Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 19, 1888, Page 8, Image 8

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The hank I clearances for yesterday
were WiIfl,620.feO.
1 The internal revenue collections yes
terday amounted to 18,098.17.
A telegram called W. B. Watson to
Kansas City yesterday , where he Is
wanted to shoo a number of race horses
cnteied for the coming races.
Otto Waack was married last night to
Miss Julia Ununrnn by Justice Wade , in
his court room. This compromised the
rase , Miss Uacman being perfectly sat
isfied with the outcome.
Tlio firemen are anxiously awaiting
to hear further from the policemen who
want to plav ball , and bay they are will
ing to let the policemen pick out the
nine fit omen they want to meet.
George Doruin , living at 1110 North
Twenty-fourth stteot , says ho has found
a poekotbook full of money and papers
which the owner can have ty calling at
the above address and proving property.
A man named Edwards was knocked
down by highwaymen Monday night
nnd robbed oiUl. A tough giving the
name of A. Davis was arrested yester
day on suspicion of being ono of the
Mrs. Spilinok , the Bohemian woman
who was shot by her cra/y husband
Sunday , showed an improved condition
yesterday. The physicians had looked
for her death hourly , but now have
hopes of her recovery.
Lou Hawkins , who was charged with
assaulting Joe Bowman with intent to
kill , in a saloon on Capitol avenue ami
Eleventh stieet , was dismissed by Judge
Bcrka yesterday afternoon. Another
complaint was fifed against him charg
ing him with assault and battery.
T. M. Ellis loft ycstprilin for ChicaRO.
D-Jamcs I. Jnmcs of Miirion , In. , is at tlio
Mia ray.
M. Gould of David Citv , nnd T. S. Wllcox
of McCoolt , uro ut tlio Mlllnrd.
J. M. McCarthy nnd Harvey Mosoby of
Fremont , \\cio in town } esterduy.
L II. n. Honestcel of Niobrara , and J. Bl.itr
of Hock Springs , arc nt tlio I'nxtun.
Miss rnnniiiK , ot Dos Molues , is tlio guest
of Mrs. J. U. Uciifcun of Park uvciiuo.
A. O. Hccson nnd W. M. Lconaul of Lin
coln , visited the metropolis jcstculay. Mimngor ITltch , of the riocinont
Kllihoin it Missouri Valley , Is still up west.
A. U. Wells mill \V. II. Dicl.msoii of O.ik-
Intiiloio in the illyitli their wives jes-
Mrs. Dr. Alex Hear of Noi folk , J. P. Han
som nnd L D Kit-hards of Fremont , are In
the city.
J. P. Smith , A. lloss ami A. Manuel nnd
their wives , all of Strilmur , visited Omaha
John D. CiclKliton went to Kansas City by
the "Q" yesterday to watch his horses in to
day's raxes.
.1. D. Kllpatrick nnd .1 13. Weston of IJca-
trlco , A. Norman of Old , and J. C. Watson
of Nebinsku City , ulo in Omaha
Comptroller Goodiich luib hcon invited to
umpire the gainu of hall hutweeu the caun-
cihnen and member * of thu boaul of educa
Miss Stella Mount loft yostcrd.iv ovec
the Wahash , accompanied hy her father for
Chicago , where she will enter Miss Grant's
General Superintendent T. 13 Caivcrt nnd
Division Superintendent 13 Hignnll , of tlio
Chicago. Burlington & Quincy , paid a shoit
visit to Omaha.
Importation * nnd shipments of fall goods
make u heavy fieight business for nil the
roads , and nlong w 1th the p.issongor travel
consequent to the numeious fairs , keep nil
hands busy.
Hon. Cecil C. Morpnn , commissioner of
mines for Coloi ado , and wife are staying nt
the Millmd , on their way homo to Colorado
from the east. Mrs. Morgan is the sister of
Mrs. W. N. Habcook.
A. Straight , n veteran New Yoik llrcman ,
is In the city at the Milhmt hotel. Hols on
Ills wny to Denver , accompanied by his wife.
Chief Uallignn drove him nround the city
yesterdny and exhibited Omaha's sights.
H. P. Furls , troasuier of the BrinkorhofT-
Faris Trust and Savings company , of Clin
ton , Mo. , who In connection with his father.
Mr. Brinkerhoff , owns the corner lot on
Seventeenth nnd Farnnm street , opposite
the court house , nnd the New York Life
building , Is stopping for a few dnys at the
Pixxton. If assured of llrst-class tenants fern
n term of jcars It is likely they might bo in
duced to erect an elegant store and oftlco
building , thus filling uu the only vacancy In
that section and adding another substantial
irapiovcmentto Omaha's business center.
Mny Bo Collected.
A correspondent asks Tin ; BED if a bar
bill can bo collected. A bar bill is collectable
It the dealer has a license.
