Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 18, 1888, Image 1

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Chairman Brlco'a Experience- With
the Western Bourbons.
Die Clover HUNCH Adopted By tlio
Campaign Iloq * to Silence Hiu
Jluiiffry 3Iol ) The Indiana
Ilrlcc'H AVrfitci-n Kxperlptico.
Nr.w YOKK , Sept. 17. [ Special Telegram
to TUB HUE. ] Chairman Calvin S. Hrice ,
who has been out west "chasing rainbows , "
has tired of the vain pursuit and started for
this city last Saturday. Ho gathered the
leaders of the democracy together in Illinois
and other states and talked. The unanimity
with which each leader and political boss
wanted aid from the national committee was
BomethlnK that called forth wary replies from
Hriee. They told him they \vantcd a slice
from President Cleveland's { 10,000 check
mid n portion of the money that had been
subscribed on the strength of the president's
donation. Hrlco grow voluble and leaky in
spots. Finally ho permitted the rumor to
ooze out that the president had never con
tributed a cent much less ? 10,000 to the
campaign funi' . It was a hoax and blind to
pet rich democrats to emulate example of
the president. The scheme was worked up
in such n way that It llnallv got Into
print , the very thing that the committee
wanted. A few bitterly opposed the decep
tion and deprecated the publication trick.
Hut when other large checks began to come
In the disgruntled members held their peace
and consoled themselves with the philosophy
that all was fair in politics. This announce
ment held in check the greed of the western
bosses and throw a damper over the confer
ence with Hrice. Ho pave them no monci ,
but his optimistic volubility discounted Mark
Tnpley. Nothing , however , could counter
act the effect of the reliable report that the
president had not contributed $10,000. A ma
jority of them were non-committal , but the
number who doubted that Cleveland gave
this sum would surprise the democratic
national committee. The rumor that the
president never irave a cent has been cur
rent for seveial days. Ono democrat ,
who docs not believe in decep
tive methods , said that he heard that
ono of the members of the democratic
national committee- had informed a gentle
man that the president nnd not contributed.
It is u well founded rumor , and the only way
fur the democratic committee to do is to show
conclusive proofs , which they have never
The unanimity with which the republicans
work Is in strange contrast to the condition
of the democratic party. There scorns to bo
neither head nor tail to it. The visit of
Thurman to this city , which Hrlco nnd Chair
man Harnuin thought would start a boom
for Cleveland , was a dismal failure. Thur-
miuiyhns always been popular in Now York ,
but his sudden illness and the disgraceful
way in which the ' 'Old Uuckeyo" was hauled
about from post to pillar to awaken an inter
est in Cleveland , disgusted the democrats
of all factions , and the old man has gone
homo to rest. The rcnomination of Governor
Hill added a temporary impetus to the battle
being wagged by democrats. Hut Hill's
friends say openly and frankly that the
governor is working for himself , and not for
Cleveland ; and the impression has got abroad
that it would not bo unpleasant news for him
to learn on the morning after election that
ho had carried the state of New York , but
that Cleveland had gone down in the strug
gle. The democrats of Noidrk state are
bending all their energies to re-elect Hill ,
but nobody seems to euro for Cleveland.
It was hoped that Thurnian's visit
would awaken an interest in Cleve
land's cause , but it was quickly scon
that the old man was only being used by
Cleveland's friends for the purpose of boom
ing the president. In fact , the whole demo
cratic party in this state is in such a disor
ganized condition that oven the oldest polit
ical prophets ( lure not make n prediction. So
many combinations have been made on local
tickets , and are making , that the national
committee find it dllllcult to awaken the
slightest interest in Cleveland's behalf. Ono
tiling is certain , the Tliurman fiasco will not
bo repeated , and Cleveland will not bo
broutjht to this state to mnko speeches. Ho
will bo permitted to stay in Washington nnd
Urleo and Harnum will do wlmtthoy can at
this end , but at the present writing it
seems to n hopeless struggle.
The big hotels nio nightly crowded with
men talking politics. The democrats have
begun to claim overythine. Ono big , broad
shouldered fellow jUood In the corridor of
the Hoffman house last night and attracted
attention to himself by saying In a blusterIng -
Ing manner that Cleveland would carry New
York , Now Jersey , Connecticut , Michigan ,
. Wisconsin , the solid south and perhaps
( I Massachusetts. Ho had worked himself up
H to iv pitch of frenzy , when a dapper little fcl-
1 low pushed himself into the crowd , and ,
shaking n handful of greenbacks under his
nose , said : "I will bet you SllX ) that you
don't know what you nro talking about. "
There was a laugh and cheers , and the big
man found it convenient to take himself out
of the way.
At the headquarters of the republican com
mittee the otllcers and clerks work with a
vim far into the night. They conduct their
canvass without any reference to what the
enemy is doing , and Senator Quay , who is
inoro bccrolivo than ho ever was in Pennsyl
vania politics , is us silent as the Sphynv , butte
to his mtlmnte friends ho smiles knowingly
nnd says there is no question Ham-
ton's succfs . At tno democuilio head
quarters , on the other hand , there is little erne
no interest manifested. The managers of
the party In this city nnd state sco no reason
why they should pull of their coats and work
for Cleveland , lor ho has done nothing for
them during the four jcars ho lias been in
the white house , and as Governor Hill has
token charco of his own campaign and is
conducting it very largely from the execu
tive chamber in Albany , democratic news is
very thin in quality and of no value in quan
Tliu Indiana Campaign.
INDIANAPOLIS , Sept. 17. A drUzllug ram
prevailed nil day. General Harrison devoted
the forenoon to his curresponilouco and re
ceiving occasional callers. In the afternoon
ho spent an hour at republican Headquarters
in conversation with Chairman Huston and
others. To-uiorrow the general will receive
n largo delegation from Louisville , Coving-
ton and other Kentucky cities. A telegram
this evening says that seventy carloads of
ICcntuckUns will arrive at 3 p. m. A dele
gation fiom Danville , III , will arrive about
Colonel John C. Now , member of the na
tional republican committee from Indiana ,
arrived home this morning from Now York
nnd spout n good portion of the day
nbout-tho republican headquarters , Fred-
er'o'.c Uouglas , the distinguished colored orator
tor , and General George A. Sheridan also
arrived this morning nnd loft early in the
day to fill engagements at other points in the
state. General ShorUlun spoke to-night at
South Ucnd.
Ux-Seci clary Charles H. Lltehuinn , of the
Knights of Labor , left the city this morning
to begin his canvass of the state. Kcclea
Kobtnson , John J. Jarrott , A. L. Uuukln and
other organized labor orators will take the
Btump to-inorrow in advocacy of the re
publican ticket.
