Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 17, 1888, Page 6, Image 6

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Delivered by Carrier In Any 1'art of the City nt
Tw ( nty Cents 1'er Wcult.
H. W. TIM ON . . . . . . MANAUUU.
T , No. 41.
NimiT I'.iiiTon , No.I. .
N. Y. Plumbing company.
The city council meets tins evening.
The will of the lute A. J. Bump has been
admitted to probate ,
Thfe most elegant patterns nnd moat com
plete line of fall goods over shown A. Ilel-
tcr , tailor , 10 Broadway.
The divorce case of McCoy vs. McCoy was
heard In the district court yesterday by
Judge Loof bourow , who granted a decree as
prayed for.
Dr. Judd , the electrician , has Increased the
working force of his bolt factory , and has put
In additional machinery for turning out woric
moro rapidly.
John W. Paul has placed on ( lie in the of
fice of the countv recorder the plats of two
now additions In the northwestern pnrtof the
city. The additions arc named "Chariton"
und " Annex. "
Mrs. J F. Spare , assisted by Mrs. W. H.
Knephcr , Mrx. A. I ) . Dicki'V , Miss li.nbar.i
AiKlcisoii and Misses Jennie nnd ICittio
White , will entertain the Uobokah sociable
nt her residence on Avenue A Tuesday even
ing next.
It Is imperative that there shall bo a large
attendance at the board of ti udo meeting this
evening , as business of much importance is
to bo transacted The completion of the new-
bridge is rapidly drawing near and no ar
rangements have ict been made for a proper
celebration of the grand event. A greater
part of the evening will bo devoted to mak
ing arrangements for n woi thi demonstra
tion In honor of so important an occasion.
Seveial years ngo Dr. Kliza J. Harding
left Council Bluffs for Denver , where she
commenced the pi.ictlcc of medicine. Suit
wns cnteied against her for practicing un
lawfully She was convicted in the district
court and nppcnlcd the case. The Denver
News says the supiemo couit has reversed
the decision , and the case being again called
in the criminal court , it was dismissed. So
it appears that Mrs. Hauling has won alter a
fight of live jcais.
Notwithstanding the fact that yesterday
was Sunday and all the saloons were sup
posed to bo closed , there was evidently no
dilllcnlty in obtaining generous quantities of
tanglefoot , as the register at the police feta
tion bears ample evidence. Ten drunks
were arrested during the day in vat ions
Btagcs of intoxication. Ono ol the number
was unusually bloodthirsty , and made sev
eral unsuccessful attempts to fetal ) Ofllci-r
Fowler , who arrested him Several of the
others weio also ' 'on their muscle , " and
made things exceedingly lively. Business
was unusually brisU In poliro circles for bun-
day , although in other respects it was a
model Sabbath.
In removing the goods from the Pacific
house , George Ferguson discoveied a largo
frame containing the photographs of Kescno
team of llrcinen of 1878. It can now bo seen
nt ex-Chief Templcton's opera house cigar
store , and is a valued memento by the liie-
nicn. It is the only one of the kind in exist
ence , and for j ears the boys did not know
whcio it was. The members of Uescuo team
nt that time were J L 'lempleton , captain ,
Thomas Pile ( now deceased ) , Jiuncs Amy
( now an nldeiman nt Missouri Valley ) , L.
F. Bockhoff ( now of Omaha ) , .1 N. Bcckloy ,
O. D. Walters , Adam Miller , Neil Vooilns ,
Chailes Nicholson , Philllu BetChailcs
Mattlml , M. B. Brown and Charles Slcphan.
Grapes by the basket at Fearon's.
Boots , Shoeb. Kinnohan's , U-U 15'vvay.
S. B. Wadbworth fc Co. loan money.
For Sale.
Ton neros in Council Bluffs , off the
cnbt end of the Ballard SO. Will make
72 tots , same as the Omatia add. , which
it joins on the touth. Ninth avenue
driveway to U. P. bridge passe- , through
the trm-t. Title clear. One-third
down , balance one and two years. Eight
per cent. A. V. L.unuu. : :
Mixed spices for pickling at Foaron's.
Loans made on city business and resi
dence property. Notes bought. Kim-
ball-Champ Investment company.
Money loaned nt L. B. Crafts & Co.'s
loan ollico , on furniture , pianos , horses ,
wagons , personal property of nil kinds ,
nnd nil other articles of value without
removal. All business strictly confi
Personal lnrnirnihs.
Mrs. Burt Wnrfel returned Saturday from
a week's visit with relatives at Lincoln.
Judge D. M. Harris , democratic candi
date for congress , Is visiting Irionds in the
j. Miss Van Doran , of Fremont , Neb , is vis-
s iting with the family of Al Parkinson on
Madison street.
