Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 17, 1888, Page 7, Image 7

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Advertisement * wider this head If ) centiper
line for thu Urn Insertion , 7 cents for each sub-
w < iueiit Insertion , mid 1 1 J10a line per month.
Nomhtrtlsenient taken fur le than Scents
tha lint Insertion , Seven words will lie counted
tot bo HUB ; tliey mu t run runsecutlvtly nnd
lilliHt bo paid in ADVANCT. . All ndvortlso-
inputs iriiiit DO bunded In before IS.1) : ) o'elot-k p.
in , niul under no circumstances will they betaken
taken or discontinued by telephone ,
I'urtles advertising in these column * nn l hnv
Ing t lit Ir answers addro < sed In cure of TiitiHKn
\ \ 111 picnic ask for a check to enable them to got
tliclr letters , us none \\lll b delivered ex < cpi on
jirisentatlonof cheek. All answers tondier-
I IsementB should bo enclosed In envelop < * .
All iidvertlsemcnH In tlitstt columns nro pub-
JMjcrt In both morning nnd evening edition of
U'liB IIKK , tlio cluulatton of wlilch npgrenati-s
more than liMXOwpL ) > rs dally. nnd gives the ad-
\ ertlMinn benefit. not only of the cltviir- -
IntionntTiin linn , but alwof Council IllitiTs ,
Lincoln nml other cities nml towns throughout
this ectlou of thf routitry.
AdvertlsliiR for thcFo columns will be taken
on Mi" nbovo conditions , at thi ) following busi
ness houses , who are authorized agents for TUB
IlKHspeclnl notices , and will quote the same
rated eft can bu had nt thu main olllco
"l Oil N * wTTlKLL , I'lmrmatlst , 820 South Touth
tl Street.
" 1IIAS1 ! & RDDY , Stationers and I'rlulers , Hi
' South Iflth Street.
Sll. rAltNSWOUTH. I'lmrmaclKt.21l3Cum.
. ItiBbtrcet.
W. . IIUOHGS. I'liarniKclst. Oil North Pith
. Street
IX ) . W. I'AHH , Pharmacist , l 'J St. Mary's
" \\rANTED Hy a man of Dtperlonco a posl-
V T tlon n trnvellnK salesman for cigar house
Adilre-isCTil , tlilH olllco. .Ml 15 *
"t.\f ASTKD A position as ilrecsmaRer In prl-
T > vut family. Adilress I3IRN. 17th. IT.2 1'rf
yoUNO man wlches to work in dry goo ds or
clothing store. Speaks llohamlan. Ku gllsh
nnd Kutnn ( lerman , and it well educntud. Ad
ilress 110M111 S. 13th st. Wl IV
AVU17NO man , htrannor In thii city. Ilkus
employment : grocery store preferred , nliiu
years' uxjicrluncp. Address 0 U7 , lleo olllip
* l\7ANTii : ) Employment In any honorable
TT bnslue by a pel.son competent to Mil any
position. Address C 71 lleo olllco , 11)5-17 )
TX7ANTI1D1'osltlon by nn oxpnrlenced boot
T > nnd ( .hoc salesman ; aeaks | llngllaHi and
Orrmnti , Address box G3 , Iteattlrc , Noli ,
" \7irANTllD flood experienced grocery clerk
T > with city references. Cull 0. U. D. Itargilu
House. 1110 B. IStli. 1)17 ) Kt
I'.I ) An experienced grocery clerk
Address 0 53 llee. MM 1.1 *
\\7 ANTUDAn experienced man to tuko cai
VT ot horsns nud cow und other work. Must
bavu jocd roferencos. Address I' . O. llox 2J.J.
! . ' 15
> A Koodngent with small capital
TT incveiy county lor our oil burners for
rooKtnguiHl heatlni ! stoves , " > per cent cbcupui
lhau nml. Omnhii M'f'g Co. , at. nnd Cnpltu
nie. _ J1M' ' " '
T/irAN'fUI / > Ait canvassers attention. Jut
t T rendv four entirely new serials , the bus
BBllernof thuHenson , "Lean Forte. ' "Seiilplun
linlloiv. " "Sili clod Pictures From the Ar
3'roiisniesof AmerUn , " A wonderful seller Ir
lii partH nt II l'lcluf < - que Cullfornlu. " two
rdilluns.DuLiiM ! mid plain. JJolhlui : him sold llKi
H lu ten years tlmo. Kxclu.slie teriltory whlcl
l being rupldly tul.eii. Liberal terms. Apiily
quickly. F. I' . Kniocr , K& . 14 South Ilrondway
r t. 1,01113 , MO. axM ! "
\\f ANTUD Itookkeuperyoungman ; A 1 clt ;
TT icfeiencos ; must thoiougnly tiudcrataiu
his business. Address CiH , lleo ollico. 173 17J
\ ANTUD Man and wife to manage n farm
> Hofiiioncereiiuited. Apply to J. IIorrlfi.ui
Folomou , la. 'ic.-,9J
" \ 7 ANTUD Trai klayeia foi Kansas , free fare
at Albright's Labor Agency. 11,118
W ANTB1) ) Jlalucoo'.c nt 1001 N. 10th st ,
young mnti or boy to work
11 round the house a few hours n day. S.
Iiehman , room fl. Iron Hank , tw
S/TANTKU / { Ioodcontmnkcrsandtnllores < e3.
V j. CoiiBn. : ; iH nih bt. HOT nt
" \j\7ANTKD flood life Insurance hollcllors
Tl with bank references , aio wanted by tlio
Union Life ut 401 Merchants' national Dank
linlldlng , Omaha , Olllcu houra 8 to 10 u. in. and
4 to 0 p. m. MS
Till PIT man wanted for quarry woric ; good
JL ? wages und Hte idy work. Wooplu. ? Water
Jlmii A : Stone Co. , Wugplng Water. Nob. M7 17
At Nortluvesteru Labor Agency ,
SHIS loth st. 10 stonecutters , 15 teamsteis ,
istorn looms to lent. _ 772
\srANTKH A limn to solicit ; cnlary 8100 per
i I niontli ; mint deposit t > and give security
for inonoy collected. Address George S. Cllne ,
\Viiniar { block , DCSMolnes , la. 764 0.8
" \\rANTKD-A good vagcarpot weaver. Stcndy
> employment the year round. Address
Nnbr.tBkn Carpet Al Ills , 7th and U sts , Lincoln ,
Nob. _ 4't
"I/irANTKD / Menfori-allroad work in Wash-
V > ington territory. Teamsters , nick and
rhovcl men , ax men and rock mou , big wagea
nnd lonff , tendy job. At Albright's Labor
Agency. llgQFuinam Bt. _ 12J
\\fANTI5D-A first-class experienced w Indow
T > urcsser. Innulre nt the Fair. 0 ! > 8
SOLICITOUS wanted for a large manufaetnr-
Ing compiny ; ri-forences reuuired. Addregj
Jtox207 Omaha. _ IOT SiJ
B OVS-Am. Dlit , TcL Co. , KW4 Douglas.
\\7ANTEO-Olrl for general housework , font
TT In familySt week to competent girl. Mrs
U. D. Adams. 1MH Ururo st. 101 ] & >
\\7ANTKD A good girl In u Miitxll tumtly.
T > r.3 ( Webster Bt. IMJ 15 *
ANTUD-Iuimedratoly , llrst-classgiri for
genurul hoiuewoik utWi Favium st.
VTUHSKRlr ) , u settled person , to tnko caio of
J0110 child : good wages. Cull nt once , SILJ
Jtodglns st. IM3 15
/ANTKD ( looil dressmaker , cutter nnd
fitter , ON. l-'tll at. IK I 15 ?
r ANTUD Good girl foi Beneral housework.
Callatouct ) at olt bo. XVd .st.
) A thorouchly competent girl for
T general housework ; ictoreuces reiuired ,
Appb "t H. 2 , Hcdlck block mil Vuinnm st 30.'i
\\rANTKD-.MIildle aged lady with good ruf-
erenci < n ns housekeeper nnd take care of
two llitle children ; will keep klrl fur hecnnd
woik giMMl wages and u good home. Apjdy at
Jfl > 1 S. wllll. - ' 1
I " \\7 ANTUD-OIil for general housework , n w
1 i or. isth nud I.eavt'Uwoith. 4tf )
I * AANTUD A girl that understnuds her busl-
11 ness to cook , wash und lion , t , In family ,
vraee-s S ) fiJ weok. ilrs. Jno. W. Hell. Hull S.
7th nve. Ml
"W ANTF.D-Aglrl to do housework. 313 N.