Married In S\\it7orlanl.
Yesterday at noon , Alfred Millird was mar
ricd to Miss Alllo Brown , daughter of S. II ,
Brown , of this city. The marnago tooli
place in Geneva , Switzciland.
Pro Tom pore.
While Captain Wood , clerk of the police
court , is casting up nccounts between the citj
and county from the police records , Comp
troller Goodrich has appointed Bernau
McGinn to till his place tompoiuuly.
An Absorbing Event.
The captain of the Young Shamrocks In
forms TUB Bui : that ho has challenged the
Hustlers for a gnmo of ball tobophuci
next Sunday afternoon on the old huso ball
grounds foi JO a side.
Sevonty-Flvo Days.
Albert Wilson , the negro who assaultei
Ills white mistress with an ax-handlo am
broka her arm , was tiled in the police cour
yesterday nnd sentenced to sevcnty-flv
days In the county Juil , eight days of eael
month on bread and wiitar.
The JcuUli Harvest.
"Succoth , " the Hebrew harvest feast , be
pins this evening at sundown. Service
will bo hold in the temple at 7 o'clucl
in tlu ) evening nnd nt 10 the followlni
inoimng. The feast lasts eight days , churcl being held on the llrat and lust.
Tlio Ainiy.
Second Lieutenant Jnmcs W. Bcnton
Ninth ca\ airy , has been detailed for duty 01
general recruiting service , for the depart
went of the Plutte. nt Fort McKInney , Wyo ,
in place of First Lieutenant John II. Card
nor , Ninth cavalry , who hus been relieved.
Mnrringo License * .
The following mnrringo licenses waio Is
ucdyesterday by Judge Shields :
Nutun nnd residence. Ace
John Conrad. Bouth Omaha 'J
Josephine Bile , South Oinahu t
Henry Hensen , La Platte , Neb 2
Hulda Sthneekloth , La Platte , Neb. . . . ! i
Mayno's SucocsHor.
The names most prominently tnontlonc
lor the vacancy caused by the resignation o
C. H. Mnyno from the board of public work
are Michael Donovan , Mr. Wigmnn of th
Union Pacific shops , and engineer Adnim
who has been connected with the Union P.i
clflcmid Mcttopolitun cable trumway con
panics. _
lie Used n Itnzor.
A white man named Low Hawkins , nn
Joe Bowman , a negro , got into n dlsput
over dice in Gus SchulU' saloon Monda
evening and Hawkins , whipping out
razor , slashed Bowman with It three tlmci
once over each arm and once on the back c
the head. Bowman bled profusely but \vi
cot fatally Injured. Ilawifins Ucd , but \vr
rrcbted jcsterdny.
The Jbast Act.
The curtain has dropped on the ciosln
scene in the life of John Booth , the stag
carpenter of Boyd's , who died so suddonl
yesterday. He was buried in Forest Lavy
Jtemctery , A large number of citizci
attended the funorr.l , which , Joft his Into res
idence , Chicago street , ut 2 o'clock. The
services were In clmrgo of the Knv. Father
Williams , nnd nt the close the casket con
taining the remains were berne tn the heaiso
taB ssrs. H. C. Wade , Kobert Kolsor , J. J.
PnnMn , John Hey , Louis Uroltch and W.
O. Saunders.
Thi >
Omaha people were fortunate enough to
cscnpo the machinations of Dunning , who
negotiated the paper of the Omaha and Alula
Mining company with some of the shrewdest
attorneys and bankers In Chicago.
Parties representing themselves as con
nected with the Alblu Coal Mining com
pany attempted to plnco stock of a compnnv
to bo recognl/ed , with Omaha parties asso
ciated , nnd a largely Increased capital to bo
paid In with money furnished by Omaha men
as ngninst tlio plant , otc , of the Albln Coal
Milling company , which Is located at Alhiii ,
In , and a company In excellent credit with
about f llIXX ) ) capital In cisti The speculators
stiuck the wrong p.iitics heic , however , nnd
were given the cold shoulder.
Angostura Bitters , endorsed by physi
cians and chomistsfor purity and wliolo-
bomono-)3. Dr. J. G. B. Siugort & Sons ,
solo iiiiiiutfacturors.
The Coiinty'H CrlniliiuN Took Their
Klnnd YoHtoidny.
It was criminals day In the district court
and twenty-one olTendors were led Into the
court room Tlic knowledge of the fact that
it would bo a day for sinners undo the at
tendance very small. The lawyeis who h id
orders In cases to bo entered and others who
had curiosity nnd the regular hnblt
of baing present nt llio morning
hour of couit kept arrivlnguntll nil the seats
insldo the bar weio tilled , and the suggestion
, \nsmadcby one uttoincy that the bar tall
uld have to be extended to make room for
, helo'al fratcinity.
