Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 21, 1888, Page 6, Image 6

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Eelivcicl by carrier In Any I'art ot the City at
Twrnty Cents 1'crWtek.
11. W. Tll/ION . MANAUKlt.
! lUFiNF s OFUCE No. 4J.
NuniT r.nnuii , Xo.'JI.
N. Y. Flubbing company.
They nro not collecting toll on the new
bridge yet , but the structure Is BO nearly
completed that paitlca no v walk from Coun
cil llluflB to Omaha ovur It.
A very satisfactory and Important business
meeting of the Chautamiua trustees wnsheld
in the board of trade rooms last night , and
adjourned to meet again at 8iOthis : ! morning.
The trustees ot the Council HlufTs and
Omaha Chautau < | ua assembly are earnestly
requested to bo present at the board of trade
rooms at 80 ; ! this morning. It is very im
portant that all are present. J. M. Ouslcr ,
The regular meeting of the republican
club will be held tit headquarters this oven *
inc at 8 o'clock. The question of attending
the district rally at Atlantic on the ! ! 7th inst.
will bo considered. A largo attendance Is de
sired ,
II. A. Ilallcngcr , rral estate agent , in an
ticipation of the boom that will noon reach
Council HluffH , has taken a junior partner
into the linn. Ho is n bright little fellow ,
wclchs ten pounds , uml his oftico ia at 721
"Willow avenue.
A campaign bet of ? "iOO a side wni inndo in
the city last evening. D.iu Can Igg staked
his money on Harrison and Morton , and
dcorgo Htidlo ventured his roll on the demo *
cratic nominees. The money is in the hands
of E. A. Wickham.
The Sunday school convention completed
Its wyrk ycsierday and adjourned. Mrs. M.
M. Ualloy , of Shonnndoah , delivered an ad
dress in place of Mr. Stevenson , who was un *
able to bo present. The attendance from
surrounding towns was very largo.
Dr. Montgomery has Just received n letter
from Dr. I * . W. Paulson , Oakland , Cal. , taut-
ing that ho Is married and intends locating
in Council Uluffa in the near future. IIo will
resume practice here , and many of his old
friends will bo glad to welcome him back.
Mrs. Magrano , of Omaha , will organize
dancing classes during the coming winter.
She is a very able teuchrr and will doubtless
have largo classes. These she will orgaiil/o
at Hono'fl hall , on thu "J of October. See
her reading notice elsewhere in this issue.
The case of Carr vs Octcll Uros. it Co. , oc-
cuplcu the attention of the district court yes
terday. The jury In the cvto of Markeson vs
liorcn returned n verdict for the plaintiff ,
after being out but a few minutes. The case
now on trial Is that of Voss vs Anderson for
Harry Blrklnblnc , the popular manoger ot
the waterworks company , passed a mile
stone on life's Journey Wednesday , and the
employes of tno company reminded him of
the fact by presenting him with n very hand
some nnd costly game set , as a token of ap
preciation aud regard. He stood the ordeal
Yesterday morning while the family of
' Dr. Green was away from home , the
house was entered through n rear widow by
some burglarious depredator , who proceeded
to carefully investigate the premises. A
locked valise was torn open and other re
ceptacles turned upside down , but the fellow
* was evidently scared away , as the took noth
ing with him.
An old Indy appealed to Chief Lucas yes
terday for money to take her to Odcbolt.
Shn was en route from Nebraska. Her
money and ticket were stolen while on the
train , but the conductor brought her to
Omaha. She had thirty cents in the bottom
of her pocket , and crossed the river. She is
stopping nt the transfer , until her son at
Odcbolt can send her money to pay her fare.
The September term of the United States
district court for the southern district of
Iowa will convene next Tuesday morning in
the now federal building. This will bo the
first term of court held in the structure. The
court will bo in session about ton days. There
nro but about twenty cases on the docket be
sides three criminal cases. There are about
twenty-live cases for the consideration of
the grand jury , the greater part of them for
violation of the internal revenue law.
