Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 16, 1888, Part I, Page 7, Image 7

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5S *
1,000 pairs Ladies' Fine Hose , to be sold in two lots. Lot one > 500 pairs at lOc per pair ; Lot twc >
500 pairs at 15c per pair.
The above goods are worth from 20c to 65c per pair , are toll regular made and the best value ever offered in Omaha , Only 4 pairs to any one
customer. Other special bargains will be placed on sale for Monday only , We have the best and cheapest line of Dress Goods in Omaha , .Our
$19 $ plush sacque , equal to anything elsewhere at $25 $ , An inspection will prove this ,
A. R. LOGIE , NEW YORK DRY GOODS STORE , 1310 and 1312 Farnam St. , Omaha
General Gossip Among the Secret
and Benevolent Orders.
1'iitrlnroliH Militant Golilon Kulo Son-
Hlon at Tolctlo The llccord oi'mi
Ortlcr Homo Noted Organ-
l/.crs Society News.
Patriarchs Militant.
The grand e.intomncut of the Patriarch's
Militant wui held In Cincinnati recently , nnd
was pronounced n grand success by every
one. The following oDlcers nnd cantons
were represented : Grand Sire John" II.
White of Albion , N. Y. , nnd Griuid Secre
tary Thuo. A. Hess wcrii present , Deputy
Grand Sire Lieutenant General John C. Un-
dor.vood being personally in command. The
Vol.owing cantons were represented in the
i.irudc : Cantons Lucas of Toledo ; Worm-
bus of Lewiston , Mo. ; Boyd of CutletUburg *
rulolity of Iluntington , W. Vu. ; Ohio of
Colninbus ; Cuyuhoga , Colfax of Indiana ;
Arlcon of Ohio ; Clprclnnd of Otilo ; Amster
dam of New York ; Mystic of Lexington ,
Ky. ; Alpine of Howling Green , O. ; Acci
dental of Chicago ; Kxculnior of Chieago ;
Wnsliington of Sommervillo , Mass. ; ICarlof
Dayton , O. ; Greenville , O. : No. M ) of Gcr-
muntown , Pa ; Crosl > y of Mlamsburg , O. ;
] Jcthano of Springfield. O. ; Kidgoly of Kep-
Icy. O ; Tinfn , O. : Clinton , O. ; Giirfleld ,
Lebanon , O. ; Mansdold of Minstlcld , O. ;
Asliland of Ohio ; Francis , O. ; Sydney , O. ;
Moran of Zancsville , O. ; Marion of Indiana ;
IIiUT.vman of Indiana ; Warsaw , Ind. ;
l.ogausport , MnvHvillo , Ky ; Lexington ,
Atkins , Ky. ; Covlngton , Ashland , Ky. ; Ue-
Golden Itulo Session.
At the supreme session of the Knights of
th&Goldon Kulo order , recently held at To
ledo , O. , twenty states wore represented In
the body. The session was ono of harmony
mid good feeling , and many good things were
done for the order. The election of supreme
ofllccrs resulted In u change of almost every
department of the order , and the greatest
of enthusiasm was manifest in the election
and HID result. The supreme officers were as
follows : Supreme commander , Hon. J. i ) .
Irving ) Toledo , O. ; supreme vice commander ,
1 { S. Morgan , South Carolina ; supreme sec
retary , T. J. Smith , Covlngton , Ky. ; supreme
treasurer , O. 1\ Adams , Macon , Ga. ; su-
iircmo medical examiner , Dr. J. U. Clawsen ,
Philadelphia , Pa. ; supreme prelate , U. K.
Curtis , lloston , Mass. ; supreme herald , l < \
Tultlo , Spartanburg , S. C. ; supreme warder ,
, \ . \V. Mucay , Fort Worth , Tex. ; supreme
Hcntry , It. C. Craft , Chicago , III. ; board of
t-olicitors , Hon. G. C. Chandler , Corinth ,
Miss ; Hon. U. W Hoyncr , Jackson , Tenn. ;
Hon. S. M. Hcrnaril , Louisville , Ky.
An Order' * Hccord.
Tlio eleventh anniversary of the order of
Knights nnd Ladies of Honor was celebrated
nt the Central Park , Louisville , Ky. , Septem
ber 0. The largest gathering over assembled
in the park listened to the supreme protect-
nr't > oration , in which ho stated that ho "was
ublii to suy that fully 58,000 men and women
wore so welded togetner that the interest of
ono was the interest of nil , " that $ : iy75,000
has been paid to beneficiaries of deceased
members , nnd that the bcnollt holdings of
the membership , August 1 , IbSS , amounted to
inoro than f HVWO.OOO.
