Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 16, 1888, Part I, Page 6, Image 6

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    I M
orriOK , NO. 12 I'KAUIj HT11I3UT
Delivered by Carrier la Any 1'n.rt of the City nt
Twenty Cent * I'er Week.
UrHlM-.H'iOiTia' , No. 41.
NICIIT KDITOK , No. ' . ' ) .
N. Y. Plumbing company.
The work of frradliif , ' Fifth nvcnuo is well
tinder wuy nnd will bo completed by tomorrow
row til lit.
Dr. M. L. Kaufman , of Chlcnpo , will spcnk
on tlio tariff question nt thu court house this
evening ut 7 : : ) o'clock.
Mrx. Dr. Simoinlfl nnd Mrs. DcNormnmlio
will ship tit the morning services at the Con-
trruKntlomil church to-iiay.
The work of pnulliiK Vine street was coin-
tncnccd yesterday , nnd the snivel and other
pavlnp material is bulut' hauled to the
Henr.v Eiseman & Co. htivo flxcd up u very
neat display Tor lulvortlslnj , ' their full stock
of cloaks. The "dolls' parly" attracts great
There will bo a meeting of the Women's
Christian association to-morrow ( Monday )
afternoon nt ! J o'clock with Mrs. L. W.
Tnllys , l.'il Park avenue. A full attendance
is desired.
Mamagc licenses Issued yesterday to
West Kcenan ai.d Arzill.i Applcget , of this
city , and ( Jcorgo Hutler and Beatrice linllcy ,
uf Omaha. Oscar Morris desired permission
to wed Cora Itlchc , hut as the young lady
was not of sulllclent age , the hard hearted
clerk refused to grant the necessary permit.
There will ho a sncclal mooting of the
hoard of trade to-morrow evening nt 8
o'clock. Homo action will he taken in regard
to making some arrangements for the proper
relcbrallon of HIM opening of the now bridge.
A largo attendance is desired us several
other matters of great importance will como
up for consideration.
William CJray continues to kick about the
action of his wife In retaining possession of
their child , although the court recently gave
her possession of the little one. Gray yester
day telephoned over from Omaha to the ofil
ters hero to keep a strict watch on the
woman , and notify him if she attempted to
leave the city.
Tlio Jury in the case of W. S. Mnyno vs
Council Bluffs Savings hank returned n ver
dict yesterday uioining In favor of the de
fendant. The suit was brought to recover
M8XX ( > damages. Messrs. Stone & Sims ap
peared for the plaintiff , and Wright , Baldwin
& Ilalduno for the defendant. This is the
lirst of a series of cases in the Cookc & Mor
gan matter.
Yesterday was children's day at Lake
Munuwu and several of the little ones visited
Iho lake. The weather was quite unfavor
able , which accounted for the small attend
ance. Those who went enjoyed themselves
thoroughly. The only things needed were a
little more sunshine and a larger crowd of
children to make the occasion iT success.
Yesterday's police court business was
light. Michael Moran was lined $7.00 for
punishing boo/.e. Frank Daspo was sent to
jail for ten days for vagrancy , and Ed Scott
was sent down for llvo days. J. Tchiemer
and J. T. Fnim were charged with disturb
ing the peace on Broadway. Fnim was lined
fc'J.bU and his partner released.
The latest entei prise secured for tills city
is n glove factory. A Now York gentleman
yesterday purchased two lots on Broadway
near Twentieth street for the location of a
building which ho proposes to erect next
spring for the manufacture of all kinds of
gloves. lie leaves to-day for homo to settle
up his business there , and will return in thu
spring fully prepared to quickly arrange
matters here for a speedy opening of this
Some of the local scribes on the city pa
pers are voicing complaints against certain of
the county ofllcials , whom they accuse of
withholding "news" from thorn and giving
the same to the rustlers on the other papers.
Thcso ofllcials aliould bo more considerate
und try to heln out these enterprising vouiig
men in their laudable endeavors to get an
occasional item , for it must bo rather dis
couraging to them to see their papers go to
press day after day without a single item of
good , legitimate news.
Friday evening Mrs. Lolmn , a woman liv
ing in Garner township , picked nine baskets
of grapes and marked them for customers in
in this city , intending to deliver them in the
morning. About ! 1 o'clock yesterday mornIng -
Ing two boys drove up , loaded them into u
wagon and loft. Constable Clatterbuck was
notified and followed the thieves to Omaha ,
where they had sold the grapes. The fruit
was recovered and un information lodged
npainst the thieves , who arc supposed to bo
Seymour und Leo Do Mors , two brothers
living in this county. They have skipped
out , but will bo arrested as soon as found.
Constable Clatterbuck recovered the stolen
property in very short order.
