Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 13, 1888, Page 6, Image 6

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OFFICK , NO. 11 ! I
Jlcllvcred by Carrier In Any Part of the City at
Twenty Cents 1'er Wrek.
NIOIIT llnnoit. No.J. .
N. Y. Plumbing company.
Cochron's lot snle was adjourned until 10
oVlocIt this morning.
The most elegant patterns nnd most com
plete line of full Roods ever shown. A. Kcl-
ter , merchant tailor , 310 Broadway.
Two drunks worotho only taxpayers In tlio
police court yesterday morning * John O'Noll
wiis booked for assault ana battery , and lib
cuso was continued.
Dr. Kaufman of Chicago , will address the
laboring men of the city next Sunday from a
purely independent standpoint. The time
and place have not yet been decided upon.
Fnirmount council No. 1,017 Hoyal Arc * ,
num will meet this evening nl tt o'clock ,
liusincss of great importance w'.l ' bo trans
acted , nnd tlio presence of nil members IB
earnestly desircjj.
The school board examined bids Tuesday
evcnlnir for the furnishing of coal for the
city schools for the coming winter. The con
tract was let to the Tipton Coal company ,
who will furnish tlio necessary fuel at JJ.75
per tou.
Sheriff O'Nell ' yesterday took possession
of the property of B. IX K Fisher , wholesale
leaf tobacconist , ut No. 2l ( South Main
direct , for tlio benulit of creditors. Fisher
has been doing a losing business for sotno
time , nnd this last move was not unexpected ,
The report of the deputy Btato oil inspec
tor shows tliat'JJ.SOO gallons of oil nncl 21,700
gallons of gnsolino were sold in this city
during the month of August. The whole
nmount used in the western half of the state
for that time 7VJ ) : ! gallons of oil and
7i,5"l ) gallons of gasoline. The consumption
in Council Iiluffs is about ono third of that
of the entire western half of the state.
May Miller , a red headed denizen of "Tho
How , " was locked up for indulging her com
bative proclivities , contrary to the law and
against the peace of the irood city of Council
UlulTs. She swore like ti trooper when the
ofllcer Insisted that she should accompany
lilm , and after being lodged In the city cas-
tlcsct up a lugubrious howl that nearly drove
the icsldents in the vicinity of the Jail cru/y.
Her case comes up this morning.
The Young Men's Republican club of this
city will visit Malvern to-morrow evening to
participate in tlio rally , and it is desired that
thcro shall bo u largo attendance from this
place. Hound trip tickets will bo uold at 'bO
cents , and may be secured of .1. U. Mitchell ,
at the Northwestern ticket ofllce , corner of
Main and Broadway. Arrangements have
been made for n grand demonstration , and
the affair promises to be the grandest rally
held In this part of the state this season.
Tlio great Cochran sale of lots in the west
ern part of the city was inaugurated yester
day morning , nnd bidding was very lively.
Thirty-eight lots were disposed of , nt prices
ranging from $ . ' ! 00 to $550 per lot. The sale
will bo continued from day to day until nil
nro sold. Colonel Cochran hired a band for
L the occasion , and considerable Interest was
manifested by investors generally. The
hack nnd 'bus lines aid u rushing business ,
as the number visiting the ground very
largo. Omaha was very well represented
among the buyers.
Captain O'Brien did a quick picco of work
yesterday. Tues-day afternoon a stranger
hired a livery rig at the stable of ,1. L. Giles ,
on North Main. As he did not return at the
time agreed , it was supposed that he had
htolen the team , and the case was put in the
hands of Anderson ! ' of the
* t Q'Brien , mer
chants' police. The team was found in Ste
venson's stable in Omaha , It was
dcmorallicd , having gone through u disas
trous runaway , and was captured on the
street. It is supposed that the fellow was
nfraid to face the liveryman and skipped out ,
as ho has not been seen since.
The grand jury yesterday returned three
indictments. Ono of them was against Tnl-
bet , the fellow employed by Duubar & Co.
as n canvasser while preparing thu last di
rectory of this city. Talbot passed a forged
check for $10 on his employes , at the store of
Sargent & Evans about three months ago ,
nnd has been contlned in the county lull since
that time. It is believed from the inaccuracy
of the directory that checks were not the
only forgeries committed by Talbot and sev
eral of the other canvassers. The other par
ties indicted are not yet arrested , but their
cases are well known and have already at
tracted considerable newspaper comment.
