Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 19, 1888, Image 1
THE EIGHTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , WEDNESDAY AIOBNINa SEPTEMBEK 10. 1888. NUMBER 97 POLITICS AT THE CAPITAL , The Prospect For Republican Action on the Tariff. GENERAL DUDLEY INTERVIEWED. JIo Regards the Outlook Most Promis ing For IlarrlHon Thu Hco mid the Kloux Commission Gosulp From AVatthlngtun. Victory hi Sight. WASHINGTON HUIIBAU TUBOMAHA ERR , ) 513 FOUIITEENTIISTUEET , > WAHHINOTON , 1) . C. , Sept. IS. I General W. W. Dudley , treasurer of tlio republican national commltteo , was hero to day In conference with Senator Allison anil others In reference to the tariff and other po litical legislation. Just before ho left the capltol for the railway station on ills return to Now York , I asked him what the outlook was for the tariff bill. "Oh , " said ho , "our people arc going to re port a , bill in the senate just as soon as they can complete It. They will not permit thorn- selves to bo forced Into any premature action by the democratic.-yell in cither house. " "Will it be reported to the senate before congress adjourns I" "If the adjournment does not como too noon , and I do not expect to'sco congress dis- Bolvo for some weeks yet. The republicans In tno senate are opposed to adjournment nt least till they get their tariff bill on the calendar. That may take them only two or three weeks and It may require as many months. The senate commltteo on finance is working every day on Its bill , plying hear ings and putting the bill in shape to meet the approval of not only all the republican sena tors , but the country. They have not yet consumed one-third as much tiniuastho coin- jnittco on ways and means did to prepare the Mlllsblll. I don't believe the democrats in the house will aifi-eo to adjourn. I hope they won't. Wo urn willing to let congress re main in session and by It wo will help our selves to elect a majority of the next house. Wo nro worsting them every day in debate. " "What is the general outlook I" I asked. "Encouraging beyond all expectation , " was the reply. "Wo are sure to carry Now York Huro as fate and our reports from Indiana , Connecticut and Now Jersey are exceedingly bright. Wo will win by an increase of votes cast and by direct changes from Cleveland. They are Hocking to us by thousands in Now York. The light between thu Hill and Cleve land factions there is helping us. Hut the tariff and other issues are making us the most votes. " iicriini : FOII n.uiiAL WIVES. Senator Paddock has succeeded In Induc ing the senate committee on appropriations to Incorporate In the general dellciency ap propriation pill. $50,000 for the establishment of an Industrial and educational institution at Salt Lake City for dependent women who wjsh to escape from Mormonism. The house will undoubtedly demand that this bo stricken out , but Senator Paddock believes ho will succeed in keeping It in the bill. Tin : HUE'S AUUAIOXJIENT 01- THE sioux COM MISSION. Kepresentntlvo Morrell of Kansas , who yesterday introduced in the house a rcsolu- -tion calling upon the secretary of the inte rior to know whether , as charged editorially in Tun Bni : , and other newspapers , it Is true that intimidation , misrepresenta tion , or any kind of ulterior iuUuenco have been exercised in procuring signatures to the treaty throwing open the Sioux Indian res ervation to settlement , said to-day that ho expected n partisan reply. Mr. Merrill be lieves THIS linn was right in its arraignment pf the Sioux commission , but believes that at this time in a campaign It would not bo rea sonable to anticipate a report which would inculpate democratic officials. INDIANA WILL OO HEI'UIIUOAN. A letter wus received hero to-day from Rep resentative Stcelo , of Indiana , which has given much courage to the republicans in congress who wore doubtful as to the result In that state. Steolo's district is about 1,200 democratic , but , although ho is an active and uhlllnchlng republican , ho has managed to carry It by from 100 to 400 majority for six years. He generally takes n discouraging view of the outlook , is never over sanguine , nnd , therefore , his opinion Is regarded as valuable. He writes that ho will bo ro- Clectcd by a largely-increased majority and that the stnto is euro to give Harrison its electoral vote. Major Stcelo says further that ho never saw so much determin ation on the part of the republicans to carry Indiana , and that there is much more in "stato prldo" than the democrats are willing to admit. General Hovoy , republican can- illdnto for governor , returned to bis seat In the house to-day , after two weeks' canvas sing in the the state , and ho snys Indiana was never botor organized by both parlies , and that there nnvor was so much interest in politics there as at present. Ho believes that It Is only a question of majority nnd fixes 10,000 as the minimum for Harrison and Morton in the state. IT MAKES A nlFPnilKNCG WHOSE OX IS GOtlED. People in Washington wore amazed on reading the statement made by Senator Payne , of Ohio , the other day , to the effect .that ho illd not now own anil novcr did own any stock In the Standard Oil company. For years it has gone without saying that the Paynes wore the soul of the great monopoly. The family's wealth is estimated all the way from $25,000,000 to fW.CKW.WK ) , whllo the cap ital stock of the Standard OH company IB es timated at anywhere from S-IO.IOU.UOO to fSO- 000,000. Some of the most Intimate friends of the Payne and Whitney families are ex plaining how it is that Senator Payne is not a stockholder in the company , and yet Is deeply Intelestcd It it. They say that for many years his entire estate has been handled by his son Oliver , and that in his name all of the stock in the Standard com pany has been carried. It is no secret that the Payne family controls the Standard. Oil organisation , whether it carries in its own nnmu the Block which appears upon the books , or whether it appears in the nurno of other persons. The manner of utterance of no man in the Bonato has attracted so much attention ns that of Senator Hoar while ho was Indulging In repartee with Senator Payne on last Fri day , and while the Standard. Oil company was under discussion. The way In which Senator Hoar repelled the indignation of Senator Payne , when he charged that gentle man with being a stockholder In the Standard Oil company , wus severe. Senator Hoar has a large , smooth , motherly-looking face , with powerful facial expression. When ho held out his two hands in a beseeching and at the same time expostulating uianucr and said that