Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 20, 1888, Image 1

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    * L PWIMI11.P1J.
Some of Thorn May Bo Made in
How It Will Proh.ihly Ho Selected
Fall-child and Coxtti lllcii The
Arid LamlH Appropriation
The 1'ncUlc Slope.
Sugar Intercuts.
ASIIINOTON , D. C. , Sept. 19. I
In response to n request from Congressman
Lnird , the officials of the department of agri
culture have given him encouragement to
Believe that they will use a portion nt least
the ? IUO,000 appropriated in thu agricul-
ral bill for sorghum experiments In Nc-
oraskii , if the people of the state can show
that they arc in proper condition' for Ihoso
experiments. If so , they will bo set in oper
ation at once ; otherwise nothing will bo
done In the state until next season.
The war department ofllcials have con
cluded to ( tend for the latest maps of Oiminn
and Douglas county , and to appoint a board
of appraisers to look over these maps , lay out
upon them the Ihlrly or forly silos offered
to Iho government for now Fort Omaha , and
to select from the whole number
these not considered available , after
which perhaps six or eight will
bo left. Then General Scholield will
in nil probability , proceed to miiko a per
sonal examination of these remaining and
select from them the one which ho deems
best for the purpose. Senator Mandcrson
will procure the necessary maps.
An attache of the Costa Rican legation said
to-day that Secretary Fairchild had acted
very hastily in forcing section -oOO of the re
vised h tutites in relation lo lliu Imports lo
this country In Costa KIcan vessels Doenuso
of alleged discriminations against the United
States by Iho government of that little re
public. Tlio attache said that the grievance
of the United States was virtually a protest
against the manner which the government of
Costa Rica lias adopted for paying for their
service in carrying its mails and official pas-
Hcngers. Said this genllcman : "AVo have an
arrangement with the steamship lines
referred to , whereby in return for
carrying our mail to European
and United Stales porls , and for
carrying free any official of Hie government
whom it may bo ncccusary to send out of the
country , the owners of these vessels are en-
lilled to 5 per cent of the customs duties col
lected upon llinir cargoes. In other words
wo simply pay a percentage of tlio money
which these vessels bring to us In return for
the services performed. Our government
fuels that It Is hardly fair on the part of the
United States to construe this into a dis
crimination against vessels. However , as
the Increased duty provided for in the sccro-
tary'.s retaliation scheme is only to bo
charged against goods coming in this country
in Cost a Rica vessels , 11 is nol so great a
hardship , ns wo have in Cosla Rica no ves
sels but the small coasters. "
"Yachts , " suggested your correspondent.
"No , wo are poor and own no yachts.
They are simply smacks , " was Iho reply ,
"and lliey are nol engaged In foreign Irado
nt all. "
It is generally believed that the appropria
tion of $ 100,000 made by the sundry civil ap
propriation bill Iho other day for thu irriga
tion of arid lands In the public domain will
lead to very beneficial results. It is acknowl
edged on all hands that' this appropriation
of $100,000 , which is to make preliminary ex
aminations and reports to congress , will , in
all probability , result in the expenditure of
several million dollars for the construction
of reservoirs , canals and ditches for Iho slor-
ing and distribution of waste walcr in the
vicinity of the arid lands , but the results
cannot bo estimated.
At the general land office It Is stated that
there are millions of acres of as rich and
beautiful land us over existed located in sec
tions of Colorado , Nebraska and New Mexico
ice especially , with small tracts in other sec
tions of tlio country which are now barren
deserts on account of there being no way ol
irrigating them. H is proposed lo look into
the feasibility of the reservoir and olhor s.ys-
Icms of Irrigation for the purpose of makinp
these lands productive. A member of Ihe
geographical survey who has lookc'd inlo Ihia
question pretty closely , and who , in nil
probability , will bo prominent in the investi
gation about to bo instituted by the secretary
of the Interior Into the irrigation of arid
lands , said to-day :
"Within ten years I do not expect to sec
the slightest suggestion of what wus once
the great American desert. Neither do I ex
poet to sec any traces of the smaller deserts
which have marked certain portions of the
west and southwest. Probably you do nol
know it , but it is true iiovnrtliclcss , thai
there are sections of Texas as big as a Ne
England stale which are almost worthless al
present. Texas owns her own domain b.y
mason of Iho treaty stipulations which nn
ncxcd the state to this country , and for thai
reason it Is probable that al
of the domain owned by tlu
federal government will have long slnci
been made fertile and Improved before tlu
work of Irrigating the domain in Texas has
fairly begun. The Btato of Texas Is largol ;
in debt , and It Is no wonder Ihat steps havi
not been tnuen to Irrigate her public domain
AVherever the federal government owns arh
lands the Improvements will go forward I
congress gives us the ; money which will bi
desired lo carry out the plans wo propose ti
make. Thuro are iwo classes1 of the publi
domain which embraces nearly all of th
unoeo..pied lands owned by tlio government
They are the arid lands and the hilly lands
neither of which at present can bo utillzci
for any purpose. AVhcn wo have Irrigatoi
the arid hinds the maximum of homosteai
entries can b Immediately taken. Within i
decade I expect to sco all of tha lands nov
owned by the government , which can bo mad
produclivo for ngriculluro , homesleaded
and the best lands which will bo taken undc
the homestead act will bo these arid land
which wo now propose to Irrigate. "
A Californian who does not care muel
which political party wins at the approach
ing election , and who Is hero looking nfto
his agricultural Interests involved in th
preparation of the republican tariff bill li
the senate , says it Is folly for the democrat
to talk about carrying the Piiclfio slope li
November. "Tho Mills tariff bill , " says lit
strikes n deadly blow nt Iho interests o
California and Oregon , while it propose
nothing to really relieve the people there
In no section of the country nro the ugrlcul
tural and manufactured products inon
largely exported , and nowhere do lui
I > ort3 come moro directly In con
filet with homo products than o
the Paclflo slopo. The Mills tariff bill give
no relief lo our farmers , while 11 stubs then
severely by putting nearly all of thei
products on the free list. Cullfornlans woul
like to get cheaper sugnr lor their fruits am
wines , and they would especially like to hav
Iho.tux on alcohol for the arts and mnnufac
turcs abolished , since they use cnorinou
quantities of both in frult-pncking and wim
making. Tlicro is no section of the counlr
where the Mills bill injures moro and helii
less than on the Pacific slopo. Of course , th
success of Cleveland nt the polls in Noven
ber means the success of the Mills tariff bll
for despite the reaubllcan senate n uroaldei
can force the adoption of the incasui
through one branch of congress , which
nearly a tie. "
The Interior department to-dny notlflc
Congressman Lind , of Minnesota , that stsi
have boon taken to order suits instllutod 1
got aside Iho titles of certain land cartiucd I
the St. Puul & Sioux Clly railroad compan ;
These lands ere principally In Minnesota.
