THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , SEPTEMBER 18 , 1888. THE CITY , 5- The bsink clearances for yesterday were W20,107.tW. The Sovcntli ward democratic club will moot ut Shcoly this evening. * The articles of incorporation oi the Nebraska Feed-Water Heater and Puri fier company were Illctl with the county dork yesterday. An information hns boon filed In the dietrlct court by County Attorney Sim- oral uguiiiut .J itie3 Bond for assaulting nnd robbing Sunford O. Wood last Thursday. Charles and Lyda Banks have sold lot fi , block 72 , which is the northeast corner of Capitol avenue and Twelfth Btreot , to I'eter GOO.H for $45,50' ) . The property includes a two-story brick. When the name of Thomas Nolan was called in police court to answer thu charge of wife-beating that individual failed lo appear and the judge declared his $1200 bond forfeited. Mrs. Nolan claims that her hubb.uid is carrying n revolver to kill hor. G.1J. . Patterson's accusers failed to appear against him in rourt and ho was discharged from custody. William Snowden , of Sioux City , who hold the mortgage on the horses in Pattordon's possession , foreclosed it and took tlio steeds away from thu alleged fugitive. Superintendent James says that it is possible that the A class of the sixth grade can bo accommodated at tlio High school , and an olTort will be made to make room for pupiln of that grade in that building. The U class will still bo divided among the other schools xs bo- tore. tore.A A deserter from the United States army , Gottlieb Follmuth , was captured lust'night by Oflicer Savage. lie is wanted ut Fort Omaha. IIo acknowl edges that ho is tlio right man and that he bus not boon out of the city. Ho simply got tired of carrying a musket and quit. Ho will bo taken to the fort and court-martialed. 1 I'crsonal I'ara graphs. William Hillstuin , of Nebraska City , is ut the Murray. Uovul Franco has returned to Oinulm anil Will remain hero. C. W. Allen nnil II. A. Cox , of Chadron , nro nt the Paxton. Judge Sanniol M. Chapman , of Plaits- ! mouth , la in the city. Paul W. Fowler , of Hastings , anil J. F. AHcn , of Fremont , are at tlio Murray. Edward P. Smith , of Seward , anil M. J. Jones , of Uana City , are at the Paxton. N. S. Sponeor , of Hcatrice , anil William P. Dcwey , of Pierce , are at the Millard. A. lj. Ilnvcns , apont of the Union Pacific railway at Central Citv , Neb. , passed through Omaha , o.iatuountl yesterday. > A 1'robable Chancellor. It has heon leportoil that Mr. Iloln , who was formerly eonnectcil with the hish school of this city , has returned to Omaha from Connecticut with a view to bcint ; elected chancellor of the state university. Tim Oil li John McDonald , oil inspector , loaves on Monday next on a tour of ton days through the northern part of the instruct ro tall dealers in oil as to the requirements of the state law with regard to tlic sale of thai ai tlclc. Posting Delinquents. Thecity and county treasurers have begun tnaltiiiK up their delinquent tax lists which are to bo published ttio first week in October. It , will include all property on which there Is any state , county , city or special taxes un paid. Tno delinquent sale takes place Iho first week In November. Died from the Injury. Thomas Lynch , who was gored by a sav age slccr last Tuesday at South Omaha , died Sunday from the effects os the injuries , and was burmd yesterday. The funeral oo- currod at Ins Into residence on Iho corner of Nineteenth and Vintou streets , and the re- maius wore interred , la St. Mary's cemetery. Don't Want to He Flooded. The St. Paul ft Omaha and Missouri Pa cific have petitioned the city council to pro vide an outlet for the surface water that pours east pa Grace street from Sherman avenue ovnr their tracks whenever there is a heavy rain storm. Tlio railways claim that tlio city ought not to flood their tracks and endanger their trains by water which it is not their duty to take care of. Halo of City ISomls. City Treasurer Hush closed the sale of f2S,500 worth of curblnir and gutter bonds yesterday. The bidders were : Albert Ncttor&Co. , of Cincinnati and Now York , (1.0375 ( nnd accrued interest ; Uluko Uros. & Co. , Hoston , Sl.O'JS ; Urowstor , Cobb it nster- urook , ? 