THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY sti TEMBER 16. 1888. SIXTEEN PAGES. NISON BROTHERS 1519-1521 DOUGLAS STREET. -A. G-ieantie Sale If the People wish to buy good goods at away , down prices , our store is the place to visit next week. Special inducements are offered in every - x -L Don't -pass us if vou wish to save nionev. $3.90 100 Ladies'all wool black and white Btripo Jackotb. This jacket is nicely mudo , perfect lltting and very Hlylisb , ' ' and nt this price they will not'lnnl'lnnf * . remember Ihu price , $ 'U)0 ) ; worth $0.00. MAIL ORDERS FILLED. LADIES' JACKETS , 200 Ladies' all wool gray and brown olrlpo Jackets. Tills jacket is tnilor- miulo and would bo peed value at $5.00. 1'or one week you can buy them at the lOJV price of $ ! UM ) each. MAIL ORDERS FILLED. Plush Jackets , $15. CO Ladies' Seal Plush Jackets , nicely made , light lilting , satin lined. This garment will bo very stylish this fall , and at this price all can buy. Como in and bee it. MAIL ORDERS FILLED. 250 Ladies' Seal Plush Saeques , 40 inches long , weal ornaments , quilted satin lined , chamois skin pockets. This garment would bo good value at $2o.OO. For ono weelc our price , $1H.OO. MAIL ORDERS FILLED. PLUSH SACQUES , 150 Ladies' Seal Plush Sacques , 42 inches long , line quality quilted satin lining , 4 .sealskin ornaments , chamois akin pockets. This is one of the best values ever offered in our cloak depart ment. This parinont will compare with nny garment bold in this cfty at $85 to $10. For one week our sale price$23. MAIL ORDERS FILLED. Plush Sacques , 78 Ladies' Seal Plush Sacques , 42 incited long , quilted satin lined , four sealskin ornaments , chamois-skin pock ets. This garment is without doubt one of the finest over shown at this price , and would bo cheap at $40. For ono week our sale price , $30 each. MAIL ORDERS FILLED. Cushions. Cushions. COO Pin Cushions , all sizes , nil colors , all prices from lOo up to &J.OO each. Now is tlio time to buy your cushions. Wo will Bull thorn chcapor than you can inalio thorn. Ask to sco them. Ladies' Aprons , 23c. 50 do/en Ladies' White Aprons , stumped , and all made ready to wear , only liilc each. SILK FINISH HENRIETTAS , 69c. f > 0 pieces fine silk finish Henriettas , 42 inches wide , all the now shades , and an dopant cloth , wortli $1.00. You can buy tliis at C'Jc yard , ALL WOOL DRESSGOODS 58c. 70 pieces all wool Dress Goods , 42 inches wide , in fancy Plaids ; Stripes , Serges , Diagonals , &e. , all colors. They are .worth up to 31.00. Your choice Monday 5Sc yard. AN1 > - Wc ninth1 nn oxfriionlinnry nnr- rluiMHf Ingrain Cnrpctx and Oil CloHr , and shall ull'cr them at sjc'ial prices for 10 iliijs. A splendid Ingrain at 5ir ! yard ( lie patte rns are s'liiply ( Hum ) . 10 pieces I'loor Oil Cloths Mild e's - nhere av SOc , our price for 10 dij.s K ! " > ( jnrtl. Special bar gains In Wiltons , Moiiicttts | , HodjHiud Tapestrjs. Don't for get we male anil lay carpets. Loino } ( ur orders for rofiU'it ? old ci r , , ( s. We nre nlTcrlng special indiieeiiients on Mlrulcs. We nre lieniliii nvlers on goods. Don't buy a ( 'nrpet or n Shade mi ll jon see our stock and get ( U.- prices. Tiiinl floor InKe eleui- tor. CHENILLE - CURTAINS , $9.80. Wo will place on sale Monday 40 pairs fine Chenille Portiere Curtains. Those . .amo curtainn are sold in Omaha at $20 pair , and our customerscan , feel assured that thov are a great bargain at the price quoted , $9.80 pair. They will not last long at this price. So come in early. 25c. 60 dozen Gents' " \VbitoMorino Under shirts and Draworw. Come and get them Monday , t-'oc each. GENTS' All Wool Underwear 45c. 100 dozen Gents' All Wool Scarlet UndcrtihirlH and Drawers on bale Mon day , 45c each ; wortli 7oo. LADIES' WOOL UNDERWEAR 69c. 60 do/en Ladies' Scarlet All Wool Vests and Pants , such as usually retails at $1.00. Our price for a few days is COo each. LADIES' Camel's ' Hair Vests , 98c. 20 dozen Ladies' fine Camel's HUK- Vests and 1'ants , clieap at $1.25. Ono day only you can buy them at ! )8c ) each. LADIES' LISLE GLOVES 15c. fiS dozen Lndios' Brilliant Lisle Gloves , in Tans , Drowns , Hlaclts nntl Ciroys. Sold nil buason at 25o , :55c : mill GUo. Your choice Monday , 15e niiir. LADIES' Lisle Gloves , 8c. 1(1 ( do/en Ladies' Lisle Gloves , in nhicksand Colors ; wortli "oe. On sale Monday to close , So pair. LADIES' PRIME KID GLOVES $1.18 100 dozen Ladies' Prime Kid Gloves , in Tans , Drowns , Grovs and Hlacks. Our own importation. Would be clieap at 81.75. Come and got them for one week , $1.18 pair. Children's Hose , 20c. CO do/.en Children's Jersey Ribbed Cotton IIo-iO , full regular made , sizes Cl to 7i , in blacks and colors ; wortli double the price wo ask. Monday , only 20o pair. BLACK fin Grain Si SI.00 Monday wo will place on pale f > pioco.i of a superior quality Ulaclc ( Jroa Grain Silks , every yard warranted. Tills alllc would bo clieap at $ l. " > .r ) . You can buy thorn for one week at $1.00 yard. BLACK GROS GRAIN SILK , $1.10 fi pieces Black Gros Grain Silk , every yard warranted. This is the best quality of silk ever otTorod in Omaha at any such price. Hoincmbur , wo will sell them for one week only at this price. $1.10nrd. . . Bl'k ' Satin Rhadama 79c. Tliis is is a hummer. There is only fi pieces and would bo cheap at $1.25 yard. This is a lot wo bought at low figure. To close wo will give you n benolit on same. The price is 7'Jc yard for ono week. Silk Plushes , 49c. Another lot just arrived. All good staple colors. 10 inches wide. Como in and see them. Only 49o yard. " " ! " "P T T"TI " * * "T1 I OFT"1 .tr ± , .tLi JrC LINCOLN NEWS AND GOSSIP , A Remarkable Document Fllod by Secretary of State Laws CONCERNING RAILROAD CASES. Ono of the Hotels tlio Soono of a llloody How Supreme Court Hecords Capital Olty Notes. LINCOI.X UuiiEAU OF THE OMAHA DUE , ) 1029 P STKKKT , } LINCOLN. Sept. 15. 1 It is iiRaln evident that the wounded bird flutters. Secretary Law.s Hies tlio following rcmurkiible jmpor upon the protest of Attor ney General Leoso against the majority no tion of the Htuto board of transportation on the roductlon order , Tlio reader will do well to remember tbreo facts in considering its contents : First The Union Paclflo case was dis missed at the request of the attorney general to prevent its bohnr hung In the n up re mo court of the Un itcd .States for two or three years , and UIU.H dohiy the reduction of rates on that road. AH the matter now stands ac tion In the Htatu courts can bu bad on the question In two or thrco months. Second Action Is pending In the HUprcmo court now to compel the Missouri Pacific and all other roads to iucoi potato under tlm laws of the State , mid will lie heard at tlio next session Of that court , which commences September ISth , Information In quo warranto having been llti-d by the attorney general. Third The case now pending , and which lias been on record before the supra mo court for moro than u your , roforiod to by the sco- rotnry of state , Is that of the State ex rcl Hoard of Transportation vs The Fremont , Hlkhorn it Missouri 1'acltlc railroad com pany , AVhilo this U a test case the reason that thi ) attorney genural lias not pushed It to trial is because assurance has been given that tlio board would ivduco rates on all roads. Neither the attorney general and no other fair minded citizen wishes to have ono railroad company operating under lower rates than the other roads. This would clearly bo an act of Injustice. To the Honnl of Transportation. Gcr.tlo- inen : After adjournment of Its meeting , ono member of this board has adopted the unusual - usual procedure of tiling "stump speeches , " which ho calls "protests" against the action of Its majority , wherein ho Impugns the motives of lu members , and makes state ments not warranted by the facts. I therefore - fore r.ik leave to Ilia and have recorded with this mombcr'H last "protest , " this : The cost of all the railroads of this atato , excluding slocks , watered or otherwise , as furnished this board by the railroads , for 1837 , nggreratM 81Cull > i > ,074.51. Furnished by the umo authority , and for the sama period , the aggregate earnings are shown to bo $17i'WS'J-l , < 4 , and the aggregate expenses are shown to bo J'J,7M.iU.4i ' and the aggregate