Police court business was slightly im
proved ychterday. Charles Cox lined
$7.00 nnd George Francis $8.10 for double-
jointed inebriation. John Vandcrpool was
ordered to go into exile and to keep away
from the shndows of the Bluffs forever. Ho
went. Paddy White , the Fifth nvcnuo wife
beater , was on declc. His case was continued
until to-day. Mlko Wlebo was up for run
ning a disorderly house. IIo keeps a moist
ure joint at the lower end of Uroadway.
Chief Lucas wandered out that way and
Mickey canio back with him. His ride in
the wagon cost him just 520.CO.
Cucumbers for pickling nt Fearon's.
Dr. C. C. Ilazon's dental parlors nro
nt room 0 , Opera house block.
Money loaned at L. B. Crafts & Co.'s
r loan olllcc , on furniture , pianos , horses ,
wagons , personal property of all kinds ,
nnd all other articles of value without
B ?
removal. All business strictly confi
Eil Ilayiies now occupies with his restau
rant the building nt COJ Broadway.
Miss Lena Jones , pf North Eighth street ,
has returned from a summer's visit to rela
tives in Norfolk , Neb.
Henry Dale has resumed his position nt
the Chicago & Northwestern freight depot
after nn absence of two weeks in
C. C. Clifton , a resident of this city , for
some tlmo in the employ of the canning com
pany , has resigned that position and ac
cepted ono in tlio ollico of the superintendent
of the Sioux City & Pdciflo railway at
Missouri Valley and will remove to that
place at once.
George Bennett , of Evanston , Wyo. , who
has been to Chicago with a train of cattle ,
the first to go from his section in n full line
of through stable cars , has returned to this
city and will visit n few days with his sister ,
Mrs. J. U. DiotrMi. They had not seen each
other for nineteen years.
Captain D. Chapman , of the M. F. Ilohrer ,
leaves to-day for his homo in Little Hock ,
Ark. , whcro ho will remain until May 1. Ho
will then return to lit up his boat for next
season. The Hohrer will bo changed from a
propeller to a side wheel steamer and will bo
tnado the fastest boat on the lake.
W. T. AVright , master workman of the
Knights of Labor of the state of Iowa , has
been in the city the past two days. Wednes
day evening ho addressed local assembly
I- No. IOCS. Ho left last evening for Silver
City. Ho will return to-duy and remain two
days , locking after ttio interests of the as
semblies here.
Mixed spices for pickling at Fearon's.
Boots , Shoes. Klnnchan's , 320 B'way.
Speculations lit llonl Rstnto.
These desiring to make either largo
or small investments in Council Blulfs
real estate are requested to examine
our list of property. It comprises a
choice selection of lotsin additions lying
between the business portions of Omaha
and Council BlnlTs. Prices low and
terms easy. Title guaranteed. Money
loaned on city property. Correspond
ence solicited. Odoll Bros. & Co. , 103
Pearl street , Council Bluffs.
S. B. Wadsworth & Co. loan money.
Tor Sale.
Ton acres in Council Bluffs , off the
cast end of the Ballard SO. Will make
72 lots , same as the Omana add. , which
it joins on the south. Ninth avenue
driveway to U. P. bridge passes through
the tract. Title clear. One-third
down , balance ono and two years. Eight
per cent. A. V. LAUIMUU.
Full line of sheet music at Council
Bluffs Musio Co , , 224 Broadway.
Grapes by the basket at Fearon's.
J. G. Tip ton has bargains In real estate.
In Regard to Using Ghomtcala for
Extinguishing Flro.
Doctor's Honors He Thought It AVns
Inexpedient 1'reimrliifi to Uc-
cclvc tlio Hector Personal
NCWH Minor Mentions.
Chemicals va nods.
The matter of building a , now hose house In
the western part of the city Is dragglnc along ,
nnd beyond the notion of the council In grant *
hit , ' the petition of the residents of thut lo
cality , nothing has boon done. Even the lo
cation 1ms not been definitely determined , us
the council Is wn'itlng forsomo publicspirltud
cltl7on loilotmto n lot for the purpose. Al
though no definite action hus been taken , It
Is tactlly understood by the members of the
council that whatever new apparatus is pur
chased shall not mcludo n chemical engine.