Anna Dickinson makes her opening ad
dress at Richmond. InO. , on the night of the
Jlst lust. , and speaks at Indianapolis Satur
day night next.
i'hts activity on the part of the ropub managers is equalled in over , )
particular by the democratic ; man
ngers. Just nt this Juncture , thoi
may not have as many well known outsMc
speakers in the Held , but their local orators
rrnl 1' -
The great campaign in Indiana may bo sold
to bo In full swing. The line of battle ex
tends from the borders of Lake Mlchlcan to
the southernmost hamlet In Poscy county ,
nnd it Is estimated that over two thousand
speeches are being delivered now throughout
Hoosierdom. Reports indicate that Senator
Voorhces Is addressing larger audiences limn
ever before greeted him. Ho speaks to-night
at Lebanon. Congressman Roper Q. Mills ,
on his way to Texas , will make llvo speeches
in Indiana , opening ut Richmond Thursday
afternoon , the 20th" inst. ; at Indianapolis on
the night of the 21st ; Brazil on the afternoon
of the 2d ; Terre Haute at night ; Vln-
clcnnes on the afternoon of the IMth ,
nnd at St. Louis on the 25th.
It is understood that the distinguished
congressman goes homo to look after his own
ences , and will return to Indiana in Oc-
hj democratic state committee announces
hat.fudge Thurman will speak at the Shel-
lyvlllo barbecue on October 15 ; at the Peru
lurbecuo on October 17 and nt Brazil on the
Oth. Brazil Is In the heart of the coal mining
ctfion of Indiana. The committee is reluc-
nnt to abandon its original Intention to have
udgo Thurman address the great meeting
n Indianapolis , nnd to-day determined to
. . arry the matter of renting Tomlinson's hall
o the county republican committee
'or the entire month of October
o the city council. The hall Is the
iropcrty of the citv , and the arrangement
vith the republican county committee was
mule by the city clerk , acting for the rent-
nK committee of the council. But n majority
of the republican nldcnni'ii nro opposed to
my action that would operate to prevent
ludgo Thurmun from speaking hero. Chair-
nan Jewell therefore con lldently expects to
secure the big hull for Judge Thurmnn.
Ex-Congressman W. H. Calkins , who
recently returned from participating In
"ho Maine campaign , has challenged Senator
t'oorhces for a scries of Joint debates on the
nriff. Major Calkins is acting In the matter
ndcpcndent of his state committee. The
'fiends of Hon. John M. Butler , of this city.
ire authority for the statement that ho will
nt an early day challenge Senator Turpio to
neet him In forensic battle. Butler is ro-
jurdcd by many as among the ablest ox-
loundcrs of republican tariff principles.
The Old llom.iii Totter ? .
CoLi'Miiux , O.Sept. 17. [ Special Telegram
o Tin : HUB. ] The sensational reports con
cerning the fast failing condition of Senator
riiurmnn'8 health are n bit overdrawn. The
ndgc is an old man and a weak one , totter-
ng and unsteady on his legs as n young
mild , but ho is not much worse in that re
spect now than ho has been for some years.
IIo has not fully recovered from the effects
of his New York trip , nnd will not go to In-
liana as ndvottised. Ho is not in the best
of humor with the democratic national com
mittee , who insist that ho shall go to several
of the doubtful states , but has consented to
1o so , not because ho is fit for
Iho Journey , but for the reason
.hat ho does not care to appear as a non-com-
jntant in the presidential campaign. Here
In Columbus his physical inability to make a
successful speaking trip is well known , nnd
the chances are if ho is taken out again he
will collapse. Ho Is now feebleness itself ,
and though not confined to his bed , his
friends are fearful lest ho succumbs before
election comes on. In addition to the weak-
loss of advancing age and terrible rheumatic
troubles , he has hud a bad attack of his old
enemy , neuralgia , that Incapacitates him for
outdoor exercise. The only way for the dem
ocratic committee to bo sure that no vacancy
occurs on their ticket before November is to
wrap up their candidate in a blanket , keep
tils feet in hot water , lock the doors from in
truders nnd leave him alone to the consola
tion of his sunn" box nnd the beautiful com
panionship of his white-haired and revered
old wife. _
Snfo For the ItnpnhlicnnK.
CHICAGO , Sept. 17. [ Special Telegram to
run Hnn.l Mr. John F. Scanlan , a well-
tnown republican spanker , came in from n
tour of Michigan and Wisconsin in behalf of
ilarrison , Morton and protection. "I never
saw anything look so encouraging , " he said.
Wisconsin and Michigan are both safe for
20,000. Farmer Hoard , in Wisconsin , Is good
for 5,000 democratic farmer votes , and there
nro going to bo 5,003 clean cut converts to re
publicanism. I urn not prepared to say just
what will be the outcome ot the democratic
deal with the labor party , but one thing is
certain the labor leaders have lost the con-
ildenco of the people and the labor party is
practically dead. "
"Ono thing that struck mo , " contin
ued Mr. Scanlan , "was the number of men
who have their coats olT and nro hard at work
in this campaign , although they neve- before
had any active part in politics. Business
men have thrown aside their usual indiffer
ence nnd are at the very head of affairs ,
while professional men and mechanics nro
more alive than over to political duties. I
nm confident that a greater number of Irish
than over before will vote the republican
ticket , and I base my belief on personal con
tact with Irishmen and the statement of re
liable friends all over the country. The
democrats are weakened by their ofilcers.
They blundered badly in appointments. "
Mr. Scaulan will go to Now York in n day
or two to make a canvass of that state ,
after which he will speak In Indiana and
Wnlcomo Home.
CINCINNATI , Sept. 17. Speaker John C.
Carlisle , whose homo is in Covington , Ky. ,
Is in this city to-night. His constituents
had arranged to glvo him n distinguished
reception. A salute with cannon echoed
along the hills from the Kentucky shore , be
ginning soon after dark. At 8 o'clock twen
ty nine large uniformed clubs assembled in
Covington , ami with bands began the march
to Cincinnati , bearing brilliant torches. On
the Ohio side they were Joined by a very
large detachment of torch bearers , who gave
unusual brilliancy to the pageant by colored
lights from their torches. It was nearlv
half past 0 o'clock when the escort loft the
Grand hotel with Mr. Carlisle. Cannon
kept booming while the procession crossed
the river. Carlisle was taken to the Ken
tucky club house , riding in an open carriage.
