wTtI 'j"V y -isr 3 * * - - - - > * ? THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. EIGHTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , FRIDAY MORNING , SEPTEMBER 14 , 1888. NUMBER 02 HE MADE A DISMAL FAILURE , Clovoland'a Columbua Letter Part of n Cunning Schomo. GUARDING AGAINST YELLOW JACK Strict Quarantine Measures to Ha Hii ro roc d \Viinhlnuton lUhaiiH- the Kcvlew of the Work ol' the Present ricvclnml'fl Columbus Letter. WASHINGTON llmtr.u ; TUB OMVIK Hue , ] 61l ! Fot'iiTr.iis'Tii STIIKKT , > WASHINGTON' , 1) . C , Sept. 13. ) Enough was said at the white homo to-tiny nbout the Incident at the Grand Army en campment at Columbus yesterday to almost warrant the unqualified statement that the invitation to I'rosldcnt Cleveland to attend the reunion of the veterans and the reading of his dispatch expressing his regrets at not being present wai worked up for political ef fect. The hisses and groans of the boys at Columbus when the letter was read created no Hiirpriso hero. It was Just what would have been expected by those who have from this point noted the jifforts of Mr. Cleveland to throttle the G. A. K. as "u political organi- 7ation , " and ehgck the tendency of congress towards n liberal pension policy. The presi dent's private secretary attempted to oxplaln the incident to day by sayng that the president's telegram was sent in response to nn invitation for him to attend. It is bo- hoved that the invitation oxtendc 1 If in deed ho received an invitation and the tclo- gram sent and read at the meeting yesterday wcro prearranged by n i lember of the national and state democratic committees for the pur pose of dissipating the reputation of the president with G. A. K. men and affording him ar. opportunity to nuke an expression of friendliness for the veterans. The action of the proildontnnJ his friends in this Instance is referred to 11 Washington as an exhibition of unprecedented h irdihood , and the mumiLr in which it was ropello.1 inlets with general commendation TIKI further explanation of the president through his secretary that the reason the Invitation was not answered by mall , as is customary , was "bccauso the letter of Invitation was mislaid , " Is received herewith with a very largo grain of allowance. If Mr. Cleveland is anything ho is nrethodlcal. Ho lias boasted his ability to instantly lay his hands upon nny document in the white house Grand Army men in Washington believe the president has simply attempted a coup d'etat without provocation , and they arc pleased With the faux la mode of it. 1KI.I.OW ri : > KII COMINO N'OUTII. There was some agitation -mound tlio Ma rine hospital buie.in to-day over the death from yellow fever in Now York yesterday ol 1'rof. Proctor. The authorities .say there is no doubt that it was a well defined case of yellow fever , and tlio quarantine regulations nro to bo stringently enforced hero. All strangers from the south are stopped ana ox nmlncd across the Potomac just south of this city. While there in no fear that ttio Bcourge will reach Washington , the utmnst precautions aio to bo exercised. Quito a number of Now Orleans , Memphis and Jack sonville families have arrived hero recently THIS TAHITI' * NI > AHHIIKNMBST. ' A caucus of the democrats in the house was to have been held to-night , but Sunset Cox. who is chaiiumn of the caucus commit tee , did not receive the petition in time to day to issue the call , Ho tells mo th.it the democrats will caucus early next weolc if not on Saturday night ; that It is to bo on the order of business in the house and not ad journment ; that the senate has the tariff bill and therefore hold * the key to the situation , and that it will bo necessary for the senate to muku the suggestion if there ibiui adjourn ment. Everybody wants congress to ad journ , but both houses arc determined not to take the Initiative. Senator Paddock said this afternoon that if the house waited for the senate to Indicate that it wanted it to take an adjournment congress would not ad journ until next March. The republican tariff bill Is now piomibcd within tenor twelve days. A\OHK OP TUT. ril'TICTIl COXOHCS . The Fiftieth congress was in session ex actly nine months one week ago yesterday , It having commenced on the-tth of December. The session has already been the largest , but one , during the last half century , aud It promises to bo the largest since the founda tion of tne'govcriimcnt. There wcro , during the last iimo months which ended on last Wednesday , introduced in the house 11,8 < K bills and Joint resolutions , against 10,1'JI In the Hist session of the last cnngrc s. In thr eenato there were introduced ! Jf , > 'iO bills and lor Joint resolutions , against ! 3s3l ! bills and CiU-jolnt icsolutlons in the Hist session of the last eougreis. There \\cro reported from committees In the house , 107 bills and joint resolutions , against 3I" ( in the Hist session of the last congress. Whllo in the senate theio weio submitted 2,173 ! written imports , against 1,681 in the Hist session of the last congress. There were leported from com. inlttccs to the senate ( appio\imatcly ) 'J3C bills and Joint icsolutions without written statements. All of the bills repotted from committees to the house were accompanied by written reports , as the rules of < the house require n written statement with every ineiiS' uro reported f loin committee , while in the Bcnato bills may bo loturned fiom commit tecs and placed upon the calendar withou1 written reports but with the simple wort "favorable" or "unfavorable. " Tin : PKSSION A MIU : vutiTrt'i. ONK. It will bo been by n comparison of figure : that while the number of bills introduced ii this session of congress is about 10 tier ecu larger than in the first session of the his congress , the number of reports Indicatnij tljo amount of committee work has dc creased proportionately. H will bo seen alsi that the scnato has done tar more cotmnittoi work than usual. The business In the scnnt Is also in much better condition than that h the houso. The house calendar on Wcdnca day contained 110 pages of bills In the vnrl ous stages of completion. It shows the titl of about eighteen hundred or two thou&nni measures. The senate calendar nn the sain day contained but twenty-four pages am only about thrco hundred and twcnty-llv bills , nearly all of which wcro of a genera character. The greater majority of th measures on the house calendar are of private nature , mostly pensions. In fact th private calendar of the house contained slxtj nine pagca or ( approximately ) 000 privut bills. bills.A very largo portion of the bills Introduce and rotwrted from committees In the hous were for private pensions. There wcro n fcrred alone to the committee on invali pensions Ub05 private pension bills tntn duccd in the house , and 5i3 private bill which came ever from the senate , whllo th number of general pension bills referred t that committee was 105 , n total of 4.5SJ. Th committee made 1,0.5 favorable and 2,17 n < verso reports on these bills u total of 1.2 l. In the last congioss the total number of bill referred to that committee was 4,157 , and th total number of favorable reports was 1,01 and adverse 550. Tim sonata committee o pensions received 1,104 senate bills and Ii ! house bills a toUil of 1,74-1 against l.