Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 16, 1888, Part II, Page 10, Image 10

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    4 >
A < lvcrtl f > mcnt nndnr thU hwul 10 ccnt ppr
line for the llrst Insertion , 7 tents for each sub-
"mticnt ln crtlon. and Jl.WJalmo tier month
No advertlBcment taken for le * t inrTJjccnw
the lirat Insertion , bev en w ords will be counted
Mtho Hue : they must .run consecutively 'aid
must be paid fn AUVANCK. All mlvcrl ; se-
tiH-ntH must ixj handed In before laswi o clock p.
m. , nnd under no circumstances will they bo
tnkcn or discontinued by telophouo.
I'urtles advertising In these column ; and lia\ -
ln their answirn aiVdre-sed In care of 'I n j : IH.r.
vfiploaso \ ask for a check to enable them to get
their letters , as none will be delivered except on
Krcsoiitat'.onof chock. All answers to adver
tisements should be enclosed In envelopes.
All ndvertl8emnuts in these columns arc pub-
llshed In both mornlnK and ovenlnif udltlons of
Till ! HEI : , thu ilrtnlatlon of which aggregates
morn than IH , ) napcrs dally , and gives the ad
vertisers tlio nonotli. not only of the cltj-olrcii.
latlonofTHE IlKi : . but also of Council Illuirs ,
Lincoln and other cltlei nnd towns throughout
this section of the country. _ _
Advertising for these columns will bo taken
on the above conditions , at the follow Ing busi
ness houftoH , who are authorised agents for T UK
IIKK special notices , and will quote the same
ratcrt as can bo had nt thomaln olllco.
" " "
t , 830 South Tenth
& KDDY , Stationers and Printers , 111
South IBth Street ,
tl. PAUNSWOllTH , Pharmacist,2115Cum-
, Ing Street.
W.I. I1U011BS , Pharmacist , C31 North ICth
. W. PAIUt , Phurmacl st , 1SOU St , Mary's
i Avemio.
Al'OUNU man , stranger In the cltv. likes
employment ; grocery store preferred : nine
years' oxperlence. Address 0.07 , lleo olllce
AN HASTKHN young man would like situa
tion with Hoinu housa whoto earnest work
would lie appreciated. AdiliessOW lleo.
N ASir.HICAN , well educated , desires po
sition lu real estate olllco or In a bank.
I Irst-class references. Addrtss C W Hce.
IbO-lb ?
WANTHD Kmploymcnt In any honorable
business by a peiKOtieoinpctjiit to till any
position. Addr < ss C 71 Heo ollico. 1U3-17
GOVIMINKSS wishes position In family , dally ,
or resident. References. Address O 41 , Hoe
olllco. L1 1' ' ' *
SITUATION by lady as typewriter nnd ston-
ographer , references given. Address C ill , lice.
WI 10 *
WANTKD-Position assistant book keeper
or cltv collector by a jounnman of ability.
Kxccllent city references. Address 0 II. Hon.
137 10 *
POSITION wanted by joung man hav lug had
7 > ears' experience In ono of the hiigest
mercantile houses In lloston , which position ho
now holds ; good reasons for < hanging and let-
erences gl\en. Aildiesa \ \ . II. L. , box ar > . llos
ton , Mass U"0 lt
_ _ _ _
W ANIUD-SltunllonbyapractlcnltlnsmHli ;
u general mtchiinlc ; 92-a-day llrms please
do n't answer this ad ; would bo pleased to
hen r from purtli s who npprorMn a workman.
Aildie P O. llox S.VSt. . Paul , Neb. U7 1 HI.
WANTED Position by nn experienced boot
nrnl nlioo Bjilesinan : speaks ICngllsh und
Oerman , AildrcSHboMCi , Hcatrlce , Nwli ,
_ . . ) Four expciienced men to polish
ami bet up stoves. Apply at 1212 Parnam bt.
"l/tTANTED / Art canvassers attention. Just
TT ready four rnllrolj new serials , the best
Bollcirfof tliBhoiiHou , " Porto , ' "sculpture
( lullerv , " "faohcted Pictures Kiom thn Art
Treabiiies of America , " A wonderful seller In
2u pints at 81 PUtmo-qlle Callloinlu. " two
i dltlons.DoLuxo nnd plain. Nolhin1 ; hus old 11 LO
It In ten j ears t me. inclusive territory whli h
is being iapldly tulen. : I ibeial terms. ' Ap-Iv
uulcUy. IP. . KaUur , 12 4:14 South Hroadvvuy ,
St. Louis , Mo.
WANTI5D-3 pastry cooks , $ TO and J40 ; 2
scrub i women , pt-ndy woik ; out of the
city a place lor tlrst-class cook , family of 2 , W !
mouth ; girl geumal work I lemont , $ .1.50 week ;
cook In mnall hotel Hockport , Mo. , 82.1 ; llrst-
claas cook , Coumll Illulls. no wasliiii' ; , $1 ; fares
nllpatd ; 1 cocondglrl , family It , $1.50 wi ok ; 1 girl
for i lub hoime , * 1 week ; 2 chimberinalds , fl dinIng -
Ing loom girls , 2 dishwashers , and 27 girls general -
oral housework. Omaha Lmployment Ilureou ,
111) ) N 10th st. 17110J
WANTKD-2.1 men , stone nuniry.M.Tii day :
board.SM ) ; fuiepald. Whites ollice. ll'J
N Itilh st. 170 10J
WANT15D Ilookkcepnr , young man ; Al city
references ; must thoioiighly uudtfistund
his business. Addioss C C ? , Heo o.llco. 173 17J
WANTUD Head waiter , M ; second cook ,
JJOi 10 farm hands2J. Win. Hroga.illl'.i S
ISth , _ 17.110J _
WANTED-Man and wife to manage a farm.
Hoferencorequued. Apply to J. Hoiriirnn ,
Solomon , la. 202-lDj
WANT ED Hesponslblo ealcsmen to poll gro-
ctrles to families on commission for a
cash retail grocery btoie. Inquire n. w. cor.
Uth and Howard bts. 11,7-10
BOYS wanted , 12 to 14 years old ; apply at
1312 Fiiruam st. at7 : 0 Monday iiioinliijt.
Reference requited. 17'J-IO
WANTED Tracklayers for Kaubasir.'o fare ,
at Albright's Labor Agency. 11J 18
WANTED Coat and vcsf maker ; r. r. faro
paid ; come at onco. K. Lang , Hratike.Neb.
I 10
W AJXT151Mnlo cook at 1004 N. 10th
WANTEU-School boy of 10 or 13 to take
care of horse and cow nights and morn-
Ings. L. O Jones , l.iixi Furnain. U70 10
WANTUD A young man or boy to work
around the house a few hours a day. H.
Iienman , room 0 , lion Hank. iti7
WANTKD GoodcontmnkcrsnndtnlloresVes" .
J. Cohen , JiCilH llth bt. IH)7 ) 17 ?
ANTKD-Qood Hfe lnsurnuco Bollcltors
with bank references , are wanted by the
Union IJfo ut 401 Mcichanta' national mink
building , Omaha. Olllco hours 8 to 10 n. m. nnd
4 to 6 p. m. &n
T7U1TY men wanted f or quarry wont ; good
JL' wages and steady work. Woupliu Water
Lime & Htonu Co. , Weeping Water , Neb. M7 17
" 11TANTKD Immediately , ! 1 ilrst-class tijaC
f T makers. Barnes liros. , Hasting ! ' , Neb.
_ tM _ J ( _
"IXrANTED At Northw c stern Labor Agency ,
T ni58. H th at. 10 BWiiecutters. 13 teams-teis ,
4 store rooms to rent. _ 7 ;
WANTED A man to hollclt ; salary HOO pet
month ; nnibt deposit Ji'i and glv o seem it v
for money collected. Address George S. Cllne ,
Wagusr block , lies Molncs , la. 1W 0,8
WANTED A good rag carpet w oaver. Steady
employment the year round. Address
Nebra&ku Curput Mills. 7th and O sts , Lincoln ,
tfeb. _ 411 _
WANTED Men for railroad woric in Wash.
iDKtOB territory. Teamsters , ulck and
ahovel men , nx men and rock men. big wages
and lonjr. sttndy Job. At Albught's Laboi
Agency. 1120 Farnam st. _ 12J
W ANTED A llrst- < lass experienced w ludovv
dresser. Inquire at the uu
SOLICITOUS wonted for a large manufactur
ing company ; teferencea required. Address
110X207 Oiualm.
WANTJ5D Energetic men and women every
rrher * for a genteel money-making bus !