Boots , Shoos. Kinnohan's , 320 B'way.
E. H. Shcafo & Co. , mnko long or
short time loans on real estate , in sums
to suit , at lowest rate of interest. Oflico
Broadway and Main street , upstairs.
If you have property for sale at a bar
gain list it with us and wo will adver
tise it free of charge. A. A. Clark &
Co. , corner Broadway aud Main , over
American express.
Dr. C. C. Ilazon's dental parlors are
at room 0 , Opera house block.
Full line of sheet music at Council
Bluffs Music Co. , 224 Broadway.
S. B. Wadsworth & Co. loan money.
Travelers ! Stop at the Bechtelo.
1'crsnnal Pnrnuraphs.
Editor J. H. Pureolt , of the Dnnlap Re
porter , was a caller ut TUB Bui : ofllco yester
Ocorgo Bolton , ono of the solid farmers ol
Crovo township , was an attendant at the
convention yesterday.
George \V. Wilkinson , editor of the Adair
News , was in the city yesterday watching
the movement upon tl.o congressional waters.
J. A. Tnwer , a prominent attorney of Dunlop -
lop , nnd O. L. French , recorder of Harrison
county , favored TUB Ucn oulco with u call
For Sale Cheap Lots near the bridge
to parties who will build nt once. Ad
dress or eall on J. H. Rico , No. 100 Main
trcct , Council Blutls.
Bo sure and attend the All Salnti
Guild social to-morrow evening at Uu
residence of MM. Laing , on Sixth street
J. G. Tipton has bargains in real estate
A. A. Clark & Co. negotiate loans or
farm and city property.
Speculations In Uenl Kslate.
Those desiring to.iniiko . nithpr larger <
or small investments in Council BlutT
real estate are requested to oxatnini
our list of property. It comprises i
choice selection of lots in additions lyinj
between the business portions of Omahi
and Council Bluffs. Prices low aui
terms easy. Title guaranteed. Mono ;
loaned on city property. Correspondence
once solicited. Odoll Bros. & Co. , 10
Pearl street , Council Bluffs.
Good dwellings and lots for sale 01
monthly pnyinouts bv E. II. Shcafo ft Co.
cor. Broadway and Main sts. , up-staira
A. A. Clark & Co. , real estate brok
crs , have n. list of choice inside property
on their books. Nothing but bargain !
o lie red.
Artists proter the Hallott & Davi
piano , at C. B. Music Co. , 1121 Broadway
For bargains in real estate see E. II
Shcafo & Co. , Broadway and Mali
Etrcot , upstairs.
E. II. Shcafo loans money on chiittc
security of every description. Privati
consulting rooms. All business strictl ;
conlldental. Ofllco 600 Broadway , corner
nor Main street , up-stuirs.
Loans mndo on city busincsa and rcsl
donee property. Notes bought. Kim
ball-Chump Investment company.
\T * ifntn TIII p/ivpnpomi * XT
Juduo J. n. Rood Noirtlnatod on the
Ninety-fourth Ballot.
Clilof tljtiuiiH Captures n Ilntl Man
Cook nnd Morgan \Viuil $1HQOO
Paving Note * City SL-
ctirlllcH Sold.
The Coii iesHloiinl Convention.
The republican congressional convention ,
which assembled yesterday at the county
couit house , was , to draw It mildly , ns line
n representative body as over assembled
Within those walls. The delegates , gathorc-i
from the various parts of the Ninth fault-let ,
wcro largely from the profcis'.ids , ntul thu
deliberations of the convention wcro marked
by rare ability.
The Ogd/jn house was m ido the headQuarters -
Quarters bf the delegates , us the major ! ty of
them quartered there during their stay in
the city. During the late hours of the pre
vious evening and the early IIOUIM of yester
day morning the corridors were thronged
With delegates and the friends of thu lisp Ir
an Is for congressional honors. A gioat
deal of work was bone , but was
done so quietly that there was not n ripple
upon the surface of things. There was the
usual "assembling" of the various delega
tions ; the usual "button-holing" of dele
gates , but BO little form was assumed that up
to the hour of assembling nothing could be
ascertained as to the probable result. The
delegations themselves wcro nil at sea. The
outside work was characterized by the ut
most pleasantness , nnd while the work was
earnest and the feeling In some quarters in
tense , nothing of this appeared upon the sur
In the crowd wcro many familiar fares.
