Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 13, 1888, Page 8, Image 8

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    - _ i > w T m
The bank clcnrint'd for yesterday were
The internal rovcnuo collections yo -
torday tunountcd to J.,72J.O ) ( ! ) .
DTlie Second wiml tupublican club will
meet to-night nt Kaspar's hall.
llcnjaniin P. Norris has given a J900
mortpafjo on his rcfctaurantat 811 South
Fourteenth street in favor of Leon Cti-
inillc Valentine.
John Jensen diet ! of consumption at
noon yesterday at St. Joseph's hospital
at the ago of twenty-two yo-irs. His
ulster , Mrs. Frank Hi-idol , of Columbus ,
Neb. , was notified of his death and will
coino to Omaha and take thoicmaiiis
homo. The body is now in the po'sos-
sion of lleafey & Ileafoy.
There will bo n meeting of the
Seventh ward republican club fit the
Park house this evening at 7o : ( ) o'clock.
The principal business of the evening
will be to arrange details for raising the
Hag pole to carry a Harrison and .Mor
ton streamer. All republicans are in
In Justice Road's court the case of the
state versus Strong , for disposing of
mortgaged property , was dismissed.
Strong was arrested in Iowa last week
for selling mortgaged property. The
complaining witness , J. J. Wilkinson , a
local real estate dealer , failed to appear
and will have to bear the costs , b
I'crHonn. I
C. Hniley of Firth I . n Marr.iy guot.
Henry H. Wright , U. S. A. , is at tlio Pax-
John Jncobscti of Hastings is ut tlie Mur
William H. Atwoou of Fremont is at the
Mr. K. I.ose.vntcr , editor of Tun HI.C , re-
tuincd fiom tuo east last night.
C. H. Cornell of Valentino and B. F.
Thomas of Wymore arc in the city.
.1 K. Uodgori , Jr. . of DCS Molnos antt
Cluirics Sloan of KoJ are in the city.
F. Sonnonschuin of West I'oint niul Is. C.
Ferryman of TJncoln are at the Mtllard.
lustleo of the Peace John S. Morrison has
rene to Chicago , from whcnco he will return
in a wcolc.
Us n Itonr !
Dr. II. A. Worloy Is in the mountains of
Wyoming after elk and gazelle , while Fr.inU
K. Parinuloo and Fred Blake are
down the chickens on the upper Plattc.
Charles ] Z. Little has given a chattel mort-
gnKC to Kiloy & Dillon for $ The
property named in the mortgage Includes all
the furniture , fixtures and stock of goods in
his saloon ut No. 1504 Farnam street.
for n Walk.
The county commissioners Imvo begun re
ceiving bids for the building of the sidewalk
around the three sides of the court house
square. Tlip walk will be cither or
real stone from three to six inches thicic.
Concord la's Olllccrs.
At the election of ofllccrs for theConcordla
Singmgsocicty , Tuesday nightC.L. Fritsclier
wns elected president ; Theodora Smhold ,
vice president ; U. J.ngeman , secretary ; G.
II. Hovbrook , treasurer ; John Uoth , libra
rian ; George K. Strutmun , color bearer.
l.ollovito'H Kaeulty.
Bellevue college opened yesterday for tno
session of 'SS-'s9. Henceforth the institution
will bo under the direction of Hev. F. S.
Illuynoy , the newly oleatod proai-tcnt. There
have been other changes in the faculty ,
proinluont nmong which are these of Hov.
W. L. Is'otcsteln , prqfcsstr of language ;
llcv. W. V. McFarlnnd , natural sciences ;
Miss O. G. Foiest , principal of thu
i.ppai tincnt , nnd Miss Fannie AI. Ilondorson ,
head of the music and art department. Prof.
Stokes is retained in the chair of inathoma-
Died In Its Mother' . * Arms.
A very sad death hnpp.ned nt the hospital
yesterday. Mrs. Clark , whoso husband is in
the asylum for the Insane at Lincoln , went
to the hosoital yesterday to leave her baby.
While In the waiting loom , the child ,
Blanche , died In her arms. Blanche was
only three months old , nnd an only child.
The mother is prostrated with grief nnd ut
terly penniless. The undertakers , Hcafcy &
Hoafey , generously donated u coflln and
shrewd nnd will bury the remains , nnd coun
ty agent Mahoney gave a grave at Forest
Lawn cemetery.
Trusted u Nice YOIII.K Man.
Two ladies who came In on the H. & M.
yesterday and were waiting for the next
out-going train , decided to tnl.o a wnllt up to
the city nnd loft n couple of line shawls , u
cloak nnd a pair of rubbers in the possession
ot n nice-appearing man , who churned to boone
ono o' ' the 13. iS : M. baggagemen. On return
ing from the trip they hunted in vain for the
bogus employe nnd their articles of clothing ,
On going to the hagcf.igo-room and tolling
their story , they learned that there was no
Btich person connected with that department
and Unit tlicy had been duped and lost their
Clwiles A. Urown wns arrested yesterday
trying to soil u couple of ladies' shawls
and some other feminine jippruel.
A I.ittlo Contraband.
An animated piece of express that excited
considerable attention nt the Union Pacillc
depot was a llttlci three-year-old mulatto boy.
