Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 20, 1888, Page 3, Image 3

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    Wheat Rather Weak in Splto of
Lighter Receipts.
Ontn CoiiHldnrnlilyVcnknr Morn Ijlr'c
In the I'rovlftlon Trnilo Cattle
Lower Under Ilcnvy Ilc-
cclptB Hog * BrlnJr.
CIIICAOO , Sept. 10. [ Special TntoKrnm to
TUP. llr.r. . ] There Ims been a decided falling
off In receipts tit primary winter wheat tnnr-
hets of Into. The "early run" of new winter
wheat nmy be said to bo over , nnd the move
ment from first hands Is not expected to
nirnlti reach the avera o of past months un
less manipulation should force prices to an
unnatural height. The speculative spring
wheat movement , though large , Is not up to
expectations , and sprint , ' wheat markets are
holding up well. Tliero Is small probability
that any largo amount of wheat will go out
of the far northwest , and of that little nearly
all will be of the lower grades. The local
market was uncertain at the opening with
Indications of weakness. December opened
at Ol'.fo ' with sales ntOl'e , and May was yr.X
@ 9r > ; ' , ' 0c. September opened at 93X" "d
presently sold at 'J3c. The receipt of the
following dispatch was given as an excuse
for an advance of about lo which followed
soon after : "Lu Franco sa.a . that on account
of Inadequate harvests the govern
ment will probably suspend import
dutlci upon cereals. A council of ministers
will discuss the question to-morrow. " From
0' % " for December nnd ' .Mi c for May the
market worked back to 91' c and O.V.J'o for
December and May respectively. Trade was
narrow and it .lid not take an immense
amount of hammering to effect this decline.
Hiitchlnson was "monkeying" with Septem
ber In a most extraordinary manner. It was
principally owing to his manipulations that
the September price took a UJ c range , ex
tending from ! ) . ' ) to 00 } c , with fluctuations of
Ic between sales. In several Instances parties
bought wheat of Hutchinson's cash man on
the edge of the pit forj o less than they sold
It out a moment later to Hutchinson's broker
inside the pit. The deal was unaccountable
to traders as unaccountable as the prlncpal
himself. The general tone of the market
could bo described as strong. "Artificially
steady" might bo a better term up to the cud
of the long session. The range for to-day
docs not show Important changes from yes
terday's ' last prices. In a speculative way
business was below the recent dally average.
In corn the opening was characterised by
great activity and some excitement. The in
spection of (140 ( cars was more than wis : ex
pected and the weather was Improved. There
was no disturbing news regarding the crop
and an early movement of now corn from the
country is expected this year. Far options
were the the weakest , as a good shipping de
mand exists for daily arrivals , preventing
more than a very gradual decline. Towards
the mlddlo of the session it became known
that r > S5 cars would probably bo received to
morrow , and this continual pouring in of
corn from a crop supposed to bo nearly ex
hausted made ttio feeling weak and inclining
to lower prices. Towards and up to the close
the market ruled fairly steady after recover
ing from the first decline until near the close ,
when it yielded some , but did not get us low
as during early trading.
Oats wcro fairly active , but considerably
weaker under free selling all along the line
with an average decline of J @ifc. The
demand was only moderate , with
May selling down to f l@Wjc ; , and
this month toStikc , or Jfc below yesterday's
closing figures. Intermediate months were
In light request at slightly lower prices. No.
2 cash In store sold at Ul * < c , or ! fc below the
general price of the previous day , with trad
ing in cash lots chlclly by sample.
Provisions' commanded a little moro atten
tion In the now speculative trading. Janu
ary led in Interest , and pork exhibited moro
life than either short ribs and lord. I'ork for
January was sold mainly by Cwlahy and'
Singer , while Kirkwood was the largest in
dividual buyer. Lard for October was again
supported by Fairbanks , Warren and Wells ,
though at 1 o'clock It was quoted at 2X °
under lust night's closings. Trades made in
lard for October , as well as In pork and short
ribs , were chtclly in the way of settling out
standing short contracts. October pork
closed for the day unchanged. October short
ribs were 2 } c lower. November pork , No
vember lard and January pork wcro " > fo
higher , year lard lOc higher , January lard 5o
higher and January short ribs a shade
AvrmtNoox SESSION The wheat market
advanced the better part of Ic. on good buy
ing for Northwestern account and on a little
flurry among the shorts caused by additional
bulletins forcastlng the result of to-morrow's
conference about doing away with the
French duty on cereals. The bears attacked
the market on the advance without effect ;
September 05 } c , October 9JJ c , November
Hlfo , December 02 > Vc , May Ort' c. No
special change occurred in corn , trade dull ;
September lil-tfe ; October 43) ) c , November
40v , year JfcXc , May ! ! Sjfc. Oats wcro quiet ,
but steady ; September ! 2llfrc ; October t4 ! * c ,
November SMJjo , year ! Mc , May SW c. Pork
was excited and higher. October w s ad
vanced ! ) "c , November 5c , year 5u , and Jan
uary l'2$4a , closing for September $14.70 ,
October f 14.70 , November $14.05. year $ i3.S5 ,
January $14.07 } < . Lard for October was
strong and unchanged. December , year and
January closed S.l c higher ; September
$10.80 , November jy.OS. year $5.ii3liJ , Jnnu-
ary * $ . ! ) > } . In short ribs October and Jan
uary wcro advanced 5o and closed at the
highest quotations ; September fS.8. > , October
$3.S5 , January ? M5.
Cuimoo , Sept. 19. [ Special Telegram to
TUB lluu.l UATTLI : Uccoipts , as will bo
neon , continue heavy. Stock is coming from
all directions , especially from the west.
Shippers are crowding their stock to market
on low current rail rates , as it Is announced
there will ho n bharp upturn on the " 5th ,
Trade ruled slow and prices wcro weaker on
everything except , perhaps , for the tew good
natives on sale , and such hud to take a slight
share of the decline. Prime native cattle
wcro again scarce , yet a few loads scorn to
fill the demand. It was said a dozen loads
would have filled all thu orders this morning
and n few lots of such sold nt
| 0.50ifl.G5. ( Westerns In some instances -
stances sold 40o lower than last
week , and all westerns are Uo@30a
lower , most of the decline taking place to
day. Texans are fully lli@3oc lower than
lust week. Native cows stock was "O 'Joc
lower than last week on low grades nnd best
have had to stand a part of the decline. The
pens were full of good Texans nnd range
cows and veal colors wcro In largo supply ,
the sumo coming from all parts of the coun
try. One of the beef packing firms received
five loads of veal calve * from Kansas City
ana values are .Wo lower than lost week nnd
the demand slow. A bunch of northern
range calves sold nt $3.00. Four
loads of New York state stock calves
sold within u range of (9.75 and $12.00 per
iicad. There wcro two loads on the market
to-day. There was little or nothing going on
In the stock cattle trado. The receipts in
cluded 8,000 Texans and westerns ; cholco
to extra beeves , to. 25(30.05 ( ; medium to good
ttcers , 13V ) to 1500 Ibs , * 5.XM5.W ( ; 1200 to 13 jd
Ibs , $450(35.85 ( ; 850 to 1200 Ibs , $3.SO@4.75 ;
stackers and feeders , $3.00(33.20 ( ; rows ,
bulls and mixed , weaker nt $1.25(33.00. (
Texas steers , l > 50 to 1050 Ibs , $2.05 3.33 ;
750 to 000 Ibs , $2.50(33.10 ( ; 000 to 700 Ibs , $3.40
( 2.00 ; cows , $ J,00 < 33.40s western rangers ,
15c lower ; natives nnd half breeds , f3.50(3 (
4.70 ; wintered Texans , $3.00(34.20. (
Hoas The market was active and prices
about the same as yesterday and all cold.
