Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 16, 1888, Part II, Page 14, Image 14

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    . y ; yEflBiTK ! iirfJ ! Wg c
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Tntcrcotlnu Figures nnd Facts On
Modern Railroading.
A Very Voting Traveler Third Clnsu
I'nhHciiKerH In Knnln < l The New
lllo Urmulo llridtfC
Ilun * liy Itall.
A To < t.
Tin 'flti ' .Udi/iufn' ,
"What would you do , " iiskud the fireman
Of tlio grimy engineer ,
"JI suddenly upon the track
A woman Hhould nppcnrl *
And suppose you wuro running n llttlo behind
hind ,
With your gauge chock up to 'L,1
And the woman was deaf nnil dumb and
blind ,
And couldn't ' hear whistle or belli"
"Pol" cried the grimy engineer ,
With u look of rolil disdain ,
"I'd get out thuro and luuvo you hereTo
To take your ch.inco with the train 1
I'd straighten out on the pilot plate ,
Anil Unit woman 1 would snatch
Before ho know whether wo were freight ,
Express , wild or dispatch. "
"That , " said the fhcman , "I call game , "
And lie shoveled In the coal ,
And wondered if he'd ' do the same
In u similar kind of holo.
And the headlight cast n , long , thin stream
Through the dismal night of black ,
When suddenly thciouamo the scream
Of n woman on the track ,
"Jump ! " shrieked the fireman. "There she
goes ! "
Hut the engineer sat still ,
And a woman's sorrows , joys and woes
Were taken llko n pill.
" \Vliy didn't you get on the pilot platol
That wns the place for V.DU 1
Why didn't you tr.y to avert her f.ito ,
As you boasted you would do I"
"My friend , " bald the grimy engineer ,
With nn apologetic cough ,
"That woman know but trouble here ,
And now she's better off.
Besides , by grinding her to hash ,
A good fat thing 1 draw ,
The road will pay live thousand cash ,
And she was my inothcr-ln-lawt"
A. Yoniift Traveler.
The Lincoln Journal notes the arrival
on a Hurlington train from the cast , of
"tho ino t remarkable passenger over
carried into Lincoln. It was a little
girl but eight years old , who had
traveled all the way from Venice alone.
She was the daughter of a poor gondola
maker , who died leaving nothing for
the support of the child. Kind neigh
bors raflled oil ttio family cook stove
and secured funds for the purchase of a
ticket to America , where the brother
of the dead man is making a good living
as superintendent of a division of rail
road track. A lunch basket containing
food for three weeks , and a carpet back
filled with the household goods not
otherwise disposed of. and a big tag in
scribed with the address of the brother ,
comprised the equipment of the little
traveler. She was kindly cared for by
the conductors on the continental rail
ways , and received much attention from
her fellow-travelers. "
A Rapid Iiocomotlvo.
Globe Democrat : An application for
a patent has been filed by a Now York
civil engineer for a now locomotive and
tender dosicnod for malting the fastest
time which has ever been made in this
or any other country. The boiler is
rectangular in shape , having a largo
and permanent area of evaporating sur
face , the pressure to be carried being
210 pounds per inch , which is but one-
third of the bursting pressure at its
weakest point. The cylinders are in
the roar of , instead of between the
truck-wheels , and the fire-box is sup
ported between the center of gravitv of
uriving-whcols. All the combinations
of parts * are in exact harmony , and it is
intended to easily make the time of
sixty miles an hour with ton coaches ,
nnd can without violent strain bo
brought to ninety-five miles per hour
with the same load. This gain in per
formance over the present machine is
obtained by a mathematical construc
tion with reference to the distance be
tween rail centers upon which it is sup
ported , and is the first application made
which has embraced and specified
every portion of a locomotive and tender -
dor constructed mathematically with
reference to the limits within which
they must bo confined and supported.
As a result of exact proportion with
reference to such base , the cost of main
tenance will be prcatly below the general -
oral average of present constructions.
"Tho ascendancy of the third-clns <
passenger , ' ' says the Pall Mall Gazette ,
"every year becomes more marked.
