Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 19, 1888, Page 7, Image 7

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    jittMrtfrfrSBS jRCTT. . :
No Atl\ertlscinpiil will bo taken Tor
tlioHe coIiiiniiH after 12ilO : p. in.
TCIMIIH Cnnh In advance.
Advertisements under this head 10 cents per
line for the ! lr t Insertion. 7 rcntB for each snb-
Hoqucnt insertion , nntl ll.Wn line tier month
No advertisement taken for Use Umn 2.1 cents
tlio llrst Insertion. Seven w ordu vv 111 lie counted
to tlio line : they must run consecutively nnd
must b paid in ADVANCE. All advertise
ments must uo hnuded In before 12 : , H o'clock p.
in. , nnil tinder no circumstances will they uo
taken or discontinued by telephone.
1'nrtlo ) ud vc rtlHlng In those columns nnd hav
ing their answers addressed lu earn of TIIKHKK
will plcnso nik for a check to unable them to put
their loiters , as none will b delivered uxcept on
presentation of check. All ansner to ndvcr-
Useine-nta should bo enclosed lu envelopes.
All advertisements In these columns nro pub
lished In both nomine and evening editions of
Tiih 'Ijst. , tlio rhtulntlon of which aggregates
more thna ltt,0i papers dally , and gives the ad-
vertlseis tlio Ltiidlt , not only of the city circu
lation iitTllK IH.i : , but also of Council lllull'n ,
Lincoln ind other cities and towns throughout
this section of the tuinitry.
Advertising for these column1 * wlllho taken
on the iibov o condition * , at the follow Ing busi
ness houses , who ate authorlrod iigouts for 'J HI :
lu.r.ftpctlil notices , and will quote the same
rates us can be had nt the main olllco
J OHN W. HELL , PharmaclsT d Smith Toiitii
C II API ! * 151)fY , Stationers nnd P i Inters , 1U
Soulh IbtliHtlcct.
Sll. I'AHNSWOirni , l'lmimaclst,2113C -
Ing Mreet.
w : J. HtKlIins , Pharmacist.C2I North 10th
GI',0. W. I'AHH , rharmaclst , 1S09 St. M aiy's
\\AN'1KI > - Situations foi good gills ; my
looms are full of nice girls looking lor
work of all kinds- , every dar from 8 a m. to 0 p.
m. Mis. llrcgn , ; )14W ) a. 16th U-U 19 *
WAN'THD I'o ltlonby an oxponenccd boot
ami shoo salesman ; speaks English and
German , Address box K , Iloalrlco , Neb ,
1U8 lot
701TANT1JI ) Hey at box factory at U17 Doug-
V > his St. 2K ) Ib
WANlii-A ; good boy about 1" yours of
into ; lefcioui-HS riqulred. ChUugo liar-
gain feliou Co. , 1JH Douglas Ht. - r18 !
WANTfiD At onro , a good cobbler at Thos
l.nUson's shoo iliop , Id'M ' Furmun t.
281 16 *
W ANTKD A Jlrstcla ssausage maker at 1 !
A. Marsh , OIWMUthst. X87
AN Till-At onco. good barber. T. W.
I > IOVMI , Ashland , Nou 2tli 20t
WANl'KD A man for wholocalo house , 2
H ovc'leiotr. . Apply Commurclal cm-
ployini nt agency , 1W)2 ) 1 arnum , X'd lloor , room .
201 111 *
fl rX ) PER WEEIC to agents , clthor sex , selling
P Volm of Uibor , mid foul other best soiling
books in Ameilca. Lives of all presidential
candidates free with each copy. 11 .1. Smith
Co. .Ill Dearborn st. Chicago. 207 2)t )
W ANTED 0 farm hands at JJO per month ;
girls for prlv ate families. 322 N llithst
T ANTED Man and wlfo as 1st nndM ceioks
In country hotel ; $10. boaid , room and
washing Also man and wife In pilvnte fam
ily , 8 * . Mllliegu , 314 S. IGth. VJ2 lot
ANTED 1 irst-clnss salesman in dress
department. Fall1 , 11th and How aid.
WA N'Iii : > Ayoungmauwhohas some ex-
pnrlt > nce In vvlapping goods Apply bo-
tw eon and Da m , Hobraska Clothing u > . " 2-13
W ANTED A second baker at B23 West
Hioulwav , Council Hluirs , 251-10
W/Mi.D A good bnrbci : good wages vv 111
bw piid. Address J. F. Colbiirn. Long
1'iuo , h'i > D. 2D.1 1'J *
\\rANTKD-Managorfor olllco In a good No
TT b isKa town , also ono In W joining ; good
salnrj to right men. Address Gllox T.I..Oiunlia.
22S Ib *
WANTED Agents to canvass for"HI' < tory
of the itepubllcan Farty ; " < dtod ! by John
n. Long , ex-governor of Masiarhusetis ; en
dorsed and recommended by the National ro-
publlcaiKommltteo. Most of the contilbutors
are our hading members of congross. 'Iho
book Is selling iapldlj and choice of torrltoiy
nhotild bo. Becurod at once. Don't delay. A
handsome prospectus will bo sent post ] ) ud for
7I > cents , norland X Co , , 101 State st. l hlcngo ,
HI. 22(1 ( 1U
ANTED A tailor. M. Brodko. 70S S 10th
221 18 ?
W ANTED A good broad baker as a fore
man. 240 > Cunilug st. 2111'l ' *
WAN'TED A llist-cluss man toinu sticker ,
morilcer and tenoncr ; none other need
apply , John F.Loots.planlng mlll.Utn and Jones.
WANTED Expert accountant from 8 to 9
evenings. Address D 7 , lleo olllco. 24910"
TrtTANTED Art cmvassors attention. Jus
TT reidy four entirely now seilalj , the bes
Bollorsof thosennon , "Lean Foi to , ' "Scnlpturi
Gallery , " 'Seltctod Flcturos Fiom thn An
Treasures of America , " A wonderful i-olloi li
K5 pints nt tl. Picturesque Cnllfoinln , " twi
edltlons.DoLtlNO and plain. Nothing has sold HKi
It In ten sears time. Exclusive territory whlcl
J * la being rapidly taken. Llbeial tnims. Apply
V qulckl F.p. Kalsor , \-I4South Hroadw ay
| > , Bt. Louli , Mo. 2UMBT
WANTED Man and wlfo to manage n farm.
lloforoncoiequiiod. Apply to J. Horrliran ,
BolQll.011. In. 202-1UJ
WA NTKD Tracklayers for Kans is.freo faro ,
nt'Albrlghfs Labor Agency. 143 18
ANTED i7aio cook at 1001 N. 10th st ,
_ 1)53 )
WANTED-Good llfo Insiiliinco solicitors
with bunk references , are wanted by the
Union Llfo at 401 Merchants' n itlonal Dunk
bulldlag , Omaha , Olllco hours 8 to 10 a. m. and
4 toJ ( p in. . fcl.1
WAN"1KD At Northwestern Labor Agency ,
: .n S. IMh st , 10 stonocuttei s , 15 toamstois ,
4 store looms to rent , 772
WANTED A man to solicit ; salary HOO per
mouth ; must deposit $25 and giv o security
for numuy colle'Cted. Addre < ss George S. Cllue ,
W gn r block , Des Molncs , la. _ ,64 0.8
WANTED A good lag carpet we-vvor. Steady
employment the year round. Address
Nebraska Carpet Mills , 7th and O ats , Lincoln ,
Neb. 4M
' _ _ _
W'ANTED-Menrorr.vllroaa wortt in Wash-
lugton torrltory. Teamsters , olcfc and
phovel men , amen and rock men , big wattes
nnd long , steady Job. At Albright's Labor
Agency. ll-'O Farnam st. _ l i
WANTED A llist-class experienced window
dresser. Inquire nt tha Fair. & & )
SOLICI'lOHS wanted for a largo manufactur
ing company ; references required. Address
llorS.7 . Omaha.
B OiAin. . Diet. TeL Co , 1J04 Douglas.
ANTED A Urst-ciass dressmaker. Apply
roomiUI. Darker hotel. 357 la
ANTED-Girls , good places , 1003 Farnam.
Xd lloor. room u. Commercial Employment
ZU ( It ) *
W ANTED Good looking younc lady , mo-
dlum size. Apply nt Eden Museo. 2cO 13
W ANTED A 3 oung plrl , whoso homo Is in
the city , to assistInhousawork. Ml NoJVth
WANTED A nrst-elass girl for general
housBwork. Family of three. Good
itti Sovvard at.
ANTED First-class saleslady for gloves
nnd trlmmlnRs ; nona but experlenceupeo-
pie neeu apply. Thompson , lleldcn & to. . IJ13
yarimtu BU SiM 18
_ _
ANTED A gootl experienced girl for pen-
oral housew ork,2107 Douglas. !
W ANTED-Oood git } , 623 N lith.