Uth at , lai ! ! ,
\\rANTUir-At MS N. ! i.'d 8t. , n girl to do gen-
TV ciul lioiuouork ; must bengooilcook and
IttUhdrris. U ) 17 *
ami glvo security for money collected ,
AdOietu ( Uorge S. Cllne , Wajner block , Dos
Mollies , lu. W ) o. H _
Ul > Lady agents for "A" kklrt anil
bustle combined : also "H" hosn suppoit-
r . Oiiriitle.sbufg. ( 111. , agent cleared I10.S In 1U
! > - . LadifH1 Suiinly Co. , 1'Sr W. Washington
" \ r AN J'KU- 1 Ailr UKOIIU for the hulles' friend
_ > t HarVer bock. room 21 W S _
XA' ANTUD Uood rlrl lor housework. 81US
Y > Uth. ! ! M )
\ \rANTKD-A fiw thousand dollars on *
T cU. J s nor cent mortgliga for n customer
Hoggs i I Mil. I'-H-lii '
_ _
17l7AK'J.'Blv-IlrtntMtU ! and Jluionsts. A.'P
T > I'uV y , IStli ami Iimieln * . _ U5I _
" \V AN1ISU Horses to bonrd. llucKey Sta
Mes , IHh between Harney and St , Mary's
nif lint cla s uccommodatl < uisbest K x stnlU
lu the clly ; terms reusoutble ; tel phom < . Ml ,
"Tj N < t vnKMKNTS to do drrbxmnklmj in lam
.111 , ilen noilcltoJ. Jliss Sturdy , W17 Leaven
\ rANTUIIfy u ha > e any taniu. 101 0
V hou n and lots to eell ol cxchanxe fo :
oilier pror rty , cnlt on me or write. I cap llni
youaruUimor. C. C , Bpotswood. 30Hi S. lotn
" \VT' r'TKn Th' ' ' VHWinnke goon use ot
V Ulie Hcd's nessnce boxc.s through uv thi i
11 city. lw
[ f
/TJOOI ) board nd lodging , M per week , at 'ills
BOAHDINU and rooms At 1914 ) "amain at"
l'lrst-cla .s nnd pleasant plnro. A limited
mimbsr can b accommodated. Apply * oon.
MOO lo
"KM INT class board can be had by the week nt
JL ? 1708 Douglas St. ( > ' 'J *
\\7ANTU7 > Table boarders nt 1003 iumM s
KTUIIHASKA Umployment orWce. No. an N.
J-i Kith nl Mule and fomnlu hulp MIJ piled ,
l-i irate families a specialty. 4J.t-FiJ
CANADIAN employment olllce. Mrs IlrcjM ,
31 Hi S loth. Ilefeicuco Omaha National 1 nnS
fiia 817'
I IIAVU niMomers to-day for dnvlllnss ran-
Ing from } . > i > to J-H per tuonUi , wlio will rent
at once if they can gut what thoi unlit , namely ,
a iood ! house for the money. List your houses
with me. Nciherton Hall , Itoom 4'i ) First Nat.
ban * * C7
\VANTKD 12or 14 room house ; must hava
nil modern rouvenicnres , will pay liberal
runt It person will built nouse. will lease snm
for any term of years. J. I , , Ilrandlea , 11th and
Howard. 601
VJIA room bouse for rent on null and Pierce
O Inquire at Fred Mohle' , s. o cor. ll'h and
rurnam sts. 939 Tit
I rUW ItKNT-Tttp small tmlldin ; next north of
1'iesbyterlan church , suitable for business
of some kind. Hoggs i : Hill. 101-18
FOHHUNT-IIouse No. 8S1S. 19thU. . lOrooms.
nlth modern Improvement' ' ; . Inquire at U.
B. National bank. 1U7
FOH HUNT 10 room house with modern con
veniences , at "lo S.Wth at ; price $03 ( X ) ; nliu
10-room home at 'J'i4I St. Mary s ave Apply nt
Bill South ! Mth at. ltll-U-JI
T.TOUSE , rooms , Sl' > 3. Slst St.
"I71OII HUNT Two 6-room houses. 23th and
J. Hamilton ; nlco location ,
fi-room house , now. In Omaha View , 113 car
ID room homo nnd largo barn. full lot , near
car lints , ± i5 ! Hurt , S V ) i > er mouth.
ANo iiiall housoj and Hats ; a good
ntnuobulldlm ; " ih and rarnam ; cnn lit you out
In most iiiivlhltiL' ' . ( ! co. J. I'ox , It. 1 , Continental
block , UlW'DoiiKlas. 1J IT
C ho largest IHt Irthe I
prices down. J. II. I'anotte , 1WO Chicago.
"ITVMt HUNT flood fi-room cottngo ou Park av
JL * eiuiu and Mason ttreets , J.i'i/good f-ioom
house In Windsor place. $ 'T.oO. D. V. Shrdes ,
room Sin , i-irst Nat. bank. 118'1
HUNT Two 0-room houses , f 15 earh.cur ,
li und Mason. H. K. Stain , -II So. ISIli
HUNTHotisfseven nnd uttle
M"-ii - seven rooms ,
JP SI 17 Mnplo Ht , oiut blink lioni horse cars ,
thrco blocks from nible ems. | L'41 *
IilOll HUNT Now t-ioom t-ottace , I mile N W.
1' . O. D , C. I'nttersun , Omaha Nat. bank bdg. !
"I7"Oll HUNT Now c-room house on Cumtng
X' st , neai Lowe ave Toims tci-onable. A [ )
ply ( | iiU I : Sjiotswood. .MVl S lijth. 722
FOH HI'.NT Korii months , modern bonce of
broom * , compli'tely tnrnlshed , barn with
room for two , rent 8,0 , possession given
Sept. 2.ith. 2201 N. 21th. I block north of Luke
I 1011 HUNT House SI ! ) N'.T-th street. Applj
at St. A. D llnltombe. "Mi Callfoiula st
" 1J1OH HUNT Ulegant castfrontroom ' house
JP onS. 2" > tli nvu'l'liKi-nnlst.i , near St Mnry's
ave. C ! Harrison , lib . 1.1th st. l > 70
FOH HUNT An elegantly furnished hoime ir
best part of city ; jurnme , cistern and a )
norleiu Iiiijulro at once. I02t
1'nrk nve. 'J70
"TTlOH HUNT 10-room hmi < .a sultnblo for board
JL1 Ing , fcooil location , rent titl furnished or fJO
unfnrnishoa. Addres C"r > , lleo. H7'J20 ' ?
Foil 7-room house for
the w Inter. $ l MI'per month. C. P. Harrison
risen , 41.H S. Ifith bt. DM
"fjlOH HUNT f-rooni house , fewer , gas , ho
JL1 and cold water , bath room , n w and com
plete , $10 per month , Apply at once. C F Hur
rlson. 418 a. at. 4SS
TTUm HUNT I'l room house v.-lth store front
JL1 1'leice and 1'Jth. Inquire S. ICuM. 1,110 Far
iiniust tin
F HUNT Ten-room house , modern Im
ivovement3 , cor Douglas and IStn Sts. hnndy
to business. D T. .Mount. 'Jill S 14th ht.
T71OH KENT Furnished house with raoderi
JL ? conveniences , on Farnam st. Inquro llairls
11. U und L. Co. , room HI , First National Haul ; .
HI ) .
"OESI'ONSIHLUpeison only cnn rent t-even
Jit room house. No. 1141 N 1'Jth ' Bt bet. Nich
olas and I'aul streets ot Jno. W. Paul , 1UP.
nnm st. MO
T7IOH HLNT l-room house on S. ICth St. . two
JL ? blor-ks south of Vlntonst. : will lent for 10
per month or sell on terms to suit purchaser.
Oeo. J. bternsdoill , loom 0 , opposite 1' . O. 710
FOU HUNT Five loom house. Leavcnwoith
Ht.nnd 4lRt.t > I2. J. W. Ellor , room 7. lion
bnnk building. D' " . !
POK HUNT Nice 7-room house , 1134 North
17thst _ Inquire Slflji. 1'lth st. U !
TJ10H HUNT 1 have nliout n dozen houses
K ranging from three to thlrfVn rooms Hint
can bo leuted nt living prices. If you want to
rent a house , cull und see me , George J. Sterns-
dorll. room U , opp. I * . O. ! i J
TJ10H HUNT At very low rates. 10 and 14 now
JL1 residences. L'404 mid 2414 , Cuss street , Clarke
Thico. On block south of Crelghtoncollege , on
Fnniain nnd lth street car line. All modern
impiovements. Atiply , H.T. Clnik UnionTuist
Co. , or nt " 40 Cass street. yl
UVUK A L houses for rent. S. T. Voteren a.
r- e. ror. 13th nnd Dourlas. b.10
IjlOK HUNT Cottage. 5 rooms , very desirable.
