' > , - " " * ( 8 : THE OMAHA .DAILY BEE : , SEPTEMBER 17 , 1888. THK CITY. I ? * 3 Personal David Hutlcr , of I'nwnco City , Is nt the Paxton. Dr. T. I' . Livingston , of I'lnttstnouth , is nt the Mlllnnl. Dr. A. Conrad nnd August Meyer , of Crete , were nt the Murray yesterday. J. 1C. Pollock , W. W. Belvln nnd U. H. Cooper , of Lincoln , wcro Omaha visitors yesterday. W. A. Campbell , of Lincoln , nnd Charles Pcppcrber ? , of Plnttsmouth , were in the city justordiiy. Mr. George O. Morris , the nianngcr of "Tho World' combination , has in his several visits to Otnaha in.ido mnny warm friends. Ho was for years n very KOOU uctor , but few ever hear of It ; ho has boon a very successful - ful manager , but only Ills most Intlmato au- qualntunces know It j and what Is more meri torious than either , he was among the first to enlist In defense of the union , serving through the war. On the Kith ot April , Ifeill , the day after Lincoln's ilrst call for soldiers , Mr. Morris , then seventeen yeais old , en listed In the first volunteer company in ilos- ton , which became a part of the Tweiitv-sco- end Massachusetts regiment , of which Henry Wilson , afterwards vice president of the United States , was colonel. Morris had elmrgo of the guards nt the Marshall house , Alexandria , whcro Wsworth was shot , was in the battle on the Peninsula , In one of which , Galnes' Mills , ho was wounded and taken prisoner , being confined three months ( it Llbby prison and Hello Isle. He bcR.m Ills thcntric.il caicer in lfa < 53. Vow men in his profession liavo hail a rnoro varied and interesting experience. A warm friend nnd Denial coniunlon , Mr. Morris makes friends wherever ho pous , and not many men have a moio extended circle of them. An Actor III. W. T. Hryant , the actor of "Keep It Dark" fame , did not play on Siturday night , the Inst ot his engagement at Uoyd'.s opcr.i house , on account of indisposition. Ho loft the P.ixlon last night to fill an engagement at Lincoln His thro.it has given him sciious trouble lately , and his physician ailvisod him not to play. _ Ills Mistress. A lusty negro by the name of Albert Wilson was arrested yesterday for breaking the arm of Ills white mistress. Ho and Annie Williams hnvo boon living together on Nicholas street , between Thirteenth nnd Fouitccnth streets. Saturday night they had a lovers' row. Later Wilson returned to the house and upon being refused admittance broke in the door. Aniiiu c.uno towards him with a r.iror , when Wilson picked up an ax handle and struck her on the mm , badly fracturing the humcrus. \Vorklni ; for Unfortunate Qulglov. Three posti of the O. A. U. appointed D. A. Hurley to work in the interests of William Quigley , who , v. ith his wife and family of live children , are in the city Jail. The ac count in Tin : Unn yestetday of Quit-ley's misfortunes has moused the sympathies of everyone Quigley is a war veteran and his old comrades will do nil in their pjwer to assist him There \\ill piobably bo no com plaint inado against him , in which case ho will bo dischaiged. Several Influential gen tlemen ofTcicd to go on his bond , but being Sunday Judge Uurka could not issue ono. The First Span Nearly Finished. By tiott Wednesday the first span of the now wagon bndgo over the Missouri will bo completed and the wooden structure on which the finished portion is now resting will bo icmoved. It will bo n month neirly bcfoic tlio last span will bo finished , nml ttio bridge will then bo completed , as the ap- pi caches from both sides of iho liver wore completed long Bineo. The driveway is to bo paved with cedar blocks of wood , and these are ah cady put down on the parts of the bridge now i cady. The electric motor com pany Is right on the heels of the bridge buililcis , and their tracks and copper wire mo being laid i.ipidly. An Absolute Cure. The ORIGINAL AHIETINE OINTMENT Is only put up in largo two ounce tin boxes , nnd is an absolute cure for old soios , burns , wounds , chapped hands , and all skin erup tions. Will positively care all kinds of piles. Ask for the ORIGINAL AHIETINE OINT MENT. Sold by Goodman Drug Co. , at 83 cents per box by mail 130 cents. CHANGED ITS NAME. German hover * of Personal Liberty Golfing Down to Work. The Gerinan-Americin Anti-Prohibition club mot yesterday in Gormanli hail. At a former meeting of the club it was dubbed the Gcrmau-Auiorie in Democratic Central club of Omihii. The members considered that life was too shoit for such a long name , nnd tluough the advocacy of A. S. Uitchio a new name was called