Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 21, 1888, Image 1

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Douglas County's Candidate Suc
cessful After a Stubborn Fight.
The Otoo Delegation Finally Goes
Over to ttic Omnlin Sinn and
JIc Wins the Day Con
gratulatory Speeches.
Council Gets tlio Nomination.
LINCOLN , Neb , , Sept. 20. [ Spacial Tele-
Brain to Tun Dec. ] The most stubbornly
contested election that has ever boon called
upon to nominate n congressman in Nebraska
lias been In suasion nt the Metropolitan rink
sinro 9 o'clock to-night. Five candidates
were entered in the nice , viz : W. J. Conncll ,
S. At. Chapman , E. E. Brown , L. W. Colby
mid Islmm Hcavis.
D. O. Courtney , chairman of the congres
sional committee- the First congressional
district , called the convention to order.
Without the usual explanation of the
object of the assembly , the sec
retary win instructed to read the
list of delegates entitled to scats
in tljo convention. This , as usual , waived
the conventional committco on credentials ,
nnd n gentleman from Douglas placed Hon.
Franlc Ransom , of Otoe , in nomination for
temporary chairman , and ho win chosen by
declamation. On taking the chair Hansom
thanked the convention for the honor and
proceeded to business without an extended
speech. A. L. Mclvin , of Ncmaha , was
chosen temporary secretary , and Edward
Geary assistant.
After a short wrangle over the question of
nominating speeches the convention decided
that the eagle might soar flvo minutes and
no moro. It was decided that a call should
bo made by counties , in alphabetical order ,
and that the county having n candidate for
congressional honors should name its man.
E. II. Woolly , of Cass , presented the name
of S. M. Chapman. Judge lialdwln , of Doug
las , named W. J. Connell.amlhis nomination
was seconded by W. II. Dickinson of Soun
ders and Henry Clark of Sarpy. Judge Field
of Lancaster waxed eloquent in naming E. E.
llrown. A gentleman from Richardson pre
sented the mimes of Isham Reuvls , and John
Ellis of Gage ilia a like honor /or L. W.
Thomas Clark of Lancaster and Mr.
Emery of Gage were found to bo necessary
appendages to the convention and they wcro
elected assistant secretaries and tellers.
Chairman Ransom then ordered the call of
counties and the lirst ballot was taken , re
sulting as follows : Connell fi4 , Chapman
'J , Drown HO , Rcavis 15 , Colby 27.
After three hours steady balloting the
fifty-llfth ballot found all flvo still on the
track , with Connell In the lead , Chapman
second , Urowu third , Colby fourth and
Reavis fifth.
The Richardson county delegation held a
consultation und Reavis was dropped. No
material change was made In the situation ,
however , as the twelve delegates scattered
among the four remaining candidates. After
nn ineffectual attempt to adjourn the fifty-
sixth ballot was taken with the following
result : Council 00 , Chapman 413 , Drown ! ! 'J ,
Colby 27 ; necessary to a cholra SU. Up to
< - the withdrawal of Reavis , Conncll had the
solid support of Douglas , Sarpy and Saunders -
ders counties. Lancaster stood solidly by
Drown , Gage by Colby , and Cass
by Cluipmnn Otoo divided between Drown
and Chapman and finally cast her twelve
votes for Chapman on the fifty-fourth ballot.
Johnson voted steadily S for Drown , 3 for
Colby and 2 for Chapman. Ncmaha compli
mented everybody except Drown , and one of
her ballots was cast for Church Howo. Paw-
nco divided her support and changed back
and forth among the candidates.
An attempt to create a boom for Judge
Pound was started on the twenty-fifth , but it
fell still-born. Church Howe's effort to di
vide the Lancaster delegation by casting his
\'oto for Lambertson , was equally unsuccess
At 12:15 : Otoo county , on the nintleth bal
lot , mad a the decisive break by casting n
solid vote for Connell. She was followed by
the unanimous vote of Pawnee county , which
gave Conncll 80 .votes , a majority exclusive
of the changes which followed rapidly , amid
wild cheers from all parts of the house.
The following is the ninetieth ballot as re
corded by the secretary : Cass , Chapman 10 ;
Douglas , Connell 37 ; Gage , Colby 19 ; John
son , Connell fi , Colby 3 ; Lancaster ,
Drown 25 ; Nemnh'a , Conncll 7 , Colby
2 ; Otoo , Connell 12 ; Pawnee , Connell
8 ; Riclmrdson.Connoll O.Colby 3 ; Sarpy , Con-
neil G ; Saundcrs , Conncll 12.
Gage county moved to mnko the nomina
tion unanimous. Mr. Connell was called for
and in response made n tolling speech which
elicited rounds of applause. Ho assured the
convention that ho would bo the representa
tive of the entire district and planted himself
on the national republican platform.
As soon as the cheers subsided attending
the nomination of Connell , congratulatory
speeches were made by the candidates who
entered the light. Colby promised the alle
giance of Gage in the canvass and a sweep
ing majority for the nominee from that
county. Drown followed , thanking his
friends for the earnest and faithful support
that had been given him , and promised that
Lancaster , county would not shirk in the
pending fight. Reavis also endorsed the
action of the convention and said that Rich
ardson county would ao her duty nttho
Judge Chapman was called for , but ho was
not in the room. Wood , of Cass , responded
for him and modestly stated Uiat there would
bo no flics on the result of the election in
Cass. Lambertson made a ringing speech.
Ho congratulated the convention on thu wis
dom of its choice. Ho stated that McShano's
successor had been chosen and that the vote
of Douglas county would bo critically
watched. At the conclusion of his address
the congressional committee was chosen , and
the convention , at 12:45 : , adjourned.
A. Gravel Train Dashes Into an Kx-
prcss Ono Fatality.
IiACiiossc , WIs. , Sept. 20. As a passenger
train on the Chicago , Durllngton & Northern
railroad was making the crossing at the
Junction nt East Winotm , Wis. , yesterday , il
was run into by a gravel tram of the Clilcagc
ft Northwestern railroad. Two coaches :
wcro thrown from the track anO
n number of passengers Injured. Ono o ,
them , Mrs. Louis Ewe , of this
city , who was taken to Winonn , Minn. , cannot
not recover. Two of the injured wcro placei
hi the hospital here. The others continuet
on the train ,
The injured are : Hov. Prof. M. 1. Has
sclqulst , president of Augustana college
KoeK Island ; Rov. L. A. Johnston , Rock
ford ; Mrs. Sarah Hobbs , Potosi ; W. II
Shaw , wife and three children , Trcvenopois
Mrs. C. J. Huxman , Aurora ; Louis Her
moll , Oregon , 111. ; Mlko Crowlcy , Kings
bury , la. , and a few others.
