Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 16, 1888, Part I, Page 8, Image 8

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Oront Moving Snip.
"Was over sale so popular ? Its magni
tude , importance and success will bo a
mile stone , If not tin epoch , in the dry
goods trade of Otnnhn. It was said to
bo impossible to close out our present
Block before moving time , but the prices ,
the quality mid the variety of goods ,
have done wonders In making the sale
a signal success. The Bale is absolute ,
no matter how great the sacrifice , many
lines will bo closed out entirely. Wo
will positively begin in the new store
Oct. ir with an entirely now stock of
dry goods. To accomplish this wo are
continually letting down the prices.
The ribbon stock is still complete in
widths , shades and fancy designs. It is
ililllcult to quote prices , they are bovory
low. Ladles and children's fancy bonier
handkerchiefs , lo each , worth 6c. La
dies' embroidered and hemstitched
handkerchiefs , reduced from 2-ic to lOc
each. Ladies' collars , f > c each , worth
lOc. Silk niching 7c per yard ,
worth ISc. Veiling at half former
prices. Three-Inch wide pillow Ini'o ,
Ic and 2c per yard , worth lOc.
Linen Torchon lace , ( ic per do/en yards ,
worth 50c per do/en. Hand made linen
Torchons at 50o on the dollar. Em
broideries , rick rack and fancy braids
lit less than import cost. Got ! 's wool
braid 2c each. Elastic end dross reeds ,
Bo feet ; cloth covered dress stools , oo
( lo/.en ; pearl and fancv dress buttons ,
dress trimmings , millinery goods of
every description , Indies'mid children's
cloaks , Bhawls and wraps , will all be
Bold regardless of cost.
The great advantage in attending
this advance bale of ladies' plush and
cloth cloaks is that you can buy now at
the sale price , and have the garment
laid aside till you need it.
The dress goods stock was never bo
complete. All purchased before wo
inado arrangements to move from our
present locution. It seems so reckless
to include these goods in the general
Blnughtcr , but wo hayo decided to
begin in the now store with an entirely
now stock , and go they must. Dross
goods and all 21-inch surah bilks ,
till colors , Me , valued at 800.
24-inch surah in black , 6oc.
B5o and 78e , worth Sl.tii to 8c. .
22 inch colored gros grain silks. ! ) Hc ,
cost $1.115 to import. 22 inch black gros
grain silk , Uu ! ) , < Jic , $1.15 , $1,25 , $ > ! . * > ( )
mid $1.75 , regular price $1.10 , SI. 1-5 ,
M.05 , $1.8 ! ) , $2.2-5 up to $2.-lr > ; no such
value in any market. 21 inch colored
moire aiid black bilks , $1.1 ! ) . $1.10 and
M.2worth $1.75 to $1.85. Colored
satins at 2oc and I8c ! , worth -loc and 55c ;
the 85o quality will bo bold at IHc. 'i8
inch English Henrietta at 2'e ' ) , value
45c.12 inch French , all wool , at lc ! ) ,
worth 75e. If you think of buying a
French wool or silk warp Henrietta in
any grade from 50c to $2.75 per yard it
will pay you to attend this sale. You
can positively save one-half the regular
cost. Compare our English cashmere
bale prices , 12c to 19c per yard with any
other goods at 8oc or under. S-Gilbert
suiting at lic. ) 38 inch Alb.itros in all
colors at 27c. 41 inch heavy chock
suitings at | 8c. 51 inch Tricot's nt ( > 9c.
51 inch ladies' cloth at ( iOc. 5c ( ! French
broadcloth at ! )8c ) , $1.15 and $1.25. Whoever
over heard of such prices ? Kid glove
finish cambric , JSc ! per yard. Again we
warn you against buying before you ox-
ainino thi-bo goods. A sale like this is
seldom scon. HAYDHN BROS. ,
110 and 118 10th at.
Urcat Moving Hale.
The excitement at our closing out
jalo before moving is growing daily ,
rho time IB short. Everything must go.
Another big drop in prices. All our
best French sateens reduced to 15c yd.
They are cheap at this price for com
forts. All the odds and ends of our sum-
rnor wash dresb goodb and embroidered
box suits will bo ollorcd at from IOc to
25c on the dollar to clear out the entire
lot on Monday. 3J Ib feather pillows re
duced to 43e. Largo size Bates crochet
tiuilts reduced to 58c each. Turkey red
table linen , 18c yd ; unbleached table
linen , 12Jc ; all linen crash , 3ic , 6c , Go.
fc , Sc and IOc yd. All wool red twilled
Ilannol , lilo yd ; Gorman gray mixed
flannel , 15c yd ; white Shaker Ilannol ,
7Jc yd ; 52 doz. 24x40 all linen damask
towels cut down to lc ! ) ; also fancy
brochot borders and extra largo crepe
towels on Monday at 19c each ; 200
btandard calico fsibt colors at So yd ; 50
bales of line clean cotton batting ro-
iluced to 7c a roll or 4 rolls for 23c. Wo
have the best value in napkins in this
lily ; fancy fringed napkins,20c , 50c , ( iOc
and $1 do3 ; 3 nil linen napkins ( bleached )
1,1 f > 9c , 7. > o , Sl.UU , $1.3-5 and $1.75 a doz ; bpe-
tinl bargains 50c doI ; napkins at $1.25
iUv. ; fancy Tundsh tidiesknotted fringe ,
ft liie each or 2 for 2c ; 40-in wide fancy
lace striped ecrimoc yd ; HOOyds double
[ old lace curtain by the yard cut down to
Do yd ; muslins , gitighams and double
width sheeting vou can buy cheaper at
llayden Bros. , than at any other dry
? oods house in Omaha , and don't you
torgot this. Our prices on blankets arc
the lowest in the state ; ICO pair of white
blankets , slightly damaged , at ti'Jc ' a
pair ; 10-1 red wool blankets at $2.69 a
pair ; 10-1 groy blankets at $1.15 , worth
H.75 ; 11-4 grey blankets , fancy borders ,
extra large , at $2.85 , worth $ -1.50.