Of course the possible candidates wcro there
with the exception of Lymnn , Lafo
Young , of the Atlantic Telegraph ;
Silas Wilson , of Cass county ; S. t ) .
Nichols , of Audubon , and many others. A.
II. Lawshe , the "liarz Saw" of Ucd Oak ,
there , as his grim humor , peculiar argumenta
tion and the hearty laughs which followed
his quaint speeches testilled.
Thu convention assembled atll0 : ! , and
was called to order by Colonel \V. F. Sapp ,
chairman of the congressional central com
mittee. Major C. W. Snyder , of Mont
gomery county , was mndo temporary chair
man , and II. W. Byera , of Shelby county.
was made temporary secretary. On a roll
of counties the committee on credentials , or
ganization mid resolutions wcro named as
Credentials Henry Cook , of Adair
county ; J. A. OborhoUzor , of Audubon ;
U. W. Erstino , of Cass ; C. W.
Hill , of Guthrie : J. A. Moore , of
Harrison ; M. H. Byers , of Mills ;
John Patton , of Montgomery ; C. H. Converse -
verso , of Pottawattamio ; W. J. Davis , of
Permanent organization in the order of
counties named ; A. D. Crooks. L. M. Estos ,
Theodore Brown , W. B. Moulton , C. L.
Hvdo , S. E. Hunter , M. F. Dillcy , W. I.
Smith , H. C. McCluskoy.
Resolutions : C. B. Hunt , Charles Van
Gorder , Lafo Young , E. H. Sayles , J. W.
Stockcrt , W. S. Lewis , C. K. Kennedy ,
Frank Shinn , C. W. Heinsmith. The con
vention then adjourned until 1UO : p. m.
On reassembling tlio committee on creden
tials reported the counties entitled to repio-
entation by delegate as follows : Adair 'J ' ;
Vudubou 0 ; Cass 10 ; Guthrie 10 ; Harrison
1 ; Mills S ; Montgomery 10 ; Pottawattamio
7 ; Shelby 8 ; also that tlio delegations
voro all full witli ono or two exceptions , and
wommended that in those cases where
hero were absentees the delegates present
: ast the full vote of the delegation. This
, vas adopted.
Tlio committee on permanent organization
reported that the temporary bo made perma
nent , which was adopted. D. II. Willoy
uiado assistant secretary and Ed Mott desig
nated to assist in registering the ballots.
On motion n hearing of the committee on
resolutions was temporarily dispensed with.
Nominating speeches were also lot go by the
board , and the convention proceeded to take
an informal ballot for choice for congress
man. Tills resulted us follows : Major
Joseph Lyman , 27 ; Silas Wilson , 13 ; S. D.
Nichols , 10 ; C. M. Harl , 21 ; John "A. Story ,
13.Tho first formal ballot resulted : Lyman
81 , Nichols 18 , Hnrl 20 , Wilson 13.
'Subsequent ballots , although they changed
.ho figures , did not bring the nomination any
nearer to anybody. During the progress of
the vote to the flfty-socond ballot , other
names were brought out for the purpose of
defeating the nomination ot some ono who
was in danger of being struck by lightning.
J. W. Stockort was named by Mills county
'n the fourth ballot , Colonel Sapp in thu
lfth , J. J. Stoadman in the fifteenth , Judge
J. U. Hood in the forty-flrst , Lafo Young In
the sixty-first and several others. In the
fortieth ballot Judge Ilced received forty
votes and it looked as though ho would got
thcro. But live more votes wore needed and
his friends did hard work to accomplish that
result ; but it was not so to bo. In the
sixty-third ballot Steadman pulled
up to thirty-seven , and his friends wcro
hopeful ho might get the plum. At that
point ho arose and in a manly speech stated
that he was thcro us a member of the delega
tion of this county to work for the success of
Mr. Harl , and ho could not , under thcso
circumstances , allow his name to stay before
the convention ns a possible candidate. An
adjournment of fifteen minutes was taken at
8 o'clock , but this aid not mnko matters any
better. At 4:20 : o'clock another call for ad
journment was defeated. The convention
had evidently struck a deadlock , and realiz
ing this fact , and that further balloting was
useless at that time , an adjournment was
voted at5 : 0.