Mr. Buordorf , who resides nt No. 2U3
Second street , hoard a noise in his house
about 2 o'clock yesterday morning , nnd
thought it was his sister. Ho asked what
was the matter and heard some one run half
way down the stairs and full the rest of the
wuy. Ho rushed out into the hallway Just
In time to see the form of a man disappear
ing through a window. An alarm was given
but the follow escaped. Nothing was missed
from the house , and it is probable that the
burglar was surprised before ho had time to
investigate the premises thoroughly.
Friday's tire near the transfer was caused
by carelessness with gasoline. Mrs. Wilson ,
the tenant of the property , desired to to ex
terminate a lot of hen lice in the barn , and
procured llvo gallons of gasoline for that pur
pose. She distributed the inllamablo fluid
over the Interior walls , and said good-bye to
the vermin. She then proceeded to rake up
some rubbish around the building and set it
nllro. That was all that was necessary , and
in In u few seconds the hen lice had departed
this life. Prompt exertion on the part of
neighbors was all that saved the surrounding
The case of Contractor.I. A. Murphy for
assaulting Reporter Wcstcott , of the Herald ,
was called in Squire Schurz' court yesterday
afternoon. Attorney Limit prosecuted the
cnso for the Herald company. After hear
ing the testimony of witnesses , the court
lined the defendant $10 and costs. It was
\u \ rather un unusual sight to see the prosecut
IV ing attorney in the case urging the court to
romi ; the line , after working hard to have it
imposed , and also advising the defendant to
refuse to pay the line , urging ns a reason
that the Ilemld seribo was to blame for ex
asperating Murphy. The court has not yet
decided whether or not to remit the lino. As
the case stands , it is about the same as
would have resulted from an immediate
trial in police court for disturbing the peace.
A couple of days ago Dr. Soybert and
Charley Stobbins went out to Big Lake on n
hunlliur expedition. As the pair were cross
ing the lake n largo mudhen rose with a tre
mendous noise. The doctor thought it was u
wild geese and swung around his gun In a
hurry , but ho was somewhat excited and the
whole charge tore through the bottom of the
beut. The water poured in rapidly and the
ucurcst land was mado. The only thing loft
to do was to wulk two nnd a half miles
through tha mush to their sturting point.
The story would probably never have gotten
out but "Doe" had on his $14 pants and ho
had to call on bis friends to help him mourn.
As the present gas charter expires on the
2d of February , 1SSU , it is time that the city
council was taking some steps in the way of
advertising for u now plant. The present
system of robbery has been going on long
enough , nnd should not bo tolomtcd a day
utter the expiration of the charter. Other
companies ara already In the Hold , and do-
Biro to furnish gas for the city at reasonable
rates. Their propositions should bo care
fully considered , and means devised for re
lieving the people nf the present burdensome
prico. The question of granting the now
charter cannot receive too much attention ,
and the council and public generally are ad
vised to keepvery wide awuko in the matter.
"Koal Kutnto Hpeoulntorn
think n good donl of Tipton , " said ono
business man to another yestorday.
"Thoy ought to , " waa the prompt reply.
"I know ono man tilono who shipped
eastern money out to that follow and lot
him do us ho pleusqil with it , niul thai
onstorn man can to-ilny ttilce $20,000
prutlts from that fellows investments
for him. "
For bargains in real estate see E. H.
Sheafo & Co. , Broudwuv nnd Mulu
street ,
riffiB , 4 II , STRIKE NOT OVER ,
In the District Court the Attorneys
Argue Motions.
Cultivate the Muscles flrnlilicd tlic
Grnpi-s Hu Dliln't Ilur ln tlio
House Personal Notes Ar-
Kiil'iK llotli Shirs Uriels.
Many Motions Made.
Yesterday was motion day In the district
court. A motion In the case of Fruni vs
Drake , to dismiss on account of plaintiff's
failure to Illo n complete copy was sustained ,
und plalntlff'B iittornoy ordered to lllu such
copy within three days. A motion in nnso
Well & Co. vs Fnrnsworth was argued and
taken under advisement.
Tlio greater part of the day was occupied
in hearing arguments of motion In case of
Directors of Munuwu I tall way Company vs
F. C. Ueed , to secure the payment of a note
for $ ' , ' ,800 , given by Contractor Graves ,
while manager of the company. The motion
was taken under advisement. The grand
jury made its tlnul report am ) was dismissed
until October 10. They failed to llnd u true
bill against Thomas J. Walker , theWuuash
switchman accused of an assault with intent
to commit murder. Walker is tlio party who
was arrested for throwing a car link ut u
Burlington scab engineer. Indictments were
returned against two parties , one of them
being the fellow accused of burglarizing the
house of a farmer named Smith , on the Cres
cent road some time ago
The sentencing of the prisoners , Hillcman.
Hoffman and Brudshuw , who pleaded
guilty was continued until to-morrow ,
owing to the crowded state of the motion
docket. Following is the fourth assignment
of law cases for the fore part of this week.