&TO lai year. It reported favorably 80S senate bill W5 house bills , and reported adversely K bills , nmklng a total of 1,213 reports upo the 1,744 , bliy the committee received. Uu Ing the first scssbn of the last congress rcpoi ted 000 bills. H will thus bo seen tin the senate committee on pensions acted o about 71 per cent of the total number of bill referred to It , whllo the house committee o invalid pensions took action favorably c adversely ujxm ur par cent ot the measure It received. There are fifteen members < the bouse committee on invalid pensionsnr nine members of the senate committee c pensions. It will bo seen , however , that tl house committee niado nineteen more repor than the t > enato committee , COMI'illlbO.VMTII TUR Mil TOKnllfciS. Uig It comparative statement i dcce by toue cf tt-o principal coi mlttces In the house during the present ses sion and the first session of the last congress : The committee on ways and means received 185 bills and 2(5 ( resolutions. It reported back to the house twenty of these measures. In the first session of the last congress lli. > bills and resolutions were received , of which number thltty weio acted upon and reported. Naval affairs received 151 house bills and 10 senate bills , of which number It rcK > rtcd 42 of the house measures and li of those from the senate. In the first session of the last congiess'JO. ) bills were received and 13 were nctj-d upon. Indian affairs has received Wbills and re ported (1 ( In the session of two years neo it received 'IVJ bills and reported IB. Judiciary received 2C"i bills , reported favor ably (17 ( , and ad vorsolj 18. In the session two year * ago it received 273 bills of which num ber 175 wcro acted upon. Commerce received U7U bills and took action upon 'JJ5. In the session two years ago it icceived 4)5 ) bills and acted upon 1(50. ( There were nine contested elections In the house , and a'l hut two have hee-i disposed of b > the committee on olectioi.s. The Smalls- Klhott contest from North Carolina , mid the Sullivan-Felton contest from California , arc yet before the committee. The committee will recomui'Mul the unseating of Fclton. In the other eight oases the committee agreed that the sitting mnmbcrs should retain their seats. In the first session of the last con gress tliero were four contostol election cases , outside of the general challenge of the entuo California delegation , wliich availed nothing. Thrco of the four contestants were disposed of by permitting the sitting mem bers to retain their scats. mi : i > itisiiiiNr's : : vr.rons. President Cleveland , up to last Wcdnes day , sent to congress ninety-nino vetoes of bills passed in this session si xtv four house nndtiiirty-Hvosenate bills nearly allot them privuto pensions or bills making appropria tions for public buildings. The president up to that day haTl sent to congress a total of 215 vetoes of bills of nil kinds passed during his administration , whllo llfty-livo bills up to that date had become laws without the pres ident's signature. In the first session of the last congress the president vetoed 101 private bills and six measures of a general character. MO-.T IliPOIIlANT l.VWS rx\0fl'l > Of the grand total of is21 : bills introduced in both houses and the 0,570 reported from committees , only 278 bills other than the 150 pension and other private bills have become laws About sixty of these aie moio or less of general interest. The moat important are the following bills : Authori/ing the condemnation by the government of land for sites of public build ings ; establishing a department of labor ; prohibiting obsccno or libelous matter pass ing through the mails ; providing for un an nual mnr'tlmo ' conference to secure greater safety for llfo and property at sea ; giving 5100 bounty to soldiers who were enrolled or enlisted for three jears prior to July B' , Ibfil , and who were subsequently honorably discharged from the service ; uutliominir the president to arrange a conference with the South and Central American republics with a view to closer commercial relations ; 10- mlttlng duties paid on imported breeding animals , and admitting free of duty those imported in the future ; reducing the charge for passports from $5 teSt ; increasing pen sion for titter deafness to S-iO a month ; increasing the stringency of the lawsjj } prohibiting the destruc lion of timber on the public domain or the reservations belonging to Indians ; limiting the hours that letter carriers in cities shall bo employed to eight a day , and providing for pro rat a pay for extra time employed ; per mitting publishers to place upon printed matter the words , "sample copy"marked copy , " "from , " and other marks indicating to the iceeiver legitimate Information ; giv ing to state soldiers' homes $100 a year for each inmate received who would bo entitled to iidmisslon to the national homes for fcoldicrs and sailors. The house bill to prohibit the return of Chinese to our shores upon certificates alrendy issued , and prohibiting the immigra tion of Chinese laborois. has been passed by the senate since the end of the nine months of this session. The bill giving additional authority to tlio president to enforce the re taliation act of February , ] Sb7 , against Can ada will bo the next impoitant measure to become a law. ' I'OLITICU. . I.KGI-jl.ATlON' . There has been but very little political legislation In this session. The work in that direction has been devoted almost exclu sively to the Mills tariff bill and the tariff measure which has been under preparation for several months by the senate committee OH finance. There aio several specific tariff bills before the house commlttcoon ways and means introduced by Mr. Hreckcnridgo of Arkansas and directed towards what ho calls ti lists or "combinations involving articles upon wliich there Is n heavy import duty levied. " and these are likely to attract wide spread political attention when they are taken up for consideration. They have not yet been acted upon by the house committee on ways and