Ho had boon sent all the way froTn Chicago-
to Omaha labeled as nn express pcckago nnd
was carried in the car containing that class
of freight. The employes had kindly looked
after his Interest. . , hut his tear stained
cheeks showed that ho had no love for travel
On his hat was pinned n card bearing this
legend. "Korah Vitts to W. I1. Sim-Tor ,
Omaha. U. V. Express , 1315 Farnam. " Ho
wns put on the seat beside the driver ot ono
of the cxprut.s w.igons nnd talccn to the ox-
mosi ofilco. It is hupposed that by this time
he has been delivered to Mr. Shaffer.
Omuli.-'H Com I nt ; Park.
Councilman Lee , chairman of Uio commit
tee on public property and buildings , accom
panied representatives of the Florence Land
nnd Investment company Tuesday nnd vis-
hod the eighty .tore tract ut rioronro whioh
is offered the City of Omaha as a gift , on
condition that it shall bo improved as n park.
Mr. Leo was delighted with the ground in
question , nnd says It Is ono of the most
boauliful spots for the proposed usu that ho
1ms over scon. H Is well wooded , overlooks
the city in ono direction , nnd the river In an
other. It Is about nix miles from the Omaha
postofllco , and n mlle from the now head of
the water works system. Mr. Leo favors
the acceptance of the proposition of the land
company , hut on account of the latonohs of
the season ho thinks work on the park could
well bo dclaj cd till sprint' .
A G HUM mas its IGNOUANOI ; .
AVImt the Hoard or Trmlo Has Oono
j , nnd Is Dolnfj ,
It was clear that Secretary Natlmgor of
tha board of trade was vexed by nn Item
In n morning paper , roltoi.tlng upon
the board nnd Its management. The Item
purported to be nn interview with n member
of the board , who attributed the email at
tendance at recent meetings to the resent
ment ot members towards Messrs. Her and
'Wakeflold , whom no nccusaad of running n
corner in the management of the board.
The gentleman ualil there had boon n IOSH of
six or eight thousand dollars In rentals hist
year , and ho Intimated that ho considuied
the stock ot the onto , prlso worthies * by Bay
ing his stock bad been stored with oUior
paper rags.
' 'Much reflections In tha press , " smld Mr.
Nattlnger , "aro calculated to Injure the UBS-
{ illness of the board of tnw.i without doing
anyone else any good. I find by correspon
dence and conversation \vjiu the ofllccrs of
other boards that ours isIcijjiff nultu as well
tholr's , except in vwo or tUyjc elites that uro
enjoying a boom , . >
" 1 do not undcritM . < vh.t the man mo an *
jy charging Mr. Her and Mr. Wakofield with
jolng dictatorial. They have been zealous
workers , but that should bo to their credit.
The grumbler has the same right and chance
ns they to say his s.-y , anil bo heard at the
meetings of the board.
"I don't know what ho means by charging
n loss of six or eight thousand dollars from
rentals. His true that our ofllccswcro not all
> ccuplcd last year , because our rates were
nighbut , Mr. llor wns strongly In favor of re-
lucing them. 1 think our building Is as well
Illlcd as any largo building in the city , with
ono or two exceptions , perhaps.
"Perhaps ho refers to the lloatlng debt of
about $8UJ ) that appeared on the records.
Hut that can bo accounted for easily. The
Liulldlng , ns Is usual , cost more than esti
mated. One of the extras , for Instance , was
a ten-horo power gas engine costing about
V-.IOO. They aggregated about ( iWO. In
stead of issuing bonds for them as a part of
the construction fund , we put them on the
books as n floating debt , and have
been paying them oil from the rents as
received. Wo have wiped out that debt and
next month will have the Interest on our
bonds to meet. After that wo can begin n
sinking fund to redeem our bonds.
"It is nonsense for the grumbler to dis
credit board of trade stock. It is absurd for
him to class it with paper rags. If ho is one
of the old members I will give him double
what It cost him. The original members of
the board of trade paid n membership fee of
$25 When the building was dccldcii on they
were assessed $103 each for a share of stock.
There has been an untiuul fee since , but the
total co t of that membership has been only
$190. Over a year ugo the membership fee
was raUcd to 2oO , and wo have eighty mem
bers at the iate. The cost to them , Includ
ing the annual fee , has been less than & ! GO.
Atombnrsliip now costs . " > IK ) .
"Wo have a building here worth f 100,000 ,
and a lot woith $1)0,000. ) Our outstanding
A new elevator Is being built at Pauline to
help cuio for Adams county's great crops
this full.
bonds amount to ? T9Oro , leaving a value of
&t 11.000 on the right side of the
books. The board has _ ! Cf > members ,
and u incmbotstilp therefore represents about
Wi In value. Our rents uro nearly SI.MID
per month , which will amount to S'JO.OOO or
$ 1,000 u year. A few years will wipe out our
bonded indebtedness ami Increase the value
of membership correspondingly. So you see
the grumbler is talking rot when he speaks
of his stock as waste paper. "
"Did you note the lovely teeth
Of that lady yondcri"
Certainly , my boy , the cause
Don't talui long to ponder ;
SOZODONT she daily uses.
And all substitutes refuses. "
Hall' Kates to State Fair.
The Burlington route ( H. & M. I. . R. )
will sell round trip tickets to Lincoln
during state fair at half rate.