- for general housework , IRQ 8
lOtllBt. g4Ullf
ANTKD-Chamuermald nnd scrnb plrl at
the Paxton hotel. Apply to Uie house-
fcc per. 2101U
- eoocl Danish girl nt once. 2 <
Cumins st. Sl li *
for one child , ijood vvaK" . O
at once. SI 13 Douglas. 21 US
"IX7ANTKD Oirl to work In tailor hon ? must
W h "vo oxpeilance. Tea S. 10th. S2J lt *
\\TANTKD-A girt that understands her busl-
VI neiis'to cook , waah and iron , a in family ,
wacca KiXO a Week. Mrs. Jno. W. Doll. 1 WJ B.
tthavg. K
\\r ANlTSD-MWdl * sed lady with good refj
W erooces M bouseu per and. take care ot
two JltlH chlldrens will keep clrl for seonnij
wori ; Btxxlw gt and good torn * . Apply at
JS.SiUi. *
WANTED A thoroughly competent girl for
general housework ! references rtfl'V/rod
ApplyAtll.g. ItBdlck block J 311 Farr.ain si 805
"WANTED A Judy to > llclt ! mustdeposltl23
. * . ' , nu giro security for money collected.
Address Gvorgo B. CHne , Wagner block. Des
Molncj , la. 765 o. 8
\yANTED A competent girl for general
housew orki must bo good cook and laun
dress good wages. S212 Fnrnnm gt. 218
\\r A NTHD-8 cooks for country hotels wanted ,
! 1 waitresses In same hotel out of city , 111 ; ,
1 for Wyoming , J20 ; girls for general house
work In Wyoming , Sioux rity , Ashland , Albion ,
120 , fare paid ; I for family of two In country ,
122i ; \ scrub girls , 4 housekeepers , ono must bo
nccustomed to work In store ; W ) girls for gen
eral housework. Mrs Ilrcgnai4i ! S. 15th.
, 215 18J
WANTKD-A lrl to do housework. ! 1I5 N
18th Bt. u 9 IB *
WANTED-Lndyaqentsfor "A" skirt and
bustle combined : also "II" hose mipnoit-
rn. Our ( lalcsburg. III. , agent cleared IKM in 10
davs. Ladles' Supply Co , 237 W. Washington
fit , Chicago , KJ8OI
W ANTED-Lady agents for the ladles' friend.
llaiker block , room 21 ajg S 28 *
\\rANTED-Goodglrl lor housework. 810 S
' luth , ji'fl
/CANADIAN employment olllceM"rs. Hrega
VV3H/i ! S 15th. Hefoie-uco Om.iha National luinlr
gtl ( J 17 *
\\7 ANTKD Two persons to bo Instructexl In
T T bookkeeping , good situations. J. It. Smith ,
rooin51g. Hamge block 2SJ VJt
LADV desires nddltlonil pupils for music ,
\ocnl and Instrumental. Also gives lessons
in French. 1-list-class teacher. Address KfJ S.
Kth nvo. 1C8 18t
WANTED A few thousiutl dollars on first
clissKiiei cent mortgage for a customer.
Hoggs A Hill. lUH-ia
WANTED Hoaid nnd rooms for mnn nnd
vvlfe , nochlldien. C ( ntrnl location , modern
comenlnnces ; private family preferred. Refer
ences. Address Da , Hee olllco. 214 I'J *
I7ANTF.D-Dlrt at " 1th and Mason sts. A. P.
T Tukey , 15th and Douglas. t 57
WAN'JIU ) Hoises to board , HticKeyo Sta
bles , IDth between Harney aud Ht. Mary's
nvo , llrst class accommod itions : best box stalN
In the city ; terms reasonable ; telephone , B41.
. h2il
AGKMIJNTS to do dussmaklng In fain-
lllei solicited. Miss Sturdy , 2U171.iaveu-
wort list. ! V ' 24 *
WANTKD If you have any lands , lots , or
houses and lots to sell or exchange for
otlu r propel ty , call on me or write I can llnd
jou a i ustomer. C. C. Spotivvood. SOj'/i S. Ibtn.
WANTKD Tha public to make good use of
Ihe lleu's messuce boxes throughout the
city. 100
G OOD boaid and lodging Jl per vtcek , at 2118
Oiacost. 1JO 2Ut
BOAHDINtJ and rooms At lOU 1'arnam st.
I'lrst-clasa and pie isant place. A limited
number c.m bo accommodated. Apply soon.
blGO 10
"ITUIM'doss board can bo had by the week at
JL1 1708 Douglas st. ftV ) 20t
"W7"ANTI31) Table boalders at 100U Douglas.
"V\rANTI D A neat cottage1 In rc-speetablo location -
cation b > a good Address I ) 0 , Hoe
Ilice. 201 'JO
\\7ANTr.D Ono or two furnished rooms tor
TV light housukor ping , wlililu half mile of
jth aud LuVciiwoith. Address D 10. llee.
200 IS *
WANTED Largo house with modern con
veniences ; not inoiu than 8 blocks fiom
oitolllco. About October 1. Addlcss 1) U.
Icoollico. 2. > t 19 *
WANTED Hy mairled couple , t.vo rooms
for light housekeeping. I'rlv ate family
irefenod. Itclorences c-xcliangod. Address
) 8 lleo. 271 Ib *
Al'llOFr-bSIONALmnn , four adults in fam
ily , w.mts to rent a model n 7 to u room
louse In good locality , detached brick liouio
ireferied , musthavo uani. Address 114 , llee.
2111 W
f ANTED to Kent 3 or 4 furnished looms
tor housekeeping , poimnnent , by a gentle-
m nnd wife. Addioss 1)2 , Hue olllce. 21510 * I
\tTANTEO-To r 'nt house w Ith from ( ! to 10
T > looms , city water and bithvlthln leas-
inablo ellstauco from postollico or near Htioot
'ar or cable line , must DO In good neighbor
hood. Addiess , staling location andpilce , C
' . , lleo. 1H 18 *
\\rAN'UU ) 12 or 11 room house ; must have
T i .ill modern conveniences ; will pay
rent If pi ison will built uouan ; will lease same
"or any teim of 5 oars. J. L. Hrandlc-s , nth and
lo-iard. FOI
T'OH ItENT femall cottage on car llueIO per
L1 month. Co Opc-iatl > o Land X Lot Co . " 05 N.
icthst. aw so
"ttlOH RENT Flno 11-ioom house , nil modern
JL Improv emonts , 2 > 05 Hurt su near cable line.
R. M. Uintus , llOo Douglas st. 2b4
RENT 7-room house , 21 _ > 3 Poppleton
Geo. I. Gilbert , M ithnoll bldg. 2'Xi 18
ROOM cottage , 811 S. 21th. KO 19 *
T1O11 HENT House of fl rooms ; good collar
. - and v aril near U. F. and D. & M. depots.
Apply LOT Faclllc st. 7711B !
EYEHAL houses for lent. 8. T. 1'eteroen. B.
e. cor. 15th nnd Douirlas. h )
T/IOll KENT Cottage , 5 looms , very desirable.
JU l.'U 27th St. , near Sovvard st. Inquire 1100
Capital live. Wl
T710HHENT Now live-room cottitge , 2" blocks
JU olt Farnam cui lino. Inqulie. U14 b Uth st.
"E1011 HENT Ten-room now house , with gns ,
JL'water , sewer , fuinico , , Vc. , > v.c , by Itid and
Harnoy , $10 per month Io\tor ) L. Thomas , at
Nebraska Snvings bank , 10th and Farnam. 110
OH HENT I will rent my 8-room house aud
barn at 1110 Georgia nve. , with all modern
conveniences ; will nlso leave line new iiingolu
kitchen , with not ami cold water attachinont
and hath , all in good order : fuinaco In buso-
mcnt ; will leave shades to all windows ; oust
fiont and overlooks all the south p irt of city ;
ono block fiom pavement and street ear line ;
The v ery best class of pc'ople. reside In the \ 1-
elnlty ; will rent for any length of time doslied.
Cnllatonco at 213 N. IGth st. Howard Gray ,
photographer. 224 l f
POIt KENT The small building next north of
Fiesbvterlau church , suitable for business
of some kind. Doggx & Hill. } 'XM8
T7IO H HKNT-HoHse"No782iS. : 19thst..lflroom3.
-I ? with modern improvements. Inquire ut I' .
B. National bank. I'r ?
FOR HENT 10-rocmi house with modern con
veniences , at 210 K .Wth st : price JUO.OO ; alio
IB-loom honse nt 2511 St. Mary's av o. Apply at
blJ South 2,1th st. ISJ-i'l
OHKPHents-The largest list In the city ;
prices down. J. H. Panotte , ICOtf Chicago.
FOH HENT Good fi-room cottage on Park av
enue and Mason streets , W5 ; peed t-room
house iti Windsor place. $ 7JX ) . D. V. Kholcs ,
room 210 , first Nat. bank. 14821
1J1OH HUNT Two 0-room houses. * lri each.cor.
JL : 19th aud Mason. 1L E. fateln , 211 So. 12th.