1.03il5 and accrued interest ; John M. Dale , Omaha , Sl.OllK ! and accrued interest , flio sale was made to Urowstnr , Cobb & Estorbrook. The bonds are duo in ton years and bear 0 per cent interest. Unfortunate Spells. Richard Brown , foreman of the Union Pacific tin shops , is .again troubled over the uisnppoar.inco of his wife , who has been ab- Bcnt for three weeks under n spell of demcnlia. Some months ago she wandered away also , and was found decorating her mother's prnvo in Prospect Hill. She Is a largo ami heavy woman , and. Mr. llrown hopes that whoever may bo caring for her will notify him of her whereabouts , so that ho may bring her homo. _ Will Slurry Julia. Deputy Sheriff Strykor returned yes terday Irom Columbus , O. , having in cus tody Otto Waack , who was wanted in Jus tice Wado's court on the charge of scduuc- tlon under promise of marriage. The com plaint was filed by a young girl by the name of Julia Daemon. Young Waack stated that he had no intention of running away , and would have returned to Omaha in a few days. Ho also says he will marry Iho girl if the will have him. Tlio Op ii Door. Mrs. G. W. Clark is very indignant over on item which appsarcd in Tins line on Saturday , suggesting Iho removal of "Tho Open Door. " She says the house Is no moro objectionable than any In the row , that none of the inmates are over seen ; that the union did the best they could with the moans at their command nnd that an outcry for a "hijjh brick wall" around homo of the three- story "palnces of sliamo" would bo a llttlo uioro seemly nnd pertinent. The fourteenth mutual convention of the Btnto Woman's Christian Tempo ran to Union is lo bo held at Hustings , Sopleinbor 21 lo - . " > , Inclusive. Two dally sessions nro to bo hold for Iho transaction of routine business , the hearing of reports , etc. On Saturday even ing an nddress is to bo delivered by Mrs. Clara Hoffman , of Kansas City , and on Mon day evening a grand concert , will bo given. Delegates will bo given certificates by the agents Belling them their tickets , entitling them to return faro at reduced rates. of Time. Taking olTcct Sunday , Sopt. Kith , the morning train on the B. & M. railroad for Lincoln , Denver and other' points west will leave Omaha , at 8:15 : a. m. Ladies who value a refined complex ion must use Pozzonl's powder it pro duces n soft nnd beautiful skin. OllDUUKD I1HIIINI ) THE SCKNHH. Tlin CalJuoy Death Summons John Hooth Away. Sunday afternoon John Uooth , Iho stage carpenter at Uoyd's theatre , was in his ai > parent good health. In the evening ho was euddouly attacked with dropsy , and ycslcrday morning at 9:30 : died. His prostration was almost unknown to his friends , nnd only made kncwn to two of them , R wle and W. O. Sanders wiio k. drove hurriedly to his residence on Chicago nnd Fourteenth ntrcct , only to ba present to witness his dentil. Mr. Hooth was a pleasant and ncrocnblo gentleman. Ho made friends of all who had professional business with him , and retained their friendship to the last , Ho leaves a wife nnd no children. PI XING TUB How a Imwycr Fallcil to do It Tor SIol- lie Wright. As per resolution recently introduced by Councilman Alexander , the houses of pros titution were ordered clo4cd upon the Third ward school house block. The fact is , there was only ono such place situated upon this block. This ono was kept by Molllo Wright. She is Iho owner of Iho house , which Is upon leased ground. She has been in Omaha u good many years and has always kept an orderly place. No complaints have ever been made against her or her in mates , so the police say. Now , In pursuance of this resolution , she proceeded to close her house , but WAS approached , it Is alleged , by one Alex D. ( Jreon , a lawyer , and u brother of Duff Orccn , one of Hie police captains , who Informed her that by payment of j100 , $ . " > ( ) down nnd SoO In the future , ho could fix things so she could continue unmolested. Thinking that ho had truth fully represented the facts to her , Mio gave him $ . " > < ) , and upon his advlco opened her hnuso Friday evening. That night she arrested by Captain Duir Green. Ho said ho know nothing of any such agreement as his brother had intimated , and that she would have to go to jail ; or deposit a sum of money for her apnear.mcc , which she did. Attorney Green w.w seen in regard to the matter and he savs the amount charged w.i s merely his fee. IIo had assured the woman that she could run her house because ho saw no legal reason why she should not. There was no ordinance suppress ing such houses ami Iho resolu- lion passed by Iho council , ho claimed , carried no weight. The only way to have such a house suppressed was to cir culate a petition among tlio Immediate neigh bors and got n majority of them lo sign it. ATTKND THEM Alili. The U. S. Encampment , UtifTalo County Fair nnd G. A. 11. Itcuiilou at Kearney , Nob. The Union Pacific , "Tlio Overland Route , " will sell tickets for the above during the month of September at greatly reduced rates. A special reduction will bo made on tickets sold September 17th , toliOlh , limiled to September 22d. For rates , dates , etc. , call on or ad dress your nearest ticket agent , or IlAllllY 1' . UUUL , City Pussoncror Agent , 1I50Fariuun si. , Omaha , Neb. Forcleii Immigration Company. John Lindorholm , thd live real cs- lalc man and boss trader is the Omaha representative of this well organi/ed land ugonoy. They handle lands and town sitesall over the west , make in vestments , pay taxes for non-residents , etc. If you want to buy , trade or sell you should see .lohn Lindurholm at his ollico 1502 Farnam st. is in : C Winston the