Monday , Sept. 17. Nos.iri , -4570. I'.Wtf ,
40.10 , 405'J , 40'J , 5001 , 5034 , G05U , fiOiT , f.O. ) ,
Tuesday , Sept. 11. Nos. fiOTO , IiMl ( , 5b ( ! ,
nwu , rioo , riiixi , niu , MO , 5213 , r > : ; oi , rao4 ,
5314 , 5'MT , C'HIl , MSI.
Wednesday , Sept. 1Nos. ! > . 5141 , olbO. 5.YM ,
rn-M , , " > ; , 5j" , r.vju , no-u , soil , nrji , a-si ,
Tor Sale.
Ton acres in Council BlulTs , off tlio
oust end of the Bullurd 80. Will mal < e
I'l lota , wiino us the Oimum add. , which
it joins on the south. Ninth avenue
driveway to U. P. bridge passes through
the tract. Title clour. One-third
down , balancoonu and two years. Hight
per cent. A. V. LAKI.MKU.
Speculations In Kent Estate.
Those desiring1 to niiiko nithor larpo
or small investments in C'ouncil Bluffs
real estate arc requested to examine
our list of property. It comprises a
choice selection of lots in additions lying
between the business portions of Omaha
and Council Bluffs. Prices low and
terms easy. Title guaranteed. Money
loaned on city property. Corrosponu-
once solicited. Odoll Bros. & Co. , 103
Pearl street , Council BlulVij.
Sermons for Sinners.
Hcv. Mr. Thiekstun ; will preach nt Har
mony Mission chapel this afternoon at 8
o'clock. Prayer meeting Thursday evening
at 70 : ! ! o'clock. Subject , "Christ's Inheri
tance. " Psalms 2S. :
There will bo services to-day at the new
mission nt the residence of Dr. Gordon , at
the corner of Graham avenue and Tostcvin
street , at U o'clock p. m. , conducted by liov.
J. Fisk. Sunday school at 4 p. m.
There will bo services nt the A. M. B.
church on Williams street to-day at 7:30 : p.
in. , conducted by the Hev. J. Fisk.
Hegular evening services will now bo re
sumed at the Presbyterian church. The pas
tor will preach both morning and evening.
Sabbath school ut 12 o'clock. Strangers and
others cordially Invited.
Services nt the Overton mission this morn
ing at 10SO : o'clock , conducted by Hev. J.
There will bo preaching by Uev. T. F.
Thickstun , pastor of the Bcrean Baptist
church , at All Saints chapel this morning at
10:30 : , corner Third avenue and Eighteenth
street. Sunday school nt IS m. All will bo
made welcome.
Services in the Congregational church to
day , morning and evening. Preaching by the
pastor. Morning subject : "How to Become
Uieh. " Evening : "Our Heavenly Inherit
ance. " The public cordially invited.
St. Paul's church : Morning services anil
sermon ut 10:45 : a. m. ; evening services and
sermon at 7:30 p. m. Sundav school at 12:15 :
p. m. Rev. M. F. Sorensen will ofllciato.
The Bethany Baptist church , recently or
ganized in this city , will hold its first regular
services on Sunday , September 1(5 ( , in the
church cdltico on tlio corner of Bluff and
Story streets nt 10:30 : a. in. and 7:30 : p. m.
Preaching will bo by the pastor , Hov. E. N.
Harris. Alter the morning service a Sunday
school will bo organized. All nro cordially
Young Men's Christian Association rooms ,
corner Broadway and Main street , open to
day from 2 to ( S p. m. Young men's gospel
meeting from 4 to 5 o'clock. Subject : "Tho
Sabbath. " Isaiah fiS , 13-14.
Preaching by the pastor of the First Bap
tist church nt 10:30 : a. in. and 7:30 : p. in. Sub
ject for the morning : "God's Wonderful
Love. " For the evening : "Tho Funda
mental Diffcrei'ces Between Kouianlsm and
Protestantism. " Seats free.
E. II. Sheafo loans money on chattel
security of every description. Private
consulting rooms. All business strictly
conlldental. Olllco 600 Broadway , cor
ner Main street , up-stiurs.
Loans made on city business and resi
dence property. Notes bought. Kun-
hall-Chainp Investment company.
Money loaned at L. B. Crafts & Co.'s
loan olllce , on furniture , pianos , horses ,
wagons , personal property of all kinds ,
and all other articles of value without
removal. All business strictly confi
Rnycottlnc the Burlington.
The Burlington strike has assumed n now
phase , and as a leading member of the local
assembly of Knights of Labor informed TUB
BEE man yesterday , is but Just fairly started
instead of being over with , and n dcfnat for
the strikers , as claimed by the subsidized
papers of the road. The assemblies of
Knights of Labor along the entire Burling
ton system nro federating with the brother
hoods of engineers , llreuion and brakoinen
ami will assist them in prosecuting the strike.
The boycott will bo the means employed to
effect the desired end , and It Is proposed to
establish u perfect and complete- boycott of
the Burlington company throughout the en
tire country. The Knights say that they
will bankrupt the road unless it yields , and
claim to bo perfectly satisfied with the out
look. The engineers welcome this powerful
addition to their fighting forces , and are
more confident than ever of ultimate success.