The convention assembled at 7:80 : o'clock
and resumed voting ut the sixty-fifth ballot.
It was expected that lobbying during the re
cess would have gotten matters into somu
more definite shape , but it was not GO. The
ballots until the eighty-ninth was reached
showed little variation from those preceding.
Ben Clavton was complimented with 0 votes
in tlio oighty-fouith , nnd Judge Deemcr'a
nainu was brought nut in the eighty-ninth.
In this ho received fl votes and the followliifi
ono 17. The tide was setting in strongly in
that , direction , when' a member of the Mont
gomoy county delegation , Mr. Miller ,
stated that under no consideration
would Judge Deemcr accept the
nomination if it was offered him. Thai
stopped the Deomcr boom , nnd the votinp
proceeded ns before. At the nincty-lirsl
ballot Judge Heed's name had droppcO
almost out of the race. On the ninety-sec
end four votes wcro cast for him. Durlup
the polling of the next two ballots members
ol the Pottawnttamio delegation were al
work and with good effect , for Heed's vet (
climbed up to H3 in the ninety-third balloi
and to 47 in the nlucty-fQurth. The broal
occurred when Montgomery county cast hoi
vote. She cave u healthy change in Hoed'i
direction , Audubon followed suit , Mills gnvt
him her eight votes , Shelby caino In with i
change of heart and clinched the business b :
a complete turn over. This gave Judge J
H. Heed the nomination. Cheer upon chcci
followed , nnd the wildest enthus
iasm prevailed. Colonel Hubbard rcai
n telegram from Judge Heed to the effcc
that if certain conditions occurred in the de
liberations of the convention ( the ones cltei
above ) , ho would accept the nomination if ii
was tendered him.
During the polling of thu sixty-fifth ballot
Walter 1. Smith , on behalf of tlio supporter
of C. M. Harl , withdrew that gentlcman'i
namo. This was done for the purpose o
harmony in the convention , and at Mr. Harl'i
request , said Mr. Smith. Adair county gavi
nine votes for her favorite , John A. Story
all tno way through , ami Guthr'o ' did thi
same by Nichols. If fidelity to tncir interests
osts could have won , either of the gcnt'cinei
named would have been nominated.
The secretary was instructed to notlfj
Judge Heed of his nomination.
The congressional central committee wn
then selected as follows : Adal :
county , M. A. Hanoy ; Audubon
Charles Van Gorder : Cass , D. H. Scott
Guthrle , W. P. Moulton : Harrison , J. W
Stockert ; Millo , H. W. Byers ; Montgomery
W. H. Parker ; Pottnwattamlo , T. J. Evans
Shelby. C. W. Hlnesmlth. The eonventloi
then adjourned to meet at the polls next No
Major Snydcr and Mr. Byers wondesorvci
compliments for the manner in which the ,
discharged the duties of their positions.
Cocko and Morgan in Court.
Yesterday morning in the district cour
the trial of a very Important case , ono ir
volviug HS,000 , was begun. The case I
docketed , W. S. Mnyno , assignee , vs Council
Bluffs Savlnirt bank , damnzcs and Is the
first of the following series , all of which
grew out of the case on trial to-days W. S.
Maync , assignee , vs M. E. Smith & Co. ct at ;
name vs Sprlnflcld , Einstein & Co. ot al ; vs J. V. Far well ft , Co. ct nl ; same vs
A. Fncdlander & Co , ot al ; same vs M. S.
Shaptelgh & Co. ot al ; samp vs E. S. Jaffray
ft Co. ot al ; same vs Frederick S. Plnkus ct
al ; same vs John Dohanoy et al ; all for dam
ages. The plaintiff's amended and substitut
ed petition in tlio case on trial to-day recites
that W. S. Muvnc Is thu duly appointed and
qualified assignee of Cocko & Mor
gnu , n firm that was engaged In
the dry goods business m Council
Bluffs on January 20 , IsSK , ami for two years
prior thereto. On Janunry 2U , ibMl. thu de
fendant began nn action in the circuit court
of Pottnwnttamo ! county and In the petition
In sahl lU't..un , amonir other averments , nl-
" ' "Cu that the said Cocko & Morgan wcro
fibjut to dispose of their property with the
Intention to defraud their croJItors ; that on
the tiling of R.ild petition u writ of attach
ment was Issued and on the same day was
levied on the property of Cooke it Morgan at
their store nt No. 817 Bro id way. Tlio prop
erty levied on consisted of a general line of
dri goods vnluod at $1,100. The petition fur
ther recites that this property has never
been returno.l or in any way accounted forte
to either members of the firm. The allega
tion of the defendant that Cocko & Morgan
Intended to defraud their creditors is denied
nml the assertion madu that the defendant
had no reasonable grounds for supposing
that Coclto & Morgan were about to dispose
of their property with any such Intention.