Annual oiHccrs.
The grand grove of the W. A. O. D. of the
United States will hereafter bo konwn in the
hiipreino grove. The following are the ofll
ccrs elected for the ensuing term : Supreme
urcli , Adam Weber of Ohio , deputy supreme
tirrh , K. A. Stovcns of Minnesota ; supreme
herald , L. G. Schord of California ; supreme
Hit-rotary , Henry 1-Vondenthal of New York ;
Miprcmo trcaamer , Philip Hoiouwoin of Inill-
ana ; supreme sentinel , J. H. Uitznmn of
Iowa ; snpromo trustees , H. Xcigonboln of
Missouri , J. C. Dick of Wisconsjn and N.
IJcrj-of Missouri.
The annual book of this Ancient Order of
Foresters ha * biien recently Issued. The
statistical history of the order rovers over
flvo hundred pages , and gives thS following
among Its llgures : At the end of 1SS7 the
order comprised 9 I districts , 5,12S courts ,
tlSrtl7 ! bonctlt and 10,4 0 honorary members ;
the Increase In the t\rclvu \ months being 121
courts , 1S.M7 bcnolU and 770 honorary mom-
bors. During the .yearfci'.Sia boneflt mom-
boravoro udmit.tod , und 30C , > SO loft the
order ; C.SOO members and 4,031 members'
wives nnd widows died during the year.
The financial condition and progress of the
ixl ult society for 1SS7ill ba published later
on ; but at December. ISStf , the united funds
nnunintcd to 3,850,1 OJ. I ho juvenile socie
ties arc very progressive , the number at the
Jllst of December , 18s7 , being 1.24S , having
WITT member * , with i"C ! > ,5W of funds , the
increase in the year being 4,874 members ,
und X7'iW of funds. During the year tliero
wt'io 15,101 members admitted , and 4,0711
members were transferred to the parent
courts of the order. The receipts in the year
wcro .ftM.'KX ) , and the payments amounted to
i'lS.SSS. The executive council of the order
has been located at Uendlng , but the seat of
government has been transferred to IJourne-
: nontb for the ensuing j car.
Noted Organizers.
I , The success of utl Ixmetlciary orders de
pends largely upon the .energy of the deputy
hnvws It in charge. Ho must bo a gentle
man of peculiar tr.ilts and special qualities ;
a umu of business , energy nnd ability.
Among the names of iiojod organiior * are
found thosa of Upchurch , the founder of the
Ancient Order of United Workmen , which
now has more than 00,000 members , will go
down to | KHV'rity reverenced by thousands
of families thai Jiavo received substantial
aid when the husuund and fa'.hcr has been
removed fro n them by death. D. Wilson
of Boston , has acquired an almost naUona
ximr.tion ; ns an orJcr organizer. Ho not
only knows how to found on order , but how
to build It up and extend it over the country
after ho has founded it. The name of D.
Wilson will go down in history ns that of the
founder of the Knights of Honor. Ho was
also the saviour of the Uoyal Society of
Good Fellows , which was founded by James
O. Whltehouse at Providence. H. I.
Tlio manner in which Mr. Wilson revived
the order of Good Fellows Is of interest. His
llrst movement to revive the dyingorder waste
to organize a mammoth lodge at Providence ,
the homo of the institution , ilo went tc
Providence , and in several months had ob
tained more than twelve hundred charter
signers , of .which 930 odd wore accepted and
became members of the biggest loilgo ever
formed in the United States. The first and
direct object in forming so largo a lodge waste
to advertise the Good Fellows and set every
body throughout New Kiit-hmd talking about
the order. From tnat time the Good Fellows
have grown to a membership of moro than
fifteen thousand
During the lint thrco years the name of W
A. Uico as an order organizer has acquired a
.vide reputation among order men in all the
principal towns nnd cities of Now England.
He flrst became known through his connec
tion with HIP United Fellowship which was
organised at Boston , October 4,13bO. While
the order was in its infancy ho began build
ing it up in Maine , nnd extended its member
ship in that state to almost ono thousand.
After establishing the U , F. in Maine , Mr.
{ ice contlnncd his work in Massachusetts
mil Now Hampshire reorganising some of the
old lodges on the point of failure , and insti
tuting new ones. Ho next introduced tno
order in Khodn Island , and concluded his ser
vices for the U. F. at Providence , through
the organization of a lodge composed of 101
members of the Masonic fraternity.