It Is intended to purchase another double
hose reel. It Is agreed by them that hose
reels are good under all circumstances , but
that a chemical is of no account except In a
little blnzc. Tlicru has not been n lire in this
city for the three years that a chemical
engine would not liavo extinguished easily ,
without assistance , when reached by the de
partment. The city is nlrcadv well supplied
with reels , much better In fact than it is
with Ilro hydrants. Tor this reason n chemi
cal engine is desired by many of the citi/ens.
who nrguo that It would bo of untold
benefit In case of a fire in these narts of the
city where the water supply is not of the
best. In these cases the reels nro entirely
useless , and the department powerless , us
1ms been demonstrated several times within
the past year , especially In the vicinity of
"Happ's place , " In the southeastern part of
the city.
It is probable that n petition will bo cir
culated In n day or two aslting the council to
purchase n two-horse chemical instead of the
proposed reel. The council Is not exerting
itself to carry the matter through to prompt
completion. It is probably not their inten
tion to make the changes this reason , us It
will require two months to complete a reel ,
oven if they eventually dccido to order one.
In the meanwhile the citizens nro smothering
their Impatience as best they may , over the
dilatory motions of this august body.
Loans inndo on city business and resi
dence property. Notes bought. Kim-
ball-Chtunp Investment company.
Travelers ! Stop at the Bechtelo.
For bargains in real estate ECO E. II.
Shcafo & Co. , Broadway and Main
btrcct , upstairs.
Blue prnss and white clover seed at
Children Cruelly Deserted.
Two children were heartlessly abandoned
at the transfer Monday evening , and no clue
to their identity has yet been secured , .lust
before it was time for the Sioux City express
to leave , at 7 o'clock , a woman boarded the
train with the children nnd loft them In one
of the scats , telling u woman in the next seat
that she was sending them to their grand
mother , and then left the train , shortly after
ward stepping aboard the Hock Island train
and leaving for the cast. The lady ad
dressed supposed that the children were m
caio of the conductor and took no further no
tice of them , until Conductor Ilamling in
goni through the train after they left the
local depot , nslteu if they belonged to her.
A bundle was found by the side of the chil
dren , who wore then asleep , on which was
pinned the following note : "Please leave
children nt Dakota City , Dakota county ,
Neb. May nnd IrvioBio.vhill. " They were
taken to Sioux City and kept at n hotel at the
expense of tlio conductor until yesterday
morning , when they were brouirht bacl : to
this city nnd placed in charge of Hrakomnn
Lopcr , who removed them to his lioaio
nt. 110(1 ( Fifth avenue , where they now are.
The children nro very bright nnd intelligent ,
nnd three nnd llvo years of age , the girl being
the older. She says their mother is dead ,
and that her father is at Ucnklcman , Neb.
Their clothes nro marked "Croto. " A tele
gram was sent to Dakota City , but no information
mation could bo given. The little girl said
that the baby was given to an aunt , but noth
ing clso could bo learned from her. It is
hoped that this article will meet the eye of
some ono who can give some information
concerning them.
Artists prefer the Ilallolt & Davis
piano , at C. B. Music Co. , 221 Broadway.
Arbucklo's coffee 120c per pound at
E. H. Shcafo loans money on chattel
security of every description. Private
consulting rooms. All business strictly
coafidental. Olllco GOO Broadway , cor
ner Main street , up-stairs.
Honor AinoiiK Doctors.
That Council Bluffs is possessed of medical
ability equal to that fonnd anywhere is evi
denced in the positions of honor In the vari
ous associations filled by the local doctors.
Last year Dr. Hanchett was vice president
of the Stats Ilcir.ccpathla association nnd
this year Dr. Mncrao was elected to a SJnii-
lur position in the allopathic body.
\t a meeting of the State Veterinary asso
ciation , recently held at Ames , In. , Dr. S.
Stewart of this city was elected president
of that organization for the ensuing year.