Host heavy and closely assorted made $ < t.70@
0.80 , and one lot of fauc.v sold to city butch
ers at $ < 1.90. Tuo bulk of best marketed sold
nt 0.45@ < 3.annd common at fO.10QO.U5 ;
light sorts made $0.00(20.40. (
Neu Yonir , Sept. 19. [ Special Telegram
to TUB UM.-STOC Again St. Paul
proved to bo the lending feature ) n the stctk
market the greater part of the Jime1. The
general market opened strong with advances
extending to * { | tolnts as compared with last
n'rhi's ' close , the greatest gains being in
Missouri Pacific , St. Paul and Heading. The
exception to the rule was Hocking Valley , In
which thcro was a big break , caused by the
decision of the three arbitrators nt Saratoga
In this case in favor of the defendants , much
to the surprise of many. The suit was
brought against Uurkc , Hicock and others to
recover $8,000,000 alleged to have been fraud
ulently issued In stock and sold. Last night's
close was nt 3i5 } < and after the opening to
day at ! M It went quickly to 23 , ' and subse
quently to 'M. London was the principal
buyer during the morning , taking In pretty
nearly everything lu the lit , but being es
pecially prominent purchasers of St. Paul
whlcn , after opening at C4 ? , or % higher , ad
vanced to O."i % by u little after 12 o'clock.
This large buying created an Impression In
some minds that thcro might bo soinu truth
in the story that they were trying to get con
trol of the stock , while among others the
idea was Hontlng around that the directors'
party had formed n ix > ol nnd was buying
through London. Leading commission homes
supported the market with purchases , but
values fluctuated Irregularly. Northwestern
was sold and hammered by Coombs anil was
forced down a littlo. Aside from the forego-
intr stocks the general list by noon , after sec-
sawing somewhat , showed no great change
from opening tlgures. St. Paul was n com
manding feature during the day and Its ad
vance helped most of the list , though coalers
were heavy near thn close. St. Paul sold up
to C'J'f ' , or nearly 5 points higher than the
opening , resting llnally at OSVf- Northwest
ern got up to lin > f late in the day , closing at
iibout 1 point advance. Foreign buy Ing in
St. Paul was about the strongest factor in
hat stock , London taking 00,000 shares or
more. The Vamlerbilts wore also stronger
ate In the day , Lake Shore selling nt 100 for
ho llrst time In n long while. Pullman ml-
winced 2f ; | , Uurlltigton \ % and some less
nc.tivo stocks moderately. New England
, vns weak all day , closing 1'f lower. In the
ast hour material gains were again made
over the entire list , the close being very active
and strong at the highest prices of the day.
The closing prices of stocks to-day were
ns follows :
II. H. 4s regular. . . . ! ! $ > . { Northern 1'ixclllo. . 2 " (
1. ' . S. 4ncotipona. . . .ixiv dopreferred tcj'j
II. S.4'isri'Kiilnr..l07 C. ft N. W US' ;
U. S. 4SHcoupons. ! . 107 dopreferred , . .14-
I'acillc Us of ' . " ) 121 N. V. Cent nil. . . .
Ventral 1'ticltlc. . . . 1 ] ' . . . is. U V < H
L'hlciino & Alton..KM Hock Island ins
Chicago , Uurlltigton 'C' ' . . M. & St. I' twij
iyulucy 11T ( do preferred 1U74 !
/ > . . ! , . AW 142M St. I > aul&Omaha. . 40
"llinols Central..UK dopreferred IWl'i '
' . .II.&W 1SU Union riiciflc ( JO1 ;
KIIMSHH JcTexns. . . Ill W. . Ht. I * . iiV 14(5 (
iake Shore UKJ do preferred. . . . 27
llchlgan Central. Western Union 84 IS
Missouri I'ftcinc. „ 81i |
MONBY os CALL Easy nt 2(73 ( per cent ;
ast loan 2 per cent ; closed at'@j ; per cent.
iTiiitLiNn EXCIIAXOK Dull but steady at
.S4 % for sixty-day bills , $4.S8).f for de
CHIC.UIO , Sept. 19. Wheat Easy ;
cash , 05e ; October , 01c ; December ,
JlU-Klc ; May , 95 9-lGc.
Corn Easy ; cash , 4cOctobcr,43 : \ 1-lCo ;
December. .ISc ; May. 3SJ.jfi ! .
Oats Steady ; cash , 2IJ < c ; October ,
213-lOc ; December , 24 c ; May , US e.
Rye ffiJMc.
Unrlcy Nominal.
Prime Timothy $1.55.
Flax Sl.l'031.33.
Pork Steady ; cash and October , ? 14.45 :
November , SI 1.0) ) .
Lard Steady ; cash and October , $10.80 ;
November , $9.U2) ( gl > .G5.
n Flour Firm and unchanged ; patents ,
$5.35@5.00 : bakers' , fl. 10g4.5' ( ) ; straight ,
f 1.00044.90 ; bakers' , in sacks , f3.5l'(3 ' ( > ( .00.
Dry Salt Meats Shoulders. * 7.tWK ( ! . 3 ;
short clear , $9.00(39.25 ( ; short ribs , SS.S5.
Butter Unchanged ; creamery , 15@23c ;
dairy , 13 > < ® 18Xc.
Cheese Unchanged ; full cream died-
dars nnd flats. S ) ( jJSXci Young Americas ,
vn * * ; >
Eggs Unchanged ; 15@10c ,
Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 , solid packed ,
W@r > Jtfo ; No. 2 , 4Kc ; cake , DK@5 ? u per lu.
Hides Unchanged ; heavy green salted ,
OJ < c ; light green salted , G-tfc ; salted bull , Co ;
green waited calf , OK@ c ; dry Hint , " * " *
So ; branded hides 15 percent off ; deacons ,
2025c each ; dry salted , 7c.
2:30 : Close Wheat Higher ; cash , 95 0 ;
October , 92Xc ; December , 92 ? 'c ; May. 95 > tfc.
Corn Firm ; cash , 43n'c ; October , 3S 5-1 Oc ;
December , 3S o ; May. 3c. ! )
Oats Firm ; cash , 24Vu ; October , 235 c ;
December , 24&c ; May , lW ? c.
Pork Stronger ; cash and October , $14.70 ;
November , $14.0. > .
Lard Steady ; cash and October , ? 10. SO.
Ueccipts. Shipmnots.
Flour , bbls . 41,000 18,000
Wheat bu . 130.000 142,000
Corn , bu . 0111.000 440,000
Onts , bu . 332,000 128,000
Hyc , bu . . . . .
Hurley , bu . . . . .
Now Vorlc , Sept. 19. Wheat Receipts ,
33S.OOO ; exports , f > r > ,200 ; spot market JftfJJ o
lower ; No. 2 red , 97c in elevator. CSc alloat ,
f. o. b. ; No. 3 rod , OOCiiOOKo ; No.
4 red , 84@S5e ; uncradcd red , 85c@jl.01pf ;
extra red , $101 ; options moderately active
early but K 'K0 lower , reacted and sold up
} 4Xc , closing steady ; No. 2 red , October
closed at 'J c.
Corn Receipts , 151 , ODO ; exports , 49,030 ;
spot market H'@Jfo lower ; No. 2 , 53 ( ! 5Jj'o ; ) :
In elevator. r > : i.J @ . " .4e afloat ; ungraded
mixed , 52)f@544'c ; options frco sellers , > @
e lower and easy ; October closed at 5Vfe. : !