Speaker Carlisle did not stop at the demo
cratic club house in Uovlugton , but drove by
at the head of the procession , which pursued
a long route through that citv. Mr. Carlisle-
did not speak. Ho desires to reserve him-
belt for his speech before the con
vention to morrow. Many houses
in Covington were illuminated , and
the reception by thousands of people on
the sidewalks and at the windows was en-
thubiubtie in the extreme.
Stnvonson Welcomed to Illinois.
SllELltYVILLE , 111. , Sept. 17. First Assistant -
ant Postmaster General Stevenson was
warmly received by the democrats of this
city and vicinity to-day. Ho delivered u
speech on the Ubuoi of the campaign , which
was well received.
Nosrons Itiddlod With lliickMhnt.
Nr.\v OIU.KANB , Sept , 17. A special froir
Opolousas , La. , says that yesterday morning ,
at Yilla Plaito Prairie , a crowd of armed
men rode to the houses of two nesroes.nauieil
Jean Pierre Salcrt and Uidcarc , and aftei
leading them a short distance uway riddled
them with buckshot , killing them both In
stantly , The killing U supposed to have beer
brought about by the incendiary lunguagi
recently used by these two negroes. The
affair created intense excitement in the
neighborhood where it occurred.
The Chicago Dynamiters.
Ciiicico , Sept , 1L' . The cases of the al
leged dynamite conspirators , Hronok , Cha
pok , Sevlo and Chlcboun , charged with aplo
to murder ofllclals hero , were cutlet
up and continued until the October term ol
court , on the assertion * of Hronok and Sovic
that at the proper timi they could obtuli
evidence to show their innocence.
Tlio Went tier Indications.
Nebraska nnd Dakota Slightly warmer
fair , easterly to southerly winds.
Iowa-Slightly warmer , fair , clearing It
oxtreaio eastern portion ; easterly to south
The llcinnrkntilo Discovery Made Ily
ChtcnK" Police.
CHICAGO , Sept. 10. [ Special Telegram to
TUB Hen. ] For two or three months past n
largo number of petty burglaries in the
vicinity of Western avenue nnd Madison
street , In this city , have annoyed the police
exceedingly. The looul papers opposed to
Mayor Hocho's administration have boon un
sparing In their condemnation of the police
for inefficiency , while the authorities have
been exercising remarkable vigilance. As n
result of careful Investigation they have
gathered In a remarkable gang of burglars-
four boys , aged eight , ten , twelve and four
teen ycar.sand the youngest , William Morgan ,
proves to have boon tlio captain. His lieu
tenant is William Sullivan , a ten-year-old
lad. Henry Stockinoyer , the eldest , was
the general utility man for the gang.
George Hopkins , aged twelve , is n
recent addition and is us yet hut n novice.
The boys are all of respectable parentage ,
; md their relatives nro thunderstruck at the
evolutions concerning their precocious prog-
Numerous burglaries , which were reported
o the police and were laid to old and ex-
) crlenceil cracksmen , were confessed to by
; he doughty little captain. They had boon
lioldlng a regular carnival of crime. No
house was safe when they crawled around
ni the back yard , as was their usual method
of attack. Their usual plan was to saw n
a panel from a door. Morgan Is so diminu
tive that ho could easily get through the
aperture thus made and admit his compan
ions. The particulars ot a dozen burglaries
, vero detailed to the magistrate in pollco
court this afternoon , showing that these
boys had within two months stolen
almost everything from candy nnd Jewelry
up to a horse. The latter animal they really
stole from n barn and drove It away with the
"ntention of selling It , but finding they were
ikely to get into trouble allowed It to go
after driving it about for half a day. In all
the houses they entered they took every key
they could get and meant to lit out the mem
bers with a good sot that would unlock any
door. When the magistrate had recovered
from the nimuomen'j produced oy the revela
tions of the Infant "Captain , " lie lined Hop
kins $ , M ) and held Sullivan and Stackmoyer
to the criminal court in bonds of $1,000. Ho
was puzzled what to do with the "Captain11
but finally sent him back to the station until
Additional Particulars of the Fearful
Work of the Cyclone.
Nnw YOIIK , Sept. 17. A letter to the Trib
une from Havana under date of Septembers ,
yives particulars of the recent cyclone which
swept over Cuba. The cyclone entered Cuba
Dy way of Sagua and took a westerly direc
tion with a slight northerly 'inclination , its
center passing almost over Havana. For
fifteen hours it riged and wreaked fearful
havoc to life and property throughout the Isl
and. It demolished the principal buildings
of the largo cities and wiped out whole towns
situated near the seaboard. Water Hooded
largo districts of fertile land , liehly planted
with sugar , tobacco , fruit and vegetables , de
stroying valuable machinery of the planta
tions and ruining crops. On the seaboard
heavy sous broke down the wharves and oc
casioned great losses to shipping and com
merce nnd loss of life to crows on board the
vessels in harbor. In some instances vessels
were carried a half u mile into cities , whole
blocks of houses nnd trees being
battered down as the vessels cut
their passage through the streets. Havana
presents n novel sight. The streets
and public squares are piled high with tlio
ruins of demolished buildings nnd the debris
of every kind give it the appearance of n
bombarded city. Many streets in the north
ern part of Havana are submerged. The
wind also did heavy damage to trees and
buildings throughout the island. The num
ber of lives lost throughout the city and
country is variously estimated nt from live
to twelve hundred. The loss to crops , build
ings and shipping amounts to many millions
of dollars.
An Advance In Hates.
CHICAGO , Sept. 17. The roads that fol
lowed the lead of the Pennsylvania in reduc
ing a grain rate of 20 cents , Chicago to New
York , are evidently growing tired of the sit
uation. The Baltimore & Ohio has already
given notice of an advance to the 23 cent
rate , i to take effect September 25. The
Michigan Central and Lake Shore will give
notice of a similar advance to-morrow. The
reason given for this action is that the de
mand for cars is largely in excess of the
supply , and even while the tariff rates nro
maintained it is next to impossible to handle
the business that is offered. The Pennsyl
vania , however , ac'hcres ' to the low rato.
The Chicago & Grand Trunk has given
notice that on and after September 23 its
rate on dressed beef will be iTi cents per 100
pounds , both to New York nnd boston. This
is nn advance of 5 cents on the New York
rate , meeting the now rate adopted by the
other roads , but the Grand Trunk main
tains its differential on Boston business , to
which other lines apply a 40 cent rate.
IIo Cot n Divorce.
INDIANAPOLIS , Sopt. 17. A special from
Kokomo reports a bloody affray in the court
room in that place this morning. An action
for divorce was pending between Samuel
Pructt and wife , and both parties were in
the court waiting for the case to be called , a
petty suit being meanwhile in progress.