MS. NX ) weekly piollt gttarantied easier thai
MO monthly otheiwlse. Experlento absolutol }
unnecessary. Pciimiiifnt position and excin
Rlv territory afsurcd. fj samples free. Wrlti
for particulars. Aild'rcts , with t > luinp..Me
Mf c Co. a CU. Chicago. 4V7sHj'
B OXb-Am. DUt , Tel. Co. , W4 Doutf
W ANTHD Good girl for general housework
Clluv nco ut sit So. a ut.
ut.lOfi17 ?
tXrANTBO-Oorapetcnt girl for family of 2 U
VV AKies. Neb.20 1 for Wyoming , > : 1
for Bloiix City. 120 ; a for Council lllnllx , 1 fo
Kansas : pastry cock in city , " - " > ; cook tor conn
try and hotel. t > i small nurse girl , tl : coiu > * r
tent second rlrl , fond of chlldien : S h.'ml < r
inulds , Sdlumir room girls , IUM ) TO for genera
homework , peed wacs tor good uirl" , at Mrs
B , aunouthiant. iw it *
TlMNTBri-Yountr Bbrl to asslst with house
TT work und care of children , 1121 N. Ulh bt
A thoroughly competent girl fai
general bnnncwork ; refei-ences required ,
* Apply at ll.J. Kf dick block 1511 Pui nam st ittl
A 0001) . strooi ; xlrl I for general houviworV ,
-r referoncei required. 1716 Sherman ave. Mrs
ail. Fowler. 'J 10J
_ _ _ _ _
* \\rANTF.i-Jllrtiil ged Udy wTiu good rcf
f eiuutvs an boussiteoper uud taka care ol
two IIItK' children ) will Vooji girl for htconil
xro-k : v \riLJieaaudksovilr.ouie. | . Apply a !
i.iU , ail
W ANTED Olrl for gencrol housework , n w
cor , Ifth nnd lcaven orth. 4 9
\\rAN1 ED-fi1)young ladles nt ( ll Ud opera
T > IIOIIKO olllce Sunday , between U and It
o'clock a , m l.V.i 10
" \\rANTED-A peed girl for general housework -
_ > > work , KJ3 S. 20th st. _ _ 20l HIV
\V ANTED \ plrl Hint understands her bust.
it ness to cook , wash and Iron , ft In family ,
wages J.I.W u w eel : . Mrs. Jlio W. Hell. 1100 d.
7th ave. l l
"YVANTED-A girl to do housework , illl N.
> I Mh st. 1211 1 >
\\MNTii-At : HM N. SM nt. , a clrl to do gen-
TT era ! housework ; must bo u good cook uud
laundress. 120 17 *
\\rANTED-Alndy to solicit ; must deposit } . ' )
> T and give security for money collected.
Address ( U-orge S. Cllne , Wagner block , Des
Mollies , la. 7i" o. 8
\\TANTED-Lady agents for "A" skirt and
bustle romblncd ; also "H" hosn pupport-
erj. Our Oalesburg , 111. , agent cleared Slos In 10
dny . ladles' Supply Co. , 2 W. Washington
M. Chicago. Kl-OI
\\TANTED Lady UReuts for the ladles' friend.
T T llarker block , room 21 203 S 2b *
VXrANTED-Good girl tor housework. SIUS
VV intb. iitti
) A few thousand dollars on first
clnssK per cent mortgage for a customer.
Hoggs : Hill. IM-lti
ADV desires additional pupils for music
J vocal and Instrumental. Al o gives les
sons In Prench. Plrst-clnss teacher. Address
ft.1l South 17th ovo- lli)5-10 )
"V\rANTKD-onico work or copying at home ,
T T by a young lady.V rites good hand. Ad-
.row . COS. lice , *
WANTIID Dressmaking In private family ;
best of city reference. Call or address D. ,
! U10 California st. l < 7 18 *
W ANTIID Dirt at 24th and Mason sts. A. P.
Tukey , IJth and Douglas. M7
. - for the south 41 feet of lot 4
WANTP.D-lllds , , southeast corner of 23d
nnd California sts. P. H. Walkct , CIA N. 2ld ! st.
O.0 ! 10 *
WANT nD-llorses to board , HucKeyo Stii-
T > bles , 1'Jth between Ilaruey nnd St. Mary's
ave ; llrt class accommodations ; best box stalls
'n the city ; terms reasonable ; telephone. MI.
ENOAGKMKNTS lo do dressmaking In fam
ilies solicited. Miss Sturdy , 2017Luuen-
ivorthst. WJ2H2I *
WANTIID If you have any lands' , lots , or
houses and lots to sell or exchange for
other propel ty , call on me or write , I can llnd
you aimstomor. C. C. Spotswood , 30VS S. I'ltn. '
WANTIH ) The public to make good use of
'J he Heo's message boxes thrjughuut the
city. 100
GOOD board and lodging , * t per week , nt 2118
- Oliicost. v 1W I7t
BOAKDINli nnd rooms At ion Parnam st.
rirst-clabS and pie isatit place A limited
lumber can bo accommodated. Apply soon.
Kino lo
: ST ( lass boaid can be had by the week ut
1 JUS Douglas st M i "Jt
\y ANTP.D Table boarders at 1003 Douglas.
C ANADIAN employment ollice. Mrs. Ilrega ,
" ! > S 15th. Itelerenco Omaha Nutlonal bank
61H sl7
TllAA'i : customers to-day for dwellings latif-
\\\A \ from J20 to $ jO per mouth , who will lent
nt once If they can git what they want , namelj ,
a goodhoino for thu money. List your houses
with me. Netheiton Hall , Hoom 42-11'ln-t Nat.
bank. H.7
\\7ANTKD U or U room housn ; must have
i ? nil modem < ouvenlences ; will pny llbeml
rent If person w 111 built nousc , will leusn tnmo
for anv term of jenrs. J. I , , lltandies , 1 Ith and
Howard. HI I
170H HUNT-Loft 22x120 , good light nnd ele-
JL'vutor. AddiessCO'Mlee ' olllce. IM-lGj
in lt HINT : Tno hinall bulldlnnext north of
J1 Presbyterian church , suitable for business
ofBomuUnd. Hoggs & . lull. 1IW-18
FOIt IHINT-Honso Xo. HJIIS. IBth ft. , . lOrooms ,
with modern Improvements. Inquire ut I ! ,
S. National bank. ll/7
7IOH HHNT A sovcn-roomed cottage. All
- modern convemeniehr corner 24th and Chi
cago. Kuqulrollia Purnum si. 1'j.HO '
FOIl HUNT 10-room house with modem con
veniences , at 210 S.iOth : st ; prlco JOiJ.lKl ; also
10-room house at 2541 St. JInry's avo. Apply ut
810 South 2.Jth st. lIH-ttil
HOUSK , fl rooins , 829 S. 21st st.
FOR ItHN'1 ! Two B-room houses. 28th and
Hamilton ; nice location ,
5-room house , uen. In Omaha View , $13 per
Id-room house and large barn , full lot , near
car lines , 2JI.1 Hurt , KO per month.
Also several hiuall houses uud lints : a good
stone building 2Mb nnd rnrnnm : can lit ou out
In most un > thing. Cleo. J. Pox , It , I , Continental
block , I4JO Douglas. 131 17
CHIJAP Iteut.s The largest list In the cltv ;
prices down. J. H. Parrotte , lUkJ Chicago ,
15 1,14
FOH HP.NT Oood 0-room cottage on Park nv-
onuo and Mason fctreets , K5J ; good 8-ioom
house In Windsor plate , W7.GO. 1) ) , V. Sholes ,
room 210 , t'lrst Nat. bank. 14S21
1T1OU HUNT Two 0-room houses , Jin oach.eor.
JL1 wth and Mason. It. U. Stoln , 214 So , 12th ,
Foil HKNT-Honsfa seven rooms and attic ,
2117Mnplost , ono block from horse cms ,
three blocks from cable cais. 121 21 *
Foil KENT New 4-room cottoco. 1 mile N W ,
P. 0.1) , C. Patterson , Omaha Nat. bank bldg.
\\7ANTP.D-Toienthousowlthfrom 0 to 10
TT rooms , city water and bath , within reasonable
enable distance from postolhco or near street
car or cable line , musst bo In good neighbor
hood. Addivss , stating locution and price , C
r > u. lice. MI lo ;
" 17011 HUNT New b-ioom house on Cumlnn
1-st , near Lowe avo. Terms reasonable. Ap
ply quick. Spotswood , UTi4 ! S 10th , 723
IjlOH UKNT For 0 months , modern housa of
J'8rooms , completely fuinlshed , barn wit )
room for two horses , rent $ ; 0 ; possession given
Sept. 2.H11. 2-'OIN.21th. 1 block norm of Lake
171011 HUNT street. Applv
-i-1 ut St. A. I ) , llulcombe , 2002 California st.
I71OU HKNT P.legant oast-front 0-room house
J' on S. 2.1th iwu i Ploabiint St. ) , near bt. Mary'w
avo. C. P. Harrison , 418 S. IBth Ht. 070
17VH HKNT An elegantly furnished house li
bebtpart of city ; furnace , cistern and nl
modern conveniences. Inquire ut once , 102
Park avo. 070
17UHI HUNT 10-ioom house snitublo for board
- * - Ing , peed location , rent * si furnished or $30
unfurnished. Address C 6 > , Ilee. 1171120 :
1OH KP.NT--HOUSO of fl rooms , all moden"
J conveniences , ou street car lln and 2 blocks
fiom < able cars. Iniiulrn of S. J , Paris , room r >
S. W. Cor. intb uud Douglas. IKJ nij
TjlUHNISlu : ! ) House Tn ronslderatlon of a
J- ' nominal rental , sontloman desires u hlghlv
rebOecta bio middle-aged man and wife to take
charge of his tnrnlshod house , in which ho wll
occupy IJ rooms for his olllcos ( professional
with board for himself and servant ; best rosl
demo part of the city ; houte has all mmluri
Improvement's ; icfercnces given ana required
I or particulars apply bv letter to Ames Hoa
Lttnto Agency , 16117 Paiuam t. un Ifl
TT'OH ' . 7-roonrhouso"fo
HKNT-I.aige2--tory -
J-1 the winter , lli..Loi per month. C. P. liar
rlspii. 418 S. 1Mb st. IKM
TJXll ) Itl'.NT K-room house , sewer , gas , ho
.L. ' uud fold water , bath room , new and com
plfte , flO month. Apply at once. 0 P. liar
rUou , 418 B. 16th st. 4X3
T71OH HENT II room house with store fronl
J.1 J'lt rut and 10th. InnuU-S , Tvatz , Ulfl Pur
namet _ _ fftj
' 171011 RITKr Ten-room house , modern Im
- * - ' prov omeuts. tor Douglas and 18th Sts , hamlj
to business. 1) ) , T. Mount , 2ii ; s llth St. fctD
1/iOlt ItKNT Purnlshod homo with modeiT
.ronvenleiu e , on Fainnni st. Inqiiro Haul
H. b. Hid U Co. . room 411 , Piist National Hunk
_ _ _ _ _ eu. _
iJKbl'ONSllll.Kiienou only can rent Tcven
itnonihoiue. No. un N lOili t. btt. Nkh
olat und Paul streftKotJno. W , Paul , 1COO , Pur
nam st. tJu
_ _
Cill ItUXT-M-ocm homo on 8. WthTt. . two
block * south of Vmton nt.t will rent for 8l (
per month or Bell ou tciiim to suit purclmsor
Ueo. J , Mernsdorlf. room fc , oiipoMto P , 0. 71i
TflOH UKNIWvo room house , J nvr'iiwortl
-L bt. nnd 4lst. . 112. J. W. Ullor ; room 7 , lr"2
bank bulltllny. WI
ll HUNT Nice T-room houso. 1151 Nortl
E0\l \ HKNT-I have about n dozen lionsei
runqlmt from three to thirteen rooms that
an be rented nt llvlmj prices. If you want to
ent u home , call nnd see me. George J. Sterns-
dorir , room 0 , opp. P. O. a )
[ 71011 11PNT Tlircn -room t houses. $17. In-
LA ( julteUill DougluK. Ui lot
molt HKNT-At very low rates. 10 and II new
V residences. 2401 and 2114 , Cuss street. Clarke
lacu. Otm block south of Crelghton college , on
'iirnam and 2 Ith street car line. All modern
mprdvemcntn. Apply. H.T. Clark Union Trust
; o. , or nt SIM Cnss street. ( HO
CJUVintAli houses for lent. S. T. Peterson. H.
