TTTTC OMATTA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY , SEPTEMBER 13 , 188ft SPECIAL NOTICES. Advertisements under this heart H ) cents per line for tha urn Insertion , 7 crnls for each sul > - Pl-'ifnt ' luiortlon. nnd II. CO a line per month. No ndr'lscinent tnken forloBB 1 linn ai cents thn Mrst Inseitloii. bcveii words will ho counted tti the line ; they mtiht run consecutively and luunt ho palil in ADYANCi , . AH advertise- inculn mtibt lie handed In befoio 12:10 : o'clocS p. , in. , nnil uudcr no clrruingtmiccs will they betaken taken or discontinued by telephone. Pnrtlo * ndvortlslng lu these co'utnns nnd hnv- IngthHrnnswers addressed in cnrijof TunllKn will plcnno ask lor n check to enable them to get thi'lr loltern , nx 110110 will 1m delivered except on firosfiutatlou of check. All untwers to nuver- tlM'inentH should bo enclosed In envelopes. All advertisements In those rolumnn nre pub lished In both morning nnil owning editions of U'HK Hi.t , the circulation of which aggregates more than IH.HM papers dnlly , und Kiwi tlm ml- ViTtltcrst the benellt. not only of the city clrcu- lutlon of Tin : HIR : , nut nlxo of Council 1 Units. l.lutoln and otlicr clUes nnd towns throughout this evctlon of Inn country. _ BRANCH OFFICES. AdvertlslnR for these columni will bo taken on the above conditions , nt the following bust- neaii houses , who are authorized BRentx for Tin : ) IKK fpcclnl cotkes , and will quote the sumo rates us can b Inul at the : nnln offlco. " CHN W * HULL , riTannttclstTl * * ' SoutbT entU htreot. ft IIDDY , Btatloners nnd I'rlntcw , 113 C11AHU 10th Street. . rAHNSWOHTH , 1'liarinnclat , ! I15 Cum- SH. Street. J. IIPOIIKS , I'harmaclst , Ki ( North ICtli Htrcet. J. W. PAHU , Pharmacist , 160J St. Mary's Avenue. SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTKD A respectable position of nny kind. In or out of city. Addrcas 04H , Heo Olllco. IHJS 14 * \\7ANTKn-Hltiiatlonbv an etperlenred do- llvory cl rk , speaks Uorman und llncllsh. Address C 44 Itce olllcu. HI ) I-1 ANTUU Bitunilonna clerk or collector , references given , 2 yoar.s'oxporlenco. Address - , dress U 40. llog Olllcp. _ Ml 13' W ANTDD Situation to do sewing ami HOC- onfl work. Address C , S3 , lien olllcu. A MA Not IM years' uxnurionre In spilling ami weavlni ; ll.ix and linens , wnntsu place either as working machinist or to take cljargo wlinru hla knowlcddgo mlijht bo turned to uso. J' . O. box 4 i , Omaha. MKi J3 WANTCD-Sltuatlon by experienced lady stetioguipher ; city references. MlssM.H , , IfllO Dodge &t. _ _ _ _ _ _ 6. ilKl ; " \AOIJNU man wishes plare In drug store to J- learn the hiislwui. Speaks Herman nnd l-.ngllsh. Wull recommouded. AUdross C. "I , Jke. _ _ ( M3-14 * "VVTANTfiO Position ns stenogrnphcr nnd TT typewriter lloferences given. II. 1 ! . Kol- . oy , | jinu8inlnK | , In. WANTED--W1AUE HELP. .1 Milrsinnn for clothing house. -a. Mrs , llrcga. 31 Hi a. 15th. WO 111 * T/ITANTKD / A good bright nfllco boy. ono \\lio T f llvennlhomo and c.m wrlto a good hand. AildroHH P. O. , W. N. U , Omaha. MKI 13 ANTBD Good coutmnkcriund tullorosses. W .1. Cohen , 1 ! ) 8 Uth St. U07 17 * WWANTKD T o nxpcrlenceil canvassers. noiio only Orfit-claaa wanted , no boolin , Call nttur 0 p. in. nt the Coz/ous hotel. .1. It. Itollbon. WM ) 1' * V\rANTHD rirfct-clabs diy goods salesman , T ? ntonce. Only men of oxperlcnco nnil with Bond references need npplr. Address , with roferenceo , J. M. Lludtey , Auburn , Nob. 4 B75 11 ? _ _ \\TANTKD Cnnvnssi-rH to Bell the House- Tf keepers' 1'rlond , the best selling article In the marxot. Coed Iniiuceiuonts to faithful workers. Call early at 1337 Saundcrs st. V\7ANri'.D 1'lrst-class blackHinlth , must beT T > agoodnhoer. InnulroJ. Nohou 2tli ( ! nud Volnul. 871 11 A good man. A to the 1 ur- WANTKD olllco. I AV. Cor. 15th nnd L'urjiam , 2nd lloor , room i ) . B OV vnnted-To work In burbor shop , lllrt rurniim street. AGKNTS wanted Ufa slzo bronze medallions of caudidatca , 41.00 per pair ; 10J pair , { 1.1. Melalllo Hcllfjf .Mrs Co. , 23 ParKHow , Now York WANTKD Good llfo insnrnnco .soHcltoTU with bank references , nro wnnted by the Union Llfo nt 401 Merchants' national uank building , Omahn , Oilice noun ) 8 to 10 a. m. und 4toCn. m. Mo FlPl'Y men wanted for quarry work ; good wages and sto uly work. Wooplng Water Jjllno A : Stone Co. , Weeping Water , Nob. KJ7 17 WANTBD Immediately , ' ! llrot-cluss coat- makers. Dames Urou. , Hnstlngn , Nob. 84 ll WANTKD 1 good steady boy wsh city ref erence only , to take care liorso nnd cow. Inquire iril Dodge , 815 12 COAT , pant and vent makers wanted nt once. Steady work forijood men. Vise , the tailor. (4)5 ) 8.10th st. 81013t A first class pattern maker. fcti-adv % % ork will bo given. Fromoul Vouudry nud Machlno louipiiny , Frcniont. tailor , 7CO S. 10th. 7t2 12 * \\rANTKD-At.Northwentrrn Lnl > or Agency , T T : ; ii S. Kill st , 10 stonccutteis , 15 teamsters , 4 Btoro rooms to rent , 772 ANTKD A man to solicit ; salary J100 pci tuonth ; must deposit $2.1 nnrt give Becimtj for money collected. Address George S. Cllne , Wagner block , DesAloincs , lu. 754 0.8 \\rANTKD-A coed agent with small capital Tf In every county tor oar oil burners foi cooKliignud heatinu .stoves , 2,1 per cent chcnpci than coul. Oinulia .M'r'ii Co. . t'tli st. and Caplto ! W ANT15D 60 tracklayers , free fare , nt bright's Labor Agvucy , 1120 ITurnnm st. \\rANTKD A good rag carpet weaver. Stoadj T > employment tlio war round. Addres < Ndbraaku Carpet Mllla , 7th und O ts , Lincoln , Nelj. _ fit \\rANTKD-Meu for rnllroatl work in Wash t Ington teiritorj % TeamBtora , nick nut almvul men , n\ men and rock men , big wniei und long , fctnuly job. At Albrigbt'u IM\IO \ Aceacy. H'JU li'm-uam t. 123 "VX A tlntt-class experienced wlndov ff dresser. lu < iulrn ut the 1 air. 5Sa OOLH'ITOHB minted for n Urge luanutactur CJing company ; refuicucod required. Addras ; Ilex JT Omahit. _ _ _ HU7 S.'J WANTKD Energetic mm nnil women every where for mi genteel money-making busl ness. ( U ) weekly piollt frmuiintccd easier thai 0 monthly-otherwise. Kxperlcnco nl olutol1 unucces nry. Poiniancnt position nnd excln hive teirltory-nBuned. ti sample * free. Writ for partlctilni-s. Address , with ( stump. Merrll JUV Co. II KJ , Chlcaco. 4Wsl * " ' " "o'llNTS "WANl'lJU-KS n month nnd c pcnecs pnld nny-nctivo person to sell on KOods. No capital required. Salarj- pal inoiithly , e.xpen esinndvanco. I'uHiiaitlcular fico. btnndard SlWerwaru company , llo.itoi : flJ3 SI lp B OYB-Am. Dlst. Tel. Co. , JSOl Douglas. Ull WANTED FEMALE HELP. - Ilousofceepor for widower with rhlUienon n farm ; housekeeper for farm , no children , no objection to one child cook fur coru foiiiYfU , $12 ; girl for family of InBlO'ixClty. fS : 1 for family ot 4 , no washtn or.tvonlntr. * 1 ; I'xperlenced i-ocoml girl fond c r.hildrrn , M ; tllnlui ; room ulrl. l < , boitd iui loom ; ni gins for general housework. Mn S. nth. _ UJl 111 * TLVMNTKU A good jUrl for kitchen worl T f ' must bo a'cootl laundress. 