Special bargain for Monday , $1.00 pair ;
11-4 , all wool banitary grey blankets ,
worth $8.00 , our price , $5.00. This is a
nig bargain. Remember we are rc-
lucing our prices in order to clear out
jur stock before going into our now
bullilinir , Oct. 15.IIAYDEN
Dry Goods.
1st premium to Union solving machine.
Allrctl Mcinlicrg Co.
1516 Dodge st. olTcr the following
jroat bargains in
Guild piano only $ . ' ! " > .
Gilbert piano only $75.
7J oct. Voao piano only $150
71 oct. Chickcring & Sons grand
; qinre only $200.
Magnificent Dull organ $75.
IClmball organ $60.
Terms to a'uit purchaser. Bcbidos
Iho above nro-many other great bar-
fains in now instruments worth ox-
Champion Steam Carpet Cleaning Co. ,
Prod Sehnellm'gr. 14.Jtllworth.Tol. 804
Ibt premium to Union sowing machine ,
D. D. Smcatonexclusively South Oma
ha real estate , Barker block , Omaha.
Get Yourllullro.ul Tickets
and secure your sleeping berths at
1802 Farnam St. ,
Union Pacific Ticket ofllco ,
llAiuiY P. DKUKL ,
1 City Ticket agent.
1st premium to Union sowing machine
Attend night school , Omaha Commercial
cial college , cor. IQth and Dodge.
Ronuitouoii Buos. . Props.
Strangers visll IIospo's art storo.
Glove sale Monday. Falconer.
1st pnmiium to Union sowing machine
Doctor Parsoll , ofllco and resident
No. 1716 Davenport et.
New nnd Wonderful Ilar nlnfl.
This being the first special sale wo
have had for two weeks we intend to
make it interesting.
Our buyer has just returned from the
oust with some of the biggest jobs over
thrown on the market.
Karl & Wilson's collars , all styles , 16
Karl & Wilson's cuffs , 2" cts n pair.
ItOO beaded fronts wortii from
$4.00 to $0.00 , at $1.40.
A lot of ladies' and gent's underwear ,
slightly soiled , worth from $1.50 to $2.00 ,
choice at 75 cts ; tlicso are heavy winter
goods ; also a lot of children's soiled un-
dorwcar at about 50 et-i on the dollar.
These goods will be placed on the rear
centre table.
Wo have a lot of extra quality prints
which wo will offer Monday at ii cts a
yard , wortii Se.
Alotof20c Shaker Ilannol at 9 cts a
50 pieces of red flannel at 19 cts a yard
fully worth IM cts.
20 pieces extra heavy twilled flannel
at 2 ! ) eU worth 50 cts.
200 docoiled wire spring
corsets , exactly similar to
Bull's cortots at 5c. ! ) worth $1.25.
100 do/.cn extra quality kid gloves in
black and colors , fi'Jc , a pair ; would bo
ft bargain at $1.25.
100 pieces watered ribbon. No. 10 , at
15e a yard ; warranted all silk.
Hero is a rare bargain : All wool
tricot at 2'Jc a yard , in all the now
A $2.00 broadcloth at 99e ayard , 51 in.
wide , We will give immense bargains
Monday and Tuesday in remnants of
dress goods.
Choice of any pattern of 40c and 50c
white goods Monday and Tuesday lie a
$11.00 jerseys for $1.89.
Watered bill : in navy blue , light or
dark brown or olive green at 79u a yard ,
wortii $2.00.
Wo shall offer our entire stock of
cloaks Monday and Tuesday at fully i off
the regular winter prices. Wo can save
you fully $15.00 on a plush coat. Give
us a call before buying is all we ask.
A lot of black Cashmere gloves at Sea
a pair , wortii 23c.
21 sheets of writing paper and 21 en
velopes for 5c.
2 skeins embroidery silk for Ic.
Visit our notion counter Monday for
200 straw walking halt , and other
Monday at 9c.
Choice of any straw hat in our house
'or ' 99c. "Remember wo have them worth
ip to fU.&O.
We Deceived Saturday morning our
nil line of full millinery. We gunran-
, eo that we will show the largest as well
: is the iinest line of millinery over
brought to this city. Wo can show
"mer goods than anyone. No matter
low fine they have them , wo have bct-
, cr , as wo imported our millinery di-
We are showing a much finer iino in
.his department than we did in spring ;
.n fact our spring stock could not com-
iare with what we now have on hand.
Birds of Paradise at $3.75 that millin
ers ask $6 and 87 for.
We offer Monday about50 doz. ostrich
ponpons ; also 75 do/ , ostrich tips at U9c ,
worth 8 times the money.
Don't forgot our plush , coat bale.
50 pieces brocaded velveteen at 39c a
yard , worth 75c.
STONKHII.I/S , 1515 Douglas.
The Siintiuinda Manufacturing Co.
This staunch home company secured
the contract for furnishing the elegant
counters and shelving in. the new Win.
Barr Dry Goods house , corner 10th and
Douglas streets' This is a great tri
umph when it is known that the con
tract was secured over the largo St.
Louis firm who have always furnished
Win. Barr's store with counters , etc.
Mr. G. P. Simmonds , the head of the firm
and Mr. John Schaub , manager , are
both of them first-class mechanics thom-
belvos. They manufacture bank , olllco ,
tore and saloon fixtures , hardwood
mantles , counters , shelving , etc.
