Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 19, 1888, Page 3, Image 3

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Trading In WhoatRulos Very Nerv
ous and Unsatisfactory.
Ontn Rule Dull nut Firm Provisions
Blow mid Uninteresting Moderate
IIUHkncfiH In Cattle Hogg Active
General Quotations.
CIIICAOO , Sept. 18. | Spoclil Telegram to
TUB UEE.I The local market to-day was
nervous and narrow. September and Octo
ber were subjected to violent fluctuations.
The range In December and May was not so
wide and the tendency of values after the
flrst hour was downward. Tlio shorts In
September pulled and huulod among them *
pelves. They ran the price up from 97K < i nt
the opening to 03 > c , and when they got
through It dropped back to 00 > c. October
ranged from 93o to 0ijf : c [ and back to W } c.
December opened at D3l c for the flrst half
hour or BO , ranged at M QOUMc and then
sold down to V2l/fc , May In the meantime
skipping from Oi ffc to ( Wt c. On the decline
the idea got abroad that Hutchlnson was a
free seller through a sot of brokers and the
suspicion , wulch was entertained In some
quarters Saturday and yesterday that
this great operator was trying to
make a market upon which ho could
reduce his line , was urouscU afresh. His
hold upon the cash market is so string that
manipulation to that end would not bo ilifll-
cult. However , nothing definite In support
of the theory transpited. The news from
every quarter excepting the northwest was
bearish to-dny , and all the news from there
was not bullish. Inspection returns from
Minneapolis continuo to show that a good
percentage of the receipts grade well and ex
planations from the bulls that this wheat U
from restricted districts that escaped dum-
ago and that receipts will degenerate pres
ently , begin to sound n good deal like ex
planations ofTcrcd for the iion-fulllllmont of
big September export promises. They do
not satisfactorily explain. The local market
continued narrow most of the day and unsat
isfactory to the general trade after the Hrst
hour during which tlmo a good miscellaneous
business was done. Thcio is too much of
one man in it to inspire confidence for a mo
ment. Much as the grain trade would like
to ignore the fact , the short crop reports
from the northwest are multitudinously con
firmed. During the lost hour the market as
sumed a rather bettor tone , and at 1 o'clock '
prices were little under midway of the ex
tremes reached on the morning's dealings in
active futures. December halted for a recess
at 9tiX@ yc , and May at SliJJfc.
For corn demand and trading were both
light and fluctuations were narrow. The
crop is generally conceded to be safe from
frost , and that prevented speculative buying ,
but the everyday requirements uro counted
on to prevent , a sudden decline , which con
siderations nearly balanced each other to
day , and opening and closing prices were
within MO of each other.
Oats were dull but linn. Light business
was noted la all figures at prices fully us
linn , to a shade higher than yesterday's
close. The demand was confined chiefly to
the next month and May. For the latter
there was some inquiry for round lots at fig
ures nround 23Ko , but it was usually held a
fraction above that. September touched 24 > c
and October and longer months sold princi
pally within the previous range.
In provisions trade was slower and less in
teresting than yesterday. Parties controll
ing cash and October lard Fairbanks and
Knglittlt houses in no wlso relaxed their hold ,
but In that line as In other articles trading
wai on a comparatively limited scale. The
October future all around was only wanted to
ring or settle outstanding contracts
and the new speculative business transacted
was confined almost wholly to January. Yes
terday's advance In values was well sup
ported , and 1 o'clock closings wore invari
ably higher than last night's final prices.
In October pork , year lard , January lard and
January short ribs the day's actual Improve
ment was fie , in October lard and October
short ribs 1 Vc , in November lard 15e , and in
January pork 2 > c.
AFTIIIINOON SESSION' In wheat , general
realizing by overloaded "longs" on very weak
closing cables , caused n break of about Ic.
The feeling is very weak ; September
Me , October 91 s'c , November OUfc ,
December Oljfc , May 15) c. The
corn market was weak and trading light
and local In character ; September 43j c ,
October 435 c , November 41c , year SS ? c ,
May aSXQ&Xc. Trading was fair In May
oats but other features were quiet ; prices
unchanged. Pork declined Co lor October ,
November and January. Trading was mod
erate ; September $14.45 , October $14.45 , No
vember $13.97Kycar$13.75 , January ? 13.9JK-
In lard October was advanced 5c , whllo No
vember sold off 5c and year 2J < c. January
was unchanged ; September tlO.STKi Octo
ber $10.82J , November $9.00 , year $3.50.
Short ribs strong and unchanged for Octo
ber. January sold 2J o lower ; September
October $8.82H. January $7,10.
CHICAGO , Sept. 18. [ Special Telegram to
TriB BKE. I UATTI.E Business was only
moderately active and prices barely steady
on fair to good natives , whllo a downturn of
ir > ( a20e on fair to good rangers was noted.
There were fully 200 cars of rangers , and the
finality was rather common as compared
with stock that came earlier In the season.
There was ono lot of old-fashioned fat natives
on sale , that made $0.80 , They were not flne ,
but fut and beefy. A bystander re
marked , as ho looked over the
cattle , that if sucli made $0.80
n , fine lot of steers would make $7.00. Texans
wore not as plentiful as yesterday.
Good cannlne stock , owing to the
largo supply of common westerns , wore
Blow and a shade lower. Common cows
nnd common stock is 10u ( > 'Mo lower than last
wook. There is moro lito in the street and
even fairer trade than oven last week , yet
business Is far from active. The run of veal
calves is I'xtromoly heavy for the season.
They are coming from the ranges in large
numbers and are down to low wiuor murk.
Hoas Huslness was active to the extent
of the supply with another up turn of 10@15o
on best heavy and mixed Light sorts , how
ever , underwent little or no change. Ucst
heavy sold at $ il.70@f .60 , nnd the best mixed
nt ta.iO ! ( < 30.X ( > , with common mixed at 60.S3@
0.40. Ught sorts sold at $0.20Q(3.45. (
Nnw YORK , Sept. 13. [ Special Telegram
to Tan UEE.I STOCKS The opening was
Ptondy to strong , with o pretty general
though small advance over the lost figures ol
yesterday. Commlislon people wore bullisl
nnd the bears were much less assertive ,
London was In the market In u small way
and Chicago sent some soiling orders. The
early movement was somewhat Irregular ,
the whole list advancing soon after ttto open >
Ing. St. Paul seemed to have exhausted it s
downward tendency for u tlmo nnd together
with Lackawnnua and Heading displayed
the most recuperative power on the list with
the exception of New England , though
Wheeling nnd Lake Krlo preferred and
Union Pacific were also strong and higher ,
In Now England there was considerable ac
tivity and values were marked up freely , the
strength being largely duo to the report thai
"the VanflcrnUta w < Jre buying stock for the
purpose of securing control. In this cohu C
tlon the possibility of much higher prices was
advanced. Northwestern was an exception
to the general improvement and was tu <
weakest stock on the list , showing suial
dcprcclntbns. Toward the mddle ( of th <
day the market grow duller and by noon I
was quiet nnd flrui , generally showing I
small gain over opening figures. The day as
a whole was fairly encouraging to the bul
clement. The best prices were not full ;
maintained to the close but lost figures gen
orallv showed u small Improvement over tbi
St. Paul closed at 03X , the bes
irlco of tbo day , and l ? < f higher than the
opening , whllo preferred stock advanced 3
whits in the same tlmo. Hock Island closed
. point lower , but Northwestern gained } {
during the day. Now England sold up 2
wlnts , closing 1Y over the first figure. Hep-
rcscntattvcs of prominent Boston houses
expressed the opinion that the advance was
not duo to Inslac influences but that local
traders who \vcro taking advantage of shorts
nit out during the St. Paul sulmp were
csponslblo for It. In the last hour , except
n Lackawanna , which showed largely In-
sreascd business and dropped V { per cent ,
; hero was very llttlo feature , fluctuations
Doing confined to small fractions only. There
was some recovery later. The close was
dull but firm at close to the best ligurcs.