J c. cor. 1Mb and
_ _
[ 71011 HIIHT House , in rooms , furnished or
L' unfurnished , suitable for boarding , or nice-
y arranged for two families , W3 1'ark live.
4t > i In
r/IOH HKNT Cottage. S rooms , very desirable.
JU 1212 27th st. , near Sowiird st. Inquire 1100
npltnl me. _ P2I
FOIt ItiiNT Now five-room cottnge , 2'i ' blocks
oil Pnrnam car line Inquire , nil S 12th st ,
TJUm HUNT Ten-room new house , with gas.
JLJ water , sewer , furmco , iVc , .Vc. , by ; td ! and
larnoy. ? 40 per mouth. Dexter L. Thomas , ut
S'ebrasVu havings bunk , 10th und Parnam. HU
T71OH ItHNT When you wish to lent a house ,
X1 store or olllce call on us. 11 , K. Cole , room
( I. Continental block. 2I'I
FOIt HUNT Neat 7-room nousoon Davenport
st.near high school , rent JIO n mouth , llrcu-
lan , V Co. , Chamber of Commoroj. 1HI
TJ1OH HP.NT 8 loom modern Improved house
-U Al locality at moderate pi Ice. Apply M.
gutter. 10JI , Knrn mi. 41)0 )
FOH HUNT Hlegaut 10-room modem house ,
near High school , > 0. ( } . 11 Ihompson ,
Sheely block , loth and Howard. 701
roIMtllNT-or Sale-New cottage , Hedford
Place , on easy payments. Kuqulro M. L ,
Hoeiler , room 4U1 PaMonblocK. 211
OH HUNT A fi-room Hat at IKW N IBth st.
Call or address i : . A. Marsh , as above. OU
\TiW : G-roorn cottage , rent flO , Inquire of
1Hlugwult llros. Haiker block. WI
I710II HP.NT-Cottager fouFlargo rooins , lOPi
JL1 South 23th st. ! II8
HOOM cottage , 811 S 21th.
ire i
" 1T1O11 HUNT Six-room cottage , 1313 Ilarney
X' St. , f-3 ] icr month ! " ) !
ELiOANT : fiont rooms'/cheap. ( ril S. pith ,
1UJ O , 1" . *
NICELY furnished room for rent , sudublo for
two gentlemen. I rice le.isouable : 2)10 )
( ! race si , only II doors Irom cable line. Ilieuk-
tast If deslieu. lniUliiMit | tlm house or nt C. i
N. W. railroad ticket olllio. HOI Parnam Ht.
1HJ10 *
_ _ _
71OH HENT- Nicely fuinlshed room ou lli-t
- lloor. Milted for 2 gentlemen , prut15
mouth. 181'J Davenpoitht. IM 1(1 (
F'OH ' HENT Newly and nicely Innilshcd
looms , Mteam h'iiit , bath , llr-st-elnes table
board , also boaid by day or week If desired ,
2--J N. Illth
iOK HiNT--i : ; fuiuShed rooum for lijsht
Jhousokeeplug , loleiuiic rciiulrtd , 1,12 N. luth
street. I'JMB
JTlUHNISHi ; ] ) front rifliin. 211W Purnaiiist !
-L1 171 h ?
1J10H HIINT-Puinlshcd loom , 2P 1 Parnam bf.
-P 17. 17-
TjlOH HP.NT Nicely furnished rooms , with or
JL1 without boald , at 2.P10 . Cillfornla st. IMMli *
WO neatly furnished rooms. S. W , corner
Dodge and ICth. 117
ITM'HNISHi ; ! ) looms , single or ensnlte. tlpest
J-'location lu th ilt > ; vety p'easint ' , having
all modern conv enlcm es. Ibis ciili ago st.
1V 17 *
1JOOM nndbnird , No. 2)1 S2
101 21 ?
T71OH HUNT 'Ihre-i rooins furnished torn-
- * - ' pleto torhouatk'.eplng. 12C ) N. Kith bt.
1.M 17 +
ROOM with or without boaid. 1 U ? .
1 JOOM and bo.ud. modern conveniences , 2IJ1
Xi.soward. Ill sl
HUNT II nleely furalshcd looms , pftrlor ,
JL' bt d room und kitchen , for hoiiboKeepIm ; , 1218
Pnrkuvu. no 17 ?
ONU nicely fuinlshed fiont room w 1th eloset ,
.suitable for ono or two gentleman , tenns
leasonable , S. W. cor. 2'dand IjO.uenvrorth Kiss.
117 IHt
"T710H HUNT 2 east front rooms , steam heat
JL'und bath , Ji' > ; also kitchen and bed-mom.
Apply 4UO N. Uth , a lloor. U'J ' 1UC
FOH HKNT Purulshed sleeping rooms S .O )
and tipwaul , payable weekly or monthly.
BOOHowmd. IHS 10 *
EL1XJANT furnished rooms , houthem expos-
tire , good location , now building. Inquire
Hoom 0 , N. K , Cor. loth and Ilarney sts.
fl-Jl 18 *
"POO.M for gentlemen near P. O. U2i N. 17th.
-IV ) o ! b
rnwo furnished rooms to rout , 1015 c.msst.
J- f.8J 10 *
rpllltii : : south front looms , ono with nhovo ,
JL fuinlshed or iinfurntshtU , 12 minutes' from
1' . O. , on car line , near table. 2112 Cnss st.
IC'8 15'
plOIt HUNT Hooms with famllv. table bonrd
JL' 170U Dodge st. Hefercnces exchange. (110 ( ll ! {
" | > OOMS Including boaul In the Younir Wo-
JLV men's homo 1U10 Dodge st. Iteferencei re
quired , uu
BASi.MiNT : : for rent , furnished or nnfur-
nlshtd. loir , Dodgo. 071
FOH HP.NT-A lovely south front room with
every convenience , suitable for two gontlo-
mim. 1 Purimm st. KM
C1O11 HKNT-Nlcsly turnlshed room , N. II.
JL1 corner Park uvo. and Pncllle , 2nd door , suitable -
able lor two t'cntlemeu or two Indies. Ksl
F IOlt HENT-Purnlshed rooins , 1201 Parnain.
KJ 17"
pUHNIBHED HOOMS , ( KJ S. 10th. 8V > 17 *
FPHN1SHED rooms to let , 2105 Douglas at.
D.O lb *
"TJ J OH HENT ( Iood furnished rooms ami
JL.1 board at 22J N. IBth St. ( rill 17 *
FOH HENT Purnlshed rooms. UlSDodgost-
812-17 ?
r _
VP.HY drslrnblo fiont room , furnished , nil
modern conveniences. 2107 Uouglm ret
TfOH HENT A largo pleasant fiout room ,
JL 17tO Chicago st. 'Ml
"ITIOH KENT A handsome room with akovo al
JL ! ssrj St. M nry's av e. 4 17
3 > LKASANT furnished rooms , KXM Parnam st.
_ 11.18 H.2ilJ _
fJIOK HENT Furnished rooms mOieuntg bile
-L1 cor. L'lth and Dodge sts. Inquire of Uso. H. .
Davis. Mlllurcl hotel billiard room. 217
I neil HENT Elegantly furnished rooms with
_ ' JL > onrd.liiiulre _ ( 1UIJ Douglas. 8M
TJIUHNISHED rooms , 1W S 2utliT
KB 8 21 *
ITIOIl HP.NT Front room , large aim nlcoly
JL1 furnished , located near the iilgH scliool. in
the highest and coolest section ot the city ;
cable line and horse cars pass thd door. En
quire ut 'iT-'IDoJue near 2lth s ; l > otT-
XTICELY fuinlshed rooms II pur week or JJ.50
- ! > per mouth , 602 , Wt andOOil S. Ibth st.