Special trains will leave Omaha at
! ) : lUa. ) m. Sept. 1U , 1 ! ! and 11 ; return
ing , leaving Lincoln direct from the
fair grounds ut 0:00 : p. m. , enabling all
to spend a day at tlio state fair and re
turn homo thcfciuno evening.
Ticket olllce , 112U3 Farnam btrect and
Those Given to One oCOur Agricultu
ral Fh'im.
County Attorney Simcral has fllod the in
formation in the district court In the case of
the state against Lorcn B. McCargor for
obtaining goods under false pretenses. On
the Isthof last February he purchased Jl.iiGO
worth of agricultural implements from Par-
lln , Oremlorf As Martin on a represented
credit of 7,000. When his notes matured ,
the IIrm found that the paper was valueless
and illed uu information against the maker
In Justice Anderson's court. Ho was bound
over and will now have his hearing at the
coming term of this couit.
Mis. Allison F. Briggi has begun a suit
fordivoicis on the ground of non support.
Her husband is the Omaha station agent for
the Missouri Pacilic railway ut a salary of
? l-5 ! per month , but has contributed only S20
tor tlio suppoit of his lainily during the past
live months. There is ono child , a gM of
about three vcars.
On September 4 Charles l _ . Klicwcrt &
Co. got a Judgment for ? . ,003 in the district
court of Woodbury county , Iowa , against
the Fran/ Brewing company. They have
begun suit on that judgment In the. district
OJurt of this county. They have also insti
tuted attachment and garnishment proceed
ings against Frederick Krug , of this city ,
who is supposed to have property belonging
to the Franz Brewing company.
In August , 1837 , Minnie L. Jayncs and
Mary L. Turner made u real estate trade.
The latter gave a tract of land in Pike and
Lincoln counties. Missouri , at a valuation of
$0,500 , for u lot in Paddock Place , Omaha ,
and two notes for $ 1,700. She represented
her propel ty to bo the "Old Turner
farm" and to have buildings and
other improvements. .Taynes afterwards
sold the Missouri property to UeWitt
C. Dinniston. who visited it. Ho found that
it was not the "old Turner farm. " haa none
of the alleged improvements , ana was worth
only about ? . " > 00. Ho insisted on Jayncs tak
ing the property back , which she did. She
now sues Turner to undo their trade , to pre
vent the sale or transfer of the notes , anil to
restore her Paddock place lots.
County Court.
Uiildoll & l.UUlell have begun suit against
Richard Engleman for $33-1.20. Two hundred
and twenty dollars and seventy-eight cents
of the claim is on an accepted bill of ex
change on the United States National bank ,
given by Engleman the 2 st of August , pay
able la fifteen days anil endorsed by the
plaintiffs. The remainder of the claim is for
a bill of goods.
Ho ArrestB u Well Known Clti/.en nn n.
W. H. Johnson , who works as salesman for
the Phillip Best Brewing company , was ar
rested by Ofllcer Benson on Fourteenth ami
Farnam streets yesterday afternoon. John
son was waiting on the corner for a car.
Benson nnproachcd him and asked Johnson
his inline , which was given. Johnson re
ferred Benson to manv merchants on both
Farnam and Douglas streets as to his stand
ing , which Benson would not heed , but ran
him in on the charge of vagrancy , The case
was culled In the police court and the charge
changed to that of drunk and disorderly.
The officer refused to accompany Benson to
Saxo's drug store , where ho could have been
easily identified , but persisted in running
him In. In his charge ho stated that John
son was drunk and lying on the sidewalk.
Johnson demanded a Jury trial , which was
granted , mid ho was honorably discharged.
Mr. Johnson is comparatively un old cltUcn ,
having come to Omaha in lb"J , and owns real
estate hcio to the value of { 0,000.
Drink Multo it is pleasant.
Itnllrond NotcH.
General G. M , Dodge of Now York , ono of
the directors of the Union Paclflo railroad ,
has arrived in the city and will leave on u
special for the west. He Is accompanied by
his family.
C. F. Mijolr , general manager of the. Den
ver ft Fort Worth railroad , arrived In the
city on a special ,
J , A. Monroe , general freight agent of the
Union Pacific , icturncd from Chicago yes
The 11. ft M. drpot yesterday was
crowded with people bonn-1 for the Lincoln
fair. All the outgoing tnunn ware Illlcd anil
two Ruction * of Mo. 1 from Pacillc Junction
had only standing room.
The First Ward Republican club will meet
Friday evening at National hall , Tlilrtnunth
and Williams htrcut. Kvory mombcr la re
quested to attend. Important buvInosH will
bo transacted.
Charles Francis Adams , president of the
Union Pacific , arrived In thu city at 7 a. in.
on the Kansas City & St Josi'iili. At 1 o'clock
a number of tholc.idlnir merchants of thu city
and other prominent cltUoim tendered him a
lunch at the Union club looms. Ho icfl
for the cast last evening ,
( ] ol Your Unllioail Tlulcntx
KASTniitl WEST ,
end fcccurn join1 sleeping berths ut
M < W Farnam St. ,
Union PuelliuTlokot oflliyj ,
llAHitv I' . Duuur. ,
jjlty Tleltot ngont.
Drlnli Multo for tUouorves ,
Kcsiilt of Their Annunl Mooting Nnw
in Bes.slon.