tiet earnings t7,47GG03. ( > 3 , which the latter Item 1s 4 1-5 per cent on the capital invested. Certainly If this sworn statement of the cost of the railroads , as published by this board , U true , tlio Income to the stockhold er * ( a not unreasonably high. If this a worn statement Is not true , then this board ought to adopt some method to IIml out the actual worth ot all tlio railroads In the state , and I know of no method better than the one pro posed tn the resolution referred to. nlf the protesting member of the board bo- fie cs t'.ioso sworn statements of cost to bo true , ho can not consibtontly , under his pro test , urge n reduction ot rates , and bo ought not In nny case to lead tlio ) > eoplotobolcvo ! that ha thinks thcso statements true , and then act on the board as though he did not think them true. In a late letter to Erlclc Johnson , this mem ber Maud for the Information of the pconlo that the not oarniuirs of the II. & M , railroad were , according to the auditor's ro | > ort , over $13,000 | T mlle for the year 1S37. He after- wants corrected this statement , said that ho wrote hastily , and that he reform ! only to the main I Ina nl the U. & M. railroad. A rofvrcuco to the auditor's report uiuT to the returns made to this board fails to verify either statement. The Union I'aclrlc railway enjoined this board from iixlng rates over that road. An able brief was prepared by C. O. Whedon and all legal technicalities settled , and a de cision on that vexed question might have been had before now had not this protestor , as ho claimed , by threatening litigation on other matters against this road , Induced Its general attorney to withdraw the suit. Yet this member complains of the action of the majority of this board on the recent order , because ho was not permit ted to get into court to try the Identical ques tion raised by the Injunction , and which was taken out of court , as was claimed , by his efforts. If the Union Pacific railway company was then and is now holding from two to thrco million dollars worth of property contrary to "our constitution null laws , " it would appear that no consideration t > o trilling as the with drawal of a suit which ought to have been tried , would induce un olllcial to permit this great corporation to enjoy uninterruptedly Us illegal acquisitions. Hut ho has also re fused to bring action against tlm Missouri 1'acitic railway company to compel that road to incorporate under the laws of this state , till , as I suppose , it "got ready. " The action of a railroad cfllclal in the late state conven tion may account for this apathy , and the considerations may have been mutually help ful , but in no case pecuniary. No wont of fault ought to bo found as to the manner In which this member bus discharged the duties of the oulce to which ho was elected , and 1 offer nono. Ho has been zealous and faithful , His friends may regret that after four years of usefulness to the people ho has felt called upon to mibllsli In the newspapers of the state , and toll it on the streets of Lin coln , that ho is virtuous. If this rate matter is urged it is very evident - dent that the highest tribunal in the state will bo called upon to decide what Is a rea sonable rate. In the ruse now under consid eration it is a matter of doubt at least whether the suprumo court may not sustain some of the legal technicalities urged bv the railroads and dismiss the case. Hut there Is a c.iso now pending uoforo that court , and has been so pending for moro than a year , in which all technicalities have been passed upon by the court ; a case over which this board has no control , mid ono wholly under the control of the attorney general. A de cision in this long delayed case would settle the entire question as to the .reasonableness of rates In this utato , uvccpt as to the Union I'adllo railway , and congress will soon pass a law declaring the rate question on this road subject to state control , ' Gentlemen , capability Is the basis of duty , and conscience the measure of Its fulfilment ; and when the conduct of n majority of this board Is "beyond the comprehension11 of any