means. An effort will bo made to have the Joint resolution directing the president to suspend for a period of six months the duties levied upon cotton bagging , but inasmuch as this will have to bo done by the suspension of the rules requiring a two- thirds vote thuro is little prospect of success in this session , since it Is with great diffi culty that a quorum is secured for nny pur pose. IMPOnTANT MHASfllKS TIINDIXO. Among the most impoi taut bills of n gen eral character pending in n more or less de gree of completion nio those providing for the organlratlon of the territory of Okla homa , providing for the Issue of circulating national bank notes to the par value of bonds deposited with the tica.suror ; establishing additional lile-saving stations throughout the country , and the bill enacting an entirely now system of general land laws. All of these measures are unfinished business on the calendar and aio privileged. They will bo among the first measures for action in the next session of this congress If they are not passed in this session. vor.ixvsr OT 'inn xu.vr sr.ssioN. There arc various important bills which will como Dcfore the next session of the Fiftieth congress. Among them are the bills making states out of Washington , Montana and North Dakota terri tories , which nro in the semite , and bills of a similar character In the house , and the bill Incorporating the Nicnra- i gua Canal company which was endorsed by i the republican national convention and men tioned In Its platform. The special commit- tco of the house investigating the subject of j foreign immigration will , members of it say , t leport a bill m December regulating imini- 3 gration , which will doubtless attract wldo- 1 spi cad attention and make a prolonged do- bate. The general food adulteration bill will I also como up in the next session , if not In the a present one , and will bo a source of earnest , \ contention. Members of the committee on public lands In both houses do not anticipate any legislation In this congress to deprive railroad companies of any of their land grants. Tlio proposition to extend the mter- .1 state commoico law over the telegraph com. 3 panles , and also to amend the existing law so as to prohibit shippers owning private 1 cars , will cotno in for attention during the next session , which s convenes on December 4 and adjourns o on March 1 , covering exactly three months , o but excluding the regular holiday adjourn- o tncnt , consume only about nine weeks. Ef. foil will also bo made next session to put tipoti the regular urmy.navy and fortification appro prlatlon bills additional provisions for fortl filiations , heavy ordnance and men-of-war , torpedo boats , dynamite cruisers , etc. It la believed , however , by the oldest and strong cst men In conpi ess that the subject of the tariff will consume nearly nil of the next session of congress which will remain aftei the regular npprprolatlon bills have beer passed. Many also predict that thci o will bi sufficient time to enable the two houses t < accomplish the work desired on the tariff trusts and "other important questions , nnt that the prc&ldont will call nn extra scaslor shortly after > nU Inauguration. MisrEU.\\ious. : Frank A. Ireland of Nebraska City ant George W. Uroctou of Orleans , Neb. , are a the Kbbltt. On the recommendation of Congressmen Hayes of Iowa , Mr , Henry Vollmcr , tin nephew of Henry Lischer , editor ofthegcr man democratic paper , has been appointei distributing clerk of the house , to succeci the late William F. Hudson , deceased. First Lieutenant Erasmus M. Weaver , Jr. of the Second aitUlcry , has been appolntd on n general court martial to meet at West Point , N. V. , at 11 o'clock , September 17 , for the trial of such prisoners as may bo brought before it. Pciiuv S HEATH. sivKX rv AND TWICXTV. A Vonorahlc Politician Wcdn n Girl Just Out ol' Her Toons. Nnw YOIIK , Sept. 13. Frederick G. Wo ! bcrt is chairman of the democratic club of Hudson county , Now Jersey. Three months ngo he rn"t Miss Mary McCormnok , twenty years old , and though Wolbert has n son and two daughters and is n widower aged sev enty years , ho loved the girl and paid her much attention. People noticed and made sport of the pair , so Wolbert , to close the mouths of gossips , yesterday wont to n Jus tice of the peace with Mary and married her. His friends are surprised at his action , but have given him a serenade mid many evi dences of their esteem. It is conjectured that his children , who are all older than the bride , will make things lively for their papa when they find out what he has done. SHOT II151 DOWN. 'atnl ' TiM'inlnatlon ol" a Cowboys' Quarrel in Wyouilnij. HAUTMI.I.C , Wyo..Sept. 13. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : LlEc.J At noon to-day Sam Jrown , n notorious desperai'o , was In Clark's laloon. Frank Williams a cowboy , went into ho saloon and asked 13rown to step outside. jotli wont out and Williams shot Urown wlce , once in the arm and once through the body. Hrown died In about an hour , Wil- " nuns mounted his horse and left town. A ivarrant for his arrest was Issued , but as ho s well mounted , nciuainted with the coun try and has numerous friends among the cowboys , his capture Is not probable , lirown boasted of having killed four men. Trouble between he and Williams had been brewing for some days. Shectly TMaycd "Itostnn Snaps. " New YOIIK , Sept. in. [ Special Tele- ram to Tin : Hut : . ] Pat Shccdy arrived in town ten duj s ago from Chicago , where it is 'oportcd ' ho had his fingers badly singed fooling with the western tiger , and started nto n wrestle with tlio big New York faro james. It was Sheedy's avowed purpose to get oven for his westei n losses , and as upon a pieUous experiment , when ho succeeded in mending a yawning hole in his resources , ho adopted the peculiar system against the bank that friends call the "Uoston snaps. " Ho played at the tables of the four bicgcst games in town and the Gotham dealers dis- 'overed that the Ho-iton system is more clover than any they had and kept steadily losing to the old-tnno patron. Sheedy began by taking a cool $5,000 in one of his prolonged battles at a down-town table. Ho also hit another well known dealer for $10,000. Up to Tuesday night Shccdy was reported to be W.OJO ahead. One house alone had paid out to him $17,000 of winnings. The Michigan Forest Klrcs. BAT CITV , Mien. , Sept. i : ) . The forest fires which have been raging at various points along the Hay Shore , north and northwest of iierc , have not been subdued , and it looks now as if great damage would result before they arc checked. News from various points up the line show