ho could not see why any man should lose his courteous bearing and usual placid temper simply because it was Intimated that ho was connected with the Standard Oil company ; that ho did not know before that it was a crime , or even reprehensible , for u jnan to own slock in the corporation , oven though It was a monopoly ; that If there was Odor connected with thu Standard Oil com pany it had been created by utterances of the democratic party ; that the Standard company had been pointed out by the leaders Of the democratic party ns the chief trust of the United States , and. the greatest monopoly under the American re public , Senator Payne roared with anger. If a man was to bo condemned because ho was connected with this administration , and Bt the same tlma held stock in the Standard Oil company ho was to bo condemned ov men connected with the administration Itself , and those who wcro managing the douiocrutla party. The affected soothing manner in which Air. Hoar assured Mr. Payne that no personal fouling was intended on his part When ho stated that ho thought the senator from Ohio waa connected with this company , and that'much-as ho ( Mr. Hoar ) opposed the formation of monopolies and trusts intended to control the markets , ho did not cast reflec tion upon the individuals in their personal capacity who were connected with them , was painful in the extreme. The vcncrablo sen ator from Ohio fairly writhed nnd groaned with agony , yet ho could not retort towards uttered In the sympnthetlo and yet at the same time mocking terms of the shrewd * ankce. It was nn Instance of nblrd befoul ing its own nest , when Mr. P.tync , nt the outset of the debate , Hew to his feet and de nounced Senator Hoar in person for having intim.itcd that ho ( Mr. Payne ) was con nected with the Standard Oil company. The democrats are very free to denounce trusts , but when the leading men In their party nro shown to bo connected with them there Is a change of front that is absolutely refreshing if not amusing. AN EXPBNSIVB CAMI'AION. Members of both national political commit tees arriving hero dally from Now York for the purpose of consulting their leaders In congress , are uniform in the statement that there will bo moro oratorical talent imported to the various states during this campaign than was ever known in a political contest. It is stated that there will bo over two thou sand strangers who will speak alouo In In diana , and that the number of non-residents who will talk politics In Now York cannot bo estimated , as the democrats alone have over twenty-nine hundred of them on their books. The number of residents who will speak In these states are almost beyond computation. Every county has a dozen or moro men who will speak to a greater or less extent before the election. Add to this the millions of dollars which will bo expended for tariff nnd other political literature , and the cost of the campaign directly or indi rectly , it will be scon , in enormous. A n em ber of the house who has made llgurcs closely upon this subject estimates that the time and money which will bo expended in this campaign will bo worth more than MO.OOl- 000. PLUHY S. HEATH. Nebraska mul Iowa Pensions. WASHINGTON , Sept. 18. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Hen. ] Pensions granted Nebraskans - braskans : Original Invalid ( Special act. ) William B. Johnson , Ord ; Samuel K. Glynn , Kccne. Restoration John M. Mahon , St. Paul. Increase Matthew L. Husey , Waterloo lee ; Lindloy M. Evans , Allston ; William Uolloy , Stromsburg ; Jacob Files , Armanada ; Emerson J. Hadger , Milford ; Daniel Dono- hoe , Lyndon ; Amos Clark , North Au burn ; Lovl Hoyes , Haiglcr ; Charles L. Met * , Falls City ; William J. Thurston , Columbus ; Samuel L. Brown , Coleridge ; Joseph Hull , Beatrice ; George Green , Hartwell ; George W. Omens , Sar gent. Mexican Widows Uobecca , willow of Alonzo Livernum , Chadron. Original in valid Jones I. Lockridge , Plattsmouth ; Sanford Freeman , liberty. Kcstoration John Ferrier , Graf ton. Increase John Minkler , Stcelo City ; Giles 11. Mead , Tobias ; William A. Hosford , Albion ; Eli E. Peck , Hoekvillo ; Martin V. Wilcox , Hegan ; Perry E. Abell , Heaver City. Pensions for lowans : Increase Jcsso Guild , Essex ; Daniel O. Hall , Hopo- villo ; James C. Loomis , Milford ; Peter Miller , Frederick ; Marshall I ) . Watson , Oxford Junction ; Adelbert Nor ton , Ladora ; Jonathan Ireland , Ottumwa ; George Met/gar , Davenport ; Samuel D. Sul livan , Shenundoah ; Charles Pangborn , Way- land ; Charles H. Smith , Allcrton ; Joseph Trombly , National ; Sterling Pittman , Ex- line : William Doroscar , Big Mound ; Isaac Odell , Sac City ; John F. Cheney , Nowell. Original invalid August Volbohcr , Almont. Increase George D. Lotteridge , Ottumwa ; Mark A. Chamberlain , Winthrop ; John L. Vldnl , Mt. AyrLukoB. ; Homclns , Villisca ; Hobert Uaxter , Albia. Heissue Nelson Sperling , Mitchell. Original widows , etc. Jane C. White , mother of Jesse A. Stoelc , West Grove. Washington Briefs. The report of the removal by the postmas ter general of Willbanks , superintendent of mails in the Chicago postofllco , Is confirmed hero. hero.Mr. Mr. Cox of Now York , presided at the democratic house caucus to-night. There were many speakers , a majority of whom took the ground that the house should not Initiate an adjournment resolution. After many speeches a motion to adjourn was put and voted down by nn overwhelming major ity , the caucus formally deciding to continue the house in session until the senate made known its intentions. The secretary of the navy has telegraphed Rear Admiral Kimbcrly , commanding the Pacific station , who is now nt San Francisco , to send ono of the vessels of his squadron to the Samoan islands for such services as may bo required of it in the protection of Ameri can interests. The Alert , Vaudalia and Adams are now cruising in the vicinity of the Hawaiian islands , and ono of these will bo sent to Samoa nt once. The president to-day transmitted to con gress , in answer to the senate resolution , the correspondence in relation to the Chinese treaty. Ono letter , dated January 12 , 1887 , from Tsunglo Yamon ( the foreign ofilce ) to Minister Denby in regard to the coining of Chinese to this country , contains bitter com plaints of violated treaty obligations and of cruel outrages to Chinese. A PERIOD OP TROUBLE. Talk of n London Paper on the Quebec Throats. [ Copi/rfflM 1SSS by James Gordon ntnnett. ' ] LONDON , Sept. 18. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to Tim BEE. ] The Dally News has u belligerent leader upon the Quebec threats for secession and annexation. It begins : "Wo nro evidently on the eve of a period of trouble in Canada. The failure of the fisheries treaty nnd throats of com mercial retaliation , now so very near fulfil ment on the part of the United States , have excited public feeling throughout the entire Dominion. " It adds : "Quebec is evidently talking to England rather than to the Dominion In these propositions to throw in its lot with the re public on the other side of the border. The lunguaga of that kind from Quebec is un happily nothing novel. H has long been re marked that the division between Fionch nnd Urltlsh Canada grows sharper every day. " The article concludes thus : ' 'Tho situa tion is a grave one , but It ought not to bo be yond the resources of statesmanship. Wo must look it full In the face. Its dlflicultlos and its hardships are enough. " The Ex-Prisoners of War. iNDiANArous , Sept. IS. Ono hundred delegates attended the sixteenth reunion of the national association of ex-prisoners of war. General W. H. Homoll , of Uellevlllo , 111. , is the president , and Major L. P. Will- lams , of South Hend , Ind , , secretary and treasurer. Committees were appointed , and General John Coburn delivered nn address. The secretary has enrolled during the twenty-four new associations nnd 143 in dividual members. In the afternoon the delegates called on General Harrison and at night a camp tire was hela. The following oOlecrs wore chosen : Presi dent , Thomas N. McKco , Washington , D. C. ; vice president , F. H. Williams , Indiana ; secretary and treasurer. ' L. 1 * . Williams , Washington , I ) . C. ; chaplain , C. C. McCabe , Now York ; historian , Frank F. Moran. Philadelphia. The next annual meeting will bo held in Milwaukee. The I. O. O. F. Los ANOBI.KS , Sept. IS. The sovereign grand lodge of Odd Fellow * , now in session in this city , elected odicers for the ensuing term to-day. The only changes were the election of GcnoralUndcrwood , of Kentucky , the present deputy grand sire , to the post- tlon of grand sire , and Charles M. Husbco , of Kalclgh , N. C. , to the position of deputy grand sire. The parade of visiting Odd Fol lows tills afternoon was very Imposing. The city was. crowded ns never before , and the decorations wcro elaborate. Grading Frosted Wheat. ST. PAUL , Sept. 10. The state railway commissioners have decided not to establish special grades for frosted wneat , but to leave the whole question to State Grain Inspector James. Ho states that ho will grade frosted wheat trlclly according to It * value. NOTORIETY FOH MISS IIIVUS. A Ulshop in Trouble Tor Confirming Her nt Her Homo. UALTIMOIIE , Sept. 18. When Blsho * ) Unn- dolph first assumed charge of the Virginia episcopacy he was , perhaps , the most popu lar of all the Protestant Episcopal heads in this country. Of late , however , his people do notspcak of him as affectionately ns here tofore : indeed , they condemn what they term his snobbishness. The change of feel ing came about in this way : A short time ago Amelia Klvcs-Chanlcr mndo known her deslro to bo confirmed. All the members of her family have always been devout members of the Episcopal church , and assisted materially in the building of the pretty church near Castle Hill , Albormnrlo county , the seat of the Hives family. It was naturally supposed that the authoress would avail herself of the opportunity when Ulshop Randolph In his visitations should reach the district. Instead of this , however , she sent n request to the bishop that the services be performed at her residence. ' 1 ho rites had novcr been conferred in this manner before , and the good bishop hesitated. Finally , however - over , ho consented , and ono line day pro ceeded to Cnstlo Hill and performed the rites of continuation. When this became known to the members throughout the dioccso it created much talk and adverse criticism , and the bl'hop Is roundly censured for yielding to the whim of the fair authoress. This ex clusive continuation is said to bo the first in the history of the Protestant Episcopal church. A COACHMAN'S HRIDE. Strange Marrlago or Annie Killer , a Providence , 11. I. , Hello. PnovincNTE , U. I. , Sept. IS. The mar riage of Miss Annie Huler , daughter of Sidney Hider , the well known book pub lisher , to a coachman here has created n social sensation. The ceremony was per formed , it seems , last April , but only last week was it known to the young woman's parents. Miss Hider is n handsome young woman nnd has always been popular in the social sircles in which she was known on the West Side. She was the patentee of n "blue flame" firewood , which caused much talk at the hearthstones of fashionable folks hero last winter , and she had for her financial backer Dr. Uudko. The young woman was enterprising and n factory was started in New Hedford , where the peculiarly illu minated firewood was made. Dr. Hadke's coachman , William Howard Morgan , had many missions between Miss Hider nnd Dr. HadKe. Thus ho came in contact with Miss Hider a great deal , and in time ho learned the secret of the "blue llamo" wood. Ho also learned to like Miss Hldcr , and the ac quaintance ripened into love. Since the marriace Miss Hider has beenlldng at home , but now she asserts her determination to go with her husband nnd publicly announce her marriage. The Hider family is greatly dis turbed. Miss Hldcr , who is twenty-two years of age , is highly educated , and at onetime time she was engaged to a United States naval officer , who met his death on a war ship at New Orleans about three years ago. Morgan is un undersized Englishman , twen ty-four years old , and a year and a half ago ho rearhcd this city , walking part of the way from New York. TUB LiUTHEHAN CONFERENCE. A Perplexing Doctrinal Snarl the Theme For Discussion. MINNEAPOLIS , Sept. IS. The doctrinal snarl in which the American theological pro fessors have become involved with the school at Krupp , Germany , was still the thcmo of discussion at the meeting of the Lutheran conference this morning. A resolution was adopted , the gist of which was that the mis sionaries for the field in America should rc- celvo their theological education in the school at Philadelphia. The com plaint made against the missiona ries educated in Germany was that they did not understand American institu tions , and were not able to enter into the spirit of American life. Another matter which aroused considerable discussion was a letter from the Michigan synod , announcing its withdrawal from the council. The bono of contention between the synod and the council Is the interpretation of what is known ns the