Cocko & , though cloned on January
29 , hud to pay the rent on the building for
the remainder of the term of the
le.iso , the amount being $ J70.
They nlso had paid just n short
time previous to January 21) ) , 6180 premium
on the insurance of their goods , which Insur
ance nt once lapsed on the filing of the writ
of attachment. The plaintiff further alleges
that owing to the loss of time nnd the un
necessary oxpnso to which Cocko it Morgan
wcro put by the writ of attachment they
were damaged to the extent of Sll'00. Count
two of the plaintiffs , after enumerating the
losses , etc. , to wliirh Couko it Morgan were
subjected us a result of the mn'icious allega
tions contained in the defendant's petition
for a writ of attachment , fixes their total
damages nt18,000 , for which judgment is
The defendant's answer to the petition de
nies thai ttio plaintiff is tlio real pat ty inter
ested and denies each and every allegation
contained In the plaintiff's petition. It will
bu a great letral battle and somu of the best
legal talent in the city will bo engaged in it.
Slotio it Kims represent the plaintiff , while
Sapp it Pusuy ami Wright , Baldwin it Hal-
dune will look after the interests of the de
Court adjourned nt noon until 4 o'clock in
the afternoon , owing to the congressional
convention , and the case was not much moro
than fairly started ycstorJay , but thu mill
will grind as usual to-day.
Money loaned at L. B. Crafts & Co.'s
loan ollluc , on furniture , pianos , hordes ,
wagons , personal property of all kinds ,
and all other articles ot value without
removal. All business strictly conll-
Pushing the I'uvi nt ; .
The paving of First avenue was completed
last evening. This beautiful thoroughfare
through ono of the ploasantest portions of
the city now offers greater inducements to
lartics out lor pleasure driving than almost
ny other p.u-t of the city. Adorned by elegant
gant residences on either side , and Bayliss
uric near the eastern end , thcro is nothing
acking to make it as nearly perfect as it is
) ossiblo , for a strcat so the center of
ho city to bo. As soon as the season's p iv-
, ng is completed , this street will form a part
of a continuous block paved drive around the
city. South Eighth street is nlrcady paved
: o connect it with Broadway , and with the
proposed paving of North Eighth , Bluff and
Pierce streets , the long strip of paving on
Mynster street nnd Washington nvouuo will
bo readily accessible , and there will bo no
connections wanting. The grading of those
streets above named has already been done ,
and the plank for the foundation has been
taken to the ground. The paving force has
been transferred to Sixth and Seventh
streets , between First avenue and Broadway ,
and thcso connections will bo completed by
'ho end of the present week. The paving of
eighth street south to Eighth avcnuo will
hen bu finished. The grading of Willow av
enue and Sixth street is being pushed as rap
idly as possible in order that the contractor
may got to work ou the brlek paving that is
to bo laid on those streets. Contractor Wick-
ham nlso has about 8,000 feet of cypress pav
ing to put down in that vicinity. The next
street for work is Fifth avenue , which when
paved , will rank next to Broadway as a
straight continuous drive.
For Snle.
Ton acres in Council Bluffs , off the
cast end of the Ballard 80. Will make
72 lots , same as the Onuum add. , which
it joins on the south. Ninth avenue
driveway to U. P. bridge passes through
the tract. Title clear. Ono-third
down , balance one and two years. Eight
per cent. A. V. LAUiMiiH.
The Miscreant Captured.
Chief Lucas captured the fellow yesterday
morning , who inveigled two little twelve'
year-old school girls into his room on Nortl :
Main street Tuesday morning. Ho was found
in bed and quickly transferred to the police
station , whore ho was identified by the girls
and the teacher nt the Lindsay school build
ing. Ho was taken to the county jail for safe
keeping , and his case given to the grand
jury , which Immediately investigated it.