momuor , such member la very Justly excusa ble from an exhaustive effort In that direc tion. Very respectfully , O. L. LAWS. IILOODVMIUK AT T1IR ST. CIIAUI.KS. A bloody row commenced in the bar room of the St. Charles hotel lost evening about 0 o'clock , between a parly of scab engineers and some thieves and tnngs , and for a tluio it seemed that murder would result , Shoot ing irons were diawn , luiives flourished and other weapons worn used with bloody re- salts. The thugs wore the nggressivo parties nnd commenced the row by assaulting C. W. Hue , who was badly usnd up , and had not some of his friends coino to his reseuo ho would probably have been killed. A Hot was Imminent for some timo. Hut the police force got wind of the racket nnd wcro soon at the scene , and a running life-lit tools place from the St. Charles to the Hurllngton deixjt , where the police force succeeded in arresting P. MoCarty , 1' . J. I'rlnty , James Kelly , Charles Martin , Mllco Kyan nnd John Gor man , about half of the participants of the fray. C. W , Hue Hlod complaint against this Itarty for assault with Intent to kill , and the trial took place at ! ) o'clock to-day. Of the pkrty Kelly IH n notorious crook , and ho may have to do duty at the state pen for bis cus sed ness. The police court has boon buay all day trying a largo grist of va grants , thieves , prostitutes , plain drunks uud disorderly characters ROiioraUy , Aboul sixty arrests have been made during the past two days , and a number of them will pas ; Sunday at the expense of tbo city. It wll bo Impossible for Judge Houston to grind out the gnat and bestow hh premiums. AhSAULTKr * UV AN ED1TOU. During the week an unpleasantness arosa between Editor Hoed , ol the Wct > lciu ICe sources , and O. M. Druso , master of trans- lortation of the state fair. The difficulty vas suppressed at the timo. Mr. Ucod was taken before the board of managers , and 'rced to meet them on the 13th , but having 'ailed to do so , at a meeting hold yesterday evening , the following resolutions wore unanimously passed. It is only necessary to dd that Mr. Druso refused to let Mr.s. Ueed , wife of the erratic editor , pass Into the fair grounds without transportation , and for this 10 was assaulted by him : WIIKIIKAS , On thi ) 12th day of September , 1SSS , ono H. S. Uced , unwarrantably assault ed an olllcer of the Nebraska state board of agriculture while In the discharge of his duty , on the grounds of said society , and WIIUIIBAS , the said II. S. Ueed was brought joforo the board of managers , at which time he promised to moot the board of managers at their ofllco at I ) a. m. September lit , 1883 , and has utterly failed to fulfill his promise and failed to moot said board , therefore bo It Ucsolvcd. That II. S. Reed bo hereafter ex cluded from all the privileges of the grounds , both in person and oy representatives of his paper , until ho makes proper nnd full apology to the board of managers for his discourteous treatment to said board ; and further , apolo gize in a public way to thoofllcor assaulted. IJy order of the board of managers. KOIIT , W. FUUNAS , Secretary. suniEMi : COUUT iir.coKUt. The following nro the late cases filed in the supreme court by Deputy Clerk Wheeler : Dallas Roach vs Nils Hawklnson ; error from Chase county. Omaha Holt Railway Company vs Minnie McDennott ; error from Douglas county. John T. Uressier vs The County \Vayno ; error from Wayne county. Harry Fester ct al vs Solomon & Nathan ; error from Cass county. CITV xiwa : AND NOTES. The students of the state university are again getting down to hard work. It is said that the matriculants will all bo on hand the first of next week. The attendance for the fall term promises to bo unusually largo. Governor Thayer loft Columbus , O , , yes terday for Cincinnati , and from that place , to-day , loft for homo and will arrive to morrow. Judge W. E. Stewart went to So ward to-day on legal business. Attorney General Lceso wont to Seward ycstcruay to attend a republican polo raising. Ho will return to Lincoln on the morning train to-morrow. With this Issue of the Capital City Courier Mr. Dobbins stops