2011 St. Mary nvf. _ _ llH-'ji. WANT KD A lady to solicit ; must deposit f. and give si-ourlty for money collrctei Atlllifss Oeorge- . Cllne , Wttjjnor block , DC _ tblics , In. _ 7&1 o. ti WANTKD A saleslady who has had oxpci fence in the line mtlllnory trade. AdUre > vrlth ref frence , O 47 , llvt , S'J7 14 WANTED A Klfl to do general housoworl must be gooil wwlinr nna Iroaer. goo wipes \vllllw paid. Apply to Mrs. F. .1. Hortl - - " ) Io'Jt.o ) t. WI14 fXrA cvucrtl housework. { TS. . 1Uh. 1571 HT NTilD-T\vo O.lnlnff-room jrtrls nt PaxOo WA . Apply to .1. II. Kitchen. 872 U : \ "r.VNTKD fill I for general housework ! f > mall family , Mrs. Wright , 2tis Swuitl * TSJ"ANTKD AYompotent nurse f < ir the cm f > of children and to do light housework i S40J Unpltol Averefcreneu required. f.-U I'.T \\f ANTKD-Glrl to do conking und convr T f' houicwoj-c. Intuit 1KJ1 Davenport. 811 : f'W 'ANTKDflood girl forpsncralhoiuowol Mrs. W. W. Jllrwlnsi.oim Uth HI. . . i.v. t T 7"ANTKD Girl for general honioworlt , n vr f f cor. 18th nnd Lcavenworth. 4fJ _ (7J HIL wanted nt 1590 N , IHh st. SM Ut -UIrl dUhwashor nnd smart Ijoy at RO a loth nt. _ tgn-ist "WAN'l'ED-Laily nucnn for "A" skirt and ff bustle cojnblni-d ; also "H" hosn mpport- rr ? . Ourdalesliurg. Ill , , ngent olenrod Jloilu 10 dayn. Ladles' Bujipiy Co.2o7 W , Washington KW01 \rANTKD-A girl for housework nt 2.V)1 Cum- V f ing st. _ 730-12 \\7ANTKD-llrl for genernl Ji 'tgowork In ff family of three. 2'fia Hthst. S a 13 w ANTKI ) I.ailynKents for the ladles' friend. Darker block , room -4. 'MA 8 U * \\rANTEO-Mldule need Indy with Rood rof- * rrcncen na housekeeper nnd take care of two Illtlo Hilldrcn ; will keen ilrl for mcnud work ; Rood wages and n good home. Apply nt . 3 < th. M\ \ _ _ ANTii-aood ; girl lor housework. fil S mil. : ; ou _ _ _ W ANTIM ) A thorouphly competent Klrl for Kent-nil housework ; references required. Apply nt .No. U70 North Kith and Indiana nro. Mr a. yinicrul. otfi W ANTRD DlnlnB-room Birl nud dtahwnsh- er. nrN. Ifithnt. Ui ffllSCEULANEOUS WANTS. WASTED Hy areBpoctablemarried woman , a young child to care for , Hge no object. Apply 1B1 ! B 17th St. 887 li ! * Itn'IIi of Now KnRland Conservatory Muslo and Knist J'erabo , lloston , wUhea board In private family wliero lessons may bo Riven In part payment. Address llox u ' , 1'ostolllce. 7I'5 ' I2t WANTKD Young men who deslro home comforts nt reasonable prices , to room and bonrdat"ll8Grnco st , near cable line. 7fl 12 * AN'J I'D Horses to board , Itum-ye Stables - bles luth between llarnoy nnd Kt. Mary's ave ; llr-tt class aecommodatums ; boat box stalls In the city ; terms reasonable ; telephone. 841. l ei s u TJIN'OAOKJIKNTS t do drossmalting In fain- -IlMHus solicited. Miss Sturdy , W17 Leaven- worth St. tKB s ! J4 * WANTED If you have nny lands , lots , or houses nnd lots to sell or exchange for other property , call on mo or write. I can find you a riibtomBr. C. C. SpotswOod.30jlJS.lUtn. WANTUD The public to make good use of llio Jltu's me aago boxes throughout the city. 100 BOARDING. and rooms At 1IU1 rnrnnni Ht. -U rirst-cla- and pleasant place. A limited iiumbur can bo nccommudatod. Ai > ply soon. 81C01U FIltSTrlass board c. n bo had by the week nt 17C8 Douglas st. II. " , alt _ ANTUD Table boarders at 1003 Douglas. 475 EMPLOYMENT BUREAUS. NRHKASKA r.mployment olllco , No , 317 N. I nth st. Mnlo and female help supplied. Private families a specialty. 43.M3J GANADIAN employment olllce. Mrs. Hrega , ) lli ! 3 15th. Helereuco Omaha National bank r.m Hi7 * V ANTED-TO RENT. T HAVK customers to-day fordwelllngs inng- J-lng from $20 to ? li ) per month , who will rent nt once if they can get what they want , namely , u goodhousa for themonov. Llatyour houses w itli me. Nethtiton Hall , Hoom 423 First Nat. bank. 807 Thrco unfuinlshed rooms with WANTKD light una In-lit. ( Jood locality. C , 43 lice ' 841 Utt \ArANTKD-12orl4room house : must have > > all modern conveniences ; will pay liberal rent If person will built nousn ; will lease name for any term of years. J. L. ilruudles , 13th nnd flowaid. Hl ) WANL'KD I have Ser 10 parties who want to rent $10 to $ J ) houses centrally located , liv Sept. IStli. Submit what you havo. 0. 1' . I ( unison , 413 S. Kith st. : KJ RENT-HOUSES. 33 & M. Hotel for rent nnd part of furniture .for sale. Itt ! S. lOtti st. 8IO ! 13 * ATKW double brick haunt ) or 10 rooms each at lJ40 per month each. Can eat h lie divided Into two 5 room Hats at $ ' ! ) per month. Also U room frame residence with mndurii improvements - ments nnd on pived street at 83 > per month , Ulrkhauser & illumer , Koom 18 , Ware building. FOH HWNT VI room house with store front , Plefte and 19th. lu-iulro 9. Katz , 1310 Far- unm st tkli ) TjlOH HKNT Ton-room house , modern 1m- JO provoments. cor Douglas and 18tli Sts , handy to business. D. T. Mount. 213 8 Uth ht. bMl T71OH HUNT Furnished house with modern JP conveniences. On Farnam st. Inquro Harris 11. K. and L. Co. , room 411 , I'lrat National Hank. 849. _ "IjlOK n Hoarding House For Ilont A double JC hoiifco. No , 1407 nnd 1100 Jones street , four blocks south of the Pnxton. This honso con tains 20 rooniD , and Is convenient to business. Inquire of llyron Heed & Co. , No. 212 S. llthbt. ais 14 _ _ _ _ 17KSPOXSHIIjKperson only cau rent Revon X\ room houso. No. 1111 N ioth st. bet. Nich olas nnd Paul streets ot Jno. W. Paul , ItO1. ) , Tar- nam st. b30 TTIOll HKNT House No. 2118 California J ? Inquire ntN. W. cor. 22nd nnd Davenport. 821-lt * IOll HUNT 3'hreo 5-room houses , In good re pair. Inqnlre2)14 Douglas. 7U8 12" FOH HKNT or Sale Now cottage , Hedford 1'lace , on easy payments. Knqulro M. U lloedcr , room 403 Paxton bloot. 245 "ITIOH HKNT Lower story of house , 237 S. SUh JL1 st. , 5 roouiK , hot and cold and cistern water , hot air und gns , nice y.xid. 721- FOIl HKNT 4-room house on 8. ICth st. , two blocks south of Vlntonst. ; will rent for 110 per month or sell on terms to suit purchaser. Ueo. J. feternsdorrr , loom , opposite 1 > . O. 710 "IjKJIl HKNT At very low rntes. 10 nnd 11 new JL1 residences. 2404 nnd 2411 , Cnss street. Clnrko 1'laco. OHB blook south of Crelghton college , on Vurnam and 21th street cur lino. All modern Improvements. Apply , U.T , Clark Union Trust Co. , or ut 2420 CUHS street. OH ) THOU HKNT-A fi'room ' tint at 003 N st" JU Cnll or address H. A. Marsh , as above. OM FOll HKNT Five room house , Lonvenworth st. nnd 41st. , 812. J. W. Kllor , room 7 , Iron bunk building , C'JO FOH HKNT 8 loom modern Improved house Al locality at moilornto prlcu. Apply M. Klguttor , 10JI , Farnam. 460 " s KVKHA L houses for rent. S. T. Peterson , s. o. cor. 15th nnd Douirlns. KM _ FOH HUNT House. 13 rooms , furnished or unfurulshod , suitable for boarding , or nlcu- ly arranged for two families , 'JJJ Park nyo. "ITOH HKNT Now 8-room house on Cumlng Jst ? , near Lowe ave. T rms reasonable. Ap ply quick , t-pothwood , a)5i ! S IGth. 723 1 I/JOlt HKNTV-Cottage. 