Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 14, 1888, Page 8, Image 8

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The bnnk clearances for yesterday wore
8-175,702. 17.
The internal revenue collections yes
terday amounted to $7.iOl.UU. !
DJaines Johnson , a young colored man ,
was given thirty days in the county
jail hy Judfjo Herka for injuring rail
road property.
John W. Cotton has Fold Charles S.
Blazer ami K. Sehoclt his barn , horses.
carriages , etc. , at Sherman avenue and
( Jhark'H street for W,700.
A requisition lias been issued by Jus
tice Wiido for the apprehension of
Winton , alias alinplicrd , alias Bishop ,
who swindled Homan As Terry out of
UbO on a buggy Jeal. Ho is at present
in Cheyenne in charge of Marshal
EiTheJ. Uiihopp Chemical Manufactur
ing company Hied its articles of incor
poration yesterday. Its chief business
is the manufacture of a toilet article
called Madam D'Avaneau.x's rose bath.
The capital stock is $ .r > U,00 ( ) . Thu incor-
poralort ) are .1. Bishopp , II. K. Ilendeo
and L < \ J. Ilotchlclss.
I'crtionitl I'a
J. r. Allen , of Fremont , Is at the Murray.
. J. .1. Sullivan , of Columbus , In a .Murray
j ? guest.
JC .lames Uoll. of Uavid City , and M. A.
Spears , ot Central City , are in town.
\ John Ingrain , of Norfolk , anil .1. W. Mr-
V Lnnghlln , of West Point , are at the Milluni.
O. II. liiibuock , of Hastings , and J. W.
Ncwcomb , fo Clearw.Uer , nru at the Paxton.
E. M. Fonl , of DCS Molncs , traveling pass
enger agent lor tlio Union P.tcillo , is in tlio
Isaac Powers and wife , of Norfolk , and
James Starkoy. of Fremont , were in the city
W. 13. Annin , private secretary to Senator
P.uldock , has returned from Washington ,
and will spend some weeks with his family.
lion. N. V. Ilarlan and Judge Soilqwlek ,
of the Times , York , were In the elty yester
day. Mr. Gilbert , a iioiiiinco for the legis
lature from York eounty , was a member of
the party.
Mr. Albert D. Hughes returned yesterday
from Valparaiso. Ilo Is interested in a
rani'lio in Saumlers county and says that the
yield of eora and oats was never so great.
There are stalks growing there bearing cars
of corn at a height of over seven feet , the
tassels re.iehing a height of over fourteen
feet. _
. Married.
Jay llelphrey of this eity was married Wed
nesday to Miss Hose Madsen of Norfolk , by
Hov. Wliitninrah , rector of Trinity Kpi eopal
church. They will bo at homo after the Uoth
lust. , at auo North Fifteenth street.
no licenses.
The following marriage licenses wcro is
sued yesterday by Judge Shields :
Name and residence. Age.
I William K. Valentine , Omaha . UT
I Nellie Hrenmui , Omaha . ' , ' 0
i .loo Cliamison , Lend City , Dak . ill
j Hachael Uernstein , Omaha . -I
A IHsr Chattel tI < ) riKii- > > .
AY. K. MeCloud , Leo Love , Samunl Colt-
inan ( constituting the llrm of McC'loud , Love
& Co. , of South Omaha ) and J. G. Mi'ek
gave the Union Stock Yard a chattel
mortgage for ililJ ( ) ) ( that was lllcd yester
day. H was dated August 1 , and scoured
notes given between Juno 20 and July ! JO. It
covers the following leeding steers in the
Willow Spring distillery of Omaha : 850 two ,
three and four year olds , 100 dehorned three
year olds.
\Vmt ; Morn Itooin.
The W. C. T. U. had u mooting yester
day , the objuet of which was to devise
means of oxlcnding the capacity of the
"Open Door , " as they call their home. They
wish , if possible , to purchase the building
and lot they now occupy , and urcparo it for
the accommodation of the constantly increas
ing number of girls they have on their
hands. They have now sixteen pf these un
fortunates , and their aeeommodlftious are
lamentably deficient. /A
Tlic Kdoit Muioe.
A bill of attractions amply great to satisfy
the most demanding .is presented at the
Museo tais week. Manager Lawlor realiz
ing the wants and necessities o his patrons ,
is determined to fully satisfy thorn and for
that purpose seems to spare no expense.
Besides the objects of rarity to bo found In
Curio hall and an excellent variety company
in vaudeville onlortainmont in the Theato-
rium , a series of dloramle views are exhib
ited , illustrating journeys in foreign lands ,
which prove moat interesting and instruc
tive. _
A Collision on life Elkliorn.