down and out nnd Mr. Ij. Wessel , the founder of the paper , reassumes solo proprietorship , and will manipulate the scissors nnd pastepot alono. Mr.Vessol Is a bright writer and thoroughly understands the management of newspaper work. Ho hits always been the general business man ager of the 11 nil , and did tlio principal writ ing. Ho will still succeed In supplying the social circles of the Capital city with the choicest gams of news. AH an editorial par- agraphcr Mr. Dobbins was a success. Kev. G , S. Alexander , of the Syracuse Journal , and Editor Swartz , of the Tcuum- soli Chieftain , wcro In Lincoln to-day and whllo hero visited TUB lieu headquarters. COUNTY COMMISSIONER ; * . Attorney Slmoral'n Opinion on Pay Tor City I'rlrioncra' fionril. Couuty Attorney Snneral yesterday sub mitted to iho county commissioners his opinion on tbo following question : "Is not the city directly responsible to the Bhcritf for the board of city prisoners , and may ho not present his bill for such board directly to the city , instead of looking first to the county I" Mr. Sliueral says : "Thero Is no provision of law making U obligatory upon the county to keep the city prisoners. They should bo treated , therefore , the same as United States prisoners , or prisoners from ether counties , and the sheriff must look to the city for his pay for their custody and keeping. " Mr , Sliueral was also of the opin ion that the fee of 50 cents charged by the sheriff for committing each city prisoner to the county Jull should bo collected by him of tlio city , and the county should have nothing to do with it. The county attorney submitted an opinion on the resolution directing the county clerk to advertise for proposals for UiO or more acre * of land for a | wor fi nn. Aftorquotlng several sections ol tlm law , Mr , Slineral con cludes ! "H therefore follows that before you can expend , for a poor farm , more lhan < 2OD , ! you must submit It to a vote of the > eople. Especially would this bo the case if you contemplate using any of the money ul- ready derived from the previous sale of a ) ortlon of the present poor farm , for the rea son that the vote of the people authorizing said sale limited the use of the money de rived thufufrom to thubuildingof a hospital. " County Attorney Slmeral presented the following bill to the county : "To twenty month's rent of 'ofllco for county attorney from January 1 , 18-5T. to September 1 , 18SS , at ? 15 per month fiJJO. " The claim was re ferred to the committee on liiiance. J. J. Points submitted his report on the ex amination of Sheriff Coburn's report for the first six months of 1833. Ho found omissions to the amount of $17.85. Ho found 1S'J.5'J ' duo from the > sheriff to the county arising from fees collected for bcrviccs done In the sheriff's first term of offlco. Ho found $3"l.r > o of sheriff's fees yet in the hands of ex-County Judge J. H. McCulloch , exclusive ot mileage , and suggested that the commis sioners inquire into the matter. Under the opinion of the county attorney that the sheriff should not charge mileage for as sistants * when taking insane pa tients tn the state hospital , Mr. Points reported f-OH as t'no amount of such charges Included In the sheriff's ac count. Mr. Points made up a bill of 81,212 23 against the sheriff. It Includes WJS.fiO for tlio court bill of the September (18b7) ( ) term of court. The report went to the committee on finance. The following resolution by Mr. Anderson was adopted : ResolvedThat from this date court bailiffs' fees will only bo paid at the end of each month and Juror and witness fees after the discharge of the Jury at each term of the dis trict court. TIIK IlKAKTY MARKET. Instruments JMnoeil on Hocoril Dur- ini * Yesterday. C I' Kalis to John McN'oo , lots 1 and - , blk blk IKi , Month Omaha , w d $2,500 J M DaiiKherty to II I ) Mcndlmber. lot 4 , blk : i , Ulovortlalo. w d 700 I , W Hill to J O A I'leharty. lot 17 , blk M , Omaha View , ex , w il 1,300 I S Hawaii to 1'iuil Sonf , lot - and Him lot.l , llascall'saub , \ \ d 2,000 A flood and husband to J O Chrlsttmson , u ! i lot 1.1 , blu n , Lincoln place , w d COO County commfsilouers to II II U Wood , trustee , lots 4 , fi. 0 , IS , 13and II. bile 1 , Douglas' i Ul. < 1 D,7uO II MJ-cmnldt to H siimmson , lota ID , It and n. blk C , llcminirton , w il 1-tOO I ) 0 1'atterson and wlto to John Oarvey. lot n , blk H , I'utterson park , wd 703 Vf I' Stevens to 11 and 1 Wiclcworth , lot 2rt. blk I , Steven's plnce , wil COO Jl K McOoy amlhnsbanrt toj Story , und U lot 7. blk 17. Orchard 11111 , w < l 1 J htory to William .1 McUor , und U lot 7. blk 17. orchard 11111. < i c d 1 r.T Dnko. trustee , to S II MrClellnml , lots SI und J , blk I. Sd add. Hertford , P g . . . 