Galesburg rule , relating to the ex change of pulpits. The Sunday school com mittee made n report , m which they outline the course of instruction for the use of Sun day schools. The AVabasli Troubled. CHICAGO , Sept. 18. Inquiry at the general offices of the Wabash railroad in this city this morning by Associated Press reporters elicited the statement that the threatened strike of switchmen and cleaners at St. Louis on account of the Chicago , Burling ton & Qulncy road having se cured track privileges and n stabling contract for its engines , is not in the switch yards of the Wabash proper , but concerns the division of the old Wabash system run ning west from St. Louis , which was taken out of the receiver's hands some time ago nnd recognized independently under the name of the Wnbash & Western. The trouble arises from the granting by this road of track facilities over about forty miles of road making the connection between the Hurllngton lines and St. Louis. ST. Louis , Sept. 18. General Manager Hayes , of the Wabash & Western , was seen by a reporter this morning in reference to the threatened strike owing to the contract the Wabash has with the Hurllngton for the handling nnd housing of the incoming en gines of that company and the refusal of the Wabash brotherhood employes to touch the boycotted locomotives. Ho said ho did not apprehend any serious troubles. Adams Tolls of Big Crops. BOSTON , Sept. 18. [ Special Telegram to TUB BEE.J President Charles Francis Adams , of the Union Pacific , has returned from Oregon. Ho says : "Tho Union Pacific nnd all western roads will have the largest volume of traffic in crops this year they hnvo over moved. Oregon business is good. Ne braska has the biggest corn crop she has ever harvested , nnd the northeastern half of Kan- sis has an abundant crop. The Chicago , Bur lington A : Qulncv will have a perfectly enor mous traffic , as Illinois , Iowa and Kansas have the greatest corn crop in their history. " o Yellow Fever Spreading. WASIIINOTON , Sept. 18. The secretary of the treasury has received a telegram from Surgeon General Hamilton dated at Camp Perry , Fla. , September 17 , which snys Dr. Posoy has yellow fever , contracted at McClenny. Three cases are reported at Gainesville , and there are rumors of cases at Wollborno and Fcr- nlnda. The whole seaboard is alarmed on account of lofugces breaking their patrol at Hendersonvillo. HAVANA , Sept. IS. The number of deaths In Havana from yellow fever during July was bO. During August 114 persons died of thu sumo disease. * Rains Cause Great Damage. POUT JKHVIS , N. Y. , Sept. 18. The heavy rains which fell yesterday and last night have caused considerable damage. The Delaware - aware river is high and still rising. A saw mill , tannery and two dwellings on Vandcr- mark creek , near Milford , were carried into the Delaware river. Slides and washouts occurred on the Delaware division of the Erlo road at live different points , but no acci dents occurred. Iowa PoHlal Changes. WISHINOTON , Sept. IS. [ Special Telegram to TIIR UEB. ] Frederick Yager was to-day appointed postmaster at Bon Accord , John son county , la. , vice Joseph Hirt , resigned. The postolllco nt Prairlo Creek , Dubuquc county , will bo discontinued from October 1 , Think They Hnvo the Murderer. LONDON , Sept. 18. The police have or rested a German named Ludwlgon suspicion of being the person who committed the re cent mysterious murders la WbltecnnpeL SIX TIMES IN SUCCESSION , Carlisle Has a Walk-Away For the Congressional Nomination. HIS POSITION ON THE TARIFF. He ExnoundH Democratic Doctrine to His Constituents in the Uluo Grass State Other Polit ical NCWH. Carlisle Hcnominutcd. CINCINNATI , Sept. 18. The session of the democratic convention of the Sixth Ken tucky district to-day in Covlngton was an in teresting occasion. The crowd was fnr be yond the limit of the accommodation , al though there was no shadow of doubt as to the netlou of the convention. Mark Gray of Grant county , Kentucky , placed John G. Carlisle in nomination , and Theodore Hallcm made an eloquent speech seconding the mo tion. The nomination was made with great enthusiasm , and upon Carlisle appearing there was an outburst of applause lasting several minutes. Speaker Carlisle said : "Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Con vention : 1 scarcely Know in what terms to thank the democracy of this district for its action to-dny. Twelve years ago I was nom- "natcd for congress in this hull and since : hon the democracy of this district ; ms chosen mo six times in succession to rep resent the in the houho of representatives of the United States. No man could bo insen sible to such devotion on the part of his friends , and I assure you , gentlemen , that I feel most profoundly my sense of gratitude and obligation to you and the people whom you represent. [ Cheers. ] "I accept your nomination nnd shall en deavor to meet ns many of you as possible between this and the election , although my duties at Washington prevent me from giv ing much attention to my own district. I not only accept your nomination , but 1 endorse to the fullest extent the resolutions you have Just adopted except that part of them as re lates to mo personally. [ Applause. ] "Tho grcnt question before the country Is the question ol federal taxation. It makes but little difference whether I nm elected to congress or not. but It is of overwhelming Importance to the people that the next house of representatives should bo democratic [ Ap- plaubol , mid that the next president should be a democrat also. [ Cheers. ] Two political [ urtics have nominated their candidates nnd made formal declaration of their principles , ind you will bo called on next November to decide between them. The republican party has chosen as its standard bearer Mr. Harri son , a respectable lawyer of Indianapolis , for president , and for vice president Levi P. Morton , a very rich banker in Wall street. The democratic party has selected a true , tried and incorruptible president who now fills the chair ; n man who has brought the administration back to the ways of the con stitution and given to the people a clean , conservative and faithful administration of the law. [ Checrsl. With him they have associated Mr. Thurman , [ cheers ] who for many long years has been the best and truest representative of our western democracy. It is declared In the democratic platform that unnecessary taxation is unjust taxation , and by that declaration the democratic party will stand or fall in this contest. " Mr. Carlisle then explained how , nt the rate of $10,000,1)00 ) per month , the present enormous surplus had accumulated ; how the democratic party had unsuccessfully strug gled to devise schemes by which the surplus could be gotten rid of and the money again circulated among the people , where it be longed. The republican party had substan tially declared its platform in favor of reduc ing the revenue by increasing the taxes. [ Applnuso and laughter. ] Ho compared these declarations to n proposition that a man can make himself rich by picking ills own pocket , or that ho can increase his wealth by imposing taxes upon himself. [ Applause. ] He then criticised Blaine for giving a quasl-endorscmcnt of trusts on the plea that they are private affairs in which neither the president nor anybody else had any particular right to interfere. Larceny , he said , is also a private affair a very pri vate affair , [ applause ] and yet it is not sup posed improper to interfere with it by law. Ho thought that Hlainc's position on top of Carnegie's coach in Scotland , and hobnobb ing with the nobility of Erin , not a very good place from which to view the interests of America. [ Applause. ] He had been told that this system of taxa tion is continued on the ground"that it in creases the rate of wages of the American laborer. There nro two other facts which show conclusively that this argument is not sound. In the first place it is a conceded fact that there is ns much difference between the rate of wages paid in this country , to la borers engaged in the same occupation in different parts of the country , ns there is be tween the rate of wages paid hero and in European countries , and yet the same tariff law prevails throughout the whole United States. [ Applause. ] He claimed by exam ination of labor statistics from 1850 to 1880 , It would be found that in some cases as high ns 100 per cent moro is paid in New York or Philadelphia. If tariff regulated wages , ho submitted that the rate of wages would bo the saruo and would .be uniform In the saruo occupations throughout the United States under the same tariff. Going u step farther , ho fcaid that the rate of wages in this country In unprotected industries is larger on an average than the rates of wages paid in this country in protected industries. Another fact is that since 1810 , when the English corn laws were repealed , and England practically entered upon what our republican friends call free trade , the rates of wages there have increased from 50 to 75 and oven us high as 100 per cent in the same occupations. Ho asked them whether the saino increase could be traced in this country in the sumo time. It is said that if the present duties nro re duced this country will bo overwhelmed with foreign cheap goods , and all our manufactur ing nnd mcrchantilo industries will bo ruined. "Why , gentlemen , " said ho , "if all the ships in the world were employed contin uously bringing gouds'.from Liverpool to New Yoik it would take them two years to bring us much as a single railroad in the country carries in one year. If all the Cunard vessels plying between Boston and Now Yokk and European ports wcro to bo employed it would require them seventy-five years to bring to tills country as much goods as the Pennsylvania railroad carries in one year. [ Applause. ] "No man objects to u rate of taxation , whether It be by the general government or state or municipal government , necessary to raise a sufficient amount of revenue to de fray all thn proper and legitimate expenses of the public administration , but when the tax drummer has taken from the people a sufficient amount of their earnings to accom plish this purpose ho should takn his hands out of th ir pockets. That is , the democratic doctrine , nnd the whole dcmpcratic doctrine. [ Applause. ] Free tradollt concedes It the right and duty of the government to raise by taxation in bomo form or other a sufficient amount of money to defray all its expenses nnd meet all its honest obligations , bul it concedes likewise that the scttlec policy of the government Is to raise large portions of Its revenue by duties on lmorts | , but we protest that the people shall have cheaper clothing and agricultural im plements before they get cheap whisky and cheap tobacco. [ Cneer3. [ The republican platform , on the contrary , declares that thoj will repeal the whole internal revenue sys tern rather than surrender any part of the protection system. The true meaning of the republican platform is that it will repeal the tax on whisky and beer , cigars , cigarettes and cheroots , but it will repeal no part of the duty upon sugar , woolen and cotton goods and steel and iron. Are the people ready to endorse that doctrlnej" he asked. Mr. Carlisle characterized us very ndrol Harrison's statement that ho will retain the protection system and do away with Intcrna tuxes , rather than sacrifice thn system o any part of it. The speaker thought tha the time would soon como when the rcpubli can party will bo compelled to choose between n total repeal of the Internal tax and a re ductlon of the duties on Imported goods. Carlisle closed by & flowing tribute to the administration of President Cleveland , nnd ircdictcd an overwhelming victory nt the tolls in November. THE OUThOOIC VKHY 1UUGI1T. A Prominent Politician Predicts n Clean Republican Sweep. NEW YOIIK , Sept. 18. [ Special Telegram to Tun BEE.I M. Hubbard , secretary of state of Connecticut , has just returned from a trip to Columbus , O. , where ho attended he national encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic. Ho met people from all > arts of the country nnd had n long opporlu- ilty to learn the drift of public sentiment , lie had n long conversation with Governor oraker , who has recently been making speeches in Indiana. Governor Forakor said 10 thought the republicans would carry that stnto by a very substantial majority , although lie indications were that the democratic man agers entertained some wild and wicked notions of colonizing the state 'rom Kentucky nnd Ohio. But it is hardly Ikoly that they will do so , because of In diana's very rigid election law , and It Is now me of the most difficult states in the country n which to practice illegal voting. Governor Forakor further said ho felt quite certain every northern state would cast republican votes. He concluded bv saying that liun- Ireds of democrats in Ohio had proclaimed opposition to the free trade policy of the ad ministration , "Did you have nn opportunity to make any observation in New York ! " "Yes ; I stopped nt several of the largo towns. The workingmen throughout the state seem to bo thoroughly nroused to the mportaneo of