M'J s 17 *
) OH3 furnished rooms for light hoiiso keep ; also furnished sloeplni ; rooms. Mrs
Harber , HI2 N. lull st. 102-10 *
171011 IlENT-Kuinlfhed or unfurnished Iron
JL' Octob r 1 , to res [ > ouslhlo party , n W r"0h
house. Ufwly papered ttiroujihout nnd li
llrst-tlass order , furnaie. b-tr. und good burn :
blocks from cablo. iuqulioat 212J Hurdcttost
_ _ 174-K. *
| 7oit HEN'I' Three iiufuriiUhoil rooms on
JU 17th nnd St. Mary's uve. Mulvlhill \ hhelby
10717 ?
KENT 1 unfurnished rooms with close
und pantry. K18 Mo. 2Jd. JCl ( 17 ?
' 171011 HKNT A large unfurnished room fo
. * - sleeping or housekeeping purposes , tm
HownrdHt. iw7 10 *
T7IOH HENTTwo double parlors , tinfur
JL' nlBhed , southern exposure ; will lent cheoi
to good part lea ; ( ill N 17th bt. hb.1 Hi *
U Three CJ ) rooms. KK5 NorthSith bt. . . .ill 2 <
Four ( i ) rooms , cor 17th and Webttcr bt. . . . 2u U
Two r. ) rooms , 1HIS Howard st . 100.
Eight ( Hi riHiiu itut. 417 South lUth bt . 3d m
' 1 hreefJ ) rooms. 1110' ' H. 7th st . 10 o
'Ihrce ( J ) looms , 70Hi Pucinnsi . IU 00
1 hreo Wi rooms , 1015 Noith 20th at . II m
Three ( U ) rooms , 7074 Pacific Bt . 1000
Four (4) ( ) rooms. 417 South Ittth st . IS ( X
Three Cli looniB , 10U N.2lstst . 11 Ifl
Thn'e (3) ( ) rooms , s. o. corSuth and Nicholas U R )
Apply to Judge Hentlng Aponey , Herali
bulldlus , S.V. . corner ot IJtU ana UarUey st.
T71OK HENT fpr 4 unfurnished rooins at KJS
L1 s 2Mb st nt niodcriite price , or will rent same
iirulshcd ' 012
" 6H"IlKNT-Stoio28x7irwith cTglU rooms
F above ; all conveniences ; good \ard and
) urn. Corner Parnam und 28th St. P. K. liar-
Ing , 1521 Parnam. _ 1SU-2J. _
" "
IfOlt HKNT-SUiallstoioon Farnam "st"Htilrt -
L1 able tor n grocery , also one 5-room house tin
'amain ; 2 , 4-room houses south of Hauscom
uirk , near school , $12 per month ; 2 , 5-room
louses n ur Kouner.e place , $1 1 per month ; 1 , 10-
oem house , 22nd and I.eavenworth , perfect re
pair ; 1 , 0-room llonce near Park Ave , J20 per
uonth , llughdilnrk ] , Hoom 7 , Chamber of
'ommerce. 7JJ 10
_ _
FOH HENT 3 stores with or without rooms ,
on Saundcrs street , best retail location lu
ho cltv , rent cheap to good parties. Inqillio
M. Toft , 12th and Parnam st. 870 lh
1FOH HENT-onico suite ( Si month , " 2 7lngie
JL1 ofllces ( Ifl each , all fronting 10th St. , Illisii-
nun block , N. K. Cor. Iflth and Douglas. W. M.
Hushmnn , 1311 I.euv eiiworth. 240
ITIOH HKNT-On Cumlngst. store nnd living
X' apartments , also llverj' stable. Enquire of
luuls H. E , A : L. Co. , Hoom 411 , 1st Nut , bunk.
iriOlt HENT Nicely furnished olllce , ground
JU lloor , half of .MIS Kith Bt , opposite Chamber
> f Commerce , M. A' Upton Company. wo
"iron HENT Double store room , suitable for
JL' clothing , groceries , dry goods , etc. , location
Irstclass. AdldresXonieo olllce. 1K1
I'PlOESiind basements for lent , comer 13th
uud JiicicsonstH. Mrs. F. Lunge. WI.
FSS HP.NT-Ptoreroom , N0.211S. Hthst. Ap
ply at 111(1 ( Howaidst. _ ! TiO
OIt HUNT ntore-room under Omaha Hank-
Ing Co. , cor. 11th and llarnoy. suitable for
money loaning or real estate business. Paulson
o. , No. 1111 , loom P , I'nrnnnist. UK !
HiNT-nne : retail stoto room with
largo basement , VM per month. C. K. liar-
, 418 S. 15th bt. 4SJ
yiOHP.for lent , llli rarnam street. Imiulto
Oof Nathan t-helton , at 150.1 Karnam street
choice stoic rooms In the Her building ,
JL between Howard and .lackiion hts. Apply
llaymer At llerstoie , MIS Iiith st. 4 l sn _
rpWO stores , ssx'fl , just coniplotocl , with Hats
JL ot seven rooms above , w Ith water and ,
tlrst-c loea llnlsh , lith and I'acllle sts , low rent.
Apply to L'lllnger llros. . U1U H. lUth st. , Omaha.
_ _ FOR rr.NT--rdlSCEl.A ! EOUS. _
JTlOlt Itl'NT A Kmibe piano , cheap. Address
J-1 C IU , lien. _ L'r ' > J ! ! _
FOIJ IthNT-Larwo b.iM'inent and bar room
at th Cozzens hotel. Applj to M. .1. Pi mcK ,
ropilclor. IWI lit ?
JISThmises wltn me ; hi\o , lotsof tustomors.
-J .1. H. I'airotto , ! > ! Chicago. 117 UH
WP. glv e spe < ill atliutlon to tenting und col
lecting louts , list with ns. 11. E. Lole , loom
C , Contluenlal bloj1 ; . -.11
XI YOU want.your IIOUVH leMed pi ice them
with Dt'imwu\Co. , liilh. opposite postoMue.
\ EOItf.i : .1. K 1 r.IJNSDOKPP , room li. rpp. P.
fii. , will hertafter give ajuilil atltutmato
renting hoiisrs , stolen and ilats Ifwiv. . " int
jour piopert ) rented without dei iv and to reli
able unants. do not tail to list tne tarn" v.'lth
him " -W'l
1 OSl'or htolfii - bull pupi , half giown , one
* J male nnd fe nwlll ; the toluris brimllu ; tli >
dog pup h < isa wllil * head , with a btliiiLe spot
on one side , ? rmi'id ( ) tothep rtoat .at piovu *
tu it the dug was-slolon. ( hu , . S orz , e > r S.iun-
( ! > ! nnd I lark sts. In ) ] sj
TOf'l"A small allvor bitch lunlcr. answers
Jto thon.ime of 1'Iy ' , long eats , shoit till ; lib
eral reward paid lor le'urn to 111s. . 'th. ' " 4 li ,
3" OST , Stuyertlirdti'eii Hay hone about ! 0
Jjoar.sold. a left iiiw 'ihlti and o'lo t"vr sp'lt
In , luid on i Ig safinifc1 Apply at H. i ; < or. 'iisd :
and ill iu.1 lur reward. ' . J17 *
_ _ _
-fts INAL - - ' ( - 'so big ba ; M' ' is
1 1 p "C d.iilu r A 't " i > , wo"ti .7 ' . ,0.
( H- nice diiiLcr W 7 7" , v\-o' th J > .o ,
' . -pleLeiliii'ivSotP-H. o. wo Hi1 0' .
1 il-p via dinner ? ) -t fl , wi rt'n fl ' . 0.
ll'ptme iliu..Ui'Mbivo , ) 'h $ 4 LO.
Nil e ; l.inip fJ. ) ' . .vorth * . ) 01.
Piiv h stw lit ? l-imp1 * ' , 7.'i , w 01 in si n ) .
Uneorati-d st mil lamp 0 e , wort'i 8l.tO.
Itli-li .nee Limn il M. worth 8 .0 .
1. uge sl'.ogobletsrceioh , wo th 10o.
Colored water sets'l ' , woith SI.'J' .
You vv 111 llinl the best poods and low cst prices
t Moody's cninu sroie , ; w N. ItJth st. 1.7-13
I > EHSXA1ot ! them'.with : whit a peoples ;
will advlsa yon on change ; little Htubs'.uo
nil o. k. t'.ll ' H ?
PEItSONAL Miss ICato Tovey his removed
her dressmaking fiom Exposition building
to 10 > S. Pth , 2nd lloor , opp. llaydon litos. '
new store. SW ) 18 !
pnitSONAL I lespoctfiiily cull the attention
I of those vv ho live oat of the city , to the tact
that I make pur 'bases In any and ev tiy line of
goo Is , and to th t-atisfnctlmi of thn buyer ,
lluslness done tluough the binK. Wrtto for
particulars. Ad-lress P. T. Pro-t , room 'I , Con
tinental block , Omnlm. 75' ) o. 7t
T > iilSONAL : If > ou navuu per-anal Hem , or
J any commnnti ullon , drop it In one of The
lice's mes aire boxes. 100
" "ifAUV STHONO , JL D , . looms.I und 1 Jacobs
-L > I block , cor. Capitol ave and Pith nt.
IP jon want to Dtiy , hen , lent or excnango
call on or add'.ois Ucoi'KO J. Stciiisdoiu ,
room o , oppo ito P , O 2U1
nVVAV MMa. *
TiloTtTTiTR I Ifleen pairots , dill eronV \ urf-
J.1 olios , will be sold cheap , ns Mr. Warnei , the
owuci , leaves the city Tuesday. Call at 11UI
1 uinam st. tit once. " ) " 17
WAMI3D To exchange u line new upright
piano by a nun and wife for board and
room In a prlv ito family. Address D 1 , Hee.
FOH SALTS Collection of raio American and
f 01 elgn hilv er und copper coins ; must bo hold
noon ; correspondence bullcllod , Address C57
Hee. Ih7-lb *
FrtH SAfjK HnminoHd typo wilter. almost
new , Lniiulro U Ouialia National bank
POH SALE-Cheap , an elevator at Hlverton.