As freight train No. 34 , on the Fremont ,
Elkhorn & Missouri Valley railroad , was go
ing out yesterday an open switch near the
1 omul house caused a slight collision. Pas
senger tram No. 31 , going to Hastings on the
Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri Valley railroad -
road was made up and ready lo bo backed
down to the depot lo go out at 7 ; 15 o'clock
The freight engine struck the rear passengoi
car , tearing olt a corner and doing consider
able damage. The freight engine was alsc
Injured badly. No ono was hurt. The pas
scngcr train was delayed two or three hours
He licensed to Uefitnd.
J. S. Patterson is the Inventor of what he
calls an oil burner. Ho gave the couutj
right to sell his burner to Julius S. Dunn ,
and gave him a half dozen of the arrange
ments to sell. The bargain was that Dum
should put up f'JO as security for their rcturi
in case ho did not sell thorn , and if ho re
turned them ho was tohuvo his { 90 refunded
Ilo found them unsaleable and handed then
back to Patterson , who , however , failed t (
return the monoy. The ease will conn
before Justice Wade on the 'iOth instant.
AVixlkcd Into the Knoiny's Armq.
W. N. King , who was formerly eonneetei
with nn Omaha newspaper , as advertising
man , was arrested yesterday afternoon foi
passing a worthless check on thu B. As M
uptown ticket agent some time ago. Hi
says that the day ho gave the agent tin
check ho was called away to Ohio by talc
graph owing to a death In his family , am
did not return as soon as ho expected. Hi
landed In town yesterday and the llrst cal
ho made was upon the ticket agent to c.i
plain matters. Ho promised to pay to-daj
but was detained until un ofllcer could b
summoned tuul he was arrested.
Order of Deaconesses.
Rev. E. A. Fogelstrom , pastor of thi
Swedish Lutheran church of this city , lot
Wednesday afternoon for Minneapolis , whcr
lie lectures Saturday evening before the gen
cral council of the Lutheran church , th
highest church court ot that body hi th
United States. The theme will bo "Th
Deaconess' Work , " and his address will se
'forth the merits of the plan of organizing
Protestant order of women , to bo called don
roucssos , who are to engage la charltabl
work , and are to resemble in many respect
the Catholic slitters of charity. This ordc
of deaconesses is to be introduced in the ne\ \
Emunuol hospital , the erection of which hu
been Just begun luMonuioutb park , this citj
District Court Proceeding * .
Jefferson W. Bedford has begun suit m th
district court against John Saracina and otl
era to foreclose a mortgage , given to sccur
the payment of a promissory note for fOl'J i
the purchase of material used In the cot
slruLtiou ef a residence in the city ,
County Court.
Th > ) Mechanics' Ac Traders' bank has sue
Louis and Krlck Peterson to enforce the pa ;
meat of n promissory note for KiOO , given tl
16th of April r.nd payable ninety days ufu
The ease of Johanna Fleck against tli
Mueller Music company on a promissory not
for t'J30 was on trial ,
You can find cool , well furnishe
rooms at the Globe hotel , best locate
fcouso iu Omaha.
Mercer Will Not Flgln for Them In
South Onmlin.
Ur. Mercer , when asked by n BBR reporter
what action would be taken by the Motor
Hallway company In regard to the applica
tion of the South Omaha board of trade cnm-
mlttco to the city council to have Its f ran-
chlsc nt that iilnco annulled , said : "Wo are
not going to light this affair a particle , and If
the people of South Omaha want us to tnko
our track off of Twenty-fourth street wo will
do so at once , and I don't think wo will bo
mrt by so doing. "
"Did your company expect to have the line
completed within the specified tlmoP'tiuur
cd the reporter.
"Wo did and would have had It completed
f we had bc < 5n allowed to go on with the
vork. In the llrst place the ppoplo of South
Omaha refused to give us tin election charter
o build the road. The people voted that wo
ould build the road , but the council refused
0 give us the papers authorizing us to do the
vork until the road was completed. Now ,
lo you think wo would go on and spend
housands of dollars then until wo had a
lear right-of-way ? I went to them twice
nyself and srnt my attorney once , but wo
: ould never get the papers from them.
"Another reason wo have for not being
blo to complete the work is that wo have
lecn under injunctions , I might say , all the
line for the past year.
"The only way by which wo can reach
South Omaha Is by using the cable's lines on
Twentieth si root and Popplcton avenue after
hey are down or going out Leavcnworth
street. Now , the rablo line won't bo built
Ins fall and Leavcnworth street will not bo
graded. So you see wo cannot reach there ,
mil the failurb is not with us ,
' 'You can put it down that wo will go to the
itnits of South Omaha by way of Lcavon-
.vorth street within a year , and then If the
1 'oplo there don't want us to go on , why wo
vill stop right there. Wo will very gladly
.ako up our trades at once if they want us to ,
and will not light the case at all. "
It was learned from another source that
! ic energy which the board of trade commlt-
eo from South Omaha have displayed in
laving the motor company's charter an-
inlled is duo to the fact that the local com-
) anv who were refused the charter to build
i street railway in South Omiiliu at the same
line the motor company was given its char-
.or are taking this course to bo allowed the
charter which the motor company had.