Read what the Win. Barr Dry Goods
men &ay of the work referred to above :
"Tho Simmonds Manufacturing Co.
manufactured and placed in our now
btore , cor. 16th and Douglas streets , all of
the counters , shelving and ollico fixtures.
The work has been done strictly accord
ing to contract , and is entirely balls-
"Tun WM. BAKU , D. G Co. ,
"A. SIIHNKUX , General Manager ,
"W.L.Sil.VAy.General Superintendent. "
1st premium to Union sewing machine.
A Hare Chance.
Being compelled to leave Omaha on
account of ill health , I will sell my
beautiful now residence on the corner
of 25th and Woolworth avenue , at a
8 rooms , bath room , cellar , hot and
cold water , gas , cistern , cesspool , fine
stable and outhouses , beautiful shady
yard ; will soil furniture if wanted ; albo
n fine , largo family horse , harness and
jump seat buggy ; also a two-year-old
blooded inure colt. Call and malco an
offer. MAX BAKIIII ,
2518 Woolworth ave.
1st premium to Union sewing machine.
The U. S. Knciunimicnt , Buffalo
County Fair nntl O. A. It. Itcunioii
nt IConrncy , Nol > .
The Union Pnoillc , "Tho Overland
Route , ' ' will sell tickets for the above
during the month of September at
greatly reduced rates.
A special reduction will bo made on
tickets sold September 17th , to 20th ,
limited to September 22d.
For rates , dates , etc. , call on or ad
dress your nearest ticket agent , or
City Passenger Agent , 1302 , Farnam St. ,
Omaha , Neb.
1st premium to Union sowing machine.
A Curious Fact ,
But nevertheless true , that eastern pas
sengers from Omaha are no longer com
pelled to change cars at Council Bluffs ,
but can take a THROUGH FAST
CAR from Omaha U. P. deiiot DIREC'l
to Chicago , at 6:15 : p. m. daily , provided
their tickets read via the great CHI
olllce 1401 Farnam st. , Paxton hotel cor
Strangers vihit Hospu's art storo.
1 will receive bids for the delivery o
all my lumber in the city for ono year
Bids 'opened September 22,1888. FOI
particulars call tit my otlico.
1st premium to Union sowing machine
Curtain sale Monday. Fr.lcoiVor.
of Time.
Taking effect Sunday. Sept. 10th , the
morning train on the B. & M. railroui
for Lincoln , Ponvor and other point :
west will leave Omaha at 8:15 : a. m.
1st premium to Union so wing machine
Siranircrs visit Hospc's art s toro.
Union Soap is manufactured by W
A. Page Soap Co. , Omaha.
< i. a
Doomed to Destruction.
The following official letter from the
city authorities to the propriototsof the
Chicago Bargain Shoo company explains -
plains itself :
OMAHA , Nob. , August 23. 1888.
CITY OK OMAHA , Department of build
ings. Messrs. Rosenflold & Zundor ,
1318 Douglas street , Omaha , Nob.
Gentlemen : The building occuiilcd
by you , known as 1318 Douglas street ,
has boon condemned by the board for
the insnoction of buildings of the city
of Omaliti , and you are hereby notified
to vacate the above named premises on
or before the 17th day of October , 1883 ,
aa the same will then bo torn down.
Respectfully , Gio. : C. Wnm.ocK ,
Superintendent of Buildings.
In consideration of the above facts ,
the Chicago Bargain Shoo Co. , 1318
Douglas st. , have decided to close gut
their entire stock of boots , shoog and
slippora. rnjjn.'iless o ( cost. This news
vlll certainly bo
\s the people of Omaha and vicinity
enow , when wo advertise bargains ,
.hoy . could depend upon finding the
amo exactly as advertlbod. It is this
act that has made our business a great
uccess. Our enttro stock to bo closed
out. *
Look at these prices , then wonder :
tidies' glove kid Ineo shoes , 50c ; chil-
Iron' pebble button shoes , solid leather ,
8 to 101 , 61:3 : : misses' pebble button
hoes , 05e , ladles' pebble button shoos ,
ill sizes , 8j ; ladies' oil grain button
bhoes , all bi/.os , $1 ; ladies' leather slip-
icrs , sizes 3 , 4 and 5 , 40c ; ladies' custom
mule oil grain slippers , si/os 3 , 4 , 6 and
! , 75c ; infant's shoos , sizes 1 and 2 , IOc ;
ot infant's shoes , 2oc ; children's kid
nilton shoes with heels , sizes 4 , 6 and
i , 23c ; endless variety children's button
fahocs , below cost : largo tibsortmontslip-
) ors , ridiculously cheap ; ladies' kid but-
on shoes , all styles , $1 .25 ; Indies' kid but-
on shoos , all sizes , $1.50 ; ladies' gonu-
"no goat button shoes , $1.50 ; ladies'
jeuuino kid button shoes , $1.75 ; Indies'
, 'cnuino kid button shoes , $2 ; ladies'
land turned button shoes , a bargain ,
! 2.10 ; ladies' genuine French kid but
ton shoes , $2.25 ; ladies' kid foxed button
shoes , 95e ; ladies' serge button shoesOoc ;
adics' line serge lace shoos , 75o ; misses'
< id and goat button shoes , $1.25 ; large
assortment men's , boys' and youths'
shoos at prices that will readily move
evcrv pair ; 3,000 pair men's , boys' and
youths kip , calf and grain leather boots
dint must bo bold at prices that will as-
.onibh you for cheapness. Hundreds of
other bargains which limited space
H'ovents. special mention thereof.
store fixtures , buch as shelvings , gas
ixtures , safe , desk , etc. , for stale cheap.
Do notdelav , but come at once.
PANY , 1318 Douglas street.