Iowa. Apply to l , N. Ash \ Co.Cr ic.igo , ill ,
" b'1011 ' SALV : 25 fcquiiro of tin In good eondltion
JL1 very cheap. Apply 10th uud Webbter.
10J ICt
_ _ _
for sale at HM N. IMh st.
o f-'J. 110 17 *
FPHNlTintE , sewing machine and organ for
pale , \\iil bo sold at half price for i ush or
outline. Also 1 HumlnKton type witter nn 1 1 ' K.
P. " suit , all new. Lmiulro ut 1417 P.itium wt ,
roomt ) und 10 , upstalis II )
"IjWH SALE-Apood 0-joar-old hor-e. buggy
JL1 and huruesj for Jl'B. ' Address ( j in. Heo
olhce. 141 10 *
irtJlt SALE Electiotypuplatemiipof Omaha ,
Ji1 8x12 Inches. Oood advertising scheniH for
some one. H , II. Wallace , Heo ollito. 110 _
FOH SALE- Dark bay mare , fi years old ,
weight about IM ) Ibs , perfectly sound and
gentle , snfo for lady t ' drive , good top buggy ,
harness lobos , etc. , at ' a bargain. Address ( tiO ,
Heoollko. 12S10 *
? [ _ _ _
"TJ1OH SALE fiood family hot so and but'gy
JL1 cheap. P. MYoungs , piosH loom , Hoe
olllco. 1IJJ
_ OH _ _ _
IjlOirSALK-At lni ? < Than Halt vainA few
JU choice bnxl ynuug ntalllons and Hllles ;
also a \eryllno5brood maies Stock i- * . : ;
no seen by applylnio tii John Hlley. t Om.iha
HaukliigCo , If.t'iiiudjlnruevft. ' & 11 10 ;
EOlt l Y. . I-- ClKlfOmi pair small mules ,
" .til broken , sit jSrudo milch cows , eight
small saddle ! drrriag horxo.i. Apply cor. in
Saunders and Lake sts. Patrick Hros. 817 10
FOH SALE -A nowU'sPiit Hockawav carriage
at Lea V Nicholfllllvery burn. Tvvi-nty-ulnhth
and I.eavenw ortli. < lVlephono 810. 417
T7IOH SALE Cheap forc&sh , Rood roadster ,
JU 7-year-old und iilinsst nsw Coltmnus top
buggy and harus.sS ; if you want a Iluo looking
l Ig it will pay you to Investigate. Oeorga J.
Kernsdorir. Itoom 0 , t > pp. P. O. K > l
' [ 71011 SALE A Snyder make open buggy.
JL. cheap for cash , or will trade for top buagy.
( I eo. J. StcrnsilorlT , room 0 , opposite .
TT'Oll BALE Planing mill mticnluerr. Call * t
JL 14ii8 Davenport at. Omaha. U10 _
A SPAN of horses , harness and waioii for
-ti-Kuloontlio lustallmeut plan or otherwlsai
will trade for real estate or commercial paper ,
orwill rent same to tue right party. Sloman ,
room 405 Paxtou block. l J
T7lOHSAIE-Ice ln car lots , ( lllbart Hroa.
J-1 Council lilnua. aiO-i.'l )
FOH SAI.E-A11 kinds of home grown trees ,
suitable for this climate. U. O. Howard &
Co. , Omuha. . OX S3
lj > iAUTIKJIj : faces and forms gimrautoad
JL > Pacobleacherremovo freckles. Jtlmples ontl
wrinkles , } i po r bottle. Hook of receipt for
the complexion Uf > cents. Send 4 cents for. clr-
cular. ilndaino Itnppert. "U State st. , Chicago
T 11AV1 ! a no ft lot on Parnam street between
X th and SJth sts , a splendid location for iv
livery barn , which I will lease client ) and build
to suit lessee If desired. Gcorgo ,1. Stoinsdorff ,
Itoomti , upu. 1' . u. ibti
OM.OW "the rush to Utah. U verybody Is
buying a Salt Lake- City tW town lot at Iltl )
SMuthst. tlo early for choice. Ji ;
ll7llAllllKllCcsslpools A water closets
cleancdw ork gnarnnteod.liOS S.Uth.Tel Ml
ADOPTION A bright , handsome llttlo
plrl between four and llvo years , to bo
adopted Into a lespectnblo family where she
would bo treated lu n loving manner. Tlio lady
who Is to have the child must be Ingoodclrcutn-
stances nnd of tellgious tendency. Cull at No-
ImiHlni Kinployment Olllce. 317 N ICth st. irtu 16'
rilllK banjo taught nt an art by Oco.P , delicti-
JL bock , WJ llnrney st , 1SJ
GKOIH1U J. Stcrnsdorlf. room r , opposite ] ' O ,
nas tioinovery dtnlrablolots Invailoiis parts
of the cltv that can bo leased on reasonable
terms. Will build to suit lessee. M
"I j > AUTIiS : liRVliin real estate they wIsh to sell ,
4. or houses they wish to lent will Mini ready
customers by calling on Sloinau , room 4ifi. Paxton -
ton block. n.H )
H ODSP. for rent ; furniture for sale or trade.
1(11,1 ( Dodge. ! VJ
SKNI ) your orders for iluo family and gentle
men's washing and Ironing to Wing Sing , ma
North 16th St. : will call for clothes In any part
of the city nnd make terms on application.G.- ! )
W OMAN'S Kxchange , 1617 Fivrnamst. l.unrh
dally , supper Saturday nights. U10
ROM for Dostltuto Women and Children ,
1 *
2711 Hurt st. U10
11' roil nave unyinlng to trade cah on or ad
dress ( IcorgoJ. Sternsdorlf. Room i ) , oppo
site postolllco 1G7
GK. THOMPSON. HoouilU Sheely block.
t 105
i'lOItAOi : at low rates at 1U1 Painam street ,
1)11 ) .mini Auction A , btoiago Co. 770 o'.l
S'lOltAOi : nt low rates In new building , ai4
tfonth 1 'lh street. aw s 'M
KTOItAOP. Safe , div nnd clean at low rates.
Itiddell \ Ulddoll , 1112 Howard , lU.'sM
rilUACKAOi : , stoiace , lowest rates. W , M
X Hushmnn , 1 111 Leavenwortlu . "il
CJIlOIlTIlANDanil 'OpewflllugViileutlnii'H
k > short hand and Typewriting Institute. Lnrg- and best ( .quipped In the we < t. ( Ir.iduates
nlluieupy i oed paline sltu.ition. Day an i
i veiling sessions. Mud > nls p.m enter ut any
time , bend for circular. New Paxton bulldlnif ,
Omaha. ( > - * . ' ( ) 0
BINSON\IAIIMICH.VI-II : : : tuinisn eolupietu
an I guaranteed ubstriieta of title to any
real i > tate In Omaha and Douglas county upon
Hhoit notice. 'Iho most complete set of abstract
buoKs in the city. No 150J 1 urnam st. 2u.l
T\l IDr.ANDUu.iranteo and Tr ist Co. , Till 1-ar-
J-'Ml ml Ciimplet" aljstr.v ts fur ilsliml , \ titles
to leal tstnte examined , pel fected i guaranteed.
_ _ _
" \S7AN I ED Fei ond-hand base burner In good
II i rder. Address U lit , Hee. IM 1 j
\\TANTinrto Huj P.iiiiter'hanging scal-
ii fold tomp'ii'te , tor cash. Add. Ho.Ml' , ilty.
101 17"
T t' you have improved buMitoss or losluonca
1 projvrtj that .v ou wl h to sell , call and wo
me. tfoorrfo J. bternsdorll , loom 0 , opposite
po-toiMcc. 23'
O LD Hooks -Cash p. ' 1 lor .se < olid bill d bool.s
at Antlqiiaiiau Hoe titore , HI I P.uniui.
' . „ > u' . *
UAANTl.D I iirniuire nnd household goods
of nil kindi. Omaha Auillou& S-toragi'Co. ,
ll.M Farniim st _ _ 77"io )
WANTP.D To buy or tiailo toru good build
ing tliat can bo iiiovul. Plevso cill on
or address Ouorgo .1. Sterusdorll , lojm 0 , oppo-
Mte ] ' . O. Jll !
i\jO [ iLS lo loan on Improved property at Hist
-111 ha \niipplicatlous tent away for up-
p i vui. Senility and titles nxninliu'd Iroo of
to boirowoia. Lomb ird Investment
u.rf ) 13th bt. 1M
" , OVr Hates N'o d.'Uy : morigus'es bought.
Jjlutch.nson i ; Wead , 1124 Dodge stioct.
fHili : Omaha Plnanelal IXchaiuo , Hoom 11 ,
J llaiker lilacs : , southwest corner of Paruam
and 1 th sts.
Makes u hpodaltv of short-time coll'itoral
and ical e.stato loans.
Money iilwaya on hand In sunn of $10) ) and
upwuids to any amount , to loan on approved
Seemed notes bought , sold or exchanged.