Archbishop Corrlunu's Jubilee.
Nuw YOHK , Sept. 20. The silver jubilee o
Archblsliop Corrigau was celebrated at St
Patrick's cathedral to-day. Members o
Catholic orders were present from nil parti
of the country. The church was dccorntei
beautifully with flowers and was dense ! :
crowded. _
Doings of Oild Fellows.
Los ANGELES , CaK , Sept. 20. At the meet
Ing of the grand ledge of Odd Fellows yes
tcrday several amendments to the constltu
tioa wcro considered , and ono relating to ap
peals was adopted. A proposition to admi
young men of eighteen years to mcuibcrshii
) vas rejected.
Scnnatlonnl Ksonpudo of a Milllonalro
Sou With a Handsome Adventures' ) .
BOSTON , Sept. 20. The famous aristocratic
quarter of the city Beacon street is threat
ened with a scandal In the highest circles of
society. Such another story has never been ,
developed in the same circles. The parties
to this sensation nro Edward Warren With
erell nnd Gertrude Emma O'Neill. The for
mer is the son of Warren B. Witherell , ono
of the largest wholesale clothiers In the coun
try , whoso name Is as good as gold on State
street nnd nn open sesame to the parlors of
the socially elite. It was flvo years ago that
the O'Neill ' girl , then seventeen years of ago
and strikingly beautiful , made her ap
pearance in the Hub. She came In
with n dash and cut a dramatic fig
ure socially , so that public attention was
soon attracted to her brilliant accom
plishments and exquisite dressing. In n few
months she was the talk of the city.
It was the opening night of the "Dells of
Hazclmero" at the museum , and among the
admirers who flocked around her was young
Witherell. Mutual friends about town
brought around the slight Introduction neces
sary. Tlio night was spent at the O'Neill '
woman's lodgings on Shnwmut avenue , and
the first train for New York found them
started on a week's debauch. Gotham was
done up to the merry tune , aud on Saturday
they returned to Biston. Tlio girl had played
her game with fatal cleverness. The youth
was Infatuated. Tlio day utter his return
found him at her apartments pleading witli
her to marry him.
With a modest semblance of hesitation
she accompanied her prize to Providence ,
where on April 8 , 1SS7 , the two were united
at tlio First Baptist church by Pastor T.
Edwin Brown. That night , before retiring ,
a joint letter was concocted , which Informed
Withuroll pero of the catastrophe to his so
cial pride. The return mail brought a stern
order for the prodigal's immediate return to
Boston. The newly married pair came home
nnd n three hour's interview took place be
tween the head of the linn nnd his erring
boy. The latter was convinced that ho had
been guilty of a foolhardy action and allowed
himself to bo drawn into a scheme of treach
ery against the woman ho had married.
Ho returned to her nnd said his
family had accepted the Inevitable and con
sented to his continuing in the business. At
his suggestion Gertrude went next day to
visit friends nt Lowell , while her spotiso
made his inglorious exit from the scene of
action. It was a stormy scone then that fol
lowed in the little private office of Witherell
& Co. , on Summer street. The girl boldly
demanded her husband and produced her
marriage certificate in proof of her legal
right. Tlio old gentleman , gray-haired and
gold-spectacled , had passed the tearful
stage of his criof. Ho had determined to
match his wits with the adventuress and
preserve the family name at any cost.
So ho coolly told her that his boy
had left the states nnd gene where she
ivould never see him airain. Ho offered her
money to close the scandal , but she refused.
Her attorncy.fcaring some fatal indiscretion ,
advised her to live for awhile with hop par
ents in Norwood until the opening of the
court term. She did so , and later went to
Meanwhile the enemy had executed a flank
movement. Under the free nnd easy divorce
laws of some one of the western states a"rail-
road" separation was secured last fall en
tirely without the wife's knowledge. She
brought a suit for J15.0DO damages , which
was , however , abandoned.
Last June the Boston papers were filled
with elaborate accounts of a society mar
riage. Gertrude , who had gone to Newport ,
had the startling pleasure of reading it. The
contracting parties wcro E. Warren With-
crcll and Lillie D. Peterson , the latter belong
ing to ono of our oldest millionaire families-
Application will bo made this week to the
supreme court for nn order compelling With-
ercll or his lawyers , Messrs. Crandcll &
Knowlton , of this city , to show cause whj
the divorce should not bo set aside on the
ground that the O'Neill woman has never
had nn opportunity to defend her marital
rights , and because Witherell was not a resi
dent of the state in which the decree was ob
taincd. '
-f IN COLD BLOOD. t - vfcj
A Colorado Tragedy tlio Result of n
Mining Dispute.
OUIIAY , Cole , , Sept. 20. [ Special Telegram
to Tun Dm : . ] Word reached here this after ]
noon of a tragedy on Mt. Sncfllcs road in
which Charles Crothswaito was the assassii :
and George Johnson his victim. Croths
waite and Johnson recently located a claim
four miles above hero and ns they could no
agree Johnson left and went to work on
some mining property near by and Croths
walto went to work in Smuggler mine
Johnson a few days ago , gave some men per
mission to camp in the cabin ho and Croths
waite built. When the latter heard this ho
came over and declared his intention to kil
Johnson. Ho went to the cabin last nigh
whore Johnson and Dodge Conklin sleep am'
called Johnson up. He began to qunrro'
over matters and wanted to fight it out al
once. Johnson wanted to wait until morn
ing , but as Crothswaito insisted got up , whet :
the latter , who was crouched at the foot ol
the bed told him if ho moved ho would kil
him. Johnson sprang upon Crothwaite , i
short scufllo followed , and Johnson was she
through the heart. The murderer escaped
and has not yet been captured. Crothwaite
was at ono time on tlio editorial staff of the
Denver Tribune and has been connected with
Kansas City and St. Louis papers.
Died nt Ono Hundred nnd Six.