1'JOO South Omaha Land Co to A M lludclm , lot 10. l > lk 7 , South Omaha , w < 1 600 0 J llulcom and wlfu tn U It Wheeler , Intn U.1U.W , 21 , U amiJ , North Side mid , wd 4,000 J 11 Kennedy and wife to 0 J llalcom. lots 75. 71 , n and 7J. North 81doadil. , w d . . . . 4,000 William J Albright and wire toV 0 Noon , mib lot 17 or lot U. Capital add , w d . . . . 37,500 Henry Ambler et al to WJ Ulair , and IJ a n M of o i { , blk 8. Ambler place , wd . . 400 Ii O Hallou et al to W J Jllalr , und Vi s n Her or o H. blk ] II , Ambler place , wd 400 1' und M U'uaek to J aud A jlronn , 37 and 1452-10 it , 3I-1.V13 e , blk 3 , Ambler place , wd . . .i 1,375 So Omaha Land company , to William K Hpeon. s ) rt of lot 10 and n 1U ft of lot P. blk7 . SoOmaliH , wd K 4,300 O Itippert and wife tn J J , linker , let 0 , blk.Omaha ( / View. wd. . . 1,800 L S Andrews nnd wife to William Cobnrn , o it. lot U and n ( i lot li , blk K , Kouutzo & Ituth's mid , am ) n 22 ft lot It. lilk 173 , Omaha , lota , blk 7. Hlitnu'n 2dadd , lota 7 , H. Unnd 15 , Foreman's sub , d 1 II U Ilnldrirlge to W A Freeman , w y ot lot 4 , blk 3. Kckennan njacs. w d 1,100 N Hhelton to Joba-Morrell , lot 4 , blk 8 , ' Bweesy'sadrt.tfod * I , W Hill to II J Kennedy , lot 5 , blk 7 , Omaha Viawvwd. (3.UH ( ) 3.000 T II I'ntton and wlfa to IIT J Joslln , 8i lot 1 , blk 3. roster's add , wd. . . , , 8.750 Twanty-alx tramitera. . Ki,7TO 1st premium to Union sowing machine. An extensive campmectlng under the aus pices of the African Methodist Eplscopa church ofVabash , Ind. , closed recently ut North Manchester. An unusual feature was the representation one afternoon of the re turn of tlu prodigal uon , utter whloU allpres- ent partook of too lileral fatted calf. There wcro other striking .and original feature * . BESSEMER , CARBON CO , , WYO , What Prominent Oraaba Oitizons Bay as to Its Future. Its Wonderful llcsoitroes Climate UnsurpnBs.-'U Coal , OH , Iron , Water mid Gypsum in Un. limited Quantities. Unusual reports having reached this otlleo as to the advantages of the above named city in the Black Hills , and as this paper has always been in advance of others in its position on the develop ment of Unit country , a BKK reporter was detailed to interview such citizens as could bo found and could vouch for the statements made by the company who are interested in IJessomor. Mr. Sam'l E. Rogers , vice-president of the Merchant's national bank was seen in the bank parlors and made the following statement : There are four distinct oil basins in central Wyoming , Bessemer being the eastern boundry and the Pope Agio the western. The basin of the Pope Agio is known as the Shoshone oil basin. Wo have three oil wells hero with a capa city of 000 bills , per day. Next east 35 miles is the Beaver basin. In the local ity just named wo have engine and all other machinery ready to iftnmoi\o operations. Thirty miles to the east of Beaver is Rattlesnake and fourth is Seminole basin , in which basin Bosso- inor is located. There are millions of tons of soda 80 par cent pure between Independence Rock and Bessemer. Tins deposit lias , I believe , never boon given the prom inence in the reports that it deserves , and will , when developed , provo ono of the many great industries of Wyoming. As to the coal deposits , I can say that hey lay all along the great oil bolt just described and it is also found in largo quantities to the north. Six miles north of the Shoshone basin mines have been opened and the coal iH used exclusively as a fuel by the rnnchcrd and