Mr. F. II. Kw ten > . of the B. it M. ral
ns n reserve agent the Omaha National bank
for the First National bank of Auburn , the
First National bank of Boone City and the
First National bank of Fullcrton , all of Ne
braska. I'Kimr S. HEATH.
AVASHINOTON , Sept. 19. In the senate this
morning Mr. Edmunds reported from Iho
committee on foreign relations the following
order :
Ordered : That the president of the senate
bo directed to withhold transmission to the
house of representatives of the net ( house
bill ) to prohibit the coming of Chinese la
borers to the United States until further di
rection of the senate.
Ho asked for Its Immediate consideration ,
but Mr. Teller objected , and it went over
unlil to-morrow.
The Chliu'SD bill has already passed from
the custody of the senate and is in that of
the house , ready to go lo the president.
Mr. Edmunds also offered a joint resolu
tion appropriating $100,000 , to bo expended
under Iho direction of Iho president
of Iho United States , In relief
of the suffering caused by yellow
fever now prevailing in Florida , and asked
for its immediate consideration. After brief
remarks Ihe resolution was passed.
Mr. Sherman's resolution as to Canadian
ffairs was , at the request of Mr. Morgan ,
ostponed until to-morrow.
Mr. Jones of Arkansas proceeded to ad-
TOSS the senate on a motion to refer the
resident's annual message , and discussed ,
rom a democratic standpoint , the question
f the surplus and of a protccllve tariff ,
vhich ho declared to bo "a system of naked
obber.y. "
Mr. Stewart next addressed the senate ,
xpressing views directly the opposite of
hose put forward by Jones , but declaring
hat the existing stngnalion and depression
of prices did not result from the tariff but
"rom tlio demonetization of silver.
At the close of Mr. Stewart's speech the
louse bill to authorize the construction of n
jridge across the Missouri river within ono
nile north or south of Iho mouth of the
Cnnsas river wus taken up and passed wilh
The senate bill appropriating 5750,000 for a
lostoftlco at St. Paul , Minn. , was then passed
ind Iho senate adjourned.
AVASIIINOTON , Sept. 19. The house re-
umed consideration of the conference re-
lort on the sundry civil appropriation bill.
Mr. AVliilo , of Indiana , favored Iho adop-
ion of Iho conference report , while Mr. IIol-
nan opposed It.
Mr. Kcrr , of Iowa , said that if congress
ind been deceived by Iho architect on the
lalter of estimates for the new library
lUildlng it should not bo in favor of voting
mother dollar to bo spent under the bupcr-
isiou of that architect.
Mr. Adams , of Illinois , opposed the con-
cronco report , although ho expressed his
villingness to vote $10 000,000 to erect a suit-
iblo building for the library.
The vote on agreeing to the conference ro-
> orl resulted , yeas 07 , nays 77 no quorum ,
ind the house adjourned.
Nebraska and Iowa I'onsloiiH.
t'AsniNOTON , Sept. 19. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEE. ] Nebraska pensions al-
owed : Original invalid Edmund Stonoy ,
Omaha ; Samuel A. Quincy , Ashland ; James
V. Palmer , A'csta ; Francis H. Forbes , A'in-
on ; AVilliam R. Shrove , Gibbon ; John Es-
ccrson , McCook ; Orin O. Acklcy , Chester.
Pensions to lowans : Original Invalid
Green Street , Centcrvillc ; Noble Richards ,
led Oak ; Frank Ordway , David Cily ;
Thomas R. AVhllehill , Shambaugh ; Fred
erick Drake , jr. , Carbon ; Reason Iltidgel ,
liberty ; John AV. Legrand , Monroe ; J.
; I. Hcrvoy , Chiu-iton : S. Ar. Bongo ,
2cntervlllo ; Jcrel Carver , Oskaloosa ; G. F.
Jobber , Independence ; J. H. Gaskins ,
LnportoClty ; William D. Smith , Eugene ;
J. R. Maulson , Hopkinton ; G. D. McCull-
ough , Coin : Leroy Chase , Kalona ; Andrew
jantz , Fairfield. Increase Lorenzo Bart-
.oil , Clarksville ; R. S. Palmer , Holt ; J. H.
Hunt , Chcqucst ; AVilliam Phillips , Knoxville -
villo ; Charles L. Porter , Lake Mills ;
AVilliam H. AVllson , Morton's Mills. Original
widows , etc. Mary B. , widow of S. B.
riirall , Ottumwa.
New Postmasters Appointed.
AA'AsniNGTO.v , August 19. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BBE.I The following Ne-
jraska postmasters were appointed to-day :
James Marsh , Aten , Cedar county , vice John
Aten , resigned ; O. II. P. Buchanan , Bu
chanan , Lincoln county , vice Butler Bu
chanan , resigned ; AVilliam F. Sitlnner ,
Charleston , York county , vice Silas F. AVag-
ner ; resigned ; Johu J. Downey , Dale , Cusler
county , vice Robert J. Kelly , resigned.
Iowa postmasters appointed : Edward M.
AA'orkman , Calomn , Marlon county , vice
Frederick A. Hardinir , resigned ; James R.
Elliott , Ladaga , Taylor county , vice James
" . Elliott , resigned.
Considered and Hoforrcd.
AA'ASIIINOTON , Sept. 19. The retaliation ,
bill was considered briefly by the senate
committee on foreign relations and was re
ferred to a sub-coinmittoo , consisting of
Messrs. Sherman , Evarts and Morgan.
AVashliiiiton UrcvItlCH.
The Chinese restriction bill seems to have
met with another obstacle. The acting chair
man of the house commltlco on enrolled bills ,
whoso duty it will bo to carry the bill to the
president , luft decided to hold It back as an
act of courtesy to the senale , lo give it nn op
portunity for action on the resolution of the
foreign relations commillco.
Tlio largo new silver vault In the Ircasury
department is so damp that the canvas bags
containing silver stored ihero ur aclually
rolling away. Measures are being lakon lo
improve the ventilation of the vault and lo
substitute rough pine boxes for Ihe bags.