the fires are absolutely be yond control , and that the gravest results ire to bo feared. Arenac county is a par ticularly heavy sufferer. In many places houses and other property have already been iVstroycd , and at others the people nro now fighting for their lives or llceing to save them. Quinn's logging camp has been entirely wiped out , the men saving them selves only by precipitated flight. West of Standish two families are reported as proba bly perished , as at last accounts they were entirely surrounded by fire. In Towns sec tion fires are still raging and solid columns of pine are being swept down. Postpone" ! Opening the Bills. WASHINGTON , Sept. 13. [ Special Tele- ram to Tin : Dm : . ] The opening of bids for the new site and building for Fort Omaha , wliich was to have taken place at the office of the chief clerk of the war de partment , has been postponed for a few days. This action was found necessary from the peculiar wording of the ndveitisoment. which permitted bidders to mail their bids up to and Including September 12. The war department will now wait a sufficient time to allow nil bids which have been mailed at the last moment to arrive before my of the bids will be opened. The chief clerk says ho may open the bids to-morrow , although it is possible that nothing will be done in this line until Saturday. Prof. Proctor's Dcnth. Nr.w YOIIK , Sept. 13. The body of Prof. Proctor was icmoved this forenoon from the hospital , where he died , to North Brothers island. There it was laid in an isolated dead house to bo kept until advices have been re ceived from the family in Florida or abroad as to their dcslies in the matter of Interment. It was decided to-day that in view of tlio char acteristic symptom of block vomit in Prof. Proctor's case , no autopsy was necessary. Now that the woist is known there Is neither apprehension nor excitement at sanitary headquarters. Everything has been do'io that need be , and the hcaltn authorities an ticipate no danger from this case. Fatal Flaini-M In KansaH. TornuA , Kan , Sept. 13. Fire was discov ered in Rockwell's general stoic at Junction City , this state , yestci day morning. A gale was blowing and the ( lames spread rapidly to other business places , doing damage amount ing to about J125.C03. While the blaze was at its fiercest , rain began to fall and in a short time extinguished the flro. While clearing away the debris workmen found the bodies of Al bert Franks and Milo Evorlm , clerks in Kockwell's store. It is supposed the men lost their Hs'es whllo trying to extinguish the fire , being overcome by the stnoko. m Kloodn Destroy Much Property. AUGUSTA , Ga. , Sept. 13. Tha damage to the canal , streets , bridges , warehouses , residences , stores and merchandise by the fioods will reach ? 1,000,000. No estimate can bo maao of the damage to farms and crops from Augusta to Savannah , whllo the coun try along the river is submerged. Two hun dred thousand dollars will bo required to re pair the canal , streets and bridges. All the railroads 'havo been Injured and the cotton mills have been shut down. Eleven persons wore drowned. An Opera House Destroyed. SYIUCUSE , N. Y. , Sept. 13. Jacobs & 'Proc- tor's Grand house and opera adjoining prop erty burned early this mornlni ; , causing a loss of about t.50,000. Kiinball's Merry Makers wcro filling an engagement at the opera house and their ward'-obo was en tirely destroyed. The buildings also con tained Mead's business and college was oc cupied by several firms , whoso loss will bo total. Myers1 building and the Kline block on the other side were badly damaged. The losses foot up to $203,000. SwedUh MothodlHt Conference. CHICAGO , Sept. 13. The first day's service of the Swedish Methodist conference of the northwest was hold ncro to-day. Bishop Andrews presided. In the afternoon Bishop Taylor , of Africa , made an address on the subject of missions. The conference will last throughout the week. On Sunday the ordination of deacons will take place , the sermon to be preached by Bishop Andrews , About ono hundred uro in attendance at the conference. Blew ills Brains Out. MAKTVILLE , Mo. , Sept. 13. Hon. Join : Kdwards , late candidate for Judge of th ( Kansas City court of appeals , blow out hi : brains this morning. Ho was one ot tin leading lawyers of Missouri. The Enstbound Passenger Collides With a Freight at Violet. BOTH ENGINES BADLY CRUSHED. Crane Defeated in tlio Forty-ninth District Brutal Assault on n Nebraska City Man Politics in Otoo County. A Collision on the Burlington. PAWXCIJ CITV , Nob. , Sept. 13. [ Special Telegram to Tun Bnu. | The No. 40 , cast bound passenger train on tlio B. & M. from Denver to Kansas City , ran into a freight standing on the track this morning about 4:15 : , completely wrecking both engines. 1 ho mail car of the passenger was broken. The engine and a car wcro telescoped. The 'rclght train had orders to meet the passen- ; er at Violet , and was standing on the track waiting for the passenger to switch. The passenger simply gave a whistle for down brakes and came on at the rate of forty miles an hour. The engineer and brakcman of the passenger wcro slightly Injured , as was the mail agent. There was no other ilaniairo. The wrecked train was taken to Wymore. Pay Day at Camp Brooke. , Neb. , Sept. 13. [ Special to THE Br.E. ] The entire day was occupied yester- .lay in paying off the officers and men at Camp Brooke , although Paymaster Baker ms the reputation , and deservedly so , of being ono of the most rapid paymasters in the urmy. It was expected by some that when the men received their money they would at once proceed to "paint the city red , " but .uch . did not prove to bo the case. There \\cre very few drunken men , and these were soon cared for by the provost guard. At midnight Kearney was wrapped in its usual quiet at that hour , thanks to the good conduct of the men themselves and the wise provisions - visions ot the ofllcers in command. The bri gade drill this morning showed the benefit derived from previous drills , and evidenced the wisdom of tlio order establishing these summer camps , where , owing to the mem bers present , many drills and parades are possible which cannot bo executed at the posts. This evening brigade dress parade will lake place , and to-morrow we will have brigade guard mount drill and dress parade , which will continue throughout the week. General Morrow as commander of the G. A. 1 { . camp , which will assemble nextueek , is pushing preparations with all his old time vigor. Fortifications are being erected at the lake where the naval combat will beheld held , and a sham battle between regulars mid veterans is also on the