Schemer Forgets His Buggy Game. Mr. Angono , of the Columbus Buggy com pany , returned from Cheyenne yesterday with Winston , the man who represented him self lo Iho firm last Tuesday as Mr. Bishop , manager of the Consolidated Tank Line com pany at this place , and on that representa tion purchased a buggy from Angono and sold it to Homan and loft for the west on Iho money ho received for Iho vehicle. The confidence man is now in Jail. Ho is bright and talkative and seems to know but little of what has happaneil for some time. In conversation .with a Bin ronortur ho said : "My name is T. N. Shepherd nnd not Winston. I never gave any such name as I have boon urrested tinder that I know of. I don't know anything about ever having pur chased any buggy or having been in Omaha. I know I was in East St. Louis a few days ago and I know I was In Cheyenne when I was arrested , but I don't remember over having been in Omaha within the last year. " On being asked about his past lifo ho said that ho gradualed m Allceheny college in Mcadvillc , Pa. , in 18S3. Ho also gave the names of men who were in that college dur ing those years , which would show very con clusively that he had been there. Ho staled lhat he had been in Iho employ of Iho Consolidaled Tank line since lhat time , and Iho lasl work ho did was for that company. Ho rctcrrcd to Mr. Bishop as knowing all about him nnd his business rec ord. ord.Mr. Mr. Bishop was asked in regard to the man , and said they had never had any such man in his employ. Winston says his act in this city was com mitted while ho was Buffering from an epi leptic lit. Ho states that ho was In an in sane hospital for two years undergoing treat ment for tlu-bo Ills and lhat ho was just recently released. Mr. Angene's story of the way Iho Irado was made with them would show that Wins ton is a very smooth man and an old man at his work. It is evident from conversation with the accused that ho Is partially insane or playing tlio insanity dotlgo in u perfect manner. His hearing will probably not come off until his father , who lives in Mcadvillc , Pa. , can arrive hero. _ The Kdwards Oil Kurncr. A few minutes spent in the lest room at 117 N. loth st. will convince the most skeptical that the wonderful gas gener ator is an unqualified success. It is clean , effective and more than is claimed for it. The amount of heat is entirely at the will of the operator. The gener ator is safe as a coal firo. This grand invention is a great gift to the west , for it solves the fuel question. There are moro unitsof heat in a gallon of oil than in a bushel of coal. The bushel oi coal will cost you 40c , while the oil will only cost you bo. Tills ! B not buncomb ; it is a fact. The company intend placing an agent in every largo town in the state , who will furnish oil at not to exceed lOc per gallon. In Omaha they hope lo fur nish it at 8c , owing to advantages in freight. It is safe to say that the people ple of the wesl have never had Iho op- porlunity of securing so morilorious tin article as Iho Edwards oil burner. Itis safe , clean , efficient and , above all , economical. You should see it before you lay in your winter's fuol. Mnrrlajjo Licenses. The following marriage licenses were Is sued yesterday by Judge Shields : Name and residence. Ago. Peter L. Peterson , Omaha . 23 Mary Johnson , Omaha . ' 'I Henry D. Maekey , Omaha. . . . 31 Mary J. Morearty , Omaha . 5 Charles K. Mnsscy , Chicago . t3 ! Martha B. MeCluro , Omaha . 'JJ Judd Stewart , Kansas City . - > -J Fanny M. Boll , Omaha . 23 Charles IS. Hill , Elkhorn . 23 Hachd A. Turnoy , Elkhorn . ' "J Dlnpil But. Wouldn't Pay. Phil Corbett , tin old-timer , went into a Six tecnlh Blrect restaurant last evening and pro ceeded to rcgalo himself upon the fat of the land. When his repast was finished ho said that ho had no money nnd could not pay for it. A police officer was called and Phil was escorted to the station. The sum of SO cents was found In , tib pocUct , moro than sufficient to pay for his meal , and Phil will explain his conduct to Judge Borka this morning. Drink Malto , 3 contsa bottle. Jlaynn Kcslgns. C. E. Mnyno haa voluntarily tcnJorod his resignation to Mayor Broalch as a member of the board of public works , which was ac cepted , Mr. Broatch was seen and exhib ited the following letter from Mr. Maynoi Hon. W. J. Broatch , etc. : I hereby resign tlio office of member of the board of public works. Respectfully , C. E. MUNB. Mr. Broatch said ho had not decided whom ho should appoint to fill the vacancy caused by Mr. May no's resignation. Ho said , how ever , thai ha should appoint some minded , pubUc-aijiriua citizen. M'SUANH'H LHVUli. He TnlkH Upon .Measure.1 ? , nut Not of Politic * . Hon. John A. McShano reached homo yes terday , and from an early hour until high noon his Thirteenth strcctOifieo was boalcged by both men nnd women. Of course , the politician was thcro in exceeding plcnloous- ness , ns well as tlio