RONUOUT , N. Y. , Sept. 20. Winifred Ea-
gan , in all probability the oldest person in
the state , died nt the residence of her son-in-
law , Michael Madden , hero to-day. She was
verging on ono hundred and six years. Her
parents were John nnd Honora Flanncry , of
the parish of Seven Churches , Kings county ,
Ireland , where she was born. She left the
Emerald Isle when- about seventy years old ,
and located here. Her husband died twenty-
one years ago. She was the mother of eleven
children , of whom but two nro living so far
as known. She never used spjctaclcs and
but a few years ago was abto to thread the
finest kind of needle. Three weeks airo her
son-in-law mot with n serious accident ,
breaking both wrists. This is believed to
have worried the old lady so us to cause her
JudKo Terry Indicted.
SAN FnKcisco , Sept. 20. The United
dictmcnts against ex-Judge David S. Terry
nnd his wife , Mrs. Sarah Althca Terry , The
indictments nro bused upon the recent outbreak -
break In the United States circuit court
room during the reading of the decision in
- the Sharon case by Justice Field of the
United States supreme court , and for which
Judge Terry and his wife wore committed to
Jail for contempt and are now serving a
sentence. They nro charged in the indict
ments with threatening and assaulting a
United States marshal nnd several deputies.
Judge Terry , who drew n knife at the time
of the disturbance , is also charged with
making nn assault with n deadly weapon ,
The Chicago Discriminations.
CHICAGO , Sept. 20. There was a full rep
resentation of merchants and manufacturers
nttho meeting of the Chicago bureau to-day
to consider the discrimination against Chicago
cage by the transcontinental-railways. After
a long discussion of the points involved , a
resolution was adopted declaring such dis
crimination illegal , and instructing Comuiis-
fiioncr Iglchnrt to confer with the attorney
of the Chicago board ot trade with a view to
plucinc the matter before the intcr-stato
The United Typothcttc.
New YOHK , Sept , 20. Tlio convention of
t o united typothetco adjourned this after
noon until October 3 , 16S9 , when the dele
gates will convene again lu St. Louis ,
f. 5
Illinois Democrats Making Capital
Out of the "Q" Troubles.
CHICAGO , Sept. 20. [ Special Telegram to
THE Dec. ] The great Hurllngton strike maybe
bo made an issue in the presidential cam
paign. That is the plan of the most radical
leaders of the strikers , and the Indications
nro that the qunstlon will bo pushed to the
front. The two great brotherhoods nro
pledged to the support of the "Q" strike , and
on every occasion have taken especial care to
declare that every honorable method will bo
exhausted to secure a victory. The railroad
employes the engineers , flrctncn , switch
men nnd brakemcn have already taken
measures to make the "Q" strike a state
issue. They declare they are not
as yet pledged to any party ,
but stand prepared to deliver
the entire railroad vote to that candidate or
party making them the best offer. Those in
n position to closely observe state that this Is
a thinly disguised Palmer scheme. They
claim the issue is to bo made upon the Pink-
crton question and predict that Palmer will bo
selected as the champion of the Illinois rail
road employes.
Within the last few days two national con
ventions of railroad men have boon held a
firemen's convention at Atlanta and n switch-
ncn's convention nt St. Louis. At both
real gatherings resolutions were unani
mously passed pledging support to the "Q"
itrikcrs ami endorsing the policy of the
lllnois men in entering polities.
Several of the leading strikers , who have
hvays alllliated with the democrats , have
ecu industriously proselyting strikers in
nvor of Palmer , tlio democratic candidate
'or governor , on the flimsy argument that
o is vigorously engaged during his stump-
: ig of the state in denouncing the Pinkcrton
Ircllngs , while Fifer , the republican candi-
nto , is not talking much about them.
A AVoman Gives n. Graphic Account
of the Performance.
New YOUK , Sept. 20. There has been some
osslp In the newspapers concerning the con-
irmatlon in the Episcopal church of the
authoress , Amcllo Rives. A woman who is
'amiliar with the circumstances of that event
aid to-day :
"Atiielio Rives' confirmation took place nt
east six months ago. Miss Rives , as she was
lien , was to have been confirmed with aclass
: i the usual manner , but at the last moment
, cnt word to the bishop that she was too ill
o come. Her grief and disappointment at
.his misfortune wcro overwhelming , but she
, vas ill , and the bishop was urged and en-
Tented to administer the rite ot confirmation
o her at her own homo.
'Supposing her condition to bo dangerous ,
10 consented. When he reached tlio house
He was shown into the parlorwhere he found
in altar draped in virgin white and decorated
ivith llowers. In a few moments the por-
Lieres parted nnd admitted the sensational
iVmello attired in lomr. flowing white gar-
nents with angel sleeves which fell to the
icm of her gown , und all her hair let down
und combed out to iloat picturesuuoly around
ler. She gilded forward and full upon her
inccs at the good bishop's feet.
"As ho is not a theatrical prelate ho is said
o have been considerably taken aback at
his spectacular reception and not pnrticu-
arly pleased by such ostentatious devotion.
Ho , however , went through with the cere-
nony and Amelia had the gratification of
laving a special function all to herself nnd
is different from other people us circum
stances would permit. "
The KiiiB of Oiidh Left 21O "Widows
to Mourn Him.
LONDON , Sept. 20. The viceroy of India
and his advisers , after some weeks of consid
eration , have settled a question of considcra-
bio delicacy. The dethroned monarch of the
former kingdom of Oudh , who died a few
months ago nt his palace in the vicinity of
alcutta , was the fortunate possessor of n
very considerable harem. As a matter of
fact , there were by actual count 213 royal
begums , together with ono who was
scheduled in the books of the harem
us "discarded. " His dusky highness
died intestate , and so , as his
numerous mistresses were totally un pro-
provided for , the delicate duty of arranging
for their future devolved upon the supreme
government. How to arrange matters was
for a time a problem ; but finally it was ar
ranged to set aside 50,000 per mouth , or
11,000 rupees , for the support of the bereaved
begums out of the immense estate lett by
their former lord nnd master. The begums
have been divided into classes , these with
whom the king was upon the greatest term ;
of intimacy getting a pension of 200 rupees ,
or $100 monthly , and so on down the list to
the unfortunate discarded one , who will re
ceive 15 rupees , or hardly the salary of
second-rate native butler.