for. A gicat deal of debate was necessary before - fore this could bo done Adam Snyder wanted it called The Lcaguo of Personal Freedom , but It wouldn't ' work. A constitution was adopted , and resolu tions wcro passed denouncing the prohibition plank in the icpuuiican platform , nnd unani mously adopting the demoeratiu platform. An election for officers resulted in placing John T. Paulson in the president's chair , ll G. Grube was elected locording secretary ; William Alntadt , conospondlng scciotary , nnd William Scgclke , tieasuror. An execu tive committee composed of the following gentlemen was then elected : First ward , William Sogclko ; Second wurd , Tli. Slnhold ; Tlilid ward , Adam Snjdcr ; Fouitti ward , Phil Andres : Fifth ward , Henry Osthoft ; Sixth waul , William Seivors ; Seventh ward , Albeit Uau ; Eighth ward , P. Weinhageii ; Ninth waul , Mr. Gotky. There will bo a meeting of the club next Sunday to discuss w.y s and means. Food makes Blood and Blood makes Bounty. Improper digestion of food nccccbixrily produces bad blood , result ing in n fooling of fullness in the stomach ach , acidity , heartburn , siokhoiultioho , and otherul.v&popticsymptoms. Aolosolv confined life uatfios indigestion , coiibti- pation , bilioiibtioss and loid of appetite. To remove thobo troubles there is no remedy equal to Prickly Abb. Hitters. It 1ms been tried and proven to bo a specific. AN OHTI10DOX MAKUIAGH. Celebrated Yesterday by Unhbl rreu- ile.nthnl of Dos .Molno.s. The nuptials of Kauhcl Bernstein and Joseph Clmmison were consummated last night ut T o'clock In Gornvinla hall in the presence of n largo uumbor ot friends nnd ad mit crs. The ceremony was performed by Habbl L. Freudontnl of DCS Moincs , In. , who was brought lioro especially for the occasion. The ceremonial of the orthodox Hebreu church contains a number of novel features all of which were watched with n great deal of Interest , oven by members of the church , A table was phiccd on the stage uml on It were put two glasses and a bottle of wlno. Four young men then appeared , cnch , holding a polo which supnoitcd the corner of n silken cauopy , white balow mid stuiUled with gill stars and blue above. Each of the youn men , as also a number of children who stood around , held a lighted taper. The groom nnd bride took places bonuath the canopy. The latter was nttlrcd in white brocadci silk , en train , nnd were orange blossoms nni n beautiful flowing veil. The rabbi f.\oci | the pair , being attired simply in n black suit of broadcloth and wearing a tall Bilk hat. All thonmles who stood around also Kept tholi heads covered. The rabbi delivered nn eloquent and Im pressvo ! address on the nntuio of the con tract the groom nnd bride wcio about to enter. This was followed by the usual ques tlons peculiar to other marnago eoromonlos nnd the placing of the ring on the thlri linger of the bride's right hand , Kubb Bramson , of the homo orthodox synagogue then rend the marriage certificate m Hebrew , nftor which ho handed the groom n glass of wine , who in turn handed it to the bride , who sipped it. The groan did the sauio. The rabbi thai cnantod a psalm , after which lie placed n glass of wine on the stage and at his direc tions the groom stamped upon It , shattering it into fragments mid spiling the wmo upor the floor. Rabbi Freuuontjial then invokoc the blessing of God nnd lacucl on the wedded pair uud congratulations followed. A umutuoua banquet was served iu the Inlnjr room nnd was followed by n ball until n early hour this morning. Mrs. Chamison is the tlauglitor of Mr. and ilr * : A. Bernstein , The groom resides In .icnd City , where he Is engaged in the clotti ng business. Mrs. Anna Kosenbcrg. u sis- er of the bride from Now York , as also Mr. ml Mrs. Lewis Moore and P. Cohen , of Chi- ago , wcro among the guests. Col. Cochrnn's ssilo of Council Bluffs ols , Sept. IU. Sue psigo 0. Hi : WAS A SOFT SNAP. V Pennsylvania Voittli Hnflly Ulttcn In the West. Julius S. Dunn , who claims to have been w hulled out of $ 'JO by n man by the niimo of 'uttorson , particulars of which appeared in THE HUB lately , has been badly bilked all round , His cxpcricnco truly proves the ruth of the adage , "A fool and his money is eon uarted. " About a year ago Dunn loft Uric , Pa. , with VUOO ) , , his share of the proceeds of the sale f a farm which his parents had left to their hildtcn. Ho went to La Junita , Colo. , with ils ironcy and fell In with a party by the amo of Charles Long. Long gained Dunn's onfidenco mid proposed as a money-making