According to the statement of the chairman -
man of the Great Northern railway :
lln the Juno half of 1HS7 the percent
ages of their passenger traffic , as to
numbers , wore as follows : l'Mr t-cluss ,
8J per cent ; eecond-ehisa , 5J per cent ,
and third-class , 01 per cent , whereas foi
the half year under review the percent
ages had been respectively S , oj and
91 } per cent. In 1SS7 the receipts froir
the first-clnss were 11 per cent , and now
they wore IS per cent ; the sceond-clast
gave them 71 per cent in IRS" , and no
only 7 per cent ; and from the third-
class they derived 7S1 per cent of thoii
receipts "in 18&S , as against 7 ! ) } per com
last half-year. The average ot the fare1
during the half-year had boon 3s id ir
the first-class , HSd in the second and Si
in the third. ' This tondnncy is llkob
to increase. When railways carry af
classes at the same speed and the third
class carriage is clean and comfortable
the purchase of a first-class ticket i
seldom anything but a wanton luxury. '
Now lllo Grnnilo li-llio. (
Arrangements am making for build
' ing another bridge at El Paso across th
Rio Grande , bays the Globo-Domocrat
There are two bridges already ou <
built by the International Street Rail
way company , over which the streo
cars run from El Paso to Paso del Nortc
and the other a railroad bridge connecting
nocting the Mexican Central road am
the Atohison. Topeka & Santa Fo line
The now bridge will bo for a combine )
freight and passenger line. The ncccs
nary concessions and permits have bee
obtained from both governments. Rallf
cars , nnd all other necessary matorla
have already boon ordered , and actun
work will begin in a short timo. Th
build of the bridge will bo greatly faeil
itatod by the extremely low stage of th
river : The now enterprise was startc
and is owned by Samuel Schuotz , of !
Paso , and Felipe Arellano , of Paso dc
Norto. _ _ _
Quick IluiiH uy Hull.
Scrlbncr's for September : The spec
of passenger trains has shown stead
Improvement from year to year. I
the month of Juno in our contonnin
year , 1870 , a train ran from Now Yor
to San ' Francisco , a , lUa .Tjc-o of 3,31
r.iUhours ; and U7 minutes actur
time , | thus averaging about -10 miles a
hour , but during the trip It crossed feu
mountain summits , one of them ovc
8,000 feet high. This train ran froi
Jersey City to PlUsburg over the Pont
sylvanla railroad , a distance of 4-i
miles , without making a stop. In IBf
locomotives were introduced whlc
made a speed of 70 miles per hour. In
July , Ifefe'j , nn engine with a train of
three cars made u trip over the West
Shore road which is the most extraor
dinary one on record. It started from
East IJutlalo , Now York , at 10:01 : a. in. ,
and reached Weohawkcn , New Jersey ,
at 7:127 : p. in. Deducting the time con
sumed in stops , the actual running time
was 7 hours and ill minutes or an average -
ago of 6i ( miles per hour. Between
Churchvillo and Gonesee Junction this
train attained the unparalleled speed of
87 miles per hour , and at several other
parts of the line a speed of from 70 to bO
miles an hour.
A Veteran Itallroad Itulldnr.
Philadelphia Record : A few days
ago General Herman Haupt , the noted
engineer , at his elegant country scat ,
Mountain Lake , Giles county , Virginia ,
celebrated his golden Wedding with
Anna Cecilia Keller. General llaupt
is a lineal descendant of the old German
Lutherans who early settled portions of
Pennsylvania. At a very early age ho
attracted the attention of General Jack
son , who appointed him as cadet at the
West Point military academy in 18'tl.
That famous engineering feat , the
"Horseshoe , " on the Pennsylvania Cen
tral , was the outcome of his brain and
perseverance. Ho was the engineer of
the Hoosac tunnel.
A Very Fast Hun.
The train-shoots show that on August
17 engine 340 , on the Chicago.St. Louis
and PlUsburg ( Panhandle route ) , Mike
Grccnan , engineer , made what is
claimed to bo the fastest run hauling
the Pennsylvania special , No. 110 ever
made on the Pennsylvania lines west of
Pittsburg. The train , which consisted
of four cars , was hauled from Indianap
olis to Bradford. 105 miles , in lil ! min
utes , after malting an allowance for
making two stops at raihoad stitious ,
ono of four minutes , stopping at five
railroad crossings , and slowing down
unninpr through Greenfield , Knights-
own and Now Paris. The train , which
eft Indianapolis thirty-seven minutes
ate , ran into Columbus about five min-
itcs late. The actual time , including
itops , was , therefore , two hours , thir-
, eon minutes , giving a speed of 47.4
niles per hour , while the average speed
ivhilst in motion , was. lifty-twomiles per
; iour. Tno schedule time is two hours ,
'orty-livo minutes , with two intermcd-
ate station stops. This gives a speed of
! 8.U miles per hour , including stops.
This train , the Pennsylvania special , a
hrough train from St. Louis to New
fork , is scheduled to run from Indiun-
ipolis to Columbus , 1SS miles , in live
lours , making stops at six intermediate
tations. This gives a speed of 37.0
miles per hour , including stoppages.
15ml for tlio Scalpers.
young railroad man of Atlanta ( G . )
ms como to the front with an invention
n the way of a ticket that will bring
ilm fame and an enviable bank account.
.i is simply this : The purchaser of an
ronclud ticket is not to bo required to
ivrito his name or make any formal
declaration as to his intention in regard
o the tickot. Nothing of the kind.
The ngent who sells the low-rate round
trip points his camera at you while ho
gives you jour change. It records the
imago of the purchaser in an instant.