Dlolxild Safci.
Cnll and bee the largo stock of safes
ind vault donrd carried by Mcagher &
\Vhitmoro at 419 S. 15th street Omaha.
\ Lovers' Ju.-xri'el and the Sequel
John Hnspo , who icsides on South Thir-
.ec-ntli street near Williams , was before the
lolico court charged with disturbing the
> enco. John is ignorant and thick-skulled ,
ind he has n sweetheart named Zcllu IIol-
stoche. Wednesday night they quarreled ,
lohn got up to leave , swearing ho was going
iwav forever. At tills Xella snatched up a
itiekot ot slop which was standing near their
trysting place and dashed it nil over John. lie
shook off the fragments of poakcd bread
crusts , decayed tomatoes , potato peelings ,
rofTeo grounds , eggshells , etc. , and ran up
Thirteenth street X.elln , pumping her bucket
full of water , took after him. She was licet
of foot and was about to overhaul him , when
lie took refuge In a horse car. Nothing
: lanntcd , Holla jumped upon the platform
lifter him. John closed the door and hold it
ugainst her. Then she clashed the water
.hrougli the window at him , and leaped off
; ho car , into the arms of nn olllcer. Both
were arrested. After listening to mid en-
the man's ludicrous
enjoying ro-
cnuntnl of his adventures , the court told
them to "Got out , go home , and quarrel no
Col. Coehmil's sale of Council Bluff *
lots , Sept. 1 ± See page G.
( lull * Kites : to State Fair.
The Burlington route ( B. Ac M. R. U. ]
will sell round trip tickets to Lincoln
during slate fair at half rate.
Special trains will leave Omaha at
9:00 : a. m. Sept. 12 , Hi and M ; return
ing , leaving Lincoln direct from the
[ air grounds at 0:00 : p. m. , enabling all
to spend u day.nt the state fair and re
turn homo the same evening.
Ticket olllce , lUlio Farnain street and
The U. S. Kncampmcnt , Buffalo
County Fair nnd G. A. It. ICcnnlon
at Kearney , Nel .
The Union Pacific , "Tho Overland
Route , " will sell tickets for the above
during the month of September at
greatly reduced rates.
A special reduction will bo mndo on
tickets sold September 17th , totiOth ,
limited to September 122d.
For rates , dates , etc. , call on or nd-
dross your nearest ticket agent , or
HAllHY P. DlUJf , ,
City Passoncrcr Agent , 130Farnum St. ,
Omaha , Neb.
The Order HciiuirliiE VHIJI to Work
on tlic Strcf'lM.
Judge Borka informed a reporter ot Tan
Bin : yesterday that it was a farce and n
burlesque to sentence city prisoners to work
upon the streets , us no attention was paid tc
his order and that they were not worked , but
sent to Jail and nllowod to remain there in
idleness until their time wa.s out.
"Whoso fault is thiai" asked the scribe.
"Thu city council's , " ho replied promptly
and with much nscerbity. "They passed i
lawpaid for its publication and then burled I' '
in some cobwebby plgeon-holo for over more
What they want to do is to employ more
policemen. Two or three in lact for no ot'ici '
purpose than to take charge of the men
sentenced to work upon the street. It would
bo revenue In the city's pocKot. Now tho.\
can't put u policeman in charge of these men
unless they take him from u regular beat ,
which neither the chief nor the pt-oplo would
stand , and which , of coarse , would bo emi
nently Improper. They must either nppoml
enough policemen to act under this ordi
nance or ropo.U it , I don't care which. U i
u dead-letter as It exists and I shall discontinue
tinuo sentencing men to work. "
Headquarters Ml Calvary Command
cry , No. 1,1C. T. Special order No. U
series LM. It is hereby ordered that til
members of Mt. Calvary Commandcry
No. 1 , assemble at Free Mason hall to
day , Friday , September 14 , at 1 o'clocl
p. in. , to act as escort to Covert Lodge
No. 11 , A. F. and A. M. , In the burin
of Sir William France , K. T. All so
journing knights are cordially invitoi
to assist.
Status of tlio llennott-Uotholz Bal
Money Ca > e.