- -
Mixed spices for pickling nt Foaron's.
Arbucklo's coffco "Oc per pound nt
_ _
Down ! Down ! Down t
Low prices and easy terms IB what
vou witiit in buying lots. Johnston &
Van Patten can suit you , 33 Main street.
Gymnasium Notes.
The class work has begun and many of the
b'oys feel a little rheumatic from tbo effects
of their ilrst drll.
During the caning season there will bo
classes of some kind conducted every night.
Tim business men's class will be hold as
last wrotcr , at D p. ni.
If a sufficient number dcilro It , a special
class la Indian clubs will bo formed.
Any young man of good moral character ,
without regard to religious belief , can become -
como a member and be admitted to all privi
leges at once.-
A member of tbo Dei Molnes Y , M. 0 , A.
gymnasium , who Is on the Dally News ,
writes : " 1 would not dispense with the ben
efits of the gymnasium for $1,000 n year. "
There is n great deal in that. Good health Is
worth were than all Jay Gould's millions.
Inhibitions ofllonl Aft.
There is perhaps nothing in which
the progress of an ngois more definitely
showa than In its modes of decoration.
Within a few years inventive genius
has been directed hero , and now the
same beauties in sculpturestuceos , etc. ,
which embellished the polaccs of many
years ago are now produced in papier
innchc , and at * o trilling an expense
that the most modest homes are beauti
fied by them. This artistic instinct is
in all men , and all delight in surround
ing themselves with what will please
the eye.
With the professional decorator it is
his fittulv to keep pace with the times
as to materials , styles , etc. , and also lo
study the tastes of his patrons. With
the beginningof this year Peter C. Mil
ler visited Chicago and the art houses
there , the results of which visit have
been seen in the artistic work done by
him during the past bcnson.
TillBIK : : refers , at this time particu
larly to the bunking room of Olllcer &
Pusoy which was recently decorated by
Mr. Miller. In material , style and lin-
ish it compares with' the finobt houses
of the east. A brief description will
sullicc at this timo. The ceiling is laid
in a Greek square , forming line panels :
a large one in the center and two smalt
ones ut each end. The lields are u reddish -
dish blown , gold figured. A darker
gray out Hold , or relief , surrounds these.
The divide is a beautiful gold ground
with a bottle green shaded llgure. The
outer band is blue , which handsomely
illuminates the whole. The center of
tlio large panel contains a papier innche
piece which is a faithful reproduction of
the famous bronxos of the sixteenth cen
tury. Bron/.e moulding * surround each
panel , and lend ( v rich yet quiet beauty
to the whole.
I have a number of line Broadway
lots that I can sell this wool ; to make
100 per cent in 00 days. I want mun
with money to come tunl see me.
.1. G. Tirrox ,
Tel. 1MO. 5U7 Broadway.
Fine boneless ham at Tihbitts' .
1W ) Ladies and misses early fall jackets
made of cloth and cassimcro. with
the silk lined hoods at $ l.i"i each ,
reduced from $3.50 to $0.01) ) .
75 Ladies and misses line street jackets
and walking coats , formerly sold
from M.OU to $10.00each. Our price
for this week , $ U. . " > 0 and 1.00 each.
Wo do this to make room for our
fall und winter stock now ready for
Wo also offer great inducements in all
kinds of fall and winter dry goods.
We ask the public to inspect our
immense stock and learn our prices
before purchasing elsewhere.
Wo will convince you that you will
save good money by trading at
People's Store ,
No's. 31-l,31ttai8nnil : ! 20 Broadway ,
Council BlulTs , Iowa.
P. S. Mail orders receive careful und
prompt attention.
Grapes by the basket at Foaron's.
Boots , Shoes. Kinnehan's , ifcJU B'way.
E. II. Sheafo & Co. , make long or
short time loans on real estate , in sums
to suit , at lowest rate of interest. Olllco
Broadway und Main btrcet , upstairs.
S. B. Wadsworth & Co. loan money.
Personal ! Paragraphs.
Mrs. J. Dlckoy has gone to Denver , i '
Mrs. Bert Sargent has returned from the
Judge J. H. Hood , the republican nominee"
for congress is homo from DCS Moiucs.
Miss Nellie Ogdcn lies seriously ill with
typhoid fever , nt ner homo on Washington
avenue , and grave fears uro entertained as to
her recovery.
Henry Squires and wife , of Delaware
county , N. Y. , are in the city for u few
weeks' visit with their son , W. M. Squires ,
218 Harmony street.
\V. S. Marshall , late of California , has been
engaged as a teacher at the deaf and dumb
institute. Ho has moved his family , and they
will hereafter bo residents of the Bluffs.
Mrs. Dr. J. H. Cleaver and little son , ac
companied by the doctor's nephew , A. S.
Mlchncr , have returned homo from an ex
tended visit with relatives and friends in
Washington county , that state.