Oats Receipts , 132,000 ; spot market } @
le lower on graded white , steady on graded
mixed : No. 2 white , 35@30c ; mixed western ,
2 ( > @ : ) OKi.1 ; whlto western , 27 < 3MOe ; options
slow and easy ; October closed at 80Uc.
Coffee Options opened steady and closed
firm ; sales , 77,500 bags , Including September ,
$13.XmiO ( ) ( ? : October , $ lS.fi5(4 13.70 ; No
vember , * 11 P5@12.1U ; spot Rio firm and
quiet at $15.50.
Petroleum -Steady but quiet ; United
closed at 9lc.
Eggs Easy and in moderate demand ;
western , ITftiHte.
Pork Steady but quiet.
Lard Spot , firm but quiet ; sales , western
steam , $11.00 ; options qulot : sales , October ,
$10.92@10.9il , closing nt $10.99.
Huttor Steady and in fair demand ; west
ern dairy , 13@15c ; western creamery , 13 ®
Cheese Dull but steady ; western , 7) @
St. IjouK Sept 19. Wheat Lower ;
cash , 91c : October , Oltfc.
Corn Lower ; cash , 41o ; October , 39J c.
Oats Lower ; cash , 23 0 ; October , 30c.
Rye Nominal nt 5M c.
Pork Steady at $15.23.
Lard Firm at $10.37X0.
Whisky $1.14.
Hutter Quiet ; creamery , lS@20c ; dairy ,
Afternoon board Wheat higher and
stronger ; corn , firmer ; oats , dull.
Minneapolis. Sept. 10. Wheat Local
receipts wore 213 curs and 70 wcro shipped
out. liuyors held off during tbo early part
of the session , and sellers wcro asking from
J@lc below yestorday'H closing quotations.
No. 1 hard , in store , September and October ,
9Hfo ; ° n track , old , $1.03 > f , new , TOKe ; No ,
1 northern , in store , September and October ,
P5c ; on track , old , $1.01 , now , 00.i7o ) No. 3
northern , In store. September and October ,
91 ; o ; on track , old , 9ic , new , 92c.
Kansas City , Sept. 19. Wheat Higher ;
No. 2 red , cash , 77K ° bid , t > < ta asked ; Octo
ber , 79 ; o asked ; No. 2 soft , SOX"-
Corn Quiet ; No. 2 cash , 87 o asked ; year ,
2S < fo bid.
Outs No. 8 , 19o bid.
Milwaukee , Sopt. 19. Wheat Firm ;
cash and October , S-JXc ; November , 89 c.
Corn Quiet ; No. 3 , 44 o.
Oats-Firm ; No. 3 white. 30c.
Rye-Steady ; No. 1 , 53 We.
Harley Unsettled ; No. 2 , nominal at 07c.
Provisions Easier. Pork Cash nnd Sep.
tember , I14.47K-
OInulnnMl , Sopt. 19.Vhcat Stronger ;
No. 2 rod. 89o.
Corn Easier ; No. 2 mixed , 47c ,
Oats Steady ; No. 2 mixed , 25o.
Whisky In good demand and steady nl
Clilcnco. Sept. 19. The Drovers' Jour
nal reports as follows
Cattle Receipts , lfioX ; ) ; market weal : nnd
10 to in cents lovcr ; beeves , $ ( ! .2.'iOK.6. ) > ;
steers , | . ' ) .fiU$5.X ( ! ) ; stockcrs and feeders.
$ 'J.KX ( < tn.0 ; cows , bulls and mixed , * 1.2.V
3.00 ; Texas cattle , $2.00 ( f3.i5 : ; western
rangers , ? 3. ( > 0.ic4.70.
Hogs Kccoipts , 14.000 ; shipments , none ;
market opened steady but closed lower ;
mixed , M.O.KM.f'O ; best heavy. S .15jiO.W ( ;
light , $ ri.70V ( < ii.rt ) ; skips , $ ! ) .T.@ri.VJ. (
Sheep Receipts , 0,000 ; shipments , none ;
market weaknatlvcs : , $ .J.70iri.M ( : ; westerns ,
$3.2S@3.SO ; ToxaiiB , tJ.OO@'J.OO : lambs , $1.00
Knnnnn City , Sept. 19. Cattle Re
ceipts , 7,700 ; shipments , 4,200 ; choice dressed
beef and shipping steers steady , medium
"owcr , common weak and 5o lower ; good
; rass range steers fidlt > o lower ; good to
jhoico corn-fed. S. > .00iiri..10 ( : common to me
dium , M.24.7."i ' ; stockorsnnd feeding steers
ijuiet nnd steady at fl.OOftta.OO : grass rungo
steers , $ l.SOa3.4' ) ; common , $ l.'J.i@1J.7.i.
Hogs Receipts , 7.HOO ; shipments , 2,000 ;
narket opened strong , but closed a shade
iveak ; coed to choice , $0.3ogO.DU ( ; common
to medium , $ ri.45@t.30. (
Niitlunnl Stock Vnril . ICnst St.
LouU , Sent. 19. Cattle Receipts , a.OOO ;
shipments. 1,450 ; market slow ; choice heavy
native steers , * "i.5D ; fair to good native
steers , f4.20@ri.75 ; butchers' steers , fair to
; oed , ) . : W ( < ! 4.-IO ; Mockers and feeders , fair
.ogood , W.20 ( < KI.IiO : rnngers , corn-fed , J3.r,0i5 (
4. < iO ; crass-fed , SA20Q3.WI.
Hogs Receipts. 2t 0i ) ; shipments , ! 503 ;
market linn ; ciiolco heavy nnd butchers'
selections , $ t.4oitO.U. ! ( > ; packing , fair to cholco ,
W.30@ii.rii ) ; light grades , ordinary to best ,
OMAHA IjlVK nl'OOlt.
Cut tic.
Wednesday , Sept. 19. 1SS3.
The entile market opened very slow and
little tr.ulinir was done in the morning , but
it closed more active. The receipts were
licavy , but there wore not many of the wes
tern cattle that were desirable for the
dressed bc'ef trade. The market .on that
kind of stock was about lOc lower. Tliero
were n few corn fed natives in yards which
brought perhaps us much as they would yes-
lerday. The feeder market was extremely
lull. Good butchers' stock was about
Ho ; ; * .
The market as n whole was about steady ,
nit good , heavy hogs sold at 5o higher mid
the common mixed hogs easier. The market
vus fairly active and only four loads of late
arrivals were left over.
The receipts were heavy , but they arrived
ate in the afternoon , and only a few loads
wcro sold.
Ituculnt .
liittlo 2,900
Hoes 4,200
Sheep 1,1'GO '
I'revnilinu 1'rlces.
Thofollowing n a table of prlcas p.iU In
this marKct for the graJoj of stock men
Prime steers. 1300 to 1500 Ibs. . $ . " > .23 05.50
Prime steers , ItOOto 1300 Ibs. . 4..W f3r .35
Native feeders 3.00 @ 3.40
Western feeders 2.00 ( & ) .2. >
Range steers , com'on to choice 3.00 @ 4.00
Common to good cows 1.50 fo2.r ; > U
hoice to fancy cows 2.50 (33.00 (
Common to choice bulls 1.2:5 : 622.0 ! )
Fair tocnoico light hogs 0.00 httJ.20
Fair to choice heavy hoja 0.W ! itf.45 ( !
Fair to choice mixed hogs 0.20 @ 0.35
HepruHimtnttvo S.xl x.
No. Av. Pr.