The fellow's name is Thomas Barrett , and
ho Is a frc.iuenler of tlio Broadway game
ling houses. The girls are daughters of em
nontly respectable parents , nnd their names
are wlthcld as the families do not desire any
notoriety in the matter. The story told by
ono of the girls Is to the effect that she was
going homo with some mcdiciiio for her sis
ler when the villain met her on the Mali
street bridge , and asked where she had
been. Ho was a btrangjr , but she said she
had been to cct some medicine for her sister ,
when ho said that her sit > tcr was at his room
and wanted to see her , and
fcho Innocently went with him. She
asked his name , nnd ho said
"Why , you know who I am , Iain Tom. '
They enteied tlio room and ho locked the
door. Her sister , of course , was nowhere to
bo seen , nnd ho said tliat she must have gene
out , but would bo back soon. Tlio girl bo
cumo alarmed and began to run about th
room nnd cry , whereupon ho unlocked th
door and allowed her to go out. Ho followed
the other girl Into the water closet in the
rear of the school building. The chnrgi
placed against him is assault with intent t <
commit rape. Ho docs not deny tils guilt ,
but savs ho ir list have been drunk nt the
time , although others who saw him thu
morning say this is not so. Ho is nboul
twenty-four years of ago and has a decidedly
unsavory reputation. Considerable feeling
is expressed against him nnd it Is the genera'
impression that It will go hard with him.
Money loaned on furniture , pianos ,
diamonds , horses , buggies or anything
of value , at low rates of interest. No
publicity ; fair and honorable dealing.
A. A. Clark & Co. , ollico cor. Broadway
and Main , over American express.
FBICE $15.
Is equal to
any High
TbeKillBon Mimeograph , the best apparatus for
manifolding , autographic and trpo writing work.
3.0UU copies cau be taken.
The Escelsior Co.Council Bluffs , la.
1514 Douglas St. , Omaha , Mob
Avcn uc
' * v
The Gl"o'cest Ground for Residence in the Western Part of the City ,
Is now platted into Beautiful , Large Lota. About ten minutes ride on tlio
noter to Douglas street , Omaha. They Ho on it level but elevated strip of ground.
\bout o)0 ( ) yards from the now motor line to Omaha. Loss limit 1 } miles from Ihc
Jouncil BlulTs poslollieo. Nourly twieo as largo in sl/.o in si/.o as mobt of the
lowly ] ) latted lots. Good iublie ) schools near by. Tlio proposed Uoulovtird
jounds it on the north.
TITLES Perfect.
ABSTRACT Printed Abstract and Warranty Deed with each Lot.
GRADH K.xamine these lots with reference to the grade before Imying a lot.
rho ordinary price of a lot is baved on grade alone , if you buy one of these lots.
TKHMS To a good clubs of purchiu-errf a limited number of lots will bo sold
'or one-tenth down ; balance in monthly payments , without interest. Apply to
J. J. Brown building , 115 Pearl-St. , Council BlutTs , Iowa.
New Styles.
New Goods Throughout.
New Curtains , Shades , Etc.
New Tapestry and Hangings
New Rugs , Mats , Etc
Council Carpet Co ,
No. 405 Broadway.
HDIP1/IIM PI N IT " " Hydraulic and Sanitary Engineer. Plans , Estimates ,
DlniX 111 Dint. Specifications. Supervision of Public Work. Brown
Building , Council Blurt's , Iowa.
CIMI CV PI I PI/T ( Attorney at Law , Second Floor Brown Building , 115
I I IN LL I DU ni\C. " Pearl St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Justice ot the Peace. Ofllce over American Express , No. 419
NCPUMR7 I ! " " Broadway , Council Bluils , Iowa.
QTHNF Ji ? QIMQ Attorneys at Law , Practice in the 'State and Fed era
O I UllL. Ot OIIVIO" Courts. Ofllce Rooms 7 and 8 , Shugart-Beno Block ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
P P HA7FNDc"tistl R ° ° m ° ' Opera IIouse H'ock ' , Council Bluffs , Iowa'
DR. C. B.
No. 6O6 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
WANTED Good Salesmen on largo commission or salary.
A positive- euro for Liver nnil Kidney troub
les , all Ulood Discuses , Indigestion , Dj'spop-
sin , and Sour Stouiucb , is found in
For sale by local druggists and druggists
everywhere. Prlcq * l | > er bottle , six for f5.