Home of the big shoo on wheels.
1st premium to Union bowing machine.
Your Money
Will buy a ticket over the CHICAGO
& NORTHWESTERN Ry. to any point
east at extremely low rates ,
ivhat class ticket you get. It will allow
you to go on the most elegant and ox-
iriiloly appointed vestibule trains
can I'onbtruct. In audition to this it
gives you through cars to Omaha every
day , thus saving your transfer at Coun
cil Bluffs. W. N. BABCOCK.
General Wcbtorn Agent , 1401 Far
nam St.
Cloaks Monday. Falconer.
1st premium to Union'sowing machine.
The Moilcl Grocery.
Terms cash. N. W. corner 15th and
Howard. Wo bog to inform the public
that we have bought and completely re
modeled the store formerly occupied by
R. Englomann & Co. Wo will at once
fill it with a stook of
Second to none in the city. In order
to bo able to sell at the lowest possible
price wo will sell for cash only and will
give our patrons the benefit of this sys
tem. Please favor us with a call and be
convinced. Very respectfully ,
John A. Krug & Co. , Proprietors.
1st premium to Union sewing machine.
Drs. Dinsmoro & Humphry , rooms
412 to 419 Paxton block.
Strangers vibit Hospo's art storo.
1st premium to Union sowing machine.
I have a particularly desirable eight-
aero tract of land on Council Bluffs side
of the river which I will sell at a price
to inbiiro a quick and handsome profit
to ono wanting to plat it in lots.
1519 Farnam st.
Hoyman & Doiehes ,
1518 and 1520 Farnam st.
Sealskin cloaks repaired and all kinds
of Fur work done at
1st premium to Union sewing machine ,
1518 and 151O Knrimni St.
Special sale of misses' and children's
school dresscb Wednesday of noxtweok.
See Tuesday's Evening BKK.
1518 and 1520 Farnam st.
Embroideries Monday. Falconer.
1st premium to Union sowing machine. .
Omaha Chicago ,
Three pat-songer trains a day oacli
0:15 : a. in.
6.15 p. m , vestibule from Omaha di
7:15 : p. m.
Through cars , Dining cars. Vestibule
cars. City otlico 1101 Farnam.
IstpromlumtoUnion sowing machine
Fall millinery , Madame Illckman
1414 Douglas.
Co/.zun * Hotel.
At the COKZCIIS hotel you can got al
the comforts of high priced hotels and
and save from $1 to $2 per day. Rate :
reduced to $1.50 and $2.00 per day.
1st premium to Union mowing machine
Prof. F. Leo Chauvan , elocutionist
will give an entertainment , cousibtinj.
of humorous and tragic renditions a
the Omaha Business College , cornoi
16th and Capitol tivonuo , on Monday
evening , Sept. 17th. All Interested ii
the art of good reading and spoakint
arc cordially invited to attend. Ad
Blanket bale Monday. Falconer.
1st premium to Union sowing much i no
Crcar II.irualiiH in 1'innos
now offered at Melnborg's music store
161(5 ( Dodge st. , in order to clear out par
of their largo stock for want of ston
1st premium lo Union sowing uwchino
Great Closln Hnlo For Monday.
The Inrccst stock ol Indies' , chlldrcns'
nnd gents' furnishing oods in Omnhiv
to bo closed out atonco. Goods mnrUcd
down just ono-hnlf. ' Extra help ndded
for this special rand sale. A cluuico
you corttunly wllli uot hnvo again to
buy your winter underwear so cheap.
All must ho sold at once , If low prices
will do it , as wo start in our now store
with a now stock. Rend our cut prices
on hosiery for Monday and got an ideti
how much money wo can save you. In
fants' wool no u , ribbed , regularly
intido , in black , cardinal , pink , blue and
brown , to bo closed at lUjo per pair. Wo
have never sold this quality for loss
than i5e. 1 case chlldrous' heavy cot
ton hose , ribbed , at 8 ; ps \\V \ , Vvorili
16c. Ilni'd to beiit. 100 doohildrens'
ualn and ribbed heavy wool hose , 111 all
Izos , black and colored , closing price
5e , others asked Me. 100 doladies'
iashmoro hose , ( inishod toes , in black
inly , at lee per pair , others title Me.
00 doz ladies' cashmere hose , ISlerlno
ops , closing price Wo per pair , reduced
ron 50c. 1 case of ladles' brown bal-
) rigran ( hose llc ] } per pair , our 2-5c
Itiality. 100 doladies'hoso. . hair line
tripes , price cut in two , on Monday
2je , reduced from 12-jc.
Ladies' white merino vests and pants ,
silk stitched and pearl buttons , only
We each , reduced from OOe. Ladies'
cat-lot Iambi , vool underwear 7oc , ro-
luced from $1.23. Ladies' natural wool
mdorwear , our $1.00 quality , reduced
o $1.00. Infant's Saxony knit shirts
35c caoh , reduced from COc. 100 doion
iiofbots , our 7oc quality , veduced to IWc.
iO dozen corsets , our $1.00 quality , ro-
luced to r > 0c. All of our silk and lisle
, hread gloves to bo slaughtered on
tlonday. fiO dozen ladies' Hue kid
gloves , our 81.00quality , reduced to60o.
All our $1.50 Footer lacing gloves re-
luccd tofl.OO.
100 do/on ladies' line cashmere gloves
! 5c per pair , reduced from COc. Boy's
leavy yarn mils only IOc per pair.
The largest stock of yarns in the city.
Gent's camels hair shirt and drawers
only 4oc each , worth 7oc. 600 suits of
pout's line underwear , slightly boiled ,
it one-half prico. Our 7oc unhumdriod
shirt reduced to oic. Our oOc un-
aundried shirt reduced to ! ! 3c.