5 rooms , very desirable. J-1 1212 27th bt. , near toward st. luqulro 1400 C'upltnl nve. 021 FOll HKNT Now live-roam cottage. 2t ; blocks oir Farnam car lino. Inquire , 3l4 12th st. 2i,7 FOH HKNT Ten-room new house , with gas. water , f wer , furnace , & o.c. . , by 32d und Ilnmoy. JIO per month. Dexter L. Thomas , nt Nebraska Savings bank , ICth and Farnam. 14J ( TjlOlt Jir.NlV-Neat'jS ) cottage. Apply at once. I -tJ'O. K. Harrison , 415 a. 15th nt. 727 TTIOH HUNT When you wish to rent a house , JJ store or olllce rail on ns. U. 11. Cole , room 0. Continental block. 213 "T71OH HKNT I have ntMut a dozen houses JJ ranging from three to thlrtenn rooms thai cnn b > ? rented nt living prices. If you want tc rent a house , call nnd e > ) me. Qcor&u J. Sterns dorir , room fl , opp. p. o. use v TKW . . . 5-room , coltnge , rent $10. luqnlrn ol r nro jjnrkor block. b33 I71O11 HKNT Cottace , four large rooms , 1011 J-1 Bout',1 jtli st. m < j FOR HUNT C-rooin cottage centrally located Mead & Jamison , 314 B. 1'jtli. 030 TTIOH HUNT Neat 7-room house on Davonpori 4-1 st.near high school , rent * li ) a month. Hreu nnn A ; Co. , Oumbar of Uommeriia. 181 _ 'H HK.NT New two-story Eeven room house JO cellar , largo attic , cistern , well , coal housi and stable ; nil new nnd well fenced , on Mllltarj road in ( Mflon Hill , 2)4 ) miles from postolllco , a1 only til par uioath. A. P. Tukey. b , W. cor. Utl and Donglas. U70 1710H HKNT Klf ant 10-room modern house J-1 ncur Hlifli Bchool. p. o , li Thompson Sheoly block , Uth nnd Howard. u'l TOH HKNT S-room houso. sewer , gas. ho Jnnil cold water , luth room , new and com rilete , fioper month , ready Bopt. L Apply a once. C F. llurrlsoa , 4IJ S. 15th st. 4sil HKNT-Nice 7-room house Ipoil , mi Xortl I JL'l7tU t. laqulieSWB. 13tU , ta 5 HOOM cottage , 811 8 24th. J 805 Kt _ _ _ _ iron ltr.NT-Nlco7 room house , 1131 N 17th st. JL'imniin _ > 8iaaiatii _ st. _ u ; _ 1TIOH HUNT-Slx-rooiu coltna * . 1515 llarnoy ft. . 125 per month. 1151 H\ZH-T-KSON\3 \ \ FURNISHiD. Olf llr.NT ln room attached , half block from the cable line. No. Win Capitol nve. rid It Including boaru the Young Wc men's home W10 Dodge st. Heforences re quired. I'U _ _ _ 1DA8KMENT for rent , furnished or iinfur- JJ ? ulshc-d. 1615 Dud -o. 7 1 _ "T71OH HKKT Jlooms furnished or unfurnished JInqulro W < 3 Bo'Jglns , cird tioor room IMi'4 14 "iTIOH HKNT A lovely south 'rout i > om with J2 every convenience' , sultnbla for .two gentle men. 12 rarnam st. MVt _ ITIOH HKNT-NIcely furnished room. N. K. JL ? corner Park nvo. nnd Pnnlllc , 2nd door , suit able lor two I'cntlemon or two ladles. Ml T710H HKN'T Thrco furnished or Unfurnished JL' rooms sultablo for light hdusckeeplug. on 10th St. . one block from u. P. depot. Inmilro 805 a. loth bt. hill 11 * _ "rrToil IlENO' .1 furnished rooms for light JL' housekeeping , reference required. (112 ( N. Iflth. 48 13t T71ITHNISHKD rooms , nlso rooms for house- JL. ' keeping , 12)4 ) Howard st. 8ii ! TJ ? FOH HKNT rtirnlshed rooms , 1201 rarnnm. K ) 17 > "IJIOH HCNT Furnished rooms with modern JO conveniences , UU N. IStli St. 8.10 11 > _ HOOMS. 1C ! S. ICth. 855 17 * " 171011 ItKNT Kurnlsliel sleeping rooms ; one JL1 Mnall room , Blilgla bed , M ; one largo unfur nished room for housekeeping or sleeping. (03 Howard. Ml l.lf _ T HUlTKof rooms. 1 small back room , nicely J furnished , 1C1J llarnoy. _ 8511 I'M TJIUKNlsniU ) rooms to let , S105 Douglas sT. JL1 uo-i lb- TWO rooms furnished , light housekeeping , aCdSt.Mniy's Avo. Ull It * TjlOll HUNT rurntsliod or unfurnished front J rooms. 710 S. IMli st. t < W 13 h _ I71OU UKNT A largo front room nicely fur- Jnlslied , sultablo for two or three gentlemen - men ; also first class board by the w eek nt 1708 Douglas st. ii'j.1 li * IT-Oll HKNT Cheap furnished rooms. 1ROU JL' Davenport Bt. H''O 12 * _ OR ItlJNTruiiihhed rooms. 1118 Dodge st , K52-17T _ FOH HUNT I rooms , second lloor , 1217 Chi cnpo St. . nl"o small house of 3 rooms In rear. Inquire 1215 Cclcago St. 07'-12j ' PUltNISIIlM ) roornsT luoi Capital avo. _ 741 ir , * _ Foil HUNT Newly nnd nlcoiv furnished rooms , with first-class table board. Also board by day or week If desired. 1721 Iaen ) - port. .74 16 ? _ _ F Oit lir.XT Itooms wither without board. MB So. 13th St. , 2nd lloor. 7U2 llj ! FFOU FOU HKNT Vurnlsliol rooms with bonr.l I'uiiilturtj all no\v , neat anil clean : - . " - ' N ICth 700 11 * _ POIl HUNT Newly furnished , clean rooms. ull modern conveniences private house : 1 block from 1' , O. 1013-1015 c'apltol avo. 421 If.t FOH HKNT Pleasant furnished room , 1213 Chicago st. bOO 12 "S Hooms with family , tabe board JO 17UO Dodge st. CIO lit 1 1 HONT rooms , single or en suite. 1718 Dodge. V IJHY desirable front room , furnished , nil modern conveniences. 2107 Kit FOH HKNT A nicolv furnished room , with use of bath room , in n convenient location o a gentleman of good habits , deference re- inlred , MB South 20th st , corner St. Marys nvo. 504 TfjUHl HKNT A largo pleasant front room , X ! 1700 Chicago st. 'Ml neil HKNT A handsomu room with alcove at 2.139 St. Mary's nvo. 417 > LKASANT furnished rooms , 1WU I'nrnninBt , U.18 S.2.1J ' rniniKE furnished rooms , 013S16tlt. 1 3u7 14 F KENT I'lirnlshcd rooms mGrflnnls blk J cor. : 13th and Dodge t < ts. InQUlro of Geo. U. . Davis. Mlllurd hotel billiard rodm. 217 FOH KENT I'.lcgantly furnished rooms with board. Inquire IfiOJ Douglas. 34 imUHNISllKD rooms , 113 S Both. 80.1 s 24 * I7IOHHKNT Front room , large and nicely JL1 furnished , located near the nigh scliool , lu the highest nnd coolest section ot the city ; cable line and liorso cars pass the door. En quire nt 2225 Dodge near 21th si. Ml- NICKI.Y furnished rooms f I per week or SJ.50 per month , 502 , 60-1 and MM H. IBth .st. MU s 17 * 1810 Dodgo. 455sl5 n-oi IlENT Furnished room , modern con Jc ve niences. : A. Hoiipo , 1513 Douglas. 171 LAHGK and smnll room suitable for gentle man , with or without board , 161Dodcre. . C2J FOR RENT ROOMS UNFURNISHED. FOH KENT-Two double parlors , unfur nished , southern e\'po ire ; will rent cheap to good parries ; 811 N 17th St. N > 8 ! ( ! FOH HK.VT Four unfurnished rooms. In- qulio Mrs. Law , 41W S. 18th t. t4312 TTNrUHNISHKD Suitable for housekeeping : UTIiieeiiroonis,1U : ) ! NorthSjthst. . . 11 21 Furnished house on Uth and Dodge 150 UO Two (2) ( ) rooms , ISIS Howard St. . . 10 M Klght ( S ) room ilat , 117 South must 3D 00 Three (3) ( ) rooms. HlU'jH. ' 7th Bt 10 OU Three (3) ( ) room house llti ] and Clilcnno st . 1U 01 Three ( .1)rooms ) , 70U } I'acltlnsi 10 Od Three (3) ( ) rooms , 1015 North 20th st Ill W 'J hreo (3) ( ) rooms , 707' I'aclllo st 10 ( K ) 1'our (4) ( ) rooms. 417 South nth st 1 00 Thioo pirooms. ) 1011 N.21 t st 11 CO Three ( U ) room" . H. o. c ( r'JOt'i ' nnd Nicholas 13 no Apply to Judge Hunting Agency , Herald building , 8. W. corner ot 15th and Harney st. FOH HKNT li or 4 unfurnished rooms at K3 S2Hh M at moderate price , or will rout same furnished. 