The l.ii go number of strange faces in the
'ourt ' room has been a subject of much com
: nent among the members of the bar who nro
beginning to fed n llttlo old , and even by
those who have not been hoio many years
'Iheic ' mo ho many new faces in couit at the
beginning of caih term that the old ones are
,0bt in the crowd.
There was only ono announcement from
ho bench that caused any commotion among
.ho lawyers. Jud o Daano filled their nt-
tentlon to the now lule , which i the last one
'n the printed list of bar lules. It states
hat after a case has been noticed for trial n
second time that it will bo dismissed unless
tried Tlio rule , ho said , would not apply at
this lei m of court , but would go into ofteet
next term. Ho assured the attoineys that It
would be stiictly unfoiccd.
Judge Groff presided at the call of the
docket mid Judge Doiito called the trial oil-
endar , and dually adjourned to the south
west room with the Jury to see if any cases
weio ready for trial. No cases were on , and
n recess was taken until after noon , when
Judge Gioft begun nt once the mraign-
ncntof the criminals
Lew Ellis was the tlrst man called. IIo Is
chaiecd with obtaining t55 from K. U
Greenwood ic * Co on the 21th of lust Juno on
11 team of horses which lie claimed to own.
IIo entcied a plea of not guilty
Tom White , an old colored crook , was nr-
nigned on the chnrgc of btiiglary in the on
luring of D. Wyatt's icsldenee , 20JJ Woith
sticot , the 21st of last June and eairying
uv.iy about SiUO worth of watches , diamond
inus and other Jewelry. IIo pleaded not
Mat Carroll was charged with making an
assiult on Can lo Barton on the 19th of J uly
with the intention of robbing her. IIo suc
ceeded in getting her watch , pocketbook and
ings. Ills pie i was also not guilty.
Ld Bull pleaded not guilty to the charge of
stealing a horse the lOtli of July from V.'dl-
'am Fleming.
Edward Sampson was hold on the charge
of robbimr Mrs C. II Dewey of her poekot-
book and its contents tno 10th of July.
Sampson Is a good-looking , well-dressed boy.
IIo entered a plea of guilty to larceny fiom
the person in the d ty tlmo IIo said ho was
on his way from San Francisco
where ho had been waiting in a hotel , to his
homo in Bridgepoit , Conn. , and was sick and
and financially embarrassed and thought ho
could thus make a stake and go on his Jour
ney. Ho gave his ngo as nineteen years ,
The court sentenced him to ono year in the
penitentiary , the lightest posiblo sentence for
he ci line.
William Murjihy and John Hcilcy were ar-
algncd for burglarizing Simon Weit7er's
stoioof n lot of watches and other Jewelry.
They pleaded not guilty.
Jerry and Joseph Collins , two boys , were
ariaigned on charge of breaking into a
freight car. These two bojs have already
been before the couit and are the last
two ot a family of wayward
jouths. The younger one , who Is probably
about eleven years old , suggested the fact
that his older brother had not been in the
car. An effott will bo made to send the
j ouths to Kearney to the industrial school.
Their case will bo heard Saturday afternoon ,
Peter Croloy was arraigned for shooting at
William Cullcn with intent to kill. The
shooting took place the 27th of July. Creloy
entered n plea of not guilty.
Mary Dubach , the noted procuress , who
Is charged with keeping Bessie Halo for
Illicit purposes , was called before the court.
She pretended to not bo able to understand
the county attorney when ho read the in
formation to her , but was able to say that nc
ono had over seen her do anything wrong ,
and she was guilty of no crime.
John McGralh entered a plea of not guiltj
to the charge of burgluri/ing John Wood's
resilience , 1517 Douglas street , the 21st ol
last August.
Henry Johnston , charged with burglariz
ing George F. Monroe's lesldenco of about
I1UO woith of Jewelry the 24th of August en-
toied a plea of not guilty.
Francis M Olllnor. charged with the mur
der of John Uyan in South Omaha the 3rd ol
last July , entered a plea of not guilty.
Joseph O'Connors was arraigned for bur-
glurl/ing Gearcy's store the 20th of August
and entered a plea of not guilty.
Nellie Austin , a largo dusky damsel from
ono of the bawdy houses , pleaded not guilty
to stealing $5 from a soldier.
John Miller was nnalgned for the bur
glnry of Jacob Bower's house of silver anil
gold watches and other valuables lha 21st o :
July and entered n plea of not guilty.
A. Connor s was arraigned for stealing :
lot of jewelry from J. H. IIcllerJand plcadci
not guilty.
George , Ilnlomnn , arraigned for stealing t
horse from Henry Uolfo the Oth day of August -
gust , entered n plea of not guilty.
'iho case against Fiank Gould , chargei
with lobbing a saloon , was nolled.