Joseph C. Gothwaite , who was brad clerk
in the oftlco of General Superintendent Han
cock , of the Wells , Fargo & Co. express in
this city , loft for New York city yesterday
afternoon , where ho resumes his duties with
the same company. Mr. Gothwaite's many
Council Bluffs friends regret his departure ,
but join in wishing him success und prosper
ity in his eastern homo.
Fine fruits und vegetables ut N. I.
Tibbitts' , IMS Broudway.
For Sale Cheap Lots near the bridge
to parties who will build at once. Ad
dress or cull on .1. 11. Rico , No. 110 Main
street , Council Bluffs.
Cucumbers for pickling at Fcuron's.
Choice dairy und creamery butter ut
Fresh honey ut Tibbitts' .
You want to sue Tipton.
Travelers ! Stop at the Bechtolc.
Dr. C. C. Ilnzon'ti dental parlors are
ut room 0 , Opera house block.
City Marshal Gunnclla 1ms begun n war on
the low awnings over the sidewalks In the
business part of the city. Deputy Marshal
Barhyto was sent out yesterday on a trip of
exploration. Every awning that does not
hang seven feet clear of the sidewalk will
have to bo raised , as provided by the city
ordinances. This is n step in the right di
rection , and the marshal will receiva the
beany thanks of the citizens at largo for the
long-needed attention.
Good dwellings and lots for sale on
monthly payments by E. II. Shenfo & Co. ,
cor. Broadway and Main sts. , up-stuirs.
Artists prefer the Hallott ft Davis
piano , at C. B. Music Co. , 224 Broadway.
Blue grass and white clover seed nt
Fearon 's.
Try "Old Settlor" maple syrup at Tib
bitts1' .
_ _ _ _ _ _
Tipton wunts to see you.
Who is Tipton ? Why , you numb
skull , every Intelligent mun knows him.
Ho is the fellow who has picked up so
many Broadway lots for speculators
during the pust two years. No\v t'luy
can take a profit of 200 per cent. That's
who Tipton is.
The frieo is sot off by a silver band
moulding above , and a bronze picture
moulding below , while the dado is
surmounted by a papier macho bronze
band made in relief. Taken as a whole
no finer piece of work has over been
done in the city than this. Those who
contemplate making improvements of
this character shouldconsult Mr. Miller
before placing their orders. Ho is an
artist and a careful conscientious work
man as well.
A Grrftt Dlmiphnliitmcnt.
If you did not get What you wanted at
the lot sale try Johiievon & Van Pulton.
33 Main street. , -
Money loaned otig/urnituro , pianos ,
diamonds , horses , buggies , or anything
of value at low rates of interest. No
publicity ; fair und honorable dealing.
A. A. Clark & Co.ollico cor. Broudway
and Main , over American express.
Dohany's was crowded last evening by an
appreciative audience , culled out by the ap
pearance in the city of tbut old time favorite.
John Dillon , in theshlo ( splitting farce-com
edy. "A Sky Scraper. " Mr. Dillon was at
his best , and , supported by a fairly good
company , was well able to satisfy even the
most critical of his audience. Hoar suc
ceeded roar , nnd when the curtain went
down on the last net , the hundreds of specta
tors ? were really glad of an opportunity to
straighten their faces. Mr. Dillon has many
warm friends here , who will always welcome
his coming.
Full line of sheet music at Council
Bluffs Music Co. , 221 Broadway.
J. G. Tipton has bargains in real estate.
AY ho Have Ijlttlu llcgurtl
For n OeU-ctlvn'ri Ijlfo.
On the North Carolina side of the
Bald Mo.mtain , as I turned aside at
noon one day to eat my luncheon , I
stumbled full upjn a new still which
the mountaineers wore bringing up.
On the dny previous several men on
horseback hud pusiud mo , and I remem
bered that the familv ut the cabin
whore 1 passed the night seoiiie.l to bo
restless and uneasy , writes M. Quod in
the Detroit Free Press. The revenue
men hail got truck of tlio still and had
pressed the mountaineers so closely
that they had hidden it away among
the rocks and bushes at the waysido.
The outfit represented the combined
capital of halt a do/.on mountaineers.
If they lost it they would lose their all.
If Uni'lo rftun failed to lay hands on it
he would be no worse off. I looked the
outfit over , making a note of every
thing , ate my dinner , and had only irbt
buck to the trail again when four horse
men ro.lo u ] ) . I si/.ud them up for rev
enue men at once , and it was plain
enough that they wore in ill-humor. I
don't know that I would have given
them any information had they been
pleasant , but the wav they jumped on
me for a send-off boiled me over.
"See hero , ' ' said the leader , as ho
glared down at me , ' 'you're the feller
wo saw vcstorday buck here in the el-
D"\Vell. what of it ? "
"A good deal of it. Wo are govern
ment ollicials. * '
"Ves ; I've seen 'em before. In fact I
used to own one. "
"Look sir ! I rnuko it
out , can very se
rious for you. Vou inn it know that n
still bus been brought in this section.