These boxes will each hold ! ) ,000 silver dollars
lars , and it is proposed to sloro 30,000 ol
them in Iho vault. The silver Is still coming
In at thu rate of 500,000 a day.
lucondtary Ulazcs Hccomlui * Alarm-
inuly Fn' < | iu-nt nt Spokane Falls ,
POIITLAND , Ore. , Sept. 10. Spokane Falls ,
AV. T : , has Just boon visited by another fire ,
which destroyed about $3.1OJO worth of prop
erty. The insurance Is about $15,000. There
is every reason to suspect Ihat Iho second
heavy fire and Iho ono last night are the re
sult of Incendiaries. The town Is said to be
overrun with the low , loose , disreputable
clement. AVliilo the fire was in progress last
nigtit several attempts to commit arson were
reported , but no ono was caught. The eiti
zcns have held n mass meeting , and the
alarming sltuallon was discussed. It was de
cided to make a most determined crusade
against the crowd of loafers and tramps ,
which infest tlio town , A largo reward is
offered for the apprehension of any of tin
A $2OOOOO ( >
LONDON , Sept. 10. A dispatch from Brls
bann , Queensland , says : Two warehouses o
Bronn A ; Barker wt-ro destroyed by lire to
day. Los > s , $3,000,000.
AA'holesnlc Haul of Ilorso Tliiuvi'4.
CiiBvnSNc , Wyo. , Sept. 10. [ Special Telegram
gram to TUB BKK.J A wholesale haul o
horse thieves was made Tuesday night b ;
Deputy Sheriff Uodpors of Crook county
who captured five of the gentry near Sun
dance. Tley had in their possession a bam
ot horses , some stolen from Dundy county
Nebraska , ranchmen and others , as indi
rated fruai the brands from Kansas uiu
The Scottish Kilo Masons.
BOSTON , Sept. 19. Among the officer
elected to-day by the supreme council of th
. . , - . , - , , . . . .
r. v r" for - - TT- TPalmo
Two Men Instantly Killed By a
Boiler Explosion.
A Wreck Near Crawford in AVhtch
n Sontli Oinnlm Man I * Hurt
The Methodists nt
A Fatal Holler Explosion.
HIAIH , Neb. , Sept. . 19. [ Special Telegram
to Tun Unu.J At 3 o'clock this aflcrnoon Iho
boiler at the saw mill of M. Hamilton , situa
ted on the bank of the Missouri , two miles
cast of this city , bursted , instantly killing
two men and Injuring half a dozen others.
Tlioso killed were Henry Alexander , fireman -
man , and Henry Merrill , engineer. The in
jured are : John McICccn , slightly ; John Nell ,
injured about the head , and Cody C.
Palo scalded. William Hole and L. Mycr
were also scalded. Noll's injuries are quite
Tlio boiler was one that had been used nt
this mill about two weeks , but had been used
at the mill of Hamilton at Florence last win
ter. No defects were visible or known to the
men so far as could bo learned.
Mr. Nell is quilo badly injured. Ho said
Ihat nt the time of the accident ho was
standing by the side of Mr. Alexander , the
fireman , and was talking to him about put
ting on a belt that had Just been fixed. The
first intimation he had of anything being
wrong was a moan from Alexander , and
looking at him ho saw blood coining from
his head and that s > amo instant ho was blown
or knocked through a largo iron wheel , the
spokes of which had been broken in the ex
plosion , and was landed in n safe place.
Alexander was crushed and badly mangled.
Morrcl ! leaves a family consisting of a wife
and several small children.
Methodists at llcatrlco.
HEATIHCB , Nob. , Sept. 10. [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tin : lir.n.J The Nebraska annual
conference of Iho Methodist church opened
in their spacious church hero this morning
with an attendance ) of 150 ministers and
forty Indies. Histiop Foss , of Minneapolis ,
presided. After organization , Dr. J. W. Cox
spoke on Sunday school tract societies and
was followed by Mishop Taylor , on mission
ary work in Africa. This evening Dr. Gray
gave an interesting address on tlio freed-
men's aul society in the south. Members of
the conleiTiico have been arriving all day
and n large attendance is looked for. The
people of IJoatrico are kindly entertaining
all who come. Among the members is Hov.
W. K. lieans under whoso pastorate in
Beatrice the Methodists built their fio,000
A Housing Hrpuhllcnn Rally.
UIASSBS , Neo. , Sept. 19. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB Dei : . ] A grand republican
rally took place in Ulysses last night. The
torchlight procession was a pretty sight , and
consisted of about ono hundred republicans
in uniform , sixty-four on horseback , headed
by martial music. After the procession the
audience assembled in tlio school house to
listen tu G. W. Lambertson , of Lincoln , and
the David City glee club. Mr. Lambert-
son's speech was frequently interrupted by
applause , but at no time was the clapping of
hands so general as when ho spoke in praise
of Attorney General Lecso and entreated all ,
both douiocrats and republicans , to give him
their voles. At the close of the meeting
three cheers were given for Harrison and
Morton that made the windows ratllo.
A Mimic Naval Itnttlo.
Kc.vnsBY , Neb. , Sept. 19. [ Special Tele-
ram to TUB HBI : . ] The naval engagement
on Lake Kearney this evening was ono of the
grandest exhibitions over displayed in the
west. The hillside overlooking Iho lake from
Iho west was covered with spectators. Three
batlcries located on points on the opposite
side of tne lake were mounted with howitzers.
The steamer Ncpturo approached them
quietly with lights suppressed , and when
within range of Iho guns Ihe baltlo began to
race. Ominous clouds overhung the scene.
Sharp lightning added lo Iho illumination.
The Hoono County Fair.
ALUION , Nob. , Sept. 19. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB UEE.I The fourth annual fair
of the liooiio County Agricultural associa
tion opened hero this morning. The exhibits
and entries are larger and finer than at any
time previous , and it Is expected that this
will bo the best fair ever held here. The
fair association have made extensive im
provements in the building and track , ami
have probably the finest grounds in this part
of Iho state.
A AVrcolc Near Crawford.
CKAWFOKD , Neb. , Sepl. 19. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BUB. ] The caboose and one
car of a Fremont , Elkhorn & Mlssour
Ynlloy stock train , running twenty inlloa
per hour , lofl Iho trade near Crawford to
day , demolishing the two cars , mangling
several cattle and quilo seriously injuring T.
F. Humphrey , a Soulh Omaha stockman.
The TliifTnlo County Fair.
KBAUNBV , Nob. , Sept. 19. [ Special Tele
gram lo TUB UEB. ] The Buffalo county fair
opened up this morning with flatloring pros-
peels for Iho best agricultural exhibit cvei
shown In the county. The entries for ox-
dibits are closed and each department is
filled. The state Industrial school is on Imni !
as usual witli a largo lent full of products.
Nebraska City's Street Hallway.
NBIIHASKA CITY , Nob. , Sept. 19 , [ Specia
Telegram to TUB BGB.J The Nebraska Citj
street car company , composed of local capi
talists , was organized this afternoon and ar
tides of Incorporation drawn. Work on the
road will begin next week , tlio material hav
ing been ordered this evening.