The Omaha B iptlst association , comprising
ilstecn local ana neighboring churches , is
lotdlng Its annual meeting , commencing
Tuesday. Mr. M. G. McLcod of Omaha was
rc-oiocted moderator. Letters wore rood
from the different churches showing an in
crease in membership. Two uow churches
mvo been orgatil/ed. The benevolent con-
ributlons amounted to several thousand ilol-
ars. The Flist church of Omaha has raised
md expended more than fUOOOund the Beth-
Kden nearly $10,000.
At the evening session the hand of fellow
ship was extended to the Immanunl church
of North Omaha and the church at Marietta
n a brief address by Mr. Lamar.
The addresses of the evening wore made
by Dr. Tolmun and the Hov. A. 1C. Myall way.
There were reported present yesterday
sixty-live delegates and eight visitors. About
, hrco hundred additions wore reported to
.ho various congregations during the past
vcar , the largest number thirty-seven
icing made by the First Baptist church of
Dmalin , with Fremont following with thirty-
After a service of song , led by Hov. L. D.
Holmes , thu association listened to reports
of committees on resolutions and obituaries
ind uddrcsscs on behalf of the Publication
society by B. A. Russell , nnd on "Our Sab
bath School Work" oy F. W. Foster.
New Metindi ! < 4t Preachers.
Some of the Methodist pulpits of this city
are manned with strangers to the people
whom they will serve , and come without rec
ommendation except us having done clllcicnt
work in former charges which they have
served. Mr. W. M. Worloy who succeeds
Mr. Savideo at Seward street chuich will
llnd un energetic membership nnd an olllcial
board ready for work , infused with the stir
ring and prompt activity of his predecessor
Mr. Worloy's experience In tlio ministry
added to Ills exuberant cheerfulness will ,
doubtless , enable him to make a good begin
ning among the people. Ho expects to dis
course to his now eongi oration next Sunday.
Mr. J. W. Hobinson , the nowly-uppolntett
pastor of the nourishing society which wor
ships nt Trinity , in the north part of the city ,
comes to his now chnrgo awuro of the need
of persistent and laborious exertion to build
up u now project in n very promising Held.
Ho has the advantage of finding on the
ground several tried and true members who
will bo ready to assist him in all that per
tains to the up-building of tlio church. Mr.
Kobinson has the qualities attaching to a suc
cessful ministry.
Tim ro-appolntmont of the pastor of thrco
of the other Important charges of the city
would indicate their general acceptability.
Mr. Dawson , at South Tenth street , has
served only a few months , having been
transferred from North Bend lust spring to
1111 a vacancy made by the appointment of
Mr. Clcndonning as presiding older. Mr.
Brown , of the Hanscom Park church , is full
of vigor and work , and is gratified with see
ing good results of his well-meant efforts.
Mr. House , of the old central First church ,
comes back to his people not wholly sitis-
licd with the outlook , but hoping a favorable
turn may take place in his church.
Reports of VnrioiiH City oniccrs For
tlio .Month of AtiKiist.
Robert Duncan , superintendent of plumb
ing , reported the receipts ot his ofllco at $148.
Dr. Ralph , city physician , rcnprtctl 118
deaths nnd 100 births. Sixteen of the deaths
were from typhoid fever and seventeen from
diarrhoea. Thirty-eight of the deceased were
under ono year nnd sixty-threo under llvo
years. There were llvo still births.
Police Judge Borka reported 1,181 arrests.
The city flues collected were # . ! , ( . lD.r.O ; city
costs , § 1,1(11 ( r.O ; witness fees , ? 'j ; state fines ,
$ 'J5 ' ; total , V4. ! .
George Whitlock , superintendent of build
ings , reported yjfl permits , aggregating
.ECV3 ! , nnd sixteen moving permits. The
receipts were K > 00.
The meat inspector reported tlie condemna
tion of r > ,0. > 0 pounds of meats , fish and cheese ,
183 melons and 24 boxes of fruits.
Ilcv. Mr. Savldgo't * New Church.
The bishop of the M. 13. church has ap
pointed Rev. Charles Savid'fo as pastor of
the M. E , society of Grand Island to aid
thorn in building n church. The appointment
is received with great joy at that place nnd
largo voluntary contributions for the struc
ture lira already pouring in. Mr. Savidgo
goes to his uow field with great onthusiam
nnd hopes to build up as strong a society nt
Grand Island ns ho did in this city.
Food makes Blood and Blood makes
Beauty. Improper digestion of food
necess-arily produces bad blood , result
ing in a feeling of fullness in the stom-
noh , acidity , heartburn , sickhondncho ,
and other dyspeptic symptoms. A closely
confined life causes indigestion , consti
pation , biliousness and loss of appetite.
To remove these troubles there is no
remedy equal to Prickly Ash Bitters.
It has been tried and proven to bo n
The U. S. Kiicai-ii.incnt , Buffalo
County Fair and G. A. . H. Keuniou
nt Kearney , Noli.
The Union Pacific , "Tlio Overland
Route , " will sell tickets for the nbovo
during the month of September at
greatly reduced rates.
A special reduction will bo mndo on
tickets sold September 17th , to 20th ,
limited to September _ _ . .d.
For rates , dates , etc. , call on or ad
dress your nearest ticket agent , or
HAIWY P. Di.ur. ,
City Passenger Agent , 130Farnam st. ,
Omaha , Nob.