Address all communications to
Council Bluffs , la.
COODroadway Council liluffa , Iowa. BtabU hod
0. H. McDANELD & CO. ,
Hides. Tallow , Pelts ,
Wool and Furs.
Highest Market Prices. Prompt
ECO and S3 Mala BtreutCouncil Blurrujavu.
SI'KCIA 1 < advertiRements , such as Lost , round.
To Loan. Tor Salt' . To Kent. Wants. Hoard
ing , etc. . will bu Inserted In this column at tlio
low rate of TiN : CUNTS J'KIl UNK for tlio dm
Insertion nnd 1'ive Cents Per I.luo for each nub-
secjncnt Insertion. I.eavo advertisements nt
our onico. No. u I'earl Street , near Ilroailwny.
Council limits Iowa.
FOR S A IiK A good rtray tenm ; will
about LVUMbs. Will be sold cheap If taken
soon. Ueero , Wells Jt Co ,
WANTKD-A barber. Oood wnfjes will bo
paid to right man. Address It. A. Wcgcner ,
Vail , Iowa.
W ANTIIO Good Rlrl for KPiiernl housework ;
Mrs. Dillon , lit ) Fourth ht.
"ITUll 8AM : or trade , for city lot. llnost
-L1 matched family team In state. No. 1C ! <
West llrondwny.
FOH KENT Seven-room Louae. modern Im
provements , good btnblt * . II. 0. Cory , Coun
cil lIluHs ,
FU 8AI.K My entire Block of cook and
heating stoves ; also a full line of furniture
at bottom rock prices , floods sold on pay-
mcnts. A. J. Mandel. imand.'U'i llroadwuy.
WANTKD Wood turner at once. Steady
employment to good man. i. F. Cody ,
ai Washington ave. . Council llliilfs , la.
T71OH ItKNT A large number of good dwell-
Jings. . Call and examine list. K. II. Shcato
k Co. , llrotulwny and Main St. , up stairs.
TTIOH IIKNT Nicely furnished , a suite of
-L1- rooms , also a single room , ouo block from
llroodwuy , 1-J Ulenu ave.
17KU BALK My new eight-room cottage on
-12 Bccond ave. W. O. James.
OH BALI' Ilarber shop at WO Ilroadway.
Council Illuira ; ijood trade : satisfactory
reasons for selling ; bargain for the right num.
KXRHANOB-A line , well assorted H.OOO
Foil of stationery , fancy poods , Jewelry ,
etc. . In a thriving town for residence lu South
Omahii. H. T. llryant A : Co. , KJS Uroad\Yay ,
Council Illuga , la.
OUBl'.S for rent. Johnston Si Van 1'atten ,
SI .Main at.
A ao-acre small fruit farm very cheap. Just
.A. outside city limits , or will divide Into 10
acre tracta to BUU purchaser. It T llryant & Co
Stocks of merchandise to ox-
WANTKD f ° r c'ty ' property In Council HluHs ,
Omaha , or western land or chattels of any kind.
We make exchanelni ; a specialty. It. T. liryaat
* Co.C Uroftdway.
Largo lots , yet easy of access , with splendid sewerage opportunity.Closes
proximity to business portion of city. Just oil Broadway. Hlci-trlc motor for all
points in city and Omiiha every sovod minutes. Easy terms. Perfect title.
F. J. DAY , Pearl Street.
J. G. TLPTON , 527 Broadway ,
A. A. CLARK ife CO. , Broadway and Main ,
JOHNSTON cfe VAN PATTEN , 33 Main Street ,
CO. ,
Especially Adai ted fos
25 TO 300
POWER , Mills and Elevators ,
Specifications and estimates furnished for complete steam plants. Regulation , Durability Huar-
anteed. Can liow letters from nscra hero fuel Kconomy Is rmal with Corliss Non-Comleimlni ; .
Send ( or Catalogue , E. C. HARRIS , Manager.
To cloho out the remaining lots in Sqtiiro's addition to Council lllulfs , I
will sell the llncst locutod lotb in the city for 450 cuah payment , ai.d long
time on balance , to persons who ilcsiro to secure homos , and T will mnko lib *
oral loaiiB to those who desire aid in building houses. CUl : at once nnd sec
ine ut Masonic Temple , Council UlulTa , Iowa.
C. J. COLBY , Sole Agent ,