eheme that they buy a trotting horse mid ollow the circuit. Dunn thought it u good chcinc , and when Long said that ho know of n good horse that ho could buy , gave him alUtl ) with which to put chase It. Long went iway to get the horse , but never came back. ) uun then bent ills steps towards Omaha When hu arrived ho Haw ttio advertisement of Patterson , who had a patent oil burner for sale , nnd was anxious to sell state rights to jood lively lustlers Dunn went to him and ' .itterson gave him six of the tilings , taking 'M as security for them in case they wcro sold nnd not returned. The burners proved unsaleable oand Dunn returned them , but Tailed to get back Ills money. This case comes befoio Justice \Vado to day. Dunn then cimo into possession of the card of a labor agency in the Crelghtoii ilock. The curd bears no name , merely states that.i labor agency does business at that place. He went to the olllco of the agency , and in repli to his inquiries was in formed that a theatrical company , which was soon going on the road , wanted n treasurer. A meeting was arranged with the manager of the companyand Dunn was introduced to F. .1. Fishback and L. Seal. Fishback was icoompanlcd by a woman who purported to jo his wife. They stated that they wanted i tieasuicr , but that they also wanted secur ity for the money that would pass through : iis hands. After much consultation they leclded that $ M would do for security , but that ho should loan them ? 30 to defray some costs on their baggage. Dunn icadily gave Fish- back the money. Saturday night they met ngiin.nnd Dunn , Fishbnok , Seal and another nan named Southwick went on n carouse at Dunn's expense.Vhen they parted Fish- jack told Dunn to go to ills loom and pack all lis ellects and take them to Fishbaek's loom is they weie to start on the road early in the morning. In compliance with this Djnn went to his room in the Trcitschko block , on the corner of Thiiteenth mid Howard sttects , and put into his trunk two new suits of clothes ind all his wordly possessions except what weio on his bu-k lie lured mi express wagon and tool : the trunk to Fishbaek's oorn , in a lodging house at Eighth mid How- ird streets. Fishback , Ins wife , and Seal were there and told him to bo on baud early n the morning. Hefoto ho left them Fish- back said : "Hj the way you had better leave your watch with us for safe keeping. " For- .unatoly for Duuti he did not have it with iliu , but replied : "I am soiry , boys , but I left it in the closet at my room. " They told him not to mind , as it prob.ibly would uo ill right. The watch is a valuable gold tiuio- ) ieee , worth about J100. Dunn arose at 0 o'clock and hied him to Weber's lodging house mid was given a note jy Fishback to a lady , whom the genial man ager said was his loading lady. The note read : "Miss Mar Holmes , 2HO South Thir tieth Street : Wo will have a rehearsal at 3 o'clock. " The would bo treasurer rushed out , hired u bugi-y and drove to the address [ riven. Ho found himself in the vicmltv of Hie poor farm , without a house in sight. For the first time ho realized that ho had been duned. Ho drove rapidly back to town , but found that Fishback and his accomplices had fled. fled.Tho The case was put in the hands of Detective Drmsby , who fountl that the parties had lured an oxpicss wairon nt Stophonson's barn , loaded Dunn's trutiK and their own effects into it nnd driven to the Union Pacific depot. There nil tr.iek of them was lost. It is surmised that they bo.uded a train , nnd rather than luy tickets in the oflico paid their faro on Lho train. Detective Ormsbv learned that Fishback and his wife wcro botli cooks in n restaurant at 503 South Thirteenth street , 'iho contract which Dunn entered into stipu lated that ho should receive the princely sal- nry of ? 10 per week nnd that his 50 should bo returned to him at the expiration of the season. Show bills were printed , in blood red letters , informing the public that the Kvn Wattle's Comedy company would present the thrilling drama "Monte , the American , " preceded by a lollnod olio. Dunn has been most successfully "worked" by oveiy conlideneo man with whom lie lias come in contact , mid icccives very liltlo .ympathy. ALII. The IT. S. Knciimpincnt , RufTulo County Fair niul G. A. U. llennlou at Kenrncj , Ncl > . The Union Pacillc , "Tho Overland. Route , " will soil tickets for the tibovo during Iho month of September at gretitly reduced rules. A speouil reduction will bo mndo on tickets bold September 17th , to ! 