A number of railway postal changes have
boon made from Chief Clerk Grlllln's olllco
within the past two days. An order has
boon Issued from Washington that on and
after September 2 1 the service on the B. &
M , system will bo extended from Blulummn ,
Nob. , to St. Francis , Kun. H. C. Duy , re
cently of the Lincoln & Concord iu route , lias
been put in charge of the now run. M. L.
Wilson has been appointed to succeed Mr.
The following other appointments have
been uiado : M. J. Costello of Wood River.
clerk on the Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri
Vullcy road between Lin wood and Genovu ;
George L. Barton has been put on the Loup
City division of the Union Pacific In thu
place of J. Wlndoff , who recently resigned
from the service.
Por/oni's Complexion Powder is uni-
verbally known and everywhere es
teemed as tlio only Powder that will
improve tlio complexion , eradicate tan ,
frockloa , and all skin diboascs.
IHcliold Hafts.
Call and bco the largo stock of safes
and vault doors carried by Mcaghor &
Whitmoro at110 S. 15th street Omaha.
You can find cool , well furnished
rootiiu at tlio Glebe hotel , best located
IIOUKO in Omaha.
Platform vs I'lntform.
Just as u street car was crossing the cable
track at Thirteenth and Dodge streets about
10 o'clock yesterday , a grip car ran against
the rear platform and throw the car from the
track and nearly upset it. The passengers
were thrown violently against ono another
nnd n number were bruised. The grip car
had Its platform guard broken and the glass
la the headlight smashed.
Wm. Blacic , of Abingdon , In. , waa
cured ot cancer of the eye by Dr. .Tones'
Rod Glover Tonic , which euros all blood
disorders and diseases of the stomach ,
llvor and kidneys. The best tonic nnd
appetizer known. CO cents. Goodman
Drug Co.
Stnto l''nlr ICxoiirhlou.
The B. ft M. special excursion for the state
fulr at Lincoln pulled out nt 9 o'clock this
morning with the coaches all crowded. The
faro U $1.03 for the round trip , and the re
turn train loaves the fulr grounds at 0 in the-
arrived lu this city at 7UO ,
FOR , 3 ? A. IIV .
niinnnintUm , < MuurnlRln , Sciatic. . ,
rmmlmgo. 1-i.rknc-ic. Tn.itlmclio , Ser
Throat , Swelling * , Sprains , Ilrulsc * ,
Uurna , Sci.lils , Front-bite * .
oldt > r nrarititi an ! D.iltri Ev.rTwhtr.
flio Clitrle * A. VoEclerCo. . llnHo.Md
Santa Abie : and : Cat-R-Cure
For Sale hy
Goodman Drug Go.
It has Btood iho Test of Yearn ,
in Cnring all Diseases of the
ELS , &e. It Purifies the
Blood , Invigorate * and
Cloonacstho System.
] disappear atonce under
KIDNEYSl ] its beneficial influence.
STOMACH It is purely a Iffcdicica
AND as its cathartic proper
' ties forbids its nso as a
BO' beverage. It la pleaa-
ant to the taste , and as
oailly taken by child-
ran as adults.
| Bole I'roprleton ,
a man for groaning when he has
Ithcumntism or Neuralgia. The pain
is simply aful. . No torture in the
ancient times was more painful than
these twin diseases. liutouglitn't
a man to he hlumed if , having llheu-
matism or Neuralgia , ho wont use
Ath-lo-ho-ros ] , when it has cured
thousands who have suffered in the
same way ? It 1ms cuicd hundreds
alter physicians have pronounced
them incurable.
"The.ill nf five physicians could not
euro me uf Kheumntixinihicli had Eeltlod
In the hips , neck anil hlionld.rfl. So Intcr.MJ
win the II-LIII that eleep vrna almost ImpiK-
ulblo. 'His Hret cliim of Athl.iihonw B-LTO
me relief , and tlio third enabled mu to nleep
for four and a lulf hntintyithout wikiug.
I cnntfnueil UH use and nm no well , "
KEV. . . . H. TliUYKIl , Now Albany. Ind.
jt3 Scud 0 cents for the lionutlful colored pic-
tine , " Moorish Maiden. "
. _ . . . . . * . .
r -i-ii
Von can stop that scratching
j , fco vi' forTet-
tor > ' 'ezema , Illngworm , Ground
IIMI i t/nu
W I . L . Yllll llch1'olhon Oak , or other skin
11 1 1.1. i uu disease
or N
ncalp that worrying
pv/nn i n nr * ou "W't and day. When once
kXGH ANut cure < luytllls soap there ulll bo
UAUIinitUU m > rctui not tlio trouble.
If you wish to prevent conta
Klous "r "catching" diseases
duilni5 the HiiinmtT months ,
rnn ( either among your family or
rllK your domestio an mills , ) bum
"u" KiiAiiuuv's Siri.i'iii-ii CVMII.US
'reoly In your Closets , rollars ,
Kltclicns. Outhouses. . Chicken
( "ojps , IllrO Cneos , Mables. Hoi ;
Aim inv O I'Bnsc. . Absolutely no duiiRur
AllU JUT f ot Uri'-llicsocanillcHarahnnily
nnd alwa ) s rt'.uly for Immedlato
{ .jyHoinomber UK NHON'B
1'i.AfiTLH for aches . _ pi.lns.firj
This remedy Is warranted to euro all cases of
Dyspepsia , flatulence. Acidity of the Stomach ,
and Indigestion , no matter of how long stand-
Ing. Price GUo per box , Kor sale by all drug
gists. Manufactured by Gustavo Hahu , Omaha ,
Nebraska ,
lloom 03 Traders' Jtulhllnc ,
Reiercucct Xctropolltan Natinnnl Hank.