The agent pulls out the slide , rubs his
jhomical sponge over the son&itized
; > apor and there you arc. In the upper
ofthaud corner ho pastes that picture.
iHiU it under a stamp that embosses the
edges , and unless you can find some
body that looks enough like you to risk
the chances of a return on your imago
the ticket will carry the original pur
chaser and nobody else.
An Important Invention.
Glebe Democrat : It will oven bo
safer to travel on a railroad car than to
sit down at homo. An Australian is
said to have designed a truck to bo run
"before every train , at an adjustable dis
tance , by an electric current transmit
ted from a dynamo on the engine. If
the truck comes in collision with any
body in front certain glass tubes , in
which the current is thus conductedare
> ruken. The current is thus broken ,
and at the same moment the brakes of
the train are automatically applied.
This may or may not bo a working dis
covery , still there is sure to bo some
nethod , erelong , for making high speed
travel almost absolutely secure. There
is more permanent and unpreventable
danger in the simpler events of every
day life , such as eating indigestible
food or catching colds. In fact , there
seems to be no difficulty in the way of
easy and bafo intercommunication about
the globe that is not conquerable.
Circumventing a Kuilroiul.
Philadelphia-Record : An interesting
story of how the Tidewater Pipe Line
Company in getting its pipes ncroib the
main line of the railroad in Chester
County is told by a resident of West
Chester. At the time the war was be
ing waged by the r.vilroad people
against the oil men to prevent the com
pletion of the pipeline. Col. Porter and
a friend drove out in the country
very quietly ono day to take a look at
tho'crops , and , if possible , find some
way of getting under or over the rail
road company's track.- , , for this ttioy had
to do. After passing through Dow'ning-
town , following the line of the railroad ,
they taw a largo culvert running under
the tracks. There was no stream of
wr.te-r running through the culvert and
no apparent ro.ison for such a break in
the embankment , and Col. Porter made
a few inquiries. IIo sooii learned that
the owner of tlio farm when the railroad
was built had stipulated that the com
pany should forever maintain a culvert
to allow cattle to pass from ono part of
the farm to another without the danger
of crossing the trauits. It did not take
Col Porter long to strike up a bargain
with the owner ot the farm for its pur
chase. The place is marked by a bis
streak of whitewashshowing whore the
pipe is buried.
The oldest employe of the Chicago
Turlington & Quincy Railway company
is Conductor Dudley , lie has serve ! ]
continuously for thirty years or more
on the Quincy branch of thut road. He
has never scon a man killed on tno line
has br > en in only 0110 collision , nnd if
the inventor of a catarrh snufT tlitV
would snco7.o thn head oil'a cast-iroi
statue. Patient industry , young man
is sure to lead to success.
The track of the Hudson Bay railroad
which was l.ild last year from Winnipeg
north some forty miles , but has novel
bcon operated , is said by the Mnnitobi
Sun to bo "covered with grass to such i
height tliat the services of a inowin ;
machine would bo required in order t <
see the rails. " A roau that can not'bi
run in the jvintor without snow plows 01
in the summer without mowing ma
chines on the pilot Is in hard luck.
The Slamc&o government 1ms grantci
a concession for the building of two rail
road lines , one of which is to connoo
Bangkok with its port , Paknam. It 1
stated that the governinqnV lln < i under
- cr. tuu construction of a steam tram
way in the capital.
. More than a million of men are cm
ployed by the various railway lines litho
the Unitoil States. This is about one
twelfth of the voters in the Union.
Angostura Bitters , endorsed by physi
clans and chemists forpurlty and whole
somoncBS. Dr. J. G. B. Siogcrt & Son *
solo manufacturers.
Wlso nncl Foolish Achievements of
Only Ucptilillonii GlrN Wnntotl
Woiitriiiiml Kunl Kslntc A Type
writer Kill Women Who
Go to College.
Only ] tpiiiullcnn | Girls Wanted ,
Chicago Times : The following nil-
\ertiseinoiit appeared in a Chicago
paper last weolc :
AV ANTIM ) Voims lixillcs over US feet high
TT to lielp form a Harrison nnd Morton
company to assist In cnrryltm on our grand
campaign. Hcpubllcun ladles only need
answer. Addt S3.Ml sM. i : . U. , HW Wab.ish
A rep6ftei who culled at the address
found that MissM. E. U. stood for Mibs
Minnie K. Davis , u young and fair
daughter of a veteran of the Forty-
third Illinois volunteers. When she
was asked to explain her advertibc-
inent she Mild :
" 1 ittn an enthusiastic republican , and
I felt like doing somothlnp : to help
alonir the boom for Harrison and Mor
ton , and M ) 1 have made up my mind to
orgnni/o n brigade of young ladies and
drill them for campaign parades. I am
pretty \oung , it is true , but I have had
a cooll'dcal of experience in teaching
drill corps. I had n company in Iowa in
Iowa in 1HHI , and everybody praised it
freely. After I get the brigade formed
and ( trilled I will offer its tcrvicos to
the republican campaign committee ,
and 1 feel sure it will prove u great
card. "
What Hflvn Ijoclovootl Can Do.