tlio tarifl Issue , nnd fool if they would avoid a readjustment of wages and the acceptance of a lower scale they must go to the polls and vote for flnrrison , Morton nnd protection. They rtnow the question of wages is in their own hands , and I take it nro too sensible to vote for Cleveland , free trade ind low wages. In every town In which I stopped I found that many large.enthusinstio intl-froo trade clubs had been formed , and , hnt n great many persons who had always voted the democratic ticket were among the most enthusiastic members. In Buffalo I found the republicans thoroughly organized ind full ot enthusiasm , nnd 1 was informed jy prominent democrats , as well as republi cans , that Cleveland would fail to carry the state of Now York. In Saratoga I talked in an informal way with many leading politi cians of both parties , and found that the irovailing opinion there was that Cleve- nnd's chances to cairy New York were about ono in fifty. I believe the state is safe 'or Harrison and Morton. " A POLilTICAIi SIONSATION. A Chicago Postal Hmployu Dismissed for "PcrulcloUHSActivtty. " Cnicvao , Sept. 18. [ Special Telegram to THE Br.i.J : The political sensation of the lour is the decapitation of U. A. D. Wil- janlts , superintendent of malls in the Chicago xjstofllce , by order of First Assistant Post- nastor General Stevenson. Mr. Wilbanks ins not for several months past been on 'riendly terms with the postmaster , and it las been generally conceded that it was Wil- janlts who furnished much of the Informa- ,1011 used by the local papers against Mr. Judd regarding the mismanagement and inefficiency - efficiency of this office. Again , it is said that Mr. Wilbanks was guilty of "pernicious nc- .ivity" in politics about the time of the St. Louis convention. Ho has nlways been re garded as a very shrewd politician , and ihereforo the postmaster's victory is re garded as more signal. Postmaster Judd was in high spirits when seen by a reporter this evening. Ho said : "Mr. Wilbanks was removed for gross nsubordination. For a long time ho has as sumed nn attitude of independence of the postmaster , and has repeatedly disobeyed orders in a very marked manner. Ho has also been in the habit of receiving visits from persons , bitter enemies of the post master , and with that class of persons ho has for a long time conspired to defame the postmaster and to sccuro his removal. For months past ho has fed reporters of the dally press with falsehoods against the post master and in many ways has shown his dis respect and Insubordination. He also did all ho possibly could to influence certain gentlemen at Washington ngalnst mo , and lie has openly avowed his efforts to secure my removal from the office. Ho has been somewhat encouraged in what ho has done by gentlemen who hnvo been seeking the po sition 1 hold nnd by their interested adher ents. " "Thero is little necessity to ask for a reason , " said n well-posted official. "Tho democratic administration had to cither con demn or vindicate Postmaster Judd. Mr. Wilbanks had taken issue with his superior's actions in office. Then came the revelation that Mr. Esher , Mr. Judd's law partner , was collecting money for campaign purposes from each employe of the office. When the matter was published Mr. Wilbanks maintained that It was true , and denounced the meas ures taken by the postmaster's partner to raise the wind. That is the secret of the matter. Mr. Wilbanks took issue with Judd , and the department , in upholding and vin dicating the postmaster's course , was obliged to punish the superintendent of mails. " _ MRS. FOSTEH ON PROTECTION. She Makes a Strong Argument Before the Senate Sub-Commit tec. WASHINGTON , Sept. 18. During the pro ceedings of the senate sub committee on the tariff this morning about fifteen well dressed , fresh looking Indies made their appearance at the doors of the committee room , headed by Mrs. J. Ellen Foster , president of the W. C. T. U. of Iowa , and were introduced by Senator Allison to his fellow members ns n delegation who wished to bo heard in respect to woman's special interest in the protective tariff. Mrs. Foster addressed the committee eloquently nnd at considerable lengt h. She described her experience in Europe years ago , whither she went in connection with the philanthropic work in which she has spent her life , setting forth tlio stops which led her to her belief that the incomparably superior advantages enjoyed by the American woman ns n wife , mother or self-supporter to her European sister were due to the American protective system. She contrasted the manufacturing and farming localities of Germany , England , Scotland and Ireland with the conditions of life here. She did not profess to bo a special ist in regard to the tariff , but had read the debates in congress and noticed that where- over the wage worker was referred to it wan the worklngman who excited the sympathy of the legislator. Would not society , she asked , appear for the working women of America ] Sno had been in the mills and workshops of Now York nnd Now England , and had , with the consent of the employers , invited some of the female employes to como to Washington with her and tell the committee how they wcro situ ated. There were some of these ladles pres ent. Her companions testified universally to the Dstter wages received In this tlrm in the old country , nnd also of their better con dition hero. _ A DESPERATE FIGHT. Frank Ration Makes Some Sugges tions to HlH Party. NEW YoitK , Sept. 18. [ Special Telegram to TUB Bur. . ] Ex-Postmaster General Frank Hatton , who has been on a tour through the west and northwest , was at the Fifth ave nuc hotel to-day. To a reporter ho said ; "It is all nonsense for democrats to say they can carry any northern states , MIchi gan may not give as great a majority ns usual for the republican ticket , but it and all other western states will go republican. The fighting ground Is In Now York , Now Jersey Connecticut and Indiana. It seems to mo General Harrison has thus fur decidedly the advantage , but the republicans should not relax any efforts. " "You think the democrat ! ) intend to make a great struggle ! " "Yes , the greatest they have ever made They nro in power and they will not hesitate it anything from buying n vote to commltlng i murder to retain it. They will work pat ronage for all it is worth. It behooves the republicans to bo vigilant , stand together nnd meet the enemy boldly. On the issue I > ollovo wo can win but not if we mistake the real battle ground , " JOURNALISTS STRIKE. Now York Star Umployos nnd the Democratic National Commltteo. NEW