2 bulls 1,210 $1.50
2 bulls 1,310 l.oa
1 bull 1,300 2.00
1 cow 910 2.0J
24 cows 920 2.0J > < ;
29 cows &W 2.05"
S3 cows , natives lHi. ( > 2.10
1 cow 1,450 2.10
Ibull 1,240 2.15
10 cows 1,010 2.20
Icow 951) ) 2.25
25 stocker.s 731 2.25
4 calves 287 2.3U
7 cows 1,130 2.35
23 cows l.COO 2.50
2 cows 1,280 2.50
4 cows 1,003 2.50
7 cows 1,000 2.05
11 cows , natives 1,0.8 2.b5
81 feeders 953 2.K ! )
15 steers , westerns 1,120 3.10
1 steer , western 1,230 3.10
3steers , westerns 1,210 3.10
15 steers 1,023 3.15
40 steers , westerns 1,033 U.O )
2cows 1,105 3.25
43steers 1,158 3.55
34 steers 1,093 3.85
2 steers , natives 1,305 4.00
1 steer 1,220 4.00
1 steer 1,290 4.50
19corn-fed natives 1,377 5.00
19 corn-fed natives 1,413 5.00
Owner. No. Av. Pr.
Larumio River C. Co. Ocows , . (101 ( $2.35
13enjamin& W 144 steers. 1,311 3.05
" " 08 steers.1,211 3.05
" " 0 cows. . t 3 2.30
" " 20 cows. . 947 2.40
Dater & Co 17 steers. 1,311 3.85
M. Josurun 43 steers.1,183 3.35
dams it Glover 10 steers.1,137 3.5 ! !
No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. 'Av. Shir. Pr.
04. . .214 OtO $5.80 74 .230 200 $0.25
03. . .194 SO 0.00 0 > . .2 : 1'0 0.25
00. . .173 200 0.05 75. .210 280 0.30
88. . .188 120 0.05 OJ. .200 210 0.80
85. , .19'J 120 0.15 140. .2CO 280 O.,0 !
SI , . .201 80 0.15 08 .211 l'0 0.30
100. . .1S5 100 0.15 70. .237 820 0.30
70 . .2)7 240 0.15 04. .253 100 O. 0
05. . .221 100 G.17K l > . .3t7 : 820 0.80
03. . .22J 200 0.20 04. .210 100 0.80
O'J. . .23i ( 10) 0.20 07. .2Ti 120 0.30
75. . 2o9 8-JO O.CO 71. .200 120 0.30
53. . .200 120 0.20 04. .23:1 : 0.3)
OS. . .230 100 0.20 08. .2.3 243 0.30
71. . .229 SO 0.20 01. .3113 120 0.80
OS. . .233 210 0.20 OS. .259 280 0.35
02. . .213 80 0.20 OS. .254 60 0.85
05. . .238 200 0.20 73. .25'i 200 0.35
03. . 239 120 0.20 09. .209 120 0.35
70. . .225 100 0.25 OS. .247 0.85
Oil. . .257 210 0.25 00. .270 280 0.37 }
73. .2:50 : 200 0.25 03. .303 200 0.40
9. . .803 0.25 53. .203 120 0.40
73 , , .23'J 200 0.25 09. .247 40 0.40
04. . .237 80 0.25 59. .273 200 0.45
? J. . .234 280 0.25 57. .807 200 0.45
78. . .225 100 0.25 00. .800 820 0.45
02. . .200 SO 0.25 49. .200 0.45
0-1. . .241 820 0.25SHEEP.
No. Av. Pr.
214 feeders 72 $1.50
95 Idaho sheep 10(1 ( 3.40
103 Idaho sheep. . . . . 100 8.40
Packers PuroliiiHON.
Showing the number of hogs bought by
the leading buyers on the market to-day :
G. H. Hamnioml & Co 057
Omaha PackingCo 081
ArmourC. P. Co 1,510
J. P. Squires & Co DCO
liivo Mtnak Notes.
Charlie. Best , Cowles , came in with a load
of cattlo.
John F. Moore , Cowles , was m with n load
of cattle.
Mr. Connor , Ohlowa , was hero with cattle
and hogs.
R. W. Dunn , Ellwood , came in with both
cattle and bogs.
L. Voorhecs was in with a load of cattle
from Van Tassol.
Al Dexter , Hlnlr , marketed n load of
273 Ib hogs at f J.45.
J. A. Piukerinan , O'Neill , was at the
yards and sold u load of cattlo.
Hebron was represented by J , J , Holcomb ,
who cauio In with a load of hogs.
C. W. Sholdou , Porclval , la. , came in with
a load of hogs which sold on the market.
Thomas Mlnicr , Craig , was at tUo yard ;
and sbld two loads of corn fed native steers at
$5. < K ) .
George Adams , of the firnl of Geortro Adam -
am * t { Jurke , Chicagowlis hero looking
after the interests of his business at this
Proii'.tCf , I'YuttN , ICtu.
llUTiar. Fnncy , solid-packed creamery , IS
@ilc ; choice country , 10ij:17c ; : ; common
grades. KVU8C.
lioas Strictly trcsh , llOM.'ccnndlcd.
CAMFOUNU Oiut'E * $1.3.1 11.53 per case.
SnimiEKX Glares 10' 'Uo per 10-lb
Pr.ACiir.sCalifornia , $1.00 , 1.50 per box ;
Missouri , C'Jc@$1.00 per M bu.
UANA.VAS Common , $1.50(22.25 ( per buuch ;
choice , 3.50 ( < ii.50. :
LEMONS $1.00(35.50 ( per raie.
CxNTr.Lorr.s 4UQJ75u per dozen.
Pi.t'MS GOKifto per bu.
HtcKi.Kiuinms : ; $1.2o per drawer
POTATOES lOQOOc per bushel.
SwiKr : POTATOES ' . ' ( ilij u per Ib
POULTIIT No drcsicd fowl In the market ;
live chickens , ? V)0@3.75 pur doz. ; spring
chickens , * i. 25 3.03.
To'tATons 'iUrrfl.M ( ( per bu.
WATIJUMBLOSS 33.00 ( J12.00 per 103.
Pr.Aiis California , $3.00 ( 3.50 per bu box ;
Southern. 75 per Jtfbu.
Cni.r.HY 35n ! JUc ner dozen.
Eon PIAST $1.00 ( 1.25 per dozen.
Oxio.v l cper Ib.
API-LI : * $2.00iJ8.00 per bbl. 75c per bushol.
CiPKU-Mlchlgan , $4.50i.50 ( per bbl 33
als ; California pear elder , $15.00 per bbl.
POP Cons' Rico , 33f4 ( . ' ; common , 2i:3c. ( :
C/AUHOTS 5c ! ) per lunhul.
HIIANS Choice eastern liandpickod navies.
$2.70 2.M ) per bushel ; wi-stern linnil picked
navies , { 3.i5.n2.75 ( ( ; mediums , 52.00 2.15.
Lima bonus 5o nor pauiul.
HAY f. o. p. cars , No. 1 upland , ? 5.00 ; No.
2 upland , $1.00.
HKAX $10.0. ) .
CIIOITHP Fr.r.n $17.00 per ton.
VixKfiAH Cider , Sit ( < 15c per ial. Whlto
wine , UMlOc per gal.
Revised prices uro as follow * :
HAnoisa Stark A , soamleis , 2Cc ; Amos-
keag , scamloss. l , ' , < ; o ; Luwiston A , seamless ,
19o ; American , se.imlcss , 17c ; burlaps , 4
to 5 bit , Ilgl4c ( ; gur.nlos , single , 13c ; gun-
nius , double , 20o ; wool sacks , 3jc. Twines-
Flax , 3so ; extra sail , UOyiJle sail 13 , lUrf20c ( ;
cotton. 21c ; Jute , lc. ( )
Cornis : : Mocha , 25@3c ( ; ; Rio , good , 16 < l
17c ; Mamlahling , 2il@iso ; roasting Rio , 15ft §
Itic ; O. G. Java , J4g2ijc ( ; Java , interior. 22i $
23o ! Rio , tanuy , lG < l ! > c : riautos and Mar.i-
caibo , 17$19c ( : Ax-buckles , 10'4e ' ; MeL.mgh-
lin's XX.\X , 19kf.