20th , limited to September 2Jd. For rules , dates , etc. , cull on or ad dress your nearest ticket ugont , or IIUIIY P. DlSUfc , City I\isscn ror Agent , 130J , Fariium st. , Omiihu , Nob. Knur Thousand Words I'r Minuto. Eleetro-Meclmnic : Mr. D. II. Craig , formerly mtiuugor of llio Associated Press , has duvotud nineteen years to the development of machine telegraph , and claims to bo able to telegraphy 2 ,000 word b per minute , fiom each end of a wire , total 1,000 words in sixty seconds. The messages or reports are legibly and uniformly rocoidod in ordinary telegraph characters , which can bo read by cloiks familiar with thorn , at the rate of auout 100 words per minute. Messages to bo sent over the Morse lines , must first bo written or printed ; but a message to bo telegraphed by the now system must Ih-ot bo perforated , for which Air. Craig has a beautiful little machina , 8x10 inches , with two banks of keys called a "composer , " which oven a child can operate reliably , and quite expertly after nn hour's practice , and after a reasonable amount of practice llftoa to thirty words per minute can bo perforated. Simultaneously with the perforations , the machine prints , in plain Roman letters , every word of the message , which is retained while the perforated menage is sent to the tele graph olllco the same as a message is bent in manuscript to bo tolograpncd over a Morse line , with this dilTorenco the machine message will bo trans mitted to destination at the rate of 1 ,000 to 2,000 \ \ ords per minute and bo legibly and accurately recorded in tele graph clmriieterd , and the Morse mos- Migc will bo telegraphed by the hand- key bystom at the rate of tiftecu to twcnty-llvo words per minute , and bo recorded by "bound" reading in ordin ary manuscript. It is claimed that the machine record is three times more ac curate than ' "sound " recording. With the regular oirlco perforator , experts do reliably fifty words per rain- ute or ; > ,000 words nor hour , and it is claimed by Mr. Craig Unit Iho actual cost ot transmitting 1,000 words 1,000 miles is not over two cents , The cost of paper to transmit 1,000 words is ono coiit , uud two cents for re cording paper. Experts , .young men or young women , do perforating for 10 cents per 1,003 words , and the same for copying ou the ( ype\Yritor total , Ii5 cents lor completing 1,000 words. On Jiis basis it would coat for labor and ) .apor loss than $ . ' )0 ) to telegraph mid complete forty-eight columns of this lowspapor from New York to Chicago. Mr. Craig has aKo devised a now tele graph wire made of pure copper with n ilight mixture of silica , which is said to ncrc-aso the tensile strength to twice the strength of steel of equal size , the exact tensile strength is reported as 1W ! , )00 ) pounds to the square inch. No. i gauge wire weighs over COO rounds per milo , and has but ono ohm of electrical resistance per mile. With such a wire extending frojn Now York to San Francisco , the electrical resist- inco would bo about ; ! ,00 ( ) ohms , while a nnjority of the telegraph wires between S'ow York and Washington show an ol- eetrical resistance of more than 1,000 ohms thus the now Hiliconl/ed copper wire will bring San Francl co nearer to \Tow York , electrically , than Now York s to Washington. Chance of Time. Taking elTect Sunday. Sept. Kith , the norning train on the H. & M. railroad 'or ' Lincoln , Denver and other points vest will leave Omaha at 8:16 : a. in. The Story of a Kulr American. Springfield Republican : By the iromotion of Count von Wald- jrseo to the chief marshalship of the Gorman army an American woman comes to the front as ono ot the pow ers , some say the power , behind the .hrono in the now reign. The story of Mary Lee , Van Walder&eo's wife , i's a subject for a truly ambitious intorna- , ional novel , say ono written on the jonorous lines of Walter Scott , and that it may have the true flavor of the igo ) by the subtle pen of Henry James. Ar Mary Lee was the accomplished and jcautiful American woman in Paris whom Mir. James particularly excels in painting , when in 1801 , being twcnty- our.years old , she captivated the prince of Schleswig-Holstoin-Sodenburg-Au- .juslonburg , then a widower forty years tier senior. After n few \\ceks ac quaintance they was married and set out on an extended wedding trip. The prince had plenty of time , having no reigning to do , and lots of money to spend , and they wont up the Nile for ; ho first stage. When they reached Juiro on their way back , the doting husband bequeathed to his bride