While the court was occupied with the latter
case , Pruott drew n revolver and llrcd two
shots into the body of his wife and a third
into J. C. LJlaeklcdge. The woman was shot
in the left breast near the heart , nnd in the
right shoulder , and will probably die. Hlack-
ledge was shot In the right breast , but his In
juries nrc not fatal. Pructt was arrested.
He claims that the shooting of Hlncklcdgo
was accidental , the bullet being intended foi
another man who had invaded the sunelitj
of his household. Ho admits that ho in
tended to kill his wifo.
I'rnphct AViuKinH Prophesica ,
NuwYoiiK , Sept. 17. ( Special Telegram
to TIIK HIIE.J Ulakoly Hall telegraphs from
Ottawa nn interview with Wiggins. The
iircprcssiblo prophet says Jacksonville is
sure to have n frost between October 3 and 9.
This lowering of temperature will bo duo to
the moon's Junction when in perigee and the
peculiar position of the planets Mars am
Jupiter. The cool weather will wipe out tlio
yellow fever. Wiggins added that ho has a
strong suspicion that serious earthquake dis
turbances will shortly occur on this conti
ncnt , but on account ot the alarming results
following his other predictions on the same
subject ha refrains from the promulgation o
his idea as to the prediction.
Knocked Out by Ills Htomach.
HOSTO.V , Sept. 17. [ Special Telegram to
TUP. HUB. ] John L. Sullivan is very ill. Ills
stomach has gone back on him , nnd White
his doctor , says n cold has settled there
Those who know say his stomach is ruined
by excessive alcoholism. Friends doubt if ho
will ever bo able to again make u dcccn
stand in the ring.
Nominated For Kcprrscntntlve.
HESKLEMAN , Nob. , Sopt. 17. [ SpecialTelo
gram to TUB UEE. ] The republicans of the
Sixty-seventh representative district me
here to-day ana nominated Charles Meeker
of Chase county , for representative. Mr
Meeker is a Btroni ? man and will bo heartily
supported. Ho has made many warm friends
in his Ilk'tit with the Lincoln land company
ut Imperial.
Four Children Hiirnod to Death.
SAN ANTONIO , Tex , , Sept. 17. At Dovlno
station , twenty-live miles south of hero , four
children wore burned to death by coal oil ,
which ciaight flro while the oldest child was
using it to light a lire with. The mother , in
her efforts to save her children , was burned
terribly about'hcr hands nnd fnpo.
They Are Opened By the Acting
Secretary of Wnr.
Senator Mnnder.son'H Military Kducn-
tlon Hill Passes tlio Konntc Intor-
tii IloincHtoiulers Polit
ical Public Documents.
Opening the HUN.
WASHINGTON. D. C. , Sept. 17.
Illds offering land for sale for the now
\ > rt Omaha were opened this afternoon by
\ctlng Secretary of War MacFeeloy. The
bllowing were the bids : Thomas Swift ,
00 acres , $50,000 ; Jorgen Clausen , IfiO acres ,
at .5100 per acre ; Hamilton Martin , 450 acres ,
10 price mentioned : James K. Uoyd , 430
icrcs , 513,000 ; U. L. Knight , 555.2 acres at
MOO per acre ; Harton & Nichols , 5l'J.ti9 ' acres ,
* 51,5t9 ! , or ! WI.33 acres , i3,12J ; Julia and
umcs Vandercook , 130 acres , no price. In
ho same bid came four lots from Martin S.
lunn nnd Joseph Wilson , in all 203 acres ,
> rico $57H'J ( ; John S. , Carrie H. , Clara L
and Malcolm Hrown , and Jennie A. Forsy the ,
440 acres at $150 pec aero ; Luolcn Wood-
vorth , U20 acres nt fS5 per ncro ; John H.
Cryer , G'W acres nt $100 per ncro ; Charles
Vbcrnothy , agent , $100 per aero , number of
acres not mentioned ; O. H. Hallou , 32J
acres , MO.OOO ; W. H. Lowe , 477 acres , at ? U7
> er acre , also 5)7 acres at ? 95 per acre ;
lans Hookman , 43J acres at $100
icr ncro , also 158 acres at $50
> er aero ; II. F. Clarke , of Hellovue , eight
ots at $00 and $00 per aero ; John L. Mc-
3ague , president of Portal Land and Town
Lot company , 320 acres , $40,000 ; George
Hates , 430 acres , $43,200 , nlso 3 > 0 acres ,
$ : ! 0,000 ; W. W. Lowe , -ISO acres at $107 per
aero ; Henry Kelsey ana Christian Koombcr ,
040 acres at S10J per acre ; Kamsoy Saling
and C. V. Gallagher , 440 acres at $132.50 per
ncro ; H. H. Crouchman , 252 acres , $10,000 ;
J. Kolly.McCombs , .Tip acrei at C10U per acre ;
Fred Frick , of Sarpy county , 320 acres ,
* 155,000 ; James A. Connor , 40J acres at * 150
per acre ; \V. A. Paxton , 320 acres , $13.000 ;
Potter & Cobb , 450 acres , $05,000 ; Henry
Zuchor , 3.10 acres , $04,750 ; L. Crotmse , 400
acres , $ . ' 55,000 , two additional plats if needed ,
$7,500 ; John L. MeCuijne. 320 acres , f 10,000 ,
45'J acres , $50,000 , 300 acres , { 01,000 , and 300
acres , $00,000. all of which arc six miles from
Omaha. No awards will bo made for some
time yet , nnd it Is probable that a board of
ofilcers will bo sent out to select the most
eligible site.
To-day Senator Mandorson called up his
bill detailing army and navy ofilcers to edu
cational institutions for military and naval in
struction , which was passed by the honso re
cently with slight amendments nnd ho se
cured Ilnnl concurrence. It will now go to
the president for his signature. This measure -
uro was asked for by educators in Nebraska ,
Iowa and Minnesota. A
Mr. Manderson introduced a 'bill in the
senate to-day which will bo received very
cordially by many readers of Tin : Hun who
want to get homes in the public domain. It
provides that any honorably discharged sol
dier or sailor in the late war who has once
tiled a declaratory statement for a homestead
entry , and who , before the six months al
lowed under Section 204 , ! ! , revised statutes ,
in which to make his entry , has abandoned
or relinquished the entry shall not bo , de
prived from making another homestead
entry unless it shall bo made fully to appear
that such speculation was made for the pur
pose of rlinquishmcnt. The senator believes
can secure the passage of the bill during the
approaching winter If not before the present
session adjourns.