Harry Hcomcr departs to day for Hastings ,
whoru ho will nt once engage in the laundry
business for himself.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Daniel Htnyro , of Oregon ,
III. , nro making an extended visit with their
daughter , Mrs. S. B. Wadsworth , on Oak
land avenue.
Theodore Livingston , the oldest engineer
of the Union Pacillc road , is back again after
n month's trip to California , Oregon , etc.
Ho goes out on his engine , SJG , next trip.
Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Scott will start to-day
for Lovington , III , to visit n woelc or ten
days with their daughter , Mrs. J. U. Hoff
Hov. T. J. Mackay and his family are ex
pected to an ivo homo this week Thursday.
Ho will bo gladly welcomed by his parish
ioners , by whom ho is highly appreciated and
warmly loved.
C. W Tumor , formcily chief bill clerk at
W. H. Burns' ofllco , but recently clerk ir. the
general freight department , Oinahn.has hccn
r appointed chief clerk to D. B. ICeclcr , assist-
it nnt general freight agent at Denver.
jt George Benson , n chcckman at the union
depot , has been promoted to the position ol
clerk in the general baggage office. Ho is
succeeded as checkumn by A P. Nichols
who , In turn , Is succeeded by Thomas Uuil
\ Elmer Pratt , foiemnn of the switch
in the passenger yards on St. and C. M
Ilobbs , foreman of the cast end gang , loft 01 :
the \Vnbash Saturday for St. Louis , whore
they go as delegates from division 'J12 of this
citv to attend the annual session of the
switchmen's union , which convenes in thnl
city to day. They wore accompanied by Del
cgatcs James Seullen and Frank Squhcs , ol
division 910 , Omaha. "
Cucumbers for pickling nt Fearon's.
150 Ladies niul misses early fall jackoti
made of cloth and cassimcro , will
the silk linen hoods nt $1.23 each
reduced from $3.50 to $5.00.
75 Ladies and misses line street jacket ;
nnd walking coats , formerly soli
from $5.00 to $10.00 each. Our prici
for this week , $2.60 nnd $3.00 each
We do this to innko room for oui
r fall nud winter stock now ready foi
fc Bale.
Wo also offer great Inducements in al
kinds of fall and winter dry goods
Wo nsk the public to Inspect oui
immense stock anil learn our price ;
before purchasing elsewhere.
. Wo will convince you that you wil
P save peed money by trading at
People's Store ,
L' No's. 314,310,316 and820 Broadway ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa
P. S. Mailorders receive careful am
prompt attention.
Dr. C. C. Hazon's dental parlors an
nt room 0 , Oponx house block.
Choice dairy nud creamery batter a
if Fearon's.
IfYouLoso You Pay , If You Win
You Onn't Play.
The Boys Mnlcc Gnoil Resolutions ! ) r.
Cuuloy < in Catholicism County
Sunday Holioul Convention
nnlooii Work.
A Wesson
The gambling house on Uroulvv.iy known
( is "The Mint , " wns the sccno of un uncalled -
called for and tnutnl assault about 4 o'clock
yesterday morning. Two well-known voting
men of the city , of highly icspectud parents ,
entered the place about that time , and bennn
to "buck the wheel. " One of them met witli
vci'i poor luck , losing continually. The
other seemed to strike it rich , and soon
? ! . " > ahead. This seemed to miner the "plug-
gcr" of the establishment , who stood ,
and ho told the luukv young to get outer
or bo thrown out. lleforo the p.utv ad
dressed li.ul n chuiico to inovo the brute
struck him in the face. Nat wishing to h.ivo
any trouble in the building the young man
ivont out to tin ) sidewalk , followed by his
friend and the "pluggor. " Ho went in
tiK.iin to "cash In" his checks , and as ho
stepped outsldo to go home , the aforesaid
"plngger , " who seemed to bo spoiling
for a fight , struck him utMln.
The t\\o clinched and fell with the assailant
on top. Ills opponent seized the cover of n
gaspipe and with two or three well diiectcd
blows succeeded In l.iyiiu him out The
'csson was a good ono for tlin boys , and they
: mve m.ule several new resolutions wliu'h , if
kept , will prevent a repetition of the scene , as
"ir as tlioy me concerned.
The assiiiant in the case , who has figured
nnitc extensively in ttio police court of laic ,
now carries around a veri black eye ami a
imicli-M > ( nose , but is not disposed to
fall in the aid of the law to punish his would-
bo victim It is quite piobiblo that lie will bo
rather careful after this in selecting Ilia vic
tims. No arrests weie made.
