r----- riTririirfi ' ' ' ' , rx/m'i'W'Ti rn'i.rirtt virrtiiatiraStf. THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE 'AGE ' , 1-8 EIGHTEENTH YEAE. OMAHA. SUNDAY M6KlSrt r& , SEPTE1&ER 16. 1&J8 ; SIXTEEN PAGES. NUMBER 04. THUGS TAKE LONDON Ito Hlghwayo and Byways Swarm ing with Criminals. THE POLICE ARE POWERLESS. Thieves Drifting in from Every Quarter of the Qlobo. AN IMBECILE HOME SECRETARY. Blundering on Prom Ono Mlatako to Another. A VACILLATING INCOMPETENT. Tlic Ilrced of Hrlyht Detectives of AVIioni DIckciiH Wrote , an Kx- tlnct Species In tlia Ijon- Uon ol' the Present. * Koll > prn GultiK the Hounds. f | Coij/Hij/il | / lt > & ) till Jutnts Gimloti Jfcimet.l GAKICK CLUH , LONDON , Sept. 15. | Now York Herald Cable Special to Tun BEE. ] What are the government doing ! In fact , where are the government ! Scattered over the face of the earth , whllo in London law and order , of which they are the avowed guardians , seems to have disappeared. "Where is Mr. Matthews , homo bccretary ! ho might bo up in n baleen for aught ho knows of what is going on. Every night the num ber of burglaries increases , highway rob beries are committed with impunity , pnd whole neighborhoods plundered of every * thing the thieves can reach. It is the fashion in the popular region of South Ken sington to nnix handsome brass plates and other ornaments upon the street doors. The last few nights gangs of robbers have gone the rounds stripping off these decorations. Even gas fittings have boon removed. Every morning wo hear of sonio now butchery or discovery of human remains. What has como over London all nt once ) For ono thing , the criminal classes are rapidly increasing. They drift here from every quarter , knowing that umid this vast wilderness of houses it is easy to find a hid Ing place. The police do not increase in pro portion. Hundreds of miles of street have to bo protected every night. The present force is not equal to the task. Some effect , too , has been produced by the furious and systematic attacks made upon the police by a section of the Gladstonian party. Their attacks have rendered the police over cautious , it not timid , and encouraged the lawless desperadoes who abound In London to believe that no one will dare Interfere with them. Wo are apparently fast getting towards the condition In which Paris was plunged In 1T&9. There are many circum stances , Indeed , In every direction around us which recall with startling vividness the events that preceded the great French rove lutlon. Perhaps it is not the business of the govcrntncct to take note of them but they do not escape the observa tion of other people. Then there Is Homo Secretary Mathews , the bete noir of the ministry. Virtually ho Is at the head of the police , and there could scarcely bo found a moro incompetent person for the po sltion. Wrapped up in himself to an unheard of degree , contemptuous of public opinion ho blunders on from ono mistake to another , never doing the right thing at the right mo mcnt , and but seldom doing it at all. After such a series of horrible murdeis us in White Chapel , Imagine his leaving to a private member of parliament to offer a beggarly reward ward of X'100 for the discovery of the assas ins. Long ago there ought to have been a government reward offered of at least five times the amount. Matthews has it in his power to name any amount. . . Ho docs noth ing. Ho is composing a speech for Birming ham and probably has no Idea of wh at is going on in White Chapel. Thof.wholo po lice force know that his head Is in the clouds. The detective force cannot do anything but catch n well known Irish member now and then , and oven when so engaged it some times pounces down on the wrong man. The breed of detectives described by Dickens Is extinct in England. Matthews has brought nothing but 111 luck to the ministry. Ho treated the Miss Cass iilTuir with contempt , and brought defeat upon the government. Ho narrowly escaped n similar blunder In connection with the Sal vation army. His vacillating was the main causa of the Trafalgar square disturbance. In the house of commons his bearing Is de testable. The late Justice Maulo once said to in Insolent barrister : "Sir , If you wore ho Almighty addressing a black beadle , your manners would bo offensive. " That precisely dcserlbo's the homo secretary's manners. Every time ho speaks ho sets somebody's back up against him. Lord Randolph Churchill got him his appointment , not , perhaps , knowing much moro about him than that he ran Sir Charles Dilkcs to earth by his prosecution in the famous trial , but Matthews took the earliest opportunity of rewarding Lord Randolph by turning around upon him and striving to do him all the harm he possibly could. The cry is raised that he ought to leave the ministry , but the Jonah will not go , and there is a strange re luctance to "pitch him overboard. The ministry , above all things , dreads changes. It is a very comfortable little family party now and why run any risk of Importing ele ments of discord Into It ! The ministers may have faults , but they are all obedient to the the chief. They may not do their duty