\o\v Voric Sun : Mrs. Lockwood , it
seems , is "of the typo known as gray
blonde , " and us she weighs 150 pounds ,
with a height of live feet eight inches ,
bho is both tall and well-propoiiloned ; a
little spare , perhaps , but commanding
in figure , and all the stronger for
her moderate height. This physical
advantage , too , hah been carefully culti
vated ana developed , for in youth "her
feats of running , rowing , jumping and
horseback riding were proverbial , " and
oven now ' 'she is an enthusiastic lover
of the tricycle. " Gut she does not sit
her tricycle' astride , as a woman rights
woman might be expected to do. She
uses "a teat as in a buggy. "
Women and Kcal Estate.
St. Louis Post-Dispatch : Girls and
women are very valuable otllcc helps to
the real estate business. It in a wonder
to mo that more of them are not em
ployed by the agents , " remarked a vet
eran who has grown gray in the man
agement of other people's property. "It
is only lately , " he continued , "that J
could persuade mys > clf to give a lady a
place in my olllco , and I am free to con
fers that it was not my originality that
led mo to it , but the test is none the
less satisfactory.
"A few years ago there was not a
lady employed in any of the St. Louis
Qlllccs. Mow there ure several of thoni.
and the fitness displayed by those who
have been given a trial , in taking hold
of the business , will , I think , lead to
the employment of a. great many others
before long. I was not the llrst agent ,
by long odds , to give the ladies a
chance , I am sorry to say , and I pre
sume that if it had not been for the
clHciont and brilliant services ren
dered by a young woman in the ollico of
one of my brother agents I would have
been plodding along as usual without
over having given one of her sex an
opportunity to earn n livincr in the real
estate business. Since the experiment
that I made has turned out so well quite
a number of ladies have been employed
in the business. "
"Havo any of them boon discharged ? "
' As to that I can't say ; but I know of
but one who has been given a trial who
does not retain her position to-day , and
it is my opinion that she found a place
whore nor services as a stenographer
and typo writer commanded more
Ave all the women engaged in the
business short hand and typo writers ? "
"No , I think not. There is one I have
in mind who is neither , but she is ,
nevertheless , a valuable assistant. "
"What docs she do ? "
"Sho takes her employer's dictation
in answer to correspondence in long
hand notes , then writes them out in a
splendid , plain , print-like fashion ,
draws leases and deeds to property and
quitclaims with remarkable accuracy.
Another lad.y that I know of is thor
oughly experienced at the stenograph ,
and equally good in manipulating the
keys of a type-writer. I don't believe
she has her equal in the real estate bus
iness. She is identified with ono of
the leading olllces , attends to all its
coiTespondoncol/is familiar with
every piece ot property the olllco has
charge of , and when a sale is made it is
the custom of her employer to introduce
the purchaser to the young woman , who
then prepares the final papers , notes ,
deeds , etc. , to the transaction. Her at
tention to essential details is remark
able. "
"Do the other women in the business
make their services so valuable ? "
"I hardly think so. I mention her
particular ca > o as an example of what
women are capable of doing in the real
estate business. Others that I know of
who are engaged at it have not had so
much experience as the model I refer
to , but I have no doubt that they , with
the proper training , will become quite
as excellent in the discharge of their
duties as she is. "
"What salaries do those ladies get ? "
"Well , as to that I can't say exactly ,
but I know of ono of thoni whoso pay is
not far from $75 a month. "
"Is she married ? "
"No ; I don't know ot a married lady
in the business , and what is more , those
who are engaged at it are young and
handsome , t ut I toll you it would take a
smart fellow to catch cither of them for
a wife. "
A Typewriter Fib.
Piltsburg Telegraph : Early ono morn
ing last week I chanced to bo in the
oll'co of a wholesale merchant down
town at a time when the pretty little
operator of the typewriter tumbled into
a trap of her own making.
Such a pretty girl , with very blue
eyes , bright brown hair , and an assortment
mont of dimples , is this deft manipula
tor of the typewriter keys.
The telephone which hungon the wall
just behind the girl , whoso desk was
close to her employer's , in his private
olllco , rang loudly as I took a seat. J
seized the opportunity to congratulate
the merchant on hla choice of so fair t
"Yes , " said ho in an undertone , "she
is pretty , and she is as well-boh fiYi-cl
and quick tit her work as she is "pretty ,
Ths fmJy tiling I eun comphvin of in hoi
conduct" is tfio hold that telephone
seems to have upon hor. She is engaged
gaged , I believe , to a nice enough fol
low , a clerk in a broker's office , but he
will persist in calling her up on tin
telephone. Ho called her up so oftoi
on Monday lust that I told her she mus
tell the young man to wait until aftei
business hours. She blushed and sai <
she would tell him.