Last April Mr. Kico's son-ires wcro en-
'aged by the supreme sitting of the eider of
ron Hall , and his record since then has
'clipsed the work of all order organizers
ilis iccord shows two lodges a month , with
in average charter list of thirty. Mr. Em-
> rco , of Salem , the ablest organier of the
Ancient Order of United Workmen , insti-
, utes but one lodge a month , averaging
twenty charter members , and ho is consld
; red as doing excellent work. The Order of
Iron Hall has home of thu ablest olllcors con
nected with any frateanal organisation , for
during the seven and a half years of its ea
rner it has attained a membership of nearly
40.0CO , and has more than bOO lodges.
Worked For Principle.
In the list of representatives who voted in
the negative on the test vote in the K. of P.
difilculty In Pennsylvania , will bo found the
names of some of the ablest nnd brightest
men in the order in that stnto , says the
Knight editorially , who contested every inch
of ground in the thrco day's bcbatc , and
made it rather lively for their opponents
from a parliamentary standpoint. When the
veto was ilnally reached , and they found
themselves fairly and honorably defeated ,
they yielded gracefully , and oven made
overtures for a basis of reconciliation , de
claring through Ucpresentative Payson , for
instance , that they were not opposed to the
correction of the laws If It was done In
what they considered the legal way. Further
than this , wo have Just received a copy of a
resolution which one of the most pronounced
opponents of the supreme lodge , up to that
time , was about to offer Just before the final
adjournment , but ho could not obtain the
Iloor in time :
Resolved , That this grand lodpo Is con
vinced of the illegality and untenableuess of
its previously declared position , now agrees
to bo governed by laws of the supreme ledge
Knights of Pythias of the world , and will
recogni/e it as the source of nil Pythian law
und authority.
Such a resolution , otToroa in good fnlth by
the late opposition , and adopted by the grand
ledge before adjourning , would have still
more strongly emphasized the general desire
for peace nnd harmony by lidding to it the
open expression of those who were previously
recorded us against a peaceful settlement of
the difficulty.
A Worthy Gift.
Brooklyn Kuviow : Hon. Joseph Farwcll , a
benovoicnt and wealthy member of the I. O ,
O. F , has presented to the Grand ledge of
Maine , for an Odd Fellows' home , a farm of
2-.J5 acres , together with tto ! best act of farm
buildings to bo found In the town of Unity.
The premises arc valued atSKI.OOO. The farm
was the homestead of Brother Farwell's
father , and lias been in the 'amily for over a
hundred years. The farm has foity acres of
wood landRomo In its native state of growth.
Recently the buildings have been remodeled
at the oxpcnso of over $0,000. The hctuso is
modernized and very handsome. It has
a mansard roof , slated , two bay windows
nnd several dormer windows In the roof.
Above the house Is fin excellent
spring , which fives a stream of beautiful
spring water all over the house. The build
ings contain six'.ccm rooms. Opposite are
two largo barns and several outbuildings ,
which iu themselves mnko quite a village.
In making the gift Brother Farwcll says :
"I have money enough for all my wants , "
my wlfo is dead , I huvo but one-child , an in
valid son , am getting old and do not want
the euro of the place. I am ready to give a
warrantee deed of the promises to the Odd
Fellows , nnd only ask thrco conditions. Ono
Is that thu plut'O shall forever bear my name ,
the Farwcll Odd Follows homo ; second , that
it shall bo held forever for beusvolent pur
poses ; nnd third , that the little cemetery on
the premises , where lies tha remains of mv
aged father and mother and my wife , shall
bo kept In good condition. "
The Charter Arrested.
Some time previous to the last Grand
Ixjdge session , says a writer In the Pythian
Knight , the charter and property of Ger-
mania Ledge No. fl , of St. Louis , Mo. , were
arrested by order of the grand chancellor.
It seemed ttiat No. < X Ignored tbo repeated
protests of Damon Lodga No. "i , against
the admission of ono Jonn D. Camp , who is a
saloonkeeper of said city , nn.l who , Damon
ledge claims , also keeps a disorderly house ,
nnd is , consequently , not of good moral char
acter. The law in this grand Jurisdiction
requires that where two or moro lodges are
located In a city , notice must bo sent to the
said lodges of all applications received for
membership within twenty-four hours
from the receipt of such applica
tion , and also that ont week must
claji-.o betwtvm tl-o conferring1 of rnnks
un < l two weeks bctvcoca the application for
the conferring of tbo rank
of page. The flrst protest of Damon ledge I
of Camp's admission was not even read by I
the keeper of records and seals of Germania i
ledge until Camp was elected , notwithstand
ing that a committee was present from the
former ledge and requested that the protest
bo read previous to balloting. The C. C.
ruled that all communications should bo rend
under the proper order. At the next con
vention Germania lodge formed itself into a
committee of the whole to investigate John
D. Camp , und at the followingconventjon re
ported that "it appeared very milcli as a
piece of personal malice against Camp
on the part of ono or two members
of Damon lodge. " D.itnou tiled
its second protest on the ground
that Camp was not of good moral character.