10.00 ; bones , dry. jCi.fH ) : steel , $ ri.K ( ) per ton ;
ropper. * ) > . .OOw.CH ) ; brass , .fi.lKKji .OO ; zinc ,
$2. < iC ( ) 3.i ( ( ) ; solid lead , S2.Ujl3.00 ) ( ; tea lead ,
$2.00J.50 < ; rtlbbur , $ ' . ' .50 3.1)0 ) ; mixed rags ,
$1.101.15 porowt.
Rr.FiNun LIAIIIITierce. . r.i\c : 40-lu square
cans. .l o ; 50-lb round , ! "Wi" 20-lb round ,
10-lb palls , 9\c ; Mb"pails. . We ; 3-lb Granulated , t'jv ; conf. A , 8 ;
ivhite extra C , 74c ; } ; extra C , I'o ' ; yellow
C. 7c ; iiowdered , i'c ; cubes , c.
HONEY 12@l8c for ono pound frames ;
strained honey. IXSSc per pound.
UBESWAX Choice yellow , 30@33Xc ; dark
colored , I3W14C.
CiiEEfB Young America , full cream.
10@tlc ; full cream chuddars , 9 } < ( 10c ; full
cream lints , 9Kc ; good to choice- skimmed
Cheddars , O'rfc ; skimmed ( hits. Oc.
PiCKl.r.'f Medium , in bbls. $5.5) ) ; do In half
bbls , $ : .00 ; small , in bbls , $0.50 ; do in half
bbls , $3.75 ; gherkins , in bbls , $3.0 > ; do in half
bbls $4.50
TOIIACCO 1'lug , 20 ( < TC5c ; smoking , 10@90c.
Jct.Lins $1.25 per 0-lb pail.
SALT $1.30(0.1.3 ( : .per bbl.
Rorr. 7-10. lOitnoi.jC.
PKOVISIOXS Hams , l.4il3c ! ( ! : breakfast
bacon , llven ( c : bacon sides , 10'f.tloXc ;
ry salt. 9fc ; shoulders , ' . < o ; dried beef.
MAJ-LB SUOAH Uncles , lli12o ( per Ib ;
penny cakes , 12Cii13c ! per Ib ; pure mnplo
syrup , ? 1.00 per gal.
TKAS l oung Hyson , common to fair , 1S ( !
25c ; Young Hyson , good to fancy , 30 ( 550 ;
Gunpowder , common to good , 22v 25c ; Gun
powder , choice to fancy , -H05c ) ; Japan , com
mon to medium , inff ; ' . ' ' Japan , choice to
fancy , 3J@45c ; Oolong , common to good , 25(3 (
35o ; Oolong , choice to fancv , 50@70c ; ImpQr-
ul , common to medium , 25@35c ; Imperial ,
peed to fancy , 40fJ50c.
NUTS Almonds , 15@17c ; filberts , ll@12c ;
Brazil , 0 % < oltc ) ; walnuts , 12c ; pecans , 10jjllc ( ;
peanuts , 5(3tc. ( !
CiiACKi'.us 5@10o per Ib ; assorted cakes , 7
g2.C perlb , as per list
loose raisins , $2.30012.50 ; now Valen
cia raisins , Per Ib , 7X@So ; Cali-
foruia loose muscatels , per box. $1.75.
California London layer raisins , per box ,
J2.H502.60s pitted cherries , per Ib , iOd21o ( ;
California pitted plums , per Ib , 12@13c ;
dried blackberries , per Ib , SKfjJi'c ' ; dried
raspberries , per Ib. 4@-jc ; evaporated ap
ples , 8 > ( 14c ; California sun dried peaches.
18o ; California unuared evaporated
peaches , iri@lSe ; evaporated California
apricots , 19c ; Zant ecurrants , OXffgTc ; Turk
ish prunes , 4 ( ft4Jfc ; citron. 22Gi24c ; orange
peel , 15o ; lemon ieel , lOc.
FISH. Holland Horrinc , S3c90c. per keg.
White Fish , % bbls. , No. 1 , $0.00. Family *
f3.75 ; Trout , No. 1 , 5550 : Mackerel , Jj' bbls.
bloater Mess , $18.00. Bloater , $10.50 , No. 1
Shore , $13.50. Largo Family. $10.50 ; Labra
dor Herring , $4.50 ; Columbia River Salmon ,
$17.00 per bbl.
Coiirisii Per Ib , whole. Ccj bricks and
strip" , 7@Sc. .
CAJTOV Mixed , 8i13c ( ; stick , SJflS'JKc ;
rock candy , 10) ) < @ 13c ; fancy candy. 7a2Sc.
llry Gooils.
COTTOX FI.AXSW.S lOper cent dls. ; LL ,
.V < cs CC , 6oS3 \ , 7c ; Nameless , 5o ;
RX , ISc ; R , 2Uo ; No. 10 , Sa'c ; No. 40 , lO c ;
o. , c ; o. , o ; o. , coore , 9o ;
No. 50. colored , 12c ; No. 70 , colored , 12' < c ;
Bristol , VJJ c ; Union Pacillc , 17c
CAUI-CT WAISP Bib White , 19o ; colored ,
Standard , So ; Gem lOc ; Beauty ,
12Kc ; Boone , 14c ; B , cased , ? 0.5u.
PHIXTS Solid colors Atlantic , Cc ; Slater
c ; Berlin oil , CJ c ; Garner oil , 0@7i\
CoiisET JIAXS : Androscoggin , 7tfc } ; Kear-
sargo , 7c ; Rockport , OJfc ; Concstoga , OXc ,
TICKS York , 30 in. , 12Ke ; York , 33 in. .
131.50 ; Swift River , 8c ; Thorndlko OO , 8K" !
Thorndiko EF , 8Hc ; Thorndlko 120 , 9UTc ;
Thorndlko XX , I5c ; Cordis No. 5 , 93 jc ;
Cordis No. 4. lie.
DEXiMS-Amoskcug , 'J oz , IC o ; Everett , 7
oz , ! 3' ' < Jc : York. 7 oz , iaj < o ; Havmaker , 8J ; c ;
JalTrey XX , ilUc ; Jaifroy XXX , i2Kc ;
Beaver Crock AA , 12c ; Beaver Creek BB
llo ; Beaver Creek CC , lOc.
KENTUCKY Jmxs.Memorial , 15o ; D.\kota
ISc ; Durham , 27) c ; Hercules , ISc ; Learning.
ington , 22 > < c ; Cuttswold , 2rj c.
CiiASH. Stevens' B , Oc ; Stevens' B
blenched , 7c ; Stevens' A. 7Ko ; Stevens A'
bleached , Stfc } ; Stevens' P , SWc ; Stevens'
P. bleached , 9Uc ; Slovens' N , 9 o ; Stevens'
N , bleached , lojtfc ; Stevens. SRt , l'-Xo
Allscr.LiAXEous. Tnoio on ciotn , $ .50 ;
] ) lnln Holland , 9Hc ; Dado Holland. I3 } c.