"Since then that was three days ng <
apparently he has not been near the
telephone , but , strnnpo to F.iy , Mary's
that a the girl's iiainp slgtcr has taken
to holding long conversations With her
at all hours of the day. The noise dis
turbs mo , but I don'tjjiko to Interfere
with the girl's domestic affairs. Jus
listen to her now ! " I
" , Vo did listen , and 'wo heard some
thing like the following :
"Charlie didn't come to see mo. "
An Interval of silence.
"You know ho called to sco Kate. "
"What's that ? " "Oh ,
nonsense ; of course I shall go with you.
Will you call for mo ? What did you
say ? Oh , Hob's going , too. "
"You can , if you llko , but I just hate
that girl , and if she's there i won't stay.
Did you say 0 o'clock ? Make it O.oO. "
"I wish I could ; it scorns an awful
long time to wait. Oh , you musn'ttalk
like that. Isn't there any ono there ? "
Interval , durinir which the girl , with
the receiver at her ear , laughs and
blushes by turns , and finally baistitter-
inely : "Not ono I won't give you ono ,
yeti bad boy. "
She hung up the receiver without an
other word and sat down blushing furi
"How is your sister this morning ? "
said the merchant , with an accent on
the "sister. "
Hut Mary answered never a word.
"Women Who Go to College. "
Under the above title Arthur Oilman
writes in the September Century : "I
have been told , even in cultivated , in
tellectual circles , that a young woman
had bettor bo in the kitchen or laundry
than in the laboratory or class-room of
a college. 'Women should bo trained , '
such persons say. 'to bo wives and
mothers. ' The linger of scorn has been
lightly pointed at the mentally culti
vated mothers and daughters who are
unable to cook and scrub , who cannot
make a ininco pie or n plum-pud
ding Such persons forget with
surprising > facility all the cases of wo
men who neglect the kitchen to indulge
in the lovc-biek sentimentality to which
they have been trained ; who think too
much of possible matrimonial chances
to endanger them by scrubbing , or by
giving ground for the suspicion that
they cultivate any other faculty than
the power to apostrophize the moon
light and to long for a lover. They do
not enro to remember that it is no whit
better to wither under the influence of
ignorance or sentiment , to cultivate a
fondness for "gush , " than to dry up the
sensibilities like a bookworm , or grow
rigid and priggish as a pedant. It is ns
bad to stunt human nature as to over-
btimulato it to stop its progress in one
way as in another. The danger is in
going to extremes. The mass of men
choose the golden mean , and wo may
trust women to avoid extra extrava
gance in the pursuit of learning. Wo
may and ought to give her every help
in the direction of life that her brothers
possess. It is no longer doubtful , it is
plain , that whatever other rights
woman should have , those of the intel
lectual kingdom oughj , to bo hers fully
nnd freely. She should bo the judge
herself of how far she should go in ex
ploring the mysteriea of nature and of
"It is not a question of putting all our
girls through college ; it is not oven a
question of their being taught in the
same institutions and classes with men
when they go to college. The form in
which women shall bo taught and the
jubjccts that they fahall study are of
ninor importance at the moment , and
time will settle them in a natural way.
The great desideratum is that they bo
given the collegiate education when
they need it , and that they bo the
judges of their own needs. "
Joins the Ballet ,
Now York World : The often repeated
remark that a woman will when she
will and won't when she won't , has a
curious illustration in the ballot of the
production now running in Niblo's in
Now York city. Among the many
comely young ladies that Bolossy Kiralfy
has somehow brought together in this
spectacle is a fresh young woman of
fair features and mould , modest manner
and melting black cyos , who has been a
dancing divinity only since the begin
ning of the "Mathins Sandorf" re
hearsals , nnd thereby hangs the tale.
She belongs to a proud family , whoso
goneological tree has nourished on the
eastern shore of Maryland amid circum
stances of honor and wealth almost from
the days of Lord Baltimore. She was
tenderly reared at homo , and when she
went to a convent that nestles cosily in
the Blue ftidgo mountains , not far away
from Emmittsburg , Md. , showed the
spirit of her stock by winning the class
medal two collegiate years. Naturally
ambitious , hopeful and spiritedly indo-
] M3iidont , nho was anxious to do some
thing outside of the ordinary ken of
women and by some inscrutable process
of fate became deeply enamored of the
stage. Of coin-so the family was shocked
by this preference , and sought by mild
persuasion and travel to wean her from
the notion.