JD UK ! sth st. , near Sowaid st. Inquire HOJ nve. ftil
TiTdiutirNT New ttvo-room cottage , SH blocks
Jt1 olt Furnam cur lino. Inquire. U14 S l-'tli st.
T710H HUNT Ten-room new house , nlth gis.
JL1 water , sewer , fmnaco , & .C. . Ac. , by : r.'d and
llarney , J40 per month Dexter L. Tlmm-is. ut
Ncbiusku fcavlngs bank , ICth and I'am tin. MO
j'OH HUNT When you wish to rent n house ,
.store or ofllco call ou us. II. U. Cole , room
0. Continental block.
TT OH HUNT Neat 7-iootn nouso on Davenport
43t.near high school , rent f 10 u month , Ilron-
nan A. Co. , ChaiabjroC Commerce. 1X1
T71OH HUNT 8 room modern Improiod house
JL ? Al locality nt moderate price. Applv M.
lilgntter , 10JI , Farnim. 400
FOH HUNT Elegnnt 10-room modem hoii'-o ,
near Hlcli school. < 'iO. < ! . li. Thompion ,
bhtely block , 1Mb nml Howard. "ul
FOH HUNT or tfale Nt v cottage. Hedford
1'lace , ou easy payments. Enquire .M. L ,
Hoerter , loom 40. ) raxlonblor.ic. BCi
lii M-oom at y N loth st.
JL ? Call or address K. A. Alursh , as above UIJ
KW n-room cottage , rent S10. Inquire ot
Hlngwalt Uros , Ilarkerjilock. _ Wi
HUNT Cottage , four large rooms. 1015
South rith St. D48
F ; OH HUNT Comfortably furnbhed , a Hat of
li rooms to n family of udulls ; will sell fur-
nllure run.-onanlo. Call at 417 S. llth St. , near
Ilowaul , np > tulitf. 115 l'it
1J1UUN1SHF.D looms with or without board.
Jtf 1HI7 Davrnportbt. U10 ! &
pUHNlHHED rooms. I'.Ol Capital aye.
"IjiOH HUNT Newly furnished , clean rooms.
JO all modem conienlencvs private housu : 1
block from P , O. lOU-lOll Capitol nve. Ul IDt
TmUKNISHUD rooms , 1818 Dodge.
HUNT S room * , dry basement , for fain-
JL ? ily n llh no children , -ath and Howard.
T LEISANT front roomj , cheap. C3 8.15th ,
„ . . HKNT--Newly and nicely luvnUhed
lonins , kteam haat , bath , llrist-claes t bl
boaid , ulso board by day or woL U desliod.
WL ]
lib board , ? ! N. Itftt
OH KENT ! 1 furnished rooms for llghl
'liousakeoplng , icfetrnce requlrtd.BLJ N. lull
strwt , li ia
F UHNlSHKDTront luomTsiftlTttTnanTsT
171 17t
F IOU KKNT-Furntshed ruoui , Slul Farnam bt.
IK 17'
IJ'UKNISIIKD rooms , slngla or ensulte. flpesi
I Jlocuiluu lu the city ; very pleasant , havluj
j nit iiiud ui couveuieui.-o3. Ibis Ctilcugo it. _
TV.VO neatly furnished rooas. S. W. corner
I Dodge and IMIi , ' * 147
OOM and board , No. 5J1 S 2Mb. nvo. "
105 2 It
"I/ion HUNT Three rooms furnished com-
JU plete for housekeeping. IMJ N. I''th ' st ,
1OOM with or without board. 1S1 , ' Dodtie.
I1 ! - " >
KOOM nnd board , modern conveniences. Sl.'l
Sownrd. 111 at *
"JTiOH HUNT 3 nicely furnished rooms , pntlor ,
JL1 bed room and kitchen , for housenet-pliitt. MI8
I'nrk nve. 110 17t
ONU nicely furnished front room with closet ,
suitable for one or two gentlemen , teims
reasonable , S. W. cor.'diuid Lenvenworth sts.
117 IHt
IT'LUOANT furnished rooms , southern expnJ-
l ure , peed location , now building. Inqulie
Ileum 0 , N. U , Cor. loth nnd llarney sts.
_ _ _ VJl& \ *
ninn HKNT-Hoimis with fnmilv. table board
JL nua Dodge it. Hefercnres exthaiiKp. Oinl _ t
KOOM3 includlnit board In thu Ynuns Wo
men's home 1'JIO ' Dodge st. References re
quired UIO
BAPUMUNT for rent , furnished or unfur-
nlshed. IblS Dodge 071
Foil HUNT A lovely south front room with
every convenience , suitable for two gentle
men ' . " 'li Farnam st , i-Ca
irum UUNT-Nlcely furnished room , N. U.
J- comer Pnrk me. nnd Pacific , ' 'ml door , suit
able for two I'ctitlemen or two ladles. Ml
FOH HUNT-Furulshed rooms , 11MI Farnnm.
6-3 17'
" UHNISIIUD HOOM8 , OS S. IClh. 8J1 17
F UltNlSIIKl ) rooms to let , 21M Doupla * st.
J5 18'
rTMHl HUNT-Oood furnished rooms nnd
L1 Iwnrd at Bil N 19th st. HO 17 *
F IOU HUNT Furnished rooms. 1418 Dodge sU
"V/"KHV desirable front room , furnished , nil
> modern conveniences. 2107 Douglas KI3
TjXJH HUNT A large pleasant front room ,
JO ITffl Chicago st. Ml
FOU HUNT A handsome room with akcno at
2jilSt. ) Mnry'snvo. 41"
r LUASANT furnished rooms , 1DU3 rarnam st.
0"iS h.'JfiJ
iron HUNT Furnished rooms in Greumg bile
JL1 cor. l.lth and Dodge sts. Imiulre of Goo. II. .
Uttvls. Mlllard hotel billiard ronm. 2IT
iron UENT-r.legantly furnished rooms with
JL ? board. Imiulre WM iougliu ) 334
F1 * HNISHUD rooms , 113 S 2uth
ewi s 2l
IT10H HUNT l'"ront room , lir e and nicely
X1 funilshod , located near the nigh scnool. In
tbn highest and coolest section of the city ;
cable llnu and horse cars pass the door. Un-
qulro af 'i Dodge near 21th si SOO-
" \TICULV furnished looms } l jier week orfJ.uO
-L > per month , 5UOUl and BO ) & . l th st.Mil .
Mil s I' I *
FOH HUN I' Three unfmnMied room" on
ITth and St. Mary's iuo. MnlvihillImlby. .
10"t \
FSft HUNT 4 tliifunilshed rooms with elojut
and pantry. WS So. 2Jd. 1WJ 17.
rTNPlIHNlSllUD-s'iltabb'forhotuekeepitig :
L' Three Mi room * , lirj ; Norths tht Jll - ' " >
Four ( i rooms.cor ITth and Webster st 2 > (0 (
Two ,2i , loonu , 18IS Howard st U OJ
Ulght ( S ) room Mat. 417 South Ilithst IU CO
Tin ee ( II ) rooms HUM.-S. Tth st IOU )
Three ( .1) ) rooms , T01'I'ucltle t 10 0
Three CI ) looms , 101 "i North SOtlut 11 M
'Ihree fl ) rooms , 707'i I'uclllc t I'1 ' in )
Four ( I ) rooms. 417 South I''th ' st IH IM
I hreefl ) looms , 1011 N.2l tst 11 10
Three (3i ( looms , H. e. cor 2ith ) and Nlchulii 11 N )
Apply to Judge Hentlng Agencv , Herald
building. S. W cnmerof I5th nnd Haiuox'st
' 1
FOH HUNT ' ! or 4 unfurnished rooms at .2S
S 2-tli st at moderate prli e. or will rant same
furnished. fi2 !
T7lTllUNTi ( ) Stfro"2Sx7Urvritli ) elglit rooms
1 above ; nil touvenlenees ; good yard nnd
barn. Corner Farnnm and 2 th t F. K. Dar
ling , 1.VJ1 rarnam. 16'J-VM.
1J1OH HUNT oihce suite til month , 2 slncla
Jl ? ollices $ ! , ' > each , nil fronting 11th st , llusii- block , N. U. Cor. lilth nnu Douglm. W. M.
llushmau , 1311 Leavenworth. 219
FOH HKNT-6n Cumfng st" store nml living
apartments , also livery stable. Unqulre of
llnrils H. K. \ L.Co. , lloom 411 , 1st Nat. bank.