The mayor ought to call on his "con
stituents" and tell them that such conduct as
this cannot be tolerated on Sunday morning.
Notwithstanding such cases as this , the
saloons , gambling houses and other pet insti
tutions of the city goveinment must be
Full line of hheot music nt Council
Blutlb Music Co. , Jl Broadway.
J. G. Tipton hub bargains In rcnl estate.
Travelers ! Stop at the Bechtelc.
For bargains in real ebtato bee 12. II.
Shcafo it Co. , Broadway and Main
street , upstairs.
Crcnturo Comforts for Cattle.
Saturday afternoon there passed through
this city Honjamin F. Holmes , general man-
nt'cr of the American live stock express
compnny , in charge of the first tram of rapid
transit stock cars ever run west of Chicago.
This company has devised a now car for the
transportation of live stock , such as will pro
ven t the bruising and suffering of animals
while being shipped. Tills car will provide
for the feeding and watering of stock while
in transit , and it can hi' so divided that each
iinimal will have a scpaiato compartment or
stall. These compirtmcnts or stalls are
formed by a very simple , yet practical de
vice , which consists of a scries of slats made
of hickory and strapped with steel or iron ,
and operating transvoisoly in grooves or
channels formed in the side piits of the cars
and being attached at etch end with endless
belt chains which engage with sprocket
wheels situated close to the loof of the car
and mounted upon countershafts situitcd in
the sills , to which power is applied by means
of a ciank to move the partitions Irom a
horizontal position in the cars , up longi
tudinally close under the roof , or in either
direction , to form the stalls or make an open
car. The cars carry the same number of
head of stock as oulinary ears , and when
loaded by means of the above device , the
stock can bo separated very readily.
The hay or gram Is carried to the top or at
tic of the car , and the manner of placing It In
the manger is as convenient as it would l ( < j in
a stable , and can be fed at any time while
thotiain is In motion. Water is fuinished
by means of supply pipes , extending on the
outside around the car , to which troughs are
attached by short pipes , tapped into the main
supply pipe , and by rotating the main pipe
water , which is received in a tank at the end
of the car , every trough will instantly fill up
to the water level in the main pipe , furnish
ing eight gallons to each animal. The
troughs , like the mangers , arc built into the
side walls in such a manner that the interior
of the cars are smooth. The ventilation of
these cars is bymoansof fan wheels , situated
in the top and side of the feed bins.
The train was composed of seventeen
stock cars and a way car. The way ear is u
model of elegance and comfort , being sup
plied with sleeping , cooking and dining
rooms to accommodate three men , who arc
furnished by the company , the number re
quired to take care of st ick while in transit.
The cars are supplied with elliptic springs ,
Wcstinphouso air biakcs , automatic couplers
and the Sisum canting lover trucks , the same
equipments now used on the best sleeping
ears. These tiains will bo run on the Union
Pacific and Milwaukee from Soda Springs ,
Idaho , to Chicago or any point in the cast ,
mid will run at the rate of twenty-live miles
an hour.
Money lo.inod on furniture , pianos ,
diamonds , horses , busies , or anything
of value at low ratoa of interest. No
publicity ; fair and honorable dealing.
A. A. Clark fs Co. , ollico cor. Broadway
and Main , over American express.
Blue grass and white clover seed at
E. II. Sheafo & Co. , make long or
short time loans on ronl estate , in sums
to suit , at lowest rate of interest. Ollico
Bioadway and Main street , upstairs.
Catholicism vi I'rotp-UantUm.
Dr. Cooley , of the First Haptist church , is
delivering a course of sermons upon Catholi
cism. The third of the series wcs delivered
last evening to a largo and very appreciative
audience. The subject stated was "Tho
Fundamental Difference Uetween Catholi
cism and Protestantism. " Ho selected hii
text In St. John 4,23d and 3-lth : "But ai
hour is coming , and now is , when the true
worshippers shall worship the Father ii
spirit and In truth , for such the Fat her seeks
to worship Him. God is Spirit , and tliev
that worship Him must worship Him Ii
spirit and in truth. "
Said the speaker ; "Perhaps no passage oI
scripture could ho selected which wouli
bo moro appropriate to our subjcc
than the words of our Savior
to this woman of Samaria. She , In
common with nearly all of both Jews
and Samaritans , had the idea that no wor
ship could bo acceptable to God unless
offered at some special noly place , and in accordance
cordanco with peculiar rltos and by a partic
ular sacerdotal class. Both Jews and Sa
maritans agreed In thcsa things , tbclr only
controversy was In regard to where this wor
ship should bo rendered. The ono claimed
Jerusalem as the only place In the wide
world whore true worship could bo offered to
the Father : the other the Mountain o
Samaria. These notions were entertalnec
by nearly all of the professed worshipers o
God. and which , we might add , wore sharec
by all Idolatrous nations. A holy or sacred
place must be selected , a proscribed ntua
must bo observed , and a special class
of men must mediate between their
divinity and themselves. Those were
essentials in all the polytheism o
the nations , and essentials , also , of Judaism
However necessary these conceptions mlgh
have been for the infancy and youth of the
race , higher conceptions were now required
In Ills conversation with this woman , the
Savior states the most fundamental and far
reaching truths which were destined to ctfcc
a most radical transformation m the concep
Uousofaicn regarding the nature ofUu
yorshln. It was henceforth to bo not almost
Wholly ccrbmonlnl and eternal , but spiritual
ml Internal. No longer to bo confined to a
lellnlto locality , but wherever there a
contrite , penitent heart. No longer to bo
hut up to the services of n priestly class ,
vho should present our olTeiings to God , but
hrow open to every ono sincerely looking
or forgiveness nnd mercy. In other words ,
udalsni wa ° to bo succeeded b.Christianity. .