to the country but they take good care not" to bo wiser than their butters. As for the murders in Whtto Chapel , after all , what Is the good of malting a fuss about them ! Something or other Is always going wrens In Whtto Chapel , therefore unless this brce/c grows into a storm Matthews wilt CO muddling In the old way and tbo ministry will suffer much damage. Social causes will sometimes overthrow the strongest' ) vuty no less than a 'grave , political mistake. Matthews can't bo expected to. think of that , but , Lord Salisbury , if ho has had tlmo to read about the White Chapel murders , must see the danger ahead If the homo secretary Is not changed and the pollco greatly hampered up. Wo shall soon have vigilance committees established In our midst and It would not bo remarkable If sOme of the persons who are now clamoring for Judge Lynch should find themselves among the first to stand trembling under a lamp post. A MKMIIRII OK A 1'fcAYWHIGIIT'S SUICIDE. IIIH London Friends Cannot Assign n Cause. tCojrfuit ) ? ISSSliy Jiiint * ( Jordan Htnnttt.1 LONDON , Sept. 15. [ New York Herald Cable Special to Tun Bets. ] The alleged suicide In the Hoffman house , first made known on this side In the Paris edition of the Herald , seems from the stories of friends of E. V. Secbohm hero to bo Involved lu great mystery to them. They cannot understand the motive of his registering under the name of Lawrence Herbert , nor being without money. His family reside some part of the year in Sheffield where his father Is con cerned in n largo steel manufactory and is well-to-do , and n part of the year in London. The firm is Scobohm & Dlcckstahl , with largo offices ct 110 Cannon street , London City. The young playwright could have had all the money he wanted and his mother was cry fond of him. None of the family were it their suburban house yesterday or to-day and only the servants were in charge who md heard nothing of the subject. I saw Sugcno C. Stafford , manager for Sophie Eyre at the Gaiety , and who is a brother of the well known sou brette , Leonora Bradley. Ho was an Intimate friend of Sccbohm. Ho said : If the story be not n case of mistaken iden tity I cannot understand the suicide nor the , iso of an assumed name. I flaw him after the court had prohibited his version of 'Fatintlcroy" and it did not seem to effect lis spirits. I bade him good bye for America and ho was in good spirits , saying he needed a change of scene to recruit his health. " Mr. Hamilton Stuart , secretary to Horace Scdgcr , lessee of the Prince of Wales theater , where Sccbohm's version was played , de scribed Secbohn ns a tall , slim , largo-feat ured , clean-shaven and rather Prcnchy-look' ing young man , mid somewhat melancholy naturally. When his version was first started it was a great success , but when ho was le gally stopped ho kept away from the theater. At the hearing of the case in court he was absent. His father came hero to the theater anxiously looking for him. So did his solicitors , who thought if they could have procured his pcisonal at tendance it would have gained the case. Mr. Stuart added : I should personally think him likely to commit suicide. " When asked if there was any financial trouble , Mr. Stuart said , "Nothing serious. Ho owed Secgor r balance , but not enough to make Secbohn bankrupt , nor compel him to leave the country. " The fact Is that after ho loft Englaiu nothing whatever is known on tills side of his movements or plans , and as yet no circum stances surrounding his death upon which to found conjectures are known on this side. THK FljQKIDA SCOUKGB. Nliicty-Threo New Cases Reported From Jacksonville Yesterday. JACKSONVILLE. Fla , , Sept. 15. The long session of wet weather , followed'by a few hours of sunshine , has had the effect of rap idly "developing now cases of fever. The record to-day was badly broken , ninoty-threi now cases being ro ported to the board o health. Only ono death , however , was reported ported , and that , of an infant. A number of people are critically ill , and it is feared that there will bo another largo list of dead to morrow. Total cases reported to date , SSO ; totv deaths , 117. A medical board of moro than a dozen of physicians from other cities Is lo cated In the Harrison block. Moro arc needed , as well as moro nurses. The nov cases are moro largely among the negroes. WASHINGTON , Sept. 15. A telegram was received to-day from Jacksonville by Mis' ' Clara Barton from F. B. Southmayd , o , which the following Is n part : "Your associate societies can help largely by sending clothing , shoes ami blankets. The fever has destroyed all busi ness , and there will bo great distress. Don't ullow unacclitmitcd persons to eonm. Me- Clenny is well tn hand. Two cases and ono death there since yesterday. About thirty sick are on hand. " NKW YOHK , Sept. 15. Manager Frahman of the Lyceum theater wrote to Mayor Hewitt to-day that on Wednesday afternoon ho would give n performance in aid of the yel low fever sufferers. Several other managers have made similar announcements. The St. tlosonli Pair. ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , Sept. 15. [ Special Tclo- gram to Tun BEE. ] To-day the most suc cessful fair In the history of the St. Joseph association closed , with n line attendance. The weather has been delightful during the entire week , and Uio track In flno condition. The second Monday tn September , 18S9 , has been decided upon ns the date for the next fair , The lease on the grounds expires with the close of tin ) present fair , and it has not yet been decided whore the next will be hold , A Sninoan Revolt. LONDON , Sept. 15. A dispatch from Auck land says that advices from Samoa report that the natlvcs'havo rebelled on account of the excessive taxation imposed upon them by the Germans. A Gorman official with a force of Samoans had an encounter with the rebels and seven of his force were killed , the reb els losing but three men. Cutting ilittes to Ht. Ijouls. ST. Louis , Sept , 15. The passenger rate war Inaugurated by the Bee Line , making a rate of three-quarters of a cent per mile to the St. Louis exposition , has hoen met by the Vandalla , making n half cent per mlle rate. It promises to assume considerable magni tude , and it is thought that all St. Louis will become Involved. Republican Primaries tit Dendwood. DEADWOOD , Dak. , Sept. 15. [ Special Telegram - gram to TUB HUB. ] The republican primaries held hero to-day nominated the following delegates to Spcarflsh : O. D. Fargo , D. A. McPhofson , John Gllckoff , Gcorgo Avers , J. Goldberg , L. Reuben , William Lardner , and D. Corspn. Switchmen Want 'Moro Pay. MiNNKArous , Sept. 15. The local switch men will demand a 10 per cent advance over their present wages , which will place wages cm the same scale us those on the Chicago , St. Louis and Kansas City railroads , If the demand is refuted a general strike Is ct- pccteJ. A MIC CAMPAIGN Waged By the Gorman Army In the Vicinity of Munohborg. THE KAISER VERY ENTHUSIASTIC. But the Matter Ceases to Exolto the Interest of the Public. THE STROSSMAYER INCIDENT. View of the Affair Taken at the Gorman Capital. NO SYMPATHY FOR THE BISHOP Emperor Francis Joseph's Course Very Generally Commended A Wholesale Kxpulslou of Socialists expected. From Merlin. | CY > j > | / rfuiti8bSfjjIfcw ? / Voi fc Asuiclat&l HEHMN , Sept. 15. Invested with as much of pomp and circumstance of war as can bo associated with an experiment , the mimic campaign around Munchberg proceeds vigorously. The kaiser's enthusiasm has in fected the officers and men. All reports concur as to the admirable behavior of the troops , the display of masterly tactics by the cnerals , and the splendor of the campaign us a spectacle. The public is surfeited with these accounts , and the kaiser's playing at war has ceased to interest the people , yet the whole nation is gratified to see that his un tiring physical energies arc equal to his zeal. Any doubt arising from un friendly rumors regarding the emperor's icalth 1ms bsen dispelled by his severe bodily exertion from early morning until light , and by tho'keen mental activity dis- ilaycd by him. Ho is everywhere on the field at critical moments , and attends to the minutest details. The battle cndoJ , he groups his ofllcers around him and gives a critique on the day's maneuvers , leaving rinco Albert , the chief umpire of the ma neuvers , to give nominal assent. Distin guished amongst the foreign visitors are the Archduke Albrecht , of Austria , and the Granduko Nicholas , or Russia. The Arch duke Albrecht has had an especially cordial reception from the emperor and Gorman generals , partly on account ot his rcinte as a leader of the war party. Doing desirous of divesting his presence at the maneuvers of a political aspect , the Arch duke Albrecht has caused the soml-olllclal press to state that ho repudiates all connection with politics ; that he is neither a peace nor a war man , and that his only aim is to obey the orders of his commander. Army circles do not take this denial seri ously. At the close of the day's work the emperor dines with thirty guests. The press notes with lively satisfaction that thocmporor , coinciding with tha general official cffpyt to suppress the use of the French janguige , has orderol that the monusbff couched entirely in Gorman. The word "menu" becomes now "speisokarten. The Kalnoky-Uismarck conference opens on Monday. Count Kalnoky will leave Vienm to-morrow and will bo the guest of Prince Dlsmarck for ssvcral days. Count Herberl Bismarck will take in the interviews between the chancellor and Count Kalnoky. The con fcrcnco Is thought to bo n new move on the part of Bismarck : to Austrian support for a project to reconcile the qulrinal and Vatican to assist him In the strugclo with the Gor man clericals and to make memorublo Einpe ror William's visit to Rome. The Strossmayor incident , disclosing the growth of the pro-Russian sympUhy through out Austria's Slavonic provinces , Is hailed in BOrlln as tending to cause Austria to fee the absolute necessity for a Gorman alliance which will result In the secured dominion o Prineo Bismarck over the Austrian policy It is believed that whatever Prince Bismarck's plans are regarding the aiapacy Count Kaluoky will bo constrained to con cur. Premier