012 FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES. T710H HKNT 3 stores with or without rooms. JL1 on Snundcrs street , best if tail location in the city , rent cheap to good parties , I M. Toll , 12th and i'urnuin st. h78 rpll HKNT Small btore on rarnam s JL' nblo for n grocery , nlso one 5-room honso on Fnninm ; 3 , 4-room houses south of Huiiscom park , near bchool , * 12 per month ; 2 , i-iooin nouses n jnr Kounlzo place , $13 per month ; 1 , 10. room house , 22nd and Leavenworth , perfect re. pair ; 1 , 0-room house nenr Park Ave , J.'O per month. Hugh U. Clark , Hoom 7 , Chamber ol Commerce. VH ) 10 TT1011 HKNT Olllce suite * 25 month , a single JJ ollices * I5 each , all froutlug Kith St. , llusn man block , N. K. Cor. ICth ana Douglas. V , ' . M. Ilusbman , 1311 Lenvenwortb. 210 Foil HKNT-OnCumliigst. store und llvinp apartments , also livery stable. Knqulre ol Harris H. li S.-L.CO. , Hoom 411,1st Nat. bank. UU TTIOK HKNT Nicely furnished onice , ground J3 lloor , half of. TOO tf ICth st , opposite Cliambei of Commerce , M. A' Upton Company , iwu " 171011 HKNT Double store room , suitable foi Jc clothtni ; , groceries , dry goods , etc. , location llrst class. Address X 01 Dee olllce. 1141 OVnCKS and basements for rent , corner llJtt und JacSson sts. Mrs. V. Langc. Wl. TTIOll HKNT Storeroom , No. 214 S. llth sr. Ap J- ply at 1110 Hownrdst. 250 T7IOH HKNT Gtore-room under Omaha Hank Jting Co. , cor. ir.thnnd Hnrney. suitable foi money loaning or rvnl estate buxlnuss. I'alil&oi teCo. , No. Jf.ll , ixjonfti , 1'uruiuust. C6J HKNT-rino retail store room will large basement , i90 per mouth. C. ! ' . Hut rtson , 413 H. 15th st. 48.1 _ QJTOHK for rent , Ull F rnnm street. Inqulri t-'of Nathan SUclton , at IDO } 1'aruam street SIS _ riAVVO choice store rooms in the Her building - between Howard and .Incltson bis. Applj l aymer Ik Her btore. K4 8 Iflth st. 473 BlS niWO ftores. 22x60 , just completed , with llati Xof savrn rooms nbove , wltft wnter and sas Cm-clacs nnlsh , Gth and Pacific sts , , low rent Apply to Kniugcr Ilros. , 912 8. 10th st. , Omaha . _ Uil RENTAL AOENC'ES. ive special attention to renting and col Icrtlng rents. lUt with us. H. U. Cole , roou 6 , Cqiittnental block. ai IF YOU wantyour bounrii rent tit place then with lice * * * & Co. , Uth , opposite portoince J. JSTEICWBOnFK , room 0 , opp. P. GEOHOK hereafter tfeo special attention to renting houses , * tofiMiid ilBts. If you want your property rented M-ffiliO * > t delay nnd to reli able tenants , do not iU to list the s m with him 7 * ! VO LOST Light red cow ; whlto face nnd breast , spotted on neck. I ) years old. strayed Thurs day. September fl. A liberal reward will bo pnld for her return or Information ot her. l nnc llulclienberjr. South Oniiiha. KM ia 'fUAYKD or Stolen-Hrlndlu cow about Uvo yenrs old. one horn broken. Any Informa tion conrariilnu the s.imo will boprnpeily re warded If given to 1'olter Ic CoDb , 1M)1 ) I' , l'i rw * ' TOST Ir\no doR ; has whlto Incnst , J lour whlto feet , white tin of tnll ; linil leather collar and chain on ; t.i reward If re- turnca to T. 1C. Budboroiif-h. 4W S. st , SJI 1 LOST KtiRlneers' fluid book , between Omaha Vlnw nud 1831 Chlcnso st. llcturn nnd receive reward. K11MIIJ FOUND. TTAKhN UP Hod cow with rrookod horn , X star on forehead , about 1U years old. John McCormack , -ith nnd Cmiilng. t8l la ; 171' lied and white cow. Tall nt Cognn HUM , 7Bl ! Kt PERSOKAU. IXJHSO.VAI. Miss Kate Tovoy has removed her dresimnKtiiK from Kxpo ltlnn biilldliiR to IUi S. liith , U'nd Moor , opp. lluydeu llnis. ' new store. two l f _ IBKSONAt/-fV.nU ) of short tlmopntent right paper. Will sell or truda for laud , Roods or stock , rornmwcr ndilresi with description of property. Lock box ' 'uil , Kansas City , JMo. PKKSOKAIi I respectfully cal the attention of tho-a who llvoout or the city , to the tnct that 1 make purchases In any nnd every line of Roods , and to the satisfaction of the buyer. llusliiess done throiiRli thn ImtiK , Write for particulars. Address ! ' . T. 1'rost , room 0 , Con tinental block , Omaha. ir/J o. 7t IiUSONAlj ; If you nova a personal Itom.ot any communl'lafion , droj ) it lu ouo of The lice's me ane bo\cs. _ 1M M- AKV STIIONd , M. I ) . , rooms : ) nnd 4 Jacobs block , cor. Capitol nvo. and inth st. MF F you want to buy , sell , runt or cxcnauge tall on or address Guorgo J. StcrusdoiU , room u , opposite P , O. FOR iOlt SAMJ A car load of choice , fresh milch J- cows and springer * for sale at bottoi-i prices. Inquire at U5J N 2'ith Ave , Omaha , Neb. 1L. . WnlUer. UIO 15 _ _ SALE No.irlvnew custom made deliv ery wagou. Inquire Nlssen& Herrlck , 12)3. ) ' , , th. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ OH SALfJ Pony , ImriK-sH nnd cart ; must bo sold nt once ; also curd printing outllt. Ad- ilress C. Knstman , 1122 N. lUtli , upstairs. 851 12t SALi : At less than hat valuA few choice bred youuil stallions nnd tllllos ; also a few very line Ijjood mares Stoclc can 'DO seonbynnplylngtri John Hlloy , lit Omaha 'tanking ( Jo , nth nu-l Hi rney st. 81 ! Itif ITKMt HALF. Choiip" Cut ) pair small mules , J-1 well broken , hl.x gntdn milch rows , right small snddli ) nr driving Jiorses. Apply cor. of Saundi'is and Lake sty. , ) Patrick Ilros. 817 10 POH SALK AnowlV-Hent Hockaway carrlngo nt Leo A ; Nichols' livery barn. Twenty-eighth and Lenvuhwoitlu Telephone 810. 417 fixtures for sale ( ilieap. Hnvon laigo us. GAS hortmi'iit of the latest designs in llxtuies which 1 will t-cll nt coat. M. K. Free , successor to.I.C. Klliott , ngulH.-l.lll'i Fnrunm a * . 2TS 7KIt \LK-Ouo line lolfcr ) nnd ono calf. In- - tinroat212N. : b07 12 7\OH \ SALK-Klegaiii iiinlturoor 0-toomrot- Jtugoiitn Darg.iln.VAlso promises to rent. Cull before noon at 2211 Seward bt. 727-11 BALK Two thoroughbred red Irish sut Foil pups. 5 moutus'ola , just ready lo break. Enquire at 1231 N. IKlif.t. FOU 3ALK Cheap fir ( cash , n peed road > tur , 7-year-old nud almost new Coltmnus top buggy and harno-s ; if .you want a Hue looking rig it will pav you to investigate. Oeorgo J. Stcrnsdorll , Hoom I ) , opp. 1' . O. M3 TJ OH SALK A Snydnr make open buggy , JL1 cheap for cash , or nlll trade for top buggy. Gco. J. Sterusdorir , room 0 , opposite P. O. 3H ) T71OH SALK Planing mill machinery. Call at JL ! 14US Davenport st. Omnlm. 310 A SPAN of horses , haiuess nnd wagon for salooil the installment plan or otherwise ; will tr ido for real estate or commercial paper , or will rent same to too right party. Sloman , room 105 Paxtou block. BSD T7IOII SALK-Ico In car lots. Gilbert Ilros. -C Council lllutTs. 340-WJ TCTOH SALK All kinds of homo grown trees , -P Miltable for this climuto. C. O. Howard i ; Co. , Omaha. 