There was a time when the United States
consul reports were of extreme value on ac
count of the information which they con
tained relative to commercial affairs in for
eign countries. Consuls under past adminis
trations deemed it their duly to conllnc their
reports to the state of the market , the pros
pects for increase of American trade , articles
on the wants of the country to which they
were assigned , and similar information of
value to the shipper , of interest to the manu
facturer , and of information to the general
public. Lately , however , there seems to
have been an order Issued directing consuls
to work up as much political capital as they
possibly can iiito their reports , and the re
sult of it is that the press is furnished from
time to time with advance sheets of forth
coming consular reports , which are devoted
almost exclusively to comparisons between
the methods of conducting business in for
eign towns nnd similar methods in vogue in
the United States , with nn cyo single in every
instance to tlio detriment of the latter.
In one of these advance sheets just dis
tributed , there Is a lonp , windy article on the
methods prevailing in shoo manufacturing
establishments in Massachusetts and in
Germany. The consul making this report
shows that ho has had some connection with
an old-fashioned shop in the past , and ho
seems to regret in the most un-Amcrlcan
manner the progress which machinery has
made in this branch of industry. Ho goes on
to show how much the labor value Is of each
pair of shoes produced , nnd then compares
this value of labor with that of the foreign
hand. Ho has tried to confuse the American
people by saying that it costs less to tr ako a
pair of shoes in America tiian it docs in
Kuropo. The idea is , evidently , to induce
tao American mechanic to believe that his
lot is a less hapn.v ono that his German fel
low workman , liut the consul falls short of
the mark because , ho failed to show how
much more work thd American laborer can
perform In a day with the improved machin
ery in use m this country than the foreigner
can do with his more crude instruments.
Hut lie has shown orjo thing , which ho proba
bly did not intend , , and that is that the
American system of protection to American
Ingenuity and enterprise enables shoes to bo
manufactured in greater number and consequently
quently sold cheaper in America than in
Europe , in spite of the alleged operations of
the imported taxes.
The speech of Senator Vest , of Missouri ,
delivered in thu senate the other day. on the
subject of the assimilation of the Chinese
ami the African races with that of the Cau
casian , will undoubtedly put an end to the
efforts which have been made to a greater or
less degree by both political parties to
divide the colored vote. No democrat in the
country Is better authorized to speak for his
party than Senator Vest. Ho is a man of
strong Intellect and wide experience , nnd ho
has never been questioned by his party or by
his opponents so far as his democracy is
concerned. lie assisted the south in its in
surrection to maintain slavery , and was the
leader of the confederate congress whtcn en
acted laws at Richmond.
Senator Vest said In his speech , if not in
direct words by Innuendo , that the negroes
of this country were a greater charge upon
the states where they were mostly located
than were the incoming Chinese
upon the states of the Pacino
slope. Ho thought that the south-
urn section was seriously besieged by the
blacks , nnd that It would continue to labor
under a greater disadvantage than the Pa-
cine slope would on account of the influx
from tno Celestial empire. The effect of
Senator Vest's speech is regarded in Wash
ington to be that the democracy is not in
clined to usk for negro suppoi t , nnd that it is
in fact In a mood to repel it. If there has
been any inclination on the part of the blacks
of the south or elsewhere to go over to the
democratic party it will surely bo estopped
by this speech. It Is an announcement to
the negroes that they nro uot wanted , not
only in the democratic party but in the
south , and the south ls us anxious to get rli
of them as the Pacltlo slope is to rid itself of
the Chinese.
While no ono In Wn .hln"U > n w > u v q that
hero will be any action taken on n tariff bill
> .v either house of congress before the No-
ember election , It Is the Impression of nl-
nest every ono that a bill will bo finally
idoptcd by both houses of this congress.
Cver If the senate should conclude to take up
ts tariff measure after It has been reported
rom the committee on finance nnd it should
mmcdiatoiy enter upon a discussion of it ,
hero is no pronabllity , whatever , of action
vitliin the next two months. Of course , the
csult of the election will have an Inlluence.
t Mr. Cleveland should bo re-elected the re-
lublicans will feel as though the Mills bill
ins been endorsed by the country , and it will
jo likely that a bill more in the form of that
ncasuro than any other will bo adopted by
joth branches of congress. If General liar-
ison should bo elected congress will regard
: ho endorsement of the country to be of the
bill which has been prepared by the senate
committee < m finance , undthemeasure which
will bo ilnally passed will partake more
largely of the character of Unit one.
When congress meets In December the tar-
.ft . bill will immediately receive considera
tion.All other legislation is to take u sec
ondary position , and there Is to bo a tariff
Dill of some kind passed. Very little , if any ,
Lime will remain after a tariff bill has gene
through the legislative hopper , and the reg
ular annual appropriations liavo been acted
upon. Tlio election which lakes place in
November , therefore , has n double impor
tance in regard to the tariff. Not only will
the congress bo elected to servo two years
t)3ginnmg with the ; 4th of next March , but
the country Is to speak its sentiment as to
tariff legislation by the congress now in
Dr. W. F. Peck , of Davenport , is horp to
attend the congress ot American physicians
and surgeons , which convenes at 1 o'clock
to-morrow afternoon.
C. K. Chrisnian , a well-known Iowa man ,
Is in the city.
The weather crop bulletin of the signal
oftico says that reports from the corn belt ,
including Iowa and Nebraska , indicate that
the weather during the week has been
especially favorable and that the corn crop ,
which is very largo , is generally secure nnd
past injury from frosts. Tlio frosts which
occurred during the week along the north
border of lowil and in Minnesota , Wisconsin
and Michigan did some damage to growing
D. N. Richardson , of Davenport , is in the
city. Prjituv S. HEVTH.
WASHINGTON , Sept. 17. In the senate to
day Mr. Mitchell introduced n bill to reduce
letter postage to 1 cent at onco. Laid on the
table. Ho also gave notice that ho would on
Thursday next submit some remarks on the
motion to refer the president's annual mes
Mr. Sherman offered a resolution directing
the committee on foreign relations to inquire
into and report at the next session of con
gress the state of the relations ofotho United
States with Great Hritnin and the Dominion
of Canada , with sucli measures as are ex
pedient to promote friendly , commercial and
political intercourse. Ho asked that the resolution
elution bo laid over till to-morrow , and said
that ho would then address the senate briefly
upon it.
Ono o'clock having arrived the senate pro
ceeded to vote on Mr. Hlair's motion to re
consider the vote passing the Chinese exclu
sion bill , which was rejected. The bill now
goes to the president for approbation.