The closing quotations of the stocks were
as fqllows :
MONET ov CXLI , Easy at UQ2W per cent ;
last loan 2 © > i jicr cent.
PltlME MlltUANTILE 1'APCK 5 , ' @ 7' per
Srunuxo EXCIUNOK Dull but steady nt
$4.84 f for sixty-day bills , fl.SSJi for de
Cnicvno , Sent. 18. Wheat Easier ;
cash , ! ' 5'/c ; October , O'ijfe ; December ,
62 15-l c ; May , WJc.
Corn Steady ; cash , 44/e } ; October , 44o ;
December. ilS e ; May , 3i i- .
Oats Steady ; cash and October , 248'c ;
December , 2-ifc ; May , 2SKc.
Hye 5.c. )
Barley Nominal.
Prime Timothy f 1.55.
Flax-M.2 ! ) .
Whisky $1.20.
Pork Easy ; cash and October , $14.50 :
November , $14.0" .
Lard Steady ; cash nnd October , $10.77V .
Flour Unchanged ; patents , ? 5.35@5. < k ) :
bakers' , $4.10 ( < $4.50 ; straight , $4.GO ( < I.OO ;
bakers' , in sacks , $3.r > C ( ! 1.00.
Dry Salt Meats Sho'uldcrs. $7.C2)f@7.7.-i ) ;
short clear. $9.000.35 ; short ribs , * s.b'.l > .
Butter Unchanged ; creamery , 15S23c ;
dairy , 13 # < 81S > > { c.
Cheese Unchanged ; full cream cheddars -
dars and flats , 8@SJjfc ; Young Americas ,
Eggs Unchnngcd ; l."i@ICc.
Tallow Unchanged : No. 1. solid packed ,
aXd&Xc ; No. 2 , 4 < e ; cake , 5 > @ 5Jfc per Io.
Hides Unchanged ; heavy green salted ,
0 > < u ; light green suited , Gc ; salted bull. 60 ;
green called calf , C > ) a'7u ; dry flint ,
bo ; branded hides 15 percent off ; deacons ,
20fl)2oc ) each ; dry salted. 7c.
2:30 : Wheat Weak and lower ;
cash , 94e ; October , 01c ; December , 01'4'c ' ;
May , 05 u.
Corn Lower ; cash , 43J < c ; October , 3SVc ;
DecembcT , 3SXe ; May , 38 'J-lGc.
Oats Steady ; cash and October , 213 c ;
May , ttSKo.
Pork E.isy ; cash and October , $11.45.
Lard Firm ; cash and October , S10.S2.J-f.
Uocuipts. Shipments.
Flour , bbls . 20,000 10,000
Wheat bu . 88.000 01,000
Corn , bu . 430,000 527,000
Oats , bu . 229,000 109,000
Uyo , bu . . . . .
Barley , bu . . . . . . . . . .
New Vork , Sept. 18. Wheat Rccoiots.
83r ,000 ; exports.10,000 ; spot market for winter
easier , spring scarce and firm with less de
mand ; No. 2 red , 07Jfo in elevator , fl3@09Kc
afloat , 09@99Jfof. o. b. ; No. 3 red. 91e ; No.
4 red , S4o ; nncraded red , 8."c'1.03j ; No. 4
red , fl.02@I.02J ; options weakened early
l ( ! il ! > ( fc. closed lj @lj o under last night ,
easy ; No. 2 red , October , closed at Wo.
Corn Receipts , GO.OOO ; exports , 310,030 ;
spot market easier ; No. 2 , 53 rtt5ie in ele
vator , 54@i4 > tfe afloat : ungnfdod mixed ,
53 > @ri4J c ; options dull , irregular and ' 4X3
J o lower ; October closed at 5'Jljfc.
Oats Receipts , 1114,000 ; exports , 833 ;
spot market K@-c lower ; ungraded white.
M@ } c ; ungraded mixed fairly active ; mixed
western , 25@33o ; white western , 27C4.e ;
options easy and dull ; October closed at 30c.
Coffee Opt ions steady ; sales , 91,500 bags ;
September , $13.10 ( 13.20 ; October , $12.50 ®
12.G5 ; November , $12.00@12.10 ; spot Rio
moderately active ; lair cargoes , J15.50.
Petroleum Steady , fair trade ; United
closed at 94c.
Eggs Steady ; western , 17@19c.
Pork Quiet and firm ; mess , $15.23@15.75.
Lard Stronger nnd quiet ; sales , western
steam , $11.00@ll.02K ; closing at $ U.12J :
options linn : sales September , f 11.00.
Butter Firm ; western dairy , 12@15c ;
western creamery , 13@13 } c.
St. IjimiH , Sept 18. Wheat Lower ;
cash , 01@91 } c : October , 92 c.
Corn Weaker ; cash , 44 o ; October , 40J < e.
Oats Lower ; cash , 32ffc ; October , 3
Rye Nominal nt r > 3 } < fe.
Pork Firm at $15.25.
Lanl Higher at $10.25 bid.
Whisky 11.15.
Butter Quiet ; creamery , 18@20c ; dairy ,
Afternoon board Wheat was lower and
panicky.closinirSeptember , 91e bid ; October ,
91c asked : December , 94&o bid.
Corn Quiet nnd unchanged.
Oats Quiet and unchanged.
Minncnpollf ) , Sept. 18. Wheat Local
receipts were 850 cars and 51 were shipped
out ; sellers found moro trouble in obtaining
yesterday's prices and demand was not ac
tive ; declining outside markets did not de
press local values , but they served to cheek
the active inquiry for milling wheat noted
for the past few days.
Kaiis.iH City , Sept. 18. Wheat Higher ;
No. 2 red , cash , 78Ko bid : October , We
bid ; December , Slo bid ; No. 2 soft , cash , S5s
bid , 83c asked.
Corn QuiotNo. ; 2 cash , 33 } < jC asked ; year ,
2'Jc ; May. 30u bid.
Oats No. 2 , cash , 20 } o asked ; October ,
20c bid.
Milwaukee , Sept. 18. Wheat Easier ;
cash and October , b7Jfo ; November , 88j ! c.
Corn Quiet ; No. 3 , 14Kc.
Oats Steady ; No. 2 white , SOc.
Rvo Steady ; No. 1 , 5lo.
Barley Quiet ; No. 2 , GOc.
Provisions Firm. Pork Cash and Sep
tember , $14.55.
Cincinnati. Sept. IS. Wheat Dull ;
No. 2 red. 8Sc.
Corn Easier ; No. 3 mixed , 47fc.
Oats Easier ; No. 2 mixed , 25c.
Whisky Active and firm at $1.14.