II. U. lun A Co. The Ilratlstrcct Ca
'lias ' a Tad umcrent from all
ethers , Is dip shape , with fielf-
atllunllni ; Hall In ctnUr. ad pt >
Itse'f to all positions of the boilr. whllo
v thebellln tau cup roasea : book
_ _ _ _ _ tlie intestlneaJiiet as a por-
aon Uoea with the JlnBrer. . wiiTiiiKht i > reuur
BSVlernl"- ! securely day and nlkht , and a radical
euro certain. . H lit r. durnl.loot il rhi [ > . > ht by mall
euroc-riu. ClrcuUrs tree. | fw.UblO-l TUlbS l i.lUc _ . , III.
IT. J. .
Surgeon and Physician ,
Office K. W Comer i .th and iiougUs St. Offlc *
Ulcphone , 153 ; Utsldoacg UlepUgng , .J4 ,
"We tire showing a larger Block of Boys' and Chiklron's Clothing than all our com
petitors combined , and feel satisfied that wo can "lead the trade" in this department of
our business.
Clothing never was as cheap as it is now , and never did wo mark our goods with
such a small profit as wo did this season. The larger the business wo do the cheaper
we can afford to sell.
AVe will inaugurate the fall season with a grand Boys' Clothing Sale , and as at tlio
opening of schools , boys' clothing are mostly in demand , wo propose to make the coming -
ing week the most memorable one in our boys department. AVe moan to surprise you
with our bargains and that every garment that wo sell shall bo a big advertisementfor
Hero are only a few of the bargains which wo offer this week :
Two-piece Children's Suit , size 4 to KJ , at $1.OO. Wo cannot de cribo this suit ,
but wo ask you to come and see it. You will bo astonished what a suit you can get in
our store i'or $1.00. Other houses would charge $2.00 for such a suit and pretend to
give you a bargain.
Two piece Children's Suits , of good cotton-mixed Cassimoro , heavy weight , nice
patterns and well made , at $1.60.
But the greatest of all bargains is the Knee Pants Suit wo are offer this season at
$2.5O. This is a suit wo are proud to show. To call the material "all wool" would
not mean much , as we have sold all wool suits at that price before , but wo can truth
fully say wo never offered SUCH a suit for the money. This suit is conscientiously
made with special view to wear. The material i.s honest all wool cassimoro no shoddy.
The pants are made with double thickness of cloth in knee and seat , and every seam is
sewed strong. It is a perfect wear resistor. Besides that it is neatly plaited and fin
ished. Other houses would charge $5.00 for such a suit.
We are equally well prepared to fit larger boys from 12 to IS , and prices are made
just the way the Nebraska Clothing Company does business GIVING GREAT
Cor. i4th and Douglas Streets , Omaha.
UENT , a guurnnteed Bnoclllc for Hystorln , Ulr.zi-
ness. Convulsions , J Its , Nervoua Neuralgia ,
llcftdftcne. Nervous Vroattatlnn. caused by the
HBO of alcohol or tobacco. Wnkt'fulnoss. Mental
Depression , Softening of the llrnln , resultlnn In
Infinity , mid leading to intsorv. decay nnd
death. Premature Old ARC , llaironnoss , Los > i of
Power In nlthcr eer. Involuntary Losses nnd
Bpcnnatorhdpa caused bv over-exertion of ths
brain , aelf-ubuso or ovcr-liutulRcnce. Uaohbox
contains one month's treatment. 11.00 a box , or
nix boxes for ftj.OO , sent by malt prepaid on re
ceipt of price.
To cure anr case. With each order received by ,
as for six boxes , accompanied with 85.00 , TVO
will send the purchaser onr written gunrimteo
to refund the money If the treatment does not
effect a euro. Guarantee * Issued only by C. F.
(100IMANDniBBlst , Solo Agent , lllo Farnam
" ro t Oraani. N l >
It is tlmcto put tit
boi/s into their Fall
Suits. Wecan fit
them with/oodslnr-
dji lollies for school
and pldif , and with
a handsome suit for
"Sintdaii bat. "
Children's Suits in
two pieces for the
boys , and
\three \ pieces for the
= g
W LIN EN 0 >
1' I ! A\ \
Bettie Stuart Institute K ;
Will coinmuncoltsliUt year September liUi , lyi-i. Ad
\HiitaKC3 un urim" ( > il , llnmn rnmforti : carafu
tnilnlnu. Applr to Mre. M. .McKEE lloMts , 1'rlnclpal
Morgan Park Military Academy
Tno llest Hoys' Hoarding School In the West.
Sixteenth year begins Sept. 10th. Send for cata-
lot'ue to OAIT. Kl ) . N. KlltIC TAI.CO1T , Supt. .
rpiiK pr.r.ksicru , > IIIITAUV ACADIIMY-
J. I'eoksklll-on-Hudson , N. Y. Send for cata
logue. JNO. M.TlUiNM.l : > . . M.A. , Principal.