Speaking of the meeting of this body , the
State Kesjistor contains the following :
"The fact thut so largo n percentage of the
comparatively few regularly graduated vet
erinarians of the state are sufllciently enthu
siastic in this work to devote their time and
energy to the keeping up of such an organi
zation augurs well not only for the advance
ment of veterinary science , but also for the
vast llvo stock interests of our state. Owing
to lack of numbers , as well as interest , con
siderable diniculty was nt fltst experienced
in effecting a thorough organization , but now
all seem fully convinced of the immense
practical bcnollt to bo derived therefrom ,
and the result is a strong and thorough or
ganization , which includes nearly every
graduated veterinary surgeon in Iowa. "
The next meeting of the association will beheld
hold at Dos Moincs at a date to bo hereafter
announced by the president.
Good dwellings and lots for Palo on
monthly payments by E. II. Shoafo & Co.
cor. Broadway and Main sts. , up-stairs.
Money loaned on furniture , pianos
diamonds , hordes , buggies , or anything ;
of value at low rates of interest. No
publicity ; fair and honorable dealing
A. A. Clark & Co. , ofllco cor. Broadway
and Main , over American express.
Choice dairy and creamery butter a' '
Tlio Past nnd the Present.
The drcssmnklng-nnd-budgo department o
the Republican "questions tlio expediency o
commencing an ugitntion just at present1
of the gas monopoly Question. Such a slant
was to be expected. It Is but n short time
since the same sheet "questioned the expo
dicncy" of agitating the Mana\va motor line
difficulty In crossing the tracks of scvera
railway corporations , although the citizens
of Council fJlufla insisted that the subjcc
should bo agitated. The result Is well known
The present case will bo no exception. The
papers having the true Interests of the city
nt heart will not hesitate a moment in Joining
ip a vigorous prosecution of the war now
being waged against the outrageous prices
charged by the gas company contrary to the
provisions of its charter. It is quite probable
that the Republican would bo willing to
allow this war to go on , but it has consider
able work yet on its hands from a provlou
contract Some time ago It started out to
furnish u long aud correct list of ancestors to
the members of the city executive body. It
stock of read/ made pedigrees is nearlj
exhausted , and as some of the councllmcu
re somewhat lacklncr In the way of ancestry/ .
ho work is nocusnrliy delayed , until some
an bo found. In th ? meantime the pas Cou. *
any will receive conslclernWo attention at
he hands of the other papers/
E. II. Shcafo & Co. , make long or
hort time loans on real csUito , in sums
o suit , at lowest rate of interest. OIHco
Irotulwny and Main street , upstairs.
To Ilccolvc the Hector.
The friends of Ilcv T. J. Mackay , rector
f St. Paul's , nr ( ! Invited to attend the reccp-
ion tendered him this evening from 0 to 9
o'clock nt the residence of Mr.C.D. Bloomer ,
23 Fourth street , to welcome him on his re-
urn from his three months' vacation. Dur-
ng his absence ho spent several weeks In
'oronto , going from there down the St.
. .awrcnco to Prince Kdwnrd's island. From
'rinco Edward's ho went to Nova Scotia ,
Isltlng Halifax and other places or Interest.
lo nlsD spent some tlmo In Boston and New
York , from which uhices ho made excursions
o points In New England and vicinity. Ho
eturns to Ills work feeling refreshed by his
ummcr's travels nnd looking very well.
The Woman's Exchange of the t'rcs-
> ytcriun church will give a social on-
ertainment this evening at the house
of Mrs. Blaine , 710 Willow avenue.
Yesterday Mrs. P. M. Pr ; . 3r received a
elcgram sent by H. W. Tilton , from .Tnncs-
illo , Wis. , conveying ta her the sid Intclli-
'enco that her mother , Mrs. L. H. .losslyn. very ill nnd sinking fust. She left last
wcning , liopini' to reach there before It was
oo lat o Mrs. Pryor has been home but two
vecks , having found It necessary to spmul
he summer with her parents , who \ \ ere con
siderably prostrated by the nervous shock
auscd by the death of their dauchter , Miss
Cmina .fosslyn , in tills city last spring. Mrs.