Clour real ounto au I to exchange for
good tlrst or setond mongagcs.
l.onns made upon laud contracts , stocks ,
lends , tiust deeds , llr-t or.econd mortgage he-
cur'.fj , without public Ity delay or red tap
Mniinclal bu-luess of any kind transacted
pie ititly. quiutlv and lalrly. Hoom 1.1 , llarker
boi ! J : , Corl.ttMnnuger 270
MONEY To Loan Ity the undersigned , who
hastl.ooniv properlv organl/.ed loan agency
in Omiiha. Lo.uis of JIO to f 100 made on fuint-
ture , pianos , oiiM'is.hoisos.vvugous , machinery ,
etc , wi ! uout removal. No del lys. All business
btrutly conllilentlal. Loins ho made that any
pa'tuui bo paid at any time , each payment
loduclugtlio test pro rata. Advances made on
line watches uud dlauvmds. Persons should
curiludy con.ldor who they arc dealing with ,
as mai'y now tomeinsaio dully coming Into ex
istence. Should you need money call nnd i eo
me. W. H. Croft , room 4 , Withnell building ,
ISth und llarnoy. UtO
G. W. PUCK , loans money lor non-residents
on gilt-edge leal estnto , securities , giiaian-
teed ; leference. Commercial National Hank ,
Omaha. O. Wj'ccK , Hoom I , Fron/.or block.
% Hl ) o 11 *
.TJlIltST mortgages , loans on city , business or
JL'residence property at lowest rates. Call and
heo ns before placing your loan. Hemlngton .Sc
Prye , room 1. N. W. cor 1Kb und Purnaiii. 7K ! ) 0
T\rolY : to Loan Cltv and country ; cheap
IT Ilates , no delny. I , . P. Hammond , l'J3 1'ax-
ton building. 703
" \ | ONP.Y fVX,00) ) to loan on city and farm
i'l property , lowest rites of Interest ; building
loans u specialty. ( J. W , Peck , Frenzer block.
H'l ' o 11 *
ItIV 0 to loan on Insldu inoperl ) . Sonr : llrst
P mortjates { for sale. Nulhan Shelton , IVIS
Putnam street. 7i > 8
MONEY to loan In any amount , either for
bnlli'lngor ' otherwise , ut lowest rates of
Intelest and mi short notice. I ) . V. Sholes , room
210 Plrst Nat 1 bank , ear , lath and Piirn-im. 27'J
LOANS made on real estate and mortgages
bought. Lewis S. Heert & Co. , 1,121 Parn im.
ir.H. . 1HEY J.100,0 0 to loan on city piopeity
. and Improved faim land , i ren/er block.
MONEYlomcd atC. P. Heed & Co. ' * loan of
lice , on furniture , pianos , horuos. wagons ,
personal property of all kinds , und all other
Hrttcli'Hol valun without removal , illn 8. lith.
All business strictly conlldentlul. 1S7
d > Mio,0 u to loan on business property at an ex-
UJ tra low rate Per particulars HOO W. M.
Hams , loom'J ) , Pie.izor block , opp. P. O
M > V S J
LO.MAN. loom Itti , Paxton building , loans
money on U 7 proprity nnd farms. Paitles
vvlslilns to build will do well to see him , Slo-
m ! l , 401 Pa\ton block. I1 * * )
city and farm loans wanted by A. K.
GOOD , IM'i Parnim. mi
Llnahan Sc Mnhoney.
V > oOXto ) loan ntfl per cent. Lluahan At Ma-
i honey , room .VW , Paxton block , JJKJ
OLOAIAN , roonrioiirPuxton building , will
O inuko loans In any amount , for short or long
time. Short time collateral loans u hpeclnlty.
Loans made on real estate . ( jwui-r-isl Sim
1st mortgiiKo paper bo.i"-.t ; Ana solil. All Jjnsl-
nessbtrKtlv-oriudenllal. Come and BOO me.
( U'jnan , room 4'fi ' Paxtcn block un )
E Y to JoTui on furultnro. norses , wagous ,
MON . , or on any approved -arlty. . J.S. . Hob-
bins , H , 2vO Sneely blk. ICth and Hovvard.2J _ _
. ' to loan ; Ions time. Otorao J. Paul ,
MO.N'EY st. _ * * >
ONKY to loan. O. F. Davli Co. , real estate
M and loan agents , \'M \ Farnam st. 2JI
ON" ! ' borrovv monBy on furniture , horses ,
wagons , etc. , until you have seen 0.11 .U-
cobs , loom 410 , Plrst National bank build iijj ,
cor. 13th and I'aruam _ * ' ' '
ON TY to loan ; large and small sums at low
rates , for short time , on real estate ior chat
tel security : second notes bought ; all financial
business strictly conndential. People's I Imin-
ciul Exchange. O , llous"nren , manuger , room
WVi llarker block , l&lh und Faruum. _ & /7 _
. Champ .V Hyan maka loans on
city propertj ut lowest rates , optional pay
ments. cash on hand , no delay , Morl-aiBes
bought. Itoom 6 , U. S. National bant 'Ml a 2U
" - -SE CUNT money to lonu- Cash on hand
W. M. Harris , room SO , rronzor block , yip.
$100noo to lonn on Umnhn city ptoporty nt 0
l > cr com. (1. W. Day. 8. I ! , cor. IX bid.2M
"JIIONKY to lonn on furiiltuie , wagons , etc. ,
.li1 without removal , or on collateral security.
Husluoss strictly confidential , A. II. ( Ireenwood
\ Co. , It 1 Cuimluglmtii blk , cor. IJth A , Jackson ,
MONEY to loan on horses , furniture nndothor
personal property or collateral. Unto * moil *
erute ; business comldontlul. Olllco \V.corner
IMli ninl Douglas sts. Entrance on IMH st.
The Pairbann lnveitiiu-iit Co. 21
"A1ONEY to lonn : cash ou hand : no delay , .1.
l'I W. Squire , 12IU Kurnuin st. First National
bunk building. 27U
HEAL estate loans , lowest rates. Udell tiros.
& Co. , uijs. lothst. -IT
IJ ASTKHN money cheap. City nml rountry.
Olllio Philadelphia Moitgngo mid Tiust Co. ,
llooni 1J , Iloinl of Trade. Uoo. W. V. Co lies.
21) ) i
011ATTEL and collateral loans. M. 15. ln\ls )
HIS , room 27. 2A1
MONEY to lonu on Omaha nml South Oninlm
property. C , 1' . Harrison , 4IS S. 15th st. 2iMi
fhMKiW ) ( ( tl per cent. Money to lonn on Im-
cpproved fitrniM or city property , James A.
Woodman , at tliu old Ilio Insurance olllce of
Murphy * - J.ovctt , 220 8. IJth St. ! M7
AMANUPAUTIJHINO corporation whoso
business Is such that It requites u branch
In each large city , desires u lepreseiitutlvo
some capital In t Ills and other cities ; n very
huge Itu oino111 li realized or nil Interest In
this business will be given tno-e having tl e
proper qnallllcatlons Addrofs 1'etia Cinetra
Co. , HI E 10th st. New Vork City. 1SI 1HJ
Ty \ HTN Kit wanted with small capital to In-
JL vest In a dramatic enterprise which has nn
adv ortlsttnent wet thy of luigo Investment , Ad
dress I - Hut ) olllec. 20I-10J
"ITIOlt SALEInteiest In Omalia newspaper.
JL' Uood solicitor can inaku JIUJ per month ,
price t'a. \ . ( Iood meat inarkut , prlcu according
to Invoice ; lions depot , clgnrs , tobaccos , etc. ,
price necoi dim ; to Invoice. rent : confection
ery mid baker ) , lent } 2ii , pi ion J.IV ) ; conftctlou-
eryuudelgar store , jnleo $100. worth double ;
Ul-room hotel , rent JliO , price $ J 'DO ' ; dining hall
of iv good hotel lu the city , price about tl.fOJ ;
Kood restaurant on 1 ! th St. , price SO.O , rent $ .Vi ;
and tlio best lestamnnt and short order house
In Oinalm rent JHW , prlco about sM.sW. Co op.
orutlv e l.aud and Lot Co. , 20 > N. ll.tli st. 1 J7 17
"irioll SAT.E oFlrade \liTuubIe iiiYotitlotf.
JL'illsell sumo cheap for cash , or will trade
foi good leal estatnor real estate piper , temon
for selling , my time being occupied with oilier
inuttera to give this attenl Ion. The right party
ran nmko money out of this. Investigate.
blomun , loom 401 l'a\toi ; block. llH
"TTIOH PA 1.1'At a great sacrifice , : i good chop
JL house. price uliout * 2I > . lent $ ,11. Coopeiu-
tlv e Laud ami Lot Co. , 20 > N. Kith s > t. 1J5 10
Ijloll SALE-Satt Lake lots $20 each , ut ; 110 S.
-I1 15th st. -Til
Foil SAM ! T"tllio clean stonF ofliemT'.ii
inurcbamlla\ eouiity beat. Additus Lock
lto.b.1 , Loup Cltj' , Neb. 1U' ) Ih *
"I/WllSU.i : A new ? JHMsto ( ( kof renerallui-r-
JL i liiinoiMi uud a now < MiHl ( ) Htuie liulldlUK
with iHniK rooms Veiy bust location In thu
11lli'st , li.Kiniiiu' now town In tliosi.vto. ( iood.
prolltnoloand growing tr.vile. Tills Isarnie
snip .mil nothliii ; butinsh or ( Irst-elnss hc < ur-
! } will bu rousldi'i'i'd. I'or partlculais i all nn
or 11 d ess J. II Kulil , Charter O.IK , Cr.iwford
count } , la. ll'.i-u
J71OH SAM ! At a barKiln , a stock , of
merchandise in n live. town. Addiess I.oik
liox I ! , Nortli Hi-mi , Nub illiisli *
FOUriALI'- MOCK of grorerles , Roral live
town , llrst-i lass trade , li knesa. Adiliess I'
I. I'l.ittMiiollth , Nel ) . U7H-'it
"I7VH bALi : for C'.iah Only -Peed store and
JL1 llxtmus , nearly now building cunveiilently
uii.uiu'iil ground lent two yi .in. rstoro 7 cars
hay , doliiK tfood business at piosent lime. Sut-
ist.utury leasniM for si'llluij. Address 1' , ( ) ,
lo\lM. ! ! South umalin , Neb. HTnUOt
FOIt SALI2 Stoi-k books and stationery. Iu
diooftliB b-st titles In Nebmska ; will in-
Mice 'st/MO. l-'urtlier p.utlLUlars nddrosi C l' > ,
lleo o'llee. t Wi M
1JAHTI1W wishing to i > urctia o re.xl est.ito
JL or seel. Int ; ln\mtuients of anv kinil will do
well to call on blonmn. loom I'.ll ' 1'axton bloLk.