business man , the lob byist n ml Iho old acquaintance. TUP. line man found It about as difficult to get his car as It would bo to get au ordinary individual's poaketbook. So much for being a congressman , Mr , McShnnc looks hearty , rosy nnd robust , and In reply to a query as to Iho condition of his health ho said : "My health Is very much Improved , nnd , homo again , I confidently ex pert still greater improvement. " "How about the gubernatorial campaign I Has there been any line of action mapped out and are you In it in dead earnest I" "I don't sco how I can give you any information mation about the campaign , at least , not un til after the committee meets. Of course , I am m for it. " "Tho policy of the campaign ; what will that bo J" "That , I cannot tell you In fact , I have nothing to convey of a polltic'il character. " "Well , then give us Iho status of Omaha's new postofllco pruspeet , the pjoplo are eager lor news on that score likewise. " "That is easier. It is in conference , sub ject to bo called up at any tune , and the prospects are good whenever a quorum is present in the houso. To call it up in the absence of a qurom , you doubtless know , would subjei't It to the mercy of ono man , as his objection would prevent the passage of any bill under the circumstances. " "But , it will go throughi" "Assuredly. " "Do you know anything about a proposed site for the fort i" "No. Tlio bids had not been opened when I left Washington. " "You have sufficient experience , now , Mr. McShnnc , what do you think of congressional life how does it sot upon you I" "Disagreeably. But , pot-Imps I ought not to say that , for there are sonic Uiings about it very pleasant , and many that are unpleas ant. It is very hard work. " "And you don't like hard work ? " " 1 have done considerable of it. " "And you can't toll mo anything about the campaign i" "Nothing. " "Will you remain hero until after the clea- tlon ! " "I can't tell. " "Woll , how long will you remain i" "Nor that cither. " "Then t have got all. " "About. " "Ciood morning. " "Good morning. " I cheerfully recommend Red Clover Tonic to tho-.o suffering from troubles of the stomach and liver. I am now on my t-econd bottle and it makes * mo fool like a now man. C. M. Connor , Nashua , In. C. F. liOOUMAN , Agent , A MILLION OF MILKS. What a Little Kiiglnc on the Union Pacific Has Traveled. Frequenters of the union depot who daily watch the sturdy old engine 310 , running back and forth across llic bridge in Iho trans fer service , liltlo think that it was ono of tlio pioneers that opened up this country twen ty-live years ago. Then it came bright and now from the Hoger Locomotive works , and was run on the Kansas City branch. If it could speak it could tell many a story of the early days , but , as it can't , llio reporter fig ured up Iho amount of work It has done. Sometimes making runs of 130 to 1GO miles per day , and sometimes from 100 to 1'Jo , ho fixed the average tit 125 , and on that basis it has traveled 45U'J. > miles par year , or 1,110- C'23 miles since it was built That means17M times around tlio world , and yet Iho original machinery is still in its place , and apparently as good as over. It lias never been in any serious accident , but has met with several minor mishaps , such as all engines arc liable to , and is now enjoying the rest thai old ago brings lo bolh locomotives and men in mak ing ten or Uvclvo daily trips acrots the river. It is in charge of Joe Hayes , who , like itself , is an old-timer in Iho service , and for Iho last twenty years has been employed by the Union Pacific. "No. I never was bothered with Indians , " Mr , Hayes said , "but buffalo were pretty illicit between Grand Island and the North Platlc. and some limes delayed Iho trains in those days. The Indians did ditch ono train in my time and killed and scalped all tlio crow except the conductor. IIo was stunned by the fall and was scalped while ho was ly ing under tlio bridge , as the Indians thought ho was dead. When I've time , I'll tell you moro aboul It , bul lime's up now , " nnd ho mounlcd Iho cab as old JilO started on her back trip across the bridge. Notes. Assistant General Freight Agent Johnson of the Union Pacific has gone lo Chicago. The stoves at tlio Union Pacific depot wcro lighted yesterday for the first time Urn season. M. A. Marshall , general agonl , and Chart io Manholt ? , roadmastcr of Iho "Q" at Ucd Oak , are in town. C. S. Towksbury , claim agent , and J. M. Johnson , gcnoral freight agent of the Hock Island , are in town. K. C. Moorohouso , general freight agent of Iho Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri Valley , hns gone to Chicago. About two dozen people loft on the Union Pacific for Ihe Grand Army of Iho Kcpublic reunion at Kearney. Conductor Gaines has boon transferred from the dummy to tlio transfer Irani , and commenced his now run. The Union Pacific is building a depot at Summit , and hereafter every