TTVUl HKNT-IIouse BBV en rooms and attic ,
JL1 2117 Maple st , one block from horse cais ,
three blocks from cable cars. 124 21 *
HKNT New4 room cottftire. 1 mile N W.
P. O. D , C. PattersonOuiaha Nat. bank bldg.
FOll HENT Now t-room house on Cumins
st , near Lowe ave. 1 erms reasonable. Ap
ply quick. Bpotswood. SUMS S li'th. 723
TT1OH HENT For fl months , modern house ot
JL' H rooms , completely ftirnUhcd , barn with
room for two horses , rentili ) ; possession given
Sept. 2ith. 2204 N. Sltn , 1 block north of Lake.
TTlOll llKNT-Hous 5igN. 18th street. Apply
JU at St. A. D. llalcombo , 20cB California st.
"IT1OH HKNT Elegant eastfrontroora house
JU on 8.25th ave ( Pleaiaut st.l. near St. Mary's
aye. U. F. HftrrUon , 4lb 8.15th at. 70
Ij OH HKNT An elegantly furnished house In
JU b * t part of city ; turnuce , cUtern aud all
inodern convcnluncoj. Inquire at once , 1021
1'ark av e. 1170
TT1OR KENT 10-room house suitable for bonrd-
JL' lug , peed locution , renttiu furnished or $50
unfurnished. AdJre.saCJJ , lice. 07U21B
TTVOH HENT lJ rB02 tory 7-rooni house for
JU the winter , $16.Wf , per month. C. F. liar-
rlson. 418 B. IBth 8t. -03a
"CVIt RKNT-8-room boaae , saner , gas , hot
43 and cold water , bath room , new and com
plete , (40 per month. Apply nt once. G V. llar-
rUoo.418B.Uth8t. 4SI
Foil HKNT-13 room hous with store front ,
Pierca nd 1Mb. latiulro S , Kdtz , UIO Far-
Bam t 8N
ijiuu HUNT N hen TOU wish to rent a house ,
JU store or ofllco call on us. 11. E. Cole , room
8. Continental block. 213
TfilOR RUNT Ton-room house , modern 1m-
JL1 provemenls , cor Douglas nnd 18th Sts , handy
to business. D. T. Mount. 213 8 14th St. b i
. .llENT Four room house , 112 , 10W Soutn
ISthst , near Pierce. 244 1SJ
l ESPONSIULlJpcrson only can rent seven
JVroom house. No. 1141 N Mil st. bet. Nich
olas nnd Paul streets ot Juo. W. Paul , 1CV > , Far-
nam st. KB
FOR IIL'NT l-room house on S. IBth nt. , two
blocks south of Vinton St. : will rent for $10
per month or sell on terms to suit purchaser.
Oeo. J , Sternsdorff , room 6 , opposite P. O. 710
"TTlOll HENT Flvo room house , Le-avenworlh
JU st. and 41st. , J12. J. W. Eller. room 7 , Iron
bank building. EM
TjlOlt RENT Nice 7-room house , 1131 North
JL1 17th st. Inquire 210 B. Uth at. 4.12
FOR RENT I have about n dozen houses
ranging from three to thirteen rooms that
can bo rented at living prices. If you want to
rent a house , call aud see me. George J , Storns-
dorll. room 0 , opp , P. O 3 > 0
TTioIfHENT Atveiy low rates. 10 and 14 new
A residences. 2101 nnd 2111. Cnss street. Clarke
Place One block south of Crelghton college , on
Farnam and 24th street car Sine. All modern
Improvements. Apply , II.T. ClarkrnlonTilist
Co. , or at 2UO Cass street. OM )
I/1OR HENT Neat 7-ioom nouso ou Davenport
J. st.utar high school , rent IMO a mouth , llrun-
nan A. Co. , Ch inibor of Commerce. 181
17HH RENT 3 room modern improved holt e
JL' Al locality at moderate price. Apply M.
Elgutter. ICKII. Farnam. ICO
TJ1OR HKNT Elegint in-toom modem house ,
-L1 near High school , $50. G h. Uhompson ,
Sheely block , 11th and Howard ,01
FOR HKNT or Sale Now cottage , lledford
PHce , ou easy piymeuts. L'nqulie M. L ,
Rociler , loom 4 VI PnxlonblnpK. 241
VTiW : fi-room cottage , lent SIC. Inquire of
1 > Htngwalt Ilros , H.irker block. MI
Foil HENT Cottage , four laige rooms , ion
South 25th st. Mi
TTIOH HUNT Suit of looms , furnished or tin-
JU turnished. K. A.Muish.UJS N Ibth. Ml
PUNISHED looms with board and bath ,
llm flat , northwest cornel 20thand llarney.
So ! ) is *
FOR HKNT Furnished bed room with use
of parlor. 810 per mouth. 1511 Uillfouila st.
1 is n
FOH HUNT Furnished looms suitable for 4
gentle-mem. No Udlos need cull < > 02 N.
17th st. 27rt I'lt
I71OH ItHNT Alco\e room with modern f on-
J-1 vonlences ; board If desired : teims reasona
ble. Address I ) 11 , lice olllto. 'JT'It
I71OH lir.NT Nlco laifjo cast front room.wlth
Jnlco \ e , for frontlcmiii , only tlvo blocks fiom
1' . O , 2 blocks from cable. 21ij N. IDth at. "J
FOlt HUNT Comfoitably furnished rooms
lth modern conveniences ; jirlvato family
boaid If deshcd. Address 1) ) C , lice olll < o.
2. ' , KB
ROOM and boird cheap for two In piUate
family , ffils Hurt st JOT IS
HUNT Front room on ciblo line , fur-
ished , or unfurnished. Gil N. 20th ht.
2iU 23
POH HUNT Furnished Bleeping looms , $ s O'J
payable weekly or monthly. bl)9 ) Howard.
! > S3 111 *
for gentlemen near I' . O. X > N. 17th.
24.J 2j ; *
TWO neatly furnished rooms. S. W. cornel-
Dodge and 18th. 147
FIJHNIMlKD looms for light housekoenlng.
Kin Cass. 222 1'J ' *
K and board , No. 201 S 21th av e
105 2tt
Foil HENT Throe furnished or unfurnished
looms suitable for llu'ht housekeeping , on
10th st , ono blocK from U. 1 * . depot. Inquire
i > j S. 10th st. 2IU 1' ' )
ELEGANT fiont rooms , cheap. ( i23 S. 11th
11 O , 11 *
POR KENT Newly and nicely Imntshed
looms , steam , bath , llrst olties t iblo
ward , also board bj day 01 vv eok If desliud ,
IfO 2.'j
I71UHN1SHED rooms with boaid , 2--J N. lath
JL1 18 > 22j
rOH HENT 3 futntshod rooms for light
housekeeping , lefereuco icnutitd , 01J N. Ibtli
sticut. ] fj-is
T3OOM with or without board. 18U Dodge.
-I V ! „ - ,
JOOM and boaid , modern conveniences. ' 'Ul
L-juward. 11421 *
ONH nicely furnished fiont loom with closet ,
suitable for ono or two gentlemen , terms
reasonable , b. W. cor. 2 Muml Leavenwoilh sts.
117 1s
3LHGANT furnl'hed looms , soutaeru expos
ure , good location , now building. Inqulio
Itoom 0 , N. E , Cor. 10th and Hurnoy sts.
I'll 18 *
JF8& H15NT Ilooms with fnmllv. table board
17(10 ( Dodge su Heferences oxcn.ingo. CIO lit
KOOM3 Including board in the Young Wo
men's homo 1U10 Dodge st. Ituforoncos re
quired. WO
B ASEMKNT for rent , furnished or unfur
nished. Iblu Dodgo. t74
[ TK > K KENT A lovely south front room with
I every convenience , suitable for two gentle - . ' I arnani Bt.
JOH HENT-Nicoly furnished loom , N. E.
corner Park ave. and I'acltie , 2nd door , suit
able for two I'entlomeil or two ladles. Ml
F UltNlSHED rooms to let , 2105 Douglas st.
U.V5 IS"
"VTKHY deslrablo front room , furnished , all
V modern conveniences. 2107 Douglas KS3
F I OH HI'.NT A large pleasant front room ,
17UO Chicago st. 301
FOIl KENT A handsome room w ith nlcov o at
25TJSt. Maiy'savo. 417
IJLEASANT furnished rooms , r.UJ Fainamst.
038 s.2bj
I71OK HENT Fumlslied rooms in Greuntg blk
JU cor. 13th and Dodge sts. luquure of Geo. H. .
Davis. Mill ird hotel billiard room. 217
T7I01 I HENT Flegantly furnished rooms with
JU bo > ard , Inqulio 160J Douglas. J4i
I'RNISHED rooms , 1LT S 20th.
805 s 3t
I71OH KENT Front room , largo ana nicely
JU furnished , located near the nigh scnool , in
tLo highest and roolen section of the city ;
cable line and hoi so cars pass th < j door. En
quire at 3235 Doilgo near 24th si. WO-
rpllKKE fuiulshcd rooms , 013 S 15tn.