Judge Fclkcr argued the case before Judg
Bcrka yesterday as to the proper dispos
tlon of the ball money , $175 , declared for
felted in the ease of Frank Uotholz , the sup
posed criminal , it will bo remembered tha
Walter Bennett , Kotholz's attorney , ploadc
guilty for his client to the charge of vagranc ,
mid carrying concealed weapons , upon whle
ho was arrested , but the defendant not aj
pcarlnc himself at the time sot for his heat
Ing , the Judge declared his security forfeited
Bennett claimed the money minus the Hues
on the authority of an alleged order fror
the defendant , but ho failed to fasten hi
lingers on the money , nnd Judg
l < clker had been brought Into the case to tr ;
his Dowers of ratiocination upon the obdurut
court. How many more there are lookinf
for a "whack" out of this f 175 has not ye
been developed.
Notwithstanding that the poltce nnd th
"fly detail" have been arduously at wor !
endcavorlijg to turn uji Rotholz , nothing ha
been seen or heard of him since his dlsar
nearunce from the court room Monday. Thl
Las only lot-tilled th
, V
by the authorities that ho is the perpetrator
of some grave crime , nnd was cither frlghj-
cned out of the city , or left because ho is a
( cllover In the old ndntro transformed , that
'he who commits n crime and runs away ,
Ivcs to do further devilment some other
lay. "
Judge Felkcr was provided with a writ of
replevin which was served upon Judge Borka
vlth n view to have him surrender the
nonoy In question. The latter , however , re
fused to relinquish it , claiming that It had
> asscd from him into the possession of the
city. Bo did not deny that ho was the
agent of the city but refused to part with
ho money.
Felker and Bennett then took n change of
enuo and the case will next come uu before
ustico Wade.
It-n nnd Women's Bones ,
oints and musdcs may escape the agonizing
orturcs of rhuematlsm If they will but "take-
line by the forelock , " and annlillmto the
symptoms of oncoming trouble with the bc-
ilgnantnnd hignly sanctioned bloou dopur-
cut and alterative , Hostctter's Stomach Hit-
ers. Poisons mostly constitute the ordinary
nouns of battling with tins atrocious coni-
ilalnt. Avoid the risk of using these by re
porting to the safe as well as elTcctual nntl-
ihloglstic mid preventive. After exposure
0 dump , through drafts and other causes
vhlch encourage n rheumatic tendency , u
vine glass full of bitters prevents 111 oITevts.
No surer preventive of malarial ailments
ike fever and a no , bilious remittent , dumb
iguo and ague cake exists , nnd It is , besides ,
1 most genial recuperator of strength ox-
musted by excessive mental or physical
effort. Miners , mariners , operatives and
) thers whoso avocations Involve laborious
vork In rough weather out of doors , or close
ipplication In doors , Ibid It invaluable.
Got Your Knllroad Tlokets
and secure your sleeping berths at
1K02 FarnamSt. ,
Union Pacilic Ticket olllce ,
llAitm P. IKUII : < ,
City Ticket agent.
Two of Unule Sam's PrNoneiM Go to
Sioux KallM.
Lou Passou , familiarly known as "Happy
fuck , " nnd .Inmes MclCenzio was taken to
the penitentiary ntSlouK Falls , Dak. , last-
night by Deputy United States Marshal
Stewart and County Jailor Miller.
"Happy Jack's" face is one of the familiar
ones at the county Jail , and until tlio time of
Ills arrest , the 'Jnd of hist October , he was
often se-en upon the streets of the city.
lie was arrested on the charge of lorging
government land contracts , and although ho
was never able to read or write his own
name ho pleaded guilty to the charge rather
than ask his friends to make a defense for
lie is really not the guilty party in the
forgery. When arrested ho was simply lo
cating and collecting agent for Haynes , te
Green , a government land shark linn in Lin
coln , who made a handsome fortune at sell
ing and locating bogus land claims. They
worked their ste il all over western Nebraska
and eastern Dakota before they wen ; caught
and in u single year they cleared over $ . " > UHX , ( ) .
The night Passou was arresU-d in Lincoln
ns they were on their way to the capital
they heard of his arrest and that they
were wanted as the chief forgers they loft
the train several miles out of the city , hired
a carnage and drove in , cleared their olllco
of till papers and instruments that could
bo used in evidence against them and left
the city again by the same carriage nnd are
to-day at large. It is said that the olllcials
have them located and that they will bo
brought in for trial at some tutu re tune.
Passou's sentence was for three years. An
effort is bemg'made to obtain n pardon for
him. Tlio petition has neon circulated about
the city and among the olllcers in the west
and has u long list of signatures.
James MeKon/.ie , the other prisoner who
made the Journey , lis a ! ifteon-yoar-old
boy. Ho will servo two years for
forgery. The crime was committed last Jan
uary at Fremont. He Tor-red the mime of E.
A Snashull to a postolllcj ironcy order
for f 15.
