Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 16, 1888, Part II, Page 11, Image 11

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TB J : ,
- - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -
AItGMNS-.We have two extra bargaIns for
B this Week. Ono at fl&JJ oflil the other a
V4tAJJ. 7.1. A. Uflttl Coliipiifly.
018 in Vet In1-We have for nIa a tow
L OtH 10 % ' 1nt : sIt1lttIon ( at IeM tlinfl their
inarket value. 0. 1. IMv1 COfl1)afly , to I. Far.
nalnat. b:7.l :
FAItMINI In eatorn e1ro'ka p.ty now.
To thoM , wnfltIi to g on it farm % O can
t(41 ) ItJW 10 git good land with very little tnonoy.
pill0 1ay that tiliM can ho ( Info wlfl soon 1e
) aSed. M A. LiPton COfl1)FIl1) ) . P)7
. -
OIL 8AL1-NeW rrooni houso. lrIco ijo. ;
Apply to 31Hi Iocatur ) treot. t 0 u
.1 HA'I a teWChnlCO lots In Orchard 11th let
.LwliIcli I will toll cheap ttril on long tItn.
Il(1I1atl. ( room 4Q l'axton block. 1J
I Rell a llintted iitiinlr of lots in south
( ) inahas H. & ) l . park IUIlttlll ( or the low
3)rlce ) or tlU. ltotnexnlwr a warr&tnty devl gIven
with ecti lot. This aIo only contInues it few
lay9. ( 'sill ( IllICk su get llrst choice. Sloman ,
room 40P. l'axton 1)lOCk.
poll 3ALl-IIy lt'xter I. . Tlionis at e
branka avlnjs ilalik , l1th anti 1'arnatn :
Jo per Cent oil vfllflO ,
It ) full 10tH at grMo ' blocks from totollico
block , South ( izuttlia , 1500 each , te ms to stilt ;
who witots tlrst choice ?
9 Iota on Farniiii atro't. eaMt of Itindec I'iaco ,
Lortlt or antith 1rohIt , lT4l ) 'iLC11 ttil IOSM.
a nlccMt full Iota In Ileilforil l'lacesouth fronts ,
choice 7IU. teritin n'y.
IU niceit corner lotM anti adjoInIng in I.lncoln
] 'lncevcry cheap ititilternis to suit.
( p fl1I ( 10 acretirither irnctsG inlls from ( Jinaha
p.j. ( , el ( ) Per acre.
( acre trnct b Vlorenco , can't ho bent for
imali frtt ! , iO wr acre.
Own the ithovo as well as lots in varlouM ati.
flitlona llIclttlIng ( i lots QU Vest llroulW&ty & ,
Council ! lhut1.
feit toe for a bargain.
lextcr ) 1 , . 'l'hoIna. at Nebraska Savings hank ,
Iloard of 'rrailo building ,
htlS-S'e have 5(11110 otthlo iliitst linltroved
fatitis in .hltotirl , Krflsas , Iowa and Nt.
braska for stile , h. A.t'pton Company. I79
'Olt i4A l.l-A licatitittil reshlunco lot in hsaar
& ieiilcn's tuldltlon ; it you want a btittaIn
investigate. ( leorge J. terii'tdottT , Room 6 ,
1)111) . 1' . 0 , tS1
lOht SAI.1-r eXcilailge. We have some
gooti Omaha real etitt nfll ( Nebraska
farnis , which wo will meil cheap or trane for
stock of clothing , ( tirnlslitmig gooi4. tlrv ooil ,
100tH ans1Ims grocer1e or linrijvaro. SchIe.
irigt'r Ihro2GI4 . 10th tt.
1Ot'NCI h hid' Fi-\.o IliLvo ommmn lots at
tIle enKt cliii of tme flew britlgo that cult l
bought at a figure that will mitko ltIrchmmser }
mooney. 1l. UPton Gomimpany. (7U
O NIX a tow lots left iii II. , ' N. Park audition
to South ( ) mmialmn. VliuLt have you to otter ?
( leorgo J.ternsdortr. hiouma t. opp.P. 0. i31
hhM ) I or suite 1mivetuiuent at low ilgure
and easy paymnemits , A wchl.hullt 7.roomui
ottare moot 7 feet rrouutagi' with a dL'pth of
ll3 feet On Califoriufa ut. . bet $ ith ! ) and 31st , omIt ) '
tirAJ. M o ( flMlI. t : . lOt itt the mb or ? 80 per
nouitli , 'Ji.4uI lutYmtile ) ) d years mutter date : Inter.
( st 1 $ per cent. Itemiucinber you cutmi buullul t n
milore hiou CM On thiu ground , or ueli a lart of It
wion it luecomnt's moore vmiltithlo 'l'liuu PropertY
Is nii1' 1r imulnutea' walk frommi court luotiso. aim ii
hi withIn maliiuto'u vtlk to ( 'reighton college.
teTonvent chocl , 111gb utcliooh. moot 2 other
public Helmools , ; i bIocku fuomn * treet cutru. W.M.
Yates , agent , cur. California and il stu. iu : ;
4 011 maleor trade for gocuul inMhIo real estate
orgooul u4ectlred real estate paper t,2) acres
of land , No Inctumubrutmice. About 8 nihies from
Jiuuhmith , Minim. . itnul about 4 imihlei from thiperlor
city. % VIs. ; this ill bear close investigation ;
ietuueinbor flulutli mitut uiperior are titu , two
cuumuing cities. It will pay to Investigate this.
h3loluman. room 4X ( Pitxton block , ttJI ) )
G STE1tNhtJlttF , room 0 opposIte post-
I ofilco , will sell you a good 4 rooun lioutse
on 16th street , 9 blocks south of car hue , by pay.
lug ) caSh. balance monthly payments to
iUit. Tluis I a plenuhil opportunity for any.
one wantIng a cheap home. 23I
JOIt S.Ll-Or exenango , acres chioicu
velt imuiproved furitiing latid In northern Ne.
braska , in lots to stilt inmrchmascrt. Address b ,
uro l , Iyoivt , tl'Neil , Nob. 4U3 lI
1 1Oht SALF-IlegILmIt hiotiso anti lot in Wind.
muor PiC. owner imomi.rcsiulent vhio wants to
Pitt hits IllOlit' ) ' elsewhere amid vli1 sell right. C.
1 himurisomi , t. Eithi st.
lhihtitSltA taruuis-Vo have onit , good 163
acre furiuts imp tile Ilkluorn valley with t4OJ
and * riiJ ( homu time mnottgagts aguttost them
that from tot ) to SOO cash will buy tue equities.
Now is tile time to Invest in Nebraska farun
lands , although selhhmug cheap they are valuable
and more lroluctive ) thou eastern hand % 'aluied
at four or live times our Price. I. it. Ul3tOflCO
. 8111
r Qftt ) buys a full lot kutti good cottage
'Peaav terms utmuul good location , I ) . V. ShoIe.
roomiui1u , First Nat' ! batik , cur. 13th and Far-
nato. 80)
1Oht SAI-Nowt-roomn abuse. itIl modern
.L iniprovouutents , near corner Woolworth and
VirgInia avenues , Ilanscom j'iaco , $1,500. C.
F. harrison. 418 8. ] &tb st. 483
.L1'olt ' SALE-2'uhhIot ! amid large 2-story 110usD
.2 _ of 7 large rOoms , good yehl , cellar. cistern in
the kitchen , good neighborhood , street cars
church. arhool and store close by. All now and
complete , : , &t ) . Small Cash paytulelit. balance
monthly. .Jumat the lulace for mu mnatu of moderate
means tU1i large faintly. Come and see me
about it. C. F. harrison 418 8. Fithi at. 832
, I1Wo blocks from cable line lot iOxll9 to alley
.1. Nlco6-roomn cottage. small barn , lot fenced ,
everything milce , 2,5U , one-fourth cash. hal-
anco easy. M , A. Upton company. 143
O III 0111 Look a herd Talk about snap. . bargains -
gains etc. , 130 feet on Leavenworth , JtX ) feet
west of the hiatt Llnt..a corner and 11)0 ) feet ( loop
, iU0 ( takes It ; only live blocka from the end o
tile pavement 011 Loaveuworthi ; best bargain
that has ever boell olfureut iii Oiuahia for the last
18 iliontius. No we won't take anythIng In trade
good big iron ilollars are thue only thing thatwill
have any effect. N. A. Upton company , l4 18
tOlt SAI4E-llouse anti lot. only $ IO. * 2
tiowil , balance easy terms. Call 818 i'achlhc.
113 16 *
Notice to Contractors.
4' SCaled ProPoSals will be received at the ofitco
it ( ) itmnty Clerk , Iouglas ) County , until 2 p. in.
Feptemnluer tutli , ll' $ . for laying walks on 17th ,
hthu 1111(1 I Inriuov streetq . surrounding the Court
I Iost. taiul 1 his to be for uttone zulks , from
lhrte to six inches thIck. for griunhtu vnlk fm
stagollthilo 'uuik or for artiflclal $10110 walk. Cer
. .L tilleclehieck otoilo hilimudred uloilars to accompany
each huh.
'I'Iio Iloaril reserves the right to reject nov or
all bids. - M. D. 1tQChll ,
14 h3-d-mu&o to s 20 County Clerk.
I ) (1 TlioyFxctumtmtgtm 'ives ?
Now Yorit Star : i. Bt3'1Sh1dressed
young \VOlflltfl , who vits Ilceonullantid by
it 1111111 , entered Justice Soyemnoui's
office iii IIoboeii , one dmty Iutst weak ,
ittitl told n renmnrnb1o ) story , Site said
that lieu' inaidemi 11111110 11IS l3ertluui
Foldemi , timid that she caine ft'omii Spring'
field , Conii. , tWo 3CZt8 11O nut ! ntai'ried
Edward l'reston. They moved to P01111.
syI'ttmtlit , where hot' litIbbalul bought r
fltt'ln ,
Site said that her companion wnu
. ] ltlncs Piestoli , her husband's brothcr
'who lived with them In Peititsylvanim
lot' it time. 'l'ho woman unblushlngl3
' I told the muglstrato tliitt she liketi , lnnieu
Pi'estOti better titan her own liusbauti
itimtL that the Imtttor knew it. About sI
. months ago , Jaiiies married a yotii
WOlflflfl iimtiiietl Ida \Velsh , much agains
the vIs1t 01 her brother.