It was no use , however. The longer
the ordeal the keener her desire nnd
firmer her resolve. At last an nppor-
tunity came by which she was able to
gratify her heart's wish without
any rupture of family ties. Her
father began to show uneasy signs
of failing health , and by his physi
cian's advice arranged his affairs for
a trip to Carlsbad , Germany , where it
was hoped ho would regain liis declin
ing btrongth and spirit. The daughter
was loft in the care of a maiden aunt ,
and it was through her that the pretty
young southerner was able to gratify
nor wibh , oven though in a most hum-
bio manner. The aunt was a neighbor
of Bolossy Kiralfy in Yonkers , and to
Mrs. Kiralfy she told her story. Self-
possession and grace she wished to culti
vate , and the practical trials of the
stage in the exacting features of a big
spectacle would bo just.tho thing to in
sure these qualities. 'Never ' mind the
fact of inexperience and tender rearing ,
she could and would manage herself so
that there would bo n6 upsetting force
in any hardships of the ballot. The
aunt favored the suit , ns faho thought
the harder the road to begin with the
surer the cuvo and disgust , for the fu
ture benefit of the girl. Mr. Kiralfy
made her the oaptajp of ono of the first
companies in the grand military ballot ,
and so well does sli6"appear and boar
herself , and so apt in the learning of
ballot movements , that ho intends put
ting her among the "first lino" beauties
in another week.
While the girls course is reprehensi
ble tn some respeotsit maybe depended
upon that she is of a natural timbre that
yields good results , and her pleasing
presence in Niblo's now adds materially
to the charming effect felt by the multi
* N
tude. -
California Cat-U-Curo.
The only guarantee cure lor catarrh
cold in the head , hay fever , rose cold'
catarrhal deafness and sore eyes. Restore -
store the sense of taste and unpleasant
breath , resulting from catarrh. Easy
and pleasant to use. Eollow directions
and a cure is warranted by all drug
gists. Send for circular to ABIETINE
MEDICAL COMPANY , Orovillo , Cal.
Six months. ' treatment for 81 ; sent by
mall , $1.10 , For bale by Goodman.
Drug Co.
mmmmmmmxa sgmmKms KKsmKasi
Our Prices
Mattresses , $1.95 and up. Chamber Suits , $17,50 and up.
I Lounges , $5 and up. Stoves , $9.75 and up.
' Gasoline Stoves , $3.75 and up. Carpets , 25c a yard and up.
'Parlor Suits , $35 and up. Bureaus , $7 and up.
Hanging Lamps , $2 and up. Hall Trees , $5 and up.
iChairs , 45c and up. Breakfast Tables , $2.95 and up
Center Tables , $1.5O and up. Extension Tables , 65c and up.
Book Cases , $7.50 and up' Beds , $1,95 and up.
Springs , $1.50 and .
up. Pillows , 45c and up.
$10 worth of goods for $1 per week or $4 per month.
$25 worth of goods for $1.50 per week or $6 per month.
$50 worth of goods for $2 per week or $8 per month.
$75 worth of goods for $2.50 per week or $10 per month ,
$100 worth of goods for $3 per week or $12 per month. 0
BF-Comeat - once to avoid the rush. No trouble to show goodsTBnl
] Parties desiring to purchase entire outfits will be given special
1 rates. Everybody invited to inspect our goods , terms and prices
613-615 N. 16th St. , bet. California and Webster.
An Absolute Cure.
Is only nut up In largo two ounce tin boxes ,
and is an absolute cure for old sores , burns ,
wounds , chapped hands , anil all skin erup
tions , will positively euro all kinds of piles.
MENT. Sold by Goodman Dru ; ; Co. , at l i
cents per box by ranll 30 cents.
An important innovation in railway
practice is the device of a Baltimore
electrician for welding steel rails by
electricity , a method which will admit
Of the laying or a continuous track' .
After they are placed on the track the
rails are to bo welded by means of a
transformed electric current. They
may then bo tempered so that the ioitft
will bo as hard as the rest of the rail.
It Is tlmcto ptttttc\ \
boys into their Fall
Suits. We can fit
them wltliQooilstur-
< lj/ clothes for Kchool
and play , and with
a handsome suit tor
"Sunday beat. "
Children's Suits In
two pieces for the
small boys , and
three pieces for the
blH/er ( brother.
N. W. Cor. 13th & Dodge Sts.
Best facilities , apparatus and remedies for sue.
' euful treatment of every form of disease requlr
foe Medical or Surgical Treatment.
Board and attendance ; best hospital accommo
dations In the west.
WRITE FOR CIRCUIARS on Deformities and
Ilraces , Trusses , Club Keel , Curvature of tin
Spine , Pllen , Tumors , Cancer , Catarrh , llronchltis ,
Inhalation , Klectricity , Faralysis , Epilepsy , Kid
ney , Bladder , Hye , Ear , btiu and Dlcxxl , aril all
.Surgical Operations.
Diseases of Women a Specially.
All Ulood Diseases successfully treated. Syph
ilitic Poison removed from the system without
mercury. Hew restorative treatment for loss ol
Vital Power. Peiiwns unable to visit us may be
treated at home by correspondence. All commu
nications confidential. MedlcinesorInstruments
sent by inall or express , securely packed , no
marks to Indicate contents or fender. One per
sonal Interview preferred. Call and consult us or
dead history nf your case , and we will send in
plain wrapper , our
Upon Private. Special or Nervous Diseases , Jin.
lotency , Syphilis. Gleet and Varlcocelc , with
{ yestlon list. Address
Vmrjha MriHcal and Surgical Initll leot
Cor. l31hanaDodttt UOKAHA.NEB. .