TTlOH HUNT-Nlcely furnished omce. cronnd
X1 lloor , half ofHWS intii t , opposite Chamber
of Commerce , M. A * Upton Company. iv )
FOH RUNT Double store room , suitable for
clothing , groceries dry goods , etc. , location
Bret class. Address X 01 Heo ollico. 1K1
O 1T1CU3 and basements for rent , corner 13th
and Jackson sts. Mis. F. Langs bi > l
FOll HUNT-Moreroom , No. 211 S. 14th St. Ap-
ply at 1110 Howard st , ' M
HUNT Stoic-room under Omaha flank
ing Co. , cor. l."ith and Harney. sultnblo for
money loaning or real estate business. Paulson
A. Co. , No. loll , room I ? , Farnam st.
HKNT-nne rclall More room with
largo basement , I'M ' per month. C. F. liar-
ilson , 4US 15th t. 43. )
s iTOHU : for rent , llli Faruam street. Inquire
of Nathan shelton. nt 1MO Faruam street
rpwo choice store rooms In the Her bulldlm ? .
JL between Howard und Jackson tts Apply
llaymer * Her stoie , 5'4 S Mill st 473 slj
rpWO stoies , lSx50 , just completed , with tlatj
L of seven rooms above , with water and g.u ,
first-class finish , Cth and J'aclilc sts . low rent.
Apply to Ullltujer Uros. , 9U a. 10th St. . Omaha ,
FOR RENT--rnj8Cg Am-OUS.
, HUNT A ICnabe uluno , cheap , Addiess
CCJ. lleo. 115 17'
LIST houses with me ; have lots of customers.
J. H P.irrotte , luw Chicago. 157011
\\7Uglve special attention to leiitlng and colt -
t > lectlng rents , list with u * II. K. Cole , room
P , Continental block , -51
IF VOU want your hou es rented place them
with Hen.iwA&Co. . 16th , opposite postotllce.
/ i UOHOU .1. STEHNSDOIUT. room 0 , opp. P.
VIt ) . , will hereafter give special attention to
renting houses , stores and Hats If you want
your propel ty rented without delay and to rell
able tenants , do not fall to Ibt tha s me with
Iilm : INI
y OST-Wlllthennderof the cold medal with
JJl no Insci Union Joseph J. ( l'lrlon ) please re-
tuin the same to 1JA ) Djuglaj at. nd receive
reward. I4i 15
STOLUN-WenilesdaynlghKby boy between
12 and 15 years of age , one pair of grey
horse mules , "sets of Harness and wa ou. fJO
rewurd for return of propctty to H. S
1418 Capitol ave. Omaha Neb.
05 reward will be. paid for large pocketbook
Ptiikrn from my saloon lust uighc , iitli and
Pierce. Andrew Scueld. Wl ! 15 *
or stolen , ouo small rod cow-
STHAYUD L on left hip. llewnrd for Information
mation leading to ipcovurv of sama W K , HeiU
Iiiau , room 'J , Kxchangu bullillng. iioutnmaba _ ) ,
"I OST or Stolen 2 bull pups , half gi own , one
4 J male and fi'iimle ; thu rolor l.s bi Indie ; the
dog pup has a whltn head , with a brlmllo cpot
on ono Hide : tire nurd totheperMin that piovei
that the dog was stolen. Chus. Slurcor Snun-
ders and Clark sts. Kll IHJ
T OST , Strayed or Stolen liny Imrso about 10
JLJycarsold. a left f et uhlte and due var split
In , had on big gaddln. Apply t S. U. Cor. 'JJud
nnd .Miami for reward. ' / ' ! ' I7t
M AKKN III1 uirgn roan cow , long horns ( broken ) , luqulre 1017 S.2"'d. ChrU Shuck
111 lit
rilAKUN ( IP Hy the sulmcrllier. about tin
-1. loth of August. INV. 8 conn. I rod color will
broken horns nud 1 roan und white ; can hi
found ut my farm 14 miles northwest of Omuht
on Mtlltiuy road , lloury Logciuan.
Jl aure of n lady of refinement und soim
wealth. Any lady answering this ad.nleasi
give au oddrei * that will bu good for W days
us tha adiertUar la now on tuu Paclllc const
Addrasa U 00 , care Omaha H a , vn 15 *
PKI1SONAL lllsi Kate Tovey has removcc
her ilrciamaklng 'from Kzponltlon bnlldlnt
to lui 8. I'.th.'nd ' lloor , opp. . Hnyden llros.
nawKore. 890 1ST
OUHSONAIIrespccUpUvcall the attention
J of Ihose who live mife.iQ the city , to tin ] tact
thnt I make purchases lanay nnd .ffpry line of
good * , nud to the sntlf Mellon of tlm btiJiT ,
Business done throtighufe. bank , \ \ rite for
particular * . Address F I. Fret , room , Con-
tlnenlnl block. Omaha. / "oil o , 7 *
1 > UHSONAI If youn * uH personal Hem , or
nny coinmnnlcntloivMtrop It in one of'Clio
lleo's message boxes.
[ AHY STHONn , M. D rooms n and I Jacobs
L block , cor. Capitol u ve. and 1Mb st.
F you want to buy , V II. rent or
JL call oil or address tritjjrgo J. fatcrnsilorlf ,
room 0 , opposite 1' , O. , | ill
_ _ _
FOH SALU A cnr londtof cholo1 , fresh milch
cow s and sprln jeri for sale nt bottom prices.
Inquire jtWJ NSJth Ave , Omaha , Neb. C. L.
WnlkerT 10 15 *
IJ1OH SALU Nearly new custom made dellv-
JL1 ery wagon. Inquire NUi < eu k Herrlck , 42) S.
nth. tM 1W
"I710H SA l.i : Klegant furniture of (1 ( room eot-
X1 tajjo nt a bargain. Also proml'rs to rent.
Call buforo noon t 'IS Saward t. T2M4
IJIOH SAL/ ! Two thoroughbred red Irlih s > t-
JL ter pups , fi inontns olu , Just ready to broak.
Knuulre itt 123t K. Itth nt. 7VU
FOH 8ALB Fifteen parrots , dlllerent varl-
ctles , will be .sold chenp. ns .Mr. Warner , the.
owner , leaver the city'Juesdny , Call at 1121
1'arnam st. at once. 20T-1T
WANTED To exchnnfto a HUB new upright
plnno by n man midwife for board nnd
room In n prlv itc family. Address D I , llee.
FOIt 9ALK Hammond typo writer , almost
now , l.'mniiro 12 Umnha Nutlonnl bank
bulldlntf. | BU.M7J
FOIt 8ALK Cheap , nn clovntor at Itlvorton ,
Iowa. Apply to 1. N Ash A : Co.CnlniKO , III.
INULK IIIIISBX for sale at 15M N. IMh bt.
-rlcetM. 11017'
Fl'HNITt'lli ; , scwliiK machluoand organ for
salu Will be ! < old at half price for cash oren
on tlmo Also I itcmlnirton typewriter and I " 1C.
I' . " suit , all now. Kuiiilr | at 1417 I'urnnm et ,
room 9 and 10 , upstairs Ul
_ _
FOH SALH Uleotrotype plate map of Omaha ,
Pxl2 Inches. ( iOid aihiutislny ; schume for
some one U. I ! . Wallace , llee ollicc. 140
TJ Oll SALK flooil family horsp and bupgy
1cheap. . V. M , Votings , pre- room , lieu
ollicu. WJ
TjlOH SAMI-AtlesH than nnlf value. A few
JL choice bred yoiintc stalllom and Illlles ;
nNo a few very line brood marss Stock can
beeen by npplylmj to John Illley , nt Omaha
IlankliiKCo. Inth nud Ilirneyst. 80' ' ) 1
TjlOlt "JAIjIJ A nowtl ' nt Hocknway carriage
J nt I ee tc Nichols' livery barn. 'IVenty-elchth
and I.ea\en orth. i'ulepiiona 810. 417
C1 AS llxtures for ? alu iheap. Have a Inrcu us-
' ortment of tile latest designs in gns ll\tuies
which 1 will -ell at cost. M. r Tree , HUtcessor
to,1.0. Klllott : iifcnt. Ifill'i 1 aruam s' . 27B
I/OH SALi : thenp forcn h , a peed roadster ,
JL 7 jvnr old nml iilmo- new Colttnnns t p
biiKvy and harness : if vou u.iuta line looking
tin it will pav > ou to Investigate. Oem B J
Sternsdorll. Itoom ! , opp. I1. O. > > !
FOIl SALU A Snyder make open buggy ,
cheap foi ca-h. or will trade for top buggy.
