duliith nnd Superior are Iho two
comingclllo * . ( twill pay to InvnMlgato this.
Sloman. room 4U. ' . I'nxlon block. 090
BAHdAlN-ChoIco Inn-ncro tract near licit
Linn Hy. lu West Oinnhn. This mud is ill u
line state of cultivation , and especially desir
able for fruit nud vegetable garden. Thin
property Is one of the best Investments In the
market ut-diiy Mugnltlecnt view , -phntlM lo
cution. It can DO subdivided Into lift } ' nlru lots
that will sell Inside of llvo year. * for 1100 orWW
each. I can offer the leu ncics tor the next ten
days for Ifl.OX ) . Thorn l.-t no safer or surer In
vestment than well located acre property , and
It will pay you to Investigate till * , ( leo. N.
Hicks , loom 40 , Darker block. 291 1
CAN oiler llvo beautiful south front rosl-
. * . donee lot * on Poppleton live. In Haimcotn
Placu for n few da > 3 nt very low Hjju red. Par
ties looking fora nlco location will do well to
cull and Inspect this iiropcrty at once. ( lo.
N Hick * , room 41 , Hark : er block. SOI X3
For 111/tUXloO in
Van Eeureii Heights.
ThcHO lots arc lireatud near several large fao-
toile.s ; are IOMH than 'M minutes from w b ter
St. pepot ; only Oo fare on Kelt line : Bldowalk to
renter of rlty ; command a flue Tie w. and nre 25
per cent cheaper than adjoining lots and sold
on the easy term * of ilO. ca > haml K. per month.
1U per cent discount for cash
IAHH ! xUH. In Moysr , Itlclmrd * ft Tjdfltl' |
nild. , Just south of S large factories In Iloyd
ndd , nt the low price of JUIaeaoh. Only ttOcnih
nnd $10 per mouth. Call and lot mo show you
thcso lots. VAN HiUKiDotiulasi : : 14lhSt.
Dlsaolutlon Notlco.
The undei signed doing drug biiBlniin under the
Him immr ot L'rbom iV Chrlstlaiisoii , ha * this
dav dissolved pnitneishlp by mutual consent ,
A.'T. Urboni will continue thn biisluesHnt the
old standIISUH. IGth. p.iylng nil dobtH outstand
ing und collecting all bills due the latu Dun ,
A. T. UllllOM.
Omaha. Fopt. 17th , iwfl. H-SdiNttp
Notice to Contractors.
Sealed proposals will bo received ct the ofllco
of County Clerk until3 p. m. Sept. SJnil. 1SSS. for
the construction of a brick sewer on section line
between section 18 nnd 19 , township 15 , 13 , on
McArclIe road. Plan * and spculllcntlons to bo
Been In County Clerks ollice. Kach bid to bj ac
companied with certified check for ono hundred
dollars , ( $10) ) ) . Tim right Is heioby reserved to
reject any and nil bids. Ily order of County
Commissioners M. D. HOCIIKv
sctit-17-d-21d County
Hastings &IU'k Hills Pas 7:15 a. m.l 1:31 p.m.
JNorfoIk Pajs"iiger. . . I 0:10 : p.m. ' 10:00 a.m.
' '
'Dally , Ktinday.
Ilnnnlnc ; between Council DlulTsand Albright.
In addition to the stations mentioned , train *
stop at Twentieth and Twenty-fourth streets.
and ut thn Summit In Omaha.
Leave. Arrive
A No , 2 0:50p. : m..D No.l .7:6oTinl :
0A No. ( ) 0:00 : k. in. U No. fi . . . . . .lio n in *
A No. 4 OMOa.m. A No.3. . . . - - >
No. 4. . . . . 'JilOxm. A N '
A * NOB ! ! . . . ,
A "J:50pm. " : A wo.i. : - oaoirin"
A No.O " - :40a.m..A : - - " - No.8 Il m , . . . . . 7:10o.m
A No.2 8:25a.lil.A | No.3 6M : rn.
A No.l 9:20p.m.A : | No.l 0aOum
sioux nnVt *
kJl V J- - > * < t * PACIFIC.
. _ . . . _ . .
A No.10 * > i * ? M. M
7:05a.m.IA : No.0 8
A No. IS 7:00 : p.m. A Ko.ll. .O
A. No. 8. . . ' . . , 3:40 p. ui.lA' No. T 11:35 a. n-
A daily : D dally1 except SaturdkV 0 cfti *
Sunday ; D cep ( Monday | rwt mall.