ON WALL PAP [ ill.
10th Street.
i\s a Ijust Kcsurt it is > Iulo to tlio
Messrs. S. L. Andrews it Co. , retail eloth-
crs , have made an assignment for the benefit
of their unsecured creditors. When Mr.
iVndro ws found that ho would bo unable to
meet his payments and could secure no
further extension from his chief creditors ,
Henry W. King & Go. , of Chicago , ho se-
Hired King & Co. by chattel mortgages on
liis stock nnd fixtures nnd , in addition , by
mortgages on his realty. This proceeding
was severely commented upon by the be
lated creditors , but as they had
many of them held n.winning hand in similar
panics , they consoled themselves with the re-
[ lection that "we cannot always bo lucky , "
and awaited results. It would seem now that
Andrews himself luta all along stood where
McC.irty did , and that instead of being in
with King & Co. to receive his divvy at the
linal settlement lie will get nothing , though
McC.irty did get something if the story about
him is correct.
Andrews claims that he has been frozen
out entirely and will have no surplus what
ever to continue business with , nnd as the
stock of merchandise has been sold and has
not cleared enough to meet King & Ccu's
claim , the real estate will have to bo soid to
pay the balance , and as it is pretty well
mortgaged the chances are that the results
awaited for by the belated ones will not
\ndrews says his wife's people have some
property and that he will rnako another start.
District Courl.
John L. Miles has filed a bill in equity
against Thomas 15. Wilde and others. In
December , 1SSC , G. E. Barker and C. E.
Mayno sold Wilde a JT50 lot at Orchard Hill
on a contract stipulating monthly payments.
Barker and Mnyno afterwards sold 'thoir ' in
terest to Miles , who sues for the enforce
ment of the contract. there being now sev
eral payments past duo.
Dexter L. Thomas has sued John Dlcrks
and others on a 61,000 note given by Dicrks
and secured by a mortgage. Mr. Thomas
has also begun suit against August Cloves on
a note for $1,0(0 given to Alonzo P. Tukoy
and by him sold to the plaintiff.
Dress goods Monday. Falconer.
1st premium to Union sowing machine.
Contractors Must Do Good AVorlc or
G < > t No l ny. J
When the August bill of Charles E. Fan
ning & Co. for sweeping the streets came up
before tha board of public works yesterday ,
Mr. Hammond objected to its allowance until
the account had been inado up and certified
to by the city engineer , as was contemplated
by the contract. The bill was turned over
to that olllcer , nnd the chairman notified Mr.
Slavin , one of the sweeping firm , that ho
must hereafter notify the city engineer each
morning of the streets swept during the pro
ceeding night. The engineer or his assistants
will inspect the work , nud if not satisfautor-
ily it will have to bo gone over again or no
allowance will bo made for it. The August
bill was $ lim,70 , and the board think it
should bo reduced to about ? 1,300.
1st premium to Union sowing machine.
AH'rott Mclnborfj Co.
the well known music dealers at 1C1G
Dodge bt. are offering some great bar
gains in pianos and organs , and al
terms to suit purchasers. An investi
gation solicited.
1st premium to Union sowing machine.
Strangers visit IIospo's art store.
Personal Paragraphs.
W. L. May , of Froinont , is at the Paxton.
M. Median , of Seward , is at the Murray.
Fred W. Carruth , of Plattsmoutb , is at the
J. H. Johnston and family , of Blaf"nro : at
the Windsor.
S. G. Joyce has gone upon tils usual tour
to Now York City.
Mrs. J. T. Clark has returned from a short
vacation in the east.
T. O. Carlisle and. . O. B. Walker , of Mis
souri Valley , are at the Murrav.
Miss Lillie Plotncr , of California and
Twentieth streets , has just returned from an
extended visit east.
George H. H. Moore nnd W. A. Dunning-
ton , of the United States Ash commission
were In the city yesterday.
William Cummlngs , of Cummings & Neil
son , loft yesterday on a business trip to Chicago
cage , Pittbburg and Nuw York ,
George H. Powers , of Beatrice , II. M
Simmons , of Tecumseh , George Coddington
and W. D. Mathews , of Fremont , were in
the city yesterday.
General Van Wyck came in from the nortl
yesterday. During the week ho inado ad
dresses ut the county fair ct O'Neil , Hoi
county , and at Ponca , Dixon county.
1st premium to Union sowing machine
A correspondent asks TUB BEE "whether
or not a Catholic is debarred from being
president. " The only ( juallflcatlo-is for the
presidency prescribed by the constitution
are that the person shall bo a citizen of the
Unl'ed States and shall have att lined tin
ago of thirty-nvo. yearn. No religion Is rec
oguUed In the constitution , und a nan's ro
lipious belief does not render him Incliglbl
to any odlco under this government.
. 1st premium to Unl on sowing machine
151 H mill l"5i:6Vnriiniil St.
Wo are dally in receipt of largo In
voices of manufactured goods , consist
ing of ladies' , misses' and children's
cloaks , suits and furs , from our eastern
These we are placing on sale at prices
never before made on goods of equal
Is as good as any plush jacket wo Imvo
heretofore boon' able to sell for JU1.00.
Seal shaped plush coats ,
$22.50 , S21.00 , $2(1.00. ( ? 23.00 , $30.00
find upwarils.
Cloth cloaks and stylish wraps.
Latest Parisian and Now York novol-
.ies . at prices loss than cost of making
.horn at home.
Come and see them.
1618 and 1520 Farnam st.
1st premium to Union sowing machine.