all his personal property , worth several inil- .ions , and then the pair went by way of the wildorne sof Siani through the Holy Land. On the point of embarking at Beirut for Smyrna , in July , lbl > 3 , the I > rinco\va8 bmiUon with apoplexy and died in two hours , leaving the fair American a widow after a nine-months' wedding journey. She \\ont to "Vienna and won the esteem of the emperor of Austria , who had obliged the prince with the title of Count von Noor when lie married her. and who now created Lho brilliant American Princess do Noor in her own right the name being derived from a great estate of the prince's in Germany. Thin is the first book of her career. The second opened at a Gorman watering place , when the Princess do Noer met young Count von Wajdersee , a member ot tin ancient Prussian fam ily , staff olllcor in the Prussian army , and in high favor with King William and Count Bismarck. The count dis tinguished hinibolf with the Hanoveri ans at Sadowa , and toward the end of 1SGO ho married the attractive widow , and at Berlin she became presently a social power , and well complemented her husband's talents , and helped him along by courting just Iho friendships that were advantageous to him. Ho improved every opportunity on his own account ; and in 1870 hevas military attache to the legation at Paris ; when the war broke out ho was made colonel and chief of stall to the duke of Mccklonburg-Schworin , but in 1871 be came commander of the Hanoverian uhlans , and made a good record. When in 1882 the aged Von Moltko asked for a deputy , Von Waldorsoo , then a gen eral of division , was appointed to that postjtho oflico of quartermaster general being created for him. So that his suc cession to the place of marshal is in strict accordance with civil service re form principles. The princess all this while was making her salon in Berlin the Bismarck social headquarters , and moreover had shrewdly taken up and mntronizcd the wife of Prince William , now king and emperor who was the Princess Augusta Victoria of Sehles- wig-Holbtoin , and thus her grand-niece by her Ilrst marriage. It is baid that the Empress Frederick ( as the oin- pcror's mother is now called to distin guish her ) could not abide her daugh ter-in-law bocausoi the latter , like all her race , isastupid creature _ , while the daughter of Queen Victoria is one of the cleverest women in Europe. Bo that as it may , the wife of Count Walderseo is the closest friend of the present empress of Germany and the intimate advisor of Emperor William. Tins is therefore the beginning of a third book of the history of Mary Lea , who has done pretty well in her forty- eight years of life , considering that she is the daughter of a Now York grocer. David Lea died long ago , leaving a wife and four children , three of thorn girls , and only a small fortune. But the old est daughter married Baron Wnchsor when he was an attache , and when ho was bent to Paris as ambassador from Wurtomburg , Mrs. Lea and the other girls went to visit the baroness. The thing that usually occurs in Mr. James' novels , and in fact did not fail to occur in this case. Another daughter mar ried a captain in the British army and Mibs Mary , tho'youngest , having begun properly \vith an affectionate acquaint ance with Princess Louise of Schleswig- Ilolstcin , mot the prince , whom the Prussians had turned out of business in the celebrated little war known by the name of his principality , and he became hers. The prince dropped his superflu ous title , made a morganatic marriage under the title of the Count Von Nour , and the rest followed. A very neat ro mance , IB it not ? Its siinarlor excellence proven in millions o homes tor more than a quarter ot a century , I Is used by the United States Government. Kn doraeil by the head's ' of the frreat Universities us the strongest , purest and most healthful. Dr. Trice's Cream flaking Vowder does not contain ammonia , lime or alum. Bold only In cans. 1'illCK II Aid NO 1'OWUEU CO. New York. Chicago , Bt. Your Left Liver IS OUTl OF ORDER ? HEAD THIS IF IT IS. Al'roprletary Medium ) that nemVi but H trial to prove Ita worth. Or , Callender's ' Left Liver Bitters , The only Distilled Hitters In the United States. Ihe only Hitters recounlztd by the United States Internal revenue laws as a Pro prietary Medicine. Law f nil v Patented. No of ratcut 149,573 , Contains no fusil olls.no essential oils , no foreign substance or darting- Ina dniKH. A perfectly pure medicine , com pounded from 1'ure lloot llerbs and Old I'ench ; pleaiant to the taste , quiet nnd decisive In Its effect. Curei Dyspepsia or Yellow Jaundice la five days. Itcitulatcs the Hotels. luvieorates Inactive Liver , Cures Diseased Liver , Hevlvei the Kidr.eya , Improves the Appetite Quickly , Hoffulatcs the wnolesj stein. New Life to the whole ey tom. Loft Liver Hitters arc sold In Omaht , Neb. bytho foiluwlnir flriiKKt't * . Hlctiardsoii Prim Co , fpiclal \\holesiilo , lor the ilrutf interest of Nebraska , lie- . , , . . -mx it eclll. J. ? liri iunntrn , v n.ijnmocrsun , 11. n. Cox , Mnx Conrad , trankV. . ! < > * It. Itaftmussoti , ( ii'iiree llDinler , Unyil H I'liiirinacy , C. A. Melcher. Howard Mcer , trink Dellono A. Co , wholesale dealers In Clears and Lett Liver Hitters. THE CHICAGO AHD iSTERN RAILWAY. Council Bluffs And Chicago , The only road to take for Dei Mnlnr > , Jlnrxli iltown ( "eclir Hanlils , ( llntnn , Dlxon , Chicago , Milwaukee , and all t > olntH Kn t 'lo the people of Nohrn'kn < ' lo- nulo , WyoinliiB , Ut ih , Idaho , Nevml i , Orezon , Wa < li- Inulon nnd 1'alllurnla , It offi ri xujerior | adMintnxct not possible by an > other line Ainnnita tewol tlio numerouspolntn of suporlorlty cnjn > iil hy the | > itrnu % of this rojil betnein ( liiiuUn iniil ( hlfaKO. ro Its thico tr.ilns a day of DAY ( MAC I IKS which are the ilnext that human art nnd liuennlty can create. Ha 1'ALAt'K M.Kni'IMi I A Hi the ciiiiii | of which eannot l > o fount olsowhuio At Council lllufT1 * the trnli. * of the lTnlon 1'ucltlc It ill- way connect In union depot with these of tlio CUI- eiiiio.V Northno'ti rn Hy. In Chlcaen the trilninf this line ninkci close connection with those of nit other ICtistern lines , r-or lu-trolt , ( .oliirabns , Inill in | iolH , Cincinnati , Nhi.Mr.i Palls. Iliillalu , rittslnin. , 'loronto Montreal , llo'ton. New Yorx , I'lilludelphl i , liHltlmoro. Wush- Inu'tou , and all points In the hast Ask lei tickets U.l "NORTHWESTERN" If yon wish tlio best accommodation. All ticket intents sell tl ( kels U thin lino. II IIUU11111' , 1 ! I * . WILSON , Oen I Manager. ( Sen I Pass r Agent. CIIK Ada , ii L" . W. N. UAlirOCIf , ( > un'lesterh Ascnt. U. K. KIMIIAI.I , , Ticket Acent. O V.UsT , City I'aiionpor Agent. 1101 Farnam Street , Omanu , Neb. SteekPiano Kemarltable for powerful symp * . thctlc tone' , pliable action and ub ioluta durability , ft ) years' recoriL the best guarantee of thei exeat- lenco of tncso Instrumental. The Only Permanent Ouro For Dyspepsia , Sick Headache Etc , IS IIJ I'rico SOo 11 iv at all STEEL PENS GOLD MEDAL PARIS EXPOSITION 1S78. NOB. 3O3-4O4-I70-6O4. MOST PERFECT OP PENS. Bcttia Stuart Institute r , , , , m.-s , , i/um * Will tommeneo Its 2Nt ye ir September 12th , lil A I vanttiKL's niiHtiriias ed HOIIIH comforts ; uiretu tinlutiii ; . Apply to Mrs Jl .McKKLllUMfci , r ' Morgan Park Military Academy Tlio llest llojs' IloardhiK School In the \Voat. Fdxteenth yeiu beslnibept. 10th. t-end forc.ica- ' - - - - - - " ' ' " KIJ. X. 1C1IIIC TALCOIT , Supt. , Mono v.v I'MIK , COOK Co. , ILL. rnun pinicsicii.r : < iMiuT\uv ACADIIMV- X reck klll'Oii-lIiulson , N. Y. Send for cata logue. JMO. M.TILDUN. JI.D.M.A. . , 1'rlnUpil. jrunrai Uincnrrhlcit'o ) . Hoardlnirf U School for Ulrls and i ounu Lnrlles t or I cntiilocuo address < ! . 'IllAYKll. I.Ij I ) , 111'ark. Ill , orI7 Uaillaon Street , Chicago , III. ST. JOHN'S II.ITAUY SCHOOL , MANLHJS. N. Y. Civil riiBlncerliiL' . Classics , lltislncss. HT. HEV. I' . D.llTN IINC'ION. 1'icdldont. LT Coi , . W. YKHHiCK. ; Supeilntendent. COLLEGE OF LAW.BS ! term be- UNION . bept. ID. u 1'orclicnlars address 11. UOOTII , Chicago , 111 , Gitr.vi.ocic , South Wllllamsto\Mi , Herkshlro county , Jlas-j. Aprlvate school for boys. 1'ropaio f'r college , hclontlllo school or binlne s. l"orty-sov- entli year licslns 'Ihurbday , September lull. Tor catalogue address OT.O. -MIU.S , Principal. IT. J. Surgeon and Physician , Ofjlce N.V Corner lUh an I l > on.f Ins St. omca telephone , lift ; Itoslduuco telephone , 5QJ. We C hn given unlvcr sal eailafactlon In tlio cure ol Oojtrrhcca end Oleet. I prescribe Itrnd feel rate In TC.-ommend- IUE It to all sufferers. 