The bond of Lon Hewitt , charged wit I
breaking Into a freight car in the Union Pa
cltli : jauls , was renewed and ho was released
Tlio llrst case to bo tried will bo that of thi
state against Mutt Cairoll , which will b
called to-day.
County Court.
Louis Heller has brought suit ngalnst L
Cavnuaugh forti"j237 , for n store bill con
tracted between July 30 , and August 8 , 18SS
William H. Craft has sued Andiow G. am
John Wahlstrom for tl.OOO damages fo
breach of agreoniont. The Wuhlstrom
agreed to build a house and a bain for Craft
but uf tei ward refused to sign the contract.
Wax Stnroli.
This starch is something ontirly now
and it without doubt the greatest starcl
invention of the nineteenth century , ( u
least everybody says BO that hivvo usoc
it. ) It supurcedes everything hereto
fora used or known to science in th
laundry art. Unlike any other btarch
as it is coated with pure white wax an
chemically prepared upon soiontit !
principles by un export in tlio hvundr
profession , who has had years of pnieti
cal oxporlonco in fancy laundrying. I
is the tlrst and only starch in the worl
that makes ironing cosy and restore
old Bummer dresses to their imturn
whltonofcs , and imparts to linen a beau
tlful and lasting finish. Ask youi
grocer next Monday for Wax Starch.
The llojd.
Mile. Uhea will appear at the Boyd thl
week in the following : Friday night , Set
tcinbcr 21 , "Adrlcnno Lecouvrour ; " Satui
day matinee , "An Unequal Match ; " Sutui
day nictht , "Much Ado About Nothing. "
You can find cool , well funilshe
rooms at tlio Globe hotel , host locuto
house iu Oiuuha.
rout HUT inns.
Homo of the Property Ottered for Snlo
to thul ( ! Sam.
The telegraphic columns of Tnr. Bnn
yesterday contained the names of a number of
people resident In this vicinity , together with
the land they offer a * a stto for the proposed
now Fort Omaha and the cost of the same.
The offers are moio numerous than was ex
pected. Consldcraulo Interest Is felt In the
outcome , because the selection of a site
menus not only the sale of the same nt a
handsome figure , but also the enhance
ment of the value of the surround
ing property. The selection will not
bo made Immediately , The bids will
first be considered , and then the secretary of
war will appoint a bom d to visit all the sites
otTnrcd and report as to the most available
and wet thy of selection. The state must
then cede the title to the same to the general
government , after which the selection will bo
made by the secretary of war.
According to the advertisement published
by the war department , the land offered
must bo located within ten miles of Omaha.
It Is somewhat difficult to determine whether
nil the land ottered comes within .this
limit , but the presumption Is that It
doe' , although It Is known that some of It nt
Hist thought nppears to bo a greater distance
fiom thoclty. The extension of the city
limits , however , has enabled some distant
propci ty owners to enter the competition.
The i ivalry will bo an active ono , because ,
so anxious have como of the bidders been to
secure the site that ttiov have sent In soveial
bids , which are covered up under different
names and combinations.
The propel ty offered by Thomas Swift Is
in sections 10 , li mid 4 , about three miles
southwest of the city ; James E. Boyd Is west
of the town three miles ; B P. Knight's offer
Is in section 27 , west of irvington ; Barton &
Nichols have theiis near Mlllaid ; Julia and
James Vandercook's is in section IV.noi th west
of Florence , Foisyth's , as also Woodwoith s ,
are near Papilllon ; John II. Cryer's is in
section 2) ) , live miles southwest ot Omaha ;
O II Ballon has piopcity in the southern
Mil of the eountj ; W. W Lowe's Is In tlio
icinity of Bellevue ; Hans Bcekman's is
101 tli of FloioiiLo ; II. T Clark's property is
t Bellevue ; John L. McUaguo has his at
' 01 tal , about six miles from the city limits ;
Jootgo Hates'is in the vicinity of Seymour
Jurk ' and Kolher's lies
; Henry Kolsey's near
Mltlard ; Hamsov , Sallngnnd Gallagher , mo
ear Papillion ; Jnmes A Connor's lies four
lilies west of the city , in section 21 ; W. A.
f'.ixton's is in the s.imo vicinity ; Potter
Cobb Is located near Papilllon ; /Cuter'sis
'n the vicinity ol Bollovuc , while that of
U > roii7o Crounso is Just within the limit , and
near Fort Calhoun.
Some of the sitoi referred to nro beautiful ,
ind dcsiiably located , being reached by us
inanas thrco lines of railioad.
DicUohl Safes.
Call and see the largo block of safes
ind vault doors earned by Mcagher &
Wliitmore at 119 S. loth street Omaha.
ATTi\l : > THKM AlAi.
I'lio II. S. Knc.untimcnt , IJufTalo
County Fair nnd < ; . A. It. Itciinioii
at Kc.irnpy , Not ) .