Janles 80011 tired of his wife tuid eiuxi
back to his brother's house. Tli
woimian ettiti that Jtunes wanted bQr t (
0101)0 with 111111 , but she refused. Out
day liar liusbutiul anti James vc11t ou
guinluig , , and when they returned t1io
were In a IImtpJy unool.
The vOinnhi said that hot' ) iusbamit
J told her tilmit his brother James vitmttc
her , and that ho , Edward , would taIc
Jnunos' vIfo , if the two voinoit wouk
consent to the schomo. The two wo
man vere willing , but James wuntet
lOOO to boot frohli his brother tot' hI
f wUo.
) The wOlilan .smtld her husband ait
the iiwiioy and the eae1ittuigo of wtvc
was miiadc. She Is going to tivo wit )
JflhllCSm Ithid Ida atiul Edward are lLvin
together. They till lived in the saInt
house1 1111(1 got along svelt until lits
? .ionduty , wileIr $900 was stolen froti
JILUICS' room.
The womnn said that Edward and Id
disappeared about the smune time tliut
tito money svmts missed , and they war
believed to luivo conic to IToboken. Sit
therefore wanted a vtrrant for the ar
rcst of Edward on a cittirgo of grant
htreen y.
\VhUc the woman was relating tb
above story hot' companion had litti
or nothing to say. Ito merely ondorset
boi' stutteinonts.
Justice Seymour tobi the coupks thu
ho could dO nothing for them , and thu
titoy tvcro lioth liable to arrest In Noi
Jortoy. Thu COUl(3 ) ( , On hearing tbI.
got ut cit the IitaLo'6 otco ) ) I
iOrt order , nitti VICIi last seoii voi
makihlF tracks for thu ferry to como
uw ork.
Money In Dimand at Firinor Ratoe
of Interest.
Fimnils Neetheti For the 'sioveimiemit ol'
Griuhiu amid hive Stock-The
General Jobbiiig Ilutshtsess
'cry Good-Notes.
Ittftes StIfltItig.
'rhero hare heart no features of great interest
developed In finamichat circles the huast vcck.
Our bankers have met the calls from the
country I.V gralmi amuti ) I'o stock dealers , vlio
arc beginnimig to want conskler.tbiu sums ,
without feeling itt nil cramped utmiti there
seellis to be no doubt but what the mooney
market vllI be colul'aratIVcIy ' easy for sonic
time to COOlO. Hates mire always stliTcu' hero
in the futli thami at any other time and
the ureset season is no ccccption.
'l'hio general obblng trade Is very good.
Orders mire hlbermul , both to travelIng sales-
roan auth by mall , anti It Is noted that a better -
ter class of goods Is called for. the country -
try is Iii good 511111)0 ) aumd willing
to Shucild its mooney for extras. Collections
arc scasoinuble munti It Is thought tviil imnnrove
Its the season progresses. it is noticeable
thot while there have bcemi uuiammy failures
this year the pmommihrmemut ones liulve beemi
nunong concerns of doubtful credit for a long
time prcviouis tImId have been expected sooner
ttiin they catne , Country proulucts have
been freely supplIed at unchanged quota-
'I'hc atnotlot of bullion held at the present
time by the liauik 01 Emiglamiul , the limuik of
Frmimmce , immiul time Imperial batik of C.crmnuumy ,
time tiiuco lemulhimIg banks of Etiropo. avgrega-
ted 1S3,2i6,7l0 gold amid 32OtVJi53 sliver ,
01' It total of 0S2l,8'i.
There is a iuroslcet for an art revival ( in
Ammierkuuu colnmmge. A bill to secure an liii-
lovcmnettt In our coInage has been drawn in
accordance with thu views of Islr. Khmmibahl ,
the director of the miuimit.
lii 18(15 ( , WitCh the national debt vas at its
Ii igimest itollut , aggregating nearly 3 , ( U ) ,000-
018) anti the poptilathoim less than 35,000,000 ,
the debt amounted to moore titan * SI for each
individual , At the close of the fiscal year
1sss , according to a calculation by Mi- . Edward -
ward Atkinson , the Public debt unpaid amid
tmnllroVided for twits i,05'3,499Ji13 , while the
poituluttion was ( 'ul,34,000. 'l'iio amnuuumt of
debt le1 cmupltmt has beemi reduced attica ISOS
frommi henri ) ' 5 to l7. 'l'lmo Period of less
than a uuImI'ter of a century huts witnesseul a
reluctioru of the debt by nearly 2XJ0,00- ( ( )
000 amid mum Increase of iovulutiolm of moore
titan 20,000,000.
TIme aggregate receipts of the government
last month 'veto $30,023,151 , , against $35,610 , .
116 for August last year. Compared with the
month of July last month's rcceipts showed
a gain of ,500,000 in custom receipts , a gain
of * ll00,00 ( ) in Internal revenuc , multi a slight
loss In miscellaneous receipts. The mouth's
suiowing immulicated greater activity ma bust-
11055 , both dounestic and foreign.
Coffee is in fair demmiand , rtvo of time
steamers fromim llrazil have arrived at Now
York with cargoes aggregating 51,8S1 bags of
coffee , ammO time feeling is not so Ouiitsh as it
was. Rio do Juneirn cables receipts of 40,000
bags of coffce.hmi four days , time stock there
havimmg iimc'reased to i20,000 bags. 1ccijits
at Sauitos for four days svcre 7,000 bags.
Teuts are more active and the supplies are
gradumaily IncreasIng. The steamer Iomm-
I iia 'r'c.1. at ? w Yarc ! VIII
Suez , with it general assortment of China
grecim flulul black and .lapan replenishing
stocksot some hinds which imat begumm to run
lois' , notably the better grades of Japaum and
Ciminut black.
Oranges nrescarco and high. A Now York
steamnor hits brought in over eight hmundmed
barrels of good Jamaica orangem' , which arc
jobbing there repacked at. $0.75@7.00 ier
b.tvrel ,
Choice brands of canned corn arc likelyto
be affected by time damage to time sweet corn
crop of Maine by the recent sharp frost. Timeless
loss is heavy , estimated at $1,000,000 or more ,
mit fortunately there was a larger surpitis
than usual loft over fromu last year , wimich
vitim time good imack this year in Maryland
and Uciawaro and tile good contributions
looked for from the canneries of New York ,
New Jersey ammO time vest , vihl be amply suf-
ficicmmt to meet all requirements. 'rho New
York Commercial Bulletin states timat time
corn hack of time whole country in 1SS5 was ,
iii round numbers , a little over 1,000,000
cases ; in 1850 it was nearly 1,750,000 cases ,
while last year it exceeded 2,000,000 cases.
Standard brands of Maine corn ordinarily
bring from 25 cents to 40 cents icr case more
than time iroducts of the other cammnimmg tlis-
TIme estimate of the salmon pack to date is
150 000 cases. ' [ 'lie Frazer river is still imack-
log smihtumon , and has put up 3,100 barrels.
'l'tma Minnesota and Iakotmt vImeat crop will
be 80,000,000 bushels below tlmat of last rear ,
utntl 10,000,000 busimeis of the wheat vuhl be
umitit for first-class flour. Not anywhere
enough good milling wheat to supply usual
rluirements of local mills. Thcs2 are
threshing returns ammd there Is no goIng be-
hmiuid theta
Aim amendment imas been offered to the
bomurul'of trade rules extending time regular
session of time association from 1 to 1:15 p.
ill , This ammiendunemit , togctimem' with the
ProiositiOml vcceimtly offered to nbolmsh time
short afternoon sessions , vihl be voted on in
: tori dulys.
Lamuison Bros. & Co. , of timis c'mtv , yesterday
wired their correspondomit ium idenmpimls to
learum the truth of time reports of time exist-
culco of yellow fever there , and reelvcd iii
i'Ohl ) ) ' tI thisiititcit S'hIich read : "Tho health of
time cit ) never was better. "
r ! , Do Surrehi , time Frencim consel stationed
at Chicago , has tnmtde a report on Ammicrucan
cattle to his governnmcnt. lie says that tue
los'ms sustained by cattle raisers dnrummg iSsO
and ISST tt'ere equal to 1,500,000 imead , while
lii 1587 tlmcro was a falling off of
5k ) ncr cent in the lrodtmction , of calves.Vitim
uthi tIme loss timero has not been an itmcrcaso In
t time lice of mneat , amid this is because ani.
' mouths are 'toldoun sold in this country before
the ) ' reach time age of three years , md the
L thifliculty of providing food for their cattle
lmas caused immany of the raisers to put theum
tiam mmmarket , thus lUttimlg dowum the price
of beef with the certainty of advancing Its
future cost. M. Do Surreil believes timat by
the ommul of the prcsemmt year time Price of beef
time United States vmil be 80 ocr cent
higher titan it Is now.
It is estmnmateti that time wheat crop of
France will fail tmt least forty muililon hectohi.
tars below the ordinary crop ,
Omme of the oldest and simrewdest and most
sueccasfumi ox-range cattlemen , one who got
3 in when 'rexas cattle were worth $10 a imead
) all around , with c.ilvcs thrown 1mm , and viuo
) got out of the busIness when ho could sell at
3 $93.50 tuer lmead for everything , counting
t calves is reported as saying that the range
cattle imsiness is now In good shape to make
t money for legitinmate investors.
A mnccting ofbarb.wire manufacturers was
lmeld at time Trcnmont ycsterda.I' In Chicago
which tviit very likely result In the fc'rma.
tion of it strong pool or trust in time near
future. l'riccs arc at presemit so low that
the nmautufacttlrers claim timemr outlook is deplorable -
plorable as tlmerti is no Profit to be made.