The chances are Unit you have met the
moil with it. ' '
" \Velir
' Well , we uro hoic to find it. "
"Am 1 hindering you ; " '
"I believe you know till about it , und
I should bo justified in arresting you. "
"Verj well ; I'll consider myself your
They drew apart and conferred to
gether for a few minutes , and then the
lender said :
'Perhaps I was a trillo too rash , and
I hope you'll oxciiao mo. If you would
give us u pointer it would bo a great
favor. "
"What information do you want1
"About that still. Wo know that it
passed Lapham's , three miles back. Wo
know that it has , not passed Harrisons ,
two miles ahead. It's likely you saw
the men. ' ,
"About two hours ago ? "
"Yes. "
"Had it packed on two mules ? " *
"That's it. "
"Four men and two mulcsV"
"Yes. "
"They must have loft the main trail ,
or you would have seen them. "
"Yes. "
"Back hero about twenty rods there's
a ravine to the right. "
"That's so I romi raber. "
"If I had been one of the men I should
have dodged in there with the party. "
( llATiKt7Ij Vlll'.K Itt'JI JMSTII.I.CtlS.
"Certain ! A thousand thanks to you1 !
They were on the gallop , anil the
bound of their horses'feet had not yet
died uway when two men dropped but
of the rocks and bushes to my left.
They were mountaineers and ifloon-
shincrs. Both hold out their hands as I
jumped up in alarm , und one of them
said :
"Stranger , that'll the whitest thing I
over ki.ow u man to do , und wo uro a
crowd which won't forgit it ! "
llo uttered u hhrill whistle nnd two
other men , ouch leading u mule , broke
cover from a thicket. That outfit was
picked up and packed ami strapped in
IIvo minutes , and I was invited to go
along with the party. Wo took the
main trail about half u mile and then
turned into a ravine road to the right.
One man was sent on ahead as u scout ,
and us we slowly progressed the others
asked where I was from and what my
errand was , und before 1 had fully ox-
pluincd , the leader , whoso name was
Dawbon , bald :
'Say , he's the very follow wo got
word about ! Put it thar , young feller ,
an' right glad we ar' to see you. "
Wo had progressed about a mile when
the scout came back with word that the
revenue gang hud taken a half circle
and were coming back to the main road
by this very path. Just hero a small
ravine ran to our right , deep and dark.
The men were badly rattled for the mo
ment , nnd seemed about to abandon the
mules and take flight down the gulley ,
when I said :
"Can't you all push down in there and
leave it to mo again ? "
"Would you do it stranger ? "
"Of course I will. ' !
I saw them hidden und then saun
tered on for about two hundred feet und
sut down on a rock. Jn five minutes the
revenue men catno jup. I asked what
luck , and they replied that they had
missed the party altogether.
"After you wont away , " I said uftor a
bit , "I saw two men And two mules in
the brush on the left of the road. "
"You did ? " ,
"Yes. You woregone then , and of
course I did not care to investigate
alone. " ,
"Those are the men wo want , " shouted
the four in chorus , and away they wont
with a great clatter/ Five minutes
later the moonshine party were out of
the ravine and Dawson came to mo ,
grasped my hand , and said ;
"Men , take a good look at himl You'll
all fetch ( jigrfKj ) with mo't at if.aryman
In these "ycro hills ever ponsidors to
chittor him ( stoops to question his right )
that ere man has got to dlol' "
After proceeding a mile and a half wo
reached the spot whore the mill was to
be located and half a inilo away was
Duwson's % bin. His family consisted
of wife aniT three children , the oldest
being a bare-footed , baro-leggea girl of
sixteen. After being introduced I was
left to pass a counlo of hours while Dawson -
son returned to the men. Ho had explained -
plained to his wife who I was and what
baa had happened , but the children
were lull of curiosity. As I eat by tb
door smoking , the girl , who was culled
Dob. sat down beside mo and asked :
"Stranger , did you lope it ? " ( como on
foot. )
"Yes. "
"Aimlo or a sot-down. "
"Moro'ntlmt. About idozoy Hop-
UDS. "
"A 'sot down' moans half u day' travel.
A 'flop-up' moans u day's train ] ) . At
dedtimo the head of Ihb house would
say to the children :
"Como now , you'uns , its flop-up timo. "
The girl loolci-d at mo in great sur
prise , and presently asked :
"You dlpn't como to shoot papa 'cause
if yo had you'd hov chucked ( ambushed )
him. "
"No , I came to sec vou. "
"Mam ! Oh , mum'she ! ' called , "como
out ycro ! .list hero ho'un talkie' . "
"Wlmt docs ho'un say , " asked the
mother , us she cumo out with her pipe
and sat down.