201 S28 MISCELLANEOUS. ITUHt SALK 13 cows with spring calves.3 cows JL newly calved , and one mare cheap. CoOperative - Operative Land V Lot Co. , 20j N. Hith Bt. 8.17 12 THK banjo taught as an art by Uoo.b1. Oellen- beck. 8JJ Ilnrnoy st. 1SJ a H'l ft lot on rarnnm street between IllAVK 2bth and 2.1th bts , a i > plendlil location for u livery barn , wnlch I will lease clieap nnd build to suit lessee If daslrcd. ( jeorgo J. SternsdorfT , Hoom , opu. P.O. 3M ) FOLLOW the rush to Utah. K vorybody is buying a Salt Lake City WJ town lot at 310 S' Kth ! > t. Oo early for choice. 2tl GHOHCJE J. Sternsdorir. room II , opposite P O , nas some very deslrablolots In various part-s of the city that can bo leased on reasonable terms. WlllbullO to suit Icsaoo. 1HJ IDAHTHSS having real estate the-y wish to soil , Jor houses tln y wish to rent will llud leady customoi-s by calling on Sloinuu , loom 10) , Paxton - ton block. VM HOUSB for rent ; furniture for sale or trade. 1615 Dodgo. WO S15NH your 01 dera for line family.nnd gentle men's washing and Ironing to Wlug Slug , ( XX ) North Ifith ht. ; will mil for clothes tn nny prt of the city nnd make terms on uppllcatlon.Ci'Js2J W OMAN'S : Uxchnngc.lf.17 Farnamst. Lunch dnlly. supper Saturday nights. 040 H05 for Destitute Women and Children , 271S Hurt st. WO IF you have anytnlnK to trade cab on or ad- ureas George J. Sternsdortf. Hoom U , oppo site postolllco 107 GK. THOMPSON , Hoom 112 Sheely block. > I'JJ STORAGE QTOHAGK at low rafaj nt 1121 i'aruam htreet , VJOmahn Auction & awraso Co. 77fl o'J QToilAOlatlow ; vatSMn new building , 3U VJSouth I''th street. A > , a l s IX ) QTOHAGK-Safe , di nnd clean nt low rules. kJilldtlell ti Hlddoll , BIS Howard , lOJuJU ri HACKAQB , storage lowest rates. W. 41 Jllubhman , lull l.cjavnuwortli. SHORTHAND ANDjYpEWRiTiNa SHOHTHANDnud" 'I'ypeAVrltlug-VnleutlnVfl Shorthand und Typuwritlng Institute. Larg est nnd best equipped in the west. Graduates all occupy good payh > r situation. Day nnil evening sessions , tftirilnts can enter ut nny time. Eend for clrcnmr. Now Paxton building , Omaha. U22 O U ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. BUNSONfcCAHMICHAKIj furnish complete nud guaranteed abstracts of title to unj real estate in Omaha nud Douglas county upon short notice. The inont complete set of uustract booits in the city. No. 1MW rarnnm st. 2C'J \fIDLANnOuaranteeaudTrust Co. , 150,1 J'nr. Complete abstract ! furnished , & titles to real ebtate oxuinlnodperfected & guaranteed , WANTEU-TO BUY. WANTED Good Bflcoud.hand foldlnc-toj ofllce desk ; also lire-proof safe. Cull ni room bl , , Crelghton bloclr. line 13 WANTKD Fnrnlturo and household good ; of nil kinds , Omaha Auction A : titorngo Co. ll-'l Farnuin bt , "Jo'J /AM ) Hooks Cush p.xld for n'cond-handbook : V at Antiquarian HookStore , 141J Farnam. VJO O 7 * WANTUD 1 nave 3 parties who want to buj house nnd lot worth * IOW to $5UOJ , ceu trolly located , f.ioo to fl.aiJ cash , balance monthly. Hibnilt an offer. t > . * ' . Harri 4lbS. Uthst. OuV IF you have Improved business or residence property that you wish to neil , rail nnd see me. George J. oterntdorff , room 6 , cppoilte poitoIMce. [ _ _ _ _ " \\fANTKD-lhavoono party who wants to f buy house and lot In Komitze plnco for rash Sulimltnn offer If you want to nrll , C. r.Hnrrl < on.418H. 15th Bt. HOT WANTI5D To buy or ir de for n good build- Ini ; that can bo moved. Ptaaso call on or address George J. Sternsdorff , room fl , oppo site P.O. Bll TO LOAN rililK Omaha PinnnCiM Kxchango , Hoom M , J. llarkor Illock , southnost-curuer of Farnnm nnd loth sis. Jlakos n specialty of short-time collateral nud real estate loans. Monpy nl ny.s on band In sums of 1103 nnd npwiirtUi to nny nmount , to loan on approved security. Secured notes bought , sola or exchanged. Clear teal estate mm mill to exchange for good llrst or second mortgages. iKians made upon land contracts , stocks , bonds , trust deeds , first or second mortgage be- curity , without publicity , delay nr red tape , Financial business of nny kind transacted promptly , qulotlv and fairly. Hoom 15 , llarker block , Ccirbett. Manager. 270 MONKY To Loan lly the undersigned"who has the only properly organlrcd loan ngency in Omaha. Loans of $10 to $100 made on furni ture , pianos , , machinery , etc. , without removal. No delays. All business strictly comldcntlal. Lo.uis so made that any part can be paid nt any time , each payment leduclngtlie cost pro rain. Advances mnde ou tine watches and diamonds. Persons should carefully consider who they arodeallnx with , ns mauyunw conccinsaro dally coming Into ex istence. Should you need money call and see me. W. H. Croft , room 4 , Wlthnoll building , 1.1th nnd Harney. K10 GW. PKCIC loans money for non-resident * ou gilt-edge n-al estatt . securities , guaran teed ; reference. Commercial National Hank , Omaha. G. W. Peck , Hoom 4 , Frenzer block. HU o 11 * T7HHST mortgages , loans on city , business or JL residence property at lowest rates. Call and wee us before placing your loan. Itenilngtoil 4 ; 1'rye , room 1 , N. W , cor 15th and Fnrimm. 7IK ) 00 MONIJY to loan on Omaha and sulmrb.s. Marshall \ Loheck , room I ) , Chamber of Commerce 711 111 MONIJY to Loan City nnd country ; cheap ' rates , no delay. L. 1 * . Hammond , 100 Paxton - ton building. 'ilfi ONUS' SVfl.OOilto loan on city nnd farm property , lowest rales of luteroHt : building loans n specialty. G. W. Peck , 1'renzur block. Ktt oil * $ M,01) ) to loan on Insldo propertj. Some llrst mortgages for salo. Nathan Shelton , I"i0.1 I'nrnnm street. 758 to loan in any nmount , cither for MONKY biilli'lng or otherwise , nt inwrst rates of interest nnd nn short notice , t ) . V. Sholes , room 210 First Nat 1 bank , cor. l.lth and Farnam. 272 made on real estate nnd mortgages LOANS . Lewis S. Hood & Co. , 1521 Farnam. 2SO H It. IHllY J5tX > , Ofl t'olonu ou city profioitr nnd improved farm land. I'rouzer block. loaned nt C. I' . Hood it Co.'s loan of- MONKY furniture , pianos , hor.sos , wagons , personal property of nil kinds , nnd nil other nrtlcles or vulue without removal. 1)10 ) S. l.lth. All business strictly toiilldent lal. 187 ' CUNT money to loan Cnsh on hand Gl'KH W. M. Harris , room 2J , I'ronzer block , opp. 1' . O. 2',3 _ _ _ _ _ _ , ) to lo'in on business property at nn ex $ tra low rule. For particulars sou W. M. Harris , room" . ) , Froilzor block , opp. 1' . O. I.O.MAN , room WI I 'ax ton building , loans money ou city property nud farms. Parties ivlshing to build will do u ell to see him. Mo- : nnn , iy.1 1'axton block. _ ii'.H ) / 1OOI > city nnd farm loans wanted by A. K. VJ Hiley , 15l'.i Farnam. 2s 1 loans. Linnhah & Mnhoney. BUILDING ( Ill CT > 1 JO.O'0 to loan nt 0 per block.Ltnah.Mi , V : Ma- P honey , loom 5'JJ , Paxton block. SLOMAN. room 40,1 , Pnxton building , will . - make loans lu nny nmount , for shoi t or long time. Short time collateral loans u specialty. Loans made on real ostato. Commercial und 1st mortgugo paper bought and bold. All busi ness htrictly contliicntlal. Como nnd bco me. Muimin , room l')5 ) 1'axtoii block. UHO to loan on furniture , horses , wagons , MONKY nny approved security. J. W. Hob- bins , It , L'CO Sheely blk , 15th nnd Howard. 