Gliicnco , Sept. 18. The Drovers' Jour
nal renorts as follows :
Cattle Receipts , 10,030 ; market steady to
easier ; steers , $ ; ! .50@i.03 ! ; stockers and
feeders , $ 'J.OO@3.20 ; cows , bulls and mixed ,
$1.40@2.90 ; cuttle , f2.OOQ3.GO ; west
ern rangers , $2.G5@4.5.'i.
Hogs Receipts , 12,000 ; shipments , none ;
market active but Irregular ; best heavy ,
W.70(3G.85 ( ; mixed , $ (5.25i ( 8.GO ; light , $0.80(3 (
0.45 : bklis | , $ | .00@G.45.
Sheep Receipts , 4,000 ; shipments , none ;
market steady at the decline noted yester
day ; Texans , 2.GO@3.85 : westerns , $3. < ! 5(3 (
3.PO ; natives , J3.03tf4.05 ( ; lambs , $4.50@r > .75 ,
Kaunas City , Sept. 18. Cattle Receipts -
ceipts , 6,155 ; shipments , 5,000 ; dressed heel
and shipping steers steady to strong ; grass
range steers slow ; common 6@10o lower ;
natives lOo lower ; good to cholco corn-fed ,
$5.00@5.60 : common to medium , ) .25@4.75 :
grass range steers , $ l.bOi 3.49 ; stockers nml
feeding steers , fl.70@3.60 : common , $1.25(3 (
2.75.Hops Receipts , 4,500 ; shipments , 3.15 !
market strong to So higher ; good to cholco ,
$0.0X30.45 ; common to medium , $5.flO0.25 ;
skips and pigs , $4.00@5.25.
Nutional Stock Varil * , East St.
Louis. Sent. IB. Cattle Receipts , 2,000
ahipmentii , 413 ; market steady ; choice hcav.\
native steers , J5.00'i5.75 ; fair to good
native StCCn , W.2QCJ5.10J butchers1 steers ,
medium to''c'Jok'A ' M-MM-nil BtOC Cr :
and feeders , fair to good , $3.80@3.GO ; rangers ,
corn-fod , $3.50@4.GO ; grass-fed. * 2.20Q3.70.
Hogs Receipts , 2,300 ; shipments , 240 ;
market firm ; cholco heavy and butchers' '
selections , M.5030.70 ; packing , medium to
prime , $0.30@l.5U ! ; light grades , ordinary to
best , $0.10(30.30. (
Tuesday , Sept 18.1SSS.
The cattle market was blow and dull. The
Westerns and Texans which formed the bulb
of the rceelpU were not very extra In quality
nnd the buyers were very indifferent. The
lower reports from Chicago made the feeling
licro very weak. Good butchers' stock waa
not plenty , although there was a peed supply
of rather common cows. The market was
easier. Feeders nre not moving very freely
and buyers arc ottering lower prices than
last week.
The receipts of hogs were a little above the
average of the past week or two and the gen
eral quality was good. The market was fairly
active at an advance of 5c although the sales
would Indicate a greater advance on account
of the improvement In the quality of the
hogs. The demand was good nnd the hogs
were all sold before the close.
There were no fresh receipts. One load of
ewes was sold for stockers at $3,00.
Cnttlo . 2,200
HOBS . . . 4,800
Prevnilinj : Prices.
Thefollowmg is a table of prices paid In
this mantel for tbo graJci of stock men
Prime steers. 1300 to ® 5.50
Prime steers , 1100 to 13W ! Ibs. . 4.50 fffl5.35
Native feeders . H.OO (33.40 (
Western feeders . 2.GO M3.25
Rantre steers , com'on to choice 3.00 @ 4.10
Common to good cows . 1.50 ( a 8.50
Choice to fancy cows . 8.50 03.00
Common to choice bulls . 1.25 (32.00
FalrtoclioicoliphthoKS . (5.05 ( frfG.20
Fair to choice heavy hoes . G.5 : ! ( itu.48 > g
Fair to choice mixed hogs . G.20 ( gO.30
UcprcHRiuntivo Salos.
No. AT. Pr.
2 cowc. . 625 51.M
2i'ows westerns . fc55 1.50
1 cow , native . 750 1.50
1 heifer . 510 1.00
0 heifers . Glti 1.00
17 cows , tmtivos . & 54 1.60
14 co\vs , natives . 925 l.W
22 cows . falS 1.90
1 cow . 1 ,820 1.00
Ibull . 1,530 2.00
42 cow westerns . U2S 2.05
9huifers . bll 2.80
8 heifers . 829 2.20
2 no\vs . 1,050 8.iO !
10 cows . 817 8.30
: t co ws . lot ; 2.10
19CQWS . 971 2.40
4 cows . 1,021) ) 8.50
8 stockers . 820 2f,0
4 co ws . 1CG5 8.GO
3 cows . 9.3 2.00
5 steers , Texans . bt'5 ' 8.00
Scows . l ioi ) 8.05
11 cows . 1,005 2.05
2-J feeders . . . . 9 4 8.05
" ' ' ' ' " ' ' " ' ' ' '
40 feeders ! ! ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fc3l 2.75
82 feeders , natives . 1,091 3.25
3 1 steers . 1,207 3.75
38 steers . 1,437 5.50
IIAXUE UATrt.1 : .
Owner. No. Av. Pr.
K. Dyer . 17 steers. . 1,1 38 $3.70
" " 4 COWS..I.OIKI 2.70
Cheyenne L. ' & C.Co. 18 steers. . 1,070 3.10
" " " . . 3 steers. .1,300 , 3.10
Laramie River C. Co 39 steers. . 1,123 3.25
No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr.
70..218 10050.10 74 . . .2J3 100 ? 0.25
b0..21o 240 0.15 72..234 100 0.25
04..280 120 0.15 01.51 100 0.23
7'i..2iJ 80 0.27 } .
53..291 100 6.30
08 . . .271 2-10 0.30
00..257 120 0.30
07..250 120 0.30
. - ) > . . . .250 120 0.30
CO..249 100 0.30
00..257 120 0.30
, .2.i ) : 200 C.30
75..240 200 0.25
50. . . ' . ' 01 240 0.25
08..201 200 0.25
78..210 260 15.25
5..314 120 0.25
74..240 SO 0.25
0..23S 0.25
89..193 120 0.25
CO..22 ! ) 163 0.25
02..235 80 0.25
77..25S 200 0.25 58..315 120 0.40
00..253 80 0.25 144..278 400 6.40
05..2M 280 0.25 07..277 40 0.40
CO..249 320 0.25 70..324 240 0.42
biuir. :
No. Av. ' Pr.
879 westerns 70 $3.0J (
Packers Purchases.
Showing the number of hogs bought by
the leading buyers on the market to-day :
G. H. Hammonrt& Co 557
Omaha PackingCo 97t
Armour C. P. Co 2,313
J. P. Squires & Co 11(5 (
Ijlvo Htoclc Notes.
J. Hiistle came in with a bunch of natives
from Stella , Nob. , which sold at W.50.
The Cleveland Provision company bought
two double UCCKS of hogs in the market to
Dick Parsons , buyer lor Squires k Co. ,
has returned fro ma vacation spent in Kansas
and Missouri.
Fred Clark bought a bunch of line corn-fed
steers , the best cattle in the market , nt f5.5U.