Another American Duchess.
BAT.TIMOHI : , Sept. 20. A cable dispatch
has boon received in Baltimore saying tha
the engagement of Miss Virginia MacTavish
of Daltitnore , to the Duke of Norfolk ha ;
been announced. Miss MacTavish is tin
daughter of the late Charles Carroll Mac
Tavish , a descendant of Charles Carroll , o
Carrollton. Her mother was Miss Scott
daughter of General Winfield Scott. Th
Duke of Norfolk is one of the wealthiest no
blemcn In England and is a stanch Roman
Catholic. Miss MacTavish is also a membe
of the same church. She is rather tall , i
blono , has a pleasant fucc , 11 good flguro am
a graceful carriage.
The Locomotive Engineers.
CHICAGO , Sept. 20. The grievance com
mittco of the Drotherhood of Locomotive
Engineers , in secret session in this city for
the past two or three days , have concluded
their mysterious business. All efforts to get
nt the nature of the business In hand were
futile , the members declining to affirm or
deny the rumors concerning the delibera
tions. A gentleman who had oxccutlonal
opportunities for finding out what had been
done declared that the meeting had no
political influence. It related only to the
"Q" strike , in his opinion.
Northern Pacific Election.
Nr.w YOUR , Sept. 20. The annual meeting
of the stockholders of the Northern Pacific
railroad was hold to-day. The following
directors wcro elected : J. O. Dullitt , Fred-
crick Dillings , J. U. Droekman , C. T. Bar
ney , Robert Harris , Drayton Ives ,
Thomas F. Oakcs , C. D. Wrlcht ,
Henry Villnrd , E. II. Abbott
C. L. Colby , Colgate Hoyt nnd John D. Tro-
vor. The only change is the election of Dull
itt in the place of August Dclmont.
Thomas F. Oakes was elected president.
The report presented shows net earnings
for the year ended Juno 30 of 0,579,443.
Pmilmmllo Cattle Thieves.
TniN'iiui ) , Col. , Sept. 20. There Is fresh
intelligence to the effect that an organized
gang of cattle thieves lias been discovered on
the Pnnhnndlo , operating on the range cov
ered by the herds of the Crostvoll ranch.
Cattle have been stolen and shipped through
to St. Joseph , Mo. , where no Inspectors are
stationed. How many cattle have been
shipped and sold over tlio latest route of the
thieves is pa * known , but it is believed that
they will fcuuibcr several hundred.
Fred May Escapes.
NKwYoiiK , Sept. 20. No ono was sur
prised when Fred May failed to appear when
his name was again called in the general
sessions court yesterday. As a consequence
of his non-appearance , bonds of 12,000 fur
nished by Kdwin L. Smith , an insurance
broker , wcro forfeited. The police would
lust now have a UlRlcult Job arresting Fred
May , as he is on his way to the Peruvian
mines. Ho will probably arrive nt Iqulquc ,
Peru , about November 20.
An Official Furnishes the Wrong
Kind of Statistics.
Congressman Dorscy's Return to
Waslilngton-Ofllclal Deports From
the Yellow Fever District The
Scour o Moving Westward.
Supprcaslns nn Ofllclal Document.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Sept. 20. I
The administration nas got itself in rather
nn unpleasant predicament in reference to a
recently printed consular report. It has
been the policy for some months now to In
struct consuls to mnko reports upon the con
dition of business and such ether
matters in their bailiwick as would
bo likely to influence voters in behalf
of the Mills bill Idea , and among others who
complied with the request of the department
was Consul Hotchkiss , stationed at Ottawa ,
whotscnt over a long , carefully considered
report on the lumber industry of the Do
minion. A synopsis of this report appeared
in this correspondence some weeks ago. It at
tracted wide attention , nnd resulted in n
real demand for the report. The depart
ment then doubtless had it read , and instead
f issuing it in the first number of the regular
nonthly consular report , it was decided to
lold it back until after election in order that
t might not bo used as n campaign
Document by the republicans. Some incm-
iers of the senate committee on finance ,
lowcver , having received inquiries in regard
o it , procured a copy nnd had it printed in
lamphlet form for the use oi the committee.
Tims the scheme of the state department to
withhold this document until niter election
das been nipped in the bud and it may be ej-
iccted that the truthful consul at Ottawa ,
, vho told the real truth concerning the lum
ber , industry will bo summarily reprimanded
'or following the president's advice when ho
uttered that celebrated remark to his friends :
Tell the truth. "
Congressman Dorscy returned from Ne
braska last evening and to Tun Dnu corre
spondent this morning ho said : "I nm
ilghly pleased with tha condition of affairs in
: ho west. Crops arc good and the outlook
could not bo better. The state of Nebraska
will certainly cast its electoral vote for Harrison
risen , and besides this , will return three re-
lublicnns to the Fifty-first congress , and it
s certain to elect a republican successor to
Senator Mnndorson. "
vri.iow rr.vnii MOVIXO .
"Dr. J. II. Raueh , secretary of tlio state
board of health of Illinois , and chairman of
the committee of epidemics nnd quarantines
of tlio national conference of state boards of
health , is in the city. The rumored spread
of the yellow fnvor towards Illinois , as well
as the professional Interest ho takes in such
matters , lias caused him to keep up u lively
telegraphic communication with various
state boards of health during the day. In
response to a telegram sent by Dr. Ilauch
to the Alabama bo'nrd of health making in
quiry as to the truth olU the statement that
ten cases of yellow f avoir existed ut Dccatur ,
rVla. , he received the following :
DEC \TUII , Ala. , Sept. 20. To Dr. J. II.
Ranch , Washington : All of them sick ; ono
bad. [ Signed ] VKHOXB COCIIIIAN.
The state health officer in pushing in
quiries about the cases received the follow
tig from Nashville :
NAsnviu.n , Tcnn. , Sept. 20. The situation
at Dccatur is worse. Tennessee is active and
watchful. [ Signed. ] J. D. PI.UXKBTT ,
Stnto Hoard of Health.
In response to his telegram of inqui-y in
regard to tlio death of ono Spencer nt Decatur -
catur and reported cases of refugees from
Dccatur , Ala. , dying at Louisville , ho re
ceived tlio following telegram :
Dowuxo GiinB.v , Ky. , Sept. 20. Have
serious doubts myself. Will go to Louisville
to-day. [ Signed. ] J. N. McCouvicK ,
Secretary State Board of Health.