Mile , lllica'H Coming Eiirii cmcnt at
It is with a great deal of pleasure that the
nanngoment of Boyd's opera house announce
ho return of that most popular actress and
general favorite , Mile Hhcii. During her
hreo previous engagements at Boyd's opera
louse Mllo. Hhea won her audience com-
iletely by the brilliancy of her acting , her
nngnifleont presence , the exquisite taste In
the display of her toilette , and lastly by her
uninbloness and social qualities. There is
10 greater favorite upon the American stage
.o-day than Mllo.Uhca with social peoploand
ier audiences are , almost without exception ,
composed of the best people , wherever
she npppcars. Mlle Hhea has just
returned from Europe where she
enjoyed a much needed vacation ,
nnd now she comes to us rofieshed and in
vigorated , and in the full 7cnith of her fame.
While in Paris Mllu. Hhea purchased a very
elaborate wardrobe , a portion of which will
jo displayed for the llrst time during the
Omaha engagement. Mllo. Hhea will bo
supported by an excellent company , the prin
cipal being Mr. William Harris , ono of the
most popular lending men In America. Three
performances will bo given in Omaha. On
Friday night , September 21 , "Adrienno Lo-
eouvrier ; " Saturday afternoon matinee , "An
Unequal Match ; " Saturday night. "Much
Ado About Nothing. "
"ArnMuii NljlitH" nt the Grand.
Extra preparations nro being made at the
Grand opera house for the engagement of
the ' 'Araumn " which will
Nights , open Mon
day evening. Now traps are being put in
the stage especially for this great spectacular
play , and steam pipes arc being put in in order
to snow the steam curtain , which is a fca-
turo of this entertainment , to the best possi
ble advantage. Tha company played a very
successful engagement in Kanras City hist
week against the competition of Booth-Bar
rett , Barnum , Gus Williams and the exposi
tion opening. The fact that each night tneir
houses increased in numbeis shows how ex
cellent was the impression they made. The
company is very Inrge , strong in special
stars , and with a ballet and chorus of fasci
nating girls. Mr. James H. Adams , the ad
vance stage manager , has been in the city
for two days past , making the preliminary
arrangements. The company will arrive
hero from Kansas City this evening. The
"Arabian Nights" met with much favor hero
one year ago , nnd they will bo warmly wel
comed at the new Grand next week , The
sale of reserved seats will open at the box
ofllce Monday morning nt 0 o'clock.
The remaining flates of the Siege of Seoas-
topol are us follows : Tuesday 18th , Thurs
day ' . ' 0 th , Saturday 22d , Tuesday 25th , and
Thursday 2Hh.
Ibt premium to Union sowing machine.
Sliorkliui Gives Ills Ilcininleconces of
Ijec'H Surrender.
North American for September : In
the meantime , General Leo catno over
to McLean's house in the village of Appomattox -
pomattox Court House. I am not cer
tain whether General Babcock , of Gen
eral Grant's staff , who had arrived in
advance of the general , had gone over
to see him or not. Wo had waited some
hours , and , I thinlc , about 12or 1 o'clock
General Grant arrived. General Ord ,
myself , and niany olllcors wore in the
main road leading through the town , at
a point where Leo's army was visible.
General Grant rode up and greeted mo
with , "Sheridan , how are you ? " 1 re
plied , "I am very well , thank you. " Ho
" ' is Leo ? " I
then said : 'Where replied :
' 'There is his army down in that vnlloy ;
ho is over in that house ( pointing to Mc
' to surrender to . "
Lean's ) , waiting you.
General Grant , atill without dismount
ing , said : "Come , lot us go over. " Ho
then made the same request of General
Ordand we nil went to McLean's house.
Those who entered with General Grant
were , as nearly as I can recollect , Ord ,
Rawlins , Seth Williams , Ingalls , Bab-
cook. Parker and myself ; the stalt olll
cors , or those whoaccompaniodremain
ing outside on the porch stops and in
the yard. On entering the parlor wo
found Gone nil Leo standing in com
pany with Colonel Marshalhis aide-de-
camp. The first greeting was to Gen
eral Seth Williamswho had boon Leo's
adjutant when he was superintendent
of the military academy. General Leo
was then presented to General Grant-
and all present were introduced. Gen
eral Lee was dressed in a now gray un
iform , evidently put on for the occas ,
ion , and were a handsome sword. Ho
had on his face the expression of relief
from a heavy burden. General Grunt's ,
uniform was soiled with mud and ser
vice , and ho were no sword. After a
few words had been spoken by those
who know General Leo , all the ollicors
retired , except , porhaps.ono staff olllcor
of General Grant and the ono who was
with General Leo. Wo had not been
absent from the room longer than about
flvo minutes when General Babcock
came to the door and said : "Tho sur
render has taken place you can come
in again. " ,
When wo re-entered , General Grant
was writing on a little wooden ollip-
tical-shapod table ( purchased by mo
from Mr. McLean and presented to Mrs.