The Union Pacific , "Tho Overland
Oolite , " will sell tickets for the above
during the month of September at
greatly reduced r.ttes.
A special reduction will bo made on
ickels sold September 17th , to 20th ,
"united to September tIJd.
For iviles , dates , etc. , call on or ad-
liebs your nearest ticket agent , or
IlMlRV P. UitTL : ,
3ily Passoncror Agent , l.iOJ , F.vrnam si. ,
Omaha , Neb.
Dynamite C.ipi Found In the People's
Some lawless rowdy scattered a number of
dynamite e ips over the lloor of the People's
theater Monday cvcnin < jand at the close of tlio
porformimo a gontlomin , whilop using out ,
uipponod to stcu upon ono of them. It ex
ploded with a terrific report , and m my sup
posed that a shooting affray was in pi ogress ,
and considerable consternation ensued for a
'cw moments. The gentleman who stepped
jpon the explosive felt a burning pain in his
foot , and upon examining his shoo found
that a largo hole had boon burned through
the solo and sock , exposing the naked foot.
Fortunately the damage extended no fur
ther , and excepting a slight burn
ho was uninjured. As soon as this became
known a seal ch was made for inoro of the
explosives , and about seven or eight of them
were found. Two or three wore turned over
to the police for their examination. They
were about three-fourths of an inch long and
resembled blank cartridges. Officer Whalon ,
who was rather mcicdulous concerning the re
port of the damage done by the ono in the
People's theatre , concluded to cxpcinncnt
with them himself. Ho placed ono upon
the lloor of the police station and
struck It with a hammer. The report that
followed was remarkable. People came run
ning fiom all directions to see what was the
cause of the explosion. The officer's rosy
cheeks tut lied as palo as those of an arsenic
cater , and It was some time before ho could
satisfy himself that he was unhurt. A hole
about an inch deep was torn in the oaken
An attempt will bo made to lerret out and
arrest the fellow who has been throwing
these deadly explosives about in sucti a crim
inal manner.
When you need a friend select a true
one. Dr. Jones' Red Clover Tonic is
the best friend mankind has foi1 all di
seases of the stomach , liver and kidneys.
Tlio best blood purillor and tonic known.
60 conts. C. F. GOODMAN , Agent.
No "Work nciiiK Done on the North
Omaha Hewer.
No woik has been done for the past three
daj s by Kelly & Co. on the north branch of
tlio Notth Omaha sewer , and there is a good
deal of anxiety among the employes and
The contract was appiovcd Juno 1 for what
is known as the extension of the Chicago
street sewer , west of Twenty-eighth avenue ,
In n southwesterly direction over Farnam ,
the specifications calling for a three foot
biicksewer. and to cost upwards of $50,000 ,
Peter A. Smith and Jacob Kaufman were
on the bond for $5,000. Ono thousand four
hundred nnd fifty feet of the work have been
done , for which they have received in call
mates $5,270. The pay of the workmen has
lately failed to materialize , and In conse-
qenco the work was stopped.
E. Zubriskio advanced the firm $3,000 , and
has been paid $ JUOO , , and Is rather oxeited
about the balance. The bondsmen wish the
board to tuin the contract over to them when
the work will bo completed nnd everyone
I cheerfully recommend Red Clovoi
Tonic to those Buffering from troubles
of the btomach and liver. I am now or
my second bottle and it makes mo fee'
like a now man. C. M. Connor , Nashua
In. C. P. GOODMAN , Agent ,
Oleot | to the nuinj ) .
Henry Hornbcrqor , who owns a dcprcssci
lot near the Saratoga school , which ho Is anx
lous to have filled , has allowed manure am
other garbage to bo dumped upon it. Then
has been considerable complaint about tin
matter , but Hornborgor has turned a dca
ear to nil remonstrances. Among the met
who have been hauling manure from the fill :
grounds to this place for some tlmo are Join
Hlnlten and John Brown. They , too , paid n <
attention to the entreaties of parents who di
not wish their children's lives endangered b ;
breathing the poisonous gases from the reek
Ing con uptlon. The parents tiavo , therefore
determined to try the virtue of the law am
warrants were Issued yesterday in th
police court for the ai rest of ilmkonani
Another Trainman Stoned.
Another has been added to the list of as
saults against Burlington employes , and Jo
Whlto , a switchman , residing at Gibson , I
the latest victim. While passing Twontlotl
street , on top of an extra going south yes
terday ho was struck In the head with
brick and knocked insensible. Fortunate ) ,
be aid ugt fall torn thf car , or be woul
have been killed , but as It li ho Is badly cut.
The man that threw Iho missile was seen by
a nutnberof ladles who gave an accurate
description of him to the i police , mid It Is
thought his arrest Is onlyittie question of n
few hours. 'Iho names of the ladles are
withheld , but they stand ready to testify to
the assault when called tiiwn. White was
taken to his home.