1. J. STONCU , H.D. , Docotur , III. rnicn.oi.co. Sold by Drucelstl A T & RS T © Obtained. A I E.F3 i vS irade Mark , I jbtl , I'rmt and Copyright protection i . cured Good work , good refcrcncet , moJer- jlcch'jJ. Srnjforpamphlcl. R , G , DuBoll 916 F St. , Wuhlngton , D , C. OTEADY EMPLOYE" Oand enereetlo Udr ra > ir > Wiin ; In tbli or other towns. Noejpurwatj. . ( ioodi ell the rear rontm Ucrere ; * M r qulreil. Addrefi WE3TE11N AOE.NT tUlTLV CO , VD HJItl AT Ckicaso , 111. - , , , IF YOU COULD SEE The line of Fall Overcoats wo nre displaying this season , if you were positive how well they are trimmed and nwtle , and if you knew how cheap a really first class garment is being ofl'ered , it would bo no trouble to sell you one. No such exhibition cf stylish and elegant overcoats was ever made in Omaha , and the prices are irresistible. The season for these garments being very short , wo have decided to sell them quick and marked them so that they shall go quick. , We will show you an elegant light-weight Overcoat for $0.00 , made of fine all Worsrcd Goods , lined and trimmed in ( irst-chud manner. Coats for which other houses are asking § 10 and ? 12 , are no belter than this one. Another Overcoat at § 7.00 is uin-le - of a splendid all Wool Cassimero of a fine grey color with best serge trimming. At S9.75 we can sell you the most stylish looking Overcoat you have ever scon. This is made of the now wide Wale Overcoatings a splendid material for wear and looks. The Coat is silk faced with satin sleeve lining and regular tailor made. We have thorn in several of the latest shades ; it is one of the rich est looking garments ever shown , and any other lieu < o would charge about $15.00 for it. Many other of the choicest and finest grades , wo have not room to describe all. Come and look at them ; we know wo can please your taste and save you money. We have not yet mentioned anything about our Hats this season , but the fact is , our Hat trade opened up with such a boom that several lots to which we intended to draw attention , were bioken up in sixes be fore we had a chaiu'o to advertise them. We are now getting in duplicates aheady and will try to keep our asftoitmentfull during the season. Is it any wonder we are doing the Hat business of the town ; when wo are selling them at about one-half the prices other hotibes do. The average Hat dealer can not compete with us. llo buys a do/cn hats of a kind from a jobber , where we buy thorn in largo case lots direct from the manufacturer. We rather sell hundred hats with 25c profit on each than sell twenty-five hats ami make oOc profit. THIS IS THE POINT. ONE PRICE ONLY. Cor. i4th and Douglas Streets , Omaha. Who Is WEAK , NKRVOUS. HKBIMTA- TKI > . who In hi ! rOI.LY fand I UNO ft ANTE baa TUIFLKD away Ills VIUUR of BOUY , drains upon the TOUNTAIWH of I.iri : , HEAUAOIXE , BACKACHE , Dreadful Dronms , WEAKNK1W ot Memory , I1AHH. FULNKHS In tlOC'IETY , PIE3FJH * upon Iho FACE , and all the EF&'CC'ICH lending to KAUL.Y DECAY and perhaps CO.VSUMP. VZON or INSANITY , should consult at once the CKLEIlKATKn Dr. Clarke , Established Itol. Cr Clarke hai nude NEKVOU * BE- BIL1TY. CHRONIC and all Diseatcs of the UENITO 1IKINAU7 0 ani * I.llo fltmly. It mikea RO dlQorenrc WSIAT you < IATO taken or WHO has failed to cure you. es-f EH ALEtl suffering from dltecsci pccu < lUr to their MX ran consult rlth the assurance of ipeedjr relief and cure. Send 2 cents postage for works on your diter.iea. 49-3end 4 cents postage for Celebrated Warkn on Chromic , Nervon * and l > ell. eate Iiuoasej. Consultation , personally or by tetter , froo. Consult the old Itortor. Vbonuaiida cured. Offices and jmrlom prfTato. * 3-ThGuo contemplating Marriage tend for Dr. C'lurtce' * celebrated guide Halo and Fcmnlc , each )5c. ) , both 2bc. ( stamps ) . Before confiding your case , consult Dr. CLAKUE. A friendly letter or call may Mve future uffe ring and ibame , and add golden years to life. 49-Book " I.lf > 'n ( Secret ) Er. ron , " too. ( stamps ) . Medicine and writings sent everywhere , secure from exposure. Hours , 8 to 8 ; Sundays , 9 to 12. Address , F. D. OLAAKS. M. D. 103 S3 , Claris S& . CHICAGO. O iV3'H A MEDICAL 9 SUflBICAL INSTITUTE , N. W. Cor. 13th & Oodgo 3ta. APPLIANCES FOR DEFORMITIES AMD TRUE3ES Best facilities , apparatus and remedies for 'lit essful treatment uTetery form of disease r'qmr lug Medical or faungical Treatment. FIFTY ROOMS FOR PATIENTS. Hoard and attendance ; best hospital accomm ilntiotis in the west. WitiTh i-oa ClRCUtARS on Deformities am Braces , Trusses , Club 1'eet , Cunatiirc of th ( spine , Piles , Tumors , Cancer , Catarrh Hroi.cliltl i Inhalation , Rlectricitv , Faialjsis KpiUpsy , Kid ncy Madder , lye ? , Uar , b'-m ' and Uloou , ut'd ol Surgical Operations. Dlsoasos of Woman n Specie.y. : llOOU ON DIBEACE9 Or WOUEN rillC. ONLY EBLIABLE MEDICAL IHSSWUIL MiKJMl A ei'KCIiLTT Of PRBVATE DflSEASES. All Illood Diseases successfully treated Sfph