P. S. Wllcox came down from McCook
with stock.
Produce , Fruits , Ktc.
UBTTEK Fancy , solid-paoked creamery , 18
@ 21e : choice country , IWJlTcj common
grades. lOfiiiac.
Eoos Stnctlv Jresh , H15ccandled.
CAMFOuHiiGiurEi f l.'J5l.f)0 jcr caso.
SouTHEiis Gitxrts ICQOOc per 10-lb
PEACHES California , Sl.OOQl.OO per box ;
Missouri , 5'Jc@l.X ( ) per ? < f bn.
BVNAXAS Common. fl.50@3,25 per bunch ;
choice , .5US3.50. (
LEMON'S $4.00@5.GO per caso.
CAXTEI.OIT.S 40Q750 per dozen.
PLUMS 5075c per bu.
IlucKi.KiinuitiEs Jl.'Jo per drawer
POTATOES I0@00o per bushel.
POULTKT No dressed fowl in the market ;
live chickens , $ .l,50@t.75 : per doz. j spring
chickens , $ J.25@3.00.
TOMATOES 5Up ( < ? f 1.00 per bu.
WATEUMKLOXS SS.OO'ffiia.OO per 100.
PEARS California , t3.00 < V 3.50 per bu uox ;
Southern. Toper J bu.
CELEHY 23@30u nor dozen.
Eao PLANT $1.00@l.-5 per dozen.
ONIONS IKc i > or Ib.
APPLES t2.00iii8.00 per bbl.
CKAnAi'i'LES 75o per bushel.
OIUEII Michigan , W.50ji0.50 ( per bbl 32
gals ; California pear cider , * 15.00 per bbl.
Pop Cons Kico , 3ii4o ( ; common , 2@3c.
C.AHKOTS SOc per bushel.
UK INS Choice eastern htuulpicked navies.
$3.70Q2.:0 ! per bushel ; western hand picked
navies , $2.05(32.75 ( ; mediums , $2.00@2.15 ,
Lima beans DC per pound.
HAT f. o. D. cars , No. 1 upland , $3.00 ; No.
2 upland , M.OO.
liitAX tlO.OO , , .
CHOPPED PEED $17.00 per ton.
VIXEOAH Cider , 8@15o per gal. White
wine , 9@16c per gal.
Grocws List.
ftovlsi * priMs arc as ruuunT2 ! .
UAOOINO Stark A , seamless , 22o ; HIC ; '
kcag , seamless. 1TH0' Lowiaton A , seamless ,
18o ; American , seamless , 17c : burlaps , )
to 5 bit , ll@Ho ; gunnies , sint'lo , 13o ; gun
nies , double , 20o ; wool sacks , 850. Twines-
flax , 3So ; extra gall , 20@31o sail U , 19 < g20c :
cotton. 21c ; into. lOc.
COFFEES Alocha , 2.20c ; Illo , good , lOfii
17c ; Mundahllng , 2C@-JSo ; roasting Hio , 15fo
Ulc ; O. G. Java , ! M@2tSo ; Java , Interior. 22ft
25o ; Hio , tanoy , IbXijlPo ; Santos and Mara
calbo. 17@iyc ; Arbuckles , 19 0 ; McLaugh
. . . LiAitnTierce , c ; 40-lt > square
cans. 9'i.c : CO-lb round , PJfc ; 20-lb round ,
O/kc : 10-lb palls , 9\cf 5-lb palls , 10e ; 0-lb
palls , ln ii.
SUOAH Onmulatedt SJfc ; conf. A , 8c ;
white cxtru C , 7 ofoxtra ; C , He ; yellow
C , 7c ; powdered , ic , ; cubes ' , 7c ,
HONET 12@13c for' ' ono pound frames ;
strained honey. G@3c per pound.
HCESWAX Choice yellow , 20@22 } c ; dark
colored , 133140.
CHEESE Younp America , full cream.
10@llc ; full cream Cheddars , 9 } < fGJ10c ; full
crcatn Huts , 9Wo ( good to cliulco skiminod
Cheddars , OJ i-jskiuimud flats , Oc.
PICKUP Medium , in bbls , J5.5J ; do In half
bbl % J3.00 ; small , In bbls , (0.50 ; uo In half
bbls , $3.75 ; gherkins , hi bbls , $3.0) ) ; do In half
bbls .50
Tonicro Pluij , 2CG5c ; smoklnp , 10Q90C.
JELLIES S1.25 portO-lb ! pail.
SALT $1.30@1.3f.per bbl.
HOPK 7-16. lOfAllllfc.
Pitovisioss Hatni , iJJ l'Jpfc : breakfast
bacon , lifeline ; bacon sides , lO' lO o ;
dry salt , u ; c ; shoulders , Oo ; dried beef.
MAPI.B SutiAH nncks , lli12o ( per in ;
penny cakes , l2@13o ! per Ib ; pure maple
syrup , $1.00 per gal.
TIAS : i oung Hyson , common to fair , 1S@
Me'Young ; Hyson , good to fancy , ao Me ;
Gunpowder , common to good , i3ii25c ! ( ; Gun
powder , choice to fancy , 400050 ; Japan , com
mon to medium , 16i'Jf ( Japan , cholco to
good to fancy , 40'TWc. )
Ntm Aimomis , I5@17e ; filberts , ll@
Brazil , U ilUc ; walnuts , 1''c ; pecans , 10@llc ;
peanuts , D sc.
UttACKniis 5$10e ( perlb ; assorted cakes , 7
lttc pcrlb , ai per list
UHIIU : i < nuns Fips , in boxes , per Ib , 13 ®
" '
eiu raisins , Per Ib , 7 @bo ; Cali
fornia loose muscatels , per box. $1.75.
California London layer rulsins. per box ,
fcj.i5(32.50 : ( ! ; pitted churries , per Ib , E0@aio ;
California pitted plums , per Ib , 12 ( ( iJo ; :
dried blackberries , per Ib , SV gOo ; dried
raspberries , per Ib , 4- " > c ; evaporated ap
ples , 8Jtfrt4c ( ! ; California sun dried peaches.
Wo ; California unnarcd evaporated
peaches , irsc | ; evaporated California
apricots , lye ; JCunteoeurnints , < 5 } $ ! > 7c ; Turk
ish prunes , 4i4ft'MJ1c ; ; citron. t2ifjo ! ) ; orange
peel , 15o ; lemon peel , itlc.
FISH. Holland Hcrrinir , 85c ( 00c. per keg.
White Pish , y bbls. , No. 1 , SO.OO , Family *
M.,5 ; Trout , No. 1 , 550 : Mackerel , \t bbls.
Hloater Mess , $18.00. Bloater , SHl.W ) , No. 1
Shorn , * 1U ! > 0. Large Family , ? 10.50 ; Labra
dor Herring , SI.SO ; Columbia Hivcr Salmon ,
$17.00 per bbl.
COHKIMI Per Ib , whole. Cc ; bricks and
strip" , 7 ( < iSL' .
CANiiv--Mxed ! , 8rt13c ; sticlr , 8@Ue
rock candy , lUj < J0I3c ! fancy cuuuy. , ( j
Dry Goods.