A AValiasli AVostorn Wreck.
ST. LOUIE , Sept. 19 It is reported hero to
night that n Wabash Western freight train
was wrecked between Brldgoton and St
Charles , thirty miles west of St. Louis , ani
that the engineer and fireman weru killed ,
Nothing further can bo learned.
A Lively Contest In I'rospcot for Leg >
iRlativo Honors.
HASTING * , Nob. , Sept. 19. [ Special to Tin
' The political situallon in Adami
county is nt the present time a slrango niu
Interesting tmuiulo that keeps cvcrybodj
gucbsing. The third party prohibitionist ;
placed a legislative ticket in the field some
tliuo npo. and for a while showca a very ag
prcsslve spirit , butt they lire now kccplns
very quiet , probably awaiting the result o :
the republican and democratic couvonlloni
next week , If not actually disheartened bj
Iho poor record their party made litho
the recent Vermonl aiul Maiue state elec
tloiu. Samuel Alexander thmr candidate foi
slate treasurer , made iv In1 ' . - , -J as tnuyoi
of Hastings for one t-irn , ut.vr.s dofeatei
for re-election last spring .i > tuo cmdiilat (
of the "law and order" IM uvul against ilu
liquor Interests. Circumstances , rather thai
tils force of character and personal ability
have brought him into prominence. Still hi
U regarded ns a good citizen and as strong ni
any candidate his party could name. Hli
nssoclalo upon the ticket , ns candidate fo
the lower house , IX 1 > . Norton , Is n respectable
spectablo and intelligent fanner. HotU wen
formerly republicans who became absorbci
In the Idea that prohibition U the only rca
question at issue. It is variously cstluiatci
that they can poll n vote of from three nun
ing upon the republican nominations , of
The union labor party has also placed Its
llcket In I'm ' field , Francis Phillips for the
senate and J. U. Coe for the house. Phillips
Is a prominent farmer living near Kenesaw
and is now chairman of the board of super
visors. Coo is a printer holding down a "sit"
in the Democrat office of this city. It Is gen
erally believed that thrco or four hundred
ballols will bo casl for this Uckel.
The open and avowed candidates for the
republican senatorial nomination are Frank
L ) . Taggart and Leopold Hahn. James D.
Heartwell , the present senator , has
expressed no personal desire to return ,
but many bollevo that ho Is
the strongest and most available man for the
party to place In nomination. Frank D. Tag
gart Is young and ambitious. He has
achieved wonderful silccoss In a business
way. Is a lawyer by profession , a college
graduate , a thorough republican and a tal
ented and llowcry orator who could lake Iho
slump and make a great milling among tlm
old polilical dry bones. Ho has an ardent
following and may now bo considered fairly
in the lead for the nomination. Hoth ho and
Heartwell favor submission. Opposite to
them on this issue is Leopold Hahn , a plain ,
blunt business man of excellent ability , and
the recognized leader of the German element.
His candidacy would bo a challenge to the
prohibition element that would insure a
lively contest.
For nomination to the lower house the as
pirants are II. C. Minnlx. the present mem
ber from this county , F. P. Olmstead and
pissibly H. M. Palmer , of West Ultio town
ship , and H. F. Single , of Kenesaw. Olm
stead served one term in the legislature a
few years ago , and is now making a very
energetic canvass for the same honor again.
Minnlx is regarded as the most popular man ,
and is likely to win.
The democrats are exceedingly quiet
and expect to see the situa
tion take such shape that they
can como in finally with the longest pole
and knock the persimmons. The only names
mentioned in their ranks for legislative hon
ors are K. A , Batty , AV. W. Jones and Ur.
Cooke. The latter does not want it and the
two former are , singularly enough , temper
ance advocates and submissionlsts.
The Germans have formed nn association
to control if possible their entire vote , esti
mated to be nearly ono thousand , against , any
submission candidate. If this is done it is
possible Iho prohibitionists would combine
on a submissinnist. At all events the fight
this fall in Adams county will be an inter
esting one , but , the republicans are strong
and feel confident of winning a complete
victory. _
The AssljinmentH Made at the AVcst-
crn Nebraska Conference.
MINUBN , Neb. , Sept. 19.Bishop Foss an
nounced Iho following appointments ut Ihe
meeting of Iho Methodist conference hero :
Induinola District I. N. Clover , presiding
elder ; Alma , Joseph Gray ; Arapahoe , AV. M.
Taylor ; Ash Creek , to bo supplied ; Axtell
and Wilcox , Joseph Uuckloy ; Hartley , G.
M. Hrasnilo ; Bertram ! , W. J. Hushford ;
Benkleman. AV. S. Blackburn ; Beaver City ,
D. F. Hodobaiigh ; Bloomington. .1. S. Cain ;
Box Elder , E. S. Huskins ; Cambridge , A. B.
Clmft'o ; Culbcrlson , J. M. Main ; Campbell ;
to bo supplied ; Danbury , George Hines ; Dry
Creek and Mount/.ion. S. Hoodley ; Frank
lin , A. F. Moore ; Holdrego. E. Smith ; Haig-
lor and Aliston. lo bo supplied ; Hcndloy and
Dunbar , H. N. Orroll ; Indianoln , P. S.
Mather ; Mncon , AV. A. Boucher ; Mindcn ,
C. A. Mnstin ; Minden circuit , M. T. Stilller ;
McCook , J. AV.-Dwiro : Naponeo , AV. L. Hill ;
Oxford. J. P. Denuou : Hlverlon , C. F. Cook ;
Ixopublicnn City , C. E. Fulmer ; Stanford
and Carrbworth , F. Do Clark ; Slratlon and
Ncx , to be supplied ; also , ' .Fronton and AVil-
Cliadron District T. ' C. AVebster , presid
ing elder ; Ainsworth , C. II. Burlcigh ; At
kinson. T. A\r. Croveil ; Cleans , Hay Spring ,
Long Pine , McLeans , Newport and Basselt
to bo supplied ; Box Buttc , C. E. Campbell ;
Cliadron , U. J. Davenport ; Chadron circuit ,
G. P. Suldaker ; Crawford , . ! . A. Scamahorn ;
GordonZ. Lisle ; Hunsinford and Nonpariol ,
P. DeClark ; Nordon , AV. O. Ghissncr ; Pine
Glen , U. L. Robinson ; Uushvillc , R. C. Mc-
Reynolds ; Spring Alow , James R. Gledes ;
Stewart , J. G. A. Martin ; Sioux Circuit , I.
D. DormanAralcntine ; , J. D. Dawson ; Vnlen-
line circuit , S. L. Ilolscalm ; Whitney , E. L.