Texas having quarantined the city of New
Orleans , claiming that yellow fever existed
on Rampart and other streets in that city ,
Dr. Rauch telegraphed nn inquiry as to tlio
truth of the statement , nnd to-day received n
reply from the secretary of the state board of
health stating that there is no yellow fever
in Now Orleans or Texas. Dr. Ranch will
leave for Chicago to-morrow. Ho stated to
Tin : Bin correspondent that from what in
formation ho had on tlio subject Spencer's
death at Decatur was evidently caused by
yellow fever , as two of the men who nursed
him are now very sick at the same place with
yellow fever.
Nebraska and Iowa Pensions.
WASHINGTON , Sept. 20. [ Special Telegram
gram to TUB Den. ] Pensions to residents of
Nebraska : Incrotso Lyman E. Morgan
Utlca ; William Thatcher , Raymond ; James
H. Mills , Gibbon ; Joseph L. Riker , Strattou
Frank P. Field. David City ; Judson S
Sizer , Kearney ; William ICirkland , Humph
rey ; Thomas Tucker , Calamus ; Willian :
Gillett , Grand Island ; Walter II. Remington
Pensions granted to citizens of lown
Original invalid John W. Switzer , Rcdfleld
William J. Martin , Contervillo ; Lev ! Edg' '
ley , McGregor ; J. L. Wilson , Allerton ; Al
bert Russell , Allcrton. Incrcaso Hcnrv II
Day , Grinnell ; James P. Little , Wendell.
William P. Sharp , Ottumwa ; Robert F ,
Aakrcn , Mt. Ayr ; Patrick ColToy , Osceoln
Willard Ducklon , jr. , Marble Rock ; Vea
Porter , Danville ; John Crawford , Leclalre ;
Charles Espy , Ray ; William A Coburn , Os-
ceola ; George Cramer , Salem. Reissue-
Sylvester Mounts , Buffalo.
Washington Brevities.
II. II. Knight , n postal clerk on the Louis * Nashvillorailroad , has been appointed
superintendent of malls at Cincinnati , vice-
Sullivan , removed.
Rear Admiral Kimberly , commanding the
Pacific station , telegraphs to the secretary of
the navy from San Francisco that ho has
Bent word to the commander of the United
States ship Nipsic , at Callao , to proceed at
once to Samoa for tbo protection of Ameri
can interests.
At n meeting of ( ho American Surgical as
sociation to-day officers wcro elected for the
coming yearns follows : President , Dr. D.
W. Clieover , Boston : vice presidents , Dr. T.
Y. Richardson , New Orleans , nnd J. B. Rob
erts , Philadelphia ; secretary , Dr. J. R.
Weist , Richmond , Ind. ; treasurer , Dr. P. S.
Conner , Cincinnati ; recorder , 15r. J. Ewing
Means , Philadelphia ; council. Dr. W. F.
Peck , Davenport , la. ; Dr. S. W. Gross , Phil
adelphia ; Dr. John S. Billings , United States
army , Washington.
"Western Poatnl Changes.
WASHINGTON , Sept. 20. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB Bun ] Mrs. Alma E. Loiler
was to-day appointed postmistress at Bliss ,
Holt county , Neb. , vice E. J. Leflcr , re
A postoffico has been established at Farlon ,
Green county , la. , with Harry Pearl as post
Would Accept the Situation.
LONDON , Sept. 20. The Morning Post ,
commenting upon Senator Sherman's speech
in congress , says : "Englishmen will not re
sist a deliberate decision on the part of
Canada to seek cither independence or a
union with tlio United States. The Cana
dians do not need Senator Sherman's assur
ance that the United States will admit them.
iL'io fact that so nblo a man as Senator Sher
man should condescend to such device is a
strange comment upon the political condition
of this country1' ;
WASHINGTON , Sept. 20. The order reported
yesterday by Mr. Edmunds from the commit
tee on foreign relations , directing the reten
tion of the Chinese exclusion bill , was laid on
the table in the sonata to-day. Mr. Sherman's
resolution ns to Canadian affairs was further
postponed until Monday next.
Mr. Mitchell then proceeded to address the
senate on the motion to refer the president's
annual message. After speaking for about
two hours ho yielded the floor for a motion
to proceed to executive business. The exec
utive session lasted ever an hour. After the
doors wcro opened Mr. Mitchell conoluded
his speech , and then the senate took up the
agricultural department bill , the question
being on nn amendment to strike out the
fifth suction , which transfers the we.ithcr
bureau of the signal service to the agricul
tural department. The bill went over and
adjournment followed.
WASHINGTON , Sept. 20. In the house
the conference report on the sundry civil
appropriation bill was called up and dis
agreed to.
Mr. Pnyson of Illinois moved that the
house insist upon its disagreement to the
amendment of the senate relative to the
library building. Coupled with his motion la
a declaration on the port of the house , sus
pending the progress of the existing work ,
nnd autlrorizing the senate and house com
mittees on public buildings to invite from
flvo leading architects plans and specifica
tions for a library building , which will not
ixceed In cost $1,000,000. Mr. Payson sub-
cquently withdrew his proposition , nnd on
motion of Mr. Burns a lurthur conference
, vas ordered on this bill.
Mr. Morrow of California , as a question of
privilege , offered a resolution reciting the
mssage of the Chinese bill by the house and
iunato , the signing of the enrolled bill by tlio
weakling officers of the two houses , its de-
ivur.v to the committee on enrolled bills , nnd
lie fact that it is now in the possession of
r\eting Chairman Kilgoro. It further recites
, hc report in tlio Washington Post that the
bill is being withheld from the president by
the committee on enrolled bills , and declares
that sucu action of the committee Is without
authority of law. It directs the committco
on enrolled bills to transmit tlio bill to the
president forthwith aud without further do-
This led to a lengthy running debate ,
which was commenced by a point of order
raised by Mr. McMillan of Tennessee that
, ho resolution did not present a question of
privilege , nnd that thus far no rule of the
Jiouso had been violated. Mr. McMillan
further said that the action of Mr. Morrow
was for home consumption.