S As far as could be learned those vrescmmt
concluded that the only way to improve matters -
ters was to continue a war omm prices until so
mmmany were driven out of the business that a
S combine could be forced. It is iwobablo that
as soon as all manufacturers are made so-
qualuted with time doings of time conference
another meeting will be held of a more do.
cisive clmamactcm.
The meeting was a thoroughly represents.
tire one , manufacturers being present front
as far east as New York and as far west as
a Iowa. ti , B. Cm-agium of Ctmicmmgo , was chair.
t aman and 0.V. . hoary of Johict , secretary ,
a Anlouug others present were I. L. Eliwood ol
a Do icumib , 0. ZI. Gregg of Crawfordsvilio ,
md. , James Lannon of Cincinnati , rind Jacot
Ilaisim of Do lcalb. It is said this was thc
first mmmcoting of the kind John llaish over at.
tended , although ho is a very cxtommsivo barb
3 sviro manufacturer and through his long liti
0 gation with the Vashburn.Moen cot blna
tion became as generally vehI known as an
One in time business ,
t -
, t O3IAiItt IiIVI STOO1L.
1 Saturday , Sept , 15 , ISSS.
Thieve was no quotable change In the catth
o markeL The packers paid. t4.50l.h Io
0 corn-fed natlve averaging 1,132 to 1,277 lb
anti $3,4OItU for westerns. Thu 1ecde
. ' -
* ,
mnmirket was slow arid dull but butchers' stock
Wmus strong.
I I og.
The bog market was be lower , time decline
being duelmi great Ilmeitsuro to the abemmce of
time Boston buyers auth time consetlucumt failing
ciT aim the simliphmmg dcummmtumd. Evemytiiimig vmms
sold before time close.
Timere vero mme fresh receipts but several
stale loads sold ,
ReceIpts ,
Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . see
flogs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,400
I'revniiuui Prices ,
Thcfollowimm is a table of ; urico ; p.mttl in
this marKet for the grades of stek men-
Prinmesteers. 1300 to 1500 lbs. .I.25 (5.50 (
Prmmcateers , 1100 to i3JO lbs. 4.50 15.t5 :
Native feeders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : i.oo 13.40
\Vestcrui feeders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.60 ( ' 3.2.i
lance steers , commm'on to chioico 8.00 @ 4.00
Comnmoon to go1 cows. . . . . . . . . 1.50 ( x2.5t )
Choice to Immimey cows. . . . . . . . . . 2.50 3.00
Cormm.feui cOWtS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.00 @ 3.40
Common to cmomco bulls. . . . . . . . 1.25 f2.00
F'nirtoctmoicoliglmthogs. . . . , . , . 5.05 ( ttti.lO
Fair to choice heavy tmoe , , , . . 0.20 1JU.35
Fairto eOoI nuxcU lmo-s. . . . . 6.10 Ci0.20
1tCiIem3imtLtvO ; t3ilmi.
No Av , Pr.
It ) cows. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 630 $ 1.00
4'cows. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; 1.35
I bull , mmmmtivo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ese
I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ) 1 o
a ; cows , 'l'cxns. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . sii :
cow , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ) 1.2I
3 cows , imativcs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . t.53
I utmil , native. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l,2o 1.0(1 (
I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ) 2.1)1) ) )
I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 2.03
14 steers , Ark. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r7 ( ; ' 2.20
1 steer , Ark. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61) ) 2.20
1 cow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( ' 00 225
2cews , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . 2.30
I cow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . txl ) 2.3 ( )
5 cows , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 2.30
I cow , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 2.80
14 calves..2 ( 2.30
U feeders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 745 2.35
I ; feeders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 03 2.5
45 feeders , . . . . . . . . . . . . , 8.22i4
1 ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,
20 steers , eormm feLl mmatlvcs , , , .1,139 4.50
is St cers , corn fedmmmmtires..1,217 .1.00
a t NO i CAT rat' .
Owner. No Pr.
Swan Laud & C.Co. . 21 steers. . . . . 057 .75
Al ilowie. . . . . . . . . . . 4 steet's , Tx'sl 061 2.00
II. 0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ) ' 8.00
huller. . . . . . . . . . . . io tailings . . 1,15(1 ( 2.50
M. C. Nicholl'u. . . . . 8l ) stecjs..1,226 4.10
M. C. Nicholls. . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . - ) 1.80
. C. Nicholls . . . 2 cows. . . . . . . 1,1)10 3.00
EutstllatflhmtoumLSijo 21 fu'tl'sws'mmsl,17T 3.-ID
\\'tusutch L. S. Co . . IS fc'd'sws'nsi,00'J 2.05
No. Av , Simk. Pr. No. Av. Slik. Pr.
61. . . .200 11)0 $5.05 Is. . . . ' 286 200 6.15
09. . . .91 I 200 6.05 83. . . .237 40 5 15
(1) ( . . . .2. 'i2 210 6.05 75. . . .231 210 6.15
76. . . .218 1(10 ( 6.05 73 , , , .247 860 6.20
41..201 80 0.05 , 210 160 620
70..20 200 6.05 61 201 2)0 ) 600
0. . , .228 100 6.10 5' ) . : : :250 : 320 0:2)
3.,23ti IOU 0.10 71 . . 221 8) 620
(4. ( . . .2Id 160 6.10 64. . . .2S3 120 0.20
59 , . .227 100 ( LiD 77. . 255 2-tO 620
60. . . .219 240 6,10 119 , . , .2-15 80 (1.21) ( )
77. . . .200 200 (3.10 ( 72. . . .253 240 6.20
73..2'23 hO 0.10 75..230 121) ) (1.2) ( )
(3.3. ( . . .233 8(10 6.10 55. , , .2'21) 2C0 6.20
03 , . . .2241 200 6.10 51. , . .253 210 ( h0
71. . . ,235 2fl ( ) tl.1258 , , . 2(11 240 (1.25 (
12-.3. . , .273 00) ) ) 6.15 ( ' 6. . . .250 SO 6.25
70. , . .229 211) ) (1.15 ( ( . . . . . . . 3(10 0.25
63. , , .255 200 6.15 00 , . , .2.4 50 6.25
72..i2 SO (3.15 ( ( II , . . .65 1(10 (1.25 (
tn. . . .221 40 (1.15 ( 62 , . . .u0 240 0.40
70..2h11 10 6.15 tir..Jcs SO (1.30
i.y tt.i ! ' .t * . . . .2
68 , . . .24:1 : 250 6.15 5. . , .305 80 U.32
73. . , .215 120 6.15 50. . . .312 80 6.33
72. , . .255 240 0.15
SilEnt' .
140 native almeep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 2.S0
733 westens. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 3.80
Packers Pust'oimaset.
Shnwng time numubur of itos bought by
the heading buyers on time mnumricet to-day :
G. H. Ilamntimonut & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Omaha PackimmgCo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,25o
Armnotmr C. P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,
C.C.C ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257
highest ammd Lowest.
Time following tire the highest and lowest
trices paid for loads of hogs oa this market ,
on time dates indictted , in 1887 , 1833 and ISS5 :
I sept , iS7. I itept. I 1885.
2 485 430 tZt4tiS 355 185
a 5 IX ) @ 'i 25 4 : io ZJ4 71) ) 3 60 tZtO 145
4 Smmmulay , 4 4S llJ4 57 J 6. ' ; t.3 85
5 5 IC ( t.S 25 Sunmlmmy , a 75 411.3 80
S 5 10 t7 ? . ) 8J 4 30 t1 60 Sunday.
7 Ii 10 tb.t 3D 4 45 GIl 61 8 00 tZt3 80
I ) 5 i21'im ) 40 4 40 t4 (15 ( 3 60 mf3 WI
8 5 15 ml , 30 4 41) litl ItS 3 ( 'I G1.3 65
10 5 11) ) ta-i : r 4 4t ) I ( 65 No sales.
11 Sunday. 4 'J7tc4 65
12 5 10 .S 33 Sunday
13 5 ( XI 4A5 85 4 45 tiM 85 Sunday.
Pork Piuckiuig.
Special reports to the Cincinnati Price
Current show the numnber of hogs packed
from March 1 to date amid latest niaildates itt
the underimmeuttioned place , compared with
corresponding time last year , as follows :
-iii-li : 1 to Scptonbr : C. I 18'(5 ( , i 18M7.
Cluirtgo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1room : 1sooooo
Kmiilas City. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 663,0)0 ) S1(3,700 (
Omnaliut. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4PtYIO ( 47(1,00. ( )
St. Louis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204.0J ( ) 2,0M (
lnulimmnmupohts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183.OYJ 2J0,000 (
(3umclnnmiti. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10)Itt liJ'Oo : '
? i liwauikee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143,1)1) ) 3 1rto63
Cedur ltapld . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134TLtl ) 1.17,449
Cleveland. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102,44) 121,715
Shomix City. Ims. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1tI1i411 19,51)11
Ottuuuummva , itt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1)8,837 ) 48.650
l'tlOveliieuit of Cattle.
The followiumg table snows time receipts and
simipumictits of cmttio : time litSt ) sveek at the centers -
ters mnemmtiommcm ] , as mmlso for tue lrccedimlg
week , as COmmIiiie(1 by the Cincinnati i'ricc
Current :
mAsT mycEk. m'itt-lotrs wrn
- itec'd , slmtp'tm. ltec'd.Shuip'mi.
. . . . . . , 111.763 51,554 17.tt5
St. Lomils. . . . 1l.47U 8,855 12,5r17 6,71(8 (
Kansas Cmty. : s,23ti 22,3O a,784 25,2)3 )
( ) . . . . . . . , ' 4,412 tPtttl , 4,821
Ctmmcinmiati . . . . 4,551 1,51)3 ) 3.72) 190
Now York. . . . . 8.573 . .12,580
. . . .
Totals..121.200 . 57,295 123,017 1.5.537
IaiVO Stock Notes.