piograinmo. Ap plications for quarters for 0,000 men have al ready been received , and as tlio railroads sell tickets during the week from all points in Nebraska to Kearney at ono faro for the round trip , it Is expected that a great crowd ivill bo present. Otoo County Politics1. NrnittsKA Cur , Nob. , Sept , 13. [ Special to Tin : BEE. ] The democratic float conven tion for Otoo and Cass counties is called to bo held in Nebraska City , on Thursday , Sep tember 27 , the day upon which also meets tbo First Congressional district convention n this city. The only candidates for the democratic nomination tor the float senator- ship nro Mr. W. T. Canada , of this city , and Dr. H. B. Wallace , of Cass county , with present chances favoring the former. The republican convention has not vet been called , but the nomination of the Hon. John 0. Watson is assured. It is conceded that .10 is the only candidate that could carry Otoo county against a strong democratic nominee , ho having had a majority of GOO in the county two years ago. Funeral of Mrs. Thiiininel. Giuvn IsiAvn , Nob. , Sept. 13. [ Special Telegram to TncBEn.J The funeral of Mrs. George II. Thummel , who died in Los An geles , Cul.i. , September 8 , occurred here to day. The deceased was formerly a resident of this city , but has resided In California tlio past two years , where she had gene in Hopes of regaining her health. The remains were taken in charge by the Sir Knights. Owing to the prominence of the deceased the re mains were followed to their last testing place by a largo concourse of relatives and friends. Quito a number of prominent Omaha pcoplo were in attendance. Mr. Thummcl will probably make Grand Island his future homo. A Murderous Assault. Nr.niiASKA CITY , Nob. , Sept. 13. [ Special Telegram to THE BCD ] Jack and Tom Holl- han , two of a family of tough characters , at tempted to kill n man named Frank Hnrkins , a cook at the Grand Pacific , last night. They attacked him with stones , beating him into unconsciousness and then tried to drag him olT , but his cries brought citi/cns to his as sistance and prevented a deliberate murder. The affair grew out of an old grudgo. .Tack was arrested to-day on a charge of attempted murder , but Tom has escaped. Lincoln Itacos. LINT OI.N , Neb , Sept. 13. The races at the fair wcro a 2.10 trot fora purse of f350 , which was won by Joe Moreland in thrco straight heats. Best time ! i : 4Jf. Second race , free-for-all pace , purse $5CO Won . by Wilcox in four heats. Best time O ) ) s Third race , 'J 27 trot , purse ? 500 Won by William H. in five heats. Best time -JiiiO . Fourth race , running , mlle heats Won by Archie H. Best time 1. 7jtf. Flro at N'iln iinlca City. NnmiASKA CITV , Neb. , Sept. 13. [ Special to THE BCB.I The residence ; of a widow lady , named Mrs. Sanders , four miles southwest of this city , burned to the ground early yesterday morning together with al most the entire contents. Tlio fire was caused by a detoctlvo flue. The loss is about ? TCO with no insurance. Traitor Crane Defeated. Scorn , Neb , , Sept. 13 [ Spacial to TUB BKE.I At the republican convention of tlio Forty-ninth district held last night J. H. Banna , a lawyer and banker of Greely Cen ter , was nominated on the twenty-second ballot ever Morgan Crane us candidate for representative. HEW"ITT ANO TAMMANY. Now York'B Mayor Hays Ho Will It tin Against UKCandidate. , NEW YOKK , Sept. 13. [ Special Telegram to THE BEE. ] Defections in the county de mocracy have inspired republicans with the hope of capturing the mayoralty this fall. Now Mayor Hewitt has announced that if he is nominated to run against n candidate Tammany lull ! may name ho will do so and take u grca1 deal of-pleasure in the effort tobuatTam many. Ho says no man can have the sup port of that organisation who does not pledge himself to fill certain offices with certain men. "Tho policy of Tammany , " ho adds "means corruption in oftlco and the renewa of the worst days of Tweed. " A Preacher Attempts Abduction. DENVBK , Sept. 13. A man giving his name as Uev. Edward vV. Henderson , o Kansas Clt , was arrested hero yesterday on the charge of attempting to abduct Ellct Balrd , an unusually handsome child o cloven years. The child states that Hender son offered her t5 If "ho would accompan ; him to California , saying that if aha did BO ho would glvo her everything that sh wanted us 1000 as they arrived. CIUMti OF \ PUII3ST. V South American Padre on Trial For Killing Ills Wife and Child. BUENOS ATHK , Sept. 13. A sensational murder trial Is In progress at La Plata , In vhlcji Padre Pedro Castro Kodrlquoz is hargcU with murdering his wlfo mid -aughter. - Hodriqucz In early llfo became n irlcst , but lu 1S70 forsook the church and our years later married Senorltn Uucflna 'adln , daughter of a colonel In the Argcn- Ino army. Ho soon suspected his wife of infalthftilnoss. and deserting her , re-entered ho church. In May last his wife and laughter , Pcdrona Maria Castro , Joined him against his wishes at the ecclesiastical rcsl- lence. Determining to rid himself of them 10 gave them poison , but as this did not act Illicitly enough ho crushed their skulls with n hammer. Ho then put them both in a largo oftln , and having said mass over their bodies , had them buried. Blood stains iround the house and the sudden absence of the two ladies aroused the suspicions of a chore boy , who rcportol the matter to the ) olice , with the result that Kodriquez was ar- csted. Ho at flrst denied all knowledge of the whereabouts of his wife and child , but Inall.v broke down and confessed. Hodrlquez s forty-four years old , finely educated , and ias always stood high lu tlio favor of the church authorities. THIFiiOitioA scoumji ; : . Jvperlonced NIII-M-H and PhyniclaiiH Kxpcutcd at lackHonvllc. ) Nr.w OHM : \vs , Sept. 13. A special from Jacksonville , Fin. , says that D. O. Baker , editor-in-chief of the Cincinnati Post , who loft there Saturday , is stricken with fever , but it is noi yet determined whether It is yellow fever. To-morrow eighty nurses nro expected hero. Several physicians who wore present during the Memphis epidemic Imvo Already arrived. New cases of fever ro- portcd to-day , 44 ; deaths , 4 ; total cases to date , 7S7 ; deaths , 10-1. The Auxiliary Sani tary association has sent an address of thiinks to the country for the generous aid extended. The Knights Templar have also Issued un appeal for aid. Mcmphlt FearH Yellow Fever. MEMIMIIS , Tenn. , Sept. 13. Memphis has ordered non-lntercourso with Decntur. 