The Only Permanent Ouro For
Dyspepsia , Sick Headache Etc. ,
In flnlrlryn TlrmnrYnnir ]
Price OOo Dux at all
Ono of the Most Successful Specialists hastier-
innutntly located In this city nliaio he can 1)0
censiilto i fico upon all forms of Chionlc or the
So-called Incurable diseases.
The Doctor has always pur-u d nn Independ
ent course In the practice of medirlno liy w inch
helms made mittjy ueiv mm valuable discoveries
.U the tleatllieiit IIIUl Ouio " ai-mars. nil
tncoiy is unit 1m disc'dse snould bo reiiunluil as
incur.ible until the dlsea'-o.l oig.m mvnks down
faster than it can bo built up While life ex
ceeds death In any Riven part of the b itly , ills-
easu May and Can lie cured. This Is nplnln and
natural fact , demonstrated In the vegetable and
animal kingdoms eveiy dity. Then does It not
follow from the ab.\u fact that nil so-called
chionlc diseases , such as Itheninatlsni , Neural
gla , Nenous D heases , Ilpllepsy. l.lvel disease.
Asthma , Cut null , etc. , aio curable and that
c\ery % e > tlgeof thudl&ojse can be eradicated
from Ihe system ?
Are all curable diseases under the Doctor's form
of treatment provided his . .treatment . Is pursued
with diligence and care. The wonderful dis
coveries made by the microscope as to the
cause of disease has led to even greater ad
vancements In the science of their treatment.
1 o admit that the above diseases are Incuiablo
Is admitting that the advancements of medical
science for the past century amount to nothing.
In diseases of the
the doctor has established a reputlon which
places him among the most hiicccsuful , while his
Improved treatment of Throat diseases Is un-
equaled. There Is no disease which puts the
science and skill of the phj slclan to a more
severe test , no disease Is moro rapid In Its pro
gress , or tnoie serious In Its results , and no class
of mnladlesjire so fatal to one's happiness.
Upon the subject of Noivous diseases , and
especially that class peculiar to the 1'cmalo Sex ,
the doctor should be recognized as authority
himself as his writings upon this subject show
him to bo a hard btiuient and deep thinker. Ills
"Theories upon the Nerve Current" and "The
Causes of 1'aln" nio far In the atUaaco of
authorities upon these subjects , and his success
In the treament of this tlass of diseases shown
how well founded aio his theoiles. Tn restore
the cneiiry of the Nerves that have been En
feebled by worry , depression or anxiety , to
make life a pleasure and Not a Dally snllerlns.
bccthedoctor and learn his treatment.
are among the most common forms of dlspase ,
yet they aroillseiisvs of which the patient , aio
almost entirely Ignoiunt and have been com
pletely oveilooked. Nor Is this miipilslmr for
thoellect of kidney disease Is xoohsrinu that
unless ono makes It a Hpeclal Study they are
not only liable to attribute tlio njniptoius to en-
lltolyillllercnt causes but pursue a course o
treatment which Is poi'tlvoly ' Injurious.
In all cases of
n cure will bo guaranteed. Thu eUl eTects of
these diseases .mull nndlPPt. Miletun' . I'lcers ,
Disease of the llone-i. uryand Hough fckln , llrun-
tlonsnrepermniientlvrured.iind i-verj tr.iccof
the disease complete ! ) removed diavel and all
forms of Hlailder Disease , ristnla , Piles , Dublli-
ty of thehexual Organs and I ! ait Disease are
dlseasesthe treatment of whlih the Doctor has
always given his paitlcnlar iittenllou. Dr. .Me-
( imw Is a graduate of regular medicine and 1ms
a diploma from one of tlm bust median KUioolx.
1'rorn his years of Hospital and I'rlvutn pun tlcn
ho luiH carefully gathered experience v , hu n just
ly entitles him lobe classed utnoujithQ '
bpoclalUts ,
EII ( < M
Medicine sent to all parts of tlio United flutes.
Charges for treatment reuponalilo and f nlr.
Treatment | ; l en those at n distance by cor
respondence. Send tamp for reply. Addiess ,
J. E. McGrew , M. D.
IluslimanHlock.Cor. ICtliAf DoiiKl.isPlH. ,
Oinuha , Neb ,
F. M. .SMITH , I'reslclciit ,
Omaha Parcel Delivery Company
110 and 112 North Sixteenth Street.
A General I'ackago nnd Uaegaga Dellveiy to all
1'nrtH of tlio City and biiuurua.
Movlu Household ( Joods a Specialty. Tolo-
phouo , 7 - .
TKI , who In hli fOI.l.Y ( .nil IU > OKA'C
bfu > TRiri.EUawar his VlOORof nui Y.