fesus prophetically preichcd thn funeral
s'-Tlnon of the old reliclon. of Up.-s , symbols
and of gordeous ritualism In this conversion.
When He was crucified Ho blotted out the
mmhvritlng of ordinances that was against
is , which wns opposed to us and took U out
if the wav , nailing it to the cross. So that
icnceforth wo are frco from them. By this
we are not to understand that the church
was to be no more troubled with them , for
during all the tlmo since that wondei ful day
ho spirit of Judaism has been prcRcntto mar
, he beauty and and dcstioy the freedom of
Jurist's church. She , during nil these ages ,
ins been continually seeking to bring those
nado fice In Christ Into bondage. The
ipostles lind to comb it it , and we to-day must
inceaslngly light against it. Paul experienced
nero trouble f'ont tliu spirit of Judaism In
the church than from nil his heathen foes
combined. It was easier for him to
suiter Imprisonment , to bo scourged , to en-
lure every Indignity than to encounter these
ludablng teachers who were sure to turn up
iVhencver any success was liuoly to attend
its labors.
Under another name , tint of Catholicism ,
t Is now the dea lly foa ot all spiritual re
ligion. Paul was the first 1'iotcit.uit
iftcr Christ. His preaching was a continu
ous protestation against rltu ilism , or nil ox- lollgion , and this deadly
mltlo which was fought by t'lo gicat uinstlo
o the gentiles has had to be Im lought In
every RUCCCC ling generation mul ago of the
cliuich The fee is wili and subtle , eliang-
ng her n imo and mole of attack , but as
Ic.ull.v and d"torinincd in ever. This is the
great battle which has b.-cn fought in
his state in the episcopacy between
Cheney mil Hishop Wliltohous ; In
Km ope between the pope on the ono
side and Dallingcr and Il.vnclntho on the
) thor. It is the same battle that is being
waged between the high mid the low ehuivh
> .u ties of the church of Unghind , and is es
sentially the same contest , only unilor an
other phase , that is going on between other
denominations of Christians and the Bap
tists * * * *
By Catholicism I do not mean the Homish
church nlono , but all thos' ) or-
uii/.itioiiH which embody the spirit of rit-
.nilisin , and pl.uo nioro rch.mco on ovtoinal
rites and ordimncvs for salvation than on
the spnituul condition of the soul with
Christ Under tins head I would name the
Papal church ; the Clreak church ; the High
chinch patty of the cst.ibbsliud churches
jt Knglnnd , Geimany , Sweden ami even of
Scotland. Into tins same class wo
may place the high chinch | iut.of . the
l'pi eopal church of this country , and u
k'l eater or less number of almost every re
ligions oigamzntion of our own or other
lands. * * " Catholicism is the
spirit of ritualism wherever found. Protest
antism places its chief raliirnv upon the
spirit rattier than on the outward lorms of
worship. Up in faith rather than upon .my
mcro oxteiniil connection with the church.
Catholicism makes the essence of the church
to ho in what is visible , I'lotcst.intisni in
what is invisible. These two mo not uhva.\s
separated in the mind of the believe . Tim
early Christians thought thoi must keep the
'ewish ritualistic laws as well us the higher
laws of Cluist. Even Peter had to have a
special vision to h ive the truth rcveal"d to
him. Ho thought men must come to
Christ through Judaism instead of
through faith in Jesus
some excuse for the earl.\ Christians for tliev
had been brought up under this t'-anung ,
and tlioy could not at once give up their ideas
and gut awa1'ioin their inlluciue.