COTTON FIANXKI.S 10 per cent dls.t Lt ,
5Uc : CO , 3fc ; SS , 7Xe ; Nameless , 5c ;
IIX , 18c ; U , 20c ; No. 10 , 8 > c ; No. 40 , lO u ;
No. ( X ) , I'Jijfc ; No. 80 , it&c : ; No. 30 , colored , He ;
No. 50. colored , 12c ; No. 70 , colored , 1'JWfc :
Bristol , 1'JVc ; Union Pacific , 17c
CAUI'ET WAIIP Bib White , lOc ; colored ,
2eHATTS Standard , So ; Gem 10c ; Beauty ,
12Kc ; Boone , lie ; B , cased. ? tJ.5u.
PRINTS Solid colors Atlantic , Oc ; Slater
D c ; Berlin oil , G c ; Garner oil , l > @ 7r.
Coit uT JIANS : Androscoggin , Xo ; Ivear-
argc , 7Jc ; Uockort | , O c ; Conestoga , OKi- >
TICKS York , 30 in. , Itii c ; York , 32 in. .
13 > c ; Swift Hlver.ScjThorndiko OO , 8 } c ;
Tliorndlko EF , 8 } < fo ; Thorndiko 120 , ! l c ;
Thorndiko XX , I5c ; Cordis Wo. 5 , U > ic ;
Cordis No. 4. lie.
DBNiMs-Amoskcag , u 07 , IC o ; Everett , 7
oz , 13) ) < jc : Yorit. 7 or , i8) ) c ; Havmukcr , 8 0 ;
Jaffrey XX , imc ; Juffrey XXX , rJ.Uc ;
Beaver Creek AA , lc ! ! ; Beaver Creek BB
lie ; Beaver Crock CC , lOc.
Kr JKANS. Memorial , 15c ; Dakota
ISo ; Durham , " 'ij c ; Hercules , ISc ; Learning.
ington , 2''X" ; Cottswold , 27'ic. '
CiiibH. Stoveni1 B , Oc ; Stevens' B
bleached , 7c ; Stevens' A , 7 ! c ; Stevens A'
MISCBLLANKOUS. Tame on ciotn , t2.50 ;
plain Holland , nj e ; Uado Holland , 12 0.
Brown sheeting- Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7M"i At-
lantiu H , 4-4 , 7 } c ; Atlantic D. 4-4 , GKc ; At
lantic P , 4-4 , tie ; Aurora LL , 4-4. Oo ; Aurora
C , 4-4 , 40 ; Crown-XXX , 4-4 , ( i fc ; Hoosicr
LL , 4-4 , ( to ; Indian Head , 4-4 , 7 } c ; Law
rence LL , 4-4 , lie ; Old Dominion , 4-4 , fi' o ;
Peppcrcll H , 4-4 , 7o ; Popperell O , 4-4 , GJ o ;
Pcppercll. 8-4 , IS c ; Pepperoll.O-J , 21c ; Pe- |
peroll , 10-4,23c ; UticuC , 4-4,4c ; Wachusett ,
4-4 , 7i C ; Aurora 11 , 4-4 , 7c , Aurora 13 , 4-4 ,
UIJCK West Point ! m , 8 or ,
West Point 29 in. 10 oz , 13c ; West Point
29 in , 12 oz , 15o ; West Point 40 in , U oz , lite.
PLAXXELS Red , C , 24 in , 15 ; E , 24 in ,
21o : G Q , 24 in , ISc ; H A P , % , 25c ; J U F , ; f ,
PKINTS Pink and Itobcs HIclitnonu , C } c ;
Allen , Oo ; Hlveruomt , oc ; Steel Ulvcr , O' c ;
nichniQud , OVcPaciiic ; , OKc.
PitiNTS Dress Charter Oak , 5 ! o ;
Ramnpo , 4kc ; Lodi , 5' c ; Allen , Oo ; Ulch-
niond , Cc ; Windsor , 6l c ; Eddystonc , O o ;
Paclilr. CKc.
ULU\CIIED SHEETING 73erkoley cambric
Nq. 00 , 9Ko ; Bust Yet , 4-4. OVc ; butter cloth
OO , 41415 ; Cabo , 7 > c ; Farwell half bleached
S e : Fruit of Loom , 9l. c : Greene
G , 5c ; Hope , 7 C ; Ki K Philip cam-
brie , lie. Lonsdalo cambric , HUe ;
Lousdalo. 9c ; Now York mills , 10K ;
Peppuroll , 42-in , lie ; Pepporell , 4in ( I2o ;
Pepperoll , 0-4 , lOo ; Pispporoll , 8-4 , 21o ; Po | > -
peroll , 04 , 2lo ; Popperoll. 10-4 , 25c ; Canton
4-4 , 8'ic ; Triumph , Oo ; Wamsutta , lie ; Val
ley , 5c.
PLASNKI.S. Plaid Ilaftsmcn.SOo ; Gosnen ,
32J < ) Oj Clear Lake , Sj c ; Iron Mountain ,
20 > c.
FI.ANNKLI White G HNo. 2 , % 22 } c ; G
H , No. 1 , Jf , 25 } c ; H H , No. 2 , ? / , 22Xc ; u
H. No. 1 , < . 30o ; QuechcB. No. 1. / , 42c.
UINOHAM Plunnottcnecks , 7) ) \Vhltten- ; -
ton , TKc ; York , 7Kc ; Normandl dross ,
8J c : Calcutta dress. 6K i Whittenton dress ,
8' < c ; Henfrcw dress , 8 @ 12 > jo.
CAMIIIIICS Slater , 5.fc } : Woods ,
Standard , 5 > fc ; Peacock , 5 > ic.
PHI.NTS Ixnino BI.UH Arnold , O c ; Amer
ican , Oj e ; Gloucester , 6c : Arnold C long
cloth , U ; Arnold B long cloth , 10 > ; Arnold
Gold Seal , 10'if : Stiefel A , 12 ; Windsor Gold
Ticket. 10K.
SiunTiNn Checks , Caledonia X , OJ-jTc ; Cal
edonia XX. 1 ( life 5 Economy , o ; Otis , Oc.
and Chnnilcnl * ) .
Miscut.LANuous Sulph. acid , \o\ \ citric
gum opium , ? ' 1.15 ; sulph. morphia , $2.50 :
bromide potassium.I.e. .
OILS Curbon , 150 = lOc ; headlight , 175 °
14o ; gaboiine , 74 = 12 e ; \\'cst Virgliil.i
summer , lieero ; , 17c ; No. 1 golden ma
chine , 18c ; extra W. S. lard , 71c ; No. 1 lard ,
44 > . c ; turiiontlnuUK" ; linseed raw , DOc ;
boiled , 5c. : )
QfixiNU P. & W- , per oz , 55e ; German ,
par o42c. .
Coal mill Lime.
LIME S5@00c ; Portland cement. $3.55s do
mestie cement , $1.33 ; plaster , $2.00@2.15 ;
hair , 23@25c.
COAI , Anthracite , range , and nut. $10.50 ;
largo egir , 10.'J5 ; llock Spring , ? 7.00 ; Su
perior , fll.OO ; Iowa , S4.50@5.50 ; steam coal ,
? 1.50 to 52.00.