GHr.YI.OCK , llerkshlro county ,
JIass. A private school for boys. Prepare for
colltgo. htlentlllo school or business. Jorty-hov
onth year begins Thursday , Hoptember I Jth.
Tor catiilofciio address 0 LO. K. M I la.S ,
A and or.eriretlo ladT canT s or retldinu In this
or other town * No capital n. Goods
ell the year rnuml lt < > ' 0 , lfi ! f.auir5'kAdlire'
WKSl'KHN AUKNT3' sUl'l'IA CO. , ! J3 tilth ATO
Clilcaao , III.
Al'roprlctary Mudlriiiu that noeiVi but u"ul l
to provu Its worth.
DrCallder's ' Left Limb ,
Tno only Distilled Hitters In the United
States. Hie only Hitters recognized by the
United States Internal levenuo laws as a Pro
prietary Madlrlne. Lawfully Patented. No of
Patent 149.573. Contains no funll oil" , no
essential oils , no foreign substance or daman *
Inu drucs. A perfectly puio medlcinp. com
pounded from Pure Hoot Herbs mid Old Peach ;
pleaiantto the taste , quiet and decisive In Its
aOect. Cures Dyspepsia or Yellow.Iaundlce In
five days. Kcgulates the'Dowels. Invleorates
Inactive Liver , Cures Diseased Liver , Kovlves
the Kidneys , Improves the Appetite Quickly ,
Regulates the wnolo system. New Life to tu
whole system * .
Left Liver Hitters are sold In Omnlm , Nob. , bytlio
Following ilnm/lsts Jtlclmrclson limit Co , special
Wlioloalc , lor tlio Unitf Interest of I ebriibliR. Ho-
tullcrs na lollows
( iooclmnn Drug CoV J Wliltchoiuo , T. W Sp.if-
fftrd , Mim It. Viinnworlh , bclirotcr * rimriimcr ,
Kulm& OnJohn ( ii.ulnh , M. I'nrr , J. A. FulliT > V
Co. , W.J. Iliixlu" ) . .lolin II. Conto , (3. .1. Krire , M..I.
I'oivell , P. II. ( JoiUstli , Jolin 1" . Jliiirskr , Alorroll' *
riinrmiicy.Juinc torsytb. 11. C. llcll.Dr .1 J. Siivlllu ,
C. > l. CrUouy , f riinnulcr , llnun n I'lmrnmcy , GUI *
noy.t Day's , . ) . C. King. J W. Cnirkc , J. H.biUiiiliU ,
Mnx llccla.J. a. Chrlitenson , W. u. i.ambopiuu , II H.
Cui , Slav Conrad , hrnnkV. . 1'i'Btt , It. lln-musson ,
( .corco Hocilcr , lln > il a Plnirmncy , C. A. .Mclcnur.
llnwuul Mjer < , 1 rnnk Dcllono & Co. , wholesale
dealers In Clears and Left I.lvur lllttcn.
nil !
or TUB
Chicago , Milwaukee St , Paul R'y ' ,
Tlio l.est Kouto from Omuliii mid Council
IllulTs loS
-S I il C. t-ir\O 1 - '
AND Milwaukee ,
St. J'niil , Cedar I
itock Island , Frocportj Kockford ,
Clinton , Diihiiquc , Dint'iipoit ,
Elsto , Janchtllle ,
[ icluit , Winona , Ln Crossc ,
And nil other Important points la t , Northeast and
faoiHlica t.
For throiiKh tickets cull o.j the tlckot nzent at 1W1
Karnota itrcet , In llurker lllock , or at Union I'uciao
"l-'iiil'man ' hleepers awl HIP Uncut DlnlnK Cnrs In tlip
worlilarorunon the nmln line of thu Cli Uauo , Mil
wnukcu It Bt. laul llnllwa ) , and uvury uttuailonM
paid to pa euii rs by cuurlugui gmplojci cl Ut
" "lil t Ki.KB , Ocncral JUnasror.
J.V.'IUUKK , A > l tBntJcnnrsl Manager.
A. V. H. OAllWi-NTKH , Uuneial i'uwngar and
TtOKO.'llJtUEAFFOnDl ! Assistant
and Ticket Avent.
S , W , Cor , Farnam and 15th Sts.
Paid In CapKal.i . $500,000
UiO.E.IIAItlvi : : . President.
DHtlXTOlU ) :
L. n. WIM.IAJI3. H. I. . WILEV.
J. L. MII.V.H.
Accounts of llankerti , Mi > rchnnts and Individ
uals received on the most favorable terms.
See That Rugged Baby !
Is there anything In the world inoro pleaglngr
Jt Is the duty of very mother and uurso to bto
that the child has pioper nourUhmeiit , If you
luiven't tried
makes a test , and see If you regret It ,
( Successors to John 0. Jacobs. )
Undertakers and Embalmers
At the old stand , HU7 llirnam St. Orders by solicited and promptly
T : i > , whnluhlar ( IC.AOII t.M'E
has TIUPIR ! > way his VlGOlt of Il t T ,
_ _ Iini > and. < IAXIlOOl > .riiuiilnRcxhaustlnR
flralni upon tha FOI'-VTABKN oi LIFE ,
O. K \ It A 41II K , HACK AC1II. , Drcadnil
Drortin/i , WBAKNKNH of Memory. HAMI.
rill.HKNM In MOCIKTY , rUIJl't.KS upon
the FA < ! K. and all the KFFK "l'f. leadlni ; to
HAZILY 1 K 1AValid perhnns fOJVHUMP.