G. A. Custer ) the conditions of the sur
render. General Leo was sitting , his
hands resting on the hilt of his sword ,
to the loft of General Grant , with his
back to a small marble-topped table , on
which many books were piled. While
General Grant was writing , frionUly
conversation wnsongagcd in by General
Lee and his aid with the olllcers pres
ent , nnd ho took from his breast pocket
two dispatches , which had been sent to
him by mo during the forenoon , notify
ing him thut some of his cavalry in
front of Crook were violating the agree
ment entered into by withdrawing. I
had not had time to make copies when
they were sent , and had made a rcqucbt
to have thorn returned. Ho handed
them to mo with the remark : " 1 am
sorry. It is possible my cavalry at that
point of the line did not fully under
stand the agreement. "
About ono hour was occupied in draw
ing up nnd signing the torrns , when
General Leo retired from the house
with a cordial shako of the hand with
General Grant , mounted his chunky
gray horso. and , lifting his hat , passed
through the gate and rode over the
crest of the hill to h s army. On his
arrival therewo hoard wild cheering ,
Which seemed to bo taken up pro-
It is Human Nature for dealers to keep the
best selling Cigar on the market. It is Human
Nature , you know , for smokers to get the best
they can for 5 cents. Below you will fj-ncj a
partial list of dealers y/ho are "good judges of
Human Mature , " and have Human Nature
Cigars on sale :
Little A Wllllnms. H'i7 ' DoliRlns st. Ceo \V I'nrr , IfO ) St Mary's nvo
Uunrs i'limlt , Utb nuimm t V II lloatty , "dtli and rarnam Ft
I. A Hilton. ls4 St .Miiry'8 mo HoMllson A Ujilmltz. 7U9H liltll St
( 'W Wllrut.HM N Kith st Lnnyon \ t"o , : .80fl rnrniini St
\Vllko .V Snuttur , lOITSaithst Anton Cojorie. 001 I'lorcc St
.1 A ruller&lo , lull niul Doituliisbts William \Vearno Ar Co , Mieeley's
M I'.ur , litliaiHl Unwind OStoddard. South Unnihu
.1 A Murphy , IJ ! ! N IGthst Hannon A. I'ltislieity. South Omaha
Dr.l It ( Iinitsch , Ifithniiil Ilouaid ! > t3 U.ivls A I'uK-y , South Unmha
] ) ! .1 J Suvillo , 11II Sutimleis st Judge Itciithcr , South Omaha
1) ) A fiutello , Vlii N Ibth at 1' S Casey , fc'outli Oiniilia
Iln ollll 11103 , lUHK'u Cbils I.iiiBjon , Council HUUTs , la
Until fold Hi 01,41" N I , neil A Hull ,
\Villlnni Ot > ntlumin : , fOI N Ifithst K Li.andsbcry , " "
Stover iV I'ttrbMi , 101) ) llownrd ht Slelnkoft & bcotleld " "
J II Schmidt , Cumlmtiiml L'lthslH O. H Ill-own , " "
J A Vnnilonbi'rKtV ( o. lull Hounrd st . ) .1 I'm on. "
Clwi.t rriie , .Millnrd llotul I'm ki A-Son , " "
DrJ W.Mc.Memimv , Uthnnd Dodno sH HTMcAten. " "
Clark Dlckovor. Capitol uvu and IDtli sts H. J I'ulmer , " "
W .1 Wnrd , Mil Kith ht i : lldaidlner. "
1)11 ) Wiilker , aiHSIOthht 11A Italul , " "
UT Summer's IS I N 1-itht.t llonry Mix. 1'ort Calloun Neb
.1 M btupheus , Windsor Hotel II Cnodrlrh , Xoifolk Ncl )
Chnsllulnz , istliuml Vlntoii bts .1 S 11111 , Port M orpin Cole
Trod Kretsch.414 S IHthst .1 1'Latham. AUonColo
I'M Hack , llJOb 7th st A ll.loliiitton. Mason Neb
( hrlHUiotman , 1HN 12thht ( i 1' Coiiti-s , I'axtmi Neb
1' Olben. ' M I'umliiKt-t .1 W Miiyle , llhilr Nt-b
John W llellK.OS loth Ht T C 111kniaii , Cuilg Neb
Hontlnimyod .V llunm-ll , IU10 N ICth :4 II WlH'eloik.Kavena Ni-b
.1 A Dalzull , 115 NlMlist Odi'iidahl llro1 * , l.ouii City Neb
Clink A. Andeison , WHS 13th st \V 11 Win ren \ Co , > leriii ! Neb
( 'Tl'iiulsen , liltlinnd Howard sts .1 II Smith \ Co. Neb flty Neb
Kuhn .V Co. Doiitflus and nth bts it II. Kians A Co. I'nlon Neb
( loodinan Drug t o , 1110 I' st ( llrarcli-t , Iliinn A Co , Weeping Water Neb
W It llunnt'tt A. ( o , Cnpltoluvo lr ) A T Nee , Nenlaha City Neb
W I ! Hamilton , Jtiirkerlllock Sl'Cilascow , 1'ern Neb
George Itooder , 12th and Hartley ats J U Hi on nun , Ilioken llow Neb
.1 1 Fruulmuf. Ill S Ilitli Hts S Itovdi , AlnsleyNeb
Max llecht , Ifith ami Hartley sts. ( I > 1 Itoliblns , JuleaburgColo
\Viii flllmoro. llth and Capitol uvo .1 W Hitchcock , llnitlngton Neb
C Lent ? , 4.1)8 ) lOtlist W II Doiuililhon , I'lurco Neb
J.1 Skinner , 112 S 14th st .1 II Mulllii , I'emler Neb
A S Kuowlet , 11114 N 2Uh st J 1' Young , I'iattimniith Neb
H Nuwimui , 2TU1 CuiultiK Ht .1 S llondile. Wrny Cole
Muldoon .VCo , 1'ark Avuiiml Lenvcnworth st Colcnmn \ .Mann , Otis Cole
J Newman , f 4 S 13th st 1' 1' llubtr , YuniaColo
J W Clark , Park Ave and Woolworth t L W Hurt ACe , Akron Cole
Kennedy and lllackbiirn , 130) Park A\o W M Hannon , Mo Vnllcy Jowa
Fred M Itiick , HUB S li-tli st 1' U Miller , Auburn Neb
1'eternou \ Suuuson , 701 S"7th fet Hover A Co , Trenton Neb
John Hoyo , "Mi and Vluton sts C W Taylor , Ti union Neb