Crispi's menaced oppositioi will become nullified , and ho will bo forced either to accept them or resign. It Is expected that the Prussian budcol will show not loss than 100,000,030 marks sur plus. The national liberals dosira to devote n portion of this sum to a reduction of the state railway tariffs , whllo the conservatives wish to lessen property taxation. A congress of national liberals will meet a Hanover on October 13 to reform the clcc loral committee and cheese a now leader With the exception of the clerical press , al ! the German and Austrian newspapers pralsi Emperor Francis Joseph's public rebuke o Bishop Slrossruiiyor. The text of the bishop's message to th Kief ! celebrants was as follows : "May Rus BUI , aided by Providence anH Christian hero Ism , accomplish , besides her other tasks , thu' ' great mission which the Almighty has en trusted to her. " This Is hold to bo an ope In vocation of the divine blessing upon Russl In her attempt to absorb the Austro-Sla people. It Is reported that Count Kalnoky , In ai Interview with the papal nuncio , advised tha Bishop Strossmaycr bo deposed. Advice from St. Petersburg disclosed consldcrabl popular fooling in favor ot Bishop Stress maycr. The semi-official press describe thi action of Emperor Francis Joseph as a pain ful .indication of a policy calculated not enl ; to wear out the patience of Russia toward Austria , but to augment the antagonism o the Gorman elements In the empire of Hops burg. J Tha houses of flv * socialists at Oppen- burg have been searched and a largo number ol pamphlets seized. Twelve arrests , Includ ing that of Dr. Kolther , have boon made at Frankfort-on-tho Main. Journalist Geek of the Basel Arbcltcr Freund protests against the affair as a police "plant. " The socialists bavo reason to expect wholesale expulsions Under the state of siege at Naurnburg , Al- tona and Harburg. The committee of the Rglchibank hw post poned its decision on the1 bank rate until Monday. To-day being a Jowijh festival , the bourse was virtually closed , An international agreement regarding the prlco of rails has not yet been arranged. Delegates from the German rail works went to London but failed to obtain any definite result. They will return to resume negotia tions next wcelc. The government has declined to subscribe to n fund for the relief of Emln Bey. Tno public has not subscribed as freely as was expected. The promoters of the German colonial company maintain that the bulk of necessary funds have been obtained , but this is doubtful. The Independent press nd- vlscs the company not to mix the rescue of Emln Boy with commercial projects if it hopes to succeed in nn appeal to the people. FRENCH MILITARY MANEUVERS. A Splendid Inhibition of Cavalry A 1'loaNlni ; Incident. [ CiistyrtuM.sss by Jamil ( linlnn nuwtt , } PAIIIS , Sept. 15. [ New York Herald Cable Special to Tin : HUE. ] The military maneuvers arc now coming to a close. Those of the Third army corps In Normandy took place in the same valley that was once the scene of a campaign of Kichnrd Coeucr do Leon against the French An invading army of two divisions of the Third corps cipturcd Kouen mid a review was hold there at which Mr. MncLnnc , the minister at Paris , was present and testitlcd most warmly to the ef llciency and line nppaaranco of the troops. But the great military feature of the war was the cavalry maneuvers that ended Mon day , tit Chalons , when for the first time in France an army corps of cavalry , altogether eighteen cavalry regiments , or seventy-two squadrons , were united for instruction under one command. General DoGullitit in the next war will attempt the role achieved by General Sheridan in America. German officers say the war of 1SCO was won by the i infantry , the war of 1870 by artillery and the next war by the cavalry. All agree that the first shock of the contending armies in the next war will ba a tremendous cavulry battle. Euah nation will , the very instant war is declared , launch IN entire cavalry foroa into the ene my's country to prevent mobilization and concentration. These vast herds or cavalry will undoubtedly como into collision and the result will bo a cavalry battle of such vital importance that whoever wins it will be pretty certain to como out victor In the whole war taken altogether. The experiences at Chalons shows u decided improvement in the French cavalry. Out of 10,00) ) horse 500 were thrown out of service. This is not tin unusual number , but It might be re duced , for four-llfttis of the horses indlsponiblcs were made so by be ing kicked by other horses. A little Judicious training would readily re move this difficulty. It has long been urged by French officers that a fifth of the squad rons of the cavalry regiments which to-day are simply depot squadrons should bo trans formed into service squadrons to servo with their regiments in the field. It is also urged that the French cavalry bo kept parmancntly mobilized as the German cavalry is. An incident which causes much good feeling in military circles throughout Franco took place a few days ago at the Chateau do James , near Villambhird , in the Department