It was read , and a motion that "Page Uamp
bo not allowcd'to proceed further" was de
feated , and he was at once made nu esquire.
Ua lion ledge then made complaint to G C.
H. H. Allen , who referred it to the grand
lodgewhich referred it to a committee which
recommended the appointment of an Investi
gating committee , which took testimony
February 2'J nnd submitted it to G. C. James
L Buford. It WHS found that the law had
been flagrantly violated and the committee
recommended the seizure1 of the Germanic's
charter. Tnis was done by G. V C. John
H. Holmes. Final action will bo had in the
matter at the grand lodge session at Hanni
bal in October There were seventy suven '
members at the time of theanest , twenty- '
ono of wlioui continue to pay their assess
ments in the endowment rank.
A. O. U. VV "statistics
According to Supreme Recorder Sacketts'
report Just issued , the A O U. W order in
the United States has 'JOS.'JO.1 } members Thia
report fomes up to the 1st of Soiitcmbcr.
The membership of the order in tins slate is
4,933 The gain of the order in this country
Mticc the 1st of June is over four tnousand
Masonic Ijodiro History. '
To the Editor of THE BUB : I see in a re
cent issue of your paper a statement that St ,
Mary's Ficomason lodge of Edinburgh is
the oldest known ledge ( in the world with
preserved records That must be a mistake ,
as St. Mary's Chapel stands only No 1 on
the grand lodge of Scotland roll , whereas
Mother ivilwmnmg is No. 0 on that roll and
acknowledged by all Freemasons to bo the
oldest working lodge in Scotland , if not in
the world
At the reformation in Scotland in the six
teenth century , when the religious houses
were destroyed , the minutes of Mother Kll-
winning were carried to Rome In the papal
archives of that city they are still preserved.
Mother Kllwinning would never have been
allowed to hold the position she docs on the
grand ledge rolls unless she had conclusive
proof that she was entitled to it. She also
enjoys privileges which no other ledge in
Scotland holds , one of which is that the
brothers elected by the brethren of Mother
Kilwinning ns their R. U' M. becomes by
right of that onicu the grand master of the
province of Ayrs , the largest masonic
province in Scotland In the other provinces
they are elected annually by the office
bearers of that district. MUMIIKK No , 0 ,
Mother Kilwinning.
Odd Follows in New York.
The proceeding of the recent session of
the grand loago of the 1. O. O. F. , of Now
York , has recently bcou published. The
empire state has done well during Ib87 , and
reports 40,0'J5 members , a gain of 2,50.1 for
the year. Grand Secretary Terwilliger also
reports that three-fourths of the subordi
nates have Dccn heard from for the llrst six
months of lt&3 , und show an additional gain
of over 12,000 members , which gives New
York at duto In the neighborhood of 40.0C.G.
Nineteen now lodges have boon instituted ;
two consolidated ; ono surrendered charter ;
! ! U,52."i weeks sick bcnetlts paid ; relief paid ,
U3,0J0.7y ; number of working lodges , 541.
Grip Notes.
The I O. O. F. order in Now York state
has a membership of 4(1.005. (
Thu Paciliu Endowment league which has
been organized only six months has 13-OJ ,
About $30,000 has alreadv been pledged for
the erection of an Odd Follows' hone in
a The flrst Odd Fellows ledge instituted on
this continent was ut Halifax , N. S. , iirlSlS.
It died in a few months.
The German Odd Fellows' home of Now
York is a great success. It cost fciO.OOl ) ; has
(3,0 K ) cash on hand und $3,000 invested at 5
The supreme ledge Knights of Pythias
passed a resolution directing the supreme
chancellor to Issue u proclamation calling fern
n proper celebration of the twcnty-flfth anni
versary of the order.
Robert E. Leo lodge Knights of Pythias of
Memphis , Tenn. , has been suspended oil
complaint of Progress ledge for accepting
less than the stipulated amount for confer
ring the thrco ranks.
Columbus , O. , has sent a communication to
the sovereign grand lodge I. O. O. F. asking
it to hold its next session at its future homo
in that city , where u ledge room , oftlccs , etc. ,
have been completed for permanent occu
pancy by the sovereign grand lodge.
Grand Chancellor McNab of the Knights
of Pythias of New York , has decided that
when an Esquire has been rejected for ad
vancement to the rank of Knight , the lodge
may continue to ballot each month ad inflnir
turn , or until ho shall be elected to receive
that degree.