Cimnrlos Sang , Limmwood , was looklmmg over
the market.
A good muany sheep have been changing
lmads item of late.
Hall & Moore , Gibbon , sold eight loads of
sheep to Fred Clarke.
Mr. Elliott , of Clay , Robinson & Co. , has
returned from a trip to time territories.
Li. C. Redington , vitim time Uosebaum Live
Stock company , will spend Sunday with
friends at Blue Rumpids , lCaas.
Omnaima has gaineU 20,000 over last season
In the numbcr of hogs Packed since the 1st of
March. During the same time there has
been a fallIng off at Kansas City of 229,807.
Produce , FruIts , Eto.
HuTuit-Fancy , solid.paekcd creamery , 18
@ 2ic ; choice country , 16I7c ; common
grades , 10t13c.
Eons-Strictly fresh , 140J lSc candied.
CAamrouiNiA GluPEs-1l.25@t,50 per case.
SOUTllgmt1 Gnrss-4G@00o cr 10-lb
l'imAcuIas-Calitoruia , $1.001.50 icr box ;
Missouri , 59cl$1.00 Per ( bit.
IJAXANAS-Uomnmmmou , l,502.25 jior bunch ;
choice , $2.50Z3.50. (
LEM0NS-$4.00@5.t.0 ver case.
CAsTnLorzs-40c75c per dozen ,
I'LUliS-5075O Pr bu.
Ilucuax iusumumuss-l.2a per drawer
I'oTATOI5-401500O per bushel.
SWSST POTATOE5-20j2O r'er ' lb
POL'LTItT-NO dressed fowl In the market ;
live chickens , * 3.50@L75 : per doz. ; spring
cbuckeums , E2.25a.00.
TOMkT0SS-50u'(1Jl.00 per bu.
\VATsuuuit.oNs-.00cl2.oo per 100.
PlAits-California , $3.00(3.51) per btm box ;
outhorn , 75 per 3bu.
CP.l..ilT-256j30c oar dozen.
P Eco PLANT-l,00@1,25 ier dozen ,
ONmoNs-flc per lb.
ArrLEs-.003.00 P' ' bbl.
CuunArh'u.Es-750 per bushel.
CiDsit-Mlchlgti , per bbl 3
gals ; Califorimla Pear cider , $15.00 ier bbl.
Per Comux-Rico , 8io ; common , 2cj3c.
LnnoTs-50cpcr buhoi.
3 135ks-Clmomeo eastern hmandpicked navies1
r. * per bushel ; western baumti pickcc
k , havies , $2.652.75 ; mouiums , 2,0032.15
r Limna beans o per pound.
- .
Tradtng In Whon.t Continues on a
Liberal Scale ,
Moderate Tramisactitmns In Oats-Pro-
IHIoumN 1ICi'iCuiCC , Quite a
IbOmIL-Cltttic Iiiii aumut
Vs'calc-1Iog ct1vc.
Cimmc.soo , Sept. h5.-iSpociat Telegram to
Tuum : UEE.1-'rlmo signs of weakness that were
seen iii time wimeat. market ye'iterday disap
peared entirely to-day. An advance of mmemmri )
lc was established aad the tomme of. time
market was fIrm to tue end.Vlmy it was so
trims comfessedly boyormtl time ability of a great
mammy of time bears or temnporarily quiet bulls
to explaimm. Time belief lois beemi so gcimeral
as to be pr.tctlcahis imnnuInmous , that there
was going to be a commtiumuatiomm of tIme rcmmc-
tion. tiiat time failure of the mumarket to act Itt
nt'comdaumce ivitim this belief Is timougimt to ro-
uitmire explanation. 11or three weeks timoro
hits beemm mmmi tmimceasing effort on time pmrt : of
slecuimmthrs to depress time umimurket. ' .t'hov ilki
kmmoek tIrt.'a ott bit the close timis after.
Imoomm is tic mubove tue lowest Point rcaclmed on
time ( heel 1mm a. 'I'ime ophim ion is go 1mm I tug gm-ouimiul
timid. time omurket hma mid its reuctmomm : , timid
timat it is mmow svorkimmg immto a position for it
Iurtlmer lmnproveummeimt. it is true that mmmamiy
coiiservmmtmvo bulls do not look for mmdvancing
unmmri < et'u tlmtIt ! the rumsim of new sprimmg wimeat
is over , but they tb not feel timat timoir views
upomm thIs vohimt mire iimfmmililmlo. 'l'imey
stand ready to fall in 11mm mmmmd mardi
to PrommoimmCCl : bull music ammy time. After
tlmreo weeks of lOUtmdimlg , , wiucat closes to-
, migimt 0111) ' fmactiommmily : lowem' timami it was
three weeks ago , timougim fully Oc under tIme
extreme outside. Docemmiber opemmed to-day
at 1tic , mt. gutimm of 3-'c over last umight. Mmy :
wa tiuoted at. 'JSc. 'rhmls liroved to be time
bottom. Dedemmiicr kept keeping up with ,
eumly occasiotial minor reactiouts , until , riecs
touched U2-c , witimitm the ° sulit , " of which it
rested at time close. May left oft at 1t03e.
Time voluome of tradhmmg was large , taken as a
whole. There wore dull seasons , but time pit
wmms mm scene of activity nmost of tue sossloit.
Tue lust emid of time mumarket was time strommgcst
51)01. )
51)01.Corn was rather quiet to-diy : , but thin fool-
iumg was somuewlmat stronger for tlmc futures ,
due lau-tntllY to the better tomme in wlmeat , and
at tile close seller October was about 3. e
lmiglmer than it closed last miiglmt ; Noveumiber
' 4c higher , and seller May about 3c lmlgimem.
.l'lmere t'tS not mucit activity in trade nmmti
tlmo market devolOhCd ) mm specmal feature , : mmmil
there was little iii time situation to imiihuence
orices to any apprecuable cxtemmt.
Oats opened a trifle firmimer on near futures ,
thougim mit ito timmie was mutuch activity dii.
iltmycd , ammO time mumarket soon ruled easier aimmi
neam'iy steady mull along time line , with all
futures betweeim the next mnontlm and Mit
qmuite neglected. 'rime sUlpiy was fair mmmi
time Inquiry of CIII ) ' mmiodeiate lur000m-tiomis.
September mmmid October botim touched 24'.c
curiy : , with immost of time trutlimmg mmroummd 241c
and May firma to 3e itielmer. Cat- lots were
in mu' request amid steati ) ' mmt 21Le for No. 2
iii store , mumd immost of time tr.ulimmg in cash oats
bsamimphe. .
Provkiomms closed time vcok with sommie-
tbiumg of a hoommm for time mimfierent specuimtit'c :
I id l. The imirkct ; iii-p fiomii time
depression timmtt itas lately controlled it , amid
much to time gratilleation of holders , imil-
vammced in V. ( lecidemi umumnimem' . Comupat-ed wmtlm
last nmgimt's uimmal Prices. elocings for thai day
showed mmmm imnprovcnmcmmt of 20c 1mm October.
i'omk , 32c in October ; lard , l20l5e imm
Septemuber mmmmd October ; short ribs , l5c in
Nobeunber ; lotlt ) , 271c to Novemmmber ; hard ,
ilie lim year liOrk min Jmumuary ; short m-ihs ,
17Ke in year lard and Jauuary 1)Orlc and 12c
1mm January lard.
CnicAoo , Sept. 15.-ISpecial Telegram to
Tima 13cc.l-UATTLO-Trado was dull amid
irices weak froma the opening to time clo3e 0mm
everything front top to bottom. There was
no exception ; fat stock , cow stock , bull
stock , Texans and rmngers all sold slow anti
mm shade lower , the general market closing
weak with a large tmumnber unsold , Last
night at time close the market simowed a
higher range of values timaum mm week ago on
western range cattle that were good onoughu
for export or to make time best grade of
dressed beef for home consumption , umnd
lower vrices on nil that lacked in quality or
Eat , or both. The decline is owing to libormil
receipts of medium Texans and those of lOOC
quality , and receipts of quito a miumber of
raimge cattle from sections tvhmere there has
been son.e drouth. There Is quito mm domnammd
for ringe cattle for export time past low
days , owing to time scarcity of good corum fed
natives. Good range natives of 1400
lbs average and over will be sold
to exporters frommi now on , anti we
expect to see iruccs go higimer eu very best
grades , whulo we see no reason for prices to
I0 lower on mom coniunon grades. heavy
receipts aumy ono day may cause a temporary
deciimio bnt the general nmarket emi grmmngers
is liable to renmain steady. A big m'umm of
cattle is looked for next week fm-ommm the west ,
anti heavy sbipnmeats are expected froni tim
territory ma thoMississlimpi valley affected by
the extraordinary tlrouthm of timepct : tlme mmext
six weeks. The receipts imiciuded 2,200
'rexas mmd western cattle : cimolco to extra
beeves mmonminnliy $5.S5(0.(10 ; mnedimmimi to
good 1350 to 1500 ibs , mt.00@5.75 ; 1200 to
1850 lbs. 4.4P@5.00 ; 050 to 1200 lbs. $3.50@
4.21) ) ; stockers amid feeders umieimammged mut
2.ooILlo : ; cows , bulls mmmmd mixed weak mtt
1.25@.3.S0 ; bulk , 9.00@L40 ; Texas cattle
uumclnunged ; steers 950 to 1050 lbs. 9.StL25 ) ;
750 to 1)00 Ibs , 2.00@3.00 ; 600 to 700 lbs ,
$ 2.40@2.70 ; cows $ t.50(2.40' westermi rmmmmg-
era steady ; natives immmul half breeds 1.50(1J
4.60 ; cows 2.60@3.52 ; wintered Tcxaums
$2. 75t-1 .25 ,
iloos-'rramho was ac'tlv ' , vitli all sold at
an advance of it strong Sc on simipping ammul
lrinie packimmir sorts. Llgimt sorts were ox.
treummely scarce , amid sold UI ) to tl.406.50 ;
time same grades one week ago , siunihmir selec-
tiomis , sold for $ .15@ti.30. There was not a
sufficIent numaber of light hogs to 1111 tim
orders , Commomm ack1ug sorts sold at $1.10
( (1.25 , and tlme best at $0.'J0@ti.40 , and few at
$41.50. Assorted heavy shipping and butcher
weights sold at $ ( and a Low thlimt.
deiphuas at 0.70.