Both of these are so'iicthiics found in the
same poison. Augustine was a notable example -
ample , and ho was so without b"ing aware
that the two principles wens mutually distinctive
tinctivo , and theio are maiiv todain the
various churches who are p irtly C ithoho and
p.utly Piotestant , and that , tco , without
knowing it.
The difference between C itholieisni and
Piotostantism Is : First , in the estimates
the two HJ stemn make ot the bible. The
former places the church above the wntu-n
Word of God. " : "Thechurch was
not only antecedent to the bible , but is to bo
believed because the church mvos it her
sanction as the 'Word of God ' The
church , acting in her coiporato capacity in : i
certain council , decided that such and such
books wcio canonicil , thcrefoiouo me to ac
cent them as the bible , the iccord of the in
spired will of God. Because of this iillogod
supeiiurity of the church she claim i the
right to add her traditions * * which
must bo accepted and believed on pain of
damnation. She chanircs ordinances. ; im
poses upon us the "Immaculate Conception"
of the Virgin Mary ; the dogma of the "Papal
infallibility ; " changes bipti ° m both as to
subjects and administration. It wns the
church and not the word of God who taught
that regeneration takes place in baptism ,
and theiefore , as infants arc liable to die
early they should be baptised as c.uly in life
as possiblc.und as some Infantsand sick adults
may not bo able to undergo the opeiation
of immersion therefore the pope declared
that in such cases the right might bu per
formed by sprinkling or pouring. Such is
the origin of infant baptism , andrhnngcof
immersion to sprinkling or pouring. It was
only in exceptional cases at fiist , but little
by little this innovation was favoicd mid
practiced until almost the whole of iituallstio
chustcndom has substituted the traditions
of men for the comments of Chi ist. * * *
Infant baptism was instituted by Home ; It is
the gicatest support of Uomo and Catholic
ism wherever it exists. The dupplngsof
priestly lingers are no harmless affair. They
smack all over with papacy. * * It is
high time that these who reverence God's
woid , who believe in the spiritual regenera
tion of the soul , of those who claim the title
of Protestant , should disc.u d this
practice It is not in har
mony with their teachings in other paits
of the bible , nor \\itli the evangelical spiiit
they possess.
A second fundamental difference is the
view which they iespcctivcly entertain In
regard to icgcneration Both Catholics mid
Piotust.mts use the word legeneration , but
there is a wide difference in the meanings at
tached to it. Catholics teach that the soul is
regenerated In baptism and is to bo sived by
union with the church mid use of the sacra
ments. * * * * No evidence of a change
of hcait is icquired ; no dilTuiont emotions
are expected ; no indwelling of Chust within
the soul. It ridicules the idea of an inward
assurance of acceptance by Cluist ; a Chris
tian experience. Schleicrmacher says :
"Catholicism makes the i elation of the be
liever to Cm ist depend upon his lelntion to
the church. Protestantism makes the rcla
tion of the believer to the church depend
upon Ills relation to Christ. The Episcopal
church teaches that n pcrMm is to bo con-
voitcd in the church by use of the means of
grace , while the true Protestant claims that
his convcibion must take place before ho has
nnv right to n union with the chin eh. "
The positions taken and the points ad
vanced by the speaker , wcro sustained with
great ability and clearness. The sermon
was pronounced by those who listened to it a
most masterly exposition of the subject
under consideration.
Good dwellings and lots for sale on
monthly payments by E. H. Shoafo&Co. ,
cor. Broadway and Main sts. , up-stairs.
Artists prolor the Ilallott fc Davis
piano , at C. B. Music Co. , iJ21 Broadway.
Worklnc to Ilulld Up ( ? ) the IMutTa
The action of some of the mossbacks In re
gard to steadily opposing public Improve
incuts should meet with the severest con
demnation. The city couucil meets with
enough unavoidable obstacles to render their
lot anything but pleasant , and this continued
opposition on the part of selfish and
avaricious citizens should bo promptly sat
down upon. The first recourse of all dis
gruntled parties is to get out an injunction.
Ono has to live In this city but a short time
to see the evil results of this practice. The
city Is almost continually fighting an Injunc
tion suit of some kind , as the result of the
olosollsted and shortsighted policy of some o
her residents. A proceeding of this kind re
cently Instituted goes to provo the statement
made in arguing a case in the dis
trict court a short time ago b >
an eminent lawyer of this city
Said he : "There never was , and never
will bo as long as these chronic kickers are
alive , a ease where it Is desired to make pub
lic Improvements or Introduce some new dis
covery or modern invention Into this city ,
Tf hen an Injunction was not secured to put n
top to it all unless these parties coulc. pull m
'tt f tt
n c
M 10 IZ 13 III 0
° venc/e
cr 10. II , If. lit
e >
VSMU& > o
The Cho'cest Ground for Residence in the Western Part of the City ,
If now plaited into Bentitiful , Large Lots. About ton ininuto ride on the
motor to Uoujrltih street , Onmha. The\ lie on a level but elevated btnn of ground.