Young McKenzie is a bright-looking boy ,
and has parents living at Fcliuyler. lie was
working for the Northwestern railroad at
the time of the forgerylnnldini.'siiow fences ,
Snashull was aKo working for the road and ,
according to MelCcns-io's story , told him ( Mc-
Keiuio to get the letter , sign the order and
keep the money This was done , nnd before
the money was turned over , Snaslmll went to
the country and later to Kansas City and
before Mclvcnzio know anything about his
whereabouts he was arrested.
When asked by the court whether ho was
guilty or not he entered a plea of guilty , and
was sentenced. His ago was not given at
the time.
Never Give Up.
If you sutler asthma , bronchitis , or
uny other disease of the throat or lungs ,
nothing can surprise you more than the
rapid Improvement that will lollow tlic
use ot SANTA ABfK. If you nro
troubled with catarrh , and have tried
other medicines , you will bo unable to
express your amazement at the marvel
ous and instantaneous curative powers
remedies are not secret compounds , but
natural production of California. Sold
at $1.00 a package ; three for $ U.oO and
guaranteed by Goodman Drug Co.
Can Have II Adjusted.
Sui-KiiioH , Neb. , Sept. 13. To the Editor
of Tin : Buc : Relative to the Bessemer arti
cle published this morning , a search of the
records at the olllccs of the secretary of
state nt Lincoln and Cheyenne will reveal
the fact that the Wyoming Improvement
company , owners of Bessemer count } * , are
duly incorporated and perfectly responsible.
If the owners of n rival town or others who
rush into print over tlio title of B O S. have
any grievance against our company they can
have it adjusted to their satisfaction by ad
dressing the undersigned.V.
V. C. SIIK Ki.r.v ,
President Wyoming Improvement Company ,
Geneva , Neb.
Poz/.oni's Complexion Powder is uni
versally known and everywhere es-
toomcd as tlio only Powder that will
improve tlio complexion , eradicate tan ,
freckles , and all skin diseases.
nnd M' '
tlllll lUi .
General Agents for
And other first-class Planoa.
fimm Monthly
Payment. J'ui/mcut.
. . . . . . o.oo
IKiiubo Square , cert WO , for
. . . 20.00 10.00
1 Kmmerson Square , cost
MOJ , for } ) . . . . . . 10.00 6.W
INeuton XCo. . Square , cost
00 , forfllO. . . . . . . . 15.00 8.00
1 Marshall & Wcndel t'pilpht
1'lano. cost now tS'O.fortllK ) SO.OO 10.00
1 Hallut A : Davis Upright ai
. . : . : 25.00 IB.OO
1 Haliet & "riavls Square , cost
newK20.forfm. . 20.W 19.00
1 Slion'.URer 5 Octave Oreun ,
co = .t HUW $75 , for only M5. . . 10.W 6.00
1 Shonlmrer Organ , used one
year , cost new ll-i * . for ftt * . 10.00 6.00
1 Mason & Hamlln Ortriui.
ilou nle bank , cost now 250 , _
lortOS . . . 10.00 0.00
IJrlni ; this ad. with you to avoid mistakes.
Coiner Sixteenth anil Fnrnnni Sts.
The Only Pormanout Ouro For
Dyspepsia , Sick Headache Etc , ,
- IS -
1'rlco coo IIox t all Dru > : tl ta ,
It / tlmctn } t\itthc\ \ \
Into tlich' Full
tinttn. HV c di Jit
\ tin iluthrs for * < )
and niditnd iclth
suit fur
hat. ' '
I'lilltlrtii's Suits In
tire jiicces for the
, mnnll boi/St and
; > V.r.f for the
1 brother. I
l\jrvwi \ Mms
llnnnlnplictwoen Council Itlntrsaml Albright.
In addition to the stations mentioned , trains
6toi ) at Twentieth and Twenty-fourth streets ,
and at thu Summit In Omaha.
lVct < Uvur < I.
Leave. Arrlvo.
A No.l4 4OOi : > .m.D No , 2 7tO : n. m
11 No. 3 . 0:5) ) p.m. A No. 13. . .11:30 : a. m
C No. 0 . 0U5n. : m. O No,6 5:45 : p. rnA
A No. I . U(0a.m. : A No.3 . 0:50 : p. in
C Des Molues Accommodation.
C DCS Molues Accommodation.
A No,2 . U:2o : n. m , A No. . ) . 0:3"i : a.m.
A No. 4 . 0:10 : p.m. A No. J . 11:30 : p.m.
0. T.x. No. 8..B:10 : p. m.i + 0. 1-Ix. No. l.,7:00 : p. m
Vostlb'd No. 4.0:0.ip. : m.Vestlb'd | No.3.7U : ) a. in
Atl'o lIx.No. B.U:40a. : m. 1'ac. ix.No.O.O:15p. : m
'Dally except Saturday.
tDally except Monday.