Gee J , Sternsdorll , room 0 , opposite ] ' . O
FOH SALU I'lamnu mill machinery. Call at
Hoi ? Davenport n. Ouialia. .110
A SPAN of horsci. harness and wison for
saleon the Installment plan or otherwise ;
wllitruie for real citatu or commercial paper ,
or will rent annul to tne'right party , blomati ,
room 103 I'nxton block , < " ' Vt
riOH 1 SALP.-Ice In car'lots. GHberr"llioT
Council lllulls lliO-JJj
rOH SALE All kind * of home giown trees ,
Miitnble for this chmiUe. O. O. Hownrd .V
Co. , Omaha. ' - ! ) > b rf
BUAl TIH'L faces nnd forms : i < irnuteod
rntcbl-nchi'rriMiPOvu tieckles , p'mples nnd
m Inkle * . 1 pi : r b 'ttlo ' llouk of 10 eipt for
tlacomi'le.xi. . u 25 ceiitx Send 4 leut.s for cir
cular. Mndnmt ? lluppert , S.MI Mate at. , ChlinKO
rilAVK afi(5 ( ft lot on J"ui mini street between
JMh nud 2.ith st , n Splendid location for n
Ih cry b.un. wn Ich I will lease cncin und hullil
to suit les-ioo If desired. GeorgoJ Sturusdorfr ,
lloom D , opu. r. O. JH >
_ _
LLOW tlu nihh to tttah. n verybotljU
buying a Salt Lake City * JJ town lot at .110
1Mb at. 'Jo early foi choice. 2XJ
\ \ 7 H. llAKHEa-Ccss pool * & water clos. ts
> > clcanedworU guarantted.003 S.l'th.Tol ' fi21
rpnn banjo taught a * nn art by Geo.V. Gellen-
JL beck , nw Hartley st. IsJ
G1 EOIIOU J. Steni'silorrr. room tl , opposite I'O , some very deslr.iblo lot * luvaiions pirts
of thucltv tint can be leased on reasonable
terms. Will build to suit lessee. : HO
TJAHTIKS having real estate they wish to sell ,
JL or homed they wish to lent will llnd ready
customers bycMlui0- blomnn , loom 403 , 1'ux-
ton blocik. UJO
HOI'S K foi rent : furniture for sale or trade.
Irtl.'i Dodge. VU3
SUN I ) your orders for flno family und gentle
men s washing and Ironlns toVlnK Slnj. , W )
North It'th ' St. . "Ill call for clothes In any part
of the city and make terms on application. ! ) I'KIJ '
W OMAN'S Kxcliaairo , 1C17 Fainamst. i.uurh
daily , btippdr Stituiday nights. 6U
H OMB for Destitute Women imd Children ,
271Sllurtst. U40
IF TOU nave anytnlng to trade call on or nd-
dress Oeor e J. dternsdorit. Uooiu U , oppo
site postollico 107
G.U. . THOMPSON , Hooin 1U Sbeely block.
. S35
JTOHAGU nt low rates at 1121 Farnnm street ,
Z-Mlinaha Auction & Storage Co. 770 o'J
, < TOHAGU allow rates In new building , 311
Ofiouth 12th street. 206 H 30
STOHAdU-Safo , dry and clean at low rates.
, Hlddell fc Klddull. 1113 Howard. IQ.'s l
rpKACKAOU , storage , lowest rates. W. M
JL llushman , 1311 Leaveuworth. 2u4
SHOHTll AN D nnd TypcivrTtiug Vulentl s
. , ahorthand and Tyna\\ i Itlni ; Institute. Larr ;
i-st and best equipped In the west. Graduate. ]
all occupy good pnylnc situation. Day ami
tiieiiing sessions. MudmiU cnn enter nt nny
time Send for circular New I'axtou building ,
Omaha. h'JJ O 0
BUNSONVCAHMICHAUL furnish complete
and guaranteed abstracts of title to any
reel eMale In Omaha and Douglas county upon
short notice ' 1 he mo t complete set of ao'trict
boons in the city No 1WJ Farnam st , M )
MIDLAND Uuatantee and Trn t Co. . IM1 har-
naui-Couiplato abstracts furnUbed. X titles
to r * l estate examined , perfected & guaranteed.
W ANTUD to lluy Painter's hanging scat-
fold i-oniplete. for cash Add. llox Or. , city.
103 17 *
IK you liavw Improved business or resldeuca
property that you wsh | to fell , rail and sea
me. ( laorea J. BterniddrH , room ( , oppoalta
poatosice. &I
_ _
OLD Hooks Cash paid for second-hiindbooka
at AntlqunrUu lloolc Store , 1413 Fnrnam.
. _ I T-'J O 7 *
\\7ANTUD-Furnlture' and household good !
T of all kinds Omiilm Auction jt StorngeCo. ,
1121 Farnam st. , j 77io9
\V ANTED-To buy oc trade for a good build
> Ing that run be morud. Pleana call on
or address George J. SUrnsdorH , room A , oppo
site P , O. ' ' 211
MONUV to loan on Imtiroved property nt Orsl
hands. No appllciilluUi Mint away for up
provul. Security und tlili * xumlned lien ol
clnirce o borrowois Lombard luvostmenl
company , : ) JS Utli st. n:4 :
TOW Ilaiiia No delay : mortgages bought
Jllillchinson A. Weiul , ] Vi4 Dod u street.
Uti [ 9
. .
. milR Omaha Financial Exchange. lloom IA
J. Darker I Hock , autitliv. est corner of Fnrnam
and l.ith bts.
Makes a ipeclnltv of short-tltnn cell t r
nnd real estuln loans
Money always on hand In sums of $103 um
nptvanis touuy umount. to lonu on opprovci
Peciired notei bought , sold or xrliaiiged. ,
Clear real estate and tash to uxchunge foi
good llrst oraecoud uiortgarii.s
l/ans made npou land contracts , mocks
bonds , trust deeds , first cr second mortgage no
curlty. without publicity , delay or red tape.
Financial business ot any kind transacted
promptly , quietly and fairly , lloom 15 , llarkei
block. Corbett. Manager. -TO
GW. PECK loans monrjr for non-rtsidem
oil gilt-edge real rxtato. securities , gunran
eed : reference , CouiiuercUl National Hank
Oinnha. Q , W. 1'tiCt , Uooui 1. Viuuiar block.
. Ut b lit
MONUV To l/v\n-lly the underslpned. whp
him the only properly organized loan agency
in Omaha , Loans of flu to $100 mad * on furni
ture , pianos , orgaus.hories.wngons , machinery ,
etc. , without removul. No delay * . All business
utrlctly coutldentlnl. Loans r-n made that nny
liartcunbe paid nt any time , uach pnymont
reducing tha cost pro rnln. Advances made on
line watches and diamonds. Persons chontd
carefnlly consider who thov are dealing with ,
ns manynew concernsnro dally coming into ex
istence. Should you need money call nnd fee
mo. W. H. Croft , room 4 , Wlthnell building ,
16th nnd Harney. HH )
"IIUK3T mortgages , loans on city , business or
JL1 residence property nt lowest rates. Call nnd
ceo us before plnclng your loan. Hemlngton \
Frye , room 1 , N. W , cor 15th nnd Farnam. 7fO CM
MONUV to Loan City and country ; cheap
rule * , no dulay. L. 'P , Hammond , WJ Paxton -
ton building. 70i
MONUV KOO.CU ) to loan on city nud farm
properly , Icniosl rales of interest ; building
loans a specialty , ( I. W. Peck , Freuzer block.
Kfl o 11 *
(4lWrtl lo loan on Inside property. Some first
P mortgases for sals. Nathan Bhclton , IH'W
Farnam street. 758
MONMVto loan in nny amount , either for
btilldlng > > r utliernlso , at lowest rates of
Interest und on short notice. D. V. Sholes , room
U'10 First Nnt'l bank , cor. 1'Jth nnd Furnntu.7
T OANS made on real estate nnd mortgages
JLJ bougnt. Lewis S. Heed i Co. , 1K1 Fiirimm.
JT : 11. HtUY tiVUlXW to loau on city pioperty
and Improved farm land. Frcnzer block ,
MONUV loaned nt C. 1 * . lleed It Co. ' * loan of-
lice , on furniture , pianos , horses , w agon * ,
personal property of nil kinds , and all other
articles of value without removal , J1V B , IJtli.
AllbiiHlnessHtrlctly conlldeutlal. 187
d .WX10 ( to loan on business property at an ex-
U > tra low rate. 1'or particulars seeV. . M.
Harris , room 2) , 1'ronzcr block , opp. 1' . O.
SLOMAN. room 4m , 1'axtou bulldlliK , loans
money on city property nnd farms. 1'nrtles
wishing to build \\111 do well to see him , Slo-
man , 4051'axton block. WO
G OODcIty and farm loans wanted by A. K.