bottlomonts. This coal is of the finest quality and iy much super ior to the ordinary soft coal. At another point which I shall not name a mine was opened by the advice of Geologist Aughoy , and the remark able discovery was mudo of throe stratas of the finest coal , bhowing a total thicic- ness of forty-thrco foot. Irrigation will produce remarkable rosulls In that country. I have bought oats.up Ihoro that will run forty-two pounds to the bushel. With the Platte river running throucrh that country as a water supply and the great table lands and valley , I predict that the agricultural robourcos of Wyoming will take rank with many of the others. Irrigation alone is needed to make the apparently barren country provo as prolific as our own state and it h very likely to excel it. As to the city of Bessemer and its prospects , I must say they are Indeed promising. With railways centering there , with oil as I bollovo under the town site , with an ample water supply fromthu Platle river , and mineral and agricultural advantages around it that are unequalled , Bessemer , vlth fair management byita projectors ought to make a city of considerable promi nence. DO. C. Clark , of the firm of Strang ft Clark , Bloam healing company , lower Farimm at. , says : There ian't any doubt in my mind that Wyoming In the vicinity of Bessemer has all the advan tages claimed , and it only lacks railway communication which it will so/u have , to show to all remarkable and va ried rcaourcos of the counlry. Besse mer has the unusual advantage of hav ing an amply water supply that will provo a powerful inducement to manufacturers as a favorable point for location of blast furnaces , pipe lines , etc. . etc. Mr. Dan Burr who was found in his ofllco in the Paxton block , wild : "The well upon which wo are working is within throe miles of Bosscnor. Wo nro now down about 1,200 feet ; from the extremely favorable reports I have wo will strike oil at 1,500. There is plenty of coal on the west side of Oil Mountain , building , stone , timber and gypnum in that locality to furnish material to build a second Now York. I predict that in five years or loss that that will bo the busiest and wealthiest section of the country in the United States. Oil will no doubt bo the future fuel of the Hills , and owing to its cheapness mines that are valueless to-day will bo worked with a profit. Mr. LW. . Molchcr , room No. 0 , Ex position building , said : I have boon through the oil fields of Pennsylvania and last season through Wyoming. Too much cannot bo said in favor of Wy oming. Our party made their head quarters at Bessemer , and it is indeed a beautiful spot for a city. With a ' elimalo that is unsurpassed'with coal , oil , iron , water and gypsum in unlim ited quantities , and the great cattle ranges and agricultural lands lying west and northwest , I can bo quoted as saying that I consider investments up there as the best I havo. I cannot say too much In favor of Wy oming. Its remarkable rcbourecs are indeed wonderful. " Mr. Stephen J. Brodoriok , 141G South 18th st. , was found at his store made the following statement : "Was up in that country two months. It is my firm opin ion that Bessemer is to bo the city. I have made investments in that country and am going to hang on to all I have and all 1 can got. Plenty of building btono. Lots of oil , gypsum , ote. , etc. Certainly presents extraordinary in ducements to investors. Am going up tliero again Boon and- will probably make a moro oxtondcd stay. ' ' Mr. P. Ullrich was soon at ills rcsi- donee and made the following state ment : "I have boon up in that country , and the story of its wonderful advantages as a place for investment has not boon half told : I go to Decatur , III. , and will re turn west to Bessemer. Have invested in property there and will put up sev eral brick buildings as soon as Crick is burned. I can say that I have a firm faith in the future of Bessemer. It has the advantage of an unlimited supply of water , two great hills of cypsum , oil of the finest quality , and will bo at the junction of two. and perhaps moro lines of railway. Yes , sir , Bessemer is all