Sidney District AV. A. Alnsbury , presid
ing elder ; Alpho , Big Springs , Blanche ,
Chappiel , Elsie , Garfield , Gondcy , Grant ,
Hays Centre , Imtlnd , Lodge Pole , Lamar ,
Mayweed , Palisade , Sidney , Stockville ,
Union A'alloy , AVannetta , all lo bo supplied.
Curtis , J. Lconark ; Frid. H. H. Yoh : Guide
Koek , B. H. Triple ; Groning , E. W. Miller ;
Kimball and Porter , E. J. Robinson ; Madrid ,
AV. J. Crago ; North Platlo , A. J. Clifton ;
Ogalalla , A. Callurg ; Paxlon , I. E. Lewis ;
Reddington , J. P. Bodgoly ; A'errango and
Listen , L. A. AVludson ; AVallaco , D. B.
Kearney District L. Stevens , presiding
older ; Ensti , Gothenburg , Jcsvillc , Blainc
A'alloy , Purdcn , South Kearney and Thid-
ford , to bo supplied ; Ansley and Masa , F.
Brock ; Ansdena , J. M. Eods ; Arcadia , C.
A. Hale ; Aminda.T. II , Derrcybury ; Arnold ,
L. AV. Chandler ; Browstcr , J. I. Helm ;
Broken Bow , Y. N. G. Nesscis ; Buwo and
Tnylor , P. Y. Ruoken ; Caisowa , D. M. Els-
worlh ; Cozad , J. J. Stinigler ; Elm Creek ,
R. Rauford ; Gibbon , O. R. Bccbo ; Kear
ney , D. 1C. Tindol : Kearney circuit , S. S.
Carr ; Litchficld , AV. H. Clue ; Loup Cily ,
T. II. Dry ; Lowel , N. M. Dommillcr ; Ord ,
G. O. Ferguson ; Plum Hill , J. G. Hurl-
burl ; Plum Creek , F. M. AVaro ; Rockner ,
AAT. M. Golh ; Sargent , J. F. Hunoy ; Shelton -
ton , G. H , McAdams : Sweet Water , AV.
R. Hodgco ; AVest Buffalo , T. H. Thubo.
German Methodist Appointments.
SEOAIJA. Mo , , Sept. 19. Before the ad-
Journmcnl of the German Methodist confer
ence , Ihe following appointments were made
for Nebraska :
Nebraska District Edwin Sallonbach , pre
siding elder ; Berlin , H. C. Elfcldt ; Clatonia ,
John Demand ; Graham , E. B. Hezcl ; Hum-
boldt , H. Grassmueck ; Jensen , J. J.
Steininger ; Lincoln , Christ Brueg-
ger , Nebraska City , K Unlnnd ;
Ollvo Branch and Ccntervlllo , T. H.
Schultz ; Oregon , P. C. Schram ; Plaits-
mouth , August Hirt ; Sterling , Jacob Kraot-
tll ; Swanton , Gottlelb Hurne ; AVaco lo bo
supplied. G. J. Schultzo Iransferred lo
Southern California district.
North Nebraska Dislricl H. Bruns , presiding -
siding elder. Arlington and Fremont , D.
AV. Smith : Crolchton , H. H. Trcibor ; Dun
can , Edward Beck ; Grand Island and
Greoley , AV. F. Ludwig ; Hemmingford lo
bo supplied. Howard and St. Paul , Lewis
J. Hesscl ; Omaha mission , G. Becker ;
Osceola , G. J. Keller ; Papillion , Henry
Kruccer ; Rushville , F. K. AVIpperman ;
AVest Point , C. H. W. Lowenstem ; AS'ood
Lake and Georgia , Bornhart Becker.
Yellow Fovcr nnil Texas.
Nr.w OIILHASS , Sept. 19. An Austin ( Tex. )
special , dated Seplorabcr 13 , says the information
mation sent out stating thot the quarantine
against New Orleans had been raised was
false , and the governor says it will not bo
raised until ho Is satisfied that the fever docs
not exist In New Orleans. It was reported
hero last night that four cases of yellow
fever had developed In Galveston. The gov
ernor-has telegraphed for information , and
Iho assistant health officer replied that no
fever existed there.
Ninth Illinois GitvalVy Ilounlon.
CIIICAOO , Sept. 19. The third annual ro-
unlon of the Ninth Illinois' Cavalry associa
tion is being hold to-day , with some hundred
and fifty members present. The morn
ing was devoted to visiting. A't 3
o'clock a business meeting was hold , when
the reports of the officers were read and com-
mtlleos were appointed. To-morrow the
election of officers will take placo.
A Ghastly Discovery.
Sr. Louis , Sepl. 19 A special from Paola1
Kan. , says ihat a ghastly discovery was
made at the Fort Scott & Memphis depot
to-day. Lust Sunday a was
loft there by a well dressed man , who asked
to imvo it checked to Fontana , Kan. By
some mishap the box was broken open and n
skeleton exposed t'o vloiv. Th m ' p.rlous
Nineteenth Annual Reunion of Gen
eral Sheridan's Army.
A Glnwlnc TrUmte to tlio Memory
of tlio Gallant Commander
The Distinguished Visit
ors I'reHcnt.
The Ilcttnlon nt Chicago.
CHICAGO , Sept 10. The nineteenth annual
reunion of the sociely of the Army of the
Cumberland was opened hero to-day with
about 150 members present. An address of
welcome wan delivered by Major A. F.
Steplicnson of Chieigo. General Uosecrans
was made chairman. Colonel Stone then
submitted the names of members who died
during tlio year , and General Fullcrton
made a motion that a member of the society
from each state bo appointed to consider the
question of erecting an equestrian monument
in Washington In honor of General Sheri
dan. The mutter was laid over. At Central
Music hall this evening General II. A. Alger
of Michigan delivered the following eulogy
on the late General Sheridan :
General Alger began his address with n
brief sketch of General Sheridan's life ,
touching ujion the circumstances of his birth ,
his graduation at West Point , his service as
lieutenant of infantry against tlio Indians in
Oregon and Washington territories , his re
call from the Pacific coast in tlio fall of 1S01
and assignment to duty as chief quartermas
ter at St. Louis , and noted that this great
military genius was not given independent
command till May 2Ti , ISiW , when Governor
Blair , of Michigan , appointed him colonel of
the Second Michigan cavalry. General
Algor continued :
"Ho was a resolute man , and his command
soon learned the fact that unless in camp
two parties were in constant danger the
enemy and themselves. Ho was always
geninl and easily approached except In bat-
tle. when his whole tmturo seemed to change ,
and woo to the man who crossed him while
the fight was on. Speaking of the fact not n
year since , when told that ho was always
ugly in battle , he replied : 'I guess that was
so ; it was the way 1 always felt. ' "
Summing up tlio sketch of Sheridan's
methods in preparation and In b.ittlc , Alger
said : "Such was the combination a knowl
edge of tlio topography of the country ,
the position and strength of enemy ,
quick perception and decision , heavy
and rapid blows which gave him
the success thai crowned him among
the foremost generals of modern his
tory. Sheridan never lost u battle. Ho sel
dom made an attack that was not successful ,
and , lllco a mighty rock standing in the sea.
whoso waves strike it only to be divided and
shattered , so tlio enemy's host was ever
hurled upon his command but to bo broken.