STMM or 1KNANITV , jhoiild consult at once
tbn ; K5r.HU.VT.t > lr Clarke , IXahllshcd
1 1 Lr Olarka ha. madu 2VEKV4K/N / HE-
UII.irY. IIftoNIC ) and all Diseases of
tlio UK-VETO > ICIVAttY Onrnnit a LI fa
Study It taAtreui R1 > dlfli-runce WHAT you
. .ore taken nr HVIIO has failed to rnro you. ,
VR.A ; Iin : RUtrerlnB from diseases pecU I
liar to their nor cnn consult with the nesurancq ;
or speedy relief and cure. Bend 2 cents poatrig *
for on your dUeaecn. f
-nrnend 4 centa pnetngo for Cclolirfitcd
Workn on 'liroiilc , JVcrvoiiN and Jell |
cn'o Dinensos. Conjiilmtlon , porsonul'y or bjr
Vitter , Ir.'o. Consult the filil lloolor.
VliounniKls rurpil. Olllcm and iiurlor *
prlvutd. A9 lhoqe contemplating Mairinirs
uend for Dr. Clnrko'H celebrated guld
Hulo and remalo. each 16c. , both 25c.J
( st-imps ) . Before conflrtlnc your case , consult'
Ur. OI.AltKR. A friendly letter or call mnf
lave future KiiCcrlnpriunl shimc , ami add KoMcft' '
years to life.jrsBook " I.HV'B ( Secret ) Er.
rom , " 60c. ( stamps ) . Medicine and writing *
< _ nt everywhere , necuro from pxioiur
Hours , 8 to 8 : Sundays , 9 tn 12. Addnss ,
F. D. OLA-ftKE , M. D.
106 SO , Clark 8& . < ! U1OAUO.
O EV3 A H A '
N.W. Cor. 13th AOodgoStB. j
( Ir
Jet ) ficilllles , appatatm i nd remedlfs for sue ,
cisful treatment oteveiy form of disease requlrf
ing Mtdical or Surgical Treatment.
Hoard nnd attendance , beit hospital accoiiU |
dntlonsln Ihewest. -f'-tf'
WHITK i ou CiRcmARq on neforinllles nm
llrnccs , Trusses , Club 1'ect , Curvntiire of th
Spine , Piles , Tumors. Cauier , Catarrh llropclnle ; ,
Inhalntioii , Itlcctricify , Painlyisis It { > llcpy , KH
aty , iliIdrr ; , Kye , Itur , Siu ! and llluod , and al
Surclcal Operatlout. t *
DlBonsoa of Women a Spoolahy.
UOOK ON DiatiCCfl or WOIIKN Kni e ,
All lllood Diseases Bucccssfully treated 8yph
Ihlic I'oliou reraoveil ( rom the ttjhtem wlllioln
mercury New restorative treatment lor IOSB ol
Vital 1'ower. 1'cihons iiuable to visit us may bo
tieated at home by correspondence All commit'
nlrntions cotifidtntlal Mcdlcitiesor Itifctrunienlaf
sent by m il or express , sccurtly packed , ngj
iniuks to Indicate cunlenU or jspudcr One per'
mal iuteniew Call and consult us oiJ
cud history uf your case , and we will tend In
plniu wrapper , our < r ,
Upon I'rivnte. Special or Nervous Disease * InV
wteiicy , Syphllii. Oleet and Varicocele , wltll
tjiettion list. Address |
OHIU/III Slcdlral anil Riirgteal /iulUfoi
DR. Mc.VlENA.V-Y , / /
Cor. 13lhanu Oodae Sli.i . M
Or the Liquor Habit , I'osltlicly Cured bf
AdruIiiistcriijgDr. Hnliics' Golden >
It can be Riven In a cup of coffee or tea wlttu
out the Knowledge ot thu person taking It ; abso *
lutely hermlesH , and will eircct a permanent and
peedy euro , v < hethor the patient U a moderate
drinker or un ulcohollo wrvcK. IhousunUs of
drunkardi have boon made temperate men who
have taken ( Jolden Kpecltlo In their coffee with.- *
out their knowledge anil to-duy riollev * Ui j
quit drinking of their own flee will. It not *
falU. 'JhoMyBteiii once ImpreKnated With tn
Bpeclflo , It becomes an utter Inipossllilllty foit
th liquor appetite to exist. For tain by Kuhn
& , Co. , l"th and Douglas kts. , unit IStb nnd Cninx
Oniuliu , Ncb. [ A. U. 1'ubRr A llrou
w. . HOW TO ACT.
a tur. I.cltii and Kunrltotial dUor *
HM-STOH cn.iai1"1' ' " ' ! ' * " " " ' '
AilviirtJalDtj hoa uhviija p oroA
8incci3fiil : , Hofoie ] > l.icluanv
Non-.pnpor Ad.crtlslnif ponflirlK
U U W itetdUk lUnU Clu'cAQOiJ