About ! ! ( \nrds . from the now motor line to Omaha. Le > than 11 miles from the
Council Bl'ulls pntolllce. Xerirly t\\ ice as largo in i/o in tie as mo t of the
ioul.\ jilattod lots , ( looil pubiie bdioois near by. The proposed Boulevard
bounds it on the north.
TITLES 1'erfecl.
ABSTRACT Printed Abstract and "Warranty Deed v.lth cadi Lot.
GItADK Ksiiniino theie lots \\ith loferoiu-o to the grade befoio buying a lot.
The ordin.m prioo of a lot isjied on gi.ule alone , if you buy one of these lots.
TF.IiMS Toil good rlnsMjf purdm-oi" . a limited number of lots u ill be sold
for one-tenth down ; balance in monthly iuim"iiN. without interest. Apply to
.L I. Blown bniUling , 115 I'eurl St. , Council lUnIK Iowa.
i liberal slice Thoie is imt the slichteot
doubt but that if the Omnipttent should de
siie to locale u little bianch of heaven in
some ( | iilct out-of-tlie wasp'jt in Kuirmouiit
i.irlt lor thi ) pleasure and enjoment \ of the
ill/ens of Council Blurts , some of these
follows \\ould demand to know how much
tlioy wcro to get o it of it , ami unless a good
lound sum was foiIncoming they would get
out an injunction to thwart the intended
move. "
The peoiilc have submitted to enough of
; his foolishness , and fiom the expressions
iie.ud on all sides it is probablotliat futme
kicking will alone injure the parties indulg
ing in it
ArbueKlc % eolleo Oe per pound at
Sunday School Con volition.
The Seventeenth Annual Sunday School
convention of Pottawattamio county will
convene at the Congregational church in this
city this \voek Welnc dav , and remain in
session two daAll the 10 interested in-
teiostod m Sun lav school work arc invited
to attt ml , The folloing is the programme
lor Wednesday.
JO ) ) ) m. Song sciieo bj Frank \Vest-
i ! l ) p m Address of welcome , bv Kov G.
\ \ Croft , Council Bluff i. Uo < pandpd to by
H'-v Wnght , of Cat son , anil Kev. Chaile- ?
\Vi ct'rl , of Avoc.i
: t lip m. Calling roll of officers mid dole-
gatn <
.i : < 0 p m. " The Needs of Our County mid
How to Meet Them" Kev. U. II. Coole\ ,
Boil B I' Clatton , Kevs Cliustensen , Sliimi
and Bmtsmigh.
( Kt p. m. "Inllucnco of the. Sunday
School on the Morals of the Community , "
Mrs. M M liailcv , ol Shcnundoah.
1 SOp m. Assignment of places.
T-itO p. m. - Union service ; . , led by Rev.
Charles Whot/cl. of Avoc.i.
S tfi p m "What I Saw in Uurope , " Sam
uel Bums , of Omaha.
t > 00 p. m. Benediction , by Uev. Rcclien-
bicli , ot Council Bluffs.
For SaloCheaij Lots near the bridge
to p.irtioa who will build at once. Ad-
dresb or call on J. H. Rice , No. 110 Main
street. Council BlulT-j.
Doiiiocraoy In Attempted Disguise.
A small audience assembled at the court
house last evening to hear Dr. Kaufman , of
Chicago , ilisciibi the tanIT question from an
alleged indopcndentstnndpoint. His harangue
was of the same natmo as that delivcicd
heio a slioit time ago bj J. H. Sovereign ,
both speeches being "cippeis" for the democracy
mocracy under the guise of independents.'s talk was entirely do\ old of argu
ment and was simply a tiresome blast of
wind and inisiepicscntution. Some
of his statements \\cie objected
to by a well posted young icpiiblic.m
present , who proved so cloirly to the audi
ence that ho know what ho was talking
about that they called on him to take the
llonr in place of the ndvoi tisod speaker of the
evening. Ilio latter ofiered his place and
the audience listened to a shaip , clean and
logic il speech of a few minutes when Kauf
man again took the lloor. Ho was so mani
festly worsted that John Abies felt called
upon to help him out , which ho did in onu of
his chauictei istic speeches. Kaufman is do-
culcdlj weak , and the democracy will have
to secuto gi cater nullity than bis to secure
any good results thercfiom.
i\lillMtion : ot Heal Art.
There is perhaps nothing in which
the progress of an age is more definitely
shown than in its modes of decoration.