Hemlock sole , lS ( )27o ) per Ib ; oak solo , 31 ®
31c per Ib ; oak harness , 2SS30o ( per Ib ; selec
ted oak and trace , 33c per Ib ; oalc and hem
lock upper , 20si22 ( per foot. Hemlock calf
skin , No. 1 , bOfeTUOo per Ib , according to
weight ; o.ik calf nkin , No. 1. 00c@1.00 per
Ib ; Philadelphia ( Mlf skin , extra , * 1.00S1.10 (
per Ib ; hemlock kip akin , No. 1 , ( X70a ) per
ib ; oak kip skin , NO. J , 70C < 2bOc per Ib : Phila
delphia kip skin , extrn,60@lHio perlb. French
calf skins , ( uccor lng to weight and quality ) ,
$1.15@1.75 per Ibv French klj ) skins , do , 80c& $
$1.10 per Ib. Cordoyan. russett , ISo ; satin
finish. 20o per foot ; welt leather , M.50@4.50
per side ; moroccos , ' ( pebble gout ) , 20@30o
per foot ; moroccos , > boot leg , 25@30o per
foot ; glove calf skins , 200o ! per foot ;
Douglas kid , 30@40o per foot ; kangaroo
skins , 40@50o per foot , according to quality.
Toppings , &J.OO@10.0D per dozen ; linings ,
$5.0000.00 per dozcu ; apron skins , $10.00 ®
12.00 per dozen.
Metals anil Tinners' Stock.
Tin plate. I C , 10x14 , best , $0.75 ; tin plate.
sheathing copper , tinned , 29c ; plunlsning cop
per , tinned , 35e : lead pipe , fi Oj sheet lead 7o ;
shecrtron , N S 1& to 24 3,8v ; Uussiairon , 13o ;
Am Russia planished , A , IOHO : Am Russia
planished , B , OVo ; painted barb wire , * 3.23 :
galvanized barb wire , tl.OO ; steel nails , $2 20
(32.30 : steel wire nails , $2.GO@2.70 ; iron
nails , I2.10Q2.15.
JUNK Machine castings , I12.00@18.00j
stove ulates , { 7.00(38.00 ( ; wrought lrotifS.OO@ ,
10.00 ; bones , dry , $5.00 ; slcol , $5.00 per ton ;
copper , $3.00tf9.00 ( ; brass , M.OOQ3.0Q ; zinc ,
$3.00S3.00 ( ! solid lend , $2.0003.00 ; tea lead ,
$2.0002.50 ; rubber , r2.60Q3.UO ; mixed raps ,
I1.10QJ1.15 per cwt.
First nnd second clear , J @ 3 In$17 OOQ49 00
first and second clear , 14&IK (
in 49 00@51 00
Third clear , ii//iljr } in 43 00rt40 00
A select , l fWH ( in 37 00 < a39 00
11 onlrmt 1 1/Y.tMty IM 51 * 00(1(37 ( 00
A stock boards , 12 ( 10 foot , 13 In 40.00
H stock boards , 12Q10 feet , 13 In 41 00
C stock boards , ISftjin feet , 12 In 30 00
D stock boards , 12 ( < i > 10 feet , 12 In S.iX ; ( )
Flooring , ilrst common , 0 in 34 00
Flooring , second common , 0 In 33 00
Select fencing flooring 17 00
Siding , llrst and second clear , 14glO ( ft 25 00
Siding , first common , 1C feet 23 00
Siding , second common 19 0(1 (
Common boards . .12 50
No. 2boards , nil lengths 13 50
Fencing No 1,12Q20 feet 10 50
Fencing No. 2 , 12 , 14 nnd 18 feet 15 50
Joists and scantling , 2x4,14 ( 10 feet. . . . 10 00
Timber , 4x1 , 8x8 , 12QMO feet 17 00
Pickets , ilrst rough , "pood 20 00
Pickets , fancy head and drcssedsciccteii.25 00
Shingles , cholco A to extra A 2 l 0@3 80
Shingles , standard 2 50
Shingles , No. 1 1 10@l 15
Lath , dry 2 40
Posts , each 10 ® 25
liiHtruincnts I'lncctl on llccoril Dur
ing Yesterday.
L Fchrooiler , trustee , to 0 llnloy , lots 11
and K , lilk 11. Hrownpark. wd $ 375
It Schroeder , trustee , todrorgo Schroedcr ,
trustee , nnd ' 4 iut Brighton Hunch , u c d 1
George. Schtoedcr , trustee , to Cftrl Klove ,
lots 111 , 17,18 , 1 , BJ , 21 , r.7. fi1 * . & 'J , CO , 01 , W ,
Ii0 , 11U. Ill , llrlrhton lluach 3,800
0eorge bchroeder , trustee , to Henry Ost-
lioir , nil blks 1 nnd 2 , Brighton llench.wd 3,500
George Schreoder. trustee , to Utto Slcnis-
Hen , Nllots lltlghton Ilcacli , wd 0,000
Otto Slemshcn to George Schroeder , und ! 4
Kllots , llrignton Iteuch , w d 3.0JO
J J ( Jorman und wife to 11 Dlxon , s 30 teet
of s ! / , lot lllk Ui.Jetter's add.wd 200
J / I'orbeH to public , lot 83 , Oeorge 1'orbes'
add , plat
J J Kcdli'kand wlfo toWFAlbrecht otal ,
partof tux lot : , , sec 15-1V1I1 u. w d 1,500
T C limner amljwlfu to 11 WC ! Stephenson
et al , lot 4 , blk 1. Foster's add , w d 2,200
C II Tylernnd w Ife to C II Armour , lot 2 ,
blk 1 , West Side , wd WM
W O llrldges et alto II ! Dovalon , lot 18 ,
blk il , Shrlver place , w d 300
W A llostwlck to M A llobtwlclc , lot 10 ,
bin 8 , Mt. Pleasant add , wd 1
I ! II Sloman and husband to U 13 Marker.
lut IP. blk ft. Orchard Hill , w il 1,600
G A Llndiiuest et al to O W Llndholm.