-L -Mi o 3
FOH HENT A largo unfurnished room for
housekeeping purposes , WJ How ard st.
W 1'J *
rrNFt'HNlSUF.D suitable for housekeeping :
1 hree ( J ) rooms. 102. ! North2jth si 11 J5
Twou'i rooms IBIS Howard st 1000
Eight ( > ) > mom lint , 417 South IMh st 3 < t u )
' 1 hreoOl looms. l\fi'i \ S. 7th st 1000
' 1 hreo.l ( ) rooms , 7UIH Paclhe st 1000
' 1 hree l.ll rooms , 10U North 20th st 13 to
Three ( J ) rooms , 707'J Pacific st 10 00
Four (4 ( rooms. 417 South 19th st 18 00
Three (3) ( ) rooms , 1011 N. 21st st 11 no
Apply to Judge llentlng Agency , Herald
bulUllng. S. W. coinorof Uth and Hurnoy sc.
TTlOll KKNT 3 or 4 unfuriilshedlrooms at 523
JL1 S th st at moderate price , or will rent same
furnished. 012
171011 HENT Halt of ofllce at 31B. . Ifith st. ,
JU Hoard of arade building. Steam heat.
Odell Pros. & Co. "TO
FOIl IlENT.-Storo28x70 with eight rooms
above ; alt conveniences ; good vard and
b-irn. Corner Fnrnarn nnd 28tu st. F. 1C. Dar
ling , 1W1 Farnam. 189-3) .
TTlOll KENT Oftlco suite K5 month , 3 single
JL1 offices 115 each , all fronting icth stHusn -
man block. N. E. Cor. IGth ana Douglas. W. M.
llushman. 1J11 Leavenvvortb. 2'J
FOR HENT New store building , corner M
and 27th streets. South Omaha. Hicks.
llarSer block. 291 S3
"IT'OH ' HKNT On Cumins at. store and living
-L. apartments , also liver ] * "table. Enquire ot
Harris It. U. & UCo. , Hoom 411,1st Nat. bank.
ITUMt HUNT Nicely furnished office , ground
JL' lloor , half ofSOJS 18th t. opposite Chambei *
of Commerce , ) l. A' Upton Company. lieu
FOR KENT Double store room , suitable for
clothing , groceries , dry goods , etc. , location
ttratchm. Address X Ul UM olllce. UP
rpwo choice store rooms in the Her building ,
between Howard and *
- Jackson its. Apply
lUymer A Her store , 6.4 B 18th t. 473 alS
T71OR IlENT Storeroom , No. 214 S. llth st. An-
JU ply at 1110 Howard st. 250
STORK for rent , llli Farnam street. Imiulro
ot Nathan bueltou , at 150u Farnam street
anilSjU'itionls for rent , corner 13th
and Jac > ' | fsj4 MM. F. Lunge. to (
TT'OR HUNT Store-room under Omaha Hank-
JL : Ing Co , cor. ITitlJ And Harnoy. suitable for
money loaning or rca.1 estate business , Paulson
J. Uo. No. nil , foouift Farnam at. twi
" 1/10 H RENT Jlnw retail slore room with
JU large basement. JW per month. C. F. Harrison
risen , 413 S 15tli tt. j 4"U
. . . j stores , fcJxlu , ju , t completed , with flats
JL of seven rooOls jnbove , with water and ,
llrst-class flnUbSth and Pacific sts , , low rent.
Apply to EDlngor llrm. , D14 S. 10th t. , Omaha.
"I/lull HhNT Hrick hotel. . rooms , good loca-
JL ? tlon. line patronage. Address \ \ . E. Ncal ,
Falls City , Neb. " 80 21 *
FOR REXT-Hotel , a and . ' 4 S. 10th sf. pirt
of furniture for sale. 270 20 ?
\\T 11. IIEKIIY , of South Omaha , makes a
.specialty of rentlug buildings. ; 24 *
LIST houses with me ; hive lots of customers.
J. II. Parrotte. lOM Chicago. F > 7 014
" \\/E give special attention to renting and col-
> lectlng rents , list with us. 11. E. tule. room
G , Continental block. 251
I F YOU want your houses rented place them
with lleuawa & Co. , loth , opposite postonirt > .
Gnoimi : J. STKHNSDOUIT , room n , opp. i > .
O. , will hereafter gi\o special nttuntlou to
renting houses , stores and Hats. If jouwant
your property rented w Ithout demy and to reli
able tenuntH. do not fail to list the same with
him 31) )
STKAYii-One2-j ear-old black colt ( gelding ) ,
ono . ! } oar-old sorrel mare. Itcturnei will re
ceive liberal toward. 11. 11. V , Husois Park.
2M lift
STHAVEI ) or stolen from Mtu and Mason ,
black marc. 16V1 hands high , S or 10 vears
old. Hear on left hip. Howard will be paid by
reluming to M. Mcvay , lath and Mason. 2113 19 *
LOST A gold bir pin. Howard paid for Its
return to UJ2 S 2 > ) th st. 2"i 0f
ES1HAV NOTICI' Ono black hoi- , star In
forehead , loft hind loot whlto , letter 8 on
blioulder. J. 11. Ayer , Uth and Dorc.ib , Omaln.
LOST or Stolen 2 bull pups , halt grown , ono
m.ilo nnd female ; the color H bilndlo ; the
dog pup has .1 white head , with a brlndla spot
on one side ; $3 lowatd to the person that pio\es
that the dog stolen. Unas. Storz , cor Satin
ders and Clark sta. 170 IbJ
D Oa N. 1rth St. , tun colored kid glov o.
Call at HOB olllce. 255 18 *
rilAKEN IIP S hordes , 1 black pony , white
JL face and whlto left forefoot , 1 lingo bay ,
white hind feet , at Jersoyvlllo stock farm , 4'S
miles S. W. of Omaha. A2S-S4-11-18-21 *
i ss Kato'ToTevMi-vTrcmov cd
J- her dressmaking from Uxpotitlon building
to 10" ) S. 1'ith , 2nd Boor , opp. Ha ) den liros
new store . SDO Ibt
1 respectfully call the attention
JL of those who live out of the city , to the tact
that I make purchases In any ami ov ery line of
goods , and to the satisfaction of the buyer.
Business douo through the batii. Wrlto for
purtlculais. Address r. T. Tro-it , room 0 , Con
tinental block , Oiuah.i. 7u'J o. 't
iJUKSONAI/ you navu a personM Hem , or
any communication , drop it In one of Tlio
lice's mes'iaue Jwiou. 101
PAHY STRONG , M. D , rooms 3 and 4 Jacobs
L block , cor. Capitol avo. and 15th st.
IP you want to t > uy , sell , rent or excnang *
call on or address Ueoiee J. SternsdoiIT ,
room 0 , opposite P , O. 231
A HAHOA IB milch cows and calves for
Xisale at rock bottom llgures , must be sold.
Co Operatlv o Land i. Lot Co. , 205 N. lUth st.
FOH SALE Fumlturo etc. . all complete in 40-
roomed hotel , v\lll Inventory ov er S-.oOO , or
w 111 trade for part , b ilanco cash. Address 1' ,
O. box 7.'S boutli Omaha. 2NJ 20 *
FOH SAL15 In desirable locality , lease of
Hat , with elegant furniture , at reasonable
price. One-half of purchase price will Lo taken
out lu bo.trd and room. Address D 11 , lleo
ollice. 253
FOH SALE An elegant parlor suit and bed
room set , splendid Moquette and Hrusscls ,
carpels , heating and cook stoves , all near !
naw , must be sold , owner leav Ing city. Hutcl
inson & Weadt15th and Dodge. SOI M
TTlOll SALE Cheap , an elevator at lllvcrtou ,
X1 Iowa. Apply to 1. N. Ash & Co.Cf Icago , 111.
Ill 24 *
TT1UKNITPHE , sawing machlno and organ for
J sale. Will be sold , it half piico for cash oren
on time. Also 1 Remington typewriter and 1 K.
P. " suit , nil new. inquire at 1417 Farnam st ,
room U nnd 10 , upstairs Itl
" 1710H SALE Electrotype plato map of Omaha ,
-C bxU Inches. ( ! oed advertising scheme for
someone. H. n. Wallace , Heo olllce. 140
[ T1OH SALE Good family horse and bucgy
l. cheap. F. M. Youngs , press room , Hue
ollice. 01J
FOH SALE Anew U seat Hockaway carriage
at I/ee V Nichols' livery barn. Twenty-eighth
and Leavenworth. Telephone StO. 417
GAS fixtures for sale cheap. Have a largo as-
Mirtnvnt of the latest designs In gas fixtures
which I w ill sell at cost. M. IL Flee , successor
to J. C. Elliott , agent , 151HJ Farnam sN 27S
171OH BALE Cheap for cosh , a good toadster ,
JL1 and almost Coltmons
7-year-old new top
buggy and harness ; If you want a tlno looking
rlglt will pay you to Investigate. Gooigo J.
Sternsdorll , Hoom 0 , opp. V. O. boJ
TT1OR SALE A Sn > der make open buggy ,
X' cheap for cash , or will trade for top liu 'v.