The house bill to enlarge the powers and
duties of the department of agriculture and
to create an executive department of agri
culture was taken up. the question being on
the amendment striking out the section
which transfers the weather bureau of the
signal service to the proposed now depart
ment. After some debate , and without
action , the bill was laid aside till to-morrow
and the senate adjourned.
WASHINGTON , Sept. 17. In the house Mr.
Weaver of Iowa Introduced n bill to pro
hibit the voposit of public money in national
or other banks except for continued dis
bursement of public funds. Heforrcd.
A resolution was offered calling on the
president for information as to whether the
rights of American fishermen have been violated
lated by the Canadian authorities within the
last year , and , if so , whether ho has retali
ated , as he had authority to do under the act
of March 3,18S7. Referred.
Mr. Forney of Alabama called up the con
ference report on the sundry civil bill , but at
the request of Mr. Kclloy of Pennsylvania
he yielded to the gentlomin to offer n reso
lution broadening the scopa of the investiga
tion now in progress as to the now library
building , so as to direct the special commit
tee to inquire whether any member of con
gress has sought by undue influence to se
cure the acceptance by the architect of any
material , nnd whether any member has en
deavored to cause the removal of Architect
Saltmoyer from his position or to deprive
him of any of his powers or duties , for the
reason thai Saitmeyer iiau rofusea to act as
requested by such members. After adopt
ing the amendment offered by Mr. Springer ,
directing the committee to report its conclu
sion within two weeks , the resolution was
Mr. Forney then came forward with his
conference report , but Mr. O'Neill , of Mis
souri , raised the point of order that even
such a privileged report could not bo presented -
sonted when the house was dividing. On his
motion to refer the labor resolution pre
viously presented to the committee on labor ,
and his point of order having been sustained
the tellers resumed thcr places. For hours
the tellers stood at their posts patiently wait
ing for u quorum. A'arious propositions were
submitted to break the dead-lock ; but there
were objections to each ono and the house ad
The Situation nt Iluytl.
NEW Yonic , Sept. 17. [ > pocial Telegram
to THE Hr.n. ] The United States corvette ,
Gnlenu , Captain CoH > y M. Chester , has Just
returned from n trip to Port-au-Princo ,
Haytl , whither she was ordered n month
since to look after the interests of American
citizens. Captain Chester has made an
official report to the navy dopirtment of the
expedition , which has boon forwarded to
Secretary of Navy Whitney. The captain
reports that ho found that after President
Solomon had left the Island perfect quiet had
been restored and the political affairs of the
country were in n mucn better condition than
under the ex-president's government. After
remaining in port for four days the Galena
sailed for Kingston , the English man-of-war
port of Jamaica , whence Captain Chester re
ported the result of his trip to the Washing
ton authorities by cable September 7. Ho
started Irom Jamaica on the 8th.
Sacrificed at tlio Stnlco.
Los ANOELES , Gal. , Sept. 17. | Special Tel
egram to THE HEE. ] A horrible death by
lire was inllictcd by n band of Mojave Indi
ans on a young squaw living on the eastern
boundary of the state. The squaw , who was
about eighteen years old and quite comely ,
had in some way acquired the reputation of
being a witch , and the head men of the band
concluded to put her to death. The girl was
stripped naked and bound to a strong stake ,
nround which had been heaped wood and
brush , nnd the combustibles were set on fire.
It was two hours before she died , nnd during
that time hhu kept up an Incessant shrieking ,
while the Indians danced about and added
fuel to the flames. She was burned to a
Two More McCoys Killed.
CATLErrsnimo , Ky. , Sopt. 17. Another
raid was made by the McCoys on the Hut-
flold settlement Friday last , in which two of
the West Virginians were killed and two
more badly wounded. The Kcntuckians es
cape d unhurt.
Thurninn Worklnc On Ills Letter.
COMUIUUB , O. , Sept. 17. Judge Thurman
was kept busy last week receiving callers
and was unabl < : to get to work upon his letter
of acceptance. However , ho is now at work
on it and it way bo looked for in a day or
two. ,
lie Pleads Guilty to Two Indictments
nnd Goes to the IVnllontlnrr.
SALT LIKE , Utah , Sept. 17. [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tun Ur.u.J Shortly before 10 o'clock
this morning Apostle George Q. Cannon , who
has evaded the ofilcers of the law for over
two years , surrendered himself to United
States Marshal Dyer , In answer to the
charge of unlawful cohabitation. Nothing
that has occurred In this territory for a num
ber of years past created such a sensation as
that piece of news when it had become thor
oughly Known throughout the city. Cannon
was at ono time delegate to congress from
Utah , and has been the virtual head of the
Mormon church for years past. Ho was ar
rested several years ago in Nevada ns a fu
gitive from Justice on an Indictment to which
he pleaded guilty to-day , and hi * sensational
leap from the train and his subsequent
forfeiture of a $15,000 bond are matters of
history. There were two indictments against
Cannon. Ono was found March 'JO , Ibbfl , and
charged him with living with two wives ,
Martha Tulley and Emily Little , from July
2 , 18s5 to December 31 of that year. The
other Indictment was found last Saturday ,
September 15 , and charged him with cohab
iting with llvo wives , Sarah Jane , Ell/a T. ,
Martha T. , Emily II. and Caroline T. , bo-
betwecn the 2lst of March , Ibsi ! and Sep
tember 15 , ISsS. This last indictment was
found on the evidence of Bishop Clawson.
Frank J. Cannon , the convict's son and
Charles H. Wllcken , who has acted as Can
non's body guard ever since ho has been in
Cannon cnmo into court this morning nnd
pleaded quilty to both Indictments and asked
that sentence be pronounced at once. Judge
Sanford in passing sentence said : "Your
pica of guilty has saved the goveinment tno
expense and labor of trial and your submis
sion Is un acknowledgement , a tacit admis-
sljn Unit you submit yourself to the author
ity ol the law and admit the supremacy of
law , which every man must bow to and glvo
obedience to. The offense to which you
have pleaded guilty is made by the statute of
congress a misdemeanor and the pun
ishment is fixed by that statute
Is either n fine not to exceed $300 , or impris
onment for six months , or both within the
discretion of tlio court. "
The court then sentenced Cannon to sev-
cntv-tlvo days imprisonment and n line of SJOO
on the tlrst indictment , and 100 days and ? . ' 50
tine on the second indictment. Cannon was
at once taken to the penitentiary. The indig
nation hero among the gentiles is intense , as
they lirmly believe there has been u deal made
between the democratic administration
and the Mormon church , The gentiles -
tiles thliiK under the peculiarly aggra
vated circumstances in Cannon's case ho
should have received the full penalty ot the
law. Cannon Is the first Mormon who has
been sentenced by Judge Sandfocd , who was
recently appointed chief Justice by Clove-
land. Cannon gives as his reason for evad
ing tlio ollccr.s ) tlio fact that he was afraid
ox-Judge Deano would not bo lenient with
him , and that ho preferred to wait for a
change of administration. It is generally
understood the Mormon church will soon
abandon polygamy by an edict and then apply
for statehood.