M Olsen. 41 * H 1,1th st Ceo K Johnston , McCook Neb
. ) .1 Heals. 10S lUth St 1' H Illchl , Lo Mars low a
Moher & Pickering. Kth and Nicholas St L W Ponton , Waterloo Neb
II Schubert. Hi ) N Kith Hamilton ACe , 1'ort Margnu Cole
McCarthy Sisters , fid.IS nth St K W Nleweitli , S.ic ( it > low.i
1' Cunningham , 11)7 ) S 10th st M A Spnuldlng , Vnma Co'o '
Miss Plora Cane , 2105 Cumin ; } St Henry liradner , llenki'lniin Neb
(3eo Hough , 21th and Lake ht \V M \ \ light , Correctloiulllu Iowa
C S I'oruitt , 2.W8 Karnain St 12.1 Hatt'sViavColo
2 Stevens , HU2stSt | Uolit Swann , i'tillfrton Neb
A S Schroter , 151" rnrnam Pt Sli Au , StnaitNdb
Schumoewr .V sommer , 18th and Charles St Able A Wt'lih , I'Uini Creole Neb
IMwurtl Hell. 18J8 luku St Shnirer A. llmiilln. Alma Neb
HM.irtlti , 1IWS 1,1th , St A T Hollows. Oxford Neb
.1 II Uiclmrds , 101T I arnam St AV M. Osliornc , LudeM ICans
Clirlstensen A ; Itassnniseii , 'd fit Hr Dnvlil slsMin , \ \ rny Cole
II Schonbergor , 12th nnd ( 'ass St Thos DTodd , WafilooNeb
J C Kiienuy , Iblti St Miiry s uve Mi'lvln A Taylor , Noiiialm City
M 11 Powell , WIS l.ith St C ! ' Vltioent. \ ejinilllon liak
H Heal. nnd Ilainllton St .1 KCulduell A. Co , Oborlln Cans
M SJuire , 1.112 S 13th St I'nttirsuM & Uiuh im , Albion Neb
It Mubou , 421 N. 14th St
The Human Nature Cigar has only been
sold in this market less than one month , and the
sale is unparalleled by any other cigar on the
market. Send in for trial order on guarantee.
D. M. Steele & Co. .
4 Nights Commencing , Monday , September 17 ,
The World's Greatest Spectaclcl
The Triumph of the Scenic Artist's skill ! THE
The Most Gorgeous and Artistic Effects
Ever Scon Upon the American Stugol
The Famous Features : ARABIAN
50 PEOPLE 50
A Magnificent Ballot ! The Famous Premieres ,
Regular Prices. Box Olllco now open
grcbsivoly by his troops , cither foi him
or because of satisfaction with his last
official act as a soldier.
1st premium to Union sowing machine. ,
It AVns nil the Monny They Und.
An old man nnd a llttlo girl walked
into a down-town saloon about 2 o'clock
yesterday afternoon , says the Chicago
Tribune : It was not their first visit , j
\vhito-uproued bartender regarded
them curiously. The half ado/on loun
gers lowered their voices in respect to
the little tot of fomininitv. Nervously
fumbling in his pockets the aged toper
called for a drink. The little girl loft
his sldo and with a furtive glance at the
bartender stole over to the lunch-table.
From noon until 2 o'clock a generous
and tempting array of viands is gonor-
"nlly provided in this particular resort. '
It had been removed a few minutes before -
fore the old man and his little compan- .
Jon arrived. Raising on tip-toe the little - '
tlo girl looked over a clear expanse of i
snow-white tablecloth. A pitiful ex
pression of disappointment passed over
n face pinched with hunger and priva
tions. The old man was just raising a
glass of whisky to his lips when the litr
tlo girl rushed across the room nnd
clutched him by the arm :
"Grandpa ! grandpa ! " she exclaimed
in thrill childish treble , "don't drink
the lunch is all gone. "
The trembling hand withdrew the
glass that had almost touched his lips.
A look ut the table vortllicd the child a
statement. Ho had already paid for the
drink. Motioning the bartender lo the
end of the long polished bar , the old
man said :
' Please give-mo back the money. I
must go without the drink if I die for it.
It's all wo have in the world and the lit
tle girl has not had anything to oat
since morning. Please give mo back
the money. "
"Hera's a quarter ; dent come in nero
again , " replied the bartender.
Hand in hand they went out , ho with
his head down and she with a glad look
in her eyes. Ho started to go Into an
other saloon , but she hold him uacK.
They walked half a block and entered a
cheap rebtaurant.
Do not fall to got my way down prices
on watches , jewelry and watch repair
ing. H. F. Bundy , 1013 Farnam St.
rltlDAYAM ) OI7DT 1 . Z06 \
bATi ni\y. 06
Anil SiUimlay Matlnuc , The Renowned Actiesi
I'mler the iniuiniji'infnt of Mr .1. II Lalne.
. "AiimNNi ; : UX
Itliru , as Ailrlrnnu.
Saturday Miitlnoo , "AN 1'NKgPAL MATCH,1
lllii" , i , us IK'Sti'f Cmybrook
Sntmiliiv Kvi'iilntr. "Ml ( II AIK ) AUOU'j
NOT.IlNti , " Ilheiuii Ik'iUilro.
IleKiilnr iirlcoi. .Mutlnou iirlcusBiuiie as night
Seats on u.ilc TJiur.stliiy morning.
Third WeeK onto Season ,
Tremendous Success ! Crowded Houses ,
Complete tape of Programma
A Tour of the World In Dooramlo Vlew , Anl
jnuto nnd Iniinlmuia CuiloaltluB.
A New Company of Matchless Merit.
The Thcatorium Performances , Dally ,
from 1 to 10 p. m.
One Dime Admits to All
roit o\i : AU.IHKSIO.V.
First game called ut 2 o'clock vbtirp ,