Geo. J. Sternsdoru" , .room tl , opposite P.
FOR SALE Planing mill machinery. Call at
14ii Dav onport st. Omaha. H10
A SPAN of horses , hainess nnd wagon for
J-i-saloou the Installment pl.m or othoruise ;
wllltiado for real nst ito or commercial piper ,
or will rent same to tne right pirty. Slomau ,
room 105 1'axtou block. flsj
FOH SALE-lco lu car lots. Gilbert Hioa.
Council muffs. 340-WJ
TTIOH SALE All kinds of home grown trees ,
U si'ltuble for this climate. C. O. Howard A ,
Co. , Omaha. 2OS S2S
A' ITEM ) th evening sessions. Valentine's
Shorthand lustituto. 25320
I11A E a M ft lot on Fannim street between
' 'sth anil 20th sts , a splendid loc itlon for n
llvi-ry bain , wnlch I will loaio ctie.ip and build
to suit lessee if desired , Geoigo J. btoitisdorll ,
Hoom C , opt ) . P. O. 3H )
T710LI.OW the rush to Utah. E verybody is
-L1 buying a Salt Lake City &j ) tow n lot at 310
b 15lh at 'Jo early for choice. 203
ATTEND the ovonlng sessions. Valentine's
ort hhaud Institute. X'o'J 20
WH. UAUHF.R Cess pools i- water closets
cleanedwork r guaranteed W * S.ath.'lel ftSl
158 ol4 ?
THE banjo tqught as an art by Geo.F. Gellen-
beck. SO-JHaineyst. is ;
GKOHGE J. Sternsdorir. room 0 , opposite V O ,
nas some very desirable lots In vailous parts
of the city that'can be leased on reasonable
terms. Will build .to suit lessee. JjQ
T3ARTIKS hsA ing real estaio they wlsn to sell ,
JL or houses th y 'wish ' to rent will find ready
customers by culling on Sloman , room 405 , Paxton -
ton block. OM
H OUSU for cent ; ' furniture for sale or trade.
1B15 Dodge , ,
ATTEND the" evening sessions. Valentino's
Shorthand Institute. 259 20
TyOMAN'S Exchange , 1617 Farnam st. Lunrh
TT dally , supper Saturday nlghu. 8W
T3OMB for Destitute Woman and Children ,
J3-S7I3 Hurt st. IHO
IF you nare anything to trade call on or ad-
nresa George J. bternsdortr. lloom ( i , oppo-
lte poatofflca 16t
/TJ. E. THOMPSON , Room 113 Sheely blocc.
IT 955
\rALKNTINP.'a Shorthn"na nnd Typewriting
' lusltute. largest anil best equipped in the
west. Uraauatea all occupy good paying sit
uation. Day and evening sessions. Btudnnta
can enter t anytime. Send for circular. New
Paxtou building. Umaha. CSO 0
STOUAGF. at low rates at 11J1 Farnam street ,
Omaha Auction & fatorase Co. lit o9
laJTOlLAGB atlo ratesltt new building. 314
iJSoutti Kth strut. W 'M
QTOHAGE-Snfc. drv'and clean at low rates.
plllddell ft Hlddell , 1I1J Howard. HCsJO
rilRArKAOR , storai ? * . lovrest rate * . W. it
JL Hunhmau , 1311 Leavenworth. 2T > I
, -
BENSON .VCARMICI1AF.I , furnHh completa
and guaranteed abstracts of title > to any
real ostnto In Onnha nnd Douglas county upon
Miort notice. T he most complete set of nnstract
boong In the city. No 1509 Farnnm st. 20 )
MIDLAND Guarantee and Trust Co. . IB03 I r-
nam Complete abntnvcts furulshod , & titles
to real estate examlned.ptirfectcd & guaranteed ,
WANTKD Furniture and household goods
of nil kinds Oinnha Auction & Storage Co. ,
1U1 Farnani at. 775 o9
" \\TANTED-A span ot horses , harness and
T > wagon , v\olght 2,000 pounds , on weekly
or monthly pavmonts. Must not b over B
J ears old and cheap. 417 S. Uth st. 27 111 *
W ANTED Two good second-hand poker
tables nnd checks. Address D , 111 , lieu.
" \ \ 7ANTKITo buy a fnw thousnlid dollars
V orth of mortc.i PsforacustomBr. llopus
k 11111 , riMl e > .tate , I4H ( Karnam st. 2JH 11)
11' you tiavo Improved busmeis or residence
protierty that jou wish to sell , call and sco
me. ( ieoru-o J , titcrnsdorff , room 0 , cpnoslto
postoPlco. 43'
_ _
OIiI ) Hooks Cash pild for second-hand books
at Antlriuarlau Uookbtore , 111J rarnam.
_ _ ,20 O ' . _
\WAr\TKU-To buy or irade lor a good build-
T Ing that i an bo moved. 1'loaso c.ill on
or addrohS Ueoiu'o J. Sterusilorff. roomO , opno-
silo P. O. iTII
G\S' . I'FOK loans money for non residents
ton K'lt-edKo mal estate , securities , yuurnn-
teed : leforonce. Commercial National Hank ,
Omaha. U.V. . I'ecK , lloom 4 , Fronror block
fit o 11 *
" ONLY To Loan lly tlio undetsT uedf\Cho
has the only properly or anl/ed loan agency
In Om tha. Loins of $10 to ? IUU mndn on ruriil-
tuio , pianos , oiKaus.horses.wnnons , nuchinory ,
etc , without removal. No delays All business
btilctly contldentlnl. f.oam so marto that any
pit t can bo pil < l tit any time , each payment
loducliiRtlie cost pro rata. Advances m-ido on
line watches and diamonds. Persons should
carefully loiuldor who they aredeallmc with ,
as m.uij now concerns are dally comlnir Into ex
istence. should } ou need money rill and see
mp. W. 11. Croft , loom 4 , Wlthnell building ,
15th nnd llarney. i > " 0
MONKV to loan on lmpro\cd property at first
hands. No applications -unt away for ap
proval. bocuiUy and titles examined free of
chin go o l > orrouei-t. Lombard Investment
company , 10) ) 9 13th at. Ibt
LOW Hutes No delay : mort a es bought ,
llntchlnsou X Wead , 1524 Dodge street.
rililE Omaha Financial Exchange , Room 15 ,
J-Ilaikei Dlock , southwest coiner of Fainani
and lath sts.
Makes n specialty of short-tlmo collateral
and real estate loans
Money always on hand In sumsof 110) and
upw.irds to any amount , to loan on approved
Secured notes bought , sola or exchanged.
Cloirieal untuto and cash to oxchuugo for
good llrst or second mortgages.
Ijoans made upon land contracts , stocks ,
bonds , trust deeds , first or ecoucl mortgage se
curity , without publicity , delay or red tape
1 Inancliil bii'liifss of any kind transacted
promptly , qiiletlv and lalrly. Hoom 15 , llaikcr
block. Corlictt , Manager. 270
FIRST mortgages , loans on city , business or
residence property at lowest rates. Call and
see us before placing your loan. Remington &
1 rye , room 1 , N , W , cor loth and Farnam. 700 0 ! )
MTNEV to Loan City and country ; cheap
rates , no delay. L. P. Hammond , 400 Paxton -
ton building. TO
MONEY J5fiOOOi ) to 'loan on city nad farm
property , lowest rites of Interest ; building
loans a specialty. G. W. Peck , Fronzer block.
b'H o 11 *
VljO to loan on Inside proport } . borne flist
raortgagc'3 for sale. Nathan Shelton , lr > 05
Farnam street. 758
rONEV to loan in any amount , cither for
buili'lngor othenvlee , nt lowest rates of
. . . .erest and nn short notice. 1) . V. Sholes , room
210 t irst Nat'l bank. cor. 1 ith and Farnam. 27J
T OANSmadoon real estate and moitgagcs
JU bougtit. LowU b. Hoed i Co. , 15J1 Farnam.
11 IHEV $500ODO to loan on city property
and Improv ed farm land , irenzer blork.
( TONEY loaned at C. F. Heed * Co.'s loan of-
JL lleo , on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons ,
personal property of all kinds , and all other
articles or value without removal , al'l S.-nth.
All business strictly confidential. 187
djIOO.OJO to loan on business property atin ox-
tp tra low rate For pirtlcuUis see W. M.
Harris , rooui2J. Fienzer block , opp. 1' . O.
28XS20 *
SLOJIAN. room 405 , Faxton bulldln ? , loins
money on city property nnd farms. 1'aitles
wishing to build will do well to see him , falo
man , 105 Faxton block. ' . "K )
G OOD city and farm loans wanted by A. K.
lllloy , 151'J Farnim. Ssl
B UILDING loans. Llnnhan & Mahoney.
( .11
sWO.OjO to loin at D per cent. Llnahau & > Mahoney -
> honey , room 50 , " > , Paxton block. 2KJ
SLOMAN. loom 405 , 1'axton building , will
. _ make loans In any amount , for short or long
time. Short time collateral loans a specialty.