Within a few yeais inventive genius
has been directed here , and now the
same beauties in sculpture , btuccoa , ote. ,
which ombeiishcd the palaces of many
jcars ago are now produced in papier
macho , and at so trilling an
that the most modest homes are beauti
fied by them. This nrtibtic instinct is
in all men , and all delight in biirround-
ing themselves with what will please
the eye.
With the professional decorator it is
his study to _ keep pace with the times
as to materials , stvlcs , etc. , and also to
study the tastes of his patrons. With
the beginning of this year Peter C.
Miller visited Chicago and the art
houses theie , the results of which visit
have been scon in the artistic work
done by him during the past season.
TitK Bui : refers at this time particu
larly to the banking room of Ollicor &
I'nsoy , which was recently decorated by
Mr. Miller. In material , style and fin
ish it compares with the tincbt houses
of the east. A brief description will
sulllce at this time.- The ceiling is laid
in a Greek bquaru.forming live panels ;
a largo one in thu centre and two small
ones at each end. The fields , are a red
dish brown , gold figured. A darker
gray outfield , or relief , surrounds these.
The divide is a beautiful gold ground
with a bottle green shaded figure. The
outer band is blue , which handsomely
illuminates the whole. The center of
the larce panel contains apapicr macho
piecewhich is a faithful ronioduction of
the famous broiucsof the sixteenth cen
tury. Bronze mouldings surround eaclii
panel , and lend a rich hut quiet beauty *
to the whole.
Thofrlozo is set off by a silver band
moulding above , and a bmii/i picture
moulding below , while the dado is sur
mounted by a papier macho bronze
band made in relief. Taken as a whole
no finer piece of work has over been
done in the city than this. Those who
contemplate making improvements of
this character should consult Mr. Miller
before placing their orders. Ho is an
artiet and u careful , conscientious work
man as well.
.A * .
Sprciiliitlons in Hcnl Kotatc.
di'Mritifr to nlnlco oithcr
or bmtill investment- t'ouncil HlulT-
rcnl obtato : irc requested to cMimino
our list of property. It compribcs n
choice selection of lotsin additions lying
bolweon the bif.inoss poitionb of Omahii
and C'ouncii BlutTs. Prices low nnd
terms cnsy. Title tfunrnntcod. Money
loaned on city property. Correspondence -
once bohcitcd. Odoll Hros. & Co. , lOIi
Pearl btr < ; ot , t'omu-il HlulTs.
E. IT. Sheafo loans money on chnttcl
security of every description. I'rivnto
con < .ulting room-5. All bnbincsb strictly
con Ililon till. Olllce COd U road way , cor
ner Main street , up-stairs.
" ' ' . ( I M.ailM'rtlscniciiti.hiichas Lost , round ,
To 1.0:111. : Tor hiliTo Itpnt , Wants , Ho ml
inf , ' . etc , \\i\\ \ \ tin Inserted In this column nt tin *
lolat.of l'i'IJM'h ( IMIlt 1.1 NT. for the Hi it
Insi'Hlon and I IVLVnts I'mI.liie foi i.uh Mib
seiicnl ( | tn-'i'itlon. I.IM.idvcrtlsftiients nt
oui oMUu. No. U 1'oail btivut , near llro.uhvay ,
Council ItlulH lomi.
" "
for bale iii cur loid lots. Mullioll.ind tc Co.
rplll ! men \\lio pl-kt'il up nij ii.uiotoiitheroi-
1 HIT of Main St. and SKth u\e. will ret mil it
to mo at fiia 1th bt. Mr * . ( J. W. Hciirj.
FOK SAI.K or tuide. for city lot. flni-st
nintrhuil fnnilly team In state. No. W'J
West llroadwuy.
HKNT- Seven room house , modem Im-
piovements , goodstnblc. H. C. Cory , Coun
cil IHutls. _
FOlt SAIiIJMy until e stock of cook nnd
lientlnK sto\es ; also n full line of furniture
at bottom look prices. Ooods hold on pay-
Hunts. A , J. Mnndcl. id nnd .Ui'i Ilio idwuy.
WANTHD Wood turner nt once. Steady
emploj ment to need mini J. F. Cody ,
11 WushlrKlonn\e , Comuill llhills , la.
HUNT A larso nnmlicr of Rood dwellings
ings fall and examine list. K. II. Sheaf o
& . Co , Ihond\\ny nud Main fit. , up stairs.
fjlOlt PAU3 My new ciRht-room cottage on
J ? Second nve. _ W. C..lniues. _ _
FOR SAI.H Itarlmr shop nt IV ) Ilrondwny.