dummy train , cast or west , will stop there. W. O. Johnson , of Chicago , has been ap pointed assistant to President Benedict of the Chicago & Atlanlic railroad. In a day or two the colored trainmen of this division will have things in shape lo or- ganl/o a brotherhood in this district. T. W. Burrows assumed his position ns general superintendent of the Chicago ft Atlanlic railroad vice Thomas , resigned. The government fish car passed over the BurlmL'ton for Qumcy , 111. Low May , Iho Nebraska commissioner , wont along with it. This week the Union Pacific will com mence construction on a ton-mile branch line from Fair Play to the Horseshoe' mines in Colorado. Commencing Scplcmbor 23 the Fremont. Elkhorn & Missouri Valley will run a special train to the Sioux City corn palace , leaving at 0:80 : a. m , and returning at 10 p. in. Sunday a now time card wont into force on the Chicago , Burlington & Qulncjvjind now the fast train going cast will leave al 3:50 : in- slcad of 3:13 : , and arrive at7:3Ti : instead of 8 a.m. , nnd 7:23 : iuslo.ul of 7:45 : p.m. The train going west will leave at S:15 : instead of 8:15 : a.m. _ When you need a friend select n , true ono. Dr. Jones'Hod Clover Tonic is the best friend mankind has for all di seases of the stomach , liver and kidneys. The best blood purifier and tonic known. 60 cents. C. F. GoouMAX , Agent. THIS 1USGANS' WORK. What HUH Been nnd What Remains to I > Q Dono. At the last meeting of the board of public works , a resolution , instructing the bocrctury lo give Iho llogan Brothcn & Fox flvo days' notice lhat the board would lake measures lo Insure Iho immediate completion of the paving covered by their contracts , was laid on tho'lablc. Itjwlll doubtless bo acted on at the next meeting. The board is evidently of Iho opinion that the firm has undertaken moro than it can accomplish , owing either lo bad management or a very continuous scries of misfortunes. They negleclcd Ihcir con tracts for material till after the season opened nnd since lhat time , their crusher has boon broken , or they have boon out of sand or concrete or blocks or something else , and work has progressed very slowly. On Aug. ust 21 , a number of their slreels were given lo J. B. Smith. These have been finished and Began & Fox are still doing next to notblog. Up to dale they UHYQ jinished Twenty-eighth street froln Fiirnam to Lcav- cnworlh ! Ntuuteenth from St. Mark's ave nue to L'Javonworth i Twenly-nlr.lh ave nue front LcRVcnworth to Hickory nnd Leavcnworth from Fourtccnlh to Twen ty-fifth nvenuo , and nro now working on Grace , Sovcnlomtth nnd Elghlconth from Farnnm lo Barney. The slrecls contracted for nnd not yet touched nro Capitol avenue , from Sixteenth toTwontlcth ; Jackson , Thir teenth to St. Mur.\"H nvcntio ; Cutnlng , Thlr- ty-Bixth to Lowe avenue ; Chicago , Eleventh to Sixteenth ; Twelfth , Chicago to Daven port ; Fourteenth , Howard to Leavcnworth ; Scvcntceth , Lcnvenworlh to the Union Pa cific tracks , nnd Popplcton nvontto. from Twenty-ninth nvenuu to Thirty-second. This , in the opinion ot the board and com plaining property-holders , Is moro than Iho firm can complete in Iho season , and the probabilities are lhat many of the streets will bo advertised and relct to contraclors who can do Iho work. Anolher consideration which influences the property-holders Is the uncertainly of Inter- scclion bonds being volcd next year. In this case , if , as seems very probable , Smith nnd others who nro working very rapidly should absorb the $100,000 of Intorseclion bonds of Iho last Issue , the unfinished strecls in Hegan Bros' , contract would bo left In the lurch , An Absolute Cure. The ORIGINAL ABIETINE OINTMENT Is only put up In largo two ounce tin boxes , and is an absDluto euro for old sores , burns , wounds , chapped hands , and all skin erup tions. Will positively care all kinds of piles. Ank for the ORIGINAL ABIETINE OINT MENT. Sold by Goodman Drug Co. , at " 3 cents per box by mail 30 ccnls. A Bad Collector. About two months ago a young man named Linton lost a leg while in tlio employ of Iho Burlington , and some of his fellow-workmen decided upon purchasing him a suit of clothes as soon as ho was able to move around. Thirty-two dollars were collected , but the collector failed lo turn them over ut the proper time , and now ho is in Kansas City. It is said that ho Is there lo raise the amount , which ho squandered while on a ilrunkim spree here. Its superior oxrcllunco proven In millions o homes for moro than n quarter of a century. [ fs iisrcl by the 1'nltert Stiite ? Covcrnment. ' Kn dor ed by the heads of the great rnlversKles as the strongest , T > 'irMt ' and most healthful. Dr. 1'rlce's Cream linking I'owcl-T does not contain ammonia , lime or alum. Sold only in cans. I'ltlCU 11AK.1NC I'OWOr.ll CO. New York. Chicago. St. Louis With Corns anil lluntons when you ran hocurn Immediate ] unil per manent it'llef , ut btn.ill expense , , . . . . . . by