I.V Tilton , the other daughter , went there
vlth her husband about ten days ago , interni
ng to bring buck the father and mother to
n.iko their homo with their daughters in
his place , but now comes the intelligence
hat the Omnipotent has probably prepared
another homo for her.
"Tho special corn palace train of the
Sioux City & Pacific railway will leave
Council Bluffs daily , except Sunday , at
" :12a. : m. , and , returning , this train
vill leave Sioux City at 0:40 : p. m. , ar-
iving at Council Bluffs at 11:30 : p. in.
Iiilf rate tickets will bo hold daily from
September 24 to October 0 , atcity ticket
ollico , 421 Broadway , and at Broadway
tcpot. "
The Marshal in Hot Water.
The city marshal has stirred up quite a
lornet's nest in his attempt to enforce the
ordinance providing that awnings shall bo
seven feet from the hidewalk. The business
nen uro rod-hot over the notices served upon
.hem , and are kicking with both feet. Mean
while the marshal is taking three meals n
lay us usual. The following letter to Till !
LJci : indicates the feelings of many of the
justness men about the city :
To the Editor of Tun Br.n : Whereas , the
city marshal has taken it upon himself to cn-
'oree the ordinance in relation to awnings , it
s hoped that he will continue the work of
.ho enforcement of all ordinances , as there
are a great many nuisances in our city that
do a great deal more harm than the ono
above referred to. His attention is icspcot-
fully called to ordinances found on page .IC- * ,
section 1 ; pnpc iti : : , section fiO ; paces 1H Ib'J
and l : i , sections 14 , 15 , 1(1 ( , IT , 111) ) and ' . ' 0 ;
> ago 'JO I , sections OJ and JH ; page Hi ) , sec-
.ions 2 , 8 , 11 , aud several more might bo
quoted , but these will servo to keep him
jusy for thu pioaent. It is hoped the mer
chants and taxpayers will compel him to
abate all other nuisances in the city.
School for Dancing.
Mrs. Magrano will open classes here
it Bono's hall in connection with her
Dmiihii clashes , beginning Tuesday , Oc-
, ober 2 , and meet every Tuesday and
Saturday evenings for adults , beginning
it 8 o'clock , and Tuesday and Saturday
iftornoons for children at 4iO : ; p. m. oh
Tuesdays , and 2 : ! > 0 Saturdays.
She has > taught with success and has
: iad large clashes in Omaha for the east
-hreo years. The prospects are she will
: iavo largo classes here. Address 2,020
St. Mary's avenue , Omaha.
The Reasons of His lengthened Stay
in Uurope 10\plniiicil.
American Musician : A prominent
German citizen , speaking of the nomi
nation of William Steinwn.v for mayor
by General Horatio C. King in the Her
ald a few days ago , said :
"I do not think William Steinway
would accept the nomination for the
mayoralty oven if it wcro tendered by
the united democracies , which would
bo tantamount to election.
You see it would cost him , directly
and indirectly , at leiibt $100,000. Be
sides , it would take him away from his
business too much and his other larjjo
interests. The political and social gain
would bo out of all proportion to the
You must not forget that William
Stoimvay's personality is much more in
volved in the conduct of his buiiness ,
and is much more necessary to its suc
cess than Mayor Hewitt's personality is
necessary to the successful conduct of
his business.
"No , sir ! If William Steinway goes
jnto politics and adds to his already
inun6"nsc cares , ho will do so for a much
larger btako than the mayoralty !
"Ho is a millionaire and he turns high.
it"ljersonally I think ho has two ambi-
lons. The first : To bwallow al 1 his
cading competitors in the piano busi
ness , or to reduce them to a position
whcro they cannot bo dangerous for the
next htrlf century , The second : To be
come governor of the state of New
"People will naturally ask why , if I
am correct in my views , Mr. Steinway
resigned his position on the democratic
committee , went to Europe and re
mained there during &o important a po
litical juncture as the present ?
"Tho answer is an easy ono Mr.
Sloinway is a very shrewd man. IIo
knows , to bo elected to any important
ollico , that ho must have the German
vote solid. Now the majority of tlio
Germans are protectionists , and Mr.