Those who saw a handful of n en defeat ten
times their number at Uoonovlllo ; these who
stood in the cedar brakes at Stone river and
witnessed thu repulse of the proudest army
over sent by the rebels to the west ; these
who were with him in the seven miles of
fire at Mission Hiclgo ; these who were
with him in that hill of fire nt the Wilder
ness , or served under him in the croat
cavalrytlghts of the Yellow Tavern and Tro-
vllllan station ; those who passed with him
through the terrible battle of Winchester ;
those who helped to demolish Early's victori
ous army at Cedar Creole , and those who
followed him at Five Forks , all joined In ac
claim us each victory in turn increased his
bewildering fame , crowning him with the
plaurtlts of Ihe world.
"Ono of Iho slrong characteristics of Gen
eral Sheridan was his intense devotion to the
cause of the north. Soldiering with him
was not a mere occupation to gratify per
sonal ambition , but ho believed Intensely that
the rebellion was n crime , and that it ought
to bo punished. It was this intense cnrnest-
ness that made his success. His appearance
ui > on the field at any time during the battle
always created the wildest enthusiasm. Ho
handled a regiment as though it was an
army , and an army was managed by him as
though it were a regiment. "
Grant's and Sherman's
After quoting opin
ions of Sheridan , the speaker said : "Sheri
dan's part in the \yar was so prominent that
it attracted attention at once , and became a
theme for poets , artists , and historians to
dwell upon. Other men have served their
country well , and died hoping that future
generations would do them Justice. Sheri
dan was happy in living in the glory of his
own fame , and his fondest friends can hope
for no moro than that the future may concur
with his own time in doing him honor. "
The speaker then touched upon the pension
question , and said that there were about
eight hundred thousand veterans ir. the
country who were dying at tlio rate of ten
thousand per year , and added : "Tho com
rades of the gallant Sheridan ought Jo bo the
nation's wards , and not the nation's pau
pers. A grateful country should rise up to
give them their just reward and place them
beyond tlio possibility of suffering during
the few remaining years allotted to them. "
The speaker closed with an eloquent apostro
phe to the dead general.
Among the distinguished gentlemen present
are : General Kosccrans , General James
D. Morgan , Colonel II. Stone , General II. M.
Cist , General Nathan Kimball , General
Parkhurst , General J. H. Doolittlo and Gen
eral J. Warren Keifor.
After the session at Central Music hall a
symposium with tlio Chicago members of Ihe
military order of the Loyal Legion was held
at the Grand Pacific hotel. A banquet will
be held to-morrow night.
Impressive- Funeral Services ol' Isa-
( lore , Grand Itablil of Frantic.
[ Copyrfy/it / ISiS by Jama Gordon llenmtt. ]
PAHIS , Sept. 19. [ Now York Herald
Cable Special lo TIIR Hun. ] The funeral
of Isadore , Grand Kabbi of France , was cele
brated In great stale to-day at the Synagogue -
goguo Hue do Lavlctriule. As the coffin wa
lowered into the grave Karen Alphonse dc
Holchficld , profoundly affected , pronounced
the following address : "Gentlemen , In the
name of the central consistory , over which 1
Imvo Iho honor to preside , I would r jndor
final homage to Isadoro , for years of the
closest bonds of friendship have united mute
to him. On many occasions lie has given mi
cause to appreciate the rectitude of his char
ncter , his Intelligent patriollsm and Inex-
haustablo philanthropy which was onlj
equalled by his modesty. Thanks to his wise
counsels , the Jewish family has preserved
that cohesion that none can break. Not onlj
was ho the tireless champion of our rights
but more than that ho courageously took the
offensive when these rights were in danger
Isadoro bore proudly his tillo of a Frencl
citizen. Religion and patriotism were tin
constant aim of this man. In the name o :
the central consistory and In the narao 01
my family , which entertained for him th <
most profound veneration. I lay on his gravt
the tribute of my admiration and address tc
him a supreme farewell. "
Jlrown'B Slayer Acquitted.
CiiBYENXB , Wye. , Sept. 19. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BEK. ] Frank Williams , th <
cowboy who shot and killed the desperado. .
Sam Urown , nt Hartvillo , on Thursday last
surrendered lo the authorities on Sunday
An investigation into the killing by Justice
of the Peace Stewart resulted In Williams
release , the shooting having been done h
solf-doienso. The citizens of Hartvillo ten
dered Williams u reception on the conclusion
of the legal hearing.
Gorman Sold lorn Killed.
HEIU.IN' , Sept. 19. A train bearing recruits
who were returning from Iho nrmy.inaneu
vers collided ' with a freight train , wrecking
twelve cars. Four of the recruits wen
A Very Large Increase Over the Ylolit
of 1HH7.
CINCINNATI , S"pt. 19. [ Special Telegram
to THIS Hnn. | The Price Current In Its
annual estimate of the corn crop says : The
bulk of the crop Is secure from injury from
hard frosts , and little damngo has resulted
from this cause , oulsido of unimportant dis
tricts , mainly In the New England states
and in Michigan , where the injury has been
moro severe than in other western localities.
The drouth has also been a drawback in
Michigan. The results Imply an Increase of
620,000,000 bushels in the seven surplus
slates , a gain of il'J ' per cent. The indicated
gain over last year In the six other western
states is ajOOUt:0 : : I bushels , a gain of 13 per
cent. The twelve southern states ( Ten
nessee and Kentucky being otherwise
classed ) indicate a tolal production some
what greater than last year , which exceeded
any previous year. Tlio seven surplus
states show the following gains over
last year : Ohio , 41.C09.0IH ) bushels
or I'M per cent ; Indiana , C9,000lfO bushels or
nearly 100 per cent ; Illinois , I'J'.i.OOO.liOO ' bush
els , or 01 per cent ; Iowa , SO.lHHi.OOO bushels ,
or47 percent ; Missouri , 09,000,000 bushels ,
or 49 pur cent ; Kansas , 71,000,000 bushels , or
W2 per cent ; Nebraska , fi 1,000,000 bushels , or
fiS per cent. The area in corn this season ap
pears to be about f7f > ,4'JOOJO acres , by apply
ing the depirtmenl ; of agriculture estimates
to the area harvested last year. Our returns
and estimates in detail for thirteen western
htatcs , representing about 77 per cent of the
crops , and approximations for other portions
of the country by application of oflleial data ,
indicate a total production of M.Olfl.OOO.IKX )
bushels of corn this season or about 559,000 ,
000 bushels moro than ttie 1SS7 crop.