AHAHT. busineas r-hanco Wanted a pniluer
with mo'iBV or "t'nirlly , ( , i doctor jnv-
ieirod ) to w liolesalo a linoof exclush e druggists'
goods. $ lOHi worth now nmnufa Utrud and
leady for s.ile. 1'roilts , $ | ( Xi i > er d iv. A < ldiess
fully \\ltluefdducu. W. H. V. , 1UW I'.irni'n ut.
( M .11
"IT1OH SALiAbstrnct : books of Omaha au't '
X1 Douglas county , This Is an established ,
rapidly Increasing , busln"fs , p.iylnt ; a
largo interest on the Investment. Tor books
and good w 111 of the business. Omaha es
tate or secured jiaper w 1th a fair cash p ij mont
will be Otorgo W. Ames , ljJ7 I'lirnain.
FOIl HAM' Atlv earney. Nob. , the furniture
and lease of Grand Central hotel. The second
end best house In tlu > city , and the best lo < Mloil ,
being opposite depots. Oolnz.i piyln ? busi
ness. I'llco Jl.r > OU. Imiulro T 0. llraluard ,
Wldw ay hotel , Ke.mioy , Neb. U'7l
FOIt SAM ! or exclinng" The stok of n ch ir-
tcred member Holding the choicest oil lands
in Itiiulesnake district , Wjomlng. Address II
07 , lice olllce. 71M U'l
BIO U S A M : Cheap for cash , N. V.
i' , 7J'J N. liith Hi. ; good business ;
desirable location , reanon for helling , have
other buslnes * to attend to. Call on or address
i : . A. Marsh W8 N. 1-th st , Oiniiln. Kll
FOH SAM : orTnuln A good chop house In
good location , nlho household furniture. Ap
ply lllh Douglas ht. 818 It *
AIili A good lumbor.coal.acrlcultural
-i-1 Implement and lUe stock business. Address
Hedgn 111 os. , Vutun , Neb. H > 1 olU
\ 17ANTii : ) to trade u JIM otiulty In a JiO ) | 0t
1 1 forhoiae and buggy. Call ut I.11U l odg st.
"VITANTi : ! ) to trade iv line upright piano for and buggy. Call ct'lulli Dodgost.
-L real estate lor H-room house anil lot. C. L' .
Helter , s. w. cor. 11th and Douglas tin.
TO TItADi ; Wild land and Foino money fora
linns and lot , lots and money for
house and lot. house and lot In ll.uiseom jitivce
for > , oed building , good farms In Drown umnly
ana a full section ill Coloiado near U. It. for
Omah'V property , Iiousn an < t lot on Corby st. for
a fin 111 ; propel ty of all kinds for trade. Ulvo u.s
a call. Stevens llros. , l'l l I'.inium t.
ltl ; 10
_ _ _ _ _ _
"IJiOll SAI.Uor Kxilmnge Ouo 3-s > piInir phae-
JU ton : will tnko good drlvuiK hoisi- ; also for
sale fiirnlturo and lease of " , room furnished
Huts , and void Hour , Iood and commission bust-
neai. A'llHBs07U , Hoc , liil llij
k > Ti\MS : , WH''ou aid unmans lor iv lot In
'uorth part of city ; J..ooJ btocK of grocmlts
and iruisfor ! ; pait ( ' .mil and good piopurty :
{ ,1,011 stock of grot erlej for ono third cash and
j-ooillund ; n litunuit nnd n farm for Omaha
inoi/uity ; { oodchoph'tusu for choice real IK
tutitor homo kind of business ; llxtiins , etc , of
a w oil equlppo I postDlllce for Nebraska land ;
three atoekii of druns and property for put
eas > i unil good loal estate ; Klxty-room hotel for
clear Nobrabku land ; ono saloon ; $ . 'i,0)l ) ) stork of
Imrdwivofor some cash nnd a good faim ;
luuils , i Ity piopurty , etc. Cult and read our list ,
or itddrcMi , ( 'o-opsiuUvo Laud and Lot ( o , & ! 5
N Pith st. , Omaha 13H 17
171011 IJXCMlANHlT Cholcn Unproved farm
JL ? lands In N'ibrask.i for Omaha lesldoni'e prop
erly or stockH of cle in meieliandlse. fall or ad-
diess W. A. Trye. U I , nw tor 10th and 1'urnuin.
HAVE real and personal property of all
I kinds for trade. Cull nnd see me. ( Jeoige J ,
Stcrnsdorlf , room 0 , opp. I * . O. fi:0
rilHADES made In real eitatw and personal
JL jiroperty. Sno exchange book. ( Jo-oo. h.
and L. Co. 20.1 N. ifith st. JJ 0 _ _
\\niAT bavfi jou to trade for home north-
Tt Viestfin oil block ? Addtess 116 , lleo olllte.
r\H. NANNIE V. Wiirrvc , clalrvorAnt. Med-
JJ Icnl , buslnesir.5 test medium. Diagnosis
tree. Female illseasus a specialty. U'J N. 16th
t..Hooms 2.V3 ' 1V1.U44. 2.JJ
- .
1 Cf\ ACHE Improved farm lanii ITT trade for
llU good Omaha pioperty , E. T Seuvors ,
lliuker block. 2Q-10
_ _ _
? OH SALE Now 6-room cottage af.'Ull and
J 'Mason. Inquire at Kit South 21th nvoniie ,
terms ua y. 1'2 W
_ _ _ _
1'AND 1' Sei > keis , AttentTon For full par-
Jllculuri * abiml free und cheap lands In west
ern Nebruska uddres * 'IhOK. O. Pattorcon. Heal
Estate At'unt , North Platto. Neb , 10lOji ;
TJESIDENCP. for Salo-NIca .vroom house , lln-
-Illshed In oak. barn. well , cloturn , full east
front lot. In Windsor Place. . ! , ) li viwy turniN :
a lovely llttla homo at very uwderate prlco M ,
A. Upton Comp my. _ _ _
TiUSINK.-'S-Ii'tli" ' 'iieTC' > rner. 4 block-it from
JiKarnum , for h less than It li worth. < . \i rj
ou Capitol ave. betw.ei ) 1,1th wi'l ' I th at less
thau > ulut , M , A , Upt JU ( Kill-vy. l.J
A HA HE Chajice Tlio Itenutlfiil grove nn
grounds on Park street , Jnut outside the
city limits , In West OnmhiOmd nearly opposllo
Husor'H lintel , will bo olTered for frnlo this week.
'I his property Is undoubtedly the best sltunteil
for summer garden and picnic purposes of on
around the city , and If properly handled t an b
made the great summer resort around Omaha ,
and n llv e , enterprising man can nmko a fortnmi
out of It. 'Ih Is valuable property will bo olfered
for sale by Hlckstho rcalvbtnlo ngcnt.ioonut ) .
Darker bloi k , nnd If 3 on wont to get hold of
one of the biggest chances for making money
ever oirered , wo ndv Iso you to call uud ceohlui
u ( once. _ tW.Mft
CJP.YMont Park property for bale by E. t' .
OSeav or , llarker block. 20U-IO
ill SALE-A IlrM-class residence 'lot on 8.
llth Kt , with good house , M-ry cheap. Cull nt
tjll8. lUth st. _ Ml 10
17IOH SALi : House and lot centrally located ,
JL' near cable cars and high soliool. wit Mill
walking distnnco of the p ( ) . ; $0OA1 ; best
nelgliboihood In the city. Apply ut once. C.
P. flurrlson. I18S. 15th t. I'O- ' '
_ _
AN extra Imigaln ; 20th st. is being paved
south of the It. It. Hacks to Center st. Wo
have MIX Pi I feet front on lUth , one blork
houthof Center , with 0-room house , barn l"x 10 ,
2 stories , for tuMM. The ground Is worth more
money. Act nw ful quick if you want this. M .
A. 1'pton Company. wo in
_ _ _
171011 HALE-Lot on 21th st. south of It. It. .
1 ? JI.WO : adjoining lots held at 2.50l ; elegant
ten-room house In llansiom place , very easy
terms , f'.Oi HI ; vucunt lots und hoitsos and lots in
nil parts of the city on easy teims. L st your
property with us , Stevens llros. , 1KJ1 Fiirnam.
171OH SA LE Choice ten ncro tract near Holt
.t1 Line Hy. In West Omaha. 'Mils land Is lu n
line utiito of cultivation , and csiu'clully dcslru >
bio for fruit and vegetable gulden. 'Inls prop
erty Is onoof the best Investments In the mar
ket to-day , Magnlllccnt v low.splciidldloc.ittou.
It can bo divided Into fifty nice lots that will
sell Inside of four or llvo years for $100 or iMOO
each. I can oirer the ten seres for the next ten
days for $ < ii , OJ. Therj Is no safer or suier In
vestment than well located ucro property , nnd
It will pay vou to investigate this , ( leorgo N ,
Hicks. Hiirkor Hlock. 2uV-10
1 > ll ( Hargalns in business propr-tty 00 feet on
1'South llth Hlieet , nenr Pleroe , with unoll
tottage , only KGHO. It will pay ) on to investl-
gate this at once. Ueorgo N. Hicks , llarker
HlocK. an-lil
SALE Plrsl housosoiitliof Dr Mercer's
ri'.slili'iico iiev : on rooins In good ( onilltlon ;
very nightly groundMOxl.W ft. , 1 o ft fiont
ouinssst nnd t.kl it. front on Callfoinla st.