YOIIK , Sept. 18. [ Special Telegram oTiic BUB. ] The purchase of the Star by ho democratic national committee as n cam- lalgn organ has drawn the committee Into new complications. So long ns the men em ployed on the Star wcro satisfied that the iroprlotors were doing the best they could vith the resources at hand to pay heir wages they were patient , vhcn subjected to little delays In receiving them , but when the paper passed nto the control of the national committee vith alleged unlimited funds , the men whoso brains make the paper began to think the committee ought to pay up , nnd last night the editorial and rcportorial staff struck for vagos and refused to work until they wcro guaranteed their pay. Workingmen nro slow to understand how a democratic committee mslng ns n friend to labor wanted to run n lowsp.iper on promises to pay its workmen. \viLij TAKK'TIIE STUMP. Governor Hill to Make Addresses OutHldo of New York. Niw : Youic , Sept. 18. [ Special Telegram oTnn BEE. ] Governor D. B. Hill arrived 'rom Albany hist night nnd to-dny dropped n nt the national democratic headquarters. Mr. Scott asked the governor If it would bo iractienblo to inuko campaign speeches out- lido of the state. The governor replied that 10 had n very big fight on hand In this state , nit ho placed himself In the hands of the na tional committee for a limited number of en gagements. After some deliberation it was agreed that Governor Hill should make several - eral speeches outside of the stato. It. was leeided that two of them would bo in Indiana ind the others in Connecticut and New Tcrsoy. The Indiana dates were fixed nt Oc tober 12 and 13. The others will be decided upon later. Tlio Malm ; Election ! ) . AUGUSTMo. . , Sept. IS The official re turns of the Maine election have been re ceived nt the office of the secretary of state from all the voting places save n low remote and unimportant plantations. The result dves Burlelgh ( rep ) for governor 79,513 , Putnam ( dem ) 01.018. Tno republican plu rality on the gubernatorial vote Is 18,495. The pluralities for congressmen nrc : First district , Heed , 2,437 ; Second , Dingloy , D,473 ; Third. Milliken , 0,5i3 : : Fourth , Boutolle , 4S10. Tlio republicans have thirty-one sena tors to none for tuo democrats , and 125 rep resentatives to twenty-six for the democrats. 'Ot ninety-nine county officers , shorin's , probate - bate Judges , county attorneys , etc. , the ro- imblicnns elected ninety-six and the demo crats three. _ Harrison Delegations. INDIANAI-OUS , Sept. 18. This was ono of General Harrison's busiest days. In the nf- ternoon and evening ho received nnd ad dressed three visiting delegations. The first ono catno from Danville and other points in Vcrmillion county , Illinois , numbering twelve to fifteen hundred. General Harrison made a brief address. Delegations from Louisville nnd Covington , Ky. , about eight , hundred in number , arrived at 4 o'clock , and were received nt University nark. Their enthusiasm ran very high. A. F. Wilson , of Louisville , spoke brlclly on bo- iialf of the Kcntuckinns. General Harrison then responded. Curtis Accepts. NEW Yoiuc , Sept. 18. James Langdon Jurtis of this city to-day issued his lettcr-of acceptance of the presidential nomination tendered by the convention of the national American party. * A DUEIj TOTHE DEATH. Three KentuokiatiM Settle a Quarrel With Pistols. MOUNT STEKMNO , Ky. . Sept. 18. A three- sided duel to the death was fought at Step- stone , twenty miles east of hero , yesterday. The participants were Steel nnd Mnckabeo CarpentorJ brothers , and n cousin nlso named Carpenter. Stepstono Is n prohibition town. The Carpenter brothers , who nro only nbout twenty years of ago , and their cousin came liere nnd got three Jugs of whisky and then started for their homo a few miles beyond Stepstono. On the train they became quar relsome , flourishing their guns and intimi dating passengers on the train. When near Stepstone the conductor told them to got oft and fight it out , nnd ho would wait for them. This proposition was accepted and the men stepped from the cars and pulled their pistols. Three rounds were fired when the cousin , whoso given name could not bo learned , fell with n bullet through his head. Tlio twp boys then boarded the train , which had waited for thorn , and went on to their homo at Enterprise. The duel was witnessed by the passengers on the train. A CONTRACTOR HELD UP. The Highwaymen Shot nnd the Money Recovered. NASHVILLE , Tonn. , Sept. IS. A special from Carthage , Tenn. , says : Yesterday af ternoon ns JohnSmlth _ , a stone oDntractor of the Nashville & Knoxvlllo railroad , and his book keeper , Mr. Shreiner , wcro between Gordonvlllo nnd Lancaster , on their way to pay off the hands , they wore stopped by two men who demanded the $1,000 they had in n gripsack. They fired nt the robbers , but Smith was struck on the head and rendered insensible , and Shrolncr fled. They robbers escaped with the money , but wore soon over taken in the woods by n partv of railroad men who had been notified by Smith as soon ns ho recovered consciousness. Ono of the pursuers , named Johnson , mortally wounded ono of the robbers and shot the other so se verely that he may die. The money was re covered nnd the robbers taken into oustody. They were former employes of the road and knew when Smith would pass and the amount he would have with him. GORED TO DEATH. A Visitor to n KniisnM Ranch Killed nnd Two Othcru Injured , WICHITA , Kan. , Sopt. 18. Hobert Somer- vllle , n young Now Yorker , mot with n frightful death on Saturday night. Ho was visiting ut the ranch of Mr. Johnson , n stockman , south of here , nnd went out into n corral where some fine cattle wcro kept. A ferocious young bull attacked him , and be fore aid reached him ho was gored to death. The cattle , nbout fifty in number , afterward became unmanageable , and before the body could be taken from the corral they com menced fighting and strewed the remains of the young man over the Hold. Two persons who attempted to rescue him were seriously , If not latally , injured. The Congress of Physicians. WASHINGTON , Sept. 18. The preliminary session of the first triennial congress of American physicians and surgeons was held this afternoon , ut which 200 members were present. The congress was organized by the selection of Dr. John Shaw Billings for president. Upon assuming charge Dr. Hillings read a cablegram of congratulation to the congress from Sir Henry Acland , late president of ( ho medical council of Great Britain. After un address of welcome , a net of by-laws was adopted. The sessions are