Appointment * Mine Ily the Confer-
cnciv In .Session nt Chlcio. :
Cmc too , Sept. 17. The Swedish Metho
dist conference closed its session to day. In
the morning the final reports of the commit
tees were read , and in the afternoon Hishop
iVndrews announced the following appoint
ments :
Burlington district John Hcndix. prcsld ?
ing elder ; Andover , John Levohn ; Hishop
Hill , J. T. Wigren ; Hurllngton , In. , J. A.
Palmquist ; Creston and Spalding , Erie John
son ; Dayton , la. , James Iverson ; DCS Moincs ,
F. J. Ktanson ; Gnlesburg , Nels Eagle ; Galva
and Wagn , Alfred Kalin : Kcokuk and Melrose -
rose , C. J. Anderson ; Molinc , Kock Island
and Gcneseo , Martin Hess ; New Sweden
nnd Mauchachlncck , la. , John Simpson ; Red
Oak nnd Essex , C. F. Levin ; Sholdahl , In. ,
to bo supplied by C. G. Anderson ; Stratford ,
la. , to be supplied by L. M. Lindstrom ;
Swcdona , to be supplied by C. M. Holmberg ;
Victoria , to bo supplied , by Hugo Aim.
Chicago District John Wigren , presiding
elder ; Hatuvia nnd Geneva , Axel Uppllng ;
Chicago stations : Atlantic street , to bo sup
plied ; Fifth avenue. N. M. Liljegren ; Hum-
boldt park , to supplied ; market street mis
sion , Alfred Anderson and one to bo sup
plied ; May street , J. O. Nelson ; Donovan
and Yorkton , Ind. , Isauo Anderson ; Englewood -
wood , to bo supplied ; Evanston , N. O. Wcst-
crgren ; Hobart , to bo supplied ; Jamestown ,
N. Y. , O. F. Lindstrom ; Jefferson , to bo
supplied ; Kennedy and Randolph. N. Y. , to
bo supplied ; Lake View , AT. . Wontcrgren ;
McKcesport , Pa. , Peter Frost ; Kockford , A.
A. DHllwgi
Kansas and Nebraska district Olia Swanson -
son , presiding elder ; Axtell and Seanda-
navlti , Neb. , John Jncobsoti ; Clay Cnnter ,
Kan. , A. J. Kocklofgrcn ; Oakland , Neb. ,
Carl Nordo ; Omaha. P. .1. Hcrg ; Saronville
and Lincoln , Neb. , J. H. Anderson ; Scandia
nnd Wavnc. Kan. , P. M. Johnson ; Shlckley
and Ong , Neb. , A. J. Ergstrom ; Htromsbiirg
and Swcdo Plains , Nob. , John Luiidcon ;
West Hill and Looking Glass , Neb. , E. F.
_ _
The ISx-lClnjjof tlio Dndes in Dcspor-
nio Financial Straits.
NEW YOIIK , Sept. 17. [ Special Telegram
to Tins HUE. ] From Long Hrunch comes
the startling intelligence that Herry Wall ,
ex-king of the dudes , is so financially embar
rassed that ho lias been unable to pay his
board bill at the West End hotel , and Is
therefore likely to remain in hock down at
the Hranch until his mother or some obliging
friend furnishes him the wherewithal to set
tle up. That the ox monarch is considerably
In arrears , nnd that the proprietors are not
disposed to look upon the amusing side of the
affair , is a cruel fact. To make mutters
worse , it is exceedingly cold and dreary at
the sea shore at present , nnd the unfortunate
gentleman is certainly not to be envied in ins
present position. All the representatives of
wealth and culture have returned to their
city homes , and the Hranch Is desolate in
deed. It is said that the Messrs. Hiidrcth
have threatened to sei/o Wall's wardrobe if
ho does not come up to time in very short
order. If they do this Wall will bo reduced
to the painful necessity of appearing in pub
lic in his pajamas and linen duster. It is said
that Wall's mother has refused to advance.
him any more money , as she does not bollovo
in supporting her son in luxury and idleness
Fom.ilcH In the 1'rizo
Hun-Ai.0 , N. Y. , Sept. 17. [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tim HEE.J Hattie Leslie , n variety
actress , and Alice I.cary , an amateur act
ress , had a pri7O light on Navy island , down
the Niagara river. George La Blanche , the
Marine , seconded Hattie , and Hill Baker
helped Miss Loary. Jack Leonard , the pu
gilist , was referee. Marquis of Quccnsbcrry
rules governed the battle , nnd seven three-
minute rounds were fought. In the fourth
round Alice drew llrst blood by a hot blow
on Hattio's mouth. Hattie knocked her
antagonist nil over the lloor in the seventh
round. When time was called , Alice
threw up the spongo. The women fought
like tigrciscd ut times , but hit no foul
_ _
Murder und Sultjidc.
CIIKMOO , Sept. 17. Henry Thieno at
tempted to murder his divorced wife nnd
stop-daughter tills afternoon , after which ho
shot himself , dying insttmtly. His btep-
daughtcr is not hurt , but his wife received a
bullet wound in the right temple , and is sup
posed to bo lutally injured ,
Thn Ex-PrUouura Association.
INDIAN trout ) , Sept. 17.- The National Association -
sociation of Ex-prisoners of the late war convenes
venos hero to-inorro-.v in annual session
General W. II. Powell , of Illinois , prealden
of the association , arrived to-night. ,
The Sheriff and n , Pease Now In
Hot Pursuit.
A Ilurjilnry nt David City Hurt In a j
llunnwiy Accident ally Shot
The G. A. II. Itcitnloit
nt Kcnrney.
Hscnpi'il n Second Timo.
VAi.nNHXE , Nob. , Sept. 17. [ Special Tele
gram to THE HBB.1 Robinson , the murderer
of Sheldon , again escaped from jail to-night ,
this bolng hi * second break for liberty. Dep
uty Sheriff Clyno had taken the prisoners
their supper , leaving the front door un-
IccUo 1 , when Robinson slipped be
hind him and made n rush
for the door , getting out and
locking It on the outside. Before an
alarm could bo raised the prisoner made good
his escape. Sheriff Little has offered $50
for Ills capture , and Is out with a force of
citl/ens searching the entire country mid
hopes to capture his man before morning.