Steinway is somewhat on the fence in
this tariff question , and doo- > not want ,
in view of his future political prospects ,
to commit himself to either bide.
' 'Furthermore , ho had no sooner ac
cepted the position on the democratic
committee , than all the democratic
political clubs and heelers in town
'struck him for boodlo.1
"I hear , on good authority , that it
coat him over $5,000 before ho 'weak
ened' and transferred his political ollico
to Hermann Oolrichs.
"Theso 'Btrikors. ' are the curse of the
politics of this country , and no wonder
a refutable merchant or manufacturer
hesitates to enter into a conflict where
ho is nt their mercy.
"Why , Steinway could not leave his
liouso in Gramorcy Park without &tumb-
ling over a delegation of the O'lloolihan
Chowder club v/lth an invitation
to bo their president at their
forthcoming 'blowout' at 8100 down ,
or the Pat RulTorty veterans ,
who wanted to innko him n member
for $200 down. As ho walked to his
olHco along University place ho was In
tercepted by members of the Mike Donovan
evan coterie , who urged him to buy 100
tickets for their ball in order to secure
tho'dcestrict1 in future , while ho found
his ollico crowded with Tammany heel
ers nnd other democratic lights , each
ono 'widnschomo'or apian. No wonder
ho got tired and passed over his mantle
to Herman Oolrichs , who is an athlete
and can fight If ho does not wish to pay ,
"I BOO by the last number of the Mu
sician that William Steinway will ro-
The Choicest Ground for Residence in the Western Part of the City ,
Is now platted into Beautiful , Largo Lots. About ten minutes ride on the
motor to Douglas street , Omaha. They lie on a level but elevated btrSp of ground.
About 300 yards from the new motor line to Omaha. Loss than Ij miles from * the
Council Bin Its po tollico. Nearly twice as largo in si/.o in bine as most of the
newly platted lots. Good public schools near by. The proposed Boulevard
bounds it on the north.
ABSTRACT Printed Abstract nnd Warranty Deed with each Lot.
GKADE Examine thrs-o lots with reference to thu grade before buying a lot.
Tlio ordinary price of a lot is saved on grade alone , if you buy ouo of these lots.
TKKMS To a good class of purchasers a limited number of lots will bo told
for one-tenth down ; balance in monthly payments , without interest. Apply to
J. , T. Brown building , 11/5 / Pearl-St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
.turn to Now York about October 10. My
impression is that he will not bo hero
till after the election. "
Clnnn the Horso's Skin.
Rural Now Yorker : It is not enough
that the groom should merely clean on"
the dry deposits that remain from the
bwcatinir process through which tlio may have gone. This , it is true ,
removes the apparent foulness , but it is
far from meeting the work that conies
under the head of "groominir. " There
is no real way in which ono can do tlio
liorbO more real service in the way of
keeping him healthy than by washing
his bkin with water as hot as the hand
can bear. Whether thib is done im
mediately after a drive'when ' , the horse
is prcspiring frcclv. or Whdri at rest and
the skin is perfectly dry a large blanket
hhould bo provided' cpyei1 the animal
and keep it covered during the process
of washing , keeping it on the shoulders
while washing the hiud quarters , and
vice versa.
Provide yourself with a large spoil go
and a good piece of so.ip ( or , itibtead of
this , an ounce of aquaamiiionia. Put
this into a quart of water if | it bo of the
highest btrongth , and into a pint if it
be of low grade , and. after ' moistening
tlio hair and skin wit } * iho hot water ,
with a small hpongc nib the surface
over with the ammonia water , seeing
to it that it reaches the skin. Then
wash the hide and hair thoroughly ,
scraping the water out ot the hair with
a wooden or other scraper having a
thin , binooth edge. Hub dry with a
woolen cloth and cover with a dry
blanket , keeping the horse out of a
current of air , if this bo cold. Bo es
pecially careful if tlio horse ia ex
hausted by having had a hard drive.