The ninth call forlSSS , American Legion of
Honor.for two assessments , Nos 137 and it8 : ,
dated September 1 , and delinquent , respect
ively , October 1 , nnd 15 , contains flfty-threo
death claims , reported and paid prior to Au
gust 10 , oa deaths occurring up to August 0.
From a circular issued by Grand Com
mander J.T. Hawuins of the Knights of
Pythias of Alabama , it appears that seven
new lodges were instituted In that grand
Jurisdiction during tho. year closing April 17 ,
Ih38 , and that the total number on that data
was thirty-two lodges , with u membership of
nearly two tnousaml.
W Among the toih'oa of Elks recently Insti.
tutedare. Tiffin , O. , No. 91 : Chattanooga ,
Tunn. , No. ill ; Rome , Ga. , No. iW , und
Qulncy , 111. , the latter of which is so rapidly
developing that they have moro applications
than can bo managed , while at Grand Forks ,
D. T. , work is in progress for the formation
of a new ledge in the near future.
From January 23 , 1&S3 to July 19 , there
have been eighteen deaths in the order of
Knights and Ladies of Honor in Massachu
setts insured for 123,000 which would liuvo
required twenty-two assessments , or eight
more than were called la that time. Five of
Lhcso deaths occurred in July , calling for
P7.000 , which would have required seven as
sessments for August.
During the past week the following ben-
ciits have been paid , by the royal society of
Good Fellows , all within thirty days of the
deaths being reported , and ono within eight
days : FredJ. Dinmoore , of Boston , $3,000 ;
Lawrence J. M. DoLn Montague , Jersey
City , N. J. , $3.000 ; Fred Von Hotfen , Pitts-
burg , Ponn. , J3.0DO ; James P. Swouney , East
Boston , $3,000 ; Charles Van Wie , Bath , N.
Y. , $3O.V.
The Manchester Unity of Odd Fellows on
January 1 , 18s7 , comprised ( ! 17"i' 7 members
belonging to the various lodges in Great
Britain and the colonies. During the year
1-537 the number of persons admitted bv in
itiation , etc , in Great Britain 87,0')3 ,
and the increase in the colonies was ii4'J ! : ,
making the total number of ( > r > 7.VU mem
ber ? . Durini ; the year the deaths in Great
Britain in the Unity of Odd Fellows have
boon 7.5GU.
The sovereign grand lodge of the I. O. O.
F. has issued the following order : ' 'Pursu
ant to Instructions contained in the resolu
tion of the sovereign grand lodge , adopted at
its annual session , hold at Boston , Septem
ber , IS'sii , 1 , .lolin II. White , granusire , do
hereby request all subordinate lodges under
our Jurisdiction to assemble at their respect
ive lodge rooms on the ' 0th day of October ,
1WS the anniversary of llio death of Thomas
Wildey , past grandslrc , and engage in ap
propriate memorial exorcises respecting their
deceased members ; sut'h ' exorcises to bo con
ducted in a manner iipiiqipnato to the occa
sion. Should a dilTcvuut day bo moro con
venient , any'e is piriMiitted to hold such
services on any day such lodge may select. "
Last month fifteen now lodges of the Order
of 1'ontl were instituted making a m-w ledge
for evury other day in tUv' , m "itn. The total
number of lodges in tlni Order of Tout ! to
date is 'J7b. Of tins number . " > 7 arc located in
Philadelphia. The reports of the supreme
secretary and suprcnv ti o isurcr of the Order
of Tout ! make the foiUwmg showing : Ro-
eeived on account of relief fund , $12 < M52.r > 7 ;
amount paid out is sick claims , Sl S.SIl .VJ ;
amount received on account of general fund ,
$3'J,4DO .17 , amount paid , out on account of
general fund , $31,17ii..M ; " balance in general
fund , * l'iJJ. ( > J. The grand total of all funds
received , except the reserve fund , is $ "J14- : Tlio grand total disbursed amounts
to $ J12,3'IIJ. | ( Balance of all now on hand , '
except reserve fund , lsl , 2l.t > 8. The amount
received on account of reserve fund is $ "iO-
2CO 7' ' .
Out of 37.G.Y2 persons admitted to the
Manchester Unity of Odd Fellows in Great
Britain between the ages of sixteen and
forty live , 85 per cent were of the aces six
teen to twenty , 87 per cent were between
the ages of twenty and twenty-five , 10 per
cent between the ages of twenty-five to
thirty , nnd only 13 ner cent between the
ngcs of thirty to forty-live. From the lore-
going statement it will bo observed that 7-
per cent , or close on three-quarters of the
entrants , were under twenty live iears of
ugc. The rate of interest for the year in
the Ui.ity of Odd Fellows order is found to
Imvu been 1.8 ! ) per cent ; the rate of mortal
ity of members was found to have been 13.7
per thousand , and of members' wives 7.5
per thousand , nnd those ratios compare fa
vorably with those of previous years. The
amount paid by the lodges in Great Britain
foi the funeral benefits of 7 S'i'.i members was
jE < 7,77f3 , or an average payment of 10 5s ( id ,
and this is only about half the average
amount which is paid by the lodges of this
order in the colony
Locating Hidden Cold.