2b8 MONKY to loan ; long time. George J. Paul , 1UK ) i'urnnm st. 2W ) M ONKY to loan. O. F. Davis Co. , real estate und loan agents , l..OI Furimm st. -.n T\ON'T borrow money on furniture , horses , JL/wngons , etc. , until you have seen C. II. Ja cobs , room 110 , First National bank building , cor. 13th and I'aruam 278 _ to loan ; large nnd small sums nt low MONKY rates , for short time , on real estate or chat tel security ; second notes bought ; nil flnanclnl business strictly contldontlal , People's Finan cial Kxchango , O. Itouscnreu , manager , room fitijj llarker block. 15th nnd Farnam. SJI , to lonn on Omaha city property at n $ per cent. O. W. Day. B. K. j = or. Kx. bid. _ 253 MONKY to loan on furultuio , wngons , etc. , without removal , or on collateral security. Husluess htrletly conlldentlul. A. K. Greenwood & Co. , H 1 Cunningham blk , cor. lltluV Jackson. MONKY to loan on horses , furniture nnd other personal property or collateral. Hates mod erate ; buslne-s eotitldentlul. Olllce S. W. corner and Douglas sts. Entrance ou l.lth st. The Fairbanfc inrostniout Co. 21 MONKY to loan ; rash on bund ; no delay , J. W. Smilro , 1211) ) Faruaui st. I'lrat National bank building. 2I'J KAI , estate loans , lowest rates. Odoll Hros. B & Co. , 31J S. 10th st. 217 KIMIIALIi. Champ is Hyan make loans on city property at lowest rates , optional pay ments , cash ou hand , no delay. Mortgngos bought. Hoomfl , U. B. National bank. 237 s SSI EASTKHN money cheap. City and country. Olllce Philadelphia Mortgage and Trust Co. , Uooml3 , Hoard of Trade. Ooo. W. P. Coates. JTIHATTHLnndcollateral loans. M.K.Davis VV111 S lath St. , room 27. ! S IVttr iY to loan on Omaha nud South Omaha propoity. C. F. Harrison , 41HS. 15th st. .H ) . ( 0 per cent. Money to loan on Im $ proved farms or city property , .lames A. Woodman , nt the old flro lusuruiicu olllco of Murphy it Lovott , 220 S. 13th st. 2(7 ( UUSINbSS CHANCES. TpOH SALII Stock books nnd stationery. In J. . ' nnoof the best cities In Nebiwk-v ; will in voice $ , ! , OOJ. Further particulars address C 45 , lloo olllce. W ) If * SALK , Hent or Trado-A llrst-clnss hotel J lu tnrlvln' to\rn , on main llnu , 125 miles west of Omaha , nmplo accommodation , llvory lu connection , practically the only hotel in ton n. Apply Hoom 2J , llarker llulldiiig. txi U * T710H SALK orTradn A good chop house In J- good location , nlso household furultitro. Ap ply 1418 Douyliib st. 878 17 ? FOll 8ALH A good lumbor.coal.aerlcultural Implement anil 11 va stock business. Address Hedge Ilros , , Yutnn , Neb. fffl olO cash will buy a llrst class milk route and $ six cows , milk cans , otc. ; route central. Ad. IIILPH , 043 , lleeolllcv. 814 12 * KnSTAUHANT , centrally located ; ouo of the best streets in Omaha for sale. Make yom own price. Cause , slcknofs of proprietor. In quire 1U2 j.oavenworth btrout , Omaha , 8V3 13 * \\7ANTrD A reliable party with JICO to J'XX to take half Interest in a light manufactur ing business ; goods etuplo ; business easily learned ) satisfactory incoino nssured. refer cncnif desired , 1'or particulars address C. H , Hoe olllco. 81 > 12J A HKSTAUHANT Within ono block of P. O. , feeding 500 per day. at your own price , tor : days only. II. II. Waudoll , 404 N. luth St. , 2i ! lloor , telephone 12W. b03-l,1J AHA HI5 business chance Wanted a partnei With raonov * or seeurlty , ( n doctor pre ferred ) to wholesale a Hue of exclustvo druggists goods. 81,00) ) worth now manufactured am ready for sale. l'rotlt . $100 per day. Addres- fully with reference. W , 11. v , , ll'Jfl Fanum st , CMifl _ _ _ _ _ Ti OH SALR Abstract books ot Omahu nnc J-1 Douglas county , Thin is an established , rapidly Incrca8ing , buslnosn , paying ( largo interest on tie ) investment. For book ; and good will of tlio business. Omahn real os tnto or secured paper with n fair cnsh paymeni taken. George W , Ames , 1507 1'arnam EOH BALK Grocery store ; good bargain Want to quit the business. Address u. s Heo olllce. 723 11' _ T710H BALI ! AtK. earney. Nob. , the fitrnlturi J. and ot Grand Control hotel. The sec nnd best house in the city , und the be t located being opposite depots. IKilng a paying bust. ness. Price Jl,50 < > . Inquire T 0. Uralnard Mldwnyjiotel , Kearn&y , Neb. _ S74 _ IjlOll SALU-Salt Lakolots t each , nt 310 "i JJ 15th st. 42.1 _ "fjlOR BALK At a bargain , a stock of genera JL ? merchandise. In a 11 va town. Address Loci Uox O , North Bond , Neb. FOH SAI.K-Clienn for cash. N. Y. Hotel nnd Hestnurant , 7tW N. Uitli nt. : Rood buitlnnss ; desirable locations reason for soiling , have other business to attend to. Call on or address K. A. Marsh , P08 N. loth st , Omaha. Ml TjlOH SALK or tMtlo A valuable Invention. JWill sell same clieap for rasb , or will trade for Rtxxl real I'statoor real estate pMpor. reason for selling , my time being occupied with other matters to give this attention. The right party ran make money out of this. InvestIcate. Bloiuan. room 40,1 Paxton block. ay TTKMl SALi-flood will , ll.xtures nud utock of JU ono of the llnnst groceries wejjt of Chicago , wlthn trade ot $70,000 per year. Nothing but cush or llrst class uulncumbered teal estate will bo considered. Add ea C4 , Heo olllee. Ml U Foil SALK or f rchangf The stock of n char tered me tuber holding the choicest oil lands liiltnttlesnalie district , Wyoming. Address II 07 , lleo olllce. 7IM 24 * PAHTIKfl wishing to purchase real estate or seeking luve-itmpnts of any kind will do well to call on Slomun , room 4W ( Pnxton block. VM. 1710H SAtiK Uvory stable , stock and fixtures J- ? complete , all nearly now , lout reasonable , centrally located. Address A 14 , lloo olllce. 474 s 131 FOR EXCHANGE , IMPHOVKD form for Inside house nnd lot ; land for city nnd suburban prodorty. Ad dress Kmma V. Thompson , 1237 Park nvo. V04 14 * TpQUITY In the best livery stable lu Omnha JOJfor land or Omahn propeny , Co-Operatlvo Land& Lot Co. , 20.1 N. Hith Bt. tvH ) 13 FT1 UK llrst lot rlorth of school on S. Iflth across JL the viaduct , for n good Iowa farm. Actlvo Heal Kstatoand property Rxchnugo , 1UI Dodge tfll 13 ITIOIl KXCHANOK-Choloo Improved farm JL ? lauds 111 NuDraska for Omaha residence prop erty or stocks of clean merchandise. Call or ail- dross W A. 1'ryo , H 1 , nw cor 15th and Farnam. 