to be hold trlcn- nlally in Washington. In the evening n general session wus heli nnd Dr. Nicholas Semi , of Milwaukee , pro fessor of surgery in Hush Medical college Chicago , read a paper. THE FLYER JUMPS THE TRACK A Dofoot In the Bnglno Trucks Oausos the Aooklout ONLY ONE PERSON INJURED. V Plucky Mnn Protects ills Property Against n HnHrond A Work- ninu'HFntnl Full The News Over the Htatc. The Flyer Derailed. COLUMIIUS , Neb. , Sept. 18. [ Special Tele gram to THE DUE. ] A railway accident oc curred at 2 o'clock this morning on the Jnlon Pacific , nbout twelve miles west of icro , nt Gardiner station. The east bound express No. 1 , duo hero at 1 MO p. m. , was de railed. Some defect In the trucks of the en gine caused the accident. None of the lassengers were Injured. An unknown man , mpposed to be n tramp stealing n ride , had lis collar bono broken and was otherwise In- uied. All trains are delayed. A relief rain from Omaha convoyed the passengers o this city. lighting the MKsourl Pnulllc. LINCOLN , Nob. , Sept. IS. [ Special Tele- gnitn to Tin : HEI : . | Since last Saturday Friend Huel , of Hickmnn , has been the hero ' of n series of sensational scenes near that ilaco. Ono year ago last spring the Mis souri Pacific railway company Issued nn order condemning the right of way across duel's farm. Work on the grade went ahead and it was mado. Hut In the meantime In the I'rester case the supreme courtof the state de cided that thu Missouri Pacific railway com- iany had no right to ncqulro property under condemnation proceedings , ns it is n foreign nnd not n domestic corporation. Rising his action upon this fact Mr. Huol prepared , o protect his property on the approach preach of the tracklayers last week. On Sat urday ho pitched his tent on the grudo of the road , moved his family into it nnd witli the stars and stripes streaming from ; ho center polo defies the whole gang , some llfty inon or moro. Ho proudly says , "I ttni : i citl/cn of Nebraska. You touch mo ut vour peril. " Yesterday Tulbot , n represen- : atlvo of the road , got out un injunction and served it upon Buol , but ho countered the [ leal. To-day the Missouri Pacific had him arrested for threatening to shoot nn cm- ; > loyo but ho was promptly released on n recognizance. During BuoPs nbscnco his wife , who is nervy and bravo ns n lion , hold the fort and was mistress of the situntion. Mr. Buol , his wife nnd their neatly dressed and intelligent children still occupy the tent and the wliolo neighborhood propose to boo Lliut they nre not molested whllo in their temporary home. Gage County Prohibitionists. BrATltlcn , Neb. , Sept. IS. | Special Tele gram to Tun BEE. ] The Gngo county pro hibition picnlo opened to-day with n good attendance , on the Chautauqua ground south of the city. The ladies' quartette , of Falls City , fnrnishcd the music. Addresses were mndo by George E. Bigelow candidate for governor , and others. To-ulght nn open nlr meeting on the street is being curried on by Montague nnd Huckius. The picnic closes to-morrow. _ An * tfiiinflsfactory Nominee. , Neb. , Sopt. 18. [ Special Tolo- jrnm to THE BEE.J The democratic conven tion of the Forty-ninth representative dis trict met in Burwcll last night and placed in nomination A. L. Covey , of Scotia , for rep resentative. The democrats of Garlicld nnd Loup counties nro very much dissatisfied with the nomination. Fnncrnl of Mrs. Nols Anderson. YOBK , Nob. , Sept. 18. [ Special Telegram to THE BEE. ] Quito n number of prominent Swedes of this city returned to-day from Fillraoro county , where they had boon to at tend the funeral of the wife of Hon. Nels Anderson , ono of the foremost Swedes in the state. Mrs. Anderson was fifty-two years of ago. The funeral was hold ut Davenport , Nuckolls county. A Workman's Fntnl Fnll. Yoiuc , Nob. , Sept. -Special [ Telegram to Tun BEE. ] Karl Krlspcl , n hodcarrlor , fell a distance of about eighteen feet this morning with a hod of mortar , striking on liis head and shoulders and sustaining in juries which will m all probability prove fatal. No bones were broken but physicians think ho sustained concussion of the spine and brain. Ho was at work on the new school house. The York County Fair. YonK , Neb. , Sept. 18. [ Special to TUB BEE. ] The York county fair opened to-day. The entries in nil departments nro greater than those of any previous year. The race course is in splendid condition , as nrc the grounds generally. Entries in the speed ring are pretty full. The attendance nt the fair promises to bo excellent , Methodlstn at noatrlco. BEATHICE , Neb. , Sopt. 18. [ Special Tele gram to THE HUB. ] The Methodist confer ence will open to-morrow with nbout ono hundred nnd seventy-live- ministers in attend ance. A sermon was preached to-night by Bishop Taylor , recently from Africa. A Union Ijnbor Club. Git AND ISLAND , Neb. , Sopt. 18. [ Special to THE BKE. ] Hon. David Butler addressed n good house at Grand Island Saturday night and n strong union labor club was organized. The ex-governor delivered an interesting speech. KtctniHhlp AlornniontH. At Glasgow The Furuesslu from Now York. At London Passed the Lizard , the steam ers Switzerland from Philadelphia for Ant werp ; arrived , the Prussian Monarch from Now York. At Bremen The Ocean irom Now York. At Quccnstown The Alaska from Now Yorlt. At Now York The FuUU from Bremen and the Crystal from Lelth and Dundee. The SpcnrlUh Normal Opened. DBUMVOOO , Dak. , Sept. IS. [ Special Tele gram to TUB HUE. ] The fall and winter term of the normal school nt Spoarilsh opened yesterday with nn attendance of 100 students and a faculty of ten teachers. It Is expected that the number of students will reach 125 by the close of the week nnd near 150 by the middle of October. In the num ber of students , in proficiency and in the ability and experience of the faculty the school now ranlts among the foremost educa tional institutions of thu territory. The Wcatbor Indication * * . For Nebraska : Fair , cool , except In ex treme eastern portion , stationary tempera ture , southerly , shifting to westerly winds. For Iowa : Slightly warmer , fair , winds shifting to southerly. For Dakota : Fair , warmer to eastern point , cooler in western portion , southerly winds , becoming variable. Wreck On the U'nbnsb. ST. Louis , Scut. 18. A Post-Dispatch special from Fulrmount , III , , says that a pas senger train on the Wabash collided with a freight train near that place , causing a wreck. An unknown man. stealing a ride , was killed. Engineer Brandt , of the pasien- ccr , had his leg broken , and Postal Clerk CnUenuau sustained severe internal inju ries.