Brown sheeting Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7K"i -
- _ < itwu 4-JLJt 1 | uu , * -rl\ * A W" * > I " | * S"t
Pepperoll R , 4-4 , 7c ; Pppperoll O , 4-4 , OJ o ;
Pcpperell , 8-1 , 16KcPQl ; > perell,9-4 , 21c ; Pcv |
Percll , 10-4,23c ; UticaC , 4-4,4J c ; Wachusett ,
4-4 , 7Uo ; Aurora R , 4-4 , 7c , Aurora 13 , 4-4 ,
OV4 o. '
iJticK West Point 09 in ,
West Point 29 in. 10 oz , 13o :
HINTS Pink and Ro'bos Richmond , OH'o ;
Allen , Co ; Klrcrpomt. 5c ; Stool iliver , 0 > ie ;
Riclimond , OKojPaciUo , O c.
PUIXTS Dress Charter Oak , 5tfc ;
RamajX ) , 4Jfe ; Lodi , 5Jfo : ; Allen , Co ; Richmond
mend , Cc : Windsor , OUc ; Eddystono , OKo ;
Pacillr OKc.
I3i.EACilEii SilEETlSO--13orkoloy cambrio
No. CO. 9Ko ; Host Yet , 4-4. CJ/o ; butter cloth
Oo , 4Uo ; Cabo' , 7Kc ; Farwell half bleached
8Vo ; Fruit of Loom. 0/u : Greene
O , 6c ; Hope , % \ Kl g Philip cam-
brlc , llo. Lonsdalo cambric , HJi'o ;
Lousdaie. Oo ; Now York mills , lOMc ;
Pepperell , 42-in , lie ; Peppcrell , 40-ln , 120 ;
Popperell , 0-4 , ific ; pepporcll , 8-4 , 21o ; Pei > -
IMsrell , 9-4,2ki ; Popporell. 10-4 , 2oc ; Canton
4-i , Stfc ; Triumph , Oe ; Wanisutta , llo ; Val-
ley. 5c.
FI.AXXELS. Plaid Raftsmen,2ito ; Qosnen ,
" ' s Clear Lake , S'iKo ; Iron Mountain ,
FLAXXKLS Whlto G HNo.2 , y. . 23 > < o ; Q
H , No. 1 , Jf , 2 ! Kc ; B H , No. 3Vi MKc ; U
H ! No. 1 , V. 30c ; djuociieo. No. l. * . 42c.
UISOHAM Plunisott checks , 7 o ; Whittcn *
ton , 7Kc ; York , 7Xc ; Normondi aress ,
8J o ; Calcutta dress. 8Ko : Whlttenton dress.
8Wo ; Ucnfrew dress , bKfft'J ( > i .
CAMBRICS Slater , 5Wc ; Woods ,
Standara ,
Putxts txwoo Uu'n Arnold , fl'u'c ; AIIICN
Iran , G'4c' ' Glc'JCoster , O'iC ! Arnold C long
cloth , 9 : Arnold H long cloth , 10--J ; Arnol-1 -
GnW Seal , 10i : Stlcfel A , 12 ; Windsor Gold
Ticket. 10V.
SntRTtsn Check * , Caledonia X , 9 > f'c ; Cal
edonia XX. 10sc ! ; Economy , lie ; Otis , 9c.
uml Chemicals.
Mtscntnxiot'iSulph , acid , 1V" ; citric
acid , OOo ; tartnrlc 50c ; bnl. copavla , tWc ;
borax , lOo ; chloroform , 47c ; glycerine , 2.c ! ;
gum Arabic , select , $1.00 ; gum camphor , 20c ;
gum opium , $ . ' ) .15 ; sulph. morphia , $2.50 ;
bromide iiotusslum , 4''c.
OILS Carbon , lf > 0 = lc ( ) ; headlight , 175'
14Jfc ; gasollno , 74 = 12 } < i ! ; West Virginia
summer , lie ; zero. 17c ; No. 1 golden ma
chine , ISc ; extra W. S. lard , 74c ; No. 1 lard ,
44i , Jc : turpentine , 44J e ; linseed raw , 50c ;
bolicd , 53c ,
Qrixixi : P. it W- , per oz , 65c ; German ,
par oz , 42c. t _
Conl nnd Iilinr.
LIME S5i'Ac ( ) ; Portland cement. $3.f > 5 ; do
mcstic cement , $1.35 ; plaster , $3.00tf2.15 { ;
hair , 2.'t@25c ,
COAL Anthracite , range , and nut. ttO.uO ;
largo egg , S10.5 ; Rock Spring , $7.00 ; Su
perior , $0.00 ; Iowa , $4.50@5.50 ; steam coal ,
$1.50 to $2.00. _
First and second clear , } fij2 ( in. $47 OOQ49 00
First and second clear , 14 ' ( < C1K
in . 40 ( X(7t51 ) ( 00
Third clea- , 1-4 1X5 in . 43 ( Hl ( f40 IX )
A select , lUOtl'i In . 87 00u39 ( w
H select , \\i Qlk in . 35 00ij37 ( ( K )
A stock boards , i2 < iSKJ frtt , 12 in . 40 00
B stock boards , V. IO foot , 12 In . 41 00
C stock boards , 12M 10 feet , 12 in . 80 00
I ) stock boards , 12dlO feet , 12 in . 23 00
Flooring , first common , 0 in . 3-1 ( X )
Floorinir , second common , 0 in . 82 00
Select foiii'lnir Mooring . . 17 00
Siding , first find second clear , 14 ( < flOft 25 00
Siding , first common , 10 feet . 22 ( M
Siding , second common . 19 W
Common boards . 12 50
No. 2 boards , all lengths . 12 50
Fencing No 1 , 12yi20 feet . 10 50
Fencing No. 2 , 12 , 14 and 18 feet . 15 50
Joists and scantling , 2x4 , 14rilO feet. . . .10 00
Timber , 4x4. SxS , 12010 feet . 17 00
Pickets , first rough , ( rood . 20 00
Pickets , fancy head and dressed , select ed.2i ! 00
Shingles , choice A to extra A . 2 00 ( 2 80
Shingles , standard . 2 50
Shingles. No. 1 . 1 10@1 15
Lath , dry . 240
Posts , each . 10dJ 25
-d'H Aciit IMiospliatc
Imparts Now Enurcy to the lli-uln ,
the reeling uiul NUIIHU of In-
Intellcutunl | io\vur.
Instruments Plnueil nn Record Dur-
Inil Yesterday.