Dordogne , the residence of General Dehrontschef , ex-chiof of staff to the late General Skobeloff. The Ono Hund red and Eighth regiment of the line were returning from the maneuvers to their bar racks in Hergorae. As they marched past the Chateau do James , General Dobrotnschcf and Mine Dehrontschef were sitting on the terrace. When the colors of the regiment appeared the general advanced and raised his hat. The colonel commanded the Rus sian national anthem to bo played. General Dobroutschcf then stopped forward and sa luted the colonel of the regiment. A halt was ordered. General Debrontschof then passed along the regiment with the colonel and shook hands cordially with all the ofllcers. The general then ordered his maltro do hotel to bring out 500 bottles of wlno and place them at the disposal of the soldiers. Mine. Do Brontschef then invited the colonel of the regimental staff and ono officer of each grade to dinner at 7 o'clock. General Patirou do Boisllucry , the brigade commanders , and his staff were also present nt dinner. The Ono hundred and eighth regiment proceeded to Bergerac with most enthusiastic souvenirs of the hospital ity of General Skobclotl's chief of staff. A I5H.\U STORY. Thrilling Experience of a Couple of Wyoming Hunters. CAIUION , Wyo. , Sept. 15. [ Special Tele gram to Tim BEE. ] Yesterday W. II. Poole and Clark Stokesbury , of Aurora Station , were hunting small pamo in Bates Hole , about forty-five miles north of hero , Poole having a shotgun and Stokesbury a light Colt's rlllo , they accidentally ran into a gang of bears six in number , " which Stokesbury lost no time in attacking. He killed two of the gang , when ho came into collision with the old she bear , who proceeded to chow Stokcsbury up in the most approved stylo. Stokesbury was rescued late last night by the Poole brothers-J. D. and William , who brought him to Carbon , -whore ho is under a doctor's care. He is in a crltlc.il condition. Poole says the old bear picked Stokesbury up by the side and ihoolrbim as a cat would a mouse , after which Stokcsbury got his gun and finished her. Two more of the bears were killed by the Peolcs when they re turned to rescue Stokobury. Mr. Stokes bury Is a young man and his folks llvo at Chariton , la. They have been notified of his misfortune. Found Guilty of Murder. KNOXVILLE , la. , Sept 15. John McGhco , one of the five men charged with th murder of Norah ICelso , was found guilty to-day'of murder in the second degree His brother , on about the same testimony , was last weak found RUllty of murder in the first degree. His father and tire brotbors-ln-law will be tried for the tame crime. A Democratic Convention. BEXKLBUAN , Neb. , Sept. 15. [ Special Telegram to THE BEE. ] The democratic convention of this legislative district was held nt this place to-day and the following candidates nominated : Representative. J , W. Taompson ; county attorney , T. 'J. Kee- ler. There , was a torchlight procession la the evening. THE YELLOW PLAGUE. -jfir ii i An Enterprsslns Young French Phy- Blcitm and His Theories. HE WILL GO TO JACKSONVILLE And Make a Thorough Investiga tion of the Disease. INDIAN SUMMER DAYS IN PARIS. They Are Delightful Despite Many Incidental Inconveniences. THE SALON IS TRANSFORMED. A Very XJnlquo Uxhihltinn of Mara- tiine Inventions Uumarkalilo Scarcity ol' Game or all Kinds Game Keepers Denounced. Going to JuckHonvillc. [ CapiirtuM l&Sliu Jaiiut Gunlun IJcimcll.l PA m , Sept. 15. [ New York Herald Inblo Sncelnl to Tin : Bnc.l Dr. Paul Gabicr , the young physician whoso investiga- Ions of the anti-cholera system of Lr. ) Fcrran were described In the Herald at the time of he lbS5 epidemic In Valencia , leaves Franco next Saturday for Florida , whore he intends studying yellow fever. Ho goes with an oftlclal mission from the French government. ast j car ho made an exhaustive inquiry ate the subject In Cuba and in a report read the other day before the Paris academy of medicine , expressed his conviction that the microbe of yellow fever differed little from the cholera bacillus and like it was almost nv.iriably found In the Intestines. The writer , who was with the young French savant in IbW , had a long interview with him yesterday. ' 1 shall settle down in Jacksonville for the time being , " said lie , ' 'and have another unit for the microbe , but I don't expect to hid it anywhere but in the-intestines. My uelief is that ycUqjv fever is nualngous to cholera. " 'Knowing the conclusions you formed after your experiments with lr. Ferran's anti- cholera views , I suppose you do not believe n inoculation being n preventive of yellow fevori'1 "I do not. I tried the system upon myself in Havanna without good results and with some results which gave mono wish to repeat the test. Kepeatcd microscopic examinations showed me no yellow fever microbes in the blood. For conscience sake , however , I in oculated myself with the microbe which Dr. Ferron had shown us In Paris , andj which wo have since studied together. The first expert mcnt was not followed by any accident , but a subcutaneous Injection , which I tried a week afterwards , laid me up and produced