tislngMiiAii's I'OIIN nnd llt'N- WHY IN ( l'i'AiTiits : , which HIM Fold * " ' nnd rerntmncmU'tl Ijy every live Druggist throughout the United States nnd Cnmulii. nnrrni ( Ill YM1I I" foveH nnd other summer uu iuu cllbunsesUlsnilvlsnblotoimiify the sick room dnilv , mill for this nnr rrn purpose iiotliliiRcxcels llvimox MJrrhn AI-IITIION IMSTIM.K * . Thuso wui i un papules vi lien burned In the sick room cause no perceptible in- nirnw crenso in Its temperature , but tVtKT they Impart a fragrance that Is " ncreeame , htlmnliitlng and re freshing to the sick , besides ncu- n A V trallzlng anil eliminating till ills- UA T njtrccble oilors and bodily excre tions , anil rendering the air pure anil wholesome. C ? Don-t forgot HENSON'S I'IASTUU fornclies OH ! MY HEAD. The pain from Neuralgia and ila companion disease Rheumatism is excruciating. Thousands who could be iniickly cured are needlcbslv suf will do for fering. Ath-lo-pho-ros others what it did for the following rmitics : Willlamnport IndOct.8.16S7. tT.iviiiK been tUictod with iiejinlKia for the past four yeara , and trjinualmoi-t every thing , but in vain. 1 finally hoartl of Atljfo- phoruH. After taking nnu bo'.tla I found It to IK ) helping rue , and after takinte four bot- tloa of Athloiihoros nnd ono of PilU , I found that I Kasi-ntlrely ncll. 1 think tlm modi- Clue Li pusittroly a Euro euro . REDDICK. Mt. Csn.el. III. . Doc 26 , VKI. I have u" t Athlnphoros in my family and find it to bo tlio KreatP't medicmo for neu ralgia in mbti-nco and havlnK had it fanio ftthleueduponruefortbopaBtWyesrHlknow whereof I Bi > ooc. ! Mr.a. JULIA CUILTOS. * SScnd C cunts for the beautiful colored pic ture , "MnorMi Mnlilcn. " THEATHLOPHOROS CO. 112 Wall St. H. Y. Ltimu niillm . U. S. DEPOSITORY , OMAHA , NEB. Paid Up Capital $100,000 Surplus 50,000 II. W. YATTS , President. LEWIS S. ItKr.u , Vice President. A. H. TOUAM.Vnil Vice 1'rcslilcnt. W. II. S. lluunus , Cashier , numerous : \V. V. MOUSE , . .Ions- . cnr.MXB , 11.V. . Y wus. LKWIS S. HKEU , A. 13. TOU/.AI.IN. IlnnkliiR Ollico THE IRON BANK , Corner 12th and rarnam Sts. A General Hanking Ilnsiness Transacted. When the Baby Cries , find out why. Tlioro Is a reason If improperly nourished , It is its only way of telling you no. RIDGE'S FOOD makes healthy , Joyous children. Try it. The Only Permanent Ouro For Dyspepsia , Sick Headache Etc , , -xs Our nnn- ! A'1'\I.O 1IK [ OF CAM- PAIGV OUTF1TM , with constitution. drill Indies ana full Information nbout anil drilling Marrlilny Clubs. C'ATALOUUU FllKB. A , U. SPALD1HQ & BROS , , . JrNr.EATlVlWlikNt60.EiT- iunotii.inlKI. loolhlrjrurrtnli at ' roiijh ill tik pirti.rti'or' ns them' Cnrrtul ' -frUlmUntlycr efjrfitS ! .U)0ncailu ) ! UMt itImproTf-nientoei all &th r brlti. Wont raiM per * nitnintlrcurnttn thftir.oaibi. 6r4lc l rimiittlct4c. Mima thoSandenClecti.dCo. ISQUaSiIictti. . CMctgo IF YOU COULD SEE The line of Pnll Overcoals wo nro displaying this settson , if you were positive liovf well they nro trimmed and mndo , and if you knew how cheap a really first class garment la being offered , it would be no trouble lo sell you one. No such exhibition cf stylish and elegant overcoats was over made in Omnhn , and the prices arc irresistible. The season for these garments being very short , we have decided to sell them quick and marked them so that they shall go quick. Wo will show you an elegant light-weight Ovevooftt for $0.00 , made of fine all Worsrcd Goods , lined and trimmed in first-elms manner. Coats for which other houses are asking $10 and $12 , nro no better than this one. Another Ovcrco.xt at $7.00 is made of u splendid all Wool Cassimcre of a fine grey color with best serge trimming. At SU.75 wo can sell you the most stylish looking Overcoat you have ever scon. This is made of the new wide Wale Overcoatings a splendid material for wear and looks. The Coat is silk faced with satin sleeve lining and regular tailor imulc. We have them in several of the latest shades ; it is one of the rich est looking garments ever shown , and any other hou o would charge about $15.00 for it. Many other of the choicest and finest grades , we have not room to describe all. Come and look at them ; wo know we can please your taste and save you money. Wo have not yet mentioned anything about our Ilats this season , but the fact is , our Hat trade opened up with such a boom thab several lots to which we intended to draw attention , were broken up in sixes be fore we had a chance to advertise them. Wo are now getting in duplicates ahcady and will try to keep our assortment full during the season. Is it any wonder we are doing the Hat business of the town ; when wo arc selling them at about one-half the prices , other houses do. The average Hat dealer can not compete with us. He buys a dozen hats of a kind from a jobber , where wo buy thorn in largo case lots direct from the manufacturer. Wo rather sell hundred hats with 25c profit on each than sell twenty-five hats and make oOc profit. THIS IS THE POINT. ONE PRICE ONLY. Cor. i4th and Douglas Streets , Omaha. It Is time to pntthc boi/s into their Fall Suits. Wo cnn them wlthyontlstnv- dy clot hot for nchool nnd i ldi ] , and icltli a hamtsomc suit for best. " two pieces for the small boys , and throe pieces for the blygcr brother , Itemarlcnble for powerful ymp thetle tone , pliable action and at > - aoluie durability. 