ilitic 1'oison removed from the e > slem without intrcury New restorative treatuunt for los s > ol Vital Power , I'eisoiib unable Coisit us may bi treated at home by correspondence All commit locations confidential Medicines or Instruments sent by mail or express , ceuirely packed , no marks to Indicate contents or endtr One per sonal interview preferred Call and consult us 01 fend history of jour case , and we will send in plain wrapper , our BOOK TO MEN , FREE ; Upon Private , Special or Nervous Dista'ts Tin vnteticy , SiphllU , ( Jlcet ami Varicoctle , with Question list. Addrccs Omaha Jleilical and Surgical Initttuleoi DR. McMENAMY , Cor. l3thanaOodaeSti. . OiV.AHA.NEO. Ma Mluiicii in U. S. DEPOSITOEY , OMAHA , NEB. Paid Up Capital $100,000 Surplus 50,000 H. W. YATBI , President. LEWIS a. HhKii , Vice I'reMdent. A. r. . TOU/AMV , 2nd Vice 1'resldtnt. w. II. S. HUOIIES , Cashier. WIIKCTOHS : W. V. JlonsE , JOHN S. COLLINS , H.V. . VATK * . J.KWIH S. KLKD , A.H. TouzLI.V. . Hnnlclng Olllco THE IRON BANK , Corner 12th nnd rarnnm Sts. A General Hanking lltislnesj Transacted. 2I.829.Q5O TansilFs Punch Cigars were shipped during Uio past two scars , without a drum mer in our om ploy. Nootber houeo in the world can truth- r > , - - fully uaaliosuch ttsbowiiiK. a ' ! Only' ' l wSk ? i'.r fJiJi OLD BY UADINQ OBUCCI8TS. R.W.TANSILL&C0..5Q Stale St.Chicaao. Are tll < ? DEST' PEERLE89 DYES It Is time to pnttlie * boj/s into their Ftilt Suits. We C'tii Jit them wltliaoodstnr-l di ] clothe * for school and play , and irlth a handsome suit for "Stindau bcit. " I Chitdrm's Suits inl two pieces for < 7ieJ Ismail boys , and \thrce \ pieces for the brother. Mas Ueyer-EstaWiched 1833-Alolph Meyer SIXTEENTH A.M ) TAIIXA.M Sritr.ETS. Cor STEIETWAY , CHIOKEHIN6 , VOSE & SONS , BEilR BROS , , and JAS , W , STARB Story & Clark a id Siioiiiiigcr-Be'J Organs fal'IU 1AL I'lUCKS AND TIUIMS. AVUto for Lutalogue , TUB OIT THE Chicago , MilwaukBe& St , Paul R'y ' , The Ucst ItoutD from Ginalm anil Council to iTHE EAST TWO TUALSa DAILY IIII1WKUN OMAHA AND COUNCIL DLUtFa Cblc-ntjo , AND Jlllnaukce , St. Paul , Minneapolis , < Vdar Rnplds , Rock Island , Freeport , Kockford , Clinton , Jiubnqiie , MatlUon , JancsUlIc , llelolt , > YInona , LaCrosse , And all other Important polnti Iat , Northemtana Boutucait. Kor through ticket ! call on the tlckut BKPnt t IWl Knrnamitreet.lu HaUer Ulock , or t Unlou 1'aUno "I'uifman ' Bl per. nd the llnc.t llnlnir'ar ln thii thu Ch CAM , Mil world are run on the mala lln of w ukto & St. raul Hallway , nd erery aUeatlon U paid to pai engo by courUoui emplojui cl Ui * t0jlill'Lff ! .Kit , General Manaicir. J If 'lUClttU A l l ntl.ener&I llanas r. A. V. K. CAlllI2 rKll , titncral l' nf r and > , A litaat Qtneral t u ou / ON 3O Y , iAL- I fi Ylf * TRUSS Pl7 i a ? tl iflSr-nt Iroin all . - ethtril cuptb pe , with Belt- auit/uir ] / 1 U In ctnttr. ad pti _ . „ , , rf'f toa1lpoiill u.cf th.bodr.wWIe \aV J& ththolllnttoo cup.prnaBBO book VUni.W. THE RAIIW TIME TABLES OMAHA. s.V Ill'k Hills 1'as 7in : a in. , fliUlp ra. Norfolk I'assoiiccr I flfo n.m. ' 10. )0 ) n.m. D.lly. THxcopt btinday. SUISURItAN TKA1NS. Uunnlngbetween Council ( llulTa and Albright , In addition to the stations montlonuil , tralnji stop ut Twentieth and THenty-fouttu streets and nt th buuiinlt In Omnha ICastvatd. . COUNCIL CIIICAUO , HOCK IbLAND & 1'ACIKIC. Lca o. Arrive. A No. 14 4 ( l p. m D No. 2 . .7:00 : a. m. Jl No. a .0.51 p. m. ANo. U. . ll.'JJ a. in. C i No , B . . . . 0:01 : u. m. O No,6 . . . . 5:4B : p. m. A No. 4 . . . . 0:10 : a.m.lA No 3 . . ,0:60 : p. lit. C Des MolniM Accommodation. ( J Dei Molries Accommodation. KANSAS CITY. S.JOUA. COl Ni/IL IlLI/l'I'd. A No.2 . . . 0.2. * ) a. mJA No. . ) . . . . < /Ji a.m. A No. 4 0:10 : p.m. A No. J .H.J ) p.ui. CHICAGO to NournwKv 1511V. C. Kx. No. 2 S.I ) p. 111.10. I'.x. No. I 7,0) p. m. Vvfctlb'il No. 4.U.O ) p III. Vthtlb'd NoJ 7-10 u. m , Atlc IIx.No. (10,4 ( J a m. I'ac. Kx. No , 5.0:45 : M. iu , Dally except 'Situnliiy 11 Lilly exifpt Monday. i , MILWA UKKR i ST. I'A U It. No , 2 UMOa. m , No. 1 . . . 7IKa. : | m. I\u. I 7Wp : rn.iNo. 'J . . . 0GOp. : m , blOL'X CII'V A. 1'ACinC. No. 10 7.0.1JI. m. A No. ' . ) fliliiUii. No , U 7:00 : p. m.lA No. 11 U.OOji.lu , OMAHA fc SI' . LOUIS. A fiu.a .1 1'J | ) . Ill f A No. 7 ll.Ku.m. CHKAiJO , IIULINOTON ! i. QU1NCV. A No. 4. . 0.47 a. in. A No. 5. . . ,7:0 : a. In , A No.O . . . . 0W p. in. A No.3 . . . . : 0 p.ia. A dally ; H dally except Sat : ( J dally * ce ' Bun ; Dextspt Jloa , : ; un mivll : * Ilialtuil.