alarm- inir symptoms 1" "What do you think of Dr. Gamalla ! " "I think it is n moro repetition of Dr. For- rau's idea and Is Just as mistaken. The medical authorities are on the wrong track. If Dr. Gumalia wore right Dr. Koch's Ideas would bo upset altogether. " "How do you explain yellow fever , doc- tori" "My Idea is that yellow fever i a local af fection of which the first cause Is a devel opment of microbes in the Intestines. It nourishes only under peculiar conditions of climate , race and temperament. " "What treatment do you suggest for iU" "Tho general treatment consists In keeping up the strength of the patient and in carcfa watohings. The action of strychnine , alcoho and champagne will , In some cases , bo found useful , but local treatment is by far the most important point. At the very outset it is necessary to prescribe purgatives. The first day the patient should bo given thirty-live to forty-five grammes of sulphate of soda. The next ho should take forty to fifty grammes Carter's oil in two or three doses. On the third day ono gramme of calomel might bo administered. The prescriptions shoulil be varied in this way for a week , If the patient vomits the quantity thrown uf should bo again administered with n little ice. In at least ono Instance I can vouch for the patient having been cured after ho hail been given up. lie was in n semi-comatose state. The Intestines should bo treated like on Infected wound by cleaning and disinfect ing. When I was in West India a doctor handed over n desperate case to mo to try my method on , telling mo at the same time that even if I fulled it would bo no argument against my theory. The antiseptics I tried were bichloride of mer cury and schlorohydriao lemonade. The treatment proved successful. Of course , ono cure proved little. It does prove , though , that there is a chance of success. If it were not unscientific to do so , I should speak moro positively. I shall repeat my experiment at Jacksonville , and I have great hope that the result will not bo u disappointment. " Wo are In the midst of a real Indian summer. A bright sun all day long , backed up with a warm but oxhlllratlng temperature hasliko a magnctdrawn allParls back again to chateau or plage or chasso. The boulevards , houses and streets are now tn a terrible state , caused by the autumnal repairs. The Jockey club is covered with scaffolding and filled with carpenters and plasterers. The Rue do Capucincs Is ono tangle of wheelbarrows and smoking as phalt. Workmen , hammers , point brushes , pickaxes , carpet ccaters , Joiners , gas fitters and plumbers penetrate like ants In to bou- ucir and salon , making Ufa miserable. The Hols do Boulogne is almost deserted but Is like an oasis In etlio desert to provincial tourists. I noticed in the Allo dcs Accacla the other day , the Duo do Charles , the Grand Duke Nicholas , Mrs. Paran Stevens , the Duchcsso do Gazes nco Miss Singer , Prince do Lingo , Baron Al- phonso de Rothschild , the Baroness do Roth schild and a few others who still seem to en joy the delights of Paris. < . , ' M. Mainard makes his'editorial * rentreb in. In the Figaro by slimming up the political situation In France. His remarks Interest most people fur less Just now than partridges. Ho says : "Tlio struggle is now moro tlmn ever confined to the discontented party which calls Itself conservative and that contented people who fancy they arc republicans. " The I'alulsc Industrie Is now 0110 of the liveliest places hi 1'arls. The societies sail- votagetho marltltno nuil tradesmen ol 1'nris , have taken possession of the vast building. The Interior U transformed into a great pond four feet deep. Cnnoes , from the tradi tional birch bark hunting canoe of the north American Indians to the latest cnnvns holding invention of the day , are about where- the statuary is exhibited during the salon. Tsignnes , wearing their Inevita ble red Jackets and sounding vigorously their irrepressible instruments , lloat about in largo flat bottomed boats , amid n dozen or two of great white swans. Aquatic clowns struggle with unbalanc.iblo pens- salres and splash about In the water. Floating mattresses and beds meander about on the surface lazily paddled by mulatto Bailors. All sorts of steam launches uro moored to the railway and every now and then a pretty little shot ) girl or young cletk will i-addlo or row about in this Parisian lake. The American and English tourists put in an appearance. They look at the unbreakable china , they go to the man , who for a franc lets you take your own photo graph , they try French beer ; some of it is excellent , by the way. Then they go to the Sixteenth Century chemist's shop filled with stufTc'ft snakes , eagles , vultures and reptiles , from anacondas down to toads. One of tno prettiest sights is a garden that has been ar ranged in the famous salon. Cano , grass palm trees and geraniums have taken the place of the huge allegorical works of Hou- gorean and Carmin , The entire building is filled with Hags , balloons , parachutes , light houses and all sorts of machinery. The whole thing is in true Parisian tusto and well worth seeing. You can