Mr. Rowell of Illinois wanted to know if
the bill had been introduced for home con
Mr. Payson of Illinois said that this bill is
lelnyed because the president wants moro
: hnn tlio constitutional ten days. This is
i part of the same pcrformnnco begun
jy the gentleman from Pennsylvania
( Scott ) , who attempted in a demagogical
way to make some capital for himself and
party. Everybody understands it , and let
the country understand this performance
from first to last.
The speaker at once rapped Mr. Payson to
order , whereupon the latter asked the pardon
of tno house amid laughter.
Mr. Breckenridgo of ICentucKy stigma-
i/cd the use of the word "demagogical" as
discourteous and offensive , and an appeal to
the rallerics.
After further debate the speaker sustained
Mr. McMillan's point of order. While sus
taining it , the speaker said that he was not
prepared to sny thntmftho'rosolullon 'was
again brought up In n few days he would
ulc that it was not privileged.
, .o
A Wyoming Tough Killed By n Post
master in Sell-Defense.
RAWI.IXS , Wyo. , Sept. 20. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun Br.n.j News has just been re
ceived here of the killing of Charles Davis
by Ell Signer at Rougis , n small stage
station about sixty miles north of here.
Signor Runsa kept a road ranch at Rougis
and Davis has bcon in his employ for some
time past. Ho was spoken of as a quarrel
some fellow , always ready to make a gun
play to carry his point. Last night ho
engaged in n quarrel with Signer ,
nnd after passing a few words
drew his pistol and attempted to
shoot him. Ho was standing close to the
bar at the time nnd Signer , who was behind
the bar , reached over nnd caught him by the
wrist , turning his hand toward the ceiling
and the bullet passed over Signer's head and
lodged in tha rafters. Signer still holding
Davis1 wrist with his loft bund reached
under the bar and seizing his own pistol shot
Davis through the left breast in the vicinity
of the heart , killing him almost instantly.
Signer is postmaster at Rougis and is known
as a quiet , law-abiding citizen ,
They Kill n Miner and Are Liable to
Bo Lynched ,
ROCK SrniNGs , Wyo. , Sept. 20. [ Specia
Telegram toTinsBnc. ] Two strangers in an
emigrant wagon stopped for supplies to
day. This evening they got into a row with
some miners , when ono of tlio strangers
drew his revolver ana fired into tlio crowd.
Dick Davis , an inoffensive miner , was killed ,
Philip Shaffer dangerously , and Dan Harri
son slightly wounded. They then drove off.
Officers started in pursuit and caught up to
them a mile from town. They fired upon the
officers , who returned the shots , wounding
ono of the rnon and killing the horses. The
men wcro then nrrestcd , brought to town nnd
with difficulty placed in jail. The town is
greatly excited mid threats are made that
the murderers will bo taken out and lynched
before morning.
Engineer and Fireman Killed.
ST. Louis , Spt. 20. The wreck of the
Wabash Western train last night proved
worse than at first reported. The engineer
and flrcmau wcro killed nnd Rudolph
Stoufcr , n shipper , was badly injured. The
engine anil ten ears were wrecked.
It is now believed that the wreck was the
work of some persons who have a grudge
against the road , nnd that it was intended fern
n Burlington train. The special train of Su
perintendent Magee of the Wabasli Western ,
returning from the wreck to-day , came very
near sharing n like fata at Huntlcy's crossing
ing- , near this city. The train struck an ob
struction and the occupants of the car re
ceived a severe shaking up. A searching in
vestigation will bo mnde.
The Mexican Floods ,
CITV or Mexico , ( via Galvcston ) , Sept.
20. Yesterday the sun shone here for the
flrst time in many days. The federal gov
ernment has 8,000 sofdlers at work digging
trenches and building dykes. Pumps nro
used to draw water out of the streets. The
first passengers to reach hero from Vera
Cruz since the Jloous began arrived yester
day. President Diaz and cabinet are now
consulting the engineers on the means of
draining Uio city of Mexico. Typhus nnd
other epidemic fovcrs are invading the lately
inundated districts.
Parilu Butler Dylni ; .
ST. Louis , Sept. 20. A special from Atchl-
son , Kan. , says that the venerable Purdu
Butler was yesterday thrown from his horse
and received injuries which , nt his nge , will
likely result fatally. Butler became famous
owing to the indignities heaped upon him by
the pro-slavery people. Ho was tarred and
feathered and set afloat on a frail raft on the
Missouri river. '
Two Persons Burned to Death
MONTHEAL , Sept. 20. During the progress'
of a small fire in ] the store of W. II. DCS-
peros , his mother nnd brother wcro burned
to death.
Memphis Quarantined A alnst Sev
eral Southern Points.
Mr.Mnn.1 , Tcnn. , Sept. 20. Dr. WIrt John
son , secretary of the Mississippi state board
of health , at Jackson , Miss. , officially notifies
by telegram of this date , Dr. G. B. Thorn
ton , president of the Memphis board of
health , of the presence of three cases of yel
low fovcr In Jackson. Upon receipt of this
official information Memphis tonight applied
the quarantine order of August 10 against
the infected places in Florida , and of Sep
tember la against Dccatur. Ala. , and now
against Jackson , Miss , , which provides that
neither persons , baggage nor freights will bo
allowed to enter Memphis from Jackson ,
Miss. Columbus , Miss. , and other towns In
that state have quarantined against Jackson.
JACKSONVILLE , Fla , , Sept. 20. Ono hun
dred nnd thlrty-ono new cases were reported
to the president of the board of health to
day , making a total to date ot 1,401. The
Jcaths reported to-day numbered 13 , making
total of K- .
JACKSON , Miss. , Sept. 21. Three unmis-
akable cases of yellow fever have developed
icro to-day among residents who have not
jccn absent from tlio town for months. A
laroful and close consultation of the physic-
ans ot the city , in connection with Drs. Igle-
mrd and Purncll , of Vicksburg , established
he foregoing facts beyond a doubt or qucs-
ion. The panic of l S was not
lomparnblo to that now prevailing
mong the citizens. The news of the suspi-
lous case of fever did not got out until I !
"clock this afternoon , but bcforo S o'clock
lundreds had left the town by rail and other
oads , nnd many moro nro preparing to leave.