LIVE $1100i ( .
4jhmlcftgo. Sept. 15.-Tho Drovers' Jour.
nai reports as follows :
Cattle-Receipts , 3,000 ; market steady ;
beeves , $5.83ai0 ( : steers , $3.50@5.75 ;
stockers and feeders. S2.00@3.25 ; cows , bulls
amid mixed , $ I.'J5tj2.S0 ; Texas ( attIc , $1.50
03.2.5 ; western raumgers , $2.75133M0.
hiogs-Ueccmpts , 6,000 ; market active nod
hIgher ; mixed , $ (1.00t'6f.5 ; heavy. $ (1.l0@
6,70 ; liglmt. , 5.b5@6.25 : skios. $5.00@5.55.
Shmeep-ltecolpts , 3,000 ; market irregular ;
natives , $ J.04.50 ; western , 43.4093.'J0 ;
lanibs , $3.50@6.25.
Kansas City , Sept , 15.-Cattle-Re.
ceipta , 8)00 , ( ) ; slmlpmetmtsuione ; market quiet
but steady ; good to chmok corn-fed , $5.00(1J
5.50 : coummmmiomu to mnedium$3.251.T5 ; stock-
crs and feeding SteeN , l31)(300 grmmss
range steers , $ l.806j3.40' cows $ i.25@9.75.
Ilop's-Recciiits , 8,206 ; shipments , a1l ;
market steady ; good to choice , * O.2536.'J5'
common to medium , .I5.60@0.l5 ; skips alit ]
liigs , 4.0Ot.00.
Natloumal Stock Yarda. East St.
Loul8 , Soot. l5.-Cattle-Rocehpts , 18 ;
shtpnmcnte , 2,100 ; markotstoady' choice hoavv
native steers , $ 'kl0d5.ti0 ; iuir to good
native steers , H.50.20 ; butcher-a' steers
medium to choice , l2.40j.40 ; stockers
and feeders , fair to good , E3.23.50 ; ramigera ,
corn-fed , * .3.500j4.00 ; grass-fod $2.803.70.
hogS-ReceiptS , 410 ; shIpments , 425 ;
market strong ; choice heavy butchers
selections , ; u,43.00 : mac'1ng , medIum t
prinlo i3:0@6.45 : ; light grades , ordinary to
I best , .10@4i.80. _
New , Sept.l5.-Special ( Telegrair
to Tiqt llEI.1-STOCls-IL was anotimer beau
day in St. , Paul , k , together witt
Norttmviesthru , were th'.leadcrs in acUyit
during to-day's short session. Time general
mnnrket oi)000tl mm little under last iiigimt'
close , auid witlm a soggy feeling , save itt some
of time Viilards , wimlcii simowetl a little ilrni'
11053 ommly to lose it before much time haul
el-ipsel. St. Paul started at 6lc0-l lower
amid svitlm nut nhuumost stently decliuc , droppeml
oft to (10' ' , whiemm it reacted a little , then limit-
toreti up aumd dowmi like a woutiuleti duck ,
closimmg fhmmally at 6I' ( , a loss ot i0 PoinIs
sluice \Vcduesday's close , London was a
seller of fleutiiuig timid Unioim l'mteiflc. Traders
amid Cimicago operators hmmummmmnercd grmtumgers.
Northwestern soul front 1l1 to iO8.i , dos-
iumg at i0t)3 ) ( , while Omnaimmt declimied 1 Itoiiit ,
lluriimigtoui ammO Eock Island 1 iolnts.
Deacon White sold abotut 2,000 slimires of
I.nckatvnnmimm , tvimicim stock stiffereti a small
depreciatIon , The remimiumdcr of the list was
quiet itt hriees at the close it little lower
timmmn time opening 1mm mmiost stocks , 'rho total
sales were lit4S30 shares ,
UovEmttgrs-Uovcrm1m1meumt bommils svero
dmiil but ilruim.
The closIng qtmotatlons of time stocks were
as follows :
IT , S. 4s regmilar.'t' . . ' Xorthermm , I'ttelflc. . ,
U , S. 4s comipomis. . . . . ( loprererm-etI. . . . . . ( ' ( J3
ir. s. 4'srt'gtmlmr. ' : . . I08' C. a N. W. . . . . . . . . . .
U. S. 4'mu comupons. . l0d' . tIn preferred , . . . , . Flu
l'aciltc Os of 'mIS..l . N , Y , ( 'emmtral. . . . . . . . 108'I
Cemmtrutl l'aeitic. . . a . I' , , 1) . & 1. . . . . . . . . . .
( 'Imirago & , lton.i- . hock lshuutl , . . . . . .
t.'lmlcagohlmmrhlmmgtoum C. , ) t. & St. 1'-------
- - - - - - - -
& ( Juiimmu'y - - - . . - - - I lO' ' ( do pr'rrz , - 102
- - - - -
.D. , L. & ; t. h'amil & Ommiahmim. -
lillmok , t'eimlrztl. . . . I 17 mlopreferrett . . , , . 100
I . , II. . ' 5----------- 17 tflttim . , I 'lid II . . . . . . MI
Rmtmimi't & 'l'exas. . . 13 i % . , St. 1. . & I'------- i4
- - - - - - -
I.aiceShimtrt , . . . . . . . . . itlcI ( it ) prefermeti. . . -
Mlchmigmmmm Cemitral. . 81)4'estern ) Cmiioim. . . . . Ni
'l1s'.otmmi i'cutl . . s0'I
MoNr.v ON at I@t3 per ccitt ;
closed offered mmt 1 Imer cent.
PmumMc Mcitc.tNTILE 1ti'EI-5I1. ( per
cent ,
SrEmtmmNo ExduI.tNn F-Quiict bitt ilmmmt vitim
actual ltiStliCSS ) mit il.l9j' for sixty-Ommybihls ,
s.i.SSi.i for deimmammd.
1'htOttJCi ,
Cumietno , Sept. 15 , 1 p. mmm.-V''hient. ' lIt-moor ;
caii , (13t.1e ( ; October , tIle ; Novemmmber , ill i. ( , .
Cormm-t"irmmmer ; easit , 4ic ; Oetobem , 43e ;
Novetuiber. 4Oic' ! .
O.mts - Easy ; cash , 24'c ' ; October , 249cc ;
Novermmbcr , 24c.
1tyc-5'J c.
llmLrloy-Noiimimmal ,
Prhutme Timnotliy-$1.G3.
Whiislcy-l .20.
l'orIc-Stetdv : ; cisim : and October , lI.42t. :
Novommmbou , 13.b7l. . < ,
Lard-I"mrmtm ; cash aumd October , $10.3) ;
Noveniber ,
Flour-F'mrni , mmmmd 1mm soumie cases higher
lt'ICCs mmro asked : vimitu.jr wheat , $3.-l00t5.00 ;
spring whiemtt , S3.757I 1.31) ) ; rye. $ .7o-i.oo.
Dry Salt MoatsSitoulders , $7.62pt7.75 ;
short clear , $9.009.25 ; shmort ribs , $3.S2)0J
Ihuttor-Firmum ; creamery , 15323c ; dairy ,
iim@isc. :
Chmc'ese-Piriim ; full cream cimemidars anti
flats , S4lS.itj'tm ; Voumig Anmericas , Sb385'e.
Eggs-1'im-mum at i5flc. ( ;
Tallow - F'iruum ; No. I. solid packeti , 5. (
(534c ; No. 2Iiu' ; cake , 53j3iit ocr it ) .
hides-Firm ; htemiv , ' gm-comm salted , 63te ;
ligimt green salted , 63c ; sTmlted bull , Sc ;
green salted calf , (1Tc ; dry flint , 7@
be ; irnndctt lmimhes 15 Jier cemmt ofT ; deacons ,
20@25c etch ; dry salted , Tc.
ltccompts Shipments.
Flour , bblu. . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000 10.001) )
Wheat bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150,000
Corn , bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.000 229,000
Omts , him. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100,000
Rye , bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,
Jimmley : , bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . .
New Yoz'Ic , Sept. lS.-VhtctRoeimmts
! IQI0 ! ; mi trifla flrmmmar
hut tiutet at hiighiem' ; No. 2 red , 9T !
@ 97c iii olevmmtor , afloat , tS.i@ (
title I. 0. b. ; No. 3 i-ed , tile ; No. 4 memi ,
S-Ic ; ummeruttleul red , ScI.00t , ( . No. 1 red ,
$ l.0l ; optioums higher , but dull ; No.
9 red , October , closed mmt tSc. ) )
Corn-lloceipts , 3:3,030 : ; exports , 0.S00 ;
sIIt it shuttle higher , limit slots' ; No. 2 , 53e
in elovmttor , rJ@4c afloat : ungraded mixed ,
5io154c : ; optiomms dull ; October closed at
523 < c.
Oats-Receipts , 157 000 ' 20(1
; cxpom'ts , ; stint
a sitmitle drummer but lullet ; mixed western , 28
@ 32e ; tvtmito Western , 2S(135c.
Colfee-Optioums Opeumoul steady but closed
weak ; sales , :17,230 : bmgs : ; September , $12.80 ;
October , $ i2.l5i2.40 ; November , $11 GJ
11.90 : slOt Rio quiet but steady ; fair cargoes ,
$15.2. , .
Petroleum-Quiet ; United closed at 01c.
Eggs-Easy and thtiet'estcrn ; , 17Q19c.
I'om-k-Steady but quiet.
Lard-Spot higher ; sales , western steam ,
Pmrt : to mirrive $10.40 , and for spot , l0.65 ;
optlomms very dull ; October , iO.i9.