Loans made ou real estito. Commercial and
1st mortgigo paper bought and sold. All busi
ness strictly contlilentlal. Como and see : nc.
blomau , room 105 Faxtcn block. USO
MONEY to lo in on furniture , horses , wagons ,
etc , or ou any approved security. J. W , Hob-
bins , H , 200 Sheely btk , 15th and Howard. 2SU
MONEY to loan ; long time. George J. Paul ,
HOT Farnam st. 230
MONEY to lo in. O. F. Davis Co , leal estate
aud loan agent" , 1505 barium st. 2U1
TVON'T borrow money on furniture , horses ,
-L/wngons , etc. , until jou have seen C. H Ji-
cobs , loom 410. Hrst National banlc building ,
cor. J3th and Farnim 2Ib
M ON KIT to loat : large and small sums at low
lates , for short tima , on real estate or chat
tel security ; second note > < bought , nil financial
business strlctlj confidential People's Finan
cial Exchange , O Dous"nren , manager , loom
tij'j Darker block , 15th and Farnam. 5)7 )
KIMHALL. Champ tt Ryan make loans on
city propel ty at lowest rates , optional pay
ments , cash on hand , no delay. Mortgages
bought. Room a , U. S. National bank. 17 H 28
GPKR CENT money to loan Casli on hand
W. M. Harris , room JJ , Fienzer block , opp ,
P , O. 2.J
$5W,001) to loin on Omnhn city inoporty nt 0
per cent. G. W. Day , 3. E. cor. Ex. old.2x.l
MON13V to loan on furniture , wagons , etc. ,
w Ithout removal , or on collateral fiucurlty
Dusluessstrictly confidential. A. E Greenwood
4. Co , H 1 Cunningham blk , cor. IJth & JacKson.
TAfONEY to loan on horses , furniture and other
-Ui-pcrsonnl property or collateral. Hates mod-
urnto ; businesscoutldentlil. Otllca S. W.eoruer
11th and Douglas sts. Entrance on 11th st.
The Fairbank Investment Co. 28(1
MONEY to loan ; rash on hand : no delay , J.
W. Squire. UltfFainam at. First National
bank building. 2iU
REAL estate loans , lowest rates. Odell Dros.
& Co. , U13 S. 16th st. 217
EASTERN money cheap. City and country.
OI'Ico Philadelphia Mortgage and Trust Co. ,
lloom 13 , Hoard of Trade. Geo. W. P. Coates.
riHATTEL and collateral loans. M. K. Divls
Will S Uth st , room 27. 2U5
M ONEY to loan on Omaha and South Omaha
proporty. C. F. Harrison , US S. 15th st. 23(1
< * > 500.000 n per tent. Money to loan on 1m-
tpproved farms or city property. James A.
VA ooelumu. at the old fire insurance olllce of
Murphy 4 , Lovett , 220 S. 13th St. 237
QEVERAli nice stores for sale and trade , var-
Olous kiiiUB of merchandise. Co-Opmativo
Loud If Lot Co , 305 N. 16th st. KO 20
TF YOU w ant to buy a coed bakery cheap ad-
JLdress D 14 Hee olllce. 38d SI *
TOH 8AL11 General store. Sickness causci
JU me to olTer for sale my stock of dry goods ,
boots nnd shoes and groceries , stock amounting
to about 9 000 ; will sell at a bargain tosomo
one taking a hold at once ; store ouly been run
ning a few months ; rent cheap , ( X H. Lange.
Srlbner. Xeb. 317 1W
TTiOll H.XLE or trade A valuable invention.
JU WilltTell same cheap for cash , or will trade
for good real estate or real estate paper , reaion
for selling , my time being occupied with other
matteri to give this attention. The right party
can make money out of this. Investigate ,
Bloman. room icK paxton block. pas
FOR HALE Salt Lake Iota CO each , at 310 8.
listli t 3ij
FOR BALE A nice clean stock of genera !
merchandise. In county neat. Address Cc-ek
Cox t > , Loup City , Neb. 10918 *
T7V3R BALE-Flno stock of groceries , good live
- itown. . ttrst-claM tritde , ulcknu * . Audrus * P
O. Boy 991 , Flattimoutti , N U , 78 Jt
AHAREhnilness chance Wanted a pl ( ln r
with monov or pcurlty , ( doctor pre
ferred ) to w liolosal * a line of exclusive druggists'
good * . $ lXn ( worth now * mnnnfacturvd and
ready for en\t. \ Prollts , fl ( > ) per dav. Address
fully with reference. W. H. v. , 14W Famara &t.
| jORSALE A now Ji'.OOO stock of peneralnier-
J. ( liiiiullso and u now t..iiU ) stoio building
w 1th living room * Very best location in the
Ihllest , beKiiulnp now tow n in the state' . Good ,
prolltablo and growing trado. This Is n rare-
snap and nothing but cash or llrstclass secur
ity w 111 bo considered. For particulars c.ill on
or address J , H Kuhl , Charter OaK , Cravvford
county. la. HU2
FOR SALE At abirgalti , a stock of gcncril
merchandise In nllvo town Address Lock
Hoi II , North llend , Neb JISs.10 *
131011 BALE for Cash Only-Feeil store and
JU tlxtnies , neatly now btillillux conveniently
ariniiged ground lent , cstoro" cars
hiy , doing rood business nt pro-tent llnui. Sat
isfactory reasons for soiling. "Address P. O ,
llox O.H. South Omaha , Neb. UTS Sit
IjlOR SALE A stock of general merchandise' .
J- Address lock bux 855 , Atkinson , Nub.
OLDESTrostatiiant In Omaha for pale. Cause ,
sickness of proprietor. Inquire 702 Leiivvn-
wort list 2111 Ib *
FOR SALE Stock books nnd stationery. In
onoof the best cities In Nebraska ; will In
voice $ .1,000. Fuither p.utlculars addiess041 ,
lleo olllco. KU IBS
irHJH SALE Abstisct books of Omahi ana
JL Douglns county , This Is an tativbUsliad ,
rapidly Inrn aslni ; , business , pi ) Ing a
largo IntcreNt on the InvcMtmont lor books
and good will of the business. Omaha real es
tate or Be cured paper w Ith n fair cash p lymciit
will be taken. Oeoigo W. Ames , 1507 I'm num.
"TTUMl SALE Atk eainoy. Neb. , the furniture
JL1 and lease of Grand Contra ! hotel. 'Iho second
end best house In the city , and the best located ,
being opposite depots Dnlug a paying busi
ness. Price JI.500. Inquire T 0. Hralnnrd ,
Mldw ay hotel , Kearney , Nob. 274
"TTIolt PALE A good established house palnt-
* Ing business. Horse , wagon , ladders , ot.
Cht ap shop rent : centrally located. Cause of
selling poor health. Address D 11 lleo oOlco.
277 20 {
TDAHTIKS wishing to purclnso real citato
JL or seeking Investments of any kind will do
w oil to call ou Sicilian , room 4J5 Paxton block.
FOR SALE or exchnng ? The stock of a char-
tered member holding the choicest oil lands
In Rattlesnake district , Wjomlng , Address D
W , Hoe olllce. .08 21 *
FOR SALE Cheat ) for cish , N. Y. Hotel nnd
Itestaurant , 7IVI N. inth Ht , ; good business ;
desirable location , reason for selling , have
other business to attend to. Call on or address
E A.MaishWSN Ibth st , Omaha. 5,11
OR 3A LE A good lnmbor.coal.iRii < ' ltnrnl
Implement and livestock business. Address
Hedge Ilios. , Yutnn , Neb. M > 3 olO
ONE hundred and sixty acies Impioved farm
Kind to trade for good Omaha propeitj. K
F. Sever , Harkei block. ! ? ) ! 2 : )
Fpo llXCHANGE Mortgage ot 11,827 and some
JL real estate for 8-room bouse and lot. C. K.
Reitcr. Itoom 5. s. w. cor. 15th Douglas 1C.1 30J
FOR EXCHANGE Cholco Improved farm
lands In Nonrnnka for Omaha residence prop
erty or stocks of clean mi rchandlse. Call or ad-
lioss W. A. Five , H 1 , nw cor 15th and Faniarn.
023 o 1
SIX hundred and forty acres of line Nebraska
laud to trndo for improved citj property.
Inqulio at once of E. F. Suav ur , Darker block.
I HAVE real nnd prol erty of all
kinds for trade. Call and see mo. Geoigo .1.
StornsilorlT , room 0 , opp. P. O. iM )
rpRADKS made In real esmo and personal
JL property. See exchange book. Oo-oo. L.
and L. Co. 20 > N. 16th st. 2W !
THAT have jou to trade for some noith-
western oil stock ? Address It 0 , lleo olllco.