Two banks in the town paid out over $20,003
iach after banking hours thin afternoon to
heir depositors who nro leaving. Governor
jewry will remain to act witli the board of
icalth. A consultation lias Just been had
ver the cases of Loranco , Leo and Cal-
loun , and the decision is that each one
f the said eases in yellow fever beyond n
lUt'stion or doubt. The board of health Is
.elegraphing the nbovo facts everywhere nnd
s concealing nothing.
NEW Oui.r.AXS , Sept. 20. The board of
icnlth 'to-day established a quarantine
igainst Jackson , Miss. , by river and rail , to
take effect at once.
GALVITOSept. : . 20. State Health Officer
tutherford thus answers an inquiry from
Dr. Ranch , president of the Illinois state
'ioard of health , who Is now at Washington :
'There has not been a case of yellow lover
Texas this season. "
Yellow Jack in St. Linda.
ST. Lot-is , Sept. 20. Moses Newborecr , a
olish Jew , arrived hero with his family
rom Dccatur , Ala. , Tuesday afternoon , and
died of yellow fever yesterday morning.
is family were removed to an isolated cot-
.iitro outsulo of the city and their clothing
iind bedding destroyed. The health officer
ays there is no danger of the spread of the
Mr-Mi'ins , Tcnn. , Sept. 20. Ton now cases
f yellow fever are reported to have devel
oped at Doe.itur , Ala. , to-day and a regular
stampede fiom that city is in progress.
Mason City Man Gored hy nn En
raged Bovine.
MASON Cmla. . , Sept. 20. | Special Tele
gram to Tim BBB. ] A serious accident hapj
laned to J. W. Merrill , a lawyer and stock
raiser of Rockford , la. , * on the fair grounds
to-day. Ho was watering n bull when it
ilungcil at him , nicking him up with his
liorns and tossing him. over the partition into
another stall on the opposite side. When
Mr. Merrill was picked up it was found that
the bull had inflicted n frightful wound , his
liorn entering the flesh of his leg about six
nches below tha groin , ripping upwards niuT
[ iltnostdiscnibowulinghiin. Physiciansseweil
up the wound and thu patient is resting
easily. _ _
An Insurance Company Fails.
DCS Moixus , la. , Sept. 20. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB Bni : . ] The state auditor has
ust officially announced the failure of the
Dakota Fire Insurance company of Sioux
Falls , Dak. Its failure was a great surprise ,
as ho had examined its affairs in September ;
1SS7 , and found them in flue condition. Last
Juuo the company filed a statement with him
purporting to show a credit of & ! 0,000 in the
bank , nnd no suspicion has been entcrtaineiT
ns to the insolvency of the company. It op
crated not only in Dakota , but also largely in
northwestern Iowa and Nebraska , und to
some extent in Illinois.
An Accidental Shooting.
DCS Moixcs , la. , Sept. 20. [ Special Tel
egram to Tin : IJr.i : . ] Dr. Greenwood , den
tist of Oolwein , Fayctto county , went duuV
hunting Tuesday night. His wife , suppos
ing that ho had gone to the lodge , was not
concerned about his absence until the ncx
morning , when , as ho did not return , she
spread the alarm and a party set out ir
search of him. He was found dead yesterday
day afternoon on the edge of the pond where
ho had been hunting , having accidcntly shot
himself as ho was drawing his gun from his
The UulvcrsnllKts. , la. , Sept. 20. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun UHB. ] The Iowa Universalists
closed their state convention hero to-night.
At a business session Rov. A. Cram , of Web
ster City , was elected president of the soci
ety for the ensuing year.
Church Dedication.
WATHULOO , la. , Sept. 20. [ Special Tele
gram to THE Dii : : . ] The Congregational so
ciety in this city dedicated a handsome new
S .OOO church building to-night with appro
priate ceremonies. The dedicatory sonnon
was delivered by President Gates , of Iowa
college , Grinnell.
A Minneapolis Commission Man Gets
Away With 15.OOO BuHhols.
MiNNEAi'ous , Sept. 20. W. G. Hanloy , n
well known commission dealer , nnd a mem
ber of the firm of Peterson & Hunlcy , was
arrested about midnight last night on a war
rant charging him with stealing 15,030
bushels of wheat from the Minneapolis Union
elevator , in southeast Minneapolis. Tlio eio-
vator company is said to have discovered
that about fifty thousand bushels of wheat
had been stolen. Others suspected of com
plicity are well known wheat men , nnd the
nnnouncomcnt of their names would create a
profound sensation.
- m J
Caught Five Thieves.
CHEVEXXB , Wyo. , Sept. 20. Jack Rodgcrs ,
deputy sheriff of Crook county , captured five
horse-thieves and a band of stolen animals
near Sun Danc3 Monday. The horses wcro
driven from Texas , Kansas and Nebraska to
this territory nnd offered for sale. There
were nearly 200 animals in the bunch. Tlio
thieves were asleep In their blankets when
Rodgcrs covered them with a Winchester
aud marched all of them to jail. They were
fully nrmca , bvt dared not muko a light.
Steamship Arrivals.
At Qucenstown The Gcrmania from Now
At Southampton The Alter from New
York for Bremen.
At Amsterdam The Amcstcrdatn from
New York.
At New York The Gallla and England
from Liverpool ; the State of Nevada from
Glasgow ; tlio Waesland from Antwerp , and
the Wciland from Hamburg ,
Tlio AVrnther Indications.
Nebraska and Dakota ; Slightly warmer ,
fair weather , southerly winds.
lowas Local showers followed by fair
weather Friday afternoon or evening ; sta-
tiqnary tainpcruturti Friday ; warmer
. weather Saturday , variable winds shifting to
southerly. . ' .
Attorney Gonornl Webster Don't I
Attend the Sittings , J
Tlio AVhltcchnpcl Murder nn Alfiorh
iiiiT Topic lu London Circles- ; ,
Iti Favor of Boiilaii cr's i
I'reservliiij the Times' Secrete.