628 o 1 FOH THADK Good piano for horse nud car riage. H , W. lluutross , 1417 Faruamst. * UII 1V EIOHTVWi ( ncrcs of nud ndjolnlntt Lnko Mitnawa , Council. Illuirs , la. This trAct will make 400 beautiful lota and Is free from encumbrance. What have vou to oiler ? George J.Sternsdorir room 0 , opp I' . O. 11)7 ) T\7ANTKD llrlck for clear lo'ts. C. \ \ llnrrl" ff HOII , 4188. nth Ht. 3UO "T710H KXt'lIANtlK Five room house nud lot JJ < MK175 foot , tm South 11th st. Nlco homo. Want nn N ) acre farm. ( \ K. Moaguer. room 2 , oveHiiymond's jewelry store U20-12J "mo KXtTlANGi : KnstTFout lot , I block olt JL paved St. , for cheap w ostern laud , House lot In KountKo plnco for farm. riuoonst front lot , 1 mile fiom court house , for horse and phaeton. CIO ncres of Franklin Co. , Nob. , land for house nnd lot Lot and store bulldlnp.clearof encumbrances , for good cheap western land. House nnd lot in good Iowa town , clear of In- ciimbrunccs , for house nnd lot In Kountzo llaiiscom place lot and M.IIOO cash for house nnd lot In w t'stern part of city. Chas. H. Woolley , 418 South 15th st. 481 12 WANTKD A good horse , buggy and harnesi In exchange for South Omaha lots. Oeorge J.StPinsdoilI. loomfl. onp postoHlco. ! 0 \\7HAT have you to offer for 1'J-fl acres of f f limber land ! n West Virginia , clear of In- cumbranre , perfect title. UeorceJ.StemsdorH' , Hoom li , opposite P. O. 231 WHAT have you to trade for Wl ncros ot land iiiilnoiimhoroil In .lutioau county. Wls , , 3 miles from county seat. Q. J. SternsdorlT.rooui 0 , opp POStolIlco. 1CT G.1.STF.IINSHOHFF , Hoom H. opposite P. O. , has some choice farm land to trade 'or city property. Will asiurao light incum- brances. 231 IHAVM real nud persor.ul . property of all kinds for trade. Call and see me. Oeorgo .1. Sternsdorff , room fl , opp. 1' . O. iV-0 rpHAUES made in real estate nnd per onil Ju property. See exchange book. ( ; o-ou. Ij. nnd L. Co.SW * N.JIBtli st. MU \\riIAT have you toiradofor ome north- > f western oil stock ? Addioss II fl , Heo olllce. WILL give you a > ; oed trnun ror nn eight or ton room nonse nnd lot. George J. bterns- dortr. Hoom C , opposite P. O. 2,11 CLAIRVOYANT. DR. NANNIE V. Warren , clairvoyant. Med- leal , business and test medium. Diagnosis free , female diseases ispecialty. . 119 N. 18tb t..Kooihs 2i3 Tel.U(4. ( S5B FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. BARGAINS Wo have two oxtrn bargains for this week. Onent $7,500 nnd the other nt M. A. Upton Company. 67 < J SOUTHOMAHA-Lot 14. block 77. S. R. corner Stith and M streets , 5-room house , 810,000 , it cash. Lotl4 , block78. S. R.corner25thand Mstroets , t9Uilcash. ) . I louse on this rents $15. if these corners were on N street they would sell for 10,000 each. M will bo a better street tnan N In n year from to-day. Ilach one of these corners will make seven business lots. M. A. Upton & Co. 803 COLD The following , advertised by us lu Othcso columns m the last sixty days , have been sold : I0xl , . N.V. Cor.40tli nnd l-'anmm. Denlse addition lot. "n ft-ut on Park avo. J3 7iW house nnd lot In Wlnsor Plac . $ ) ,700 residence lu Omaha View. $4,00) ) residence In KotmUq Plnco. Lot 11 , block 12 , Albright's annex. Lot3 , block21 , South Omaha. Lot 4. block 21 , South Omaha. Lot ! ) , block 10 , South Omaha. N. W. Cor. M nnd 21th , South Omaha , 8. II. Cor. N nud 2tth , South Omaha. H.7W ) lot In Kllby Place. Ifid aero farm in Holt county , Nob. If you want your property hold don't iullato the price uud list It exclusively with M. A. Upton Company. Omaha , Neb. 710 13 In West Kiul Wo have for sale n few LOTS In West Hurt addition at luss than their market value. O. ! ' . D.ivls company , ivw , Far- tinm st. b7-17 EOH SAM ! Or trade , equity lu house nud lot renting lor $15 pur month. Vacant lot In nny good addition to city or Nebraska land will bo taken. Address C 3 , IJee ollico.7tO 7tO ISt FOH 8ALK Now 5-room house. Price 11,050. Apply to 31HI Decaliir street. 781 O a * TTI All MING In eastern Nebraska pay.s now. JL ; To thee wanting to go on n farm wo can toll how to gi-t good laud with very llttlo money. 'J lie day that this can bo done will boon bu passed. M. A. Upton Company. 8C7 rJ. . STKUNSDUItl'P , roonil ) opposite post- VT ollico , will sell you n j/ooil 4-room house on ICth street , 3 blockg south of car Hue , by pay. ing * 0d cnsn. bnlaueo monthly payments to bull. This is n splondld opportunity for nny- one wanting n cheap hoinu. 3J1 TJ10H SALi : Or oxchflnge , .3.010 ncres choice J-J well Improved farming land in northern Ne braska , In lots to suit purchasers. Address L , care M. Lyons , O'Nell , Nob. 4'JJ W * FOKSALli-Hlogiiuthonsonnd lot In Wind- ser place , owner non-resident wlio wants to put his money elsewhere and will s611 right. 0. V. Harrison. 418 y. 1,1th 8t. a03 NK1IHA8K.A in'nia Wo have some fjooil 101 aero farms up the Klkhorn valley with MOO nud J5jO long tlmn mortgages njralnst them that from $500 to fRWcaali will buy thu equities , Now Is the time to Invest In Nebraska farm lands , although selling cheap they are valuable nnd moro productive than eastern land valued nt four or live times our price. M. A. Upton Co _ _ 819 IjUIll Kale or trade for good Insldo reaf estate orgoodbecuriid real egtato paper 62J acrea of land , Noincumbranco. About 8 miles flora Duluth , Minn. , and about 4 miles from Superior City. Wls. ; this will bear close Investigation i remember Duluth and Superior nre the twc coming cltleii , It will pay to Invostlgato this , Bloman , room 40.1 I'uxtou block. 100 FOR SALK 1 will Hul you a complete nnd beautiful homo torty (4) ( ) mlnut. < s by Htreot car and 2J minutes bynorsa nud buggy from 15th und 1'itrmim for \ you would uave u pay for n vacant 10-f oil lot lu llanacom Place oro'iually coed addition ; my horse nnd car rl go nre at your service to show jou this prop Tty. Como In to-morrow and see we about it C. 1' . Harrison. 4183. KtU st. 181 TTtOH SALK-lfy Dexter L.niomis , nt No JJ bnislca Savings Bank , 10th und hirnain ; ao per cent elf vulue. 10 full lots at grade 0 blocks from postofllc < block , Bouth Ouiaha , f5CK ) each , tenns to suit who w.intH llrst choice ? J lots on 1'arnam street , east of Dundee Place north or south fronts. | lWl eacli nnd less. 6 nicest full lots In Hertford Pluco.south fronts choice 8700 , tennn ea y. 10 nlcen coiner lots and adjoining In Llncoli Place , very chcap and terms to suit. 5 ana 10 acre timber tracts 6 mlloa froraOmaht P.O. . H'rt ' perarre. 5 tvore tracts by norence , can't b beat foi small frnlt , too ppr acre. I own the above as well as lots In various ad dltlons , Including 0 lota on West Itroadrruy Council Illulfs. Bee me for a bargain. Dexter L. Thorn in , at Nebraska Savings lUnlc Board ot 'I'rade bnlldicg. WJ I WILL Bell n limited ubmb r of lots In Rout ! Omaha's II. AM. part addition for the lov prlco of $10. Itemember a warranty deed glvei with each lot. This Bale only routnu ! .s fev rtaya. Call iiulclc and get flwt choice , Blomati room iiu , paxlon blocic. VM ' ? - r i 'f U800 buys n full lot and good 4-room cottnga 'J'caay terms and good location. II. V. Sholoa , rooinsto , First Nat'lb.xnk , cor. 13th nud Far- num. 'Mi 1 ? H SA I , K Newsroom hou \ nil moitnrn Improvements , ncnr rornaroolwortli auil Vliginln nu'iuifs , Hanscoui Place , 11,809. C. 1. llairlsou. 