Merely cleaning the dried bwcatfrom
the hair of a horse is a small item in
the process of thorough grooming and
cleaning. It should be remembered
that it is the skin , and not the hair ,
that carries on the process of eliminat
ing bueli secretions as the body requires
relief from ; that is , such us escape
through the pores of the skin. The in
testinal tract and the kidneys and blad
der present but a limited surface for the
elimination of refuse from the body , as
compared with the skin , yet , when a
horse gets sick how ready men are to
bay , "givo him a physic' " salts or aloes
or "give him a diurotio" niter or
pumpkin seed tea. An ounce of preven
tion is , as often stated , worth a pound of
cure , and if , in conjunction with care
in feeding feeding enough and not too
much , and of the right kind that portion
tion of the duties of the stable that
comes under the head of grooming bo
carried out as hero indicated , wo would
not bo frequently as now need the inter
nal agents referred to.
Finn SlU a Paper.
Century : In August , 18J54 , a private
citizen's coat and vest , made of live
yards of coarse homespun cloth , cost
J2 'J exclusive of the cost for the male-
ing. . Tlio'1crs consisted of old
cravats , and for the cutting si ml putting
together a country tailor charged S-'iO.
It is safe to say that the private citizen
looked a veritable guy in his new suit ,
in spite of its heavy drain upon his
In January , 1803 , the material for a
lady's dross , which before the war
would have cost $10 could not bo bought
for lose than $ .300. The masculine mind
is unequal to the task of guessing how
great a sum might have been for bon
nets "brought through the lines ; " for ,
in spite of patient self-sacrifice and un
faltering devotion at the bed sides of
the wounded in the hospital , or in min
istering to the needs of relatives and
dependents at homo , the southern
women of these days ai'o ' credited with
as keen an interest in the fashions as
women everywhere in' ' the civilised
lands are apt to no in timoof , peace. It
was nntarnl that they should bo so in
terested , even though7thnt interest
hhould in the main not reach beyond
the theory. Withouti.itjthey often
would have a charm the less and a pang
the more. Any feminine , 'garment in
the shape of a cloak , , or bonnet , or
drcsa which chanced to come from the
north was readily awarded fits mood of
praise , and roproduccdoliy sjiarp eyed
observers , so far as the scarcity of ma
terials would admit. -
But fashion's rules wurcr necessarily
much relaxed in the Fouthorn confed
eracy BO far as praotjoa hvont , when
even sucn articles as pins brought
through the blockade sold for $12 a pa
per , and needle sfor 810 , with not enough
of either.
D. H. McDANELD & GO , ,
Hides. Tallow , Pelts ,
Wool and Furs.
Highest Market Prices. Prompt
( 0 and 622 Main StreetCouncil DlufTaIo\vx
CCOBroadvray Council Illuffj , Iowa. Established
S I'KCTAl. ail vert Isonients.S'ich ' as Lost , round ,
To Loan. Tor S.ilc1 , To Kent , Wants , Hoard-
InR , etc. , will lu inseiteil In this column at the
low mto of TUN CINTS : riu : MNI : for the nm
Inscition nnd I'ivo Cents 1'cr l.luo for each sulv
sequent insertion. I.eavo advertisements at
our ollice. No. 12 1'earl Street , near Ilroudway ,
Council Itlutls Iowa.
ANV ono who 1ms leal estate they wish to
sell chP.-ip for cash address "Heal Kstato , "
Heeollko , Council lllulls.
WANTIil-llv gentleman , furul-ihed room ,
gas and bath. Address A , il llee o'llce.
Foil HUNT Seven-room cottapo. on the cor
ner of iid iivo. and lltlit. . \V. C. .1 nines.
FCtt for sale In car load lots. Mulhollaud & Co.
OH SAU5 or tr.idc. for city lot. finest
matcher ! family team In bLitc. No. 1,12
West Uroadway.
FOH KENT Seven-room house , modern 1m-
proveminls , good stable. H. c. Cory , Conn-
FOK SAIE-My entire stock of cook uml
heating stoves ; nlso a full line of furniture
nt bottom ro-k prltes. ( Joods sold on pay
ments. A , J. Mnndel. itJl nnd .T.'l llroudwav.