Coinirll lIlnirH ; need tr.ulu ; sntlsfnctory
re.i ons for solllns ; li.npain iur thorlRht man.
TTV ) ! ! r.X'HANGi-A ( : line , well assorted f.t.WO (
JU stoclLOf stntloiH-rv. fancy Roods , Jowelrv ,
otc. , in a thriving toun for iLbldi-nco in South
Omaha. It. T. llryant i. Co. , KS Uroadvvny ,
Council llluir'i , la. _
H OUSKS for runt. Johnston \ Vnn i'ntten ,
_ _ _
A 'JO aero small fruit farm very cheap. .Inst
xL ! outside city limits , or uill divide Into 10
acre tracts to suit muchasoi. U T llryant & Co
) -Stocks ot merclmndlso to ex-
ch.ineo for city prop -rty in Council IlluirH ,
Omah.i. or \ \ estern Innd or i h.ittels of any kind.
Wo make exchanging : i bpcculty. It. T. Ill } ant
& Co. , UiSi llio.idwiiy.
1R14 DoimlnM St. , Oin.iliA , Not )
D. H , McOANELD & CO , ,
Hides. Tallow , Pelts ,
Wool and Furs.
Highest Market Prices. Prompt
fM nnd K2 Mntu Strcet.Couuctl IlliiHs.Iowa.
TRICE $15.
Is eqnal to
any High
Mlmcoarnph , the bent nppanttui for
m inlfoldlnir , auluiirftptilc find type wrlllni ; work.
3.0UU copieican bo Inken.
The Excelsior Cc. , Council Bluffs , la.
fj r fiHBHI fMB af"fifypyg
Latest NoicHlcs In
COOUroadway Council muffs , loira.
Tr\V I \X\Vcvrvv\ I '
\ w MvJ5 < i V \ \
i rVAVA \ \ >
! _ . _ !
Lingo lot ; easy of necc&s.itli splendid fccwciago opportunity. Close
proximity to business portion of city , viciiiiu of good chinches and schools , .lust
oil Broadway. Llcctrk1 motor for all points in eitj and Omaha c\ery seven min
utes. Lnsj terms. Perfect title.
- ) FOH SALH BY ( -
F. J. DAY , No. ,3' ' . ) Pearl Street.
A. A. CLARK cfe CO. , Broadway and Main
J. G. TIPTON , 527 Broadway ,
FRANK COOK , No. 5 Pearl Street.
JOHNSTON & VAN PATTEN , 33 Main Street ,
UbTABlilSHED 1843. 1878
CO. ,
SIZES FROM Especially Adapted for
POWER , Mills and Elevators ,
Specifications and estimates furnished for complete steam plant * . Uognliitlon , rmrulilltty ( inar-
anttcd. Can show ktteis fmm user * \\li"io fuel Economy is equal with Corliss
: , corxoi. itMirr * . , sotvA.
Send for Catalogue , E. C. HARRIS , Manager.
To close out the remaining lots in Squire's addition to Council Bluffs , I
will sell the finest located lots in the city for 650 cash payment , ami long
time on balance , to persons who desire to secure homes , and'I will make lih-
eral loans to those who desire aid in building houses. Call at once and sec
mo at Mubonic Temple , Council BlufTt , , Iowa.
C. J. COLBY , Sole Agent.
no. ao wait ; d * * *
,8\ \ /
& \ \ * &
, < K B
4 V T * * * *
\l\\ I * + * * * & * *
% \ W " BASKET.hT I
\V\ % - HhfMKM t > 0.
X > XV t/rf fliir v IuafpftT * _ _ . Ii
y No. tsiia ,
W * i's Bakery.
* * I 1 ? "l
Ijlff Wholesale Broad Ss Cakoa.
Hydraulic and Sanitary Engineer. Plans , Ksthnales ,
H , Specifications. Supervision of Public Work. Urown
Building , Council UlufTs , Iowa.
Dl IDI/L Attorney at I aw , Second Floor Brown liuildinu , 115
DU ni\L" " Pearl St. , Council UlufTs , Iowa.
i MM H M paM iMnv *
V MM w ww 1 WIP WB * * " * * BI BIM
* Jiikticc ol the Peace. Onlce over American Express , No. 419
NCrUIlD7 Broadway , Council Hinds. Iowa.
QTHNCT S , QIMQ Attorney at Law , Practice in the Stale and Federa
O I Un L 06 Ol IVI O" " Courts. Onice-Kooms 7 and 8 , Shugarl-IJcno Block ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
p H A7FN- . ) ' Rootn ° Opera House Block , Council Bluffs , Iow
DR. C. B. JUDD ,
No. 6O6 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
WANTED OoodSalesmen enlarge commission or salary.