Prlco$15(0Ion ( tenns to suit or would ovcluiiua
fin or tow aids u liandhomo residence or lor tat-
Ixfnctory unimpioved city propoity. W. T.
So luiiin bm gles. wacous , etc. East slilo ICth
H' , north ot Nicholas st. I'.NMO
J IS I'your propel ty with Slovens llros. , IBM
-t Parnam t-t. 1-H ( )
II OH SALE Houses In good localities on
monltil > payments. P. Iv. . inirluig , I " 21 Par-
nn in | s4ll
\\TYOMIMi oil chum for sale .rttiulo. A
> T i IIOK 't sec tlon liiMiiably locateti m the
easteinetidof the oil Held , < lose to tl e pi * nt
terminus of thn Vnrthw-i btern rullioiid uud Iho
now town of Itostumor. Adiluss C .U Heo
oiluo lui 10
( J \AI.I \ , an l 10 1 10 buvalus wo ofer In Hans-
torn plate. Illckh , room 40 , llarl.i r bliii.k.
I LniAXT coiner lot In HIIHCOIU place n
- I'opliloton .ivctinu fora few diivw at $2son ,
Illcks , room I'1 ' , llarker block. 20U-IO
MA. t'PTON VCO . ! ( Vl Pouth SIxtoentil
Mutt , opposite ( lininbir ot ( oiuiuLico
wllihcll forushoil t ( mo t ho following.
, , lluslness Proper y
Ininam M reel , between Isth and SW. WV ) O
$ .01 tier fee ; .
Cu jiiiul av tnuo , between 15th und lilth , J500
pi v loot.
Corner IGth and Jones , flfl ft. deep , tijj per
Coiner 15th and .lonoi , fii ) ft. deep , JISVM per
Douglas btreet , between lOlh and llth , J700
I Inward street , between llth and 15thjOJ per
llowaul street , between 15th and ICth.liJJ per
Ton line residences In Koiint o ptice from
Jil , iiiutof hi , I'Mt.ii'ii. ' Heir In mind ih it Iviiiut/o
plate unil Diindeiiplm emu thu only tvvoexclu
biv e i eslil. ucc pl.n IM In omaha.
\ i r > line lesi.ieine In WlniNor plu e. P.legant
lo-ioom hnuse , and i old wat'r.fnuinqe ,
Iliht-i lass b irn. lull eiist fiont lot. A cholcu
hiiine-K.'iO ) . Pike Includes new ca pets nnd
1 nil lot. n e corner of Purn un and 4"d , hnuso
that cost il.iiW , all forti.10 / , If taken this week.
( , i nofiuthi rl'ora bargain.
one ol thu nliest homes in Hlmebaugli place.
Ka-ii front lonii r twopived htieots wltnln n
bio k. This phu e can bo bought nowforlcsi
than It Is woith. Invesllgato tuts.
Wo hao a ut-fojt front lot In Shlnn's
-nil n Id , , on P' tnklln st. east of < ! 0tn , fi-rooia
hou < e , collar , cistern , young trees , good sldu-
walks , etc. , et'1. ' , M.lf 0. Woith more money.
llesldciu-o Silos ,
- ,
fASO ) .
Ninth Htieet Is now being graded to
Spilm ; Lake Park Wo have some of the very
lluost east trout lotsou the street , Just south of
( astelliir , on guide , natural ttees , 220 ft deep ,
for JiiAH u piece.
Very iasy : Terms Lots 111 and 1 1 , block 2 , Kll-
by Place -on . "Uth between Dodge nnd Daven-
poittl..UOeach. . If patty will build a house t
test not less thanliiii ( , will Hell l"t with only
i\W \ cash | iuj mnnt , balance I , 2 and J years ,
Plnere ldnn(0hlte , 1'ixl'O , east front corner ,
between I.e.iMMiwortli and Parim n , only twu
bloi ks from paved street. Nnlo the sl/e and ! ( >
catUm ot thisjiiui o of ground nnd then tne levi
prli e. } 1M > .
lleiiutlful east trout lot In Arcade Place on
Cth street. Just south of Lu iMinvvorth.fur J1.8H
This is film below iietu vi valiii' , and will belli
the niiiKtt a wliuit time only at' the prlci
quoti d.
Verv I'holco Hesldenco Sltc-IU feet east front
on ,17th sheet , liTI fi'tn south ot Parnam Iffth
fctiret Is being paved from Parnam to Leavon-
win ih No lot utlon better than this I or Iluo
residence. Prlte. $ ' ) , ONi.
I IvoblixKs tioni paved street , one blork south
of Leavenvvorlh , MitM I , corner , lies beautiful.
( i rail mil slope fiom lots to Leavenworth street.
JIl,0rOc.ish. ; Isbislow bed lock for this. Notu
the slo of the lots and that It Is u double cor-
Don't miss this : Lot 1' ' ) , Claiko'H add. , just
north of > t. Mary' " live. , 01 ti et front , woitU
W.IW. We w 111 soil for a short lime for { .i.OOJ.
boulli Omalia Propel ty.
Motor line will soon mote then jiroporty In
north part of Soutn Omalia will double upovoi
theti > ) prices :
Lots 7 , H , ( I 10 block III , 211 feet on Ik-lli-vno
ave. by iw foot de p to a 20 foot alloy , adjoining
grounds of Spring Lake pink ; $ > ,2iiO ; KJ.IM )
cash ; a gioat bargain , and can only bo Iiui ]
through u a.
Lot U' block II. fiilxlV ) . corner , $1.20) ) .
Lots H and 12 Ijlock 'M double corner 120xro ;
, , .
Lots 2 and 3 block U , choice east flouts , (
onch , t M I'lich.
; , ot o bii k r > , coxiuO , irno.
Lot 10 bloi k 7. liUxlul ) . 7.W
Those prires are exi'ontlolial : nn other prop
rty us MI 'd olleied lor any HIICII nninuy.
\N hino hnme choice business property in
Smith Omah i that will make the buver money
In the fiitinu as It has lu the past , \Vuijuuloa
few b 11 gains :
Lot i , block 1.0 , $ .1.0 r ) , > , ' cash.
Lot 1 him k M > , f WH , ' i cash.
I ols I and 'J block ( W , JA.O . ij cash
Tin seaio ah turners which the \ iadtict on I.
street will make very valuable
Lot 7 , block iw , iMxIVJ , corner on M and 21th
strtets , > f > , ( id.
Lot K , bloi k 8H , Improvements renting for f 10 n
lUOxl.ViimiTith Just north of "M" street , op.
poslto tlio Heed hotul , witu good cot tago , $10 , .
ooo. This will bo woith iWOufoot In u yeai
) Tliese llaigains Double Corners.
L as fin ml o , block 4. South Omaha , 510) ) .
L < IB > mid n , block I.I , South Omaha , fVOU
Lots i uud H , block 1 1 , South Din ilia , J i.UiU.
Lots 7 and \ blofk H. South Omaha. J..IOO.
Lots I and 2. block 20. South Omaha , laiw.
lotd 11 anil I. , block ' . ' ) , South Omaha. il.sM.
Lois 1 and 2 , block 2 , South Omaha , S2,20 > ) .
Lots 1 1 and 11 bloi k 'l. South Omana. * iVn.
Lots 1 1 and U , block -a. South Omaha , S.J.WJ
IxUs 5 and 0 , block 21 , ri'mth Oiimha , S.'iH.
Lots 7 and , block 31. South Omaha. t-/i'U '
Lots II und IS. block 21. Hniith Omaha. H'M ,
Ixits r > and 0 , block ill. South Omnlm , ? OM.
Lots f > und o , block > li , South Omaha , J.xj. .
When you buy ono of th dnuble corners yim
gel Ih ee , 11-foot lots. This makes CD foot lom
at from IUH to JH.O. All thlslstholcu lesldenc *
property , and will double in value when tin
street cars commence running.
Wo have or. our lint the best Bonth Omahl
business and residence property In the market
Viu can sell It at the lowest prlcu obtainable.
Dundee Place
The wealthy mvii of Omaha have notui
elected their permanent homes ; w lieu they d <
thu location selo , ted will ho In "Dundee Place. '
Wo can t > ull Kites In Dundee ut Urn same pric
and terms that the. ovvnnM will olfer. M. A. Up
ton * Co. , tnluphnnuKSi , 117 _
I OH SALKntu bargain , cholco tcn-acrotraci
JL with house unil otlior improvements , luy
tlio plucu for giudcnlut ; purpuois , HlckM r wit
l.liarkerblotk. S/J-1S
_ _
JP I'OU have good , clear farm hind or cltj
pioimity to uxchunL'i ) , call and neo me. Iluo
N. llcs ! , llurker block. 2iG
( tAiAC'ltlld flrst-clttsn"fnrm land close to U
\-j\J \ it totiudofor good Imijrovod Omahi
propel ty. 1C. T. Bsitver , Haikur blocU.20U
20U 10
SOITIIOMAIIA-Jot ! U. block 77 , 8. 15. tornei
2bth und M stroett , 6 room hunts , ( lo.uijv ) , ! i
Lot 11 , block , 78. 8. K. corner 25th and MstroU-v
( uo i , V\ cash , llouiu on thU reuta Itu ,
If thcsii corners weieon N street they wouU
sell for f.H.oiiU Biuh. if will ba a better tliout
tnun N In a r < * < 'r from to-dny. Kuch onu ot > riiHr will IH.LX * mvvxn nusluois lota. M
A. Upt ni X Co- tua