An AtiHoliite On re.
Is only put up in largo two ounce tin boxes ,
and Is an absolute euro for old sores , burns ,
wounds , chapped hands , and all skin erup
tions. Will positively care all kinds of piles.
MENT. Sold by Goodman Drug Co. , ut 23
cents per box by mall yo cents.
She IM Given Six Montlm In the County
"Mrs. Curtis , " called out the Judge at the
police court i estorday.
At the summons a gaunt-looking ncgress
with the vlsugo of a squaw came forward
and leaned confidentially over the railing on
the mngisti ale's desk.
"Stand up , " peremptorily ordered the
Judge. " You ate chat ged with being drunk
and disorderly. Are you guilty or notf"
"I wasn't drunk , \oo' ' hoimh , or dlsawdly
either I'm ' a poo' frail creatchaw "
"Hadou , been drinking at all 1" again
asked the dispenser of law.
' Only a tin cup full of whisky , yoo' lionah ,
I'm a poo' fiail cicutchnw and must have It.
I need it to wtihin my blood "
"Wlmtl diank n pint of whisky to warm
your blood I What will i ou do when winter
comes i '
"Oh , double the team and try again , for I
am n frail ercatchaw. "
"Well , you have been hero too often of
late. I will saoou , the price ol vour
whisky this winter and let jou Keep jour
fiall body wai in at the eitj's expense. 1 will
give jou six months in tlio county Jail. "
Ladies who value aiofincd complex
ion must 110 Po//oni's powder it pro
duces a soft nnd beautiful skin.
PEFD'S Mm , TEIAS , Juno 20 , 18 8-Tlie
Bwlft Spctltlc Compnti > . Atlanta , Oa Gen
tlemen Ono of my children was tronl ltd
with ili'iimatlsm and boll * for about two
years We Ka\o her \irloiin kinds of medi
cine , but w Itliout tirottt , nnd bepan to dripnlr
otuitliuhirnt ml I was pcrsuailul to try
your Swifts Spetllle After fho hail iitwt bottles lhod ! cnes all dlxnpnenrod ,
nnd tin Is now a hair , henrty nnd limit hy
Bill twelve jiars ell Another child hni
Just liecomo atlllctcil In the mmewiy nnd I
am UBliik-tlioH.8 S. nud nntlelpttoni rnmnt
ndpumancut euro N. U. W
ntcil Hat , IIO , July 7 , IW-Tlio Swift
Bpcclllo Co , AiKinta , On Gentlemen Our
little dlrl when but three wce"uold broka
rut with tcremt.otilod the prt erlptlonj |
f rom ( * eernl kot d doctors , but without nny
special I enel.t Wo tried B e S , nn 1 b > ( ha
tlmoo u bottle na gouo htr head liegnn to
h il. nnd by the t'rao l o hnd talien fix
bottler hho was comi > letol > cuud. 1st ttha
h u n full nml lie vj h rt of 1 li n lohutt ,
Ifirty child IHcl It but my dntv to ma'te
tliliatnttment. Ilcopcctfully , 11 T. HIOBF.
( IUITINOOOA , TkNX , Juno IT , l ° 3v-Th
EnlfrspotlfleCo , Allniita On ( Jcntlnmt i !
iu ISbO f contmtte I blootl poison and nt i n o
coiiKht a | hyslclan , ivh > trenttd mo for rer-
ernl months. Ily hU njleulveutt < > Ciab
Orchjrd bprlnji , Kv , nbcre Ills tonro of
trenti itnt us cnrifnllv cbjerved. lrreo\-
t red , M I tho.Khl ; , hut the rrt fpiliiB I Im-
rUs began to uppear on m > irio LI Iboly.
These Krad nll > lncreH < d to ml e nud run-
nlng ulcerf * . \\nnd\lfcd to try S s snnd
tinmedlutcl ) nftcrtakliiRlt I cornmenitd to
lmpio\e , slowly nt flrst , but moro niklly
rltcrnard * , nnd ioou nothing iimalutd to
tell of my tr.mlj'.o. My blood N tiov , thor
ouKhly clcnntd , end m > s tem free from
tjtnt , and I OHO my prewu ( . "million-n.
perfect euro to joirmertlclue Khecrfully
Bl\o this pf\tement that others ho Imvo
I Jtcrod lulhatnmi } runp tbi Fime belli fu
II.UIDT M. UtiiT , 21 West Mnth SU
HoMcn L * , Miy 55 , ISSS-lhe Snlft SpeiHo
Co , Atlnutn , OT Gentlemen : About two
years azo my benernl health pauwatn -
tlrely I Una to debllluted that I nlmoit
( lenpolrod ot mir fiolhm well apidn. All
that the phlclnus done for mcbroiiRhtro
permanent roll f. 11 lends Insisted I
ahould give b. 3 8. a fair trial , although I
thought It would be throwing nwn > iuunc\ .