lotJll , blk 1,1 , Hose Hill add , wd 325
M A Upton and wife to J II Chapman , lot
.1. blk 03 , South Omahn. w d 1OCO
C H Sobotker et al to I ) H Archer , part of
lot lift , ( Use's add , wd 8,000
II LCozgeslialtauil wlfetoT W Shi-a et
al , 4xlU rods no of nu.14-15-13 , wd 3,209
J O llartnmn to Al F Hartman , 87x150 ft
se mv 27-15-11) ) , w d 1
C C llousel and wife to .1 Trice , H 1 , blk 9 ,
Isrtitc & Seldun's add , w d 700
Gco J 1'aul to O II Ilengcn , lots 12 , 13 nnd
14 , bile 3 , Itedlck park , w d 3,500
A I ; Kclby et nl to W H Craig , lot 2 , bile
! . " > , C.irthage , w d 660
K Wilson to A (1 Stevenson , n 30 ft lot 15 ,
BiibJ I Hcalck'H add , w d 3(03
A Snunders nud wife to I Clirlstennon , n
40 ft lot 5 , Franklin square , w d
E Hill to A M Clarke. 42x117 ft no HW
10-1MII. e , w d 3,200
J O I'orbesnnd husband to SJ Vnndor-
beck , lot 12 , blk 1 , Elmwood park , w d. . 600
J ( J Forbes and husband to J Collins , lot
10 , blK 1 , Llimvood park , w d 600
Twenty-seven transfers { 47,303
Otto Lobecfc nnd wife to M. 1) . Longshore ,
lots 211 and 24 , blk 4Lubeck's sub. Spring
Valley , w il $ 4CO
J. Davenport et al to K. O'Nc 11 , lot 14 , blk
2. Shrlver plaro , w it 325
J. Thomas to V. 0. Lantry , lot o , blk 38 ,
Florence , w d 1
J. Thomas to V. G. Lantry , lot" , blk 38 ,
Florence , w d 1
J. Thomas 4o V. G. Lantry , lots , blk 'M ,
Florence , w d 1
Saunders & Hlmeliaugh to C. A. llloom-
bort' , lot m , lilk O , und 11 , blk F. Saim-
dersAc Illnebansh'H add , wtl 425
South Omnha Land Co to M. Strathmann ,
lots 17 and 18 , blk 131 , South Omaha , w d 1,230
Lydu Ilnnkes nnd w Ife to Peter Good et
nl. lotr , , blk 72 , Oinnhn , w d 45,500
W. Whltmoro and wife to 8. Lockwood , w
H , lot r > . llk : ! . Omaha , w d 1
Union Stock Yards Co. to J. Uotilta , lot 8 ,
blkl , Ilretnilil South Omaha , wd 300
A. Hosewater and wife to .T.Alnucow , et al ,
nnd'ilots 3. 4. II. H , U. 11 , 111 , 1 j , 10 , 18 , 2J , 21 ,
24.2 * . Alnslleld add , w d 1
J. Alnstlcld et al to E. J. Lorlng.iots 15 and
ID. Alnslleld uilil , w d 753
\V. J. Wlecleman to U Hoseinund , n 50 ft ,
lot I' ' , S. E. Hogers' Okohoma , w d 3,600
JI. 1' . Tucker to A. Tucker , all my estnto
nnd property , will
J T Comstock to E U Perfect , lot 34. blk 6 ,
1'nddock place , n o d 2.W3
F W Melchor to E H Perfect , lot 31 , blk 6 ,
Paddock nlaci' . cicil 2.EOO
0 II Kountze and wife to J D Smlth.lot 13 ,
blk 12 , Kountze place , w d 2,300
G S Hognrs to l ! Aiatbon , lot 5. blk 40i ,
Grnndvlcw , w d , . 800
M S Llmlbay nndvlfo to J Daugherty , lot
2 , blk 2 , Mayne's 2il add , w d 1.000
11 11 Dumas to Mrs I ) 0 Smith , lot U , blk 4 ,
U a\\tt \ Pelby's add , w d 700
C W Hamilton nnd wlte to K S McDowell ,
lot 5 , blk 4 , Heed's 3d add , w d 1.050
B Uecd nnd wife to II McDowell.lotn , blk
4 , Heed's 3d mill , w d 1,050
Twenty-two transfers $ C5,013
The following permits to build were is
sued yesterday :
Alex O.Cliarlton , dwelling , Mlnma near
Twenty-fourth streets t 3.0M
Three minor permits 600
Four permitB , aggregating I 8,600
Arrested on Suspicion.
A B. & M. switchman by the name ol
Shattoeit , while riding on the top of a box
car was struck on the head with a brick us
the train passed under the Ninth street
brldce. Pat Noonau , a Union Pacific switch
man was arrested for throwing the brick.
Noomin is also suspected of being Implicated
in the robbery of n man by the name of
Edgar , who claimed to have been robbed on
the viaduct by two switchmen. Shattock
was knocked senseless by the Drick and
dropped on the top of the car , but fortu
nately did not roll oil under the wheels.
The Kilen MIIHCC.
The opening day of the week Monday at
the Museo witnessed largo crowds in attend
ance. The performances In the various de
partments LT.IVO satisfaction , and will bo con
tinued during the week from 1 to 10 o'clock
p. m. every day.
WANTKD-rosltlon as book keeper ; ntno
yeurs exporlenco with mercantile houses
nnd three veurs in Insurance olllcoln 8t. I'nul.
.Minn. A No. 1 references. Address 18 , Ileo.
! IU3-m !
WANTKU Two experienced siUesmon for
lurnlsnlng goods. Ncbrusku Clothlnu
Grain , Provisions , Stocks and Bonds ,
Marffln Transactions a Specialty.
Jlembcrs of tlio Chicago Hoard of Trade. Prly.
ata Wlrea to Clitcago nnd Now York ,
G OLD PEN UIVJIN A WAV. Particulars free
"WEKKI.V ilOMESTEAU. " Olliatlll , Neb ,
r. ii. r.u.MKit. N. p. JIICIUJAN. j.n. HLAM-HAIU'I
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Live Stock Commission ,
Itoom IS , HUcbanKe HulMlnif. Union Stock Yurds.
_ _
Commision Dealers in Live Sock ,
Room 23 , Opposite Kxchange llulldlnit , Union 6-toek
_ 1 anls , boutU Oiuaba , NeG.
Of Omaha , Limited ,
ickm F iBo > ii.BaB rtatcadeoU
Dealer in Agricultural Iniplemenls , Wagons ,
Carriages ami lliumlm. Jni < > PlrrH.uetffoeuVluauil
_ 10thUm h , Ntbraika.
AgriculturalImplementsWapsCaniage3 , ,
HucRlct.Ktc. Wholesale. Omnlia , Ntbraska.
Wholesale I > al > r In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons & Buggies
901 , SCO , TO and 107 Jones Street , Omaha.
P. P. MAST & CO. ,
Manufacturers of Buckeye Drills , Seeders ,
Cultivators , H r Hakos. Cider Mills anil I.uban 1'ul-
Terltcrs. Cor , lltli anil Nicholas ftrools.
Whold'alo -
Agricultural Implements , Wagons & Buggies
< 'orn r Uth * ml Mi-liolni Street * .
Akron , Ohio.
Harvesting Machinery and Binder Twine ,
W. K. Mcnrt , Mantccr. 121.1 LcnTonworth U , Omaha.
tlanufncturcriianil Jobbers In
Wagons , Buggies , Rakes , Plows Etc ,
Cor. 9th nnd 1'nclllc Strccto , Omaha , Neb.
Artists' Materials.
A HOSPE , Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1513 Douiilan Ptrcct. Oinahn. Nobrnnka.
S t a 1 1 on or a .
H.M , & s. w. JONES.
Successors to A. T. Kcnycn A Co. , Wholesale & Retail
Booksellers and Stationers ,
Kino Wedding Stntlonprj , Commercial Etatloncrr ,
1X-4 DuuKlai Street. Ouinhn. Neb.
Boots and Shoe . _
( bucccssors to Ueoil , Jones & Co. )
Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots and Shoes
AgcnU for Iloston Hubbcr Shoo Co. 1103,1104 & 1100
llaraer at. . Omaha. Nebrnaka.
W. V. MORSE .V CO. .
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes ,
1101,1103-110'j Douglas St.Oranha ManufactorySum
mer st Huston.
Cpffooe , Sploea , Etc. _
Omaha Coffee and Hplce Mills.
Teas , Coffees , Spices , Baking Powder ,
Flavoring Kztrncts. Iiu < ! rr Illue. Inks , Kto. llli-
UliUlKniey Street , Omaha. Notiraika.
_ and plaBBware.
Acent for the Manufacturers and Importers of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys ,
Etc. Ofllco. 317 B. nth Ht. . Omaha. Nebraska.