No. 2 . :40B. m. No. 1 . 7Ka. ra
No. t . 7:30 : p. m.INo , 3 . 0:50 : p. m
sioux cmI'Acinc. .
A No.10 . : ; No.u . 8Ma.m.
A No. IS . 7OOp.m.A : | No.ll . aWp.m ;
A No.8. . . .3:40 : p.ra.iA No.7 . Ihaia.m.
A No.4 . 0:40 : a. m , A No.6 . 70 a.m
A No.fl . 0M : p. m. A No.3 . : fl.0 p.m
A dally ; II dally except But. : Cdally except
BUD. ; O except Mon. ; * fast mall ;
Advortlslng has always pi-oven
successful. Before placingnny
Newspaper Advcnlalns coasutt
lOTERTimO 1U1J7H ,
41 It t Ulod.UU CHIRACO.
< ncomoar tbly the
Clothing Housel
New Goods will be Shown in the Following Departments
r li
'sand Children's ' Clothing Dept
Furnishing Goods Department
Cor. 15tli and Douglas Streets , Omaha , Proprietors Nebraska. ;
Nebraska National Bank.
1'aid Up Capital . $100,000
Surplus . 50,000
II. W. Y \ TEVresldrnt. .
Lv.wis S. ltiin : : , Vlecl'ieildcnt.
A. K. TornAUs , and Vli e President.
W. M.S. IlL'iinr.s Cashier.
W , V. Mnn n , JOHN- . COI.UNS ,
II. W. V m ; * , LMis S. IKIU ( ,
Corner 12th and Karimm Sts.
A General llanlam ? Iliiilness Transacted ,
Epps's Cocoa
"Ily B thoroueh knowlcilgo of the nnturnl laws
whirl ! Kern Ibe opuratloiM of duration itntl nil *
trltlon. niul by n carol ill tipiillciitlou of the nno proj *
ertli" * ot well' olecteil Cocoa , Mr. Kmt * hus prcn likul
our bri'ftkfust ta'ilpn ' Un n clellc'iutly Ilavorod foover-
IIKU tt Inch may NV\O HH ninny heavy doctors' hills , 11
IK by iho jwllcloui uo ot Mich articles ol ( Hot that u
constitution may bo gradually built up until &troni ;
cnonuti to rcMnt evi > r > tunOcncy to disease , llun *
drediof Mihtlo maladies lire Untiling nrouiiil tig
icady to nttack wherever there Is auciik point. Wo
may e citna many afatal shaft by koepliiKonisclres
TM-ll foitltu'dltli punt hloi'it and u properly nour-
l hed framo. " Civil s-prvlro ( Jazctto.
Marie tlmpl ) llh Loillnit water or m'lk. Sold only
In half pound tin * by Orocum , labeled ton *
Ccrlilied Chocks , Payable al Sighl on the
Pugct Sound National Bank Given as
Secuiity ( or Money Invested.
Tollioiile lriiiiscf hiiyinir property on tlmn. wo
fitter tlio folliiwlnu Wu nlll iilloir In in < in mtliu
In , ' > jcarii time , ttci'onllim to the Innil > ou selci Is
Wu cliiir'o neither iiremlum nur Intcrcn on tune.
iiiyint'uli : , ami will nlvo Ton a unrruiity deed. Wo
lm\it luti nt t.Y ) unit Sii uro n Until n riul'ii '
of two unil a liitlf miles of the imttuiUco. vr
Qtilrflnnly 10 nor com us nn enrnost money mill wo
willulvecvrtltluil iliock fortho full nniount of t'ltth
nnil every sut > * u < ] utiit : puymvnt 'J'lict heck IK drawn
by tlio I'uiri'l btmnl * tmnk nmtls mailepny.
nnluut Hi lit unil jnu i an flrnw jc.ur luunoy lit tinjr
tlmutlmiiuli liy voiliiliii ; you furffit jourrluliln to
purcliuioliinil. Miiko ynur Income , no mutter l.utr
Bmull.uurii penicillin * ; TranrcuntincntnlrHilriiiuli
uiutioitillnKfurheattlu , nnd maiuifucturlnKlillnur.
l lilnk' tionernl eommeno In In n ftntt 1 nh tiui.
tint lirourcsglnn. ' 1 ho dally juipuis urn IIIU'il with
uciounli of new OMlcTprlFCi * . Cahln car und h n > o
curiiclrcluScnttlK , .Addrcx * COOK .V .MOOUK ,
Who UUTO tlio IjAUtiKbT rill'jUTV : LIST In
Nos. 303-4O4-I7O-6O4.
The HK.VSOX for Ocloliur.
The October iwrt contains
A Hovlew of "Novelties" and "New Fancy
Work" Hlchly Illustrated ; 3 Colored I'latcs ; : !