DH. NANNIE V. Warren , cl lrvovani. Med
ical , business and test nioillum. Diagnosis
free. Female dlsnasos a specialty. 11B K. ICtlt
St..Hooms2&3 Tel. 044 2w
"I71OH SALE Lots 24 nnd 25 , blk 4 , Haw-
JLJ thonie , on 35th st near Dav onport nt ,
graded , woith t-1,200. price $2B03
Lot 22 , block in , Hanscom Place 1,900
Lot 5 , block 8. Lincoln 1'lacu 7KO
Jets U and 7 , block 10. Httchcocks st , each ( m
Lot 14 , block t'.Hedford ' PJuco.ncar foundry 050
Lots7,11 , liaudII. block 4 , Friij-n Faik ,
each 450
Ixit 2. block 1 > , Fopplctou 1'ark 1.7BU
House of Brooms onL'ld and California . . . 3,700
Lot U , block n. Ilorbnch's 2nd , with two
houses on cable line easy toi ins 6riOO
Corner Douglas and Tenth st 'J5U/0
Acres In bpring Valley , M10 to fM
Lots noai South Onuiuo , each 2JO
Acres in Solomon's ad OuO
fl o double coi neis in Soutli Oin ilia on
2Kth stiind near the park . . . .1,800
See. us bsforo } ou buy. Some ol our customers
Will soil at gleat sacrifice.
Marsliall 6c Lobeck. oil 0 , Chamber of Com
merce. 235 2J
T AND Sookcis. Attention For full par-
J-Jtlculars about free and cheap lands In west
ern Nebraska address Thos. C Patterson , Heal
Kst Ue Agent , North 1'latte , Nub. 101O18
RESIDENCE for Sale Nlro 5-room houso. On-
Islieil in oak. burn , wull , clsturu , full east
f i out lot. In Windsor I'lare , iVOJ ; easy terms ;
a lovely llttlohomo at veiy moderate priceM. .
A. Ppton Companv. Wl
BAHGAIN Uuslnessloton M streetnear do-
pot , only W.OOO. HlckH. room 10 , Darker
block. ail 23
TTlOll BALK House and lot centrally located ,
JL' near cnblo cais aud high school , wltniii
walking distance ot the 1' . O. ; J.1,000 ; best
nelghboihood In the city. Apply at onre. c.
F. Harrison. U3 8.15th st. ( OJ
AN extra bargain ; 20th Ht. Is bein , ? paved
south of the II H. tracks to Center st. We
hav e UUxlU feet nast front on Ibth. one block
south ol Center , with fl-room house , barn ! Sx40 ,
2 stories , for W.OO'J. Ihe ground Is worth moro
money. Act nw fill quick If you want this. M.
A. Upton Company. UTO ]
BA HG A INS Wei h.u-o tvto extra bai gains for
this week. Ono lit 17,500 and the other at
I'.COO. JL A. I'pton Company. J17U
JTVAHMINGln eastern Nebraska pays now.
-L To those wanting to go ou a farm we can
tell how to gut good land w Ith v cry little money.
3 he day that this can bo done will soon ba
passed. M A. Upton Company. b57
TmOH SALE-lly lloxter U Thom s at No"
J ? braska tavlngs lianlt , Kth and Furnam ;
CO per cent oil value
lu full lots at grade 0 blocks from postolllce
block. South Onmh.1 , J500 each , terms to suit ;
v.ho wants llrst choice ?
9 lots on Farnam street , east of Dundee Place
north or south Ironts , Jl.MM oacii nnd less.
5 nicest full lots In lledfoid riatc-.eouth fronts ,
cholco 7W , terms easy ,
10 nicest corner lots aud adjoining In Lincoln
Tlace.very cheap and terms to suit.
5 anil 10 acre timber tractso mllei from Omaha
P.O. , $100 per acre.
5 acre tracts by Florence , can't bo boat for
small fi nit , tW per acre.
I ow n the abov e as w ell as lots In various ad-
lltlon.1 , Including 8 loti on West llroadvruy.
Council liluns.
See inafor a bargain.
Dexter L. Thomas , at Nebraska Savings Dank ,
Hoard of Trade buildicjr. DBS
TTIAllMS We have some of the finest Improved
JL' farms in Missouri , Krnsns , Iowa and Ne
braska for saleM. . A. Upton Company. 07U
FOHSALK A beaufifulTesidoiice lotTn Isaan
if Solden's addition ; It > ou want a bargain
Investigate. George J , bterns.loilf , Hoom 0 ,
opp. P. O. 631
POll SALE- > "xcnanife. Wo nave some
good Omaha real estate aud Nebraska
farms , which w e will sell cheap or trade for
stock of clothing , furnishing goods , dry goods ,
boots and shoes , groceiles or hardware. ( Tchles-
lugerjIro . OU b. 10th st. UIJ
C OUNCIL IlLUFI-S We have pome lots at
the e.ast end ot tlio new bridge that can bo
bought at a liKuro that will malco purchaser
money. M. A. Upton Company. 079
ONLY a few lots loft In n. & M. park addition
to South Omaha. What have you to offer/
George J. Btonridorir. Hoojn 6 , opp.r. O. ill
AHOMK or eafo tlnvcatment at low figures
and easy payments. A well-built 7-room
cottage and 15 feet frontage , with n depth ot
li ! ; feet , on California st. . bet 20th and 31st , only
? t,600 ; * ra cash , * 2.1 fl at the rate ot * TO per
month , 1,840 payable 0 years afterdate ; inter
est H per cent. Hemembor you can build tvt o
more house : ) on tliU ground , or veil a part of It
when It becomes moro valuable. The pionerty
Is only 15 minutes' walk from court housr. ana
Is within minute's walk to Crotchton college ,
the Convent school. High Bchool , ana ' 'other
public BChools.3 blocks fiom streetcars. W.JI.
Yates , gent , cor. California and 32d sts. 17J
nVH sale or trade for good Inside real estate
JL' or coed secured real estate paper 6JO acres
of land. Nolncumbrance. About 8 miles from
Duluth , Minn , aud about 4 miles from Superior
City. Wls. ; this will bear close Investigation :
remember Duluth ana Superior are the two
coming cities. It will pay to Investigate thla.
faloman. room 40.1 1'axtou block. UOO
TTTOU BALK-Pulllotand Urge ' 'story hews *
n : ° r8 t00 3- ? < ? el' ' . celar. | cistern In
the kitchen
, good neighborhood , street cars.
churcli , school and atoro close by. All now and
complete. l-.eno. Small rash payment , balance
monthly. Jut the place lor u man of moderate
weans and Jargo family , come and sea mo
about it. 0 , IT. Harrison i8 S. 15th Bt. B33
rpwo Mocks from cftblo line , lol fthlllt lo alter
JL Nice ft-room cottage , stnnll barn , lot fenced ,
everything nlceM.'VO. ' . ono fourth c sh , bal-
nncoeasy. MA. I'pton company. 111 _
1 HM'ulTfMv choice loti In Orchard Hill l f
Lwhlch 1 will sell cheat ) and on lend llmo
Hloman. room 40rt 1'axtou .
I Wl Mi soil n limited ntimlwr of lots In South
J Omaha's II.M. . p\rk addition for the low
prlco of 110. Remember n warranty deed given
with earh lot. 'lids sale only continues n ftvr
dnys. Call quirk and got tlrst cholco. Sloman ,
room 405 , Paxton block WO
Bt'SlNKSS-imh street , corner. 4 bleaks from
Knrnmn , for > > less than It U worth. CdxlIU
ou Capitol av o. bctwron 15th and 10th , nt loss
than v nine. M , A Upton Company. 67V
1710H SALE Cholco 10-acrotrnrt Inn finentfttfl
JL' of cultivation ; especially deslinblo for mar
ket gardens Hicks , loom 40 , 11 irkor block.
OH' OH I l-ook n herd Talk about snaps , bar.
gilns. etc' , , 1JO feet ou Leaveuwortli , , ( W feet \
wcsi of tliu Holt Llne.n corner and 110 foot deep , , .i
J.I.WW takes it ; only nvo blocks from the end oi i
the pavement on l.e ivoiivrorth ; best bargain *
that lias ev er been ollereil in Omaha for thn mst
IS months , No.wo won't tnkn nnUhlng in trade :
peed big Iron dollars are the only thing that will
hav any cllcct. M , A , Upton company. 146 18
FOR Soymond Park property see R. F.
Scavor. Darker block. S l 23
FOR SALE Mouses In good localities on *
monthly paymc'iiU. F. K Darling , 1521 Far- 5
G. .1. hTBRN'MHHlfP ' , roomrt opposite post-
. olllco , will soil you a good 4 loom house
on Mill street , 2 blocks south of car lluo , by pay-
lug UOO cash , balance monthly payments to
suit. 1 his is a splendid opportunity for uy
one wanting a cheap lining. 331
/1A LL nnd HOO the bolgains vvo offer In Huns-
w com place. Hicks , room 10 , Darker block.
"fjlOll SALK Hlegaiit house and lot IntJWlnd-
JU ser puce , owner non-iosldont who wants to
put hlsmonov elsewhere and will soil right. 0.