Virjjiiim City Chronicle : J. W.
Norrio , the divining-rod npostio. has
just roturiied from a professional trin to
Calif or n in , whore ho wus summoned to
indicate the location of mineral veins
below the surface. Tlio disciples of Mr.
Norrio nro numnerod by the thousand
and are found in every mining camp
from the western slope of the Rocky
mountains to Mexico all firm believers
in the infallibility of the divining rod
in their npostle's hands todcsiRnato the
bpot where fjold and silver bearing ores
are located below the earth's surface.
The truth of the statement is attested
bv the fact that Mr. Nome's profes
sional services are in demand in every
mining district on the Pacific slope
whore the fame of his alleged power ol
detecting hidden valuable mineral deposits -
posits through the agency of the divin
ing rod has boon heralded. Ho is con
stantly travolingprofoi.sioiiaHvnnd has
visited all the most notable mining dis
tricts on this side of the American con
tinent , nnd the faith of his clients in
ins power is ( imply illustrated by the
fact that hundreds of thousands in coin
have boon expended in searching for
veins of gold and silver bearing ore in
sinking shafts at points where Norrie'w
divining rod indicated their presence
below the surface , Iwt notwithstanding
no important developments have so far
rosultodthoro is tie Abatement in the
faitliif his infallible power among bis
followers. ' I' '
The sinking of a shaft to the depth of
600 foot on tbo Norric."mino , in lurman
district , on Mount Davidson's western
slope , at the spot designated by Mr.
Norrio , developed sO'voral stringers of
quartz carrying a lurgo percentage of
gold , and the ownevd of the property
witli Hichard KirmnYvnt their head , are
willing to back their faith in Mr.
Norrio'u divining-rodHheory by expend
ing a much larger Umi in developing
the valuable ore body which the rod
indicates is located fat a still greater
depth than that nowuttalned. Prepara
tions are now Jn progress for the re
sumption of work on the Norrio mine ,
but it has not yet been definitely de
cided by the owners whether they will
sink deeper or follow tha veins by drift
ing exposed at the present depth.
Tlio dcciplos of Mr. Norrio back their
faith in his infalibillty with their own
coin and are doing good service in de
veloping the mineral resources of the
Pacific slope mining districts.
Ilus ne Troubles.
Si'itixoriELD , 111. , Sept.15. Regina Miller
made an assignment last night of her whole
sale Hirhor stock. Liabilities , (31,000 ; as
sets , llfi.OOO.
NEW YOUK , Sept. 15. C. M. Ward , worn-
bor of tuo stock exchange , failed to day bo-
cau&o of heavy losses sustained by the de
cline of Jit , Paul
What Ho Thoucrht of the Troatinont
of Whlto Mon.
Trouble Ilctwccn tlio Whites null
Scalps and the Scalp
A Slouv ChleTs Story.
In reply to questions put by a Post-
IMspatoh correspondent , Rod Shirt said
his Indian name win Ok-lo-sa ; that ho
was forty-one year * old and had boon a
Ciiiof of his tribe eleven years. When
asked about the traditions of the Sioux
lie gave a brief outline of his tribe's
history , which wa ? interpreted a ? fol
lows : "The old inon have told mo that
many years ago tlio I/.icotas ( Sioux )
lived bore by the side of the great
waters. They fought with other tribes
who had many lo-l es mil great war
riors , and long , long before the white
men cimo they wore driven toward the
setting sun iintlnnade their homes be
yond the Smoky Water ( Mississippi
river ) . How long ago this was I do not
know ; but I know it is true , for the old
men have told in j so. After a while tlio
white inon eumo intoour country. They
hunted b.ilTaloand killed antelope upon
the plains. They came into the camps
of the LacoUis and slept in their tepees.
They were well treated , for they wore
welcome. By aid ) by more white men
camo. and then they came thick. They
took the Lacotas' land and drove them
from their hunting grounds.
Then thoHiearts of the Lacotas got
bad , for their brains were troubled.
They thought everything would be
taken from them , and their hearts were
broken. They thought no land would
bo loft for them to live upon , so they
began to light. They took white men d
scalps und the white men's tepees , and
scalped their women und children.