Butter-Steady mtmmd in Immoderate demxmnmmii ;
svesteri dairy , 12@l5c ; % vcsterui creaummery ,
Cheese-Dull but steady ; western , 7. ( ®
. .
St. LOtmlt4 , Sept lS.-Wimeat.hligher
cash , 01)c ) : October , 02J.e. ;
Corn-Stronger ; cmishm , 4l'c ; October notn.
inal at 40X@4le.
Oats-Weaker ; cash , 23e ; October noun
inal ,
Pork-Steady mmtl5.00.
Lard-Firma at $9.70.
Butter-Quiet and dull ; creamery , 1S20c ;
dmmiry , 15@lic.
Mlnmmcnpolis , Sept. 15. - Wheat -Prices
verc a shuttle imigiter timaum yestem'dmmy for the
best immlllhmg sammmlIes , but some sales weue at
time same range ; receipts 2SScmurs ; sliihmentS ) ,
ci ) cars. Chosiumg quotations : No. I hard ,
in store , mumid cmmsim , ttie ) ; October , 03i4c ; omm
triclc , old , $1.00 , flair , tUttfTc ) ) ; No. 1
northern , cash aumd October , tCc ; omm tragic ,
old , tte , new , t(3(0.1c ( ; No. 2 mmortlmern , eu'hi :
and October , SUe ; omm trick , old , tJSe , mmciv ,
Mi lwnukee , Sept. 15.-Whoat-Firni ;
cash mmndOctohjer , Sse ; November , S0.ti'c.
Com-mm-Qmmiet ; No. 3 , 4-Ic.
Oats--Strommg ; No. 9 ivhilte , 80c ,
R.vo-Lowem ; No. 1 , S3c.
Harley-Active ; No. 2 , t103'e.
Provisions - Firumi. l'orlc-Cnsim
- amid Sep-
tcmber , $14.49.
Kutiimma CI ty , Sept. 15.-Vhemt-Steats' ;
No. 9 roll , casim , 7ic ( bid : October 77c hid ;
No. : t red , cash , hOc blml : No. 2 soft , Slc bmd.
Corn-Weakem' ; No. 9 , wm'tim , no bids nor of.
ferimigs ; year , 32e bid ; No. 2 vhiite , cash ,
:179-i-c : bimi.
Oats-No. 2 , cash , sales mit 203cc ,
lie 1)idui't. Know liar Nuuute.
The Boctou , Record tolls the follow-
live iii BOStOll"Sitid tIme mnmtt'-
i'iage clerk.
"yis , om' . "
"Does ynum' hiuly live in Boston ? "
"Yls ' . "
, sot'
" \Vhut's liar hither's llama ? "
" 01 dumiuio , ser , "
tl\\rlmutIs her , miothicr's name ? ' '
"Oi dunne , Sot' . "
t\\Titero was your lmtdy born ? "
tlOI dtmmmno , sot' . "
" \Vimat's her age ? "
' 'how 01(1 is
"She do be about forty-two , I thilnlc ,
sot'"Iltts she been married before ? "
" 01 dunne , but 01 think she mmgimt
be , sOr,1
" 5'jImat's hier
"What's liar mittm&1
"Mrs. Shaw , sor. "
' "flint's emily part of it. Svhat's her
mialno ? "
"irs Shaw , ser , "
"What is liar mitilno ? "
"frs Shaw , how many more tunes
must wo be telling yet ? "
The marriage clerk called a halt when
lie told the big nervous Zitilesittn at time
window just what questions lie must
conIc prepared to answer about himself
and his Thving bride. Time Milcsimtn
said ho hind lived Wlth
ivli : , boai'dor , tot' fire weeks. lie
lina proposed and been accepted. All
ho had over lienm'd horcalled was mmIrs
That's what time other board'
ore called lid , too. Time Milestan ivat
sent utwav rejoicing with an application
for a mnniriago license swith a list. of all
the quastiohis miccetismiry for prospective
groows uumd bottles toiinsivot' ,
r lstpremltunto Union se.v1ng machine
An Increased Donuuid for Money
From tim West ,
The iJoiblumg Ti'utdo ii ) fl healthy Ccii-
tlItluiii-Ati tctlve Veck iui 'tmil
St reet-l'air Specitlht lout in
Grmtiui nuid l'rovlsiouus.
Thin Moumey Market.
CiIlr.tOO , Sept. l5.-.iSiiccinl Tclcgrtmtmi to
Tim liuut.'l'lme : ] cimief fcatumru at the ltiiks ) :
during time sveelc was time lutcreasctl dcmnimitmi
for umiommoy frommm gruimi dealers at other lIimmts
that look to Chicago for ftumitls , and time tern-
touy covered by such bat-rowena iticludes the
emutina wimiter amid spring tvhmeat belt. 'rIte
demmmommtl for sticli PtimPoses Is also expected to
mmmateniail' lmmcmcase , especially fromum time
miom-timivest , wimenu spring is just mtosv
stmurtltig to tmmanlcet. Calls for ftnmths fromim
otimet' branches of trmmde mtumtl luilluistnics mine
imlso cqtmmtl to recemit averages. Bitt there Is
aim nmimple 5111)111) ' tif Itmimds avuiltble : for simchm
Pu nO(4C ) ( , : miitl tleslnuiblo ctmstommmcu-s mire readily'
miccommimiiodatcd. Call amid th irty-dnys loans
0mm gilt-edged sigmittum : nes auth cohlttcm'als : are
mumatlo to Clticmmgo borrowcrsmit S1) Per cemit
wlmeru large stmiims mtro wamtcd. ilusimioss sig.
mmatitres lii good stmtmidimmg geimeraily hay' t"ljiJ7
aumd summail boi-m'owers S er ccumt. 4tdVitICCS : Oil
grain at othmet' poImits au-c u'aiaily mit 0&j7
oar cent. 'l'lie latetmess at vlmicii the ' , m'irmg
ivhicnt iimoveunemmt hits commiumic'iicemi , mmmiii the
fueL that the export denmamiti continues small
jtmstliies time couichiiiomt that time bullc of the
cr01) ii'ill I.e haiti itt ivesterum elevators mmii
wimiter. It also seemmis contmiium that the
nmmloummt of mmoumey' absorbed by corn dealers
iii thoImmtrior , svitore cormm is likely to be
ciibbcti iii ummusmmally large mltmammtitLes , will
be imeavy. 1ore tlmami mmmi avcu'mmge call for
baits is mmlso expected fmomit cattle feeders ,
Out the smippl' prommiiscs to equmml require'
l.mmoimts , nimd wimule mmmommc'y' is likely' to tlmmd lii-
ci-emiseti cmmiutlo.ymmmemmt tue mmext feis' iimoimthts ,
there is mme imobaiiility , of a scarcit.y tltuit ivill
justify hmlglm rttes. ( bid ima' boom : svitlmdm'mts'mm
ftommm tue l1.umk of Emmglmmmtl : so fr..aly that time
dtscoutmt i-mute mmdvammeed 1 per ceimt to 4 lien
ermt. Imi the opeim mmmmu-ket iii 1emitiomm rates
arc3.lf ( per cmmt. New Voic exclimumgo
has beomm freely ofTetc.l by bammlcers mit otimer
poitits , mtimil r.ites immive bcmm stcatiy' mit 6tQ470c )
discoummt Per 51,0)0 betivecim btmmks , Foreign
exeitamige was steady mit $4 NiI.S3. ( for
shippers sixty-day's tloctmimmemmtury bills out
Lo ii do mm ,
'I'ite jobbimig trade imi tiny goods has been
active timroiiglm the entIre week , amid leathimmg
itouses hmtie : Imal mmli time buslimess timoy could
hiimmdle. : Ciottmiimg mmumd mull scasoumablu
tmmerclimmmithlso also lumet with a good dt'unaumd ,
amid collectiouis imavo shmowtm coumsitlerablo liii.
provcmmmcmit fmemn mill dlreetmoums. 'I'lie gemlermml
busitmess outlook is also rcgmmrded as ltoilthy' : ,
miltitotigim mmothitmg like a iusitimmg fall trmtle : is
TIme week iii VaIl street was mum active omme.
'rime ojmenlmtg showed mi hocithetlly strong tat-
deu-toume , mmmti gave Immdic'atiomms of a ftitthmeu' up
ttmrum imi Prices. It. vas simom-t. lived , imowever ,
as tim gr.mngers , led by St. Pmtul , cut loose
fromum time rest of time list : mmmull weakemmed 11cr-
ceptibly. Strong efforts is'cre mmmadu by' bull
lcalems to imeek the deciimme by umulvaumeimig
coolers mtmmd castei'mm trummlc liiue , lint without
effect. Liquldatiomm set imm amid mummmors
I about time 1liOsLuL'CtI'ti 1tssImm : of thin St.
Pitii hm'OtinCCti mm iack of comtllt1cumct ,
and omm Tlmursdmmy , svimemi the mmnmmoiitmceurmcrit
was mmmtmho : timmmt it had Iascul its divitlcmmtl emi
eommmmmmomm and reduced its Iirefcrred dlvidcimd
to 234 tier cent sc'mmii mt'mmmumilly , sollimig beemimumo
Imeavy amid time mnanicct dcvclopi1 Into omme of
time ss'iidest kimtd , and a ileunoralizatiomm of the
cmmthrc list resuilted. St. l'tmuml dec'limicd 134
amid for time week S'4 , time rest of the market
goimmg off 34 to 4 points. Long stocks irene
thrown over mromalscuotmsly' . Louidoii tonIc a
hiamid iii time selling maid disposed of over
30,01)0 ) shares of St. Paul iii ono day and out
of : t total of 481,719 shares traded In Thitmrs-
day St. Paul furmmmshmed 118,596. 'l'hme simort
interest lii Grammgers anti Vmmmmulerbiits was
itmcremtsed , time hitter being sold on the re-
ductiomm iii eastbound grain rates. Sharp
coverimig on extremimo declimmes caused sharp
rallies , but time mnmirlcet hits received
too severe a shock to recover Itself nm a day
or two. Efforts are being mmmadc to restore
rates 1mm nearly' all directions. Also to consolidate -
solidato the Westermm mind Northwestern
trafllc associations nod bnimig time dilTcrotmt
fmuctions iuito closer relations , but it requires
cmmsidcrable timmmo to bring nil rommus into
a compact to restore numtes to mi paying basis.