WATs'TIU ) Wood tumor nt once. Steady
rmplnjment to good imn J. r. Cody ,
gl ) Wushli.gtonae , Council lllulls , la.
FOIl 111NTA : iargo nimiber of good rtwel' ' "
lugs. Call nnd ex imlne list. 15. II. Sheaf e
& . Co. , Uroadway nnd Main St. , up stntis.
TTIOK 8AI.15 Ilnrbpr shop nt r,0 llrondnay ,
-U1 Council Hlull.s ; good trade ; witlsfnctory
rcn ° oii9 for Helling ; bargain for the light man.
POH KXOIIANGK-A line , well assortcilW/KK )
Htockof st.itloncry , funcy goods , Jo i'lry ,
I etc. . In a thriving town for lesldenco In South
Onmliii. H. T. Hry.uit ic Co. , < M Uroadway ,
Council IlluffH , Ia.
H OUHKS for rout , Johnston A ; Van fatten ,
a I M. ln st.
A 20-acro small fiult farm very cheap. Just
-tV otitHlclo city limits , or will diviilu into ! U
ticio trnctH to .suit mirchaboi. It T Ilryunt & Co
-Stocks of merchandise to
WANTIIDStocks ex-
( haiieo for city propei ty iu Council IHnils ,
Omnlm , or wustcin laud or chattels of any kind.
Wo make exchanging a bpooialty. It. T. llryaut
A : Co. , ( OS Hroadwuy.
"M , D , , D , V , M ,
Telephone No. 12i5.
COU.N'OlIj niiUFFB , ; ; IOWA
Latest Novelties In
MRS. C. !
A positive euro for Liver and Kidney troub
les , all Hlood Diseases , Indigestion , Dyspep
sia , and Sour Stomach , is found In
For sale by local druggists and druggists
everywhere. Price SI per bottle , six for f3.
Address nil communications to
j. is. niooitc
Council Bluffs , la.
} CU-1 Douglas St. , Ouiuba , Mob
Largo lots ; easy of access , with splendid sewerage opportunity. Close
proximity to business portion of city , vicinity of good churches and schools. .lust
oir Broadway. Electric motor for all points in city and Omaha every boven min
utes. Easy terms * . Perfect title.
F. J. DAY , No. 39 Pearl Street.
A. A. CLARK & CO. , Broadway and Main
J. G. TIPTON , 527 Broadway ,
FRANK COOK , No. fl Pearl Street.
JOHNSTON & VAN PATTEN , 33 Main Street ,
. * js :
Jy Smith's Bakery.
"Wholesale Broad & Oaker/ .
co. ,
Especially Adapted for
25 TO 300
POWER , Mills and Elevators.
Spcclllcations and estimates furnished for complete steam plants , negation , Durability Ouar *
nutced. Cun fchow Icttus from users whcio fuel Economy Is equal with CorlUs Noii-Loiidcnslnff ,
Ssntfor ! Catalogue , E. C. HARRIS , Manager.
C. J. COLBY , Sole Agent.
/ M PI M [ 7 Hydraulic and Sanitary Engineer. Plans , Estimates ,
HPIDl/l I IN Dl lit. " ' Specifications. Supervision of Public Work. Urown
Duildinj , ' , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
HI Ml CV DMDI/r Attorney at Law , Second Floor Brown Building , 115
rllNLLY DURIXL- ' Pearl St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
* Justice-ol the Pt-ace. Ofllce over American Express , No. 4J.9
NQrIJMD7 \ Broadway , Council Blufib , Iowa.
CTHMIT Ji QIR/IQ / Attorneys at Law , Practice in the State nnd F dera
O I UINL ( X OIIVIO" CourU. Onicc Hoomb 7 and 8 , Shugart-Beno Block' , '
Council Blulfb , Iowa ,
HA7FN---nenlist > Uoom ° ' ° Perao"66 Block , Council Bluffs , Iowa'
DR. C. B. J U D D ,
No. 6OO Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
"WANTED Good Salesmen on largo commission or salary.