1 * ) miles east of hero , on account of a supposed yellow fever death. A special from Dccatur , Ala. , says that another case of yellow fever developed there to-day. There Is great excitement among tlio ; > coplo and all trains leaving are ctowed. AMONG TII13 UAlMtOADS. AVcstorn .Managersvttcmpt to KHtah- li h n Basis of Grain Kates. CHIC voo , Sept. 13. Tlio managers of the lines west of St. Paul wcro in session hero to-day trying to agree on n basis of grain rates to govern under the new agreement. The Burlington fc Northern refuses to advance - vance its rates on merchandise , while the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul adheres to its milling in transit rates , which are now on a basis of 7J cents. As the conference did not promise to lead to n satisfactory conclu sion , a con mitteo of four was appointed to devise a plan for an adjustment of the diffi culty and to report to-morrow afternoon. The Western Passenger Association. CHICAGO , Sept. 13. The now agreement of the western states passenger association was announced to go into effect September 15 , Dut owing to a difference among the south western lines ot. certain proposed rules , its final adoption has been delayed. The north western lines , unwilling to wait for the others to como to an understanding , mot to day and adopted an agreement and rillcs , to go into effect on thdir roads September IB. SIGNING AT LiOWUK BHUIjB. The Commissioner * Now Confident of Sucucsf ) in Their Negotiations. LOWEU BIIULB AOENOV , D. T. , Sept. 18. The commissioners have secured about two liundred and fifty of the 300 Indians at Lower Brulo in favor of the Sioux bill , and it is ox- pcctod that a number more will bign. The commissioners have reconsidered thnir deci sion to leave in the morning for Cheyenne , and expect to remain hero a week longer. At the end of that time they are certain to ob tain viituully every signature to the bill. A young Indian named Edward Ashley arrived in Chamberlain to-day with the intelligence that 250 names had been enrolled at Crow Creek in favor of the bill. There are only 2BO adult Indians on the Crow Creek reser vations. Chief While Ghost holds out , but is weakening , as almost all his relatives and friends have signed. Tlio Kvanuellcnl Imthcratis. MiXNKAroMS , Sept. 13. Tlio general coun cil of the Evangelical Lutheran church of North America met this morning for the flrst time west of the Mississippi in its twen ty-first annual convention. Tlio keynote of the convention is homo missions. The open ing sermon by the president , Hov. Prof. A. Spaeth , D. D. , was on the theme , "The Na tions and the Gospel. " At the afternoon session President Spaeth read a report , In which ho spoke of his visit as a representa tive of the council to tlio general Lutheran conference in Hamburg , Germany , in lbS7. The following oflicers were elected : Presi dent , Hov. Joseph A. Scihs , D. D. , LL. D. , pastor of Holy Communion church , Phila delphia ; vieo presidents , presidents ot synods. ; recording secretaries , English , Uov. G. W. Mechlmg , Lancaster , O. ; German , Itev. J. Nicum. Kochester , N. Y. : Swedish , Hov. C. A. Evald , Chicago ; corresponding secretaries , English , Uev. B. M. Schnuckcr , D. D. , Pottstown , Pa. ; German , Hev. 1' . Pfullcchcr , Easton , Pa ; Swedish. Uev. E. Norollus , Minnesota ; treasurer , W. S. btaak , Philadelphia. Insurance MOII'H Convention. CHICAGO , Sept. 13. At the session this morning of the Flro Underwriter's associa tion of the northwest , a number of papers were read and discussions followed by prom inent members. Thf annual address was de livered by John II. Washburno , vice presi dent of the Homo Insurance company. The subject was "Fire Insurance A few words on Its present condition. " The following officers were elected , after which adjournment followed : President , John Hawley , Chicago ; vice president. W. T. Clark , of Omaha ; secretary , J. C. Griffiths , Milwaukee. Steamship Arrivals. At Now York Tlio Rotterdam from Rot terdam ; the Italy from Liverpool ; the State of Georgia from Glasgow ; the Colorado from London ; the Hammonia from Bremen , At London The British Queen from Bos ton , and the Lord Lansdowne from Balti more. At Bremen The Maine from Baltimore. At liotterduui The Chester from Phlla dolpbia. An Italian Vessel Snnlc. MADRID , Sept. 18. Advices received hero state that the steamer Lauranco , when en tering Port Luz , in the Canary islands , this evening , ran into the Italian steamer Lud , America from Montevideo. The latter vessel sunk in a tovr minutes , drowning thirty-six passengers and four of the crow , Boston Oil WorkH Damaged. BOSTON , Sept. 13. The establishment of Sccomb , Kehol & Son , lubricating oils , was damaged by fire this morning to the cxtcn of ? 55.000 to $73,000. A number of employes are reported injured. Favorable to tlio Knights. NEW YOUK , Sept. 13. A Komo cablegram announces that the dccrco of the holy office on the Knights of Labor question Is favora bio to that organization. It has been for warded to Cardinal Gibbons. TWO POIjITlOAIj V1HWS. Dr. n a Denounces Them and tlio World Kncoitrngen Them. Nnw YOIIK , Sept. 13. [ Special Telegram to TiisBnc. ] An editorial in this morning's Sun rakes the democratic national committee over the coals for neglect to do what ought to have been done In Maino. Editor Dana gives Chairman Brice n sovcro wordy castigation for tils confessed failure to help the Malno democrats. Brice sent n dispatch to Arthur Sowoll , of Maine , saying , among other things , that "wo can now rec that If our national committee had aided you or undertaken to make a fight In your state wo could have made n sub stantial reduction in the republican majority. " Dana takes the ground , as any fair-minded democrat naturally would , that tlioro Is nothing whatever in tlio Maine election to console the democratic managers. Then he advises the democratic managers not to think of wasting their time and money trying to carry sure lepubtican states like Michigan , Wisconsin , Minnesota , Iowa and Massachusetts. Com ing down to plain statement ho says posi tively : "Tho plain truth about the Malno election Is that ingenuity can dovlso ne form ula of compirison with past results which exhibits the event as a democratic victory , as an indication of a drift of voters away from Harrison to Cleveland and Thurman , or as an encour agement of the notion that any ono of the tra ditionally republican states ol the not th can bo transferred this year to the democratic column. The truth is that the democratic unvass has made no inroads upon the solid lepubllcnn vote of Maino. Theio ate no signs ot a drift to Cleveland. If there is my dtift it is the other way. Wo present these facts about the Maine election , because they ate the truth of the matter. Wustu no time , money