After taklne n thoroiiKU eonr e , in ) hi ullll
and EtrcliKlh rttiirncd , nnd 1 mint say thnt
B. S. S nlnue cured me , an I rtl-c-vrdul nil
others while using It. As n tonic 1 ean most
heartily recommend It t for poneral dcljlllty ,
It certalnlj Is a specltlc. W. F. UHIDQLS , J P.
HOMLB. LA. I know Kr. W. F. Bridge * , auil
Wll. say that his statement Is correct
Joairu BIIO.TOI. Drugglnt.
Treatise on niood and Skin Dlicancs mailed
free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC Co. , Drawer fL
Atlanta , Go.
Mas Mc7r--E3tabl5shcd 18SS-Aioph ! Meyer
General Agents lor
and JAS , W , STARR
Slory &CM ani SHoningcr-Bc'.l Organs
Wrlto for Catalogue.
It ( time to
Into tliclr Fall
Suits. We can flt\ \
them withjootlatnr- {
dU clothes for school
anil play , and with
a handsome anltfor
Clilhirin'n Suits In
\ttro \ piecci for ' /JC ,
\siia/l \ ) / boys , and ,
I'hrco placet for the
Iblyyer brother.
The Only Permanent Ouro For
Dyspepsia , Sick Headache Etc , ,
_ 1'rice COo Box at all
The line of Fall Overcoats we nre displaying this season , if you were positive how well they nvo trimmcil
mul nimle , nnil if you knew how cheap n really first clas * garment is being ojTereil , it would be no trouble
lo sell you one. No such exhibition cf stylish nnd elogiinfc overcoats was over made in Omaha , and the
prices fire irresistible. The season for these garments being very short , we have decided to sell them quick
and marked them so that they shall go quick.
"We will show you an elegant light-weight Overcoat for ? G.OO , made of fine all Worsrcd Oood , lined
and trimmed in first-class manner. Coats for which other houses arc asking § 10 and $12 , arc no boiler
than this one.
Another Overcoat at $7.00 is made of a splendid all Wool Cassimere of a fine grey color with besb
serge trimming.
At S9.7ovo can sell you the most stylish looking Overcoat you have ever seen. This is made of the
new wide Wale Overcoatings a splendid material for and looks. The Coat is silk faced with satin
sleeve lining and regular tailor made. We have them in several of the latest shades ; it is one of the rich
est looking garments over shown , and any other house would charge about $15.00 for it.
Many other of the choicest and finest grades , wo have not room to describe all. Come and look at
them ; we know we can please your taste and sive you mono- .
Wo have not yd mentioned anything about our Hats this season , but the fact is , our tint trade opened
up with such u boom that several lots to which wo intended to draw attention , wore broken up in , si/es be
fore we had u chance to ml MM Use them. We are now getting in duplicates aheady and \\ill tiy lo keep our
assortment full during the season. Is it any wonder wo are doing the lint business of the town ; when wo
are selling them at about one-hnlf the prices , other houses do. The average Hat dealer can not compete
with us. Ho buyn , do/.eu hats of a kind from a jobber , where we buy them in large cit e lots direct from
the manufactmer. Wo rather ell hundred hats with 2oc profit on each than bell twenty-five hats and
make oOc profit. THIS IS THE POINT.
Cor. I4th and Douglas Streets , Omaha.
The Burlington takes the load.
It was in advance of all lines in developing Nebraska.
It was in advance of all lines in establishing dining-car
service between Missouri river points and Chicago.
It was in advance of all lines in giving the people of
Omaha and the West a fast mail service.
It was in advance of all lines in running its trains from
the East into Omaha propsr.
It was in advance of all lines in reducing the time of
passenger trains between Omaha and Chicago.
It was in advance , and is the only line by which you can
feave Omaha in the morning and arrive in Denver the
evening of the same day.
It has been progressive in the past.
It will lead in the future.
Travel and ship via the Burlington.
Ticket Office , 1223 Farnam Street. Telephone 250.
Depot on Tenth Street.
i v- B -m * r M H - rMM M
Bciraro of Fraud , as my mme am ) tlio prleo are
Ftampcd on the bottom of all my advcrtliid dioca
before lei > Ing the factory , which protect the weirtra
apralnst hlph prices and Inferior goods. If u dialer
oilers W. L. PoiiRlnH fhms at a rtdueid price , or
S ) H lie has them without m > rruu < ami prlci ttoiuiKxl
ou the bottom , put him donu as a fraud.