F. llairlson. 418S. 15thst. COJ
1T1OH HALE-NoH-fi-ioom houso. Prlco8l,054 >
JU Apply to ami Dfcatnmlreet. 784 O 0 *
BARGAIN Cholco ten-acre tract near llelv.
Line Hy. lu West Omaha. 1 his land Is In a
lluo state of cultivation , and especially desir
able for fruit and vegetable garden , 'illIs
pioperty Is ono of the best Investments In thu
market to day Magnlllcent view , splendid lo
cation It can no subdivided into llfty nice lota
that will sell Inside of live j ears for 1400 or$500
each. I can oiler thu ten acres lor the next ten
a.i > rorfcii.uw.rjnero Is uo safer orsmerln-
vest mi nt than well locati d aero property , and
t will pay voti to investigate this. Gee , N.
I Icks , room'40 , Darker block. 291 8J
TEHRASIvA farms Wo have some good 184
LM ncro farms up the Klkhorn v alloy with MOD
and if.VXJ long tlimi mortgages against thorn
hat fiom J500 to Jtoocash will buy the equities.
Now Is iho tlmo to luvost lu Nobiasku farm
nnds , although selling cheap they are vnlnablu
and more productive tlian eastern land valued
ftt four or flve times our prlco. M. A. Upton Co
FOH Hanscom 1'lace lots see Hick *
GJ800 buys a full lot mid good 4-roora
Peasv terms and good locution. I ) V. Hholct ,
room 210 , llrst Nat 1 bank , cor 13th and Far *
lain. 8UJ
BIO bargains in business property , M feet qn
Soutli 1,11 li stre-ot , near Fierce , with small
cottage , only fttW. It will pay you to Invest ! *
gate this at once. Gooige N. Hicks , Ilarkul
block. 2U123
71011 SALK New8-room nouso , all modern
- Improv omentis near corner \voolworth aud
Virginia avenues , Hanscom 1'lace , 14,500. C.
F. Harrison , 418 S. . st. 4l
SOUTH OMAHA-Lot 14. block77 , 8. B corner
2 < lth and 31 streets , G-room house , $10,000 , H
Lot 11 , block 7S , S. E. cornor25th and M streets ,
t3.m\ cash. House on this rents $15.
If these corners were on N street they would
sell for WO.OOO each. M will be a bettor street
tnan N In nyonr from today. EacUono ot
these corners will make sovou business lots. 31.
A. Upton tt Co. 803
I CAN olTer five beautiful south front resi
dence lots on Popploton nvo. in Hanscom
Place for a few davs at very low figures. Pnr-
tlcH looking fora nice location will do welHo
call and Inspect this property at once. Gto.
N. Hicks , room 4J , Darker block. 2al 23
MA. U1TON A ; CO. . 100 South Sixteenttt
street , opposite chamber of Commerce
will soil fern shoittlmo the following :
HUHlneHi Pioperty
„ , . . . - - Rtroot , iKitvv eeu Ibth and 23d , $350 O
$7011 per loot.
Capitol nxfnue , between 15th and 10th , $500
pel toot.
Coiner IGth and Jones , CO ft. deep , UK per
Corner 15th nnd Jones , CO ft. deep , $103.03 per
Douglas street , between 10th nnd llth , (700
pei foot.
Hovvardatroot , between llth and 15Ui$503 per
How ard street , betw cen 15th and 16th , $5J3 per A
Residences > %
Ton fine residences in Kountzo pUce , from ii
? G,5UO to 110,10' ) each. Hoar iu mind that ICountzo * "
place and Dundee place are the only two exclu
sive residence placoj In Omaha.
% eiy line residence In Windsor plaie. Elegant
10-ioom home , bntlihot nndcold water.furnace ,
lint-class bat n. full cast front lot. A choice
homo J7.500. Prlco Includes now carpets and
Full lot. n o corner of Farnam and 4"d , honso
that cost JI.500. all forfWXJ , if taken this week.
Go no f uither for n b irgaln.
Ono of the nicest homes In Hlmobaugh place.
Eat front corner , two paved wtieots wltniii a
block. This place ran bo bought now for less
than it is worth. Investigate tills.
Wo have a 00-foot front lot In Bhlun'a
2nd add. , on Franklin st , east of 30th , 5-room
house , collar , cistern , young trees , good sldo-
w alks , etc. , etc. , $3,010. Worth more money. '
Residence Sites.
IRxrB on Dilstol stieetbotwoon24th and30th ,
South 20th street is now being graded to
Spring Lake Park. We have some of the very
llnest cast fiont lots on the street. Just south of
Ciistullar. on grade , natural trees , 2JO ft doap.
foi JJ.WW a piece.
Very EnsvTerms Lots 1. ) and 14 , blocks , Kit
by Place on .Wth between .Dodge nnd D.iven\
pint $ l00c.ich. It party will build a house to
cost not less than JI.OOJ , wilt soil lot with only H
} 100cash pavmont. balance I , 2 nnd. ) years. '
Flue rosldcnce site. IMxllO , east fiont corner ,
botw eon Le iv enwortn and Farnam , only two \
blocks from pav ed atroot. N oto t he size nnd lo-
' -itlon of thlsjplece of ground and then the low > i
pi Ice. iM.rxji ) . '
Deatitiful east front lot In Arcade Place on
With street , just south of Loivonworth.for 1,800.
' 1 his HVW below actual value , and will bu In
the market a short tlmo only at the prlco
quoted. -
Very Tholco Residence Site ffl feet east front
on : i7tn strei t , 150 fcot south or Farmni. 37th
street Is being pavc-d from Farnam to Leaven-
worth. No location bettor than this for nna
residence. Price , ifj.Ojii.
Flvo blocks from paved strect.ono block soutli
of Leavenworlh , IfixH ) , corner , lies beautiful. slope from lots to Lcavonworth street.
51,410 ; $410 cush. Is below bed rock for this. Note
thn size of the lots and that It Is n double cor
ner.Don't miss this : lint 1 ! ) , Clnike's add. , Just
north of bt. Mary's aveU4 fcot front , worth
$0 , JOO. We will soil for a short time foi $3,500.
, , . „ botith Omaha Property.
Motor lluo will soon mote-then property In
north part of Soutu Omaha will double upovcr
thosi ) prices :
Lots 7 , f , ' , 10 block ! ) ) . 211 foot on Dellevuo
nv e. by 150 feet deep to a 20-foot alley , iidjohiuiir
grounds of Spring Lake paik ; $ . % 200 ; iJ.uJu
cash ; a great burgaiu. nnd can only bo had
Lot U block 11 , COxllO , corner , f ) .
. , "iJ8 11 and U block 20 double corner ISJxlw ;
I its 2 and 3 block 0 , choice cnst fronts , 00x150
each , $ ! M ) each ,
Lot (1 block 5. f.OxIM , $7V ) .
l it 10 block 7. CUxlM ) . $750
Those prices are excentioml : no other prop
erty as good offered for any such money ,
\\ohavo some choice business property m
South Omnhn that will make the buyer money
In the future as it has In thu post. We quote a
Lot l ) block 6(1 ( , Klm ( , } 4 cash.
Lot 1 block 09 , $ .1,000 , > .j cash.
IxjtH 1 nnd 2 block us , $5,0 W. ; j cash
These are all corners vv hlch the viaduct on li
street w ill make very valuable
Ixit 't , block tB.GOxlV ) , corner on M and 2lth
stre'etH , ifD.fjOO.
LotH , blopkSS , improvements reutlnK for $10 a
100xl50on25th Just north of \M" streot. on.
ponlto tno Hivd hotel , wltn good cotUge. $10 -
ww. This vvlllbevvoith tiOOafoot In u year
fromto- < lay
dee There Ilnrgams Double Comers.
f.ota 6 and 8 , block I , Houth Omaha. JJ.1W.
1-ots n nnd 0 , blook I J , South Omaha. U. ' U
Ixts 7 and 8 , block 1 J. South Omaha , * I.KJO.
Lots 7 ami K , block 14 , South Omaha , JJ.1UU.
I Vita 1 tsnrl V Vilrv/iV * * ; * Unit t li Jkmotin t < > rut
iMta r , and 6 , block 21 , South Omaha. rJ.rjo' .
i < ots 7 and 8. block 21 , South Omaha ! tJJMU
I ou 11 and li. blockai , South Omaha7 K.rx
Lots 6 ana B , b ock.'il. South Omaha , reUO !
tots 5 and 6 , block Jt , ttouth Omaha. SiJJjO
When you buy one of these double corners you
Bat three SO-foot lots. This makes 50 foot lots
at from 8 00 to * . All this U cholco reslilencn
property , and will double \aluevvben tha
Btrett cam commence
We have on our list the b st South Omaha
business and residence property lu the market :
we can sell It ut the lowest prlca obtainable
_ _ Dundee Place
The wealthy mon of Omaha have notyat
erected their permanent homes : ben they do
the location sel cted vv 111 be in "Dundee l l ia.
Wecan elt sites in Dundee at the name prtc
and terms that the owners will offer. i. AT Ui .
ton i , Co _ U1aohoD " * i\ vr