3u years' record. ' tua best guarantee ot the excal * lenre ot tnose Instrument ! ! . DREXEL & MAUL , ( Successors to John G. Jacobs. ) Undertakers and Embalmers At the old stand , 14U7 Fnrnatn St. Orders by telegraph solicited mid promptly nttemied. Telephone- No. ! . T. E. CILPIN , FIRE INSURANCE BROKER , Ituo-.u C3 Trailers' J'.i'llillne , CHICAGO. Uei"crence Metropolitan National ; tank. K. U , Dun \ Co. Tlio llnuistrcet Co. GWJUON m Kj'wf ' TORCHES-FLACS' BAN' tJl& ! Sonii for f/Ianuf Catalog BGFFosferSen&Go , , 172 Mncllnnn-at.Chicago. Dig O hasslvcn unlver sal satisfaction In tlio curcofCoji. rbrra end ( .loi-t. Ipic ! Iboitr.nt ! feel safe In recommend ing It to nil sufferers , A.J.STONnil , M.D. , Docaiur , III. 1'IUCR , 01.00. Tr > 4 ( Bold by \ succiuigf ully used monthly by over 10,000 iLadles. Ate Safe , Kffectualantl Wcmant 51 per box hymail.orntdrugKiats. Staled Particulars 2 postafje Btampii. Address Toe EUHESA CHEMICAL , Co. , DUIROIT , MICIL For sale and l j mull by Goodman Driiu Co , , , Neb. Obtained. . Trade Mark , 7f-if > tl , Print and Copyright protection it- cured Good work , good refcrtnces , metier * atech'gi. Srnd for pamphlet. R. Q. DuBflll " ' 916 F St , WMhlngton , D.C. OTEADY EKPLOYMEKT Onnd cncrcetlo lady canrasicrs renldlnn In thlt or olher town" . No capital nccu ary , IJoodi ell thfl year round , lloforonce rn ulreil WES > I'HIIN AUK.NTS' bUl'l'LY CO.Ul Tlltli Ave , Chlc.iva , 111. ir. j. Surgeon and Physic'm , OJUco N. W Corner Uth ani Ijjusla' ' * dt. Ofllcs telephone , iuj , ' Hosldeuco tuloplioae , AOVtOafRHK. HOXVTOAOT. VVEAcKf tVIror ndMnhoodHef1ored. Pr * matufoDtcliuo au < i Kutictlon * ! dlior. TI cored wiiAoUStomach Uediclnei. StRQANGl 4onai > pllcftlloa. IS OUT OF OuDER ? BEAD THIS IF IT IS. A Proprietary Modicum that neciVj but a trial to prove Its worth. Dr.Calbder's ' Led liver Bitters , Tne only Distlllod Bitters In the United Btates. The only Hitters recomiizeil by the United States internal rercnno laws as a Pro prietary Jlodlclne. Lawfully Patented. No. of Patent 19,573. Contains no fusil essential oils , no foreign substance or daraag- Ins druuB. A perfectly pure medicine , rota- pounded from 1'ure Hoot Herbs and Old Peach : pleaiant to the tnste , quiet and decisive in itj effect. Cures Dyspepsia or Yellow Jaundice in nrtday * . Ululates the Howela. Invltroratea &acJTf } r'lvori Ouraa Diseased Lirer , Hevlve Hie Kidneys , Improves the Appetite Quickly , ' Regulates the wnole system , h'ow Llfa to tn wnole e/stciu. I.eft Uvcr Hitters nre inld In Oinalm , Neb. , bytho following liruiulsts. UlchnrJsoii Drue ! \Miolcsule , lor thu drug Interest or Ncbrasua. Uo tailors us tnllows : . . . . . . . . , uuiii , "irsy , ij. nun , IT..I..I. < = iuw , O. M. Crls'oy , K.CImnulcr , Hunn i rinirmiicy , dm- neyA llny'p , J.O. Klutt.J. W. Cmrke. J. II. Hcbmldt , Max II eclu , J. H. ChrlstunsonV. . i.ambiroii , H , a. Cux , MIIX Ciinrail. l < nink W. POKK , II. Hsrmiisian , Ceorco IKx'clur , llnjd'n I'hiirnincf , C. A. Melcbor. Howard Jleycr" , l-'nnk Dollnno & Co. , wholesale dealers In Clears inid Lett Liver Hitters. Beitie Stuart Institute Will commence Its 21st hcptenibcr 1Mb , issu. Ad \nntiiKia nnsurpnisiMl Iliuuii comforts ; caretu training. Apply to Mrs. M , .McKllElloMUS , Principal Morgan Park Military Academy Tno Ili-st Hoys' Hoarding School in tlio West. Sixteenth your begins Sept. lUth. Send for cata- lOKite to ( . 'AIT. r.l ) . N. IvlltIC TAI.CU1T , Supt. , MORGAN I'AIIK , COOK Co. , I LI , . mm : rnnKSKiu , MIUTAUV A'AI ( > IMV ; -L I'efksklll-oii-lludson , N. Y. f-eml forc.iu- logue. JMO. M.TIUIUK , M.I ) . . M.A. . 1'rinrliul. m Morciinl'nrkim'arCutcaKO ) . noarrtlnptf" VUISchool for ( Jills unil Ynuru 1'iitloa. 1'or Wp PcatnlOKiinniKlrrMO.'IHArillt. 1.1. l.Ky ) Morean 1'ark. 111. , or-77 MnJUciu Street , CuJcuso , 111 , 2T. JOHN'S MlUTAIlV SCHOOL. 