NatlonatCoBtnmo I'lcturen : KIT Illnstratlonu
of Dress nnd Needlework ! X Hat I'aper rat-
terns ; 13 Embroidery Deblgus and Initial
For sale'Sy all Nowsilealers. Price 30 cents.
W.\ltl > A : lTt > S VIJLI. ,
Thn Hotel Ilrokers. 171 Ilroiidway , New Vork.
oiler some rtne business- chances in the snlo of
Lcaso nd Fnrnltiiro of Hotels all over the U. H.
Our Western division couiprUes home tliio
houses In Nebraska. Kansas. Missouri. Iowa
nnd Minnesota , ( 'ullfornla and Texas. Hequlred
capital IJ WO to IIO.UOO. on houses that are pay-
IIIK woll. 'e nlw nys subtantlato good renaon J
for portion selllnu where even houses ure dolnu
welf. Now U thu month for hotels to bo sent In
If we wish to sell to good advnntngs. All coin-
iniinlcailoca answered promptly.
TT. J.
Surgeon and Physician
Off ce N. W Corner i4tu and Upuzbu St. O
tthptcas , 465 ; U sia BM ttlepUw , WA
A Proprietary Mcdlcum that neeiVi but a UhU
to prove Ha worth.
Callender's ' Left Liver Bitters ,
The only Distilled Hitters In the
States. Tli8 only Hitters lecoRiilzed by thu
United States Internal revenue laws as a Pro
prietary .Modlcino. Lawfully Patented. No. ot
rutent 14-9.573. Contains no fusil oils , uo
essential oils , no foreign MilHtanco ordainaK-
Inn ilntKR. A perfectly pure medicine , com
pounded from Pure Hoot Herbs uml old Poach ;
pleaiant to the taste , quiet and decisive In 111
. - licet. Cures Uynpopsirt or Yellow Jaundice In
five days. Itegulateb the llowclH. Invlcomtes
Inactive Liver , Cures HKeasod Liver , Itnvlvos
the Kidneys , Improves the Appetite Quickly ,
Uegiilntes the wnole system. New Llf to thi
whole system.
Loft l.lvi'r llltlcm are olil In Oiniilm , Nob. , In the
fo lo ihn driiKKlDtH. UlrhardMin llriiw Co.iiui ill
WIioli > mil , lur iho . .lrnnnuoiest of Nour.iskn. HL-
tnlluraim lullowa
( onilnian Unix 15" . W ,1. Wliltohou e , T. W. Sp if-
fard , MIIII II. Kainsnorili , btlirott'r3 I'liarmm y ,
luihn.v CM. , J.ilin . iii.nlioli , M. I'.irr. J. A. Fuller X
I o. , W. I. lluuiif * . .luliii n ( ontH. c. .1 rrlnt , Jl I.
Powell , I. II. ( icntM'h , John I' . IlulUky , Morn I i
) 'hiiiii cvainu < < roi < < yh ( , II. C. Jloll.Dr J J. Havlllo ,
C M I rl9 ny , h ( Imiullor , llannn riiarinacy , ditr-
ncy X li y n , , I.C. Klui ; J. W. ( larlie , J. II brhiniitt.
Mar Itcclu.J.f t'lirinti'niiim , W. l.iiiiiliiTsui , . II S.
C..V. ) lnx C-inrail. I rank W KMJTB , It. Haunt.imon. .
< i ( > oi ; o | lei > dcr lln > .ls I'h.trmiuy c. A. M li linr.
Ihmard Mcter . Fr.tuk Duilnno \ Co. , vrholusulo
dculurmn d.-ursaud Let' 1.HUT Millers.
UENT , agu'tranu-ed ' inocltic for Hysteria , lUzl
ntsH. Courulslons , Kit * . Nervous Nouralpln ,
Headache , Nervous Prostration , caused by the
nee of alcchol or tobacco. Wakofulness. Mental
hepressloo , Bottpnln of the llraln , rnsultlnK In
Iniunlty , anil lemilm ; to mlnerr. decay nnd
death. Premature Olil Age , Ilarrenness , Loss of
1'owar In either sei. Involuntary Losses and
Bncnnatortia'a caused by ovnr-eierUon of the
brain , self-abuse or over-lndulcenco. Uaoh box
contains on * month's treatment. 11.00 a box. o ?
six boxes for K.VO , aunt by mall prepaid on re
ceipt of price.
To cure any case. With each order received by
B for six accompanied with IS.OO , vr *
will eond the purchaser our written guarantee
to refund the money If the treatment does not
trect a cure Guarantees issued only by 0. V.