Iraoortorb and Jobbers of
Crcckery , Glassware , Lamrs , Silverware
Etc. 1J1I Karnam St. , New 1'axton Building.
Commission and
Storage and Commission MGrchants ,
Spcclaltlr - Hi-tier , * . { 'hci"p , Poultry , Gome.
1113Howard Strwt. Omaha ,
Successors to McHhano A Schroeder. )
Mm Commission and Cold Storage ,
Omaha. Nebraska.
Flour , Feed , Grain and General Commision
Merchant. Correipondonco solicited. 10H North ICth
Street , Omnha , Nob.
Coal , eke
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal ,
309 South 13th Btrcot , Onnhn , Nebraska.
J. J. JOHNSON & | CO. ,
Manufacturers of Lime ,
And shippers of C'unl , Coak , Cement , 1'fuster , Tln
Drain Tlio. and Sewer 1'ipo. OIJloc , - > l , t ) . 13tk
St. , Omaha , Nob. Telephone ell.
Shippers of Coal and Goto ,
311 South 13th St. , Omaha. Neb.
ana Notions.
M. E SMITH & CO. .
Dry Goods , Famishing Goods anil Notions ,
1102 anil 1104 Douglas. Cor , llth St. . Omabit. Neb.
ImnortersanyolilicrsinDryGoofls.Notions .
Geutt' Furnlihlnn Ooodi. Corner llth and HoJnoy
Bt . . Omaha. Nobraitt.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
Farnam Street , Omaha. Nebraska.
Omaha. Nebraska.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
705,707,700 find 711 S. 10th St. , Omaba , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
1 th. find I.eiiTBiiwortl > Streoti. Omaba , Nebraska.
J Q/dwaro.
Wholesale Manufacturers of
SaMleryS Jabiiersof SaMlBry Hardware
And Leather. HOJ , ItOJ ami 1177 IlHrnejr at. , Omaha ,
Heavy Hardware.
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Springs. V * * . lite ,
Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop ,
Mechanics' Tools and Dnffalo Beaten. 1106 Uouglm
Htrcot , Omaha , Nebraska.
Wholesale Hardware ,
OUi and Harner Hts. . Omaba , Neb. Western Aijentc
for Austin Powder Co. , Jeneraon Steel Nalli ,
* alrbaoks Standard bcnloi.
Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate ,
.Metals , Sheet Iron , etc. A cents for Hnw Scales
illnrall'owiler nndl.ymau linrbed wire ,
Omuha , Nobrasku.
, Etc.
w. L. PA'RROTTE & co. ,
Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods ,
11DT lUrcer Strtat , Omahn , Neb.
All Kinds of Builng Material at Wholesale
ISt.i Street and Union Paclflc Track , Omaha.
Dealer in Lumlier , Lath , Liino , Sash.
Doon.Ktc. ° Y idi-Corner 7th and Dou/rlnt ;
Dealer in All Kinds of LnmliGr ,
13th and California Streets , Omaha , Nebraska.
tHUL w. Uni ,
Lumber Lime Cement Etc Etc
, , , , , ,
Corner eth and UonglasSU. . Omaha.
To Dealers Only.
OfBc , lC3 Farnain Plrrel. Omaha. L
, Wholesale Lumber , Etc ,
Imported nd American Port In ml Content. PUU
AKentforMllnaukco Hydraulic Ceuienl nd
UulHcj White Ume.
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood Carpets ud Parquet Flooring. Mb and Doiif Ul
_ jMJlljInoryand ' N
Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions
Vf > . ? in and 213 South lllh
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jeans I'ants , Shirts , Ktc. lira ft tut 11CU Douglat Street.
Omaha. Web.
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods
4(0 ( and 403 Be uth IDth St. , Omiua.
Wholsalc Refined and LnMcalinir Oila
A l Qrem > , Ktc. , Omaht. A. U. Dlthop. Mangier.
Notions and Gent's ' FnrnisniiiE Goods ,
1KB Haruoj Street , Omaha.
Offloo Fixtures.
Manufacture , of
Bank , Office and Saloon Fixtnres ,
Mantle" , SlilcboanK Hook C c , Drug Klxturos.WaH
Canen , Partitions. ItalMnet.Countcm. Deer ana Win *
Coolori , Mlrrurn.eto. Knclory ani * onirr , liJU and 1733
South li\h \ Bt.Om Ua. Tolopbone ll'U.
Paints nnd Oils.
Wlioleialo Dealer * In
Paints , Oils , Window Glass , Etc ,
_ 1118 Farnam Blreot. Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
Carry a nice itock ot Printing , Wrapping and Writing
Iap r. Special attention KlTon to car load onlora.
Paper Boxes. _
Proprietor Omaha Paper Box Factory ,
Kot. 1317 and 1319 Douglas St. , Omaba , Neb.
Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds
911 nnd Vli Jones Street Omnha.
Storage , Forwarding & Commission
Storage , Forwarding and Commission ,
Brunch house of the Homier HuKJtr Co. 'Ruirglcii al
Hbolciale and retail , IUH : UlOiiml 1.112 liard titroct ,
Omaha. Tolephune No. 7W ) .
Browora >
Lager Beer Brewers ,
1571 North KlgtUteonth Street , Omaha , Keb.
Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Cornice ,
101 anU
.Printers' Wlatorlals.
Anxiliary PflWishers ,
Dealer. In
Rubber Goods.
Manufacturers and Dealers in Rubber Goo
311 Clothing and Leather Beltlne. IOCS Karnam BUt
rt. A DISBROV/e , CO. , % r"n
Wholcsulo Manufacturers of '
Sash. Doors , Blinds and Mouldings , '
Prancli office , latli and Uard Streets , Omaha , Nett.
filanufactnrers of Sash , Doors. Blinftt
Yiuldlncs , Stair Work and Interior llar'l Wood ku
sn. N. K. Cornemti Hnd [ .cavunwortU btreats , 7
Omaha , HOD.
A. L. STRANQ 667 , "
Pumps , Pines and Enpos ,
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fillings , '
3tcam and Water Piippllp * . nnmlniinrtori for Mail.
I'-oust &Co' KOoa . l'WAiCOFiinionigt.(5mtiLV.J ' ,
Steam and Water Supplies ,
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery/
shoot , ron '
Iron Works.
Carter U Fen , I'rop's. .Manuructurfra of nil kind *
Steam Boilers , Tanls- and Sneet Iron WorK
Worki SoutU iOtU nnd 11 , & M. Crostlntf.
Wrought and Cast Iron Building Wow
Engines , llrass Work , Qer.oral Koundrr , Maolilne and
" 'tCk'm'l\ ' ' h'jrCe a ' ' " ' ' "
Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings
Desk Rails , Window Ouardn. Mower Stnndn. Wlrsi
Hlnns.Ktc. la NortlUCth Street , Oiaaha.
Man'frsofFire&BurglarProofSafes ' ,
Va VurKiuK' v/tu EssKssisTri1"i
Iron and Wire Fences , Railing ? , Guards
ami Screens , for banks , offlcei.itorri. reildenrei eta.
Improved Afltilnaii , 1-ockiuiUh M clilnerr una
UUcksniUU Works. UI fcuuth lull St.
Firad Burglar Proof Safes.Time Locla
Genera , Aen