Wnl > a 0i Employes Still Kefimo to
Handle Itnrllncton Enulncx.
ST. Lorn , Sept. 19. It scorns to bo a fact
that the Wabash Western and Hurllngton
troubles are not at an end. The refusal of
the Wabash Western employes to handle
Uurlington engines created a ripple of excite
ment which died out temporarily , owing , It is
said , to the fact that meetings of various rail
road employes' associations are now in pro
gress ; but that there will bo additional
trouble is admitted by the railroad men. To
the Associated Press reporter to-day an
officer of the Switchmen's association said :
" 1 do not care lo bo quoted , but If the
Wabash Western discharges men for a re'
fusal to handle Hurllngton engines I cannot
see how the trouble is to bo averted. "
T. .1. Carroll , a member of the switchmen's
grievance committee , said : "Whilo 1 am not
nt liberty to say what aclion will bo taken in
the premises , 1 know something will be done.
1 presume that what wo do will bo advisory ,
as thoscttlemcntof troubles with the hostlers
really comes within the Jurisdiction of the
Committees of the Switchmen's asssocla-
lion have been in session all the afternoon ,
and at a late hour to-night have not com
pleted their work. Tlio switchmen are al
most unanimously opposed to tlio propostion
attributed to Chief Sargent , of the firo'
men's brotherhood , that Knights of Labor bo
admitted to the federation , and many of tin
lending switchmen are outspoken in their op
position to anything of tlio kind. Important
work is looked for at to-morrow's meeting.
To Be nullt From Domlwootl to Viu-1-
OIIH Hliiok Hills 1'olntH.
DKADWOOP , Dak. , Sept. 19. [ Special Tele
gram to THE I5in.j : Articles of Incorpora
tion of the Deadwood & Central street rail
way company were filed in the land oftici
yesterday. The capital stock of the com
pany is 1,000,000 , represented by 10,00 (
shares of stock of a par value of $100 each.
The officers are J. K. P. Miller , president
Edwin Ynncls , vice president : A. W , . Coe
secretary ; J. 1C. P. Miller , treasurer. Tin
plats filed cover a right of way from Dead
wood to the head waters of the Whilewooi
and its tributaries , including branches of the
Whltcwood to the Uoxton , up Fanlail , GolO
Uun , Strawberry , Yellow and Nevada creek !
to tlio headwaters of Deadwood creek ant
tribularios , from Galena , NVhitowood , Cus
ter , the Urior Hill , and Nigger Hill mini
dislricls , the Wyoming salt springs and oi
wells and to Hay creek coal fields. Tin
total mileage contemplated is 344. Thi
company is chartered for nlnety-nlno years
Building will actively begin not later thai
October 15 and it Is probable thai Iho road ti
Lead City and Uald mountain or the greatoi
portion of it will bo completed , equipped ani
in running order by January 1.
Largo Numbers of Colored People
Strlokiii ; ! y tlio Disease.
JACKSONVILLE , Sept. 19. The official repor
for the twenty-four hours ending at 0 p. m
shows 130 now cases of fever , making a tola
so far reported of 1133. ! A very largo pro
portion of the now cases now are among th
colored people living in the suburbs , am
they will die rapidly unless cool nighls sooi
prevail. The deaths reported to-day numbe
14. Total number to date , 170. Efforts wll
bo made to convince Iho negroes ihat it wll
bo best for thorn to go to the refugee camp
but thousands will prefer to stay in the oil ;
if they can get free food. llov. Mr. Snow
den , rector of the Episcopal church nt Me
Clenny , died to-day. No more case * are re.
MONTOOMKUY , Ala. , Sept. 19. To-morrow
Montgomery's quarantine against Decatu
will bo raised. There lias boon but ono sus
plclous case of fovcr reported from tlm
place , which was len days ago , and it is fe !
that there is no further danger of troubl
Capture oT a Man Who Stole $ , ( ) ( )
Two Years Aijo.
ST. JoSKi'ii , Mo. , Sept. 19. [ Special Toll
gram lo TUB Bin : . ] John S. Uyrno , a detective
tivo for the United States Express company
passed through St. Joseph to-night , liavin
in his charge John F. Murphy , former !
an agent at Grennville , O. , who two yoiu
ago stole a package containing ? IO,000. Tli
package was s < ; nt by a Cincinnati bank to
bank at Wen tworth and was transferred r
Greenville. Murphy took the money froi
the package and stuifed It with paper. None
ono suspcclcd him , but in u few months h
left Greenville with his family and suspluloi
was directed towards him. liotectivo uyrn
has been on his Irack for two years and n
lust located him In n small town In Mod
county , Kansas , running n general ston
When arrested ho still had ? 7,5CO of th
money. Ho confessed Die crime.
To Secure Itcprcscntntlon.
LONDON , Sept. 19. The Messrs. Morga
have Invited the holders of Chicago , Milwai
kco & St. Paul bonds , In order to seem
proper representation of the Interests of tli
European holders In the management , and 1
conccntrato their voting power , to dcpos
their shares with them , to bo transferred 1
their name against their own certificate
The English association of holders has nls
called a meeting for Tuesday next to appoii
n commltleo lo represent the English ii
tcresls In the Chicago , Milwaukee & S
Paul road.
International Copyright.
Yr.Nice , Sept. 10. The Inlornattonal lite
nrynnd artistic congress , now In sessio
here , has decided that authors' copyrlgl
should Include the right of translation. 'VI
congress expressed the wish that the Unite
States would accept the Berne convention.
Klx I'ooplo Drowned.
QUT.DKC , Sept. 19. Porreault and his BOI
Farmers Uolsvcrtand Miller , Morrln , static
agent at Stanna do la Porada , and Goouwii
.of the same plwo , were drownedMondt
ninht while crossing in a teat to St. Anna.
Ho Is Visited By No Losa Tlmn
Four Delegations.