They fought many years , but the white
men were too strong. If one Indian got
killed no Indian came in his pluco , but
the white men grew thicker all the
time. The Lacotas had no hope loft , so
they had to quit fighting and pubmit to
the whites. There will be no more wars
between the white men and the La'cotas ,
for the white men are many and tlio
Lacotas few. "
Hod Shirt then related how the trou
ble began between the whites and his
uncle , tlio noted Sioux chief , Young-
Man-Afraid-of-IIis-IIorsQS. Ho said
that about thirty-five years ago an emi
grant train was crossing the plains a
short distance from Fort Laramio. Ono
of their steers became lame , and it was
left behind on the trail. In a short
while a Sioux hunting party came upon
the abandoned steer and killed it. A
few days afterward a company of soldier
dier- , from Fort Laramie came to the
Sioux camp on the North Finite to ar
rest the Indians who had killed the
The tribe refused to surrender them ,
but ollerod to pay for the steer. A long
wrangle followed , and finally the olll-
cor in command of the troops made an
attempt to forcibly take the Indians
whom he wanted. Ho charged upon the
village ; but had miscalculated the
strength of the Sioux , for there
were many lodges behind a hill
eloso by which ho had not seen.
The Indians fell upon the troops
on every side , and the entire company
of thirty-two men wore killed and
scalped. The great Sioux chief. Con
quering Bear , was killed in the tight ,
and the interpreter , a Frenchman , was
also killed. That night the Indiana
hud a big scalp dunce , nnd a long ,
bloody war followed. Red Shirt was a
boy at the tim < 3 of this massacre , but lie
was an eye witness to tlio terrible fight.
Red Shirt next told some of his per
sonal experiences while on llio war
path , and spoke of the men lie had
killed with as much apparent satisfac
tion as a hunter would exhibit in relat
ing his exploits. His first light with
the whites wa twenty-live years ago ,
and this was his version how the trouble
came about.
A band of Choyennes attacked an em
igrant train and , after killing all the
men , carried etTa white woman captive.
In their wanderings over the plains
they mot a party of Sioux , to whom the
woman was sold , the chiefs , Two Face
nnd Black Feet paying two horsas for
her. Afterward a detachment of sol
diers from Fort Laramie came upon the
Sioux band , and , finding tlio woman in
their possession , accused them of mur
dering the emigrants and carrying oil
the woman ,
Two Face and Black Feet were trice
and hanged at Fort Laramie , and thd
balance of the band to which they belonged -
longed wore ordered to remove east of
the Missouri river. They started out
under guard of two companies of soldiers -
diors , and got as far as the junction of
Horse crook and the North Phitto be
fore any trouble occurred. Hero some
of the Indians who wore in irons complained -
plained of being tired , and that their
legs were swollen from the chafing of
the iron bands.
They asked to be allowed to ride in
ono of the wagons , but their request
was refused. Then all of the Indiana
got angry and secretly concocted a plan
to turn upon their guards at an unex
pected moment. Just as the troops
were preparing to break camp on the
following morning tlio Indians at
tacked them. Rod Shirt killed the
commandant of tha detachment , and
tills was the signal for a general as
sault. The soldiers were completely
taken by surprise , and five of their
number wore killed in the first charge.
Tlio others saved themselves by jumping
in the river and swimming across. Two
men wore killed in the water as they
were trying to escape. After this1 light
tlio entire band of Sioux went on the
warpath , and it was many months before -
fore they surrendered.
Red shirt says ho lias made but one
attack upon n wagon train. This oc
curred at Polo creek in Montana , about
nineteen years ago. A party of five
men , with three teams , were pushing
their way through the hostile country ,
when they were discovered by Red
Shirt's band. The Indians bore down
on them , and , utter their usual fashion ,
began to circle around to draw their
lire. The doomed men abandoned their
teams and attempted to run to a high
hill , which was close by , but they were
all shot down before they could reaeli
the cover they were making for. Red
Shirt thinks the men wore not exper
ienced in Indian warfare or they would
have kept under cover of their wagons
instead of trying to reach the hill. The
usually solemn looking chief smiled , as
lie rchited the ease the Indians had in
shooting down the men as they ran.
The dead men were scalped , the wagons
destroyed and the mules driven otT.
Rod Shirt lias boon several bloody
battles between his own tribe and the
Omalias on the upper Missouri river ,
and ho thinks they are better lighters
than the while n.en. In speaking of
lighters among his own people , he
says that C'ra/.y Horse was the bravest
man he over saw. Ho never \\entiiito
battle without , taking a scalp , und dur
ing his life killed more than sixty inon
with liis own hands.