MINIXuid MANIIOon.caunlngoxhutiiitlnit
, - - ' -
. . - . . . - - . itv . > n p " . . H . * a i * ,11 JM. - f wff
11 K A It A < < ! lie ! , IIACIIACHE , Drcfulful
Ilreims. WEAUNKNS ot Memory , HASH *
the FAC't : . ana all the KrrECTN loudlngtf )
BARLY DMlAYatul perhaps CONNU.11P.
i'EOK or INSANITY , should commit nt onca
too CUMKHUATEI * Dr. Clftrku , Kflalillehod
Ibtil. Fr Clarice han made NEIIVOIIH HE.
BII.ITY. (1HBONM ! and all Plscatei of
Uio UKNITO UUINAUY Organs a 1.1 fa
n'lldf. U make * IVO dltlrrtmre WHAT yon
iare taken or WHO bu fulled to cure you.
W-FF.RI ALES suffering from ( tfeec&cipocut
liar to their MX can consult with the airuninc *
Of ipccdy relief and cure Sena 2 conU pest eg
tor works on jronr dlsw.ies.
-UeriJ 4 cents postixc far Colpbrntcd
Worhn on Chronic , Ncrvoui and ! JoH
n Ce Liieasei. Consultation , personal ! ? or by
ksUer , flroo. Consult the old lloctor. 5L
VtioHBftndrf curcxj. OIBrrsand pailar *
private.Thoeo contemplating Marrlara i
wmd for Dr. Clitrke'H celebrated guide-
Halo and rental * , each l&c. , both 2M.
IsUmpj ) . Hafoi confiding your caic , consult
Dr. CLAHKE. A friendly letter or call mar
urefuture suffcrlogand shame , and add yolden
yaan to life.Eook I.r ( > ' ( Secret ) Er >
ror , " 50c. ( stamps ) . Medicine and writing *
wnt everywhere , secure from K | > o iir .
Hours. 8 to 8 : Sundays , 9 tn 12. Address ,
F. D. OLABSB , M. D.
183 So. Claris 8tw CHICAGO. ILL :
lioiton. Mass. ; Kansas City , Mo.
Capital & Su plus , $1 $ ,
Tills company has opcno 1 im Omnlm olllco nuil
in prvpaiiMl tn fmntili money promptly on lin-
jnoviHl rlty uuil tiinn prnptuly.
No applications "i'iil aw.iy
l.oiuiH cloHtMl and paid for uJthntit ileluy.
. .IOI1NV. . ( ilSII. Mnn.i , < ir.
30'l .South I Jill Street , Hist Nat ouul linilk.
\V. I ) . MK D. I'MW.n.Mr.U ) , , lr..V-I'rc * .
Diviii.lAMUXJN.Trcas \ \NDIISIISCC. .
Capital , - $100,000
Loans Jlndco.i Jicnl K talf.
Nocomin iihlous. Mutuy on huml ,
, "J / Son It I > l't html , OinalHtcl > .
; va
12 H U
Foohtor's Famous
I VTlila it a perfectly htrmlms
herb remedy and < li + > Hut run
iiticp or ctfitr j > oi oioui lui
itantt. $1,000 REWARD
Union * the root/iof the hair be
entirely dried up , which oooun
veiy rarely and probably not
over flvu times In A liumlrcd
It turrl/producesnawgn
Just Think of This J
Ml. r kur WM rtriMVJ
neiu have Ix en curfdfvndolnMy t > l In 1U4 ti U. fcW , . v (
mtmbTof .vonri , ovn if double- U | kt > MI.tJ \ ! id . 1II \ f .H | <
' ' ' " *
Wiitj m be oiirgUiyJj iuM JJIM'rTi'.l'l.
rAICIlO.V No. I nnd It ,
pile * * tp rbottl e elil for
lioaiU itntlrolr rr pirllally balit.
I'AIKKIIX Ao. B , price 76
c ni rxir bottle U Invuhublo
a HAW miEHSBIl. It lllro.
now tbo growth of li lr that U
falling out , keep U imcoth end
FAIUICOir i for 1 by all
aniffgUta or will be rent by th *
manufacturer * en receipt of
prluo. flcnd for history of tba
rcmcjy and testimonial ! from
1MT. M L ftpp .r tlicno who luvo uied It ,
Ml lt44.ii.iU * tVCiit tlili cut unit > cn < l to
. . . . . . , . .
Mr. r. I. ! > < ! > .
lomo bald headed frlciid.
Tad < up lled bU , Hewitt it Co. , Hew Iftven , CU
1'orSalubyJ. A. I'UlM.r. It , Omaha ,
I Sellout for Olrln nd Voana I.ntiiM , For ft
- Fcallo < iieulllr > ssU. 'MIAYlIlt. J.I , , l,1 .
MorcimiRrklll.ur'7W dligiSrijetCiacago1Ii. ]
"r i l TanSunburn , Moth 1'ati.hes.piompt
LrnpUIQOly eradicated by Magic r'fickloUiua
I lOuMuoic. by mull , Mlllaid Co , llullulu