General Al or Estimates tlio llcpulM
llcnn Miijorlly In Mlohlfnu to
lie About Twenty
llnrrUon'n A'liltorH.
s , Sept. IP. Governor Hnrrl-
on began to rocclvo callers nt his rcsidcnco
, s early os 7W : ! this morning. They were
'hlully ' visitors who rcmiilueil in the city over
Ight nnil others attending the state fair , now
n full progress. Throughout the day sov-
ral hundred called nt the house. The gcn-
ml made four addresses to-duy to several
isltlng delegations. Tlio Jlrst delegation
. oiiiprised Jlfty veterans of the Seventh In-
litnn cavalry , General Shanks' old regiment.
They were received at tlio residence shortly. ,
flcr noon. Colonel Loww Reeves nnulo an
, ddress on behalf of the veterans , to which ,
jcnernl Harrison responded. The voterana
ivero then Introduced to General and Mrs.
At 'J o'clock delegations from Iroquols
ounty , Illinois , and Laporte , Ind. , numbering
together over 1,500 , were received at Univer
sity park. K. AV. Hilehor , of AVatsohn , 111. ,
and Hon. . .1.V. . Crumpaeker , of Laporto , delivered
livered congratulatory addresses. General
lai-rison , who continues In good voice ,
ouched on tne taritT issue and dwelt at some
eniftli upon tlio treasury surilus. | Tlio re
ception concluded with the usual handshatt-
The third delegation numbered CM from ,
Cirundy county , Illinois , including about ono
hundred ladles , who wore largo red. white
mid blue shalters. They were received in the
writ about o'clock. General 1' . U. Hayes ,
jf Morris. 111. , on brhalf of the visitors ,
jinulo a felicitous address , to which General
Harrison responded.
When General Harrison arrived at his res-
ileneo early in the evening from his last re
ception at tlio park ho was surprised
to llml 200 veterans drawn up in line stand
ing in his front yard. They were the sur
vivors of the Second and Ninth Indiana
cavalry and Twenty-sixth Indiana Infantry.
On the steps of his residence stood Colonel
.John A. Bridgolami , the old commander of
the Second ruvalry. As General Harrison
literal the yard the veterans opened ranks
ami saluted , uml Colonel Hridgeland com
manded a halt until ho could address him on
behalf of the visitors , who , In the meantime ,
: loscd up around the general. Their strategy
n thus capturing tlio general drew forth
from him a humorous protest and short ;
The veterans then entered the house and
wore eacli introduced to General Harrison.
Corporal Tanner , of New York , a well
known soldier and orator , arrived hero sev
eral days ago , en route to California , to
stump the Pai-ltlu const at the request of the
national republican cominittoc , but on sug
gestion of General Harrison ho will remain
in Indiana. _
The Outlook In Michigan.
CHICAGO , Sept. 10. [ Spsclal Telegram to
Tin : BEB.I General Alger , of Michigan ,
who is in the city intending the annual meet
ing of the Society of the Army of the Cum
berland , was asUcd by a reporter for his
views on the political situation in Michigan.
He said :
lean tell you in a word or two. The roj
publicans arc very well organized , Indeed ,
and , as I imvo something to do with that
organization , I can tell you that the repub
licans are making very considerable gains in
the southern and western portions of the1
state upon the free wool question. Wo hove
not heard of any democratic pains , and , it
appears to me , from the way things are nt
present going , ttiat Blaino's majority will bo
increased very handsomely. It would not bo
too much to s'iy that the republicans may
have 20,01)0 ) majority. "
"What do you think about the prohibition
"Tho prohibition vote reached ilSflmxU
mum In 1SSO , and , nccordlng-to my observa- ' , ,
lions , the vote will bo very much diminished f
this year. I know personally a dozen or
moro prohibitionists In 1880 , who are going t
vote for Harrison and Morton. "
Iicmocrntg lluvo n Feast.
CINCINNATI , Sept. 19. There were 6,000
people at the Erlangor barbecue , eight
miles south of here , to sco Speaker
Carlisle and Senator Blackburn and
hear them .speak. Tlioy were mostly1
from Carlisle's district. The barbecue
cue consisted of four carcasses of oxen ,
twenty-four carcasses of sheep and no end
of chickens roasted ; also of 10,000 gallons of
soup that hail bcun cooking thrco days , and
2-lOQ barrels of bread. Speeches were also
made by Theodore Hallam and M. D. Gray.
Hill Goon to Indiana.
INDMNAFJUS , Sept. 10. Tuo democratic
state eotntniUoo announces that Governor D.
U. Hill , of Now York , will participate in thd
Indiana campaign. Ho speaks at Lafnyotto
on the night of October 18 , when a grand
domocratio rally will bo held. Oilier datej
wall bo arranged for him.
United Lalior Convention.
NEW YoiiK.Sepl. 19. The stale convention
of Ihe untied labor party opened Its session
hero to-day. Its object Is to nominate an
electoral ticket and discuss the advisability
of putting a state llckot in tlio field. After
the appointment of committees a recess was
lakcn until this evening.
Interesting Exorcises at tlio G. A. n.
Konnloii al Keiirnoy.
KKAKXBY , Neb. , Kept. 19. [ Special to Tiii
BEE.J The ceremony of turning over the
Grand Army camp to General Morrow was
performed yesterday in the presence of a
large number of people. Jitdgo Glllesplu , of
Kearney , In behalf of the G. A. H. , In a very
happy manner presented the camp to th
general , who feelingly spoke of the services
and sauridces of the men who for four years
upheld the honor and Integrity of Iho govern *
ment and declared that the high station olt
Nebraska for intelligence , enterprise , educa
tion and order among the states of the union
was to bo attributed to the fact that so largo
n part of the population came
from the soldier element of thS
country. The .band of the Twenty-first
Infantry discoursed sweet music , a salute ol
thirteen guns was fired from a battery on
the west side of Lake Kearney , and a mag
nificent fluff floated gracolully at the top of 4
polo 100 feet high in thu center of the camp ;
Gatuhcll , In behalf. G. A. 1 { . posts of Lincoln *
"resented to General Morrow a sllkstreamea
thirty feet long with the words "Camp Mor *
row" embroidered upon It In silk. Camrt
Morrow Is beautifully located on Lake jvoari
ney , a inilo from the town , and with Its two
hundred and moro white tents , each capable )
of holding twenty persons , presents at tali
moment u lively and picturesque scene.
Tlio Lutlioran Council Adjourns.
MINNEAPOLIS , Sept , 19. The council of
the North American Lutheran church nd |
journcd this morning to meet In Pittsbura
October 13 , ISS'j. *
Tlio AVoathcilndlcatloiii. .
For Nebraska Light showers , coolqi/ /
northerly winds.
Dakota Light showers ) cooler northerly
winds , becoming variable.
Iowa Fair , followed In western portion brf
light rains , cooler , cxeopt-ln northeast port
lion , stationary temperature , easterly. anUV
ing to northerly wluda ,