buy anything there from a steamship down to a toothpick. Although the supply of gatno this year Is inferior by one-third to that at the opening last year , the woods around Paris resound with perfect fusilades of guns. What they find to shoot at heaven only knows. Par tridges never were so scarce and even the rabbits have been destroyed in-largo iiumbci by floods and the quail have sought other climes to avoid the cold weather. Phcasai t are abundant but as a rule are restricted to largo princely preserves , the dernier mot of the Parisian huntsman. The fashionable costume do chasse is very , very short , of of dark velvet. It reaches scarcely to the knees and falls in folds like a High land kilt. The corsage is a bas que laced to the waist by a leather belt provided with cartridges but no collar. No sleeves even uro worn. Under the kilt is worn loose velvet breeches which como below the knee whore they are met by brown gaiters sparkling with little silver buttons. The shoes have thick soles. A little round felt hat with a feather and buckskin gloves completes the costuuio. A meeting has Just been held at Mcndon to protest against the woods of Mcndon Clamart and other favorite pleasure haunts of Parisians being leased out to wealthy German barons , popularly suspected of being agents of the German government. M. 13am- berger hired of the French govern ment 1,000 hectares of the forest of Mcndon for 0,000 francs n year. The government requires the lessee of the chasse to protect the game by wlro fences. Hambcrgcr kept the fences up at his own ex pense as the law requires. Now the govern ment Is asked to annul the lease by a society called La Leguo des I3ois do Paris. Speeches were made not only against the wire fences , but against the game keepers. One orator cited the following instance of their cruelty. Three young women , accompanied by their young men , wore walking rojontly in the 13ois Mcndon. The three young women came to a little lake. It was a very hot day. Thrco young women removed , one by ono , all their articles of wearing apparel until , clothed only In their majesty , they plunged Into the hike and took a swim. As soon as they wore in the water the gama If copers appeared and in the most heartless manner actually carried away the three young women's dresses. The orator concluded by demand ing the suppression of all game hoopers. Kxpc'.lcd u SoclnllHt. [ Coputlulit ISSfU/u James Cordon n tmf. ( ] Bnnxc , Sept. 15. [ New York Herald Cable Special to THE HUE. ! The federal council has decided to expel the Swiss rioter and Ba- vurlun socialist , Tailor Hoffman , now in prison In Zurich , who has been In active cor respondence with the Chicago anarchists and their representatives In Switzerland. A DIsnHter Narrowly Averted. NOIITII ADAMS , Mass. , Sept. 15. A terrible disaster was narrowly averted In the Hoosao tunnel this afternoon , when sixty-nine work men employed In the tunnel were overcome by coal gas from a passing locomotive. After the last engine had passed through the tunnel the flagman reported to Overseer iMcG rath that the trackmen In the 3.000 feet section and the clectrio light men In the 0,000 feet section were overcome. Express No. 3i : had Just entered the tunnel and McGrath ordered It flagged , which proved a wise precaution. A rescuing party was then organized and the men were found lying on and along the track some partially and some wholly overcome. Had the express train entered the slaughter must have been terrible. It Is thought that two of the cases will prove fatal. The Fire Record. POIITLAND , Ore. , Sept 15. A heavy fire is reported at Spokane Falls , Washington Territory - ritory , which destroyed a whole business block , doing damage amounting to (100,000. Partially insured. During the progress of the fire an explosion occurred , but no ono was injured. For some tlmo It looked as if all the business portion of the town was going. MILWAUKEE , Sept. 15. A special from Florence , WIs. , says that the business portion tion of the town was wiped out by fire yester day afternoon. Fifty buildings were burned. Loss , $75,000 ; Insurance , $ ! Unoo. Franoii'u Grain llnrvesr. LONDON , SopU ir . Tho. oillcial import , of the grain harvest In Franco places It at about ono hundred million IiectsUtcrs. . . . / < ROYALTY IS ABSENT And Berlin la Drowsy During the Pleasant Autumn Days. THE KAISER DINES HIS STAFF. French Tormo Carefully Eliminated From the Menu Card. CARL SCHURZ TO THE RESCUE Ho Resents Foolish Libels on Amer ican Political Methods. SCANDALOUS STORIES DENIED. Dr. Sliiokcnhnri ; Is Said to Have Aroused Muoli FcelhiK and a New American Church In Berlin Is Proposed. Ijlttlo Dolnc In Ciorninny. [ CopurluM tSf tiu Jiimis ( Ionian BiHi.iNSept.l5. : [ New York Herald Cable Special to TUB Buc.l The Kaiser is away from Berlin so much now and the weather has been in the main so pleasant that Berlin s as drowsy from Insufficient circulation as t Is on n hot July day. The Kaiser stirred ip HO mo gossip bufore ho left on the 10th by [ lining his olllcors in good style , but with a bill of faro from which all French terms find words wore scrupulously banished , This ms been nttemrted for some time , but crmnn translations of French menus have ilthcrlo had too much of the barbaric to bo successful. It Is doubtful whether imperial Kitronago will make it successful now. Carl Scliur/ , who is detained at Kiel by non-recovery from a severe illness , has come .o the relief of tlio dull season with his sensi ble answer to ono of the many scandalous ibcls on American politics which have been so frequent of Into in the Gorman papers. Party lies , ho says , are accepted as good , mid nn American story , to bo believed , need only to bo the grossest exaggeration. Schura seems to bo n good deal Irritated by the com- nents on America that ho has read anil icard In the past few months , and repels with some bitterness tlio old story that the iobden club is spending -10,000,000 marks to advance American free trade ; also that load- ng American statesman get $100 a day for campaign speeches. Finally , Schuri has many pleasant things to say ol the American people. He denies emphatically that money , to the exclusion of honesty and principles , makes the political mare go. Another American has proposed a now Amcriccn church in Berlin , and is jccitlng mach Interest , because of the rumor thai Mrs. Cleveland will partly withdraw her pat ronage and with other prominent lenders will do nothing. Tlio whole matter has been placed in the hands of n rctru * ular American committee. A printed letter i from Mr. Carpenter , an old resident of Berlin , expresses the feeling of n certain portion of Berlin's permanent colony unfortunately of that portion which is the best able and most ; willing to subscribe for church matters. la spite of the excellent work ho has done hero I Jr. Stuckcnborg , as tills letter shows , scorns to have aroused much personal opposition. It takes its stand on the demand for on American committee , which is to take charge of church construction and the appointment of ministers. RAILROAD OKGAN1/K. They Will Look After Thnlr Interest * In Illinois Legislation. CHICAGO , Sept. 15. [ Special Telegram to Tun BEK. ] The state central committee elf ( the Amalgamated Association of Railway Employes , nn organization formed noout two months ago and which is really an outgrowth of the Burlington strike , hold a meeting this afternoon in this city to discuss the line ol action. The object of the organization is to bring about united political action on tha part of the railway employees of the state In order to procure tlio passage of laws benclU cial to the working men. In speaking of tha object of lo-dny's meeting Chairman Hurley unid to a reporter : "There are 25,000 railroad employes In Illi nois , counting these in the transportation dot partmont and ommittlng clerks and officers. Probably not moro than one-third of thcso vote regularly or pay any attention to poli tics. After a man is on his cngino or tram on election day he doesn't take the trouhla to voto. Since the ( J strike wo hiivn been thinking mid have como to tlio conclusion that It Is to our Interest to vote. Wo pro- paso to organi/e all railroad men for political action and secure , If wo can , the repeal of the conspiracy laws , wnlcli menace the constitutional rights o citUons and particularly worklngmcn. We ! want also the repeal of the co-employe act , which prevents a workingman from getting damages when Injured through the negli gence of a follow employe. Wo will decide ) upon a plan of action to-day and then wo will open negotiations with the different candi dates for governor. Tlio ono who will plodga himself to further our Interests will get our support. Of legislative candidates the nama Is true. Wo will vote for the man who will do the most for us. " It Is Only Cholera Morlms. CHICAGO , Sept. 13. [ Special Telegram to TUB Bnii.l Health Commissioner Do Well laughed when shown the dispatch reporting ncase of "genuine Asiatic cholera" at Hills * bore , 111. "Thoro has not been any cholcru at Hlllshoro , " ho said. "Thorn haa not beenj a summer for twelve years that some phy slcian has not reported to me what ho con * sldcroil n case of death fioin Asiatic cholera/ I have always told the gentlemen that they were nMtifrcn. " i , "What wus the disease tho.nl" "Cholera morbus. It Is impossible for any man to illlTercntlate between cholera inorbus in Home cason and Aslullu cholera. I huva seen rnsos of cholera morbns In thu Loiistantt nwiunps which presented every phenomena of the Asiatic plague. The bume pinched ox piv.ttslon of thu face , the mimn muscular con * vulfilonn , rice water dltchnrgurt and risiq ( temperature ) uf tor death. Yet It was ai'lU- cuso as different from Anlatio cholera tin l.ho north U different from the south. Or.a arises from condition * within the system o ( thu victim anil eiiln : there. The olhor uoaion from the germ , which maltlplle without limit. " .Minors Demand nn InoroiiHo , ST. Lot-is , Mo. , Sopt. IS. The coal minor * ot the Belleville district , comprising tha counties of St. Clalr , Mad ! oi , Willltuniiiil und Jackson , met in Hast Sit. Louis , HI , , to' day.und iloddod to demand an Increase of4 cent per bushel uver tht ) prebont ncheJulu ,