A Saunrteis and \vlfoto 1 C'hrlchnsen , n 40
ft lot 8 , Kranklln stiiiare , wd J 4,000
K K Valentino and wife to John Meier , lot
If. , blK'.i , AlbtlKht'sauiiex , w il ( TOO
1) ) Cl Uonne et al to II McL'nlliich , lots 8
and I" " , blk : . . lloyd'H udd , w d 1,500
JM llornell and wife to K Wilson et al ,
lot 12. lilk 2 , L'rc-iton , w d I(03
0 I. Clarke , et al to C McCormlck , e 22 feet
lot 2 , blk ii" ; , Omaha , tied 1
M o'llrleu to .1 I , Illack , lot 4. blk 11Put-
rick's ' 'd mid , w d S.6 0
J J Cuaney and wife to A F Cavnnaiigh ,
lot Ii , blk 5 , Kountze's plnce. w d 700
John 1'elnut to his mother , all property ,
M U Dcnlhe to I , K Hamlln , lot r > , blk 1 ,
Denlse add , i { c d 2
Wllliiim Severs and wife to II Ilolln. lots
15 , 1 . 17. IB. 10. 20 , 21.22 , 21 and 24 , blk 2 ,
Fosdyko plnco. w d 3,000
JWl'aultnC M Hitchcock , lot 45 , Cun-
iilnuhaiu AT Ilrennan's add. w d COO
O II llogcH and wife to h Koonc et nl , lot
S. blk f. . Park Forest , wd 200
fieorne llnrke and wife to St. llnrnabas *
church , w 'i lot 3 , blk' ' , Omaha , q c d. . 1
J W Wood nnd wife to St. llarnnhaV
church , lot 4. blk 21 , Omnhn , rj cd 1
P It and C A llelden to > l U Hums , lot 12 ,
blk "C , " Sanndors .V Illmebnugh'sadd ,
wd 4.10
William ( i Albright and wife to C C Stan
ley , lots II and 4 , blk 3 , .Matthews' sub ,
wd 1,200
James Alnecow to H W Hewlt , lot 21 ,
blk R. Tlptnn place , w d 1,200
0 11 Allt'll to 11 W Hewitt , pt lot 10 , blk 10 ,
Waterloo , wd KX )
C K Mu.iglier and wife to school oistrlct
No.Mot 10 , blk 11 , Ill-own ratk , w d. . . . 075
C Hali-v to school district Nell , lots 11 and
12 , blk 11 , Ilrnwn park , w d OjO
1) Kendall and wife to A Kngler , lot 3 , blk
7. Kendall's add , w 0 1,230
South Omilin Land company to M Morri-
Rim , lot ! ' , blk li'.i. South Omnlin , w d 225
MMorrl-on to T Wilkinson , lot 9 , blk B'J ,
South Omaha , wd 000
U ( ' Patterson to ( - l. Porter , lot Kl. blk 1 ,
lllim.'buigh : k Patterson's sub , wd 476
W J Hoblnson to K fi Kdholm , lotfi , blK 4'J ,
Plutto Valley , w d 360
O It ! : iV T Co to t ) II Kcclef ton , lot Ii. blk
2 , Snumlcrs & H's Hlghlitnd park add , .
wd ieo
Twenty-six transfers 123,302
Iliiilttiiij ; Permits.
The following permits to build were is
sued yrsterday :
Joseph Ilunskix. two dwellings , Sixteenth
nnd Crosby streets If 2,600
John Paugh , Improvements , Meredith
nnd Thirty-fourth streets 000
Max J. llnehr , dwelling. Twenty-sixth
street nnd Woolworth avenue 3,000
J. If. PriiRh , cottnge , Lorlmore nnd
Thirty-third streets. , 800
0. P. Cnry , cottnce ana liarn. Third nvo-
nue , between Kim and lilrch streets 1,800
Four minor penults 060
Nine permits , aggregating J 0WO
raid Up Capital $100,000
Surplus 50,000
II. W. Y.TIPresident. .
LEWIS S. ltiin : : , Vice President.
A. U. TOUZAM.V , 2nd Vice President.
W. II. S. Ilunnt : , Cushler.
llllKCT01t ! < :
W , v. Mousi : , JOHN S. COI.U.NS ,
II.V. . VATKS Lr.wis S. Itcuu ,
Hanking Otllce-
Corner 12th nnd Knrnnm Sts.
A General Hanking llnMness Transacted.
Grain , Provisions , Stocks and Bonds ,
Margin Transactions a Specialty.
JOHNSON Je CHltlSTIAN , .Managers.
Members of the Chicago Hoard of Trade. Priv
ate Wires to Chicago ami New Vork.
eal satljfactlon la the
cure ol Coticrrliaa and
1.1 prescribe It-aJ
fed cafe lu re 'Oinmcnd-
Inj It to all tufTcreri.
i. J. 8TOXCR , U.D. ,
Oocatur , III.
rnicc , 01.00.
Bold by DrucRlntn.
Timber Claims.
Tree Seeds and Seedlings for Timber Claims ,
Fruit Trees , Small Frultx , Ornamentals , Ever
greens , etc.
Send for price llst-FHEE ! Address ,
D. S. LAKE , Prop. ,
Shonancloah , Iowa.
. II. PALMLIt. K. P. I1ICHMAN. J. 11. III.ANCIl.Ulll
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
omcu-Uooni2uio | lie Exchange IlulMlDV , union
_ block VnnJi , South Umnlia , .Nub. _ _
Live Stock Coinmission ,
lloora 15 , Uichnnee IlulldlnK , Unloa Block Tardj ,
Comraision Dealers in Live Sock ,
Uppntltu Kicliacge llnlldlnir , Unlou Stock
Vardi , boutU Omali , Neb.
Of Omaha , Limited ,
.BMd.eaflerlat ilfiat.
" _ M
Dealer in Agricultural Implements , Wagons ,
'nrrlicet anil llucKlcr. JiiioHtKct , bctHi'CiiVtliauO
Agricultural Implements.fagons.Carriages . .
Uiif f IPS , Klc. Wbolciulv. Omalm , N brR kit ,
Wliolfinle Dcnlrrt In
Agricnltnral Implements , Wagons & Buggies
Wl. IXC. lU'i nnil 1U7 Jonri Ftroct , Onmln.
P. P. MAST & . CO. .
Mannfacturers of Buckeye Drills , Seeders ,
CulUrator * , llnr H kc > , Cider Mills ml l.\lt > nn 1'ul-
vrtirr . Cor. lull ntul Nlcliolan Strt't'lu.
- Wholesale -
Agricultural Implements , Wagons & Buggies
r , mrr1tti , " " '
Akron , Ohio.
Harvesting Machinery and Binder Twine ,
W. K. MPIU ! , Mnn < ier. 1213 l-cnviMiworlti t , Oranlin.
MntiufHCturcrsnml Jobber * In
Wagons , Buggies , Rakes , Plows Etc ,
Cor. 9tli nn.t l'alfle Slrcots , Oni.thn. Ni'b.
ftrtlets * fVlntorlnls.
A HOSPE , Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
161.1 Dcnit'lR ! Strcpt , ( Hnulin , .Ncbrnikn.
Booksellers nncl StotloiiorB
H. M , & s. w . "JONES ,
Succcssorcto A. T. Kcnyon A Co. , Wholesale A Hctllll
Bookseller and Stationers ,
Kino WeiMliiK StR'Innery , Commercial Stationery
Ii. . ' Jk'Uflm ' SI root. Uiimhii. Nob.
Boots and Shooa.
( Succf nors Ui Hoeil , Jonr & Co. )
Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots and Shoes
AKCulnfor HoJton Ilubtior .Shoe Co. 1101 , 110 * A 11UO
llnruey ft. . Umali * . Xcbra Ka.
W. V" . MORSE & CO. .
Johhers of Boots and Shoes ,
1101 , 1103-1105 UouglHi St. . Onmlm Manufoctorj , 8um >
tner ht. . llcttoii.
JCoffoos , SploeB , Eto. _
Umilin Coffee nnd t-plce Mlllf.
Teas , Coffees , Spices , Baking Powder ,
FlaTorlnit Kitrocln. Jjtumlrj Hlue. Inks , Ktc. 1111-
llii iUrnuy Strctft. Om hH. Nebr ik .
Crockery arvdjaiaasvvfMro.
" "
"w. L WRIOHT ,
Avcnt for tht Unnufacturcn anil Importett of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys ,
Ktc. OrB co. 317 S. 13th St. , Omaha. Nulirattn.
IniDonerv and Jnbbi-rs of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Silverware
Blc. 1514 Karnam St. , New I'axtun Building.
Commission and
Storage and Commission Merchants , "
r * " " 'tcr. rciioo' " . I'nnltrj , (3amu.
1112How rd Strtnt. ( ) m ht ,
Eucc ors to McShano A Hrhroeiler. )
Produce Commission and Cold Storage ,
Omaha , Ncbrnika.
Flour , Feed , Grain and General Commision
Merchant. Correipondonco loltclted. 1011 North H'.tb
Street , Onmha. Neb.