Itlley , mv Farnnm. Ml
B UILD1NO loam. Llnahan i Mnhouoy.
, to loan at per cent. Llnahan & >
$ honey , room MH , Pnxton block. 282
SLOMAN , room 405 , Piixton building , will
- make loans In any amount , for short or long
time. Shoit time collateral loans a Mpeclalty ,
1/oans made on real estate. Commercial nnd
1st mortgage paper bought and sold. All busi
ness strictly contldentlal. Coma und see mo.
Slomnn , room 40Ti I'uxtcn block. IhO
MONUV to loan on furniture , horse * , wagons ,
etc. , or ou nny approved security. J. W , Hob-
bins , H , 2i Sheely blk , 11th and Howard. 2 8
M ONEV toloan : Ions time. ( Jcorgo J. 1'anl ,
ICOil rnrnim st SM !
fONUV to loan. O. F. Davis Co. , real estate
Lund loan agents , 1.V15 Furnnm at. "i\ \
T \ONT borrow money on furniture , horses ,
- -/wagons , etc. . until you have seen 0. II J'i-
cobs , room 410. Tirst National bank bulldlnij ,
cor. Mtli and rnrunm 27
MONUV to lo in ; large nnd small sums nt low
rates , for' hort time , on u'al estate or chut-
tcl sacurlty ; setoud notes bought ; all financial
huslnoi-s strictly confidential People's I'lnan- \
cli.l U.xeliangp , O lloiis"nren , nmuager , loom
t ( ' , Darker block , 15th and I'm nam. r.JT
KIMHALL , Champ \ Hyan make loans on
city property at lowest rates , optional pay
ments. caMi on band , no delay. Mortuiges
bought , lloom 8. U. S National uaiik. 2,17 s 2J
Gl'UK Cl'.NT money to loan-Cash on hand
W. Al. Harris , roum 2J , 1'ren or block , opp.
1 > O. | KJ _
ff iin,0Kl ( to loin on Omaha city propelty at fl
Pper cent , ( i. W. Day. S. U , ror. r.y. bid. 2M
MONUV to loan on furniture , wagons , etc. ,
without lemoval , or on collateral t-unnlty.
Iluslnebs strictlv A. U Greenwood
\ Co. , H I Cunnlughiim blk , cor. IHh U Jackson.
to loan on horses fnrnlturo and other
personal property or collateral. Hittes mod
erate ; business Olilce S. W. corner
1'ith nnd Douglas sts. Untranca on l.'ith st.
The rairbann Investment Co 283
MONUV to loan : cash OH hand ; no delay , J.
W. Snulri' , V.M'J 1'Minam st First National
bank bulldliig. 27
KUALestatn IOAIH , loivest rates. Udell liios.
& Co. , 31J S. loth st. 217
EASTUHN money cheap. City and country.
Oillco Philadelphia .Mortgage and Tru t Co. .
lloom U Hoard of Tmdo Geo. W 1' . Coates
* y. *
TSlTATTUL nnd collateral loauj M. U Davis
v lll d 13th st , room 27 , 2tij
M ONKV to loan on Omaha nnd South Umahn
proporty. C. F Harrison. 4li-S l&th st. 2yt )
< J > SOOt01 0 ] ) er cent. Money to loan on 1m-
tpproved farms or city property. James A.
Woodman , at the old tire Insuinnco ollico of
Murphy > V Lovott , y.'O S. 13th st. " 'J7
AAIANUFACTU1UNO coiporatlon whose
business is Mich that It requites a branch
In enih Inrgu city , desires n repie ontntlvo with
Home capltnl in this und other titles ; n very
largo Income will bo realized or un Interest in
this business will be given tnoso h.iving . the
proper qnnlltlcntlons. Address Petrn Crufctra
Co. , 1'J U liith st. New Vork City. 184 M J
FOH PALE Inteicst in Omaha newspaper
( lood tolieltor cnn mnk J10) ) per mouth ,
price FIVl. Uood meat mnrket , price uccording
to Invoice ; news depot , cigars , tobaccos , etc. ,
price uccordtng to Invoice , rent $ JO' confection
ery nnd bakery , rent J-0. pilcoW > o : confection ,
eryandclgnr t-tore , prlco f40cl , worth double :
Si-room hotel , rent$110 , price J.JHX ) ; dining hull
of n good hotel in the city , price ;
good restaurant ou 1'Jth st , , price $000 , rent JV > ;
und the best rrstnurnnt nnd short order lion so
In Omaha , i nt J100 , prlco about Jl.NH. Cooperative
erative Land and Lot Co. , 1W3 N. IBth st. 137 17
TTlOll 8ALB or Undo A valuable Invention.
JL1 Will sell Hamo cheap for casl. , or will trade
for good real e.stntoor rani estate pup or , reason
for selling , my time being occupied with other
matters to give this attention. The right party
cnn make money out of this. Investigate.
Sloman. room 4031'uxton block. U5S
T710H SALK-Snlt Lake lots jiw each , at .110 S.
JL1 15th bt. 4r <
FO H SALU A nlco clean htock of general
merchnndlse. In county seat , Acldie s Lock
llox I. . ' , Loup CltJ' , Neb 100 lh
FOH SA LU A new $ ? ,000 stock of general mer
chandise and H now SyX ) store building
with living room ? Very best location In the
Hi llent , booming new town in the Mate. ( Jood.
prontaule and growing trade. ThH Is a rare
simp nnd nothing but cash or llrst-class secur
ity will bo considered. For particulars call on
or address. J. H Kuhl. Charter O.IK , Crawford
county , la. 113"It
FOll SALK At n bargain , u stock of general
merchandise In a live towu. Address Lock
llor II. Noitn Ueud. Neb ! ) l.slJ'
FOH SALB Fine i-tocK of gioreiles. good live
town , tlist-class trade , Ucfcuess , Address P
0. llox Ml. I'lattsmouth. Neb. U7 S7t
FOH SALU for Cnsh Only-Feed store and
fixtures , nearly new building conveniently
nrinnced ground rent two yeais , tstore 7 cars
hny , doing good hu3lne > > s at present lime. Sat
isfactory leasons for selling Address P. O.
llox HM. South Oinulia. Neb. 075 J0 <
F [ SALK Stock booits and stationery. In
- cne of the host cities In NebiA ka : will In
voice H.OOO. Fmtliar p.irtlcul.irs address 045 ,
lice ollce. ! ! * : tl Hi
1DAHT1ES wlslilug to pnrcnas * estate
Jor seeking luiertmeuts of any kind will do
well to cull on Sloman , room IO& Pn
A HAKE business chance Wanted n paitncr
vtlth money or security , ( u doctor pre
ferred ) to w holesale u line of exclusive druggists'
goods. H.OOJ north now manufactured and
leady for ale I'rolits. fiik ) per day Addresi
fully with reference. W. K. V. . I4'JO ' Fanum st.
FOK SALU Abstract books of Omaha ana
Douglas county , This Is an established ,
rapidly Increasing , business , paying a
inrgt * Interest on the investment For uooka
nnd good will of the business1. Omaha real es-
tata or ? cured paper with a fair cash payment
wlllbi taken. Ueorg W Ames , 160 ; Farnam
FOH SALK-AtK earney. Nob. , tha furniture
nnd lease of Oiaud Central hotel , The sec-
end be t house In thu city , and the best located ,
being opposite depots. Doln/a paying busl.
nens. Price tl.vjo. Inquire T 0 , Ilralnard ,
Alldn ay hotel. Kearney , Neb. -Tl
"ITiOH SALU or rxcnang ; The stock of a char
J. lured piumber holding the choicest oil lands
lultattlpsnnUe district , Wyoming. Addre.ii U
C7. Dec Ollli-e. ' , M 24
IJWH SALU-Clieai. for cash , N V. Hotel anil
JP Itestaurnnt. 7fJ N. IHth et. : good bmlneii i ;
de lrnhln location , rou on for selling , have
other business lo attend to. Call on or address
F. A. Alurah. 'JiA N Ilith at . Omaha. 6JI
TjlOlTsAMS or'l'rmlfc A good chop bouse In
J. good location , also bous hoid furniture. Ap
ply 1418 Donglus at. 78 171
fTIOH SALK-A good Inmber.coul.agrlcultural
X' tmpletiinut nnd live stock bualnesa. Addrait
Hedge llrna. . Vulan. Nab. 63 o0 |
WANTED to trad * a WO euulty In 1-500 lei
for hura * aud butigy. Call nt 1MO DuOre m
" 171011 SAI.K or trade ? 0 anre farm near
.L Omaha : good Improrcments ; plenty of
fmlt ; terms reasonable. Heal Estate Ex
change. " 0 * ! N st , South Omaha , 418 15
AFIH8T-CLASS chop hon to trade for Ian' ' }
or lots , or noine business. Co-Operative Land
A Lot Co. , 1W N. l lll st. V\V \ 15
\\7ANTED to trade a tlno upright piano for
TT horse and buggy , Call at 1510 Dodge st.
rpo K.VCIIANir.-MprtK.icoof | ls andoma
L real estate for c-room hou o and lot. C. K.