4I3S. 1,11 hut. 4SI land Imgostory holts * of 7 large rooms , good wull , collar , rl.stern 111 the kitchen , peed neighborhood , street cars , church , school and store clo < e by. AH now nud complete , fi.OtM. Small cash payment. balance monthly. .lust the plnco tor n mnn ot modernta means anil largo family , ( \iiun nnd see tug about it. C. F. llarrlmm 418 S. 11th st. SU rpwo blocks from culilellue. lot IWtllu to nlloy JL Nlct'5-roonicoltngo , nmnll barn , lot fenceu , everything nice , fivnl , one-fourth cash , bal- nncoensy , M A. Upton company. HI "iriAHMS W hnvo some of UIP Improved JJ fnims In Missouri , Krnsus Iowa and Ne braska for sale , M , A. Upton Company. r > 7V FOH SALK A beautiful residence lot In Isaao , V Sclden's addltlou ; If you u ant n bargain Investigate , ( Itorgo J. Sternsdorlf , Hoom 0 , opp. P. O. Ml FOH SAliK Or "Xfhango. Wo have seine good Omalm real estate nnd Nnbrttskil farms , which we will sell cheap or traae for stock of clothing , furnishing pood' , dry goods , boots amlshoM , groceries or hardware. Schles- inger Ilros. , 014 S. 10th st. iioa lLUFFS-Wo ) ImVn some lots nt OOUNCH the east end of the now brldgo that ran bo bought at n llguro that will make purchaser money. M. A. Upton Company. 671' ' ONLY n f w lots left In II. " * M. iiJirkTddltlon to South Omaha. What have you to oiler ? Utorgo J. Sterusdortf. Hoomi ! , opp.P. : O. Jill T 1IAV15 a few choice loti * In Orohnrd Hill left J.whlch I \ \ 111 sell cheap and on long time. Blomnii , room 40.1 Pnxton block. l .U "IjlOll SALK or lrndo-80 ncre farm near JJ Omaha ; good Imorovoments ; plenty ot fruit ; terms leasomiblo. Heal Kstutu Kx- change. 2002 N st. South Omaha. _ 4IS 15 Bl'SlNKSS Iflth street , coiner. I blocks from Farnam , for 't laat than It Is woith. fiflxiaa on Capitol avo. between 15th nnd liith , nt loss than value. M , A Upton Company. 070 THE RIM TIE TABLES 031 All A 1'NION' 1'AOiriC. donvo AlTlVO Depot loth and Mnrey ts. Omaha. Lincoln llentrlce , nnil Alma fl:00n.m. : * ii:00p.m. : "Overland 1'ljcr" limited * 7:50 : u in , * 4CUput. ; Lincoln.lleiitilco.V Urand Island Hxpress ttIOp.m , :1040a.m. : ; 1'noltlc Mntl and i\prcis. : ' 8.00 , 7:50 : a.m. Daily ; D.llly except Sunday. _ miltl.lNKTON fldlTh. Lcavo Arrive Depot lOthnnd Mason sts. Omaha. Omnhn. Chicago Past llxpress. . . . Ihl.'ip.m 7l"ia.m Cnloago Mail i-fiH/.in. 7f > n.m Chlca-io Local ( I'J5 p ni. Kir : > p.m California Mall : 0oo : p. ni Colorado Mall 8iO : ( p.m , U-.40 a.m ICnnsan ( 'Ity Express U-.i'Oa.m , 7UO : n.m ( Cansaa I'lty Kxpress.- Pr : > ilp.m 7n" : p m C. A N.-\V. It. It. 1 ciivu Arrlvo Dapot Uth nnd Miircysts. Oiiuihn Omnha. No. 0 Utr : > n.m , No. 1 , Vistllmlo r > : + NO. a 7:15 : p.m. No. 1 No. II , VoUlbnlu 7A" ; > a.m 7:05 : p.iu Haly ) ! except Pa'unlay _ Iiiily ) except Monday. ( ' . , MM , . &bT. I'AtJJi. I Arrive Depot 10th and Mnrcy sts.1 Omaha. Omaha. No. ! J Uir : > n m , No. 1 7:00 : p. m No. 1 7Wo.m. : ! . . . _ . „ _ „ " . 7:18 : p.m. C..ST. 1' . . M.\M ) . lit"\\ Depot 1.1th nud Webster fit Omaha. Sioux City 10o n. tn , 2:45 : p.m. Inncroft K\pr 4 < i lis-tlp i" , Illu0n.ui. : St. Paul Lliiilled 0:15 : p.m , : , _ * ixcnpt : Sunday. Mispouiii I'Aciric. Leave Arrlvo Depot 1'tli nnd Webster st Omaha. Omaha. ) ay i\-press : . . 0:90 : a.m. Night Kxpress HiMp.lil , R. K. .V M. V. It. 11. " Leave Depot and Webster st Omaha. IU'k Hills Pas 7:15 : a.m. 0:84 : p.m. Norfolk I'nssengor. . 0:10 : n.m. 10:130 : u. in. jyuily JUxcopt Sunday. _ SUHUKII/VN TUAINS. llunnlr.g between Council llluffs and Albright. In nddltlou to the stations mentioned , trains ttop nt Twentieth and Twonty-fourtU streets , and at thn Summit In Omaha. Westward. . .TransOmnha . . Houth Hroad.Trans - Ri1Bni. Al- vvay. fer. Dijiot.Bueoly - Omaha Drlglit. ATM. A.M. A. M , A.M. A. M A. M. D:45 : 6M : 6:00 : 0:05 : nio : 0:17 : 6:117 : 6:50 : 0:56 : OM : 7:0 : ! 715 ; 7 : : 7:40 7:45 : 8:12 : 8:1)0 : ) 8:15 : 0:05 : 0:12 : 0:3.5 : 0:110 : 0:4.1 : 10:01 : 10:12 : 10:25 : 10:30 : 10:1 : , ' 10fiS ; 11:05 : 11:12 : 11:2 : 11:30 11:45 : Jlfi3 : P. M. P. M. P.M. P.M. P. M. P.M. 12:05 : 12:12 : 12:25 : 12:30 : KI : 12B : 1:12 : 1:2.5 : 1:1)0 : ) 11 : is 1:52 SMS 3-2,5 3:30 : y:4" : . 11:05 : 0:12 : 11:30 : 3:4) : 4:05 : 4:12 : 4:30 : 4:4" : r > : a-i C:12 : r'M : r.t" : 5:52 : 0:0" : > 0:12 : 0:25 : 0:30 : :45 : 0K : 7itt : 7:12 : 7:25 : 7:30 : 7:4' : 7:52 : 8:05 : 8:12 : 8:25 : 8:30 : 8:4 : 8:52 : 0a5 : 0:12 : 0:2,5 : 0:30 : - , * 0:45 : U:52 : 10:05 : 10:12 : 10:25 : ar. 11:05 : 10:45 : 11:80 11:45 Knstwnrd. AlSouth Omaha TrnusUrrmd - bright. Omaha. 8he loy depot. fcr. way. A. M. A. A. M. A.M. A.M. 6:45 : r :57 : 0:0.1 : 0:10 : 0ir > 6:2,5 6:30 0:42 : 0f : > U 7:00 : 7:0.1 7:15 7:20 : 7:32 : 7:40 : 7:50 7:55 : 8:07 : 8:15 : 8:27 8:33 8:51) : ) 8:55 : ! > :07 : 0:15 : U:27 : 0:35 : 9:50 : 10:07 : 10:15 : 10:27 : 10:33 : 10:50 : lO : 11:07 : 11:15 : 11:2 : ? 11:35 11:50 : 11:55 : P. M. P. M P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. 12:07 : 12:15 : 12:27 : 12:33 : 12:50 : 12:55 : 1:07 : 1:15 : 1:27 : 1:35 : a 1:50 : 1:55 : SIT ! ( 2l& : 2:27 : SlS : ( 2:50 : 2:55 : 3:07 : 11:15 : 8:27 : 3:33 : 3:5 : 4:07 : 4:15 : 4:21 : 4:33 : 4M : 4:5.1 : C:07 : 6:15 : CS7 : 0:33 : 6:5li : : B:07 : 0:13 : 0:27 : Ul : 7:07 7:15 : 7:27 : 7.-1H J7hc ! 7w : 8:07 : 8:15 : 8:2" : 8:3'i : * 8:5t : 8:5 : 0:07 : 9:15 : H:27 : ; 0:55 : 10:07 : 10:15 : 10:4i7 : 14 Ifliv lllM ; 11:07 : aril1. : 11:47 11:51 11:55 : Iv 11:3) : 12:15am CUUNOIb CIIIOAGO. HOCIC ISLAND i : PACIFIO. Leave. Arrlvo. A No,14 4nop.m.D No. 2 . . . .7iO ; u. m. IJ.No. a 0:5) : ) p.m. A No. 13..11:30 : a. m. 0 No. 0 0tr : > u.m.O No.5 5:45 : p. m. A No. 4 0:40 : a.m. A No.3 BW : p. in. C Des Molnes Accommodation. O Dos Molne.s Accommodation. KANSAS CITY , S.JOl ! L'OUNOlL HIIU'T3. A No.3 0:25 : a. in. A No.3 B:35 : n.m. A Wo.4 9:10 : p.m.iA No. ; ii:3J : p.m. CII10AQO i NOllTinVl'fsTUUN. * C. 15x. No. 3..8:10 p. m.rU ) . llx. No.l.,7:00 : p. m. Vestlb'dNo. 4.0:0. : ) p. in. Vcstlb'dNo--J.7:1i : ) n' . in. Atl'o 15x.No. 0.0:40 : a. in. Pac. Hx. No. 6.0:45p. : m. Dally except Saturday. tDally except Monday. CHICAGO. MILWAITICKH & ST. PAUL. No. 2 0:40 : a. m.i.N'o. 1 7uon. in. No. 7:30p. : tii.lNo. 3 < . .0Wp. : m. 810IIX CITV A : I'ACIKIC. A No.10 7:05u.m. : > A No. ! ) 8:55a.m. : A No. 13 7uOp. ni.iA No. 11 0:00 : p.iu. OMAHA Si BT. LOU10. A No.S , .3:10 p.m. A No.7. . . .11:33n.m : , CHICAGO. IIUHLINOTON & QUINOV. A No.4 0:41 : a. in. A No. 6 70 n.m. A No.0 0.V : ) p , m. A No.3 0 : 0 p.m. A dally ; n dally excflpt Sat. ; 0 dally except Bun. ; J ) except Mon. : tfiwtinatl : * Lluiltod. e l rntlsfactlon In ttii euro of Uojcrrhcca end dlcrt. fcil af e In rcoomroontl- Inc It to all sufferers. t.J. STOIir.K , H.D. , Oacatur , III. Trad , HolJ by Urmsl-.t3. m B n ti ff6R ° * v'fft GILLOiTS STEEL PENS COLD MRDAL PARIS EXPOSITION 1S18. N03. 3O3-C04-I7O-6'O4. fflB HOST PE3FEOT OF PBM GINGER TOMIO wlllmnt .loli A r&m IIIIK > UU > I ll'it " r-i' , m all elm rtll < , , , Indl.cmtlnn , Inwnrd I'ulni. Kihunillnji. Invul.utlJ . fur Uhdunudljiin , rr.nala * ivVn 4i , miU ull juvlit * und dl on ] r of tUo M u.M-U uud UonvU. Wi * t UiUi.xl H , FLOR2STON COUOCNE. ' JJa.lli * TUiHaJ JjuUu vf I'crCuuM , Av