"He's honey ! I dun tolo yo when
thatwish-bono fell down that ho'un was
cumin' . Hip ! Hain't he'un nice , ma1
"He's honey , fur shore , " said the
mother , after glancing at mo. "But
ho'un must ax pop fur yer. Can't go
onles pop SIIVH so. Say , stranger , did
ye come to take Deb away ? Did some
body toll vo wo wanted her to get
mar'd ? "
"Xo. 1 fell in with your husband and
his friends on the road and ho asked mete
to stop over night. "
"Hip ! Andyou'iin don't want to marry
me ? " shouted Dob.
"I I can't , my child. "
"MobUe you'un is forwurdly ( ulroady )
jined ? " queried the mother.
" '
"Hip ! And 1 setsk-li store by ho'un ! "
waiied Deb , as she sat down and began
to cry.
"Now , Deb , you shot1 ! scolded the
mother. "If he'un is forwurdly jinod
how can ho bo jined agin ? "i'uSii'tin
iintur' . you know. "
' Ho'un hud no call ( business ) to bo
jined"'subU-d Dob.
"Pore chile ! ' ' sighed the mother.
"Dob's incro itcd ( very mnurt ) fur her
uigo , stranger. She lookin' liighcr'n
mo.-t gals fur u husband. She dimn'
kcer two twinkle * fur nobody 'round
yero. "
"Oh , well , she's smart and good look
ing , und she'll find u nice husband. "
"Hip ! Ar'yor trutliin' ? ' ' exclaimed
the jrirl is she sprung up.
"And I'll get mar'd ? "
"Yes. "
"And have u real house ? "
"Yes. "
"And a real dress und bonnet ? "
"And a gold ring ? "
"Yes. "
"Oh , mam ! hoar him ! Hip ! I can't sot
still , .list think of it , mum ! "
"I'm a-thinking. Deb , and I know
bo's trulliing , Lor' bless him fur his
goodness to us pore shuckless folksos. "
When I went away Dawson took mete
to the main trail by u short cut , as wo
sat down on a rock to have u lust smoke
together ho said :
"I've been hetohin' "
( wondering ) .
"What about ? "
" 'Vull. we taw you comin' up the trail
that day behind us , an' took vou fora
M > .V. "
"You did ? "
"An' so wo hid the still an' the mules.
You found the still ? "
"Yes. "
"Did you hov any pecooliur feolin'
jistthon ? ' '
"No. "
"No tremblin' or fchukin' ? "
"No. "
"I hetchin' if you did. "
"Why ? ' '
" 'Cause two of us lay in the bushes
thirty feet uwuy with our rifles pin ted
right at ycr heart. If you'd sung out
when you made the find an'thus sho'ved
us you was a swy , you'd have got it
plum ] ) center. "
mi : oi.n IIO.MI : IN xuw HAMI'SHJUK.
St. Paul Pioneer Press : I have just
returned from a brief visit to my old
homo among the mountains and granite
hillsides of New Hampshire. The av
erage farm in that country is suy 100
ucres , of which , perhaps , fifteen to
twenty acres may bo culled , in a sense ,
arable. On the old homestead which I
visited I found growing say one-half
ncro of oats , three-quarters of an aero
or corn , ono'quarter to one-half aero of
wheat , a few potutoos , und n smull gur-
don. Not to exceed twenty ucrcs hud
been mown , and tbo hay nicely stowed
away in the burn. The buildings were
in excellent repair , und both inbido and
outside were na neat as could
be desired. In the wood shed I noticed
nicely stored away a year's supply of
fuel. The man who now owns the pluco
did not inherit it , nor , if I remember
rightly , any oth"r farm. The farm is u
fair sample of the average in that town
ship , twelve miles from the nearest rail
way Htution , und no manufacturing vil
lage in the vicinity. It is purely an ag
ricultural district und not considered
by any moans first class in that sluto.
There are no mortgages on those farms
and almost every proprietor has some
ittlo money at interest.
SPKPIAIiadvertisements , snchns Ioat , Found ,
To Loan , Kor S.ile , To Kent , Wants , Hoard-
InB , etc. , will hu inserted In thU column at the
low ratu of TUN t'KNTS I'KIt I.1N1I for thu Una
inseition und Kive Cents Per Mne for each sub
sequent Insertion. Leave advertlspmcntH at
our onice. No. 12 1'earl Street , near llroadway ,
Council llluirrt Iowa.
TCU for wale in car load lots. Mulholland * c Co.
rilHK men uho picked up my parrot on the cor-
Jner of .Main Bt. und Sixth ave. will return Ute
to mo nt ni3 4th st. Mrs.V. ! . Henry.
FOU SALK or trade , for city lot. flnest
matched family team In state. No. ia !
West llroadway.
EOH KENT Seven-room house , modern Im
provements , good stable. H. 0. Cory , Coun
cil IlluUfl ,
" | 7HK SALK My entlro stock of cook and
-L1 heating stoves ; also a full line of furniture
at bottom rock prices. Goods sold on pay-
inents. A , J. Mandel. iKl and SJ5 llroadway.