Itvlter , 8. \ \ . ( .or , l.'ith nnd Douglas st.i ,
_ _
i > TKAMS. waion nnd hnrntu for n lot In
inortli part of city ; $ ; , ( V ) stock of Rrocarlci
nnd drum for part ruin nnd good property :
f.lOJiMockof Kroeerlei for one-third cash and
wood land ; ri'stmirunt und n farm for Umalia
property : eood chop house for choice real CM-
tateor 5otne kind ofjniMnoss ; llxtures , etc , of
uwvll equipped postonice for Nebraska laud :
three stocks of drugs and property for put
cash and good real estate : clxty-room hotel for
clear Nebraska land : ono saloon ; } " > , OJO stock of
hnrdwniefor some rush nnd n gooit faun ;
lnnd .city property , etc , Call nnd read our list ,
or address , Co-operative Land and Lot Co , AVi
N Hltli st , , Omaha 130 17
F OU UXCIIANHK-Cholce Improved farm
; lands In Nebraska forUmahnrvaldonce prop *
erty or stocks of clean merchandise. Call or ail-
dross W A. Fryp , H 1 , nw cor 15th nnd Fnrnapj.
628 o 4
IHAVK real nnd personal property of nil
kinds for trade. Call and see me. George J.
Sternsdorir , room 0 , opp. 1' . 0. UtO
rpllADES mad * In real estate and personal
JL property. S e cxchang * book. Go-on. L.
and L. Co. aoo N. 18th st. s.n )
\\rilAThave you to trnde for pome north-
TT western oil stock ? Address 11 fl , lice office.
r\K. NANNIE V. Warren , clMrvoT n . M < 1-
JLlc L business And test medium. Dlftcaoila
frta. Kern le dlieasea ft specialty. Ill N. Uth
t. . lloom J 23 Tol.911. 2' 0
LAND Seekeis. Attention Tor full par
ticulars about free nnd cheap lands In west
ern Nebraska address Thos. 0 Patterson. Heal
Katute Agent. North 1'latte. Nob. IQlOli )
O USIDr.NCU for Palo-Nlro 6-room house , fin-
JLiishoil In oak , burn , well , cistern , full east
front lot. In Windsor 1'lace , : easy terms ;
a lovely little homo at very moderate price M ,
A. 1'pton Company. Ob'J
BUSINESS 1Mb street , corner , 4 blocks from
rnrmim , for 'i loss than It Is worth. GdxUi
on Capitol ovi' . butwvon 16th anil Ifith , at less
than \alno. M , A Upton Company. 6T9
FOll SALU House nnd lot centrallylocated ,
near cnblu cars nnd high school , within
walking distance of the 1' O. ; $0,000 ; best
neighborhood In tlio city. Apply at oueo. C.
1" .
AN extra bnrgnlu ; COtli st. is bems.pi.ved
south of the it. K. ttnckx to Center ct. We
have I'.ixIM feet eait trout on IBth. ono block
southof Center , with 0-room house , barn IrttlO ,
-'stories , for { .l.rou. The ground Is woith more
money. Act awful quick If > ou want this. M ,
A. I'pton Company. D'.K ) li )
"IOK SALU Hons'M In good localities on
-L1 monthly payments. F. K. Darling , 1121 Fnr
nam. IH''JU
" 1711 N 13 reslilenco on Kurnam Htrect , light In-
-i cnnibrance. Interest low , for good farm.
Active Kcnl hstato Jt 1'ioperty .
Dodge st. Kll IS
IMI'IIOVED larm for Insldo house nud lot ;
land for c ity nml Miburban prodcrty. Ad-
dieas Umiiii v. Thompson , 12J ? 1'nrk nve.
! 04 H *
ONRIU'NDHIJl ) feet on Leavcnwoith , near
Park nve. . at grade , $7J a foot ; niatih It If
vou can ; very easy toims. T. J. Hook , liooiu
fjll. 1'axton Illoik. t 715
( ! corner lor tenement house , ( ifixion ,
I'arltle St. neir l.'lth St. . only W.\W , or will
soil half Interest. T. J. Hook , lloom Jll , I'a'ttoa
Illock. WT ! "
0 I10ICU Insldo business propcrtyat n baigaln
Is lianl to get. but I can sell you ill feet on
best side and In best retail part of tilth St. ; that
Is the tiling. T. J. Hook , Itoum Jll , I'axton
Illork. L1 ! .
A1 11OMU Oood JV-room house , 'M foot lot ,
near cable , of n mile from con it house ,
J2.2.V ) ; easy tetma. T. J. Hook , lloom Ull , I'ux-
ton Illock. n:715
BAHGAINS Wcihavo two extra bnignlns for
this week. One at i'.WO nnd the other at
HtM. ( Al. A. Upton Company. 57U
In West End-We have for sale n few-
lots In West Und addition nt less than their
market value , O. F. Davis company , M0.1. Far-
nam ht ( CT-17
PAHJIINO In eastern Nebraska pays now.
To those wanting to no on a farm wo can
tell bow to get good land with very little money.
The day that this can be done will soon b *
passed Al. A. Upton Company. 807
F ( > It SALU Now IV-room houso. I'rlce tl.OJO.
Apply tollliu Decatui street. 781 O SI *
HAVK u few choice lots in Orchard Hill lot
which I will Hell cheap and on long tlma
Slomnn , room 405 1'axton block. VM
I WILL sell n limited number of lots in South
Omaha's H. .VAI. pnrk uddltlon for the low
price of $10. lleineinber a warranty deed given
with each lot. This sale only continues n few
days. Call quick and get first cholco. Sloman ,
room 40" > , I'axton block. ma
"ITIOH SALR-ly ) Dexter L. Thomas , at No
JL1 braska Savings Hank. ICth and Fnrnam ;
80 PBI cent elf value.
lu full lots at grade 0 blocks from postoflice
block. South Omaha , ! JW ! each , terms to bult ;
who wanis nrst cholco ?
0 lots on Farnnm street. ea t of Dundee Piaco ,
north or south fronts , Jl.ftiH each nnd less.
0 nicest full lots in llcdlord 1'laco.south fiouts ,
choice $7' ' 0 , terms ,
10 nicest corner lots nnd adjoining in Lincoln
riuc , very cheap nml terms to suit.
Ij imd 10 acre timber tracts U miles from Omaha
P.O. , $ lrt ) per acre.
f > acre tracts by Florence , can't ba boat for
small fruit , MO per ncro.
1 own the nbovo as well a * lots In various nd >
Jltions. Including 0 lots on West Uroadway ,
Conn ! ! limits.
See mo for a bargain.
Dexter L. Thomas , nt Nebraska Savings IUnk ,
Board of Trade building. tC4
FARMS We have somoof the Uncst Improved
farms In Allssourl , Krnsns , Iowa nnd Ne
braska for sale , AL A. Upton Company. 679
FOHSALK A beautiful resldance lot In Isaac
& bcMeu's addition ; it yon want u bargain
Investigate. Oeorca J. SternsJorlT , Hoom 6 ,
opp. I' . U. 6" !
"IjlOK SALU Mr xcn.iiigo. We Mara soma
JO good Omaha real estate und Nebraska
farms , which we will sell cheap or traoe for
stock of clothing , furnishing good * , dry e01" ! ' .
boots undshoBs , groceries or Tiaidwaie , Schlei-
inucr liros.014 S. . !
jILl'lTS Wo have pome lots at
VXthe east end of tnonew biidga that can be
boucht at a IlKiire that will make purchaser
money. M. A Upton Company. 67 *
NLY n few lots left In II V M. park addition
to South Omaha. What have you toolTer/
GeorgaJ Hternsdorff. lloom 0 ,' . O. 231
A IIOMU or eafo ( Investment at low figures
and easy payments. A well-built 7-room
cottage and ' : > feet frontage , with a depth of
13. feet , on Callfoinlast. , betuoth and 31st , only
ll.iiOO ; itiiOcash , W.ltIO nt the rate of S.10 per
month il , 940 payable nyears afterdate ; Inter
est 8 per cent , llemumber you can build two
more hout e j on tliU ground , or sell n part of It
when It becomes mote valuable The property
I ? only n minutes' walk from court house , and
Is witntn minute .s walk to Crelchton college ,
the Convent school. High school , and Bother
public schools , U blocks fiom street cars. W.M.