CoaJIJI3ok ©
Johoers of Hard and Soft Coal ,
200 South 13th Street , Omaha , Ncbrnika.
J. J. JOHNSON & | CO. .
Manufacturers of Lime ,
Andxhlpppra ot Coal , Coak , Cement , rfa > t r , t.ln
Drain Tile , and tiowur I'lpe. Office , 713 , H. 13to
8t. , Omaha , Neb. Tclepbone bll.
Shippers of Coal and Cote ,
214 South 13th Ft. . Omaha. Neb.
M. E SMITH JTcb. . "
Dry Goods , FnrnisbinE Goods and Notions ,
ivn and 1101 Douglai. Cor. llth St. , Omaba , Neb.
Importers and Johhers in Dry GooflsNotions ,
Gents' FurnltblnR ( iooili. Corner llth and lla-inej
fel . , Omaha , Ni'braika.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
Fnrnain Street. Omaha , Ncbrnika.
Omaha. Nebraska.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
70S , 707,709 and 711 S. 10th St. , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
t th anil T.eavonwonli Strerti , Omaha , Nebrnika.
Wholesale Manuacturc o (
Saddlery & Jlers of Sidfllery Hardware
Anil Leather. UUJ , 1111 and 1107 Humor St. , Omaha ,
Heavy Hardware.
W. J. BROATCH , " "
Eeayy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Spring * , Waxen Stock , Hardware , Lumber , Ktc. KOV
and 1 > 11 Uaruejr btruot , Omaha.
Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop ,
Mechanic * ' Tonli and Rutrtlo Bcalci. 1(06 ( Uouglai
_ Htreet , Omaha , Nebr ka. _
Wholesale Hardware ,
ftli and Ilarner Sti. . Omaba. Neb. Weitern Ageoti
( or Austin 1'onderCo. , Jetrrnon BteelNalli ,
Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate ,
Metal * , Sheet Iiou , etc. AKentK ( or Mown BcalcB ,
JlUml I'owdcr oiul l.yiunii llarbed wire ,
Umnliu , Nebraska ,
Hats , Caps , Etc.
Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods.
1107 llarner Street , Omaha , Neb.
All Kinds of Building Material at Wholesali
ISuatrettand Hploo I'aclfle Track. Omaba.
Dealer in Lumher , Lath- , Lime , Sasb ,
ttooit.Etc. Tirdi-Corner tin and DsiuUi ; Coroc
Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber ,
] ; < thntu ) CAltfornln Street * , Omaha , Ncbrink * .
Liimlier Lime Cement Etc Etc
, , , , , ,
CornerUhand UouBlairu..Omkhib
To Dealers Only ,
Omcp,14KKiirnatn ! Street Omaha.
Wholesale Lumher , Etc ,
Imported anil American I'urtlan.l ( Vmcnt. 6Ut (
Aueut fur Mllnaukeo llrilrnullc Cement anil
O.UIIICJTVhlto I.liue.
Dealer in Hardwood Lunger ,
Wood Carpeti and I'unjuot HoorinK Vth aud Donilai
_ fflllllnory and Notions.
Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions
d 312 < ! iiilM lllh Slr nl
Overalls. _
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jcann I'anti , fc.'ilrti , Ktc. lllRnnd 1101 I > ouilu > Street ,
, Oinntui. Ki'b.
Noti'ons <
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods
410 nnd 44 > He utb lOtb St. , Oman * .
Wholsale Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
Axle Ureane , Ktc. , Omaha. A. II. lllsliop , Manager ,
Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods ,
1105 llnrnor Street , Omaha.
Offlco Fixtures.
Maniiracturo,1 * of
Bank , Office and Saloon Fixtures ,
Mantle v Sldrboanl * . Hook CHICK , Drue Klutiircii.Wall
l'a'i"rnrtllloi , Ualllnk' > , Countcrn , Hoi'rundwlno
Cooler" . Mirrorsetc. Kartoiy nni' onlce , KM and 1191
bouth 13tU St. , Oniiiha , 'I'ulcplione 1124.
\Vholc < ale Dealers In
Paints , Oils , Window Gla s , Etc ,
1I1S Furnam Htreet. Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
Carry a nlco itock of Printing , Wrapping and Writing
l'&rir , Bpeclnl attuntlon ulven to car load order * .
Paper Boxos.
Proprietor Omaha Paper Box Factory ,
No > . 1317 and 1319 Dounlaa St. , Otnabn , Neb.
PHIL. ST I'M M E L fc C C ) . , ,
Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds
Cll and yUJonen irtruit. Omaha. j
Storage , Forwarding & Commission
Storage , Forwarding and Commission ,
irnncli tunuoof the Itenner HiiKUT Co. nucelciM
ntiule > ule und ri'tall. ! . ( , I.I 10and 1312 Iiurd Street , ,
Omaha. Telephone No.TW.
Lager Beer Brewers ,
IK ! North ll tutcentb Street , Omaha , Xcb. '
Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Cornice,1
lobu Kpen tcr , Proprietor. WO Dodge and Iff ) und 1M
North luth Street , Omabn.
Prlntora' Matorlgla. i
" " ' " " " "
Auxiliary Publishers , '
Dvtlen la Tjpe , Prc soi and Printers' Suppllci. (03
South 12th Struct. Omaba.
Rubber Goods.
Manufacturers and Dealers in Rubber GoodS )
gll Clothing and Leather Melting. KC6 Farnnm Btr { . |
Sash , Doors , Etc.
Wholesale ManuC.cturor of
Sasn. Doors. Blinds and Mouldings ,
tlrancli OClco , 12tn and Iiard Street * , Oinuhtt , Neb. , '
Mannfactiircrs of Sasn , Doors , Blinds ,
I'luldlnci , Httilr Work and Interior Hard Wood FlnV
u. M.K. Corner 8th and LvuTeuwurlU t-trvcti , i
Uiuaba , WOD. 1
F j tt [ n ge , Pump8 _ _ , Etc.
A. L. STRANG v-w.t
PQiniis , Pines and Eipcs ,
{ team , Water , Ila.lirny ami Mlnlni ; Supplies , Etc.
I/JO , lui nnd Vlt tarnatn btreet , Omaba. ;
Wholesale Pmnps , Pipe , Fillings ,
Steam anfl Water Bupplloi. npmlmiartHn for Malt.
Fooit ACo'BKOOdi. U18 & 'XO Kiirnam St. , Omaba. |
Steam and Water Supplies , I
Hullldar Wind Mills. 015 nnd KO Fnrnam St. , Oumba.
U. K. llusi , Acllntf .MunHncr.
Rngines , Boilers and General Machinery-
Sheet Iron Work Slcam Pump * . Saw M1M . 1213-121)
Ix'avenworth i-tioul , Omuha.
Iron Works.
Carter ft son , l'rop ° > . Manufucturen of all klndi
Steam Boilers , Tanks and Sheet Iron WorX
Worki South 20th and 13. & M. Cronlng. M
Wrought and Cast Iron. Building Work , ]
Knelnei , llran Work , Oarieral Koundrr , Sltolilnt aad
Ulackimltli Work , urtlco and Works , U , 1' . Uj. < ,
Had 17lb litrcet.Omalm. J
b ivrAH7rv7ifie i IRON WOTRKS , ' ,
Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings )
Deik Italli , Window Ouardi , Flower Btandi ,
tc. m North Ktb HtrflutOmaha ,
Iron and Wire Fences , Railings , Guards
nil Hcrceiif , ( or biuiXa.nfA-.o.i'oMi , r l < ion. ' ietOi'
Improved Awi tfn , l.ockiiuiili M > > 'hln ( r ouJt
Blai'kimlth Work , . Wlhaulh nil , Bt.
Fire , and Burglar Proof Safes/rime / Locks" 1
UiM > il > mi'iuitt '