WAN'I'KD Wood turner at once. Steady
employment to good man. J. K. Cody ,
231 Washington ave. . Council Illuirs. Ja. _
Oil HUNT A lart'e number of good dwell-
Iocs. Call and examine list. R. II. Sheafo
li Co. , llroadway and Main St. , up atalrs.
trio II SALK My new eight-room cottage on
-i ? Second ave. W. C. James. _
Oil SALK-Ilarber shop at 150 Uroadway.
Council Muffs ; good trade ; satisfactory
reasons for selling ; bargain for the right man.
TCTOK KXnHANdK-A tine , well assorted KJ.UOO
JJ stock of stationery , fancy goods , Jewelry.
etc. . In a thriving town for residence In South
Omaha. 11. T. Hryant & Co. , (23 ( Uroadway ,
Council niiiga. la. _
HOUSES for rent. Johnston & Van Patten ,
3J Main st. _
- small fruit farm very cheap. Just
AiiO-acre city limits , or will divide Into 10
acre tracta to gult purchaser It T llryant A Co
ANTED-Stoclcs of merchandise to exchange -
change for city property In Council niuffs ,
Omaha , or western land or chattels of any kind.
We make exchanging a specialty. U. T. llryant
& Co. , ca Uioadway. _
IOCATII > S-W mllet north of Chicago.
JTAOUI.TV-A Full Corps of Experienced In *
-KlTe Coorui of Eludr.
KACM.ITI -Unlurpme < l for Inilructlon ,
Health. Homa Comfort * , anrt Ctirlitlan Influence * .
M .l. II. f. UA.VIMHON. Mul > ( . lllikluuU
* -
66 * * ' Ht
10 12. 13
< 0 o
< o
8. 10. 13. / *
The Choicest Ground for Residence in the Western Part of the City ,
Ts now platted into Hoautiful , Largo Lots. About ton mimitos rldo on the
motor to Douglas htrcot , Omaha. They lie on a level hut elevated strlii of ground.
About HIM ) yards from the now motor line to Omaha. LO.-.H than li miles from the
Council Bluffs postol1lc.e. XcM-ly twice as largo in sine in . i/o as most of the
newly platted lots. Good piiu'lic schools near by. The proposed Boulevard
bounds it on the north.
ABSTUAlT Printed Abstract and Warranty Deed with each Lot.
GRADH Kxiunino thofjo lots with reference to the grndo hoforo buying a lot.
The ordinary price of a lot is s-aved on grade iilono. if you buy ono of these lots.
TKKMS To n good class of piirr-hii'-ers a limited numher of lots will bo sold
for ono-tontli down ; balance in monthly iiavm ' < Mits , without interest. Apply to
J. J. Brown building , 116 Pearl-St. , Council Blulls , Iowa.
New Styles. .
New Goods Throughout.
New Curtains , Shades , Etc.
New Tapestry and Hangings
New Rugs , Mats , Etc
Council Carpet Co. ,
No. 405 Broadway.
CO. ,
Especially Adapted for
25 TO 300
POWER , Mills and Elevators.
Specifications nnd estimate ! furnished for complete steam plants. Regulation , Durability Guar
anteed. Cau show letters from ui > erd where fuel Kconomy H equal with Corliss Non-fomlunslug.
Send for Catalogue , E. C. HARRIS , Manager.
To close out the ronmining lots in Squlro'w addition to Council
will boll the linobt located lots in the city for fciO cash | > nyinaut , and long
titno on balance , to poi-bOiiB who desire to soouro homos , nnd I will inuku liberal -
oral loans to these who desire aid in building houses. Call at once and BC
mo at Masonic Toinplo , C9iincil Bluffs , Iowa.
C. J. COLBY , Sole Agent.
151-1 DoucloH St. , Oinnha , Ncl >
D. H. McDANELO & CO. ,
Hides , Tallow. Pelts ,
Wool and Furs.
Highest Market Prices. Prompt
KM and KS Main Street.Council llluffa.Iowa.
HUGE $15.
Is equ&l to
any High
TbeKdlion Mimeograph , the bent npparntui for
manifolding , nulo raplila und typo wrltlnk work.
3,000 coplei can bo taken.
The Eicelslor C : . , Council Bluffs , la.
lucctxuf ully u ed monthly by orer 10,000
iUidleB. Are Safe. Kffectualand I'U-aiant
xJlp > Tbox by malUir at druggists. Ktalnl
.pnrttculart 2 postage stamps. Art.iress
TUB El'BHA Cuiuicii. Co. , DETROIT , Micu.
for tale and by mall by Goodman
Co. , Qnwha , Xel/t
A positive euro for Liver and Kidney troub
les , all Blood Diseases , Indigestion , Dynpep *
slu , and Sour Stomach , la found in
For sale by local druggists and druggists
everywhere. Price ( I per bottle , six for f5.
Address all communications to
Council Bluffs , la.
Council DIulTs , Io-.ra.