Time cmtrmiings of the leading roads simosv fain
gains , but timoy will have to keep on increasIng -
Ing their busIness mit liresent rates to amiable
theta to vay' their Imeavy fixed charges and
regular divitlemmds. Time aggr.gmite sales on
time Now York stock exchange for time week
were 2,072 2-45 shares ,
Speculation lit grimm time hmast ivoek , at-
thought not so active as time preceding one ,
re.tcited a fair aggregate volunmo , uind time
ramige of prices was not so ivido as during the
preceding week. A umervous feeling pro-
'ailed , and prIces on mnost of time lenuimmig
speculative articles of grmtimm mind lmrovisiomms ,
especially wheat futures averaged lower.
Most of the Imirge bulls have unloaded timeir
wlmemit. The coummtry , who Intro bought. lib.
ermilly of late , have also takeum timelr linoilts
witim mm surpi-ishmmg degree of frocdommm autO mit-c
ium a Positiomi to get mum agaimi. Arrivals imavo
beemi fair at mill time leading receiving points ,
but farmmmers as ii rule are not rushiuig timeir
wheat to mimarket witim time satmio degree of
freedoumi mis in formner years , partly because
time harvest is later ammO also owimig to the belie -
lie ! tlmat better Prices will be secured later omm.
Reports from time mmortlmsvestcm'n crop tmro still
of a conflicting mmature , bimt time bulk of ad-
rices fronm miortitern Dakotmi commilrmn the
eai-ly reports of miamuimige by frost. Low temn-
hierature iii mimany parts of the corn belt has
c.iiiseti soutmo tmmeasiness i-ogmum'ulitmg time safety
of time crop , but tile bumllc is regmrdeil : uts about
out of dmmmmgcr of heavy fnost't , 'rho shiippiumg
tienmammil commtiumumes large , umnul although m'e
ceilits irene large stocks tin not lmmivc any
clmanco to accuimiulate. Provismorms irene
moderately active atid prices fluctuated
sharply , witlmiii mm iibermml rmngo. 'l'ito spread
of yellow fever in time soutlm mnmmthe specti.
latars ratimer baclcivard about takiumg Imold ,
anti thai market rernaitmed quiet dum-iimg tIme
grouter part of time week.
4tPiiroetl 1) ) ' I lie l'm'cmshmicnt.
W.smuuNoToN , Sept. 15-The prcsidommt has
approved time olnt resolution to continue time
tmpprOliriatlOns for the support ef time govern-
ummemmt uuttll September 25.
1st premniummi toUnion sowing maclilac ,
She Saw a horrible 'tOld Timing. "
Savnnnmiim News : A I4ibci'ty street
imhle declares that site was visited by a
ghost imot many uiighmts mugo. 11cr do-
sct'iptlon of the ilOm'l'iilO "old t1iilig" tea
a friend , is as follows :
"A scraping mind tearing , its if some.
thing ivits in my room trying to ivmtkll
the death , am'ouscd inc. I glanced toward
time door whmem'o time souumd cmtmo ( rein ,
amid there It was. I just sci'aamed and
buried my head uumdem' the pilloiv. You
may laugh , but I'll just vow it's time
ti'tith. 'l'lmo ghost was long and tahlantl
was wi'appod In a white shoot that perspired -
spired blood as if It ivero human ,
I could actually see time big drops
stamidimig out on it. It darted
aboutovet' tIme room like a butterfly ,
and I could hear nothing but time
rustling of itsold gown and the flapping -
ping of its wings. Its big old tcoth ro-
sembied cow Imoruis , anti It bit and
snapped like a inmul thog. Its eyes looked
oxaetly like balls of lire , that burned
nnl flickered. I couldn't speak , and I
just laid there with mmmy head covered
up , smotimorlumg utitnost to death , "
"But you had your licad uncoycrcd
antI was gazihig tile ghost In time face
ircrcn't you , to describe it as you have ? '
suggested a ft'ioumd ,
tIIlshiaivl I thought you know that
1)001)10 didn't have to look at a ghost
with their oycsopen.Vlmy , timoy never
voult1 see Oule. They see them ivith
their heads cuvored , Up aimd their eyes
doetl. "
- ; -
1st preimim to Union sawing maclimo ,
of Three Campaigns Sails His Story
to the Writer1
A Coitycrumitlori fletivoesiTwoOlil Sot- '
diets Overheard and Given for
time Ihomielk or Ommr liontlors ,
\S'lmilo eimioyimmg a fragrant Imarana In an ii
toumt ( itOcti ttC'iith % ' tile wrIter was au interest-
cmi listemmer to mm stInitoil commversation betii cemi
tutu ) Old sotiierM , I'ittiy imuiul botim romtglmt cmi time
wiimuiing , ll.u tlunlmmg time late ivar , timiti haul hot
uiit , slIme , , that I iiim , nuid were Iiglmtimmg theIr butt-
thus over iigtuiti niu ommly two 0111 omtiiera can ,
5'lmilo lIstt'imtmmg tO tills talk time tlmomlght occutreti
to tiit , iu-rltem' "it limit a book it ivottid mmiako to
tnk a host of ( I riumut .5 ruii3. much , amid imavuu cacti
0110 itrlto an acettmuit of Imis cmvii Itersoummi exper.
itimee anti themi cnmmplle thm whole Into a himrgo
book. ' ' I t ivomihil immim kt' tot iumtemist'ly' iitterestlng
i-ohmmiiie. i immutt num ' 'olti soldier" frloimd rsceimtiy ,
ivlmo , 1 I ke iii I thin tiys , limis ills .trimmg o f eXIier-
iemmct , titmti riot t'umt'rtmmimm it friemiul for ii ltiimg tlitte ;
iii flirt. kt'tit tIme writer fmommm hits htl for mi&'arly-
t liii ivimolt' mmigllt , i'm omum mtmmmommg htI strimmg th
fm"Juwlumg tstakemm ,
tt/fuJI// / , .
7 \
) l i.1 oim mm 'l'nomumtoum , it fzmmmmmer. restS tumg on Imhit
far mu. sitmittt e.i mi'tjtumit liie mumih's fm oumi I I air , Imaut
imail a stithii'u cx it'm-lcmm I Im it t mum v Iminim mmmmuho
pi-iiiti of , .11 m' . ' 1 imoi-imt.iii emillsL-t : r.t the outset of
dtc metahIton ailul tervelI tuumtll thitt c1o- mm ii as
iiit ii ( ; eimtrmtl .ilcCittllmmum's ormumy I mm t Ito Iemii mmstmlmt
ciulumput Igmi mimiti i'uis ult Ii 1 . eitt'ruul t'aniiy tim his
chili IlImIgmi back of ) t (11111(1 mimmil mmgtil mist 1 lie Shall.
0th 1 ott a , lit , ivas it1sc iiIt ii ( : ommt'm-mm I Ilmiuik itt it l
Ileth illier cxpc'ulltiomi , l.em-vimmg timmoumgliommt u-hit
Itomior t o Ii lmmmi-cl f anti to lila tonic r.r. I ii sleak.
imic ttf lui' soidiemexlorl"mme ) ) h r. 'I'lmom-fltIlt Sa.5
' ( I t cliuim-ut ( , mu-c ilero cttmmtimmtma hIy ox posoti to ui1
k i ntIs I ) f ivemut Im tn mmmmd t lit' iesiu It itImM I imat time 4
lie ) ' $ mmlmmmoit m'lwmts 111111 it svere (1111(1 which often -
ten I tim mmeti tilt 0 ( 'I ( lii I't hmiumg of ii mlmoro uterltitis
natui re , I kmmomu thitit ivi tht mite it t iti-umed immto as
bail a case ofdIttu-t hi mis mm miumimi (1001(1 get auth time
iesuit n-as ttmnt grew sick miumll ii as iiiacid on
tIme sltk list.V.tiit' 0mm the l'cuuimt-oulm , I itas ox
ammmimieti I ) ) ' t lie reglutiemmtal 'um-geomm miumll mvmms this.
clmmrgetl : emu mmccommmmt of nm Imiurgi , bitt I gm-aim' bet.