or ncrvo tisbiioin a hopeless endeavor to wrest icpub- licnn states from the republican column. Devote every remaining hour of time , every dollar of Pi csident Cleveland's * lo,0 ' 0 con Lributkm , every atom of energy incorporated In your campaign committee to a canvass in the doubtful states. " The Now York World to-morrow morning will say : "Tho democratic party has se lected a committee to manage its national campaign , anil it is fair to assume that the committee understands its duties and appre ciates its responsibilities. Colonel Bnco vir tually admits , however , that the committee made a nustnko in not supporting the democratic campaign in Maine. A substantial reduction n the icpublican majority in Maine would liavo helped the democratic party in the na tional campaign moro than any event that lias yet happened in the preliminary skir mishing , and it must bo recardod as aston ishing that the national committee did not ii'iprociate the Importance- such un effoit. i'ho vital points in the contest nro no doubt i New Yoi k , New Jency , Connecticut and Indiana , and yet this by no means absolves the committee from the duty of making a sharp fight in Minnesota , Michigan and Wis consin. Thcio is a lighting chance In all ; heso states. At least , it the republicans aio given all they can attend to there they will not bo able to concentrate their money and efforts upon the pivotal states. Fighting should bo forced all along the line. " Iloasons Tor the Malno Victory. NK\V Yoiiic , Sept 13. [ Special Telegram to TIIU BKE.I Ex--Congressman John A. Kas son , of Iowa , is at the Fifth Avenue hotel lo ifay. Ho has been making speeches in Maine and told a reporter why the repub licans made such gains. Ho said many democrats voted with the republicans and that accounted for the largo majority. "I saw n farmer who told mo ho voted the democratic ticket for twenty years , but intended to vote for the republican party in the interests of his children. Ho thought they would need the benefits of protection when ho was gene and for that reason ho deserted the free trade party. His Is but a similar case to thousands all over the country. " "You think , then , the general outlook is goodi" "Yes , I do. If I wcro a betting man I would bet ? < 5 to S3 on the election of General Harribon. " Democratic Betters Take AVatcr. Nnw YOIIK , Sept. 13. [ SpecialTelegram to Tin : Bnn. ] Police Commissioner French walked into the Fifth Avouucs hotel last evening with four $1,000 bills in his hand. "I have an appointment , " ho said , "with J , D. Townscnd , who said to-day ho was anx ious to bet $5,000 against ยง 1,000 that Cleve land will bo elected , and I agreed to accom modate him. " Townsend did not show up , however , and , after waiting un hour , French left disgusted. Townscnd made another largo bet Tuesday night which ho failed to cover in the specified time. The betting is taking a very sharp turn Hatrlsonward , and the democrats are not nearly so jubilant us a week ago. Harrison IB Honored By the Vein. INIIIXAFOI.IS , Sept. 13. Shortly after General Harrison reached homo ho was called upon by General Daniel Dustln , of Sycamore , 111. , accompanied oy a dozen com rades , on route homo from Columbus. Gen eral Dustin said that ho called for the pur pose of notifying General Hatrisoti that at a recent mooting at Columbus of the survivors of the First brigade of the Third division , Twentieth army corps. General Harrison was elected president of the association. Be ginning to-morrow General Harrison will resume - sumo public receptions of visiting delega tions. G. A. H posts of Cnicugo will bo re ceived to-morrow. Gene to Greet Chnnncoy. Nnw YOIIK , Sept. 13. Friends and admir crs of Chauncoy M. Depow to the number of 300 started down the bay on .v steamer at 7 o'clock tills morning to greet that gentleman on his return homo on the steamer lims. Tlio steamer was signalled shortly before noon. noon.When the reception committee boaided the steamer at quarantine a collation was served , in which Mr. Depow's party and tlio commitr tco Joined. Among the delicacies served was n huge pumpkin pie , labelled : "To the Hon. Chauncey M. Dcpcw , from your granger friends. Welcome home , brother granger.1' Frank P. Loomis , counsel to Mr. Depew's road , made the welcoming address , which was responded to by the distinguished guest. In a private conversation Mr. Depow said that ho would inulo speeches for Harrison and Morton in New York state. The Maine Klectioiin. NKW YOIIK , Sept. 13. The following dls- patch was received at the national demo cratic headquarters to-night : PORTLAND , Me. , Sept. 13. Calvin S. Brloe , Chairman : Dingley's paper , the Lewiston Journal , claims to have returns from the whole state , showing a republican plurality of 13,49. ) , or 1,250 less than in 1834. Tlio re publicans increased their vote OtM and the democrats 2,151 , making the straight demo cratic vote ( M larger than ever before thrown. The total republican vote is 70,003. M. M. Kiuus , Secretary. Henri Won't Have If. Nr.wYonK , Sept. 18. [ Special Telegram toTiiBBEB.l It is slated that Henry Wat- tcrson has decided not to taKe charge of the branch bureau of tbo democratic national committee in the northwest and west , and the real reason of Chairman Calvin Unco's hurried western trip Is to confer with the leaders at Chicago for the purpose of secur ing a first-class , energetic man to look after the interests of the campaign in that section of the country. A Michigan Blaze. WAYNB , Mich. , Sept. 13-rHvft yesterday burned the Sowter block , causirc tosses amounting to (75,000 ; partially insured. THE GRAND ARMY REUNION , An Elootlon of Oftlcors for the En suing Yonr. WILLIAM SVARNER SUCCEEDS REA. HesolutloiiH Adopted on Ilio Suljcot of Tensions Alii for Vcllow Fetor SnltVri'rs The Signal CorpM. The G. A. 11. Coi.i'Miurs , O. , Sept. 13. Many of the old veterans who liuve bccnnttendlngtho Grand Army encampment have rotiirnctl to their homes , but iiiuny inoro liuvo conic to take heir places. The nuincious reunions of yesterday Imvo been continued to-day , as also have the secret meetings of the organ rations hero rcpiesontcd. At the meeting of the H. A. U. national encampment Hon. \Vlllluui Warner of Missouri was olcctad commander in chief for the ensuing year. C'llonel Moses Neil , of I'olumuuH. waa elected senior vieo iiiiiiinniiilcr , and Joseph IlatlioM , of Now York , junior vieo comman- iler. A beautiful oil painting was presented 1'as.t Coinnuiiulor Kairchlld during tlio morn ing Governor Forahor escorted Colonel Fted ( .Irani to the camp \vlieie the Illinois veterans have their hoadquaitors , and a hearty reception greeted the son of their old cominandur. Uesldes the camptlres in various quarters- the Woman's Uollef corps held a big reeep , lion , which drew u big crowd and hold the eloso attention oC all , the spo.ihots bulng Governors Ue.iver , Thajer , Algor and Fora- ker. The Army of West Virgin a con tinned its reunion during the day , 1'resldeut Hayes presiding. General lieorgu Cook mis elected president. The nowlj-elected commander In-chief wat serenaded at the Neil house this evening. A > crowd of several thousand joined in .1 cill for a speech , and in response Major Warner thanUcd thum for the honor they did him. llospoko liriotl.v in pi aiso of the Grand Army , and congratulated them aud himself on being eminted with It A number of other sere nades m.uli' imisio for all p.uts of the city. Kov S. ( ! . Updvke , of Dakota , was chosen clmplam-iii-chi' < f at the alternoon session , and K M. UoWltt , of low.i , was elected sur geon geaoial. 