Vales , agent , cor. California and S.'d sts. 1J9
FOIt sale or trade for good Insldo real estate
or goo.l secured real estate piper 63) ) acres
of land , Nolncumbranco. About 8 miles fioin
Duluih , Minn , and about 4 miles from 8up rlor
City. WIs . this will bear closa investigation :
remember Duluth and Superior are "the two
coming cities , It will pay to Investigate this.
Elomaii , room 40Ti I'axtou block. 090
G J.STEKNSDOHFP , roomB opposite post-
omce , will sell you a good 4-roora lionss
CD Iflth street , " blocki south of car line , by pay.
Ing ( .MO casn balance monthly payments lo
suit. Thlj Is a splendid opportunity far any-
ont wanting a cheap homa , 3Jl
1OH SAl.B-Blegnnt house nnd lot In Wind *
J. tor place , owner non-resident who wants to
put his money elsewhere uud will aell right , O ,
F. Hairljon , 41SS. 15thst. 303
"VTUIHIASKA farmi We have some good ISO
J. > acre fainuup th * Elkhorn vallay with 1100
and liO loim time mortgages nelnat their
that from 1)00 to SHiOcash will buy the equities ,
Now lsin time to luren la Nebiaskn farm
land * , although selling cheap they are raluable
and more productive than eabteru land valued
" four or Hv times our price. 11 , A. Upton Co
& 19
CBSoO buys a full lot and good 4 room cotta ; <
Pe iy terms nnd good location. D V. Sholos ,
room 210. First Nat'l bank. cor. 13th and Far
TjtOH SALE New 8-room nousn. all modern
JL' ImprovemanU , near corner Woolworth am !
Virginia avenuiu , llanscoui i'Uce. H.6i . U
F. llarrlion. 418 . I5lh t. 4S3
FOUSALB-rulllotand larga S-story lio'Hi '
ot T large rooms , good well , cellar , olitern It :
th * kitchen , good nei > ; bborhooJitre t cars
church , school and store clo by. All ne uni
complete , U.400. Braall Rash payment. biUnc <
tnontblr. J"it tha placa lor a man of inoderati
means and Urj * family , Coma iul . & 0a mi
about It. C.7..UarrUoa 41 3 ,
rpwo blocks from oAblellno. lot WtllOlO allot
.1. Nice 5-room cottagu , small barn , lot ft. need ,
everything nice , WV . nun-fourth cash , bal
ance ' easy. M A. Upton company. lfL ? .
II ! Oil I lKKka hrrol Talk about snaps , limT
gains , etc. , liU feet on Lenenworlh. . iWl foot
west of tlio llelt Llue.n corner und 111) ) feet ilop.
flUX ) takes It ; oulyllin bloi V § from Iho end or.
the pnvement on Le.iTcnworth ; bs t hargnlu
thnt lias uer been otfcred in Omaha for the last
is mouths. No.wu won't tnko unythliut In trade )
good big Iron dollnr.s nro the only thing that w 111
have any olTcct. M , A. I'pton company. , ' 4.1 1H
COUTHOM.MIA-Lot 14 , block 77. S. K. corner
D 2 th nud M streets , 6-room hous , IIO.WO , ! (
Lot 14 , block "f , S. K.cornnrS.'illiniul M stroot-s ,
{ 1 mm 14 cash. House on this rents fin ,
If thesecorners were on N street they would
sell for &MXi ( ) each. M will bo n better street
tnnn N In n year from lo-diiy. Uach OUB ot
Ihesocorners will make seven business lots. M ,
A. L'pton AT Co. KM
Notloo to Contractors.
. . , . .
intrmit ant-t-iw , 1.11 IIMIIIUUIK .IIUM..V
House. J-nldbldsto bo for stone walks , from
three to six Inches thick , for granite walk for
plngollthtc walk or for artificial stone wnlk. Cer
tified check ot one hundred dollars to nccompntiy
each bid.
The Hoard reserves the right to reject any or
nil bid * . M. D. 1(0011 ( K.
s iB-tl-m&ci to aw County CUrk.
Corner of Irtth und Fnniam Streets , Chamber of
Commerce Itulldliig.
Cnpitnl Stork i ? 100,000
Llnbllltj of StockholtliT 800,000
K Ire portent p lit nn ilepuMlv Imm inndu on rnul
r-lntonml parvinnliccnrllri notot.warriiiitJ , itocki
and boiuU purcliii iHl ,
JOI1NL MILK' ' Presllent.
ANIIIUiW UOSKWATKIl. Vlrn rrenldont.
IIK.Vl'Kll L. THOMAS * , ttllllfll.
John L Mllvt. Krnsius Munaon ,
Snmiiel Cutner , .lolm H KTHIK ,
Andruw Itmatrater , Mnrnt Mnrrliun ,
W A L Ulhbon. den. K. ll.irkur.
Alvln Snunden , IHnlnr I. . Thoinns ,
Norman A Kulm , .
K II. JolinHin. John Itusb ,
Oeo. C llnblilo.
W. D. MICAII , Pre.s. W.D.Mr.\n , .lr..V-Preg ,
DAViuJAMti > o.vTrens , W.N.McUANiiLiuii.Soc.
Capital , $100,000
Loans Mdilcon lical Estate.
No commissions. Money on hand.
-t Suit U l ili Street , Onmha ,
iioi :
Capital Sloi-k $150,000
MaliUiCosof SlorUlinlilcrs ! iOO,000
Five Per Cent Intcrtst I'ahl on De-
j.ot < its--Coiiniiitlcl ) Scinl-
CI1AHLE3 F. MANDUIWIN , President.
L. M. II KNNUTT , Vice President.
F.W. WU SUL- , Managing Director.
JOHN fi. W1LBUH , Cushler ,
STOCKHOM > Kltrl :
.1. w. o v.v.Ninr , Guv C. HAHTOM ,
HIMII'ovtiT : , K L. STONK ,
OMMIl L. ArT. Co , ' '
AI\x Mhvnit , TllUMAN il'lIOK ,
r. W. WKS-'KI.- ' , 1. U. CONODON ,
ANMIV G. AliCooic , N. W. WKI.LS ,
CAPITAL , $300,000 ,
Loans Made ou Real Estate ,
SchoolCounty nua Municipal Douds Negotiated
WAI. A. PAXTON. President.
WAI. ( . .MAUL , VIce-Prosldent.
HOnUHT L. OAHLICHS , Secretnvy.
ItOUT. L. 0 AIIT.ICII ? , Al.k'llEU MlLLAUU ,
Cnpilal . $500 000
Surplus . . . 100,000
JOHN A. CKEIQII TON. Vice Picslden *
P. H. DAVIS. Cashier. "
W. II , AlEGUIKn. Assistant Cftshler.
S , W , Cor , Farnam and IBth Sts.
Paid In Cnpltal $500,000
GUO. E. HAHKUH. President.
K. L. HIEKHOVVF.K , Vice President.
L. n. Wn.i.iAiig. 8. L. wir.r.T.
WM. CHAS. Alinz.
AM.KST , Itccron. I ) . OUNNINOIIAM.
K. A. HKNtfON. .
.1. L. MII.I-.S.
Accounts of Hankers , Alerchnnts and Individ
uals tecelved on the most favorable terms ,
Nortlirast Corner Farnnm an ; ! 13th Sts.
Pnlil Up Catiital ? . iOO,000
Surplus 1'iiutl 100,000
FRANK MUHPHV. President.
SAMUULU. KOGKUa. Vice President.
BEN B. WOOD , Cashier.
LUTHIUI DHAKU. Assistant Cashier.
Accounts solicited nnd urompt utlontlon jlvcu
lo bu.luedi intrusted to Its cure.
Boston , AIifi < , ; Kansas City , Mo ,
Capita ! & Su plus , $1 $ ,
This company lia ? open ? .1 an Omaha pBlc and
Is prepared to furnUh money piomptly unim
proved city and farm property.
No applications sent away for approval.
Loans closed and paid ror without deluy.
JOHN W. ( I IHH. Manager.
809 South Uth Street , First National Dank.
\VATEnS am
mccesifully u > * d mouthly by ov r 10XjQ (
. l llca. Are Safe , kfftctuulanj Mcaiant
y $1 rn-rliox hymall.oratdruveUtB. Sealed
-Purticular * S pOElxga itanips. Adilrpia
Tas ECR A CiitxiaAL , Co. , DBTOOIT , Hicu.
Jfor tale and Ixj mall by ( Joodman
JJrtHl Co. , Omaha , 2fcb.