right , and my Illinois , as well as Ne braska friends , will be urged by mo to got hold of Bessemer property as soon aa tlioy can. " Alfred A. Soldon , genl. Bupt. of the Omaha and Wyoming Coal Co. , who was found in his olllco in the Rain go building , said : Bessemer , Wyoming , is certainly the point for n great city , the future city of all that great country. I can pledge both myself and my company's support in favor of Bessemer. It has every known advantage , including coal , iron , oil , gypsum , building stone , lumber and un ample supply of water. My company has two veins of coal seven foot in thick ness up there , utvd will commence to mine the same very soon. I cuncHUly bblievo that Bessemer lias great ad vantages over nny other point , either now or hereafter , as the metropolis and manufacturing conler of Wyoming. . Gen. W. W , Lowe was found in his olTlco , 1515 Parnani st. , and In answer to the reporter's questions , said : Bessemer is in a line locality for a city.Thoro There is plenty of oil in that country to supply the world. ThiSj together with tin , mica , plumbago , iron , soda , coal and many other minerals which have a permanent commercial value will make the settlement of Wyoming iv matter of a few years and it w'ill bo ono of the richest countries in the union , if not in the world. I have large inter ests up there ; do not want to sell anv , and have simply been compelled to lie still until the railways provjdo trans portation. State Treasurer Willard was soon and said : I made n trip over that country ono year ago last Juno. Oil will ho the leading industry of that country and next will bo the iron. During fifteen years residence in the iron regions of Pennsylvania I am com pelled to yield that the iron deposits of Wyoming in the vicinity of Bessemer oxcoll those of any other point in both quality and quantity. The iron ere near Bessemer has this advantage that in its vicinity lies all the materials for the successful manufacture of Bessoinor stool. You will understand the partic ular advantage this is to manufacturers when 1 say that in all other iron locali ties Bomo of the material has to bo im- por.ted. Tliis will provo an unanswera ble argument in favor of Bessemer nn the point for the location of iron com panies. Ono of the agents of the company was soon at their ollico , (125 ( Paxton building , and made the following statement : Yes , wo nro introducing Bessemer property to Omaha people. The com pany do not run excursion trains , hire brass bands or soil their property at auction. Our plan is to appoint re sponsible local agents in the principal cities lor the Bale of lots. Then wo have other agents traveling through the east setting forth the ad vantages of Bessemer as a point favorable - blo for manufacturers to locato. They are mooting with the greatest success. The company who have the matter in charge are prominent and responsible citizens of ymir own Btato , and I fool safe In saying that wo will have the future city and metropolis of Wyoming. 1st premium to Union bowing machine. Permits. The following building purmlU were Is. sued yesterday : August Pool , cottaRo , Twenty-seventh utreotnnd MoolwortU avnnuu 11,600 llyron Hoed , cottngs.'fl'yi'C ' ntrcet , near track * " ff 400 w. A. ItoKs. ilwellliifJ 'iort , near 'flilrty-tlrnt utroot- 0,000 John I.ludHoy , laundry building , l/.ard anil TwHiuy.tlilrd turrets 1,030 AiiKUftt llalon , cottnge. Van lluren helghta 50 M. ! ' . runkteiiser. dwellinf.Twonty-Hlxth and Dodge Htruett 5 tOO 0.V. . Ames. liuprovomenV ) , Twenty- ninth avenue uiulilt-son street 0,010 Seven iBtpruininm to Union oowing tnaohino , Mnrrlnti ) Ijlcenncs. Tlio following marriage Hocuses wcro Is sued yesterday by Judge Shields : Name and residence. Aco. Olof A. Kenstrom , Omaha yj Amanda Larson , Omaha 23 Albert Salahuk , Omaha aa Acnes Kgyed , Omaha 27 Wllholm Hilbert , Omaha ,2S Louisa Hteiihan , Omaha ,18 Anton P. Turynolt , OJimhn , 20 Mary Dunnrt , Omaha 25 lalproinlum to Union sowing machine. DIolioltl Hafc- ? . Call anil sen the largo Block of B\fo ; and vault doors carried by Moaghor St Whltwore at 410 S. ICtk Btroot Omah * .