'J'ho committee on resolutions subinitti-d its report , p.utof which , referring to pensions , Is as follows : Kosolved , That it is the sense of this en campment that the tune has come when tlio soldiers and mulois of the war for the pres ervation of the union should lecclvo the sub stantial and merited let octillion of this gov ernment by gianting them aervico pensions ; and Hn ther , Kosolved , That this encampment favors the pioiont.ition to congiessof a lull which shall give to every told lor or sailor who served the United States between April , I'-Ol , and .Inly , 1801 , for u period of sixty days or more , u service pension of J3 a month , and to the e whose soi vieo exceeded bOJ days an additional pension of I cent per day per month for service in excess of that period. Your committee also earnestly recom mends the prepaiatiou of a bill placing' the wulowb of union soldtois , sadoru and marines on the pension list , without regard to the liino of servuo or cause of Iho soldier's death. Your committee lurther repot t that wo do not withdiaw our support of the bill now before - fore eongiess , which was proposed aud cn- doised by the pension committee , known qs the disability pension bill. Other resolutions recognise the Sons of Veterans as an oigmii ation and refer to less important mnttoih. Then it is lesolved with pride and heartfelt pleasure that "wo place upon record our grateful appreciation of the heaity welcome and most generous hospitali ty extended to this encampuiont and to the membership of the G. A K. bj the citizens ot Columbus and by the stale and depart ment ottleials , who have freely opened to us the hospitable homes of this beautiful city , allowed us to take entire possession of their city , their capital and state , and whoso un ceasing efforts and boundless liberality hava combined to make this the most successful , as It is most numeionsly attended , national encampment our order has yet hold. " A special resolution was offered and adopted unanimously , appropriating $ 'OJ for Immediate tiso In relieving the necessities o members of the organi/atlon who arc suffer ing from the jellow fever epidemic in Flor ida. ida.Another Another business session will bo hold tomorrow. Signal corps survivors to the number of H'O ' , of which Governor Fornknr was nn officer , held u meeting. Secretary D. W. Marcy , of Boston , explained the history and objects of the organi/ation in the cast. A resolution was unanimously adopted that members of the corps in western armies would uuito with the east in a national association of signal corps voteians. The ofttcers of this corps , whoso duties wcro in the nature of pnvato secretaries to general unlearn in the Hold , were necessarily heath-rod throughout the armies , and have heietoforo been unahla to hold reunions , but it has lieon decided that annual meetings shall horoaitor bo hold at the encampments. Major .f. O. Kit by , a re porter in the United States sonnto , an ex- signal officer , was lecognized as a , boy spy , and a resolution of thanlts of the signal corps association was unanimously passed for Ills work in thq press in agitating the services of the signal ofllcers during the war. At the headhunt toranf the Loyal Legion to day a general good time was hud at the re ception for Gi iii.ro ! George Crook. An enjoyable - joyablo social reunion of Mexican veterans was held in the senate cha-iiber and numer ous other rojritncntal , brigade and army re unions wore hold all ever town during the ilay. To night camp fires are Mill aglow ana anecdotes altoinato with patriotic eloquence in entertaining the listening thom > aiids. Seventieth Indiana. CLAYTON , Ind. , Sept. 1 ! ) . The fourteenth reunion of the Seventieth Indiana Kogl mental association , of which General Harri son Is president , was hold hero to-day , and It brought together 1(1,000 ( people. Every house was gaily decorated In bunting anil Hags , and handsome arches spanned the principal streets. General Harrison , accompanied by Mrs. Harrison and their daughter , Mrs. McICce , loft Indianapolis shortly after 9 o'clock this morning , and upon arilvalhero at 10 30 the distinguished guest anil his party wcro met by un ovation by the 6,000 people already present. Gmeral Harrison called the meeting to order and Introduced Miss Mary \j. \ Mitchell , who made an elo quent address of welcome to the veterans. Her speech was well roieivcd , and at its conclusion General Harrison , amid vociferous cheers and applause , made his an nual address , The but den of his remarks wore the achievements of the Seventieth regiment during the great rebellion. At the conclusion of General Harrison's speech the orator of the day , Colonel J. M. Hrown , was Introduced. After his speech dinner was announced , and then General and Mrs. Harrison shook hands with a couple ot thousand people. At the business session General Harrison was unanimously ro- elcctcd president of the association. Before ho loft ho received u telegram from Knnx- villo , III. , containing the congratulations of the Quo Hundred and Second Illinois volun teers. A suitable reply was sent In return , The Weather Indications. nFor Nebraska Local rains , preceded la the eastern portion by fairer , cooler weather , , except In the extreme southeast portion , warmer westerly winds. For Iowa Fair followed In the northwest * ern portion by local rains ; warmer Friday , cooler Friday night ; southerly winds shift ing to westerly. For D kota--Ltght local rains , cooler winds nhiftlng to northwesterly. Lutheran Church Conference. MiNXBAi-ous , Sept. 10. There were 125 * delegates present at the opening of ths uvcnty-llrat annual session of the general council of the Luthran church of North America in this city to-day.