ter mmumtl mu cult hack to muty rouutp.uyagiulmi , well
alter time ivmmr ii its tivem I ii t'mmt lmommmo anti tlmomi I
tild miu itt'm' with I Ito cam mmnm-ht , I t neil till t lie Ill 'etors '
a Ilout I anti took emlcitigtm itt emit miteul Icimmes I a k il I
ii pair of amiumv mnmmht-t , bitt I ilmis mmu but I em' aumul I
belIeve it suucit a tlmhitgv.'ro miosMiimlo I it nut
iuort-o , mm1 eu-es grew wtutk mtmmuf iveto alit-utys
tuat ur' ; mui ) Ilemla . itchmeti comut imluimili' uimmil t here
was a ilatmi OVt'm. iii ) ' ( ' ) t'it mm' ; iiiomighi ( huttil a steel
bitini mirommoli mmty ime.tIl mcmli s mimI , mmmoilum-mm Imor-
cmiles wmts rIvet log it : ummv t lit-oat wits . ere amid I
_ m as immavki umg mmmi I spit tmmg fmllmmm mmmonmml uig hut II
mmtgimt. I ivas very umervomma too , I Wtlmmlll ottemi lam
ivorkimig 1mm u lie tlt.iltl (1mm umiy mmmou u'r ithmemi mm imeri'-
oils itt I tick iuotilth commie out mite , Itmmth I rout ti scarce-
I ) ' ke'ii immy i.emt mmmii vera ofl cmi I ivuin ltl hmmtve to
qiult work for lIme lut ) ' on mmccomiumt of it. My
Sm omimutclt ii'.is ott 0 t o niit'r tim mmmiii iii I ogethue r -
I ivmi' hi a vcm'v butt ! wmmv. I Imal bi't'tm m-emoling thmu , ,
nIicrtImemmmcumts of I In , Ii Cl 'aIoi' i'Omiii't liii Ii tumid
at . hmiMt I co mmcl iuilt'ii t I I at I it-out Id call ( in II I mit mimmd
Es ' : iti tim tu I iiiml : I l lii ' ( I I uvI'it i ) ( li aiumm
' .l'.cd the 9.t ( . i 1' , Sum-
hami who I till ! mmit _ ' hme t'tiiiltl cmmre mime , I ,1 , Id mmot It'll
hmimmm thmmit I Immiul Intl timiM catumm-rlm siulco tiio ii'at' . I
it-mis mifrmtid tlmmit Imo mvouiti I oil mmmc t immit I Ii iii Ima d
It too II lii ' mmmii comihil do mmotli tm for mmm a. so I t old
hmimmm I immt1 hid it abotmt st'vt'mt years , bmit. that
Inallo tlhltcieumro , lie eommmimmemmcell tremttimmg mime
uiitd gave mmmt , iii elhi'tuie to use at hmoummtu antI lie
cimrt'ti lilt' cutttm-ely amid wits immmilem' lila trenemmient
ftim' tat , ummnuit lm- amid tltut : timmmo no only s.tiitime
thrt'ti I imimes mtt I was too far away fm-lImit his ohhico
to tmulco ulllcc trcmitmmiemmt , lb htmis ccrtmiiumhi' (1000
for mmmc wlmmtt mmluii3' oilier lies trletl to (10 mind
faIled ammO I want to glvtt hmitmi thu crc lIt for it
too. I tuitk mmmv sitter dowmm to lImo uloclor too
ammO slmt' is gomting better very fast intel I do not
thoimbt imi thitt least that in a short tiummo shim will
also liu' enroll.
AsulliovtNtated. Mr. 'rhmnrmmton resides about
fiic ummiles fmouim lilimir , autO is it-oil kmtown In that
locality , especially him Ilimmir. whore itti gets imi
immmdl. lie i3 wtlhimug to smihstaimttate tue truth of
time above uiiull will do so to ammyonewhmo tioesnnt
believe ilif thme3wlli call to see himn or atltlrcs
hitmi to Ilimmir , Nob.
lTIiy Fever-Can It. lIe Cumred ,
Ilay Fever Is an affectIon chmuraeterizelh by
periodical attacks of acuttocmitarrImcouumIihicato
soummetlinca ilthi a.sthimma , occurluL' mis a result of
a specIal sutm.coptlblhltv Oh tIme hart of certain In-
Olvidumils to becommmo fmmlliut'nceil by certain sub-
stmiflccmu , auth iihmemi the irrltathmmg stmbmttamices arc
llresctmt 1mm thai aimnospimere.
'l'hme nttmmck usually begins with it semmsation of
tcimtmmg hum tim umostrlts , which iooim becoimmes very
iutemmseanui catiltes violent timid proliuuiged smmeez-
itig. A iirlckiimg , bmmnmimmg sonsittloum 1mm time Immumer
corner ( if thu eye , followed by jirotuo wcehlng.
Vet ) ' StiOli tIme nose liecomne.t stopped op. ammO.
bremttiiimmg tltrotmgum it PractIcally imumpossible. A.
ivatery _ titscimmtrge apliemurs. ivhiichi soon bocommmes
i'ei ) ' lrotiuse , ivlmichi Iu s'er' irritatIng to time ,
nostrlus amid tipper liii , mind tim patlemmt mimakes
futIle etfomts iumnmintiermmte use of the immmmiti.
kerchief to clear thu ito-ta of time cause of irrita.
thin , mind oiitrmictioti. Chuiiiy uen'iaiioums , rluig.
immg 1mm time cars , loss of mmmell ammO tiite , v1oent
tcimittr at time roof of ttuu mmmotitlm , jrnimi over time
bridge of tlm Imost' , itcumiuig of tIme face , milsortier.
eti stommmatlm itoh fluitnbeumco SOmnctiimies accommm-
pam : ) ' titis Stage of thin tu-oiitlo. As time aU'ctioui
ativmnces : thin C'C' ( iecoimmo lutllminmeti nod asihmnma
utimpeiii.s to further lmicremmso thesuitenimmgs of the
To tiorsons sulrt'riuig uvit'tm thtes s'mmmlltomlms we
offer a simeedY relief 11011 permmlmumommt emmie. The
(1151-551 , must lie tientetl scleuitlllrmthiv , thmmtt Is
u-him a kimots'leuige of Its calues , anil o inetlmomi
for r'ummovhmmg , tIme cause. Mmmkeshmift tmeatummeumt
by llatemmt mmmetilclumes antI ualliatlvo relmmelilos.
such flM cocaine muuuuy iima'k time dtetute for ii
short hub only to biemik out whim immcreased lii-
lioti' Catrirrhm In Protliteeui ,
Ahthmotmghm takimmg cold is timie of time commnon
ClIt amId mtmo'tt tmimnthimmr of iihmetiommmemia vet tita
dailgers of its mmeglect imi irctmtiti1 uimml it5 ulti-
mmmmmto result mire umtmt mtllpruclmitoti. limo ruuie is to
let it wear itsoif omIt or soommmtmmgly to. lii a very
large mmiajomlty of cases , cmitchmimig cold develops
imi tin attacK of ttcutt , lmmiianmmmtililm of soumme tmr-
tiomm 01' tile uipier aIr liaMsagos , as ileimig ut Imoitit
of least resistmmiice , amid , tmmrtimor , as these atilicklt
recur ii'itlm immcrt'mtsOll frequmeumey untIl gravity , wo
Iluiti titi , mumonhiid Process localizes Itself fuintimer
dowmm mtllll mmearer to the vital edItOrs , mms r'mmrts
time so-caileti liability to tuuke Cold , it shmeti Ii ito
uuiht.rstomli ( timmit this is title to aim existing
chronic cmitmumrhmii : ilitiammmtiatlmn of hierhmaps so
ummllti m , typo at to girti rise to lint very trivial
symumlltoutms. or evemm 115550(1 ummmaoticemi ; lint slut
an exisling ctmtmmrriu , time remummit hiroltubly of a
noglectal cold tumid thmoremmewed iittuick to mu-Iiich
tIme tmmdlvithimah bocomimes so lIable , commshts ium tit
lighting imp of tIme out troumble.
Ja each freim attmmck subsIdes , time chronIc
trouble imimikeri itoit , kumown by mumort , decitieci
symimptolmis , fresit cohils occuir with greater fre.
( iuiemmc and timere is finailyestablishc'Il a chronic
catarr.m of the mmose ammO tiunomit iiltim its mmmany
anmmoymmmmcos of stoptied mm mmoso , lummump of mmmucims
iii the throat. huawkmumg mmmmi utmittiumg , limilum over
eyes mmnul britlgoot imose , rlnt'mmmp or bmuzziumg mu
oars , hackIng cough , later on 11511 oder seaba ,
tmuium4iuai ( lryumess of umoso and ttmrottt anti finally-
graver trommblo lower dowmm fit lImit air pmmasmmges.
Ills very mumucim tobo .ieprecatoli tiumit usaruhe
atm nruhummarv coiti is ahiowomi to tmmke Its own
course without treatimmeiit , It a part has once
tiecome iutltaummetl It Is left 1mm a wemmlctmneli condi.
tiomi it-hilchm Invites renewed mtttttcks ftoumi a very -1
sllgimt cause.
'l'Imocountry Is Ilooded wIth patent mmmedlclnes
for the cure of catuirrit , w'miclt are concocted
ltflti mauls attractive ( or time express omirposo of
trmnkimmg mmmoney. it Is utterly immmuosibie to prepare -
pare a single m-emnedy to meet time dltferormt
of ctttarrlu. A renielly for emma st.mge ummumy
00 lniuimious to anotimem' , It is juist taudm ) remmam-a-
ratIons , wltim titelr ' 'gummrammtea cure' lmmboi on.
timiut imai'o weakemmed time ronlldcymce of this greas.
mmiajonlty ofsutferers of timid inatlmsomime trouble.
of iiavuumgthelr disease akillfimily treated by a
physician who hiss manIla a stumly of time dIsease
1mm Its every contlitlon. hat dovied remnodios ,
niothotls of appiyimmg titcuim utmmml iiltim tIle large
oxporlotico of lmavhutg trcatotl timotmsands of eases
before voutr case council before hIm 'i'lto old Jo.
Fcuili ilmat "l'rocrastlnatiomm is time 'l'hmtef of
lilac" Cami be no better oxcuophilled tItan Ia
came of mmeglectctlcmttarnim ,
I'eumaumout , ly I.ot'tutcd ,
DrJ. Cresap McCoy , into of iiellevu'j lksui.
tmml , Now York , siwcectletl by Dr. Chmmtre !
2.1 , Jordan , itc of tile Univer.
, ulty of Now York City , also of SVmmsitfng.
ton , 1) ) , 0. , hate located puntntittwmtlv In th
ltamge Illock , Omnahma , Noii. , whmora all curable I
cases tire treated , ukillfttlly. ( kinulimption 4
llrlgiit'S iisease , hyieisla. ltlmeimrimatisni , and
nil mmeri'oumll ( liseItsiS , . ( liseasos iicculimtr to -
sex a specialty. , I
OATARRH CUR , , . ' t
ConsultatIon at office hr hy muimmil , U , Ollico
hours 91031 5 , m.,11to4 p. mmm,7 ( clIp. in ,
Hiuumulay Ilnuirs , rm'outt II a. us , ( I ) 1 i ) , iii.
Corespondnco receIves IliOmuil4 tittentiomi.
No letters sus'w rud uutoss ite.coumputmmu.i : by I
' c.Imlts lum stimmupa.