The Ilcitnlon nt ICcnrnoy. ,
KEVHNEV , Nob. , Sept. 17. [ Special to Tim
Hi'.E. ] Yesterday was a busy ono nt the en
campment of the G. A. R. nt Lake Kearney.
Tents were going up , and before sunset the
hills on the cast side of the lake were turned
into a city of canvas. Strangers began to
crowd Into the city , and the G. A. R. symbol
appeared on many of them. This morning at
10 a. m. tlio camp was formally turned over
by ( . 'omrnilo.l. E. Gillisplo to the camp com
mander , General Morrow. The greater portion
tion of the day was consumed In. assigning
the visiting comrades to their proper quar <
ters. At the camp lire in the evening Gen
eral Connor , of Kearney , will deliver the ad
dress of welcome. To-morrow the regular
exercises will begin. Thioughout tlio week ;
the reveille gun will bo fired at 530 ; a. m. ,
breakfast call will occur at 7. a. m. , anil ulcl
call til 7:30 : n. m. In the evening will como
supper call at 5:30. : retreat and evening gun
ut sundown , tattoo nt 11 o'clock nnd tups nt
10 p. m. The camp is located in the north
western part of the city , on the cast side or
Lake Kearney , and from almost any portlort
of it one can get an entire view of the city ,
also of Camp Brooke , which is about ono
mile duo south of the G. A. R. encampment.
At Cnmp ItrooUc.
KBAIINBV , Neb. , Sept. 17. [ Special to Tun
HBB.J Camp Brooke , was visited by thou
sands yesterday , and although this is tha
third week of the United States Army en
campment hero the interest does not Ing in
the least. Battalion guard mount was had
in the morning , and in the evening battalion
dress parade , thoTwonty-llrst regimentopon-
ing on the right , under command of Ebstion ,
senior captain , followed by tlio Seventeenth ,
under command of General Mi/enerand clos
ing with the Second , under command ol
Major Butler. A cool north wind blow yes
terday and the day before , and at night some
of the men , and the ofilcors as well , com
plained slightly of cold. To-day , however ,
is warm ami pleasant In fact n model Nw
braska day.
_ „
Dorsoy and the Campaign.
FIIEMONT , Neb. , Sept. 17. [ Special to Tnn
UEU.J Congressman Dorsoywho came homo
to look after business matters related to the ]
failure and foiccloslire of mortgages on C. E.
Mayno of Omaha , returned to Washington
to-day. Ho expects to bo at homo again
shortly to enter the campaign and continua'
in the light until the close. Ho has perfected
arrangements to speak at the ; county sent of
every county in the district . .forty-seven in
all. In case of inability to 111V , all engage
ments ho is making , ho has several of tha
best speakers of the state engaged to assist
him. \
iturclni-H Busy nt Fremont.
FIIEMONT , Neb. , Sept. 17. [ Turi
BEE. ] Burglars are again plying their ne
farious business in Fremont with pccullan
success. Saturday there were two houses
entered in the afternoon. Ono of them wa3
the residence of W. C. Wiley , from which
was taken all tlio family's jewelry and othotf
things to the value of about $50. Thomas
Frahm's room was also entered nnd n valu
able watch and charm stolen. No clue to tha
guilty parties has yet been obtained. \
The Buffalo County Pnlr.
KBMINBV , Neb. , Sept. 17. [ Special to TnB
HBB.J Three car loads of racing nnd trot
ting stock arrived at Kearney yesterday and
to-day for entry ut the Buffalo county fair ,
which commences to-morrow. Some of the
best horses at the state fair arc hero , and
flno racing may bo expected. The entries of
thoroughbred nnd graded caltlo are larger
than at any previous fair , and will form ft
great attraction.
Violated the Klooumh fja\v.
NEHIUSKA. CITV , Neb. , Sept. 17. [ Special
to Tin : BEE. ] George Ganz , n saloonkeeper/
was arrested for violating the Slocumb Sun
day law , which Mayor Rolfo has declared
his intentions of enforcing. Ganz runs a
disicputablo hole on Central avenue , and ha $
figured in the police court before on thij
same charge. Ho was lined $150 and costs.
Hurt In 11 K ti n a. way.
COI.U.MUUS , Neb. , Sept. 17. [ Special Telegram -
gram to TUB BIK. : ] Hubert Kummcr nnd
wife , quito an old couple who llvo about
seven mlles southwest of this city , met wita
a serious accident about 5 o'clock this oven *
ing. While driving up Eleventh street , thelrf
team became nmanageablo , thiowlng them )
both to the ground breaking his collar bona
and her wrist. Fears are entertained that
they will not recover , as both sustained
bodily Injuries in addition to broken bones.
Horses Burned to Death.
HASTINOS , Neb. , Sopt. 1(1. ( [ Special Tcloi
gram to Tim HEE. ] A barn in this city b
longing to D. Qunckcnbush was burned thu
afternoon. Three horses perished in tha
ilamo * . Another was injured so badly thai
ho was killed. The origin of the lire Is urn
known. The loss on the building is ? 3,000.
No insurance.
nt David City.
DAVID Crry , Nob. , Sopt. 17. [ Special Tel
egram to Tin : BEE. ] Unknown parties en <
torcd the grocery store of O. G. Manning
lasMiight alid nmdo away with some 13
whTfh was in the money drawer. Nothing
else was disturbed. They effected nn ont
trance by lowering a back window. There i
nu clue to their Identity.
Accldcntly Shot Illmsolf.
DAVID CITV , Neb. , Sept. 17. [ Special Tel *
egram to TUB Hui : , ] Frank Muslin , a BCO
tlon hand on the Elkhorn ut this plauu , uccl-
dentally shot himself yesterday while clean *
ing an old revolver. The ball took effect just
nbovo the knee , passing clear through lha
lleshy part of the thigh and making a painful
but not dangerous wound ,
Moro CapltullHts nt Koiirnoy.
KKAHNHY , Nob. , Sopt. 17. [ Special to Tu <
HEE. ] Another car load of eastern capital
IstH , manufacturers and business men a
rived In Kearney yesterday. They caino la
a special car , and many of them were uo
companlcd by their famllius.
A Triplet
LOUSVIU.K , Sept. 17. Moagra dot.ilh of a
triple killing comes fromMouut Sterling , KyV
A young man named Howen shot and killed
n man named Estls and fatally woumli',4 ul
two sans. Thu trouble was uboi'.l worblue/
on a road. (