When asked about his own deedsRed
Shirt scorned ashamed to admit that lie
had no greater number of dead men on
his list. He said that he had taken only
eight scalps in his life , live of these be
ing white men and the other thrco
Omaha Indians. His first scalp was
that of the olHcor whom he killed in the
light at tlio junction of Horse creek and
tlio North Platte river.
When asked why the Sioux scalp
those slain in battle , ho gave the fol
lowing reasons : In former times the
Sioux cut oil tlio heads of their victims ,
but when they began to fight the white
man they took to scalping , tlio same ns
they saw the white man do. The scalp
is taken as indisputable evidence that
a man lias boon killed , and whenovoran
Indian warrior recounts his bloody
deeds ho must produce the scalp to prove
what ho says is truo. If ho fails to do
this he is not believed. The scalps are
usually kept for a time and then thrown
away. Some of tlio old men wear scalps
on their shirts or leggings , and have
thorn buried with their bodies when
they die. In concluding his
remarks on scalps , Rod Shirt
said , with a touch of sadness
in liis expression : "I don'tliko to keep
sculps or look at them , for they always
make me think of fights in which some
of my friends have been killed. " In re
ply to the qucstfon , "Aro you sorry that
you have no opportunity to increase the
number of your scalps1 ' ho said :
"No , I am glad that war is at an end.
There are too many white men. The
Indians must do as they say. I don't
want to boo any moro of my people
killed. It is useless to shed I load for
in tlio end they must lose. "
"Why do you iiavo scalp dances ? "
was asked.
"When wo como back from a big fight
with many scalps wo make a big feast.
Each man tells what ho has done in tlio
war , and we rejoice. If we take no
scalps and have aomo of our people
killed wo come back sad and have no
dance. "
"In the 'Omaha , ' or war dance , what
does each man say in his song ? "
"Ho says. 'I have killed u man. I am
very glad. I have taken another scalp.
I have scalps now ( mentioning the
number ) , und I am going to get some
moro. "
"Docs an Indian fool bad when ho
kills a woman or child ? "
"No , not when ho does it in war.
Our enemies kill our wives and chil
dren and wo do the same. If an Indian
kills one of liis own people , he feels very
bud , because it Is wrong. It is not
wrong to kill an enemy. "
"What is 3 our idea of heaven/ , "
At this question Red Shirt's face as
sumed a very puzzled expression , and
for some moments he appeared to bo in
a deep study. Ho then answered very
slowly : "I have heard the old men say
that there Is a heaven somewhere above
us. I have seen many dead men ; but
ull that I have seen went into the
ground. I have never scon any of them
go up to heaven. I don't know what
becomes of them. "
This speech was greeted with grunts
of approval all around the circle , and
his remark must have boon funny in
tlio Sioux language , for all of the In
dians present laughed much more than
they generally do. Mr. William Irv *
ing , one of the interpreters present
said that if tlio Sioux Indians hud any
conception of heaven ho hud never
been aolo to find it out , although he Is
married to a Sioux woman
and has lived for many years
among the tribe. Ho says they believe
in the existence of a God , and when ono
of the tribe dies the relatives punish
themselves by cutting their bodies with
knives , r.nd call on God to vent his
wrath upon the living , but to snare the
departed spirits. Notwithstanding this ,
they seem to have no idcu of any kind ,
of future existence. 14 > d Shirt was lust
.tlub fe. M-
questioned as to the impressions made
upon him during his stay in England ,
und his reply woo a ohaructoristioono.
"I liked the people , " said ho , "be
cause they were good to mo ; 1 like them
better than tlio people here , but thin is
my own country , and 1 wanted to como
back. "
During the interview Rod Shirt did
not refuse to answer any of tlio ques
tions which were asked him , and it was
evident that ho tried to bo accurate In
everything ho said.
New Nebraska 1'ostofllcen.
WASHINGTON , Sept. 15. [ Special Telegram
to Tin : lit : : J 1'ostofllcos were established
to-day at Nowington , U.iwson county , Ne
braska , witli Williolm Tech us postmaster ,
and at Sprapg , Urown county , Nebraska ,
with Christopher Spnvgg as postmaster.
( Joint ; Alter Slave Trndcri.
PAKIS , Sept. 1. ) . The French government
has ordered gunboats to proceed to the west
const of Africa for the purpose of pursuing
vessels engaged in the slave trade , especially
those which fly French Hags. I
Strlkoi-H anil Military Collide.
Puns , Sept. 13. A conlllct has taken
place between the striking workmen and
military at 1'ierro Mulllers. Several persona
wcro wounded and u number of strikers ar
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Int ; well. We-nlvMtyi substantiate good reasons
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