Nr.w YOIIK , Sept. 20. [ Special Telegratri
to Tin : Br.i : . ] The Mall nnd Express special
from London says : The absence of Attor
ney GeneralJWebstcrfrom the sittings of the
Parncll commission is the subject of much
comment. It is represented that Mr. Graham
was purposely put forward on the part of the
Times because ho is not in the secrets of the
Times nnd the object was to prevent nny In
formation leaking out nt the parliamentary
Inquiry that might bo turned to account
by the other side In the action in Scot
land. In the course of examining Me
Graham Saturday Judge Hannon asked UiQ
question : "Do you propose to substantlnto
the chargcsl" While the reports of nil the
other papers retain the question nskcd , ' the
Times appears to dislike the word substan
tiate , and In each case substituted the word
Thu doctor at the coroner's Inquest In
the matter ot ( ho Whltcchnpcl murder yes-
terdny gave it as his opinion Unit the }
mutilation was committed after the -
death of the victim by n person
having accurate anatomical knowledge , nnd
for the purpose of obtaining possession of
the parts which disappeared. The cutting - '
ting , if performed by the most hasty surJ
geon , would thavo occupied fifteen min
utes. Eust-enders are loudly complaining
because thu woman , being poor , no adequate )
reward has been offered for the discovery ol
the criminal. Tlio nowpapers are proposing
tlio wildest theories of the crime.
A missionary at Stanley Pool writes homo
the result of an interview with Eu
ropeans from Arnwhiml camp.
After describing how Tippoo's Arabs
employ cannibal Mnnyeinas , whoso cruelty
nnd ferocity is diabolical , to raid the natlvo
villages , und carry oft the women nnd chil
dren and plunder , compelling the husbands
to eomo nnd ransom them with ivory , the
letter says -100 Manycmas who accompanied
Barltolot did so only when assured they
should not bo interfered with. Doubtlosg
pillage , murder nnd man-eating marked thcif
progress through the virgin country.
There is a growing feeling among many
French politicians in favor of reinstating
Boulauger in the army. Rochcfort say a
such a proposal would have been cheerfully
voted live months ago as a means of repair
ing the Injustice done Doulanger , but such n
vote now would bo only a proof of the wcnkt *
ness and timidity of the government. Paul
Do Cassagnae is of the same opinion. Doth
think , however , Donlangor is the only gen
eral able to inspire the army.
Riot In Dublin Barrack ! ) .
LONDON , Sept. 20. Another riot has oc
curred in Dublin barracks. A number ot
men belonging to the "Black Watch" regi
ment quarreled over politics with some of
the men of the Fifth dragoons. The two fac
tions finally abandoned words for blows , and
a. desperate struggle ensued during which-
thirteen men wcro wounded. Other troops
were called upon to quell tlio disturbance
and the rioters were dispersed at the point of
the bayonet. The "Blael ; Watch" regiment
has been ordered to Belfast.
Serious Conflict Between Two Ilivnl
Kailroads lu Colorado.
Dr.Nvr.ii , Colo. , Sent. 20. [ Special Tele
gram to THE Dec. ] For several days there
has been trouble brewing nt Aspen batwoeu
the Midland and Denver & Rio Grande roads
about the right of way out of camp and onto
the Utah line. To-day the quarrel caused
the shedding of blood and further trouble is
expected. The Rio Gnmdo train to-day was ,
drawn out of the street in accordance with
the orders of tha city council , but it was re
placed inter this afternoon. The Midland
baing ready to complete Its track , sent a
force of men to clear the way. The men
boarded the Rio Grande train obstructing the
track and commenced to unload the cars pre
paratory to getting them out of the way.
Mr. Waters , of the Rio Grande , soon ap
peared with his men and ordered them to
beat off the Midland forces. A conflict
immediately ensued , in which shovels und
picks were freely used and several men ,
were badly cut. President Scott , of the
Midland , was himself struck in the breast ,
knocked down and badly injured. Tlio city
nu rshal and a number of deputies placed tha
Midland men undoarrest. . The Midland
applied for un * injunction against th
Rio Grande and ono was issued but the latten
road refused to recognize it. The sheriff
nnd posse then took possession of the ground
nnd is holding both tracks nnd the train ol
cars against both parties. The men who $
wcro arrested yesterday for holding tha. 41
ground with Winchesters had their fines paid Si
this morning by Mr. Waters of the Rio jf- |
Grande. Tlio bill amounted to $245. Fcol
ing is running very high between the two
companies and it will bo necessary to cxer
cisc great care to avoid serious trouble.
The Combination That Caused a
Trusted Employe's Downfall.
Ni\v : YOIIK , Sept. 20. A glgantiq swindle
has como to light. James Edward Dedoll ,
real estate clerk for the law ffrm of Ship-
man , Barlow , Larocquo & Choato , lias , by
a system of audacious swindling , robbed the 21
clients of his firm of hundreds of thousands < ! l
of dollars. The precise amount of his peeu-
lations us far as at present known is $201,500
Bedell was a trusted employe , in full charge
of the firm's largo real estate business. Ho
forged bonds and mortgages , registers , seal
nnd all , took all the money himself nnd paid
interest on false mortgages as tlioy foil duo.
His swindles cover a period of five years.
Accident led to his discovery. Ho is under
arrest at pollco headquarters. To Inspector
Byrnes ho said that ho had spent the money
playing policy and at amateur farming.
A Miner Killed.
DKATMVOOD , Dak. , Sept. 20. [ Special Tolo'I
gram to Tin : DEE. ] James Martin , n minor , .1
employed in the Caledonia ralno , nt Terra- . * ;
ville , four miles from this place , was fatally
injured by a premature explosion while blast
ing last nieht , ami died this morning. The
deceased was aged thirty-flvo years und was
A Dnyllulit Hobliory. I
New YOIIK , Sept. 20. Henry F. Harding ,
alias P. F. Seymour , who s"ys ho Is from
Chicago , In daylight to-day stole flvo pack
ages of money from two banks , the aggre
gate being Hl.'iOO. After lie had fired three
shots ut the officers who chased him , ho was
caught. All the money , save 2COJ , , was re
, t
Another Postal Change.
WASIIIXOTON , Sept. 20. W. H. Knight ,
postal clerk on the Louisville & Nnshvillo
railroad , has bcon appointed superintendent
of mails at Cincinnati , vice Sullivan , re
moved. _
The State W. O. T. U. Convention.
IlASTixas , Neb. , Sept. 20. [ Special Telo *
gram to Tins BKB. ] The annual state con
vention of the Nebraska W. C. T. U. opens
in this city to-morrow to continue in session
flvu days. .
, . J ;