5 MANUU3. N. Y. Civil r.nslnperinfr. Classics. Iluslnrss. Ifr. IlKV. D.lllINTINnTO.N' . I'resldont. IT. COL , W. ViilUiCK. ; : Superintendent. Tall turni bo- UNION COLLEGE OF LAW i , gins ! * opt. IV. u I 'or circularnddivss 11. llooj , ChlfiiKo , 111 HI5VI.OCK iNsflTTTi : ; hoiitli Wlllluinstown , llorkshlra county. Mass. A private Mchool for boyn. I'lepaiofnr college , hclontltic bi-liool or ImMness. Torty-hi'V- enth year begins Thursday , September 1,1th , Tor catalogue ud.lroiS Ui:0. R M ILLS , I'linclpul. STEEL FENS COLD MKDAL PARIS EXPOSITION H',3. Noa. 3 O3-4O4-1.7 0-6 04. THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS , GUATirUL-COMFOIlTIX(3. : ( Epps's Cocoa JJHEAKr.VST. "Dr n thorough knuwleil/a ut the natural lins vthlcli iiurcrn tbu opunitltms < Jt il e Uun unit nu trition , unit by ucarulul application of the nuu prop- orlles ot wull-fo'cctcd ' Cocoa , .Mr. Upps nui provluuil our Lrenklnst luiilun nltn n ilellc itly : HHvuruU lieier- una winch niajr tavc us niuny henry noctorv nllh , I ] Isliy thojuillcloutuiinor uch articles ut diet Unit a constitution iimjr bo gradually built up until tirung cuoin.'H to ri'Klst evi'ry tenOi'iicy to illieme. lluii' drcilsof "illjllo niulaillcs am lioiillnit around ui ready to attack wlieiovtr tlioro l > H weak pulnt. W may ncape many nf tul Blull by kunplnxounclvcii well forlltled with pine bluoit * H'l a properly nour ished finiio.-ClYll gurTlcutJsictte. Jlttilo tlmply nllh lolllnz wuter ur nillk. Hold only In half round tins by Uroceis , labvlua tliiii ; JAMES EPPS& CO , , JUDICIOUS AND PEISIST ! rir Advortlslng has alwnys povea successful. Before placing any Newspaper Advertising consu % LORD & THOMAS , > t-T - ' " - - O > * , Wbo li MTAU , NEItTCL'n , I > KlIMTA-f TKD , who In hli FOMY hnd IDNOnANC'E haa TRITLCn nway liii VIGOR of HOOT. ! ! ! I find MANHOOD.comingiubpuitlnj dralni upon th FODNTAIBin ofVEi IIKAnA'tmE. ' HACKACMK , Dreadful Drc-im * . WEAMNKVH of Memory , HASH * rCI.NCflS in KOUIETT. I'llWPI.EH UpoO the rACK , and all the KFFEVTH lending ti BAKI.Y DKOAT and pethapi CONNUMP * ON or INHANITY , ibottld coniult nt ona tei ) CKLKHaATKI * Dr. Clarke , KnUbllibed Wil DT Cl&rku un made IVERVOr.N UEl II.ITV. CUROJilC and all Diseaiet of Iho GENITO 1IUINAUT Ortrani I.lfa Kudy. It m kos NO dlflorenee WHAT jed ifivo taken or WHO hu fulled to our * you. , wr EHAL.KS tufferlng from dlgeatei peotl < nar to their tax can consult with tbc atiurtnca ef ipoedir relief and cure. Bend 2 cenli poitsgrf , ( br worts on your dliccies. t 4nond 4 oenta postage fbr CcIcbrnleA Wdrttn on Chronic , NorvottM and DolU eaCo Dliciues. Connultation , penonal.'y or by laMer , free. Consult the old Uoctor. Vboainndi earod. Office * and pnrlor * private.Thoeo contemplntlnc Marrl g < vend for Dr. Clnrko'i celebrated gulds ale and Female , each lie. , both 26 < U CiUrapi ) . Befoie confldlni your caie , coniult Dr. OLAKKE. A friendly letter or call may nre future suffering and ibama , and add goldta yean to life. a-Book " I.ll > > ( Secret ) Er. tor * , " COe. ( itampi ) . Medicine aud wrlti rt cut everywhere , secure from cxpoiurw lloun , 8 to 8 ; Hundayi , 9 to 12. Addrcn , * O Rfl A H A MEDICAL $ SURGICAL INSTITUTED . W. Cor. 13th ti. Dudfzo Sts. B K. A. O El S , v , APPLIANCES FOR DEFORMITIES AND TRU(3Ei ( ; { Jle t facilities , apparatus and remedies for sijij 'essful treatment oi every form of diseaseijqUtu ing Medical or Surgical Treatment. i ft. FIFTY HOOMS KOR PATIENTS/ ! / Doaril and attendance ; best hospital nccorn'mA rtntions in the west. , " > ' ' ! WRIIK i OR CiicnrARS on Ueforinltlei ant Braces , Tnufes , Club I'eet , Curvature of thd Spine , Pile * , Tumors , Cancer , CM.itrh , llroncliltif. Inhalation , Electricity , PatalyMS , Knilepsy Kid ) ncy , Illaddcr , Kye , liar , bUiu slid Wood , jud all Singical Operations. , / Dlseaaoa of V/omon a SpeclaKy , HOOK on UISSACH or Wojins FIIEJ ? . ONLY RELIABLE MBDIOAL INOIlSUlfl UATINfl A OI'ECHLTY Or , / / PRIVATE DISEASES All Illooil Ihcc5es ucceisfully treated Sypli , Illtic Poison removed from the Kysteiii irithou mercury Kttr icstoralive treatment for loss a , Vital Tower. I'd sons unable tu visit ns utay bi treoted at home by correspondence. All comtnu nicationt confidential. Medicines or Instrument ! < ent l > y mail or ( .xprcss , becurcly paclicd , lu marks to indicate contents or sender One pert vjnal interview preferred , Call and consult u o | . end history of your case , and weiriU i > eud ill plain wrapper , our 7 DOOK TO MEN , TREE ; Upon 1'rlv.ite , fipeclnl or Nervous nistases , fiuJ vntency , Syphilis. Gleet aud Varicocelc , with estion list. Ailurcts Onm/iti Mfilical and flurfileul Tiutltittco DR. [ VJcWIENAMY , Cor. I3'.h onu Oodaetll. . OMAHANEB. is Wealth ! Dit. K. C. WBRT'H Nrnvu AND nnAiw UC.XT , agunranttiod snecinc for Hysteria , UlzzU nesa , CouvuUlous , I'lt.i , Nervous Neuralglav lleadacne. Harvous 1'roetrntlou. cuusod by thd ma of alcehol or tobacco. WnkefulneBs. Mental lleprenslon. Softening of the llraln , resultlnz In Insanity , and lenillns to ralisrv. decay anil death. Premature Old Ace , IHrrenness , I.osa f I'owi-r In either cr. Inroluntsry I.onjei ui ptrmatorlura raused by over-oiertlon of the brain. < df-abuio or oTcr-lnduIz nce , Each ba * contains one month's treatment. 11.03 a box , o six boxea for U.OO , aunt by mall proptld on r c lpt f price. WiC GDAUAHTEB BIX ROXRH ' To cur * any can. With each order recalvsd bj as for elx boxes , accompanied with UM. w will send th purchaser our written iruarant i to rotund th * money It th * treatment docs nol effect a cure. Uuaraatoei Utu ( ( only byD. OOODMAN , Drj yltt , Snla Acrnt 1110