GOODMAN , Dnigprlit. Sole Azent , 1110 Karnam
Ptre t. Omana. Nub
"iemartable for powerful sTmpsv
the tic tone , pliable action and ab
solute durability. ) ' years' record ,
tha beat guarantee of the eictl-
lenceof tnese lustrumenln.
and energetic lad ; camaiters ffldliur In this
or other towni. No capital nerenarj , llooUs
h y r round. He fr ne required. Addr is
SHTB'liUlTJUY CO..M ttU | Me , ,
TEIt. who In his VOI.LT snd KJNOIt ANOR
Pan TKirM'.O nwny hli VJCJOR of IlttltT ,
drnlna upon the rotTNTAKNN of LIFE :
IIiAI > AI'll : , IlAi'H. A ' 1IK , Dreadful
Drwrns. WI'.AKJWKKS of Memory , IIAKII.
rULNKH.4 Hi U043IKTV , I'lHl't.l.S ! upon
the FA < 'E. andatlthn KFFECTH Ivaillnito
EA'tl.V I > K < ! ATaud ptihapl I'OKHUJIP.
TKOft or IWHAN5TY. should conmlt at once
Uio CUI.EnilATEU Dr. CUrko , Kjlnhllshoj
IR51. rr Cl rk hm made NEIIVOUN ItE-
Jtll.lTY , CBIKO-/M ) nnd all Dlst-Eiei of
the HK-fETO intlNAItT OrcniiB I.I To
i uny It iniltcJV dlllfrcnce WHAT you
Vve taken or WHO has fulled to cure you.
liar to their aox can consult with the assurance
Of tpeedy relief and euro Send 2 cents po-lago
far works on your dlic'tcs.
fp-Ucnd 4 cents postage for Colcbrutcrt
TTorUw on Chronic , Horroim und Dell-
nu'o DlecuscCoiiKiiltatlon , pcrBonal'y or t > y
Wttcr , lr < . Conault the l l ptor.
STIicnuniulu ritrnil. OlIircN nnJinrlnrB
prJinto. -'lhoco conti'inpMtliiK Marrlaeo
wna for llr. C'lnrko' celebrated gulda
Olnlu and I-'ciiiolo , each Itc. , both " 5e.
tamp" ) . Ucfoic conflilliii ; ynur cafe , consult
l r. < ; HAKIE. A friendly letter or cull may
Mvefuturo suQcrlnKiiiid Bhamt1. and add
jears to life. d-Biok ( " I.Ko'u ( Secret ) Kr-
rorsi , " 50c. ( stamps ) . Medicine and writing
rent everywhere , eccuru from oxponuro.
Hours , 8to8. Sundays , a to V2. Addroi ,
F. D. OLAAKB , M. D. .
S06 99. Olorh as. . 4/U1OAOO. ILtri
iBSfe * '
H. W. Cor. 13th A. Oodgo Sta. <
13 R-A. O 1C 3 ,
! le t facilities , npnaratui nnd rrmcdlcs for suai
t jsfnl trcntiiicnt or every form uf dlscakc '
iug Medical or Surgical TrrfUmtut.
lloanl and nttenilauce ; best hospital accoumioi
lUllonn In the west.
WKITU i OK Cixcui ARS on ncfonuitlcs and
lltRCcs , Trusses , Club Heel , Curvature of tin
Spine , PilesTumors , Cancer , Catarrh , llronchltikj
Inhalation , niectricitv , Paralysis , Hiiilctisy , Kid'
nfy , lllaililcr , Kyr , lar , btiu and llluoJ , apt ! all
Surgical Opctalious.
Dlaonsos of Women a SpoolaKy.
All Itlood Diseases ucce ifully treated. Syph-
lllllc l'ol on remoretl from the y'tcm without
mercury. New rritoritive treatment for loss of
Vitnl I'uwer. 1'ctbous unable to visit us may bo
treated at home by correspondence. Alt commu
nications confidential. Ivleiliciiiebor Instruments
Knt by mail or exmest , ( .ecurely packed , no
nutlet to Imllote contcnti or * ender. One pcr >
sonal interview prefeired. Call and consult us or
sind hUtory of your case , aud we will bcild la
t > laiu wrapper , our
t'pin l'ri te , Sprclnl or Nervous IUta s , Inti
witency , Sypiiiln. Olett and Varicocile , wilU ,
% iritiou list , Address
Omaha Jltiliral and Hitrttlf'il Initttutttdi
Cof. 13lh ana UodaeSU. . OMAHA.NEB.
itech'gi. StnUfor mphUt. R. 0 , OuBoli
9ft. 916 F St , Wuhfngton , D.C.
iucc H fully ut-t < l monthlf by over 1QM ( )
" Lcillcii AraKafe.Efftctualanit i'lratant
4j'articultin 9 pORtAgH gtamp * . Addrnu
for sale and by mail by < 7oocmnH