8T BKAMLKSJ Phon jmoolli In-
Me. N ( ) TACKS or W AX .TI1liIil'KiVr'liii.t '
thofcet.cait a uind-sewcd and II. I. "Ill V7
\V. I. . DOtHII.AS IJ4 hUqiJ. the original and
only lund-kcned welt S4 ( hoc. t-qualt cuttom-made
. .
poli.p | ! srOE.
n.llro-r.1 Men and Irftttr < arrl. rs all ' .ear them.
Hmootli Inil to as a lland-Fcnid bhoc. o racks or
V.'irno'&m.VH .ko SHOK 1 , unexcelled
for heavy wenr. lltst Call f-hoe tytlfUrtc * . ,
81IOK Is the best Hi the world for rougu wear ; ono
rou BOVS i ,
. _ ' g
Shoe glrcs the small IJoys a cUucc lo wear Ux test
6bAll n1ale0inWCo1Dlire ! , , , Button nd L e. If not sold
Vy your dealer , write
W. L. DOUGLAS. Brockton , Mass.
For Sale by Henry Sargent ; Kollcy ,
Stipcr & Co. ; Gco. S , Miller , 012 North
N. W. Cor. 13th & . Dodge Sto
Jlcst facilities , apparatus and remedies for .n.
i-tuful treatment oferery form of iliveaie r'quir
tug Midical or Burtlcal Treatmtnt.
Hoard and attendance , belt hospital accomun
( tatlonsin the west.
WHITE X > R Ci cttAHS ! on Deformltlei ant
Ilrnces , Truces , Cluli I eet , Curvature of tin
bpine , J'llcsTumors , Caticer , Cat rrh , Ilroi.chitb
liilialatlou. nieclricity , rarnljil. , Kpilep-y Kl '
tiey , Illadder , lt > e , ar , SUiu and Wood , ui'd in
ftutclcal Operations.
Dlaooaoa of Women a Spools I.y.
UOOK ON Diititi' or WoHtM Fnir.
Minmo A erscuLTY or
All Illood Diseases uncceHfully treated , hnih
ililic I'oison temored from the * > btcm without
uicrcury. New rektoratlre treatment for lo s ol
Vital Tower. I'ersons unable ( o visit us may be
treated at home by correipondcnce. All coininti
ulcations confidential. Alediciiiesorliistrumciitfi
ent by mall or express , securely peeked , no
marks to Indicate contents or nender. One per
sonal Interview preferred. Call and consult u * or
tend history of your cise , and we will eud iu
plain wrapper , our
Upon Private. Special or .Nervous Diseases. 1m
votency , Syphilis. Gleet and Varicocele , with
feetlion list. Address
Omaha JfttHral and Surgical Inititutt.ct
Car. 13th * Uttfftt ! . . OMAHA , NEB.
Health is Wealt i !
DII. B. C. WMT'B Nenv-E AMD nnAm TUBA *
IIFNT , n guaranteed Bpsclflc for Hysteria , Ulzzb
ness. ConTulKlons , Klti , Nervous Neuralgia ,
Headncne. Nervous Hrostrntlon. caused by tlifj
use of nlcobol or tobacco. Wake fulness , MentM
Ilopremlon , HoftrnliiR of the Ilraln , rriultlnB Im
Ineaultv , anil leadlnif to misery , decay Kncj
death. Premature Old AR , llMrennes.1 , lioss ot
J'ower In cither BOT. Involuntary Jo sei and
Bperraatorhcra caused by ovor-nxertlon of the
tiriUn. self ftbuio or ovcr-lniluluence. Uaob botf
contains on * month's treatment. II 00 a box , ot
elx bores for U 00 , lent by mall prepaid on re
ceipt of pries.
To euro nr case. With each order rec lved tiy
ns for B ! boxes , ccompan' d with U.OO , w *
will send the purchaser our written ruaranM *
torefuudth * money If the treatment does not
ffuct a cure. Guarantees Issued only by O. A
GOODMAN. DniKulst , Bole Agent , JllO Farnas *
btrett. Uinaho. Neb
Puld Up Ciipllnl . $100,000
Surplus . 60,000
II. W. i'ATKi , 1'r.eililent.
is B. IthKU , Vlco 1'rcsldpnt.
A. U. TUUIAMN. 2nil Vim I'rcaliUnt.
U. II. H. lli'iliiiH , Cashlor ,
A.I' . TOtI/ I.I N.
Cornnr Jitli and I'nnmiu Sts ,
A Qcia-rul ImiiLlne KUKlnesv '
Glrec lmm4 | .
OTEADY EMPLOYMENT alelr to reliable
ensrgetlo lidr canrasters reildlni In ibis
or other towns. No capital neceM rr , Ooo <
sell the year round rieferencB reguln > 1..A < ldres
WKal hllN AUK Tfl-fiUiTLT CO , 211 Ultli AT * ,
CU1C 9,1" . _ . - . . _ . . . . * .